.83 10,' 9B II,, ,i, nrrrf, , , a H. MUEi'Pr0pV.iptdh INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live."' Sl.OQ rt Yenrif Paid in Advance. " - ' - " ' ' - I - ,. , , - ,.. ,, , ., , ., ' --, ... . ... .. . .. . -- . , VOE. Ko'..2.'' .LEIIIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, SI AY 8, 1875 ' Subscribers out ot County, .$10.; CARDS. i . ir - "ifrnrnUn'r" i Wurilionie. , V.Srhwirti.'rianlcstreedchlcrfn alt 'Jrindl VrnAurc. Cojlnl mode (o orrfrr.i 1 ' i u ti ' 'lu n rr r JJoqt and phoiltIkeri, Clinton Bretney, Lewm'i laming. Hank street, .4U qrteri jrompty,IHi looffctoarraiiied. ' '( yjr JI. XlAPSIlEIt ATIORNRY AND COUN9BI.MIl AT,LAW,, .Ileal Eilatd and Collection1 Ajrency-.1 Will Bay mid Bell Ilnl Kstste. ConTeyanclnir neatly done. Col., iectlom promptly made. Settling EUle of De cedent, a specialty. May b. consulted In nsllsb and Herman. ' r ' ' Not. 22. J. BLEJSJI AN, I , " " ATTORNEY' At 'LAW,' m I, '' No,4,Dolon' Block, i ,, ,' e ifOCHtiNK.'rA. 43-Can be consulted In flerman. IJinS. XTUIOfllAB'S. DECK, JlSTibKij Till? PEACE; ' BANK Street, LEIliailTON, Ta. Conveyancing, Collecting and all business con nected with the offlcd promptly, attended to, ; - , AeT-Agent tor flret-clnss Insurance Companies, and Risks of all kinds taken.'on the most liberal terms. ' Jan. 9, 1875.' JNO'. D. nEklTOliETTE!, , ATTORNEY AVD COUNSELLOR AT LAW Oy;ci rjnt tCatlonaf'Bank Bull e, 2nd Tloor MAUCIl CUUNkJ Pitt?. ', MaT.ba: consulted In Oornjju., apr 18. 187 JANIBI, ICAL.1IFUS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Mnueh ChunkJ Pa," SSrOfflce, abOTO Colon's Jewelry Store, Broadway J lU DIMMLCK, ' AUCTIONEER. Eatt IVrllaport, PA. N B. Sales of every description attended to at reasousble charges. Tbe patronage of the public a respectfully aollclted. ' Jan.il, '74.f A. UEHIIAJ1KU, M.D., rilYSICIAN ANDSURQEO.V. (pedal attention pajli to Chronic Dilutes. Office! South East coiner Iron and 2nd sts.. Lc -hlghlon.Pa. April 3, 1875. R. N. B. It IS HE It, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SUnai.UN. O.nce, Bimc Street, nuxt door aboye tbe l'ostofllfe. Xohlttbton, l'a. Office Hours Parry t lite each day rom 10 to 12 o'clock; remainder of day Rtomrlo tehlghton Nov 23, '7Z J. BOYD IIEMtl, ARCHITECT. No. 310 Lackawanna Ave.," P. O. IHk llni KaC3l, SCRAN TON, Pa. Will furnish Plans, SperlneatiODS.and Estlrnstes elrlntt exact cost Ofpubltc'and prlrate bulldlnfcs, lem tbe plainest 'to tbe most elaborate I also Drawees for Stairs, Hind-Halls, ,Vc. Jel3 Livery 6s Sale Stables, PANIC 5TUUHT. 1jKUIC;iit6x', Pa PAST TRpTTimTTlohsEd, 'ELE.Q.ANT OAUIUAPES. And positively LOWEU PHICES, than 'any olliijr Llvory Id tiio County. tT" Largo nnJ lmndsorno Cnrrlngpa for Funeral purposes nrnl Weddings. KeT,S2, 18J3., i)AVID EilBEBT. piIOMAS AwWIMilAIUS.) LADIES' AND 'GENTLEMEN'S Fashionable . Boot and Shoe Beaker, , Jjeif to Leuck'el'a Illock'. BANK BTBEET, lehlghton, Pa. llnlne commenced business, aaaboTe, I would respectfully aDQcunc.e tq thecitlxausof Ihlzhtoit and Tlclolty that I amprtpared to dp all woi k lu' xuy line In tbe neatest and most substantial man lier, at prices fully as low astbc same workman be citalusd In Philadelphia. A splendid assort' inent of CIIILDUKN'H and MIS&Es' WEAK or tbe best mskaalwsya on band. Atrial Is solicited and utlfactlon guaranteed, at lowest prices., July 4,1871. BEATT.Y l'lmiol COMBINES EVeUY IMPltOVE. WENT KNOWN. lScpd stamp for Circular. Addross, ,1). F. UETTY, Washington, N. J. MODI AS KEMEitF.R. WH VI YANCEIt, AND fJENEEAL IN8UEANCE AGENT Tbe (blowing Companies are Represented ) Lebanon Mutual Fire; ' i.Readlng,Mutual Fre, WyoOilDg Fire, rottsvllle Fire. Lehigh Fire, and the Travelero' Accident Insurance, Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Ilorso Thlpf Tlrtntlua onA !,.;... Pny. March 21), 1873. BEATTV AGENTS ANTEOI (Male or Fe male,) to tabe ordera. DANIELF. UEATTY, WasblDgton, New Jersey Railroad Guide. N 01XTII PEiNNA.RAlI.nOAD. Paengers for rMlapilpblawllllMTa Lehlghton 8S follf WB i 6.00 a. m. via I.. V. arrive at l'hlla. it' 0.00 a", m. 747 a.m. via L. 4. 11.10 a. n, i. ui. Tia 1 v. " 11.07 p.jn.vli J...S. 11.02 p, m. via L.. " 2,S7 p.m. Tla l 4 S. " 447 p.m". via I 8. " 4.44 p. in. la L. V, 1 'tO n M t. , ' It Il.10l.ni. 2.15 p. ni. 2.15 p. m. 5.35 n. Li. S.2H p. ril.. 10.80 p.ni. Iteturninir. learrtrleDot at Berks and Aitirf.n Street, Plilla., at 7.00, 8J0 and 0.43, a. m.i 2.10 3.30 and 5.15 p. m. ' . ' Paret'mni Lehlghton to Philadelplifa,t21. :ieb.l 1874. EL1.l,OAI.Ki Airenl OKNTIIAL. It. It. OF N.J. LEHIGH k SD6QUE1IANNA' DIVISION. Time Table or Dec. 7, 1874. Tfilns leave Lehlghton sg follcwst For New York, Philadelphia,' Eaiton te a, 127, ' 1107a.m,2.S7,4 47p.tti( ,t ForSiauch CUnnk at 10.16 a. m.,aJ4,5Jl!1and,, 9 03 p. m. 1 - 1 1 ForlVilkes-Barre and Scranton at 10.15 a. m., 1.14 6.38 p. ni. Rtturnlng LcaTO New York, from station Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey, inol of Liberty street, North lllver, atfi.15, 9.00 a. m., 12.4 1, 4 qs p. m. Leavo .Philadelphia, from Depot North Penn'a It. II., at 7.00, 0 43 a. m., 2.10, 6 15 p. in. , Leavo Easton at 8.30, 11.43 a. in., .'1.55 and 7.15 p m. Leave Maueh Chunk at 70,11)11 a.m., 220 and 4.40 p.' m. Fo: further particulars, see Time Tables at the Stutions. ' II. P. BALDWIN, Cat. PatuvgiT Jgtnt. July 4, 1874. ' PENNSYLVANIA DAILROAD, PIIILADELPIIIA ERIE RR. DIVISION. ' Slimmer Time Table. On and afler SUN DA V, JUNK 28lh, 1874, the trains on tbe pbllada. 4 Eile Kit. Division Mill run as follows: ' " WESTWARD. : Fast Lime leaves Philadelphia p.m. " llarrlsburg 5.00 p.m. " . t ," Sunhury C.65 p.m. u . willlamsport ' '80 p.m. " ajr. at Lock Haven 10.00 p.ni Ebu MAlt leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p.m. " ' Ilarrlburg 4 23 am. " " Sunhury SllOa.m " " Willlamsport SJ5aru. " " Lock Haven 0.45 a.m. " " Renovu ll.IOa.m " arr. at Erie 8 05 pm. Eluiri Mail, leaves Philadelphia 8.0) a.m. " ' '. llarrjsburg 1.20 p.m. " " cunbury 4.20 pin. V " Willlamsport C 20 p.m. ' arr. at Lock Haven 7.30 p.m. Nllaini Itlmtss leai ea Philadelphia 7.20 a.m. " " " Harrlsburg II) 40 a.m. " Punlurv 12.S0p.m. " " " Wllllamsnort 2 05 pin. " " " Lck llaion 3.10 p.m. " " " ltenova T 4.20 pm. " " arr. at Kane 0.50 a.m. IMbTWAIin. ' 1'mu. Exfkess leaves Lock Haven " . ' " Sunbury " Willlamsport " " frr.at Ilwrlshura' " " " Phllsdelpf'a Em 1 Mail, leaves Erie " ltenova " ' Lock Haven 623 a.m. V3 p.ra. 7.45 a.m. 11.45 am. 3.35 p.m 11.2 J a.m. 0 20 p.m. 9.fl p.m. 1050 a.m. 12 40 a.m. 2 40 am. 6 40 a.m. 9.43 a.ui 11.00 a.m. 12.40 p.m 3.03 p.m . 0.33 p.m. 0,01 a.m. 4 03 p.m, 5 26 pm. 00 p.m. 8.40 p.m. 10,65 p.m. ' ' Sunbury mi.iuport arr. at llarrlsburg l'hlladrltihla XmiR Mill, loves Lock Haven " HUllamsport " unbury " , arr.at llarrisburg " " Philadelphia Xunin Kxrmss leaves Kane 4 " ' Renoro " " " Lock Haven !' " ' Wllllnnsport I' " ll Bunbnry " ,arrat Harrlsburs " " " l'lllladelnhla Mall East connects tast and west at Erie with J. Si M S It Wandatlrvlneton with Oil Creokand Allejbeny II K W. Mall Westvltbcast and west trains no'L P i M S It W. and at Corrj and Irvlnctoa with CU Creek and Alleshcny It It W. ' v Elmlra Mall and ButTalo Rlpras make clore connections at'WIIIIamspott with NOIt W trains uorlh, sod, at, llarrlsburg with N O K W train, south. VM- A. HALDVIN,aen'l Supt. z.au a.m. ItEWAKD fornn Incurable fjTf inf'o of L'alarrU. fler hTnS 11 v w " pnulTrfd. delunod. cari'til.hark. ed, rplt mill gajest-d ti your vtitlrv MflfHctioii In jour upfleeit endtavor to pet relief fiora catarrh, line Hrtetfs'AllevlMoractordlnfC to dlrocUoiJit. The filtbjr mHfs of uiifout will U) Immedlalelj esptll ed, nod the In tit rued surface Rothed. the ejrei iparklewllh d fibt. the head fig njlnral ajali); bone revives, for a cure Is sure to lollop the me ot this ngreoable, ecbntlfic nud rijlabltj retntrtly. ? MUOII Eileen said ' Mini UI-tltfMs- ami ttlltlV faa. tbe relief ami cure of lb rout and tuDzdisumef; but nothing baa Weil m vuiloetitly kU(cevsful, or ob tained fucb ix tttdo celebrity, as UrU'Ss' Throat and LuDjlIialcr, 1nvnr.V THE excruciating pain XUI. flaSt pr0luJ l7 PTOF, tbu uurtius- inc twioelutr from llunloua. thu plerclnp, dUtrfini,- pain from Ingrowing Nalli, caouot lnj daFcrlbfd. TbounaudsiulFer, not know loit tbere la a cure. lUUgt! com mid Bunion Remedies are no acid rr potah coinpouudii, but are reliable, soothlnc, aud etTecIuil, aud justly merit the success they have eruei from au ap preciative public. Ibe Curat ire & healing olut meitUlmuiediale rtltef Is obtained by iliappllca Uop.aud It will poblUvely cure theorit cave of festered coru, (ntlauied and nlceratvd buutoua, the sorest lustep, the largest atidseteresl UUtcrtt, tbe tnost rx tenth q callosltlcfou tbeiolcstr beels oTtbefeet; uuerjualled la tbe cure of child W ins or frosted feet. JJ'hi AlUlator for ordinary corns aodpreveutlug their t-rmatlon li absolutely un equalled by an) thing pur kuown. Atk ftrUrljfgi, Pllos!S5 S ALL VERVAVELL, e not trouUat to th ink it it tiath. iaatahave JU$. ItrAu reasim. the unfurtUliQU tujf'trer gttt very Unit $yni)athy. (San the torture cnUurcU by million who art troubled vjiUk internal bletdtngt external und rtc$inr piles, 6uJ Tiding fvr iujfcrerer, Mriffltt 1U Ittmedict ate mildt tJeatKjiure tfii.iBCiT AUETHEMOTPLEN- iilBf K ' ttful kind of grain in tht marltt. AWry one hat a tupity from, the thru year eid child to the orandtirt" xerging on i hundred; ttylttht haudtptnt young ladiee tohodailg promenade ath ionatU resorti; middle a jed matront; old maids, dresud vp toappear young and gay; dan diet, with their patentleaUurt, and inveniiubU walk ing ttick; (At clergyman, merthauU clerk, artisan and mechanic, of all aget and ttationt, have a full supply cf corns, bunions, hhd nailttandoUi(rtxther at ion 1 of the fat. all of which are ba n lifted and cured oju ty the ute of ltriggft Cbrn and Hunion Jlencdie$t Alleviator and Vurativf. Sold by A. J. PURLING.Drugglst, Lehlghton, I'll May Q.-1874 ly. rnnilE Fcople ot Lrhlglitnu and vlcln ity all unite In testifying that ot A . J. DUKLING'SDrug and Family Med cine. Store, I'uitu, FitEsn and Unadul terated Medicines can always bo found. may 0. Minnie's Mistake, Malcolm Tliorno sat In tho' cars: bound for Malvrrn, a'borli(l In a dee.p' reverie, a,nu a pleasant one It was,,, too. lie was ft lover,, cjimngi'd aNo, and he was soon to. lead lib bride to the .altar. Ho was .now journeying toward tho lionio of her who had filled, and would Oil, ho hoped, In the happy years to cfitne, many of Ills hours with "oilk.cn splendo-." Ij It, then, to bo wondered Hint J1I9 thoughts, his 'day dreams were profoundly delightful? "Malvernl"' cried out tlie conductor. Tho conductor's nnnbunc'iment 6tarT tied hlmi from his reverie. "Ilcionlready," murmured Malcolm. ''Why, the time has passed very.qulck ly." , ' Ho removed his satchel, cane, and umbrella from tho rack; vacated his .seat, and when the train stopped step ped oil on to the platform. A largo crowd w us assembled at tli36tatIou a wait ing tho arrival of tho train, for-Mnlvcrn was .qultc'a flourishing town, and he was inalilng hla way through the con. course ot people as rapidly as ho could, when npalr'of arms 'were clasped a-' round his neck, and a soft voico whis pered: "O, Georgel im B0 glad you've come;" and then almost as suddenly added, "Oil, 1 beg; pardon, sir, I've made a great inMake, but tho icsem blanco Is wonderful." Beforo the astonished Malcolm Thorno co.uld make a reply, tho young female with tho fair, lovely face suf- fused with blushes, had dleappearcd In the crowd, and was quickly beyond his sight, "By Jovel" he thought, "that young woman must have taken me for her lev er, whom, I suppose, sho expected would come with this train. Why, bit 84 me, It's tho funniest ndventuro with which I'vo ever tLet." The whole af fair struck lilm 113 being entirely ludi crous, and hu stood still for a moment 1 and gave vent to ft hearty laugh. , Ho moved on again, got clear of tho crowd, and then gazed a'ong the plat-, form, where a row of varlotu sizes nr.d styles of vehicles were walling J.o convoy tho arrivals to dllferent points In the . town. "Minnie promised to meet n)o hero wllu llio carrltge, but I soo neither her nor It. Probably somethinc haj delav eU her j at any late, I'll sit dowu. and wait a few ininutes longer."; Ten minutes passed away.ibut neith er his lady-Iovo nor the vehicle appear ed, 1 "Sho must bo ill," lie murmured, glancing at his watch; "but It'fstrange she did not order the carriage to ,ci)irie fur me, even It she couldti't coui'o . her self. S" ' He called a cabman to him. "Do you know where Jlfr. Itangton resides?" ho asked. Thu man replied In the aQlr. inntlve, and Mnleoliu ordered him to .drive thero as quickly as ho could., The vehicle stopped lu ftont of a stately, handsome residence, aud M.il colm, Throne sprang out of tho convey ance, walked lapldly up (Ije graveled walk to the door nud rang the bell', which was almost Immediately answer ed by n servant. "Is Miss Itangton Indisposed, or Is thero any sickuess In the famlly?"eried Malcolm. "All ure qulto wcfl, sir,"' replied .the domestic, "and Miss ltangtou cannot, sco you and bade mo give you, this note." She thrust It In his haud, and shut the door, as tho saying ii, In his face. Malcolm, bewildered and nstouUhed, stocd titer, making no mpvem'cnts.buf having the oppearanco of a person who is not really awaro whether ho Is In hla right senses or not. "Cannot seo j?e?" he at last ndrait-" ted. "What havo I done to offend her? What Is the meaning of this strange ac tion of hers?'1. He seemed to have for. gotten the dainty, pink-tinted missive, which tho servant had given him, but suddenly recollecting It, ho tore open tho envelope, and read theso sarcastic lines: Mn. TnonNB Deau Sin: Ml was pot aware, until qulto recently, that your heart was largo enoug'h.lo enter tain an affection for two women tit the same time. Such being the case, I must decline the tharo of lovo you havo been wont to lavish upon mc,, as, In affairs of the heart, I am very selfish, nud not for a moment could I think, of looking to a rival. Let all, henceforth, that has passed between us be forgotten. I " ' leave yon frco to bestow tho whole wealth of your.elaslls affection .upon whonleoeverlyou chonso to honor In i.that way. 'Shoulti 'we cha'tico td ' meet let It be as strangers, j for my. vocabulary Contains no word by which l' 'can fully express Iho scortj lu wUstch'l shall ovi'jr moie rrgard you." 1 remain, very rcupeetfully, , ' . MlNNIH'HAliaTON. ' ' "Good hcilvens.1 Wliatt .tliii. mean ing ot tli? JIas. ;iier lovq , (or "me de parted since 1 last saw Iter aiid been bestowed 011 another, nnd Is this tho. paltry manner ni which sha seeks to rid herself pf my company nnd sever Urn engagement?, It Is one series of- falsehoqd fnjiu beginning to ppd, and. Is plainly of ,hex own coinage, 'tool''1 It Is strange how quickly, when sus picion ii onco.nroused, peoplo jnmpt to conclusions, bo they true or falso; and ,1l'is Is especially, tho case when, two of men's strongest passions, love and jeal ousy, are at all'coticerutd In thu mat ter. ' '' , '' " " At this juncture tho cabman ap proached Malcolm, wjio. ws excitedly pacing up and down tho verandah which surrounded the house, and said:' "I'd. Ilko to liavo my "fare, .sir,' for I must be off. I can't wait hero All day unless you pay mo for waiting." "You may remain, for I'll want you to take me back to, tlie station, and I'll pay you .for your time," replied Mal7 colm. - "All right, sir," said tho man, going back to hU vehicle, but-wondering at tho picullar manner In wh'ich' the gen tleman wa3 acting. "I will see'herl" cried Malcolm, "and wring tlie truth from her, The mean.' I . .... . . ...(....!. ln8 01 Hiis,seananious note, .111 justice ,nys'elf- n,U3t bo explained v before' I leave Malvernl" Ho rang the bell, and again the ser vant made her appearance. ' "Tell''Mlss,Uangton that! musthav.0 a few minutes' conversation with her." Tho servant departed to deliver tho message, and quickly camo' back with an answer t . "Miss liangton desires mo to Imform you'that IK is impo'sib'o for her to grant ycUr request, and wishes you to cease annoying' her with euch sojlcfta'tlons.ttnd to, leavo this house Immediately." "But sho shall speak with me,' cried tho now- Infuriated Malcolm. ' ''I una lnstmripil tint t, mlmlf ran." T ' f- - j--.,, and with (liat.she.shut the. dqor, lu his facej and locked It nlso 1 . 'She Is afraid I'll force my way Into the house as If I were some cowardly rulDan aid nut n gpndeman. I will go, for I should desplso myself If I were a gain to beg for that. explanation which It is my right to have granted me. It Is lard, very hard though, not knowing tlo cause, to part li' this' way frbm' tho woman you luvo, Perhaps l.may judge her wrongly perhap-i sonio ' persons have slandered me In my absence, nod she has Relieved thoai. It. is pqj-ilbjj, nud yet sho has not nctr-d like a woman who has been injured, but like ono.who commits tin injury. Well, sho won't seo me, nor shall I try to fqret) her n gain, ao I'll go f 1 0111 here, and, iu time, I may learn to forget her," IJo wM)ted slowly, tho picture of a grief stricken inan.jdoiyn'ttiq.'raveled walk, but ns ho rtachei) (he gat,, a' lady approached It from tho other side. My dear'Malcolm," she'crled, "what Is UQ mattu? Vou I00U ns' If somo misfortune had befallen you," "Ani so there has, Mrs. Kangtou. Read thisaii'RJudga furyourseif.and then explain It It you can," he replied,'iaud. lug her Minnie's note. "I c.iu't conjecture what lias caused her to write you. In this lashlorf," 6ald Mrs, Itangton, when she had perused the missive. "This morning," she ad ded, "Minnie was looking. Joyfully for ward to your coming. ' ' '-lnd ypu dou't doubt '(iiat my affec tion. for her Is ns great ns It ever was, Mrs.' Itangton?" ho asked Interrupting, her. "I have had do causo for doubt, Malcolm; nor will I tilt. I have full, and sufficient proof. -I am. convinced there Is soma great mistake, but what It is, 1 can neither say nor tliitik.' "I hope It may provo nothing worse," he' replied, sadly; "I sought an expla nation of her strange conduct, but .slio would not grant me an Interview. Good-bye, Mcs. Itangton, for I must go else 1 shall miss the next train. You may tell her that I fqr "' "Malcolm, you shall do nothing of tho kind. I have known you 6lnce you were a child, and I'm sure you would .not do anything wrong or unmanly. I !hav6 always placed as'niuch faith In you as i havo in Mlnnlo, "Malcolm;1 therefor us you say you cannot explain what has caused her to jakp, this ,sud' .den dislike lb you, sho herself must do so, for your1 satisfaction and mlno. 'omo with cio into the house; wo have already delayed too long. Thp sooner till matter Is cleared up, the better for all parties cpneerncd.," "My pride,, Mrs. IlaDgton, y, not permit mo, to enter until. Mlnnlo sum mons me, nnd I doubt If slie ever will, l'wice tcwlay the door has been slam ined In my face,' as If I" were. somo low eh&rScieri,,'ftiid, unqUestlOhably", by yotlr"tiaiigliter's orders,'.' j .' "I did lidt think 'shoxOUldfact In" such au ubladylfko manntri Sho shall beg ygur pardon fcr'fiO doing;!' said Mrs; Itangton; fn.h'ei'' decided way,' ''Well, as you're resolved to stand upon your dlgnty,.lIUo;all you foolish lovers and you're all well matched In. that respect, or thero would bo moro reconciliations nnd fower engagements .broken Just remain where you.aro till I, return. I'll find out the why and tho wherefore of this matter, aud, bo back again In five niinutcs,,. The stated time had scarcely elapsed beforo Jolly, respluto Mrs. Raugton appeared. "Why Malcolm, she's In her room sobbing as it her heart wera breaking. ThOjSllly creature says that sho saw a , woman kiss.aqd embraco you at the de pot to-day., tI guess slie fell asleep In the carriago and dreamed It. Molcolm's .giavity, changed quite suddenly to merriment, and it was with difficulty that ho managed lo say, I'The. woman callcddo George, and, as I re sembled her lover, thought, ,i was, ho,-, but sboquickly discovered her mistake." Mrs. Raugton had a .keen, apprecia tion for tho ludicrous, and.sho joined In Malcolm's laughter, "WJiat's.all this fuss about," Bald the cabman to himself. 'Uf I didn't know It was Mr., .Rangton's place, I should say It was.a mad-house." "Well," said Mrs. Raugton, "you'd better pay nnd dlsmUs tllo bookman, and then go lu nnd, forgive Mlnnlo for acting so foolishly." Malcolm put Ills' hand In his pocket, but found that his wallet was gone;and soon made tho discovery that he was al so minus his wntch and chain, "Mm Itangton,- I'va been robbed." "Yes, Mr: .Malcolm, nnd It was that yery loving woman1 who robbed yOu," paid Mrs, Rangton, bursting into a hearty laugh. ."Well, don't keep Mln nlo walling any1 longer,' 'buY "go to her 'nud I'll pay the hackuian." Malcom did as ho was bidden, and when Mrs. Rangton joined tho lovers they were ns smiling nud as happy as any two nffectlonato mortals could be. That day jlho proper officials wero no tified of tho rotibery;, detectives were put on Iho track of the affectionate plck-potket, and two or threo days af terward she was caught In tho act ot embracing another man nt' n station above Malveiu, Malcalm got his watch and chain back, but not his moneyj'but that did not bother him, nor wonld H you, Reader of tlie sex masculine, If you wero going1 to marry- a pretty,, loving clrl, with a (trie mairlngo portion. In n temperance address a( )ils Illp. podiomo in Philadelphia, on Sunday, Iho 16th Inst., Mr. P, T. Darnum made tl.o following statement, which .of Itself forms one, Vf 'tho most Irapresilv'o ap peals for.llio cause of, teuiperauco that could bo made: "I, will lilid'ertako, and glvo bond for the fulfillment of the contract, that If the pity of Philadelphia wlll'stop sell Ing. liquor and give tne as much ns was expended hero for liquor 'last year, I will pay all tho city expi'nVcsj no per son living wlthlnlier bnrdors' Khali pay taxes; thero shall bo no Insttraiico on property, a good dress nod suit shall bo glveii 'uevery poor boy, girl, man nnd woman; all the educational ' expenses shall bo paid; a barrel of tlotir sliall bu given to every needy and worthy per son; and I will clear a half million or a milllou dollars myself by the opera tion." At New York Judge Blatobford has decided that n voluntary petitioner In banVruptcy Is entitled to his discharge without allowing p. percentage of ns sets, and without tliu assent of fits creditors, upon debts contracted prior "to January. 1, 180Q,. ,' A frightful t'xamp'c: Fits, degreo Lemonade, wlthia stick In It, ''Second degree Rraudy BmahAUd liort'wlno. Third degree llourbon whiskey, old ale, and Rill. Fourth dfgree-llourbon, brandy, old plu, ula, rum, uod apple jack. Fifth dergreo nil kinds every time; never Jay no. Pnratrrnplsic Soma of tho household receipts given Irt tho papers arc calculated to do more harm than good, Mrs. Ilopson's ser-vant-glrrrtcenlly read In ihepapcr that' "potatoes should be of uniform size to cook evenly." It-was moro than two days before she found the meaning .of "Uniform," and then bIio went to work on half a bushel of potatoes. As sho couldn't mako'tho smallest tho, 'size of tho largest, she parfcd down thq large ones until'thcy wero as small as tho smallest, "and as tho latter was about the size of n walnut, the had a weak lot of potatoes by tho tlmo' sho 'had made them of uniform size, and a quart meas'uro' wouldl.'hav'o.theld ithem; all. The -potatoes' Were "short", for .dinner that day, and as an explanation nnd some very sharp words followed, Mrs. nopson's ser.vant-glrl now cooks pota toes of all sizes lu ono pot. "How would you feel, my dear.lf wo wero to meet n wolf?" asked on old lady iif iier littlo'grandcliild.wlth whom she was walking along 0, lonely country road. "Oh, grandmamma, I should bo so frightened!" was the reply. "But I should stand In frnnt'of you and protect .you," said the old lady. "Would you, grannie?"-cried the child, clapping her hands with delight. "That would bo nlcel' While the wolf was eating you I would hayo tlmo to run away." At last here" Is a new fancy In the prestidigitation line. Ho borrowed n bonnet from 'a lady In'tho.audIence(nnd as ho wns about to return It, It caught flro In the gas, and he had to stamp on It with both feet to extinguish tho liame. Misery of tho ladyl It was her best bonnet. Then ho tired a pistol, and a bonnet' Just llko It fell from the chandelier In the mlddlo of tho theatro Tho Detroit Frco Press says' n con-' tomplat'ed change ot Postmaster at Da trolt made stamps no cheaper than be fore Tho Detroit Trlbuno", however, says: "The fact that you can now buy' two stamps for flvo cents at tho Detroit Post Office Is sufficient to rofuto this slander. Ono of tho stamps, by the way, must bo ft two-cent stamp," , This conundrum fs. respectfully sub-, mitted to tho best speller If S-I o u-x spells ru, and e y-e spells I, nnd s-I-g-h-e-d spells side, why dosen't s-l-o-u x-o-y-e-s-l-g:h-e-d spell suicide ? Tho Willlamsport, Pa.,, Gazette says tho lumber shipments from that tpolnt' for'1875 amount to 23,011,030 feet, bo .Ing falling off ns compared with the samo time last year of 29,499,140 feet. Tho annual session1 of the' Grand Lodge of I. O. 0. F., of Pennsylvania, will be held at the Opera House, Wil-i lamsport, on Tuesday, May 18th, at 0 o'clock a. ro The Grand Encampment will meet at tho Hall- of Lycominc Lodse, No. 113, nt Wllllamspoit, on Monday,' 17th, 'a', 0 o'clock h.nu, 1 Thy It On This Is how Mary Kylo Dallas says It foels : " Take: a ruan and pin three or four largo table cloths about him, fastened back with clastic nnd looped up with ribbons,; drag all his own hair to tho middle of .his. head and tie it tight, and hair pin on about five pounds ot other hair and a big bow ot 1 lbbon. Keen tho front locks on pins all night am) 1st (bem tickle his eyos all day ; pinch his walst.lnto a corset, and glvp hlm'gloves al size, toi small, and, shoes ditto, and iv hat that will not ftay on without a torturing c'astlc, and a frill to tickle his chin nud a little laco veil to blind his eyes whenever he goes out tu walk, and he will know what a woman's dress is." My 1 At a spelling' match in Canadl, N. n., a few evenings ago, Deacon Ezeklel Laue, 83 years old, spelled down all the young folks and took tho fir si prize. jVew Hampshire girls always read ,tho " weather problbllltlcs " first to set; how the weather will be tho coming Sun day night, and they carry In wdod ac cordingly. Unless a Milwaukee girl can tako a brick In eaoh hand and make eight feet and (our Inches at a standing jump.she rarely gcti admitted Into the boii so ciety. Senator Andrew Johnson will bring a suit against tho New Orleans Times for libel In asserting that he made u;o of money to seenre his election lo the United States Senate, AV.uv all thing, lern yura child to bo hoqest and Industrious; If these two, things don't enable hlni to make a fig gor in this world, he Is only a cypher, and never was Intended for a (lggors Josh ISilllogs. Suro way to turn peoglo's heads Go. late Into ohurcb.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers