AN HOUR OF JIOMtOn. The doctor was aroused by ariinrp ting of I ho bell, and a caII to tlio house o( tbo superintendent ot the mill. Alter seating himself again for a moment of rot and reflection, his mind was soon nt work. It being but a hort distance to his patient's homo, lie did not order his carriage, but, wrapping up and grasping his umbrella for it was raining he sallied forth, so tired after his hard day's labor with the epidemic that it was wllh difficulty his limbs performed thoir duty. To reach his domination the rallnmd track must be crossed, and as he wai stepping over the track his foot slipped and slid in between the tall aud I ho planking, wedging hlra so firmly that, with his greatest exertion he could noi stir. He pulled and twisted, pried and strained, but without avail thrfoot was fait. The next thought was to remove his foot from the boot, but that, too, was impossible. It, was not the boot only, but the foot also which was immovnbl.-; It would not do to abandon his efforts, however, so he redoubled them, but the result was simply severe pain and no re lease. Jurt then his ear caught tho sound of e far off whistle. The cold p repiration gathered on his brow as h'i remembered that tho express train was due, and butn few moments would elapse be'ore it would rush over thu very spot where he was so firmly fixed. It seemed terrible to be doomed to su(hadcath. Again he tried to free himself, and again and again, but with no better success. Boon in the distance could be teen the light of the engine. O, the agony of those moments, with death litciaily star ing him in the fare! In his torture ho ehrioked, screamed and cried like a veri table madman, but no one heard the voire. Theu his past life Hashed before him ; everything was mirrored In hie mind. Incidents long since forcmt;n were picture J as vividly as though thy had but just occurred. The calmness of despair succeeded the intense agony of those few moment, and, with no more wilthlugs and gioan logs, he turned to look at the rapidly uearing endue of destruction, fastiuati-d 'like the bird just ready to full into the hungry Jaws ot the serpent ejes glist ening, and head beut forward, while bearer end nearer it rolled. He had lost all fear, and with super natural curiosity, watched th light glow lng larger and largrr, speculating as to the length of time he had to live, think ing calmly of how tliey would lilt his remains and bcur Ih m to the warm, blight fireside he had lately left, and .wondering what the travelers who would pour out iromine cars in surprise ami anxiety at the detention might say, as they looked upon the nondescript mass, but o second before so full of ,life and vigor, end shiver as they turned nvnty with the thought of the peril all about every one, made so evident by this acci dent ; guessing with strange iudilTenncc the number of cars which would pass Over him, whether they would bo janed as they mtt the obstruction ; mediating upon the result of his not seeing the patient for whom he was called, nuil whether the epidemic hid at l if-t stalked into the house of wealth and luxury as well as that eff poveity, and who was the victim. Then bark again to his own situation in life, thanking God that lie had no wife and children to mourn his death, and perhaps suiter want for a pro tector, then asking blmself'whnt would be his portion alter death whether peace 6r woe, happiness or misery. Hii mind flew from one subject to another like the lightning on a Bummer's eve, flashing here and there, quick.y ap pearlng and as rapidly vanishing. It) eictlon waB almost .Instantaneous, and as nearer and nearer approached the time for death the less lie tnougiit, ami nis whole being teemed to centre through his eyes on that light Increasing in bright ness so fait. lie could hear, the tumble !ind roar, could see the swaying of tho londorous locomotive, but without teei ng. Suddenly, as the engineer with his keen eyes caught sight 01 the poor man, the whlstlo scieamed sharply its warning. But though tho brakes were applied, end the lever reversed, tho momentum was too great to bo checked at once, and on they swept with irresistible force, mak ing certain the doom and crushing even the slightest hope that could have found place. The sound of the whistle broke the spell, end the terror returned with re doubled force. Drops ol cold pcrsnlra- tlon again stood on his forehead, and with a last despairing, frenzied effoit, he strove to free himself once more. He failed. Thowarm breath ot the destroy br came upon his cheek, as with one last prayer. Hi a arms loiueu, lie looked to ward Heaven, aud prepared to meet his doom. With a crah ho was felled to the ground, and the flciy mass rolled over him. He awoke. Ula arm-chair had fallen fever, and he was lying beneath it, his head toward the roariug fire. With a convulsive start he jumped up, while on his forehead wcie the great drops of per spiration that seemed so natural in his J earful death. He glanced at the clo-U t had Just struck the hour of nine, i nd remembering his call to the house of tiie superintendent, alter which, so utterly fatigued was he, he had fallen asleep, he start e 1 with long strides for the neglected sick-room. -ugnt to memory dear," the cnase wa not abandoned. Into the dark tunnel, a the likeliest place ot ictugo, the keen hunters plunged, only to stand aghast at the sight that met their gaze. When their eyos became accustomed to the darkness, tliey lie held their beautiful wild girl Bwoolilng in the arms of the rough nld miner. The burly miner had seen tho poor frightened fawn chased to the tunml and sutv the keen hunters at bay before him. He disengaged his arms from the Inanimate biauty. He ad van red u few paces, made a little oration of the words: "Kufflansl" I hen lifted a heavy boot, drew It bnck a few feet, sec tawed with It a little in the air and sent hem back to their saws and hammers at the flumes. That entire .day the flumes was neglected. The young wild gill hunters were busy repairing the canvas reals of their; trowseis and reducing swellings. Thev have no longer a desire tn hunt wild girls in the Idaho thickets. Moral Never go wild girl hunting with nut the permission of her papa, if you would avoid pantaloon rents aud tailors' bills. TWO LITTLE HEARTS TIIAT BEAT AS ONE. The "Worcester 'Spy says: a Children are generally credited wllh originality, but it is seldom that they attempt an elopement, and the adventures of a boy and a girl, efh about five years of age, living in the southern part of the city, are now furnishing considerable amuse ment for those who have heard the story. The other afternoon the little boy, with poorly dovcloped ideas of the cost of travelling, asked his father for six cents, stating that he wished to set himself up in the newspaper business. The request was not complied with, and the boy visited his father's place of business, and was given a few cents by those employed at the same establishment. He then went to his home, and donning his best clothes quietly left the house. Mean while the little girt, who 1b thu constant companion of the boy, visited her home In the absence of her mother and donned her best clothes, not forgetting to place several articles of clothing in a carpet bag which she by some means seemed. Thus equipped the young couple pro ceeded hand in hand to the depot, and like old travellers got upon the cars, ask ing questions of no one and keeping their own counsel as to where they were going. But their carefully laid plans were soon frustrated by a cruel railroad official, who, devoid of all, sentiment and with a desire to perform his duties without fear, or favor, put tlieni oil the cars and sent, them home. Disconsolate and discouraged the youlhTul couple car ried their carpet bag to the building in I which the boy's father is engaged and deposited it in the entry leading to. his office. ' They then returned to their house disappointed "and uuhappy, but said nothing of their- attempted elopement. The next day, however, the story leaked out, and created couslderable amuse ment among the parents and friends of the children. Where they were going I or what, they intended to do they are unable to tell, their only desire being to escape from the control of their lawful guardians ami together light tlie battle of life tree from all restrictions." In order to close out present' stock', the undersigned respectfully announcos to the citizens of Lehighton and vicini ty that ho has Marked Down Prices of all kinds of Goods to about cost and will Sell !?! Cask Only He has In stock a largo assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, ProvlsloDK. Quccmivarc, llnrdwnrei and a vnrlety of other articles too num erous to enumerate. If you desire to secure Now Is jour Time A Small Sun'. Money will Buy a Large Quantity Goods t Store- Opposite, L. & S. Depot, BANK-street, Lehighton l'enna. Z. II. LONG, 4gent. Tilgiiman ArtNKR, Assignee. Murcu 28, 1874. It. KICKF.RT, Opposite L. & S. Depot, On tho East Woissport Canal Bank, Respectfully Informs the citizens of this vicinity that he keeps constantly on and, and is selling at tho very lowest Market Prices, the very best brands of Xlour &VeecL ALSO, DEALER IN For building nnd other purpose", which he. guarantees to bu Thoroughly Seasoned And to Sell n't the VERY LOWEST KATES. Coal ! "Cool 1 1 Wholesale, and Ititail at the very Low est Cash Prices. If o has also a number of very eligibly located TIIE QUAKER AND THE HACK HAN. The Boston Bulletin gives the follow ing ludicrous account of the experience of a Quaker with New York hackmen: " A tall, portly, dignified citizeu of the Quaker persuasion, well known in Phila delphia, arrived in New York the other day, and, having no baggage but a light travelling satchel,1 was utterly oblivious to the appeals of the hackmen as he emerged from the railway station. "Dee tuavanoo uotel i'litu. Avenoo coin' rltupl Fifth Avnool" jiroauurim stained rigm on wpaout a word. Another knight of the whip charged down upon him. "Say Nhholas Hotel! Say Nicholas Hotel coachr This way for the SVNib.0 las!" No repone frpra the passenger, and not a rush of a half a dozen. " ' Kcrridge, sir, kerridgof Wantcr ride up? i " ' WlnsurHouset Whose going up to thuWlnsurr "'Astor House, sir?" "'Brevoort House Brevoortt' 'Met ropolitan Hotel?' ' Right down Broad way I' 'Ere you are; ' kerrldge, sir!' The traveller loomed up like a ten-pin among vinegar cruets, anil, with face as plai-lii as n pan ot milk, was calmly and silently moving away from the crowd ot jarvles, who looked after him with some thing like amozemtnt, when a sudden thought seemed to strike one, who, run ning alter him, seized hold ot one or the handles or his travelling bag " Deaf and Dumb Asylum, slrl Going right upl' This was too much. Dignity relaxed Into a laiuh, aud the driver got a fare for a down hotel." In RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin Twp., which lie will uell on very Easy Terms. aug. , '73-yl J. K. KICKEUT. 'TCKTILLIAM KEMERER, w w Corner of i Bank & South 3ts., Lehighton, Pa., Keeps a full line of A WILD GIRL HUNT. 'it Is a tale of Idaho. There are ro mantic youngsters in the West as well oi in the East, and two of 'them, who are fond ot the chose, have had a romantic adventur. They were out repairing their flumes near Idaho City. Near by a hardy old miner bad squatted upon a auartz lead, but he was rarely seen, and le youngsters were not aware that with in that old man's tunnel resided a sylph like creature, the iov of the old miner. Looking over toward the old tunnel, on the hillside, they saw a light that thrilled them with rapture. A young girl, about fifteen years of age, beautiful as a Cleo patra, barefooted and bareheaded, with a wealth of rich auburn hair dropping about her like a silken robe, biood sun nine herself on grassy knoll in the brlcht mornlnir. Such a divinity had never been seen in the wilds of Idaho .nil limn ,,Aa.,4 bTia , n ' 1 1 .1 WVIH.MIU t UUJ IIJIV.LU E4U 1 1 U. u 1 1 . 1 1. girl, She was game that must be bag ged alive. Cautlonsly they crept through the tangled thickets toward the spot where the beautiful Nanetta drank in the glorious beauty of the morning. All at once, from under cover, the hunters made a dash for the wild beauty. But the u off Ilka a frightened fawn at the approach of the sportsmen. Buddenlv (UPPredi and '.' though lost to HOW AN ENGLISH DINNER AF FECTS THE DANBURY MAN. The English eat breakfast at eight o'clock, and have dinner at six or sev n o'cincK. rue nreaKiosi is urm, tne luncheon is similar, and the dinner is quite hearty. One English dinner in the inexperienced American stomacn will produce that night, twelve cross-eyed ions, eleht heirs with calico tails, eleven giants with illuminated heads, one awful Jog wan twelve legs, an I inuneen now 1 gired ruffians chased by a" host'Ot prac tical cauliflowers, muuuled on saddles of Any respectable chemist will corro borate ihU statement. Comprising Ladles' Dress Goods, Black and Colored Alpacas, Glnlinins', Prints, Shirtings Sheetings, &c. of every grade and price. CARPETS AI (LOTUS, In gre. ,y. rrei vSSlElfil Teas, Coffee?, Suga-s, e-plces, Fruits,' Hams, Shoulders, MdfltUeat. An. Country Produce Bought, Sold or Exchanged H ARDWAEE For Buildlpg and, other purpose? in great variety of thu. best quality. All goods warranted as represented and prices fully as low as elsewhere. April 5, 1873-yl OCT CAN I. P. laiil'I'I.VGEIt WHO ARE LADIES. It Is a convenient answer, ears the Bos ton Dranwript, to all strictures upon the conduct ot women in public to say, "01 those were not laities whore manners you object to." But this answer Is not peril neut. Oentlemen are bound to treat all women, so far as maybe, ostboucb they were ladies. It Is therefore incumbent upon women, and especially upon women reformers, to do what can be done to ward the amelioration of the manners of their sex, or the sex, in stepping out into the world of action, will forfeit, it is to be (eared, somewhat of that delicate defe rence heretofore rightfully accorded it. Neither will it help the case to say that men might do belter. Let lady social moralists begin pretty high up in the social scale, and waste no time in trying to prop up the plea that the manners of women in public are all eady good enough or above criticism, Thouulitful people, with their eyes open, know better, though generally they are shrewd too ugh to bo dent , Save 20, Per Cent;. By, getting jour; J OB . P'R'INT.'ING Done at the 'Office of tlio Carbon Advocate, IN nEINTZELMAN'S BUILDING. 1 Hat. tho'f.O. nnd I.. V. t'epol, l.eiilglitnn. in !:c,i Co.. .Pit A New Idea!1 Wo have Jiist reeelved n large and ele unlit. a-Fortnicnt of Or the; lateit'M!e:. j lectin i " Mipeiii't'Mm-lN nl CARDS, BILLHEAD-! 'i thai.. will. ENVELOPE: srJNOTE, t'.A En "i Would respectful ly announce to his friends and the public In general, that he has open ed a first-class Livery & Sale Stable, and that he can furnish Horses. Bungles and Carriages ot tho best description, for Pleasure, Business or Funeral pul pites, at very Reasonable Charges, and nn short notice. HAULING done nt short notice and on short notice. In connection he will nlto continue bis Carriage Manufactory where the peoplecan get their Carriage iAiccles, Wacons. etc.. mane to order. or REPAIttKD ou short notice aud at reasonable prices. The undersigned respectfully an nounces that be luis been appointed Agcm iur me Universal Wringer AND Doty'sClothesWasher These are undoubtedly the best Wash ers and Wringers In the market, and our lauies are iiivitta to call and so tbeui, L. F. Kleppinger, tor. BAXK and IRON Streets, eo. a, toio.j wmgnicn, l'a. And h viirlt ol ntin-i 4 nd can now' g'lve'onr :pat roiid" (Irr-t -1 class work nt pi lee lit It-itBl 20 Per Cfint Lower Than any other .pillee in ,tlils fecthm , .i n! 0iJ i . . r ' ,i ' ' Mi -1 i - 1. 1' ,i :irl -ii.'f i i -iiii ii - , Give Ur a Trial, and be Convince 1 I 1 I,' -i U I . tSTThe patronage, of the nubile i- respectfully solieilisl. , TIIU C.lUntl.V ADVOCATC A 24-coluu n Local Paper, and, the i nly" nnwipnper Entirely Printed In, the Com y, Is published every' Saturday mornlri ,$1 a year, in Advance, Or $1.50 If not paid In advance. The Advocate, with its large aud In creasing circulation, U one or the very Beet Medium for Advertising In this Section, application. ! Rates furnished on H. V, MOBTHIMER, Lehighton, Carbon Coanty, Pa. WILSON SHUTTLE Sewing Macliiiie FOR 50 Dollars ! ! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MEOHANIOS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned i THE BEST IN THE WORLD! i. ISTTho Highest Promlnm, was awarded to it at VIE.3Sr3SJ"; Ohio State Fair; Northern Ohio Fair) Amer. Institute, Y.J Cincinnati Exposition; - Indianapolis Exposition St. Louis Fair j Louisiana' State Fair; Mississippi State Fair; and Georgia Stato Fair; t - ' FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING MACHINES, nnd doing the largest and best range of Ttrork. All other Machines in tho Market wero In direct COMPETITION ! ! iFor Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording Binding, Brcuidirig, Embroidering, Quilt ing tand Siitchirig fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. "Where we have no Agents we will deliver a Maohine for tho price named above; at tho, nearest Ball Boa Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken in Exchange. Bond for Clroulars, .Prlco List, &c, and, Copy of tho Wilson Bofleotor, ono of the best1 Periodicals of tho day devoted to Sewing Ma chines, Fashions, General News and Miscellany. Agents "Wanted Wilson SettrMacMnB Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO. SUBsoniDB von Tho Carbon Advocate, Tht Cawpait Ptptr- In tbt utljh yllej Only On Dollar a Yir, Dr. J. Walker's California Yincgar Bitters aro ajurcly Veg etable prcparatloifriaTIocliToflV from tho liatlvo herbs fouilrt oil tho lower ranges of tho Sfcr'ra Norada moan tains' of California', tho medicinal pfopertioa of which aro extracted thordrr6fn witbout'tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost dally' asked, "What Js tho ciuso'.of tho tinpar nllolo'd Success of 'VijfisrjXR Bit ters !" Our answer Is, that they rompro tbp cnuso of disease, mid tho patient recovers his lioalth.- Thoy aro ' tho groat blood purifier nnd a llfo-givlng principle,- a perfect Reno vator niid Invigorator of the system. Never before- in the history of tho world has n mediclno been compounded pus Bosaiug.tho. remarkable qualities of vis eoar BlTTfeits la' healing tho sick of every disease man Is heir to. They aro a gcntlo' Purgfttiv'o 'asi well as a Tonic, rfilieving Congostinn'or Inflammation of tho Liver and 'Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. ' Tho proporlics of Dr. Walk er's YlNpaAKllITTKRsarcApnriout.Dia phorctio, Carminative, ,Kutritiou, Laxa tive, ,DIuretic, Sodatlve, Countor-Irritaut, Sudorific, Aiturativo, aud Anti-Bilious, Grateful. Thousands proclaim Vinegar Bitters tbo most wonder ful Iuvigorant that over sustained tho sinking ystdm. No Terson can.tato theso Bit ters according to.dtroctions, and re main long unwell, provided their bono3:aro,not,dostrpyod by mineral .poison .qr. other-means, and vital or gans.wostcd beyond repair. Bilious, llemittent, i nnd In termittent' Foyers, wblcb, nro so prevalent in tho valleya of our great rivers throughout tbo United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio,; Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colo rado Brazos,- Bio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobilo, Savannah, Ito anoko, James, and many, others, with thoir vast tributaries, through out our entire country during tho Summer and Autumn, and remarka bly bo during seasons of unusual Vat and dryness, aro -invariably ac companied by extensivo .dorango .ments of, tho stomach and Jivor, and other abdominal v'jsccra. In' their treatment, a purgative, csortlag a powprful Influence .upon theso vari ous organ?, is essentially uecossary. Thoro cathartic for-tho purposo equal taiDR.i J; Walker's Vinegar Hitters as thoy will speedily remove tho dark-colored viscid matter, with which tho loweU Are loaded, at tho same time stimulating tbo, secretions ,of tho' liver, 'and generally rcstoring'the healthy furio tioris of the dleestlre organs. Fortify tho bofly against dis ease by purifying all Its fluids with Vinegar Bittbrs, No cpldemlo can take hold of 'a systeiri'thns lure-armed. Dyspbpsia or Indigestion. Head- acho, 'ram' in thd Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness, of the Chest, Diuinem, Sour Eruotations of tho Stomach, . Bad Taste . in, tho ilouth,J!iliou3 . Attacks,, Palplta- " tlon of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in tho region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are, the offsprings' of Dyep'opsia. One bot tle will provC a better guarantee of Its merits than n lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whlto Swellings' ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Keck, Uoitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Inilolont Inflammations, Mercurial affec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of tbo Skin, Sore, Byes,-etc. In those,, as in all other constitutional Diseases, "V7alkkb's Yin EoARBiTTBRshavo fbown their great our ative powers in the most qbsUnate and intractable cafes. ForluilnniiiiatoryandClironic Rhcumatisni, Gout, BlUous, Itomlt- tcnt and Intermittent, Foyers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kldnoysond Bladder, 'theso Bitters have no equal. Such Dis eases are caused by 'vitiated Blood. JUechnnlcnl Diseases; Persons engaged 'in Palritd and Minerals', such ai PlumWrs, Type-setters, Gold-beaters and Miners as they advance in life, are sub ject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, tuko a dose of Walker's VhiEOAR Bitters occasionally., For Skin Diseases: Eruptions, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples,- Pustules. Boils, Carhunoles, IUng worms, Scald-head, Spro ,Eyes, Erysipo los. Itch, Scurfs, .Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever namo or nature, are literally dug up and Carried out of the system in a short time by the uso of these Bitters. Pin, Tune, and other Worms, forking in .the system of eo'many thou sa&ds, are effectually destroyed and re moved. No system of medicine, no ver mifuges,, n' anthelralnitlcs will free the system from worms like these Bitters. ForFemale Complaints, in young or. old, married or'tingle, at the dawn of wotnanhoodiortbo turn of life, these, Tou lo Bit(ers display so decided an' influence that improv'oincut is soon perceptible. Cleaiise tho YUiated Blood whenever you Cud its Impurities bursting through tho skin ia Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you And it ob structed and'tluggish In the veins; cleanse. It when it is (bol) your feelings. w,ill toll yon whin. Keep tne blood pure, and tho health of the system will follow., ii. iuiHni.a & co., Drueeliti ft Of a. Af U, Ban Ynuoltoo. CMKof Bla, it cor. of Wuhlngtoa and Chirlton Stt,N.T. Sola Vr t UrugsUU an4 Bilm. TT.OOE BEAUTIFUL LOOK -ROSY l-A Bottle of DUItlilNO'fl UOSE-GLYOEltlNE for Roughness of the Sl'lu, Chapped Hands ic, only 25 cento bottle. may 0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers