Packard Orchestral On gans, anil Hainos Brother.1) Pianos, A. P HoitN, Agent, lidhiglitpn, Pa JoJt SJ,.W-ni3 batuiidai mohnin'o, skit, h,- uu. Local and Personal. Special Notice. Those' of our'sub scrlbers receiving belr paper- with a cross upon tho corner near their iriarao, .-will save liny cents advance .In ' remitting the dollar subscription at onco. Our terms ate f I in advance, or $1.50 It not so paid. . A young glrl,nomed Emma Knabb, pttempted to poramlt suicide In Cata. sauqua, on Monday evening last, by jumping Into the Canal. She was res cued by some gc'ntlenlcn who happened to bo passing, Horses and carriages at alb hours .of the day and night, at tho popular livery ot David Kbbert, on Bank-st. Prices moderate. John Ilepner, of Rockdale, Lehigh county, now lying very slclc, desires to know It his brothers and sisters are still living, and If 'so where. He Is very poor.- The double track on the Ii. ft S. railroad, between Allentown and East ern Is completed.; Jonas A. Horn has purchased tho hotel property of B. F. Klepplngor, situate at the upper end of town. Con slderatlon $0,000. Connor Tost, G. A. It., of Summit Hill, will havo a grand camp Are on Saturday 20th Inst, at the upper end of Whlte'street. Be on hand If you waut a good time. The Lehigh Valley Dally News, of Allentown', suspended publication on Tuesday last. Mrs. Strob, of, Mauch' Chunk, upon going to the well for water on Friday night of last' week; was bitten In tho hand by a' rattlesnake. At last accounts she was recovering. A. W. Eacbes' new dwelling, on Thlrd-et.-, Is rapidly approaching com-' ptetlon. It will be, when finished, one -ot'th'o handsomest buildings In town. navo you bought a ticket for nook and Ladder ball, October 10? It not. whytoo'l? Such is the faith of Plymouth Church In the virtue of Jfr. Beecher 'that It In proposed tO' raise hts salary to $.,0,000 as a compensation) for' bis trials. Fratcls Huber, a merchant of Pine Grove, Schuylkill county, wholmsbeen missing for a week, It appears has com mitted sutcldo. Ho was found in the mountains four miles from 1'ottsvllle hanging to a tree, the corpse being much disfigured by craws. , Tho Marlon Hose Co. of Mauch Chunk; proposes to give a grand gift concert in .Feburaty next, with tho Idea ot enabling tlicm (o pnrcliase u steamer. . The Town Council buVo been petitioned to purchase a steamer, but took no action, and now tho mem bers propose the gift poncoit to obtain the object. . Arrangements are being made to hold a grand reunion of tho honprably' discharged soldiers and sailors. from all parts ot the country at Eastern, on tho 24th .of this month. . '' ' Lafayette .College, at Easton, open, cd the fall term with 119 students. Reader, do!yuu owe. anything jn' your paper? If. you do, we need it. The Democrats of Northampton 'Vvill hold their nominating Convention at the public house of Chas. Kleckner, at Crbsa Roads, near Klecfenersville, op, Monday tho 21st Inst. -The large Hon exhibited In' our .borough a few weeks ago with the Oil caco show, died at Wilmington, Dela ware, one day lajt wcok, from, the ex- cessivo'heat; Th,( Animal 'was valued u u,uuy. v "Butcher" Davis, of Easton, re leased from the Easton peultentary only a short time ago, has again found Ill's, way to Jail, ol conviction ot having stolen a gold watch. He was sentenced to one year. Butcher, in all, 'has wast ed upwards of twenty years of hts life behind prison bars. The Allentown Rolling MUl Com pany now has but ono ot its two Rob erts furnace stacks, going, one of them having been blown out week before last for repairs. A. Iiucknian, ttie carrlago builder of thlsborough, is putting up anewand commodious blaoksmltbt shop, In con nection, with his manufactory. He pro poses to run three fires, and will there fore be prepared to do all kinds of smith work promptly and at very reasonable prices. Our young and talented friend, W. M. Rnpsher, of thla borough, b, we learn, the favorite Republican candidate for tho nomination tor District Attorney. There are 63 prisoners In the Enlou jail at present. 'At.Uarrlsburglast week, in tho cas,ot the Commonwealth vs. George O. Evans, the Court refused, to grant a discharge for Evans on the ground that the Insolvent laws of Pennsylvania did not include to debts due tho Voiu tnonweallh. Which means that Mr. George O. Evans will bo kept In Jail. Cheaper than the cbeapestl Prints at Sets per yard and upwards; niuUn, Lleached and unbleached, at Gets and .upwards, and every thing else cheap la jnujjuiiiuu lAf lilt ttUUYv puves. ut a,. U Snyder's. For family flour, at the very best quality go to J. K- Rlckert, East Weiss port. Lumber and coal In large or small quantities at lowet market rates. A few lots In Rlckertoun. still unsold- buy at once, J. P. Smith, of Franklin township, has a lot of very fine honey on hand, which he offers at the followlnc prices: Xiaue bouey SO eta abd box honey 85 ctf per. pound Orders can be left at P. J. Klstler'a, Vlspur,t, orat, (ho Ao- The annual meeting of tho LenTgK County Teachers' Association mill be held n the Court Houso at Allentown, 'comjqonclh on Monday' Nov. .Sad, If you want a nice fitting shirt leave your.measttre at Laury & Piters, Post office. Newluid & Fehnol visit Lehlghton and vicinity, every" Friday, with fresh .butter and eggs, ,at, lowest., market prices. licavopruors at vaueyjuouso - For fail and "w inter bbols, calVat A. & D. Graver's. Cheap uud good. . A One St. Charles bay horse, six years old, sound all over, for salo at L. F. Klepplnger'a, livery stable. .Will trot Ills tpjlp.ln 1) nilnjites, and basnever been jUqijer training. Apply soon'. A good girl wonted3-to assist at housework, &e. Good wages. Apply at this oillce, For sale, a No. 1 colt, n little over flyo months old. He will be disposed ol on reasonable terms. Apply at tho Ad vocate office. ' , F. P. Lentz lias got 'em I Calicos from 0 cents' yard upwards. Try thein. r Carpets, a fnl,.n,ssorUncut, at low prices, at A. &'D. Graver's. Mrs'. Fa th, the fashionable milliner, Bank street, Lehlgl)tob, has just receiv ed a large and elegant stock of fall nnd winter millinery goods, which alio Is prepared to make up In the latest fash ion nnd at low prices. The ladles aro Invited to call and Inspect her goods be fore purchasing elsewhere. Trimmings and notions In every variety. C W Lentz wll! open his. new drug store, In Leibenguth's building this bor ougli, during the coming week. Families desiring to soouro a good woman for "washing or house cleaning, can apply to Mrs..Sugden,- in rear ol' C. II. Bower's, 2?.nk street, this borough. Nojv- goods arriving dally, at A. & Laury & Peters havo Juet received a large and elegant stock of new goods, comprising. cloths, casslmeres and vest ings; which they are preparedi to. make up in the" latest fashlo at tho lowest prices, , i For a nobby suit and "a perfect fit go to Laury & Peters, merchant tailors. Alpacas, black and oalbred, from 25cts upward. at A. & D. Graver's. Charles Trainer, Lehigh street, wlllj "supply you with flour1 nd feed, plow your gardens or do your hauling at reasonable rates. Border calicoes at lOcts per yard, at A..&.D. Graver's. ' AtlVCIlksban-B Wednesday!' 'An. ihony Lenahan shot and killed Captain jolin Kellly. liotli were riding in a buggy, and' Lenahan, jumping out, fled. Search is bolng made for him but ho has not yet been arrested. . A fullstock of Underclothing at very low figures 'at A. & D.-Graver's. Don't forRet the lecture, In the Evangelical church, Welssport, i on Moudiy njglit, by. Rev, Thos. Bowmnn. Admission 25. cts. TlieWelssport Rolling Mill rnadoa nnrrow escape from beinc burned down last Saturday. It caught Are from tho sparks of a locomotive. The citizens by their prumpt exertions succeeded In extinguishing.. It lUtjiorq. any ruaterial damage was done) I i mm i i Fall anil Wl.Jlf r I'mlltqii'.. ' T. D. Claiiss, the merchant tailor, on Bank street, this borough, Is now open ing one at the largest and best selected stocks' )f cloths, casslmeresnnd vestlngs sul't'ablo for'tlie fall nnd winter' trade, ever, brougljt to town, together, with the latest .fashion plates. He respectfully asks those desiring an easy and fash ionable fit, 'made' up from' the best ma terial and by tjie best of workman to give hjjn a calL Alaa-Iargeok of liatj, caps, bopts, slides', gaiters, and gent's furnishing goods, always on ha&d, at low prices. Unnnwuy Acclilcnl. ' On Tuesday Morning last, VMrf M. Hellman. the flour and feed dealer, ot tlits borough, was taking a load ot grain to. thedepot br the Lehigh Valley R.R. bp a buck-board, when'the horse took fright at a dog, and ran away, throwing Ing Mr. Hellman from his seat, and be co'inlug entangled in the' wagon he was dragged from the corner, of the Valley 11, to the depot, one of his legs be ing caught botween tho spokes, comple tely braking the wheel, and yet strange to say no bones were broken. His body, Is considerably bruised and skin lied, -but we are pleased to state that no serious apprehensions are entertain for bis ipee'dy recovery; If Yon Want Envelopes, note, letter or foolscap paper", l'dgersday book's, time books, butcher's oriither memorandum' books, slates, pencIVs, pens, Ink.or In fact any thing in the linn of stationery call at tho Auvocate office, where you can get every article of tho best quality fpr the least money. A flew Hock of fancy note paper and envelopes Just received. CTWo haveaUo a quantity of choice, now'ahd "popular works, which We are selling at publisher's price, or lean at lOcts per volume per week. The Coal Trade, The following tab spoils tho quan tity p coal sjilpped over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for the week ending Sept. ISth, 1874. avd for the year as compared with the. same time la,st year: 'on Wwk, -VmV. Wyoming 1,870 04 819,00.100 Hazleton... 43,4X1 0-1 1,487,803 10 Up. Lehigh. . Ill 17 8,543 00 Bra.Meadow.. 18,02.0 18. 490,011 1R Mabanoy 13,014 OS 810,033 10 Mauch Chunk 4ft 13 3,012 05 Total 00,589 04 8,1B3,08707 Last Year.... 112,481 13 8,237,025 14 Increase Decrease..,., 31,913 08, 81,888 )07 Uelllonl. Evangelical church -s-R6t.- AiKrcc ker, pastor. Preaching, Sunday1, 10.30 A. m. and 7.80 p. m. by tho pastor, In tho Northampton street school house. Sunday school at 0 a. m. Alsor prayer meetings on Tuosday", Wednesday" (Eng lish) nnd Thursday evenings at 7.80 o' clock. All are cordially Invited to at tend. Methodist Episcopal church Rev. Wilmcr Coffman, pastor. Preaching' 10:80 A. m., Subject: "Winning Souls:" aud7:30i. ii., Subject: "Justification by Faith." Sunday School JJ.r, . Revival services will be held during' tho week commencing at 7.80 p. m. Rev. E. Ferrler, of Mauch Chunk, will preach In the Presbyteilau church to-morrow (Sunday). Services In the morning at 10:80 and in the ovenlng at 7.30. Sunday School In tho morning nt 0 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening at 7.30. A cordial In vitation s extended to all. . . Rev. D(' Kf. Kepner, pastor, vll) preach In the Trinity Evangelical Luth eran church corner of lion and North-ampton-sts. Services to-morrow (Sun day) at 10 a. jr. In German; at 7.80 r. M. English. Sunday School at 2. p. u. 1'iayer meeting Wednasday eveulng at 7.30 o'clock, and Teachers' meeting Thursday evening. Attention, Firemen! A regular meeting ot Hook & Ladder Co., No. 1, of Lehlghton, will bo held in A. Buckmnn's carriage shop, on Monday evening next, 21st lust., at 8 o'clock. A full' attendance Is request ed. C. T, Hor.N, Secretary. Initiation DalL Lehigh Hook & Ladder Co, No. 1, ot Lehlghton, will hold n grand ball, In the Hall of the new school building, on Friday evening, the 10th ot Oct,, the proceeds being for the benefit ot tho Co. Tie tickets are now ready and In the hands ot the committee of arrangements, who will spare no pains to mako this, the first ball of the company, the finest affair that ever took place in our boro ugh. The Hall Is the largest In the county, and refreshments of every dis cretion will be served up in first-class style, but no Intoxicating liquors will be allowed on the premises. A first-class band will be engaged for tho occasion and nothing will be lett undone to make this the ball of the season. Tickets $1 each. Hook & Ladder Co. At the regular meeting of this com pany on Jbnday evening last, 7 per sons were elected members, and four or five others were proposed for member ship. Nominations were inado for Di rectors and Trustees, and the election will tako placa on Monday next, the meeting to be held In A. ZJuckman'a carriage manufactory. The committee on Ball reported In favor of holding a ball on October 10th. Afterconsldera Hon the report was adopted, and com mlttee of arrangements nppol-ited, The proposals for building the truck and ladders were now opened, as follows: A. Buokman $831, and Romlg & Hoff ord $295. On motion, the bid of Roml:; & noftord was accepted, and the com mltteo Instructed to haye the work pro ceeded with at onco, so that tho truck will be ready' for parade on Oct. 8th. Slatlngton. Sept. 10th, 1874. The Dlstrlot In stitute of Slatlngton met on Saturday last to organize lor tho coming term. All answered to their names, except Mi's Glsh. After religious opening exercises, the Principal stated the man ner In which tho Institute will be con ducted and tho duties expected of each teacher, &c. The Institute will not only be to educate the teacher In book knowledge, but professionally. The Institute will aim to teach teachers, how to conduct recitations profitably and govern well without the rod; for the best teacher is one who can govern a school well without the use of the rod or any Instrument ot punishment. It teachura havn thn tnnt fn frut: thole jlls to respect and lovo them, punish ment ueea noi oe resorteu' to except, perhaps, In a few exceptional casos. Mr Stettier also made somo remark's endorsing the views ot the Principal, and promised his aid to the fullest ex tent of his ability which Is of no mean proportion. How should our schools be taught so as to.result In the greatest amount ot cood? was then discussed bv .the members, many taking an actlvu part, and those not speaking evliiolgg by their attention, that they were very much Interested In the discussion wUh, ing to gain all the information as re gards teaching, possible. A class lu" Reading was ccwlucted by J. H. Dear dorff, one In Written Arithmetic, by Miss A. C Kernahen, andonelu Gram mar, by F. J. Stettier. The follawiag are the officers, Pres.., Ju U. DeaidoQiSeo., Miss A. O. Ker nalien; Critic, F. X Stettier. The commJtU'e epprted the following progtauiuio for Sat., Sept. 10, 1874: Or thography, by .diss E. S. Mlssons; Reading,, by A. IL George; Wttten Arithmetic, by Miss A. E. Glsh: Ills--tory, by Miss A. O. Kernahen; Gram mar, by J, H. Deardorflf. and Philoso phy, by F. J. Stettier. For wtle a five octave Parlor Oigan (hew) aT a. great reduction, .apply at this office. TjVhlg'hton Initlttite. y Sept. 13th, 1874. Jhe Institute met nnd was caller) to order by tho presi dent, Mr. Barnett. A portion of scrip turo was road and a prayer offered by thepiosldent. Tho roll called. Messrs. Barnett and Allem and Misses Yarnal, ;Nead and ncllraaii responding, their names. The minutes ot previous meet ing read and approved. Mr. Allem, Chairman ot the committee to draft a Constitution and By-Laws reported. On motion tho report was received and tho commit too discharged. Tho constitu tion was read article by article andsec tlon by section, and-ananlmously adopt ed, as followsr ARTICLE I.-Namk. This organization shall be known by the name of "The Lehlghton Teachers' Institute." ART, II. Object. The object, of (Ills Institute shall be the mutual Improvementof Its members in tho theory and practice of teaching nnd their general 'development socially and intellectually. ART. HI. Members. Section 1 The regular members of this Institute shall be tho teaohers of Le hlghton Borough. Sec. 2. Any teaoher or friend of edu cation ma bo elected as an honorary member by the unanimous vote ot tho regulnr members, and shall have ail tl e privileges of regular members ex cept tho rlnht to hold an elective ofiico. .4RT. IV. Officers. Sec. 1. Tho elective officers shall be a Presldent,,a Secretory, and a Treasurer, to bo elected by, ballot, every fourth meeting, and to take their seats Imme diately after their election. Sec. 2. The officers by appointment shall be a business committee consisting oftlirao persons. ART. V. Duties of Officers. Sec. 1. The duties of the President, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall bo thoso usually appertaining to such officers. See. 2. Tho the Business Committee shall bo to prepare a pro gramme for the following meeting, said1 programme to be received or amended by the Institute. ART. VI. Amencuents. Tills Constitution and the appended By Laws may be altered or amended by a vote of three-fourth of thu members present. BY LAWS. Art. I. This Institute shall be gov erned py parliamentary rules, except while a member may bo conducting a class exercise. Art. II. The president may appoint any member to take the chair. ' -4ivr. III. The regular meetings of this Institute shall bo held on the first' nnd third Saturdays of each school month, unless another day be fixed up on by tlireo-fourtlis ot the regular mem bers present. Art. IV. The expenses of this Insti tute shall bo defrayed by voluntary contributions. Election of officers being next In or der, the following were elected: Presi dent, Mt. Barnett; Secretary, Battle M. Hellman; Treasurer, Miss Nt-ad. Busi ness Uuinmlttee the president appoint ed Miss Yarnal, Messrs. Grossman and Allem, On motion the School Board as a body, Mr. Grossman, teacher of the rackerton school andU. v. Jforthlmer, editor of tho r Carbon Advocate, wero elected honorary members of the Insti tute. On motion astronomy was sub-' stltutpd for nlgebra, as an exercise In the Institute,-Text Book Steel's Four teen Weeks. Severul cases of truancy having oc curred, this subject was presented he foro tho Institute, and methods for cor recting It called for, Mr. Barnett thought thn first thing the teacher do was to call on the,pareptsof the, tru nrit' one", thus showing them that you are Interested in the welfare of their child. Mr. Allem said he made them make up lost tlme,r0iting a case where a boy had lost three hours for which he expected to detain him 18 recesses. The question, shall we teach history In tho lower grades? 'was then asked by one of the members, Mr. Barnett thought wo should, though nbt using a text book: lie thoucht It every teachers' duty to acquaint his pupils with tho leading historical lactsot tne uay. now to teach tho little folks reading, was next taken up. This was u very Inter' csting feature of the Institute. It con sisted of a class drill, Mr. Barnett being the instructor. Jental Philosophy be Ing next on the programme a short reci tation in It was had The Business Commttteo presented the following prograine: 1. General Exercises, by Institute 2 Arithmetic, S J Harnett 3, Mental Philosophy Adjouned to meet Saturday, Sept 20, 1874 Hattie M n oilman, Seo'y, lccport of the Public Schools of Le hlghton, for the month ending Sept. 4th, 1874, showlug the number of ' .pupils In attendance, with the per icentage ot attendance ; J n ' i s$ 81 Ul OS Vi 6caoou. High .... Ummmar . . Intermediate . Secuutlary . 2nd Primirj lit l'rlin.rj , TeUJ . , , m W 296 04 Vi BJ As the above Indicates, the atten dant has. been 'good, yet we would like It to be sllll better. Several ot tho ab sentees were from truency. Parents are requested to use every effort to prevent this and to. have their children In punct ual and regular attendance. The teach ers have been laboring assiduously for the good ot their pupils and deblre every aid and. encouragement. Tho Softools, aro opened to visitors on Tuesday and Tluirday of eaoh week. Patrons and those Interested Lu schools are respectively Invited to, make visita tions. I would also beg leave to call the at- tentlon of tho Town Council to the mis I eroble condition of the sidewalks, csdo- I. dally in tho neighborhood of the School building. In bad weather they are ab solutely unfit for the children to travel over In going to and from school. S. J. Barnett, Principal. Our Poit-omee. li'n. Editor. now long must wo wait for our mall matter after it has arrived In tho post office? My reason for asking this question Is that very frequently my weekly papers aro not re ceived until one and sometlmos two days after the regular time. Can you account for tho delay. Anxious. Lehlghton bept. 17, 1874. All mall matter should bo delivered Immediately after Its arrival a rea sonable time only being allowed for sorting. Ed. Married, , On tho 80th day of August, by ,Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. Charles Dunlap and Miss. Mary Ann Ilahn, both of Franklin Twp. Died, On the 11th day of Sept., nt Summit Tllll. P.tmop TCtlna ann nf Slnnhftn T. nnil Mary Ann Sharer, Aged lmo., 27ds. EiL-lilgUlon Retail Prices. Carefully corrected each week express ly for "The Carbon Advocate." Apples, per bushel CO dried, per lb 12 to 15 Butter, roll. Dcr'lb SO 'Cabbage, per head 8 to 12 Ulieefo, factory, per id ' M Eggs, per dozen 28 Fish, mackerel, No. jl 12 to 15 Ham, per lb , 20 Lard, pure, per lb 20 Pork, prime mess, per lb 12 Potatoes, per bushel. ............ . 80 lorn, per Dushel ii lu Chop, Corn, per 100 lbs 1 00 " Bran " 1 40 " Rye, " 2 10 " Mixed " 2 00 Flour, Wheat, per bbl 7 50 " Rye. per 1UO lbs 3 25 Oats, White per bushel 00 f mack, per Dusnei ou nay, per ton 20 00 Straw, per bundle 30 Coal, chestnut, per ton 4 00 " stove, per ton 4 ou Hides, creen, per lb 15 to 7c CalfSkins. each 1 25 to 1 50 Sheep Skins, killed this mo., ea.SOto 75 Plilladclpliin Markets. Petroleum. We quote crude at 8 to SHn. iu barrels, and standard white at llc. tor export. Groceries. 250 hhds. of Porto1 Rico Sunar sold at 8!4c, and 25 hhds. ot Cu ba Sugar sold at Skc. per lb. Flour. mere is no improvement to notice lu the Flour market, either In price or demand. About' 1500 barrels sold, Including extras, at $4 to 4 75; Wisconsin and Minnesota extra fami ly at id 25 to 7 50; Pennsylvania. Ohio and Indiana do. do. at 85 G2K to 0 5.0, and fancy brands at $S to 8 75. In Rye nour anu oorn Jueai no cunnge. uraln. in whest their Is very little movement. Sales of 0000 bushels at 1 20 to 125, aud amber at $125 to 128 and white at $1 40. Rye ranges from 05 to 08c. Corn Is In limited request, aud lc. lower.- Sales of yellow at.U5e., and mixed at 05c. Oats move slowly at 04 to 85o. for Western white, and 02 to 03c. for mixed. The receipts to-day are as follows: 2905 barrels Flour, 01 00 bushels Wbtat. 5200 bushels Corn. 15,400 bushels Oats, 103 barrels Wbls- Kuy, Provisions are without material change Pork Sales ot mess pork at '$24 to 24 50; prime mess at 23. Beet bams at $20 to 20. Bacon Is steady; sales of sugar-cured city smoked hams at 15 to 10c; canvassed Western atlHK to iuc; ribtied sides at 13., clear ribbed do. at I3c, clear do. at 13 to lSc, and shoulders at OK to 10c. Bulk meat are unchanged: sales ot ulcklcd bams. in lots, at.l4X to 15c; green hams at atripa nf. 19VfV itlunr rlli. bed do. at 12'o.j clear do. at 12 to lUttc; shoulders at Uo. In bulk and V'A o packed. Lard Is firm; sales of city refined and Western steam at li'A to 15c.. and kettle rendered at 15s. Seeds. JVew Cloverseed is quoted at 1014 to lie. Timothy commands $2 00 to 3. Closing Prices o! DeUaven & Towns- end, 40 South Third Street, Pblladel phla, September 17, 1874: U, 8. .', 1881 18- bid. 18V aiked. U. f. b-W, 1802 , D. 8. 6-20, lSlU '. , U.S. S20.1S05 , U. 8. S-20, 1SG& J. k 3. U.S. 530,1867 . . U. 6. &-20, 18SS , . U. & 10-W . . U. K. Currency, ,' U. 8. S'e. 1681, new . PennsvlMol ILK. . Valla. A lUadlnz U. It. Letilgh Vnller lUllroad . 12Kbld. . llU bid. . 16 bid. . 16 bid. , 16 bid , 107. bid. . 11'? bid. . llCi bid. . 12 -2 blJ- . MU bid. . 65 I bid. . 61 bid. 1SJ4 Mked 11 f liked. 10 , ijked. 16 uked. 17,,' uked. V,l asked. Mil aiked, ntf "ked. lak aiked Uk okad. . i' ........ till. beuign uoal x nar, uo. tlnltn.! finmnanla. nf N. J. 127 Lid. 127 'a Oold . . . bid. 110 bllr.r . . . .10 bid. 107 Special Notices. The Acme Slilrt. This Is to certify, that Messrs. Laury &, Peters have taken Instructions lntltouseof the Acme Shirt System, and are fully quali fied and authorized to Janufacturo the Geometrically-Balanced Shirt in the Borough of Lohlghton. Signed, Prof. W. M. Dildine. Gentlemen desiring a handsome fitting Shirt should leave their measure at the pott office bulldlnir. LAURY & PTERS. June 20, 1874m8 Piles! Piles.!! Piles!!! PlUt, Intern!. Kxtunui). BlwlhiT or 1.1)1.117. Th Inteowi ufftrl(i"ccaiOiitM by tho dUl re. lug diMAW, la lUTano.iiiornif, 11 known only to those who an unfortunate enough to 1 0 atflltUJ with It. The SaWplete night, the uncomforuU daja, the haggard. ! k t-f the luQVivr nit neiior the lntoItj f the pain exiwrir.icfd.niwa troubled with thU prefaUlng dltae, TJw Itte cf of Brljjci' I'll Itemed j ai apoUt 0 carets unequalled la Ihe aunsla of medicine Jlellef ( Immediate when ueed m directed. The Immeumi deoundt Ibr C'ii srett-emed U uapar&lelled, XQouuudj are Ulfi It W(tn the moet MtWrator reiulU. Bold H A, J, IKJBLINU, druWliL Le hlshbon. wj V Ij Z aiked. i aiked. VM. aiked. aiked. AMCDIOKIVB CHEST IN ..jiiiLt auu.u Bitter. Ii not a beTeragf, but a itrlctlj medicinal preparation, more tborooghljr adiplei to thtvants of th. general puWIo than any other In the mar' M. Unlike all other aoaltej Itemedleslt lipre paled under the direct personal .uperililon of an etilnent Physician. S. D. Ilartmao, M. D,thesen. lor proprietor, Is a regular gradaita of Ihe Jeffer son Medical College r f Philadelphia, and a practle ing physician of large experience and eztenslr. practice. In suoh hands the pnlillo ma lest as sured that Mlihler. Herb Bitters is compounded In strict accordance with correct pharmaceutical principles, and that none but thecholcest Ingred ients enter lolo Us composition. Its Immense sale alnne ! conctuilre proof that It possesses merit of a high Order. Merchants,' banlcers,clergymen, lawyer, clerks and others en.' gaged In sedentary occupations, experience It. wonderful effects In relleilug the depression caus ed by serero mental labors whllo the mechanic, farmer and laborer, find their bodily .Tlgor restor ed like rnalc by Its use. At. this season of tbe year when Dli&rbou, Caawrs, Couca and kindred disorders, caused by eating unripe fruits, Imprudent Indulgence In cold drinks, etc., are preraient, a certain, apeedy and effectual remedy wUl be lound la illsnler1. Herb Utters. The depressing feeling of Languor or Debility, Incident to tbe "heated term," la at once remorwr, tbe energies restored, and lew 11! and Tlgor lev. parted to the prostrated system, by Its use. Ik UxsrirsiA, I.uia Coxflaikt and Amotions or in. KtDmrs It lnrarlably works like a-charm. It Is not a drastic purge nor hesdy stimulant,' violent In Its operations; but it Is simply a natural remedy, thoroughly adapted to attitt nature. It supplies tone to the stomach, relnTlgorates the di gest! re organs, stimulates the secretions, and pro moting a regular action of the bowels, enable, erery organ of the h)dy to perform ita allotted work regularly and without Interruption. It Is the unerring cvrtalnty ofdeslred results at tendant on Its use, coupled with the fact that it Is prepared by a Physician nf eminence in his profeselon, that has rendered Mlshler'a Herb Bit. ters so popular, and as familiar as a household word. Tuovsanos or Mointas all over the land hare found It to be thesarost and best remedy for use In their families; they not only give It with perfect safety to eren tbe youngest child, but when ased with caution find it the safest means cf easuringlAetr own health and freedom from Uia weary acnes and pains Incident to their, sex. t'er fectly harmless, it Is just the remedy needed by thorn to enablo Nature to nerform her functions naturally, regularly and without inconvenience. Mo IA.BT siiuuld u without li If she would possess the clear, blooming coniplexlou audcheerfulspirlts fu.dpnrauie iruui sound nealtn. it is sold by all Druggists and Ueneral Dealers; 'It Is neatly put up In siuare dials Uo.tlco, enclosed In a yellow wrap- ptr. It Is not sold on Draught, being itrictlj a medicinal preparation, and as such Is endorsed by many orthe most eminent physicians ofthecoun try. Aug. 8, 1874 4m. Tho most WoiiileiTul Dlscuve.'y of the lOtli Century. XjR. S. 3D. HOWE'S ' Arabian Milk Cure FOR CONSUMPTION-, And all Diseases or the TIIKOAT, CHKST and LUNGS. (The only Medicine or the kind lu the world.) A SumiTUTC ims. Cos Livin Oil. Ternianenilv iue Asthma, Bron. blll, Incipi ent Consumption, Is or Voice, 'Shortness cf Ureath, Ualatib, Ctouj Coughs, ColJi, it, In a few days. Dlt. S. D. nowr.'? Arabian Tonio Blood Puvifler, Which DIFFKHS fnm nil other preparations In IUImveiiiate Actios 0iiutlieLlVi;u,KlllNi;Y8 and BLOOD. It Is purely vegetable, aud cleanses, tbe system efall Impuiltles, builds up, and .jkei Pure, I11cUBo.nI. It mras Scrofulous Diseases or all kinds, remort' O.nstimtlon, and regulates t e Bowels. For"(li:.'l!llAL DUBILltV," 'DiSl" VlfALITV," and "IlIlOKIiN-DOWN CONSTITU TIONS," I " challonje the 10th Century" to And Ita equal. Erery bottle Is worth Its vreljhtia' gold, l'rlce, $l.t0 wr bottle. ALSO, DK. S. D. HOWE'S Arabian, Liver Pills. They cleanse the Urer and Kl...a.uh tl.oroughly, remove Constipation; contain no ciloMel nor auy other Injurious lu-j edlent, a ?u act iiulcUlyupoa these organs, will.'.., nioduclnj anylluor weak neis. l'rlce 23 cuu. ,r box. OONSUMP'l'IVES Should nse all tin " 'flwa'ove ilealclpes. &ld by A. J. I). ,tl'C,Oiru-;lst, sole Agent for Lehlghton, Pa. Da. 8. D. H.tWU, S .le Proprletor.'iei Cbamberr Street, New Vork. apr. 11, 16731" Mas. LANS'S C.iln Cur, for Inirowlug JJalla. rpbans' Cotirt Sale- By virtue of an Order of tho Or phans' Court of Carbon County, thero' will be espo.ied at Publio Sale, on tho premises, in tho Borough ot Lehlshton, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, '74, at half-past TWO o'clock P. II., tho following described Heal Estate, late of ELIZABETH MOULTHROP, Decease, viz : All thr-X certain, lot, piece or parcel of Ground, situate, ly ing nnd being in the borough of Le hlghton, Carbon County, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit : Be ginning at a stone, thence by, land of. Lewis Graver south three degrees and one-halt west twenty-flv perches and one-tenth to a stone; thence by land ot. George Esch due east twelve perches and two-tenths to a stone; tbcoco by; land of tho late John Kuntz, deceased, north twenty-nine degrees wast eleven perches to a stone; thence by the same north four and ope-half degrees east nineteen perches and throe-tenths to a corner In the public mad; thence by public road south fifty-rive degrees west' eight perches to tho place of beginning, containing 1 Aero and 23 Perches strict: Measure. The Improvements tbereonaro a one. and-a-HalfStory DWELLING HOUSE, with Basement ; a eood Well of Water, and a number ot Choice Fruit Tices. Terras and Conditions will be made, known at tbe time and placo of sale, by THOS. KEMEBElt, Lehlghton, Sept. Qth, Administrator. AT PRIVATE SALE. The Lelilglitoa '.School J?naril now offer, at Prlvato Sale, the following de scribed valuable REAL ESTATE, be ing a portion of the Publio School Pro perty ot the Borough of Lehlghton, to wit : One Lot and Building, bltuated on the corner ot Ivoit awl Pluo etreots, and bounded, anil tVMirlbeil as ollows: On tho north bylio.i street; wet by a coiuiinm nilef oi'ih by rt lot owned ly Joepli O r r co-i'by Pino street. The lot Is ..ttJU'i .o.ii, by 169 feet Douches la tleiith. ASo, TWO LOTS. N.ufobete 153 and 154, MtualPcrocjPIno sliest In said borough, bounded and; described' as follows : On tho west by i iuosciKtft, suuiu uy jot no. too; eass by West nlloy, and north bv Cedar nk ley. 'saltl lots being each CO feet front by 189 feet 9 Inches In depiV t'lfor terms and further nartlcu. hust op ply to either of the uudernlgued.. juujm . jjijvi, l'roaldent. A. J. DUULING, Secretary.. Du. N. B, REBER, Treasurer Leblglilons.Mox 3w 187.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers