El El JAL • I 1 , 1 full rt. +map taarcarceceoui .=•=m6cetizackawcrttaw2. ~ v lVeatly avui promptly Axedtgett, fit the LE ' ''VBEIT/SEE. OFFICE, LEBANON, PENN'A 'Tips istsblishment is now Supplied with an extensive- Sielinstisient of JOB TYPE, which will be increased as the plitr,onage. demands. It can now turn out PRINTINOid averV description, in a neat and expeditions manner— i-ispdon; .very reaeopable terms. Such as oMphlets, Checks Thisinees' Cards, Handbills, Cfrculars, Labels, . Bill Headings, Blanks. `Programmes, Bills of Fare, ' Invitations, Tickets, &c., age..` ..lir Dlins of all kinds. Common andJudgmontllonDs. Sehool;Jitetintis', Constables' and other BLANKS, 'piinted. enereictlyand neatly on the best paper, coristantly kept -I'...forlitde at this office. at prices "to suit the times." 7 * * Subscription price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER One Dollar and a Half a Year. Address. Wm . . 31.. pawn., Lebanon, Pa. Erin CYRIJS P.:MILLER '0111" needy opposite the Buck . and teto - :dotirs'iioeth fri-Ai Kaminsky's Hardware store. , . . AAA* Ajtrll 6,1864.—1 i. , . RFAViCSVAL. S. T. MicADAM, ME ....AtTbRNEY T , A' - t,. - AW, -,-- oitiiiossis - fill pi le° to lkiiii:kotitieet, hiPOilte inetto to l. batina . Sauk, two doors : ..., Nor , th f , J, Widow: 3; `.the- • , tA fiiiiwiitoi;,24oitli 15; 1 64, - ' ' ,•.`" ' - , _. 1108,SLER 136 -.A.z- ti w,..-- f„,rl,Fllca,ren,y,ea (Iwo be;lapti tstreeti "Ka doOr,. f.z,Y Eiit of rb Leon Tetley tiagit - OVOilto tbo' ;FSu Haut, LeboOon; AE ,;th. :ArAtr ' irrfi r g9lt BOUNTY SAM 'PAY .11.15f lj 14U* , " ' 'TY `IsAItDiIkEtOTCY:: `: 1 L 'li)AttLea: OUTER - A:t itc,g,;* a a .t;te l iftEleif f erslined;'hitring been lleentettiopreseoute. 11.. datum, and' bee ing been engegettics tholiountrnud Patieioq buehltes, offers setriees tg an those who: • et' thereto entitled." in ' seedrdsnee , "-win?. the various tilts ofOingress.• All. ',epe.llshortiht call- tuldrts at; - eta tatiffe,theirtippllitittonS - " • 'T.; ..13ASSLIflt BOER.:: Elattieniyht.:LOw; - F' UFPICE removed toßitosberJand St., one ' - (loth" E h ast • of the 'Leberion yai , ll6 'EMIL &Imola& . giflOnbk hotel, Lebanow„Ra. -Pen; 6, 64.. T. ,wEIDLE, -AT TORN E A T 1., AW . ; . ', o" . ffide Earth' IVest orner Brat& 'and Market Streets; `-` ' e 3Ebek. r. Lemuel*, Noy. iN/RANI' , WEIDMAN, ATTORN AT_ LAW.. :rwrIFLCSI ,in. , Ctuntiberlatl •street, R tow doors east of ILI -the Eagle !latch In the office. late' of hie father Cafit . ., John 'Veidnian,dee'd. ' • • • Le4anoie. Sept. REMOVAL_ SVINLEY . . , AT TOR NEY A T -L AW . . 7 ~. this removed his office to the bnilding,nna door ' one one of Lay¢ermileh'a Store, oppobitailm Washington House Lebanon. re. BOUNTY and PBNSION demi proiortly attended to [April 8,.'63.-3m. JACOB WEIDLE, jr., I.TIFORXL"ir- 7.61 , 11 r, thricE;; nor-Ito/rest corner Market and Water Sta., lJ Lebanon, Ps. Lebanon, January 13, ISP4.—"lssj . Dr. P. a311..40. ACING located in Lebanon, offers . hie profession services to the pubtie. -Mike in Market ...it.. it the building fat nierly occupied by his father. • Li Nation, Der.. 16. Ina. PENSI4I O N, rot. GEO. P. LINEAWEATER, having keen op t,/ pointed, by the Conunissbmer of Pensions, a ' , Washington, Examining snrgoon forPeoSions, is pre _pared to attend to all applieante for reabion at his of nee; in Slarkbt street, next dos or to the Poet Wilco. Lebanon, March 25th, 1863.-6t* Aernov a I lIE enderAgned' hBs mOvcd liis etilee.to Gticrg‘'s . ' , 1 . .. Corner, ( ontra...a , on Walntit oriosite the 'Court llouse,) where he - centantent Its-F.:rta 'saa ;attention to ~Surveying and Sertvening. 44 'always In Ms office on Saturdays, and at all other times un less when called away - by business. lissing lately been appointed a Notary Public, he has authority of take acknowledgments the same as Justices of the Peace. Particular attention given to writing Willa and 'r king out distrifilltions. InAt) lIOFFER. Lebanon. March 23. IS DENTISTItI. "ETAVING returned front Philadelphia I would say It I to the good people of Lebanon and vie lolly. that I have token rooms ut Mae: ILtare's (one door Kitst of Dr, 0.. D. Gloniugres.) where I ern be found at all hours of the day, to wait upon thaw who may Want my "professional Services. Particular attention paid to the treatment and flung of TEEM All operations done in the moat improved and scientific manner. , . • Air-PRICE& as low AB elsewhere for the gains cisme of work, • Chlereforra and Etlyzrridministered to patients when desired. • , • Thankfulfor:p. st failors,l would evticit the patron ; age of . those wishing the services of a Dentist. , • : GEORGE CLARK, D. D. S. Lebanon, Pa, April 27, MI, - ,fflhinfin VV. Iftfellik -. 1 Ditil:BßLY of•Jouestown, 'Lebanon county, would jr respectfully inform his" frlends, and the public, that he has connected himself witb.3ir..tei*sti, In the TOBACCO, SNUFF AND ShIGAIL ifIIBINNBS , N 0.140 North Third street, Phila.., where be will be glad to receive customers, And Wit spli at rates that 'Mayll wi prove 1.363. satisfactory. O. 44' I -1 1.J0.1tKNO Se*ing &ohm" e. The Only Machine capaple of making Moro than One Kind of a Stitch; and the Only_ One having the RE . VKRSIKLK. VEEP. The feed may be reversed at iny point desired, without stooping ,which is a great advantage in fasten . big the ends of Seams. It makes four differebt stitches,leek. knot. double l ock, and double knot ; each stitc perfect and alike • on both aides of the fabric. .There is no other Machine which will do so large a range of work as the "Florence." ' It will Braid, Tuck, Quilt. Cord, Berri, Fell, Bind, Gather, and do all kis& of Stitching required by fam ilies and ildanufatturere. - The most inexperienced Amino difficulty in using it. Every Machine is warranted to give entire tritiefac tiara, and to do all that is claimed for it. ins The Florence must ?massy to beAppreciated. - J. F. MATZ, Agent of Lebanon county, Atniville, Pa. Persons wishing tosee the Machine !damnation can do ao b alling on the Agent at Annville. Annvrilcle,March 9,1864.-3 m. George Illottimans - 'LEBANON COUNTY ----Z-. saell ` TRANSPORTATION LINE. By Lebanon Valley Railroad'. "ratARTICULAR attention will be paid to Goods shims. .ell by the Lebanon .Valley Railroad. Goode will be Bent daily to and froin Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myers • town and Annrille Stations, and all other points in the .;‘, County. '4,,FENKIIITS contracted for at tbeleast possible rates awi'delivered with dispatch. ~The Proprietor will pay particular attention to,'-and attend pereonally, to the receiving and delivery of all Freights. For information, apply at his Office at the Lebanon Valley Railroad DeTsit, Lebanon. EDWARD MARK, his Agent in Philadelphia, Will al ways. be found at S. Bush's Merchant's Note, North ' Third st.; Philadelphia. May 4,'64.'' GEO. UOSTMAN. 4. -.- saauttimurts Lorenzo U. Rohrer, ) IEXT °VW) respectfully infiirm the eiti. orIT V sem' of Lebanon and vicinity, that be has REMOVED his Tailoring exist,. liniment to two doors below Philip 7. n..McCaully,Te Shoe Store, where he will make up the most fen , hionable Clothing. ALL work entrusted to him ;lip; be manufactured in the best manner.on mod eraWtertni.—Vond fits and substantial making guar. anteed. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to him 'bus tar.; he hopes by strict attention to his business tie merit a - continuance of the same. lie cor dially invitee'the public and his old customers to give - biro e call, ' [Lebanon, April, 6, 1864 . Auditor's Notice.- - the :natter of the account.of ItENRY A4ministrator,,to„ of 511011AY.1., 5.l.OYEft, dec'd.: ri ar' undirsigned„ Auditor appointed ,by the Or a ,phanir Court .of Le4mon county, to ruake.dietri butiod Of the balance, in the bands - of HENRY WIT . 141514:adininintrator of 21ICHAEll MOYER, dee'd.; td -and. onnengfheirnarePlegal retafferantfres, win attend - at the Prothonotary's Office, in the Borough of Iseha non, on Thurlday, Me" 23d daysf eketwP:llf4, (4 aterand , where all pinions interested in said distrroution mar attiZcs W.tED if hey ITS , tbink , prtiper., JANB , Auditor. Lebtnon. Moly 25, lan& ..-t,..,.e-b - ..ca. - . - ',ou VOL. 15."--NO. 62. NOT *ALCOHOLIC- ,A HIGHLT CONCENTRATED V 6 g,“ e lE* tr A ,PURIE:TON-10.: 'OOOTORr 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS ~ ii : DPAitED BY I).r. O. M..jILOKSON, Thiind'd Pa.: `NTDI, BF C TITAt t 'GYRE Liver = • - Dy4p . elpsia-,• Jihitandiee: • chrontA,:r Nervtus Debility, , D leassest kiiiii"ys, arid' rise ll diseas it tretn- . d isorliere4 Liver Ar.,..Btci' maebi • Such as,Constipation, Inward Plles,.Fuluess.or Blood Ito tllllsiissl.dgeiditYlnf Mixt- • brim. Disgust thr,,,Food, Fulness or Weight ip.,..th44.1 Sionntrifs. Bar €3lractattonis Sinithcglir , Fluttering at"! the Pit °CAA Stomach, Swimming of the,llead„,kfur.i • 'vied arid-Ddirciiit-XtretritniiiPtiatoirdrig ei -the' Heart, Ohoking . ,9rSuiletating Seneatiprisfwhen W eb s ygtrithcitimnise—oti Vision: 'bete. Ori - beforridite, Sight, Feveritrid.Dull . Petri.. le ; tfiggead, Defictenos ht . Perspirsitlbsi,.Yellevettesitot ;the -* Skin 'and Eyes; Pain'd In the SVC Bach k .Christ,llisribsi&g,i,. bidden Rtitshile..] orilegr, Ifurnltig id "the West!, tonstrint .ofFiyil r asfd..gioat lisepreteitin,of!Spirits., - And ' prtiverit'llitotb'Y - ever, ' Bilious , • or 'Bitcl7 . Whiskey? . kitiagittLetinwths: • - atitye,idieeasei in ninety ntae out, of sohtiOred.. ' . . , Didtteekhy the extensive ant; ,and!• universal. po . laxity Of floofland' istlertriati Dittoo, tiuritlytegbtehle.): Ists.te,of tariartint'Quitalts -arid ,unecyrinulous.adrente-i rem, haYenpined Anion' eulfiridg turmanity the tlood, .gates of tiostrums. Ip , the i shapB.ol. poor :whiskey, vilely comiofuulia'Niithluldriciuirdiug's ! aisdehristined"ron ice, StemaehiWand. Miters. , . • Beware. of the innumerable array of Alcoholic prep- , orations in plethoric bottles; and big bellied kegs, un :der, the modept appellation •of , Bitters t *filch 'instead' . of curing. only aggravate disesleo,.alid Jewry! We Okay. pointed sufferer in •distiair. - HOOP L , • Arrinet a new and untried atticle, but hare stood • the test of fifteen years trial by. the Americau public: and their reputation and sale, arsrmaierfiralled by any similar preparation. The proprietors have thousands! of Lotters from the most eminent . . - CLEIIOY3IEN. LAWYERS, PSiYS[CIANS. and CITIZENS, • Tezntifying of their own personal " know letlgo, to the beneficial effects and medl4l,virtuip3 of thilte Bittorw. 1)0 YOU WANT SIM ETIIINO TOI/TRIENOTBENYOU? DO YOU WANT A 000 D APPETITE .I DO YOU WANT TO V.PYO UR CONSTITUTION! DO-YOU "WANT. TO FEEL WELL ? DO YOU WANT To GET RID OF NUSSI DO YOUIVANT ENERGY!. DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WELL! • . . DO LOU WANT A BRISK ANDTIGOROUS FEELING? If you de, use HOOFLAND'S GERIIEN BITTERS. From .14-v. J. Allston Brourn,,p. Editorof the En• cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pat era:Medicines in general,through distrust of their In gredients and effects ; I yet know of no sufficient rea 'sons why a man may not testify to the benefits ho :be lieves himself to have received from any simple prep aration, in tho hope that he may thus contribute tothe benefit of oth era. Ido this the There readily in tegard to frooMaLl'A German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, ofthir, city, because 1 wax prejudiced against them for many years, under Ihe impreSeintl that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend Rob ert Shoemaker, Esq., for the reinoval of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to t•y them, whorl eutferinofrom great . and long continued debili ty, Vhn" tge threm pottleg of "heeeiditters, at the be ginning at the'present Year, was -V.:lowed by evident relief, anti restoration-t0._&,.tkifkg , .. , ...,01-1-*lrtn...;.-0- , , , ,,, m a vicitatrao - gßi4,gaLar.frArAtariabgagri thank Goa and my 'nand for du-eflaug me to tit' use of them N.E.trrON PhILAVA., Jelcr, 23 1561. Parlicnlar• Notice. There are twiny preparations sold under the name of Bitters, put up in quart bottles, compounded of the cheapest whiskey or common rum, costing from, 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or, Cori:tad::: Seed. This class of Bitters has caused and will continuo to C 151.19 4, as long as they can be sold, huodreds to die the death of the drunkard. , By their use the system is kept continually under the influence of Alcoholic Stint. Ideate o ftbe worstkind, the desire for Liquor is crea ted and kept up, arid the result is all the horrors at tendant upon a drunkard's life and death. For those who desire and-tefit hail. a Liquor Bitters, we publish the following-receipt. Got One B.oftte, kloof /an 's Germa Bitters and mix With Three Quarts of Good Brandy or Whiskey. anti the result ;Will be a prep aration that, will far execl in medicinal v'Sr;lues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, .and east much less. You will have all the virtues of ITortliand's Bitters in connection with I). good article of - Liquor, at a much lees .price than these inferior preiniristiOns will cast: you. AtteatiOl' Soldiers! • AND TILE,FRONDS, OF SOLDIERS_ We call . the attention. of all having relations and friends in the army. to. the fact that -`,BOOFLAND'S German Bitters" wilt, care nine tenths of the diseaees induced by exposures and ptivatione incident to camp life. In the lists, published altheet daily in the news papers, on the titirlettl of the s'ek,. it will be-noticed that a very-large proportioe, are suffering from debili ty. Every cave Of that kind ette be readily Cured by lioonantrs. DerMian Bitters; Diseeees iseultius from disorders of theAligestive orgit us are speedily removed. We have no bettitation in eta thin that. if theee Bitters were frelly used among out 'soldiers, hundredsof lives might be saved that ottlerwiee Will he lost. , We call part-kit* ,attention., to the fol !Owing re merkable, mid well authentioued cure of one of the nation's, bernes, whose life, to use his own language, has been saved by the Bitters PIIILADSL,PnIIy August 23rd. 1862. liras ? , Jones & E s ai t e..—Well, gentlemen, your Hoof laud's Berman Bitter's has saved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my comrades, some ofwhose name are appended, and who were fully_ tognizant,of ail the circumstances of my case I am, and haie been for the last four years, a member of Sherman7B celebrated battery, aud under the immediate coettuend of Captain It. B. A3res Through th exosure attendant upon my arduous du , lee, I was attacked in November last with intlemmation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hos pital. This was followed by great debility, heighten ml by an attack of dysentery. I wee then removed from the White House, and sent to this city on board she Steamer '-State of Maine," front which I landed. on the 28th of June. Since that time I have been a bout as low as any one could be and HOB retain a spark of vitalaty. For a week or more I was scarcely able to wallow anything, nod if I did force a morsel down, it I was immediately thrown up again. 1 could not even keep a glass of water on my stom ach . Life could not last nuder these circumstances; and, accordingly, the physicians who had beeh work iug faithfully, though unsuccessfully, to rescue me front the grasp of the dead Archer, frankly told me they could do no more for me; and advised 1n73 to see a clergyman, and to make such disposition of my limi ted hinds as hest suited me. An acquaintauce who visited me at the hospital, Mr. 'Frederick Steinbron, Sixth below Aich Streit, advised me, as s forlorn hope, to try iour Bitters, and kindly procured a bot h). From the time I conimeheed taking them the *leanly shadow . of death.receded, and I am now, thank tied for it, getting better, Though I hues bet taken two bOttles. 1 have gained ten pounds, and I feel san guine of being permitted torejuin my wife and dangle ter, from whom I have beard,nothlng for 1.5 months: for,,gentatteme, I am a loyal yfrgWatt, from the vicin ity of Front 'Royal. 'layout' inveleuble Bitters I owe the eertiintytif life Which has taken the place of vague fears—to your Bitters will Lowe the glorious privilege of again clasping to my bosons thoti'e wile are dearest to sue in life. Very truly yours, ISAAC MALONE. We fully cancer in the truth of the above statement, as we had despaired of seeing our comrade, Me. Malone, restored.to health: JOAN CIIDDLEBACK, Ist New York Battery. HORDE 'A ACKLEY,. Co C 11th Mahn.. LEWIS . CHEVALIER, 523 New York. L E. SPENCER, let Artillery, Battery F. tFASEWELL, Co B3d Vermont. - - HENRY if JEROME, Co B. do. HENRY 1! MACDONALD, Co C 6th Maine. JOHN ,- F WARD, Co E 6th Maine. HERMAN KOCII, Co II 72d New York. NATUANIEL B TtlOblAS, Co F 05th. Penn; A NDREW J KIMBALL, Co - A :Vermont. JOBE JENKINS, Co B 106th Penn. - Beware 'of Counterfeits- 1 See that this signature 'cif "C. 31:.'JACKSON,"• lo.eo the WRAPPER of each bottle. PRICE PER BOTTLE t 5 'CENTS, Ott HALF DOZ. FOR 90. . . • Should your interest druggist not have tiearSalei, dO not be put off by any of the .intoxlcating prepar* , Cone that may be offered Mita - OWe, tidy send to us, 'tad we will forward- setterelyrked, 034 43 0 - es PRINCIPAL OFFICE AN m.A.RUyt. ORY, . NO. 13,31•A11ea ST, 45011 4 e5,& JEVans. osucooellor, to C. M. JacEstiki . . Proprzetort. • - Jar Ica B ALE by t05:..020, ROM'S oppiiiitiithi3tmiri Howe issavoir, Diudiatevand Nalersiit *my town intbe tlnittd toter. May 27, 180.-17. , I shirt; Was lima;fieee minutes metamore .phosed inteeettee,firie %gentleman, as far as Appear:Awe was concerned, as had walked theqetreeta: of ' , that nee tropolisifore4Atf, aedaye, .1 1 ,h,e • bill at this ~plap_ei 'Ai; atiothees e wasi paid by tligniady.ro ,1 1 4- , "Ma lt y of them, si g h for their o ld sarritu4."—flteport D i ti on .s 3 i sitia t zoin e sewag e ebeenientee. u t was now- com .• • ; heet e e e n ee . • pleteel Efieppettherlleuevewhatto sad:". Needy ContrOanttliiwbittlii dye you koiiii,•- or..thinkertfeetilee•Jedy_..:w,ae, ,weee . hough?. btyour.roltd. yanwhoo es out of *des, ' ' ber:inielitiOlifiiZe,ile Ould' nee eiren , Xl'or- . 0 " P'lltme , P.,9 , Mi:4°4 ir Sr.K"ral? ;, tturin,idgm,,lf ea ' ' ire asked for an eee.. :e . , . s er*e i nti ; R. 1 ,.,°10'1 c =, ~,. „ ~, ,platiltaknOpiotiltOisted,•upoßepe i bat ', lyloar,sClart tniba t id f ,do yo r t m k t hs VI them —. the only answerhe received '' `lll4,:th; erOtid, bouthitios coifing In thiiliiion- was , ..,,e e t ee er ~;I, - .., , ,e eie. ;:, ii 'I :i - ,ti C :ECtihrkr* 4 l /WI b 4 :/ 1 0,t ialarfeled•—. tiefeigeittto lailt4 *Dili iiittogieg 114-tiploidqr, it o wilhbeAtlES4lllod,htereafter tO„your' . • I .; elele•Afjeee e , .; ' eil T.. ..: "- e • 11. ", . e etuitiiteisettief444-" ee i : .._ .; e e • • ' ; els; e z MNt ne i'f're4 9 4 4 . , .., t'i F... . /; , •CteeithilegieiteitiOff , wak obliged , to. 04; Y i ee , teseiese estefereeleK3 tell:me:ie. • • ' : iaeletioesiderretilliee4eeettexteefee -fled ralelee ...140,tos i tfddho.sotnoos of froodom 1 . 'di dlibtitiese'ett Vuteirrin t litiiii#;--V-' '-' 1 i " dene Voltlio kiati tfkAettlid ilaVt )0.44.0 ; • t ie. • J letseet eilateercoeseeteri el.. .` Ti 1 ;Elftheetefettisoo* veil? to ae m le no ore' Nave , e 01011) . 40 • 1108tgii* to f 4 1,L1 . ;16, 7 , .. ,: ' .14 11 e 46 +. 118 i . 40 4 4 6 feelePlY with all her' , Ilisq;sok to' g htotog pg, &mad witit kkshos,: ~. le e refilteSre VW; 164 ,/ 1-4 .- "Pr. ,e § eatl 7. heitseg t, em,liaieeceileeke ybit4ailtliet,larr ~ , , '*. 1.11143 09 . ' h fink) R. 14,figiqrate ;i, - , •-; NYP'll"l,°2ojiliMCl . ' . I. " , 411trAPeciAilik revliestetfihet min - 1 la:mops of compitsalon btoSition,l*o4.lldst I.• -. , isbet. ,c - the a t ti.. , iiiii teller and % her t XtPad.il toapp,iß,l9stiireAtl L ,fe#4l.9Firi ...,1.9 :: ' -,'compalniftit , 944l„ l)ii , ectels•of mat Oleo-1 °7V l4 er"4l,til ViV a ir s l:4::. r ~': ' I;ny I: Ttgis 1 444f$Petlakg Of ajdam . Per ' ,•;•t , : -; ~„ L .1..0,1 n / .;, n . tlto.. Tudor, but, _ ertheless, he tamely' a; i. IX Cr! 'l.9.*l P 4Tifg a tr. ;.. • !,,; '1) , ;yielded. ;,t 144 4 ' ' PnV 6 43 r , , WAS soon 1 . 1 4Tnti!:;tv!:'b7. , - 0 "31*-°,11!•meslael;-•ln°wen°- •c.ommeneediltror et ta iVey seconds horrors, ' ',.., , they Pao no hook to sbow,nor lily white ohildrim, were Pre•9403 1 4. egAle. feiNee were I ,e,, T ee l but,i t iodly-troate4i tioffn ia l the,rivi ! r,, , :With.Olkt A-M*lX" i't - word, or even (~ ~ 4,1 7 ee tieseei3ea l t : s!p . ,,,te ' *. : exe e eteg 4 gl o 4l44 l aeie ee e ll e 4 le - ce - ife reeenj'oomei,sur eapit k ioa s , s l.psaing,pu hors.o r t;aok now . leet t elefeseegiftfrsite s e office, but Soattoriog : the ;wkite:folli, driiing, the niggers not, howevAr Zil • she. had given In etbie flock te'gottier, 'in * , fromPtheir'enbine, , ' -.. ' * lx-I,* V "-- ' .:. = ,-F o l g tl ea ' s , and honi d o ,, , I him a ,eay,eres3g _or lie services.--- . The couple, pe444.1. through many streets,,ie silenceiTudor hardly k:now- - ing whet he wt dieing or what lie had clone, and eqtainly, ignerant •of where, be was,geepg, Or what awaited him; Find of the *oughts that owl: pied:his wife'e teired e the reader will soon be able to „budge, for himself.— Tm'ning the corner era street, Tudor beheld : a few roc , in front of him, a splendid dwelling, towierd which his wife seemed to direct her footsteps as well as his Oevree and into the front door of which ; they anon .entered. I The room intoe t which, Tudor was "i ushered-by his wife, was furnished in) a style of the:gr e atest 'magnificence. She got him to ethir, 'telling him to make himself haitentect for a minute or two, and ellen passed into another room. The first one 'herb to, address her, Was her uncle, w4O, on seeing her en ter the room jumped ":in astonishment from his ,chair, and calling her by name, demanded how she had escaped from her room. i end. where she had been. Her onlYaniever was—, "Thou fiend iii human shape ; I al , .• loiv.xeneesiatoile.„ionet, to r 4._eato-v-ereetr. tgegee,„eeem tele/l c :se'l.lTeakeeual have long deprive I l irleeetf, abet - vainly thought you had fide arrangements by which you eoul deprive me of it I through life ; bat I have frustrated your wicked desh e—l am now mis- I tress of my own h use, I was this mo ment merriceleanr my husband is in the front room I" I must now lea e the newly-mar ried, fora . sh6it ti e 'for the purpose of reverting to the revious history of' Mrs. Tudor. She vas the only child of a very wealthy entleman, *hob I shall designate rs Mr. A not recollecting his rieefal name, and for the same reason, shall give to his daughter the uan of Eliza. He had sparea neither I. e nen eeepense in the education of h datighter, she be ing the objee of his care and re- I "only gard, his wife basing died when she was quite young, a , pd before his death, 1 which took place hen she Was four or fifteen meths of ape, be had the satisfaction cf,witnessing, in her one of the most beautiful and eceom plished yen - mg ladies in London. A short time previeus to his death, an arrant - spent , was entered into be t Ween Mi. A— and a brother of his IT which his dwelling house, Ilis eervants, horses, carriages, and such other property as had not been depos ited in the bank for the benefit:ofe'his daughter, till the Itime of her Mar riage, when the phssession of them was to be given tie - i•to her husband.— It was also a condition of thearrange ment„ that in case Eliza diefl 'without marryi rig,..the property Was - 't....) go to he,r unele`hud his family. A. ithined h if i t s te b ly r - o a t f h t; r ? in e o il l e , e a d tl i i n o t f l o li. his ‘ dwelling; Eliza boarded in his family ; and everything went on agreeably for some months, \Olen Eliza discov ered in her uncle and his family the 1 mauifestations that she should never marry—the reasons for which, from what has already been said, must he obvious to every reader. Unluckily for Eliza she did not diecover the dia bolical plot in, season to frustrate it in its bud.. It was nothing less than this : to shut her up in one of the cen tre rooms, in the third story of the house ; to prevent her from leaVing it, by keeping the doors and windows thoroughly bolted, and to rape the company of her 'asseciates, by telling them when they, called that she was away at school, or was at one of the ehops on biisinesii 3 Or tad just step ped out to see a fricied, or had taken a vide - into the country - for her health and to see, some other relations ; or by telling them something else equal ly destitute of truth: , . Eliza generally received her meals through a small doOr in the ceiling, ti f o r o o ni m evi ' hyo tle i lce i e a r n e el• r e i e tc h o e r e i i t e f r e t e y l iftlrgo froth, tier a nd i disinal prison house, were no m ore effectual than they would ,heye 'had they been directed to the . ~ ~ :idle wind- . • Three years was tips unforteeete ;girl. _thus shut , °lit from all com mu:pi ;eateon- with the w*orld, vilseqenie !mien i,ng her;ses letY breakfast :was carried i, „to her iby an.s44,o,lole i servane of t Ic;r father- - Eliza once 1 n;i1 1 4 IPOY,eiii?f: ,i,Pulani*grPsit'irtoPtiledlilitted.V''u'itt'soeinsPatseti, Instrg. TEE ABOLITIONIST .AND, THE CO,NTRA AND. , )?intarr : h inh ... t etare, pugun re it.a ou 118 Find children, the feeble and aged', What do we veur4 with your tectures , tkfrupdem, *With Suttue?.3 Situeohes ; :What-do vre , want &id] -Uncle rioneeinthin, ,aindati now 'the Bark s .:-- the cabin we'd gladly have,) Or strong 7 tuinded ladies to teach - us in_ politios t Give its potatoes Giee.ue po taioes, or Jot us . gp baok again To the, old master, here atileest wet:l'4,d victuals' And triers W er° if we worked, we at least wei - e4 not To be shot in the battle AAOLIT/ONIST. Give you potatoes 2 . and not read you Suf.:tiler rii ; Wretch, who no sense of wrongs can rouse to vengeance, ' Sordid, unfeeling, :reprobate, degraded, Spiritless oitcost [Here the Abolitionist ()ramp. Contrahand to be torn front his wife and c'hildren, and '"con scripted," Wife and children are loft behind to atarvel i~r~~~~~~~~t~~: A HASTY MARRIAGE. §/ 1 1/ . 7V - ago , a Vesseltrent nust.ol, one of the wharves in I.ondon. Am - ong the hands onboard, was one by the name of Tuddr,, a steady, re spectable and well looking young Man, who acted' in - the capacity of both cooper and sailor. Very early one morning, and before any other land than Tudor had come on deck. a young, heal - Willi', and . tolerable Welt dressed female came tripping down to the N'essel, and inquired •of Tudor for the Captain. She Was told that. he had, not yet arose, but she insisted on Seeing, him without delay, and with. Tudor's permission proceeded wnaceothparded to his berth,' arousing hiM, addressed hifn - with- • "Good morning Captain; I have called to see if you will marry me." "Marry you I" replied the astonish ed 'Captain, supposing her to be of„a suspiemus,character, "leave lily ves sel instantly if yeu knoW what is for your interest I" . She then went to the mate's berth , anda.Sked hiM if he would marry her, and receiving an answer similar to the Captain's, she went, deck, Where Tudor was engaged some business, and put the same qOOSCion to All My heart," answered Tu dor in half serious and half jocular manlier. "110,11 she said, "corne with Me." Tudor left his "work and.. followed I her, with motives which he afterwards declared he could never satisfactorily account for even to himself. By the time they bad reached the . liriocipal streets of the city, many of the - Shops had becu opened. The lady entered a barber's Aop, followed by Tudor, bee.koned him to be seated, and order ed the knight of the razor to take off his beard and bair, both of which op erations he had unquestionably stood in great need of. She Rioted the bill ,! and they left the shop, but soon en tered a hat store. She requested that the best lot of beavers in the store might be placed apon the Coun ter' and then told Tudor to - select such an one as suited hiM. Ile soon did thiS, the price was paid by the la ' dy. Tudor threw aside his old tar paulin and left the store in company with the lady,, in a beaver that would not have disgraced His Majesty, the King himself. •They next visited a shoe store, where Tudor was not long in selecting a pair of -bootk nor the lady inpaying for them. 'Tuder by this time Was puzzled to divine the object the lady had in view, I and it must be iteknowledged•he'Was, apprehensiVO it was not right. • But fully aware he had committed no crime to-Make him= dread the face of any mortal, and wishing to see. the end of the farce which he , eensidered bad thea: fairly commenced;. he was determined to press forward,:prepar :ed for the worst; trusting; everything to his guid&and cotinpanion. licited from the lady an , 'ed.planation *of :her designs, knitosbe told:him. to silent ;_and ask i no iii*EltiettiSi and ift. Mediately the .way,inf t o a clething Ater.,.,14(10 *Ai lor ;:o'idoe;: TuAr: WO.:told, k 5 olfictigl9l*P suit 0PT , 97 ,#!#,tf rWith4riVAPPAd# l g.sl 64l ! ing. And the sailor in his dons tardanbed pantaloons and checkered LEBANON, PA. WEXINESDAY, JUNE 22, 1864. Min MN :tbuctliscr. i several times to Speak, but was in El- I We' to. - Juan' well understood the mean i ogofthese Incoheren tsobbings, ;and said, herself' almost unable to 'epeak from emotion--"Efush, hush, - Mies 'Eliza ; , speak not ; I understand fill ! Youl• tyrant aunt was taken suddenly ill last night; and the dod- I for says it is doubtful whether she (long surviveS. . I will see you again 1 "at noon, and at evening. SOme of your . old ' servants have been' - tong ",planning mean's of <your ,escape and are nbw in hOpes of effectingit ;'and. Without waiting for',Eliza's ,thanks and 'blessings tripped dbwn stairs. Eliza though for some time unable 7tO 'partake Of trersimple repast did so .itt linif,with:a *better zeal than she 'had:,evkr dont, before.'.. Her old'ser 'vants 'We're all -itbint'the' %base - and [ . `irtrw. bent upon 'herescape I Afost.wel-. come, i3obj,ihspiringeintelligeneel ” :-- "What r said she to herself, " is it 1 possible that 1 ern to be delivered I from thiS vile Vane of . confinement 1' Is it' possible that ill'eonnected with • this establishment—my own °Stab. I ish men L--donot:Posseas hearts of ad arnant ? ,God speed thee; Jtian, and,. thy associates, in thework of love and" mercy 1 . : ' • ft'is un'neeesdary to detail the van ut_ia of the scheme for Eliza's escapc, and the- several interviews held 'be tween her and Juan for the tbreedays that she supplied Eliza *hillier meals. 'Suffice it to say, that on the fourth day after the abote interview, Eliza was furnished with an instiuinent to unbar her window, and was promised a rope ladder the following evening, ,to effect her descent frotn one of the window's in the adjoining room'; but having loniened the bars of her win dow the same evening the instrument for that• purpose was put, into her hands, she determined not to wait un tit the following evening lest, the . plot of the servants might be discovered by her 'uncle, or . by some of his chil dren ; and she accordingly wentlo werk, making a ropn(if such it• may be called,) from her bed clothes, by tearing them into strips and tying the ends together. After a few hours labor she completed her rope, but fearing it might not be strong enough to support her, it was so Me Ai me be-_! fore she dared to attempt a descent. •But preferring death to a longer con finement, and fearing she might be dateeted, she resolved to make the attempt, and resigning her fate into the hands of .flitn who, is the orphan's friend. She did make the attempt arid'wa - 71) - PrIfb - opt;t:e.CE:Y 17 01 13 , _. ti4lB6s l . n Take," she had been confined by her own uncle, and once • more breathed the pure air of freedom. This was about daylight. Shelinmediately bent her steps.toward the wharf where the Boston - vessel lay ; and from that pe riod in her life till she ushered her htisband into her own'houSethe'read er has already had an account of. .Thus the horrorstricken and 'Sur prised uncle stood in mute 'astonish ment for some moments, ~,,after. . beitg informed by Eliza, Of her marriage.' She again repeated the command, "heave my house in an hen'', thou monster 1" and then returned to her husband, where-the promised explan ation was made.. The'amazement of Tudor, and the. transports of his wife, at this sudden pliange.le her fortunes and condition, may possibly be con ceived; but they .catinet certainly be expresSed. Being incompetent to the task, I will net attempt to de scribe the scenes that followed—the embraces,of the happy couple and the kisses exchanged--L-theloy of the faithful servants at seeing their young mistress once more set at liberty— the chagrin, -mortification and dis comfiture of the inhuman uncle and his family---=the congratulations of old friends and acquaintances--the parties that were given by Ars.Tuder, as well as thoSe attended, to by her husband--their many pleasant rides into the eountry,'&e. One pleasant morning, ,some four or five 'days after. the Marriage, the attention.of th© officers andhandebe lOnging to the Boston vessel. was di rected to a splendid carriage drawn. by two cream colored horsca,, ; richly comparisonecl, which was approach in g the wharf, and in a few moments halted immediately in Trout of the vessel. The driver diemounted from the box, and let down the steps of the carriage ; and a 'gentleman gorgeous ly dressed stepped alit, and, assisted a lady with 'corresponding ments to alight.; they then stepped on board the vessel, when the gentle ' Man asked the Captain i'vhere ho was from, how many days he i:vas perform ipg the voyage, when be intended to 'return, the amount of fare for paesen gess, and other questions eta like na ture, and receiving appropriate an eiVerti to the same, asked leave to ex amine the cabins and other accommo dations of the vessel, (all the while a voiding, as far as possible the Cap tain;) which were very courteously shown him. Ile'then observed that be and, his lady had some thmights of soon starting for America;an'd if they eonclnded to do so, assured the Cap tain they would take passage with him. 'They then left 'the cabin,' but, before leaving the vessel,the' gentle rnari karned to the'Ofiptain and said : • (calling him by name before leaving yotir vessel; per. mit me to make you acquainted with M.is.Tudr . o 1" It was not till :this moment that the'C,iptain and thoS6 'ar6tind ' reeognized in the 'elegantly • dressed Aentiemati, thniiold . ftlenikand -4 cons.- supposing 8460:04)rn.ixf0.0. *00..1 "Opt - ipkgi bi(a)lo* • tetra% thecreadar tOjtaagig)bribiJC6ii , WHOLE NO. 782 giatulationa that now followed, and the healthErthat were drank. The, remainder of my -imperfect sketch is soon, told. Tudor distribu ted:the wages coming to, him among his'did astfoeiatew---bade them good I by.,.mit`ribty however,. antil - he had, exacted.a promise from,. the Captain And,.his crew, to eall„as often as conve „nient• upon him, before sailing—left” the iessel,britited his carriage, and was driven to`bis own door. - • ,•! . .1 1 adorrand his wi fe lived through life opal- ttiesroost tunicable:, terhaS, and were klessed• with . prosperit,y,,and• an obedient and respected circle of chil dren. Soine yearS after - his marriage, he returned, sccompanied by his wife,.' to his native sikce; Boston, where he heilt - two 'wharves that hear his:fiame'ttsi: API'S day.l'-They- s4l;er.- 4,tirda.:,retnrrred; London; „wihere 'they, dix4,p.s.;the3 • bad „since their Urlio,l3 ,horiored•and.resPected.by' all:who enjoyed their acquaintance.= ''.t.T . ;tifii . 6 - I.' - , -. .f --- :: 'AN UNDELIVERED _PRESIDENTIAL IVIES : SAGE -- THE STATE OF THE NATION. THE 1.)/tESIDEN'ffilltSSACi. ' Fellow.:Citizent of the Senate and House: in conformity with": the "Chicago ;platform," I mow - - before your "honorable bodies'l an •annual -state ment of the condition'of She 'country, together with 'such suggest:louses are •deemed important for your considera tionat your - presentsession. The re lations of the United States with-for eign nations aroon the most "friendly footing," with the eiecption of the Southern Confederacy, England, Mexico, Russia, Austria, Spain, Hayti, and—the Copperheads. Hayti in particular, seems to he'regardless of her treaty stipulations. When the "war. fdr the Union" was,first hatch ed into its proper proportions, the president of that intents:llV repub. lie, by a solemn treaty, : agreed to re ceive and colonize all persons of Afri• can descent who. - might fall Fietitim to the irrepressible conflict through "Military necessity." Accordingly I despatched .two vessel 104 - ds of`lreed- I .men ' to that country,- each as had been captured in, the. District Of Co lumbia, with theL"desire" that they he received and cared for, - :as the first instalments of a series• Of accessions to their superior race. This. desire was fairly scouted, and 1 was inform ed by "the GOverment" there; that fi r d Cuban plant e rs. 1 .- W 7 ould'eern 41;4 recommend such action in the case as your, wisdom shall deem proper. I, at the time, issued a :"proclemation" to that Goverment, hut there being 1,100 miles of "herring pond" be trween us, and they knowing little or nothing of my military sagacity, took it fair shot-gun wadding. Our financial condition continues in a very fevoeible plight. Since the last adjoiirnment of Congress, S. P. Chase has issued seven thousand million's of tons of paper currency, to be soon followed by six thousand five hundred and, eighty-four quarter sec tions of. $O,OOO bonds.. This, with the eighteen hundred tiAllions of sore shin currency, and the "internal reve nue," will be sufficient to carry on the present year, provided can succeed in keeping Gen. Simon Cam eron out of the. Tre.a.sUrf and the rebels lay down their arms.— But as the "best laid schemes of men and mice gang aft agle ;" or, as my expectations in this respect may not be realized, I Would - recommend the passage of an act authorizing me (in case the necessity arise) to set afloat a few .thousand inillione during the recess of Congress. .fellow-citizens, there is a dreadful rebtalion..existingl and we should shape oar policy to meet it. I have done all my means would warrant me in doing to crush it out. Six hundred and thirty proc lamations,- four hundred and thirteen bulls, and nineteen edicts, have 1 is sued in vain. I would therefore re commend an increase of the army to Tiroeecnte the war against armed tree ' son with greater vigor than hereto : - It, is.thou,ubt by the Secretary of War, whose report is herewith transmitted, that. eighteen hundred thoivand men, between the ages of thirty-five and thirty-six, together with all the women in Massachusetts, should be enlisted for forty-five years or during the war, to render the ar my of the Potomac effective - . In addition to this, I would suggest the propriety of enlisting the balance of the population. fs*.r a like period, which, together with the entireimpn lalion of the Chinese Empire, would form the nucleus of.an army, around which the rest, of manYiind *ould ral ly, and secure Washington from de molition, by, the rebels, and. insure the November elections in favor of the loyal candidates; besides it would serve a better purpose 8 011,, bycheCk ing the audacity of the copperheads. The operations of the navy,. al though'etlicient in some cases, isfar from being satisfactory , 1 would re eommend the purchase and arming of all the cape Cod fishing craft, for harbor defence, and the immediate construction of fifteen thousand iron clads "rams," of twenty-five thougand tons each, encased with at least six teen feet in thickness of wroughtitron, to protect New England interests at the mackerel.fishery from : the awful Obi:delight 'of the Alabama. Capt. Seethes, "the d—d rascal," having in jured New England epirirnetee hen-, - deeds of by - , do in sane., `ba`'rrerdiitt'ed to repeat hiscloO ridn ttsi~i~ o'p`en that pious psalm singlet @tot( .roar-, . C:tti 1 gtaitiviiiii: A FAMILY PAPER FORTOWN AND COUNTRY. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLT M. *t.MitiLlNt .24 Story of Purnya New EnWing, Cumberland Si At One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Year. air Amiernstsmen inserted at the owned rem. "PS 46irliANDBILLS Printed it-an boon make. RATES OF POSTAGE. In Lebanon County, postage free • In Pennsylvania, out of Lebanon county .. 6 rents pa quarter, or 21) Ceuta a year : • Out of. this State, 634 cts. per quarter, or 26 ets. a year it the postage It not paid in advance, rates are doubt.. atime force., it is thought that the cod-fish interests of the conev might be sufficiently profected. • They-,de mand, and should have ampi's Atm tection. With their fearful sacrifice of life andfirmy blankets, 'the 'Eifel of tha rebellionlas beengreutly circum scribed. We have-succetded,:beyenii all hope thus far in our .effortik t tp erinill tint treason, having CotiAtitted all rebellious territiiiy. but about "75, .000 square miles,: and of the text mil lions- of traitors, all' are 'Conquered and have -ta k eri the oithi -.tient" 0,, 768,020. have telt eti - threelaubds of colors, one hundred Milskets*,;na two barrels of leans. .0f: .the ,four millions of “col ! . :')red geni;ii f .' my pro - era:nation 'of Jahtfary 14,',ftied all but 3 1 920,600. all. evidences Of °tit ability to l overthreW the rebel, igoveintEMnt, we.ehould take frcsh..couragc, And Divine PioVidence swift ei7iilo.itpon us "as on a' I.3aket of chips:" I - cannot close this ebtarminication ;With:Oat calling your attention ;to theqoyia gentlemen of African seen.t: laving :enlisted so generaily,in , the ~Uniou 'arniy, it is but just _to p?crilde -for their &millet. woad reeiMitirittal the passage of a laW altthorizing the Secretary of the Tien:wry to pay,to each volunteer wlen;.iitattered' theutinfof sevettieen thoneatid&ollitit, and also. granting a pension to lair vsvors after the war of $175,000, and three sugar plantations: to, fie*. of families;---andjacket '1 a red 4: etifch child. This would greatly swell . that arm of the service_ known -as the Corps:d Afrique, or flaming giants.-- Each officer in that brariCh of the stir vice, should also be Terinitted to .Se lect a residence in the City of Charles ton, S. C. Our supeziers thing else, they - should be per pitted to share in the glory, honor,_ prata, eulogy and fame, in wait for those en gaged in the cause of God and-haroan ity, after the 'irrepressible corifikt" shall have abated, arid - the Vhstilitiss subsided It is thought highly 'proper that some rule should be etstablished regu lating "miscegenation." .No Cauca*. ion should be permitted to hake more than thirteen colored concubines—or, in the aggregate, more thari 8,800.1 be of concubine, else There hikh,t not: be enough to_ "goround." • _The advo eates of that, inviting theory are ex:- eeeding anxious for the - protection - of law against the old harbarous hi* cenfining a "micegen =to • 6itu,iihite wife ; a law wholly at war with the higher _first enunciated by . our 'Worthy Secretary of State. I*ould of Congress ; especially tffitt - trancti running through lowa, under the se pprintendence of Hon...T. B. GririMel. There had paged over this brat:lel/ l a the road, at the breaking :..out, of .the rebellion—" John Brown ' Prdvisionl President of the United States," 872 StOlenniggers 280 hOrses,...7, mules, begides otherfieight,:in_fillatnamtiag to 8880,009. The itlipt!terfee `iff_eas. appropriation of a liberal sum, tgity two millions of dollars,. for repaint, will readily ,s,uggest.,.itself te You,and secure a permanende thereelyt6t Jike ly.to be effected by individual.e4tei prise: "Speaking oP.Tohn Brown i.e . - minds me of an anecdote," which-I defer to another times ABRAHAM frirNxsiciN., Done at Washington, this 'lst day of Dee. Ann 0,1864. LATEST NEWS Of the cheap:A and Rest Goods EVER SOLD IN LEBANO4 4 II v- 5... ...:, -- 151 Boots Shoes Hats ps, &e ,s _ %HIE undersigned lies opened one of the BEST AS. j. SORTHENTS of • • - . giss,CAPS,BOGTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, at TRA7BLING BAOSobc., of all kinds,- and of the beat materials, which he will sell at prices to recommend them to perdue. sere. Of the HATS he bes quite a variety of New Styles, embracing the Washington, Stanton, Burnside, Dupont, McClellan, Stringham and - Monitor:Hat, very beautiful and very sheep. -Of DATE herhass complete assortment of all the Nsw Styles, got up- in „superior manner. with line finish; Women's Misses' stild-Chi.l. dren's Balmorels, Gaiters, Congress Boots, Slippers, and all other kinde;-'llleu'a and. Boys'ltelmonslii. Ox. ford- Ties, Washington Ties, Congress Boats . iiia ill other kinds worn by them, including BOOTS and 811055, of the different varieties, at his cbeaStore I u Walnut St!, next to the County Prison.. toy- Thankful for the liberal encouragement of tie public heretofore, I would invite an wishing anything in my line to. tall and examine myetock before roaring their purchases. . .. , .166. BOWMAN. Lebanon, May -I, mow, ...,.. -.. , --_,-, ~ P. Si---Measures taken and work made at short notice. JOHN DILLER rrnet received:At 'Grocery Storei Onat 11. A lsiand St., one door west-of Market; lotni Fresh Fruit In Gass. including Seethes, Gages, Green Gone, Tomatoes, Jetties. Pickles. riezoom, CaediSoirer, Ketchup, pepper Sanas: . Cheese. . Stiglieta, Limbergei . , Sap-Sane. F1Bh• Sardine, Salmon, :Mackerel, Herring, Cosiest. Fruit. Raisins . Corrents, Prnnes, Dried • ,Applee ind Nadia: Cianbirriss, •Applea, Hominy, Tapioca, : - Barley, Pane, ac, , A lot of linclialicat Meal.- Also SO barrels ofNew York Apples. yikik,, Highest price given in CASII.for Eggs, Buttes Dried Apples and Peaches, Beans, Ordoas, ke.• rubl is patronage is solicited. 30111 f DILLER.. Lebanon, Dec. 23,1863: . .- _ AMERICAN HOUSE. _ Atot - ket Street s lebiztion I JOHN • IVIA.TTIEES - Proprietor.. TSB proprietor of this' eM established &aligns at lIOTEL would respectfully. inform therblie duet it will be conducterat all tiros to the • mfort amid convenience of the guests. It hate ham thomoOly:re , fitted and . renovate@ • and-no patnowill be gored to make the Table and the Bar, at ell times, Istuialo as In the county. • - - - ~ s f The STABLING and Yard are superior too ono extensive, Mon any. other in Lebanon. Thew_ - le also in the course of erection, ,which will be co plated in a short time. The •Petrenalkssotthe rummy and the Traveling public generally is respeet*ty se!- Hefte B arr e rilAdt --lc:est side of .Miiiket street, wed square south from the Market Howse: - 7z Joax M4.TtliE24 Lebsoor, April 6,1861. • - _ Ad mist i ra tee N s ot tee. ,•. NOTICE tertiereby that Letters Of 'Adintnie ' • rnttieneektne„Estetn. of Pllfliag 40Brati 4004., late cit . pnrtti 'Lebanon towikehig,,Letopponcourt, t yp. P n ., hare betteigineted 'itie.runiers*nen, residing bprongl+4,Lebamon; seaiiMandalta„ toodit:4, 4 14ta+ . a i 44 peni6itiiiidatised tineard.'dsteite =4r air& bititit'aihOwilltpttiiiii • . oat daisy, ,„ EIVIII0 111104 .A a t0 :: W. Lib aim* 1,567 . .• • • 122 I= MIME
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