tiblitøltattchrti,str, WEIN DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES cies& TO LEAD, WE OZAST. TO FOLLOW." WM. N. BRESLIN, Editor and Proprietor. LEBANON, P.A. 'WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER3O, 1863 air At the-meeting of the Con- Aservative Union National Conven ticin [Bell and Everett,] in Phila delphia, on Friday last, General GEO. B. McCLELLAN was for mally nominated for the next Pres idency, and Governor WM. B. CAMPBELL, of Tennessee, for the Vico Presidency. Han. Amos presided, and speeches were Inade. in English and Ger man.— The conservative element of the people of the United States were invited to participate in the movement. Alaw 'has passed Congress 'that' no bounties tlie to be Ipaid 'to any person : enlisted after the sth of - January, , except such as are provid ed bylaw, wiz - -.7—sloo authorized by section five, of the act of July, 1861. The administration has been disregarding the law in offer ing bounties as it does almost .everything else, and driven it in this matter so far that Congress was ,obliged to take some notice of it. ABOLITION "Joss 1"---One of the : precious "loyal and patriotic," in the shape of Senator Hale, of New Hampshire, having been caught taking bribes for using his official influence, the abolitionists have tiken to their usual custom of pass ing laws to prevent the like rascal ity hereafter. Ever since they are in power they have just :done the same. When ettie is unearth ed the rest make a great ado, ,which every time amounts to "fuss :and feathers" and nothing else.— 'There is more rascality, more steal ing, more bribery, more corruption, in one month of the present ad ministration than -during-the whole , term of Mr. Buchanan. Mr. The Reading Journal says that many persons, (Copperheads especially,) suppose that the Stamp and Revenue Law is a new thing in the history of the country ;'and that the editor - recently saw a bond ter two hundred pounds, bearing , date the 11th day of August,lBol, with fifty cent Internal Revenue :Stamp. The Journal is mistaken in its assertions. Copperheads, especially, are awaire that Stamp Acts have been in 'existence here tofore in this ,country, that in "the good old •times =of 'our fathers and grasd-fathers" they were of ehort.continuance. The present is the third time that the same party has imposed Stamp acts upon the people, and we trust the end:‘of the present will prove similar to the other two. The first was im posed by an arrogant and grinding despotism. A brave and patriotic people ! [will the Journal deny the terms? ] refused submis sion thereto, and after seven years of suffering, blood and death, :made good their cause and estab lished themselves a free and sove reign nation. Thus went the Stamp Act of 1765 which lost to Great Britain the brightest jewel in her crown. The second Stamp Act was en acted under the administration of John Adams in 1798-9, and was in consequence of the war with France,, and as the Journal in correctly asserts, "to meet the, ex:. Tenses Incurred in the Revolution ary War." The Stamp Acts ; the alien and sedition laws, the feder alism, :and the despotism of the elder Adams were as unpopular with the people as were the simi lar acts of the "mother country," and the result was, a second time, resolution, this Jime,, however, po- Etical only. President Adams and his party were ousted from power, in consequence of the passage of the act which imposed the very stamp seen by the editor of the Journal. Since that time the stamp party had but limited ten ures of office until now, and hence we of 1863, nearly an hundred years after the passage of the first stamp act, are oppressed by a third. Copperheads opposed the first, Copperheads opposed the second, and they don't like the third. sir Congress adjourned over on Wednesday to the sth of January.— Accept the passage of the $20,000,000 Bounty Bill, and a joint resolution of thanks to General Grant and the sot.. diers under his command, nothing worth mentioning has been done dun log the brief period the Houses have been in .session. REMARKS OF MR. STROUSE, On the Draft Bill, made n •the U. S. House of Representative, ion the 21st inst I aFn in favor Of the amendment sub- :mined bylke, gentleman from New York, i[Mr. Brooks.] We know that upwards of $10,000,000 have been raised by what is called commutation money under the -conscription bill. There is nothing im proper or wrong in appropriating this money to aid in raising volunteers, be cause it was raised for that purpose. And I will say here,-that whatever our individual opinions may be in regard to the conduct of the war or the acts of. the Administration, I solemnly protest, upon the part of this side of the House, against the aspersions made by certain gentlemen upon the other side as regards a factious spirit, throwing. impediments in the way of the Administration, and to prevent the wheels of the Government from rolling smoothly. Something has been said by -the gentlemen from Illinois [Mr. Lovejoy) about the recent elections, charging us on this side of the House with having no constituencies. I- desire to say that I represent here one of the largest districts in the United States, and that lam not opposed to favoring the Administration in all just, legal, and constitutional de mands. I have the honor to represent a district which sent the first company of volunteers to this capital for its defense in the daVk days of April, 1861. And we have sent , from that district since the 'commencement Of the war seven thousand able-bodied men for the support of:th% Gcrvernment, the Union, the Constitution, and the enforcement of me laws. I am in favor of appropriating as large a sum of money as may be necessary for the purpose of paying liberal bounties to the men who volunteer, and thus avoid all drafting or conscripting of our citizens. I am opposed to the principles of con scription. I most solemnly protest against the attacks which are made here on the exercise of the right to criticise the acts and conduct of the Administration. It is a privilege we have and will main tain. We are the trustees of the people. We are sent here as the representatives of all classes, and not to represent fac tions. I trust, therefore, that gentlemen now in this hour and in this crisis of our country, will rise above the mere politi cian and make some effort, at least, at statesmanship. I trust they will occupy a .platform that lifts them above the mere local purlieus, to a position that will ena ble them to look North, South, East and West, to do the best we can for our whole coun try, and for all classes of the people. I stand here in no spirit of faction. I do not care whether I am designated as a Democrat or as a Copperhead. It should be beneath the dignity of a national legis lator to indulge in partisan 'epithets. Let us be men, and not slaves to faction. Let us be patriots, in the true sense of the term. Let us restore the country to its former position among the nations of the earth Let us act in the best possible manner for (he interests of the people and for all sections of the country. Let us show to the potentates of Europe and to all foreign Governments that the problem of selfgovernment is not a failure, that there is still some wisdom in the national councils of America. What is the amendment of the gentle man from New York, [Mr. Brooksfl Here we have a waif of $10,000,000 of commutation money. It is so much flotsam. Here is 810;000,000 of money some where, and why not apply .that -sum first to raising volunteers before mu-king the . appropriation of $20,000,000 lam will ing to appropriate the $10.000,000 raised under the conscription act, commonly known as commutation money, because the act provides that that money shall be used "for the procuration of substitutes." I want to pay those who volunteer liber ally, so as to avoid all drafts. Let us 511 the Army, if it must be done, with volun teers, for one volunteer is worth five drafted men ; one volunteer is worth at least five of these compelled soldiers of the draft. It is said that we will have to pay these men. Of course we will. But we do not pay them bounty for the par. pose of infusing patriotism into them. You do not put patriotism into a man be cause you pay him a few dollars. That money is necessary to keep their families whom they leave behind them when they go to suffer the hardships and dangers of the battlefield. We ought to be more thanlust—we ought to be generous to our volunteers. If necessary, we can raise a large army of volunteers. Let us give bounties forthat purpose, and avoid odious conscriptions. Let us vote these $10,000,000, raised by commutation, first to that purpose. MI we ask is that the money shall be placed under the control of some competent mithority. Let us know how much isceeded, and who is to expend it, and how it is to be disbursed. I trust that this money, now -in the hands of the agents of the Administration, will be appropriated Let us unite to restore our country to its former greatness, and the Government, under the Constitution, to its former glory and penown. It is said that Russia has ordered a conscription of twenty 'men on ev ery ten thousand inhabitants for the whole empire. DIN.. That's just what our "gov ernment" does every sixty days almost, with the exception that ours is five times as heavy as the draft in Russia. it's a glorious thing to live in a free country. Near New Castle, Indiana, the beginning of this month, Abe Lincoln's Home Guards killed a Dunker preacher, because he was a Democrat. They first broke in to his house, and then fired two shots at him, one passing through his head killing him instactly.— His name was Crist. as..Eor the last time precious to the sth of January, we call up on all who voted in favor of a "vig orous prosecution of the war" to enlist. It is the last chance. Af ter the sth they will have to run their chances, and perhaps mess and march with Copperheads, traitors, secessionists, and all that class of fellows.. 90, go, go--r-- THE PRIZE 'FIGHT BETWEEN HEENAN AND KING, King Declared Victor—. Heenan's Shoul• der• Reported Broken. The steamship Jura, at Portland, brings an account of the great fight between _Heenan and King, which took place on the morning of the 10th at Tunbridge. King won in twenty five rounds, the fight having lasted thirty-one minutes. The Times says there was but little science displayed on either side. Heenan's game, throughout, seemed to be to close and put the hug on, so as to crush his an tagonist at ogee by dashing him vio lently to the ground. King's tactics Were .d ifferent 'and more erect itabl e.— it is rumored tbat Heenan's shoulder is broken. Thefight, had'been the all-engross ing topic in England, and the papers give elaborate accounts. King's-victo ry is naturally received with Treat exultation. There was •no interrup-; Lion, and the :fight was fairly fought: The London Times devotes a leader to the affair, and publiShes a graphic special account. It, editorially says that Heenan's game throughout was to close and 'to put the hug on so as to crash his antagonist by dashing him to the ground. King's tactics were different and more creditable to a professor -of ,pugilism. They con sisted simply in -striking a-series of sledge 'hammer blows on gibe ;most prominen t and sense Live parts of lies: nazi's physiognomy until the latter collapsed from exhaustion. The af fair was over in twenty-four rounds and thirty-five minutes. There ap pears to have been but little science on either side, but it was a fair stand up fight, without a check, and ended in a decisive victory. The Times ton• eludes by asserting that prize fight ing is more revolting than bull fight ing, and ought to be discouraged.-- Tom Sayers was one of Heenan's sec onds. In sporting circles previous to the fight, Heenan continued the faVorite at 7 to 4 on him. The choice of ground was won by Heenan, and exactly at 10 o'cloek on the morning of the 10th inst., the men delivered thremselves at the scratch. Round I—Heenan closed in, grasp ing King by the neck and giving him an “old-fashioned hug;" until the ref eree entered the ring, and strictly cautioned him not to repeat the op eration. Round 2—King forced Cghting as soon as he came to the scratch. Hee nan closed in again, and after hug- ging King for some time, threw him. In this round King rew the first blood, which was allowed. Round 2—After some bard ex changes, 'Heenan again bugged King and threw him on the ropes with aw ful violence. All was now going dead against King. The only thing he had in his favor was first blood. Round 4—King came up with a visible “mouse" under his left eye ; Heenan again attempted the hug ging game, which elicited !mid re• marks of disapprobation ; with this exception nothing particularly occur red. Round s—Both -men came ' 4P smi4. ing ; King got in a tremendous blow on eenan s , car - and another , on 'his temple. Tieenan, tin despair, bugged King and throw him violently. Round 6 —Both men sledged away, the round finishing by Heenan giving King another hug. Round 7—More hammering. Hee nan again hugged and cross buttock ed King, fearfully. During this round King gave Heenan a rattler on the nose, drawing a stream of blood. Round B—Rapid countering on both sides. Heenan again hugged King at the close but got thrown himself. ‘ Round 9—King struck Heenan a tremendous blow on the bead. Hee nan closed in upon him and threw .Round 10—King landed out beavi• ly with both fists, closed in and was thrown by Heenan. Round ll—fleenan began to tire. At the close he rushed in and • threw King heavily. Round 1.2 was accompanied with the same result. Round 13—Ditto. Round 14—Ditto. Round 15—Some swinging blows were given on each side, when Hee nan knocked King down clean into a corner. This was the first genuine knock down of the fight. Round 16—Heenan came to the scratch with a dreadful eye. A se vere struggle took place during this round, neither side gaining any par- Lieu lar'advantage. Round 17—The excitement was now so great that the regulations were disregarded. King's cyclopean blows swelled ileenan's eyes and tem ples to a fearful extent but be bore it manfully. From this to the 24th and last round, King went ahead at a per Net galop, and when "time" was called for the 25th round, the "sponge" was tbrown up by the seconds of Hee. nan. Heenan was dreadfully punished and should never have been permitted to pass the list round. King presented no visible marks of punishment, except a mouse on the eye. Bell's Life concludes the descrip tion of the fight in the following words: "A braver contest was never . fought." By Pony Express! Expressly for the Advertiser! ANOTHER GRAND PRIZE COCK FIGHT! THE COLONEL'S BRUISER VICTORIOUS I BULLY FOB THE CRAFT I LEBANON, Dec. 26, 1863.—Tw0 of our "enterprising" citizens, who think "Lebanon should not be be hind hand," had a bloody prize .fight today in the loWer.end of town,— Though they glory in flourishing Col. and Lieut. to their names, (one a Col. in times of pace, but now a valiant Knight of the Goose Quill ; the other lately an enrolling officer, and a Lieut. for the "emergency,") their "pluck" would not allow them to engage in the "rounds" them selves, each betting ssa side on his favorite rooster. Round 1---;Col's rooster first. to the scratch, bat Lieut's would not be denied, BQ he up and gives Col's a "dab" - that fetched him sprawling. Col. sponged himself and rooster with fire and water proot brandy. Round 2—Lient's rooster etirag ed:and first to time, Col's following. After "spurring" for some time for -a favorable opportunity to make a "pass," Lieut's received a ghastly "clip" that sent him, into a "cocked bat:" ,Lient having different tac tics from the Col., administered sev eral doses of lager, himself includ ed, of course. 1 Round 3--Roosters, : Vent. and 1, Col:, so giddy that4ey..actually th (nigh t the"earth goes round," and being unable to reach the scratch, both claimed first blood, but being •,7 shocked to hear the word "blood;" made flight through several alleys, to the next hotel, to give an account of their patriotic proceedings, and dream of Quartermaster Clerkships and plucky examinations-before go ing into military service. Ibr the Advertiser. LETTER FROM THE POTOMAC ARMY, Headquarters, 2nd Diiision, 3rd Army Corps , December 11, 1,363.1" I will give you a correct account of our late move. We left Camp on Thursday, November 26, and crossed the Rapidan River the same day.— We had. little Skirmish but it did not amount to much', and then we Encamped on the ground we gained. The next morning,; the Rebels were gone further back, when the 84th Regiment, P. V. 1., was deployed as skirmishers. It was supported by the Ist Massachusetts Volunteers.— We moved about two miles when the 81th was attacked. The support was called up, and- then we drove . the Rebels back, when the skirmish ing began to get pretty leavy..— Then the let Brigade formed a line and moved up to the Oirinish line.— The 2nd Brigade Jeri - lied in an open place, and moved to the left of the let Brigade; and the Division to the left of the 2nd Brigade, when the 84th charged end drove the Rebels back for about two thousand yards where we got one Battery in position. The firing closed for abOut one hour, when the skirmish line moved into the woods. The rebelsjw4re ferming General Ewell's COTE; 'which was commanded by General Early at the time. Then they charged and drove the skirmish fine on want main line. This was at about h al f i rtas two in the afternoon. The alias eery firing lasted till dark, when the 2nd Divis ion under General Priqe, charged and drove them about a gifarter of a mile. We held the be tle field.— They fell back through Ur night and joined their main Army. On Satur day morning at four o' lock Gen eral Prince ordered the - t Brigade to tail bark to an open .eld. The Pioneers buried the dead nd picked up the wounded. The 1 t Brigade lost 16 killed, 72 wounde, and 77 missing,; the 2nd Brigade cst 8 kill ed, 82 wounded, and 40 rniiing. On Saturday we marched 41iMILIZE mike forming a junction N th Gener all Warren and encamp , for the night. We could see the bel camp fire on . Sunday. We mo od about two miles and stopped til Monday morning at three o'clock, when we moved up to the front a dn. Our t Division was ordered t charge, but we did not do it, and I am glad 'qt of it. in front of the Ist Brigade there were twenty-four cant i on.• We laid about five hundred yards from their breastworks. I saw two rebel Generals—one of them 4d about four hundred Cavalry, the ))then one only about twenty-five. „To firing on Monday morning on 4.iiher Side, when the orders came to - fall in.— Many a poor fellow felt bad; I know I did, for my part, but we gaft, reliev ed by the 6th Corps. We tell bank about one mile and laid ibere till Tuesday evening, si)6 - o'clock, when we began to retreat), We, re treated forty miles inside of twenty four holirs. ThiS is the fu/i4iccount of our move. We have eanip rumors that we are going to fall back on the other side of the Rappahanncick Riv er, and then go into Winter Quarters. We have very fine weatheri at the present time. We have no snow yet, but some very heavy frosts.) I will give you an account of the wattles that I was in already :—Great Beth el, Hancock, Strousburg, Winchester, Front Royal, Port Republic) Cross Keys, Slaughter Mountain, Rappa hannock Station, Thoroughfaiie Gap, Bull Run, Fredericksburg, 'Chancel lorsville, Wapping Heights, Kelly's Ford, and the Battle of Locust tirove. The last Battle was the sixteenth in• side of three years. Mr. BRESLIN, be kind enough to publish the above in your paper, and send me a copy. /am a true Demo crat from my shoulder to my big toe. The ADVERTISER, goes from hand to hand in the whole regiment. Tell LebAnon Couriers. The ADVERTISER is_the only paper allowed in camp, except some Philadelphia papers. C. W. 8., A private in Company A. ~84th Regiment, Penna., Vol., Infantry. —The New York Post informs Mr. Stanton that an 4 .Expreqs Company ° would be more likely to take Richmond than the army of the Potomac under the snperintendence of Secretary Stanton. ANOTHER It is a curious eireumsthnce that the statue of Liberty, which hitia,lju`St been unveiled on the top of the Cap itol at Washington, represents a col ored woman ! For fear of discolora tion, the excuse is, an acid has been employed, which stains the surface of the figure, and makes the color weathen,proof —World. The above is another proof that the present delusion has reaehed its culminating point. France reeled on in madness until she put up a prosti tute as the Goddess of Reason. We have capped the climax of our insani• ty by raising upon the dome of our Capitol, a statute of freedom in, the person of a negro wench I The ex . - case that the weather would color a white figure, is a shallow pretence.— Immediately before our eyes where we write, upon the top of our City Hall, stands a graceful white female figure—the Goddess of Justice. It looks whiter even than the rest of the marble building, yet has stood there for fifty years. There is no doubt that the Capitol of our country has.been surmounted with a negro to typify the grand millenium which this crazy party foolishly suppose they have inaugurated. Look, A [nor icans, at your Capitol, and see a ne gress as the Goddess of Liberty, sur mounting its loftiest dorac2—AT. Y. Bay Book. - "TITEAGE of PURITY!"—The Wash ington correspondent of the • journal of Commerce, says great "indignation is being 'expressed" at the discovery that the editor. of the Washington Chronicle (Forney,) has been draw ing for the last three years, a salary of $l2OO, as "messenger in the folding room,"—ft place which it is said he never visited paper is filled with virtuous homilies on honesty and patriotism, and this is the way he carries out his precepts. Verily Washington has become about as bad as Sodom and Gomorrah ! Ini quity of every kind is flourishing in that once respectable city and no one seems to think it either singular or alarming! The only subject that commands attention at all, is "whut can be done to nut down slavery!" ExrLos-roN or A 'STOVE.—A singu • lar accident occurred in the family of a 'man rained Miller, residing in t 'ran berry alley, between Pine and Locust streets, on Friday evening. About dusk that evening the fire, which was in a close stove, had been replenished with coal, and the members of the family—Mrs. Miller, her child, and an elderly lady—were drawn up close to it, when the stove exploded and flew into fragments. The child was very badly cut, and the old lady was seriously injured, but both will recov er : Mrs. Miller was dangerously wounded., her face being dreadfully marked and her person so badly in jured as to place her recovery in jeop ardy. It supposed that the explosion was caused by a powder horn belonging to Mr. Miller, .Whil is a soldier and is now absent in the army. This horn hung hi a closet in which the t oaf was kept, and must have fallen into the scuttle and been unwittingly -emptied into the stove along with the coal. The only wonder is that some of those around the fire were not kill ed outright.—Harrisburg Patiiot and Union. 463 Gen. Michael Corcoran died on the 22d inst., of injuries received by a fall frOm his horse. I t s, Mr. Joseph Nissley of East Donegal twp., Lancaster county, is feeding a 'steer which for size and weight surpasses any of his previous "productions." The steer in question has been christened "Gen . Hooker," is about six years old and he is be tiered to weigh three thousand seven hundred pounds. gm, John Morgan, the escaped guerilla chief, has reached Richmond, and Davis has given him a command in the Ariny of Georgia. New Counterfeit Note.—A counter feit twenty dollar - note, on the Potts town Bank, of Pottstown, Pa., was circulated in Philadelphia on Satur day. The vignette is the representa• tion of a rolling-mill. On the right end is an engraved bead of Daniel Webster, and on the left a picture of a man drinking, with a woman and child near him. ges„, The men who are in pewe r now, can't even "run" a penitentiary successfully, as was shown by their permitting the escape of Morgan.— How, then, can it be expected that they will “run" the Government with success ? TUE TUEATRE GOING PRESIDENT.— It is announced by telegraph that the President had so far recovered as to be enabled to visit the Theatre night. ly ! • FATAL ACCIDENT ON THE ICE.—Henry Messersmith, aged 18 years, son of Mr. John Messersmith, Innkeeper, of this city, and a comrade named hite, were drowned on Thursday morning in a pond near Yocum's Forge, in Cumru township, about 6 miles from town. They were skating at the time, when Messersmith broke through the ice, and young White in attempting to rescue him, was dragged into the water, and both were drowned. —Reading Gazette. Stir A Motion to exempt Clergymen from the operations of the draft, made in the U. S. Senate on Thursday last was defeated by a vote of yeas 9, nays 32, or more than three to one against the pro posed measure. It has been erroneously stated that all letters to members of Congress mtist be prepaid. The transmission and receipt of mail matter by - them continues as here. tofore, under the franking Privilege, namely, free. A CONGRESSMAN CAszo.---Hon. Myer Strouse, M. C. of the Schuylkill and Leb anon district, has presented to his cal league, Hon. A. H. Corforth, of the Bedford district, a splendid goldheaded ebony cane. The presentation took plade a week or two ago at Mr. Strouse's rooms, in Washington, and had "the usual inspiring accompaniments," to which a number of assembled friends did full justice. WASTE IN THE ARMY.—To learn how immense 'is the army of the United States, it is necessary to examine the rolls at the Paymasters Office. A correspondent of 'the 'Cincinnati Gazette, indignant at the iltiedVeriet there made, says: Ode tiiing ought not on any pretext to be neglected. A peremptory stop should be put to the further saddling of the coun try with a plethora of officers. We have on the rolls, say an army of 700;000 men, - of whom, perhaps half a million are in some sort or other in the field. We are paying officers for not a man less than fourteen hundred thousand 1 A colonel is popularly supposed to command a thou , sand men. Our colonels will hardly average 500 The same may be said of all subordinate officers. As for superior ones. who needs to be told of the hosta.ar brigadiers and major-generals without work, and standing in the way of the promotion of better Ten ? Mr THOMAS TAYLOS, of Northampton county, Pa., owns a hog which is nine teen years old, and which has in her time added two hundred and thirty-seven little pigs to the swinish multitude. JENNY LIND, it is said, has lost her voice. This is related to have made itself painfully apparent on the occasion of her singing in the ~E lijah," 'of Mendelssohn, lately, in England. Bram are to be reported to the 'present Congress to bring Utah, Nebraska and Colorado into the Union as States. FIRE NOTICE. rrO the Members of NORTHERN MUTUAL INSU RANCE COMPANY OF LANCASTER COUNTY.— Losses suetained by Are by several members of said Company in the year previous to the let day of DECEMBER, 1862, to the amount of $04.3 74, of which sum wee paid from the funds of said Company, $531 63, leaving a tax due for the year ending December Ist. 1862, of 112 11. Losses sustained for the year ending December lat. 1863 ; Samuel Mellinger's Estate of Warwick township, bad Summer Hensel destroyed by fire, le.s to be paid $lOO 00. Jos. heavier, of Warwick township, contents iu Weaver Shop .$22 50 . Henry Zinfinertnan, of Lower Paxton township, Dan ahin sonnto ilarn end Contents. 1150. J. SOMF. , ffer erman, Tenants' contents in said Berg, $1.96 63, which losses are to be paid with interest for the year ending December Ist, 1853. Notice is there fore given to all the members of said Company to pay TWO per centonu the dollar on their respective premium notes, deposited with the Secretary, precious to the 15th day of July last past, to be paid within 20 days from the date hereof, to Samuel Nissly, nevr Lincoln, late New Ephrata, Lancaster county, Secretary of said Company, or to Adam Konigniather, President, Ephrata township, Lancaster county. Samuel Koller, Alidd.le Creek, Ephrata township, Lan caster calmly. .John S. Backer, Lincoln, Ephrata township, Larms ter county.- Samuel Wolf, near New Berlin, Ephrata township, Lancaster County. John K. Hess, Clay township, Lancaster .county. ltiram Erb, du do do do C. W. Eby, Womb k do do do Levi W. Stentzer, Iteinholdsvffle, %Vest Cocalico Lancaster county. Henry Heilman, jr., North Lebanon toirnsbip, Leba non county. Directors of the Company. Jacob Herr, Myerstown, Lebanon county. Cyrus M. Crall, Schafferst'n, do do Agents of said Company for Lebanon County. All those members who fail to make payment before the first day of FEBRUARY next, their ifisuinnce'will be suspended until the first of May next, and if not Paid on the first of flay next, their insurance will he. come cancelled and mull and void by reason of such do t Mutual cy cud the coot-of f.co llect ion must fol low me provided by the act of Incorporation and lly Jxws o f the Company. My order of the Board of Directors. SAMUEL NISSLY, Secretary. For the Convenience of the Lebanon County Morn hers, the under signed will attend, the fullovring 'times and _places for collection : Lebanon, Monday, January 4, 1864 at the public bou,c of John Matthes. •kalraryra, Saturday, January 9 . , et the Tablie house ,ef ObriAtian West Hanover, Dauphin county, Tuesday . January 12, d t the public house of John Buck. East nanover, Lebanon county, Thursday. January 14, at the liarper House, from 10 to 12 o'clock, and from 1 to 3 o'clLek, at the piiblic house of Alorrie Fos in nount Nebo: .Jonestown, Friday. January 15, at the public house of Samuel ltauk.. At the house of the undersigned, in North Lebanon townfitip, 'Monday, January 18,1864. LLENRY I.ll:l.LllAls:,jr., Director. Dec. 23, 1863 HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Magic Time Observers. 1 - )EIiNO a Bunting or Open Face nr Lady's or Oen ]) tie man's Watch Combined, with Patent Self Winding Improvement, a most Pleasing Novelty. One of the prettiest, most convenient, and decided ly the best and cheapest time-piece for general and Te llable use eves offered. It has within it and connect ed with its numb finery, its own winding attachment rendering a key entirely unnecessary. The cases of this watch are composed of two metals. the enter one being fine 16 carat gold. It has the improved rally action lever movement, and is warranted an acetnnta time•p iece. nice, superbly engraved, per case of half doven,.S2o4. Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, $35. SILVER. WATCHES! FIRST Class Hunting Time-piece for accuracy of movement, beauty . of material, and, above all, cheapness in price, them watches must insure univer sal approbation. An imitation faultless that it can hardly be detect ei by the most experienced judges, The material be• ing of two metals, the outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while the inner one is German Silver „ it can not be recognized by cutting or heavy engraving, mak ing it, not only in appearance, but in durability, the best resemblance of SOLID STERLING SILVER irr existence. The sale of these Watches in the army is a source of enormous profit, retailing as they very readily do, at $25 and upwards. Many hundred dollars can be made in a single pay day by any one of ordinary business tact. gar AT WIICILESALIP. ONLY 1 In heavy hunting, eases, beautifully engraved, white enamel dial, and fancy cut hands. in good running order, by the halt dozen $66. Sold only by the tare otitis Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee of good faith, we will send watches by eapte-a to any part of the loyal States, collecting balance or bill on delivery. Th is ensures buyers against fraud, giving them their watches before payment is required. Bend orders to the sole importer. O.I.II.IB'WHEATON, No. 12 Jewelere Exchange, Cur. Cortlandt St. and Droadway, New York Dec.l6, 1866. PUBLIC NOTICE. PUBLIC Notice is hereby given that the Charter of the Emanuel's Church, of South Lebanon town ship, Lebanon.,Co., Ps., was duly presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Lebanon County, for exami nation, and will be approved Recording to law, on the first day of January Terns, next, unless good cause be shown to the eon trary. HENRY SIEGItIST, Proth'y. DOC. 0,1833. usavekto 01 amz Goa RECEIVED TWO "PRiZ El 3 11C3E13IALMASP o' (Front Juries a and 4,) at the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, =s6'2m- Being the SOLE '4.-.).--;;;;:2:4•'?: •-->i,;,,•::„. , g',.' , .-.*:: , -7:i4;,-Fc.v: , :z! ,,, \. AWARDS ,1...:. , ;-:-: -- {x4:-:;• , -,,, , , , , , , ( Cain by 1V it. it',"- 5 5. 2.,;.,.? , . , , Anything of At ' ‘' -.,,,--:4-7.,.44:XjV.i... ° the kind. '..;,, 4 ,&-t)...te-- •N` . ? I : i'. -•,,, --1:i-4,bi 4,,z,- ,- It Moo re. ,ro, +- -.... 1 1V --- ', ' t.-• ceived the an. , 'b' tri,' ..., +*'.-..‘ A re: perk% tive Re. II W.-- ‘— I- ..k ' port of '''\ j '' "V' fi 1 .c r . '' ks- 4 < t -, 4 'l4r f 1 / ••••• , ~'f' • i, ` - , '`.., "Exceeding Excellent For Food. mAtt i timm Great International Exhibition at M3.LLIVIC7EitnE3ar, RT1.4.13r, 1863 RECEIVED THE HIGHEST MEDAL FOR ITS DELICACY ALAN ARTICLE OF FOOD lived for Puddings, Custards, Blanc Mange, &e., with out Isinglass, with few or no eggs. It is excellent for thickening Sweet Sauces, Gravies for Flab, Meat, Soups, For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in Milk makes a rich Cream for Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, &c. A most delicious article of food for children and invalids. It is vastly superior to Arrow Root, and much more economical. 4eir Put up in ono pound Nampa, witb full dim. bone, and sold by all Grocers and Druggists. WM, DURYEA, Wholesale Agent, led Fulton Street, New York, October 14, 1803.-6 m, Blanket Shawls, CLOTH, WOOLEN CLOTHING of all colors, dyed Jet Elector Blue Black, pressed, the color warranted and goolurned out equal to new, by Limn LBMBERGER, t sir Articles to be dyed can be left at J o s . Lember gees Drug Store where all orderslor the above will be attended to. _ [March 11,1808. ID you.sPe 473.1 NS d BRO.'S New Boot .gbee .1./ Store PUILIC SALE OFA Valuable Farm PuniftlANT to an Order of tho Orphan!' a nd -of Unarm" Coffirtl, will bet appoand to lilt by PUOLIC VICNDUO on OUT OH On nu - DA Y, innuary I, 1804, at I o'cloak In the aftorneole of flint day. 4 esslith4N.l. plunge, tenement end ;root of bend, Moots In Rik lianovor TownehlP, Ultimo* County. on the Ritylinf burg and Joni/ROW] llowd, 1 Milo from klarporo Tor , ern, adjoining lands of Worry IJhrish. fieeriss bowleg, John Cnnieror, Olaf flicoinel Chisitilf doted./ containing 13t) Aortal of with* 1/1 /moo, Pro hatory OAK TUiffiggr The latifoffranfonfit *rooted thartain eflo a frog preofhorr boarded HOfrifl4 *IMMO 1 1,S ITCFMN, oleo s figiter *self 441tN. Wagon Shed, Corn WOW. As, P. now er felting BRRINU of WOW', owl good SPRING 110En3r , ie near the baildiNg. The land Win a good itete of saltiest/ow- PM 0 Kell A-RD, any r amount of I,IMBST4aIId as ibit: Pfellt . p hies ; also, a lino Stream of WATT li s ofillo4 * *PPP Creek' rune tlifbegh ft, ALSO, a tract If aroutirrox TA NA. eltuate tin aftletownebin adjoining 2 4 , f a c , la of heirs of 1114574 9: Wevidrami, L emma : , Allenutri and Goortfa poueborer. containing 1 .3 -Urea and MA Pardon Dolt measure. With the appurte7" 4 "% in& mar, in ifs® Aai4 f!MFn_ Mete Township of East the Estate of DAVID " 1 . Win held on the premises, and the wr ri l l " rldfl y . ' "" iq A :O3 4, WS, Trustee of tae at4f#' lit TBE COURT,- 41 4,7 ' trO.: SOL. W. STROHM . , Clerk of the Orphans' t. Leb., Dee. 9, 1863. For Sale or Exchange. rr nli; undersigned will sell, or exchange far a SMALL J. !exam, his desirable House and lot of Orottnd. in East street, East Lebanon. The Hower is a n r t l ot 7 r in lCCwlth Hiten h attaehe4 I. all well arranged eery conveniences. Also Cistern, Bath House Smoke House, all kinds of Fruit Trees, an-, on . the premises. This property if not sold, will he. eaeheagedt as above.' Good and indisputable alit steer. Yee far.• tber information apply to JAMES N. ROGlNlN L _Thavaitra Lebanon, July 16,1862 Out-Lots at Private:Sale: AVILL be sold at Private Sale, 8 ACR situated in Long Lane, near the boron; gloat*Rl Om ,- ' wall township- It adjoins she land of Widow , Fuloser, 011 the North, Wm. Atkins and John Kra moms tbeßatit. • There is a one story LOG HOUSE, we. taimrlioarded erected on the land, and a good WELL m t*hitgairelts- - ; The lend has fins stones for quarries. T tifl 4 ;Flef make a nice home for a stood! family. 1111.. It is No from Ground Rent. Goo iiStaewilll-ei , * given. ADAM HITICIORRL . N. B.—This tract Is now covered with fh -assltcer3atl -01 which will be given to the purchaser. Lebanon, June 13, 1280. • . PRWATE SALE BOROUGH OP.ROPER.TY_ .. . 3 1 1E subscriber offers for sale the Lot of GOitotti Di 'Market street, Lebanon. l 4 square math - J1N11134 went nide .33 feet front by 199 deep, forazarly - o=osed- - • ..., by George Hess, sr. The impel:simian:osta a ! g two story wea th er boarded DIITECUENG ' HOUSE andother froprovenseata- F Ortirther . 7 . information, and terms, apply to GEORGE S. GASHES Lebanon, Sept, 9, 1863. _ PRIVATE SALE, OF Yocum% Farm. 1 liff subscriber offers at Pr irate Sale his tree farm in North Lebanon Township, Lebanon county - , 3 miles east from Lebanon, asd I In tie north of the Berks and Dauphin Turnpike, containing 82k ACRES, 'of good Farming Land, some of which is Limestone, adjoining lands of Cyrus Eckert, Peter Boyer, John Wolf, Jacob Arnold, and others. The improvements • are a two tory brick DWELLING HOUSE, with Basement, MELTZER ; 47i; C 5 5 BARN, 86 by 60 feet, Tenant Rouse, g g y • Orchard, with almost all kinds of fruit, Well with pump at the house, and aC, other at the Barn, both never failing, Fences ,are in good order, and the fields are convenient 8 sores of 'WOODLAND, four of which are CIIESTNUT SPROUTS. Two Springs are on this farm. Good tale and possession will be given on the Ist day of April,lB64. For further information apply to the subscriber on the premises. _LEVI YOUIIII. October 28, 1868. PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE Business Stand. WILL be sold at public Salo at the public house of ilE:01.1 D. CARBIOXT, in the 'borough of Leba- non, on SATURDAY,-Janteary 2, 1%&4, at 1 o'clock, P.M. that valuable Baer aess Stand loess- i• ted on Cumberland street, between the Black Home and Wash iogton Rotate, formerly in the possession of J. C. Reimer. The LOT is 82 feet front and 198 feet deep to an alley. The HOUSE is a threeeito - ry, neatly. new,Brick, with largo Kitchen alfacbd, Wash Honse,Stied,- ".t • and ether improirenserda. The find . ' , story eontains a fine Store room.— L •There ie a Basement, Stted up and! arranged for am Oyster cellar. Oarr• throughout the whole . Hamm This la e very desirable crispest, ash well worthy' the attention of buyers. It is within a equaro , ntele Court Donee, and in the very centre of the beeriness i of the borough. Possession and good title will be given on the let day of April, 1864. Terms, ke., will be mare known by WILLIAM ATILT. I ebanon. Dec. 16,1863. THE GREAT Amtaan TEA COMPANY, 51 VESTRY STREET, NEW YORK; Line its organisation. has matted a uew era in the history of Wholesale Teas in this Country. They have in trothimi their selections of TEAS, and are selling them at not over TWO CENTS (.0 - 2 Cents) per pound above Cost, Never deviating from the O.ltE PRMEasked. Another peen liarity of the Company is that their Tea Tess= not only devotes his time to the selection of their TEAS as to quality, value, and particular styles for particular localities orcountry, but he helps the TEA buyer to chomp, out of their enormous stock Thee as are best adapted to his particular wants, and not only this. but points out to him the best bargains. It is easy to am the incalculable advantage 'a Tea BOXER 1188 in this establishment ov-tr all others. If he is no judge of Tea. or the Manger his tints is valuable, he has all the benebts of a well organised system of doing business. of an immense capital, ofthe judgment of a professional Tea Tarns and the knowl edge of superior salesmen. This enables all TEA buyers—no matter if they are thousands of miles from this market—to purchase on as good terms here as the New Turk merchant;. Parties can order Tras and will be served by us as well as though they move themselves, being sure to • get original packages, true weights midterm ; and the . TEAS are WARRANTED 88 represented. We issue a Price List of the Company's Teas, which . will be sent to all who order it; comprising ysoii Young Dyson Gunpowder, Twankay and Skin.. OOLONG SOUCHONG ORANGE & HYSON PEkOE, of every description, colored and uncolored. This list has each kind of Tu. divided Into FOUR CLASSES, namely : CARGO , high 011E00, FINE, FIN EST, that every one may understand from dasemption and the prices annexed that the Company are deter mined to undersell the whole TEA trade. - We guarantee to sell ALL our Tsui at not over TWO CENTS (.o.n Cents) per pound above cost, be. Hosing this to be attractive to the many who have heretofore been paying Enormous Profits. GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, importers anti Jobbers, No. 51 Veney Street, Raw York. Nov. 4,1863.-3 m. EsTA3II2, OS .. . LSHED • PETER. LORILLARD, & Tobacco Manufkturer 'l6 & 18 CHAMBERS ST., [Formerly 42 •Chatham Street, theorl Would call the attention of Dealers to articles of his manufacture, viz.: Macaboy, Brown Snuff'.Demigros, Fine Rappee, Pare Virgin's, Coarse Rappee, Hach Roche American Gentleman, Copenh agen. scotch , Yellow Snuff' Hooey Dew Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Iriab High Toast, Fresh Scotch. or Lundyfoot. Attention is coiled to the large reduction in pri set of Pine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of a Superior quality. SMOKING. FINE. CUTTobacco CHEW/NG. SMOKING. Long, P. A. L, or plain, S. Togo. No. Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish, No, 2, Sweet Scented Oronoco, Muster, Nolg.mixl & 2 Tin Foil Cavendish Turkish. ed, Granulated. circular of prices will be lent on appli- New York, April 1,1863.—1 y •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers