r3rrrvfi"Ti;ga:. iff . yctris' GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, EDITOR AXD rnOPItlETOR. CLRAR FIELD, WEDNESDAY MOIt.Nl.W. JULY 15. ISfl. Democratio Stato Ticket. FOR AUDITOR OEXERAL, GEN. WM. McCANDLESS, or rtiii.AniiLriiu. for surveyor ueneral, CAFT. JAMES n. COOPER, or LAwnKsrB coravv. ;T0A full poll of the Democratio vote will enoure the election of our Stato lioket bjr a largo majority. . jTTlr-Let every Democrat reincrahor tliat, anil Imprrst the truth of it upon the minds of hit neighbor. Democratio District Ticket. SENATOR. WILLIAM A. WAI. LACK, of Clearfield, Subject to the action of Distriot Convention. Domocratio County Ticket. ASSEMBLY: JOHN I. UYSIH'., of Osceola. ASSOCIATE JUDIJES: WILLIAH t'. FOLEY, of Clearfield. JOHN J. READ, or Laurence. PROTIIOXOTARY: AARON C. TATE, of Clearfield. REGISTER A RECORDER: ASIUItV W. I.E.', of Clearfield. TREASURER: SAMUEL I WILSON, of nradford. COMMISSIONER: F. 1'. t'OUTRIET, of Knrlliaun. AUDITOR: REUBEN McPIIEKKON.oC Clearfield. COUNTY SURVEYOR: 8. F. Mct'LOHKEY, of Clirvrenarllle. Tub Treaty. Our Royal Kaiser, Ulysses, insuod liis proclamation from Long Branch on the 4lh, nnnouncinjr tho ratiflcnlion of tlio WaHhington treaty by tho British government. The Suicide Mania. Fivo suicides liavo been committed in tho town of MarslificltJ, Vermont, within two weeks. To show that self murder is not confined to any condition of socie ty, wo need but stato that tin victims were respectively, religious, wicked, rich and poor. Serious Consequences. Tho sud den and trngio death of Sir. Vulhin digliam and tho death of her brother, Judge McMahon, of Maryland, at tho same limo, has so prostrated Mrs. Val landighom that her physicians havo given her tip. Insanity or death is her inevitublo doom. An Address. Tho address of the Democratic State Committeo will bo found on our first pngo. It is proba bly necessary to stato that Judo Bluck prepared tlio documonl and submitted it to tho committeo who have put it forth in tho 6hapo of an address to tho Democracy of tho Stato. Every Democrat should read it and jxi,k his neighbor to read it, too. The Alarm Given. Senator Trum bull, in a 4 th of July oration at Gules burg, Illinoi.t, warned his countrymen against Imperial government, and cxecutivo usurpations. Ho is tho ablest Senator tho RadicuU havo on the floor of tho United Stales Senate, and knows whereof ho speaks. His warnings aro worthy the attention of -Jill who lovo free government and do siro tho sumo transmitted to their children. The Attentive "Reb." Tlio Con federate Colonel, Attorney General Ackcrman, for four days last week was the only Cubinet Minister who could be found in Washington. Tho rest, liko tho "government," wcro either off bathing, fishing or horso-racing. Wo suppose tho widow Bowon would not let Ackertiun go until he consent ed to pardon her Congressional hus band. Ileneo ho was compelled to stay. What n pity Grant can't bo held in his scat. His Somersaults. O. P. Mor ton, Senator from tho Slalo of Indi ana, is said to be tho President's dog, and from what hU neighbors my of him, bo has found tho right manger and master. Ho is a social outcast, has been a member of every politi cal organization, Democratic, Whig, Know Nothing, Kopuhlican and Radi cal, and changed bis naino from what his parents had him christened, Oliver Hazard Perry Throckmorton, to plain O. P. Morion, dropping Hazard and Throck out of his name. lie is the most charactorless of all our public men. Yet, ho leads tho Grant and Dent families by tho noso, and the roal leader in tho West of tho godly Iladical party. Many Splurges. Tho "govern monl" detoclivos havo a wonduifu!' time wilh tho counterfeiters and "shovers of tho queer." About every othor day, for the past five years, tho telegraph onnounccd to tho world "and tho rest of mankind" tho fact that a largo gang of counterfeiters had been arrested and millions of dol lars of bogus money and stamps secur ed through tho vigilance of the Troas ury detectives. Now, if half were truo that theso Treasury rats roport, our penitentiaries would be full of this class of convicts, and a thousand dollars of counterfeit money destroyed to one dollar that ever was made. Theso follows aro a foxcy set, and if they did not sot up Jobs by tolcgrnph they could bavo nothing to do, and roul() therefore soon bo discharged. t'tcKtd Out, " Oliver S. llulstouil, a colebrittod Now Jersey politician, was murdered in ft brothel in NowarU, on tho morning of tho 2d, by an nssociato named Bolts. Ho was Iho chief and constant defanirr of General McClellnn, and earned tho tillo of "pet" from General Hooker and his friends for his inordinate praise of that officer during tho war. lie was n inomhor of Lincoln's kitchen cabinet, daily associating with Sluti ton, King, Lano and others who have sinoo committed suicide. Hiilstoad belongs to blooded slock, and became vory rich during tho war on gun con tracts and army rations which ho fur ninht'd the government. So far us in his power Hio damned every general who condemned any of his guns or complained of tho worthless rations ho furnished tho soldiers. Ho Blept alternately wilh Lincoln ami Stanton wliilo thoy livod. Tho tragic end of tho thrco is certainly romarkahlo. Tho ono assassinated in a thoatro on Good Friday, tho second commits sui cide,, and tho third ("Pet") rnurdorod in a liotMo of ill fame. llalstcad's family wero rusticating at Newport at tho tiuio of this sad affair, where they havo spout every summer since tho closo of tho war. An exchango says : ''Pet Huletcad was not only a prominent worker in the politics of his nativo Slate, but nt Washington ho won his soubriquet by his familiarity in notable circles, where thousands knew him and ho knv thousands. His period of bloom was during tho war, when his gorgeous waistcoats and neck lies, his irreproach ublo linen, gloves and boots, and his jovial faco surmounting elegant, but somewhat intenso atlire, wcro as gen erally observed at tho capital as tho lank figuro of his friend, President Lincoln. Ho spent money liko a princo, could talk liko a sago or a statesman as well ns like a professional jester, had tho cntrco of tho boudoirs as well as of councils of slate, mi J was famous on the drawing room carpet as well as on tho floor of conventions. Ho backed his wonderful assurance wilh ft ktiowlcdgo of tho world and of men, and a raro conltiination of social talents, that really seemed often to justify the undaunted ambition that possessed his soul. His extensive ex perience of travel, his excellent family connections and his distinguished friendships combined to incrcaso tho lustre of his somewhat swaggering' career, and rendered him a universal favorito at homo as well ns among these who knew him and his dinners at Wclkor's in Washington. To be lain by llio jealous diiver of a char coal cart is not a brilliunt ending of such a life." In Trouble. Tho Radical leaders aro exceeding troubled over tho ninth resolution in tho Democratic platform. They contend that Democrats, in ac cepting the amendments to tho Con stitulion, also endorso the means used by which they wcrs incorporated into that instrument. Tlio man who as scrts this is neither honest nor logical. It would bo just ns reasonable to say that becauso Democrats acquiesced in tho murder of Mrs. Surratt, by the mil itary satraps, that they also endorsed the men nnd means by which she met her unjust and violent death. Tho Democratio party no more endorses tho means used to change Iho Consli tution limn they do Mrs. Surratl's murderers, Ben Butler's larcenies, or Grant's imbecility and inordiuato lovo o( gain and horso racing. A Quarrel. A running fight has been kept up between two of Grant's cabinet ministers for a month or tnoro. One or both must soon leave.in order to preserve peace in tlio picsidcnlial fami ly. Boutwcll claims tbatGen. Pleasan ton has been interfering with his affairs and vice versa. But we suspect that iho ''Government" will give the Gener al a hint to resign, ono of those days, nnd ho will as usual, obey orders, and lako the field against both Grant ond his pet Boutwell. Tho continuod absence of Grant from the teat of government leads to numerous social and political squubblcs between the loyal hosts who run tho mneVno while ho.ntlcnds the raco courses throughout tho country. Pardoned. President Grant has actually pardoned that notorious big amist and blackleg, Bowcn, who was sent to tho Penitentiary for having n multiplicity of wives. Wo hopo tho Now York authorities will nrrcst him and send him to another Penitentiary for forgery and mutilating tho court records of that Stato in tho divorce business. TEimini.E Storm. Western Iowa was visited by n terrific storm on the 5th instant. In addition to tho ex cessive wind, hail stones tho size of a hen's egg wcro plenty. Scores of houses and barns wero lorn down and unroofed. A largo number of lives wero lost, and tho summer crops wore nearly all destroyed along tho line of tho tornado. The quarrels between the Radical brethren in Philadelphia havo cul minated in a criminal prosecution by one ngainst another on a churgo of conspiring to defraud him out o? his seat in a convention by means of a forired nrolest. Tho accused was or. t . - - rested and had a hearing on Thursday, wnen mo case was adjourned. Tho races nl Long Branch continue and tho President of the United Slates is in ecstacies. Ho declared to friond that he had not enjoyed any thing so much as ho did lbs burtllo race, since the day he rode tho inula in the circus. Tho J'orry country Democrat states that a little child nf M iwn in Tuscarora township, Perry county, got a grain of corn In Its windpipe, a suurt ume sioco, wnicn cntisod us death insido of four days. The Elk Ittmocvacy. Tho Democrats of ill is county as scinblod in Convention at Ridgway en tho Sd, and nominatod tho follow ing county ticket : Associato Judges, Georgo Dickenson, cf Ridgway, and Charles Luhr, of St. Mary's; Sheriff, James McCloskey,of Foxj Treasurer, Joseph Williolm, of St. Mary's; Com missioner, Robert Cnmpboll, of High. land ; Auditor, Curtis W. Barrett, oditorof tho Gazette, St. Mary s. Maj. Herman Krotz, C. V. Gillis nnd Jackson Short, wero appointed Senatorial conferees, with unanimous instructions to support Hon. W. A. Wallaco for Senator. Tho following resolution was nnanimously adopted Frlnl, That wo heartily endorse Iho enurae of Hon. John 11, Hull, our lato member of the Legislature, and truly teudor our tluuks for the fnitiital ana alio manoor in which no utectterged Ini duties. This is a deserved compliment to Mr. Hall. Ho was nmong tho few members of tho last Houso who main lnined his integrity, in tho midst of corruption" ' und tho anti-domoeratie tendencies which for ten years past liavo prevailed ut tho Stale capilol Wo nro pleased to loam that tlio convention was tlio largest and most .harmonious Unit has met for years. a Pastoral Lrller. About tho most amusing event of the season id tho nppenranco of tho Kev. J. r. .owmun in tho rolo ol ti politician. Mr. Newman is the fa vored divino who guides tho flock of tlio metropolitan Methodist church in Washington along tho path ot lion ness. Among iho sheep whom ho lolds and lecus is tho 1'rcsulent. .Not finding his limo sulllciontly taken up by Iho euro of souls, it is perhaps not surprising that ho should uaoblo in politics, und, being the President's pastor, it is perfectly natural and to do expected that he should select lor tho purposo tho politics of a distant Stnle, in which ho has not the shadow of a right to meddlo or inako. 1 hus, ho wrote a letter last April to a lead ing Methodist preacher in Iowa, urg ing him to seo Unit tho primary meet, ings wero "fixed" for the iviioniiiia- tton of Senator Harlan. Tins letter is so unique Ihat a s-nopsis will not do it justice, thorcforo wo givo the lull text 10 servo as a model lor thoso who wish tojollow his example, and tnku a hand in tho gnmo of politics. It is as follows : (CONFIDENTIAL.) WA'iiivonis, D. C, April 2"', ISTI. Dr.Ail DitoTURn: As a uiutn-.il triend I iIpju few carnert words in lielialf f flen.itnr ll-.-l.in'ii re e'rotl'.n to tho United 8lat-a Hrnutu. YoJ know tt.e imn'irtin'io of eat It and earnest action The lurmhcii elected to the next Legislature elect the next Hrna'or. It is then necessary that the riht man he nominated, and hence attention must lu eiveu to nrimarv meetings. I am Rhtrt lo say to you th-tt Senator Harlan is regular in his atten.lanco to church, and his influ ence is in the right lirrcti,n. 1 know crs"nally that lie stands Birh with the Ailrnimstrnliou, nnd litis iiiducm-o wilh the l'rrsident, and is held iu high esteem hy his fellow Seunlois. His speech on Santo Domingo haa giren him an e'eration few Senators enjoy. Hoping tint yno will In all suitable ways intercut yourself fr Mr. ILirlan, 1 am truly yours, J. v. Nkwha. Hero is a mixluro of church and slalo for you f a gentlo combination of the man ol bod and tho man of sin which reminds tlio irreverent Spring field Uemil'lic.ui of the veteran euchre- player in Kontucky, who was having a quiet game with a young convert when tho preacher cumo in, glanced at both hands, and then, stationing himself behind his neophyte's chair, advised him as to his play, i lie justly nggriovod worldling threw down his card, with tha remark ''Look hero, Mr. B 1 If you want a game, I'll go vou for five dollars, but 1 11 bo if I'm willing to play against the wholo Mcthodiet conferonco." The Iowa politicians who have nn oyo on Mr. Harlan's must fuel about the sumo wiiy over llrothor Newman's letter. 1 HE I WO GOVERNOR. A COirC- spondent of the Mercer (Pa.) Press has been on a visit to ( alilornia, and thus speaks of two of Pennsylvania's noble sons : "Un tho zoth wo arrived at Sacramento City, a largo placo sit- uato on Iho river ol tho samo name. I called on Mr. John Biglcr, ex gov ernor of California, and long a resident of Delawaro township, Mercer county, l a. Ho received mo with great kind ness and desired mo to remember him to tho pcopla of his nativo county Ho ia in good hcallhJitit ago soems to bo telling on Ins vigorous conslitu tion. He lives in a splendid mansion and has u cAmpctcncy, but is not wealthy, having spent Ins host oner gios and most of his fort u no in adoptod Slalo and his friends. Ho spoko with emotion of tho poverty from which ho und his brother William arose to bo governors ol distant Stales. Ho says ho I oli d tho brick for tho Thompson Houso, on tliol sou tli-west end ot the public square. in Mercer, und his brother Willium worked as carpenter at tno forest j I on so, north or town. Unhappy. Tlio oditor of tho Hunt ingdon (lobe, is evidently demoriil i.ed. Ho breaks out thusly : "We want Andy Curlin to come borne. lie Is the only man to rally the people and save the Slate from going orer to 'tno Democracy. 1 he hearts of thepeojile are not with Cameron or any of his dogs. Pretty irood, to como from a lead ing Republican paper. Tho O'lube had belter lake down tho names ol Stanton and lleiilh, who wcro nominatod by Cumcron'o convention, and whoso elec tion would bo claimed lis a victory of Iho CninerOn clan, and his treasury ring. Itistruolhut "tho hearts of tho people aro not with Cumoron" but ho manages to control tho ''Radical people" through tho pockets cf their leaders. A Grant and Cameron club has been starlcd in Baltimore A desperate effort will bo inndo lo nominalo Simon Cameron for Vico President, if tho ottlee holders should succeed in forc ing Grant upon the Republican ticket. Tho combination would boa most up nroprialo ono. What Grant does not know about making money out of oitlco, lamoron could soon teach In in , and tho two together would manage to tun the White Houso In such a manner as to secure a rovcnuogrcaior than any despotic rulers ever wrung from their subjects. Boutwell and Pleusanton huvo another difficulty. Tho latter sent an agent to Baltimore to investigate cer tain charges of fraud in whisky, when Boutwell sent a supervisor to ovorseo tho doinirs of the auont. Ploasanlon was at onco informod of tho matter, whon be interfered ; con soquontly each ono claims his right to be solo manager of tho Investigation, and as thoy ure unable lo agroo thore is a dead lock in the examination unlil Grant decides the question for them. What a sot ot old grannies there must bo in high positions at Washington. "77ic Mtook i'ouccru." Tho charge of fsaud modo sguinst tho agent of this institution by Dr. Lanahan, nnd which havo beon under going Investigations for a yoar past by the Bishops and proper- commit tees, havo beon brought to nn unsatis factory closo. To fully show this wo need but copy tho following from u Into number of Harper' Weekly, whoso proprietors nro leading members of the church in question. Enough has leak ed out to lead tho public to bclioyo that tho ''book concern" has boon managed on Iho congressional or leg islative plan, and that the ogonts-bavo "feathered their nests" out of tho char ity funds of tho church, and the com mittoo has successfully smothered the ''irogularilies," 'as defalcations nnd robberies oro now termed by "loyal ists" in high life, in church nnd Stato. The Harpers say: 'When Doctor Lanahan niaJo his charges in regard to certain transac tions in tho Methodist Book Concern thero was but ono simple and evident conrso lo pursuo. Tho charges wore undoubtedly it scandal. If ihcy wcro false, they wcro scandalous and most damaging to the author ; if they wero truo, they wero damaging to tho man agement of tho Concern. But in no ciiso'woro they injurious to tlio-Chureh, oxcept as doubt of good management might Blop tho supplies; not to relig ion, which, fortunately, is not harmed bv tho oflonscs of thoso who wear her mantlo. And, indeed, to tho most superficial view nothing could bo sj much a scandal to tho Concern, to tie Church, and to religion as any attempt to hush tho matter up, or any scemiig unwillingness even to open ovcry dcor and book and invite tho most sonrih ing scrutiny into every detail. Tlio sternly resistance to a thorough inves tigation, which has been evident fntn tho first, has had no other effect than to publish and emphasize the charf.es everywhere, and to persuudo the pub lic that tliero is something wrong in the management of tho Concern. When Dr. Lanahan prcsontod lis charges ho assumed tho responsibility. It was pi n in that, it ho failed in pros ing t lie in , his character as a man un his position as n clergyman were very gravely compromised. The prcsump lion, therefore, was in favor of the trtilh of his allegations. If tho man agement of tlio Concern had replied Ihat they wero untrue, had iiiimo-, diutely invoked tho proper author-' ity to conduct iho most open invest!-, Kation, nnd bad offered every oppor- tumly and every facility for it, the1 presumption of the truth of the charges i ..-nut, I l.nvnheeriaiisnonilnd. lint there1 is one conclusion only to bo drawn from the lung and involved altercation. Tho Concern did not wish a frank nnd full examination, and for ono of two reasjns: cither because it feared tho result, or becauso it apprehended harm to the denomination. If tho last be tho real reason, tho authorities liavo probably learned that under such cir cumstances thero is but ono course which will avoid tho peril, nnd that is to turn on the light. They have failed to do ibis, and Iho result is that public opinion sustains Dr. Danahan. Liberality. lion. Asa Packer, (tho Democratic candidate liir Gover nor in lHMI,) who founded tho Lehigh University nnd originally endowed it ivith $j'JO,000, now proposes to give SoGO.OUU moro, in tho event that the Trustees raiso tho sum of 8250,01)0. Whon they raise tho first 8125,000 ho will placo $:i3,000 to the credit of tho Uiiivcrily and iho fumo sum when they raiso the second 8125,000. Pending tho efforts of tho Trustees lo secure tlio ubovo subscriptions, Mr. Packer w ill contribute 8-0,000 a year for the iuiidental expenses of tho in stitution. Tlio faculty is at present constituted us lollows: Prot. Ilcrr, Into of West Point, fills tho chair of Mathomalics and Astronomy; Prof. Chandler, of tho Columbia School of Mines, New York, that of Chemistry ; t'rot. rruziur, ol I'hiladeljilnn, that ol Mining and Metallurgy, nnd Henry Copper, I.L.I)., is ProloKsor of Dulles Lelleis. Tho chemical laboratory was arranged by tho late Prof. C. M. Wcthi rill. Pittsburgh Post. Going) to Kuroi'K. Our readers will bo pained to learn thai Iho continued illness of Hon. Kli Slifor, our distin guished fellow citizen, has rendered it important that bo should travel to foreign countries in tho hopo of being benctiltod by a chungo to other cli mates. Tho labors which it was nec essary for him lo porform while Seo rctary of the Commonwealth, tit the lime not noticable, have left their mark upon him as they did upon Governor Curlin. His numerous friends will miss his presence hero, but it is hoped he may soon he returned w ith renewed hoalih nnd vigor. He expects to tuke his departure within a few days, and will be absent about ono ycur. Lew isburj Journal. Loyal Ktiqi'ette. Tho Now York Herald says : "Bigamy has becomo a potent clement in politics. Ex-Con-' grcssman Bowen's criino bus called lor A now departure among tho South Carolina Republicans, and the efforts to have him pardoned threatened to split up tho parly in that Stnto. His friends want him froo again, so Hint ho can bo ro elected to Congress, nnd his enemies favr his detention as tho surest bar lo his political success. If bigamy and Qthtr crimes, when pun ished, assume so much importance in politics, wo have tt right to expect that railroad jobbing, land grabbing und bribery ond corruption bo mndo equal ly potent by meeting out to them sim ilar ponallios." Andrew Juckson Donnlson died at Memphis, lenn., on tho L'Ot h u It., in tho 72d year of bis ago. Hogrnduu leu the second in tho class ol IW1 nt West Point ; was private Secretary to President Jackson duriiiL' both terms of his administration, and afterwards served as Minister to the Republic of icxns, Jtorun, una tno t.ormnn Con Icdoratton. On Ins rot urn homo he succeeded Frunk Blair, Jr., as editor ot tho iiashington Lnton; then ran for Vico Prosidont on tho Fillmoro ticket. Jefferson County Democracy. The following are tho nominations mado by the Convention nt BrooUvillo last weeki President Juduo. Wm. P. Jonks, Ksq., by acclamation. Assem bly, Edmund English. Treasurer, Christian Miller. Commissioner, Sum uol Thrush. Auditor, John D. Phil lippl. The Postmaster of Macon. Ga.. lias appointed tho biggost negro in tho oily delivery dork ut the Indios win dow, ' f MHYsftrarif, Jlo!'K, Tncre . Is nothing which adds so inudi to tho comfort of tho traveller as t know that he Is passing ovor n safe and "woll rogu luted lino of travel. Tho following, wbioli wo tttko from a lalo numbor of tho Now York Day Iiooi, fully exprossos what we know, and wo desire, that tho travelling com munity should know it, too, so fur as wo ;an givo it publicity. Tho editor in qicstion says ! ' "A gentlotnnn of Portland, Maino, writes its that n party of ladies and gciiilemon of that city aro about to tnkt n pleasure trip West, and desirbs . .'e I !. ,,...l.:..u : il. l.. US II llliurill llllll "Wllll-ll lo viiu vum rout for dispatch, safety and sight sceiiuT from New York city to C'bi- cagr r"- We have never boon on any rauwad in this conlry that appourud to ui .to bo munnged wilh so much thoriUL'hnoss and care as the t'enn svlvinin Central. Port Wavno nnd Cliitaco road. Everything moves wlt.'l tho regularity of a piece ot cloc'i-work and it in probably iho best built road is America. It takes tlio traveler through tho Alleghany Mountains, and treats him to a view of the most graid and picturcsquo seonory tho word contains. Tho paliteo cars and tho (ving along this route al'ord quite as nnny comforts and luxuries as are to bi found in the first class hotels ut watering places. From Chicago to the "far, fur West," tho favorite road is the "Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific;" and unlil a man has been over this route from Chicago to Omaha, ho has had no conception of the grand rolling prarios of Iowa, or of tho boundless wealth of the agricultural domain of our country." Macartney, tho post ofllco defaulter, says this is the first time any such thing ever occurcd lo him in all his experience as a Government officer. He says if tho Government will for givo him this time be will loo that it don't occur again. Tho Government is at Long Branch, thinking about for giving. But the aforesaid Govern ment is moro for receiving than for giving. Wm. Watson, for forly years jani tor of Joflcrson' Medical Collego, Phil adelphia, died on the -8th tilt , aged seventy six years. Ho was well known to members of tho medical profession in nil parts of the country. T , ,m , , ,. . , , . An Irishman who hud blistered Ins "nKer u endeavoring to pu I on a I',"1' l"'oU. exclaimed : "I be hevo I ' never get them on until I wear "" i' or .... .ftclll".r s : iho great happiness of life, I find, nflcr all, to consist iu the regular dischurgo of some mechan ical duty. Gravity is no more evidence of wis dom than a paper collar is of a shirt. $eu! 2.(li'fiti5fmfuti. A1 TTENTK1N, t'L'ftTOMKItai Hating determined to engage in other hasi- .ess, It Is necessary to settlo up with those in arrears In tha hla-ksicllhtng.and hive lift my honk aceounta wilh I.. . Irwin, Esq., for eolleo tlon, or whicfe all persona interested will please take notice. AMOS KENNARD. CIcarDeld, July II, 1171 41. 1 TR A V Came trespassing on the preml-es .1 j nt (he tuhscriher In Ura.lr township, on the Oih dy of May, IS7I, a RED nt'l.L, about a year tod a half old, with white tail and hrown head. The owner ia requested lo cnuie forward, prove property, nay charges and take him away, otherwise ho will he disposed of according to law. IIOPKREY EILLIOX. Luthersburg, July II, lSII-Slpd. (1 ACTION. All persons are herehy enntioned J igainst prnxhasing a ecrUIn PROMISSORY NOTE given by me some time in June to John B-pist, agent for th Iiemarost Talent Pruning Shears, riaid note calls for f ll 0, and as 1 have nerer received the Vruning Shears according to agreement I am determined nut to pny the same unless compelled hv law. JyH-8 BENJAMIN LANSDERRY. Ilir.ll-:fl)KNT Kt'lllMlI. DISITHICT. The taxable residents of Lawrence Indepen dent Sehuol llislrict are hereby ootillod Ihat the undersigned has been appointed collector of the Sehool tAi for IS7I, and Ihat all are respectfully requeued to call at bis residence on or before r'alur lay, the IVIb day of A iiguat neit, and settle Ihessmc. ltll'UAUU B1IAW, Jr., July I, 1871 St. Collector. J'jl LI, HAD MA N, 'PRACTICAL M I LLWRIG HT, LUTIIEIlf-Bl'IlO, PA. Agent for the American Ilout Turbine Water heel and Andrews k Kalhaeb Wheel. Can fur nish Poital.lt llrlet Mills on short notice. ,vl2'7I y II.I.IAMHPORT DICKINSON SEMINARY. A (Irtt cla.s Pchool for both mrs, Williams port, Pa. Kail session opens Auguit 21th, 1871. ror catalogues, anurest W. LEE SrOTSWOOD, I). D July 1J, 187IOU President. T?XI ( I'TOIIH' NI)TICH.Wherea.. Let I J terl Testamentary on the estate of JAM Ed A. KfcAM, deeeaaed, late of Lawrence town hip, Ulearflcld county, Pennsylvania, bating been granted to the undersigned, and all persons o'e'i Ml eeiaie win prease mane payment, and those having claims or demands wiM present tu..u. uMiuucaiel for settlement. THOMPSON READ, MATTHEW REAP, July IJ, lSTl-flipd. Eiecntori. A IIMINIKTIIATOIt' ftOTICH. Notloe 1 n hereby gtten thai letters of administration on the estate of JACnll HI IV HI. Y, deceased late of Hell township, ClearDrtd oounlr. Peon's. bating been dsly granted to the anderaigned, all persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate parmont, and those hating claims or detnsndr will prt sent Ihem nrnnerlv authenticated ,or sciuciauni Wlllloul detny. LOt' ISA MIIVELY, Tmiitvtlle, July 11 Jtpd Administratrix. A11MINIPTRATOH liOTH .UNotlce is htrehy given Ihat letters of administration on Ihe eetale of THOMAS EAHY, deceased, late of Woodward township, ClearSeld county, Pa., having been duly granted to the ondersignrd, all persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, end those having claims or ueiunmis will present them properly authenticated u, svimiiui-ih wiiuoul ueiav. John mcoan.s,, I'hilipshurg, July IJ.fllpd Administrator. CAUTION. All persons are herehy cautioned against nurohnslnf or In ant wt meddling with tho following properly, now in possession of .'.iu m. inaoa,oi uenaiur township, aa ihe same belongs to us and is left wilh him suliinet In n,ir order: Two horses, two arte of harness, wagon, IS head of sheep, one milk now, two ealrei, scien hogs, ahotel plow, metal plow, harrow, two pair -..t,n.in, mi, oiinios, tnroo acres oi rye, i a acres of oats, 12 acres of grass and Are acres of e,m in ron. II1I.EMAN A IIKSKEH. Decatur township, July 12, IS7I Hlpd. I A I. E I Valuable Real Estate I IN CLEARFIELD, FA. Tho subscriber offcri for tale hit property on Market street, (next door to Allegheny Hotel,) Clearfield, Pa , being a lot and a half, 14 feet front on Market etrvot, with a double plank two story HOI'm, containing four large rooms down stairs and tlx good bed rooms up stain and good frame plank HTAULK and nil elher neeossary outbuildings emoted thereon. Three WELLS of good water on the premises. HTFor Irrmt lnd conditions apply on the promisee, or to Frank Fhorl. at the Short Hhn. nhop, next foor to Miller Powell', store, Mar ket street, or by letter to J)U J-'lenrOcId, Clearfield Co, ('a, yew (Ivfiltsrmfiitj. rp o TUP. P U II LI C I IMPROVED Agricultural Implements I Those In wont of Imnrovod Agricultural Itn plcmcnta should call on M. O. 1IHOWN, Market street Clcnrlleld, l a., who sens toe oesu WALTER A. WOOD'S M0WEB, which took Ihe first prlre at the Paris Exposition tn IS07, when sixteen or the beat Mowing ma chines In Kurope and Amerioa were on trial. Will ttnrrnnt it to give satisfaction, and give time for trial, when, if it doei not work as reoummend- ed, it can be returned. Two of the best HAY II A K P.8, Stoner'i and llnxcrstown Rnke, which defy their equal. Two stylet of II A V I'DltKH, Nellie and ripreati. " ELMS A IIOOFMAN'S ono-boreo THRIvSHING MACHINES, which will thresh from one hunJrtd to two hun dred bushcti of grain in day. Will do more work than most of the two bone Tlirrihinj Ma- oldnes la Market. Buckeyo drain Drill, Stoner Fanning Mill, best in market, Feed Cutters of all kinds, Illcboek Cider Mill, Dug.powcrf for Gfeurnr, and all tutogs in fjur line. M. O. BROWN. Clearfield, July 12, 1871. A DMIMSTHATOH'H NOTICU. Notice 1 V is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of DAVID EE I'll ART, deeeaaed, late of Osceola, Clearfield eonnty, Pennsylrania, bating been duly granted to the undersigned. all person! Indebted to said estate will please Brake immediate payment, end those baring olaimi or demands will preeent tbem properly aulbeuttcated for lettlement without delay. H. II. KEP1IAKT, Oieeola, Jul) 12, 1871 St. Administrator. VfOTI2 I.OT. All persons are herehy ean- n tioneu against trading lor or outing a cer tain PROMISSORY NOTE glren by A. D. John. son to Jacob May, calling for $12.00, fifty being endorsed on the same, and duo about the first of June, 1S7I. raid note having been lost hr mo. PETER MOVER. Kylerlown, June 12, 1871-Htpd. 1)KOI'()HAI.M. Proposals will be received hy the School Hoard of Knox School District until the 22d day of July, 1871, for the erection of a SCHOOL ItOl'sB at New Millport. Bpecifi. cations and plans onn bo seen by applying to P. A. Rowlcr, President, or to the subscriber. II. J. FLOPPY, Bcoretary. New Millport, la., July 12 21. $li.5rfU;iiif0u;j. g ILK HATS Latest Spring stylet 4 i D. R. FCI.LERTON'8. I)INK, WIlirB A ROAN LINlNl) KKINS- L jusi reoeirea and lor sale oy April 20. 1170. H. F. UIULER A CO. (AUDOI.IC PLANT PROTECTOR J for sale by -pSS lin HARTSVTICK k IRWIN. C A IJTIl) N. All persons are herehy cautioned j agalust purchasing or in any way meddling with a oertaiu 1ILACK MARE, now in possession of M ichael Fink, of ilraham township, at tho same belongs to mc and is subject to mr order. T. il. FollCEY Orahamton, June 2S, 1871 3t. "VrOTK'l-:. Notice Is hereby given that I hale hern aulhorfied hr Ihe Court to take charge of the books of UEOIttlE 8. PERRY and recuve all balances tbtreon. All persons know. ing Ihrmselvea indebted to said Perry will plrase ncike immediate payment and thereby save cos'. June J, 31. J.u. IT. vt lUULtl. "lALCINED PLASTER AND UYbRAlLIC J Cement, for tale by Jr28 tn IIAKTSWICK A inWI.V. I DMIMM It ATOIIH' NOTICliU Notice X V it hereby given that letters of administration on therstalt or DAVID Sl NDEHLAMI, dro'd, lute of Hell township, Clearfield County, Pa., having been duly granted to tho undersigned. all persons indebted lo said estate will please make payment, and lliose naving elaiuia or demands wiil present them property authenticated for set tlement. CAM OKI. tltHI.IIU.lP, JAMES A. CAMPUELL, June 28, IS71 6t Administrators. IIXr.CI.'Tlllt'f) MITH'I-'. Notieel. her I i by given that Letters Teetamcntary having ben granted to the subscriber. On the Eslate of MICHAEL SI NUERLASD, dee d, late of Pell township, Clearfield eonntt, Pennsylvania, all persona indebted to laid Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims agmnst the same will preeent them duly authenticated lor settlement. AMOS tsUNDERLAND, June 21, 1871:01. Executor. T. H. MURRAY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLOIt AT LAW. TrAmpt ftttrntino xlrrn to U lcjrtl luuinett entrusted to hia carp in Clearfield and .vljnioint; tnuntics. Office on M uket it., oppoiito Ntu.t'i jeweirj oiore, VMftrncia, r. JeU 71 MliVt' AUDI The Commissioners of Vyt Clearfield county will give a reward of twenty llnllare Tor the detection of the party or parties wuo are constantly mutilating and d'-rnctng the walls and stairs of the Court House. Within a few dart the fine railing on the alairwar has been chipped and out from top to bottom. It was evidently the act of a thoughtless boy or ft wicked adult. The above reward will be paid to any one giving information ooncerning this act, and the names of those giving the information will be withheld ll d tired. rl. II. HIIAr FNEIt, ft. II. HINUMAN, Comm'rs' Office. 1 DAVID HICK, ClrarfTt-ld, J une 2 I.St. J Commissioners. rlHT 111' JUIilUt, DRAWN FOIt PEP I temher Term, 1871 I commencing 4th Mon day, (:'ith) : ORA7.0 Jl'ROnt. Lcmu"! noot....RcccBriaJ. Moore Ferguson Jas. 11. Kunderlin....llelllJ. A. L. Flegnl...ll.,en tlcorgc Hess RoggslT. IlewitL Huston Heslevil. Slurry, Urad-IJ. Meliheehan.... Jordan ford. J. W. Potter.... Karthaut A. Penis. r. Drady'W. Mapet Lawrence J. Mi-Murray ...Durntldt 111. 11 LytlevLuinborCily Cidvln Stevens Chest N. Fullmer Marrit C. Ilarmoy Covington John i.awshc Osi cola It. r. Mill Clrarfleld Allen McDonald.... Prcn W. It. HartshurD...Cur- Isaac Caldwell Pike wensvllle. David Dressier.. ..Union J. 1.. Thompson.. Decatur. Hagcr'y..., Woodward TRAVRnsR jttuona II. I.. Mctlhee Rrll .1. P. lloyt Fcriruson Araot R. Tale... , John Orr A. H. Phaw. Iloshcn H. Lingle M Wm. Conrad Oiitlrh Wm. S. trry Jordan M. Reed Lawrence Joel Forest...., Uvi Rowlet... " Oliver Conklin " Jas. Mitchell.. " J.M'lllaughlin Jno. Mitchell. " Z. Ogden ' (lllbert lloovor... Morris M. A. Ilrnwn D. IV. Chilsou Illoom J II. (Irarhart, llratirnrd Mark Kyler J. U. tlray Henry Albert Daniel Hlewart... fllmnn Walllnrn...nrady Alexander Pnea... " J. Hamilton " C. ftehwem " D. Holllday " John Lee Ilurntide Jamet Wet.el.. " Jos. L. Neff. ' Othello Smced.. Daniel Fishel Che. I Richard rlhirk.Clrarliehl L, Denning A. Ponlhard.... M. 11. .MoUralh... Osceola . M. Howies Penn Joseph L. Dale Pike Jrlt. Caldwell A. 1'. Illoom " Philip Long " Wm. tllenn ' II. F. Ilarley t'lilon J.Hhunhwiler.. " A. F. Mitchell. " Wm.Luthtr...Woodward rpisii tisi Tim i KTOVKSI 8TOVIJI1 HTDVIJtl WAn.fi & IIAUTMAN Tleslre Ia Infnrm 1 1. - . -1 f. , i the public generally, thai they hare Jul! received - '. .picnuiu assnnmens oi mores, llnnse- hold Hardware and Humped and Jtipanncd Wares of all kinds. Alan il,. and keep eontlanlly on hand a full assortment of Tinmen It .... h. 1. 1 I. . , , j . . either wholesale or retail, to lull pnrrhaaera. Rnoflnir. Knnnlln tltalplna ..... .11 L...l e Job Work done to order and with dispatch nines attention paid ordering articles ror par ties desiring it. Consumers wilt find It to their advantage In nnrchase from at. Our ttoek and prices will sat isfy yon that wo do tell food warei nt prioet that please the people. Van will C...I u. nK ., , , - " - .. v .,u aiiivi, nearly op posite the Exchange Hotel. vsoeoia mills, re., may 10, !S7l-tr Insure Your Properly I rpilB undersigned are prepared lo take any 1 reasonable Urn rl.ks. In wood and reliable oompaniei, euch as the " Karmert' Mutual," ol York, l'a.i the " Andet," of Cincinnati, Ohioi the "Uerraanla," of New Ynrk, and others. Ratan reasonable, and in oaaeof loss money will be paid up promptly. 1H IN A K II F US. I learfielj, r., April II, Wl-if. . tl Mt for M. )RIVATP. OH Ptni.lC HAI.K Valuable Real Estate I The suhacrlher will otTor at Public Sale, on THURSDAY, 24th day of AUllUKT, next, (if not sooner sold.) at 2 o"clock p.'m ,t hit house, hit entire properly, tituate In Union township, Clear field oountv, Pa,, oonelsllng of lull Acret and tlx per cent, ailowanoa of the boil Farm, Timber and Coal Lands, In Ihrae turteyt, lying In one body. Will be told either eeperateor togelhor, at reason able rates. The IMPROVEMENTS are as fol lows, via: About 110 Acret cleared and nnder good cultivation, with four Dwelling tlouset, throe Hams, one Sawmill, and other outbuildings, and three first-nt Orchards of eholoe fruit. Tht best of running water near the houses. The balance of these lands timbered with- Fine, Hemlock and tjlber timber, sufficient to cut about a., million fl.0b0.000) feet of lumber. For a mineral properly thil il the bctt In thit part of the country oonsisung oi no., wo-, ""'' and Htone Coal of the best quality. Large ve.ns, easily mined, and convenient lo the Railroads now under wav of bulldinf. t-fA-l-'or partloulart eall on the lutsterlbtr or addrctl him at Hookton r. u., e-iearueiu oouniy. June 12 W JOHN MtESHl.KR. F on iimii Valuable ,Hotel In Wallaceton I A Urge and eommodloul Tavern Stand tltuale on the corner of Clearfield and flaughman streets in the village of Wallaceton. The building It 82 1.12 feet in lite, with good stabling attached to the premises. The Douse bat a fair there of the public patronage and will be told on moderate termt. For further Information npplj to the sub. eoriber, residing on the prrmitot. M.yJl-Jm, UEO. W. IIARKIN8. Valuable GrIstJIill For Sale! rpilK andenicned olTeri For Flt Oriit Hill, X Uwelling Houm nd Store Home, titutle in New Millport. Clmrlleld county, P. Tie Mill il Id food condition, baring been repaired and put in excellent order within tho tut year, and bai a good paying euitom. It ) lituatad In one of tlio beat wheat-growing Kcttoni of the eoontr. whieb decidedly FnoreaM-i its value. Tbe Dwelling Houm and Stora Jtoom are alio In good order. Togclber with tbe above property will It fold about a 06 ACUE3 OF LAND, partly eteared and balance In Timber Land. "i-Termi mde known on application (o tbe nndenigned at New Millport P. O. May SI. 3m JOI'.X FOX. Houses and Lots For Sale! I will aell a well Improved Houm and Lot, situ ated on Loouit ftreet, between Third and Fourth: and a larve well fluialied new Houm and two Loll, eituated on tha ponth-easl eorner f liOcuRt and rourtu atrrvti. ror terini and eondt ti.tni applv to JOHN W. BUt'UART CUaraeld May 17th, 2u. AY TEST VIRGINIA Timber nnd Coal Lands F0F. S A L 5 I Tlie following tracts of Timber and Cool Landt are olTored for eale : Une tract of 17,000 acrctj lying on the hlk Kiver, in n ebster county; three tracts lying on the tame river in Braxton eounty, two of O.0U0 acret each and one of 1,111.0 acret ; and oue tract containing 0,310 acret, lying on the (laulty River, in Mebulat county, fbetitlea to these lands are perfect. Anr information concerning these tandscan be had by addris.ing O. r. FLEtlAL, March 22, lSTI-tf. l'bilip.burg, Fa: Farm for . Sale I (10XTAINIXO 'JO ACRKS, In a good state of J cultivation, situated in 1'ike township. Clear field county, l'a., about eighty rods from Logan's Flouring Mill, on the turnpike leading from Cur wcnsvllle to Clearfield. Having a story and a hall house, stable and out-buildings therein. There is elso a good spring and a young orcharj on tbe preinttrs. Any person di siring a nice little home will find Ibis a very desirable locatiun. For further particulars inniiire of Rachel Cald well, on the prendre!, or address T. W. FLEMISH, Mirch 29 tf. Curwensville, Ta. Tuxes & High Prices Repealed! A NEW START! GREAT REDUCTION OF TRICES A GREAT ATTRACTION'S, at HARTSOCK & GOODWIN'S, CI RWEXSVILLE, PA., Caused Ly the opening of n new lot of SPRINT. & RUMMETI r.OODSi We tnka plraiura In infurutlng onr old aa well aa new cuitumora, and the public fenerally, that wa hava returned from the Ktiat witb a large and weji aciectea Block or guod. We eall eppeelal attention to our elrrant aaaortment of Hilki and Prenj (looda, in every varieiy. vwiimmi, luTionaiie. Jean a and Fheetinga, and arery variety of Domt'Ktte Dry Hood, at priers to fuit the timn. Ladlei' and Children a Hhoei A (laltera Iu end kai variety. Call and examine tbem. Alio Men a and Bya Boot a and rboea, of tvery kind and price, Ha la and Capa In every aiyha. Hoop Skirts, PkeMnn and (Hove fitiin CorartaT Ho- aiery and tllovea, Poeket Cutlery uf the flnrtt c.ngliib ma he, boapa, rcrlumory and Kotiona of all kinJa. onocKRTr Ql KKNHWAkk, SALT. HAhl)VARI., rAIXTf, Oila, Wood and Willow Ware, Druga and Patent Medicine, and In fact everything yun want. All ot whicli will be aold Cheap for caah or country pron nee. ttWool and Short Shlnglea Wanted ! HARTSOCK A (lOODWIX. Curwrnavitle, l a., May 21, 1871 -2m. SPRING GOODS! JUST RECEIVING! T tOHT CALICOES, FPLENDID 10c. CALL Jj eoee, Delaines, Shining Checks, Muslim, I'luids, Whiln Gonde, Fercalet, Jtpanese itilks, lllark Silks, Milk Ponlins. Illaek Alnacaa. T.1,1- Llnrni, Vclrctctnt, Bhnwli, Boyt' Ca.sim.ret, Ac. AT J. MILES KRATZKR'S! nOSIERY, SILK GLOVE?, BEST PARIS Kidtllnves. Lane Pnll.r. ll.i. ia u.k.. .. vuignons, llair nets, Lonctl, lloup Skirts, At AT J. MILES KRATZER'8 ! rRESS TRIMMINGS, SILK FRINGES XJ eatin, t elvet Itiblioni, Uuttona. do. AT J. MILES KRATZERSI rpRIMMEI) HATS, RIBBONS, Millinery Goods, Ac., At. AT J. MILES KRATZER'SI TTNFQt'ALKD 8T0CK OF LAMES' AND KJ t hililren't Short and Gnllere, Men's French Kip and Calf Boon, Calf and Luting Ualicrs, Ae. AT J. MILES KRATZER'SI O 000 '"'ECUS WALL PATER -Ite. la VV II. Illl prr bolt Carpel!, Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shadrl. best While Grauila Tea Ware, Glast Ware, Table Knivea and Forkt, At. AT J. MILKS KRATZER'SI C1HOICK TEAS, COFFEE, AND OTHER ; 11 metrics, Dried Applra, reaches, Cherritt, Prunot, Canned reachot, Tomatoci, Corn, Ao Thi abnre, with nn Immense ttoek of other (loo. Is, hava been bought at the lowest cash prices, aad will be oicred nt rery low retee. fSTCam and examine them whether yon buy nr sou J. M. KRATZER. (Formerly C. K raiser A Soni.) Next doir lo II. T. Illglsr A Cn.'i Hard wart Store. Clearfield, March U, 1S7 If. Clearfield County Bank. rpilK Cleatflsld County Bank at an Inen 1 ted In.tll.Uon ba. gon. out of exi.t, All ite ttoek U ownad by the tubtcrib.,', .i ' III continue the Banking builneas at the s placo, at private Uahktrt, under tht , of the "Clenrfitld County Bank." tf , ,r, " sponsible for lbs debts of the Bank, and wilie"' Iu nottt on demand at tha eonnitr. DsntJo' received and Interest paid when money 1, itf., a fixed lime. Faptr discounted at tlx perJ.V at htrttofora. Our penonal rtsponsibilit, pledged for all Dopotlti received and bu.h,,!! Irani eted. A eontlnuanoa of the liberal PI, ronage of the buiinett men of the eoonty ia tpeotfully tolicited. At Fretident, Cashier oflcert of lh lata Clearfield County itat. k ! require tha notes of laid Bank lo be preitnut: for redemption. JAS. T. LKONAKD, RICIIARD BnAW WM. PORTER, JAS. B. ORAHAM A. K. WKIU1IT, Q. h. REKD, WM. A. WALLACE. The huilnoii of tht Bank will be conducted W John M- Adams., Kiq., ai Cashier. JunlS, J aii . ..vi-.v .-', im . J. D. M'Olrk. Edward Perks BANKING 4 COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Successors to Fetter, Perkt, A Ce, rhlllpiburir. Centra County, pa. WIIKRK all the busincal of a Banking loir will oe trantaoted promptly and upon tnr moat furoraole terma. mtir7.tf County National Bank. CLEARFIELD, PA. TIIIS Bank II now open and retdy for Uil. nest. Office on Second street, in the bulla. Ing formerly oecupied by Leonard, Finney A Ct. Dir.xcTOni ano orricnnt. JAS. B. HRAUAM, RICHARD SI1AW WM. A. WALLACE, WM. PORTER, A. K. WRIQHT, GEO, Ir. REKbi W. M. BHAW, JAS. T. LEONARD; ju2S,lloJ Cashier. Prettifst. ' ltisrfUanfou$. ItoggMToeriiMltip Awake GREAT EXCITEMEXT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! Jj'VERTBODT trying to get there first, foif.o j of being crowded out into the eold. If yon want good hboelng dona, go to Bkiu; If yon want your Sice's ironed right, go to Bust. U yon want good Mill Irons, go to Bkers, If yon want your wtgon ironed in the bv it ttyli and workmanship, go to Ilr.ttt. Rami makes tht best bin tup Miehlne in ibt Stale, and doei all klndt of BLAChS.M ITIil.Vtl ti cheap as can bo doot in the county for Ci.k, My Pott Office addrert it dearlel', Pa. THOMAS UEKRS, Doggi Tp., Deo. 1, lM7-tf. .' Cheap Fiiriiituro. joiin gulicji DESIRES lo inform hll old friendi mil c. tomeri, that having enlarged bit thop toi inereated bit faeilitiei for manulactnring, bt is wow prepared to make to order inch Fornilart ti may bt dcttred, in good ntyle nnd atebeap rites forCASU. Ill generally baa on hand, at bit Furnltura roomt, a varied assortment of ready, made furniture, nmong which are BUREAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobetand Book Cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, Breakfast nnd Dining Extention Tablet; Com mon, Frcnch-poit,Coltage,Jenny-Lind and other Bcditeadi) Srfaa of all kinds, Work modi, ilt racks, Wash-stands; Rooking and Am Cbaira ; ipring-ieat, eane-hottom, parlor, com mon and other Chain; Looking-Ulaaiei of tvsry deeeription on band ; and new glaatel for old frames, which will bt put in on eery reatonsklt termt on thortttt notice. Ut alto keept or hit. or furnishet to order, Corn-bulk, llair and Cot-tun-top Maitrreiei. Coffins of Evert Kind Made to order, and funerali nttended with a Hearie whenever desired. Alto, Ilonti Painting done to order. The lubicribcr also maculae, turn, and hit eonttantly on hand, Clement'l Patent Watbing Machine, the bttt now in o.e 1 Thott nting thii mtchina never need be with, out clean elotbet ! He also hat Flyor'i Patent Churn, n tuperior article. A family ulog thit Churn never need be without bntttr I Alt tha above and many other artielet art fur nishid to euttomtrt okeap for Cm or exchangee for approved eountry produce. Cherry. Mtplt, Poplar, Linwood and otler Lumber luilablt fcr Cabinet work.lakon in txchenge for furcitu-t Rsmrmbcr tht thop la cn Mirkel street, Clearfield, Pa and nearly opposite tbe "Old Jew Store." JOHN UlUCU. November ill, 1S y READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS cfr STATIONER Y. Market St., Clearfield, (nt the Post OiT.re.) rHB naderalgned bag Irava to announce te X. tha eltitena of Clearfield and vicinity, thai ha haa fitted Bp a room and haa juat reinrnrd from tha elty with a large aaount of readirg matter t oniiating in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, A croon t and Paai Booka of tvery dr aeription ( Paper and Envelopei, French pruned and plain j Pen a and Peneila Blank, Legal P.pera, Deeda, Mortgagoa; Jadguient, Eitmp tlon and Promiaaory notei t W hite and Parch; merit Brief, Legal Cap. Record Cap, and Bill Cap , Sheet Moale for either Piano, F.utt or Violin oonatantly on hand. Any booka or ftationcrj desired that I may not hava on hand, will be or ordered by firat aipraai, and aold at aholeala or retail to init eoatoanen. I will alio keep periodical literature, anch aa Magailnea, Newi. papera,ilo. P. A. UAUL1. Clrarfleld May ?, 186Mr DAVID YOUNG, Stone-Culler and Slone-Masou, ' ILL txecute all work In hit lint at m.i- tratt pricti and in FIRST-CLASS style. Architectural Ornaments In ALL STYLES, Stone Dressing of evtry deicription, and all kindt of maton work con tracted for in or outof the eonnly. Any prrior t wishing to have respeetabla mason work and ttone-culilng done, will lnd it to their tntereit to eall upon ma I would air Inform Ihe pub lie that I can deliver any quantity or elast cf ttont doilnd, tt I am the owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUJUU! Y. Ordtrt fcr work can be addressed to DAVID VlU'Nfl. arSS.Tf Clrarneld l'a. The Liahlnina Tamer. 'PUB andrrslgned aro the aola Agenlt In thla ...,,,,,., ...,rin nuencan uaivanitra LIDHTNIVll RUMS " Ti.... ... .1 , rods now In me, and an tndorstd by nil tha dentine men In the eenntry. na nercoy noury tne eitnens of Ihi eounty that w. will ni !.. . i...... j . . - . r. .... . . . y m uiiiii ii u , anu tor lest money, than It charged hy the foreign -uu MMianj iraTorve ine oounly a&4 oarry off our little cash, nevar to return. ENCOURAGE HOME LA HOI?. Thnatk wlktn I I. T. J. . j ... H ..vMiiipi iiuui vrvpico b their buildingi need bi t addreat ua by letter, or r...,. ... aruw llllin u njwurt in the eounty, and vramnt thorn. Tha Bode and V i V , i. rji a . . . I. . .... . . ... . I - I I . - v. . ' p.,, iintv vty cuing Bt onrttore. II. p. HIULbK A CJ. Clearfield, March 10, U70 tt Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. 'pilB undersigned, having established a Km J. lery an tbe 'Pike, about half war helweea Clearfield and Curwenevllle. it prepared to fur nish all kinds of FRUIT TREKS, (ttandard and dwarf.) Kvtrgreent, Phrnbhery, Grape Vines, 0 loseberrlet, Lawton lllackberry, Strawberry, and Hasherry Vines. Also, Siberian Crab Treei, Quince, and early teirlet Rhubarb, do. Order! promptly attended to. Address, J. D. WRIGHT. tpJO M-y Curwtntvlllt, Ta THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured especially for THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, - to lilt IT augS'l II. F. nitlLER A CO. )(1(;8 TdWltwIllIt AMI HI if yon want a good Librla Wagon, lnltbed h in workmanlike manner, go to itv ii, i;i t( DEtHnn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers