CLKAIM'JEL'D, TA. ,SPV SuHTxiXO. JULY 12, 1R71. Tprms of Subscription. nrtritliin threo months ...t? 00 I 60 (tfeM .rv.-. - """"" thr c:pirstion of six inonthi. Jiilfr , 8 00 hi .vii. l.H to Insure Insertion In tlitu , II n It" prrnn i" 1411 viui-n, (uuiiii,; hi:i K.iora notici-.. itlvronal ( hurrh Krr. J. II. :n, IV'"1 1'iiMio Sorvloa srery Sabbath, ' 1 . n 1 If " AV,.rv Tliursdav. tit 1 P. M nin Service, first Babbit or irerj t II 4 A. .11. ' iijti.. lV-lic Horvioo Hunday morning "wk, and nt 1 M. Sunday School at j-i'mvef Meeting Wednesday evening ;Tji r;i"umii( uiuruiiia, and OVPQ- , r'unHi-Rer. W. D. Sms-fim. Pin- ' j'u Jin !.'rvi."S every Sabbath, morning or , lUcrniHciv. Krtiifli' CUurcfi CatholicRev. T. Mnn nt ii'j o clock a. n., on tne I an I ffiirih Sundays or each month. . ' 'I'll a I 'n nnA r I -c In I' fun t-nt School Distriot puhliihes a t jf iu'reit to the tax -payor tho roof. IiLt Mkv. Wo would rcfor those 5; to employ a flrft class workman to build 'M r jrrit or law mill, to th card and j! of Mr. 1 1 Arm an in thil Uiuo. iiii.t) PnnwxKD. On Monday Inat ,:'- of Mr. Iorvit wandered Into the old tan i up town nnl fell into ono of the rati and tlro wr- l. It was takon oat and physioians I. I:if nil efforts to' rcitore life wore unarail ;:, t'lillj whs about two years old. i.nt k'ttcra remaining unclaimed .lli.'e at Clearfield, for the week ending r, Mia Mnggia . J. din (2) . John n, Frank F. Johnston, Win. M. Kondig Jonny 11. Mur?, llurlicrt Miller, Mr. Harry I A. tiAl'MN, P.M. TiK Fourth. This national hoh- i pretty generally celebrated everywhere, i.i our own borough, where it wai reduced :r. dull Sunday by tbe abandonment of tbe . who (ted to other local) ti oi to spend their an 1 enjoy themfelvci. Comraimittfi, like , c.innot be held to the domoitic hearth If lI rnjoymonti are prohibited. Li r them Come. Wo learn that i'...lip 1'Innohanl, extensircly engaged in the i '. iiilueii in Tnion township, hx pnrchnscd Vat ClearnelJ, and devigai erecting a . i;uc dwelling t hereon, with tho objoct of oo- it with hii family. We have plenty of t , jn-t iuch enterprising buincsi men ai . '.iurd, and wo hope they will come and in t tuwn. m Si i -hit. Our villagers woro Htar I r S.m My morning by tbe annotinpemont of ; ' n .lenth of Joseph BarchSoM, one of the jiititf LMrpsnTrs and builders of this place. In- n jintvcd that he had committed luloide . la nil r, num. No cause Is assigned for p-h nrf, unless it is credited to inU-rape ranee !, ;:rt and prodigality on the part of others, r- i U frrqurntly complained lately. . t m Another Oonk. Wo rogrel to nn- t i our refi-lrra the death of Wm. W. An :ii. nliioh occurred on the 29lh of June, on i farm in Bloom township, in the fidh year of a.-'1. 11? ran ono of the most energetic and t ; ri'ni" in-n we ever knew, and by industry -I iimmy hid aeumulatrd quite a eompo l leaves hii family in comfortable cir-:i.'':kii-'4. Iripsy was the cauie of hii sudden .1 :i Tii:iUiro dtath. A number of his relative! -;' iti Clinton and Huntingdon counties. A rorrr.Ait Loan. On tho first of L'y i!k County Commissionon Issued Prison h.i; m;i'jti to $15,000. These bonds run f. m ,'. to eijrhl yoan and pay lii per cent, in-!'.--!. invade seini-noDually on tbe first day of Sf.r.wy an 1 July, which really makei ths intcr ' .t seven per cen. Citiioni who have from llir. - to fiv hundred or a thousand or more dol Ii:s tu invest, can put it to no better use than by tiLu tli-c bonds. Those wishing to invest can i j 'y i.i Tn.nurcr Flcgal, wh9 will give tbe j rufn-r information. Kaii.kd. A few sensation venders mi; w('k m,ile tho wonderful discovery that an '"r i;i ilie prinU-d returns of the Primary F.leo- ( .-ii i: m ! nnto'l another candidate for County ' imer, but re fere me to tho official returni pn .li-..'!lcd their delusion. The printed table "i ii - vn:e( for Mr. Coutriet in Bell township, 1 it t!i. i.n'k'ial table shows that he nrclvod ight, T!i- f. .tiTiif nt thtt IttlJ is nnrrrct. and we ile m fVi'fiii'jnt necessary in order to allay the sen i'i n pmiliic-d by a typical error, whicdi by the ry i- u very uniofc way of arriving at a proper ' 'i;-Y n. Printers are not inoro perfect than Tn ni I'uoiiucr. Tlie Uw'a mud Mi.'rh Uav. tniirllifhed our itreoti all aiim ':n U) have bred a large nuranor of hoR, fr.-m to hate a. liltlo reBpoet for the rifrhta irt-At. of tbe oitiirn, ad the Buries and rtiK'il. Tho lutnmcr if tn'ro than half " 1 n )t a duy'i work done on the itrocti. la.: ofTicerl laon make a move tnwnrdt re n the streets, the citlicnt will lie comjielled !.c m h rrjialn in front of their n .ectlve wt't tn will prevent teatni from iwainping tho wet scaion arrlvea, Ordinancei and Unties ec:n to bo whollr ignored ItJ the and our borough fathorf. AnVLtinii:nxTa. Mr. Hhort It will Irf noticed 1 advertising column, offer, a very deeii-a-' I'rupcrly for aalo. M . Brown prnpowt to do all the mowing and 'lirt 'liing by innehinerr, clean the ra'n, etit the l''-l, make the oi ler and churn the butter of all i . alio feci liko employ iag hiin, Thla is a big -otmet, but ".Mill" will put it through. 1 je rVhool Itireotor, of Knox Itiitrlut want a . Jraelor to bnil 1 Ibeia a i-bool home. Hkwaiikof .Mf.dicink Doxf.. Ono i.iy last week a man living in a oeralin part of .'tir counly, went to the express office In this plaeei and inquired If there was a "box of modielna 'here for him, whiq the gentleinaoly agent ln to lined him that Ihert was. He hauled his calf .k'n, and paid tho fc.O. D. chsrges, $1(1.70, appear. ie to Iki very well pleased with his purchase, loil imagine his surprise when he opened il to find e.iiy six bottles of oler, inslea.1 of his fortuna in "interfeit aroenbaeks. Ho made his exit and I ' n it been seen In 0'ir borough since. Fl Saw .Mill Burned. On lust FiiJny in filling, June 2:td, about 4 o'clock, Are broke "ui in the saw mill of Messrs. Filbert, Otto A Co., Mtuarr along the canal above Maynard, Street. The ""Km or the Are Is not exactly known, but it is "iiipr.sed to havt caught In the upper part of the mill near the smoke-stack, where the Are was Arsl discovered by lbs wnteliman, who was the only r.-m aWut the mill at the time. The Are had "l under surb headway that il was with difficulty h- g'd out, not having sufficient time to gather op sll hi. rlolhc, an 1 lake them with him. The Arrmen were not long In getting to tbe scrne, and by their strenuous efforts they prevent ed the Are from going any farther, conAnlng It to His mill, which waa antirely consumed, although thousands of feet of lumber were piled np all around and In cine, proilmlly, and had Ilia wind been blowing tbera is no telling what amount of damage might hava been done. Messrs. Filbert, Olio A Co. estimate their loss at fclO.OOO, which will be reduced by Insuranos of between 13.0(10 to A.S.nftO. Thl. enlerr.rl.lna firm hava already work air a engaged cleaning away Z ' P'opoes ratiuildin, at aa early er. rriltoivitoeri .n. Specials Black Silk., Black Silks, Terr low, at Herd Brother. Fon Balk 1 Pivo Ilugglci for sale at ooat for cash, or exchanged for horwi, sheep or cattle, M. O. Rhowm. Bummer lrovt Goods, at astonlrblng low priori, at It be J Brothers. Amos Kennard gives notioo by an advert I semen t elsewhere that ho fraata Ml customers to settle their aeoouhte. Sunpendera and Oenta FurnUbing Goods, re ceived thil week, hj Hoed Hrothera, ; Misi Hello Wuloh will open the second term of her School for GlrU in Curwenivl h on July 31st, An excellent opportunity for young ladies to ac quire an excellent education. Pic-Xic A Pio Kic will be held on Thursday, August 10th, In tho beautiful grovo olose by Ht. Bonaventare'i Church, Grampian Hills. The I proeeedi to be deroted In paying off tho church debt. T. J. McMaki a, Pastor. The purchaser of the firm of Kratser k Lytle has just returned from tho east, where he was buying a largo stock of all kinds of goods, which they arc now opening and offering for laic at remarkably low figures. Ladica'j Misses, Gent'i and Boys' t'nderwear, a handsome variety, at Reed Brothers. A. I. Shaw has reoeived two very fine show case, and hoi filled them with a very fine assort ment of Toilet Articles, which he offers very cheap for cash. Ho has Combs from Sc. to $1 ; linir Brushes from 2 io. to $10. lie wants ono and all to call and see. If you need any Lawns, yon can get them at a low figure at Reed Brothers, m ' - Removal! Messrs. Sackett k Sehryver have removed their hardware establishment to their new and commodious rooms on Second street, nearly opposite Weaver k Bctts' store, where thoy have opened a large stock of all kinds of hardware. Persons In want of anything In their line will do well to give them a call. .. 1 m .-.-I. A. I. Bliaw sells cheaper and more Drugs than any other Drug Store in the county. Billl Dr. F. Platto, Eclectic PbvsK'ian and Surgeon, offers his services to the people of Clearfield and vicinity, an I will be in reailiness to attend all professional calls, by day or night. Offioe on Reed street, west of the depot, Cleat Sold, Pa. May 31, l;S7Uf Harried On July 2d, 1871, by E. HnvruRAJn, Rsq., Mr. A Mi DON CAMPBELL, of Bell township, Cloar fiold C3un'y, to Miss SARAH PALMER, of Indi ana county. On June 20th, 1871, by Rev. Wv. H Dux, Mr. JOH N C. SM ITH to Miss FAXXIE M. JORDAN ; both of Clearfield. , At tho M. E. Parsonage, Clearfield Circuit, on July 4th, 1871, by Rev. W. A. Cmppijiceb, Mr. CHARLES FrLLINGTON, of Clearfield, to Mis MARY E. YOUNG, of Lawrence township. On July 4th, 1H7I, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. W. A. CLirriora, Mr. WIL LIAM LAWHEAD, of Lawrvnce town-hip, to Miss HANNAH DAILY, of Pike township. On June 2'ilh. 1371, by Jou.i II. Rowlki, Esq., Mr. 3AM C EL HULLIHAN, of Clearfield county, to Mies ELIZABETH FREDERIC, of Jefferson county. filed. On July 7th, 1871, MAOGIK E., daughter of Hni.ovo and Jasb Bau.y, ag d 14 years, 9 months and 23 days. In Bloom township, on June 2'Jth, 1ST I, WIL LIAM W. ANDERSON; agod 55 years, 1 month and 11 days. Huntingdon and Clinton pnpers p1tae copy. inanriat. CLOSING TRICES or DilUvr.t 1 Dug., No. 40 Soalh Third St., I'biladvlphis, June 24, I ST1 New U. S. 6' of 'SI U. 9. ' of '81 ' 'C2 11H 115! . 1171 I17J . 112) 112? . 1121 112) . 112J 112 . 114! 114 . 114 113 . 114 1151 . i ml no) , 1151 Hit . 112) H2f . 1071 109 ". " "04 " '(55 " " ' ' " " '7,now '6S ft, 10 40'l - C. 8. 30 Year 6 pur cent Currcnej..... Gold Silver Union PaciHo II. II. lit Mort. Bonilf... Ccntrnl PiciHc U. R l 91 1 01J 10 Union PiiclAc Land (Irani Bon -I S4) 85 Wartfts. Clearfield Markets. Correeted weekly b.T RirtlABn Moaaop, Wholeeale and Ketail Dealer in Iry tjondn, (Jrooeriei, Pro Tiaionr, Ac., Market itrcet, Clearfield, Pa. Ci.t.inrm.n, P., June 27 H7I. Apples. jtreen,00(fL 1 IMI' llo(((i, dreaied 12 Dried, lb 10 Hidex, green 7 AppleliutUT.eal, I 00 llnme OOrn) IS Butler InVnt) JS-Hhonldarl (it) 13 lleam 0 00(.J 15ll Sidr. 0II() 17 Btiokwheat I 00 l.ard 2" Bnrkirheat floor lb, 4 Mem pork.kbl...! 00 Beef, dried 2S Oat, f.O Hoof, freh B($ II Onion, I 00 Hoard, M 12 00(jj,14 00 Putatoea OOfTi, I 00 Corn.ihillcJ 1 00 Peaches, dried, lb.. 12) Corn, ear 00(1) 40 I'lajter, bid 3 4" Corn uienl,T9Bck, 1 40 By, 1 10 Chop, cwtS 20(J 2 50 Bag., V lb t Clovcrteed 8 00 tialt.Vaaek 2 511 ChaeM M ShinKle,Sin.tr45 00 Cberrlea, lb. l'lft IS Sliinrle,2(l Inl0(o) 1 1 nil Chicken,, drad, m, IS Timothy need 7 t0 K icfl 'a I allow iz, Flaxaced 2 00 Wheat 1 60 Klnur 0 OIKnl 7 60 Wool 40 lla. 10 OOfitli 00 Wood, cord 6 J- c Ci A i; i II E Y'8 REST AURA N T, Reoond Rlrect, CI.KRFIBI.I, PK.NJi'A. M Alwnvl on band, Fre.h Oyiler., lee Cream, Cnniliea. Nuta. I'raekert. t'akea, Ciaars, Tohacco. Canned Krulla, Orangea, Lemoni, and all kind. of fruit in nea.on. JrtrRILLlARD B'lOM on neeonil Hour. jc21'7l ' I). MotlAl'UHEY. To Farmers and Others! rillllS ShoT. was established In 1 Over 50 I POHTAIILKTIIBKS1II.NO MACHINES for sale as follows I Four horso Tumbling eihatl Ma chine, wild a etlinder 1H inehea in diameter! foor hnr.n Hiran Machine, with a tiatent sepiralor complete; also, a tbree-horao Machine, with one or two band wheels; four-borso with a Jacs. wneei .n.l ahsker altached : two horse, very liglit draft Machines, and extra horso powers enn.tanlly on hand. I call particular attention to late improve, m.ntsnn inv uisnliinrs. They wi.l favorably com. pare with any machine, In the I'nited States. All orders promptly attended to. Repairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms. Old metal naakJ. AdJrrrs Stewart Wilson, Nratloimlle, Clarion county, Pa. One go'jd machine in Hear- Ii. I.I. Inouiro of A. n. alters. J04 4t PTKWAKT w ll.MJ.l. iroUB ATTENTION! JUST FOR A MOMENT! Are you In need of a good sot of Harness 7 ... n n.H nfa rood Saddle or Bridle ir ..II .1 Ih. S.ddla and Harness Shop of Jom C. lUnwira, where you can get the best In the market. Double and Single Harness and l.a- dioa'and dent's Haddlsa f superior worsmansn.,., .i. k.n nr manufactured to order. Spe cial attention is called io my atooa oi i,ouar. mu n- .k..k .r. ill. hesl In ose. 1 also have an assortment of Kaddlere' lla.dware, which will be rfi.m..nil of .1 reasonable rates. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. &,llon't forget to call before purchasing elsewhere- rhop In ui ham'. Row, Market straet, ClearAsld. Pa. M.yi, l7l ly. JOHN O. UAHttICK For Rent I milK undersigned offers to rent a DWELI.1NO I i..l MK.d IILAt RSMITU SHOP, situate P. O. In Bell township. This Is vary ,-,li. i ..!., fnr the hnstness. A full set nostra"" - .l- ttf nastons. A good loots I" """I" " , , , i ,hool In Iba village. Addrasa or apply to 11. l. Hsndarfon or tha snbioriber. HfcNPY BRtTH, It. March 15 II . 0 durational. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Malo and Fomalo High School Knch Drpartinrnt Distinct and Complete rpllB roi it tunnwn of the presont Scholastic X year of this Institution will commence on MONDAY, the 1st day of May. 1871. Pupils f n entor at any time. They will be charged wilb tuition from (ho tima they enter to niu oiuib ui iue rcniifin. Tho oonrso of Instruction embraces tvery ihlng Included in a thorough, practical and aaooiuplisb- cd education fr olh sexen. I I HUH 01 TiriTION. Orthography, Rcaiiins;, I'enmani'hip, Primary Arilliiuctlo, Primary Geography, and IVnrtl Drawing, pi Hession (11 woekx). $4 UU Gruinniar, Local k Descriptive Urography, Map Drawing, History, Mental and Writ- " ten Arithmetic and lVncil Drawing $fl 00 AlK'bra, (jeouiitiy, Trigonometry, Men suration, fiurvrviiijr, Natural and Mural Philouphy, Utilitary, Physlolugv, fhiihi. istryjtbetoric, Physical (iengrsphv.Book Keeping, Botany and Poncil Drawing.... $9 00 Latin, Greek and French, with any of tho above Branches $2 00 Pearl or Oriental I'aiuting. (2J lessons) 12 00 Monochromatic Painting, (2-1 lessons) 10 00 Crayon Drawing, (24 lessons).- 10 00 Fancy Hair Work, (24 lessons) IS 00 Tapestry 8 00 Instrumental Music, (30 lessons) . 10 00 4 No deduction will be made for absence. htudents from a distance can be accommodated with boarding at low rates. Any one not a member of the school oat reeoira privato instructions in any of the ornamental bra aches. For further nart)rn!ars Inquire of or address Rev. P. L. HAllRIriON, A. M., Fob. 2, 1870. tf. Principal. SEW WAS1UX6T0X ACADEMY. G. W.JNNES, A. M.v Principal. rilHK FIRST 8EPSI0N of this institution 1 rill 1 commence on M'ttday, tho 15th day of May nvxt, (Term, Ave months.) Pupils may enter at any time, and will be charged tuition from tbe time thry enter tent i I the clone of the session. The course of instruction will embraee all branches included in a thorough prnetiral education for both sexes. Vocal Music taught when desired. Good Hoarding can be obtained at TIIHEE DOLLAHH PER WEEK. Parents can be assured that the ability and energies of the Principal will be devoted to the mental and moral training of those placed under his ebnrgo. 4aTermH of Tuition will be moderate, and can be ascertained by addressing Dr. J. lanes, at New Washington, or tho Principal, (1. W, Innes, at Apputlo, Armstrong county. Pa., but who will be at Sew Washington after April 1st. New Washington, March 22, i WV I -tf. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEABFir.I.D, PA. TUB PPBINfl TERM of fnnrte.n week,, will eommcnoo Monday, April loth, 1A7I. A Primary di'p.irtnii nt will be added to the School tbi, foil: for which the aerriea, of a com petent Instructor have been engaged. And no effort will be aparrd to render this department attractiva and instructive. TERMS OF TCITI0JI. Reading, Orthography .Writing, Object rea sons, Primary Arithmetic and Primary (leography $7 00 History, l.oeal and desoriptive Geography with Map Drawing, tiramiuar, Mental and Written Arithmetic - 0 00 Algebra and the Sciences 11 Oil Instruction In Instrumental musie 10 00 Oil pilning, 24 lessons 12 0 Wax work I 00 For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, Sept. 7, 1170-lypd. IVimNjlvanlalSailroiuI TY RON'S ft CI.KAHFIKI.D BRANCH. ON and after Monday, MAY 15th, 1R7I, two Pa.sengor Trains will run daily (except Hun days) between Tyrone and Clearfield, aa tollowa : ( I.EABFIEI.I) MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LF.AVB NOKTII. Clearfield .00, r. . I'liilipahurg 4.11:1, " Osceola 4.20, Tvrone 6.40, " Tyrona Osecoln Philipsburg... Clcarlield It.ili, " 10.10, 11.111, " C I, E A B F IF. I. DK X P B ESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 6.00 a. 03 " A.2II " 7.27 " 7.40 " Tyrone 11.50 r. a. Intersection ...7.03 " Osceola 8.10 " l'hllipsbarg...8.30 " Clcarlield, ar....J0 " hilipsburg.n sccola ntersaction.H yrone.n FARE AND DISTAN'CES. ROM CLEARFIELD.! FROM TYRONE. SB "a! tt Elation. 5 Stations. E E nil n 4 i I Pi Leonard 2 ln Intersection 4 15 Woodland 20 1 20 Bigler. 25 Oardner 8 20 Wallaeeton .....II 36 MU Pleasant.... 1 1 SO Blue Hull... 1.1 411 Summit 14 15 Phlllburg..lT Alt Sandy Hidge...lJ 40 Htainera' 18 65 Powellton 17 46 llunl ar 20 fto Oareola W 8A ((areola 'it M Dunbar 21 tin Powellton 24 75 Hteiner's 1 5 Sandy Bidge....2H "II IMllllpburK ' I TO Sitmiuit 27 S5 Ulna Bnll 2 80 Ml. Pleasant.... H' Wallaeeton SO SS Oardner .11 II 00 Bigler S.l 05 ansooyoe.... 1 00 Woodland S5 tl 00 1 16 Leonard S9 1 10 I 'ill ( learllcld 41 I litl ntersectlon... Tyrone...... FA RE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa t- 0.' Middlelown 6 00 k Haven 2 70 Marietta 6 60 I.anenster 6 85 PHI LA DKLPUJ A 7 115 Altoona 1 05 Johnstown 2 80 PITTSBCRO i 15 Willinmsport 3 00 Huntingdon 1 80 owistoun 1 00 Mnrysville 4 60 UAllRlSlll.ll(i. 4 76 CONNECTION). Clearfield Mail North oonnects from Cincinnati Express West, and Harrisburg Accommodation East, on main line; and Clearfield Mail Smith nnects Wllh Cincinnati Express Ksst, and Mail West, nn main lino, also with Bald Eagle Express East, for Lock Haven, and points West of Lock oven. Clearfield Express North eonnacls front Mail West, and Cincinnati Express East, also from llald hiigle Mail uest ant llcarnoin Kipress nth connects with tlarrlshurg Accommodation Enst, Local Passenger West for Altoona and llol- llilaysburg Branch, also with llald Eagla Mail bast, for Lock Haven and Yt llhaiusport. Inking Clrarlirlfl hxpress rnulll, I'llllipstiurg passengers reach llellc'onte and return home the same day, and Clearfield passengers can reach Vt illiamsporl, Harrisburg, or iloMidnysharg, and return the same dv. Pnssengcrs for Willlamsport should take h.vld Eagle Mnil East, and passengers for points West of Lin k llaron, on P. Jt E. U. R., should take Bild Eiiale Express Enst ur.iMiwr, v; WILKINS, mvl7 If. Popcrinteprlent. O. 1. c. Aim ERF. Io buy my DllV GOODS, GltO W eerie, Ourenstrare, OUiMware, Drugs and Nolions, Confrelionertcf, ko,t cheap fur eash. The subscribe bees Vara tn inform hii old and new customers that he has opened A VARIETY PTOIIE IS aLEJC HOPE, PA. And wilt sell goods at prices to su't the times. A liherat rrdiietinn will bo made to customers buy ing at wholesale. Call and evnmlna my stork befnra purchasing elsewhere. A liberal sliara of public pstronage is solicited. C. J. KEAOY. (Hen Hope, Pa., June 14, HT1. 'JMIK AMI.RICA IIOUMS, CURWENBVILLE, ( . Ci.nanriii.n Countr, Pstva'A. This established and popular hotel Is aft i tt kept by the subscriber, who spares no effort to please all who patroniae him. ''To please," is the motto at the American House, end all that is asked is a trial. E. W. HEED, Proprietor. Cuiwcasville, March 16, 1671 If. I? X Kf ' U T K I X H lkJOTI C li W herea.. Let A tars Testamentarv on the estate of REBECCA lUlTTHRFF, dea d, late of Bloom tp., ClearAeld Co., Pa., have been granted tn tbe ndersignad,and all persons Indebted to aald estate are request ed tumake Immediate payment, and thoso having claims against the same will present them, duly mnenucaiea, lor settlement. MART WHITMAJT. June 7, lSil At Eiesulris. Smi Iflliriiifis. rp ii ii i, j X ' i 1 1 i. THE LATEST MOVE HARTS WICK & IRWIN'S DItUQ STORE, To their naw building on Second Btrest, nearly opposite tht store of Weaver A Bstts, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will continue to supply their old and as many new oostomeri as tnsy come, with PUllK )HU(SS! CHEMICALS! PIIAKMACEUTICAL PIlEPARATIONS. (Tneludinf all new remedies,) Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, (litis and Putty, Bebool Hooks, (stationery, Paper, Ac; also, a full Hoe of Drug gists' Sundries, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Art tries, nruohes, Toilet Soaps. Poeket Hook, fl , all of the best quality. rURE WIXES AND LIQUORS, for medical k sacramental purpose! only, Pure White Lead, Colors of all kind, Raw and Dolled Linxet d (til. Varnl-hru, Turpen tine, Coal Oil, Paint k Varnish llrushes, Plaroriog Extracts, Cuufcct'onertes, Wrd Peed, Ppier, ground and nngrounu, oi an aints. SMOKERS AND CJI EWERS Will find our stock of Chewing and Smoking. Tobacco, imported and Do- mestie Cigars, Snuff and Fine-out to ba of tbs very bast brands tn the market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of GLASS WABE, QABDEX 8EEDS, Vl'SICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of every variety. Having a long experience tn tho business, and au extensive and well selected stock of medicines, we are enabled to All Physicians' prescriptions at the shortsst notice and on tha most reasonable terms, dsy and night. IIABTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., May SI, 1871-tf. 1871. 1871. FOU THE SPRING CAMPAIGN! FIGURES THAT ARE FACTS! . REED BROTHERS Dry Goods, Notion. Trimming At Millinery t-mporium, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. The only exclasira Dry Goods Store in the county. Study Your Interest I Buy Where You Can the Cheapest I DRY - GOODS: Heavy and fine Brown Muslins, Bleaehed Mus lins, extra wide Brown and Bleaehed Sheetings, Pillow Casing. Ticking. Hickory Stripe, Denims, Tllue Drills, Cottnnades, Cans i meres, Flannels, Prints, Delnines, Percales, Lawns, Orenadines. Hernanies, Summer Silk, Japanese Silk, Black Silk, very good, at $1.1!) per yard. The above are new, fresh good", and have only to be priced to know of their remarkable cheapness. HOSIERY: Ladles' nlain and ribbed Hose, H7c. tott.JS per pair. Children's plain and fanny Cotton Hose, dent's Brown and Blue Miied Hose, Superstout snd Superfine Mrittioh Regular .Made Hose, Hal briggan and Lisle Thread Hose, Ladies', Misses', Chililrcn's, dent's and Boys' India Uaaxc and Lisle Thread Dndorware. Ladies'. M-n's and Children s Berlin, Lisle Thread snd Silk Gloves, Children's Kid Oloves, Ladies' Kid Oloves, all colors, II 75 ami $2.00 per pair, (Icntia Kid til ores, all eolore, Lisle Thread and Berlin U loves. WHITE GOODS: Piques, ehulee styUs In Stripes, Figures, Cords and Satin Finished, 20 to flO per yard; Jaconets, Nansnokn, Victoria Lawn, Swiss Mult, white and colored Tarlatan, Tape Cruvhs, Mosqnlto Net, Cnrtain Net, 25, 4(1. !9 and 60 rents and 91 .0') per yard, Towles and Towling. Brown and Bleaulied Table Damatks, Nankins, Qnilts, Ac. English Crochet Edgings, Imperial Kmhrnld ery, Hegisterd Embroidery, Valencia Lace, Not linprmn Lace, Frilling. Aleiandria Frilling, Hamburg Editing. Inserting, Magie and Always Roady Kullling, Hercules Braid, Atpnca Brall, Uair Nots, Black and Drown Hwitehrs, Chignons, Buttons of every description, Sleeve Buttons, Ac FANCY GOODS! . Lace Collars, Linen Cnltarl and Cuffs, Under sleeves, Cliimiscta, llandkerchlffs, Ties and Bows, Ribbon and Millinery Uoods, Trimmed Hals and Eonnets. Ao.. Ao. ,4rRu.rers will plena, giro this thsir atten tion lima ano: money will he saved. Remember tha place i , REED BROTIIF.BS, myl7 Market street, ClearAald, Ta. IMIO I,ARC:l:ttT I'DLK KNOCKS TI1K PERSIMMONS, . IS CiLEN HOPI.I James M. Dickey A Co. keep for sale the cheap, est (Hass-Ware anil the best Tea in tbe onnnty. Best Silver Drip at ,, l 25 Best Reo Hive Syrup at I oil Best No. 1 Byrup at, 0j WANTED. l.nno pounds Wool and aO.OOd DA-lnnb Shingles, tor wnien tne nigneat price win oe pau oy JAMES M. DICKEY A CO, Olcn Hope, May 1 1 -2m T AD1ES' ASD GENTS SATCHELS 1J at 4:1 I. R. Fl'LI.KRTON'. QALL AND EXAMINE the NEW GOODS 4. ri'LLKRIOM'S, , iiruitur. g I : L 1. 1 (1 OFF AT COHTI r o r d a t n i Tha largest stock of V U It NIT U K K over otTvrcd In CLEARFIELD I At the BTKAM CABINET BHOP.eorner Ma riot and 'ilth rit reels, CLEARFIELD, PA, Tht ondsnlned would annonnea to the publio that he has on hand and is now offering choap fur oath, the Israel stork of Furniture avor in store in this eoniity. consisting of Upholstered Parlor Suits, Chamber Setts, Eitenslun Tables, Secretaries, Boole Cases, Bedsteads, Spring Beds and Mattrtsies, Loungra and Bcnuboa, Plain il arils Top Tables k Bureaus, Wanhstands, Cane 6at and Common Chairs, Rocking Chalra, , Looking Glasses, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Curds and Tuisls, Ac He also manufactures and keeps on hand Pat ent Hpring Beds, tho best over invented. No family should bo without them. Any kind of goods not on band can be had on short notice. tpholctcriog and repairing neatly oieoutod. COFFINS, of all sites, can bo hod un a half hours' notice, and at tbe lowest prices. A deduc tion of 20 per coot made for eash. MKTAIJ.IC CASKS, or Rosewood, Walr.ut and Cherry Uus, with glass or wood tops, furnished on five hours' notice. Personal attendance with hearse, on funeral occasions, and carriages famished when desired. Thanking the public for past favors, and by strlet personal attention to business, I hope to receive a continuance of the same. Remember the place the Steam Cabinet Shop, corner of Market and Fifth Streets. March 2, 71-ly. DANIEL BENNER. W$rcUaufOtij. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTKAOKDINARY! I WOULD rssptctfully annonnea Io lla oUi sens of CLEARFIELD and vicinity that I bar opened up In tha saw Masonie lloildiog, first door below tha Mansloa House, on Second Street, with a entire new stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY, Of tha latest styles and best finish, Selected with ears. I hava an assortment from all tha latest novelties Io Jewelry, sulta bio for tha Holidays.' A largo stock of American Watches from tha faotorlaa of Applstcn, Tracy & Co.. at Walt ham, Mass., and ths National Watch Company at Elgin, 111., In from I to 8 oa. eases, always on hand, and warracted. Thankful for jour liberal patronaga, I hops, by strict attention to business, to merit a ecitiuoanoe of he same. All kinds of repairing in my line promptly atteLdcd to. S. I. BNVDER. December IN. "TO. II ATI.AHI) CAPMI AND 15 o o t s n A M Ji o c n I THE PLACE TO GET Nuta & Cups, IJoots tt Shoes, 13 AT FILLERTO.VS SEW STOKE! One door' worth of new Masonie Building, CLEARFIELD. PA. The Isrgrst Stock of goods In this lino ever brought Into the comity, is now open for the In spection of the public, and will be sold at the Ytry Lotrrst Cash Prieet ! , Also, a splendid assortment of OF.NT'S Fl!R NIMIIM1 UOODS, consisting of Shlrta, Collars, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Ulues, Underwear, Ac. A large slock of CARPETS and OILCLOTHS, which will be disposed of at astonishingly low prices. A lileral share of patronage is respect fully solicited. - DON'T FAIL TO CALL.-SJti Store on Second St., below Market, Clearfield, Pa. 4 JI D. R. FUI.LEBTON. DENTALCAED. Dr. A. M. HILLS Would aav to his patients and the pub lic generally, that, having dissolved partnership wiih Dr. Shaw, he Is now doing the ontire work of his office biraself, so that patients need not fear being put under the hands or any other operator. Having obtained a reduction of the patent on the plate material, I au enabled to put up teeth much cheaper than formerly. 1 also have Dr. Sluck'a patent process for working rubber platos, which make a much lighter, more clastic and stronger plate for the same amount of materliil, and pol ishes the plate on both eidrs, rendering it much more easily kept clcsn. Bpscial attention paid to the preservation of tbe nntural teeth, and ail work guaranteed entirely satisfactory to patients. flrT'tiince ai me oio corner, ipo.i..i .n .-rnew IIoiiml Office hours from to lit, a. tn., and 1 to o, p. m. Patients from a Jistsnoe should notify ine a few days beforehand of their intention to come. Always at home, unless other notice ap pear, in bolh tbe county pnpera. icoia , i Fight in Glen Hope Over! ALL FREE AGAIN AND TIIK MONEY PAID1 XlflLLIAM S. DICKEY takes this method of 1 T iiiforinlni hie numerous friends and cus tomers that he baa aold out his entire stock of Btors Uoods In Olen Hope to James M. lliokey A Co., aud to thank bis friends and customers for their liberal patronage while In business In 111 Hope, and asks a share for the new Arm, whu intend keeping a first c!.ns Dry (loods and gen eral variety store. Their etock will consist In part of I, ..lies' A (lent'a Fancy Hats, Ladies' Hose, from Ii) to M cents, Ladlrs' Dress Uoods, a full line, Notions of all kinds, Caesimeres, a full line, Jeans and Cottonades. AU pacas and Lustra. 4c. to $1.10 per yard, Alpncae, beauties, at 70 cents per yard, Ladies' rancy llsllcrs, a full line, No. 1 (Hilc-rs alll!5, good at f I -74, a full line of La lies' Shoes, Misses'and Chil dren 'a Shoes, l.Silies'Sprlng Sliswls, Chignons an4 Silk Curls, Perfumery and HnirOile. Muslin and Calico from to lie Ko. I Calico, vards for I. till, Confeclinneries, a full line, French and Tin Toys. wo. 1 tiro eerie., for country trade. In faot a full line of fancy and prime goods, to suit our trade. We intend selling on a cash or short credit svstcm, snd we know our customers .ill proAt by-It. All kinds of oountry produce taken In riohange for good,. ' WANTED. No. 1 Fresh Butter. H.000 elgh tern. inch Shingles, by enunt, 1,0110 Sheep Pelts, Beef lilacs and I air Mains, for ernicn iue nigncx market wilt oe patrt. eT-fllve us a trial before you purchase your goods. V. e Will give yoi uargwin.. JAMES M. DICKEY A CO. Glen Hope, Pa., May 17, 1871 4m. i imimkthatrix,mtic:k.-Noiico . 1 . . . . i . i., . r ... ... i i ., n i .. h n B.rro, i.miiini"i'"- . ,7n the relate of JOHN TROY, deceased, lot. of Decatur township, I'learneiu oouniv, rrnim., having been duly granted to the undersigned, all - I n ... i . . 1 i.i b.i b I will tileaso make naviaent, end thoss having claims or demands 1 :. . .1 I . I ;-l,.,l fn. Ml. Sill im-srai uisn iiropcnv sui - tlement. BL'SANNAH TROY, June t, l7l.tmd Administrstrlg. T)I.AK 4NTABI.Ii'8 HAMai FOR J sale at thl, efnra. 1871, j ' SPRING ' GOODS! The FirBt of tho Season I . The Choapcst In this Market I BUY! BUY!! BUY!!! OF KRATZER & LYTLE, Your Dry Clouds, Toar Groceries, Your Hardware, Your Queensware, Your Notions, Your Boots A Bliocs, Your Leather, Your Shoo Findings, Your Flour and Fish, Your Window Curtains, Your Carpets, Your Oilcloths, Your Wall Pnpors, Your Hats, Your Caps, Your Carpet Chain, Your Stoves, Your Baoon and Food. SALT! SALT! SALT! at wholesale to country merchants. OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, Ao.-A liberal dis count to builders. Everything that you need oan Le bad at great advantage to the buyer, at KRATZKll A LYTLK'S, Market street, Ci.nnrir.i l, Pi., opposite tbe Jell. J SPECIAL A.0lCEME.T! TIIAVE this day assoelated with me in the mercantile business my brother, Hubert Reed, and the busiuess will be euntiijued uuder the flrsn ntino of II EEI) II It OT II UK H. We will continue to make tbe Dry (loods and Notion business a specialty, and all the newest fabrics and latest novelties in the market will be kept on hand. The Branch Ptore in Curwensrillo WiH be con tinued, where will be found as choice a line of goods as at our main store in Clearfield. New Ppring goods will be on hand about the 1.1th of March. The book accounts of Win. Reed will be promptly and immediately settled. WM. REED. Clearfield, Pa., March 8, 1871. J) Ii A C E IN EUROPE! art- GKKAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILLE I The bloody contest between Franco and Prussia Is at an end for the present, to far as the slaugh tering of men aud the destruction of properly Is concerned. The Royal Jugglers no doubt pride thcinselres And rcie over tho result, but how insignificant Is tlntrwork when cum pared with the humane and christian efforts of L. M. COUDRIET, who has undertaken to supply alt the eltiiens in the lower end of tbe county with food and raiment at ncerdinz bw rates from bis miitnnmth store in MCLSONBCrtt), where be can alwsys be found ready to wait upon callers and supply theui with Cry Goods of all kinds, Such as Cloth, Bntinetts, Cassimeres, Muslins, Delaines, Linen, Drilling, Calicoes, . Trimmings, Ribbons, Lace, Rcadj-tnadc Clothing, Boots and .Shoes, Hut and Caps all uf the best material and made to order Hose, tiKks, (i luves, Mittens, Laces, Ribbons, Ao. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Pujjar, Rice, Molasses, Fish, Salt, l'ork, Liascud Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, CaMlngs, Plows and Plow Castings, Kails, fpikes, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, and all kiuds of Axes. Perfumery, Paints Yarnifh, Gtars, and a general assortment of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always on band, and will be sold at the lowest possible ngures. LTQl'ORS, such as Rrmndy, Wins. Oin, Whisky, Jaynei aieitlflnos, iiou iters ana Iloofland's Hitters. 6000 pounds of Wool wanted for which the highest price will be paid. Clorerseed on hand and for sate at the lowest market price. Also, Agent for Strattonvllie and Curwensville Threshing Machines. L.Cell and see for yourselves. Ton will find everything usually kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. Frenehrille P. 0., March 1, 1871. s ACKRTT SCIIRYVr.ll, naiLics iv BULUI HARDWARE, Also, manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Pccood Street, CLEAK I'lEI.D, PA. Camfntars and Ilnililcrs will find It to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. STOVES 1 STOVES! We are new aelling tbe eelebrated TIMES COOK and RELIANCE, the cheapest and best stoves tn the market. Every stove fully warranted. ALSO, PARLOR, IlEATIVtl, and RAFTING STOVES! which will be sold as cheap as any in the county. Strict attention paid ordering atticlrs for par tics who desire it. -Hoofing, Spooling and Job work done on reasonable terms. ClearAeld, Pa, April 1J, 1871. S. POUTER SHAW, D. D. S., Umee In Mutnnlc l.uiiil'ng, CI.EAHFIKLD, PA. IHir, nf Ibe natural teeth in a health?, pre- serratlveand nscftil condition Is made a specially, inneaac and malformations common to the mouth, Jkw and associate parts, ere treated and corrected r.tli fair success. Examinations and consulta tion mr.t. Prices for partial snd full sets of teeth much lower tnan in u wouiu nm w-n for patients from a distance to let ns know by mail a few days befnra ooming to the offioe. It Is very important that ehildren between the ages of six and twolre years should have their tsvlh tTimined. By Anassthcsia Teeth are removed without pain. feblA'71 J, M. 6TEWART, D. D. 8., Olllce ever Irwin's Drug Store, CI RWENSVILLR, PA. All dental operations, either in the mechanical or operative branch, promptly attended to aad satisfaction guaranteed. Special attention paid to the treatment of disoasea of the nntural teeth, gums and mouth. Irregularity of tha teeth sua ooesrully corrected. Teeth eslractcd without pain by the nsa of Ether, and artificial teeth Inserted ii me uest materiel eon warraniea so render .i.- isfaotioB. aprillH'7l:ly TliM-ICF.' C'OKKTAHI.I;!' IKKH. We hare printed a large nnmlier of the new FEK BILL, and will on the receipt of twenly Ave osnte, mail a eopy to anv addross. aiyll jtaTKCKTIKS-The rery lateet styles 4 P. R. ri'LLERTON H. 1871. J?ry CoodjJ, rrofvlr3, tt. 4. r. wasvsa w. w. Btrra. WKAVER A ItDXTN CLHARF1KLD. PA., e Are oAurlng, at the old stand of 0. L. Reed A Co., their stook of goods, oonslstlng of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUKBXBWARK, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At tha most reasonablt rates for CASH or in exchange fur Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. jCsT Advances made to those engaged In get ting out square timber on the most advantageous terras. January 6, 1870. . A SOLD W, BOSS DlKTSHORa. "Cheaper than the Cheapest !" GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES juiv ascuvao ir Arnolil A Ilnrtsliorn, (One door west of First National Bank,) (I'RHHSSVllitE, PA. n A VINO Just returned from the east with a complete assortment of Ooods suitable for Spring and Summer trade, we are now ready to furnish all kinds of Goods "Cheapor than tho Cheapest!" Anil kftftF Lhftnk.ln our ruitnrnftra fur ibrlr liberal patronage during tha past year, we would most roseetfulIy aik for a continuance of tha same. Our Stock 0'nsifts of a ceuipote assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Queensware, Willowwaro, Groctilcs, Roots tf- Shoes, Hats k Csps, Clothing, Tobaccos, Ao. Also, Flour, Bxcon, Salt, Fish, Grain, eto. All of whtth will bs sold on ths moot reason sble terms, and the highost maiket price paid for Grain, Wool and all kinds of Lumber and Country Producs. ST lease give as a call befora purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to price and quality.- ARNOLD k nARTSHORN, Corner of Main and Tkompsoo Streets, apr?0 CURWENSVILLE. PA. P. T. I. "For thy Stomach's Sake and thine othor Infirmities." St. Paul. IIt. OY5:i.74 ri'RS WEST BRANCH BITTERS. 4 safe, pure, pleasant and health giving Tonie J.X. strictly vegetable, and manufactured from the most pure and choice materials is not a spirit drink nor substitute for whisky, but a scientific compound, for the protection of the system and the euro of disease, made from chemically pun sptrits, entirely free from fusil oil or other irrita ting properties, and will not disagree or offend the must delicate stomach. A long private expert ence has attested its Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No Bitters at present offered Jo the public contains so much medicinal virtue, and yet so safe and plvasant to take. Its me is to cure disease, and it will not ereste an appetite for spirituous liquors, but will cure the effects of dissipation. To increase the Appetite, To promote Digestion, To oure I'yspopsia, To euro Fever and Ague, To cure Rill louden, To cure Constipation, To cure Chronic Diarrhoea, To cure Heart-burn, To cure Flntalence, Tu care Acid liructatlons, To cure Net runs Debility, To euro Uydochondria, I SK IT. I SE IT. USK IT. VSE IT. VSR IT. TSK IT. I'SE IT. VSE IT. t'SE IT. USE IT. I SK IT. USE IT. To oure Sallowncss ef Complexion, t'8R IT. To cure Pimples and Rlotches, t'FR IT. For General Prostration of the Physical powers, USE IT, and H will cure you. Bold everywhere, at $1.00 per bottlo, Manu factured exclusively by A. I. SUA w, Druggist, CLEARFIELD, PA., Who offers liberal Inducements to tho trade. Oct. 57, lSC9:tf. MA RULE AM) ST0E YARD ! Mrs. S. S. LIDDELL, ILtving engnged in the Marble business, desires to Inform her friends and the public that she has now and will keep oonslanllyon hand a large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARRLK, and Is prepared to furnish to order TOMIISTONES, 110X AND CRADLE TOM DS, ' MONUMENTS, Curbs and Feeta for Cemetery Lots, Window Sills and Caps, also, Rl'REAU, TAni.E AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Ae. Yard on Reed street, near tha R, R. Depot, Clcarlield, I'a. J"." ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCIUwS, JEWI.I.RV, 14 North Soeonil SL, eor. of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Aa assortment ef Watches, Jewelrr. 6ilver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. Repairing nf Watches and Jswelry promptly attended to. :2y gOtflL THE SMITH HOUSE, (Opposite the Passengnr Depot.) tl.KAttl'IMM), PA. riIIR undesigned, having lessed this house for X a sorff-e of yenrs, is ready to entertain strsn (uis and travelers g nerally, and therefore solicit sojourners to give hint a call. Ilia Table will ba supplied with the best tbe market aflurds, aud bis Har will contain the ohoioost of winos and liquors. Tbe bouse, furniture, beds and bmbliug are entirely new, which alwHys adds to the comfort of trarclcrss while tho staMiug: aUecued is large and roomy. juet suited fur teamsters. Charges moderate. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL. MARKET Ft., CLEARFIELD, Pi. THIS large and eonimodloua new hotel haj been opened for the aocotr modatlon of tbe public, where the proprietor wl'.l be glad to meet hie old frirnds, and receive a share of public pat. ronate. Dr strict personal attention to tbe do- tails of his business, be hopes to be et.lo to render satiefactioa to his patrons. The TAHLK will always be bountifully supplied with the best thai cen be procured in the market, aod the BAR will contain a full stock or mjliUllo, nnr.n, so Good stabling attached. L'AM'blt, Clearfield, March 1, loCU-ly Proprietor. THE MANSION HOUSE, Curuorof Second and Market Streeta, CI.ICAHI II I.IJ, PA. riMIIi old aad commodious Hotel baa. during L the past year, been tnlarged to double Its former capacity for tbe entertainment of Itran eers and unci's. The whole building bas been refursisbsd, and the proprietor will sper. Bo peine to render bit guests eomfortable while stsyiog with him. ' n -. .... , n .. r 'I - V-ibs "Mansion lions, um.i... i". snd from the Depot on the errlvel and departure of each train. JOHN D0UUHEKTY, aprd-70 tf proprietor. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curneiievlile, t Icarlitld county, Pa. rpUIS old and well established Hotel, beautl J. fully situated on tbe banks of tbe Susque hanna, tn the boroagh of Curwensville, bee been leased for a term of years by the Bnderslgned It bee been entirely relltted, and le now open ti tbe public generally and tha travelling commu nity in particular. No pains will be spared to rsndcr guests comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample Stabling room for tbe accommo dation orteams. Charges moderate. Sept. J8, 1870-tf. ELI BLOOM. mAlLROAD HOUSE, MAIN ST.. PHILirSBDRO. PA. rpiIE undersigned keeps constantly on hand X ths best of Liquors. His table is alws). supplied with ths best the market efforde. The traveling punnc win uo wen io give mm c.i.. novlCi. ROBERT LLOYD. gllAW IIOl'KI'. Corner of Market and Front Streets, Clcarlield, Pa. This uingnificcnt Hotel Is entirely new, com plete in el) its appointments, and oonveuient to the Court House. A freo Omnibus runs to an !rcn the Depot on the arrival and departure i each train. UEOltUK X COLUURN, April 13, 1870. ProprieUr I R W I N'HOUSE, Miilivx) between I.Ick llun aud Shawsvllh'. IllE undrriigned would respectfully Invite tl j attention of watermen and all others to t'- fact that he bas opened a hotel at the abte named place, whore he is prepared to aoootnn." date sll wiio may fnror hi in with a call. Po-(s bre brcn put in ou the river bank, so as to lust. a sufc landing for watermen J.m2.',.6m W. W. IRWIN. WESTERN HOTEL, Opposite the Court House, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Accommodations first-class and eharges modoralc. octS JOHN F. YOrNO, Proprietor -yj- Ji T O U R IIOU8E, Opposite the Court House, LOCK sTAVES, PENN'A. je!4 71 HAl'SRAL A KROM, Prop's. DANIEL CONNELLY, Coot and Shoe Manufacturer, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAS just received a tne lot of French CAI F bKINS, and la now propared to manal-.L'. tore everything in his line at the lowest flgun .. He will warrant his work to be as reprssente . He respectfully solicits a call, at his shop t a Market street, second dt or west of the postofljee, where be will do all in his powsr to render satis faction. Some fine Gaiter tops on band. my,'7-y DANIEL CONNELLY. XEW BOOT AXD SHOE SHOi . EDWARD MACK, Con. MARKET A 3d Sti., CLEARFIELD, Ti. rpiIE proprietor bas entered Into tbe BOOT J X SHOK business at- the above atand, ai I is determined not to be outdone either in quel ity or price for his work. Special etleotl' ' will be paid to manufacturing Sewed work. II o has on hand a large lot of Ereneb Kip ar t Calfskins, of the eery best quality. The ei sens of Clearfield aod vicinity are respeetlu' t invited to give his a trial. No charge for col... novU,' 6 tf Simliarr, JTiuirarr, Stt. II. F. BIGLER & CO., Biaxaas t HAR W ARE, Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. 4. TOT OF SADDLES. BRIDLES. Harness, Collars, etc., for sale by If. F. DIGLEH 4 CO. pALMEB'S PATENT UNLOAD- Ing Tlay Forks, for isle by II. F. BIGLER CO. Q1L, PA INT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nails, etc., for sale by 11. F. BIGLER A CO. JJ.iItNESS TRIMMINGS A SIIOE Fiodlngs, for sale by II. F. BIOLER A CO. qTuns, tistols, sword canes For sale by If. F. BIGLER A CO. gTOVES, OP ALL SORTS AND Sises, for sale by II. F. BIOLER A CO. JltONTniONl IKON! IRON t For aalo by 11. F. BIOLER A CO. JOHSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, for ssl. by 11. F. BIOLER ft CO. pULLEY CLOCKS, ALL SIZES ' And best Manafactate, for sale by II. F. BIOLER ft CO. rpHIMlSLE SKEINS AND TIPE BOXES, for sale by II. F. BIOLER ft CO. J70DDEU CUTTERS for unto by McuaO-TO' II. F. BIOLER ft CO. OARATOOA AND BEDFORD WATER f'T sale by K 3m HARTSWIt'K A IRWI5.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers