C'lrarfiflb grpablican. alt Jnitice At Last It affords us real pleasure lo announce1 SUPrLEMENTAKY DRAFT. IMPORTANT EROM MICniQAN. An IOstuaoulinaet Affair. Tha following is ap.rlhd li.t f the R . . M t. the fact that r.ovost Marlinl Campbell names of tho persons drafted ntlhesnp- ; t..., ,i n. 5 I'homas S, Bunker, ol' the HSih (!,;,! lins ordered the Commissioner and Sur- plementary draft on Ihe 1 llh instant at geon of ',he KniV.lnient Board of the TJ . h Kidijwny : lisVict lo meet in this place on the liih,' BRADY TOWNSHIP. hut f i l I 1 1 A MHIiALa f f M t ... " " i"'t Mart.n Ashenleltcr Ivnl .Junta tica Pulc3 and Germans ia arms. I Pro in Hio Detroit Tribuna, of Mouday . Tho dialled men in Huron county, "lUMU1 VOL. lul..- iiiitecrir.funtry.last September, ihrcrti"!! 'I' I g the Ilev.J. W- Hushing, bo by tb wuy. ! " " U U(t,,, received pay for the part he took in tllo i A MOXTHly Joi hv.! 1 Q Irnnsaidiun, managed lo have his son, who1. ftvoTKn t. died in the crvice, credited on the quou LITERATURE. ECirTCP" .1 of Darke county, Ohio, a a substitui.) for "ttOa A X p Wednesday 3rxix(i::::Ja:. IX, ISOo. correcting the enrollment lists ol Una David hllingor. ciintv. We insert the order at lepc'h D.ivid Wnl'ouni in anotlier column; without orders, or charge-- letermined thut im format ion of io in icli importance to io many Demo crat oflhis county shall not bo kept from them because we failed to pocket a Swear the Wit new. , few gieenbacks. I he last Journal contains a communion-' In thanking Capt. Campbell, as wo tion dated ' PtnnvilU, Jan. 6th," detailing sincerely da for ranking this order, ne the particular!) of a donation given lo the must be permitted lo nay that it is an act soldiers now quartered at Curwensville, ofjustiue that Ins been vciy long delay- Sylvester I.u bet t on the 4lh instant, by the ladies and cili- ed. We do not charge Ilia tho fault is ' B. Bergnjr atcs of Punn township. The donation hit. For ought we know, he may been- .'',J " " . . iii ii . ,. r i anew Wis was doubiieKs a very auoipluous and tub- ,irely innoceataod blameless. Hut wo J. M. Piter stantial affair, and preseuted iu a becom- appeal to every unprrjudicsd man, or set j bECATl'It iug spirit, and with proper intentions, so of men, whether the people of this ooun- . pftrion far as the donors are concerned. All this tv have not been dealt with extreme Wilson Kerdmt i !i Im Mtilholliiud David Keams N icIioIuh Solidny Nii'lioho FuUkt Suni'iel Fjo BOGUS 1'OWXSHIP. (j. V. Shimmvl O. V. AJatiis COVIXfiTO.N' TOWNSHIP .'. IS. liil Suruuel Similar Hepjnmiii Curirll William Wingert (J cm go Penis 11 en i v El if mon 1H8C Zoi'lOU a drafuil iiiriu nameil t .ilvin Moore. It Tho Puli'lral Pr:iii.. . .. . .,nn.i L..n IM,,irl... 11. ...!,. I. I 1 01 illl ai.J .. i ..Li- ....ii hi vtiuiivaiiuunr , ;i . - -mm !. On.u-xci-.v Bup.n, iihl J. R. Mittnot Daniel Votheri I'niile n)llinpond John Vallerim nt Peter ltronoel Florentine Mignot John Picksrdt lolin Curley Jacob I Hi '.i a TOWNSHIP. Abraham (iois 'Michigan have resisted the provost muisli nl'i t-llicHJ. The Po'ei uiid (iei iiiaiii in the tow n t Paris and vinoiiiity, tn the , tho number of iS to 100 have Uunled l.- entered il.e Mivicuasu ub-liime e.uly Bilhor with arms to leiel the oi'Ci .viiotm in tho war. ami. liv L-ood conducl Inn! of the laws. (.', U. Cotterell, tipecinl pro- been promott-d lo the rank of HHcn'iid lieut- rP,tI M -JAZ!;,j; vr;i ,i voul malJlial Ol liuron couniy, slides inai ennui, wlnci i.Miion beheld until hm lno F"a-ii!oi of tm Mon. lay evening nl lat eek, in eoni- Uealh, which took placo lust July. To ' j.-any with Joseph W. Mi'kin, S.inill' i-ll' monihs later, I he father, I hroiih tho 1 tho county, he sinned Irom Sand l'.encii Cuhpluin of the reiiiienl tj which ho for l'ari lo anet ticveial drafted mon who bt hmged, re-enli-ted hit dead oti its :iuh- had failed lo report. lien about eleven simile, lereivlng the juiy and local boon- miles out they slopped at a ciiunliy lav- iy, a part rif which he gave his accomplice, ern in Sanilac county, intending to take So glaring a piece of rarality, and so ex- an eaily start in Ihe uioiiniig. At this inordinary a transaciion, wjul.J not of place the ilhceis weie recognued, and course long remain pcerot. The Can 11 j. i.i-H'im mo srini-i,!oi 0f u .. ""Slgti Kttt.le.lonr fathers in tha f, ur ,-'r,'n,l'l L vu uitf. will .. f,,Iv tl.Z was. We hare no , Z ' 1 Al - . u nut I III u.,, L , ino.iarj !, r, (,.,), h, , u''P"lin,. of tui.iaug ..Dir. (ll(.k, ni, H Mi ralhiT (in n ai idine i rincii.l. . r ' .luolri J iiijiiiui.i i.inuiur Lin- i.. iit. tins revohttinnisinjr, Abuli'ti'un tu,'"""'"""!! I. F. Stiner is very well, and we have no doubt it was harshness, as compare 1 to oilier couniies Kington Keplinrl Sun url Sowers properly appreciated by the soldiers. Hut i the district, in almost every thing con it seems that Iheso kind hearted Indie 1 nected with tho Draft. lion the tint were not permitted to bestow their liber- draft ivat made Ihey were rv)uirod to re ality iu lhat plain aud unostentatious 1 port at Wnterford, in Krio county, impos tuanner becoming their ptartful habits ! jng upon them an ororlan t trip of from for, if wo are to judge of tho ' flock " by , no to 150 miles, or by railroad neai lv its "head" (Abraham Spencer) and one ! 400 miles ilir..- "13 was atten- of its miaul -' -"I " " ucu wun greai narainp, anil Heavy ex- Klias Kephart J. (i. Shotr (5. W. Murray Perry Million Jesew Uoss John lurns Hoport Kline A. (I. J'tmicson Daniel Hone v - ed him, they belonged to the Society of next draft was ordered, h petition, in re.-- V illium Tiiurston Friends ; out the occasion was soueU lor pectful language, and numerously signed, presume spoka only as the " sjiiril" njov- pvnditure of lime and money Wh ?n the the display of a little bit ol " ealu " pad i otinii. The correspondent tells us that Wflsieotto Capt. t,'amibill, a-.kinhini to hold the sessions oflhe IJ.nird within the county. This favor was not gianted 'why, we never ascertained. ISut the Hoard did hold its session in I'lookville. I'l'his was some bettor, and neasurnbly si lenced complaint. However, if a drafted GlIiAKD Forty Urnaud It. M. Cuuifrei Joeph Merritt .1 'hn J ii ry Joseph Rover KJ. Waller " Tho ladies took great interest ia cuininiup, in svery j'ar!ii-ulr. tits cquipiavnts, ludgin uj artments andcuokinj; cunvsnirncoi the gsllunt aoldiors taking iptcial paint U grut.fy mxtry wish of feraalti curiosity." Ho then (jives us tho following: .r0.iDr iuii. iiaueaoi seeing ana ncing pre-e.llud himsulf there with a tubsti Hen, the sneuiblod visitors were iuvitcd to (he ' sraeious piatia in frout of the mansion, while the ( tulo HO was not accepted and 11. e pilliCl- ailliitra astAPA fiirinml in ilnnlila linu nil lli.i latin 111 1 .-i I i i , ,i , ' pal uisciliMi'OJ, until lie delivered lillll at Jeflersnn I ii "hm Sll parlies were grutillod by liftenuig lo bu ; ' , . Jeiioison 1.1.2 Introductory BiJJress fioiu lion. John i'atlon, in aturlord, -lieoige Murray which he iufornifd Cs-pt. K. and his brave com-! Huch are among the causes of complaint, i ,ioi,U" Hw rades. that, although he was e.irry to uv that ., ., . Michael l.i.. ircrs m-...y di.loyat ,,tPU in (7f 'irrifJ , er K''i"dier or not wenionot plt'- Williani Kiielish soiinfy, j hscjuld vouch lor the loyally of pined to say. Put they had no good ell"- j jjer rv Ky'lrr those prcscat-" llcti And aiii'-ng the r-iasous iisiiigned lor! ' KAHTHAUS We now ask the fpecial ultjntion of : this Scrl of ttca'.ineut was ihit the stule ! r, v itonli.n Arthur lUcce J. 1). A res Hubert MaUy Wni. L. (Ion Nathan Kephart .loll 11 Turley T.MVN.SIHP. Wa'hin.oii Harrott James Viley (i. D. MeCiseken John F. Wiley Shannon NVitherike TOWNSHIP. Peter Dumoal ('laudiu Kousselot Daniel I.ogau Bernard itreen Nicholas Uousselot Milehell Shops . . Il . r .i .. " "WillL-. Ihe friends ol the drafted men we. o n l in- tuin nd tin Chaplain nro now under ar- liml rs no ertaniiti-',Jt,l , lorined ilunng tlio niglil ol Hie intended rest, and Ihe cuo will he investigated be- whirh doi not honestly enm.ei.u """Wi iit. 1 lin Kliei ill nml niaislui tii'.ieipi eii r. miii n.Mi i i-.uri r ., . tne nrineuli nf iii u-"i on thoir journey enily iu tho morning, Journal- but found tho whole country moused. - , They succeeded however", in aricsting' Tin (Jluta Tho Pennsylvania quota two drafted men, one a German and tint commissioner" have returned from Wah 1 oilier a Pule, w ho lived ulono in the injMon. They report lhat the .Sitte quota woods. The men g.ivo themselves up will be reduced. Tho furmer alignment willingly bada farewell to their friends, was up to Nov. 30i.li, but Ihe new cue will and were placed in a sleigh, and started be up to Dec. JOth. A fpecial to the Jlul- pnneitdes of the Kani,.i.. '"""Iita . K.joiutioiH of ,,na lki Dr, ?a ifjiij i of the Supremo Coan-the one , '"tit Sovai:i:itiTr nud the oihor WiuT," j"i. To prtMTvo Iheso hmiureil doctrinn ii""" ciia.c paity ns t,rj.iie I by th, ' iKjt of tin Kodcr..! Government, n4 iiZ, kWt to Ihoia donn to the foul an aiahjn. " ture lit the coniiiioiircment of tli'n v Pv ocauu is an organ of Iiraiecrac . i '"i f ... ii . . ' for tho lake tdioro. After proceeding IttU says: "All tho credits of dillerent .'uru cuw.ru.y .urrenr of pritt- ""i" about four miles on .he country road two State will be added lo the total number Vr,; tiieTfosr 'Poles with shot guns were met. As the cf men wanted and then divided propor- wm he enlarged to double i i t,'"u'. i 1 cllicers passed, I lie latter tired signal shots, tionally." This fcems lo 1 e. a (picer why la.m ,,rty-eiKht pages for the t""'""' and a short disin.icn lieyoid, lwenty-(he of lessening the (piola, lor the mote crtd- ing it in nil respects, s tu style ?i' ,f,4k men, nrmed nith nflei and Ioubled-b:ir- its there nre Ihe greater will he the mint- : first-class Literary and Family .Vir!', ". iviivi an".v jiuui, mio iniiii-i Hint II u i""u. inn mi ii'.dru.rm, (-IIIIIU-: 11 lll.-tiei liv llm raninii) A imr i.v mm.i i n. ilea iiins.ine r.iiner. "win imvd n i-nntur vv ;ive n greater iii'r-1 Novel f gre.,;' n by lr. Jh.imas l.r.-7,lJ will be published in chr,i(r, V;4"1"'. io number for January. ' I"11! GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. Ellis Kyler Nath. t'atherman G HA II AM W. S. San key KNOX Divid ?milh U. J. H.x Provost Marshul Campbell, and of tho of- j0 feeling hero was such thai the Hoard ! Wilson Kow ficers of tho miliUry force now slationod , 0f Kurolluienl would not be safe, Ac. We in this county, to the words which we! hope uo one tcriously entertained any print in iutk. If this writer quotes Gen. LUoh Ulief. 'J'here never was a time that ration correctly -which wo do not allege the P.oaid, or any member of it, would it Ehculd save them a vast umounl of labor iu Lusting up informers and witnes ses. The informer is at hand, and all Ihey have to do is to " Bwear the witness." Gen. Patton is a mnti of charaoUr accor- i i.i p.ik ... i have been iu the alighted danger in any )iiT,.r she part of this county. 1'hry would have j Henry Sloppy been just as sale here ss in any other part i Harrison Williams of the district. j I-A W KENCli However, tho deUriuiuation of t lie nliani I. . A tiles Allen Ctifler Adam Knepp TOWNSHIP. Jacob Green James J.ytlt Win. J) sviclaon A. D. Pierce Fllis Former Win, Diugherty TOWNSHIP. fioslariM Hi I lot Cambridge I'olburn Jnnn-f Curley TOWNS ill P. Hii. ler Dutilap Tlio;nn Dunlap Lewis Erlmrd John Hatighman Caihrart Wm. M. Cathcai t ber called. A narlev endued. Toe Uet the same Hiper. I...li;..,....i ,1 .i..,i. i... i ..r .i .. ,,..,l..n ,f ..w... i ii.. ...... ii Ii ren. 'I HILI till m 11 n ilin lltV4 ill If 1 I'lt'IMI! Ill 11 fj Ii ' ij-i vi iik ii iv ill" . .I'll 11 llllltl'l, , . . . .i.i. : i ' . i in. .1... I i ..i 1 1. .. . i.... i wnirn in isi-iiiers, it u t ne niiue iinie iiringing i ueir iiei u is in u' i ui inm, uui ii is evineii v wjt, 10 lire arms lo a "leady." J he eituation was mat under such an "arrargcnicnt ' crei- While iho .M.tguiitie will "u diml,i ' decidedly unple ised for tho ollioers. The iU are not Ihe l.esl thing io have. Sys ' size, only 61'iy ee"nts w.ll 1 c ui!d ' w1 latter tried io leiiion the cansbui reason lhat paper nUo: "In the laM nsignment nibscription. Xoerabie the j-iib;itnr and argument were useless. The therilV U naval ridi-tmcr-t were ereditrd for Jld oulurgemcnt withua: l"tstlieitrati,', then slat ted hi horse and tried to drive one j ear. JUit now hoe enlisted fir on. In a moment a dozen rilles were It v- unsettled term will le considered ; riled at his team, and he was told that if three yens. It was rim Muted that , another movement was made his horse terter after being mustered, will ttill would bo shot in their tricks. The olli- credited." cers held a brief consullat ion, and finally do-to Ih nft., by J. H. tibl- we!l, IC k 1 1 , rnAMi-TuM MoCsai s to Mist Mi nt Jans Fkiigiso-S, both cf Ferguson tp. wi sin sisiiMiiani,Tfi.nra wamumsKiaajaam jernu invoriuiiiy in uiivance. n,l a. i. sillo will bo stunned when ih lin. .:, . Kll-ll Al his residence, in hell lunnship, on pires. . the -1th inet.. of conjestiou of ttio luii-s, Thus. As Tiik Old (Ii abu i storeotyM liti i CiMrniii.L, in tho TU;h year i f his a . brrs nnd roluines can u'ivtsj-j bs turnishet l-.'r-Tho deceased wss a native of t'l e'ter ' leHers fhould bs addresaed i follw,,... county, in this 5tat In early lii'e he locatuj in Union cuiiulr, and in K-JO icuioved to Clearfield and settled en ihe banks of the Su (uo!iuuna, in Uell towiiibip, where, after a Ion and well spent life, and riiiMng a family of tea children, hit pirit Im token its flight, lie was well kiown throughout the county, and wherever known, ropeoted. Y, ding to ihe ways of the world ; he kuows j Heard to hold a session hero will go far , '""'h Watson the people of this couuty well ; few have towards removing whatever fetling may ! AbtihamMovt had bctler opportunities to know Iherahavc heretofore existed on this suljoct. ! Klliii burin ' Ii he is correctly reported, ho here make", a will pi'.ord our pconlo a hotter omiortu. I " 'cder sv.iMiimty, tho diitinol, ur.qualiiied charge ,,ity, und ut les cost, lo have justice done lhat thore aro " many ditluyal persons iu ' them, than Ihey huvo ever yet had ; and Cicurfield county," and as an honorable the officers of tho 15.'- " bo uvjuvIii uian, ajd one ol tho highest repoui.ibil-Ced that iuo vile stories tohl about the ity in casoof failure to sustain his chatge; charcter and dispoMtion of the people. 1.. I I i- ... l . . ll nciauviuuu io puiut oun aim uhjuo wera infamous lies. Oar thwo " disloyal " men. If he is not cor- William Milliiran John I.ove TOWNSHIP. Joxpiih Rowivf S. W. Mcl.iuglilin Theodore PeopUs James Mel'evitt A. I. Kline W. W. Watson K. J. Ki'id Arnhaei Ilcyl MOHllIS TOWN'slIlt' Miles Pulton .l.ttnrs Scott Daniel Philips. J nine. liollenbach .Ieieuiii.li Jloovor J' lin Kins ' William Hoover counlv'a ouota disloyal " men. if he is not cor-! j, ,liuch h COr than ii thould he. owinu rcctly leported, ha owes it to himself, and ,0 tiie'very fancls above leferred to. Put i.rt intiimniiitv .!)(. rt-ninl I v ftliim.i .1 . " . . ' r -"r j now, wuen mo opporiututy is given to l.olen Mei rell w j have all mistakes corrected, and to have! pi (i0M Tho writer proceeds to say lhat John j 0TeD-handed Justice nieeted out to ur, we ! Jamo, II, nr v Iiussel followed Gen. Patton by reading j ConliU-nily believo that a muc h better Frnnk McPrido a very loleresting addross, in which he feeling will be the mult. Jlemy Kib heartily lamented the necessity for the -- - ' 'Adstn Weaver present display of the military force in j Pback I-How happy would we Icol if, WooDWAIiD TOWNSHIP. . our midst," ic, " trusting that no rolox- m writing this lovely word, wo could feel j Amliew Howies V'm. C. Kinter ing of tho present means should be lolerii- l'iat 'i blessings were likely to visit our ' Heuben Mahan James Henderson ted until everr rebel nnil rnbol avnmnlbii.' Inild. P.ut llOtaithstandinp llm rnmn... Merry Levi (Jos er, both North and South thall hide lade in which some people seem inclined to mVi thin" Shea Miatjormea ana traUoroui head." llm is ' munu a nope, wo nave not theslightcst John Wnrren James Wilson Villia m liobimon T'honihs Deviniiey Joseph Koliirock Jacob Neil" .In 111 us Mallit A bin I Jnlitison TOWNSHIP. John Hudolph David S. Furtnan Hugh C. I.each Ciiarles Gall : thoncht. tlisnreii m the better tmrt of v.lor. MARIMI!I On tho SO, making a vi- lue of necessity Ihey yield ;edup the pfi'O :ers. Their troubles did not end here. After surrendering the prison ers, they had proceeded but a few rodi ; when they were fi.ed upon. O.io bullet ' wllislled by the head, uraling the hiir t.f , llio provost marshal. A nother ball pass ed through the overeat of the shorill', in I lir.pleAsonl proximity to lii shoulder. Another volley pained over their head". Tliieo volleyi were fired in n'l. The es cape of the officer from instant ileatli is 1 wnnderfiil. Mr. Cmteiell arrested a I drafted m n in ili'u section a few weeks ifinco. nnd as chned thirteon miles, lut II .. .. II.. 1 t.L IT. . . I u.in.ir esenpeu sua j prisoner. ;Io Lawr,nr, township, on lbs BiKht or the Irtth 1 A company ol soldieis will probably, just , of dyptherea, Jsaai CaI.vi.i, son of Anioj soon be sent to this rebellious district. , and .nrsh Head, sire i 21 years. i ! JK-&ln the deaia of this yourt j man his fi'nii- The Wii.visctom Faii.C nt. The report ly hare loM an afTtctionale son and brother, and ol the various officers conctrned in Ihe 'he eommuiiiiy a mueh esteemed and worthy , Wilmington expedition have been f uru- "if"'1""". ishod to iho Wai oflicu by Gen. Grant, tic-1 'l11'" Bii"J,,", lr"n1u!1 ftni 1 , ,, i tf terrors In his looks were s .-en . com pnning which is the following letter, Jli Ssvior's smilo ilispellod tke ;;looin, Irom the hitler : An(l 'taoothed the pathway to the tomb," ih i:.:i.J Mi. 1.. On tho 14th inst , in Lawrence tos-n i (V '.art. Vs.. J.-," 7"th lsr,,', Tn ..i.l 1 wifo of John " ln lho 5cr . puhlieity of llm time of railingHnd ileati tuition or ilie expedition ngitnut Port Fisher, my order lo Gen. Puller tn pre- i'niw 11 were givon voroanv, mii t.ie in be left out except pcdiaps ccea.-igu.'y. f"r rp i i, ,. ,, 1 n .u o ; One copy one year Seven copies one yenr, and one tj Ihil pettcr up or the Cii.b, lit Twenty copies one yenr, and one (o the I 7'.-tti-r up of the Cub, C f-inffln ennii'ii Ri.nt. i-irirfl.i,i.:.l r... ' 1 ' -.-r. ur , , . m I:. struclions to the commanding oilicer nf the expedition weie made bv him, and sub miilcdlome. I nppend lotho report a copy of (ien. Puller's instructions (oGen, Welzel, together with copies of my writ ten dispatches nnd instructions to Gen.' Iluiler. relating lo tne expedition. Ditto Stotrfiscmmts. Austin Kline Kobert Alexander Our teporter failed to get Ihe names of : . 1 1 ., ,i:,l. 1 l lll; . . .... .1 genuine, DU no uouui cornsctiy reported. , m"u. r i . u.a.r is cerinimy ,n Jiir hn.ond U,Oi0 (Ir,lf..d :,. ,,....:. ,, which cost us sodearlv to an exne.imnnr ford townships. If any of our friends' , fer 10 l.he exI'loiio "f gunpowder in ...:n i . .. , ' . , . . "pen : ir sss rsiini cuviMII IU iUI MMTU HJ UH 4 D.lli.MM'itAroit'M NOTICi; Noii.e 2. is luroby given that letters of adiuinistia liou on tho estate of Thus. Campbell, hits of Pell 1 1 will ho perceived that it was never tp., Clenrfield eo., dee'd, bavin? heen fronted to contemplated that General Butler should tll0l,n,c"iRn('J.,l P'rmns indoi.ted lo said eitstn accompany thi expediiion, but that Ma- ,1" r,,f."cd !o n,ke !"n-'li Pyn.er,t, and in.. I vv. i ii i lh having claims against the same wi p. esent jn, General U et.el was specially named thtIB du), ,,,,, for KtlirmmU 1 - as Ihe comander of it. My hopes of sue- JAMKS A. CAMl'I'Kl.h. I eesi rested entirely on his ability to cp-i JAt UIJ W. CAMl'UKI.U j A(h"'r"- lure Fort Fimer, and I had even a hope! I5"" tp., Jin. 5. pd. of getting Wilmington before the enemy "-iV7vTr7T7; rT T ; could get troops there ,o oppose u. I ' Vf Volna .)Ti!kw. knew that the enemy had takrn ntn.ly wll, ,,leil ca aj ,cU lbol ; ! the entire gnrriNon of Wilmington and its ious of clotinj our Uooks. defences to oppse Gen. Shermun, J . L. HEED. A Cn. ' I aoi inclined lo ascribe the delav ' mo. Jan llth 18C5. John is a I ricnd of tho very fctinigLest ;o also is (ten. Smglelon, a pence Demo fect. JJe would not spill a drop crat of Illinois. Tha Washington correa Hf ,l-,.,...l. I r. 1 ti...... .: t.UUl,KU.l6IIAttlU)WT0(iRA. , vir.iM.a, en. er wu; J. V ham i. on door west of Hoynton fr Show- mow ins report to te nn error where he crs' tioro. The iuberiber wi.ho. t inr..r.. i.;. - -- ' elates that he relumed after having ell'ect- friends and numerous patroiu lhat ho has left his rKTnoi.em- The "oil fever" continues a landing, in obedience lo my instruct- ulJ ,l"tl Sliiw's How nnd bin hruko out in n new uiiice in wrnnuin s now, in the shop former ly occupied by II. Stiiinph as a Hoot and t?hop. lice would like nil his old friends to giro him a call on Court Week, and bring us many now ones along as possiblo, as he can accomodate all on shert notice, ut tho Sh irt Shoo Shop. Kept oy t kaaiv SHORT, t i . l A ,i r-;it.. . ..,i ii, ... i i,An,iAni nr a., v -.i ti- ii v e.uicr a reoei or -reuei i" vuuu .ia .am "t,w nsscrl9 wo will publish them next week sympathizer." Ho would only have them positively that they both went with the: " hide." Well, that's consistency for you. approbation of Mr. Lincoln, nnd gives the u. wuai win souiurs llnuk ol the author ler.us which tuey nave his authori- io exietui us range. ' ha oil regions now , contnuy, those inslruo of tli is "intcrresting address " whon we ' -y mr olleiirg to the South. Shcso term Brp Pnnylvia, Virginia, Ohio, Colora- tlot" coniemplnte.l no withdrawal or fail tell them that he was onco before a mili- embrace free and full pardon to all olTen- ' "n:J ,v",Cwil,Hi'ini-ic,,U,i 'n"ding Vl''r i r- r. . . i i - lions in Aew i ork, Michigan, Indian 1 l'gned) U. S. Grant. tary Examining Hoard ; and lhat report ders. In consideration for which they and California." A tabular statement pre- I Untenant Ventral. says ha there declared, upon a solemn af-mu3t surrender their arms, submit to the pared by the New York World shows the iirtualiou, that lie would not use carnal daws, andaljnJvn tlarery. amount of capital represented in the pe- Loss of the Steamer Mellvlle on TTer A,f??'Rcmfm,10r (rn!1'"u ' llow one ,wrwoi weapons against his fellow man no, not Now, if there troleiitn business often cities lobe van KyiUK.iioinoxiO). i .w. in., ..ijs it, Nct Great Jledmlk in Pit ICES of F A 1.1. A WlXTEKGOtifc; J. i'KlT'TXifR, Front Street. Clearfield, Tttu Having purchased a lareitock sincetti I: lo decline in j-i ices is row ifjirtiii olfer gtent bargains in New Style Dress Cnwk Richest Prinled Goods, All-lfTool Delaines, ffrrf 'French Merinos, tier ana. PUvl.K,.!, ,t aipih.ren, en the i-'ah rceeniber ' Cm O ((! lillich Sllli, Inst, In tlraham townibip, Grokuh W. Si iri.Ku, : son of Mr. and Mrs. filler, aged li jcart, i A.,,,,.,.., ,.,,, ,tJnnf,, monlhsand 21 days. 1,8 , UUlIU Ji (UUI yilpdClhf JVoolen S!iauh Ladies1 Mntllcs, Furs and Bonnets, Staple Dry Goods . I tea dy-Made Clothing, Millinery Goods, lloscry and Notion', Hals and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Hard ic arc ij Queens ttarc Drugs and Groceries, Carpets ai d Oil-cloths, Household Goods, All of which will be sold t prwllyw! ed prices. Ocl. 10-tt FIB- Changed hU Hhmo, but not his Politics. tip- ..... I vvi AV it l. ' aa. u . I J... J J S i.. . 1 icdll 111 f hrl ntnniA Ar lit Atvn liat n Imiliil (n nbnliA . ......... ,1 .... J "UiUOl .i.i.-.-i! ri UFH .i . .-I .s .. ' iuo uonor oi uis wue. iu tney not some nopo oi ineie terms bo'ng accepted, riiiPa, $ 1 ft.t.Tl 5,non weigh with many gi'.iins of allowance, his and consequently, of peace. But as ihe Ntw Yorlc 134.Ot5.Oon high-sounding words of patriotism ? Will , South receded for the ieason that they liolbln"'511 ' a'.Voo'.ooo il not afford them mother evidence lhat, objected to tho exorcise of such power o- ,!ullim"r l'.7io.uo Cln.inI.I I. inl..il.;i...l l.., "n.ienr" tmn-'ver the iS'j.'S l,v tho lVn.l,m,n- , Xilusville 4,000,00 i. niu.uutt, ii , - - j jjiwi, uvilTI,. , , , plel Will it notcuuso them tJ mink j aient, u is not reasonablo lo suppo?elhat lhat the aulhorities havo been grossly , tliCJ' now abandon the very princijile ment of cur oleaginous resources. It iuipoicd upon and lhat the Democracy of , ihcj' i'ltvo ii?'l'ered to much to maintain, ly gives Ihe published capital- ' In ciearueld county has been Kb.imefully tic- H would be t uueed nod slandered f Cleveland $2,200,000 Chicago l,nno,n(i Cincinnad 7i0,llilu Waphing'on TOO.OOo Total $.158,200,000 And this largo amount does not include, all the opital engaged in the develop- on- lliivntnn A. Shnwnrt1 Rlnrn l.n 1 I .-. Way to Hilton Head-Lou, of Life. - ------ V v i to -r, , . TOT 1? XT A HOUSE, SADDLE, Newom.Jan. 12.-The banpie Hech- OlUJjljiN . Uridle nnd Halter! libit e, from Hagged ldand, reports that ro atolen from mo on Monday night lho 2(lth on the 8th inst., in Int. 08 dei?. . lonu. 74 The horso wns a small Dark Drown, with 11 deg , about three o'clock A, M.. beinir nt- !t" '" hi ''(ircll('llb The hair was paitially oil j in tho beronjih of Oh arlnl l. 1 11 1 ' rit.!,! .hniililiii. iiiuinJ liv. .1. 1. .:.i. Ill i. ..r I. Ii trncteii nv cans, s 10 sent ouL n boat anil "J n. mi ' " - - niil ml Ilia ... l.n. I found on a hurricane deck, which BLACK S M IT 1 1 1 N N K W Pvssmohi', a sii:vi:ti kespeci fully announce to ttn ir nuin nu. friendt w lo (be J ublic penernlly. Hint thej av csw into rnnnrlnerfhin in ihe rbnts buMnnf ii I" fhnp hercloforo oeein icd bv the senior r"1" nnr lil. r., - 11:1. ir.. j . , ,, ii .,.! i v v 1 ,, : mii, mi iiiiiuu iieao. ii-coR'Kmnaticu Euchni tho . . ' . . " . 1 U,K nro as- Duv mnuiie 1.1 vnjuiui in me oil trade not coal oil. The horso hnd been lame in tlii luml Wns Ar TV.. ...l.ll. ... i: , . . . 1 1 , . ,. . mv B11M1.IQ jyao nil uiilllllirT III 1 1 1 1 II ry Sila- part of a wreck, a man named Albert h. die, nearly new. covered wilh black leather. Haydon who mid he was a passenger on The thief is supposed to have been a man by the Whitney A ilathawnv Meamer Mel- tho name of LACK V, ho oiesned from nrison lille, which sailed from New Voik on ihe on tl,e "'lt "10 '"'rse "' He was seen in es asuingiun, viearnctd county, on rri- .1 ., ICiU Mr. I.aydon reported that on tho 7th I will'pay any ' reasonable sum for the redtrn iuc iussvi a uuin nuim iietci i.cnie . ucnen, : ,M,l,ti.l,,l .,.! . inRiatll. Ill A I.evv itnrm .1 .l.ni.i of Ihs hiir. i,r r.,r in-h Ui.m..i- :ii . ... i'MU'i.iuiM, .mi luiiur iiriiiieen ier prises n i . - nmwii nm cn. lecturing oU;rtAt to tUir duty who; Should audi conditions be offered thorn not s!Ud. Phis may be assumed to bo 0 c' one of her bows was stovo able m to got hira snd tho other property taken. wears ho wou d not lift b in hnriit tn amil a in cnnd faith uml in pi.innln. it,.. .t. 11 iln n... .I... a!..'.i-'I nnd ii ii I... A lno sea. A bont was lowered, and " JAtK. - - - - - - - ...... ... ...... n-' '--'. .iii. '117V...11L:. 11 f'lii.iiiiiiii. i.,vvnnui.iBV,iiv..v..i.i'--i.isi'viiij....-iiH .. .. - . - lhlll1UCl.A..A..rl.t. Til I .It - 1. 1. ... ... !n.hl . a. A . . I n I I. . I 11 , ItlO C "vonuji-r 0, uls vrue s uonor, is 1 ten, lll,;y y ai an oiner conditions are sal-1 IUI11" r1 e.uuuu'ii. u.n mur are now .v rv,.. , vmii, niia iniTereu, ana ., ... , , , . 1 captain, chief engineer fust cook find ,"ullliy''"-g. Jj- 3, 133j-pl. lain- . .1 . v. . swamped. n tern im..;,.,. -t . . 1 1.. ...i ... . . . . mi in me uiravfrv mm rroiidi- inn nfs j .i-miivuii luh ur nr nn i bi ir . 11 im ii'ii i n I no nnnt. .1 ai 1 i. a st 1. . . . . . . ..- - - - I I " t iv. j.iv V IUO 4(iri Patriotism from snch a kourco must be of .'factory, then Iho question will be pi n eiy spurious cuaracto (Link, soldiors will view it I war nnd Abolition. that this effort for Bi'TLK8..-Gcn. Putlcr has been rnliv.l ' '1 bero aro minors a r I ii1! A 1 h fit bill, nfnup vcni. . . iWbethcrwa Jirnfiir nnii ...I ,i.i,; :..i ... ' 1 I I muv. vjiiiiii, viril'i"vu in v liiii iin-i v;iw i (juoiate at least ftvMii,Wmfierfo,rilnvM.'l,,u ri "'"". vcrai otneri, were i had no '. "e vessel was kept an.nt lill morning " "V" -, r,,1,c " T hi hA rtl irfa Ar ell , U - 1 .1 al nva iiiv Aniuiiri issitn, W U lAUrt .ildrtHT'l n ny tneeiortsof all on board when the re- , ni, ..iiri.i ..-.;..: i i- 1)0CKEI HOOK LOST The subscriber lost, between tho Uth and i Stli of December Inst, The New York World. All sorts of work in their line il! to iliff'- ed on I lis shortest notice, nnd in tb tnwl't manlike manner, and upon lerioi to :l i;..... v. .iiil.n.iilHl1, iiiiiipi , ' v-v ii. i h 1 1 v in i v. ii nni .1 . 1 t r. ....i.: nil tk "lli'M 'f AM In lf I 1 II i I illllg i viiii"1 . , craft--from n common nnil tos finfc'rl H hin... I ..i.,..,r,,-.. , l. mi.Hls thor fur Cash or approved Country TrCr-dive thsm a cull. Ct. C. PASSMOK!. Dec. 11, ISoi - y. VM.' SIEVED Di-Holiitinn of Partnorsliip- mile i i..r... .rlilint betn" IHl.l l.l III VM 9i. Ilfl VM'JI.'I V n I tho subscribers in the i.'ikiiit ,u Leonard, Finney & Co., is this dut aiui'' muiuai oonsont, . a, The books, papers, r.n.l npcti srebft" mu'ia ii .iiuuv-a i. i.eunar i, ei- i,,v - . x firm, and all claim, d ie tn nni h.T I1""'" h of his command of tho Department of P"co on.lll Parl of Lincoln is urged by t' i . . i v ,i 1 .. information from France nnd Knplnn.! Lasterirgiaia add North C.rohna, and, that they intend to rccoBni,o Mr. Lite n ordered to band oror ll his paper,, wo. jonly as President of lho Slates that took ney and effocti belonging to his depart- t'ar.1 'n late election. This would be ruonl, and to report for further orders at ? irlu recognition of tho Southern Con Lowell, Six.. 0. 01. 'arJ-S appointed hu suoceoaor, and it Is said qui ck in ctlerinir tho most 1, hen. I ,1,. , slavery or no slavery. ' that fiurnsiJe will succeed Ord. In his address tcj hii army on curreu.,' jgrTIie London ?W,f lbe ,,, llU Jering Lis oomraand. Gan. Butler Tory lays : "In tho present state of Xorlhe distinctly estimates that his refusal to feelirj there is too much reoson toappro" i i., . . .. . usou soma our race wiii..v, . . -. uselessly siaugmer n is men ty ordering : , ' , . .... . "'"j render a iham 0ti.b !m.i.u f.,:.,: - : American, neitl them to BUockimDreirnabUfortifiealiona iril " .1 1. ' 7." ulT..l0"n i'lh- . .. rt.. i n.,.. '1' "HleciiiiB luosirengui oi England nor Is thecauio ofhis removal. This n a st understand tho unanimity with which a riottt charge, coming as it doei from Bench- "" will beproseautcd if forced upon a re nr's laceesaor to I.inooln- Butler is char-' ,.ueut government and nation. The I ..I, r,v , i lirst result of war would be the iramedi- $dll 1 ,m fi' UIC, hX Vih '"dievoc.b!eesf,I.,sbmeDtofSouTh. Li t thel, ami ending rTttu J ort Fisher ern IndoTiendf-nce.'' All over.bie pipr .TAJIK? T. LKOSABfc A.C. l'INM.'. V. . A. A . the l....l... .-111 l. . p.n-.liiilieJ l y J"0. ."Vi Ini,l.".c?!v"lU"!n,ttrr v0".0'0 I-fnard us Leonard A l. dc-e II l8' -Sole fence I'oek- m. v .,".rr' ,r,sl an onuoaru wnon mo re- , !, , .in ,:..! . which has "taming iuo Don l was lowered: but before i,;n .-,i Li i. ....7....i ' I n ...ulo.i i.. .; . , ' " ..... . , . r . - . uui, aim ooiiuv c;,! till H'llll. I'lKfUici n Illl UIIU . v , .. ln. siotn mucn attention to lho rise and pro- ,,le ,H"T I assengers could lie got into it receipt for $5. The finder will bo liberally re , lorthwiih uttled. gressoliho petroleum business, remark- lne len"pr went down, and Mr. Bovdon warded by retuminu it to ing upon the fact that tho demand for n ntimber pet ish, and many clinuir-C Lowrcncotp.jiin.il. A. II. IlEFJ. j ........ i ... i.i . . i a,. i . .- . ' leuuauiiissi luorxator, anu lho " "? ' ,,rV," l" VecK Aiuiifot. tie ixi.CtTOitvs Xolifl-Xotico Is here, refined article lor illuminating is greater , hfi "S"1 r'e ''-Poat, which was free by Kiven that Letters Testnmcntary on tin than the supply, predicts that this will bu of water nnd coulained Ihreo norsons estate of JOHN MrPllEUSON. Into of tha bnr llm ioba r...nll i;...m iv . ., t,vn nifin .ml 11. . . ...u .. r ri...Hi.l,i Jn..i.,i i.A..t. 1 ..i.. . . v... . u...i . ...- vu i'll'l-' mw im-u .ui mi iinivi uiiiiiH irn mi. u - ...v.. ...iv. iauv. , uirn nn, n vuku hi viiw "vm uvw-mpuv., u.t iiiu uri-i i.,kiii . 11.1 i.,i?iin.inm.-.ii"i.-- .j al no lime, snya that paper, in the history estic- " -"ifc'bt from 12 o'clock nt out hy ,hB undersigned, all persons indebted to i l-en by piven thai letters of sdinisiitf" of the enterprisoof tho world, has so larno n!hl unlil ho Melville fondered, and tho m-J taia nra rsjuostod to make hnmcdiiitopny on the relate oi Elit A. bee, late or u . ...... .1 , ' u .V '""fc . :i r . ' . ment. snd those hsvlnff cllllllll SCiin.t Hi. namn inwnJiin. n.-nrfiuM e.iunlv. Jiceased, " amount, n, capital oeen invested in any -m nree newspapers ana ,... them . , - ",,-. ;":"r:i' ;.;;7- .,P?,.j. .11 i-ti' one enterpt -ito wncru so great a portion of na '8. Wtt3 D,urn?'V logtdher witn Bfnl. KECUEN MclMIKHSo.V, : debted to .aid date arc revested to n; the investment wou d riav aimVi i;u. every mine else oombustible. in ouler to k nw. Sfl rtn A t.- i . ! . i: ..a having dCW,p ifJonds to capitalists. It is use-l not onlv Rnal the vessel. There were ixty-fie; "i 7i " cf.int the fame will present tbem duljrulB for lubricating nnd illuminating, but in Tw,enri, five of wbotn were ladies, and j 1 Or cQIC Arruitrami, ' ticatod fur cttlemcnt, lliQ m in ii fun! urn n r i .i . about sixteen fiftleera. and finer articles for toilet usu. ivhiln anmA nf ! V. V- 10 TW.t,..:.. trH.:,i r ' t'rnis his l ARM situated in Lawrence town-' Bcccarla tp. Jnn, 1' fit the most beautiful shades of color, ever Porto Cabe'port. iU& on J.-nu.rV. fKr.1,' SAWYER WANTED M uffn nr. i min n t.ii .iA....nni ..... . n . i i , . i . . . . . . ,.j v.nviiuiui,, iirvicesa, r oin Slie picKOU up traoted Iheref.oui. The residum is also mate, 3d engineer uiougui into use as a steam genora-: lost in the .v. uariKHie uio ocean, with most Hat- whica wns launched. The names of thn.A ""pevines, ana otaor small rruit thereon the Meiico fur a term oi not ici - ttf I Of I r re vm.:. f . . smuswe ui J WW 3 Unt 1. ti i rest . . .1 . , isr 1 1 . 1 s 1 ..1,1 1 rtATMBt . .. uiWO success. Moscow and reoued by the Unrrietare A. B reacock 1 Vi . 1 ocaiea, me uu is inuispui- ages psyau.e iu uu.... -.wtgH, W. LEBi AJministrswr. .1 ... nicked tip a boat Containing the 4 acres thereof eleared, whh n Frame Ilouso "I7"ANTED IMMEDIATELV, s JJns I engineer Captain Wellington was ed Apple trees In good cooditton soms 200 f oughly competent to rati be swamping of the first boat lear tr,e, witn quantity of Cherry tress, Circular haw Mill, snd who ii willing as launched. The nsmu nf tlm.i Grapevines, snd othor small fruit thereon the Meiico for a term of not lesi insn 't( exported from this couotr. Jj. and Wm. Kennedy, Chirt Engineer. I August 'io. lS6..-.vf, GE0KGK TU0KK. tired. Hec. H, U6I-21 bsncsiHb"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers