j; VY,pyrsi)AY,;:::::i::::::Jam.ary 1. i.lrtl of Kubwrlptloii, Advertising ami ..1.KI.., 5 io a no l I A if jioid icilhin llie fear, i of jmiiii nMi !. ', JWflSS;?JS. tail M ii noiur, rain, n iron, AmlilKrs' o(it, llllA, -(ViHiivix ncJ .'riip toe, S fi'wca, piwilxli"" uvticrt, rue, 2 li'md, fra$i"il AJiertieemtnti, J'tr tenure n J lines, r e 3 li'mr, or (, j 'or each tbieaucnt intertlu, QMcinl uJrrrti&iu'J, Jut ic yuure uf 10 ) fines, or If i 3 timet, or Ute, J fjr each eubtrqurnt iiuerlitm, jinfutiiuittil Curd, I yfm', iocni mIhx. jr line, yifwi ry Holies, veer 5 littee, jier iF 60 ,',0 ! VQ t J II 50, 1 50 ! ao; - J U0 ' . 10 S 09 j 12 00 li 00 $20 00 3. GO CO 00 ! 2 JO 1 2 00 ! 1 74! 1 50 , 1 50 2 50 I 4 50 1 00 I J Jo 2 iu a'u J VirV &dierlitiujj, comi, " A " - .i h J Ilui', tingle quire, i 8 uMiie, a hire, tie 0 quiree, jer quire, Jo neer 6 uiiirii, cr autre, JI,tnt!Liltt, eheet, 2i, or cm, io i sArif, 25, or Irtt, tto i ehtet, 25, or It it, liu hole thrtl, 25, ur Utt, 'Over 25 uf each of above at proportionate rates. &tV"lho above ratei were agreed upon by the I'lidcr.igncil, on the 3d day ol December, lc0l. mill will be strictly adhere i to during tl.c present hich pric es c! till K'.L'ls uf printing materials. P. W. MOORE, IVH'ibw of till "Clearfield irpuUie-in." 8. j. now, I'uliliilitr bf lli "A'uVnii' Jour'iul," Tuuno)L t Icurlit M lUIIicsd llnie-Table Truiu Ici'-voi 'J'vrtit t S;ii A. M. unites ul l'liilii'tlmrj; al 11 A.M. Truin li'aven l'Lilititu!'g ul J:65 I. M. uriivet ut J'rtne ul 4:54 P.M. THE MEWS. A re-i.ilution lias bci-ti pnsse'l Ly the United Siiuite, r.-dering the Committee ' on the Conduct of war to hetin at onco1 nn investigation of (bo Wilmigton dias tcr. ilmei.'d Fuller vtns relieved flora comniatid at the request of General Grant who, on lanutnv Oili. telegraphed the l'resld int that hd wih.l Butlor's remov. ,1, AfifT a OODsultlltien with Guneral Hillock and AwUtfttit Secretary of War ,. , . ii', . ),tna.lhe cider w-as .sted which sent lin'.l'. r l 1nM 11, Masachusett.. From all the vnriou report. it seems tlial (ienel'til Hood, ill the lecent cam- paiin in front of N jshville, and on his tclicat, lo.t nhwut aeventy-fivo hundred men .uiied, and wounded, and captured ml ti.'y pii'co ot artillery. Oeneral Thomas reports that Hood crossed to the fcmlh Bmk or the Tennessee in safety at riori'ii J1, on I)ecem1.er 20th. Hood on his tt'lvvic ajrainH Nashville, captured) tB,l,l p.i.,,,1 .!... TllEIlEFURLlCAN, ,lV', '"'I" J. 1". Jtoyl, ierausotl tOWn,lnp. I works, five lo? and boar.1 ears, nhout 1000 feet of v' " i lArant ' Y. WillUnt T. Gilbert, Hell township. ' fl.t railroad iron, U wiu'e b, J inch thick, to noon Mr. Llair and General Singleton ,. 1 i gether with all the tools iu ubout tho null, were received by the confederate pickets, J- A- fiegnl. Goshen township. , lht. tt.(inK,t hi,iUn ,, ,,,,-ii.incry are in per il) front of General Ord's (late Butler') Samuel J Miles, Jordan township. jfoctordir, under 01.3 nof, a.'id con.tituto one line-, nn the north haul: of the Juroes, John B. Hewitt, Houston township. ( ef-aipifta mill. They are inch t up sepurato'y, ..ml wii-n fnv.rti'd to tli Snollsiviiinl ... . . ; and cao be conveuii ntiy disc, i.ni'ftnl, or fold s p: 'l I V. I -l-OlUtVOOU r0O.nM A. McGl.ee, Bjil township. together, as mav ho iesind by th purchaser. Jj.ie, lit uirnniunu. i ., , ,,,.. . ... Irr,, f,,r . .,r.,;ii ii.i,,, . .'rim water 'Hip ( Yinffi pines nmJnr (nr Itos- I lie i oniwieiaiu tin j. r vif nrsi . . r.i, i i'n"' -".'. "iihits IVde'nl parrifOti, nrt Wednesday nno'iin, They tii I not remain long in , u , (V i cVn.lo.t.vi l). f?..nr, or.ili.1 ivn captured two Fidcral biriiwilll t'v ent V- liio piisoner- They VtlilUH'd loo near li 1 1 Suriiter. ll is fij moved that General Nieridm IS nl'dtho sm'Pi's'or of Llutler, has hi command leaipoiarily. :i!h. Ord ?ow A je To Constables and Justicos of tho Peace; of Clearfield Connfy. j In oider to enable the Distiicl Atlor- ney to havo all Bills of Indictment drawn and prepared at as early dale as possible, hint thus avoid trouble nnd delay in Court, l. ie. rr.tin ll.nl. f'.inl nlilea in the vn-' .1 . f 1 I - 1 .. :ru.l . .. . .I iriUI UIMIK19 L'I HUB l-uuuir H'mnr.i . . 1- : i M u.TOuies....'r.HOu., .001. as practicable, and make return of , ... . . lue name, K-ifA their Ct, to the proper: .hist ico of ibo Peace. And (he Justices) ,., t. l:ir . 'P. 1.:..- Lt-lbie them, lo make return cf the. same, immediately, with all eosh, to tho District Jitiorney. li tne imnr i vijun vu.n. n, fully counihed witii. witnes-os nna pav-j ilied witii, tvitnesioi nna par- j i . ...n .,i t.n.,nn.nne.ne;iv ilnininnl nt Out. and a vat-t amount of coats ave.l both to tho county, and to nal. Jl. JJ. JK'MJLi.'-'i.. 'iii, District Attorney ftti lavuM! i.uoiibes neic iiibii.v t in l'..!intv in -t usisoiiB at Ilio recer.t tefQi ' o l tf cur court ; i li iUius Huliiiioii, Lumber City. J. ha Mulion, Covingtoa town.ihip. Uccj. Euyder, do Ju Jirs. lsnao lllooui, Curwcnsville boraufh. James Bloom, Dlootn township. I ridorio Korb, I.uthcrsburg. Jlilo Hoy I, Oti eol. l'eter Jlloom, Ansonville. J. liti Kobson, Glen Hope. J. F. Tieed, Woodwind township. II. N. Coiburn, Clearfield burough. r.uwrento riviod.'Covingtou towosbip. i ,ijor'e Knurr, UraJy toiiiship. TV . -in V 1-u iitn 7'A Virs- . i;iiii,iii. i.n.i.u,- - :..,... r. ,t nnl I Ate illustrated, lor Jan- . - . tli'v ei-i i'iiis Wlili - cuirio i.ugo, mm u,i.j, cj pins wiiu st . . I.!.rjtirul i'.liialratcl ovor. 1' . ,.:) , f Tiitui verm. Silliman.Sherkhin, r .... ii oil., Phillip!', !u"uina Wesley niomcr of J.ihn-anil Indian Chiof, Fran Miller, Mi' Mtigginf, Mi Fury, Ihe Princess of Wales-Florence Nightingale,' A Group of1 - , f , ,. ,,. Worriori Ilannilal, Julius taar, lizar- ro Cromwell, Charles XII. Frederick the p . c. .. v ir . ... 1 V ,rl..r. brcat. Scott, ellinlon and Napoleon, .'.I I'. I. ...... 1hra.ilnn P 1 1 V i HIT n fl- . n, ! '..I 'o 1 my, rhysiolopy, nnd Teyohology. Ao. t. Vol. 4lst Published at 20 cents a NunV, bar cyao. v.or. I,v MWsr. I' OWLEtt , ,r,v..( i , vitneieaco m iuh au.ereii. -"'rj , ,h8 d-w,l!irg0 of iheir dutiea, by giving stid Boroughi of Cleat field county, aro ro-jal infol.mttii0ll hearing upon this impor- (itiind. n's hoon as full proceeding" are had Unl subject. SLLS, 3tU Broadway, flW iorli. 'growth of Luiariont Uuir, Whiskers, or a llous. . , , . uche in less than thiity days. ,6cSSo far wg have had ry tA'iay 11 applicatioas auswecd by retura mail with Winter cold, but not eslicjiely i0). Qur outoh.rge. Respettiutly yours. f'ii.ona aro noir getting their suppl; of JU03.F. CHAPMaN, Chemist. '. which is of excelleut fiualiljr. pO 3ojop, , W, Brodwa;, ew lor. 1 Meeting-"of ' the - Clearfield- County -At lbe Bnnua, mool J b..u.i,urai oocieiy, uei.i in tne ouri UOU89 in the borough of Clearfield on Monday evening ih.fiil. .lf.T...l " lnr'aa! ening, lueOtli day of Janu-! nry, J80J. the follnnin . nnini ..i o itciq omi;- . tempore, when, upon motion, Hod. Wu. 'Il l.H'U ITCBUJOni.. i -1 , i Jolm Hoover, lirady town-ihij). It jberl Midmll, Clenrfleld borough. J,:mei Thompson, CurrensviU bor. Aiiim Hile, Lumber City Samuel Sebrinz, New Wa.bingtoo. Andrevv AdJIemnn, Lnwrenco twp.. lame A. Bloom, Pike township. Elislin Kenton, Penn township. Levi K. Dre.'slcr, Union lownihip. David Tyler, Houston township. John Oir, liell township. John MelioiTey, Burn.'iJo lovvnf-hip. Lewis Iluid. Chest township. . .t ; William McCi'nrken, Forgmon twp. Joseph PaiterTon, Jordnn township. Caldwell. Ueek'i' town.liip. Thomas (Iendnrson, VVw).lAard twp. Joseph Fry, Guhch lo;vns;ip. James Bloom, enior, IUooui tocoihip. L'avid Adamt, junior, Baggi lonnsl.ip. R- D. Sliowalter, Decatur township. Daniel Stewart, Pradford township. Leonard Kylor, MorlU township. Lorenai Hertline, Karlhaui iownhip. John Rider, Covington township. John Spackmns, Girard township. Thnnipion Usied.Goshi'n township. G.S. llimes, Fox township. Conrad Huker, Knox township. J, 11 alters, Graham townslii lip, r l- u r n t- i -""t'"""'6 ' Treasurer A. M. HilU. i;u..:. t r w n Librarian H. J. uilace. On motion Tlio furmer Board of liana - er were unanimously re-elected ,., . . '. .'. . airman -'i. L, Hue d. C learllelil nor. JWin J. Reud, Lawrence tuwnahip. Peter Hoover, P.ko township. Martin Luther, Brady township. r .,,. w . , I? ierks- M'' townsliip. Lliaha Feuton, l'enn township. Aaron C. Tale, Luwrutic-3 township. r ouuini iwn, aun.uuoui i. . , ., , ,. - - - -. bo - - i - - After which the meet ing adjourned. LEV1F IUW1N .Vc'v J ' l,'t,..,.rc H.r,.r,. . ..,.,., n . iiek. We have been shown a letter from j a soldier ill the Ulliiv under Grant, dated j7lh intt., which gives tho repoi ted dtalh is lof Juuies A. Meud, member of the a-U'i lofJumci A. Meud, member of the O-U'l Ifoimenl, at City Point, but of what dh- cue is not aluted. Correct Your Enrollment.- Oi rice or Pkovost M.tRsnAi.L, 1 Kidgtvuy, Pa., Jan. D, 1805. In neoordanco with Circular No. Ii2 of A. A. Pro. Mar. Gens. Clllco, Weitern Di vision of i'ennaj lvania, the Commission- eis and Surcnon the Board of Enroll- .n,nL nf llirt DJtli Distlict of J'ennavlvn. - , iii i. i . i : ,.l.- . ii . " nlil Wl i 'fl I 1 a SOSSIOIl HI Hie LOUrt lloil.O ""i . in me rsoroucn 01 oinrnnu, mr me pu?- con acting tho Enrollment Lists f rjleaifitld Co ., on January the 20 , 27tl i, , i and 2Stll. Citrous throughout tho County ure ' earnestly e.niea upon to am me omcera It niu.t Le (ln'molly URUOrstOoa tiy the npnnle of tluiif onlv surety of a fair t.ro- i - . . . portion ol th s intuJens oi tno (trail lies in ,,ro.-,pr corroelinn OT llie lists. Lvery name n Lverv name lmpvoiny lull upon uie lmpi'OJil l.V lull upon the lisi.s. kwelU disiironortionately thentmta. .tr-ffif:1' WILLIAM F. IRWIN ! taineu ai Ha'", ""ens uis iijj"hivii.ivi mo .ju..... . o.;il 1 J It is the duty therefore of each good cili- . .. , r,en to btvtigbelbrn tne Board every man, lna,VKl-iwho,by rs.1i.on of overage, permanent1 ' physical di'ahllitv, or two years tetvice, ' shall be entitled to have his name ttriok- r.,,, 1I..H.1.. ..n.l ntuo 1,1 t'nrnivli t,. mo Board WlUMacior.y eviuenco in ciisi-b o lieulli. removal, ate. as, unt, ido itrrn - i --.. - . I. . . - . . . , - f.r, ""u,7 "i- ' hT ! TB Edmonson, of Covin, 1 . 1, town-hip. dale-l Doe. iliata, the lets like.ihood hero is of any n mx fjr-()M hunM particular one of them Icing drawn from b!o 011 rr 0,,!jrc ,ha r.t aay f 4 t.r: 1, is,;:,, aj I the wheel. Each ci!iz?n owes it to Lim- have not received vi.hu aud will n t piv it un isolf to see that the name cf ovcry man in less eonipelbd by 'his Township who U properly liuLlo lo Kanbous, .bin. II, 'fij. DAN'L T0T1IKP.?. (draft, shall he on Uw lUt. ' 7tulZ; " Alf the"l a,es"t tvieirm I I jrouM ref pecltuliy reoommend to tne j cllAK,.ts oAkloilD SONS, Coltinen ;dill'erent aub-dislnct the proj neiy ol ap- u, 1(o,ol piaiudelphi. juu. ll- noinliiiir Committees to cxarmno into ail . I the case requiring attention, and bring ; the parties concerned, or the evmenco 01 Uhoir death or removal, beforo the J.onrd. An opportunity is now oliored to all sub- ! district of correctinj; completely their Enrollment Lists, ll must l.o done, nnd ahnnld he distinctly undentoml tu it 1 1 I - --il.-. I, a dnli.flniinnlli ni-. punuiu Hiiuoivi mi " " - 1 .' 1 . - . ... in 1 dered. no fKUicn wuaievcr n" taken nfOoininiLteus that their en- i." irollment Lists are errononus : nor will a- , y (1pensj(ju 0f draft, or altessiUon in Hia ntuitn I in rrrtin f nil ft lllflf tllp.l. . . ...s.rir II. rt. CAM BPKLTj. Capl. and Pro. M ir. I'Jtb Dot. Pa. Editor f the KrpuUicun ; ' . ... rEv. ftal-Wit!, your permission, I wish 10 say tu tho reader ol your hst t wilKI1ai i,,r,.n, 1,, n ho wish it (free), a Recipe, with mil oir.cii f.r waking and using a suiiplo A egoteilB IJaiui, ;,t , , i.ia,r,IM, i....,. T- Vr.nVI. .n.l.ll I in im.ii I .a .ll' I ) Sli il. leaving the same" soft, clear, smooth and teauti. " wju fc,0 wajl ff4 f,, tho.-e baring EaU Heads, or Hare 1'aocs, simple dlrerUon and in- fnrm.tlon that wit nsblo tliern to start toll ;X7T iTr"n I AT THE "i -n ' i VIlCUl) UflSM XtfTO ""1' VilOll Oil PIC O V V.irlrt street, cypaik the ' (tarfdi 1U K - CToiiui.eld,. Ja. A F RE SH, ARRIVAL OF Winter Goods AT TUL CIIFAP CASH STOKE. I sm Just reoeiving nnJ ni.tnlng a orefully . ..... .,WIUi lusuiimaiiiH spring A Buiniuo O O HP :S, of almost every description, A btautiful nmortmenl of Prints and Dry good, of the neweft and latost styles. Also a greni vnriciy i uaoini notionii J)JtY-UOOi)S AND NOTIONS Bonnets, Shawls, 1 II atn und Caps, i Boots and Shoos, a large quantity, ilardwnre, Qticenivnro, I Drugs and Modiclnts, 1 Oil and Paints, ' Carpot A Oil Cloths, G li o c i : R I E s , , Fish, Bacon nnd Klnur, JTackeri-1 in J and ft barrels. t ths best quality, all of which will be sold al the Invest cash or ready pay prices. I My olJ friendf and the public- generally, are .!.... l..Ii..l n i ZVX. It All kinds offfM.Vand approved 1 Jl'"''' 1 1"'"'icl'''"-'-I COUXTJtr J:"0VCCE taken in exchange for ,. " 77 ' i UoOdi. WM. F. IRWIN' Clearfield, Jan'll, 1865. V adies' and Children's Ilai.-", Litest Styles at Li CHAUt.ES OAKFORD A SON'S, Contincn- i, FOJt SALE. OXSlSTIX(i OF ON'U BOILKR, 21 FEET lung, and SJ feet dia nctcr, having two re turn lla.s of Hi imbe, ilinmeter eneh, with 75 Act of imn .inuko pipe, safty.vlvennd all arch 'ous complete, bnguie for the tame is two foet sl.()ko , twolvo ,ies lo,.e, wi,h g.,vernor, 1 pui-ip, steam connecting pipes, with requisite glob' and governor valvos aJ heater. AM tho fhafti.ig nl-d pulleys requisite for driving a hrje ,-circular saw mil . E.lger and jack-whod t-jr ' huuliuij ;u 1-rs are atinehed. , sl!)Cr , tuchm.Ms, same a. above, set in a -s.-psraia arch. Having with it un engine uf Id ' ii'chs stroke ni'J ten inches diameter, uo l for j- , ng gii f. whu-1. it i. ata.hod.- Ono5S in.rh cirom'-.r enw, two smaller do., for iedgerauU cM.s.ctit 4l'). for sawing off boards iandhlahs. All tho bating connected w illi the i (wheel on a wrought iron shaft, no longer jn use, - argiiKCwisa on urea lor ssie cucap. j i The uiill is at timaville, Dradtord county, l' , j j seven tuiles Troni the nation on the Will amspoi , I and Klinlra rnilrou.i, is now in up, ration, and i ' unu ruui..ig uum u.e uiiu-iie m laiiua- px'iui'u'tod in" 'the ma?lihury'?henrheld tt sah" dcllrerukle at any timo thre;ilter. Likewise an engine ujul hoiior of 2ft horse pnw- er, and an rngiuo of the rauie. eapneity, without boiler, both in perloct order and ready Ii.r i;nme- ditc delivery at this placs. l'i ico of Lo CrM n.-iinul crgineand boiler, with its connections, including shafting and oiici.lur suit-inn, ?.wwv. ine ot crenemp, wiin o-jncr, ' , t., , ii in, nn coo ot'Viion. .liu ,N .iic, J 11V It'-L of ths machinery ani fixtures with eneiue, at Elinira, OiiJ waior-mill in ls, w ill bo kuld a I rales to innke it an object to buy. . . Turiftc nf sul f.i:l iii..'r accv nifli I i ( ! y f tory paper on interet. ' SLTFurth'srparticulnr may beobtainod by let- ter on addressing tno eubjci iner, at Flinirn, N. Y. Jan. ii-ojh . u. iiuuiis. I -w - n- i r 1. .. n l . I ' IIWS iuis, ,.nunun ,u.t; ,wi; itvi w 1 tmir the be furs at ci-vs UAKtuiiu FuTVA C atinenul Hotel, Philad'a. Jan. II. 1 .r.rr:' , I ",''"7-" iAfc ritJf. All porsons are herohr rautinn- (J ed aga ii-st biiji.g or silling a certain Sr rn nlt in ,,e P0Steshioii of Roheet F Punter, of Knox township, as the same belong to mo and is in ais u. on lon only, DAVID .VelCKEIMF.X. Jordan tP., Jan-llth. fftj-pd. 1 ent'.cin.'R s Huts, A.l t'io l,Vet btyli at a C tl A iii. !..- UAivtyriLi . u.i, i;mti 'lJ. - i ii.., ..i in,:i..,i .!..',;.. umul 1 ,M,U Jan. 'JT1.')', The l ubl aM hereby Caution- j e l qgjiuJ buyiag ur tilling, rr iii any way 1 et q med:Il w'lh i i-e-"-in US-YIIOR5!!? now iii mcu-o.-s " ' the possession and u-e of S avior C nil!, o. U:t township, as ihg sa-ne I u.y V'"V A: i1!1.: J:rarJ T ad'n s' Furs. The largest assortment nt CII VS. AJ OAKFORD A euXH, Contiiur'Hl IL.tcl, l'ht'adolpl.i.i. j:m. II. i.at' ssw..ai .cri.ns io o. .y i..ui.. o v " 'V"" proiu- . - ....-nn it nn im ii.-n I 'n I -t , I 7 . JJG5 1CG.5.I rillL-VDELrillA i ERIE RAILROAD. r.Vil$ Rreat lin. travecoa tim -Vcrthern and Northwestern counties of Puiiii.ylval!.a.tn tho city ol llrio, 00 Lnko l'ii . It has been Kas.l by the v.ni,,, .j.-u'n i',n','- "i ""' "i'-''7''J Jt I'Sti'j leatli w.i opjjed for pas.'ciii; r nod (...j',, !,....,.., tj.-i i;,,. ii.i ' 1 tn.4 J I u-.;er irotnei't Lnponum MtAVit V. .."I AM. II. ' Mall Tr.in, 3.:d A. M.S. JO P. M. Llinira Kires Train, - M. .... Ai:coin'nu.V; m, - M. ... Accommodation, - M. I sivk wr.siwAr.D. ' Mail Trim, 11. OH - - A. M. lihii'r-i li.toro Tr.iiu, - - -M. - - - Accoium.'....' i -ii, - M. - - - Aicomuiodii'ion, - - - M. rasscngcr. Cars run thr'i!i;!i with .rr tiiA.iua ;'n b.ij.- bctne a I'lnuidelpliia and Lrio. . ,-.' ,nt Sl. -vini Cars on Express Train.) both b , . .1 :,i:- , I rt.ii!., ... I 0V 6et0D " iiiiaiuoiun " " It I ! i nn, ,i,,i I an d l'hiiadelDlli a ' For lulhrinatioo repect;r.? Parsepjer bu. 'icesi . u tho s K Cur ,,tll anJ ,tJ. nd for Freight j.usincss cf the Company's A wu, H. B. Kingstoa, Jr., Ccf. ISti and ..larkol M , l'Dllaaelulila : . 4. w . ttevuolds' l.ru ; 4 .. M. Drill, Agent JT. C. It. It. nUtlmare ; II. II. Housioa, Gen'l Freight Ag't, Phila.j II. V. Uwiaaaa, Ucn'l Ticket AX Phila. ; Jos. P. Potts, Oeo'l Manager, Williainsport. 1 f.KNT Y I , K FT For gale: J. I. Moni. & C,.,At ,h9 ChMl' St0re f , .r, t. v t. 1.,ilirlurg. reniia. . , , 5 Tons Salted Poi k ! I 'j Ions biCdli llprtf ! LW Lutlifcls Dried Apple. : .7Uuiil:ijiiiiiiiniii.fii Apples: I.,, . , H0 JubhtU Potatoes V 10 loin Jive L hnn i' . oWO Rushels Corn Ears ! ALSO, Hading Hope-AH Sizes Auceii Ac. ' 500 Larrels Flour, (Extra Family.) 100 Panels Corn Meal. 1!5U PagjofSalt. lien. ':o-;:t. SI It A COW Came trespassing on the preunsesof tho subucribcr in l.awrecoe town. ship, abut the 20th November last, a Vied-and- , "tcJ:llcckleJ ow, supposed to bo about 4 yours old. 1 he owner is reiuirod to come forward, prove proper'y, Ac., otherwiso she w ill be sold aa the law directs. J A MI'S BROWN. Lawrence towmhip, Dec. 2S, 1361. pa. radiea Furs. Purchasers mav rely upou 20; tine Jt the best l'tinatCHA5. OAk roun aovJ '(otitiaental lintel, Philadelphia. jan. , 1 . 1 DMIXISTR lTMUX vmirr A. . ------ . rtW,lvt-.UlKfl is hereby given that Letters of A dniinislra tion tave beeu crunted to the Utl-ltTiiivTiml nn tin. ostato of Patrick Quinn, lute of Penn township, Clonrfield cornty, deuensod : ihcrcforo nil per - m. :.i ....... -.1 ; v.wtv ,..1-1 vMiiiu am ruijuirou IO ulllKe iinmi'diiito payment, iin-1 thofo Inning demauds npiiin-. the sumo will proscul thciu duly autheu- tica'.i'J fur settlement. ) , JAMUS C1.ARK, Adm'r. l'enn township. Dec. 2S, lSfit. radiea' and Children's Hats, Latest Styles al JL CI1AS. OAKFOKD Jc SONS. ( 'nn I i twntnl jtn. II. Ialiei Furs, The largest assnrtnient at CIIAS. J OAK FORD A SONS. CWiiicntiil ll.,t..I. H uuuuoipnia. jiln. l,f? ui. . i .. ,i i i 1 PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Office 139 Soutli Fifth Street. rillLADKLIMIIA. CAPITA I l,000,0X) HM,UW) Shares, at S5 each. ' , ' j l.eseivca LapiUI, $200 000 i ' . . President, A LEX AN PEIl K. M'CLL'il IWJXT01iX: A, K. M CL1.3K, KI.ISII A W. DAVIS, J. C. HOMllKltdLK, JOll.N M. ! FE( RKTAaT, I. K. JlCKMi N, 1 Ho MAS A. Sfi.'l' I'r.TKR . SMALL I'OMKl'.OV. TunAsrr.aa, EI.ISlfA V. DAVIS. j iui m siLrillM i j lie tumiany las l.'U acrt. ef land, in fee, on ' MU 'Mny rircr ''"'"C'lUtuly oppofito Oil City, I 3 ; aud aljoining Laytonia, wiih 110 rod.- front on : the rivi r and 75 rods front on Lsv's lluo. Hon.'""! c. P. KiiL'tue!', editor of the Oil Citv "Monitor."! , , . ,, . , , , nnd agent nr this land, arsmes tho tompmy that it will sell in lols for t inC.t l'O, reserving the i right, nlih-h is worth $ltiD,ll(jO additional. r...,i: .-;!! I i r - .1. - Immediate revenue iul be derived for tho Cniu- puny frum tho saki ol tneio lots : and the Cum- p any have two fro oil er-'ines, with complete fix-' i tores, to operate immedrntelv for oil. The lerri. lory in mis lmnieiiinio io-bikv nas rcver lailcil to produce profitably. 1 Also. 100 acres, in fee simple, on tho celebrated .Cherry Run District, immediately adjoining1 . riism Itim Prlmlniiin Oimuunv. whniA i,w.fc ! , -j 1 j , - now worth oer $.10 per shore. Tlio Company now have offors, which will bo nccople.l, fcrs'nk ing wells on lease, without any cost In the cor , poraiion, and ono nan mo prneeeTs io n the , , ., , ... Company, Tho Curtin nnd St. Nicbolus C.mi- ' panics aro in 'lis immediate locality, and their stock Is row comiiiiinding a large premium. In i . addition, tho Company has forty n. res, f"e I simple, on Cherry Tree Unit, which empties ltlo OiJCra.U.and In tho best proving section ' f rh Oil 'jcrritory ; mil 110 acres, irt fee Minplc ,,- JV-.lnnI IVn.l. Me miles l.nvn Ihn i.-i nlli of " l-r,.'l a nan oi overt wo tunes ir' m ti.o ecio . uraled Keel well, now preuucing over 0 (' bar. f' y- A!o, liio lease of three tracts of land, two on Oil Crcik.cr.ch rroducinc over ten l orrcls per dny, and one on Allegheny rirer. producing ten i barrels per day nf heavy oil, worth now til per l-lrl.(1i Xho Coinnanv ir.w rr ceivrs thres-fourth of the proceed of tho last name I will, sad one h-.lfef Hie o'.her two. Faih t f thcte traits will lie dcvoloptJ be the Conpnuy by finWiiur ad-li- tioLal wells, end ths engines, and fixtures nr now cn 1 and to do it. Hie officers of tl.i Company mean to prosecute tho dcvslonmout of thoo lands most energeti cally, and, they havo entire ror.fi If nee that they will yield vciy large Jividinds on tl.e caj ilal rlork. jJJ'Sub script ions must le made promptly, ss more Ihsn (.no half tho stok is eheidy rnpiged. Subscriptions will be received s'. tl e ifllco of the Cjinpaay. dcr j ::t. 1 i IAAV.V OTI('t:..-Th f!o:irJ of Dciicf I li. tor the couriv of Clearfiobl, will niC't nt I'.ic Cflii;uiis.iiiiiers cRi.-r, on eanesu.iy and Th'.'rt ilsy, i l.e I3;h nnd Ifith d'lys of Jaimry, ls'Ti. i:io ii...!... u.n u iii.v.. -.1 iimi nn ..w, . I" 1 cints must appear before the Hoard and produce i!ie Hoard have dirent 'd that all now apph their sworn siut 'iner.t dotniling name of soldier, c H 4 iJ i-jr-.''sitjta .'SA. rogiinent and cnmpanvi when eu.'sled ; tho , 5 . AiS' ''y, ia V1 number of children, with age and sex of each ; rs A.vti the township in which they resided at tbe tiuio of enlistment, and their present rrsidenco ; andth't' T 11 A I -he is without tho Bunns of purport roi ber:;f, U.CiirllClU ACitUCWV . and chiidron, who aredop. ndent pon her. j JJ. W. JJcCURDY, A- B. Principal. Two witnosso of rrcdibility, from tho township , in which she resides, must also be produced 1 fp p, g next Quarter will open on Monday the whose crtificate, sworn to before the board, mast J ith of Dicimbcr, tS61. Terras ol tuition as svt forlh that tho applicant is Ihe person she ep-r fUi0Wl. 1 resents hersell bo; that the state.nment oftho. tomnin'n Knglish. comprising those branch. number aad age of her Isnuly is true t that sin. , : m.t hicherthea Ileadinfr.Wrliiiir.Aritli is in destitute rircuuistanoes and her family in p.clic, Ueographv, Knglish Uraminer and actual waat ; and that all the favts set forlh iu her History per quarter - ' application an-just and true. . Higher English, per qusrter, . s Forms co.itu.mag theso reqni.itio-s ea be ob-. Language,, per ouartcr, ' t . . - t 0, tained at the office of the Board of Relief, when 1 Nov. 2J IS61. - snplication I' maJo aaJ lbs witnesses appoar. ' .' L. ... . - - . ilu. l'i '. 'io.. i.. II icrl U' a nil A TiT VV iVl. LEATHEJl! LEATHER! A l aHOT'rr.ent for sale ia Clearfield, by Pec. MERRILL A CJijLER, J. I. MORRIS & GO. riiiui'suunurKNX'A. I.AThVl' AUUIVAI. UK FALL AND WINTER GOODS Vj Purchased fcinoo the decline in ; 7i ! z Good, and will Lo sold hjwci than ' any other bouso in the cctm'y. C 1 -r cJ, h ' 5 ' hi Cl LADIES' DULSa tJOODa. Prints i Delaines. Eelmorul Hoop j Skirts, Hood-. Nubias, Sontags, i J Com for t, BreakfaH Capes and Gloves, Furs, Mutl'a i and Cuft's, i Q Ladies Coats, Circulars, Victorints, i liahets, etc, etc. I 75 ' ' JJ LOOTS AND SHOES of all kiDds for Ladies ; 2 I ,.n(YP, . vr-i cuni-u i hi , C i L001.1 AND SHOW of all kinus, S I for Gents. LOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds for Children. I f-1 1 II A UI.'WARE 'In endless variety; Brood Axe, u Double-bitted Axes, Baft- ijl log A xes. Burkina i 7z Axes. i I- 'fr CLOT II I KG Of nil kinds for MEN' and POYSicr Cheaper thau the Cheapest. j P yi 1 A geneikl assortment of 1'- J LKUGS, MEDICINES, rAl.NTd, OILS, DYL-SrUFFS, Ac. -5 i IO! gi:o:ekie-i. Hie, llye nnd Lngnyra Coffee. j i: r'ujars vrliitt, brown and yeljo. ' i" Dried pens, swe"t potatoes. Cranberries butter, egis, lnrd, cheese. limns, (.houMors and tides. ; ' Driei teef, cod fiMi, ii acUcrit.liciring, ' ! STOVES. j Cwukinj A Pallor Stoves and Slinc pips, i i . n.oci:, chop, y A L 1', XC SADDLEKY. addles, bridles, hor.'O cdlnrs, 1riinn:sd horse blankets, robes, sleigh-bell., whips, harnos and hames. " : i : , ,' I ! r. C MISCELLANEOUS AUTICLES. i r ' t ' Orind stone and txlures. n ; "j' -n jre . .-7 1 Ono I Vj Clean Wagin. Tiuiber-Sleds. l!ug;'ies, s-iei;;hs, Carriages, ic, Jtc. ac. T. ' LUNIlEll'xIEN . Iitiii.l.l t,v itA otiiirlllv M-illi tnntile , 1 liuiir. Imcon. or .nvthiac in our lino 1 Z liuiir, liacou, or an.vthisg in our lino . wi to ner oeni. un roi. nn.i wo t ID per cent, on eot, and wo discount all bills over f 10 at ten per cent. Is fac!, liothing that loan or least consumes. but what uo keep or csa get for our customers snd will eella little cheaper, having adrant.ig. s lh:,t no uUl,.M in Vj9ine;8 have, .V-Oiir ClenrfieM fii.. nils will rlcass not fir. -iget to call aim sic us wncn iiioy cwuo io lown They Will flini us on t tie corner lormerly oecupist ily J. KnW. -rP-H. the Conrad House, ' Main Sired . . . r n u f j L J. I. MORRIS A Co. Deo, 7, 18ft, n . - 11 Ik' Jd 'jfl"-Jss r- " Z r." A ' ,i sA- y. ii itnsjT" vi 51 5 Q M kesM s Q .r. V,V H 3 r. n O S3 ' - "5 y r.- ;-; r :j 11 ' AJW-"Wr'4f - " V ??XZ.VV ' 3r&r -...... . .- j. . i l.iL. I m.i.n.riit IJ I.Mtt. 1I.J w -j, - - - ClnaV-rlotO.. Iweerts, ranncfis. .illiw.r. Hannel.Tickin-, tUa, LisiSJi, JViflts, st ltse i'.i pr'.e at I J. P. URATZEIC. i- 1 A. 1). ARMY AGUE DROPS ! Ths iovrei;a reaisdy for tU Cure of rjiVKR AM) AGUE, ' ASD ALL Lil LIOU S DISEASESj A I 1 Li N T I O X ! r Sbri'ERRERS rxoii FEVCU AND AGUE, ETC. This most wonderful nmcdyfor the psrma. nent cure of Fever and Aaue. eto.. was disror. ouia years ago by ono of the most euiineDt 1 Chemists of America! j Out of thoHsands of onres it has never been j known to fail in efl'ec'ing a ndical cure. A C I single Bottle of theso drops has cured Uiseasos C which have I Stubbornly HoMstod the most Skillful j Medical Talent ! 1 1 It cuntuini nothing that will Injure tho Coustl. lUtion ! It purifies the Blood! ! It removes Obstructions from the Liver ! ! ! It promotes the discharge of Bile ! ! ! ! It effects a radical and pormanent Cure by re moving tho osuse upon which the aguo de pends ! !! ! ! T H R ARMY AGUE DROPS, As its nntns imports, bis been and is the great speeitlc for all vn.i.ioes diskasks 'in the Army. It has no equal. Its popularity in oar noble Ar. my and eltewlicro is aa tinivcrsul a, its cures huve been sure aod wonderful. Asa, PREVESTATim, It bss proved a great blessing and savod many a vnlusble lifo In ttioso uiiasmatio localities whera they would huve been victims to bilious diseases. The Chills will not return if those Drops aro taken I THE AGUE DROPS, Quickly drivos away LANCTOJI AND WEAKNESS! AX!) THE SYSTEM To its nnlorHl.hunyaney nnd snlmatloa . Invlimr- atiug the body and olearitig out evory vostige of Diseuso produced by loathsome miasm. BE WISE IN TIME!!! ifrif-A permit residing in a Fever ani Ajui dUinct thmdd be without u Battle of lht ARMY AGUE DROPS And it is rtrongly remmmended a persons trnv- ....1. .. , , . , . eliin? through place charged witii miasm. We refpfrtfully cull htlcaiion to our Icsiiuio. nials. Many of our lottcrs attost that hundreds of lives havo boen saved in the army by its use. ' Indeed, so well aro its curutivo nuaiities aunrs- Icia'ed in the army, that tho most siioeejufu! Hur- Keon !u h field and ll.isl.ltal uso ft bIuiosI u esc imlvclv in the discusos for whlrh f.tMl. li . " . - iufallibiliiy, Tho Left pbysiciaut always eeita X the best means to ciTeu!, a cure, hi nee the uul. : vers.ality if the : ARMY AGUE DROPS. TESTIMONIALS: , - v : "v ' . "? . ,v... , ,,.,u. liurnside; Hen. Ilaneeck; (Jen. Kilmitrlck: Gon. Lice : C ,l Pvo, Kith N Y: Col Quick, I7th Jf Y 1 0 j C.d Fowler, Nth NYSM; Major Dorcinus, ! A D C ; Major Iteiisnydor, ?, jth Pa; Major WU cox, A DC; .Mijor PauinyMnjor Sliliwcll, Ma jor I'.ah. ock, Lb ut. Wholaa, burgeons li S A ; lit Iter llisliep Potter, Ru Ir T.vng, Rev Dr : Taylor, Now York ; Hev 11 W lleichcr, Ilor K 11 Chiipfn. Ilrosklrnt Rev Mr Cheever, Iter 'Mr Dune, New York ; His Honor Mayor Wood, II m M Kalbtlish, M m M Y Odoll, UrooHlyn ; ' lion Miiyr (lumber, Hon Horace (Jreley, New York ; aud hundreds of other equally wull known gcniieuisn, for wtieh tea cirouiirt. 1' K I C E : OXE LOLLA.U PER BOTTLE. WILCOX A CO. Prinripul OTico, HI WiTEtt St., New York. j N. n.-Xt yenttini without bearing eur iyi d'ura tj (t vtrrppcr. ' frC, , Don't lei your Druggist rt yon off . with nry other remedy. 1 be does not bare it fur sale, enclose ui Jl 2i per mail, and we will send you one bottle of the Ar uij Ague Drops per mail, post pall. WILCOX CO. oelu-3ru S1 Wjter St., New Yoik, A. D.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers