QLEARFIELD CO. DlJsZCTGl Y . TIME OF HOLDING 00173?. W Monday In January, 3d Monday In Jun, 8d Monday la March. 4th Monday In Sept. of each year, and continue two recks if neccsaary COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFFICERS. Trna't Judge on . Samuel Linn, Eellefonte. Aa'to Judges Hon. J. D. Thompson, Curwenaville Hon. James Bloom, Forrest, Sheriff, Edward Perk. Clearfield, Prethonotnry, D. F. Etaweilor, " Reg. A Reo. Is&lab O. Barges, " DistrieeAtt'y, Israel Teat, " Treasurer, C. Kratier, " Co. Surveyor, II. B. Wright, Olen nope. Commissioners, Thoa. Dougherty, Clearfield. Amos Head, do Conrad Baker. Ansonvllle. Aaditoaa, Charlei Worrell, N.Waah'gton 11- Woodward, Pcnnflald. I F. F. Couteret, LeconUa Mill ' Coroner, J. W. Potter, Couaty Sop't C. D. Sondford, Clearfield. LIST OF POST OFFICES. TWinsi'x, Pott Office, Pnttmafter; Beeearia, (lion Hope, Win. 8. Wright Vtahville, Theodore Weld, tfcgarty'i J Roads.Saml. Hegarty Bell, Bower, W. McCracken, Cheat, Th. A. M Uhee. " Cuah, J. W. Campbell, " Oetehd, H.L.Hendersoo, Bloom, Forreet, James bloom, H Hoggs, Clearfield Bridge, James lorrett. Bradford, Woirand, William Albert. Biady, LutbtJraburg, R. II. Moore, " troutville, Chan, floppy, " Jefferson Line, John Ilebcriin, Burn;lde, New Washington, Jos. Gallahor, "I M Jiurnavle, " Patcbinville, East Ridge, Cheat, Hard, MoGarvey, " Weatover, Clearfiold, Clearfield, Covington, Frcncbville, W. C. Irvln. Jack Patchin, Jttcob Doice, G. Toier, Jr. Win. McQarvey, 8. A. Farber, M. A. Fruiik,, i w u ! J.r.W.Schnarra Jvartbaws, Curwensvllle Curwcnaville, T. W. Fleming, I Centre county,. ! Decatur, l'hilipiburg, Weet Decatur, Oaceola Mills, Marron, Little Toby, Letonto's Mills, Bald Hilla, Shawsvllltt, Graham'.nn, Emith'a Milla, Madeira, Tyler, Pennfiold, Anaonville, Fait Lick, New Millport, Kylcrtown, Morriadalc, Lumber City.jf Grampian 11 II a, Curwonsville, Uloomingvilte, Keck tan, p. naauoacn , T. F. Doaiich, Kd. William, J as. McClullan, I'. Mignot, William Carr, A. 11. Shaw, Ferguson, Fex, OirarJ, u Goahon, (1 nihil m, Ouolich, it Huston, it Jordan, Kan haul, Knox, Morris, tt Tcnn, ii Tike, i Tnton, Woodward, T. H.Forcee, Jo. A. Hegarty. Chas.J. Fusey, David Tyler, 11. Woodward, Eliia Chase, (1. Heckadorn, M.O.Stirk, J a j. Thompson, J. C. Bronner, II. W. spencer, A. C. Moore, T. II, Fleming, llenj. F. Dalo, ii v n...i...bH. t Jeffries, Jan.;. Locke;j nut tntrnithin. I ' TMs Post Office will do fr Cheat township. fiu answer tor terguson township, JOHN L. CUTTLE, Attorney at Law and Heal rotate Acerit, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Office on Market tl. Opjo.iiU the Jail, RESPECTFULLY offera hia a trices in sell ing and buying lands in Clearfield and ad joining eonntiea ; and with an experience of over twenty yers as a Surveyor, fkttera himself that o can render enafacttun. Feb. '63 tf. w. M. MCULLOITGII. Attorjikt at Law. Clearfh d. Pa. Office on Market Rtt J.r tMt t h "OU.rficU Qmmty Bank." nay 4, lS84-tf. LAUrtlU J. IJLAKI'I.Y, Attorirey and Counsellor nt Law, Will attend to all bnsineea entrusted to hia ear In Elk and adjoining oouptiea at St. Mary 'a 8emlogerP. 0.) ip 13, 6 mo pd. THOMAS J. M'CIJLLOUfJII, Attorney at Law. j-i. .jii.i. .u. t' i. , ,i . 8 ., OTU10r.7 orcnp.ea pj Will., 7Z TSVttte"V: ! Pa Will attend promptly of Landa, Ac. to Collections, Sulo Doe. 17. '2. ROBERT J. WALLACE, Attoxubt at Law Clearfield, Pu, Cffiee in thaw'. Row, op poaite the Journal office. - dee. 1. 1 9 58. tf L. i. CRAVS. WA1.TKB DARRIT CHANS akd BAIiUKT, Attonieji at Law, May 3, 'S3. CLBARrici.n, pa. DR. M WOODS, PRACTICING Physician, nnd Examining Sur geoo for Pensions. Office Southwest oorner eond and Cherry streets, Clcarfiold, Pa. January 21, 186.1. ly. " CYRENIUS HOWE. Justice of TnE Peace. For Dr.cATCn Township, will promptly attend to all business entmated to bis care. P. 0. Address, Philipsburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1S61 I EVER FLEGAL, Justice oftho PeacT, Lu J thersburg, Clearfiold oouE'.y pa., will attond promptly to all buaineaa entrvnod to hia care. Lutheraburg, April 4, 1801. J. P. KRATZER, MF.RCI1ANT, and dealer In Dry Goods Clothing, Uardwaro, Queenswaro, Uroccrics Uions, Ac. Front Street above the Acadomy Clearfield Ta. April 20th 1844, H. W. SMITU ft CO. MRRC'IIANTS, and dcnlera In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queenaware, and everything usually keyt by the trade. Store on SECOND Street, bolow Judge Loenard'a, oppo site the Presbyterian Church, Clc&rfiold Pa. Dee. 4, 1861. Jai. McMiuy. MatiTTrvTii. DEALERS IN Dry GooJh. Groceries Luiub.cr, io., Bumsido, Pa Dee. 24, 1 862. JOSEPH R. APjMUKRAY 6 NJLDA L KIi IN L UMB Eli' Mew Washington, Clearfield Counlv Ta' July 1st 18C3.-tf I - , I Licensed Auctioneer. WM. M. ItlOOM, nf Piketown.hlp.de-1 eirca to Inform his friends and the publio generally that he has taken out a License M an 1 AUCTIONEER and will attend to the crying I p-ivn mij ymt VI IUU VUUI11J sll IIIO inUrlPl notice! and at llie moct roMonable churgej. Ad drtPi, cither personally or bj lottor, either al CurwcDsvilla or IttooinriJIo. April 6. '64. tf. r)ROVISIONS-Flour, Cboeso, Lard, Dried Sr Apple, Dried Peaches, received regularly from the west a tth store of J. P. KRATZKR. Clearfield Academy. D. W.McCUBDY, A. fi. Principal. THE next Quarter will opn on Monday the 6tRof December, 1S64. Terms at tuition aa follows: Common English, comprising those branch es not higher than Reading, Writing, Arith metic, Geography, English Gramuier and ltiatory, per qnarter, - . - $5 00 Higher Euglish, per quarter, - - 7 50 Languages, per quarter, - 10 00 Not. 23-, 1361. NEW; FIRM. I CARLISLE & CO, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, L UMBER, SHINGLES, CC.,.tC. PHILirsmjRCJ, Centre comity, Peun'a. Ilnvo received ami nro just opening the Urgett atwrtmcnl of ht belt, 'CHEATEST, AND MOST SEASONABLE GOODS Yr troutit hVlAie ateeYoa oeomilry, tout tiling DHY CifMU) A CROCKimf, HOTION3, JIAUPWAHB akd QUE SWARF,, Li ri.d les V uvsi Hoods, Nubias,Sontags, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts ! "ATS & CAPS BOOTHS &, SHOES ! Ready Mado Clothing, of Latest Stylo SCHOOL-BOOKS & STATIONERY ! Drugs, Oil?, Paints, Putty & Glass! Rice - Hour Farina and Corn-Starch! COAI.-OII, LAMPS H'(K)l) AXD WIL LOW UA15I- Trunks if Carpet-Bags ! PIPIvS, TOBACCO AND SEGA US ! Fish, Salt, and Nails ! 0 ' Dwl Riafl LanDsail Oils, Flour, Ff.f.d and Provisions ! And all artirloi usually kept In a flrat-clasa country atoro all of which will be eold Cheap -for Cash ! or approved produce, Lumber or shingles. Philipaburg, Not. IS, ISM-tf. Cheap Furniture! DESIRES to inform hia old frionda and cos Umera that, havinir enlarircd hia ahan and i increaecd his facilities fur manufacturing, he is now prtDnrca to make t0 order furniluro-rt m - W .h.P i Cash. He mostly has on hand at his "Furni ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Ready-made furniture, among which Bra IJureaus and Side-Boards, Wardrobes and book-Cases ; Centre, Sofa, Parlor lirenkfaet and Dining Extension Tables. Common. French-Post, cottage, Jenny inna ana otner iJecisteaas. .SOFAS of all, KINDS, WuKK-STANDq BAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, ic. Rocking and Arm Cliairs, Spring-Seat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chain and Common and other Chairs. LOO KIN G-GLA SSES Of every description on-hand; and new glasses lor oia iraines, wlilcti will be put in on ve ry reasonable torms on short notice. II o also keeps on bant, orfurniRhee to or der, Hair, Corn-Husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, Of every kind, Made to o'dor, and fuuerals attendod with a Harse, "vhenerer desired. Also, Mouse Painting done toordcr. Tho subscriber also manufactures, and has constantly en hand, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, The beat now in use. Thoso usine this machine never need be without cloan'clntbea 1 Ho alao haa 1 I Iyer's Patent Churn, A superior artxle.' A family ueinj this Churn never noed bo without butter ! AU the above and many other articles are fur nished to customer cheap for Cash or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Maplo, Poplar, I.inwood and other Lnmher suitable fur Cabinet worhv 'ken in exchange for furniture. ' jTRemouibcr (bo ehop is on Market street, Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Stora-" JOHN GULICU. Not. 2, 1862. y LI' THERSBURG, CLEAltFIELD COUNTY, PA. WILLIAM SCIIWEM, Proprietor. May 19, 1863. ly. NOTICE k CAUTIOX! HAVING mado applicatibn to the Assistant Aascsaor of the 19th Collodion District of Pennsylvania, and a License- as Auctioneer hav ing been gran tod to me by the proper authority, I would inform the citizena of Clearfiold county mat i will attond to "calling sales" vthonover denired In . any part of tho countv. Charma UUIDI luvluraio. Adilreia JrillV T. u'pimq T,-. ..,,7 .- -.. ......mo, .. in, looj-ir. Clearfield, Pa. i viearneia county. Having purchased the ln P. S. -An tun.. (I .n: h . .1 strumanla. rtraft. 1 . Af lit Ua Tknt,. tin.. .. , ' I .muiiK PHIOH vrilUOal At license is sul.Joct to a penalty jf $r,o, which will be enforced in m.nr.i. T. ., . .' I w 1 4.11 uio law acainisj ail persons violating the statute i snARPETINO-Wrain r,.. v . , I J Floor Oll.rlit..n.. .'U eP. cwir, " "0li"' ""r mats, Ao. J. T. KRArER. HOUSEHOLDG0ODS-Tinw.r.,QUeen,ware, Glassware, Wooilonware, looking Glasses Clocks, Nails, Glass. Oils, Paints, Lnmps, Wall "rv' "i an prices at J. P. KRATZER'S. MOUNT VERNON llUUoLa. Second Street, above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. A. T. IILAIR, Proprietor. (I to of the "Surf House," AOsbUo City.) r pt. 2.1, 1863-1 y. CHEAT EXCITEMENT in GLEN HOPE NEW STORE AND THE undcraigned, having removed his stare to the ijw building oppotlto the I.'nlon llouae, on Pine street, (J leu Hope, Clearfield eo. Pa., ia now ottering to the public. THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS EVER .. OFFERED ' TO THE PUBLIC AT THIS PLACE; ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT rnicES to suit the times. His stock has been selected with particulnr regard to the wanta of (he poople, and embraoes DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, HATS AND CATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ST05E-WARE, WILLOW-WARE, READY-MADE CLOTH I NO, GROCERIES, , EARTHENWARE, 01 LS A N D-TA 1 NTS, FLOUR AND BACON, GLASS ANp NAILS, FISH, SALT, ETC. OF EVERY SIZE AND PATTERN Together with all other articles necessary to complete the aaaaortmcnt of a firat class eountry atore. fl-All kinda of LUMBER and Country Pro duoe taken in exchange for gooda, at the high est market price. Aa be is receiving new supplies of goods weekly from Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia and Pituhurg, th puhlio ran ana at onee that he will alwaya be prepared to supply any article in the market. J0H5 ROBSON. Glen nope, Deo. 23, 1S63. The Hesison why Everybody purchaso Iheir CLOTHING o REIZCNSTEIN BROS. & CO. Bccanae they soltso Tory cheap for Cash Beeauae they keep the beat gooda; Because their Clothing ia well made A fashionable Because they keep tho largest assortment; Because they gt New Goods every week ; Because they give every one the worth ofbla mon'y Because they take the adrantago of nobody; Bccauao they treat their customers well ; Because everybody likes to deal with them; Because they sell ehenper than the rest ; Because their Clothing are well sewed A fit well Becnuso tbey can suit everybody ; Becauso their Store is so conveniently situated; Because nobody leaves their store dissatisfied; Because all who deal with them are sure to eal again, and send their neighbors ; Because tbey have purchased their Stock at such reducod prices that tbey can afford to ADVERTISE 1 These aro a few of the reasons why they sell so cheap. r-All kinds of Country Troduco taken at the highest market prices. HEIZENSTEIN BROS. & CO. Clearfield, Not 11, 1863, 3m. -u K . ... . U McmwKbT, rraetscal SurTeyor.of- IS) m ftti hia nrefeaalonal aervlcea tnlha nennla .. . ...it . ' ' , " " - u ' .. m d0'"' "1 ttBd to business on ii.-.u Artavat nnttit kaa a at wm i.ja a..nll.J k 1m - . wo ut v a mv vu tr wiinuiwva . mf i " with Robert Ross, one mile from Cur-i "")!'. w l-tter addressed to him at Cur-f w.neviiio. ft. l0Wl,USIk.li,I. ap. 27 'il ly. -CHEAP STOVES. THE subscriber in order to aeootnmodate the citiiena of Cnrwenavillo, and the publio generall y, has Just received a hit of COO if. Ax It Pinmn OTnvpq r ood oreeal, which hi will dispoae of Tery ior eaah or produce. v .'a 1... . WUN D- THOMPSON. Kor. 4, 1863 tf. ALSO, STOVE PIPP.For sale t the theap store or joha D. Thompson, la CurwenavilK at li , eepti p Kim,J. No. u;'lgW f.ie V ftri i4 i - o s, CTffFi Ege, trj 7V, S lis o mOI S - WAR, O K NO WAlt I ! A FEE SHTrBIVAL OF Summer Goods ! AT THE CIIEAF CASH STORE. I am Juat receiving and oponing a carefully elected stock of fashionable Spring A Suuime u tp e up s of almost every description, A beautiful aaaortmont of Print! and Dry goodi, of the newest and lateat stylet. AUaoa great variety of useful notions. inv 'luiriB vi VMTinve AJl I'Viuviu mil' iivAxvu. Bonnets, Shawls, llata and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Queenaware, Druga and Modicinea, Oil and Paifnta, Carpet i Oil Cloths, ti i r n i' tj T r c U 11 W J U IV J XJ k7 , Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel in 11 and i barrels, of the beat quality, oil of which will be sold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and the public generally, are respectfully invited te call. . . ..... . -?n,r.. - II. All mnus or vtsAui ana approvoa COVSTH Y PllOOUCE taken in exchange for Goods. WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, May 4, 1884. iMRTMOSSOPr BisAMia I'm FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GpODS MUSLINS at Sensation price DELAINES at Serisation pricea COHURUS nt Sensation prices ALPACAS at Sensation prices Juat received nt MOSSOl'S'i GINGHAMS at Sensation prices CHINTZ PRINTS GLOVES CRAVATS at at at at SensRlion Sentntion Sensation prices pi ices prices Sensation prices th MOSSOPS' SHAWLS at Sensation prices Sensation prices BONNETS at COLOR KD I MUSLINS f nt Sensation prices All to be had at MOSSOPS'. LINEN at CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS nt Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prices prices FRINGE nt nt MOSSOPS', LACE at Sensation prices HOSIERY nt Sensation . prices RIBBONS at Sensation prices TRIMMIJKJS of all kinds L in anv nuan'ly nt Sensation prices Always on band at WUSSOl'S'. CASS I ME RES at tvenenlion prices fc-.MisfUion prices Sen8tion prices Sensation prices Senmilion prices Sensation prices at MOSSOPS1. SATT1NETS TWEEDS JEANS VESTINGS SHIRTINGS at nt nt nt at CLOTH I NO sucM as Coals, Pants, Vests, Under Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Boots, Shoes, at sensation prices I lata and Cans. Now for sale at MOSSOrS'. HARDWARE! such ns Saws.nails Forks, Knives, Spikes, Hinges, LIQUORS, such ns Wine, Brnndy, Gin, W h iskcy, Cojinao, etc-, etc., FRUITS, such ns Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Filberts, 4c. GROCERIES, say Flour, H n m s, Shoulders, Sugar, Molasses, Cotl'ee, Tea, Crackers, Spices, Can diet, at sensation prices at MOSSOPS', at sensation prices at sensation prices at MOSSOPS'. nt sensation prices Coal Oil, etc., etc. j Always nt MOSSOPS'. BLACKINO ROPES POWDER SHOT LEAD nt at at at tit nt sensation prices prices prices prices prices prices tensation sensation sensation sensation -sensation CAPS At the store of RICHARD MOSSOr. MOSSOP Always keeps on hnnd X lull 'assortment of all kinds of coods required for the accommodation of the public. Nov. 12, 1862. NEW FIRM. IIARTSWICK & HUSTON ' DRUGGISTS MARKET Street CLEAKFIKLD PA, KEEP constantly on hand a large and and tcell selceted stoef; of DRUGS and CHEMICALS PAINTS 'OILS AND VARNISII PERFUMERY A TOILET ARTICLES. BLANKS, BOOKS AND STATIONARY. TOIUCCO&SKGARS. And n general assortment of ARI AT1ES and Fancy ARTICLES. Vi't respectfully invito a call, fooling confi dent that we can aupply the want of all, on terms to their satiifaetion.' HARTS WICK A IIUST0N. Clearfield April 27th 1863. tf National Hotel. MAINE. STREET, CTJRMENSYILLE, TA., WM. A. MASON, Proprietor. rpiIISlong established and woll known UO. X TEL, situated In the west end of the town, has becn remoddled, enlnrf ed and Improved, and tho proprietor respectfully announces to his nu merous friends, and to tho travelling public, that he Is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. Ample, safe and comfortable stabling is at tached to the premises, and trnsty attendants will always be on hand. Charges moderate. Feb, 12, 182.-tf. WANTED A 11 FLAXSEED largo lot in exchange Of for GOODS at the Chean Store of JOHN D. THOMTSON. Carweosfille, Sept 1, 18V- Still on a Rusk ! NEW FIRM. BOYNTON, SHOWERS k GRAHAM. Summer Goods, NEW - And Very Cheap ! ! r0YNT0N, SIIOJrVERS A GRAnAM-ue- Mi ceaaors to Boynton A Showers respectfully announce to the publio that they are now open ing an extensive assortment of SUMMER GOODS At the old stand In Graham's new building which tl, ..it.,- n ...ii ..i..nLl,:.j. j (considering their cost !) for caeh or approv ed eountry produce Their stock of ,D11Y GOODS 1 CANNOT BE SURPASSED I Customers can there find CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS ! j MUSLINS I DELAINES! LAWNS CLOTHS! CASSIMERSP VESTINGS LADI ES' Sil A W L 3 ! G ENTS' SHAWLS ! HATS & CATS ! ROOTS X SHOES ! CARPETS & OIL-CLOTHS! ' OUR STOCK OF FANCYGOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS I NOTIONS! NOTIONS Scarfs! I lead-Nets ! Neck-Ties! Satchels! Port Monniucs ! Brushes! J Photographic Albums T 1 FITES, TOBACCO A SEGARS ! I TERFUMERY'OF ALL KINDS ! Or anything else in tho Notion Lino ALSO," '. HARD-WARE ! ucensware, GROCERIES PROVISIONS r All of the best quality, and aelected witb special regard to the trade of Clearfield county. A I F. HOYNTON. JOSEPH SHOWKRS, EDWARD GRAHAM. Clearfield, July 27, 1864. Bulkloy's Patent. Lumber Dried by Superheated Steam, rpiIE undnciignod respectfully informs the poo I pie of Clcarfiold and the adjoining counties thai he has the agonry of the above Patent, and will aell Individual, County and Township fighta for its uso. The Lumber dried by thia process ii atronger, finishes better, ! easier on tools, and requires less time in drying than any other pro. ceet auun ii aim urjm,c i iiivu luuiuvr )oriociiy in J6 hours, and hotter than many months under the old system using tho sanio amount of fuol pur day that a coonimon kiln consumes. Tho cer tificates of a nuiubor of resident mechanic?, well known in this community, is amply suflici.-nt to ronvirce the most skeptical of its practical utility. Pcrsous desirous of purchasing rightswilladdreea JOHN h. CUTTLE, July 1, 1863. . Clearfield, Pa. BONNETS Fashionnble Bonnots, bats, Nets Caps, Shakers, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes Crape, Bonnet Silks and Millinery Goods gener ally, cheaper than (be cheapest at .J. P. KRAZER'S. New Watch and Jeweliy Store. Sit. I.AIJCIIMN, having purcbaaed the a interest of Iiia lato partner, ia now going it on hia own hook in the abop formerly occupiod by them on Second street, where he la prepared to keep up hia reputation as a eomplote workmau by doing all work entrusted to him on short no tice, in the best manner, and on the most reas onable terms. Defying tho county, all he ask la a sir trial, and a continuation of tho patroaa age heretofore extended. Look nut for the sign of TH E BIG WATCH. N. B The Cash will be positively expected when the wort ia delivered. S. II. L. Cloarfield, April 7, 1SA1. y HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PniLADKi.FntA, Pa. Discssca of the. Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems new and reliable treatment In reports of the Howard Association, sent by mail In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLEN HOftUITON, How. nrd Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phil adclphia, Pa. Jy20-'64 ly WATCH & JEWELRY riMIE undersigned respectfully J. informs his customer and the publio generally, that ha has just reoofVed from the East, and oi on, edathis establishment in GRAHAM'S HOW Clearfield, Pa.,' a fine assortment Of Clocks, ' WATcnssf and Jswklrt of different qualities,' i from a single pice to a full sett, which he will ' sell at the moat reasonable prices for cash, or in exchange for old gold and silver. ' I CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at the mist ' reasonable prices. i ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry s.ire fully repaired and H'orrnneii. A continuance oi patronnge is oiinu-u, Sept. 19, I860. n. F. NAUULX M ITSICAL GOODS Flutes, t iolfns, Fires, llarmonlcans. Preceptors. Music Paper, Vi olin Bows, Bridges, Strings oftho best quality at J. I'.'illlAAMfS. Susquehanna House C VR WENSVILLE, Pa. V. tV. UOUIIAI.I., Proprietor. THIS large ana commodious HOTEL is de lightfully located on the bank of the Sus quohanna, in the borough of Curwensville. Tha present proprietor will spare ao effort to reader his customers eemfortable, and hopes te merit a liberal share cf publio patronage HIS BAR AND TABLE Will be welt suppliod with every thing the mar ket affords. Raflioen will always find hia "lotrh string" out. Mar. 2361. tf. rtTAPI.E IVt Goods Cloths, Cosalmeree kj Cloak-cloths, Tweeds, Satinetts, Sllkwarp Flannels, Ticking Muslin, Linen, Prints, at the oid prices at p jjtjATZEU'S. BOOTS and Shoes a complete assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's, Misses', Boys' and I Children's Boots Bhacs and Gaiters at J J. ?. KHATZEU'S. I A . - RsapabilU. vnr. wosttfa caaT siKttI m Sorofala nnd Sorofuloua Dl,. fos JSmerg lUlei, a Wcll kmKn t..T1, Jtt.l.A .t never f,t c?uo M'A l.wrrt efl. and full MtUfncliorT to t 0' it. As Twit as our prop e try it. tho ..vl".' 'K ben no muik-iuc Lkc It iZniSZ lh,"m ErupUona, Pitnplo., Blotches, VrZ I cer3, Borea, and aU DUsnao, of thii!' rrvwi 4ci . si " 1 only do m 11M. Slr,UlOH. .,, "?. I omy uo my duty to on ii.d ,i' ",'"t. I add o th'atU P.bU.a",b dldnsl virtue ofvour SAiaVKii la 2 Ut, awi ton, bad an al.ilB m , "u. eyea,and hir for ywra, whicn weirVK, cure uutil we tried your B.taaaMHi'W been well for aomo montba." tit From Jtfn. Jane jr. ntre, a Kn It- ydutvtoTouandthe'f"'-. My daughtw haa auff.W twl-l aerofuloua eruption, wtSlj waa vJt i,N?t,',"l' Nothing afi-ordod any rclicr until wn l1a. Kausai-ARU.LA, which aoou complete!, ...... v v., mnmirucfiireri n.r pnjxm U Siuhuu, V. . ww f ;wi I had for aeviiral years a very tm,vi humnr In my face, which crew tmvXSr until It (iisnKunxl my reaturua and LmmT: ' eral.le amica.m. 1 fried almoHVer?.'"11'! wml.J of both advice and medlclno h,7 ?ui rcll.f whatever, until I. took your a.,..' It Immoilmtnly mailu my fnoo worn . it mWit for a time, but in a few w7V. ,i " aaiu ocpan o torm under tlie olotdui . J tlnn.il until my fare la aa smooth i, lifti?" and I am without any aytnptoina of th, Z, H I know of. I dnjoy p.rfLt health, and STt doubt owe It to your Sarsapakilu.-i nlmi EryaipoUa-General Debility -Purirw,. Blood. jtlu From Tr. Jlolt. tmcin, Unukm-SL. ym v i "Dr. Avkk. I evldoin foil to rwnonfr and SomfuUnu r hy tlve irr.,i-!.....nf hARsAPAUlu.A.and I have jwat now euprtm.H0'! of Malign Erv,i,,ln$ with It. No iurtti. itutk !li.l ll. npr...ul.,n " .f" dreile of dollara worth of modicinea Tha St were ao bad that the corda became vl'ilbu .Tj? doctors decided that my arm must be SmStSi1! began taking your SAimr.vim.i4. hTJ tin, ami aomo of your I'n.i.s. Towtlwil .i rured mo. I am now us well and sound ai iw bt? Ilcing in a put.hc place, my case U knnwn J body in this couuuuulty, aud ext.itt. Ul(. w Frcm mn. flenn) Monro, M. P. P.,rf S'twu C. ft'., a touting member of Ma CunaJi irffi ' I hare nacd ror (snvral itM(i(, and for ptirifyG with verv boiirfiriiii nfl,ittfl. bihI ooiumeudiug it to tint aXUctud." B Bt. Anthony's Fire, Boso, Salt Bhm Beald Head, Bore Eyes. Firm narrrn SifHer, Kiq., th Mi Mihr V4, yViiiiiiinnoet lltmocntf, I'tntuyltmut. "Our only hilfl, atiout three yean ofam.vi, attai'kod by jiimples on his forehaart. They tapMlt sireau unui ini y lurmra a lonimome inn rinixi sore, which covemd hia face, and actoally blioW but nyre for some days. A etilful rhjakiaa apivd Hit rat o of silver and other remedies, without ? appareHt itTtt't. Kor fifteen daya we pntWloi Imts, I, Kt with tlirm he should tear om tho H Vving and corrupt wound whleh corered hlivboi fao:. Having triel erf thing else weluilB; bopo from, wo tan ring your SAKfAktiu, nu applying the iuh!c or pjtnrh luttun, j dtnot. "th aore bufran to heal whw we had pin the drat buttl', aail ai-'li when we hH fiiiw tlie socoud. The cliiM'a eyulisliea, which twiai out, frfw nf tun, and ha Ik now as healthy tad lu as any other, 'i lia wln.lo ueilitoruiwil prullcbd tlut the clnld mutt die." Bay-pkilia rnd Mercurial Disoass. Frr.m Dr. Hiram Skmt, of M. lauil, Uumi. "1 llnd your rUKArAKii.LA a mora eifo:! remedy for tho accundary symptomii of Skwu and fur vp!iltitic din iww llurn any other wo pat!. Tho prol'easlon are iinlrbtud U you for Klua d lb U ht mcitieiuea we hare." tYmt A. J. Fi tnch, M. D., an mintnl aVai-iea jMft ciu-e, Mm., vhn U a prcminmi mfmttr the lAyitlatHrt of Ma$taclmttUt. ' in:. A x kr. My dear Sin 1 have found yoer Saiis.vi'.moi.I.a an exeellcnt ncnedj' for Miiv, Uotli of the primary and awtnry type. and ctTw tual iu aiimo casus that were too obstinate to ntM tootlar rrniedlea. I do not know what weemm ploy with more certainty nf BuucB9,lii'aNtf fol alterative Is required." Mr. Clw.. .9. I'an lierf, nfjem Itrmiirkt,., bad dreadful aloera on bla fugs, cau"d by U bw of mercury, or mar.nriri tliftm, whifh ppwmoft and moro aj;ravatl for years, In spin of nnj rvmexly or trcatmynt that could be applied, oonl th ppraevi'rlnjf iiac of AVKU'n S.vus.vrAKtLUItiajal him. t ew casts rnn Iro fouml more Inretmlf ud iVttresi!ii than t!Ua, aud It took tortril dum buttli a tu cure bini. I,ouoorrh,CBii, Whites, Fomols We&kais!, aro gi'iiiTiilly produced by internal SrrMtnuU otnUion, anil aro very often cured hy tlw alwntln illt of thia Sark.vi'AHU.i.a. .emeeafos noJir. hoivev.-r, in nid of the S viisArAKHXl, th aliml aiipllcntlou of locd rjiiRMil.-fl. Frvm tht ir.U-knvm rml H.l lyetkbnlti .l imb Merrill, tf t'iiii-inmn'. " I hnro found your S.mis.vi'.m:ii.i.a an ticlW altrntivo In diseases Of females. Many eaea et Invunlnrity, Ix;ncorT)i!a, Int. ninl l lceration.aaa local ill t'iiity, nrisiuc from (h aerofnloasdiathiw, 'have yield ' ! to iti uul there am f'W that do art. when it a effect ia properly allied by loeal ttitttimt. A Ut'-y, tHitciWuy to allow te publkatic " I " My ilait'ifhte'r and myself have Iwn wired f very dVlilllUtini? l'iieorrha-a of lone standing, t( two boltlea of your SARS.vr.vnu.L.i." Rheumatism, Qou, Liver Cfmploint, Dj Tifnativ. ITnart DiseMC. r0uraigi, when enusod bv S.-rnfiiln In the system, are rifWf curud by UiiJ Ext. Sausai-awlla. . AYER'S CVTIIAllTIC TILLS possess so innny s.lvantascs over tlie other purgatives in th? ntarkvt, and their nipm virtuvs aro so univcrsrlly known, thstwenew .1.. ...,.. il n assure the HUMlC tllr i quality is nmlntainiMl equal to the be' j'f" Ims iH'i-n. ntnl thr.t they msy be dcjicnW on to .In nil tlnit they lisvo ever none. l'reptireit l y J. C. AYEK, M. D., Co Lowell, Mass., nnd sold by I "TV SOLD by C. D. Watsos an1 HTIW,"U ;ilrsTO. Clearfield: E. A. 1 RVLt, Crwensvi IFostsh A MoUirk, Philipsburg; S. aiuoLD, w thersburg : end by dealers everywhere. lfpt.H,y,.,J, , I DR. A. II. IILLS 1 A KSIKDO " Mm I I form bi" I1- A. ns inn piu..- . l l....in. (incur. 1 iVr,tiT4.r( h. time, andl''.' f. i "V " ' -5. V im t unable therefore " " . i ito makerroict" ". aecuftcmsJ P1"' till may be found at his ottic on Kpi nor of Front and Main streets at all Uieej. when notice nppeare in tue i'.tf. conirarv- - - tvr I V 0 o u nn v? v v - . .J .T...,a -r WOOL wm"J- 50,000 Zl whitho highest :ll I., n.til hr. . !,,.. u p. ERA14"" Clearfield, May 13, 1863 - TOADIES' Dress Goods-New S'T1" . jj riaijs, juoiimM.iM. r-r-h m Cia, SlIKS, OOI rieiiiiue, iivuv- -k.ms, Lawn, jurt opening jjaT2ER' GKOCEKllaa A mil n , ie. at. -nail 5fffi and 0ial'v OUXTV JHS.l.- vu" O reasonable terms. ArHv to iT, ang. 17, 186. WALTER U" j, LOTHIMG-Full suits to mate h, ot thing at ax& SnAWLS-Breehe, ts eua, -CMhmere.IluboUanqoR. me DconU From J. B. Mnttcn, Bmj., Waimm. niu Kor tw.lve years, I had the on my right arm, dering which time I w!3l? JJATS .nacVd'sS,
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