UtXJl I. TILE REPUBLICAN ' f Ri'NESDAA',::::;n:::DKCiMiiKR 21, 18G4. .ii i . .' -i .i.i . .' . f Kate of Subscription,. Advertising and Jobbing. . Xbttr!jiljn, f nJWutr, , - . - f 2 (H) " if paid tri'iAin tie yrur, - J '50 tnulpn'. irjiin iW yw, S 00 7' i"tor rcifes fi. oj.fj (0 ,' J,,-,,,,, ,;, kniM paid for ut vr lijvrnjun'rymuit, 180 j. JdW and I'.x'i ' nolittt, oath, 0 times, f 2 .4ii(t"' nWiVt'S, n, - . j ('lions and Eilruyt, each, 3"fiW.( . 1 JtittolulioH nu(i'c, sue, 3 (imm, . .2 frsaswflf -JuWfiMtf, jr ,?M-r 0 10 I . (lues, fM-iS tiniM,or lot; j 1 ' 'w sucA ta&scysciii insertion, I''"' aiivrtltmg, J or sue .ouuis 0 10 ) . Una, or 3 limn, or Uf, j 'or encA suttee nth I iiiltriiufi, . Prvj'tnionul Card; I r, ' . . . J iooai notices. Mr hits, . . . 50 . 3 10 11 - 10 8 00 12 00 U 00 Mutuary (io, err i lines, j(- fir, T.atlj aditrtiiiuyft sg nur, ' . Wv Uo . 3 ifo tin (a I sta - Tmrljf udtnliiiny, J ofin, . 1 . ." BcinAt, sinals autre, ... do I futrsa, psr atirt, do 6 qnir.t, j.r ouirt, '' do rr t quint, ptr auii tf JJutiJlilllt, f that, b, vr I:., do i thctt, 26, or hit, f1 do t Ai, 25, or lett. 20 00 do vholt thtet, 25, or Lit. Orer 15 of ach of abur. at proportlonau ratti. firTh abut ratei were agreed upoD by tbt undesigned, on theSd-dayot December, 184, and will be atrlctly adhered to during the preaent I I'D UilLBI III Ul I Mmill Al tirt n Mna n..t.ll. ' r ..,,.... ( , I). w'MnnKK. PullUher of the "CUarJltld UopuUiean." 8. J. ROW, Publisher of tho " Hitman t Journal,'' Tjronek tlearfiefd Kallrcad Time-Table Train leavet Tyroce at 8:65 A. M ' arrivea at I'bilipaburg at Train Uavei l'billpiburg al . " arrival at Tyrone at 11 A. M. J:55 P.M. S:6J P. M. TKE NEWS. The telegraph furnUhei ioformalion ' 1 over the signatures of Oen. J homas and Secretary Stanton, of a moat signal victo ry over the rebelj under Oen. Hood at Nubhville. Nashville had been clocely Invested by Hood for several days; his right reating on the river aljove, and his left extending to the river below the city. On the 15th Th omas attacked the left, aid ed by the gynbeate, driving it beck and doubling it upon the centre the contest Isfctirtgall day. The battle was resumed the next morning, and kept tip through out the day, the rebels still giving way. At the latest dales it was thought the rsbels were trying to make good their es cape, rhichwas not deemed (xfsib!e. Thomas reports Lis captures at 49 guns and about iOOO prisoners admitting a loss, of about 3000. flood's ollioial report todhe, rebel gov ernment of the battle of Franklin which our aide claimed as such a signal victory has been, published, in which he claiccs that ho captured "about tea thousand prisoners." The news from Sherman is no lets fv oiablo than that from Thomas. Shertuan lesched the vtciuiiy T Savannah about the 12th. Severe fighting was rejortd, tut no particulars are given. Richmond papers of the 10th retort the capture by bercuan of Fort McAllister, rltuale at. the mouth of the Oceechee liver, or head of Wurmiw ound, acme "0 D)ile rutb of haranuah, where lie cuu communicate with tht fleet. A report Is aUo published, I ' 1 . . ! ind credited, (but not eonhruied,) that Savannah was likeniso cajiturrd, wit): ll.CUJ prisoneis. A powerful fleet, listire offome siity vessels of war, inclu- ding several ironclads, sailed southward fiom Fcrlress Slonroo last week fev tlie I'.urpose, doubtless, of co-orcratiiii; with ihtriuun. There is nothing new from Richmond or Petersburg. This is about Iho auUlar.ce ftbe vw news of tho week. It is of a highly gratifying character to those who belii the "glotiotis old Union" can be rettured by tho sword. Hit tends to bring about i peace, all should rejoice ; but if It is on ly calculated to sharpen the appetite of tho Shoddy world for their grand holliday feasts, without affording any advantage to tho real friends of the country, we are unable to count the gain. A speck of war, however, makes its ap ptuianca in another quartor. Some lime go a party of rebel refugees in Canada toads a raid on the town of St. Albao, Vt , robbing the tvo banks of the town, and doing other mischisf, who were pursued into Canada, snJ some of them captured h the Canadian authorities. At the hear- ; , . f , UTli oi iceir cai-e a lew ui e uu(c 'licliarged them upon some technics 1 in formality. This caused great indignation AL Wo.li in iflnn orwl PnniiPHS naftllinArl tt " . ' '. e.. .... T7 beligerent aspect Uul this ts dowj 'Omowhat changed since it is announ- .rllt,l .! ,i.-il,nr,l rI.l- I.n 'an cited by order of the Canadian su it. ... . . r.i 1 1 . 1 uurities, ana liie conauci 01 wie i uuge ae "ounc6d. Lck-BERpaospscT. From what we learn "a think it is very evident that next Spring's lumber trade from tbissoction, as Wtupurcd with last Spring, will fall far 1 'tort. Scarcity of operatives ia Hie main , use: Many of our heavy opeiatoti are, ot doing half as much as they did last 'intor. anil some contrnctora will bo una- ,,U..;,, .. . ,f lUllU UlCir SSrceuirill ior III un V- uaUs. Our county is said to be lull Of lri,. , 1 j.ii:.... tiernmeot spies and delectites, K ho o ,jout from one lor-iob to aaolher. under PTI s-1 u 1.1,1 tUrpose is to hunt upend inform upon 1 Moript8 and deserters. Tho efleot is to ' p AIJTION.-AU pc.-s b, ar. Utdj c.uji" dti, r ... . .1 i J ed against buying 01 mlunc t eii:.ui baik men from their werk, oven those ,rriwn . ...;,, u( j, i,n Hieh. Po horn the government has no claim, .uppose that these mon belong ,0 ariflj thrniselvaa iu citistf n't dress for this Furpose":1,ut we 'do not' believ it. Sol diers do not appear under false colors At all events the legitimate trade of this , jounly will la seriously interfered with,' which will be wore sensibly folt npxt' Summer when tho lax collector muket.1 his appearance. . I Towxmi? Elections. Tho election of TewDbhip officers for this oout.ty Ukesj rlore en Friday the 30lh inst. Hy a sup plement jaescd at tLo lust session, the el ection of Rorcugh officers will take i lace' on the eamo day, instead of in February iu hcrttofore. lSTLa l'ciiiim Crothtrhood of New Jersey Leld a mass meetinj; the other night, at which tpeccbes n ere delivered urging the invasion of Cunadn, as the first blow to be ttruck at Eneland for the 15 Q0 frcraicipftlicir of Ireland from Britir-h I jQ'thrildoin. Resolutiona of limihr import S l 00 ' were also adopted. ' , ' j iyj . . - lc 1 40 ; Tua AmaiCAM rofLE. Mr. Sovrard, I 60 anjong thocurious infeliciticiofiiUreceni-'T: ? Jy published lettep to Mr. Adnnu, uss'b : "P ucn ltlln8 known a "Atoerican peo- l''e f lno UUd State." We are citizens , of that republic, not of America, ilr. Hew - itd issura a food many pHssports. Ho do-! isciioe. in tnem ins re tow-coui.trVmnn . ' I .1 ' . . ... cilixens of the Uoitod States. fliefltcU lit. IU .. , 1 - i :. ..i i.,. . . . r. . W1C 1II1K UI 1110 LDI It fl ,ml very important in conversational carleis necs lo use the word Americans in such connection ; but as there are three tinae as many entitled to that designation as tve, no man who talks his language cor rectly makes the mistake, Lut there is a greater reason for preci sion. The people of the United States are not one people. Thev are one rwo- f'e tT onie purposes, but surely not for nil Tl . U'-IJ ' all" TU World. to oalerati's hATKRS. At a late conven- lion of dentists it was. asserted that - the main, if not the sole cause of the zrealcr increase of defective toeth wai tue uso of suleratus and cream of tartar in the manu facture of bread ; and Dr. Baker fully agreed with the facts od'ered lu proof, nuuniff me result ot some expenmnii! made by kimself. He soaked Found tcet!i in a solution of saleratus and they weru' uestroyea in lourteen luys. We have the - opinion of men whose tulents, time end zeal are given to dentistry, that aaleratu? and crenm of tat tar in bread area chief cause of ruin to teeth. Now will those who know this fact go on euting all that comes in 'their way without inquiring what It is made of f L meatier Inulliten ctr. JfayThere was some lively skirtniihing at Conscript Cantp, Conn , on Saturday night, by a lot of recruits and substitutes, who were sorry they had enlioted. They rushed upon the sentry, choked the guard, and were proceeding favorobly. when the alarm was sounded, and an infantry re serve, with fixed bayonets, eloped on I he buildioff. acd turned the oooscript llnuk. Tbb New Y'ck Tints boaats that tho adiuiniatratio n has "secured to us lliej . navigation of tho Miiainaippi." Oh, yes, jf how very eecure the adiuinitilration hsij made the navigation of that stream. Ilowj, would the administration like to take u i trip just now from Cairo to New Orleans and hack, if it should live long enough? LouitvilU Journal, f"f"The Richmond puperi print Freai-;'"" iier.1 Lincoln's niessaM in full, and w uli ("''ct pru-tcre. I nre is not a lino in I :ul , ium in I hi U In in, 11 I ov! mill . r . ..... ... i thul document but lends to unite IbeS juiIi ' J in deadly hostility to the North. Had it iboenthe tneasggoofa Democratic Pi ei- con-Ident, piercing the joints of the southern armor as the southern journals have diea led that ttiev would be p'erood, then the journals ptiblmhed un lor Mr Davis s eaves imiuI 1 nollinve prniteil M-r. Lincoln s tnes sjjtb in full. 7"A TPirM. biyThe oldest tueniber of the Unite! ;r- States House of Representatives ia Thad-' deus Meens, m i enny ivnm, who is nev- ti)ty one enr o! fu ; anl the younje.t is J.trncs A. 0 irlioid, ofOhi'o, who is thir-ly-tinee. RrxjrA woman who eloped from Milwmi ke was arretted at Boston a few days ago Her husband came on from the West, di vided bis property with the woman, and thea let her go with Let paramour. Editor of tht Hrfulltcan t Dbab Sis: With your permission, I wish to say to (he readers of your psper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free), a Hecipe, with full directions for making; and using a simple Vegetable. Ltahu, that will effectually remove In 10 days, I'iuiples.lilotch es Tan, Krcklcs, and all Impurif esof the Skin, leaving tbs same soft, clear, smooth and toauti ful.' I will also mail freo to thoss having Bald Heads, or liars Paces, simple directions and in formation that wil) enable them to start a full growth of Luxsrisnt H.iir, Whiskers, or a Mous tache to less than thirty days. . v . All nhlL.tinm .nw.rwl kv PAllim lllkil With. .''HbUUUU. - J pUt ebrir4, itcspcctiuny yours, TUOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. o'i, llroadway, New York. o5 Juicp. fPUH NPIKF. r.tr.CTIOX An election x will le heid.t tha oftics of tl. L. Reed A Co., in the borough of Clearfield, on Saturday tho ,n" Bl U ' Pi ' '." eu of the Clearfield and Curweusville Turupiko company to elect a President, Troasuror and Board of Managers fur the snsuing year, ily order cf tho President, JAS. T. LEONARD, O. L. E.kd, Seo'y. . Dec. 7, 1801 For Sale! EXTRA FAMILY FLOUlt, by the Barrol and Sack for sale by the subscriber JAMl.S L. LEAVY.. Kov. 23, 18fH, tf.v , SAWYIR WASTED. "WfANTED IMMEDIATELY, a man thtr- a 011hl enmn.itnt In run a. fir.t.rln.. 11 oughly Circular saw Mill, ar.d who in wilhrg to go to 'Mexico for a term of not leas than one year. Wlf()t ,ytWi B j,lM A)WrMfi g amount vt exrcrlcnee. reien r ee. and wgi, do- sired. JA.-JW STKWAUT. Deo. U, 1864-Jt LunniE;' jr., of Koox y-:p. m us mud belcngs to - b" ? UAD baKEr. J. I. MOBIUS & CO. WlILirSBUILG, PKNWA. LATEST ARRIVAL 'OF ' FALL AND WINTER GOODS 1 ' v.- Ui C l urchased sinca tho decline in 1 C Gooda; anJ will lo sold lower than any oihcr'house in the county. V; H LADIES' MJi;S3 GOODS. Prints k Delainon'. lielmoral Hoop Skirts, Hoods Nuliiaw, Son tags, Com fort i, Hreakfast Capes and Gloves, Furs, Mutl's and Cuili, Ladies Conta, Circulars, Viclorinea, Jlakets, etc., etc. x : 23 HOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds for Ladic ; 15 BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds for Gents. ROOTS AND SHOES of all tor Children. kinds ,tu,mriPn !H llAltl'n AhE I In endless variety ; Broad Axon, Dobble-bittfd. A x en , lUft ing Axt'8. Hui k inn Axes. O O J: CLOTHING Or all kinds frn- MEN and BOYS Cheaper tlmn the Cheapest. - -; A general assorttneut of j DRUGS, MEDICINES, TAIN.TS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, Ac. 15 Is GROCERIES.' Hio, Kyo and Laguyra Coffee. Sugar. whitf, brown and yellow. Dried peas, awet potutoos. Crauberrios, butter, eggs, lard, cheese. Hhuis, shoulders and sides. Dried beef, cad-fish, u.ackcr5l,herriog, STOVES. Cooking A Parlor Stores and Store pipe. FLOUR, CHOP; SALT, 4C. SADDLERY. Saddles, bridles, borso collars, trimmed horse blankets, roho qjoigh-bells, vl.ips, harness and bainca. ! ( K r' I G M ISCELL i FOUS 4HTir-VS - ;' iUl.1lr.L.L.A. Alt I ijt. Grind stones and fixtures. One 2-horsc Ulean Wagon. i'iinber-Slodj. liuggies, Sleighs, Carriages Ac, tc., Ao. v LUNBERMEN S3. Supplied by the quantity with goods, Hour, bacon, or anythiag in our lino at 10 per cent, on cost, and wo discount all bills nrer 10 at ten per cent. 1. la fact, -nothing that man beast consumes, but what we keop or can get for our customers, snd will sell a little cheaper having advantages that no others In our business havo. tiirOur Cloarfleld friends will picase not for gottb call and tea us whon they come to town. They will find us on the corner formerly occupied by J. Runk, nearly opposite the Conrad House, Main Street. J. I. MORHIo A Co. ' Deo. 7, 1804. . GREATEST RATTLE OX RECORD! 15,000 Killed nnd Wounded, arid , 3(V-00 taken Prisoners ! - WITH CAMP EQUIPAGE AND 70,000 Contraband freed from the BONDS OFSLAVERY ! ! ITDRY man that has read any thing of the j past history of this WAIt niustfinully come to tho conclusion 'that the Confederate (lovfrn roont would be broken down. It was only a qnes tion of time.. Hut now we have tha above Clori ui souttMirring news to cheer us up ; and the 'only druw-bnek to'our joy nnd glorifleatirn is tha iiiiinineiit danger of the Contrabands coming ; North to "eat out our substance," and to wear out iirshocs . But of one thine tie people of Ciear- I lield county may be assnsi 1. and that is, that FRANK SHORT for short .llod i!hrt-rr. is 1 sellintc flout A shoes as ciean as anf other man in tho county; and if ' ou don't belieVe it just give hiui a rail oa court week, or at any other time, and seo f.-r yourselves, lis would jint ra niitui the public that his shop is now on Maiket street, in Shaw's Pow where yon will find him just as AViorr as usual if B.'t a little thorter ol , Cash than ho would like to bs. . i AH kinds of work on hands and made to order on short notice, and as well made, and as good fits as oun bo"ksered" np here or elsewhere. , fc-Don't forget the shop on Market rtreot. in Shaw's How, directly opposite Rev. II. H. Pwonpe's office. F. f UOHT. ; Clnurfiold, Juu 11, 132. . , iO.VCI H ) N. All persons are horoby eaution ul una nst tking an assignment of a prniu iMory NO IE given by toe undersigned'to Hugh Connwsy, (now deceased,) dated about the h day of February , 1 fl4 . and payable three years after date, with interest, as said Bote has boen paid i.l full to Charles Conaway, en th father of said deceased. ISAAC C. MeCLOSKEY. ! JTot. 39, 1591-pe. ferttS& j-l-repared to furniVh all kin"d7of Tru't l.hinuiirn nnil i c ...... (.SU,n..,,rd and IDw.rf,) ,j .Slrwbfrry rind HafpUerry v-uie.i. Also, A'ilicri.m ic. Orden promptly attended to. Addro.j - "mm uui v rruriii rtneiiiiurt. lepu 1 1. 64. ly a farm ran SALE. m T' f""" m ".'ccaria townahip.nne mile South of Heecaria Miila. It oon!in-iru. H o t;:ril,-!,:;;r:!s-..Tb0.!i"0 ... u'i"y io ine untternignod' iu Lawrence township, Cloarfleld county, Pa. I -'ri!iwJ?:.i."L J. iiJEAD, Chop ! Chop ! Clion ' OA AAA .Hn.be!.' auperiorlfve-CHOP w w ju.u received ana Tur lule at $.1 75 per hundred. JAMES TE3T. Pliilip.hur, Aug. S, 1S4. pd. J. G. 2LA.CKWELL, wim GEO. W. liKED !i JO. CLOTHING, Also, Jobbers in Cloths, Oiis.si in ores and Stittinets, No. 4!i;i Market street. North eidu between Fourth and Fifth, PHILADELPHIA. jptrCall and se our ntcntive etoek. Au. 1(1, 'CI. tf. DISSt)l.tITK).Tho partiiHrhip hereto fore existing between the undersigned, in tiio publiciltion of the Clearfield Ue),ullcnn, win dmsolved by mutual consent oa the Ufa of July, ISfit Ti10 1)m,k,nre !n the hands c.f the junior port - norforeollecliim. TIkiho patrunr kiioninif tlicm - mi!.A4 i,i.l..lit...l t. t,a 1..,.. n..Ki:.l . r. - I ...I. - i .!.: ' , u "...,r,uii,imii:ni.in);, or joo worK, are re- i-p 'cllnlly invited to cull and settle their accounts at their curliut ounrenienre. ! D. W. MOORE, j i 11. li. UOODLAXDEll. Clenrfield, July 27, 135t. settle tLeir oiininfi iMtlUiELL & UIOLLR Have just opened a Inrse and splendid ! a?bortmenl of j New Goods " At llieir oltl'stand i:i Cloarficld. T IlKT bavo the best apsortment of Hardware that has ever boon broucht to this munlv winch they will sell nt the nio.it reasonable tin ces, among which will bo found a splendid lot o C U T L F R 1 r, io wuicn iney mute me special attention or tns public, embracing heavy Silver-plated Forks, Spoons ana Uuttcr knives of the best manufac ture. w A lot of Pistols of the best pattern,' and other fire-arms. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges all of which will be sold at reasona ble prices, They continue to manufacture all kinds of Tin-ware, Brass Kettles, Stove pipe, etc., which cannot be surpassed in t'jls suc tion of the State. They also have on band Pittsburgh Plows, among which are Pteel CentrerLever Plows. Also, Plow Castings, and many utter Aprioultun) Im plements, Cook Slovcs, Tailor and Coal fftoro t n general assortment, an I of tls fa on' at trrns, fueal at reasonable pilcvs. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamp?, Paints, Oil. snd Varniskcs.a generalsisortnicnt. Glass, pulty, Nulls, Iron nndC'astings of great variety ; in tart ulmoft every thing wanted t y the public can bo found in their clabli."lii::ci,l, and nt price.-, that caniiut be beat. Now is the time to purc1ia?c, If you desiro any thing in their line of hu.--inr. (iivo them a call and examine thoir stock, and they feel assured that you'ean be accommodated. Hcmeinher, their eslubiitliment is on Scco:J.l Stmot, ClearUthl, l'a , whro you can buy goods to tho very beet advantage. jZft-Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old earnings will be tukun in exchange lor goods. ! May 20, Is63. MEttlttLL 4 IUULKR. VOIIUinLV AT THE llEI.LItroHTB rot'HUnV CUAStGK i'L.i. a or sunitsj. . c! I1AUPT& Co., TTAVINd leasfil the loundry and JNirchino s 1 1 S'hopsst .Viletburg, known ns " (iltliKN'S ti luUN'l'UY," are (.repared to inanufatturc and "s repair Steam Kngines, iweep and tread power Th resiling Machines,. New ll'urld and' Kuthnway lI,uK Stoves, Wagon Spinillis.l'lows, aim Cast ings oi an Minis in moil nonce, i ney aisouavo both at llellel'out" nnd Mili slmrg, a variety of Cook and Parlor Stoes, fur mil coal, of Pitts burg manufacture. Call and see for youn'clvcs. ISAAC H.U'PT is ajrent for the York, Wyoin- ing and Columbia Insurance C juipanins. jy'.'0.Sl.!y For ifnlc A Fruit Furni.- THE subscriber offers for saloon reasonable terms Ms FARM situated In Lawrence town ship, ahout midway between C'.earlleld nnd Cur- I wensville'. It contains ubost S5 acres, with about ! J5 acres . thereof cleared, with a Frame House and . Frame Burn. Thero are upwards of 40fl grafted Apple trees in good condition some 20 1'car trees, with a quautity of Cherry tress., Urspevines, snd other small fruit thereon the whole I'lilng well lopatod. The title is indi.-put-abls. For turuii apply to tho subscriber at Clearfield. G K0R0E THORN. August 10. ISflt. tf. A T I '.. T II R K E COMPETENT Malo ! Teachers Wanted, to teach in ISradyDis-l tr'ct the ensning winter. Term, 4 months. Wa-! ges from thirty to forty dollars. Application can at any time he made to tho Protidcul, Mr, Jesse Lioes, or to the undersigned nt Luthertburg. I lly order of the Hoard. Nov. 13, ISCl-pd. DAVID REAMS, Sec. 1 E' NF.rrTtMt'S MITICr Notice is hero- by given IliAt letters t -stsmentary on llio : eriate ol ftllllAIIAM KYLLIt. lute of (joshen town'ilip, tbarliold counlv, Jcoenpcd, having i be. n grnnteil to the nnder;gncd, all ierins in debted to said estate' arc requested to u i lc im mcdiale payment, . nnd there having dcinauds apainft tho safnoill present them dul a'thcu-' iollted fur scllkiuent. JOHNI. POtr, I.,. Nov. 22 (!l-p;l, MOIL LIVI'ROODP, hI" N' OTICI!.. Having inaiK apidicatlon to the Assistant Assessor of tho l?!h CulkcS-n Iisti let of Pennsylvania, snd a Lieeinj as AlV- TIONEER having been granted to- iuo by the proper authority, I wnul t inform the Citirens of Clearfield county thai I will alteud to "Culling Sales" whsncvsr deir-d In any prt of th coun ty. Charges moderate. Address W. J. II0FFEK, Karthaul, Clearfield county, Nov. 2, 1SC1. UMIMTII ATdlPM OTICE Notic A is bertby given thiit letters of admlnistia - tivn on the eatiise of Jaine. Conley, late of Penn i sslaU .f JOHN McPHERSON, lato of ths hoc. tp., Clearfield co., dce'd, havs been granted to the ougb of Clearfield deceased, laving been taken, undersigned, all persons indebted to ssrld estate out by the undersigned, all persons Indebted ta are rrquesled t make immediate payment, and said estate are requested to make Immediate pay . those having olaiins against the earns will present inrnt, and thoso having claims agsinst the same themduly authenticated for settlement will present them duly autbentb r.ted for Mltle pi H. rAVLHAMUS, meat. HKVEEN MiTH KHMJN', pe. AdmlaiiUster-' j Nor- 39 61 rUffstw. Great Reduction P 11 1013 f ALL A WINTER GOOflS ! I 1 i'. A'A-i TZH ll, Front Street, Clearfield, Tenn'a. ! Having purchin-d a lurgo Hock since the' lr. In decline iu j-i ices is now picparedto; cfier great largHin.i isi i New Style Dress Goods.' JllCtCSt I l Ul Cd Good. , 1 All-Wool Delaines. . : French nfrrinns. " 7 . . Goo Black Silk, n i ' 1 0Ullrg$ 011(1 AlpaCUS, , Woolen S ft aids, i l Ladicsl Mantles. -i . Furs and Bonnets,- Staple Dry Goods Ready-Made Clothing, Millinery Goods, Uosery and Notion?, Hats and Caps,. Boots and Shoes, 1 J JurJ imi'P flllisii sum ! ' " IOUI t tl ItULCnSlCUlC I fl....., .1 n X ft"5 llllli II I (It ' PTl (" . " " Carpets and Oil-cloths, Household Goods, All of which will bo sold at greatly reJnc-" ! i-u prices. (.id. l'J-lf. i I1EL10CRAPI1IC. riIIE undeSoigned, having completed his Phot- : X ograph (iallery, in Shaw's How, two doors 'west of 'the Jlauflon House, Cltnrfield, Pa., is now ready to wait on nil in want of hiPS Fisirftirjids. ; t My urrniigenihnts oro furlian will enable mo to furniiih thoso beautiful liroduetions of sun draw- i ling is tho highest stylo of the art. Having lilted up my rooms at a considerable expense, with a i. mwi., I M,nr...i ..1 ..). ..r ,,vn ... tuv iuiuium il.-nsuil, Ul 111 J HirOUn, I hope, by strict ntlention tobufinofs and adesiro to please, lo merit n liberal share cf publio pattonage. A full supply of (lilt, llosewcind. and other irainef, Albums, nnd an eadleBs variel of Canes always on hand, ' JLk Mai!aff.Titt3 Tirisiis. 0 i arucuiur attention given to copying all kinds cf I'irturcs. .... ..... i jrlnstructioB in the art of riiolozrnnhinir given and apparatus furnihf 1 at city prices. sop2l-tf II. li RIDGE, Artint. inn I'M II.A rjr.I.TIM A i rnil'ltntiMih ! t - -- -- -- - ..... ..... - j . i 1 1 ,.m;.i , rMlUS great lino traverses the Northern and JL Northwestern counties of Pennsylvania t .1.. . r ... , ... - ' me cny o: j.rio, on l-ane r.rio. U has been learod by the V.yiiyfi'.iiii'n na;. To its natural buoyancy and aniiuut'.oH ; invlgor rn.i.i CoiiiKiny, and h operated by ilium . j a ting the body and clearing out every vcsliye ol in ci.iiie lungiii was opeuen ior passeni'or ana froisht busine.is, Oct. 17:h. lstlt Time if I'tiunnijrr Train, tit Ticoi-fuw, Through Jlail Train lenres eas'warj ?;lj p V. " " " westward III 12 A. M. ressenger Cr.r run through wtTimrT i hanob both ways between I'hiindcljdiia nud Krio. E!e;rant Slecpin;' Cars on K.vpioss Trains both '." between Willfniusport and Baltimore, and V. liianisport und Philadelphia. for infornintlnii ro.-pe:ting Passengnr biiiiiiess a dy nt the S. li. Cor. llt'.i and Market ste. s.nd for Freight bunin.-rs of the L'uiupnny's A iiilv. H. li. K'.ng.-toa, jr., Cur. l.'Hh and . Market si , Piii'.n lelpbia : w J. W. ltevni lds' Prie; M. Dri'll, Agei.t'N.'C. R. It. Halilmnro; 11. II. llot sTo, Cen'l 1'roight Ag't, Phila.; 11. V,'. (jw'iM.srii. (i.-ii'l Ticket Ag't, Phila.; Jos. V. Potts, (ien'l .Manager, Willimnyport. Clot. 2i, mi. C 1 'ns'i! c y 5. r: 5 Hlvz f : ; i ? (',..'S 3 C 5 . - -i'JW Jmcririt Jjousr, R. R. M K A X'3 . fROrRIETrin. Oct. l'J J'A Farm for Sale. j fllll" suliseriber ollors for sale, on ressnnabl X terms, "O .Trcs of I. and. mors or less, sit-' uatc in liirurd township, Clearfield county, with about 40 ncr cleared, with buildings, 4c, eroc-j ted thereon, bcipg the same preroiios purchased by Smiih f" King from George D. Smith. For! terms and particulars upp'y to U10 uudetsijned at CUsrfioM, Pa. TIIO-;. J. McCULI.OUGH. f-cpt. It, IS6. t!V NoticS to Colieclors. . C1LLLCT0R9 OF TAXES for l are hcre !.V notifio I that all balances due on their Duplicates must bs paid on or bo furs the 1st day 01 January, isoo, to the Treasurer of thel ouniy.i or execution will forthwith follow and Interest will be charged on the same from Sept, IfOi. lly crder tf the Hoard, ' W. B. URAltLKV, Cl k. , Comm'n Office, Clcarflold Nov. 2:1, IsSL I . : .-' - V -(' n iiii'K MlTIC Notice I. here-1 l Vt by given that Letters Testamentary on ths 1 t d , - A. J). I luiitii nuuL uxiuro The .uro.rciga romedy f ir the Cure of I'KVEll A XI) AGUF, AXDLL UIL1-OUS DISEASES! It v. ' ATTENTION '.i i i f sirrr.KHtiis vkom "l'EVEU APi'l) AGUE, ETC. ! This uiott Kouderful KmeJr fur tho perma nent oure of l'over and Ague, etc., wj diteov ercd smne yrnrs ugo by cue of the mo&t euiluvnt Chemist, of America! ; Out of thousand of oaes it liaa never been i known to fuil in cflecting a rudicul cure. A i (inp lc rtr.ttlo of these drops has cured disease ! which have Stubbornly Resisted the most Skillful 'Medical Talent ! It c.iiikius nothing that will injure tho Consll tutiun ! . ' It puriflcs the niuodr ! It removes Cblrurtiuns from tho Liver!!! j It promotes tho dicchurgo of Bile ! ! ! ! t It effects a rudicul and permanrct C'nro by ro- uoviug tiio cause upon which the ague do- peudi!!!:: THE MM AGUE DROPS, A. il."-nn'tne import', hni been and i- the great 1uriUc tor all iui.i.mi s pccaiks In tiio Army. It has no ciual. lt. popularity in our ouLlo Ar my aim ei.-eu hrm s as universal as its cures have been sure und wonderful. As :i. run yes ta ti 1 7;, l - It has proved a great blessiug and saved laauy a ,.h .... .1.. l;r. ,l I i. .. 'niMUUll ill 111 fcllOBU Ul HlflllUllU lUeitllllCH l 11 J I U they would have been victims to bilious discaaon. The Cllills will not l eturil if ihcSO 1 t, . i j Drops aro tUKCll ! i tup IB MY AGUE DROPS Quickly drivos sway LANGUOR' AND -WEAKNESS! AND HESTORLS Tin: BY STEM 1'isinso iiresueoa ov loatlivnne uitasui. HE WISE IN TIME!!! Jt2S".Yu prrfrn rt-uJiny it a J'cver .' uUlrlct fhofld ti t':ili'A,t ii lktl't. of the ARM AGUE DROP 3 And it strongly reeomiuendod to persons trav elling through places chnr-esl with mir.in. ! We respectfully call allention tn our testiine j rials. Many of our letters atteNt that hiiiulreii ' of lives bavo been saved Iu the army by its use. ' Indeed, so well ate its curative qualities appro.. I cinted in lbs army, that the mor t successful Sur ; geons in the Field and lliwhitul use it almost exclusively in tho diseases for which wo claim its 'infallibility. The best physicians always : ! r. 1 the J . si menu to cflcct a cure, heuce the uui. i vermlily of ihu ARMY AGUE DROPS. TESTIMONIALS; Vo areliappy to refer to Hi Eseollcuoy A. L'lieoln ; Oen. Mr.Clcllaa ; Oen. rreiuout) (leu. lluinside ; (li n. llnnceek; fii'n.TCil,atriek; (Jen. Rice; Cd.Pvc, f.'.tli N V; Col (Ouick, I7thN Y (' 1 Col fowler, Hrh N Y S M j fltnjor D oreinns, ADC; Miijor Reifsnyder, ".'nil l'a: Major Wil. cos, ADC) Major Painsev.'Major fit ill well. Ma jor Itabeoek, Lieut. Wbclau, riurgoons USA; Itt llov Dishop l'ottor, Rev Dr Tyr.jr, Rev l j Taylor, New York t Rev II W liescbor, l;, v 1 1". II Chapin, Rroiklynj llev Mr CU's.ve', H' . I Mr Rungs, New York ; Hut Honor M.1.1. r iVon '. lion .M halt'lieish, lion M F Udell, Iln.ok m; , lion Mayos Uunther, Hon Horace Uiroley, Niv. York; and hundreds of other sqnally will known geutli'man, fur cliioh lee circular. I P RICE: XE DOLLAR TER BOTTLE. WILCOX A CO. Principal Ofliee. 1 SI WatcrSt , Vork. A'. . AW icixifte tt'M M ' irtrj so'iilt.'is b'i (it urtinfir. Js5-t.. Don't let your t'rtiggi-t put tu tJ with any other renioily. If be dors no, i.vo 11 for sale! enebwe ns f I ti per mull, i.n'l we will send you ou bottle of tho Ar luy Aguo D.oj t ur 1 snail, post paid. ; WILCOX ,C 'C'i. ISI Water St., New York. ooO-rnu A. A. I). A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers