M te-dMM , MIM W - . 1 rl . ... el i II ... W I i.l I l tl I il, fi (f ' I 'li' r m Ur, H t WmV fut I M,M!r ir AmiJi. " Nut It I , hi, ui i : p f n i l i' (,iii I1 1 m i 1 III I Hit I I (1 im in ',I I I,.. I ... t (. ' ....,' lit i I t"l - I tl l I mil l ill I II . , ..I ;i hi . . . v I ll -' i i Ii. W I " 1. 'Mi ni.!, t i . fi "l' I ,!! til "" (ni l llUJo.il! ' l-.rill'l'M.II'T -rVflilt i'lv. tl I r - - - ...JK...rf.fll.fil UMltrtllA i V.u. r.il-ii.k.li.ip In Li'ti tL . i rrM,0lu ni..l:-lru,.,,H.f(..,l m,.y io iiJime-l fivl'1 ILi' liun.ur 1 1 liliCbiiiniTl , k Ult J i"' rournlul In the Fifih Iff.i- tiipot. Thi likl i furbUU'l in R Mt.r ot . k. , Vf , . r. i? k- ii ,1. ,,. L)lioiLrr in thU j.l"". "ho l(. (jimrnl kj cwnruninli'd hi Cnul. Lurtimrr ofllii .i., .,i:d ..r,,in.i, l inn, ovii b ' v , Ll Col. lh'"n;- I'iir, woui, li 'l in tl irl of Ire. ,Y Mnjor '.'iitni)'i woi.ih!-(I auly und loft on the tifhl. A'jjuiuni Zfjtmj i-r kul -.l I.'cut. I.i;i ii-. t ; ! .i m i I . C.t. Wells, l..'on j any I'., !.i Ii' I. J.ie.it. Kintcli, (.'iuuiiy I. kil!'''l. CiiJ-t, Collin, 0'jn:;-uny K. fouudtJ i;i trin CVj.l. H'uir, t.'in.iiHy 'J, -iii!iJ.-J in Liviit Sniy. Cvm uny A. v'.vt.ilf fuot ft id hull'.:. I.-1 Z.iout. il!oo nr'.'.v n.ii.ii'.r A xou tided, in Cul l. .SluitHr, i.''.u::'iui II. v. i.U! J til) J .Vf: ou il.e iu!(i 'k,'i'i. MiAiitu'ivy vi)UHiJ.-l im J-.!"', ci li.H ti,-!.i , Ja:ni 'jI-.Vi- r i if I crt fi Iiflii! fW..ut:J--d ; K tli fcUI. , ;;v a ; Mr!:n 11 kil'.fd; Alex. C.r;, i-- i.u.J Kiii' Wt on t:io fn'!- ; ll ,!;.'! I ? ,tt; iu '-;. ri.otU-d wriii biikTi I!. Torricr, n , :nd'J in iiljj.il Inr, i.iLt. I ini ntni" wr;!T iiUo (urr inie I "jVi'r.'f i ;r.':.ri.vg the iJur-klu i luijiv i-'iiMrt; j Cr.j;t. K. A. Irw'.si (! o ! wliite '' acting Co!jnl id' the Kj:uebl (riMiHvJ ; io li ft nn. Cai't. Tit;, 'or, rrou-Hed. ! J. Tfttiiju l;.:r.l, t.f Ci'irj-nj u, iKuu gcrf J w uiiilfd. Wood K..k, iJi'iiit uiiy II, noiii'ii-S. I'urttir Smith, Cutni'Stiy 11, Kii:' i. i"ti. J;wknon,coiiiiiii:uli)g tb' 3d l'ri aJe, f. K., nas killed, f n u m1o !j if Ad- jutunt Sivcrimivn. Since the furogoiug m ir. I'l ', a Ittltr hss hftn rcci'lvrd Ly M. John M,-Gutij;h-y from his brothir I.ivul. l'id Mo. Cimid.i-v. civiiiR a fjl! 1 ft of ihv CHi-ual- ties utnouK the LVJcIh, frcm which we tinufer tho iihiuo tt'lditiciiu! lu tho ul jvc I'M limit! f'uilt j , mi:r.g. P. F. I'il'.r, miioc. I'. V. Huit'f", kilitd. Tlici. !.. TiTter, v-i.uno'i 'tii d'-nd. K. C. Lun iuier, fiimsirg W. CiArsc Mctionijfal, niisirg. ; The siitno letter pUo nlate thut I'r. , - d, -,, trench of 'utwetuviie, wun alifhtly r.L-un'irJ. IFr.mtb. Llm-r (.Wer l'lfrt, Irtlusu.J Tl... M ir... A nhad.iw d irkur than the buuli) elou-i hat fallen i:;ion Ameiica, .ir.d hiph ahuvt- lhe angry ton of lmtT atri.'e rin-a li.e a lei' n exi'crntion of a deed Ir.ral.iih hn tiimi,iiiati-i-,i..(i,,.,Ti--..-, in inv iv, "ii . i i . . t '. r i- : .... l ........ I .. . . ... I .-, . la. t . .-. t . 1. 1 i rt'iii' ui, .n ..i '5 ;iii i, n n turn imm hern d.:.'...'d trt deiitb, and lh,-y hate I'rii.ilied hv a m n:.i m-e, 'vhii'h Hitiida ni a ... nti ,,, ,. ,t.llo M.t'liB ""I ll'l I., r, r ml'il i '! H 'l ' ' '" 1 . . I I . . . I ll . I.. I I A I . . ,i .. Milli t ' In! i n 1 H"l M ,p " hmk In Ulf l.iv..l llttll'H , !i li' "U- lie li u.. ,1' t' 1 111 reeotd of lyraripy and iiijiiftiiic, attd in a 'ineiiihc 1 ment, iitoia (hriiati-nna than my tf.n lul exa'mple of the piiiily f-xcenitea to tional luitniliation und dt-fe.it, i thi wlii.'h. in civil cent est it, 1 he "l...d n-i prmi ciime, the lanrful memory cfwl-ieh rf reckless men may lead. HfN't'jd'rc the can never p ifs away. It bf comes the r!u ivsr, which hats ( ''en iiniv-rirHally deplored, ty of the Calnm-l ol Wftshiiiptun to con hut been urtiiiirked by the J -.snor h'r demn lf t uiul ciitnniai ily pnnidi its i ir, w hich l-tit loo freLeiulv di'.inpi'i.-h pri j. t;r.if :s. If it do not, il ih veil ol iiiternetiiiestr.ft. There hn'i bt-en chiv- autlimiiy b. tin own over a eiime worthy airy displayed in the field, end coinage t!'e wilde-t lot ay of the li'din'i, then in and ci'inatiincv tnanifete'l under defeat. 'deed, will li e Southerner!! .in-tly li:ve 'oi th and Sou 111 have rtvru'ed anpiiit wtnthy the hi'tni's who have . ordered ihe bailie plains of !irici' and Hd-iic i'iiiiho crati 4 (.totiiid : and it wn to be hoped thai no aft di-praf etui of Puma tity would have lift itu Main iip iii a ftrtifpl", in which brave soldiers :.tid pa were cns'itred. 1'nhnptlv tliis lant men i KPCota- (ion can no Iimper In: tniluU'el in; tl.e blond ol ten intioct nl nu n ci ii to Heav en for venpi-uni'e, and ll e rrekinpaod. on which then livi s wne cruelly Baci iP''o'l, w ill yet be poin'ed to ns the meinni ial of a htnijus i-riiiie, t'n.upht wiili bitter mem ories, and sup;i"-l'i of licr.'e reltili.ition. It would have b. en betler fo; tin- Nnl ill that her nimies had been dinj ei rd i:i the field, and the wal's of her cnpi'ul mii ri'ti-l-tred to her foes dm', t.-envjn had thin lied the rat'!;8 of 't.T at:) porters, tnd ireaciiery sutieiidcred ihe lait utronliold if her streiiptli any dimmer would iifive bi'.n ptefeiuble tolhut which now p.i'cmi e upon her rupul.iti'in and defiles her lair fame. We know not what excuse tuny be offered lor this atrocious deed. We k I.- iot w'.iat circuiuatanrea may be addiic-d in its jui-lilie-.it ion : but a- il iio;v btiuids before tho world, even in the most huoi'dile construction ihat the North can put upon it, il challenge the tin 1 iiiiniodiliod comic intuition laiiiijiii li M-ema lora H.ort time ill Ihe hand of thtt l.Vinfedcrate. On il recovery by the I'ed'-luK the Utter mix- ed an old man mimed Allnman. and it was ni . .. . iiniiosod thai he was cither murdered nr carrtrd awny by the retreating "rcbela." mercuerm neneiiu at onee j rociaimeu thht, unlesn llio misninp Unionist wa re n: t- i i l . I : , atored within a stated time, len oulhern8 would pay for his conlinued aim nee will, .1 ii.v.-ii . i.: 1 uiuir lives, uen, eicitcu kcpv n wuiu. in the expiration of the Itipulaled peiiod old ill.,,,,,.., ,i;.l t ,.i r.i.i.nnr nml u tiliifi .... .-, , , nilUin i prist j twenty-four hour ten Confederate oner wpro marked out fir and led "laiignier. I lie tale re.il IIKO a onaptor from the horror of tha French Kevolu- tion, so ad and heartrendinc i it. so bit- I of iugtjr or . .,,, il,. i see again iu ictima, patient- teriy opposed to every call expediuney. a funcv we pale grnovi nf reconciled victims. ,y willing ine ewrtam hinir ot ttcutlon. V, i I,- mi tl," i, I: i ! lh" 'i t 1 1 "I I 'Itl nF' tl ' tl ll" I il ' I i -' I li' I lllteowl' , ll' V I, 'I'll I'lMI'r I I II Hi ll I I! 1 I ll.l.'.l g I inn, llll- I f II s ' I tun , I.' i Iu'i'i i1! fw 4." ' , Ml li i m y mi nil ,rn 1 1 il hihI mill hi ii. I, it a I In think thai till I 1 hhIj ma phould Li v l .-n .tiin 'i'l iii Itn- unit ii e Ml..u.Ani.rt,liklf.a,lli D HI t I . I' ll' ' l.ljrh.M M.il t.'-hlt iM-iini U - f nl L. tlmA i),.i ,,i! w iiil) (t fit out I'H'I ii' ' ' ' 4))n)),.. ,,.,i i ... i.r nc(iii vrin-'lilii nuI I" llnik j,( in t lie lnnd ovrr which !' hnnnrr f I.Wity flimlrd, llmt Ukmi Ix-timl i tl o hR.lof of pl.iiii'i Hint hf.l tln'ir lntro J1( rll,.r,(.(i B , win thy Uiti mrl ml ,.i tiltlLpHi lyrniinv llmt i'fr ruin U f rut th. IMnli'i'iuii uny In- nuii-tii'H a tn'CtuMiry fXi;lirlil III mvitgii Wftl'lmr. till' III 11 Cl llll M wnifl'U I.Vli i u rnii'i"' for, in. I rii.t U.1o hMilil l: rcd ioimly ii. ri.,1. iihi (.l l an , ti-i .. 'i- ii i,i n dia full l" lu aili Si ullwni Mow, lhi hut rouid li'-' 'ivi- jusldiod tin? wli.tfru'. hlit'.ijthtrr ul' ii linn Ci'it nun. Ihi so filled vir:iims id ii willy Mil J oiriii-c I d Urn mldivi s. 'J'iiev iiiil i.;:avi'il lli'' if irors of bnttlo, tmd ( aid liirKi'ij'ii lli; liif-y funinca cf ti e Li i'l ) I t'V hud oanioil l.y thrir valor Mini j'Hilrctiuli, ivl.ii ll biavt tin'" l"'tcr ucny tioM (jftliiK wmk ; Mini tliry rmilidi'iitly bi-liuv to h c'liviilioUH 'of, find, if ft-' hii.i-'d fut- . ihut it will form the innft Ini'twuitliv uiul vnlim turn mi th ir limiH, tho u iu Iihii (i n t; In ' t.l l i-itory wlii.-h cm bo j.r.'.tir.-a nl the .rtat ofhumrnitv thould have j-roterted lhr ;Mruie lor the Auii-rlrui. I.niuiu lui. Yt'ihty ivorali'd t"i;h to dir. In! Mode and Terms of Publication .i l . . IhLaii (Vim I - . -mi ; i . v.... 1 IU Oimy W!.TI11I1J! Ull-y ,n..l tliiir ( I.iv-a i-m cell, s'TiU'il on tli'.'tr cnlim, tliiiiiirh tin.' siltl.l fctroel. nml .w.,.,,1 - i, thi. ,,!.,. ofoxeoution. I.ikt- hoti:.. If IH ll Win ; llll'l HI Clllll '. ivhirh ililiniitMi'"l th'T el d ill 'i-, s'.inti th' ir iii.nif a in tho hfurti ol their r, .iut.tr' uii'ii loirvor. 1 ncy n-.'-'-ci wr ; i I,'..; ,!.. I in l,ut i-tit tlo oviT- ! I,.,..'.-,a ii.ir i ri-pni'rt o! (lontll '. "'ill l:i in ,. . ,,.,. i-.. ili.iv kii.'U ti; icti'ivo Hip lull' I vi.'iii-y ; utid, ui tin; Cii'- iiiiciiinR. tU'1 iir' it lour aiiiunt thi-tn Ml, piori'- il Ly hu l.-'.H B.UK'iJ, ly tl"'ir ifii'iit, t tlioir aila'it hratti. Th cthor h.y ivrititinj: .:i ' e" ny lior.i lli" wouinb tiu-y h''.d r roivi-.l, mid thm irn-u.' 1 u fcci.r, iiho'H hoiroii on cuiuioi licsoiibi". 1 lv ivkci m wlirio then h: ouh f"i" t,i li'-iMtcii wiili tl.ar ivvolvu iK, tn.ii-.'itrd (fUlVivor. lh'1!", tlitl M s:;il the mind ickin tit the t,!lMl' I''t- lire oi' t!ieo n:iV"riii? vicliri! ti ti-liin iu ilwir ti.rtari-L I v I lie cool. !-! il rule hlow ,t iheir inutd't-.i'tH. Ii will i.,fi nVra-ii ,iiviiic, iwa tint iirtiotjiin ) 'j nuiti ; lii'.Viruii i'rr I" r, ii died, to tc wove from ti e hs.iuW l!.e tiuo-.i nl'liiii . . . , 1 . ,1'... 1. 1 . 1 I., pai.l) lil1 lil.'i.' ly iiecii ; uunruii nu nr. i- m- hc iev. ti in the midst i f tir. n t l.. utul r imie oTorwclmiiiR nviiUn' f of th diturmina-tni-el tlie tft-rovitir y&i" ( rt'.i'n. On tlif . J ,;, n 01- t;ie .(,,ie t ri - tin) liuo "i.n.i-nt i.t' e' hand Ijt.'ier ' th fritil t'r.'VCOH'.iotl li.mi tin ili.t-j-orat,- nnd reekU'ci I'lirpiinis of AImI- wjiicti BUtn nn ni-i rii".aim, vui . ilai i.o-. of th fter'-n ren'!iltt:rijt, rmuuit tail to eng-nuer, " " rine "til ri-lif Wl d v'j-r to the crMCMl!l which she ii engnpfd. cr.tl piv.ee will rMiif f'trlhef from the bwhfiwanti than evrv.- , I . . 1-1.. ul...l a tliri'.l Ci . W enn rciumy ruuwn' v " " i ...'. .. . t .. ;'. rovann mil u i r I rr. " ii ui 1 1 j '.i ""i ' - ' "ti , . . , r 1 . , . ,,,., ,. tl,. iii(Hi;; intei-'-kt loan thu mo vi iiieutu of o -po-liifi nr- ring nt the ut fuiK''.tn,,u of the ii.tel... f f ; u ( y, M u iC.'liCO ilirou-hou! tho rertt'itm ol B)(1,e .gnu wlmi It wim tutor Aholilion fnati-'.S-.'U'.h. Old mli whog.urd upon the Ung , ,.rvort0l it siiiudy to i rn-h tho rebellion i ll.Rt w i or.co l':.e ey lubftl I exftlleil lre- 'dom t UtO world, w ill Ci-ne the di ed 'with bitter execration. Wc-innn w ill I . . . ,i..r I in, 1,0 V.lllt 'J nntl ftrUeilt . '. ' . ' ' , r .. :. .. :n wiiil.urn lo ftVtl.tfe. ll j ami uum at, -enow nonori oi iticren-nij: uninui'.' , i.. I.......... . , I f , r: l, r 1 1 m I'limiii ii. w hii'l i in hit ".il D.ui iui im.i ...v ... i. ,.', i, rm-r ' leu ITtffllll U'?li.:ui .',ti,vr O' e j I ' i hi. h'.deoUKei'i'lo olthe Rret civilj 1 . ,.,)t teJwi f mn-K-r the tin-; .. V ' Li. .....f,;f i, , oil .,. rirt'UiUl rtniliio o fonr.t.M.i v.:. . io-". ; right nil n. It wa f.sd or.otii."! tu ite i'C Oiet.t Uepubiic which cotitftri-a so mny '.-I'-nsii f', on inabkind, which wns the pride id' veiy pert n-us nt til, w ehkeneC. I.V lll.kull I lllll U ll 111 H 1 U I- I'l Itl t I -t- l , i - .v.. , v. i' 1 1 tt u a ,-i t. ml ! n fe si lit- ill lor i """ " ', ' ! '" . . Mar t- in fmm the fl.-g Iiom- Elor. vere unrivaled ; Lut saltier than mitiorni nw- cri'.ise to nay liiat tln v' urn b:ittiiii i'k'iilli:-l is lyi-siit the nio"t odi'ius lh-it ever cui.'ei! the eailh, ui;d fiht:np l-.r priie in w hich e.ioio tl.un lil i'i ly is involved, in my aw, :;-i tliis f""l dfed oinnot he hip done, n. ihe prnve bus closed over the nni- ttl-itrd Hiniiin of tho mindriid men. therr will ile'ci'iid in connei linn v ith it t o 1 emote pomci ily a lei'icy ol li!tl w liu-.i, I ke a hiiri i'-f of tire, will kec npnrt t'lC st-clioi.s win ,0 feelinpri are eoncei ncii in il. V-' S-jY virtue ! an order of the Orphan' Conrt of J riertlld county the uudemnud will ex 1 ;" to public ai the ccurl-houat in Clear 't'l, on li'oiidiy the 12th day of Jannary, 1863, (IV:ii li e Mo.-daj "f Ihe Conrtj Ali that certain J iece of hit: I litimtc in P'ke town lilp, Clemfn-lil ri'iinty, ctr niiinir '."Hi Acres, biing Ihe W,t J'n J of n hiiS'-r ti i t of land belonging to Antho ny liral.-tT, bile of l'ikn tonii.iLip, deeearej. Vhe ft il 200 aeren adjoin hud ol' Widernire on tho fit, and oditr n inaioli g Intd cf theaid Anthcr.v Krntier. dee'd, on tho fast, nnd being Ins vily limb, red with white pine timber. . ti.ii.ti.-i li-in,,. ..u o-i-u nn ""I an.' th. l.idu. in one year IUInler.t. , t. hllAliStlt. Aamr- earfie d. Dec. 17. jSo t I T. lu rt . h Ant' ff t-r.. n limt ..r a.la L'I)ITOlt'S XOI'ICr.. Xotice ii hereby' nit... rti.it iIia tmilertie-iieil Auditor r.n- I A-e -- - ----.---. poiDK I by tho Orphan Court or CloirOeld I couuty to report distribution of the money in the j kandu of D. J. Cathcart, Administrator of Jana wl ilccod, will attond lo bit dutim n Au- , d""r' ft" I'?"'-u. in eiMe1 lit tai.l e T. , '. ' ,2 .,T. " mi on nil m murai). n. u ii'iim i wvi.., p. M, J. II. FULFOHU, Auditor, , Dec. lo, lS62.-3t. ' A Auditor appointed b, th. Ornhn'. Court of i III! 'I't kit'!. I:ii., It .l. . t .... t -::. ii' " vi mm vu LleartleKt Uountv. to d air bin. iIia kl.nittin ih. hand n.'th. Administrator of Uichwd Carry d- t.-trnfru, tl in ai.rwu lu IUI BUUH 01 Q appoint menl, and bear nil purliei interested, at hi oifice Io Clearfield Borough on Friday th. 2nd dwy of January, A, ll. lpe i, at 2 o'elni k, l. M. ceased, will attend to tba dntitta nf l,ia .Miniiii. - ,, ,, . , -,-r-.-. J. B. McEX ALLY, Auditor. iiM.io.lao2.-St. rr.;;rrrr.".. rrm A J0LR CABINET MAKER WANTED. ll' ndrlgnd wllglficnpunt employ mt), u , K00Cj workmta at liberal wig.. Ad- ar.., CuarBeM, Ta. JOBK CI.ICU. Iw, unit II Mil l.l: " I !' I' !: M I ' i I ' i ; V Till: tJULVl ' III III I.I.ION nn: t Mii.t .sr.Mi i A I H'lH Ittni'M Vn.iii"" l ci 1 I f i t"'l lli ! 1 1 mi r ' f I ' lilsiely n li t I n Hi III lll lll III III 11 1 I ' 1 1 d tllfi 1 llf Hulk III I Pi ! f'.t ll.llllj IB'Mlhi In n in t,f pn-j f'i'in, I y writer lery y H "i'';ili I f ,f lh iK-k. Ilin l.vimrcTMD minim a tlirr ami nr. rli,rt woniit nf the formation iff the Conf ob f rr t f the Slate I tint formation and ml" lion of tin- iVtiptiltilton i f llm Unllnd Stain., ri J (ho pp. ' ...i.n.i.a,, ,,i th. Nnlii tii.1 llm fmin-ni ; lln- or iKin, di-rlimriit ol .iunrrii ( tin iliiiri'"' .I N ulliflrntton mid iid n-lun, mill th nrnu l,fiin lilili tlior tfnuiiird until tllnlr tinul Cut Uliimllnil In lll(i (hr'il Hihrlli ll. Til lll'TI'KT 'HII'ti-'' II lllll IHTI IIIll, llllll ' mm 1 1 f n, il iiiilliriiiii' ' in, ik, nf nil ll,6 1 i'i,u 1,1 I l,o hi j lli'i iiilrif'urmf llio i'-uuiIimii Inndi r,i Hi li. uui mid nil iiiiI I d.o kiihIiiiiI ili'liciii'ii tf "i n .. .ii. ; 1 1 . o Knul l.'irini,' iT tin' 1'''o.'l f,,r tU ; nminii i .iiii i) i.f Niituual l.if nn l I. x ix ih'i' ; tin rajM i ii j i'iii nf nn imiiirim, Ai uy nnl N j Mill III" i'llltli I )' lnil't llll'l ! llm III. I .liiAHifn t ! I j -t i - ) l'.,rtri i.f i.ll llitiK nliu I'.ito I'lirim n.uiilH'jil in 111" Mnvulo ; .Mn iiul llm iIiIUti iiI Imiilitivi. ; I'i.u ' of llm Icniliup ! i mi - ; Vio if omj i,'i'i, l li,tiTi.t, nii'l ul' t lie limit iiii' irliuit It.ilii,". 'I Inn' lllni'lrnliiiii!' nrt; uiully limn Uniii(;i' t"l;i ll tl;f r v t by y 1 1 1 ' I n drpuli'il nr llm I .ur,m,. lu if C(i',i i"iv ivrv iliviKinn of uur Army mi l bury. i. .. y lui ili:y hi li e ociiiiiihiki "1 n o iiii,ii-iii rH lf ,. , nipii.v, d in tl, riiMuiiatiini nn.l uxm'u il'9 Kill k Hill Uy I'-.l'-U III .U III "i 1 r.u II '-''ll - (i - ti,isr i.f Twnniy-luui Vw tiiu .. oi -'.ir ilV.'?.' i-r-nu'd lrm i-l.-nr t'. iipon fuif . I'M'T, ""'I l'i-."'"'".v v"iiii'U".u.i ia I ol nb..wt lliroo or lour w.'i'ky. l'r;ra nf wli NuimImt, i.i 'ii i' 'iit..ii, ,ntir criiivii)cnl t i mdinury v.il'iiiiu, ill b niinij iiu' un". Tim lllustriitioi. i ncli N umbi-r ii'c ulmic ' c-'irth tlir prict' aki-d. Mi'U out nf ein'l'iyiiio ., i Ofl M'ill'.'v sii'c vi: htsA:l.r:u souum:.'!, j enn tii'l no oliiir viiii'U no ur uf ri'A'ly nili: nn J , gnod rofiln. K'jr further - r ' iii'i: r- "pl'ly to tlu Pi.'ni-linr 1! WlJT.Il .1' iiK'lTIIKK-'. Kreck tin S'l'iur,', Nuw .ik. : ! c. 17, tSB3. : t ! THE CONSTITUIIONAL UNION- : NKW l'Hi)Sl"i:ori'S. I .The Larc.t aid Cheapest U'rekly In the Htiite. IXDUCKMLNt'd TO CI.CUS. lA New anrj Powerfully Written Fclit - . . . ...J ical ttory. 'now is the t:mk to suii-sokiui:. - , , - - ,. . , , Woll.ll ILK'"""" "ii.o..u .'""" "M 1 1 ciiRriiiiueii iuJii-iite n iiniin'.li.itrt future full of ; .vni- , f the ..,..tt ii,o-,..Ltouv ,i,ti-r,-tt. Central J',r,,ri.lni f,.,i l;,,bhery, will not nuhuiit ,,, j,.(i,r, ..( without a trii(Kl'.'- Tim i-mi- ur, t'ai-n-for. m but just l.nu ; nnd Tor the .... i. I.. i.,iin. ll,. ...,li..,i ,if r n.i.ri. .!. I '? li i ll " 'K. . -'- '',.. , i wtiil Lecinluttire!. wllbi re-iir led with fi'iircely ,1 ! anj ri-ctoro the IVilural nuii-riiy. Then' willj mno at the sxm time bo i:i proKroi the Grunt j I Haiti of ih reople with the iniuioiu of Diput. j ' ! J : . I : . 1. !. n 1'p. i in, l..n ..nr . t, . , .1. . '"' " ""' "? """n- - ' led. no loniri-r threa'i'iio I with Abolition mob- i .... f..ni i,..,;ie.. .!1 mka a rendv anJeon .:.,.,..., ' i . . .... .- . i - i ... :.. . r st.,n. l S lillUlll IUC lllll lU.u.ifl ti, ' ' i iv. t.i.w.v. - i..: ...i..,-, n... -,,.. ,i . i.vnr inui iui ii iwjuii ,.,.ir.vv. ...vr.." luanifcnt ubuse of power by fi" A'liiiuii-.triitiuii, hn. given the pe.- ',. tl. priviieg" of li.l.l ui. I ' ' '.-jon - i ny.U' dim wt.l .., t ;.ub, '"''y fhU-d. Tl...'rU rr...i.Bei .ireuuiManee, , n), . ., ... Ilf cvv ,tie -t in the j f;vi,rril)!(.nl t iho tiil utnil of publ'm npiniun. ;-,( tiic pr(1.a ;n n,Hm become tim meiiiu.n of ' ti,. f(,.0 i,,,u-hii! ol i!,o people, mid tho feariesi ' dve;,te of Cunntituiioual tiovei iinieii: und Con- .,...... - ".....'. The rropriet'UK (if the CnMTiTrrio'Ai. I'm''1. in luine thi ir new rros-t'ei'tut 'Vl.rofnlar'r?! nnolul,,t.na. n nee lielore iiioin anil it U their pur-, ;poto lo spare nn effort to make their piper o! :in c--iial aceeptaliility ni a me Hum ol intemene", nnd a reci rd of event thnt mint a'l-orh public thouplil. It will eoiitiiin lull fiiiiiinuties of the prrnrKiling" of Conprena mid the Suite Legisla ture, full iieoi'tiiit!! of tho movements of the uriny, foreign nnd domeil'i- news, literary intrlligenie, con-.i'i'.reiiil nu 1 pgririiltural new., ile., Ac. In i or ; i .i:i:iii-i' i f Ibu ei.oriiioiit ndvain-e in the price ol papi r, miii untirg iu lime moiithf to nearly liliy per c nl. ihe l'i uprietorj have found it nei-t'rsriiy to mlvnii'-e Iho prieo ol the paper to ('lulu t" f.jfl per n nn ii in : but ev-n nl this price, wo nlicrd tnoru renilini fe' lb" name money ll.nn miy other pi'pi-r printed in iho Ktate. 'Ihea.i-vuiit-i' i.il) o nit ) i-tttet lit oiieo. Aioonp other alliuclioni in eontciiiplati'iri, we f!i; 11 i-oiuiiii'iii-o, in the tiret nuTber in Januuiy, a row and powerfully written Political tory. f. nn ded on th-! evtnts iiuuicdiutely preceding tho I'elii'lliin. We solicit the aid o( our ficmoi ratio fiiendf iu tie inttrkr ia laieinrr and forwaru'Lg Cluls. TKI'.MS: Fii g'.o cnpit.t, one ycur, t! 09 1 wo copies, ('o too ad lrjt,) 3 .SO T. ii copiu, 17 50 Twenty for-i.-it. 30 CO ?.1All ni"'i'ifi"ni li be pnil ininriu'jly in j aiAunee, A'l'l"e-9 TUUs. It. FI.0RF.XTK ro.. Piihlnbera of I'osfiiti tiunai. I'siojt, Xo. 1.10 t-'outh Tillltn Street, l hiladolphia. Vet. 'fi-JU TO llOUFKEEri'U.-.- Thcfubscriher who waa ediieiiled iu the IVimay'vunia Initituto for the instrurtinn ot'lbn lilind i now mtinufncttir- Ing CO UN UltOU.MS, at Ceutie Curncr, tear I ii. 'o... ..,,.,:,, .,liM'.,l . i..i- 1 til IIP, IU ItlHIfUCP .OYTUMiTll, I 1 ( v.- ng thofe indi-pcnvible nrliclea to hoiiFeke inir, ,huW rtr(,i,' . H,jrl),y j,.5 .,. jwrUKOOVfi will be m plied either Whole, in,i iMil; c, he .. cnminodaiiiig term. tMEHY LEHlililT. Oct. I, isf.2 -Cu EXIXTTOK S NOT I Cr,. Notice ia here by given that Letters Teftnmontary, on the erlata ol Jacob F. Ili'MK late of ibe townnhip of i'ecatur C.ii'''tiea,hu e been granted to the undersigned. All pei o ng iudalitrd to raid eatate required to muko iuiined.me , Kyu.-nt, and ,. ,,..,..,.-;nL, I ,..,., n I those having claim against the nauie will predict them duly authenticated for p.. lib r.ient. JOUN S. BUXK, Fi'r. Nov. 19, J862.-pd. A LI)I KUtS XUI JI.I- Tiie onderKlgncl 1 i n Auditor ppointd by the Court of Com- "'" t' vt 1. 1. m i vv wmm ij ...n . v if tho money in th Unuda of Heorge Alexander, Eq., High Sheriff, miaing frmu th. sale of the y real estate of J. J. 1. ingle, "ill attond to th. da- j, 1 nion Flo tf (cntro county, to mako ditrihmiun . it , tie ol hi apptintin-nt on Tuesday tb. SOth day of I'occmbtr, hut., at 10 o'clock A. M., of paid day, at bi ofEc in ltellolouto. When and htr. all persons interested are rquoted lo atteed.and iho.. having claims to preteut tbem or b debtr- red from conic t rro. Mid fund. ADAM HOT i BffwB, ft fa, 1MJ. AftftT. I I '. v.'' ' I7v Chin p 6 tj v ni Hsrr I i )i rlltl J In In' irin liN ', I fiini.'ti' mid omr u -r tin t. i,t iM.;iri"l 1, 1 lmi mh,I IIiiT''H"i-'I I'l" lai'lllt l,'i t',r iii.inillliM'irin '. h" n l,i pri'i'ii r-'il In in:,ki.i. niili'f luriiiliiri' i,u,ny be diciri'l. in n in it -1 v I . uiul nt iMif.ii' r,i"." ?i.i ' t'ali II" iii'i-tly tin .ii li.unl nt liit "i'wr.i ( Inn' It'," ii," v.iri'"l i rtnii'iit ot Itpii'ly-iiiu I" . K'Jiliiinri', iiuiiili uliii'l, 'irj j Wdfifil" -i" nnl l,ii.ilil'ni'.' (.'i lilri', S.,ln, l'wrlr.r, ' I It; cnV'ff.-l in'.'l Ditii' l" li iifion 'I ni !. I P( ...tf0Ir T ,,irT w..uiv... . w.. v,...bv.. - LlMU aud OtUfr AJeUsl eailJ. ;;or AS t ail KI.NPS, i ; u - 1 . M ll.M liA' KS, WASI -si'AXI.i.s, ,.c. l.oi'Uiti find Ann (.'hairs, S rix'.g r1' in. Cnni' linU'iiii mid l'.irl'.r Cb.irj n i'i Ciiiniiiiiii ii'l ni.liar l-'lmi'-'. a O A'.V '- '-' I. A .S'.VA'.S Of cvr-y il-i-riiti -ii - ;i hm.,1 ; und ti cn n I ; lor olii man,", whi'-h "ill lm I'Ut in nu v. rv ri'.'iFoiuii'li ti-rnif on kIi -r f n-'lire. lin uls tknop, mi tinii,'. or turnisli'.-f to i-r-,i';r, lliiir. (.'urn-Husk, Iluirai.d I nil ,u l..i .Miiitn'i'.-'m. CUFFINS, ofnory kind, !-l-.' to n-iliT, mid fiiin'ruln utti vt with lli-iirii', wlieni'v-r dinii'l. A!.-,i, IIiiiim- l'.ilntln di'im tiiii-jtr. Tli nibioribrr uljo iiinnul'iict'li '", mid has omtmitiy n bund, Cl'-meut's Patent Washing Ma -liine. Tlio licit n-'w in ii !. Tlioiiii us'ui- li.ii" uiao'uiiif Lcivr ni eil bo u 1 1 h mi t cluan clutlir 1 Uu nlio l.un Myer's Tatcnt Clmrn, A nuriri'ir mt r!n. A family UEill"- lull) C'hlilll nnver nend b without Iml cr ! All thi abovo und n.my other niiiclcs aru fu.--ni'li"'! In eiliiiin'ri clu'dp I-t I'iC-ii it i- "h!iii:i"l for ii'noii'i i'i-mitry r-jdu-e. '. h,.-ir' . M;ilo, l'o.'lr, 1 in wood mid other l.-.,;i'! r . -j i u- V- r for Cal'iimt wori., tnkcn in exrhhr." t i to di'.i-rn . 5'f Ki-Bieiohrr the i-li i " 'ail-- i:ret. r er eU. I'a.. mid bmiIv oniM.vte tin -ii.i Jr s; ,. : t: 1,1011. X-jv. 2P, lSf-2. y JAMES TEST ii:ali:ii i.x rilll.irSHUUU, CKXTIIi; COUNTY, j KKKI'S nl in bi- li urn j on hand, Hjjjo n.'sortuoiii lie, iii.-h as Fiour Jo mi Men! MolmsrR Vinepar t 'oal (;l A 1 cch nl i;,. Cli,,,, I'-uckw hoht Flour lieunn Tnrpentini Inr hi-h 0.1 ("nfjeo Te, t Crnrkert TMl'-w Searj Silt I)rie 1 Apples , - l I otatof j A ;i lei ; I'.tilter : i 'hecso I Itni'on I T.iUmt i I.urd i Miu krrftl I WhH Fis'u t'.ij Fiii Shnd Pried 1'eurhi" ts, Wheat. live, Com and Oata in Ihe grain, I.iiiior!i of ul' kind" ConlWtioncry, nun 4 1 rmu, !',. lfr.,.,m. U.,l...I.,.ll.,.r mill 1 mil PMit 11' riety of lni.-icelt.ineout ui i i.-!c.J. ll'is ."ituaii'in and lueilities for purokating. soue .,fll,e n.fi,.t.. l.eriiin luiliil'd. lire ueh M.t pivo lion peei, !ir a.li'iiiit.iges over many pem nif ui ., oilling nt u small rofit He would therefor?; re.ictfully solicit a call fr"in per.-ons withing iiv.y thing iu his line, iiaii.shed that il will puve ! trutually ndvantafreoiK. Xov. 1', 'CJJra. Shot nt ! but Mi.-yed! ! !A GREAT MISTAKE!! rpiIAT ai! the merclmrtu of Curweimvihe were X wotiinletl. 'Til true, I wa "l nthut. tiii.tr ;" ar.d ince then have been at Hie city and have pi-oournd a very I, Klih ANSI MI J .Ml'.X I of flori'- of ail drarripli'ti'?. which I n du p - Fing of at 1 ii'r rale t'n.-u inv other In o.-ie in iba oouiity. ! Raul l Read I Read! ' F.i: riilicd from 1j 1" 19 cent per raid ; llcrt Mit-liiiF from Mi to .'l cenli per yard - Li -t I.'o!aiiii-n"roni 20 to centa per yard" I CU.vnilXO AT HI'prCRD I'IMCEn ' I ... S .aiir from l.'j t" la cenn. ; Pe.-'. Si rap at K7 cent.". 1 A'ida'l other groceriea at the fame ratea. ' RinitS, SilOCS iliul SlltM Findiiins Ol llll KllltlS. GULP Gil LAI'. - 7 I, A MVS who wish to inuke a Riod invet ment fli'-iilil call and nmnino the acaortmenf of DRKSS GOllPS, Slerinoes, Snxon l'laid, Plaid IJri Hi rtnt-f , Ac, o. Aln-Cloaka, Shawls, Honils-, Xubian, Sonlagj, illoveF, Ao., Ac, Ac. Ac. J. I). TFOMTSOX. Curwrnitiilc, Dec. 3, lsi'i.'. y Furs Furs Furs. AN'TED-all Huds of Fl'K.S, ucb Mink Cross Vox i Itler Muskrat Fisher Coon Red l'ox (i:ay Fox IMack Bear Skin. A lo, hZYAl SKINS. or which ihn highlit prire will bo paid either Intral or CASU. IilCIl Ii MOSHOF. . Ol.arOeld. Irr. .', 1702 1 IIOM J. M C'L'LI.OL'fiH, Attorney at Law. Office a.!j,.lriog th. Bank, formerly oci J. D. MeKnally, Esq., Market Hroet, ( V- Wt'J renl premptiy Olln-t occupied by Clearfield, loni, SnU IVe. 1,'i't'-?. in .i i .1.1' ' I hi: n M I h Hi,' ! I till , t lln Iml A,lii it" I 1 1 I, A'linl, I. 'inn,i I , m :n , i -I I ill 'i i- ii( 1 1 I i.r, . 1 1 n Y rl I, ), , hi In. iW ii,. t-nl .i. , ihi- riiwi Am pm i f 'i;,i, r,, r irt r. - : tit i,f ll ti -l III pi, I I, Hi. it, r' i I .,,!. u ' '.', Inlnif I l inn l'xii.1,1), llmrl'tl mniv, it nf' I. hi, l ii,,il i r, ri I i.f 1 I . Mi ("Ii !., ', n.ii, din I, r nf n't i.i,d miiiIm tl-v i,ii' m.'i , I i ' lfW lifrlit il I ili'iiili. ll ii'h '. ii' (1 ,Nilmu V I I. nk. i , In'.. ( 1 l." t. iiiI,"', .'."I'l Oo'llilv, ,li , i .i. !. V ii I .1. ,1 i ( nut '.I .A-liiiinii'' h',.1 r ,1 ,li,n . P. i ,.,(!,; Jx-'t I" i,,;. ii, Mm r i n- i T r 'i pi, t '.'i i v i . r .!.l-i p'. ! . r.' .':.-, 'I. K.,l,"v.l. f I;.,'.. i thu k, .,..'. 1 1 t . 1 In- V i..l ,. '.i. .,'ti i i i.i '.' ir.ii.iiti n'cr i.f ii! i'l;nlt"lr . I ' . l.KIH M ci 'i li. X I i i i.'ni r c ! 1 1' unit . . I "I' l i'.lll Ar.' J:n','b IViiiii.j I ll'-lin:,i!i,t ' I' i... i-:i'. ri. fi' : i . . inr t'.i I in. i f .1 i f li. . 'J lu- Kll H, h HI' ,i .linn, u . 1 - liuiir'l rt' i.t llm iln-n i.l Al.i, 11. u l.'IHil tlol'l C'.JIll ,' Ill' I't lull l u 'm m t : 1 1 . JAM , Nov wi.i'ii.icv, 1 .', r-r,;. 1! -.i-li r't dffi An.. ' i ' ,i)..i f , 'Hiii ' K c 1 .i.i. ig ii ai.;a tl.r r. r.-t 1 . -.II r. 1 i n,' I il .I..I.L, I; A. I In .( ti, ,d. uO!: nw 1 ; i.i, i lMtni'.,il r.-u:i.r tl. u r . I ,.,. t...-; 'i of I'll . 'Hi, Ot ' ri;-h' .i'i;' I.:' l-.ia.. CI. .,', ( t ':i: '.i .1 i . , iii.v--.llil oi i i;b nn, I fti'j'ii'Mr ti nn, I i?r, -ilits v hi "v. A-b; i.i. :rt r 'i V I, - . i , ." :. 1 oi I . .. I g.i,iiiteo! tl.i to!'. ii-li.i' l. owi,,;l"i:, l .vi-.r lii'ii fomily, lf i- it i.- i. . !!,i) limil lo-ii-iint i f ils-jr- i.i:":, A.l Ii:iiii-ti iitor ol :,.! Mi l : r. crul u r '!. :.i "l nml ohnt Oi'', riliti :iinl '.ri-iiiiii wiu-'li w.-ri, of lit--'. Wt cor, li.' i.l lliii.ly town-!.':i', Clcurtii'ld r .i;i;.'-, ii, r ;i ' '. . l iie l.nul ii',-",ui.' .j 'itoic Krit.i.' ininiiiti'.ttor ii ;!i t.ii-i riiitiinr the , Jr., K--U' Ad- Mi'l . ..r rh.-ltl'-i, lil.'s i,:id cri-uil whijii II: , r inl Im V,iiver. Ii.Ih lit' I'.lu.iv I.V.I., . . - I u. p. ( i-i..rr.i.i . .: ....i ! . Thu arc-iiv.t ot li li. .-''Mr.; mi l M. h. ('. ; l.Thtii-, i'.'.T'-'-iit rr . t ui" bit wii. ui:-l t-.iiiiiH'iU , f U..,.r,-.. -in. ui. t I- .,1 l'.kn t.,i -.,l,in. Clear. ' f.iM oiiiii , , 'irr !. ti. . 'I in' I in ii i- -i.-tm'. '( ' I uil uii I,1!- : L-hit in. 1 i r"i- 1'. Kini;. hue Ii, !d lotiiiu, iliv . t of A i r.m C. Xn'.i', A J.; i-il:wui:il' 111 'iii'. u !. i i. ,i! 1.1IYM11'' .l.ll'l. ,1)1' ,) 1111.1 ' "ui... r i:' .h. . 'ih f,li;,l i,,'i.'uillit. r f J-e :'. M"K '-, t,,r "I ill nml Modular '.'. : iia " i ' -H ' mil '-re'lit-i u hi-. i -ice " Mi-Kir, hit" of l uriitii!,! towr:;.i A!. v:.i, I ir i tear! '-i'l .ty, '1 I.-AIAii Ci. i:.M''ii;i: oiirjiAX'.s c ui:t Of ViilnaUe Tnnl;cr Lamls n ( l.KAIil ii.'I.I) rOliNTV Xt Mint i, ,., ) l.mii-iirh'r r i il. r o! lie Oi; h:",'j l.'.nrt t f lid I b.-1'rf.i-id ' i :,ii.-, I'a. .tin-re J v.;:l be expi fC'l t i jtil-'ie prc i,t tl.e C'Ot If, HiiV.-i; in n.i:Ai;ni:i.i), ra Tuesday Ihs 13th of Jainary. 1SG3, all oit'-ef.-Ui wii i; iJtMt-ril id Iti- I I In J.,Hn wi.nleis Ci. i.rL.-li 1,1. . '.t.iii !'n., In thf prnlH-rtv i f I.ini.' I' i : ? v , ilio-i-.i.. I I .'. ri'itniu trn. i or n-i e ot l::o i, i, , lirove," Furveyed ol. wrnriaiit to .Inl, o I' lininpin' i: t ii I'ui I'l-roii- rf t tit- 'i i iiurvey iiii-i il.is tr.-i. i, il.i'nce .ooih 4.'i,'u .1 "Hi'-l. iiw-oi-dy , . Hover 1 re.-, cut : pi-nOii-F lo pi.Fi, tlif-iii-i.i jontl. .'n' iie,T -l i : ll.i and lii i- tenth perehi.' to t not lii:e. tin n - 0 l v piirpnit I), tooth -IU di-crec w'.-t eicli" t. '. ' p.. st on ira .'t lir.e, thi io.-e Li t-,i,-t ln:e ,.T:h i i decreeit ru-t U.', 111. I l".v, ti-' ili pen he. t" pot und j beginuiiiu'. rot.tniniii;' tit) a. m. in- 1 I" peicin--. ! I The Hii'l trin t lnn - pin t of puro.-D' I! , nt d-1 ' ; eribed m:d iillotii-il in tin- pi.i :ni :i i,l I ii e l'n 1 j I, iiiitl", I.s 111:. ile in ti.i- I niirt of I.- ii.i, ,,!i I'i.;iif o! Cleiirfii i.i et.iii-i-,. I j liiif !'l i'l laAl I k.-it". ii.V-et. ' wi:'i ' - :rotiii'i tin ii t-ii' 1 1 ii, ii 1 ,)L:ii -.iiup It. t.v of Kpiil-Fi. nn l t!ie iv'i-i',- 1 -'11 r wiliiiii ir. lion of I i-arlit Id ' n." ! . i.- .1 ,' inn !.' r. pert;. ' for l.oslu? O-iii'l'iiUoim. 'i,': 'J 1. iii , i i,,. liispiit'il'ln. ! 'ildt.MS.-Oiin f.ft'i ai iri-,':,:' .! ,wn the ' Pnl-'" : nni' li'lll nt i-o.-ili.-:.,iil:---i i i e iu three eoii i' ki.-oiui: I.e in;'!-; 1 R,ul '" ' :'"lh I avnicnP ;i lioll' llle H1H'' f nllle. Wii.il lli-.i n -t, l.'l l.u ! I by liond and i:i,,rt(riti;e up. the preniire. u ckiu.-i- re-tiie'ii-g the l -i.in. off timber e: HI pri'poltlou t ii i .--.ii.-' Hindu. liv o; .ler i.f ihe (". -..(. t IIAKLI.S J. ri'.-l'.V. Ai'.m'r ol Nov. V), l.loj t. is. :tc I'm , if: F i: li MTU R i: HOC) M s P.'trii'i'lftnl.' HIilli llll'-O M I-,., llliiii..' t':.,' t have completed und lire in.w i .-ropi ii.g ihe'.r n fitt-iiiliiru w!i,-e-r,,uii,w. fr.i.lln.- ,1,1 toe M r ii e I but and luarlv i.pinisite tho I' eirt ll..tie. i Cabinet mnkiiiir w ill be canii I i n the up - r i per fliii-v of the Kiune hnildii in all i' - JJlI'FliUliXT III7 M'll Ail kin un of f amiinre wid 1 ),,,,, cn4 P ,;,l eheni, i .t :,..h lT 0.i.n,:rv m lm. us Lumber t- r I ..,..1 .nil.- ' it i warn;, suit the bus', r.' ' i CHAIRS. r.MU.oi:, r.ot'KiNi; AND ai:.m (MAI us. SPlMNf Si:.'I .n. t 'A1N lit.lTTnMS, A.C. yr,. " AV f.Vt-p-4 j3 a pa iiLoit .so.i, c.'.n rut:, i aj;d. Dixix;. ;:a" ti: v.vv ox i- i: n k fa -s t 7 A l: L t:S. s o Fa s i iF A I I, T'JX'HS. VA HIl: I IKS A N 1 PAT! liiiNS. urrtn.M's. sihk-imuh.. noi'Ki:i s WAHiinniiKs, e. lU'DSTEADS .:.v.vr j,ixd, ni'i 11 I'll ST I'UTTAOH n;i:xvir vowa; , Hair, llnir top, Cotton ( p, and i'crn Jlu.-k, of the bent material. I.OijKINii.t.l.ASSFif of all sorts and Abo, (ila.-ses for old Frames. KOP, Alpo, Ten-pnya, Whiil-tiotH, Wnsli-Hardt, Vi o. -tand, ilut-roekp, tf-e, COFFINS. Main ti or.lor on short notir.r acd l,f.irs li.irished. rtplnr. t herry, an i.inwoei i,niier, mwi i'i njichnrgn fr woia. n.T'l. l'i't it, 1 s" I !. hi f I . I. II , I In i t I, 1 1 I In , f I I . 1 1, 1 1 l ( . I t i ' II 1 , 1 1 it I ' . .' v I ' 1. 1 it. 'i I it ii 1 1 . f I : . I . I" fi ' i, r. I , ! .,.' J . 1 1 t ! .,, I.. '. i:l I, ' ' .' I " . I ,. I' I 1 nn I v, I. I . , , r..i 1. '. 'i i l I'l t . i.'i .'f 'A "i. 1 I vi: i ". '"i i'.j. ; hn'. t- :u. I w .'i'. i I, ', l n p i t: Vi'il i :, i- .'i. i i ' A':.'. I ' ' . '..'. 'ir. I-'.., .i. ! ok l.'ll. t":.' i, .f 'mi 1 nifsi'n iu .' i I w! 'ilj, IVi.i. y'a .a. a ! "it l r. I. f . n J i'l. IJ,T l i:vt , i' ") 'i'.i - 'J i 11 A t. v. I I: ii' I !, u hiiiii'r. i norr 1 limit thirty r.cr" .-1 '1 I'T-fili ft n il n 1.. j iIti !i ; 1 tl.TI-lll. K'linll.K. homo ui, l ..; U'i'ls of Win. T. i crt,u,i i.n.1 olb-r.'. z - 1 m i taken in eji'iiiti'ir cr.,1 tu Id uf tl-i .. or'.y i'l'IHon I'. Cr.ri'-u. Ais ,, h p.inn.i tri'..-: '.fii.i 'i iiit-ii!i iti fli!liib I. .-:', C j r ' i -. i,..:.., I'civi-y Ivnii'g, i-uu-tmnii ni'i u' UI i, r,-.i inturn.-d I ? Iiiii'li of I n't ill ,!?-.- ni'.lin :,;.i!i rroh ii -d, n:r I h ivi!ip ,'a'ii'i lion." . . i .e. i i ll. S'-iicil Hii'l t.i! i'X'.' .r ?t J i.i je H'dd ui tl.t ; r iiTt;;,.f , liiim.i !;. lic'-uiy. Ait-', A.i i' ',) ocrtK'.ii prt jihuh hiiu.'.'.i" in Iii-,-,.;-ir tnv:-:.i'), l'.",;f."! .. V,- ; I L'i l,.'C I.i. '..n '.;. - 'i. l I !. r , oir I 1. 1 ii-. nor;.i by '.u.-ii ti ii :''. ' !"..- i'n '.,' Vi:,i...ii fio.'.i, Jr, ..ii thi' i '' '' '. j l iinl : ,.'f Ja:v.-n .'. M r, n.r '. ,i, U ot" .'i-lu r :,.i:'4mt, o-. .( :h ly luu-lj of ; liMiii-l A'.l'i-rt, J'inattinn Koohart nr. ! U.icrgo D. i Mir.,ti, ah 1 ' n th Wi'r '.; lnu:.-! ,f (lnorgn l. i .M..rui,,''.'i.tr,iii'.:i nh. u: IM iicn." i.-i ,p o: !e .., ; !,,,, ui a-n.nt i')i)'-r- c'.miru-i t'liT.'-m, with u uii'i ''" tory L"j ii"ii'-d und I,d Barn, with ', o'.i.i r ".lt'iuii lini, it'll haviug a ii.rijs' boarini , ,r,.V,,r I ,,( ,;.-);. r..T iu lJctur l.iwiuhlp 'i.orc-iuit, h-m.-uiu: i.,o iiuvo, louiiiiiiil un th u"'Jl ,ho ! iWrilwd, on th -t l-'ii'l f '"fiK I. K-'r C, on th norib by niti'laul ji-o:,;o J. .il ri A Co., on th I e..t i v lu'n'. j o livure u. .Morg.ri, B.liiof abmt i.w .-. .n-s ti.ire'.n, h uii inning an o:drei Un t, or neitrly en, wii'i a ;;.),,'( r.ii-.l: Jlja a, Jj.ig ti.irn, nii-l oih"r o il'-.iilaii.s, v,,ih u ycu.ig boariog Or hard (her i. too i : t o.'.cr ii'i!j in the t-iTr.iip , i..;.,. i.i ...c-.uiu, known t'.a "im in ill prronrt, '.iir.il :j ii: il.e iiitm l in it i f Jo.-enfi itoi!, I "I: i' - H i- c "i- il ty 1 :. -I . tf i Jo:. i l. M:.-- t A 'Jo., e v i.111 '. V h .i.ls fl -or;:e 0. il ;.".,.) A Co.. I a t;i - on Ly lm. 1 of O'.-orrt l. Morgan C. , with a t .vr-uiii m jrond rum. in ; oi-'ior on 1. .-iiver liu-t, With a 1' Aim ,'l.u. i', n n ill Milk !:oui', uiul jtlr.-r (,i-h'iiU:ii.;i :biirt"i, will) aboul ii' r..-s i.li :.ri- '. la'i'1. iS'.'Ui.d i.i. I t :ken in ex- itii n mid to bo fjli as the prui'eif? of A. J. Uj - i . L ', n e- r .ii. ii i . ri i::ii x r, ;:ir jr, iiriur I wi;)T. I'h iirf:i'l ! cm: I", ii-l.ou.i-iz ll.icr.fn ! Mote .n ,f- t i. or. thu r.i.rth, on tho emit by lauda i.f ,Tnn. (,'rsi. nni ol'..--m. 1 1; tho ."ii'.'n liv i;-.iiJ o li, f Pi uner Co. and tVo-?. r.'id wo-:t hv land of Soh't't -ii li tnn r '.'i e- nt'.iiiiii;i.liout 'i'.Ht ai-roi. wit'' n! :'. 1 1 '. .-r.s ' '10 , ---i ii, a two (i'V I.-.j ll ,i. ' m l l.o-r li'in., 'i-"l otjer out iuiil.iii: ;.". ii' .1 a ir'ii'J Or:'t ' i-l. A!.", a ertaia li.n-t i't li". I ):"""i: f- 1 .. .j ...ilirTnoil prnpirty, :uli' ni'i z hitvl,' it' 'e; !, :: ; riafi. ana t.:hri, 1 oiiiniii'i: Htl i' ; . 1 ' ', 1... , I u .i!!,n;; h'.'Uif, li.'rn Hi'-I o'Li' r tiufi-..!iti, :io.l p..i..i benring i.'.irhiiril Cel. "ii. -.iii--i i n ! rik .'ii it, tvcui'ill n:.d lo I ' '-: ui Co prr-j.-rty -;f AlriUa Uu. 'frUV c'' '')', !' nr," J -v " il',"i' ' v "; ' '"' "' ' ' ' ''' ' ' IT ' tr.ii t in iii? t :tiial.i !j T-i-oatur I eoii'i'y, l...O!i.li-i! on the north I). M :;iiii .t. ito , rn the msl ,'riuii- in: 1 ot'. (, j,,;u'.h 1. j bind Co Mid ui.era, and v.:r by ik. j.i ot i-ih i' ''it -.ii'-' -'i ', ' " ' :"' - -:; una II ...m:-1 ry, Coniaicing ml lm 1 ou -h ii elemoti, 11 -r-r ,ir.il l.-i; Itnr.i o;her lie . .. h. ,i j nml iftkmt . M i.r- ti- 1 . ;.-'.y of J. 1 -I 1 r. i r. 1 .Al.r t. t.; .', I : I'll ! -. ; ''; ! iit;at in tho town L. :::: - nf- . 't f'i f :. ek :.'i ii!''- r Xi-i'it io ( :. '.owLf.h:p, , bi'iii. '! i on the nrdi Iv .Vhia 'i l .Kn- in depth 20fl feel , with ! '.no jtory Tav-jni Hum I c: d : .:,: - .. e.co t'ici.- -1. t.r.- i,.:ei: Larev rf 1 "i ! I.- : 1,1 'il i". V, , rel', f-'i.-i'l i.ti'1 Ui.iu in t xecu-lil.i- :-i.tpr.-.pprtvr.lE2ra VA. t ' oil i I.r-0, by vii-'i.ie of a wiit of .n-jri 1'nciai , i-.-t' . .1 not t.l ii,e p,m:.o e .a,-t. ami to me dl I '"et'-iil. tlu-re Mill be cu.-'d to pi:h,i- sale t . the j i:io,-;- li me iti.u I'liie , t' ii !' i-. iviur de-iiribed I ..i ; -ily, vi.' : A.! t':at i-eit'iin ti.ie: oi lar..; nit- itaie : i I.i r! a.it ti"vni!,ti, I ! 1. 1 ! , .."r.-y, bj. vi.' llu -aiin' tract of i.-n, i .viiie'i Ki;j ir.i in, ICjiq., i.'to t ii'iisl '1 l l".'.ri,.M e-,r:,:y, l.y L'i coed da'.i l .in; Id d iv ,r S.iit li.'.n'.4, s',. 'd tird ! .1 1 r .ncii '.'. saij io ait I.i- : i.er: : Tr.-.et, 1- -, t ; - i .1, ;.g ie :.:i'.. ih-c.ct p ui, .; n-stlii'-. '..,1.. '.I.i : -,u a n hie'.; Ti- w-n l'.- IV. st l-ej.;niii;i(; i.'. a l i'.-l:-i hi ! li- i ; -'hi-.- to a !i ' '" I '' ''" 1 ''"'' p''ri'l s to u I j' " ,''J,''- ",' 1"' re h '.. I IV'""'" ', ""i ' i tl '.-.liie 1 y : : '.-vt ens- no, liver, ti.e: ' dma ..: I lir- , i l;i :.. !' , i- pif :: .-ni -' i - w j . .:. ..' per :.'n. , r .'....li.iii.,: .'k"' l -i-'ca '. e ui! -;:!,-... . '...' ill :vpi :-:: i" a p:.. i.l i.i. . wi;i j to H U:, "V. ! 0 l.-c;.n "'.... i II ., . I '" l l - I'l i r.i:.!" i.it iv i.r It- I ll'.i'.lil. '. 0 ai-r. i I- I I i v :x i ii.i,, w i:ii a I .it! i.: a i. io-l -:r. . . ."e jl- oil I vi o ,1' ty J n i ; r elm bauK l.i-ii-n, t: ' , r ' 'Jt- ' led. i:, , 1 yoii': 1 beur. i Lu -cr i if n i . ' -it! .ra ) li.- "C r. I Luilii. ' :t Ci .11 III- Cl'. :.,! I, ale I iifi.l i a a lu.-'i it"'! f i".l-:v: ( , wi'o two '' iiCito!;- : ii i-.i'. -'.' '-,- I r ' up In-' . II. U-i-i.'. Ill-si '.,!! .iii "hop. t ill itici 'l.i.i-. J -, .' l!a:! is: -I 1 r .in" ' . t ' , i iih. - : h r oui .' ..ii.i. -,,, ar.d iwoyo.in mid Uaiir.;: tlrch.ir Is on In.- p-i:tioa of t ',.1 i. .l' in, d wit 2ty ti." V.Uo:-' l"i:lg 12 ou ...'i Colfi. ia the ...i t :: a-r-j, ii" ri tl. . 'i l.'-li i.e. id ptopiity. Seiifd uo t i:.k-,n in ! xe'.:-'i-r. u;ij t" t us Iho ropci .y if Kid etl liilii.anJ a:: i .'rn I! ti'llaii. ! l.i.-wAiui ri:.':Ks. sirs. j FV.rili'p ("T -e, CltarSifld, I. ;. 1", l.2. ' COURT PPtCCLALTAnoii. ' VyilFKK AS. Hon. SAM L I'. I. I.IX'X', Fj. ; T l'.-i'ri '-lit Judgo of Ihe Ctoin i f (. i.nmr.n Viea-i i.f i'i t etity.ifth Jiidieiiit llittriet, com- ' p i.' 'I ..f in" eoiur.irs of ..!" r i . I . Ccitir" nod i I'n.i.n oi t. i;,.n. Ja-J. I'LOOM mid Hon. J. P. : I!".V. i'.s- ..V,Asn.-i:,ti. Jmifij ,-if Ckarf.ld e.i,iy : I::; . e i-jii-.n iheir j.ieci'pt. to u:o lireel "1. f...j lie h.i',.in; j f a Ci.uit i f Cuii-i'n Flo, ''i, linn'.- C .u: t. Ci mi', ol fjioiro i je: iV-.i, Court oi oyer i n.l lernii h i, and Coi..tt f Oencml JaJ Iiebvuy, &: '"icurhcid, in nn I fir Hi county of I ii 'r:i"l 1, i n .ha .iv mi' Aowy in JiWiry, s?Z, at tf ':r- .-. ! XOIiCK J -1, ih-ref-re, heieby rl-r, to tha Coroner, Juitice f the V c. Kr.j C uttablei in and for it id ctnuty of Clenrfii-Il.to appear la iheir pn "r piron, with their Knl.'i. Record, Inquisitions. Fiaminoliorp and other Keraeoa. brnnei.t. lo do tho." thiiipa w l:iih to '.l.oir off.o.r mid in tbnir behalf, pertain tu pie ! n: itlVKX iiider my hand ut Clearfii'id.thi lOtb tly of I'ne., iu the jnr i f our Lord, ont thoiu hui .Ig'il hundred mid pittT-lbre. r.Ii'tFAUJj FF1.K3, Srrif. Vi. PATTKRSON, Atf-tmrat Law, Cur , wenp.iiin, F., wiil t;rd i all hnnetp, pittrtiwed t" h. '.are. 0t. npuslu th. K.w M.'Bflis' rsi. ?..?; i i.r ' paSss-:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers