k . If lii It i in M i minr cr iff waiv tit . n f. .1 ... i ... r 1 1 ..... I I till I ' l'l If"' I 1 1 ' ' I I '' " ' ii I , t M i t ( t'" i-(T'.-t. "1 l ) , l"it l'l I i ' i i ii M I 1 1 II r 1 1 ti it l'i Ilk I'lVi c L 1 I. ' ' I ....... rf twf" ; t ,' 'tit. n I v in l". n in. lUt Intb M-A ' .' V it V A rf,u' -V . I ti t " o n . Put. by th"i iiitciven'i n f --'4.il I'M. fV tAr fVn- .Vit ' i (v 1 , JltlAri I V i !.. uiJ'l (i if; t"- t. (A Ci"' 'Uil HW.'.', I ' I" -i h , V!i..vJ- ', ' ' .W.'.-rf .- ij.o rir-rnftTvl for fOffrn, thn d,v'hi- .H.'f '1 "ll ; il it.' tiers in Souin Cu-nlim und a few oth- if f'Ute wrrc rrntblcd to ni t -y thidr 'Mr rWV.i.JK.',.'fV ' .'-it. V t. I III Mli" i 1. ft""' 'Kill. I I 1 till. Mi I S. Mil lltl l ' ') il H ii ii ..i. n .Wiili i ,1 T"lh M IL M".fl tn it , I'd VI kin! rf M'lkllll l"i I'hH I K Ikis. Ani Hit eas.' hi ft i Idb 0 ( mVm ,.,, (',, ,,,, ..;, " " 1 m 'J UiV V I' -,,,,,7 1 i ft. ' M.ACK Ii'k' M A f) Al Ik W It I 1 Ull.l inn , i. . -k...... 1 ii i liii ii. j 111 , I A iMiimiim, i, ,h . mi,i, 1 I In I'll, ufA l n . , , ..(..r.ft. In ih l ;1ii.'fii1i tofififlt. i.n , hiint.m m t j I'. 'i l. pii", li'ii lr li nf i in h,, t . . ! ji V if.1 nit I Tl iinin . tt Mn nf Vur .n nivrrf!iln ft tiliico of i tittnrc prrnliar i irti-M. it win nn.lnnMii; ktwrn .... . . . , , . tlilnU fur iliilJ. 8;ifri r I'lktm. To Abrchiin Lu ln, Prriulct of the thrlr o!imi?, the prorttH nf wlifh ' ti--s 'coul.l not bo Ktipnp.l hy ncral com- IUspirti-.il .S'.V : In my I .t I rr(T"Mpetition Though thore lin h-en n c-i to inimi-ler in t'jm M.t tin; CAUM-r. ; prodiif -u inorrufi- of production, thu which liivo li'il t i t Ii o p.'n.iiug rifc.ll- conffnmption hnn lull y kfpt pace wi'h hn.aiulto show th. riv...'.it.-n of ;ti ,,n U, (0 tl.c I n-Hkin out of the n.ancip:ition thrtttln-y h:ivo t very rcn-f rt-bollion, in r,o part of the i-arth for In rh!f li'nUci ir tib,rni, lUklnrif n I t)i rtrrt k I n pi 1-1 1 1 1 lo 'he manih, It hil' nlt tnd flrib (nl l'i Hi I aril with hiub il etiinM lo fililnct. A. M. HILLS il frtfurrJ lool tip (rrlh i th VulcunlU flu.e with (iaulyrr'l I'klxnt Hum, which l.' th iiiily rlible .rfrurntinn indwhifl' ran obIt l hud through their ri-gulur criiciot. Ir. 11 ills will nlwitri b In Ilia . Ifire uu 1'ri- d.i Ha l .-mur.lvijn, uiiln'n i.oikh t th cmlrar Price with (I (tiuxr M 00. m ti l-iiiR iMt irruMiv (I'oficrTllr ' J -tn mtun trt:t-n i iniw lr Until nt v-rrvtx'ui:n t i.vn.-w i.;u.ji ' ' 5 l UCKKWli'.' r 0 1 N 'i r ta; n w . (T..t- "-uni Tfin (! ''1 . f iv In.' if nlli n l roU It kl o urnit ""'i 1 1 il l fi fi'f ti ofunh j rr.j k'timn f-.r tiilini'. Tr: It n a fir t i out r )vVlif. k r)iilicnhli' t ihll ri il). ili-inf linMf ; f Irt i ; - rt wpimi', l.nih pUin un l i.rt.n'uir.nl ; lix-i T T ' ) V vmiiii I.a. M timmri , Nathitio, Civil r. . . ' , I'lifi rfino, un uu, I Hjih I n r. nJ Mi r- t- , . , ' , , . . I 1 " I- f. T l k il 01 fl fur r In v ,.-ti ,r ii 'I 'r (I l!:f f.inr Jti.iUk Tint Stutpm or I'TkoMttio Ii t.orol.r: o r...n , .. .. v"iS rlk'.rl ur 'rl lucm nnil u. of. b it nch t'nr l!'rktufiri A'kf kii o, II 0 to Dg 00 T w D M 10 CO fiiiiii-ni u t.niEiil inNiTiaiiKiir. fo t:ii n umv v... m..i j i .. THI8 MACHINE HAS A POINT OF i.w.n tin,.. ui kttend kt muwn y,.t mt.ymZ;, ,Dj V,",."', 8UPllJlIORITy FKCULIARLY h-V .ot ennvMiml. F.:r I:UrVnl nJ tl-rer. r.ovij". ITS OWN. 1 A""0'"' ''' "nuallykriFMUl K.rllUukT.o.iJnBdth.f.urlt.rU i . ... a .. . .i. . . ... p. oi Apr . conruiniTtr nimriui in iinauiAU nu hit v .1 ti . . . . . rniri 1 ma 11 u o 11 tirn uu 1 h itviu'ui wrifinitin Mamvntniv nni in intf tu in . ji. hi r r ii 1 t r . - ton to I't.. ..ntiMi'tl w.th the pi-ogress ,,st Uljr,v v,inrM, am! in no pcrloil ' 1 ,u " " "rJ T?"".. b '" u fu" P;uir or t-tn... Ac . and mr.y r,lic.JlPllill kb. "i:,;" 0 ' t ,. ... , , 1 . 1 ' .. nit. ifii if u 11111; " oniric iiuriu. li obi jiu1 kt ktiT llmj uy kllriiiiing llio ITincl- , r,r ,, r..v, t-. . crnlioii is niakin '. of histor-. hnvc the proflu of it'rncul- ' -nih Htl-lf- A.M. lili.i.- , ,, frm, , VfBn tUetio t,1In whil.h ' ' Rubi)bPj . WAT Pir IPWlfl T Y I" WAItRANTti) not to rip in wfkr, tu if th.. (:XTt!Mltc AccoMmit-ATioi. i.-.rd p, , , ! ' ,! 'jTT r. WA1LU IK JtWUttl i .,! i cut kt frequent ii,l,.rval, aud kl.o und.r ,,,,utut1,m, unj U lrnKtb txperiene of Die , r"-fla f'M Mit-i-t, N yk til eiriuuuliino-i "To fiuvivk tkc WasR Wl Ptincii.kl. tbi InAtilutun olferi failtioi lutietior . A I'HLenti.'il driu'i of ffreut utility to Ifarnen, r mv olLir in tbo rjunlrv. f.jr vouoi? men wiili. rpilE uodernluned reFiiectrully prevent the jui.-lliilily nf the muehitie being ir f topre(.ork for buiuui, mid' l obtulu uttho 1 infirmlii cuntomr nd ih run in lh wr irjn direction, or thH baatic whoel jme tiruo a Piriyx, hii b will v.roe rwom publio eenerklly, thut he bai jut """finx n Iitdy' drem. 1 inendktion for thorn to ui.y MrckLtilu Houro. revived from the Ku.t, nod o, cu.1 Anotlmr feature wuino dunTt. pirlicuUr tt- e.tubli.bmoBtln ii II Ml .1 .V'.V UOW"2" ......... ' ' " ' "1 " "V ', ' G T.' r I H it n u'ni i-atvht .m niK inhqt hk . ... that opcnilion is inakm.,'. j of history, have the profits of itricul- The cause ort'ituhcn ot the n-htllion j(nij i:ijiur ,(H.n f,0 rc,xt HSjnt cot.j may he Minimal np in thi'Husloi.hntNC, n.pvj,, Vv.,uv.s rf tlm XTnitciI Pride of Wealth and lad of p.mir. j statos. Hut those profit wotihl hnvo l'hcue arc not p,'culi:ir to the. Soi.th, jll(.(.n ,lS Kroati if not Kr0!lt,.r) ltil ,h0 hut hnvo their inlhiencv in the North jSouthcrn proiliiclion, as the Northern as wi ll. No nh itit'l South thoy .re-i mnil., f:iitii ro. been the uroeccJ.s of hir- d Ut llH vn.le. ill, hoii'-ruHe excel lions, tluw u,i f,.ft inh,.!Ui ftfBi!lVft o,m. ! !"'''' ' V t "j 1 e. J1 "r" . , (i:T whonu. on ' '"''i". ' tin iv: clashes of society which luul racar.f, to With th immonRo orotic of thom a .inK1 piece to . f.U ..tt, Uicb h will, 2llt-l'.,."l')i:l g ' fi. H01WE3 CRITTF.sr.KN- ; mil ni tn inojt remonauie pricei jor , or iu . r live and lo enrich thcmsilves without manual labor. North as wo!l as Sou th th 3 feeling of these classes revolt a gainst n govern men t controlled by the toilii.' millions, and would overthrow it if they could. In tho North the at tempt would he hoj:eh-Hs, and tho ar istocratic classes quietly acquiesce in things as they arc. In the cotton re gion of tho S'nith the laborers have no political rights, and thearistccratie classes govern in all that relates to lo. cal affairs. But th?y are not con tent with that. Ihcir pride revolts at association in any government, how- dun in one minute without dropping a' Attorney kt Law, intoxicated, and thought that, by means of their cotton they could rule the. world. '-Cotton is King," they exclaimed ; and through his power they aspired to breakup tho Union and compel Great Britain, and France to aid them in tho fratricidal operation. It has seemed strange to me that the rulers of those, nations have not seen in thisrehellion, orrnther in the moans by which the leaders proposed to com pass nucccfH, an iii6ult to their Fover eignty and a conspiracy against the commercial world. Openly they say ever mild and beneficent, h which la-, t0 thofe p.ouJ nat;on8 . . ye jt(ive -i j: i I . . . boring men participate directly or in direct!. To get rid of such a govern ment, though it has been the chief the poivtr and intend to use it, by with holding our cotton, to compel you to become our allies, under pen- Bource of iu. their prosperity, is the , alty of riot and rebellion among the op. ohiect of the nresent robellion. i ne V - j avowed design of South Carolina lend ers is the organization of a communi ty composed of gentlemen and labor ers, in which tho gentlemen shall be masters and the laborers their slaves. To this end they were, before the re bellion broke out avowedly in favor of re-opening tho African slave trado, and have since submitted with a bad grace to ft restriction in their Confed erate constitution, dictated by an ap Twcuor.?io:i that it woul i r.ot be ea!'e eratives in yuiir own dominions." If they had any such power it is the in terest of the world it bhould be broken, and one would think that the saga cious Napoleon .tnd the proud ralmei B ton, instead of mo ditating theirrecog-j nition, would say to them: "Lay I down your arms, and not only give us your cotton, but restore to us the market of an united and peaceful country, with out which your raw material will be com- I paraivcbj cf little value." But I urn wandering from my line Philadelphia, Jan., 22 lu2 ly iTRIklNt; TIM ICS IN 1111 LA DM, i a . - - 'LA IUfi::g lh par.t yenr wo buve 'utrJuged tj Hoic of tho ili cal pryfn.jFiun cf this covin- rlsnrAU :lry tho Ture CryfUiVitJ Chloride nf .. 'jyania. iiii-itiriT,, il i Ilia i Tt Ifiti i.l ii I nv lunn m,iln.,.t,..n.Ar...ni.i Mnu ...I .il,... ; Ititoh. ' J . 1 . . ,.t ,vL. o .., . . .'i il. i Tbe mnohiuen. io limple iid ai'eurkte In .......i i. Mi... , their ooimtruction, luperiidde the ue of tne Fhiit- reHoriiiMo pricei. . ..... J i ii ,k. ,...,;. Al.bklu lj ofClocki, Matches tad Jewelry, " , ' , ,5" ' f" ""'" i-- onretully rep.redknd Harrokfrd. . , r." n 7..,;. I .n .;. ,i, J 'i ! '-KXCITl NU 1'OOf RACE between ' , ,r.n ,. . A cnntinu.'ince of putronkge imolKited, I :,k,,-, ',i.".i ! the Philkdolphia l'Mire nd the notoriou For , , . ,.' 7, "-".not cilronulu of the two thread macbiuen : and 1 ' ' -1 "', " : ""' ' ' u il I .L I ATISM Kept. 19, I Slid. v vii-.ii r ' finest niUKlin without puokoriuc . w v ..... , . . ....... .r oeriKerandcounterfeiter.JkiieiHuthknanCron!!!,0"1 ny''n of tho higheit taniiicg tU I4TI-NT OI'FN'TVC At SM ITH'S ' machine, thev will accompli.h doub-1 V0". RPtured ! !! -It aeemi i to be the gener- ,1'om paUent., the 1 L U1 XaSS U U AT nM 1 1 J1 ' le the aowinfc iu a given 'time ! ttI l"nl" ,n Clearfield, that if Crou bad worn a Mont flat tt-rliig TetltnoiilalHof it real v I "It l emphatically the Rood, low-priced Kam-1 P'r of l-rak Short'. Kreucb-calf iJooU, that he ' ,h() treHtlaaat of tUi paiuful an 4 klue .... r..i . . i ... . . ... i luu t iitiuvuv mi tun Liniuiui nun final. MEN'S MUI) SHAWLS! ' ily Sweing Machine that the publie have lootf I wuu,u "ul laa 7 pou" j;...,,. are indue, ln ,-., i. . v (' m) FS'FIkIvT niFXILI F1"" ing ror." lliwton Truonrnpt. not ainch put out at uiiwing L,, curt.no ; but Jl . - induced to prefeIlt ,, lo tb, ikL ii-pn I ,,T l-rV I 4 "It i, inueed a wonderful produc.L, anJ lor ""-U -nnounc. to all llnrkinrvlgr, Vou.jl,,.. public in a form 1LKADV I JK IMMEMATK 'A0'1'"" . A. fmilv use ofDeeiallv. no other will bear anv 1 meoi cuirf fi,7f Men, tfnd women nnd cbildreu I U.HE. which wa liol.o will couimond u)t iv,... I)IK IthUCKUSSM.N hllA I.S! L,...,,:,.. :, . ui.ii. jiv:. p. .;,,; in Clearfield, and Fiuneinahoiiine in particular, :.k .i.;.. r " that be in prepared to furnish thorn with IlooU. " ' upUuii. onder." Stiintifi Amnri-1 shor and tJtiilcra of any stylo or pattern, titch-;&n it tll" naicul piarUtioniT ti'no any f.. SUF'EUH AKTICI.K LADIES' LONG BLANKET SHAWLS! SUPERB ARTICLE L A I 1 K S HHOCH E SHAWLS! SUPKHIOK BLACK GOODS ! CHlLDb' RUFKRIOR ZEI'HVR HOODS ! This dsy we will oppn nlno a new lot of Ladici" 4'b and 3'n BALMORAL ROOTS, with a lurpo lot of NUBIAS, at our uwnally LOW riHCES. dec.25. II. W. S. 1 Oo!, eompariton witn Journal. "A lanchanical at present no far to outrage the feci- of argument, and must defer to my ing of the c!vlized world. nest cne branch intended for this let- But there is n considerable class of tcr, elaveho'dars, ospccially in the bolder cf slaveho! ,-ng eatoi'l via t us States, who do not t3 la I r. It, AMOS KENDALL. February IS, 1jo2. , ,.i ... i i i - IB compoht-j oi men u mvun ...vu,,.-,, ,y i hereby Kiven that Lottcra of tdmini.tra CWnillg blltfew slaves. They are tho I tioo have Wn printed m th tubs-rib.r on the .. . , . lesuta of I'KANCIS LIEUEY, lute t f O.vingtnn eelf made men, whose industry and i townnhip ci.ara..id oounty. doceased. Ail per. vMnmv V,,.i-rt Atinlil.wl tli cm I a r.nr. ' "oris indebted to laid estate, are requeued to - 1 I make immediate paym'nt. and tbote huvi chaaa one or moro slaves, ana tiioy rrj.iy often be sacn at work in the same fijld witu thoir own negroes. They .do nut' sympathize with the cotton, paym'nt. and IDute uuvinir claima againft the same will preinut thorn duly authenticated fur settlement. lll'EERT LEIGEY, Oirard tp. Feb. 19, 'ft 2 pd. Adm'r. I IJMIMSTltATOR'S XOTICK. Lettera i l .!, 1 .i. oi AHiuinutration niving oeen granted mis nee, and sugar planters, who reckon . tho uniUifBed on tll JI;RE. their HtUVeS by hundreds, and who MIAH FLIX.V, late of Clearfield Co. deceased, all , . , . . , , i perionii indobt'.'d to tiaid estate are rciucated to never put their own hands to ttio plow, i muke imiat.ji,.., F!1, ment, and th-.e having tho hoe.CT the ax. These small hlave-l -,ln M"inttbe .am. will pre.eot Item duly . iii authenticated for rrttlement holders, numerically probably more; JOHN FLINN, Ptnn tpfli,12 02,Ct. Adm'r. $35 00 1)AY2 tie entire cost lor TUITION in the tnoit popular and aucccasful COMMERCIAL .SCHOOL in the country. Upwards of Twelve Hundred young man, from twenty-eight differ ent Slate.4, navo been educated for business here within the past three years, somo of whom have been employed as BOOK-KEEPERS at salaries 12000 00 immediately rpou graduating, who knew nothing of acounta when thry entered the College, -MiniHer' sons half price. Students enteral any time, and review when they pleime, without extra charge. . , , ... . ,. . . . .ou v tuv n i. VI Ills For t "JaloguM P''in cf I'.nmananip. and , b , , low of th COl.LLfiE, encl I five lottvr itami' i 1 , 1 ' to JFXKIXS 4 SMITH uosion, July 3, IboO. Pittkbur-h Ta. " unileraigned, during eighteen inoinhs has Z had in almo.t coOdlant uso, in bis family W il- ALL KINDS OF tiRAIN C0t Uibba aewinc Machine, upon which has taken in payment of DEBTS 1UK been made the clothes of his largo family, from foi which the highest market prices will be t muslin to punt ctoth including the clothing r can. "Amon the best and mont serviceable Sowing Machines. Light and elegantly linUbed, and so simple in its construction that it seems al most impossible for it to get out of repair." -Pittsburg Chronicle. "Has combined with its own peculiar merits all tho really raluablo improvements of tho high er priced ruacblnea." I'ennpylvanian. "This machine, in the opinion of the commit tee, fills more nearly the requirement of a per fect family machine thaa any on exhibition. " irauitlin Io'..tulo Exhibition Kv.ri of lfiS. "Taking into conaideration eimpUelfy, cheap ritas, durability, and doing all work, the commit tee wore unaniinounly in favor of the Wilcox Uibhjnsa sinjle thread machine." Pennsylva nia State Agricultural Society's Report. "We mut, in justice, expres. our confidence in the merits of the Wilcox A Uibbs Sewing Ma chine. Wo consider that a great desideratum has been supplied by it, in proving, b'-yond doubt, that two threads are not, as was suppo sed necessary to a good instrunent." Christian Advocate and Journal. June 21, I860. "We have one of these machines in ue, and think more highly of it than of any of the num ber we have tried. Richmond Whig. The undersigned, Missionary to Conituritini pie, has examined more than twenty difler six kinds of Sowing Machines, and after soroefnt, weeks experience with Wilcox & Uibbs" Pr.dan be has purchased one of tb-m, as the best aleast ted to the wants ofhisfamilv, and as the ent OLIVER C'BANK. I . ,1 J . I. .. . l-.i- . eu, neneu or peggou, (uu as no is a suori lui- uirpuseu u tno pow ors oi tins valuable rrm low) on short notice. ledy. All kinds of country prnduoo taken In ex- rrivr wnnnum't t change, aid rah not ri fused. Repairing done ELIXIR PL0PrLAMI.E, l0 the f.ru, abo In the neatest manuor and eharRes moderate, at 'poken of, has recently been estiu.ivtly exjitn. th t-hort t-hoe Shop on Second Street, npposite . meiited with in tho Ked, Weaver A Co'srtore. FRANK S rl 0 K v. K. I), Findings for sale Sept. 2P, 1S60- F U R N I T U R E R OO M S. truggiKis ii 11 a .iianui;icturirf; C.Tcaiuts, . TO; BALE UY ('. I). WATSO.N. btcond fctiei'. Cituifeb', I.,. Jaoe26-61if. l'biladi ! h n B. GRAHAM. May IS, 61. 1. WA nti:i. will b takei ME- given. JAS. Clcarf.eld, Dec. II, I a 6 1 . G L E N - E C II O MILLS. ti ermantnwn, I'a. IfcCALLUM &: Co., MAM'FAt TI Rtns. j Iroporlers. and Wholesale Dealers in C A It T I. T I N S , Dili GGCTg j VIL I LUIU.S, MA1TIZUS, At., Warehouse. No. .jOfl Chestnut Street, (Opposite State House,) apr3'81-1y I'HU.ADri piiia. PENNSYLVANIA HOSriTAL. and witn MARKED eil'C'c'E.SS (as v ill appear fromtto publiahei accountj in the meii.cU Juur na's.) . I U carefully put up reai!y f r iinmedi- KKNWP.R V Kfl K K KTTl'119 usa" Uh fu" "''. R-' iri. be obtairfi UaUlUlJJU UU Uilll'lViJ 1 k rroul n th ilrug-iFt. at 75 e,ni, r u, ULi RcFpectfully aunouueo to lb public that tiey ttl wholesale of IiUI.l.OCK i C"I!l.5ti A IV uave compieieu ana ar now occupying toi-ir onw furniture ware-rooms, fronting on the Market Li't and nearly opposite the Court Houie. vauinei making win ue carrieu on in -ue up per story of the same buibiiag mull its DIFFERENT EFaNCIIE3. All kinds of furnitnre will be kept con?tantly on hands and ul l cheap for carh or exchangu for country produce, or Lnuibor to suit the busi ness ! UMftlKa. I'AKLOIi, HOCKING, AND A KM CHAIRS, SrilIXG SEATS. CAIN BOT TOMS, Ac, numerens than the rich clasw, have no repugnance to being associated in a Government controlled in part by the laboring men, ff the North, and they aro generally faithful to the Constitu tion and tho Union. Slavery does not make them rebels. Cotton is a more prolific element thhn slavery in generating the ''pride of weaith and tho lust for power" w hich have produced the rebellion, though both have cooperated. JIad cotton, like wheat and corn, hien a product of tho North as well as tho South, its cultivation would not nave oeen a Light ! Light ! MI.HRKI.I. A IIIGI.EK keep constantly on hand the most approved patterns pf OIL LAMPS whiih tiny sell aa cheap aa can b purclmed elsewhere in the county. Persona purchasing of hem will haF" the advantage of having their amps rep-iired without COST, as their sales are w rranted. Jan. 15,6 2. it. MALONEY &CO. rmiAvsmiRG, centre co penn. COPPKIt, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTURER. All orders for work attended lo with th utmost quired for hi several boys ; and in no can have the seams failed, although in bard service. The machine now in use in his family has required n. repair, and is in all respects, well appuinted, efficient und durable. JAC0U CH1CKERI.VCJ, Poston. ?e-Str.d for a Oirealar.j-if J.VMI'.H WILCOX, Manufacturer. Mo. .'.OH Ilrot.duay, New York. pOposiU St. N'ich-ilai Hotel. October 23, tf. NEW GOODS ! ! J. P. Kratier has juFt received a general as- I ri't'l! t" L'f' I sortment of Fall and Winter liLILU fLLUiVli, -I-vIaAr 1 f "A f r Justice of llie weacc lJi 1 UUUlJo. Lnthersburg. Ckarcld Co, Pa., will : Cashmere!, teps.Morui.,., Alpacas, attend promptly to all bnsineM entrusted his 1 1 r"i, C'Ur' Uuciilf, Ch.nt.. care. April 4, UCl. ! f""''' M1u'"''. lojh. lMmer.f. Tweed., Sat- . ! inets. Flannel, drilling, Linei.a, Crash, Cloaks, J. n. l ArirtixrR. . ttt ! ''''anls. J AKHIMKK Ai Ti:ST, Attorhnys at Law! ; T () rV 1 T J AT ft J Clearfield, Pa., will att.hd promptly to Col w 1 XT 11 tAiohs, Lalid Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield1' fiFer Ccats, Prea roats,Unsine(.s Coa's.Pr nts, Centr and Elkeouhlies. July 30. j ' Vests, Sbawln, I'nd'r SbirtF, Drawers. Neckties. rine Linen rniris, iijrnn oinrs, tuoaers, kra- bova the Academy Clearfield I'a., lee. 4, 161 ,. , , , . c . pr imptness, and all sales warranted to render en. buuree vi oruinau; w eaua io oouuiern ; tire ,ati,faotion. jnn-15 1862-tn planters, for the free labor of the North would then have been brought into direct competition with the slave Lhoroftho South, and the price of the article woul J have been reduced to a moderate profit. But climate has' given to the South a monopoly i of this culture, and it is a monopoly I not a'.) dependant on the existence of blayery. It would 6ti.l exist as effect ually m it does not if slayery w ere swept out of existence, and 'thoeom merci;il effe' t would probably in that vent bean enhancement of the price. The invention of the cotton gin and improvements in manufacturing ma chinery so cheapened tho preparation and manufacture olCotton as to bring It into competition, under most favor able ci jidilions, which every other ar ticle used in clothing the human fam- LHll'ORS for Medicinal purposes Brandy Port and ShnrrT Wine, Keclar Whiskey md Hol'and Gin at HAKTSWICK.F, HAKD.VARt', such a PT0VES, Cook C nl and Wood Stoves of various pattern BAR IRON. SHEET IRON, STEEL, (f'C, Ac, can be purchased of th lubscrlberson the most rnscnan!e terms. Jan.li, 02. MtRPEM, A itlGLE OIL! OIL! 17or tbe best und cheapest P.ENZ0IN OIL, LAMPOIL, cr LURRICATIXQ OIL. call at thn Stnre o MERRKLL A BIGLER, Jan. 15,'B2. TO BE SOLD AT COST 1 VVA of SHAWIR and OVER COATS, and general WINTER tJ00D3-to make ready J. P. KltATZER. I vats, Hats, Caps, Fine Calf Boon, Heavy Kir MF.RCIMNT, and dealer in B iards and Loots, Shoes. Shingles; Grain and Hroc'uce. FRONT Street, ."S, 'I p., f J. 'J. J J Coffee, Teas, Molasses, Mugi.rs, Sa'.t, Candles, Flour, Racon, Syrup, Candies, Rice Spices, Es. "tr tl i Va stI of Coffee, Pulveriied Sugar, Illack Tea, ajiarch, II 11 I l (I i Soda, Sperm Candles, Saleratus, Crackers, Wiue, All kinds of GRAIN and LUMBER and Fieh. SHINGLES wanted in eicbanr for goods by l il ... I f ".. . Jan. 14, 62. MHRRELL A RIOLER. j 1 1(1)11 ICCirC i)' QtlCC7lS ICdrC. 7 I ." 77 77 Nails, Spikes, Forks, Spades, 6hovels, Scyths, LKirOKS, of vanoui kinds and best quality , ,1W( Janes, Axes, Augers, Smoothing Irons, constantly kept en hand by i Meat Cutter, Knivej A Forks, llutcber Knives, Jan. 14.-C2. MERRELLJ RIflLER. j Seissorii, Pen Knives, Ktcelyards, Tea Setts, W. SMITII CO. have .iurt received" a . lot cf new and seasonable WINTER 1 Af 2?S3jJ Wfl tiOOOS. such as COATS, PANTS and VESTS, j Nnbias, Hoode. ulove. Hosiery. Coilurs.Hoop all of which they will dispoae ef at greatly redu- Pkirts, Balmoral Skirts, Bonnets, Ribbons.I'lnw ced pricea. Call and examine their itork before ' er" Plumes, Bonuet Tramef, Ruches, Laces, buying elucwbere. Fob. S. I Bfaid, Binding, Zephyr, tarn, Fringe, Tnin D li I E I) A P I'LES, The Fubicribers have a few (arrets of LRIED APPLES, which they will dispose of on fair terms. MERRKLL A HIGLE?.. Jan. 1V2 'N arvrsv-f ft t PMiL'jR SOFA, rhXTUE, CARD, Dl SI NO, EXTENSION t- nilE.lL'EAST t a r, i, i: .v. S OTA 8- OF Ai.L KINDS, V A R I V.T I FS A N I) P A TTL R N BUREAUS, SIDE-BOARD', BooKCAStS WABRROBth, AC. CLEARFIELD STONE WARE I'OTTEK Thankfa'i fur past favois and t..li. ; :'.d. . r,f fU lure palronaRe. I would rct". ctluby in- .n: 1 1, thai I have on band k'mii, nnti will v "rsicniiy kucp at 1 ti e Pnttiy in this borough, .i. " e err. nor a tho, t dit:i..i e eusl 'A tl'e M"''. i'i ;., ft large ati.ck A t'roi-kery, s-n!i a; C i.u a. milk puns, i.'burnn, Jug.-, .'are, ife. dr. ; and al.u nn er.ti.ufiic ij.: different the f.ui patti rus tf t arl, r( .'ette for c . mice oa ti o n c e . and j!u. j dlr.gs. Any lnou'drng! rot uti liar.! i'A rs.'; ei I.r in hliurt noii, e. Ai." f..-: and Uei t for sale. iA lib.'.r.il reduction . ,i wholesale deuicrf. F. l.K Clesrfl )ld, may 2", l."I. I v. ( BEDSTEADS JENNY l.IND, HIGH-POST COTTAGE, FRENCH row, ic. ClRAIN OF ALL KINDS, FLAXSEED, T BEANS and PORK will to taken cn ae. count, at th highest market price bv Jan-1,'62 REED, WEAVER A CO. fir the Sprin; Trade will be 6old at cost, by Feb. 12. H. W. SMITII A CO. W-iUc ti l! Wake up; II.At KSMITIIIVr.. THE subscriber re. U pectfully infurma his friend and rencrallv. that he ia new well a V.li NEW SHOP on Pin street, o .n,iiu il. T... bbinglea.hy Hall in the brronh of Clearfield, and upon bis' Jan- l5'62. own lion ic, ana wnere ne is prepared to do all H. W. SMITII 4 CO. MKRCHANT!, anil dealer In Dry Ooods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, and everything usually keyt by th trade. St or on SECOND Street, below Judge Leonard's, oppo site th Presbyterian Church, Clearfield Pa. Dee: 4, 161. rut nl ts a, wcviLovun, Attoriiey t Law. Office on Market street, opposite lloiscp' Sioit Clearfield. I'a. Will atland promptly to Collrf ciions sale or Lands, Ae. mings, Ac HOXiNtTS, SHAW IS, PRINTS, DUCALS, BAREGE, I OPLIN. CLOriLS. TWEEDS, MUSLIN. LINENS, CARPET, BLINDS. B ROOMS, S YTHES, SPIKES. NOTIONS, RIBBONS, II ATS, OA PS, WINE, K A L T, OILS, PAINT LEAD. DRUGS HOOTS, SHOES. COATS, FA N TS VESTS NAILS. FLOWEUS, Hair, Hair t"p, Cotton Up, and Corn Husk, ef the best material. I.O0KINU GLARES of ail sorts and Fites Also, Glasses fir old Frames. Also, Tei-poys, Wbat-nuts, Wath stand, Work-stands, Hat racks, f c, COFFINS. Made to order (a short notice, and !hearo furnished. Toplar, Cherry, and Llnwocd Lumber, taken in ex'bange for work. Clearfield, October 23, Iff I. It. NEV GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring iSc Summer Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. NOWISTHETJMZ ?C . Y Thjutilursig'ie.l i.vn '. " ' .: 1 nit.;ie I'.o-)!n on J'iir'..l ft., h..-t di?ta:e we t oi u.ti'i Fit ; . , n'.O.k Of ciiat's oi v t r t.:y manufn -tured mr (.f tl- I i-,f . ri..'.. a r..-y upnr-.or mam..r, -, :.. low rot: c.i.v:. uis lm 'ir e.'.- in ikee l.im I". rct'Fd' : t tan urc u i lo in n su!)tii..tisl ana v. ,.i k- . oer, and will it.unl tlm t. -f i ' 'ii. wi: hiiij t. pure ha c'i:..: i s1 -'tJ .: anJ gt :5iem while c .n ' ' t ' .. i w..-t rales. ,1.1. ' .i.l. L 'dar. 27 liSl-tf. t il ... . (I,,, 1 i ' -i.i in ' i ij i. n i' r,'rj It; -,e II I am just receiving and opening a carefully selected atork of Spring and PutnmT goods ot almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Print and I'reai goode, of the newest and latest styles. Also a I great variety of useful notions. i DKY-GOODS AND NOTIONS. Eonnets, Sbawla, Plata and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a larje quantity, Hardware, Qi eeusware, Dmgs and Mtdicines, Oil and Paint, Carpet A Oil CMhs. (I R O C E R I E S , Fish, kacon and Flour. m.'.v ui m r n ? i"K S PF.U M A To K U !1 : !: A. ov.atA .v.riATios, Pli.l t'l ':. A tea- croffkf ..a(."i(ii.. c.r V.'. ,...'' tiau-i'inil, lrthe cf,y 7 ''; .Sh ,hi '-' r "f , .u.....j ..".-.1. -. .1-...' . .' I . ;. .. I .-J 'IJIKfiil tj,,i i rjinu ui.'. - tipccialty fvr tht fun of ,'i .if-.j j (.'. S tmA itllf II . MrMett. Advilt. g'urn c,:a!i., by Co .'.eliiif Snrje VattABtr. rtivfts on Verm r-tcrr! -es, acd other di -ei.-ef of the Seu:il Oi ;-m.s, : i ol. the slw nr.Mri'ir.s eni.loyed i l 'lie 1 i"'.' n .. , srt in sesled l,ttr envelnpes, liac ! e''ii Irro or thro S'.arapii fir poatio l t . t 1 ' . Ai.:o.l Dr. J. tKii.tr.s lIoroHtns, li w.rd.'. 1 v.- R. No. J. S. Ninth tt , Fnilu-ielphii . '. .Jj 'y- 'iVF.I T. IKOHtr.D. , A, WAI.LACr. .... r;"r:T , c. . :: !i:T $anhinn anb CoIIfdiin or LEONARD, FINNEY 4Co. c l i: a n y i l d, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. KILL OI. rXCHA!GP., HoTRS A !D Tift A FTP MS " TSTI I) P1TS Itlli l-.IVEII, Colli-ttlcns made and irce- J: pwi't'j refilled r.xchane on hc Cltits constantly on Baud. TiJ0fEce on Pecfnd SL, nearly opporite th COURT HOUSE. Cabinet. Chair Hakia?. AVtz Ks-tiu a dir u'v 10 H.N (it'LICH, of the bnr.ji.if' of I .-: e!o, Pa., will be pre? ared at P fun lo i.;ten J lo to any Business in thsj nbi-.e line f.:i hort notice, and in a workmanlike n.anner. Hir pl' of bnsintss is at tho old slif,pi.;i t! c n'ir'.'j si Ic f Ma'l.et street, ' 1 door ensl c; 1 Inr i ; opposite the old .Ut sf.ro: w!v e n m.l..i i i . - j i l ', cotistanllv on hand t I ce a- on : n' - ......ur, ,i, j j ,Di, , n arrets, , - . , , i i ; . ..... . . ii i ..... . ' 1 h.irnnv nrt rnn Tl.-i I. - . .roi laL U O -cloth. Buckets. Ilrooma. Umhre as. Ilask- " v t- v , ---.--... ut uia ai - , . . .... ... , H0TT14 eU. School Books. Wall Paper. Rafting Rope, tb. lowest rasa of rfly pay price. Coach Varnish, Mors, Curled Huir. Coach Trim- . . f, " Kenerany, are (H.OUK of best quality alway. kept op band i min., , Velvet, Plush. Cotton, Tape, Coal-Oil, S''""?, ,D d. f al'' . . . . si. CV.h r ,l'l.V"l?T:k Sperm-Oil, Ola... Ac i rhVnnJ1.. Ware of everv descrir.'nir., wl : Ii be w :l dupirs of on as reasonable t.-i-is a f.e s.v .-riicrl can be had elsew hi " . the f nly. MERRELL A BIflLElt. SELLING OFF SMIl II At CO. art now SELLING Feb. i .i . j j iv. ti iwnrlt in bi lin in tb very best stvle. and on i.j , mm ujo uemaim iur ;i a m, mpiu- horle-t notifa. Hi, oM ntUtP.,M rei. TT W. SMIl 1 increased that production COuld not ! pectfully aahed not to forget him, and ny num- III OFF, at a ery low 8gnr, their nock of keep u;i with it. The ,v3 an increase of the price of tho raw material until it has reached a point fir above that cf any 9rt!c! ..j 1 1 neeed-dil, Ciperm-Oil, Ulass, 4c 1 ov n n A , -. . J " . kj.provea . .r. fi)r,,,:n . .n,i Cinmoi. Bureaus. All of. hi-h will h sold nn the rr.oit reasonk. 1 "l " I witit tutl IQ CXCuaOEe ot : - f " - , . . .. ,rf Good. I tsota, Pewing an asumg rimw ..... .-- ustria., His stock of Cabinet Were now on t'"- hie term for Caah, or approval country pro dure. Clsarfi.ld, Nov. 27, 1881 Good Clearfield. June ? 1 fit WM. F. ItUVJV. I W of new one ar rofixctfullv invited to piv. VV INTER OOODS. finnnmiAnnAI. ... " m luiii-iijuiiiiv Lima trial. , EDOE T00LR.-HI reputation as a Makr, uc-c-u. WUVKRI CO. and Repairer of Edge Usois should of itselfiecure' MERCIIA'TS, and eitcnaire dealer In him liberal patronaje. all kinds of LUMBER, GRAIN, and country pro- GE0R0S C. PASP?J0F.E. dues. Store on REC0KD 6treoi Ciearnled Pa. Aj-rt! I i, IBM.tf. j Dec. 4,1661, ing Stands, 1 I B ink Cases, Frenrh knrl Fie. 1 Tos' i I M... . I...Lr..t OnlN Pa. I ut.l rPYRONE CITY HOTEL. ;rtSr3D,'fHC'; r" w : t ebrLary , is.?. ,n. i, .i. iv.j Pier Ta il , red at WALTER BARRETT 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly Col. A. P.OWENS. Proprietor, nA r.;kf.ill 1m.I1 1..1 Ku.tn.il nfpiisll IA T..M.,r. ,11 . . - .1. . - ' . ft ,voiji...wi,j ftuuuuucri io ine travelling pUDiic jr4 - L; bi eaie, in the several Court of Clearfield and thct ba ha now taken charge of tbi large and Q'pCl " 5 adjoin:tg counties. well known bouse, and will conduct it in such a Jf nnrl '1 ,' v-w i..; .v.... - . mauuer aa win renuer exceiieai comiort asa iur, ,, , , bkrreu. wtisfaetioa V aJ who may faTor him with a CIT PRIuEm, cad and w ! at o,-t. re tt, T?:e-iy fJn. ,m, i Jn.8.'62. H. Vf siiilia u . :L.M.-:? .or . ..ic at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers