i 1 !. ! v .V . it . r 1 k. i ; 1 I J Li U u i Hrl ;:::.::;:-.v''.'; p W. MOi): 0 B GOODbASDElTl. i rmjcr:n.r?. not men. CI.KAUI IKLI). i'A. WMDNKSDAV, APIIII, !, TERMS- $1 23 per Arnmi. If j Kid jr. i dvnr.te N K W . KIM KS Vc I li -ISO rU VOL. A X XII. WHOM. AO l;u Oni' Siar", Twr,iinri'. : Thrpr, ii ,tiaren, Teur squares, ' H.i( n cdnam. coltuiin, 3 ,1... 1 (id no SO i i: him 1 7 nil 10 00 ! 1 2 on ' M 00 1 13 00 I Till' "KKrvsji.K'A.NV' j 'It j in nl .kulri 11'tH'ii. If pi I i! ! . iin'i', r within t!.iei nmiMip, $ I 2a I 1( : mi! iiuy Inm' totlhn the le:ir, - - - t c'l II i Ai l IUr llio u.im rati m ..I tint yc.ir, - 2 On , Ten:):. if .' ''u itl-lng. MvtirttMMiioi.ts uro i ij'.. lo.l in l!.e Kcublidin tl ti.n follow tig rut ' : 1 Insertion. 2 do. 'P0 mpiure, j 1 1 Maes, I f f' f "S Uj u:iti-, (Ihliuet,) 1 1 Tt.roo, i-iurcji, (12 huf.: 1 '0 2 "" II iiiiini': (1 niu'(. : : $ hO f I W) : : 4 mi 00 i : i (10 8 00 : : 00 10 00 : : H 00 12 00 : : 1 1 00 2u 00 35 00 I ver three week j an llm' t!i m thruo mor.tlis I'.i 1 t, pr riuaro for -.i-n HiH-rtton. j I r.e.SH L vl.r i4 1:1 E-flJ "''d oiiuui mo i- ,;t.l far J2 a yetr. A verti-im-;.'J rot inniteJ wititbo number of -linn iio.-:i. 1, -'i r-.stinui until forbid r.J 'barged a-corditi? to tli.vo linn. JOB PRiriTINC. ; An rxttiiMve stock cf Jobbing iniit.-i'i.i I piiulili'B tho 1 uUishf r of the " li.puLucun l aiinf.ur.ee ta the ; ::Vi.n that lie is proj.u rr I f. Jo fil JurAi of fo'-rn?, rur;i"i, I'KOGRAMMrs, rii'ii",' l'ifiJi Boon, f'im-i-uR5, lABZLt. Eitllicrirs Haxlbii.ls, nr. -i every iin-i of pririrar usually Uon ir. (i rr'jn'.rv c All oxAnti will bo cxocutl H iuinc U kcss nml defiiii'.cli. O. Ii. GOODLAN'DER .t- TO. The Lato EATTLE at WINCHESTER COUNTY DIRECTORY. Time of Iluldin Cuurt. f..'ConJ Mwr. i.iv ff January, Th'rd M.jii-I ly of Murch, Thiri V '.1'1'iy of Jui:rf, Fuiirtli .vi, . ii l.i y i'. p'l-a-.Vior, In ':.''. -, ;. 1 e .Llinun two wlcV:s :.' ae emii.rv. Cotu'ty fHilecrs. 1 re.'t J.r.U-e,l'"i- r''i."ir.uol binn. iK'i'.of.uto. Aa'ti' fudgoo, 11' n .T.l.Thi.ianwi,'Jiirv.tniivil. !r.n. .lame? bloom, Foml. ClenrucM Hru;!".'.nry, Mi" b. fi.ttio, Kerf A !c.-. fistri'-t Alt'; Triu' -rtr, Purvey .1 '' jaitiiifH n "r A:ii Con m r, In 'IIHI. '(, ( u.' r I'l, l:.-. l'.!ol.! lie-..:' Jinn. V. iK-iv. 1-1 -net Ti-.-t, . 1!. I'1. 1Vrii;'t, j, Win. Mcr-i'li, , . C. I '!i":r.i'Sn IV r. ; .. -i....::, .'. I!. :', c ::. V.' .-r:-l, .:. V. ' .tior. 1 1 i! -ill. .tst i-f rcsi(Miicc!i. V, .A 0. .V" l.ltn llMt r, Hon "r, 'I, (, i. j-'h, 'Nt-ivi, :, !vM i i .': lainh' ! i ov biri-?r.jV.H.-:;, 1 ii'vi!:,-. .U-. . u Ir.J, J i. .;(. Noi- .'::Vi'' ( ; 1 n H'TS CliMirf e Id I'n-riMlnlo l.iui.eiViiirg i'h i'ir-'.MirS ri,.:irlil,l X. Wn?1. 1 n g ! ti 1 friiiie, .Mil!; H MY IV M t.l'll J ll K 1' HMMi. 1'n in Viimiiii'ihi'k icy luoiintiiiii, 1 loin lii-kt-r bntin' Miiino. Vliuio tti.ruiii ol'p-,lil,"ii llikl'y (Jo htrute n'in thH pimu ; I'ri'iu liionry n onu .liy cikis, l'roiii inoiiny n c unlry uliop, Vc cmiihi i pvi-t linn', l.inkir., At tliis In to Liukiu Imp 1 Wi t tho' tli o N'or'-wcKt lirccrpK liluir nun u'nr (i"nr,'iiiiwn kill, Anrl likowifii nguu iravzt'ti Th tr.n.n at Turncr'j M.W ; Wmi iho' Hi army Iiohm'8 l)ii oil fir Kiuit i f fund, We'll .lri:.k !d ryf Abroni, J -t'l. aitfci old n ! ii gumi. V.'nt tlio' tho Yaiiktic nnhin l'orm out the wiuliku Hu l, And ejrs of all Ktn.-diiii Ari) uta.shiiii.'il in lliu mini .' Wnt tn.j' lliu ly coiilninteri l'ut'raud n. rito and luff. And I'uclo tain's ol 1 ntti'kin' VI all hi.- casli l..t reft ? Vint tho' the t.ixij iaxuc ii-. And hui9 ol coin mu.-t iiilo. Whihj poor lulki) thri " timos over Their cutlet! grounds muM bile '! Does not grati' Pr, Chetver, (Aud shall ho h('ekeiii vain ') Command us tu delivur Iho laud from slavery's chane ? Shall ive, ivlmso hearts arc li ton t-ti WiiU rye, and cake, aui wino, Ehull Hi) to C'i;:f and JJiuiili tiivi) n on h t hut urn.-. t and rine ? Ar.. ..u a ' .'.i. jl.t: n ! 'i l joyful sound iiruc'utue, Till eaeh romoH'st n i p o r Has leano d the Liukiu namo ! ll rriiili-.l !,y the n,sl int.dli,-i'iit i.l j l'v fiuuj.vl .b.hn Mohnllv !., n DESCPJPTI0; OF r.OKE. One 'A tie n-w chajlfis i f Mrs. Slo'.voV " A j." nt's of SoiT'iitd" cinL iiiim t'u..' .'ulljw ing Jfi'ij Von of Riiaie; "A viaiutj tises ution m from Ujo lurjj ol .'liaUcws. see a w i'ie lduin, tnilos ntiJ miles in e.xtetit , rolling in jol't billows ' (erK.,., e vrn M i,'i,n! "f 'h' ew Yolk - iiiulei' li.t'.o ol Mmrli uTtli, gin's oiiio Htliiiiiotuii lm-iiK-i. ts m1' tl. ' 1 1' Ct'llt tJIClt li.lllh) lit W'ilH'lli r It ", l.iMll t which t uiukoroom foi t h lullou iny tnictb : "I ii company with C';td. Mnrrell. ol I h illiibiriou.) Ktmy-I.nuili Pc. ititylvucta if Siuifiit, 1 vi.-llfii tho battle li.-hl near till:' I'luce Ve-terihiy. 'lliu viflt wa-i fcinlel i il floublv interottin by tueetiro' i!h the .'iij.'ltnn on tin.- w.iy. J 1 o w.m tho iuiiiiw Ciiiltiin, a mi euaiujiiinleil the nluin t limit 1 i ol tm hutiiht tl iitnl sixteen men w lui l ep le.-eiiUtl tht! ojillimt i'ft:i!)ient uti-'i- the ih nth ol the liiiin-m.iti Col Mnn-ny. The I.ieuteniiot. t'nluiio! mill M:ijoi' wete both a! -out on the l;iy i f tho h.ittl". " Tin i e," , ftiii'l the (Vji.uii, v ! i en ii..' I-" i : i . t - fjuflh tit ,. , i . i .i iht-ir lir.-t lift into the eiieioy, iihil Lhere i 111' .-j-r-t H In re ' Murray tilt . 1 h-,i l:nr' I hem to u eh : i':'-.'." 1 looked ui tho iiiitio man heloro u.o, vvlio ' hiltl live bullet hole.-, in lii- clot h. s, i,i:i then nt the Fpot bloolt;iint"l by tho !itu tiihinl' tho ti jl lo Muir iv, iind a .ii'ii.-e of line, hull ir u 1 1 el Huuiirii'.ion ti ,u I I thro my mind like a shock of cleetri'j.ly. Hi ding forward u little, the ('ii'tniit s-aid "it whs here our bay nill"ied ino-;. There. ii wheto ttreiily of our men fell withia a spaee of ;ii ni.iny j-q'iaro v.tnls." tla.uii tut the (iji-it, btineiired. a-i it v :i.-i, will- blood, '.he letleetioiis cre;iled by thesretitj ami the ol. ice were itide-ci iba'Je. Then tho Captain, after a j'uu-e, contit.uod : The.-e arc the ivoo-.U w hen.- the I.uui-iiana Timers were, a:i. where tlo-y opposed us for two hour.- at thirty yards ui-!anee. Wo eouhl hear thein cry, 'Kallv, Tij-ers, and r.'.neiiiber Hull run ami (.'i-rro tmr io; ti e Yankees urn L-eforo yon.' " 1 Jifoeee ded it: i t ti.e dell bchiiiti the wood. T.-e-ry rock was stained with the blj.nl ul lue dH'ttrted rebels; every trio was .shattered by Kir lire.'i'ms. lVs-iiijr to the left, a iiciy tanied ino:nd id'eai tti, about lofty yuuU by live, aiul two feet in heibt, ut- ttacted my a'leiiti -n. "What im tioit l,t ene'.or.iue '.' a--ked 1. "Tbii!," Hie prison,-! nov in i!,is eily. Jtmiu ti ii-i-tm;.', itiul in tome d.yr, ,.' n,i, tnni, a- mii i r.i: i ne i.OM.cts ,,i i u, iflhi- )ii!e iiiiiveiiiMtitt :bel ll! IO V of th' ll'll Win t In t'ottmi c : I'lOin l!ie tiine ;,n 1,,. !,.fi Wioeh. vt.-r utnl Stri biu, nivl luo.el unii the ui iin bo I y ol his I'urcei One u dP Sfauii - it- n : !. full lit (! had I o.'f. uu n,.' J ieki'Mi win f-1 1 k: til il f I ; hit head it m" imrt inll ," d n. d air. net all the (If It burni'l bom the ! hind csNrnAL sjriELT)i. ton, (Jen. J aoknor tir;! M iJ .: irevr d .'iiiii'i Shields it l,vi- ol !l " e inty of Tyrone ;n Jro. , ' !. ft I;" W.l 1 - rij . th j Pa- Jfcl i, ' i' 'I -.';'.;:,' j ah ; .". C. 'y fvo years :" ' oi'i'V '.. c untrv in thft '. '.ir i,-.; .,, Lt r-. ' t oo.'v tixtt-cn years of i.;. In J-;: 'J 1, wee' nml net. itf:n b-d in Kiitlra an, (r.o i,f iln ohjest vil viiinge 7'.' ' H'i Of,- - The H-at.-' ..it' .f i ! tit" woiinited were eonve ed to ll.e I'etit) t 1 vun in Il ls;. Mill. '1 he e.YUi.i'. cl I hMil I t' IV'H Kent lii-t-lini'i'lv I "It o s of e,U'!l hit, not le-eli i, ,. i , ; , ,iw ! I iiin"ilii'.-ii u: nil mii I il,ii i ll .11, Immii n Ml in I ,V-.!l'l:illi !tr.ttt ll.n ,-.,,: . it...- ml II .. 1 1. I i .- ti'WUii:i , there nro no fatal ra rs nmoni; them. ; th ht udy p.nd i r.ictico id l,u- TT m 'No 1 1 ems, soon ((fl,,r elected to the Sttilo 1 fri'laturo, Among tho hoirihlc ineideiiN of the Pml ltZ'J "aH niude.StuU Audifor Tour ditftBtpr was tho Mowing off the head nml J'ear" 1,Uf'r l e vviis ai)joint I a ,Jud;;j of I.ail oflhitriinkoldimi.nitUoj'M.ssrunkllll'Vul'rfn'M'',a''t',u'1'1 ' having rotd, morn than a Miuaie dii-ianv from the factory. A t.orti ;i ft tin thioli struck . I' inks nod tien. S, ,. id. Tl ij'inty ei mo iidnibitanls of l"i-ederiek j i lotity. 'i'( all tho pnotile iii W arren find M'IliiniiOa!l Ciaititnv, uru sfOes.iiotlintK, oi.ii they l-.t'l't hiui well po-ted as to nil that traii-piied. He did not, of roin.-e dejiend tij.on t!it.,t Miurees of inloi mat ion alone, but kept n-ml-, and eourir-ts in roii":iiit motion bi-'.iicin )iiineit and ii nii'.'it- tor. I : is i i-i-r j.oia:it w i- at in- b.'ioiv .-vtM-lnirir. and lim j , : , ':, i t "i in ' t were I m ow n forward to n j .01 111 ; 'i".!'- ni'-o i i . 1 , 1 1 1 ' - T t ' 1 ' , I I. Wo'.litl .-.ffl;) that. loT.i'i.il ,I"iiii-i.n .ee'.ed 1 1 ' i . 1 1 1 mtii .' Iioin bin) tloin that be ilioull mvii r-tiea: of ;ha( ( ,.f (),,. n, 1 f: t)!ll Iie.iilet.t r,i!h io appoint- e (ieneral 1 I I 1 T I , - .. Minst t!. retr a ,11 of the t ivern of Mr. 1 1 1 " ''''hiew-d ; ; , ashmton. li I'oo ;herly, No. I'V.'A Pasfyuuk rfi'l, h'.tv- I iv.'iis bi.ioiiv inur!'. ujion the buck wo. k, i il'H !b"ii l.iliii;.' :n!o the vied. 1 lie it- pull the blf.t i.inj "iiiu n ml !ll!l ivnt ti.whnrl , -r , . .1 . -,. 1 I niv of the : t , i ' , ' ,', . . Toioio ., i !,!, .., f ,.,., c ,JN" r," i-oiu tOL'C-.llef " i I. til ' '1 I Mr.i bin-:: ami thf i. oo t i 1 In: j-f-bj.:v, w.o. f ' " -1 i 1 1 1 mI to operate finally tie. irXtaunten ; but that, having done t lj.it by ;he bi.lh in-t,, he wa-lol l to the exerci-e of :i laroo tlis 'tetion ns lo bin suiiseipioht movi ments. Utuninir on tho l'!lh that (Jetit-ra! latikit wa-i m. n mi part it' his forces niooir llie X . ne!:,-.; i j an i j f',.at letowu turnpike to wards the l.i t '..-f poire, (iciicral Jatk..ti wa- led to Mipp.v.o t hut (i.-n. I!-,!;);-, iv-is n l.'ovo! ing to ell'H't a junction of Ids whole force will, that oliietiera! McCi,.l.!u at Cent lev i lie, by way of Aldie. there It ifiir a i- t d tuttij.ike ro:nl l!,e enl;:o di bince. Hut it :ceris thm (Id- h:i-oi!v 'I'll. Wihiams' bi'i:;iide, ivlocii title: wards tcliaei-d their steps and H'tuMied to V.'i;-,-c.n -lei idler the action of Sunday, (ion. '.;i ksr.n, however, deem in-; it of vita! Kn out Ol t.'ie ;.1"X1CR!1 war HUM!!; t!ie '"Oowiii:; year, the tatno I ih-ii lidiii- into the vtotl. The ' ..' 'u " 1 rii ' 1 ,; B'- id. Which nnt,,,:r,.I ,o In.' in t' ,n .1,.. o .or UftlPt ill t it L lote.l Stnt" 1 iii'o a n over tiie ouiliiio? 1 : in IS-sviiitii ro;; 1. '1 li ce.i. il iiii'l the hi nms were dndi.'d out. Vf ".".' "ia"I1S J oi-.w-i dl down 11 is com t ion was ihr.ed Ju" ari wih ; art it-ubtriy no:.. ( i c t'i r ) i i , t.io lie r.usi uii air e--piii,l.. with era v. ui.d n short , ' "u. ea Th u hidu-r, which luid been Kcorehed find :;ir;ed, were all i!..t wus left to lead to th" idetiiilicati an of the remai'is. PorliouH of llesh were found u'on tbo roots and in '.ne Htre. oluntf-crs. 1, lS-lu. . eni Ouz, '. till bai led hitn. in deff.'nce ed coutitrv. Severe'v WOUlltieil l: ronlt,iJ nn tl,A fieh), uiToie on hi-taen, 'into . ball pM :!''J? t h rem ; h his lungs struc'-' om down, i Ilt wns ctti'i ie:! from tho hat'1,- field, and Within a circuit ! Wd . nP"ied no nonv dcod that obituary v i ' 1 m r. 1 i-ii.-i In- n r.f P. M W. Calwell .rcrneken A. MY.l ce . r,-.-r.:..; II. b Il.".thl.-.oI) 7. 'S. Miiler ,1. '.: V.'tsu'l. T! K. Mooro. c- J. f: -py. J .,r if h- ning .1 .j laie'ii Win. "i "li. .'. , .".I, Mm re ,1. :' li. T iot ot green, at.a t'li aea on all shies t.y blue J r.-j-lil mv bruve guitle, "is t he jrave of mountains wuom silver crests cleamitiL' t ,;.,i, , .r, .1 i..,it,..i i.,. ,;, .. 1 her" .lie In Hi V Il the ti"ld. dhe io till' CeOleiell . lid the Ciiptoiil. ll'. Ill,' s, 'It ill' Sllti.l. lit III, I ll.'il I a I ,, I ' ; L-t liOp'. 6 Oil their lops, tooc bus d cketi uil tlie plain. So nent Ol.clv, hi) la. or '1 fiiiJC Oir.ri, fi i -i, O, ."'I, till : il. II li' a. J -lin. !' : -On is, U'lT.C, Uwi i:.', M.irri5, l-Vr.n, I'iV-f, , i I'ni.n. W inbriiril, . i ' 1 1'l.i .ill", op- . I hi a V i this ivavins; expansi, il giurct.an ::iij;iiii..i;i it. liiight be .-. Wod So.i'.ii'h', ii ". A.llci iv.li ii vrit'.e Asiiitio s'.eppe, but (L it in the mitiit thuttof, on .some billows of rolii'.g nt I, we- discein "eity. ""Oibre. ooaiiit and old a city of dreams and mys teries ii City of tho living n.d the deiul. And thisisKomo weird, wonder ful ancient, migh'y ''omo oni-o ly phy i t ai lotC! and grrtimetir, militior uo.v in pl tie-id ilecaaence and weaknt-.-s by the j.owef of a poteiH moral enciiautini'ii t ' As the i'j.i it moving west vard the , ! oie uu uround becomes tl joiled with a i limit. culm.--s which feotuns to traifuse tbelt null puivading presopco throuuli t.-i ei v pa ot tho cily, and iiinko all ii ....... iO.nl mo-is.' age bright and living. Iho 'ii: -h ;v vr-i w i tli i .1.' nt ions ol ha udreils of bed.-, and tho evening glory goes up and d wli, soft lo tic I and angelic, tr ins. i.'-ui: a", i.uog-. The broken eoliriuis oi the l-'oi u'il -"em to s vim in golden mist are la. in that u.dl'.'" .- wail wli -io too l'l'l'.'i.- tiic .v they were driven In llios.v here.'' 1 looked, rode aloii," everywhere with li;,, ' . .1 1 . I and hitniiiou ..-,! f-r-.- s M.i v 1 1 0 '. V.id, T.t. . ! rnnk. 1'. A. I..'l'l:.il. j r w y..o.-- J'. V,'. I I' -IOO.-. (', iiii-i fi anty v;,. I'-i i ' ..i I. tllll. Wib'ltllH l-.ik county, Pa C. )l'n 't W l i i .a C'.rr A 1'.. .lin 'j. U. Vii.'eo. A. Ci. To.'. (' .1. 1'n -r- 1' iri I I.V t-r II. V.'n hi .viird lilin t. lin ll. Icehio'...itl M. U. . irk. ,1, W. Thor.ips'n .lllft, "i ll'ill.)..- -II .'. (' lire oner, II. W. '., t.-, A. P. Mm.ro, T, W. Pieiiiini;. P.. i . I. ib) I). Po iibaUer. .lo. l.ti-Leo. nnd rin.-oino (fliet'.o. lift' JT'ii.i Pout 0:..-t mil Ho t'T I lfi ioiimo' .. .v'lv sli .t rsul mil. t lit Will iiinimr lor Ferpi-'nn totTiuliip. ;.o j,-.oi:t. vital Mix il- '.ill the C.i'i.-.-uiii as it I aim the ev.jio ii am i : ! ol iier aiinilar n;oiit:ds s i I 'nioii ib. a ; vith V(,,. ""J'; -M'hiu is ti:. JJOS 1 1 1. 1 11 till woods over 1 tin w.ail, stained 1,'ootl ot Ih" . " ; and shattered in many places by th" halis ..liil sliells of i he Union army. " I'll. it field i- the cue," sahl my conductor, poiudng over the wall to ll level space, where our men chaiged iiuin-t the w ill, and fiom wbieh wo dioi'e them prui'i tusly." The tieh I Wli- very mucli expo.-e.l ; no shelti-r nt ail did it t'oiit i:n, u h de ! ho w ii I was a pai ape t Hliti'ii inches ib.'.k, wit 1 1 loapi iiolej for mn-kelry. as if i: h id been c..n sti'Ui tej for a jierioct lite., of t!efeiie. Uur g.dl.irit inai 'i-.siiien nil th-i rohi-ls thiOii';!i llii-o iooph lies, however, whenever they dare 1 lo slio',- tl.e;r head-, and 1 ph'ki d lip a rebel hit on the hi l .th nine bill - ' lei h d"t in it. Straying 'dong over the ii"iidlul held, I s.t-v t-ve,yw!i. ve traces of the i! i ! Hi'.-1 1 ih.f i-'o t ' I J ol t he coniliet; iitei, hiiviin.' Iii 1 1 v -aii-li I my e iiit.d'.y en porfance lo : a vent a junc;:,.n V ilie ot Iho foices of fiem.'ial Hanks, uith 1 liio-e of Con. MeClclhiu, il. tert..:ne 1 to iii'.ack Cciici d Hanks nt Winchester, Wi'.h s ii-ii a v i,,,iV ,,f f , re a- would compel him to .'".iiiiin ti:e:e a: 1, n.,t. It. sit'ois th at be li e) no idea that lie would bo able hi i.viupcl i o : i . H.n.l.s Id abandon Wiuriu-i- i ter ami return u iJarpi-r's l errv, but ho : wa- d. lei iiiim d ! but be ihoiil 1 n.-t ad - I value tawar Is Con t rev ilk-. Aivnrd:n;'!v. , t .' m.'i i: Im:: a seuare arcuind tho itnuie loi.ite vicinity ol the factoiy, iho wails of iseverul buildings iiad bloody marks upon ; I horn, Miowing whore the fruincnti f mutiii'.W -d ho'iie.s of tho vic'.inis of ;. di-ja-!iT hied s'.iue!;. it ivill nadily bo utidei to i.l that the e..';tcr.."t: 1 in th" Iteighbui hood ivi' ptiin I fmly ii.temc. dei th';c- nttiact. ; ed to tin) scene by mere cuno.-ity, tlifr" ! w c: o hun J. t ,.ls i ho had other mid idi-ono. j '. r inolives for tiieir jnc-fiioo. Tina rehi t A-i'i of' i bo v.-. ,.:,,.., ,. i,;,i,..- .... I it (.entrc- ,l,:, ...a.;,. ... i ,,m , , n, m . i,, r.ti viirii- nieii'is 111- ..eiiaiii whether th-y w.ue ivnn't".' tho kil led i r wou'ided or whell.er they had es caped. There we:e many afii e lin g scenes when tbo in :'..-irg ones wei-o found lohavn - api d unhurt. Wo will not attempt to il.--ciil.i- the -ernes when iho v, i.-st f,Mr3 v. i- i ( aiiz- 1, nnd oaly mv.ng'i d IV i:: iiii'iitt were found to b" l- ft of thoso who -i ie i.i ,..e i.,.i nca. in out a .-ihoH t.tuo novices appeared of th.- gallant .5?neral ia nearly ml the pup era of the c-.'ir.try. It Kpiienr-! that ao was entirely given over by tho Army Surjoonsi, wheii ,i' M xlctin Doctor said ho vvJu'.d livo if he would let him remove tin' congulufod blood from ths Is told him to try. nnd a li.-iti d!:oi chief was worked and fi' i.. ' . 1." C.HH.'d four 1'1'gi 'HIT ts of illfu'.l'iv to I lo li-- .1 I'oii'ftl ) : 1. 1 1 , 1 1 fY,,m M,,ni. .!',..' i 1 sou to Mr.,, bun nnd leoiii t bo b. 1 1 .. ,,1 ' ' ne eau-e. oi tno uia-.ler is mvo.v i I ' T. CAi.'.'.K or THE ll i.- - N'. scene the ei)'.,a:'t,:ne:it. er pi:."f on Sutur i 1 -.-'-r, l'enr if bh .us, hi -',! ip, S.iit l.i - i, Now Mi'lt'ort. ':,'ci;enr;d!;r, I'll,, nan, 7,;".-i-;.d:i"', l.iiin'i.ir ( it'-. ill i-ir.,i ia ili'.l' i iri-ni'viU, , PliioiuiiUtvillo, lliii'kt'ir., .ltilVi.f . jtn.ids wKh KS t.n.iis.iii'l rtl'cbe t. u im j Iho city hko i-o many OVll hoi : lo III.' . I-.U'.I ol tllO 1 ten ,er i giil p'1,;-s "I1 'Iri ets d:ii k and d! pice i - ii.'o r"; .,,i,ie anil cavprinets d.-iis i .iln 1 Keis.'s hei o tho peai'iiry . .',' to uav vegetate in t o u 1 en . , I -ub.-eri i - It ii .ii e :'i'.ti- iii.iny at ingv e ei . i wiuM'f tho in is- h gi-Jt-u .ii t'o loid cm' -ling I. uotaii fail into U.pt.ilV.i b .-ill-. J . i.j'.iS I ploac.'s ol .,"tilt S ill i. lei Ii v.! ii !;.. wrcoi.-lii'd li o n 1 1 si reams t hl'oilh a w il- ll'"it-'i, C.i .:! I .... I. i I, r I .1 i . . i . , I , , , I I -..'- , ,.., MM, I l"fiv'l',. UliV j'Hllll, I lit' Ml 't in,l - . sigh I lo-- ! on ly trlt I'eliei ed I'oiu a b'eiii.' ol avlul, i-:l. Tlio i lu rror long nfier le.u hiog Winohv-ter. ' ' A moi'.'.iiii'oit il i-ub-iu ipti-iii sloiilil i null- lia'elv bo set on Plot for ColonO to ! liny. Tiin rel el i'.ceoiint if the- laUl" i?lf i s urn iii iii'VlVoV uliter itoul ili.H lisln-d in the .T,, id' the 117th, e.veepi in the lol lew ing pa 1 1 ieulnrs : First . as lo the number- engaged, it is slated that Jack son's whole file", alter I.'" was reinforced by lieneral (iurnett on Sunday, did in,:, evened (i.utiO no n. and of them not more than o.bl't) v.'eio tul.i'iliy eiiu d. S c fiid, that tho rebol- wr.?n (ib; ;.,,. to aban don lliu col. lest bcciilisO their .iiuiiiut.i li oi been me en I ire! v o i, an s ted. 'I he; up. pe-'.r-- to be (rue, fr ,in the fact that no cartiidges we'e found in the cartridge' b iei ol tho-e I aken pi isoners, or nf iliosu loiiinl di-iitl in tho fit-lil ; but why there was f-ucli a d's'iciencv of iiiimuiiition ii 1 1 if p.:! them is not explained. Third, they ritmi that en r loss m killed is touch great' er t pris '.l no, .i o;iv ..olv i d in elor, and 7h- no'.v ir,ste;. Mi. Ji'cksan, (lie vis not in the fao'.ory at the knevs uothinir eonooi nine it and with whom wo coin er-ed. that they found the buii'iiiigs tumbl'iist to pieces, and in tilmo-t the same instant it w: 'n l!.::r.es : ' hi re .vi-re t wo dis ; iru t ex plosions, ,he second ol which wn ;i: uch the inert vii'Ienl. TOE B"lI.rI'G in wli'ih f'io explosion occurred w.is lo cate I ti;.oi: a huge lot at tho northwest co.'tifl of Te'iih and Kpeel su'COs. It was of f: air.f, abt, ut lil'iy leet sipi iro. with n 'm,di I tiek siructuep in th,.. ('.vo'vp, and w.n divided inm thn-e nparlments. There is nothing ,.fi but a ortion of the walls ul the brick building. The e-inb-li-hiueiil was liiruivarly n-ed by Prole or J,u k.-oll for the loaoufiCtUIP ot fire'A ils, nn th"ir-'. and that ibev took m ip and two explosion, ut tended with loss ;f 1 won r.vl. line silk iiul'v dift vii through t he tnund, romoy- tng the extravftsiitcJ L'.od when daylight eouhl be scn through tho lie 7. And jet Sbield' to di'v is n hide and lionrty man, free, from di.-pnso o afjy incoVPiiiencc from his wo'ind, whicli v.-a? cini'leretl at tho i! ue :;k moi tab p.aving be"ti made by a ii.rge cppor b,dl, mill going diu-ctly t li"....g'i )ij.s body nnd lung, lor his gal. bin: ari l mcri'oriou; conduct on thin oc C'tdon, he was in A,igo-t, 1'- -17, brr-.'p'nd a M jor General of Volunteers. Stiii suffer' in'! from his 'rounds we find him com nninding r. brigadoin tho valley ofMc.xici, cisn-'.sti'i!j of a h i' tuiiion of mai ines and regi.nen 's compoued of New Ynrk r.nd S.n.tli Carolina Vol'in'oeis lie w3 in tbo btitio of Cii'ipuitejtcc. '.vhre. being un loaded and : -c 1, fjug';: on foo;, ! oic's tiinn wo (.1:1. I line wnl settle last point. Terrible Accident in Philadelphia. M oi iy and tli' ! mi r: li. a 1 1 1 the I'.u 1 1 ilfil in 'I i,e in-, i .bed i, p. berot ll line .7 lei 1 dale ill l! e Uiti nf i' ee the Oh I on. mil olil sci j t'he .mi'::, cos I j'l im'"-, leli.f ii'ioi-nt rni"- ib-M.es lit I'll ! priiy-- bell, r, :iioo'A's into I pictured and g I gleam i goe.- le- ' i I ' ii.li i '. :m 'ill- nil e.ii '.i'i.-, H'hl tli.it I!,-.--; li .-..ept t lui e I he e, and. "A iiimn' t iie acts otl 1.," I;"! I was Of ti e llii-hty-f. e n i ii" I tl." rej lo: i han 1, w iiii.h -r r J. jn'IIM.OI'tii!, ATToiiNr.v at V hw. l.'iHi.rii-bl, Ph. Oil'ii-e v.iihh. J. t'nin", f.fi., ie. Se-eoad street. Miirv'n 2e, lsi'i2. If. Sf A IL Ju u ii t.. IL . sn b .5 . r t- L r T H I It IS Ii I R G , ri.KAP KIKI.D COUNTY, rA. linNJtY 12 VANS, 1'roprirtor. March 1 ly. h w ilh ils tollttig 1- tlircug'i painted Unix cotilu-ioii ol io: it s that jrlit cr ami from roof an 1 wall wilhin. And i: loo, iieiojs tbo lil er, optlieliliny t" mnii'd in s f I.,,ael like wan j w hi'.e t'l'iiil i in film's ; mid tiie bl.nk lili uriiful t'bi'li"ks io I ho evpre.--es in the villas around, il ttmch'.' with a f, ileum idnrv. I be emtio of St. Angelo look" like a groat 1 1 an.- lueetit, luminous orb, (uid the statue of .-aims nnd .ipo-lh-s on the top of St. John I.atermi gh.w as if tr.nde illivi'-.g I're. nnd ieetn to stretch out g!o:;!i("l bands id Welcome to tho pil grims that are ap; ' o mb ing the Holy City across ihe soft, palpitaline . of green thai lies s'.retchid like a misty veil aroand i;.'' ; .r.i. ly e. i.l.i lit III h't - ' teat the , ll l,i 1 1 .11 ,e l'. oi ls iiise i'i be- .hi Erpl .fi.-.ii a, I J: I.i(A '.(:: lj: !',!, 7 i-- I'p Fr-iiitrt! .S'l'ti .). A! I'hu.iih ipl. ia, on Saturday moriiii.g, he! a i e-n eight and nine n clock, a tt i i-i.,io (VplOii'll link pi.iet1 in tho C'llili'Lo '..i'I:si ti. on -ed Mini. Ihilieiintl tiul'i.i. i ,iy of Trot. S'.iiiH'. c ; io r i. i i t n i h nnd , it :i - id 1' i-s of 1 i e, T ille. have occjrred there bolero. For sev eral nceks I'rf,f. Jaekfim ha-been exten sogly engaged in maki'isr patent, cart ri 'ges for Colt's navy lcvdvcrs. About se only 'rive hands were employed l:i tho futory, anil yi- iMitiay fifty more wen; a i . ti t i-e'i for (n'lhe v-boie tu'iiibor l'i tri i i, f.i't'. i.ud (ihy we:e yrung g;r'-, nnd t ! e remainder men nnd boys. It ij e-' : :n .:-.! tint ah "it .-'n'y ilvo t!i"i;-.' a. I c.o 'I . I.o - Acre i i-ie i'i .-,- per . 1 ,-. due d. v l.e-t wtei, about a i:i limn hoc to I:: i siO'-t sloevi... ica'l.ng u.s Origule, s.vi-rd in band, '.vith a b-i.vrry that has lilMOi'yV" "Ji?' wm !tg'i;n' 'woiindca, nna tiiat ditn,!e:o!i-Iy. bill with car.' tuid ft gjod cotis'i'u'.iou ;r recovered. His bti ci'de, nff-r pe; rorii.ing viuious d-ds, rndi ing in the capture cf tie Ci'v cf Mexico, was disbanded on tbo fJO'.h of Jul r. 1348. Tho v.t" b"iug ar.d ''i, (!eiH r 1 Jhieidi laid il u.-'i rword, p.- ..i ,is. 'orjod onctj more ids "jt-e in civil life. Ho was brilliantly ivciived u his miivui in the United S'.a'es nnd wIipii be rotonied to the .State nf bis choice ( Illinois) be w elected to fiii the pus tlor, vacated by M Uroese t i a ' of Son: tr r from that State to repro sent it in the Capitol nt W'n-hinL'loi:. This was in the year IS!?. Ovim; to sotno technicality he was lefuse.l a i mi-siiiii as a Se'ia'of, wliwn he pro.riii'.lv resi.!"'! the d w us ns p'-ii'iiptly re'elecied. II" returned tr A nslnngton, i.nd h-.' stv year. pro ("l himself to oo at ablo in coutirll as lie was on the batik- field. In ljs.jj ), i the Smiute. 1" is inj at the same tim" lllmoi.-. and went to - 'lie on the land Hoarded to hi:ti r bU -'rvice' ::i the or mv. '.' b ie: lands ho had -"h et ?d in tin Tom p.oiy ol M t'ii"-oi t. 'r-r thht tract - : .: "ih1 ii"i'cr..l U ed ,11 t 111' bllii' im; h mil 1 1, is u.oriiina in i I hi t if nu ,n! . r '"l;r!i i-.c.l t ' , Hid t Ma.'. 1 -lt.e.'t ' n .in furui.-ht.'s llie Co oivin :'.s of chivalry performed one by ; rivate ( iraham, ; r, th Hennsi 1 v it nil. Me i'uetit.d .'.laud. id. The held it, w as shot oil' ; but l IV C CI. Ml ,i 1 1 ci i la 1 i The. edifice Wits set tiered in ruin . . I I.,-, i t r I'm, ni lliu U'iiik- lontil, "''"' : ' i i b"d in-1 ill. I !v, and two or three ol tuent i '.ii nw.o.i: i .' sfr.t.'OfNeiS'. nno: it , Ail hoi: .: Ii t hero ,rr:'e in lie , !:: were ino'lint "I v em. 1 1 :uo:,s to t:ni .n t 1 . ,i, oi th' I inin Ii d.tma M' I o 1 1 it. : v before iho Siar Sp mgl.-l Jkinii'T b 1. t . t io grour.il in' u'l a-) '' it in the l i-ina in ing h.iul and l.e'id it 1 1 lump bant ly. Tl." rii, ht arm was ik-xi dn abh-d ; bo' boiore I 'i" col ois I' 11 He was killed by a third le.ll. "Col. Murray, of the Ihghty-foui ih wan shot through tht; figure on his cap. the hall pa-'ing out a! the back of his bead." Then follow blow n cut pre lo luinino Ir. n'l'tV al-o snl a list of the killed !; run were a Ij ii vry window pal." t"f a s p.iare .irotiii'l w i- broken, fences wcr j ileuiolislied and fin., menlsol' lium.'in tle-li were llung on .,iii! Inch pan-- mid Mtienrid over w.i!i. A 1 ol 1 -'e 1 1 1 t tl trnt hen1 f I ! o! in n.-, i ti ". ads. Ol bodies, ju-! tifl I oi two females wen inn nts. I In.-, I'oiiiiii.eg pi perlv. Inilil" red. Neatly r.i it wa- a 1 !m k of lour ibi livcliiio' i, rule Ii It I' eh- - '. Ol V '; by Mr. I.en I and Ail-1 ill i:il- , the 1 1 1 v b: !, lv Wll'.eil weei flli tlli r w 1 I-' itti l.fl't bv tee pie l-I t bv C 1. .-- a eo.'.rn 1 -'',!. ,i:i hi is V IS 1 p ": I it :-. I.'"':;, i? n- a ,'-:en i -:'.r': "I- i .a e. Ind-doii den. .v ii. ; Is! drmvi. In- h.-'.'.i tt) . ,' is sea1 i -t-c t: in ! a "!,-"tioii, hi est o ro C.'iil.a- il.a. i'l't); bo i o i . -i h -uglit on -".' . i,. vi'ig 1) a.-ii .-ipp.ilnte..' rig'oi -r 1 1. ne : .', w itli n :". in;' oa'e IV.a.-ii .''.'i.-u it 1. , tl-' 1 1 I the d bv 01 II, u pi r.i ari v a I .ana I e;;s a'-.d other piece-expb-irin. I hie blown into Tenth leepi wi' li I heir elol hes iii I i n alibw,. .. wounded 7 1 1 of tho Kighty-i'ourlli, ibiler- : Tie .,(,i0 ,,.) citv.cns imuii'thately n-n- l .1 I oil !," lO.I oii.slble !,a,l 111 inri uui nine nun t in- i.-e -.- i h""-' i , 1,.,., i ; 1 1 h e ii n 1 1 i .-s il ile, ami til" run, hist week, making tho aggregate ot Killed I ,,x,in,;n..,l Jlt onr(.. The de el nnd and wounded in this reuuicnt, 01, out , untied were cirri, d out ami pla-ed in Loo engaged. s various nei 'hlioring ibveUing-, di ugs'ori -, ri ...ii.. .1 ,,..'i...l i:..i , r ,i. . l :ti .1 i .. ... ..' . . . r , c . , '"'I' t . ,1 .te-.liie,, , - , I io.' IV 1 1 II' I , v IlllO "Ollll! Ot '. , 0 1 1 1 Jl 1 1 I' I I W O C I 11 K C II 1 and wounded in nil t ho ol her reeiment-, ,,, ,t ,, i vhukvI vmoa I los'oiin I. ! lliMAS bin:. Mn i-eldom think of tho unpaged, ehsing as f, Ihova : j o,jt. ur two of llie injured diet! wbi'e j great e I en t of dealh until thesh.idoU's fall; 'Iho above list of names coven all those ) l,0in, conveyed away from the scene, or ni'io-s their covn pmh. hitling fruever from w ho have sullcred .-,- severely trom wauiul-, j,,lllK.di'.ilely after being placed in iieiL'h i their ryes tho traces of loved ones whoso us to bo compelled to enter tho hospitals, 1,,,, ,, Imuses. An iinm"o-o c:r.-,v, of i living Millie were tho sunlight, of th'dr with a few exceptions, which it was im' i ,.,. iou.and horroi .Mricken people tlirorm , existiiir-e. Ienlh is the great antagonist possible to discover tip to the evening : of i t,, mound the sprit, gainj at the bloody oflile, nml the coin rnought oi ine i unti Ui(. in cr the morning ol th" '.Mil inst. I (o. t j uu,nic.s to the fnroo ol the exi!o.-ion. ) c.. lll'SII. T. .1. M CI l.l.Ol'r.il. MVri.T.ordlT, Col'frtion Ofilfc, Ci.F..Rnri.t), Ta. fi5I'; ('Raium'sNfiv iP iii.ixo. Feb. S. v.j. J. I' M' l'I '.ltON, Attorney nt l.nw, Cur-, is the skeleton of all fenst-. Wo do not Tlio wholo ot the nam 1 . trpiin'illt', t'a., win niton. 1 n mi nnmnr-M ivni.ltoei t iroii"li tlio ilarK valiev.nl- not mven. anil it is inn ri-sil.e to nsc.r mi.v e, ,, -t.o ,,,v. .I. , t Uoiili the pa'sage may leaet io parani-e ; then ; tor t he regimen is to whicli they in of l lie-e ll poo I flit ll : ! "I" t, n '. ' ooi! roai'o-t. I In' fa.'O.rv wa- reriini ( ic il'ge 1 1 . Sunt h. an olheer :o th'id'!ec ti; e police M i vr e. Tlie w iubw sash weio ihl-hi'l t''. p.i't'Ps, the 'lioh tvt-i e oi:i from llmir hin.'i s uinl th" la-i r 'va.-lci u from '.he c.-kiug-i ami partilions, '! no In in iliii'e al -o su - tairi"'! much injur; , The faiiiiiy of Mr. Sr.iitii, with the exeep Inm of a li: l le ibiugii ter, were licni IVoi.i i.oiiiit at Iho ibia-ter. The , hil l Was knocked I .wn bv the eolicu' -lon, b it s!ie e-i. aped sei ions in j ji y. rMhincn Albert had willed the wholo of his i.iopt l v a very ronsith rable sum lull'.,' betulit. ho at Cms I dot lined. di.'y lo s! m l by h; . hi r l"oiil. ie', he cum. n g oy ige, ia .u hc-1 i Ids n i'ii.'. in e i'isc h i; I: .si 'trie); !'t I I." vr lied ;;.-iri,. a - vir.-i'id. Th- ol .ieni tal band'T left ' 1 1 i , i a ne.- 1, an. i lietier?! , i -lo the duet ti, for the nil ol their younget children. II 11 earn ot the revenue?, of the Iuehy of Cornwall will result in the Piiin'ocf Wales having nearly ball' a million in hand win n he comes of ago next November, togotlo r with the annum income, in the ben pos- Le ',. ,1,.,. I I i. .. 'w,, . l,,t,l r,l- ...., i .. .. ,i ....... .i i, p.;' - i I giand ska'mg l in k, a worth IIIIM II, , .11.11. lllv 1,1.' , , O . ' e I I IH .1 .HI'S . ! 1 . , , , - . , ',,., ...i-i ,. ,,,L. . ,,. , I the I-li.rd of Streil lllill'llD, nun ii ii.. in., in. ii ii'jtTii,, io This (., iimi-.-i leu, 'I cniing it adopted eoiinii; f : ! ii, 'ir.'l, alter ! he , a; io, 1. u hero pn i,t ,.- o I i , rel u en from the arm v li.lie b.-f I," oie. 1 'I 11 e 1 1 1 1 tt i It, a'. I bVoi Shield- ;a in. uid. ; ill hi- d.v i- ion I'm ,nn, g- part ol l.ie e . -i. ,', . of ,M.ior ( b-iM i- il bank '. lb' J);M a:':: in In on,: nt hinisi-li bi.ioro I he public b hit giib'ant ii Is. iias iigani lien wnni.do I upon t he ball!" lid I, and once ino.o ou, country rings with the r.nriio of "fiencial Shields. Ceio i il -iliii'I 1-i: of,:nil personal an- i 'iii :i iic. aoont live loet f;t'o Si; tnie, with dark r imple My le of speaking i ;..) id, i.;;n am) aLirecahh'. t. t.ce ap.' in (t.d to the com lie r.mk ol I; ig . 'i.-r tient!r,il. of the killed are ','e -:ov a policeman hit from the roof of iMitrustcd to liii, rn.-A. Mfthodi.-t ("biiifh. Feb. 5, '12 BH. J. TOTTER. ' and w i'.h Charii'S haiuo. we do nut want oiil'i?1 pursued the enemy towards Mr. is ! to lay down in tho muddy grave, even burp, so there were few to identify the VVis!cl.i:i anil Stircenii, hm pcrmnnently with ; mi l princes for cur bed fellows. ,(,.,( previous to their interment. Tin . v . . . ... i ii. rn . ' .. . ... , . . i i . - l,.,i. i ... v. ..Vivilln Cnvinrtin tnwn,liiri, off" inn inc nat oi raiure is inexoi aon-. aien- report oi jVCling nrigii'iier uenerai iim- r.t hla prn'esdnnal servicrj to lln" mrrouriling is no nppeal from tho great law which h. k; to General Shields gives tho total lots lanuiu.iiii'.T. May S, 1861. (loom us to dust. Wo flourish and fade as follows : - - ..... lrtniBvriliv (.-o-rttt . nn,l i h. ft. .-.,c 1.' : 1 1 . .1 I 1 I . ,v.-,.st 1-V-r.T-l, li ..v.-.. .... , - ...v.- uw n v I o iviiieti. I". l.iA.wr.h uooiu.n.'i i thai b oom and wither in a r av eive not JI'mTICK of tho peine a frailer hope up on life than the mightiest l.uthiT.-tburf:, Clearfield Co. Ta., tl,onttrcl, thut ever sb.ook the earth with 1 illatur,l rromptly loan m""10" Y'b,0J hin footsteps. (Irnerations of men ai pear to-.tH March 2s, lMtO.-'y. fd. , rs ronn'MS Wounded, Missing, Total, eIJ 4o 71S CYRENU S I10WK. Jrvrrcr. op run PrACK. Kor IHcATrR Township, ' on the Fen shore. til! promptly attend to all k-is.oeni eoirnfted to hie ore. i'. O. Ad lre?, Thllipjlear Pa. Au(. 21tt U61 -s-,1 tit ,ii1a wbirh llll tbp w-nrtrl In I o, . .1 e. r . . . will ta-uitjirtiti eii-j-j iai ns eue ic.oisiepit S-5Wh.it is it you must l eep after giv. inp it (o another? Your word. Tho Rebel Account of the Baltic From the eorrei-pondt-nce of the N". V. Herald. JhaiiMOKi!. March H, 1S02. The following is the rbi l atvonitt of the a three story lions.- m lentil strcl a hoi -I'ible ni'i-s nf fh'-h anil I.hiO'l, which had I, en t 1 . .A ti to taut elevation. Oilier sjohts as horrible we forbear to speak of ir detail. 'J',,- K'J'ti living lo tho confusion hich prevailed about the scene of the I i 1 1 1 1 v. 111 don. ili 'a..y,. ",uen; Cel.A tew nighlB sinc'i. .is ieti.'i' I'lesH. when tlie. streets her Majesty lt? l ite Hal tfonl I'k one bov a d iv, on s says that about iverace. bieaks hi- h'.todi-asler, it was i:upos-iuie o ontmn or f . nrn, or n(,t., l .,,.,..f.,- an accurate list ol the killed. It is e. : n(.., reeklejsnesH in Midinc do.vn hill at Iho number will not 1 ;,, ,i;n-..rei.i i.oi-iioi,- nf Cn,,,.'i;-,,i t ( omul: ae'i fj. 1 " I by a limp and b: n ,! mw, who ih: -in I to be pi:' r, lo Woon.-o'-ke! . "Wo'insO"!.-. u-ioni' hfd i.'e.i i I'onao. hor.i the I'fiV! i w.'ie i. ii,. rut ,il er f :', . , w.i -i-;.d Ir.-! ii f n 4 road ll" -.id th do you iv, in lieved. however exceed four or live. The liemls nf three l er-'iiis, a ii'imber of nrnis, one or two I I.) s( e in 'Vo ir-ocket i. I mg '!" "A V f d' b, h 's s'is there mire. I'.it r' I r-tTAn enrnger) parent had jerked his loniit.es, Hnd iiumoious other parts of bo- provokini; koii acra-s his knee, and was dies were found around the immediate vi-1 operating upon tho exposed portion ol ciniiy of tlie factory. One head w ni ' Mm urelr.n's ; er-on wii h great. chcioence blown over the hemes on I enlh strer.t jn. I -vien ll.e oung m e ring into the pinem to Ptf-ynmk rond, a distar.ee of several ' ;d leg witli hi veuoa e.us littlo lee'h - hundred varus. Ilius far tho h-mi is ol I i.l.i.t s w.uit aro ye bnm motor eofngemnet near Winchester on Sunday Fl'vard, the son of the pr"p-ietor, and a "Well, rU'l, "dio riued tlii- ary direction, ftiy-rhe enr'nrinj; od ir ,is k'nd ofgo :-"lf I 'van! t ,'cd t l,o nee s l! rn l- k tinisiiliif i,en Jndiri.in, hi - buid wl'tit is i tl.r riK'yi., r.f .St. .ir.. nliia, li e '. oiar wa charged with rmrd-:. ,.nd to tins very .'lay ti.6 atuiOspheri?) j. fi h I with the odor.
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