I..1 "J, 'ht (I'lrarfitlb rpublitait, WEDNESDAY 18, DEC. 18CI. 1 nflfl WORTH OF STORE GOODS 1UUU are oBerred for Conaty Order bv ,0.4, II. W. SMITH CO. - nO HI'11 1)KR-PR01'03AL8 WILL BE .iHht ih. M.oi Dn,t,i .,i p. n Cwnahin. until Saturday the 4th day of January tii, fi r building a SCHOOL HOUSE at or near Klley's Ores. Roads Contractors to find ail fcaterisla. Plan snd specification! may t en It w, p. Porter's, up to that tima. DiC.ll 101-11. w. S. .'UKTfcll, Beo- . WANTED. The 1'rinter want WtOD . . - . . I . . Ind COAL, to keep them from freer.ing. JVIIKAT, CORN. RYE, BUCKWHEAT, L-ra 'l . ' , '; (ATS, and MEAT, a an antidote for larvation, ami a little CI1ANGE mixed itli them, to enuble us to buy cluthet for, fctir children. nrGoJey'. Queen of Miigatlnos for Lanuary 1862 has been on our laolo tnw two weokit, filled with pretty and usiful lembellif litnen t, ntiJ the choicest litera- uro. See prospectus. Peterson' t Magazine lor January 18G2 V a perfect model of art. No lady should lo without it. For terms, Ac, ee our pa. If the 27lh ult. 8ic.Col. 1Uk, of the Pittsburgh JXtt,- entilled lo our thanks at lent for hid Inod intentions altho' his ''early oopy" , Ifihn TVpsidcnt'a miRSHffe wan four ilnva ... iphind time. No fault of yours, Colonel. ! Ilay ive have better luck tot time, Contributions to Volunteer!- All persons wishing to make coitribu. ,' 1 .t r.i.. ..u'.. Cadets," now in Virginia which may lend to ad J to their comfort or relieve heir wants-are informed that a regular llunnf fnr aiioli nrtip1p4 liaft liAnn sRtah r iafafrl at the residence of John Mcfher- on, E.q., where special caro will be taken ' Mtheni and from whence fiev will l,e , Horitaroeii at reuuiur iniervnis tae nrst Lnnsignmeiit to be made on (ho first of 'aniiniy next. Persona wishing to fend articles to their friends in other companiea in front Ol , Washinpton can do so through the pamn I PruT,e 'r"Pfr f '.otherwise she will be diPs , . :ed of accordiug to law. H'M. II. MICHAELS. channel THE NEWS. By an arrival nt New Yotk wo have the jfirft news of the manner in which tho ar rest of Messis. Mason and Slidell was ro- reived in England. It ctused much ex citement in both Liverpool and London, and a public meeting was forthwith con vened in the latter city, at which much indignation wab at first manifested, which, nunar.t-i, pc n n iu autrt;t.-niiuiia io n nil until they saw what th proper authorities thought of tho matter. Tho t 1 I i-nnuon i rime waR rather mild and cautious, whilst the AVui, and other Journals, were very uidignan t. Later. By the nrrlval of the Eurepa at Ihili Ins on the 15th inst., we have Lon- don dates to the 30th ult. Tho action of , tbo .liiiiihh Ciibiuet it war-like in the liighept degree. Tho London Times says that the "Council had decided that the 8Ci7.uro of Mason and Sli di-ll was a clear violation of National Law, and that h.Sj.o rial inpssriit.i.r al.nnl.1 l, .l..et..ilnl..l a ! B a ; l Uafhington with instructions to Lord! Lyons to demand reparation, tnd in ' of refusal, to demand his passport.' Heavy armaments were fitting out for' , , , . , , i Canada; and the export of powder, suit- jieter and other ingredients for the man - ,,i.., i..... . .I-, . 1 1 uiaiiuorui Buiuiuiiikiwii, nan I f u 1 by crdor of Privy Council. The War News is not important. The city ot Charleston was reported to have Leea burnt to ashes to prevent its railing i ...ii i r.i i' i i i . loe i, ami, u, i.,u rcucrsi ar.uy ; uuij later advices lead to the belief that it was only visited by a severe coloration, but! whether the result of uccidentor design is BOl known. I ., .... - , 1 here are some indications of a fight in Kentucky between Hie rebels under Gen. (illikoflet and the- federal forces undei Gen. Shoeff. The reported victory of Parson Brown- low at Morristown, Tenn., is conttadicte.,1. Nothing important from Missouri, fien. I rice was advancing Northward, nnd rcf-i ugeesweie flocking to St. Louis-for the' upport of whom a contritiulion of $ 10,000 - was levied tinon the disloval citizens of! that city, by order of Gen. Halleck. AJ1 quiet in front of Washington and along the Totomac with some indications of aggressive movements. A private, na med Wm. II. Johnston, helonging to the Lincoln Cavalry, attached to Gen. Frank lin's Division, was executed on Friday lust for desertion. Twelve men were detailed for the purpose. At the word, eight fired, when Johnston fell on his coffin wound ed, hut not dead when the remaining four fired and finished the fatal woik. Two Regiments Col. Murray's and Col. Lewis' nnw at Uarriburg, are under or der tn mnrrh fnr IJ.ininov Vs Tliew trill k e T,..ic.i ...i n ' i I ffj vj wny a.11 ocuiuru aim vuuiui-i innu. It is renorted that several vessels are being fitted out at New York a. privateers, j to depredate upon the commerce of Fng-1 land. France and Spain, and to sail under lettetaf marque and reprisal issued ty , too Government of Mpxico. WJuQur latest information from Wah-i adgton itviicates that the radical Abolition' ata are noi yet to have things their own way; that (hey cannot yet rarry any or their extreme measures ; that the Cam- ronian policy cannot yet be sustained ; out on the contrary, that a mniorifv of Cor.Bres. wiih the aid of the Democrats. ran m brought to sustain aomething like be policy recommended by Mr. Lincoln n bu toeasage. fro far, o good. W3.lt will lake. $G3pOOO,000 to pay the ; interest on the National debt after Juiy, 1863. The "free .oil" must indeed pro- 1 . . . , 1 auce abundantly if the people of thit country do not find themselves involved in hH.:m,.i i.. . i ,i . ' lmt,onnI indtbleJeieefc to a degree that will cat tin thir S'llslance for crcinrlinii to come What a i.W-in frL iii... lo Messing free mstitu- tioiii are under Ilenubliean ruU. a i i. MAKRIaKI) On Thursday the 12th instant, by Win. A. bloom, Esq., Mr. Hoiea Ereherd 0f Knot township to Miss Martha J. Illoom of township, lllf.rt r o ; . , , th. V,h IT , m.ViK. r.P '"""T ne an instant, .Mrs. .Martha Steward wife of u. im insiani, ,wrs. .nanna .steward wife of J.pb Steward formerly of Centre co.nty, aged 4Hl"wrS'dJ .ntrcrP-r.pl.asocopy. Clcarf ivi mu hvts I Correclfd wctkly by J. P. Kratrer, Dealer in I Foriipn a romestlc Pry flood, Prorisioiis. rfo Apples, (dry) Hu. $1,00 Annies. Careen) Itu. i.,ri n n.. 1 50 40 50 1,00 III (o5 7..I0 i:uckwhcit Hit. , - Reims Bu Hutter t lb Beef lb Hoards M Crn W Ru. 56 i,'raed Bu. - & on Egs ) doi 124 piou'r m lm 7,50 1,00 05 iS 124 10,00 121 J0 Klai-seed per Bu J'0!" 10 w l0' LarJ "M tt ' fork tier Ih - 0H 2 50 $3(g7,00 ', Rngs per lt Kye per Bu. Shinclfi per M. T.imo,xby p-?'d Bu 1,Z5 uui per id 40 ' M'heat per Bu. 1.25 ; - - -' Jlchi gbbntisnntnfs. I ". Jhe lubrrriber lost, or mislaid, romisorv Noto dated 3d December, Hfll, :rBb X '"Itj, T. 7 "Vul IV culling in, kr..1. . .1 i . 1 III, kr..1.. ....n.J I....L II on' r' cautioned against negotiating said note, ""u T"""r 10 rc"ura wm oe given to any per.-on vovmgton tp., Dec. 18,'61 SI It AY MA HI-:. Came to tho premises of the subtcribcr in Karthaus tp.,about the lllb December, a Dnrk IRON GRAY MARE blind, about 16 hailds hiirh ami n,.n...-.l ... ho It n - h,-(.u0vu iw w w ju, a years, old. The owner is desired til fnins farm, anl Karthaus tp., Dec. IS, '! S3 WE HAVE NOW OX HAND A LAI.GK ASSORTMENT, SUCH AS SUM MONS, J USTICES', J UDG MENT NOTES, ic.,&c. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Any person wishing to cive a holidav nreent snouiu go to Smith t Co's, and purchase a set of their fancy Sleeves and CulTs, which are lower ,!... .1. . , , . " ": me couniy.anu oi superior em- ro",l'ry, and the most desirable nnj useful article ' ik.t ,.i.i i.. ...i .1.. ... . - -v i,VPL-uiaru o me tenuer sex. FROM 50 CIS. TO tl.ZO FZR Don't fail to call and see them. Wc will also open a superior lot of Broche Shawls, this week, whV.h will be sold at the low- est Cash prices. Deo. IS, 18(51. ''RIAL LIST FOE JANUARY TERM, 1802. PLAixrirrs. DcfffDAHTS. vs. Ann. Mulsun. vs Ppanglrr A Pa:terson. VI famucl Huskey. vs Pam'l A J. Phoff. vs Chas. Blnncbard.et. al. vi John Wolf, vs Albert A Rro. vi J. R. Read, vs II. Lnrnin r.""" ""'""'J U, M itihell Abel P. Dickiuson r p m i a!. Thomas Ralston R'fd A Co. iiunii it. collusion Bn.kenhitf Thompson Reed vs Jos. Shaw i Z. Ogdon. vi Isaac Haines, et al. vs David Tyler, vi Martin llockenbery. vi L. Smith Adm'xof II. B, S. vi Augustus Schnell. vi John Thompson, vi John Killian. vi Fred. (J. Miller. n. i. u.v.nse lsaan ccofield John McPherrin A. Clarks Adm'r I'h i 1 in Swineford jhn Putchin Tha.mna Smith Jaiuei Mullen W.peweU UM)0'J.Best VI J.M.Chased J. McKoe. George Pixon vi Francis Ptarce, ''Vl.l'to: I Z' 0,,.,. 8, Thomas Lawman vs W in. Lewis. ' "' ''"''ertson vs Starcy W. Thompson. e. vaeeoeor rillia. Iiuyca It J. flUIUollana. ira Bingham A S. Hood vs I.. W. W eld. J,c,jn u- A. Binder vi Clayton A R.AIIen.et al. 0.. lu,n Ti a. B.ll, Rumbsrger.etal 0. W. Owen's Adm'r vi J. A P. Bloom. H Ul. L. ffrhoffer vs Win. Lewis. Dec. IS, lt61. J. L. CUTTLE, I roth'y. FOR JANUARY 1 RAM) Jl HOHH, . VJ TERM, 1862, Bradford. Thomas Roso, Daniel Uraham. hr- ""'J' Voas, John C.rlil.,El,j.h Sml- lev. llenrv (looc ander. 'Ruroside. Elliott King. CU'aiBeld. 1'. W. Snjder. Dr. J.ff. Lin, J II. Hilhu-n. Chest. Samuel Sir w. Curwensville. Jno. McNaul. Covington. Samuel Bradford. Derauir. Daniel Kepbarl, John Baugbmsn. Ferguson. Jacob Uibson. Oirard. Alex. Murray. Oulich. K. C. Graham, Oeo. Hrgarty. Karthaus. Wm. White. Knox. Price A. Rowlei, Oeorge Erhard, Morris. Jno. E. Hockenberry Jamei Potter. TRAVIS JURORS. Reccaria. Amsea J. "mich, Joho Lilt. Hell. Michael Sunderlin, Hoggs. Frank D. Campbell, John Btisb. l'radford. David Holt, Jos. Winnery. Brady. W. L Porter. Dr. Geo. Wilsou, J. M. Armagast, Dtvid McKinnry, 6. R. Lobaugh, Elias Long. Fred. Hollepe.cr. llurnside. Wash. Garner, Joho Miles, John Riddle, John Sunderlin. CIrnold. Edwin Cooper. Curwinavills Henry Saltsbaugh, Daniel Cham-; bers. ffi"' Vfc Ferguson. Josiah Henry, A. J. Jamison. ,,rU,r ,. J"' oLtollM Abr" Uulicta. Wa. Nevlinr, fainnol Falkeritn. Graham. Daniel Wilhelm. Huston, Josiah Washburn. J. 8. Apker. Jordan. Enoch Wise. RobU Hunter. Lawrence. Taylor Kowles, Jobn Moor. 1 Lumber City Anthony Hiles. Morris. U. R. Dillen. New Wsibingtoa. Jaeek A. Breth, J. Byeri. Penn. M lei S- dpencer, James Clark. Pike. Johnson Holden. J. H. Caldwell. q.'tl()R!4 for Medicinal purposes-Brandy JLi Port and Sherry Wine, Nectar Whiskey I nd Morn Otn it HAHTWirK,' 8HEEIFF8 SALES. TY virtue of sundry writs of rtfioiii Expo- P ,5ul "V1" cJBrt of """"l Plea, of Clearfield county, and to ma directed will b exposed to publio sale, at tho Court House. ,n tht IU,ruuKh of Cieirfieid, on Monday the 13th day of January next,A.D. 1882 t I o'clock, P.M. the following described Real Estate, vit ; A certain tract ot land liluat. in Cuvinetoo tD.. cl',rfll'' "ny Pennsylvania, beginning at a; wi.iu .... u, loulh. -. ,',, v 1890, thence wcstSfi perches to a stone corner.: tbenee ""rib 157 and eTen-tenth pcrcbei to a post ' eorner, thence east 395 perches to i put corner, thence south 33 and seven-tenth perches to aj Pln oorner, theuce east 46 porchoe to a nmie oak corner, tlienoj sou b 2UZ perches to rit m.cuwbmihj a'crcuci K vu!ii, iiienoe , outh 828 pirokes toapost oorner, thence westCt nerches to a ehestaut and birch corner, thence nerchea In a chestnut and Son! l ei e to . pu.t, a corner, Iheo, tenth perch., to . corner. . ttinnea vl lf.7 n.rrh. ' thence north G2 aud two- perches to a corner, thence west 40 perches, perches to a postcornor, thenoo north 2 aud i do - Rroci east 2.3 and seven tenth perches t a post, thencesouth 8t west 2.(1) perches to a white pine, a earner, thence north 50 perches to pine and place of beginning, containing I'itK) anrea, being parts nf tracts Noa USJ and 139(1, having SO acres clcared.and an old Pa w Mill, House and llarn thereon erected. Roiled and taken in exe cution and to be sold as the property of Alphonse Leconte, diioei.se'l. ri .? V Vi m I . f,f I.uthnrMhiirir. rirarfii-ld cotinlr. herinninir at 11.. a ..a.,.. In l.. M,f Mn..l m i (1. the south-west corner "if lot o! H. K. Curlile's es- tate, on th i Erie turnpike, thence 51 degrt.i west alonip said tumnike 1(J3 feet to landji nf f). Uooilander, thence north 35 degrees eaat 121 perches l a post, thence south 71 ucgrerseait 120 perches to a post on lot ol Carlile's estiite, thence 10 degrees east along sai l estate 193 feet to the place of beginning with large two story Frame House erected thereon. Priicd and tken execu- tiod and to be sold as the property of Benton P. Ptebbins and Roxaua Hcbbiu, umw intermarried with A. Murray. Also, a certain tract or land situate in Morns township, Clearfield county, bjundud as follows: beginning ut a pout corner, thence by lands of Michael Beainr south 8SJ east rt2 and sn-ncventh perenea 10 posi ana snrj , neace J u 01 Edward Gnttt el. nl.t couth l west 112 fifrcheo to Put, thence by tract in name of Win. II. Kerwin north J west vi ami aix-sevcntn perches to a po.t, and thenco by other lunds of Daniel Little north 1) ea.'t 112 perches to post aud p'ace of bo ginning, and containing 41 acres, iu re or less, with about S or 4i acres cleared thereon. Seized anil nken in I mention and to he sold atli nrnn. erty of Daniel Little. I. .. . K I . . . , 1 Alio, a certain iraci 01 innu suuaie m Knrtnaus , township, Llcarnold coiuty, Uoumleil oy lunJi or vv... 11 lll...l. L I.... 1 ... 1 ,1..' . ' 1U . . 1 ,-. I. U.t "l .-.vv.. ' BIIU t II U Susquehanna river, con'.iiuing OH ai res, more or less, with about acres cleared and asuiall Cabin House erected thoreon. Peized and taken in ex ecution and to be sold as the property of John A. Wykoff. Also, a certain tract T land situate in Morris township, Clearfield oounty.conluining 1'jOacres, bounded by lauds of Wm. Merrell, Robert Elder and Blanchnrd, with 811 acres eleared thereon, with a Log House and Log Barn erected thereon. Seised and takon in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Kylai, Ueurge R. Dillon and Jas. M. Leonard. ALSO, by sundry writs of .enn'ra Farm; is sued out of the same Court, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the same time and place, the following described Real Etute vit : A certain tract of land situate pnrtl 7 in Recca- ria and partly in Chest townships, Clearfield Co., begiuning ata beech tree, which is also a eomor of laud surveyed to John Cook and John Miller, thence by tract in name of John Miller nor'h 43 degrees east 230 perches to a post, thence north 42 degrees west 320 perches to a 0t, thence by J hn Richardson's hind south 4S degrees west23u perches In a pest, thence south 42 east to place of beginning, containing 431 acres and allowaa se, i . .. . ,i .... I put . i .. i . li :i iiunrjei 'm nanaiii uair'i in. siaaita w u- jm Cook, and being same premises granted to John Sliigarl by deed dated 5th July, 1S51 to. gainer with the appurtenances. ' in execution aud to bo sold as Seiicii and taken lbs proporty of John "tugart, ilcceasea. Also, all that two story House situate in Brad ford township, Clearfield county, biunded by John 0 rub oil) and Frnnois Uraham, and lunus of j Angus UUI, and the lot or piece of lund or curtil-1 age appurtenant to sam building, peitea ana taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Taylor. F. O. MILLER, Clearfield, Pa., Doe. 18, 1381. Sheriff. PI. ICES REDLX'KD! COAI.l COAI.l M. CONLRY announces that he has reduced the price of hit superi or COAL to suit the times, and will henceforth furnifh if at THREE AN D A HALF cants per bushel at the Bank, and FIVE AND A HALF ccnli delivered. Will be delivered bv Mr. Jns. Leavy. M ON LEY. Clearfield, Deo. 11, 1SC1. E XI.4 i:TOIC MITIt li. Notice is here- by given tint Letters Ti stmnentnry, on the estate of JACOB OOSS, lute of Deintur town ship, deceased, have been granted lo the under signed. All persona indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims stninH the same will prcsint them duly authenticated for settlcm-nt. 1IKN KT ABRAM OOSS, Bxr'i Dec. ll.'Gl.Ct COURT PR0CAMATI0N". VtrilEREAS, Hon. SAMUEL LINN, Esq. ? President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas nf (he twenty -fifth Judicial District, com posed of the counties of Clearfield, Centre nnd Clinton and the Hon. JAS. It LOOM nnd lion. J. D. IHOMPSON, Associate Judges of Clenrfiold county ; have issued their precept, to mo direct- l, for (he holding or a lourt or Loinmon I leas, Orphan's Court. Court of Quarter Sessions. Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of (leneral Jail Delivery, at Clearfield, in and for the county f llearnelil, on the 1 Monday (13M day) of January nrrt, in the m,rt Ilmise. , NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to the fArnnsr. Justices nf (he I pars, mil ( nnatalilea. in and for said county of Clearfield, to appear in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Exnmi Sstions and other Remem brances, to do those things which In their officers, and in their behalf, pertain la be dona. GIVEN under my baud at Clenrfii Id, this Uth day of Dee., in th year of our Lord, one thous and eight hundred and aixtv-nne. f. G. MILLER, Sheriff. j "VfOTItli. A MEETING OF THE STOCK I i. holdera of the Philipsburg and Wntorford Railroad Company will be held al the office oflha . !. .l. ti a. -c r.... .r...j nrereinrj lai iu noraanji. u. a. learucri, uu iiiv 2nd Monday of January im, for the purpose nf electing one President and twelve Director! to serve for the ensuing year. Atteit, . R. BARRETT, Prciident L. J CRA5S, Secretary. Dee. 11,'6I. 1 HGISTF.R-M Mirit'l' Notice, li here. .-IV byg given that the following accounts hare been examined and passed by me, and remain "I'd of record in this office fur the inspection nf heirs, legatees, creditors, aid all others in any other way inlereated, and will be presented to the next Orphan's Court of Clearfield county, in De netn at tt:e tourt House, In the borough or ri --i.. j , i . vicaiucii., a-o.nuienring on ine ii .aioniiay oi Jan y 1802, reconfirmation and allowance! The account of John McKee and Joseph McKea Executors of tb lst will and Testament of Thomas McKee of Rurnside Township Ciear field county deceased. The aceouut of George Krhard and Lewis Erhard Administrators nf all and singular, lbs goods and chattels, rights and credit, which were of Christian Erhard 1st of the Township of Knox in th County of Clearfield, deceased. JAMES WRIOLEY, Dee. ti, 1861 Register. County Orders. nW. SMITII A CO., want gea for tlOOO worth. to eirhani Dee. J)R. WILLA1AM B IlURD'Sj MOUTH WASH, A 6LRE KEMI'DY ICR bad breath, soi? 3 mouths.' Canker, HlsLAstD BLhKIINi GUMS, viinot c.-.ar. w ...... "uwl"u ovur. mmu ill, And tb best specific now in use for ANY dis. . fnoition or the mouth u... ...:. i . It is particularly, uiHguum lu inrxuni Hrn.iti t r tt AKriFICIALTEKTH, ; 0 ou'I''e1y destroying erery taint of the mouth. absorbing and removing a'.l in purities, insuring ' A SWEET BP.EATII to all who nmlis ue of it. NO YOUX'J LADY or YOl'KO GENTLEMEN ho U afflicted with A BAD BREATH, t .1 -ncuiu ueiav srp:.ving this r;medy, fcr t s a' i delay spp'.ving this r;medy, fcr it id a. ' e-rtain cure, and is approved aud rccotumomlod by every physician umler whose notice it hos been brought A BAD BREATH is an tffince for which there is no etcuao while DH. V.M. li III It I I'M MOUTH WASH, can be procured. Mnny persons carry with them a l.id breath greatly to tho annoys nee and often to tho din- gust of those with whom tbev como in enn-nct wittiout nemg cuii.ciou oftho fact. To relieve yourself from nil fears regarding this, USE Dr. VM. 1IURD S MuUTH YfiU. Cleanlimsi of the mouth is of great importune to the gencrai heulih, which is oftcu affected, and not unfr.quently aerioutly impaired, through nui 01 proper attention to tins sulject. .. ... tl in " I'll. M nuiiii'.s mouth wash. Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Don ta 1 office, No. 77 Fourth Street, Drucklyn, ); t). Price 37 Cents Per Bottle. A liberal discount made to dealers, ADDRESS PRINCIPAL OFFICE, TRIRLNE lSl'ILDlNUS, No.l, SPRUCE ST. NEW YORK POLD by Cawell, M;ck if Co., Fifth Avenue Hotel i J. A I. Coddi' gton, 715 Bro:idwny; D. S. Iiiirnos, 202 llrocdway, and by all Druggirti. K. WILLIAM J). HURD'S TOOTH POWDER, This powder posscasoi the CAR110XIC WmiOVT TIIEIXJVRI- o i;s effec ts of cjia r coa l. and is fr:e from all acids or alkalies rhnt can In the least injure tho teeth. Its action being entirely mechanical polish ing without wearing the enamel. Dr. Wm. Hurd's Tooth Powder is recommended by nil Eminent Dentists, pared at Dr. Hurd's Dental ofiic e, No. 77 F Street Brooklyn, K, I. Pro.) unh Price 25 Cents per Box. A liberal discount tnado to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No.l Spruce St. N. York. Sold alo by Caswell, Mack A Co. Sth-Av.-nuo Hotel J. A I. Coddi. gton, 725 Broadw ay ; D. S. Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. J)Pv. WILLIAM D. nuuns TOOTHACHE DROPS FOR THE CCItn OK T O O T II A G II K . preduced by exprmed nerves. Itis particularly adapted to al I cases cf chil- dren afllicled with T O ) T II A C HE. rarenta cm rclie'-e thenuehes of (bat dis tressing wenrines cause 1 by loss tip sli: i:r, an4 their children from great sullerinc, bv kooping a bntllo of . . . .. , ,., , ,,. XJl- " w m. it- lir I H ) lo abcut the house. Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Den tal Office, No. 77 Fourth Street, llrooklvu, E. I n . i . t - i . t 1 1 i-v-cuts jri jruilf. A )iberal ilj,,,,, ,nn,i0 to dealers Address Principal Ollicc, Ti ik, Build ings, No. 1, Spruce St. New York Sold alsol.y Caswell, Mack .f Co.,.'nh Avenue Hotel; J. A I. Cod liugton, 71.i Broa'.wny , D.S, Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. B. WILLIAM I). . - . H -, TTiITTl Jl T flT R TvT inmTinn 111 Ba I I n U I IT I U l I II V'l'lj Kl w llLwllaUUlil iLiiUlaUUO FOR THE rt'KK OF IV I. U i: A LCL' or Toothache produced by colds. L O C A L N K U II A L (1 I A is immediately cured by their application. They act like a cbnrm and are per'ectly barm- l.i. in their nature , do not produce . bli.,er,ad Wove no unpleasant results ., ... , . ,,, , I,e m It llnril a a oninliri,i I'l'intni-a .....v.iuit,,in.'ivia sever fail ti give satisfaction to all who test their virtue. Prepared at Dr, Hurd'i Dental Office, Fourth Strast, Brooklyn E. D. I riCO, Only 15 Cents each. 1 A liberal discount maJe lo dealers. ' 0 AddrPBa Principal Ofllce, Tlib., I5uiUl- ings, No. 1, Spruce st. N. York. I SoldalaobyCasw.il, Mack A Co., St Avenu. Hotel, J. I. Coddis,oa, T.5 Bro.d.oy ; V, 8. Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Drncgisle. . nT - ?V'"l fy. t n e Weekly "Patriot & Union' ,T!IE CIIEAPEST PAPER PUBLISHED IN j P2NNSTLVANIAI I ' AND 'iHK ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER 1'IBLISII ' ED AT THE NEAT lF C.OVKRNMKNT ! FORTY-FOUR COLUMNS OK RKAD I N (J MAT T E R EACH WEEK! AT T1IK LOW MICE Of OXE DOLL All ! WIUIX St' BSCIUHED FOR IN CLL'BS OF NOT LK.SS THAN TUN COl'IKS TO ONE ADDREH8 ! The period for which many of our subscribers nve paid tor tlioir pnpfr beinjj on the ove of ei- nipinr. wn tnla Ik. 1:1.... n ..r : - .1.: rimiuding them of the sni.-.e, in order that they aay , I'ENKW THE lit CLUBS. j We shall also take It as an enpecial favor if our present subscribers will wv upon their,' nciKlibors the fact that the Patriot .no Uniom is the only Iipmooratic psper printed in Ilnrris-! hurg, and coiiidcring tho large amouut of read- ' tug muter, embracing ull the current news ofi the day, and J' TELEGRAPHIC V IS PATCHES ! Fru" o "vhere up to the moment the pnper gnes 10 press, politicul. mucellunixjUfl, ecnerul and lecul n. s, market reports, is decided! v the CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER PUUL1SH- ! ED IN THE STATE ! I There is ararccly a v'llnge i rtown in the Statu ! in nhii-h a dub cannot be raided if tho proper! exertion be mnrte, and turi-U fhereare few n!a-' jees in which one or more energetic lutn cannot! oe luunil wlioaie m fi.vnr of tho ditn.-min tiou . of founl democratic dortriaes, who would be! willing 'o miiki' the effort to raise a club. j DEMOCRATS O V Til E INTE1H01? ! ' Let us hear from you. The eii-ting war, and the iii.r"iiliirg fcitions ff Congress and tho' Mute I.cj!iHuture, are invented itli unusual iu tett.it, and every man should have the news. T I! H .! S. DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION. Single copy for on) year, in advance. - - $100 do. do. during the seysiun of the Legislature - 100 WEEKLY PATRIOT AND UNION. l'ulliJicd every Thursday. , Single copy one year, in advance - - - .. $2 00 I Ten ci pit a to one address - - 10 DO j Subscription! may commence at any time. j'ny alien it in oiiiriie. Any porson sundini; us a ciub i f fifty tubferibers to tho Weekly will bo I entitled to a copy for his fcrviccs. The price is so low that we cannot oiler greater inducements than this. Additions mav be made at luiv time to a club of subscribers by remitting $1 for each ndditionnl name. It i not necessary to send us the names ol those vonstnuting a dub, as we cannot uudertake to addreM! each pnper to club subscribers separately. Specimen copies of the Weekly will be sent ti ail who desire it. 0. BARRETT A CO., H.irrisburg, Pa, i .0 V l P lice willi IknimtT and Feller, 835 00. THIS MACHINE HAS A POINT OF Sv.HihlOI.ITY HCU1IAKLY ITS OWN. Stitching, Hemming', aud Felling with a Single Thread. It forms a flat, even, and Instic seam, which is WARRANTED not to rip in wear, even if the seiuu is cut at frciucnl intervals, and also under all circumstances "to m'iivivk the w ash Ti n " A Patented device of great utility to lenrners, prevents the possibility nf the machine being run in the r nig direction, or the bu'anee wheel wearing a lady's dress. Another feature w hich doscrve pai ticular at teniion is ff-THK Wilcox Patent Nirnntr. cannot be s rT w iiono. Two thousand ititulies, er two yards of work, can te Uonc in one minute without dropping a stitch. These machine., so simple nnd nccurnlo in their construction, supersede tho use of tho sliut- ,:c. : wil1.' ""u lliria'1 produce nil the prjcli- ! - ii i n-siiiip oi a ii ts mo iiireaii iliac 11 id es : nnu i lucre, for these fell without busting, and hem the 'finest muslin without puckering. Although at about hull' the price of tho other first clns machines, they w ill accomplish doub I Ic the sewing ill n given time "It is cmpbatimlly the good, low-priced Fain- ily Sweing Machine that tho public have long beeu waiting for." "Boston Truusuript. ; "It is indeed a wonderful production, and for lauiiiy use especially, no other will Lear nny cmnparison with it.'V-Philndulnhia Mveniui: Joi,ra. J "A mechanical wonder." Scisnlific Ameri can. Among the best and most serviceable Sewing 'Mac nines. 1-ight and ebgantlv finished, end , j simple in ils construction that it seems sl ums; impossible fur it lo get out of repair." -Pittsburg Chronicle. "I!h combined with its own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvements of tho high er priced machines." I'ennsylvanian. "This machine, in iho opinion of tho cominit (ce, tills more nearly tho requirements of a per fect family machine than any on exhibition." Franklin Institute Exhibition Rtprlof ISAS. "lHkinglolooonMueralii.il smiplie'i'y, cheup- - ( licss, durability, and doing all work, th e commit 1 1 1 ' I I a' ' t,'l Wirt' """"'""""'ly '" favor of the Wilcox A III KI) Uibhanaa single thread machine." Penns) Ivo nia Statu Agricultural Society's Report. "tt e must, in justice, cxprcs- onr ennndence in the merits oftne Wilcox A (iibbs Sewing Ma chine. We consider that a great desideratum has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond doubt, that two thread are not, as was snppoe, ed, necessary In a good imminent." Christian Advocate nnd Journal, Juno 21, ISfol. "We have one of these machines in use, and think more highly of it than of nny of (he num ber wehuve Iried." Richmond Whig. The undersigned, Missionary to Constantinj pie, has examined more (linn twenty diller six Kinds ol sewing .Machines, an l alter sometcnt, 1 Tn ,', them, as ti; be,,' ted to the wants of his familv, and as t b o ent liable In require repair. - J i OLIVER CRANE. Ho. ton. July .1, I .SCO The undersigned, during eighteen months has knil in ultnixl n.mal.nl .. n in ,im C. ...II.. ,1 : I I C0I A Oihh, Sewing Machine, upon which ha. been made the clothes of his large family, from muslin lo pilot cloth including the clothing re- qui.cd for his sevrrnl boys ; and in n0 caso have the seams failed, although In hard Service. The machine now in use in bis family baa required on repair, and is in all respects, well appointed efficient and durable. ' Jacou chickerinq, Bo.ton. , ,-fSend for a Circular. jar JAMUH UII.C ). Mamifarturcr. So. HO ...dw.y, fork, ' rrrita Ht. NIchoNi Hotel. Octoktr IS, 1!1. tf. FU KNITUUE ROOMS. BENNER & BARRETT j Rcspeotfully anuouace to the public that they , have ooinpliited and are new ucrupylug tholr new ( furuiture wuro-roouiii, liouting on th Maiket ! Lot and n.arly opposite the Court II Cabinet uakiaj will be carried on io the up per story of the same building in all Us DIFFERENT Br.ANC.IK3. I All kinds of furniture will bo kept consteuly on hauJs and sold cheap for cash or exchange for country produce, or Lumber to suit tUc buei- ne.s ! CHAIRS. l'AKLOK, ROCKIXU, AD AltM CHAINS, SPRING SEATS, CAIN BOTTOMS, io., PARLOR SOFA, CESTRK, CARD, DIXrxU, EXTEXSWX ii- BREAKFAST TABLE H. SOFAS- OF ALL KINDS. VARIETIES AND TATTFRNS. BUREAU?, SIDE-HOARD?, R00KCAKE3 WARDROl'ES, C. BEDSTEADS JENNY LLXD, MIOII-POST COTTAGE, fREXCJI POSTS, ic. Hair, Hair top, Cotton li p, and Corn Husk, f the best material. LOOKING-GLASSES of all sorts aud suet, Also, Glasses for old Frames. Also, Tca-poys, What-nots, Wash-stands, Work-stands, Hat-racks, dVc, COFFINS. Made to order on short notice, add hearts furni.'hcd. Poplar, Chorry, and Linwood Lumber, taken J in exchange for work. Clearfield, October 23, I'd, ly. BRILLIANT OPENING or Fall Fashions New Cash Store II. W. SMITH & GO'S. The attention of the ladies is respectfully called to the follow ing notice, that we have just re ceived and opened, the very la test nnd most fashionable styles of Nubias, Wool Hoods, Wool Scarfs, Zcphyi J, Wool Shawls large and small, Heavy double All Wool Shawls, Cbeni'.e Shawls, Cloth Cloaks, And great varieties of Zephyrs, Zephyrs, A superior article of Gauntlet Kid Glove) " Lislo " ' Buck " " Cash mere " ' Beilin Wool " Gauntlet of Zephyr Wool, Child reus Cashmere Gloves. " Lisle " sml a good assortment of Ladies, Children, and Infants Hosiery, Elegant worked Setts Collars. " " Skirts. All Wool Delaines, Flannels, and most varii tics of dress goods. AYall paper and window shading. Wo hovo just received from Howell A Rro., of Chestnut Street, two choice styles of TAPER, ALSO WINDOW SHADING, PLAIN AND FIUUJiED. Hours of businca from 7 A. M., to 8 P. M. 0T' 1861. tf. . . A I,U N,sT!,'"1' " 'TI( liLettcrs of Administration hsving been grant 'd tl is day to the undesigned on the eMate il PHILIP KRINEB, late of Brady loarnshipdeeeai d. all P""na indebted to said otate are re luesteu (o n",,,, iminediato payment, and Ibos having oliln ginst tho same will preent lb. r, ,hij authenticated for selilenunt ELIAS RJSHtL, Brady ,P., tt t vrr pnTTWTJ nr. i i au' llhR- . "!'. .7 ' fer. his r,n.r...inn.l ..r.i,.. . it,. J comraunitv. fy 11 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers