Utffly n1 Wrrd. Tiirr two hotlle '"i" of iho I. pill'- . Cr.r. T 1.' vJT . . .. .S.il. (.let, a-.l l l"t.u lb "Ml'rd I "" .,.11 r.1 .mr nn. K nrl Mid happt r.vtn- 1 .t Mi l Ihl ro.vI nork ulintl In lh l.rnti ptty hnvr Pern nt naiY' l s I"""'" .Itieo Hilt lti'lf .invention, aim I -1 .V. ' I L)k .lv ' f'f V-V'TI Pome rr our HrpuHicnn inonm fvi' :V.)'9VVVV VC l I'i'y Indignant nine in tempting MSr I'rovo that thoynns a party, controlled -it'Tt-J ', by nl.olitloniH. nn I that our liRU' ! """"" !rnit. ion harsh. In order to satisfy It). i ictnni duty r our fellow rillen, It. W. Mvonit. . . . . - Not Abolitionmi. ...... fcf mi.l t..H.1,.M Irt I rnVrtU.'M. ' 1,1 ' ... . i tf .... I ...iKi.it i' A .il.ii.tin I- u rt Mr Mnrnln nnd Mr IWtunnn. I rt nblio hisn rwtniotn U ' . '. il. il ll.. ..I li.-nit I IIH Itifllt WSI . I II K'll l'l 1"" ' i I , .J. iktl fi nhd tMlfl.-l M"l , i,,,,,,,, .),n inff llifln-l In "t t k j I ronMlti.lioti fisme.1 In th ,, Administration, h""" i - .... ....mi. i.ia l'l .limit, m.'i mi .-.-' i mi"""' : " ' ..i finm Wsrilnnt(n Mid ihrt Fctilh ii... . . . ... ..iw-l In-1 hIl'IiL Minntinc" I (hat Mi adept I ii ai . i . . W. Cr.KAKFIKI.I, "Wednesday Morning April 3. 1801. 'reiuenll to harsh. tlirm more fully in Uim matter, wp have hnv ivmcil'l them Ti show tho feeling eviiling l.clwrcn thoni, wo five llieir ro-poetivo opinion in reference, lo two appointment, which very pnoil indox of llii-ir opinion- pi-ni vnl. ly. In wrllinx lo tlio V; ..n,i,-, w i t It roft i- cnoP to tho b poin'tn-nt of Mr. MhikIi ni (iror?m, MiniMsr to Smdiniii, Ororly nny : , I.oiiiin'. " In mv imlmail. Mr. Marsh iloontu llio Mi'Hismpj.i, ,tr Iwniii.nif t nuli'l I t In ..t Mi lllr lli I ii Pli't M r) ' Mil ln, n"'l 'i tiinti'ii In ii ., rlilld run Ir ni n I" 1 1 . nt. . k 41 . niltrlli.. Ii r."! in r, i k. ..I ...I.I.. .. ....limn In rft'tml in in rmii.n ,,,., ' I-. ...I I.. .T..rri.-o to tl.n cnlmK ' ' I,. ... , . ., ,. .... . ... t . I . III! I'lll - l" t i , v w , p Illf ( the F'V"I SUlo lmvr IH. ll ili.-iHli.il. V(,H0 In mi'f AjmiM In .jr f.mhi.i. nl nivl in tm I'Uiowin! omit i i Nr. nncom 1 i i I. ' ..... ..nl...U I. II I.I1..I I I'l ! 1 f I . .... IL jkttvm .1.. . ti .rl'rlilllit lll fr'"i' Inl I Slnlo. 1 Alul'innn, , Voln - ctH. Nny. only to ntnlc llmt H our information up- ,rjlis, (.0I,tituiion ,t popular m lmnian Ti'xm, on tlil point linnt'Cfn pntnornl nora meir nft(Uro can woll bear ; ami 1 domic nun oivn cftrupnicn documcntMin.I from tl.o ot Italy lo U mora llt..rnl. llcneo. with fm.eho, of men ho nfllliato and rt with Rroat ipod for Inn. I tlooply rogro hut pppi iipi ui iiiin ft more i onouin'Cil Jiriul li an win not Ihrm pnrly. iloctod for the Italian Mission." ll.tr. They insist that the wholo of tho pros- rnt oxciteniont in tlio South lia. been hroiiKht about by tho Domocratic jwrlv and its prcmi. Wo do not exproitocon To tho Patrons of the Eepublican. Tlic rcncw ul of old and pleasant ao- i:tions, Is alwnyn ploasant ; but it ii with Mirero plpu.uro that tlio undersigned is i-nir about to renew i.hnt intercourse with ;hepcoploof Clearfield county, and rspet i illy with tho patrons of tho Jtenuhlican, vhich has been in n great measure sever- !, for nearly eight year. On the 27th nit., he received, at Tliila ''Iphia, a note from the 1st Assi.stan I "Btmaitfr General, unyinir, VP,,y sign'fi .ntly, that Inn .ervi'es as pcoinl Agent !' tho 1'ost Office Ivpartment, was no i-nger required. No explanation wacgiv- n. because none was required and as i . i. At At. r It af f tt rl't 1 1 1. uin..a. ... . ... ... ... .illCan. ...v.... ..j,,,, ....v. " Iho I-remont (Kepnuiic.inj i any w i 4lh of March, of course nobody was moulding public sentiment in the right mrni-'icd, nii'l everything was in readi- direction for the speciuo work ine aooii To this tho Albuny Journal replies in tho following manner : "The Itepubliean papers of Venuont unonk in tho verv hiiihest terms of the viHce thorn at, the present tini of this character and principle) of Mr. Marsh, just egregiou, error; but Tor tho purpose or rppoin ted Miniiter to Sardinia. As Vor rfc . , ., ,t'. ak imont Kepul.lieanit.nl ii of the very purest showing thorn why wo consider them Ab-1 1()'f(lilor tlf tIllJ Triine .,lou,i bo olitionislsj we ask their careful re eonsid- saiis(ie,i lvi(. tlio endorsement -vhich that oration of tho following extracts from ' Rn t Ionian has received from its recogniz " Helper's Impending Crisis" thoil lead-'ed expanders." in- document during the hist campaign, Tl.o Tn.uru- in speaking of tho appoint- l fr S.tnfni'fl. ii3 Ministr to I lol iri - nml nHO iwo propneiio uocmratiuiis ijimo v.... r - i by Uarrinon and Philips, in mi, llie uni, saj s : creat Mo-uU of tho Abolition branch of " In politics he lias laken no share, and 6 we hare not known that lie wms u hepub- I Ol lllfl. J'lll . iv for a peaceful surrender, whie'i was tionists are utrivinj to accomplish the i.l: I. nril. nml 1 1. nlw.l i If.m Mdo-and thirty hours thereafter found of((, throughout the Land."-lWiN 1 ,m gafo and sound nt hia home in Clear- l;xm Lloyd Garrison in 1850. ' Id, ready, willing and anxious to tb " There is merit in tho Republican par- : ftlTc for the welfaro of his countrv. and t'- I1' '8 the lirst sectional party ever or ,..7 ! i ' !g:ir,i7.cd in the Country the To this tho Journal again replies in following style : " The selection of Henry S. San ford, for Belgium, in in the highest degree fortu nato It is an important post. Our Rep resentative at the Court can render essen tial services sorvices for which Mr. San ford, by his experience, capacity, temper, t.ict and viuilanco (for he possesses all Time. March I.".. " March Id, t 'r' MurohCI, H' I " March. 7$ 7 March 'Jd, tW 2 r TwoSlalon. South Carolina nni riorum, n.n vi. i. tn mloi.t tho new connitution. There is littlo need of conjen'uro l.art they will tnka in ratify! dotting the action of thoir brell ror.vcntion of South Carolina i now in -...I tl.nl nf rlnriiln nirotn 111 a few I . I I. ...,'.,... Il.n W tlavSi nr.u in a wcck or ii iiu-h-k'.'-, final action of tlio confederacy will bo perfected in regard to this important matter. It is asserted thai a majority of the Cabinet are in favor of calling an extra session of Congress, and that a proclrmn tion will soon be issued to this elVoct, al lowing tho legal t'nno of sixty days to in tervene between the dale of tho procla mation and tho assembling of Congress. Tho commercial interest of tho country seem lo demand this, in consequenco of the conflicting intresls growing out of the two laiilV's now before tho country. There was quite a flare up nt the While Hr.iiso on Saturday last, between the monili rnd tbf very policy pin-"'i " - Mr. Hi.chnn.in, he has pursued, on.y m..rs vmo. illlelisifir I. nt. n.., i,nit(,n ii Aod for rower to m led tho revenue n hi board; which tho Kepublieaii C-ner.n r-liol liim. I Altnrnev Oenoral decided that the revenue in tho Southern ports eimnotb.) collected on shipboard ac cording to In .v. Who would nave inougui a monm DIED. At lit rriiiWnM ..f hi r tl.ior . f. V,. mi ll.a OHlk -II' ' have y"r ,,r her s"" J ""UiJ l.rninniori nt.uniT, ArmsRli, Iri'lim 1 ilif.l, ii slit llvoii, ulrlct tiH-Biiifroll LlllirCII. HlllICl ID 1B '0 It is tho North rrnvAil ni.aimt. I lift South. I lie IlTSt Hietjo rAnllUit.s 1H ommontlv fitted tO He has no regrels. His official conduct Cl.ck in the iceberg in visible. You will render." open to tiia inspection of all men, and hear it go with a crash through the cvn- ' ii ready to submit to the most critical '; t- 1 ondell 1 lnlips, ir. iao : i t-si i cation of his everv act. ! There you have it. t- The patronago of tho Government it i o.v In the hands of the Iepublieans. .' rty custom heretofore justifies them in inking changes, by turning out Icmo- -rts and putting their friends in and . long ns they make these changes with ut injury to the public service, nobody i i'ou'd complain. "Hy their work shall r ey be judged. These token9 of the " Irrepressible Conflict" are becoming more visible every rtand such language .til Uliu t.n.1 ii.iiuii I , ..... i . r ... Mav, among the I nion destroying wing of Tho inspired I, . ... . , ..... , Prophet never oretold anything more truly. To underttand it more fully, we need only examine the " crack " it has niade in our glorious Union ; and the ... .ai.' ;. ..i.a tn rr.llr.tr if Ilia T? ftnlll.l irn.ll t iiumi to D,.tv . w . . . . . . . I - - party continues to insist upon the dogmas of the Chicago riatforrn. The following emblems from Ilelporare To tho readers of the nblicn, and re-produced tor tlio purpose ol rtresiiing :.o public ecnerallv. wo Promise to de- llie n""ea ol our uepuuiican menus, i-ie our b:jt eadenvors to give them use- '' -l and correct information. Our country : just now passing through an unprece- nlsd ordoal, and it is of the highest im- regarding the sentiments promulgated by them during the Inst campaign, and pub lished by Horace Greely. "That it is a solemn duty to abolish slavery in tho South, or die in the attempt." j irlance that every citizen, no mutter how ;00 naeo 'Jl. i.:gh or hoff low his condition may be, " That no man can become a truo pa :ou'd have a full and correct understand triot without first becoming an Abolition Ut " I,1A 1 If, . inir. not on v ot (ho cniiiou Hint l.uvn ! . d to the present deplorablo condition of i lis great country, but al-o of tho means .'cd and efTorts maie to restore order! nil to avert utter ruin. To aid in the' tli-'seminution of such information will be ir cliief aim. The people of thn Union have hereto f to been blessed with a degree of pros-' i "tity, in all the elements of national .uatness, unexampled in the history of t to world. A sudden and violent check J -ts been put to this prosperity. That i i.is is the result of the f ueecss of the so- . died Kepublican party, whether justly 'j or not, cannot be denied. The present condition ef our country, so far as regards j'io withdrawal from tho Union of scver ,;1 of tbeSouthern States, is precisely what i!io Democracy everywhere warned the j eople, would follow the success of a par ly holding the principles of the I'epubli . :ins. Those who gave these warnings i Cro accused of insincerity, treated with ntempt and sneeringly called " Patent : 'nion &ivei." With how much justice, j"t the world now judge. Eight Slatos are now out of tho Union, j roclaiming their determation never to return. If they rofuse to return which they will certainly do unless tho party now in power signify their willingness to treat them ns equals in the Confederacy- even other States will cerlainly follow ; hem. What then is to bt done ? They may live and prosper ns n nation but. without die free market which tieso States have heretofore afforded for our manufactures, ve cannot. The on'y hope, therefore, is in a re construction of tho Union and, to this end, let every patriot devoto his energies. There is hope that this happy consumma ibn may bo efleoled throuih th adoption nfthe Piigler-Crittenden plan. Tho last i 'ongress had an opportunity to settle all ;ur troubles by tho adoption of this plan. Hut it was spurned with contempt. Not the Itepubliean party. We have believed for years, that (he Abolitionism of Horace Greely was the fruits of P.ritish gold, and that thousands of dollars have been paid to him by .'tritish Abolitionists, in order Mo promulgate Abolitionism in nii'l coun try, and toextend the circulation of the Tribune, the teachings of vhich have brought about a dissolution of our once happy Union. More Secession. The Baltimore Conference of the Mc jh odist Episcopal Church passed an ordi nance of secession, finally withdrawing from the Northern branch of the Church. The vote stood yeas $, nays !.. This is one of the strongest Conferences belonging to the Methodist Cliueh, and is no doubt the forerunner of another, or Cent ml Methodist Church. The Phils Idel'dua and Last llaltimore Conferences have both ignored tho nw Chapter on slavery ; thereby preparing the way for secession, too. The politicians have had numerous curses showered upon them lately by all classes, fcr being the authors of our na tional troubles. We, however, think Hint the clergy, especially of tho Methodist Church, wcro the first to dissolve the Compact, and now are about inaugurating n third division. Wo candidly believe that the division of the Methodist Church ureas to the 'that Abraham I mcoln Commander.!,. U ' " Ichieforthi Army and Navy of tho Un. ng and j tc(l SllllP)li (.0..ld Imvo decided to surren elhren. Thoi,), j.'orl Sumter on tho demand of the Southern ConfedervyT tort rieKoim wi.i po next, and so will tho Southern forts wh'.ch have not already gono. Mr. P.nehanr.ii said ho had not tlio power tn prevent secession, and tho b'o publican party in Congress, refused to give him tho power. Mr. Lincoln now pleads Iho want of power to prevent secession anil lo enforce tho laws. Mr. Hnchanan did no more. The difl'ereneo is, Mr. Lin coln promised to do what ho had no pow er to do, nnd Mr. lUichnnan did not. The present Administration is weak in its ignorance of its own powers. The Kepul.licans had the power in Con gress to pass the !aws necessary and to pro vide the necessary means for continuing the govcrnaie.it and they did neithe-. Mr. P.iiehnnan denied tho riijht of se cession, and Mr. Lincoln has done no more than deny it. Mr. Hin h.inan never had a particle more power to re inforce the forts of the Uni te,! StuU'8 in tho South, or to recover po- i T . . . . . President, Senator llaker of Oregon, and1 session ofthom.than Mr. Lincoln lias had MnrmnM I 10 4111 Ol itiarcn una sun una. ' T-J NIOV TOItr...TI.e nuWrikt,) a Now Ftor nt 1 Wiltiamii itlt, 'V. u?. Comii, a where he will keep conilnmlv QnlujJ oortincnt i.f 1 Vt, Qnod.t, Uroreriet, PmiAm whirli lie will ejnlutiKe for Timb 5hlngloi, Orsin, C.untry Prndnj, lie trill be plonscd tn l .ae ;i (i (.iirclinse any of the alture nu-., ' call. JMESE. Wr Williamnvillo, April 1, UM. G L F. N - SC II i) Jill: i.iorinaiuuwn, t'. 3kl i California delegation It appears that tho President has solic Mr. Buchanan, under the tdviee ofGen- ininl Scott, the same adviser who now ited tho counsel of the Senator from .' foiuipols Mr. Lincoln, concentrated all Oregon, in reference to tho California op- the aailu!.lc'foroo ol tho army at Wnsh . . i i .i . .i i incton Cil v. and Mr. Lincoln found when pointments to wh.eh hey protest, and , n " M , owcr of ,he povorn. so informed tho President, in language not very respectful to either party. he got there all the power of the govern ment rea.ly to his hand. Mr. Lincoln l.y his acts has given an unquestionable endorsement of Mr. P.u chanan's policy in regard to sccossion. The Democrats long ago declined thai Iho sectionalist of tho North wore the real disunionist. They warned the country before the election that the success of a cCAL L U M MavtTAniM.it Importer', snd Vhulisnlr : a u i i:t i xti s, i) ni ci, OIL (LOTUS, MATTlXGm. Warelioiiso. Xo. 50'J Ciie-tnut (Oppuiito Klnto liou.p. nprS'Sl-lv rum: ntUTIOX.-Th' piil.lic nrel.ercl.ij J ngftinst bsrbonnj; or tnutiuj a; SANNAII, on my aerount, tin limit; pay no debt of her contracting after ti A. J. Hi, Ornlifttc tp April , lS6l-4t V; i: rw tv.XTi:i). v in every city, town, nnd ronsr Lintel Suites and Cnniila, to iclli?r nrttcle jiut invented. Jt re ,iiirei i J from f I to nnd t' persona out tf. tucr.t, it otTors t;reat indueemenU. Tu ticularn. write immndinifly ami rwsin. bv return mail. SEAHULI'2 i c. "npr.'l-4t 432 Waluut street, Wi, TI3T )K RIITATI.I'Rj' of (mti, j dementia Morchoudiio in CintitU, for tlio year 1861, inbjpet u tti License : Xnme nnl Dintrlrt V.V.U Irwiu i Sjn, (junli.t, lire and Thief Proof Safe. For the benefit of our business men, we copy the following from an Exchange: Tli tn.tmifnctiire and side of Fire and ri.:..r f ..l.r.uiu hue lieenmn n. bllii- ' ... in ci.et inn.il issues would i A. 15. Pbaw, do i i. ici i'i t.v . .ii..3w, ... - t'.'i in'. . ..w.. j ness of immense magnitude, and although ond 'j,, tiu destruction of the government. , James Irwin, Oirard, chieflv von lined to one leading houso in The policy of Kepublicnninni has dissev-! Anguitui Lecoatc. du Philadelphia, safes of PhiUdelphia man- Lr(.,i t,0 fnion and destroved the power i"m- '.Humphrey, do factureare found in almost every part 0f the govornmert. The ndmioistration j T'lomn II. I orcee. Gralm.H of country. The treat amount of socuri- 1 w;i; oventuallv agreo to the dissolution of u"n ii'dl, do tv which is rc:ili.ed at so inning . i tHon. I hev cannot carry out coer T - ..1 I. II.. nf In.ma.ltnl. Illtoril. t fl , .. .1 . I ..... ...;, irlm I i 'il V 1 1 J.VlPr, lllltKl'a 11 i.iitiifi ii.uitc.ui.. . --'eioii, i,niy tui now ii'iiifi. o.i.i.-"-, en-. every prudent business man. A c?rtiin csft tPv do but treat with Ihe Viutti M'illiain l.radr, degree of security can bo had hy nfu rance, but the best insurance policy is im perfect where books and valuable papers Frnnris Coudliet, ern P.epublic ns a sererte government, j f t II .. .. n lw.nto.1 Dm I miimiL.mn. n ' .'11, 1 U I 1 1 Jl II .1 II IIVIIIIU I llu V.'lltUII.WII I John Jtarmoy, do uo C'oritiston, do di ers rotn t he ."outli merely as irivnte nn-1 v. n..rrmn . rrmi.Vn'vi.1,1 are at the mercy of the devouring ele- on, fr. Lineoln. through his Secretary willinm A'ankey, Knr"t!iai;t mont, and the fact is so generally under- 1 0f Siato.hos. at least, trentoj with them 1 r. j, Haynca, ' d.. stood that no mat; who makes nny pre-j ror nn ariuistis-, ni.d has communicated ; r c Brenner, Morris, tensions to ueing n careioi uuMuos in.ni. With them l.y letter in an oihciai manner. p0wler f- Jones, do Tiio Itepublieans are fast s"l tling down Swnrti Jt I!ower, do UNION Si.IDE l'it. "The Constitution as It Is." Is against nil Personal Liberty Bills in the St.ites that conflict with the authority of the Federal Government. Against nil T tiderground Railroads can afford to be without a proof safe ; and hence th great extent of th s depa'tmetit upon the I'ulal j.r.locv of LETTING THE of manufacture. It may ne otjecieo nun, somo "careful, prudent business men" will not risk the purchase of a so-filled safe, which, in the hour of trial, must prove itself to bo a cheat, nn imposition and fraud upon the purclia-ir and the ob jection conies with considerable force since 'irresponsible parties are engaged in the ! th it run nil' servants from their masters manufacture of tliem. r.very rc'poeini ic simitti, to tnna ia or eisewnere, .ortti. Lupines nttmrls itvmo-dcfs. aii'l the inanu-1 Against all mobbing of the U. S. Mnr- facturo of Safes is not an exception. Par-ishals that in the line of duly execute ties even from other cities have boon at-'crnl law?. trneted lo Philadelphin, by the well-earn-j Against all inctndiary publications ed reputation ol'Safes manufactured there, j North that influence a servile war in the nnd to a certain extent have brought theSout!i : Against all 'Tribunes," "lndo business into discredit. P.ut the man who pendents," and everything like them. has hastened to bring about a dissolution I pureliaes trom a House, long ac wen es-, --Agairst an goc:n.mioa. pany organ- tai.iisncd, wi.ose Miles nave sioou me test uations inai arn.y o'ie pornou 01 me of time, anil whoso integrity eomman. is ci ur.try against another, the confidence of the community, tan run j Against the denial of nil right of no risk. And il may not be out of place ; transit North for Kivnnts as well as her to say, that Messrs. Krnns if- IF atsn ' masters. ... :.!... .1,:.. .iA..n..i...ni ri tn;..t i..N..;.. ...I ..r Al..,.t. il.r. ui u tt j t in hi i it i it hi i h tills iii.iii i.ii.'iiK t.i i .i t'iin.-k .iiiiiiiii; uinui nuii.il uiu ir:ii: T l. . .... . - or, i r.i . 'r. - ... i ... t ..... i ii .ni . William l.ini.iiuoe, trade. Jucir sale-rooms, xo. ..o i, tnes- ueorgo a-nmgion, i airicK uenry, i nos. i it ot our Federal Union. Wo always like t see the saddle put upon the right horse. Much as political demagogues have contributed to bring our present troubles upon us, we can can didly say lo tli 2 Church clergy : Pull the nut street, always contain a largo stork, 1 .Jefferson ilaveliolding followers in the tplinU-r out of your own eyes, to enable: suited in style" and prices, to every de- South. you to eee tho beams in the eyes of lhe,mand. These Safes have, wherever tested. Against con verting into " a crime and politicians added to their well earned reputation, and j sin " the example of Abraham, Isane and " " I whatever may bo said of other mantifae- j Jacob, and of Paul the Apostle, who sent A utti.e too Tii.iit. Our readers noi,m'cs- ""am 't is Hint r.vans ,y vtaisons uacu l niiemon. aies are wnni uiey purport 10 ue. aim nc : .Againsi going to war io acquire com who seeks teeuritu cannot find it for a less mon Territory, and then stealing or mo prico elsewhere. Inopolizing tho whole of it. and persistent- ! lv excluding from it the share's of our ' i . .1.. il. doubt recollect that when Major Anders son abandoned Fort Moullrio, and posted himsolfin Fort. Sumter, that every Black Itepubliean Legislature in tho North pas sed a high eulogy upon tho conduct and bravery of Major Anderson and his gallant band, and nearly all their leading news papers and stump orators shouted Amen ! A few weeks ago, however, the Xcw York Tribune and several other lilack " That against slaveholders as a body wo (that is, the Itepubliean signers and on dorters) wago and exterminating war." Page 120. " That the present is the time to try the strengh of arms, and that now is the time to 'strike.' "Pages 121, 122. "That slaveholder must emuneipate tho n-groes, or we will emancipate them for you." rtigo. Ill'.i. " That slavo holders are nuisances, an I that it i our imperative duty to abate nuisances. We propose, therefore, to abolish slavery, that: which strychnine itself is less a nuisance." Pago 139. " That slaveholders arc more cruel than common murderers." Page 140. " That if negroes had a chance (which Lincoln, Greely & Co. desire lo give them) tney would bo delighted to cut thoit master's throats." Pago 140. "That we aro wedded to one purpose, from which no earthly power can ever divorce us. Wo are determined to nboU ish slavery at all hazards." Page 1 10. " That there is scarcely a spark of honor or magnanimity about slaveholders." Pago 1 5. ' Ineligibility of slaveholders never another rote to tho trafficker in human flesh." " Xo co-operation with slaveholders in politics no fellowship with them in re ligion no nflihation with them in society. No patronage to slavcholding merchants no guests in slave holding hotels no fees to slavoholding lawyers no employ ment to slaveholding physicians no au dience to s avcholding parsons." A half a million of these books were published under the direction of the " National Eepublican Committee ! " en dorsed by tho present Secretary of Stato, Mr. Seward, and sixty seven Eepublican members of Congress, and circulated with this endorsement. Tho scntimentsand ondor emenlsof this book are what the South complain of, nnd from which they learn to regard tho peo ple of tho North as their enemies, and for this reason seek to bo separated from thoso who treat them as an inferior race of men. In closing this article "o call tho alien tion of our readers to an extract from a a single Eepublican m cither House would oler vritten by Joshua It. Giddings, in give it his sanction. Coercion was the only J February last. In speaking of Helper's remedy with them. The South must bo, Look lie says, "evert, sentence ji,uU a response onpclloJ to slay in the Union, aud tho , thc heart of all true Jlcpublican-" . ountry was fissured that they would have Abolitionism is of tho purest typo t government after tho 4th of March that conslantly prcachiug the equality of th would et thingi to rights in short order. negr0i nmrthe abolition of slavery every . mo month hAs now expired since tho 4th whero atl)i jrr. Lincoln has just appoint ..f March, and the only change we find is !cd ihU fil.C(ll hitu 1)riest of Agitation and :hat of a wonderful modification of these j l)jpuniou as Commissioner to the Eritish high promises. This gives promiso of a;Xprth American Provinces - in olher still further chango, and wo aro not with- wordg( to BUperi::tend tho underground ..ut h.apo Hint they will.bcfore It Is j ct too raiiroad-ar. eCico worth S5000 a year, late, fairly and squarely endorse tho l!ig-.with the privilege or epeuding half his ler-Ci ittenden plan of adjustment, and tt, i,0mo. nwear that it is their own offspring! y;0 couij r,roduco columns of theso Whether they do so or not, however, abolition sentiments uttered by tbo pres ihe Teople are slill a power in this land. Jcnt ieadt.r8 0f the Republican party ; and nnd. bowing t'unt equal nnd exact justico jf gucn sentiments do not brand them -hall bo extended to all thc States, and iti, Abolitionism, we aroat a loss to know ihnilMs Union must and shall bo pro- th meaning of the term. -crve l upon those terms, let every man who Tl"; r,. . .... . . .t , i ,ii nf ,;. ..tf. .LJ 9u U s rumored that Henry W inter. r-i . v, ...... u. m.j, v.M.f i.iuif, "ii- t hins. e are gina toseesuon men icavo vc" J""' i"wi nu" um nniuo m i uiinM-n.iim,iier a rcrj tion of very little importance to time 'BlaU'd to re unite our no's- dissevered the country for the country's good. ! theso "Americans do rulo America." briertllncss of typhoid fever. serving politicians. u i: n u ii it 1! II 11 11 II II II I II II II U II II II :t ii it ii it J. C, Urenner, do Panifl Dnibukkr, Vnion, Jolyi Shenrcr, do Phuenix Lumber A Co, Otielich, Fox & Soudor, do James A. Jlegnrty, J T. f-'aeiringer A Co., dj Ju? Vbitcoinb A Sous, Woedwnr.l, H 1. J. Mcl'nnn. do Tl.omns Iionderzon, io Jolin M. Chase, D? catnr do liowmun A 1'erl.i, do James Forrcit. I.awrerc', Reed A Weaver, Clearfield, r,i ' Drum, bipponeott A C, r oil , , c. . U . E . l?IV HIT. .Moore A Etiweilrr, do Ricbtrd Monop, do Orahnui A ltoyntou, do yilliam F. Irwin, do C. Krntzcr A Sons, du Mtrrell A T.igler, d J. 0. Ilartiwick, do Loonnrd, Finney, A Co.. Urokurs, do HoL-gt, enry Wnple, Confec tionery, do Matthow Fi.rcee, Bradford, Kdward Wi'linm -, do Wilt jam Albert, do A. Montgomery, llrady, Jacob Knntt, do John Carlisle, do Reuben II. Moore, do Thomaontjomery,do Daniel Ooodlnnder, F. K. Arnold, Bninuel Arnold, do do do A. Montpomery, Curwenvi'.le, IsSyThe United States Senate adjoined, danger in the war, or the common .. i .... , , ,, . ,, I contributors in purse in time of peace. .mt...c,k-.l.Ui.1t,,u., ...Ulna.,, inim: T, p . ., . . .. . . . J--.n, """S-" a session of twenty four days ; for which ; nin(!nificent. The only diflicult'y wo have ! j.'rf-.'j.T.'l'rwin. do tho Senators from California nnd Oregon ' is with tho Higher Law peoplo who con- Patton, Hippie Co., do will draw nlout f.1,000 each (or milage '"'rue it,- i i e, nnd refuse to abide John D. Thompson, do alone, and all tho others in proportion. 7 "nc "J '"V" ol "pre-ne - c - 1 If r.iiff tt h.n i li a I nitrl e enma in er.nlli..f . itt i.i.ut . j, vith their Under Ground Railroad, '. L'ee.'. Eepublican journals attempted to impugn and assail the conduct of Major Anderson, .stating in effect that ho was also playing Senate, ours, Messrs. Cowan and Wilmot, Whilo tho new Senators from New PcnD, York, Wisconsin, and other States have civil war-inspiring. territorymonopolizing confectionary do maue meir maiK, ns men oi an.uty in inc , l,ov.iu-. . 1 J tr.i t. II !tl .l'l. t. .. .1. - 11 tne nepui.iicans win n.mio uy uic r'Aii.la nn.l r.n't IvMite viaI. Kr.1i1.l17e llieir into the hiindi of the Southern "traitors." havo remained entirely mum. Wo will i ,. COnReicnec." wo need no constitutional In order to spike the mouths of Northern ! nt know for several years to come amendments. Sinco 1703 we have jogged whether tho Old Keystone is represented , n with the Constitution well, until, in at Washington or not. j '?"or ty' th, sot "P .mil!'on ?r ! two of " eonscieneo in opposition to tho In LitK.-Our clever nnd good looking '''Courts." The main question now is, eoteniporarv of tho Clearfield Itaftmm. j J 10 fnP1,l ad recently discovered Mr. Uowe. has been appointed bv the r',ri,an '.'t0',sc,c"CP' or the Supremo VUV'I l'l I II V V Ill'tVI I i i V I'ltlVI disunionsts and bring out tho facts in this matter, nnd show who nte the " traitors," Senator Powell, of Kentucky, an intimate personal friend of Major Anderson, a few days ago introduced a resolution into the Senate, requesting tho President to lav Poftmaster General a through route agent the correspondence between the President bptwet;n Philadelphia nnd the West, and Major Anderson before that body, the ur cotemporar-of the Telegraph has resolution was nearly unanimously adopt- (lrawn nn ct daguerreotype of our o.l nnd sent to tl.o President liutkrc! neighbor of tho Journal. Wo hadsuppos- tho Court. X Krprcs, fuses to communicate tho truth to tho Senato and tho country, stating that it ras inexpedient to do so at this time, O, the second Jackson. ed that a natural convulsion or something ' Johu 1trnoma.ll, Lumber City, Wright A Co., do J. L. Curby, do J. Ferguson, Confec tionmy, do It L. Hondorson. A Co., Ri ll, E. W. llrady, do S. ', Hoover, da James McMurray, Rarnide, . McMnrters, do Fatchen it- Pons. do Rufje'.t McMurray, X. Washington-" William Hunter, Che ft James Curry, do David Mfflheehnn. Jordan, Swan A llnrtshorn, do Wm U. Hognrty, do Mary C. Wright A Co., rcccana, ao ttif" It is scarcely necessary lo slate that everybody knows that the prospect of 'office' is all that makes the editor of the Itenubliean a Democrat Journal. We most solemnly protest a editor of the Journal drawing th of himself, and then striva tn Tins him self off unon tho nublic ferns- We horJ becn rP'nled Superintendent of Public he will never attempt to do so again. (-Triming, in the room of Charles P. Iline j ff - ' - f " mwuw ww -wa iaeis.v AKSjl J Jk' pired. Strange. Is it not a little singular that those Republicans who cried loudly for tho impeachment of Mr. Buchanan, be cause he refused to reinforce Fort Sumter, and who urgently demanded the arrest of, t '! yleo,had taken place, ns tho Journal was the South Carolina Commissioners for j William R Dickinson, literally split in two last week, the outside i treason when they came on to Washing, i Jeremiah Cooper, ., tit- 1 ton. should now consider President Line Groom, Dirkey A Co. was dedicated to our "good looking 'coin's policy "all right," notwithstanding ' bionol W.Weld, friend, nnd the inside to his brother. I Fort Tickens has not becn reinlorcod 1 ?,nuel ?efirl7' and the Commissioners of the "Southern i V -?r' .' u,cy i -iwuu ivoecsun, do do do do do do do i h ( i.n. .nnA:..n.i r, t . .i ?. i.. r. i i .-. n rrui.t t ne, -jui, vu. hi. iio n i miuiii i,tru v(i lt-ui"riicy ri-IIiain HI 111 0 r en erill laOI. ., , rnrrs P it-l nivAnr.rtVebl.PliA.tAi. n. Ariiiit.r,t tal. nt the reoilost nf thn ArlntinialrfltiAn ! t c.-.-i . i Mrria. v., . v. ..9.... ,.a l.x uiu... , w . .' ...v... ni nn... n.i.iri, . ,.. . ; ., General of this State, in the room of Gen .iu.n,.il l1 sha11 determined whether they mtTAaesi or rTr.sT ITrl Itlnff. Inn ' lilt l . . l . . . t . . I h. a n t i b....... .... ... . . , snau uo received as only "distincuished i i nomas ii. roreee, ifraoaiu, i s likeness r" '-" " "so"' " "oso ll'ru' w,,t 8O0n P,ra- citizens" or Ministers of a forcian Govern W. P A...:.... -T. C. ltrenner. Morrie. . ..... . .7 ...niinioi a vi njvi M7M MUt - - ' ,. . I. Painter, Esq., of Muncy, has! mont? What a wonderlul change has '""r" Bra,H"r, .ointed Superintendent of Public 'Wns over the spirit of the dreams of the . $' .T"!!!L. ' Republicans sinco the responsil ility of c." D. Wataon, ciearfield, government rests upon the shoulders of, Woods Barrett, do fcirCnrl Shurz, tho groat loader of tho Red Republican wing of the supporters of Lincoln last fall, has at last received his tho Rail Splitter. How very suddenly the wrong becomes right, llow far political prejudice goes to justify actions which had ayWilliam Rice, or a number of years previously been denounced as bordering reward in tho appointment as Minister to j proprietor of tho Philadelphia Penruylv(fvVot treason. Verily, the heart of the oftice.in Clear6eld borough, Spain. Mr. Shurs has been some eight man, died on last Wednesday evening, at IT"""" ". uu " 'W1 "ypoens, nu u- . . i - tt - ooit "Ha mtt. nn.l fnni tint" i. . n in.nne. RKITAraASt. E. Goodwin, Cnrwensville, n-vnTTPE An Arnea'. W:-' rthdny of MAY next, at the too iee. inemseiree jrir.i -.-praisemenl, en attend If they f K. R. Wh.'t aprStt .Krcif-
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