g :. d. , HPT . , Jit- M M IEtli, OL , JLC ft i - - ; . ' ' ' r ' ' BY 0. B. GOODLANDER & CO.' ' " " PRINCIPLES, not MEN. ' sT" 7 7 " -" - BY 0. B. GOODLANDER & CO.' VOL. XXXI. WHOLE NO 1648 TERMS $1 25 per Annum, if paid in advance CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESC.W, MARCH 27, IGGI. NEW SERIES VOL. I. NO 36. "The Salt if you Please." ' Everybody has a partiality for dinner, nd one of the mobt frequent expression it dinner table in tbo ono which forms our title, and in order that our readers may know something of the substance they letters of Marque Their Origin and What They Mean. Washington and the Czar. The Governor of Smith Carolina on the T.n r r ,. . I enerso. marque iho,a mo juciiniona . 22d ultimo, in reply to an address from 11) are extraordinary commissions, .J tha Commander of the 'Ticken Cadets," granted by public authority to. owners of j re.lteJ lhe flowing interesting fads: a vessel, authorizing such vessel to make t rfmlPmi,nP wilila . ,:,. nf ire using, wo will toll them a few facts : capture and prize of the persons, ships , Enrono. and at the, ml oVsnotie. of .11 iboutsalt. This is a chemical compound, "'! property of another nation which has Government., that on a memorable occi- eftwenly throe parts, by weight, of a ; committed injuries, but neglects or fu- gion I visilcJ 1je magnificent gardens that beautifully silver-white but soft nistal ,8rsto 8've proper redress thoiefor. The 6U,.r0IIlld relerhoff, near St-Petersburg, called sodium, discovered by Sir II. Davy j vesel i,S,lf wh' bean such commission The garJt.rg and 8rounj, wele dedicated ii, 1807, and lhirty-S- pnrtsof.a pungent. . J.f".'n?me called a letter of Marque. . ,0 the enjoyment and peaceful pursuit, of yellowish green grass, called chlorine, " he term marque is derived from the tho greatest 'and most brilliant of courts eweovcreu oy scnooie, ml, a-, these two mcurca nouna or uounuary. ,() a remote island of these magnificent combined firm I hi.-,, the most widely dlf-' -liters ot marque and reprisal, ns they fused nnd tm-ful of any one compound in nre niore fully termed, signify literally, the world. U is fo'ind in the sea, and in therefore, commissions authorizing the the rocks, from which our principal sup- ra9-ig of the frontiers, or boundary, for ply comes. Tho most wonderful deposits tno purpose of taking in return, ire in Piilan J and Hungary, where it is! In their origin they bad rcfrfnoo to quarried like a rock, one of tho Polish Trifle injuries in capturing, detaining or mines having been worked (since 1251. These Polish salt mines have heard tho groan of many a poor captive, and have wen the last clonics of many u brave man ; for, until lately, the;' wore worked inllroly by tho state prisoners of Austria. Russia, or Poland, whichever happened to be in power at Lhe time ; and onco tho offender, or funeiel hiitdranco to BOine other person's advaneemf-nt, was let down Into t!ii stiliterranean prison, he tiover law the light of day again. So salt habits history na well as science. Other largo deposits are found in Cheshire, England, herc tho water is forced down by pipes irlo the salt, and is again pumped up as brine, which in evaporated arid tho salt obtained. To such nn extent has this been carried, that ono town in tho ".-alt country," as it. i culled, l.ast scarcely nn upright house in it, all tho foundations having sunk with tho eround, to fill up (lie cavity It? ft by the extracted salt. ! withholding t10 property of individual in time of pence, and issued only to the party injured, cr his agents. n . i , . . . .. imi regnnieti ns n ceclantion ot war. though formal hostilities rniirlit bo the ultimate result. Some consider them 'a species of hostilities, an imperfect war.' but strictly, they nro not n 'breach of tho peace' between nations, though a forc'l.le redress of injury is contemplated.' The force may not inaptly be likened to a redress for rent, which, in n measure, is a re'redy placed in thehmds of the injured party the landlord himself. ! It is unnecessary to trace tho modifica tion and regulation to which letters of marque have been subjected from their erigin to the present day, Reprisals between nation and nation, as one means of obtaining justice, nre of very ancient Origui, and have their foundation in the nature of the relations of different powers. Though not of fi pquent occurrence now, VCt as hllo as 18,'M. President .larl.-son in In Virginia there me beds of tall, and his Annual Message, suggested tho pro- tLo Salmon Mountains, in Oregon, an ca- prie,v of mor!in(? (o mclUod of p-iW-cfanordinu large quantities of tho oMnininff Mtisfaction asiinst France Mime material. The brine springs 0r Sa- Letters of mnroue and reprisal, bpwev.- l:ua and (yMicw't f well and er, wi'.h referetve to operations at sea, tio.D aloul forty gullcns of their trine one Wcre not known till a much later period bushel of itnlt is obtained. There are n'so when tlo? increase in tho number of' e.aonsive salt springs in Ohio. The brine niaritiuia powers, and the advance of it pumped I p from wells made in the rock commerce, gave rise to their necessity. In .in.! into which it flows and tuns into lnodoin practice they are teldom, if ever, lir These boilers nre large iron ket i8.s),ed till war bus been declared, or is in ties ft in brickwork, an I when fires are immediate prospect. Merchants, in time li'.hli d under tlrai, the. brine is quickly of war, often deem it advisable to carry r.ul"ntcd. Tho moment the brine bo larger crews than usual, nnd more or less C'ns to boil, it becomes turbid, from the of an armainetit, for purposes of defense, compounds of lime that it contains, end and not unfreopently tnko out letters of xliicii are S.dulile in cold, but not in hot marque, with the view, if opportunity Kv.tcr ; thcf-e first sediments nre taken out offers, to indemnify themselves for the ith lailes called 'bit tern ladles.' nnd the increased risk and expense of a voyage nit being next deposited from the brine l,y tiking prizes. Privateers, cr vessels Is carried away to drain nnd dry. Tho f,tted out at private expense, for the per- reniaining liquid contains a great quantity p0se of cruising against an enemy's com- of mugns-ia in various forms, nnd gives it merce, nre commissioned by letters of the nuine of 'bittern,' from tho taste nun-quo. Tho terrr is now applied, in a peculiar to magnesia in c c ry form. general sens?, to tho authority under 'But how did this salt come into the which all lawful private armed ships lock ?' is the natural auerv. nnd the won' net. derwom creator, when wo recollect that In the United States, the power of ealtbedaare found in nearly every one of geantinj letters of marque nnd reprisal is tbebtrata comnosiou the earth's cruet. vc-b'.cd, by the Constitution, in Congress. This fact moves nnother. that as the nin. In the war of 1812, th;s po ver was exct jctity oftheto talt beds lmve come 'from ciseJ in the net of June, 1812, decluring the lakes left in the hollows of tho rocks war, nr.it provision mane lor ine gumnuco tv iboree.leneeof the sen. the sea has, and regulation of parties applying for .n ii.. .j;.. hon mlt such a commission, nnd of vessels SH it is to day. Let us take the Great Suit sailing under them, by the nets of Juno Lake as an illustration; it boing the law 2t, 1XU. lhese acts were temporary ir. goat mlt lake in the world, but by l.o their design, and nre now ohsolete. bimub the onlv one, as such inland mas. Special legislation would be required upon w of saline water are found over tho any future occasion which called for a bole earth ; but as this is tho greatest in ! renewed exercise of this pnwt-r. extent it wll foim tho best ex-1 It would be n violation of the Neutrality mple.' Itissituatod at an elevation of Act of April 0, 1818. for an Ame.ican 4.IC0feet above the iea. on the Kocky , vessel to be commissioned by a letter or Mountains, and liai an rcaof2,000 square marque in the service of any foreign miles-yet, high as it is, 'once upon a 'power against a nation with whom we are time,' as the story-books of our juvernb- t pence, or for any vessel to bo fitted out itr n.rwl it was nnrt of the sen. and nrme-l m any oi our pons grounds that had been set aside fpr the private enjoyment nnd private walks of the E npcror nnd Empress, a tree was pointed out to me in that garden, culti vated by particular and devoted hands, surrounded by wire wicket work, nnd flowers flourishing all around it, There tojd on one branch of the tree a large I brims plate, and on one side of that tdate, Their issue' in Gcrnirn. and on the oilier in Sil.irnnic ' The way Bank evade the Usury laws. The banks liivb a plan so simple nnd effectual for evlding the usury laws that it is not probable that they would give ono cent to have these laws ropenled. When the market rate of interest ij 14 per emit a year, tho plan is for a mer chant to get notes discounted at 7 per cent fordoubWtho amount of money that! " Charity Begins at Home. " A bill has passed the House of Repre sentatives at Harrisbqrg, appropriating thirty thousand dollars for the relief of the people of Kan fas. They people afore said may need a helping hand nnd they may not. In cither case, however, it strikes us that the House lias gone a MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. '. tQA3 a steamboat was about to start ; from Cincinnati, one day, a young man oanie on board, leading a bl!liiiti dam sel ty the hand, and approaching the po. lilo clerk, suid in a suppressed voice: " I tay, me and my wife hey jiiBt got married, and I'm looking for accjmjio great ways to discover ohiecta o' benevo- i daiion." ho wants, the nholclobo carried to bis dance when starvaii.m isstandinnat their I ' Lo ikinc f.r a berth V hnslilv Innuir. credit, on condition that he is to draw own door. led tho c'c-ik. n.issin.. ti,'.Ieu r.,it inntN- out but I nlf ol$t ; thus if ho gets $5,0)0 from the bank ho rays ifiturost 'on ?10,-000. The way the bank man 'get. to have its (For inttincej In February, 18C0, cr puss nger, theieTern nine tliousnnd -persons -em " A Bl;th thunder end lightning, r,o," ployed in tho nho'esale clothing manu- g sped the astonUhu'l man, "we hain't factories of this citv. Now there lire but but just married : wc want a nltrcc lo stair customers leave a portion of the money 'eighteen hundred. In February, 1 SCO. ' H night, you know." carried to their credit, u this. Several j there were e.ghty.five hundred boot and I fcVimily Fair, relates a., oxtr.iordi. ...eivhants offer notes at the bank f r j shoemakers engaged by wholesale bonnes nary irstanco of New Yerk dctoctivo discount, and when they call to know I in that line. Now theie arb less than ai..;i,,n, ti. ,i: i - u. thousand. The same startling contrasts j 0l, ,i10 wharf, from the dimmed super are to bo found in the baiting, lace nnd script ion of which they made out the word " cartridges " und ' " Pickeu9." wa? itrit'.en, 'This tlee was plante.l in 1330, by Nicholas, from un ncrn that grew near the lo'iibof the great Washing ton.' This was the inscription upon that) tree, placed there by one of the most lib. solute rulcis that ever bwuyed the sceptre of empire. And yet in his private, se. eluded gardens, he paid this deep and heartfelt tribute to tho memory of the greatest nnd purest man the world ever saw. lie did not take an ac rn from tuur lhe tomb of the great Elizabeth ; nor did he take it from tlio garden of lhe "Tuiller ics. grow n in Ihn tints of Louis XI V.; nor did he take it from tho tomb of tho great Napoleon ; nor did he tak it from the garden of lhe CVsars, near Tfomo; but be look an noorn from the tmnb of a pure and mighty man, in the wilds of America, who had planted tho seeds of a govern ment consecrated to the freedom nnd in dependence of rations, whoso every pi in ciplc i ns directly at war with the princi- whsther tho director! have decided to lake the no'.es and piy tho money for them (afier taking out the interest, ) ono tassel, cotton and oiher leading factories merchant hud that bis paper has tu rn ! A large proportion of the most thrifty discounted, while the offerings of anoth-; nnd careful of I his t.ortbr. of our indus er have been declined. Tho unsncces-ful j trial classes, have been robbed of ihn luon applicant call on tho ca-diiernnd asks ;ey laid by, by -the failure of other saving I.; r i . , , i , , .... lunus; nmi.it may ue saioiy said, at lenst 8andincr that ' e.ir ri,! nr,.t p;,.l,nl "Mr. Chandler, why was not my paper one-half of the unemployed men and ' l,oubl read "partridge's nnd chickens," uonu iu-uiij ; Here n'n mo names snti jiac-. women o tins city alone are now vibia-loi-ji?" ting betwe-n moderate poverty nnd c.. 'llio cashier replies, "The dir eclora treme Mnrvation. found lid fnnlt. ivilh lliA nftmnc .Ti I A!I ttiij mav ti.i mat'jilv 'aI'i.m,! ' Vrt-; ' " I-.. ! F.red with zeul, they seized tho incendi ry, and reported u shipment of arms pre wilted. Tlio'owiiui' appeared, bowevt-r, and explained to their lu uinous under- Smith, but wo hud implications for nil of body may be 'hurt.' The gnawins .of our fuin's from liiins uhosa accounis j hunger and the humiliation nttendant weie better than yours, und we felt bound upon leal want may not Ve deemed by to give tliein tlie preference." jour Legislature of the least moment, when I'y the ' a'X":unts being bct'or " is ap;liel to our oiwi people, end, therefore, ncant that these firms have larger sums! they may consider themselves justified in to :hc credit of their accounts, on which voting thousand) nf the public money to they are paying intereil, but which lley doubtful objects of charity abroad ; but it have left with the bank to be loaned j a popular nnd n Christian belief that U aincboily else, thus enabling tho bank I 'oharity hegius at home.' If it lie to get dc;il!e interest on its fundi. Most merchants living in cities, expect, when they hire money, to pay the market rale of interest, but the obstruction of tho usury hi rrs work a serious inconve- truo that 'ho w ho neglects his own household is worse than nn infidel,' thon, indeed, is the present Republican Legislature bo youd 'saving grace.' rltfa, Transcript. tu-'-A beautiful girl stepped into a shoo to buy a pair of mitts. " llcuv much are they ? " ' Why," laid tae g dlant bat im- in g lainj upon sparkling eyes and ruby lips, " you shall have them for a kiss." "Ve:y well," raid th lady pocketing tho mttfs, v.'hilo bor eyes spoke d urs, ' and ns I soa you give credit hero, charge it on your books, and let me know when you collect it ; " and sha hastily tripped out, CiiTUrange cr lemon juice left upon a knife or other piece of iron, will, in a few days, produce a slain so nearly recera tiling that caused by blood as to deceive the most careful observer ; and not many years ago, in Paris, n ruin was nearly con-, victed of murder, owim? to a knifa bom? Tumsr woKbE IHAV IIlsci:r. Tlio dis- r i t. t.: .....i. lif its .-nn eoveimoent nnd vet ,o . i , . .. I mm .. was Wasiiinc-n! ttiol'V;;enlius'niVg,.riy,,lNu lit. Bi.jSrConleulnieiil produces, in some . measure, all those effects which the niche- ! ..li.. :!.,. i ...i,.t 1. ix j (1,. 18 pionounced by several witnesses to Lc l..-"-l r.. ,v...vw.. .'a... ... 1.. t.. ... . .... . . i ' r ., . . I. .. l. .i : irch in private and secret, pant to in in ; li..nvo a portion witlt tho tianlis merely lor ior i:ns reason : c iihi- un; icj.hiihiuco , , irj, -,i .i i,.;i.,nn Th ivee' il.n ,,,,, ,,to nf ev.nilinf? the usury laws. I from food, the oicairsm can still live' ins neai m il ... . r 0 ...... n watered and cultivated with more v,e never knew a u.ury law in any . upon its own substance ; but uurmg aitt- . . i. i i earo than -any of the trres in that pardon, community which was not system ideally nence irom nqui.i, uie organism nas no , t,l,i0so oher'ii stone : and if it does net It was nourishing and green, and I trut ar, generally evaded ; tied tho income, such source ot supply within itelt. JIn bring riches, it duel the same thing by in Cod it wilt continue tollouilsh liesh , , iPnf.0 u,i expense of the evasions always nave r.een Known to enutire ansoiiiie pn. bani.hing tho desire of them. If it can- and creen until its branches shall over- fa ,,ll0 t)ie borrower.- iUaitic Amcr. ration of too, for tome weeks, but three ,10t remove tho disquietudes arising from spread the civilied woil.l. 1 Have also, nv orTUE Fi ri-n nt - A female uavw ol ' i nvanon irom irmK ,nan-g ,uin,i, body, or Ibrtuce, it makes seen the rs(,ck of the Don nnd the' ' " " ' " ',, a. (unlo s in a moist atmosphere) is. per.. ' Liul ea,y unaer them. Volga: I hive sen the Lancers of ItosKia, ,,.''. r,onl , ..l.ops, the lnrnt of endurance. Ih.rst , . heightened by exultant II have seen the Tart.tr and the Arab . rhillu,mn,. cll tll, roul, the most atrocious torture ev r invented ' . o" lut iof is cascJ onJy oriental tyrants. It is that which in the wildsof the interior ; and yet, not- ,,.,.,.,,,',,,,,, ,,,i ' 1 1 nin-r p l,v n-t v .'imrq flninm k r.i r withstanding their semi baibarian life, even they c onveite of the mighty Wash ington in tlit i. tents r.t night. JTore is no portion of the world that lias not heard his name, nnd love and admire his great and manly truthfulness nnd virtue. CCice llun'-inj in Washington. A late telegraphic despatch from 'Wash . 1 . , - it.. ... n . I i . . ' n ,i Inct mri'iniinep way 10 imc nwts, , , , , , un. i iii, nt r , ley, w hen he had a refractory I lie Keeper mane en-iy -ai . oale himself, which tbo master of lh" an imnl would not lister, to, but branded tho man with carelessness, or something wore: for it, was instantly supposed that ho sold tho elephant. Ho was tried for it, and condemned to work on tho roads , t - I Inn i n nllll 1IH W 1C ami CII1HIIVI1 llflo , , , . . ... . . .... rT-l. ineton says 1 lie past wcck nas nroui.i urcu ima lorry-six men in me diiic k iiuio to us some of the simplest looking beings sold for slaves. About twelve years nf-1 CluMwmL i-i.aif Mim.iniiM i lerwnrus, in is man. uw nvii - - ll'eirnppoinnce ' P.vivo Post OrrrcB?. -The fo ew no well acfiuainieu wmi ureiiuiig ciqiuiuin, - - - - wns sent into tho country with a parly to '"H that Est- horse, nl' ways used thirst as the moil, effective pow er of coercion, giving a little water as the reward for ev ry net of obedience. Tho histories of shipwrecks paint fearful pic tures of tho tufferins from lliir&t ; nnd ono of tho most appalling e nfes known is the. celebrated imprisonment of one hun I by iow ones. " A sweet, sad measure " : is the balm oi a wounded spirit. Musiq lightens toil. Tho sailor pulls cheerily , for his song. I jy Lady Blossington said : ' The separation of friends by death 's loss ters l ible than two hearts that have loved, for the over seen in this city. indicates an) thing but civilized life.whilo their arts in paying in and about the dif ferent departments nnd private rooms, clearly idow ti em to bo unfit for civil ized society. Where they cnnio from, or who they belon to, nobody seems to know. They ni e peen in the hulls una ante rooms awaiting their turn for an in terview with the Secretaries. They are also seen at the Capitol, on tho street, and in tbo White Ilrue ; f nd at all times and -u ull occasions, they carry with tht m their little half-worn out carpet bug, from which they take, during tho time they are compelled to wait for the Secret aries, their little bundle of refreshments, which they quietly munch. So far as ascett lined, these centU men are applicants for clerk. ships in the Departments here, having l,lk .,!r t, tho nrdienvnl of the purpose of cruising under letters of i letters and petitions to the Secretaries, twks. and that irreat basin took iis salt: nvirque ngair.st a friendly pofcer. Iigned by the local clergy", their friends fater up with it. Thero ore also however, nlt rocks taking their place in regular j Taken Aback One of the ridiculous mishaps which will sometimes befall sol- g'oiogio series with other rocKs, ,nier-, befell a whole file of the snugly at. Versed between red sandstone, magnesia n,iliUry of New Orleans on the day una carbonilorous strain -, mese wo cmi . ., Twi,,. renenlion. They were only account for, ns we do for other stra tinfled rocks, viz: that they were de posited from their solution in water, or carried mechanically to the spot where how found by that ever mobile liquid. A Net to Crack. A certain nged and fespectnble femole in theapplo (rode furchtsed stock at several times as fol lows ; 59 spploi it i for le. amounting to lie. sppleist t fur lc amounting t 10o' ToUl ' 25o. ID sppln it 5 for 2j. smoanting to 24a. Believing the rate in each case to be toe same, 5 for 2o, she is at a loss to know ty the fint 60 cost lo more than the last. noean tell her! and townsmen, and the schoolmasters oi I their district who in nearly every case is the author of their petition.'. One man cnllvd upon Mr. Chase yesterday, having with him his wife and children, nnd ex- . -. .1 t. a nu ,..A..I it. In 1,a set l ielit - , . ' leciwi, m ur v lie-, "i drawn up along the street in front of a . om .. ,.,ie building in course oi eo...rua.u, ... , .. l))e nnd ir v, were closoinineirrear.o ,8 , n o j,ccl.e((11.y. 0nice. The two feet deep, with that plastic compos:- y lion, ready for the workmen. The M'who een t0 ll(lV0 he impression that between tho files for the passage of the ( & c( o pry ,n)0 cvery carriages being rather narrow, the officer , o f f nmiag wil)in ieir grfls, ordered his men to lKe a step Tlje npplications for office per letters con Theydidso, nnd about twenty feet of, tQ jn ,,y the bushel. At the 'sogers' instantaneously uiw.tih ..v... sight backwards, the Iront file, in close order, pieventing the rear rank from recovering themselves when their heels stumbled against the mortar bed. They were lubmerged, nnd every soldier or tbem bod his pretty uniform spoiled. assist in catching wild or.es. They camo An n Lord, nnd this man fancied he saw i Pnse among the group his long lost elephnnt. for which he had been condemned- He resolved lo approach it ncr could the strongest remonstrances of the party dis. suade 'him f om thr. attempt Having reached the nnimal, he spoke to her, when ibe immedialolv recognized his voice ; she waved her trunk in tho air, ns a token of salutation, and spontaneously laid down and allowed him to mount her neck. She aftcrwnr' a-sisted in taking? other el ephants, nnd decoyed three young one, to which she bad given birth in her ab. , . .. i i ii,. sence. l lie Keeper reiunn-u, mm .no singular circumstances attending the ve- . covery being told be regained his cbarac- te'jfliM.Rsa reemompense cr on- merited Hirel ings, bad a pension settled i on him for life. This elephant was after- yield n revenua over and abjve their cx- but liave ceased to sympathise, whilo memory is still recalling what they once ! were to each other." I Said an astronomer to a bright eyed girl, when talking of rainbows: " Did ycu ever sco u lunar bow, Miss?" " I have seen a bow by moonlight, if thst'd j what you mean," was tho sly rejoinder. ' M Tim , T.:.l.mnn Unit, i.ulf J.,1 wlllt St. Louis. Missouri. ' 'Z708 0.1 wne to America for, said: " By the pow Ttosior. ifiiqelniselts. 10.S04 f.l ers'vou may be suro that it wasn t riiibtde'phia, Prnnylvnnia. t'i ...a home, 6.1 0-t 51 1 Query. Mr. A., and Mr. B., are widow O.OiiR ?,0 Crn( each having ono daughter. Mr. A marries Mr. B's daughter, and Mr. R Treasury Department five extra clerkf have been engaged to open and stow them them away alphobeticully, so that thev may be found sgnin. o better evido ict is wanted of the depressed condition ol i the country than these same letters." ti ,ai. .nri uhsousiuiaLeu lUBiau- I 4UCY w v. ,1,. -iVaft 8sjyThe virtue of others is always'a ter- ter. S.m Erncsisco, California. Cin.-innnti, Oli'o. Memphis. Termessee. New Orleans, Louisiana. Wilmington, Delaware. Albany. New York. Louisville. Kentucky. Detroit. Michigan. Washington. D. C. Puffalo. New York. Chionao. Illinois. Toledo. Ohio. Nashville. Tennessee. Richmond, Virginia, Montcomerv. Alabama. P.alli noi o, Marvland. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 15.37.152 for want, for I had plenty of thai at H-120 57 ,. 4.0)7 .10 A -no or 4V1S" 04 marries Mr. A's daughter. Whatrelatiob 4! 141 57 will their children be to each other. 3 JSiiTlt is tho vice of the nnlearnod (9 Vm'o p-' suppose that the knowledge of books isof 2.070 ?fl no nccount, and tho vice of scholars to 2.007 70 think tliore is no other knowledge wortb IS 3 ;-" , , , t . . 2.1 11 00! fciyA notice of a steamboat explosiou Eastern friend, "on of our smart young ward in possession of Warren Hastings, lawyers was well come up with tho other when Governor-General of Himlostan. day, A vitnessin a c ise o( assault and Popular Natural ' History. battery, wa asked by lhe junior counsel, r " ' '.. ..' How lar was vou, sir, from tho parlies Ciir.ATiNU Goino Os Some yean agon , , ' ' . . ..1 .u:. when t ho 11 lened ,'sau t tool; p ace 7 gnme of poker was being played in this WI1P" ",H - L ,.!,, i. nn.iflurimrl " Four feet live nicies and a half, Was 2,217 83 ends as follows: I ...in! tai.ii aoVaho fii Mill Es5" In our County Court," wntei nn , c -s CIlllIUOl I llliliu. UUQ una .u.ui .v. v.v, COO, and loaded with iron." the game contrived to steal the four a-.:e and lay them on his knee, to ba played at tho proper time. The player who sat the answer promptly iven. " Ah I " fiercely demanded the lawyer, " how came you to be so very exact ts ull next to him sw the move, nnd slipped 'I"8' .,,, -. , lhe aces from their hiding place, r"i"g , " Hecause," said the witness, very cool four other cards in their stead. When ly. " I expected that some confounded !.,. ...in camo to deal, ho called on all tA ould likely as net ask tuo, and so I ' " - .. 1 1 -.1 :. o weni unci mrtisuieu ii. . hands to go it blind. ' I'll go over ad of you." W ben all were in deep enough to ,uit liiin.be reached for Li t aces, and brought Ujj something else. Throwing his cuds on tho table, in a tone of indig nation ho exclaimed : "Gentlemen, I can't play in this game ; there's cheating going on ! " ftiTDcuth 'a tlie only subject npori which everybody speaks and writes witlwut a possibility of having exporienc od whut he uudertakes to discuss. iirlf Msebood pa'nlyzed the tingu-. what a death-like sib.nce would peivado society. "s7It is very pos.iible to be too wit!; to ba earnest, and oo earnest to 1 4 witty. CiThe Maine Sonnlo has passed tb bill to repeat Hie Personal Liberty Act.b a vote of yeas seventeen, nays ten, , &yIIow to learn all your defeots--, quarrel with your best friend. t&Mt requires great virtue to puppoit C3rValue the friendship of him who stands by you in storm; swarms of in sects will surround you in sunshine. " 1 ' " " " , , r -. V ..nn.n i ...hnnrl. irfUu! S-3TA scimon iu four words, on the ioui,b-.. . vanity of earthly pocsion: "Shrouds .fcarNever waste s long eipkuatlo'i have uo pockets." ; upon one who cannot take a hint. J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers