Piwwvf-TITWW. itrrr-lmmr,n( tri", W7TW'-WW-,,TO'WWWm f -Kawwmfk: ywn lion frtTr-" "t"1' 4' J. H. LARRIMER, Editor. l.Xri:i.sn n;." TERMS $123 per Annum. Oh Villi. NO X,. CLKAUHKLI), WKDMvSDAV. XOVKMHKK 10, mi). NTAVSKIUKS VOL. III. NO II. f.jr il.publt;.u: Term" of Utilise i-lptlm!. $1 2;. I .Ml . 1! llll i : v . r witiun inroo inoniii- .: ..iil.ii, tho veur. fill1! ".' I . .. ... ill,. oM'ir : I ...V inn " irnti'in uf t ho your, ;,1 I Term" " Advrrt Nlnif ! Ii-Ih i K-,rtl m.'iit ,iri- insoncii in t'.o itopiiiaii-iiii ,m 1 In.ertion 2 do. $ 75 1 .'ill 2 (in . Ii urn's. $1 (Ml n no 8 (Ml 12 (in 2(1 no a iiu. I $ I 0(1 I , Minro. (tllin,.',) ' " ' lUStll,,'.) 1 HI! 7, ! mi It: linos.) 1 all ,'! moil t It : : : $2 .'" '. ; : .( m) : : : : 5 H ' : ; : n mi ' : : : S Ml jn si.u.. - - . . ir.'H. 1 12 in, 1 1 Ile.iniilag $7 no i , n in, !ls ,,,u"''1- '..,ciuiireSi : 12 no j iitu .e iqiiaros, 1 1 HO ! i s no :!.i on ;Jf cullinllli ,t coliim"i : : : II mi Us mi ,s than tliuo iiimitlif r.t Pcr mare (( eiieti insertion. 1 . i: .... ul. .... j .,., in. BUStii"' i i-,r t'l i veil i". tlviirtisoinoiii'-i net murke-l with'tho niunl.i'r uf 'tiu.. Josi.e.1. U1 l.o itinm-.l till i"rW "ri'r,,in8,,,,,XVTAi:iiMKi. .. .,,.( s mi . l'm.'l'uuui '',.- ... ... DENTAL CARD. M SMI I " "Hi-is Ins iir.ili'ssiomii ht mii-s ( '...'.I,.. I.mlk's ami t;fiitlciiicii .,1 (-'Kiii- iiU itnJ vii'inily. AM annus , ,r ,.i i,. hmi(,suUK. ., eol n-t al ,1.- .'oachi's, dtB , , , . I'.-II i. ii. .-.,- illi n II iiu' lat,' nni'r.n iiii im., i"-' r" i Bike rtim-ial ucin in Stum 's . row. lut " I OiSrt ill ,'l! lltli. l's- lw. tr; 1! V. W hSd.N, I ' ... ... ... ,i , ,!u. l. : II tin; 1 .'ull.i stO'l'I. Will Uni4'i:.i - ill., as lii-ret' it.n'i'. as ,H. n. iMiniMrii. r 1 1! I! I 11 ; .It I Its T j to Tlt'. AIM all, -v l.av, l. I i rl. arti. l l. Ta.i "Ul (Ht''l"l po"ii'(ly l,.,;i, l.all 1 A.'lii'M'S, An., in I'li'iirlr ,,l, Julv :iii. y Cciiiri- no l l'.llif'JiiliiM'"- JOHN T1UHJTM..X . . .. .: I'l..,ir M,.l.iM 1 ' 11,11, SlTtl T . . , , . , 1 1 1 , II llll1 Illlsll.is.' ""' d un,l lltsi-, Sill Kll'l ' 'I'liaiie-au., i r ... . ... ...in -.1 -lll orini'i'ly i'i"".i'M' 1 l,v 1 n.ullilall . ', ..tho fast ,'ti'l "I -Marlo-T su,'i'.. a I ,.n. I ut .Mark listalli'i- west ol' hill's l-'Jiui'lry. Inn,- I-. IK-'J. I) lit. (;r.oi;i;i. n " . -,..-,: fully -.-ivi nolic-u licit liolin-i res,.i.o ,i toe ira. Moll-: a,-, an ,1 will .r,,inpoy ii.ii'ia. '' " - he f-.,.t'i. ssiiiii LutlK-r.-'.i'i;.Ai. i - ' " ' TUCiMI'SoN, JIAKTSDCK -N O. Iruli I'tmntlci-s. funMi n i'.le. Ancxtcnuvi-a.sut-tnifiit of Cnstii.-,'s ticiilo to urdoio Ucc. 211. L. .IAI'KsON CHANS, iTT(i'.tKY AT LAW, iiilK'L' ii.ljohiing I k- resiiloiu'O un Seem 1 Mi'ift, t'lia,'. Juno 1. is j 1. la. ii. r.Tiio.Mrsox, l Aliysll-ian. may l.o tiuiieli'itlur aims uimc ' . .. ,f. 1......1 i illi. wheti mi Ut JCOIK'IU S IIUlL-i, ui ..v...- , .,, is i liri'los.-n nnliy tii.M'iit. l" - I'HI'.DKHICK AUNOIJi, Mi-iiliant and I'rmlm'c Dc.tli.r, I.tillu-rs-Imi-j; Cli-arlii'lil ooiitity, l'n. " April 17, 1S.i2. KLLIS IRWIN & SONS, VT tho iimutli of hi'-k Hun. tiro link's from flonrliol'l, MDUCIIANTS, nil oxti'iisivo Maiii.rai'tiiri'rs of 1, milker, July 2.'t, 1S02. J. 1). THOMPSON, 1)lacksinilli. Wiigiiii,l)ui;i.'s. .to., Ac, irom il on slini-t nutiro. mi'l tin- very host stylo, lit his ji,l rt n 1 in tlio l,'i'oiit;li el' Curwuisvillc. Dec. Vi, lj:t. DR. M. WOODS linvin' I'linnsoil liis lucn ti,in from I'lirwonsvillo to Cloarliol-I, r feitfullv oiforn his iirelossiunal siTviois t tlio cili;.i'iis"f tlio lnttor plni-o ami vieinity. ltoji.lon.'O on St-.-oml street, opposi- Jt -if J.Crans, Ik-,!. "''' jli' wsl r. ciiamiu:i:s. ClAUltlKS mi CliiiirmiikiiiK. Wli-el.vrilit, mnl liuuso inul Siiin i.uititui;: nt I'lii'wi-iisvilie, Onrtlolil i-o. All unU-rs (.ruinl.tly titn-mloil t Jan. a, lSjS. A. T. SCIIUYYFK, nAS ri'fiinioil tlio in-notico of ino,lieine, mcl will iiiteml liroini.tlv to lilt rails in his r-rn- f.'sM,,n. t,y .lay or ni-lit. ' Kosiili'io o ,,,i,sito tin; Mi'th.i.li.-t oliuroli. May t, Is.'iS. Chios. ,T(tsi:rii i'Ltfls, .hmlirc of the l'mrr, Curirmsrili', ','Mif. 0XK ilo'or fast of Monti'liiis A Ton Eyi'k j Store. All hiisiness ontiiistoil tn lnm u ' be promptly ntteiulud t", nml all instruments o f writing dune un short notice. March, 31, lS.iS.-y. P. VV. 1URRETT, rERCHANT, riiODl'Cl-: AND hl JIli -. l M 1.EA1.F.K. AX I JISTICK K Till-. PKAOE, Lutlieml.urg, Cleiirfiold Co., l'n. ! ' i t oit'n'rT i,' i i. i.iiiiiij. i i ..,i i ,,.,.1 A.ri.ni. o lio l.l. H1TJ 1 in i,B" ' itilioininff hi roi,lonoc, un Maikot stroo Lioarliflil. .Miirch:), lSjii. A. It SHAW, RETAThl'It of Foreign anil Hmnpstio Mori li ntch,0, Slinwsv'illo. Clonrflolil oonnty, I'.. Hlitiwsvillo, August I . is.ii. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. TH K i.l.ove lli.t.-l, Imvinn r inly l.oon Clint up fir h house i! out .-rtiiiiim.-i.t. is now npin fir tho n,'oonitn("h.tioii of tho I'liMie. Trnv.-l.-i-" will fltnl thin B cmiveiiiont linu-e. May 111, 185S, ."IN JRU VN. PI. IWTI'.RIN;. The nihsorihor, hnvinic locatorl himsoll'ln tho bi.n.ugh of (Tonrfh-lil would inform the ptiMio thnt ho is prepared to io work in the above line, from plain 'o omnium tol nf riy donoriptton in n workniiiriliko inAnnor. Also whitewashing nnd ropnirir.g done In ft neat nunner nd on reasonable terms. EDWIN COOPER. Clearfield, April 17, ISST. ly. D. O. CROUCH, I)IIYSICIAN Oflieo in Curwonsvillo. May JHisttlliiiuous. A Visit to the Hermitage. .1. W. Krllv, will) WHS olio ol Ml ,'l!ateo i 'if Nashvi ( 'ollferenee, pill,, il iMplii'i'l', the fol- to in tin1 Yorkville ai't-oiiii L (l II Vl.lt to the 1 1 ei nii- the I'ollowin;' inipres live utterance s to perferiiieil t heir duty fom lessly and re ioli the South Cu'oli- the value and iliiiortil!li.'e of the Sahoa'h : yardle-s of conseipieiu'es. Wo ale told lveil on a visit to the "I luu-t suspect the virtue a:id sus)iect that from his early manhood l.ehleii pri- Kiirlv in lo ses ili'li'j :liiiii !cm , v lirri-.1 :n k -i hi livi d It is a tine iM holm died, mm tOil' 1 sitti- in the soti'heiii brink of thi 'umber - laud, alioiit cloven miles north rn-t of Nashville. W'f ilivitril. I',ll' thosakcof a' rioty mid good rliri'i', ii rmiili' of I'm lie?, mil' littlo tiny, .loiiio S'oiu s, ami four out side delegates, to wit : one from Virginia, ono Ironi Tennessee, inn' from Missouri, anil nnotln'i' from Louisiana mi'l took it lino snecimen of tlio "peouliariiistitution" in tho I'orsini of Adolphus, from (leorge town, ivho generally attend.; mnuial con fereiices, with !!cv. C. Petts, iiim! as liis 1 iilv servant was also in atli mlance al the general conference. Thus, Is in all, in :,i. ,, ;;i t i. .1 -,.t ,,r , (,,,i i,, i m. ., n... , .. thowlinlc truth, it liter little I. ox ol wjpv ! thou j tel. a rh 1 - t I'll lilt i t loach su, h ueh su, h tl, ; w i- iar- t of .1..11- loi't!:, .leek ,'tl the y,h, M..V. and l-;.:t'.-l; . mair, U..1 .Mecca o Hal'V mi mi,.,::. . , tin u: ol. e tli.lt Molll Willi ..r i i,, 11 W 1,1 o , .' lie ir couiitiy. al! -:if.- ! a Vol.l the plih- American lovers of our-' ill .vc 1 i', .ohi id country .-cat, a.v, . '.V I'm lie load uhout n .iiai tei of a mile in Io wa' 'il.- the river. You enter from a lane or el',,.-. load an il'cli gate: stone Jo-Is, 1 think ; mid then up ii giavelh-'l cedar a yctiile : it should have keen hickory ; mid halted at the front of a yenerahle old mansion now occupied fy the loudly ol .r. .faiksoli, an adopt, d mhi or nephew of th old hero. .lolni, the old iencrid's ho ly .-, -rvan!, as he told us, duringhoth rrcsiilentia'i terms, was soi.ii f jl'thcoiiiing. I'r. Wightmaii, a on,' chief, Mir, in a cud, mid we s.mn had ;h" liherty of the h.i',1- and pallors, gar den , ai,d ground-', and ph-lity of ,,;!. .- - t,r. t e al siid lo Lav to ( iviiora! he. 1 1 e i generation Vi leliee ,,s set dow n in mi mit-'i'ie el.aii'. !, n Washington's, aiidgiveii i.u ;,son hy Mr ( 'n.-li.-- ni.iy ntly apl'crtain..d to aiiotiier n.-t he'.e. - wit ii h-clings of re ! il as of i tilio-ty, we looked tu on it. -:t in it ha- a moment, having the honor ol' hi doing w iihuit heing in a.iy liiaiiuer rcled. 1'iiiiilings on tin- walls, iU,diit and tasteful gilts oil the shelve, mid takles there were, hut 1 mn no cunoi sour, atcl therefore will not attempt a des cription, especially us I made no iiot tl,,. to,,,.. The (leiieral mid his wif. a! lie hm id under the same plain tonih. at the northeast t orni r of the garden, hetween the dw, lling and the ptihlic road; ''life's ut,l ('..-.. i- over, thev sleep W'f Loth having l'.cd in tho foith and the hopi the 'hi i tian religiiti. 'IT IF. FAMILY 'I K 'LF. The following Lrief hut comprehensive remarks on the decline of the authority ol parents over their children, seems to tu to have -ii much mini in tneoi. aim io . such general application, tha'we cant refrain from t ratislerring them to our c . , .i l . .. i ... mn us : "One of our religious exchimge. .line to the iirevulenoo of crime , allu lliion hoys, el v properly a rls: that one of the main causes of tin. decline of morality i- HI af .uirri'tat msnj'iin' the domestic hearth 1'he family is the true cirelt fountain of purity or cnrruption to piihlie moral-'. Most people kceome what they are made at home. 1 hey go lurth into ,, . . i ...tr... .1,,,- the worm, io m i mn im- im,.. . 1 .', ed in the first fourteen years of k their lives. ltis alleged in exci.se that r children have l.ecome more unmauagea- i t , ii...n (1PV sed to he U'e reply that I, n. ,i...n nature and human relations are line iniiL'oit. i onui . .. ,o , i M.:i.i.., o lis inn. .na, r 1.1,. 0 authority as they ever wer This is the main purpose tor which i ro oi nee I I !IU 1111)1 le them helpless and dependent. th" t"'V "". " " ' " " . .. .. i ,1 ..li;, ....... to r,,, r.toindusy ... vntue It is not tvu, ()m parents Inn. no,!,:,.,,,!,, eon- wvMr :"" :y """" '; " , : , t n,av he enforced .he real lact ,s. that 1(a,en.s are too in Men,, too negiig too,n(Ii)1, t1()tlke,he pains,,, ,, n up .heir children,-, the wiivth.y shot,!: ,o. It rcpiires perpetun. vig, a.,'.- and th.-v get tired. It retires sell-conf ol to exereisoa proper authority over others. So f-eonnuest is the createst victory of nil. There can ho no just parental discipline when there is no charueter to hack it. 77 r very Lnie (hey are told. i Sydney Smith on Sunday Observance, Tin- eccentric and saiiriealsidnoy Smith was iM Vi r rl'ai'cil with lioin' "iini'o. ri ' 1 1 1 . n i -. ' ' Dot thoi-o iti'o voins of ilicp aod l ohlo thonlits in his i.'ijicrs, which wi e, ro well if miiiio w ho iiro iiiito ready ruin, all of which could have Imon pro iniiieiid his w it mid laxity of opinion ventel if Iho- e eittru-ted with the mlniiii- ui a few suhjeets wouM resort to. Take the roli;'i, ,n of that man who imagines he can attain the itiality or the i xeell.-nee, without suhiiiittilip! to tin- rules mid prac tices ly which tlie excellency and ,ti.ilily are found to he attained who holievcs lit em he a Christian without Sahhaths and without player, mnl reach the end wilh ort suliinit ting to the melius : and means, I'enieiulier, not only sanctioned hy the ex perience of men, 1 nit einanatiii-.' IVuin the willol'llod, reduced to n positive com lnandil'.eiit (Hie of the laws of the pill.ll' on which nll.t 'hristiau nations have found ed their relitions u-ages ; mid if we did no understand the reason of Uie law, what i.,.,.!..,-' ifif w (I,,- law. lint who does v,.t the rea-on of the law '.' AVIm. 1 would lie-'uale one moment for an answer it I were to a-k'hun why the Sahhath was illslitllted .' to stop that tholllltless oll- reatiire man. in headlong pur-uit lire and of wealth ; to loll him '! 1' that '. oi,l is inn, lortal ; that mis' .KM.- (l.wn iil'on e nth h his redemption that the In avcu- ahuve an- spread out (.. 'i . loio to -loii hilil when he is ,,.;", and to ..-11 him to look into his own -our- to, too him when ho is enjoy i i,. and to warn him of his salvation: to su-pciid hiscontrac.-.toarrost liis .schemes - to eMc, hi-emotions, to ,,111-11 his h.i- ir. ds to l,ur,t into his soul with thesphm-1 .In of (iod's futh : .rn.l while l.o is urn-1 kin'.- l altrv ueotii.-itioiis, and panting af - ter foolish pleasures, to oiion to him tin he .'.eps, ml to shor him tho throne of ( ,' i l toonen to him the earth, mid to : show him the depth uf hell, and to hroaeh , , t to Ir.ai ti icrance, anil i igiueoiisues, mm judgment to come." The Killing' i Desperado- y ',-,., ,'.' .Y, 'VA',.? lull I'm. I We have pulL-in-d something of the ' : iML'. dv referred to l.elow, hut further mid I interesting particulars are here gven, and. j:,: a moral that om.dit to he heeded every i. ...... !,.,,,h, ,l in it. we luihlish the '; following account of tin transaction fiom :! A hi cil!e (parish of Vermillion ) Mr: ,; .,. of the 'JC.th nit. The three person charged with killing I.i-hleu, it has alrca ,1 hi en stated, were taken to "pelouses hy a change of venue granted hy the Dis trict ( Yuiri of Calcasieu Parish, and the next day after their arrival tiiey were set at liherty we presume hy competent au thority. Tii.o'.ii.v Th oi:i.y .1 i sTii e. A great criminal offender, Paul C Lehleu the cohl-hearted murderer of Fwing and Par- sf)l,s the cold-hearteil sedueer and kid napper, the lawless desperado of the pur idi of Calcasieu, who once dared and did force his own negro slave, to sit on a Pencil of tlio District Court of that parish during court time, mid in derision of the presi d'niL!judg. ha. at last met the fate he so , i, hly d.'.-erveil. As to the particulars of hi. death, we uro indehted to the politos lies of S. Ilelllell. Lso. who hasjti-t ,1 from the court of the parish : mid tin in we here give them as communicated to us liV Unit genuoiiiim. On Monday, the l.itli inst., the District Court commenced its regular session at Lake Chailes, the seat of justice of the pa rish of Calc.' sieii. livery thing ahout tow n indicated that a deep under current was known to' at work for some purpose un strangers: for the western wing of th : In , , tel displayed i fmo order and ... good i. l...l.l. 1,i.i...11.m1 imtia liis. keeping, many v.ouo,. .-,....... .. . i i -.;., l-,,ivisc T ike iniiilements : " ' ' .... Ol war l arc were uio ..,...-r.. j - in the court room. I lungs remained m mat, suoe I.... ..... i till Wednesday morning, ut which tune ran un v. nu, cnung ... , . .i... t. r .... ... t .1 t., ..:,. :.. from the country, roue u io mo iuli ... the h' tel, liesoondod from his mule, and stin ted towards the house with a pair nf , , ,.,,, l.is l.-ft mm. ... i - - ' 1 st tll0 t. wig of ,e no,..,. .,,, he was shot from the front of tl - liln0, ,,v ic vety a mail Foux ...id several others, n n J rf w (lf ,,,,,,. E(l,h ; ,is1(ll.nflly. llis ,,ght . M; four huckshots pene- Jrily n J . W(.k , on u..g,, his 'Illllnn r .. , ., . .... i . 1 ........ 1 . (l.r lmvcr nnrt right . ' hp Ol V11C H.u--'iiivit turned at the first fire-took ellect in his . , J V.B1, If nnimara tilflt llO iiim ii i ii iiiii iv . v ii- 1 , from tl.irty.five l for., Wk h""1 1 J shot through tho most vital port ion of his pcMon. I.i hloii fXiiii'il iilinost instantly, Anil t hus rlo?, I ho 1 i ( o of one w hoso earthly oare r has lucn titainoil with Mood inul ist ration ol just ice ill that parish had only del hii:i-i !f in the violation of the laws of his country in the mo-t otitraucou-, mall tier, and that none dared to all',' t him fol doiiu; so. I'roh.'ihly -ome immaculate ollicials will look upon this aertion ns li lieloils : hut we cai e no! : mid we say bold ly, alt holiidi with ri-L'let. that wlclleVel' criminals are permit led to escape, either through tin- leniency of juries, technical ih fects in the indictments, ahsence of the , witnesses, or any other moans then let , Jiopular justice he done. ! The Value of One Square Mil in Vir ! ginia. ' '"' Mclimonil i.,:rra- says: imond l:ni'itir says: ( )ie - "jiiaie mile in the city of NewJYork, oven I calculating it al Sliin.liiMl per ncro, which is much more thuli it would hring, t-xiept in favorite loctilities, would ho worth !sh l t ii m i.i ii a i, and yet ti c ran lind several IocjI. iti, - in tho mountains of Virginia, which are in reality, l.tr more valunhle. . 'tie of : the.-e may he found hetween Smyth and : Washington counties, on the north fork ! of lie- lloh-t mid is known as K'dtville, 'l''''-- Tl'u1 J''estn. ( ne 'l''Uv nnlo w.thm tho circuuilerein e ol the salt ha-in, inchidmg al,,. tho gypsum formation within tho same urea, wo can show hy close cadcuhUio,,-, to ho worth not only more than one -unrc mile in the ''" 'f N'-' Vork, hut more than the 'n city. The .-alt rock within this square mile ranges from seventy to one hundieJ feet in thickness, which would yield u net ton, til- forty hushels of .-alt to every solid yard it contains, or over three thousand mil lions of hushels ! which, when manufactu re I, is worth from forty to (illy cents a hti-hcl. Hut, iirt-sitmini: it to he worth twenty cents per Lushcl in the ground, and we have six hundred millions of dol lars, to which we must add two hundred and til'ty millions of tons of plaster within the same space, worth with the ground a kout one dollar per ton, making a total of eight hundred and lifty million dollars New York property is valued at seven hundred and fifty million dollars. In another place we estimated the value of this mineral deposit at only twonty'eight hundred million hush, salt, without ref erence to the plaster or the land improve ments. Put the present one we make ns a hoa.-t against any thing that tho world can produce, and, of course, have not al lowed any "contingencies in our calcula tions. The oho sipiaro mile, idhidod lo a- hove contains uhout all tho salt, hut not one tenth iiart of the l.laster. The estate contains uhout ten thousand acres. We migh also choose a square railo on tho iron mountains of Alleghany County, which, when properly developed, would he worth more than ull the farms in Vir ginia: or we might choose a square mile f.f the lead property at the Old 'Yityne Lead Mines, and, only estimating it ac cording to the yield up to the present ! time, at a moderate profit in tho ground, and our ligures w ould run into millions. SINGULAR INCIPFNT. The Havana I'rin:n notices a rcmarka- hie incident as one of the results of the shock from the explosion ; no less than the restoration to reason of u lady of that r'!.v wnf n!, oiitiroly lost her min l.some six moths ngo, from a severe and protract ed spell of sickness. During the whole of that period she did not recognize any one, not even her parerts nnd other near rela tives. When the explosion took place she. was instantly thrown into violent pa roxysms, which the family considered ns an indication of tho speedy approach of death. The paroxysms gradually suhsided and all were rejoiced to find her situation Unite the reverso of what was expected : her :eason was entirely restored! This case presents an interesting iiuc.stion for our medical philosophers. CjJ"A lady once conulled Dictor John-oil on the degree of turpitude to he at. ached to her son's rohhing an orchard. 'Madame," said Johnson, "it nil depends upon the weight of the hny. I rotneniLcr my school mute David Ciarrick who wn always a littlo fellow rohhin.,' ten or a dozen orchards with impunity; hut the (list time I climhed up an npple troe for I was always a heavy boy.thehough broke with me, and it was culled a judgement. I suppose Hut is w hy justice is represent- - U'Hh apairofcs!" 'l'n k 1'lmai k Tr.Mi-f.it No trait of char actor is more vahuiMc in n female, I han the poses, ion of a swvot temper. Home can never he made happy w ithout il : il is like, tlio the (lower that spring up in our piithwoy. reviving mid eeehcing u-. I.e. it niitn go liome wearied and worn out hy the toils of the day, mid how soothing, is a word dictated hy a good disposition ! It is sunshine falling upon the heart. He is happy and the cares of life are forgotten. A sweet temper has a soolhing intlllelice over the iniiids of the whole family. When it is found in the wife mid mother, you ohserve kindness mid love predominating over the natunl feeliiigs of a had heart. Smiles, kind words and looks character ize the children, und peace ant! love dwel ling there. Study then to aeipiire a .-vei t temper. His more vuhiahh; than pld. it captivates more than heauty, and to the class of life retains all its hower. A MELANCHOLY r.ANtjUI'.T. Tho t'ollowing touching" tmd tugjji .stive incident, is sadly illustrative)!' the uncer tainty of life, or rather'the eertainty of death, and of: Is inexorahle disregard of all the ties w hich hind frail mortality to an earthly existence. A Cincinnati paper notices the solitary la-t haniiiet of a "l ist man's" t luh in that city. In the cholera heason ol lifa'2, sev en gentlemen agreed to met annually ami dine once together, as long as they lived, a hottl-- of 'vine to he sealed mid drank in meiiiorinm hy the last survivor. The lirst le-uniou was held on the Cth of Octuher, Is3ll, and on the (it h of i ictohor, l'-'i.'k l'r. Vattier, sole survivor of the seven, drank from the Lottie and pledged the six dead friends, whose empty eliitir- and empty plates were his only society ut the lust melancholy feast. The Beli.s of Moscow. Payard Taylor, in an excedingly interesting letter from Moscow, gives an aeeountof the great hells of that city the largest and most costly in the world. The Russians have a pe culiar lHTtrhmn for large hells. The larg est among them, which is on the Tower of tlie'Kermlin, w as cast hy order of the Lin press Anne, in 1730, and weighs one hun dred nnd twenty tons. It is twenty two feet high, and twenty one in diameter at the bottom. It cost olio million and a half of dollars. There isnnother hell near it which weiiihs nxtv-lour tons, it iukcs three men to rln its tongue. It is only rung 'A limes a year, then ull the hells nrc silent. It is said the vihration ot the air is like the simultaneous discharge of a hundred cannons. Bi n in ii r n it -: Election Anecdotes. The manner in which defeated Candida tes for political honors submit to their fate, often atlbrds. interestiii!: ilhts'i'tition of the varietis of human character, am sometimes results in very good jokes he in perdctrated hy thoniselves, or sonichody else ut iheir expense. Among the most amusing that we have met with laetly, is related of a respectahl gentleman in Windsor county, Vermont w ho some years ngo, had an amLition to represent liis native tilwn in the State Legislature. Though u mini of good nor. al charueter, and in every way ipialilied to fill the office he sought, ho happened, us Aunt Peggy used to sny, to have "a gri ut many winning ways to make folks hute him," and was, in fact, the most unpopu lar man in the town. doing to 'Sitiiire X. an influential man who happened to he friendly to him, he laid his ease Lcfore him, and nskod hia influence ; saying that he didn't expect help without paying for it, and declaring that if he could get X's influence lie was sure to he elected. The 'Siiuirc "put in his host jumps" for his man ; hut when the votes were counted, another man was declared elected. The disappointed 'candidate culled out to know how the vote stood, nnd learned that he had pot just three votes! "Put I don't understand it," said he, turning to the 'Situiro with a chop fallen countenace. "Nor I either," said the 'Squire, "I put in one vote ; you put in nnother ; Put who the deuce put in th. third is more than I cm. imagine ! Put who tvou'd not desire ,o possess such a genial temper ns Mr. .Limes A. Jones of Arkansas, who ran as an indepen dent candi atefor Congress, nnd was de feated hy uhout seven thousand majority. Mr. Joues is the editor or the Otm.-A :hi Ifrralt, and discusses his defeat in his pa per in a manner that should at least enti tle him tn the credit of taking it coolly . Hear him : nr.rEATr.n, or it salt river, "Wo i nve." .'f.i:7't'. ".Vol in min phi. ul 1 mu ll pxatn; lo bo." fym We that is to say, James . Jones, ed itoroflho Ouachita II,rtiil, und Into can didate for Congress are ingloriously de feated. To use a classical and entirely or iginal expression, "we have met the ene my and we are thciis." Wo evidently cast our pearls hefore sw ine. We mag nm.inioiisly, and at a considerahlo Kncri liee of our habitual self respect, offered it, servo a people who Inul no appreciation of the ottering. We cant help it. Wo did n't make the people, and are not under contract lo supply them with brains. If they were w ilfully blind to our merit, the fault is theirs. If they are opposed to re ceiving individually one hundred and fifty acres of land a piece, they have a perfect right to reject it they ought to know w hether or not they deserve it. If they ilon t want the rights ol the south pcr mrr,,l inviolate" why, they may havo them iH-kkd for all wo care. At an enormous expense ofsixten dol lars and thirty-two cents, wo printed a multitude of circulars, sufficient, we thought to elect any man, tvith which wj Hooded this congressional district, and a hu ge portion of the Cherokee nation. Wo w rote to our friends, and to some who were not our friends, to rally to our sup port. Put they d'.Pnt rally. Wo then coiiiiealcd oui'self us well as wo could at home, refusing positively t o extend our ac quaintance, or to see more ot the public than the public did of us. With these l eciiutions mc deemed success certain. A great many persons wrote us that we houhl be elected, we should have all over whelming vote ; they were iiot deceived I was overwhelming. Many credulous K-rsf.ns told us thatjwe should he. elected', we listened lo (hem nd were deceived Put w e forgive (Item, for (hey made us feci comfortable for u while ; and all earthly iappines is transitory. We shall never iceoino a candidate again without consult ing somebody on tho subject first, and 4 ertal.iing whrther they do or do not de sire us to run ; for we are satisfied that it is folly to be a candidate unlesB somebody Iocs want you to run, and will vote "or you on the strength of that desire. We are not without consolation. We ire not the only candtdato that was de feated. There arc numbers in as bad a fix as oiirself. And besides, greater men than we claim to be, have been as badly beaten. Among our numerous friends, ex Gov ernor Drew is entitled to our warmest ac knowledgements. Ilisintention, doubtless was to assist us in beating Rust, hy proj curing a largo and influentiari majority of the Democratic party to vote for him. With this object in view, he mado a hril iant canvass, ending in rio less a hriliant failure. Put, notwithstanding he carried off a considerable portion of our vote, wc honor him for his laudable intentions.. Hereafter he has hut to command us, and we will obey if it suits us to do so. To the fifteen patriotic nnd chivalrous voters, who cast their sull'rages in Tike county, we beg leave to tender our sincere nnd unfeigned gratitude. Wc owe then, a debt that will be diHicult to repay. A a slight evidence of our appreciation and lasting regard, we propose that if they will forward us a list of their names, wo will send them the lln-nhl for life nt tho usua' price, three dollars per nnntim, lrrtfrbihr- in advance. In conclusion, we desire permission to reiiinik, that the small experiment w have ju-t made is eminently satisfactory. Whatever aspirations we may havo hat' for glory are entirely suMuod. The pur suit of a son, in congress, under diflicu ties "is ono in- which we havo no detil to re-engage. We are satistind that ff, curry with us into our retirement the hi", wishes of a generous though ungrateful people, nnd nro content. More aiioi-t the Comf.t. The comet wv regret to say, is exercising a most corrupt ing influence in Pufl'alo, nnd will probably fail to gain there that good will which tin return of a so long absent visitor should be greeted. The mischovioiu paragraph setting forth that four o'clock in the mo .' ning is the Lest time lo view the celestia viitor, ha been widely circulated in tho' l'ji-ulity, und the conserjuenro is that r great number or the PufT.ilo gontlcmrr have ,"ot into the habit of remaining u ' till that time, uhout seven nights in tl.'' week, lo pny their resjrects to it. The:" is nothing radically immoral in tho mei' matter of setting up till four in tho morY iug, but it is said that owing to the stiun. lating processes which they find it nece- sary to resort lo to keep awake so Ion these amateur astronomers have cbr.. menced seeing two comets apiece, each with two tails, besides a great variety i other stars not distinctly specified. Son. of tho Putt'alo papers arc in great trihul : .inn nbout it.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers