For the Clearfield .RepuNican. GEM SCOTT MEETING. The friends of Gen. Winfield Scott held a largo and enthusiastic meeting on Fri day the 3d inst., in Girard township, at Lacount 's Grist Mill. It was decidedly the largest political meeting ever held in this section of country. A largo pole was rais ed, and the names of Scott, Graham and the Union, were unfurled to the breeze, amid long loud and deafening cheers. Af ter which a platform was raised beneath the flag, and the meeting organized by ap pointing Thomas Leonard Esq., President, and Geo. B. Smith, Wm. Graham Sr., J. Curley Sr., A. Mignott Sr., Edward Wil liams, Jacob Shoff, A. Lacount, J. Speck man, Amos Krise, William Leonard, and Thomas Graham, Vice Presidents—Wm. Murray Ellis R. Livorgood, Jonathan Sparkman and Patrick Curley, Secy's. . On motion, the President appointed the following Committee to draft resolutions, viz: Peter Lamm' Alex. Murray, Jas. P. Nelson, Mordica Livergood and George Shirley. On motion, Thos. H.Fulton Esq.,was called for, appeared upon the stand an en tertained the meeting with an interesting and eloquent address. After the address was concluded the ,Coinmittee on resolu tions reported the following through their chairman. Resolved, That wo give our undivided support to the nominees of the Whig Na tional Convention—that General Scott is our choice for President, and has been our political idol for years—because he has devoted forty years of his life in the ser vice of his country—because ho is a firm supporter of the Union, the Constitution and its compromises—because he has fought her battles amid the snows and frosts of Canada, and under the scorching sun of Mexico—because he has at all times carried her flag to victory, and filled the world with her national glory and renown. Resolved, That in Wm. A. Graham of North Carolina, the Whig candidate for the Vice Presidency, wo have an eminent statesman and an honest, upright man—his long experience in public life, his sterling integrity, and his acknowledged patriotism is sufficient to secure our cordial support. Resolved, That we approve and endorse the platform put forward by tho Whig Na tional Convention at Baltimore—that the resolution on the compromise and the sla very questions meet our dicided approba tion. Resolved, That we heartily approve of the administratittin of Milliard Fillmore, and.that we recognize. in that illustrious man, one to whom wo all owe a debt of gratitudar--true to his trust, faithful to all C o nstitutional obligations, he will bear with him in his retirement from public life, the love of his political friends and the respect of his sectional opponents. Resolved, That in the death of Henry Clay the American people sustained a great and irreparable toe ; the immortal truths set forth by him, and sustained by his pa triotism and eloquence, are like stars in the firmament, for lights and guides to mankind. Resolved, That we deem it expedient to have a Whig Press established in our county, which will represent and reflect more fully the interests and principles of our partyl—that we will cordially unite with our whig friends throughout the coun ty in supporting and sustaining a press. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be written out by the Secretary's, signed by the officers, and a copy sent for publication to the Clearfield Republican, Democratic Whig and Pennsylvania Tele graph. On motion, the resolutions were unani mously adopted. On motion, the meeting adjourned with tlircn cheers T for HOSGenL. E S ONA.RD cott and the Prenion. . , U s't. Wzi, anima, Sec'y. --------- Fargrisco.—We take the following tle incident from an exchange paper. h will serve to show that, the "fainting" is not all done on one side : At a whig meeting held at a village in the interior of !Michigan, one of their ora tors thought it his duty to charge General Pierce, with weakness and cowardice. He said it was unfortunate that the General had fainted at every,,point where hi en s ser vices were needed. At this esting period nf, the discussion, a pla i n, nt d ereterm ined leoking man arose, and said he want ed toespeak a word to the flippant orator. "I belonged," said he, "to the fifteenth re in Mexico, ad I am a W hig; but tgiinenthe man that calls Frank Pierce a coward shall fight me any how." "Why," said the frightened. speaker—"l certainly have heard many persons say as I have hero asserted." "No matter," `rejoined the indignant soldier, "you must swallow your words or fight me. The man don't live, that could with impunity, call Frank Pierce a coward, in my presence." This time the orator fainted k te ? Mu. CLA.Y.--How few of Mr. Clay's worshippers pay the least attention to his , admonitions 1 Ho once fervently and publicly prayed that Heaven would visit our country "w th war, pestilence, and famine, or any other - scourger ratlier than permit our people to give themselves up to mere military merit in voting for President of the United States. Prior to the last Whig Convention, in a letter which '.was published, ho recom mended Mr ButFih re as the we se ate of the whig party. Gen. Scott w lected on account of his_ military success. es, and nothing else. 'Thus, while the whips deify Clay, they treat his' admonitions with perfect indiffer ence. ' -------- _ Vierheie•s.rof two , tests et, whiggery in th%liresent campaign With Webster whip_ ,a,repudiation of the candidates of tho party, and with Scott Whigs a repudia tion of 'its principles. , • • Later from Mealco-7-Revolutioliary Noiements. New Orkans, Sept. 1.--By an arrival here this morning, the Picayune has re ceived letters from the city of Mexico to tho 18th ult. The insurrections :in the various parts of the country wore spreading to such an extent that it was expected that an extra session of Congress would be immediately called to adopt speedy mea sures for the suppression of the revolutionary move ments, though it is feared with but little prospect of success, as the plans adopted by the revolutionists were of the most for midable character. Mr. Letchor, the late Minister to Mexico, arrived at Vora Cruz on the 17th, for Washington. The Indians in the vicinity of Chivabua were more troublesome, and committed the most daring excesses. Trade in Chihuabua was very dull., Three companies of Texas Rangers or dered by Gov. Bell for the better protection of the Rio Grande frontier, are nearly completed, and will soon leave for their destination. Another Steamboat Accident. Saugeties, Sept. 4.—The steamer Rein. deer, Captain Charles W. Parham, left New York at eight o'clock this 'morning, and arrived at Malden, Saugerties landing, at a, quarter after one, P. M. She had landed the Saugerties passen gers, and was drawing in her gang plank, when the pipe which connects the flues, called the connection of the return flues, burst. The stetim rushed out between decks, tearing down a temporary bulk head, and passing through a pantry into the lower I cabin, where a number of passengers were dining. , The work of destruction in the dining cabin was complete, every person there being either killed or badly injured. The steam also passect up the chimney carrying away the smoke pipe, which fell across the hurricane eck breaking it down. No persons, how deck were injured above the deck, except the engineers and cooks. We have witnessed the scene of disas ter, and a more heart-rending spectacle was never beheld. Language cannot de• scribe the condition or appearance of the pitiable objects we saw. 1 Our citizens are unremitting in their I offices of kindness to the sutlbring, and their friends at a distance, may be assured I that nothing will be omitted to render the wounded as comfortable as possible. There were seven persons killed, and upwards of forty scalded, some of whom it is feared, fatally. Saugerties, Sept. G.—Edward Sceler, of New York, who was on board the Rein deer when her steam-pipe burst, died this morning from his injuries. This makes 28 deaths in ull. It is the opinion of the physicians that nearly all (the sufferers will die. , Saugerties, Sept. 7.—The number of deaths now reach 32. Several of the scalded remain in a very hopeless state, but none have died since a quarter past five o'clock this morning, at which hour Edward Zilly, a German, ex red. Later from California. New Orleans, Sept. 4.—The steamer Daniel Webster arrived at this port from San. Juan, bringing California dates to the 14th of August. The passage has been made in twenty days and a half from San Francisco. The quickest trip yet made. The news is not very important. The miners are doing well, and new dis coveries of gold are daily made. The prices of goods and produce were retained at last advices. The steamship Columbia arrived at San Francisco on the 10th ult. The mails and passengers left San Fran cisco by the Golden Gate. There was considerable excitemmt in California upon account of the death of the Hon. E. •Gilbert, member of Congress elect. He was killed at Sacramento, in a duel with General Deuree. The cause of this melancholy recontre was a political dispute. On the 10th inst., a grand funeral pro cession took place in San Francisco in memory of Henry Clay. Five hundred Chinamen joined in the pageant. It was conducted with great solemnity, and with every testimonial of honor and esteem for the deceased. Freshet at the South. Charleston, Sep. 2.—The late freshets in the southern country have been far more disastrous than was at first supposed. At Mobilo a house was blown down and a fam ily of five persons were. killed.. All the steamboats and sailing vessels in the port were more or less injured. Some of the steamboats broke from their MOOT - ings, and were forced by the • violence of the gala into the woods. One steamboat and two schooners wore wrecked and will prove a total loss. The light-house was carried-off, with a whole family on board. The wharves were nearly all destroyed, and the surrounding country was inunda ted.' The cotton, rice' and corn crops, have in several sections, been for the most part destroyed. - At Hamburg, Georgia, the water was six feet deep in the streots, and Mr. Rissi ter, a clerk, was drowned. Theloss of property was immense. Tremendous Earthquake, New Orleans, Sept. 4.—A greet earth quake occurred at Santiago de Cuba oe the 20th 'ultimo, causing a terrible destruc tion of; property. All the houses were more or lefts injured, and.the city is block ed up, with the fallen buildings. Three stocks were experienced in the course of a few , hours, and many others followed during the next two days. Late fromltttatia--inival of thellmpire City. New. York, Sept. 3.—The steamship Empire City, from New Orleans, via Ha. vanna, arrived 'at this port this morning. She lek.Scw Orleans on the 26th, and Havanna one tho 29th ult. She brings New Orleans papers of Thursday, the day of sailing, but they contain no news of importance.. The Empire city ' brings five boxes of specie, but the contents are not stated. The arrests at Havanna for public of ences continue to be very numerous. The cholera had entirely disappeared From the city, but tle yellow fever was very prevalent. DIED.—In Rush township, Centre Co., on the 30th ult., Hannah, consort of Jas. Antes, aged about 30 years. In Bellefonte, on the 31st ult., after a lingering:illness, Margaret, consort of D. M. Weaver, formerly of this place, aged 34 years, 5 months and 21 days. C 261) lo )(23 , Lr'30ZICCSE 31. a A LL than kit les and geni lemon who are w Minx to assist iu biuging at tho Mouth , y Meetings of the Witthingtoitiang luthintinen. aro requested ro meet at the /kende:Try on Wed • emlay evening ittopt. , mbor 15th, at 7 o'clock. for the Of °manikins a choir aid PrePariaa uste• kept. AU, latig. Ity ln request of Commute. ------- Sign and Ornamenta. 'ainting. KINDS or LIOTEINtriG. GILDING. bro., done to ordtr. with neatness and desonteh. The subscriber In• tending to !Imam only n few weeks In the Once all persona wishing work in his line ss ill 'demo call in InalliAelY• Npecnnens sran at Mr. 111:IdP1111.1.'d HOTEL No. to. Ma. JAS. T. 'WADY A Two-Horse Carriage for Sale. E SUBSCRIBER criers for sale a FIRST RATE TWO. lIORSE CARRIAtiC. It will be told on necommoda trios two,. end me, baleen at the dlable of EL m IAS AL WI t in the Boroug sl h of Clearfield. !iam Soot, PUBLIC VENDUE. 1 1 T 6 trittttimoyn,gonlrrtzriN it'lB!ta et roodettoe of the 'caw:other ia Comeau:llie. to thn• mance at 10 o'clock .a. m.— One Horse, Buggy and Hurness—also,; one Sleigh, Bureau' Tables, Chairs, Settee, Scfa, Bedsteads, Beds and Bed ding, Carpets, Books, Globes and Sta tionary, together with a variety of arti cles of Household and Kitchen , Furni ture. JAMES J. HAMILTON. Cu rweniville .Sept, SI. 1839. —pd COOKING STOVES, AlNeli!ar.t.i.e)aVii4aitetTli..YlLig CARTER, Agent. ~ at the low Om of O F h lr t om e Cleartteld, e•ep 11, '52- b., R. -_----_-___ THRESHING', MACHINES. OvC the L,.tY le now in ÜBO, manulactnied titrattonviVe iatiou count), l'a. For gale bY L. R. CARTER. Agent Sept 3. lEZI BAll -I RON OFb;ti sorts and itizoi kept c=stantly nu nand anA g en t ale L. B. eitti.T.LA. • rear 8.1951 1 g.s§ k .o C AME to tne pre i miter of i the a g ie t l x teV Li l rt"w t Ithhe.,!rm°a;ll42.neThiet.oawner is re '" '" Q uested to come forward, prove proca•ll. pRY chnroni,and n ko it away—otherwise It viol Ito dealt with the law (timely. LIVNIVICO ownahlp. Aug. 28, 0.55 Otirmy °moral. , f, 1. Cl/1111F. to the premises of the subwriber •I 0,(I i, '' ' kJ In Alert's townshln, on the 18th day of ' • t • . Angust,ll3:iB, ONE IV OK.F, OF I.A.b.GE OXEN. b e t t h e t.*Pilt other is a rel Stec—solvated toB "."-''''''''' Years old. Tho owner it requested to coma lorsverd. move ptottaity, nay chews end lake them away— other A 110 help will be tli.voad of as Lae law directs. ii• %V. K Y LAIL. ?dor rig township. Aug : 21. 185 J.—pd GEORGE LANICII, I:f3llen. V v (tul.l) respectfullavme l tandetw hisoh th a slaninre o ks tof tho tilLir cu a a ho 11i,tota ,1•0 Isetotolured , lanti now informs frientis anti the% public canalt large, that los lidiows ale eljalll in blast. and thitt they ndhim in that o loot est Wished. and conyerbent shop on lieound wee fuun oeunitieti uy David Litt, wham Wagons, Buggies, ti x,. %VIII he Ironed and finished oft in the belt style nod on 'ha shorest actieo, and alother woik belonging t tattiness wilt t he dont, tho best manner a n t lite triost K.:comm . ila• Cln•tirld. Aur. , tiog tom.. WaatoloßA Wsito ROBERT' R. WELCH KEEPS constantly on hand a fine assortment of Watches .t the following low mimi— c( )1,11 LAPIN ED (4 holes) jeweled, 11l cruets. 4150 00 HEINER HINTING EASE. Pa•not hey r. 110 00 811,V CH. DETACHED Leeer. failjeweled 20 to z 5 uu Aid I.V CR OPEN I.IION f. EaMned. 14 to 18 tro AIso—SE,:“ND 11A ND Cllt.S. of ' , adorn mices. Ile aiso al ways keen. ou Mord a I. runesortmentof MA- TERI A such FOE W ATI:11E-9, qf the test Eon roauu lec ture, such as Chains. Guards. Crystals, Keys, tic., aro. Gold Watch !lauds. of all kinds, Alio. Fancy and FanlY Plated, and common French Hands of all sorts, sizes and mice,. El' PAIRING of Clocks and Watches done to order, and for alinnst nothing. lar Soap on &mind street, adjoit heldning , Lanich's hotel. clea Aug. 21, 11552.—tf. FOR SA - p GOOD ONIA101.13E.: BUGGY, with e ii. Leather tap . In nomtdete ruder, and as good at new, tor sale cuenti• Fur rtts fuher ;Iv endlur.. io:ink-1 Tu u :r guile OL 12741 mil 1 1 .0 Nno•ameotnl and drdre•l puzposoi, for tale at the r et.,,r, of July IS. LEVER I.?LEG AL, B,,ACIC Mt, I.uth.•.•bur,•, In , attend lo bull ness in his hue, and will also furnish 1:11A(ft INS. BUG I En. ate , yew cheap, and manufactured in the nest sty'. and wnrraatcd• Aug. 7. 11354.—y, WAR DECLARED WI.III ENGLAND 1 encei vhz from the o bi , k ao the tub lit VINS, wcov CO_ hliksbur sr, a ve lot of tittili of every description, and of P the very ~ an extensi best qaalitY. which he will tell at the following reduced prices: Common bar Iron, Assorted, $3 75 Horse-Shoe bar, alone, 400 Nail Rods, alone, 4 50 Nails at , 5 00 and when a larger quantity ()reinter will or iron js required, a greater rednotum is made. There will Rill.. be found at the tame estah'ishnaent , a large assortment of Stoves of every description, Conking Stoves, Ten Plate. r , toe PAU,. Parlor nd Coal and Wood Stoves, all of which will lie slid as Cite*. a a little Cheap. Of than.WellleVOT before offered In these parts. Call sad tee fer yourselves, near Lcourtru st Moore's rtore, L. It. CALLTEIL Agent. C!catfish!. August. 6, 1654. FRENCH BRANDY. A SUPERB AILTICIAR of Pronch Brandy , A Waded at the Gnstorn.flould, and for sale riv 16. R. MO:i.kl3oP, C"AlluinPetir:3 b"5l "1 WALLACE a, air.u ,, mowilmow "LOLA. MONTES." -, ... ©© caaca Ell®® Ilallorg, ~. AT CLEARFIELD BRIDGE. . • • vItANOIS ;amnia% respectfully announces to the public, I.' that helms commenced the above business et t3l.Gests. FIELD BIGLIGG, in the new bulidleg cocupied by John Condo. Ins the west side of the efeek. where he will monufao. tare [lOOll3 and 8110E0, of ail kinds, and at felt prices, on the shortest potieo, and In the very best manner. • 4,1850. Glee 131101 STY a coll. • .16110 Cedar Ware: Caniaos. Tusk) 444 1111CKET15. for sale at the Chew Cob etoro of July 14. ALLEN rdurcniELL. Ho! ho!! yo lads and lasses Who nre loud of fun and laughter, Just call at Wallace & Hills, And they'll show you what you'r alter; For tney've the pretticist lot of books Ever you heard tell o', • • _ , And lull of love and Murder. Within their backs of yellow; Theo call in ye jolly oner• Who'have nn hour to spare. And buy a quarters worth of reading 'o drive away dull care. - -A.ellvar • IA tWanimagroo a. _____. _.----------_ Commercial Hotel, Fr fir. fintncriber having leasedthe Pub!lo Muse. formerly Jr. known [tithe AMOlican House, leo 1813outh8txth street. between Market and Cbestnut streets. has clanged the name of thesama to Zino a vrammorofieall Ellotoll, Bi,.r le the to inform his Irionds and the Publics. that Leis house. liar Is dergone a 'borough remodelling. repairing. re Painting end relmuering, from attlo to basement. An mike now o Int of I mono re. bedding. kto., fito.. Mu been procured float tre most celebrated Manulaoturern in this city. r tom the central lootion, and its close oroximllY to the Iteilmall,i et ots. Steam Jost Landings. Places Of Amusement. Yashionatil, Th..rno g ht. res and Pub`io i dea mos, . it oilers in. ducen'eots to the Merchant visiting the idly on business Travel'cr pelting pleasure. To families and females vis it ing the eity. every facility will be offered, and every comfort re. garden o mike their visit agreeable and pleasant. A sham of ilvrpublio patronage is respectfully solicited. JACOB G. LEBO. JARED IttVlbj, lit,erintesulent. Prounetor, Foot a. 051—dm. ------------------- .. PIMA "Every Family should have a Copy." An invaluable Book, only 25 cts, Per copy MAN. KNIZA , THYSELF LIU. BUNTER'S ME A F FLICTE D UAL. AND HAND 1.1 WM I i Ft 111. THE . Containing an out line of the Origin. Proves.. 'l'ren maul and Curet& every folo of disease. cntracted t,y PromitmousiSexnal inteicourse, by i Self ablldO, o r e by Sexual Excess. s with soviets tor their Pte en. wraten In a handl:yr style. nvoidin.: all medical tech. niatliiias, aril ev e ry thing that would offend the car of de• cnaY,ffil,ll the result ol some twenty years succesul li e ce, exclusively d evotod to the cassia dttossos of af deliprao cate Of lIIIVIIIP WWI,. \ To which is added. the for the earn of the above divas. es, and a Intense on the cantos. symutoms and auto of the Fever and %gun. tot twee y !Ivo cents aoony : six conic. O n ee donor t will co iurwarded to any pas ol the United mniLl to,' of the Address. postage paid. “ItOx 1913.P05t l t,111..te "or the Au t hor ,ll o North Seventh Street. Philadelphia. Sept. V, 1i152-Iy. I rTY 1W...1.702'i FORFEIT. DR. iIIiNTER Ilss. U et:o f lading to Imre nay oasis or Lecret disease tit at MC/ coma odor his cam, no mattes how long standing or Olt Ming. Either t3SX toe invited to his Private Rooms. IS'! (sort I, ;Artier+ th to reet • Nob delphia, without leaf of Intertuo• tom from other oat sents. tetrancers and others ho have been untott came in the selection of n Pliysioian are invited to cell 011'0 rliNt:T.—Through unresttrainevilsed indularegence In t he passions, by Imes. sr veil abuse, ho narrierou.— Premature .m,micney. involuntary seminal for dimm ities. ale soc w ety, est. ing of the organs, Mu of mammy, a datum fei general tiet uity Of COOt.illniollal dinCLUgertiellt. are WO f.O f011 , ,W if necessary, consult the Doctor with oonti.lence: Lr oll,rs a perfnct Cate. It I) AND REV ize . r.—The anDoted would do well to reflect before trusting their health. nappiness. and in many oses tou lives, in the hands of physiotans inorant of tell classofh maladies lit is cot' ainfit impossible to g, cue man to understand all the ills, the hognau fondly ore subject to. Ev rip NAM etnb!e Olt slaters has his neculdo branch. in which be is more suocesslii I than his brother professois, and to that he devotes mo.t of Wilton° and study. Y t Alt&_oe PRAtall.E. ego usively devoted to the study and treatment of disease:dor the Kauai organs, %melbas with when upon the bOdy, thront,llol3 or legs. pales in the 111.P.d, or hones in MU ,riettMiStiatit, strictures, gravel. irregulati. ties, diseases arising Torn youthlul exc nes. or Impurities of the blood, Valet. by rho cemtitution has become en' etbled, Dna be. toe Itoctur to tier stmear relict to ell who malt Place themselves under his into. C ic ble he. ne Ton tot roiled t any part of the United Stet es.—Price Too dollars pa o r package Sept. 2. Itgt2.—ly. TO 'FILE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. First Class llotel—Terms $1 50 Per Bay. rwitio subscriber, having lately become proprietor tr ot the FRANKLIN HOUsE, Chesnut Street, het t een 3d and 4iti. LA DELPIII A, and flame reduced the iirice of board to $1 50 per day, gives notice that. outwitlisuinding this redaction, he will sell (.011111111e to keep n 11 OST CLASS 110 USE. 'rile Franklin house tins josit undergone extended alterations. unit IS now fitted imp rind finished in su• perior style for he reception of viol iors. The Low - er floor, lormerly occupied by buires, is now inclu ded i the Hotel, formin g a spacious Recepon boom,n Gelltitlllell.B Parlor, and Dining Room. tlie ti re• by nllimtlig an oddittou of thirty chambers and sev. eras beautiful parlors, It - wiling oil Chesnut et. The Rooms of this Hotel are superior to most , being constructed with alcoves, forming parlor and bed-climber attached, well lighted and ventilated. 'rlie location 18 unsurpassedWOOLNl AN.. either tor bul'rop' r. siness or I east) re. BEN. ' ihia.J uly 16. 1852- l'iltliidelp' ~rnCARPETI~hyGS AND OIL CLOTHS. • .L.IC k 021E1 Ms, e i Va(3l7.l.;.'" d Corner of Twelfth and Market St's. Phtlad'a. • invite attention in their extensive ntsortment of superior neer anties 01 ',relish Velvet,'lnpettry (Unreels, and litch rein Vcuitian ettpettriet, tit their own Importation, Also to thi ir lame stock ol well seasoned Floor Oil LI oths la ri.l wtriths. from one to slght yards. Our stock ol 1... WA PP ICIAJ I RAIN I.ARPET-• of our oarti mannfacturu tinthrne,is th beet verici 01 writ Inn le I'oo le I OCT put In the ilierktt — allul which will lie tile eil on the most IttYpiab,o terms. Au curt el, —J 5,000 to 30,000 Acres Land Wanted. wANiEr) TU 6,i CO to 30,0 10 Acres of Uo minute I bittrd la rennsylvituta. or Western Vir gram. it welch ri nod CITY PROPERTY, or MLitt- Ulf IJks.F., will be etv en in pintos at. Adortss, MITCHELL. tit nag . 53.ta frock horcei. Philadelphia. Eitot. a. 18.32 —Bm. mincasitalwe ._......... . _ _ _ _ GENERAL ELECTION vvi p A r . ... , , \ s vi ,.!l, entitle' An nfAnthLGteoneguittr i rr h i n blj e o n f . 1 ,al F.earmor wool° tWs Cr onmouwenlth.' it ti enyhniiit on the tilertifl • or 0, Olt 'lent. Culilltleli to giVe VCItAIC oilcantice of such eleeiion, the triode Voture io he held, nail the °Mto he elnied —1 heorfire I. A L.XA he CALI/WELL. High e dtte , ill of Ifieatti 4 . .1 county, do heteby give Public Notice, ACo tho Electors of he uouni of learfield. that a G ENER- L El.filn lU?4 t w II oe he ld l on the 12.E.t)ONIUTt l kle . D AY month C)T a i t f f th li e ne e a ra t, e l ec ti o n the tTicWts V A in Fi sa ll d d c a o y u notty t, hnet which time and also° the qualified elector will elect. One person for Judge of the Supremo! Court of this Commonwealth. One person for Canal Gonnnissioner of, this Commonwealth. One person to represent the counties of Clarion, Clearfield, Elk, Forest, Jeffer son, 'McKean, Venango and Warren in the Congress of the United States. 'One person to represent the counties of Clearfield, Elk, Forest, Jefferson, Mc- Kean, Potter and Tioga, in the Senate of this Commonwealth. One person to . represent the couuttes of Clearfield, Elk and McKean, in the House of Representatives of this Corn monwealth. One person for Sheriff of Clearfield coun• R. MOSSCW ty. One person for Prosecuting Attorney of Clearfield county. One person for County Commissioner. One person for County Auditor. The bieCto , ll of the county ot Clearfield will take notice that the said General Election will be held at the following At the COURT HOUSE, to the borough of Clearfield. for Le.wireeme township At the house of WILLIAM HOOVER. for Bradford town. shin. At ill" house of OH N GOSS, for Decatur township. At the 11011100 f SAMUEL M. WALT'S, fur I.3eccaria town. slap. At the house of ISAAC BLOOM. j r , iu the borough of Cur weuxv ilia, for Pike tow eshlo. At the honor of JACOiI AU AER, for Covington township. At tho house uf WILLIAM U. FI.n...EV. for Brody town ship. At the bebop' house on Spencer's Hifi. for Penn township. Al the house of JAM ES CURRY Jor ()hest townshlP. At Congress 11111 ti,th•sol House. for Oran' townshm. At the bitten of J AM E 8 1.0 lIM AN , tor Morris toss whip. At the boniest Jr MN YOUNG. far stateside township. At the house of ASA PH ELIAS, for Bell township , At the house of Met EA L. for Jordan township At tire house or GE( iItGE TURNER, tor Boggs townshi . P• At she house of J tIBSE WII.t3ON, for Huston to wramits • At the house o THOB. DAVIS, for Ferguson 'awash'''. At the house a tJoHN BUNDY, for Fox tawnshto. At the house °NOUN WHITESIDE , for Woodward town shirr. At the MIES ILIC SOIIoOL HIJUSE, for Goshen township, At the FRAME HOUSE. formerly oompled as a boarding house, for Knithous township. At the STOUE HOUSE of IL W. Moore, for Union town. ship.. At the COURT HOUSE, for the bomugh of Clearfield. At the house of JOHN DILISUC I ER. for the borough of Curwensvl le. That air NOTICE 18 FURTHER HEREBY' GIVEN, Timone (except Justices of the Peace) who shall hold any Mike or appoiatmont aerator trust, under the governme Moornt of the Untied States , or of this State, or of env city or pointed district. whether a commismoned dlioer or otherwise underrdinste curer agent. who is or snail be clamored the Legi Eseoutlve or Judicial depaitingmg if this State arc& the United States, or ant city og incorporated district ; and also, that every member of Coptuess and 'State Leg Plat ore. and of the corntoon or select council of any cItY, I or oummissionsr of env Incorporated district. ate by law leen. liable of hotdleg or Worming. at the saran time. the °Moe or I ate prantment ofJadge, Inspector, or Clerk, of any election ot this Commonwealth t—sand that no 'lnspector, Judge, or other Mika of nay such e.eation shall be eligible toast , office voted for. A.ud the Return Judges of the respective digit lets aforesaid. Clearfieldimd to meet at the court house, in the borough of on the FIRST FRIDAY next after the said Se toad Tuesday of October. then and thete to do alt those thloes requited of tbens by law. GIVEN under my band and year Clerufield. this twilit/. seventh day of AUgust, io the of oar Lord one thons• and eight hundred and tilly.two. and of the Independence of the Unitod States the San tt.Seventh. ALIGX,A Ito r. Se ONE GOOD TWO 11011EGal W . AGON fol gay hr WALLAOK di Intim. U. )&08SOP em..ww-crriz ems OF CLEAtthELD UOUNTY nvipootrally offer wrier to your aonsidempina age oannigati for the office of 1311E:RIFF et Weaning General Elect oe end if elected, pledge myself to perform the duties thereof to the best of my abilities, and without leer favor. or Mime toe. WILLIAM rume.l.6. Clearleld. Aug. 9 . 1952 ESSRS. EDITORS— PI•aso ennounce the 13111116 of JAMES MOM. 'on— of Piko towsiship. as a candidate for U. aloe of tsliEltirl o , at the coming Fall election. Ang. la. 1852:--ntl, hIEttSRS. MOORS & Wll..ol`l— announce the name of GEORGE R. EM ,of Girard tOWICIthIp. al a VOltlOteer candidata for tho office of COUNTY eGhll.ll.l36l.UtlEtt at the emitting October Eloctloo. and oblige • MANY VOTERS. August 9, 1853 CLEARFIELD ACADEMY IMIE TRIM-TEES hereby give notice that they Mimeo" , .1, (ratted with DR. CATLIN & WIFE, To continuo In chary° of the Academy doling another year Toe Academicyear Is wide I into FOUR QUAR'T'ERS ONLINE %VEERS, each . and FIVE llitita of Teach ine in each week. The next Othirter will commence on MONDAY JUNE. LH. 1831, at the following Reduced Hates of 'Tuition : COMMON ENGLISH lIRANCIIES—IneIediag Rending. Writ ref, Neelling, Arithmetic. Geog. raphy. English Grammar and liistorir. .. . .. . ......... $2 00 ALL BIDDER ENGt.WlsialtANCßEP—lnciu• ing Latin (Stemmer CL.AtitMCAL Alin MATHILAIATicAI. DEPART. MA IL DAILY 00 . . . ... 41;00 DAILY Lab:MARES given in VOCAL. MUSK) in which all Ina. eartichiato without additional charge. WEI;KJA lA:uvula e ... 4 are given to the older pupils On History, and eher p upils gbject', without extra charge. Such ut the t older pupils as ' choose, engage on FRIDAY ea week la xercises Llccution, Cora:oaltio slew M questions ch triton the i r several studies. All others a ttend to their osu•d P. M. vudie., The I,ADIErt DEPARTMENT Is entirely septuple trout the other on the part oh than . who desire it. Two or three classes consist of both texas. ler the MI tPOIO of economy in tune; b ut it is notional with the young Ladles whether to jJin such classes or not Tuition is charged iron the dame Die Scholars common. crag to the Moto el the Term—detinorion beam made in care of absence ceased by cretness, and whoa a special agreement is mode. In novanee. weh I lin Panel pal MORAL SUASION has hith 'lto been the chief reliance o the Tettehete in securing thorough discipline—and it hat been °Mutant. Corporeal punishment' is administered militia rho most obdurate a n d Incorrigible caws. Theconstant atm al the Tennhen it to make the instructions they impart, as welt as that of boots, Practical, as well as \ Theerationl. The strictest attention ii given to the Conduit. Debits and Morals of the Pupils white under the dime of the Teachers. BOARD can be obtained at re asoneble prices I RIOIIARD biaiAW . President. J IL M'ENAI.I , Y. Sec retsri. Juliel 6 . 1861 PENN IRON FOUNDRY; Machine, Pattern and Blacksmith Shops, Cilmrk'em, Polo T"'luadersigned would announce to the citizens of Clearfield, and adjoining counties, that he has opened a room on econd stret, in the bcrongh of Clearfield. near the store of S Leonard e et Moore, where he Intends keeping a GENERAL ASSORTMENT or CASTINGS. warranted to be made of the hest metetial, nod at urinal that cannot fall to weasel. The following wanton p of he stock on hands FIJ rorrti 110 P-Allt CoOKING tinge. lot either Wood or Coal This Stove has probably the largest tetra Auction of any other form of sieves. It has superseded in alio -at every county, the well known Hat ho fluyh sawa an being sod Zlog• ler stoves. It is easily understood, end te arranged that all can be cleaned without any trouble. Toe peculiar form and construction is such as to render it the must durable of all stoves. humorous tesurnonials could he edited, but It is deemed our ecessaryd IMPROVED PREMIUM COOKING STOVES—at from 18 to SA PARLOR STOVES—foAsither wood or coal. A IR-TI a UHT do SALAMANDER do a beautiful Coal Stove . VASE do EGG do NIA E & TEN PLATE Stoves—very cheats. MANTLE GRATES, with summer places. A large variety aad superior finished Grltin t tom 161 to I.*l inches. COMMON GRATES. all sizes PLAIN AN Ii Ow+ AM LIN G ;EN'fALRAG HOWAFFLELLOW VV ARE • OVEN MOUTHS: GRID . do SCAI . X. BEAMS, WAG ( iN 130XM13LEIG11,SLED ta 808 zOLES, OAR RINGS for Rafts. ROAD SCHtt• PERS, a new article. CORN rimulcus.COUN AND Cr al 5111.1.8 nrrnnle.l to grind 15 Hug. Ears per hour , BLACKSMITH Tll Yl•lltEtt. the best ease; do. MAN• DRILLS and TIRE BENDERS ; Together won the usuel vonty of articles kept at roundry Establ e ishments. Also, Made to Order, GRIST and SAW.MI GEMllNG—having decidedly the largest stock, and hest variety ot patterns of any tsiablish• went In western Pennsylvania ; MILL DOGS. SHAFT I Ntl—large and small. of cast or wrought iron , IiANGER S . DRUMS and PULI•IES ; Rote and other approved Water w tiELLS; WOOD and tRiIN I ,AT11121S: MANDRILLS for Cir••nler Sow•. W, KID ISORI NG M Constantly on hand and for sale, CANNING MILLS. THRESHING 51ACHINES. PEN- NoCK'S cut.r.aanTnn GRAIN MULLS. he. Igo. Scrow-Cutting. Any sized Screw, with one desired number of threads to the inch, either VI ere ig V thread. Brass, COPpet, and Babbett'e Metal re; modem order NA sti TH ng AN MY KEN. To llliil Owners. rvi , t ticdrrtie ned has appointal 1.. R. CARTER. of Getarlieitl, ht. agent for the sale of Castings, who will teceise lotto lor ad kinds of Mtil Gearing. end ottter =whin( • ry. Persous demons to contract will 4.0 Well to cab and ex rmine the catalogue of Patterns, and spec, Mall of the work. before making engagements elsewhere. Castings will he 11 livered, ii clewed. at Clearfield, and wai ranted be made of cool material. and lintsh•ol in a workmanlike manner. Iles , tog or iuntitug order FIVE `opener Lather. Mid other ma• chinery in the Panic limportiou employing none bu t ti the beiit workmen, us= the to , best Pig iron mud Oral, wh bay other advantages. he flatters himself that hi. work will be done as well as in the best cit shops, an on the shooed notice. For parucalara. call on y Hr. Agent. NATI' AN MYERS. March 4. Ihsa. —lf ---- lii E MI Pli I ILL I S i'l 100 TE IL 9 ii t CLEARFIELD, P A . 'VHF. imbscriber most respectfully informs the cit'sens o l • .1. Clearfield county. and the travelling public generally. that he bas taken the above named 110 . 1• EL situated on the corner nt riont and Market streets. an the borough of Clem. those' Id w here he will at all times ba prepared to accommodate who may favor him with their custcm. No earns will 1.)., spare! by the proprietor to make his customers comfortable, aro his house a HOME to those who may stop with him. II s STABLE: will be cranially attended to—and his TA BLE and BAR supplied with , ha best the market whl efford. WM. J. HEMPHILL. August It. IBM ---- Saw- ` 6llll and 200 Acres of Land FOR SALE or REN T. I " . #' ..... , '1 V ;ru b 'IT'. , b ; 1 , Lor frweirtlflorTWlttrri UM their 're*" TIMBER LAN D. situated In Penn towel io. Clearfield bo ile r.llet This property p messes many advantages as a Lum• ber ettabashment, being situated on the stream known es big Run. about d miles from the rive Land In the midst of an extensive timber region. Tho prooerty will certainly be Sold or Rented. The terms will be lavorable. and posseurou given immedtately• t sr F nr further pa ri a niari apply either to II ugh Leavy, at Claarhald, Cr to GliUk and Daily. on the Grampiaabills. Pear the pro. arts. 110(111 LEAVY. PATRICK DAILY, lune 18. 1851 WILLIAM CLARK. ---- ----- OILS, TALLOW, GREASE, AND Ohtill..D MilEDLCireglil Penult. 30 n BARRELS MACH INElly OIL. Price 76 cents '`'" ne• gallon. 2500 0 ALLONS Do do In of various size., Price 76 otr. per lotion. M 0 BARRELS BOILED PAINT OIL. do do do 6lito GALLONS Do do do Do do do in oasks of vallo-sslzes 357 BARR L id ES TANNERS' Oil.. allon. Various kinds an oirales, from 35 to 50 per g 1500 6A lb LUNS in Casksot emir:rut sizes. VaTIOUS kinds and qualities. from Mt° 50 ca..te . per gallon. 60 TONS TALLOW GREASE, tor Heavy Gearings, and Coarse Machinery. In Barrels OT Casts. of any coaelsten . of reonl.ed. Priced cents per pound. ItO lONS tilllU DIINEAL .PAINT. In Barrels. at t h o loa est mailetprice. MAOIIINERY OIL. warranted not to chill in the oohlest weather. and considered by thots rasing it equal to Sperm OIL ROILED PAINfr OIL, equ ii to Lin.cod OIL other than for white. I am cons' anti y receiving largo supplies of the above named articles. and my mottOir. "tirnall profits and U entuk returns". 11 P. PNI). 68 Water StreM, (tinder the Pearl st Ware) • • New York. Juno 12,1ti511.— amp. New York City: Claa CSO o AGENTS of experienn wonted to operate for the PAR IS. NESS end AMES MIYPIJAL SWAIM ASSUCIATION StRUI6IIIIIIO, Pa.. to wceho N m good enauurnitcmnd will be given. App yet the Offi. o. 62 South &mond duett—or &Wren (post pai ß d A ) .1 F. LCH. President. Ang. 1952 Why Dontl You Insure? Top. Vi e euraiNG minUALiNeUltArca. COMPANY Bail continue to sake J1211=63 against I.O6SEi BY f FIRE. on buildings and other ll property. at as lOW a rate as upy responiible cornering Can. nod no more thstis is If Imes OCOUT th-y are toomotly pal, necessary to nrslito gond the actual tones sustained. 'teaseled at arty tne. rellOVlresidlas to Cleasdetd county desirous of laturiug their probed/ eau have the same atteadel to by addressing the sittuaribesut Clenineld,—All letters_pott paid. August 111, 1851.—hr. .1( 'UN 1.. CI 'TELE, Anat. Estate of J. Jr. Hunter, deceased. - MOTION; 18 HlSlthittlf GIVEN, ea sed .o Banks and so IN counts oil 111/billitt, de n a ve boa placed In rns , bands by the Administiator. George Ranter. far ad. Imam and settlement. Potions indebted will do wait tont. tend t DPENAiYwitnont delay allay onion Chnulisid. Annus • • . lEDfietiolliatilom. riBILE Col'atteership baretoto e exhales between the sub IL scribers. trading es verteen In the name of J. P. 4 P. W. IJOYT. Wee dissolved by mutual °meet ou the 16th of July last—ll: W. Hoyt bevies withdraws' from thebusituras. The aCcourits or the late Firm will be settled by J. P. 110 4 , who will yOutinue the Um bust at the old stand as berritolore, • JOliN e t :.pqrr. , L__ DAM W. uutT. • Ferguson township, 4a5.11. 185 Sheriff's Sale of Real Ellate.''" Y virtue of a writ of LeVarill 'AMISS: te ~,,, B sued out 01 the Courfol Common Pleas I' I.ll.;Clearfield bounty, and ta rue directed. will De al' . Posed to pubdo pale. at the court noose to the botoegruef Clent field, on PR WA it cloutWVN UR Y ilif Al CIUBT 111111, at le o' a mires e following desmtbiell uallding. to wit .-.E'rected Olt a lot of ground of Jaoob OW.' des, bought of F.tderick Zeigler. situate on Dig Run Creek, in Wady township, A. rime's new Mil t Fifty feet lon r an d Sixteen feet wide. and the lot Or ceritinee appertetsuCt ~ to, and all the conveniences neeessary •t 0 use the said Mill eel zed end taken to e_ guest on and to be sold es the , preteettY of Jectob Codas. ' ALSO, . ',, •;' -1 i 11 Y VIRTUE of n writ of Venditiail titans'. Issued pull M. of the same court. and to mu direeted. will be esposeiliet . veld:o. tele. nt tile cour. house. la the horonelsol ()Matti • i on MUN DAY the llth day of SOrl'EMßEtt next, the fo lnw mg deicribcd Pettit of Lend, situate in. Pike upyrnsalus Clearfield county. viz—Region int at a hickory, thence west 161) perches 'o a post, thence 00 deg:ees r/IS perches to a Post. noith 49 degrses east 150 perchei to a post, thence north 15 degrees watt SO perches. beteg Clart c f a ttact of licialati , rayed In 101/101ITICCI 01 a warrant rated to Adam ..4intsting er, wth 'B5 acres 01l eland le. 2 melte Ifonsesand Cabin lima i t herein, elected. tie z ed end taken "' II execu tion lineup be told as the property of John (I tory and fhatnut4ltitels. ' .''' ALSO, ay valXf a similar wiii.luued ont of the saint' °oath , JI- ) en d , tme directed. win be exposed to entitle tate at the 5 ,ine time end pia:" all the interest (.1 delendant in and to ie Certain Truett of bend situate In Bell tewtolne. Cleelfield county. • contain:Di 160 acres. being Pan of a surveil? qn va s rant No. WAD, in the name of John Nicholson. tantalite the two fallen ash cornet on the rivet, the bonedarr. of 1 original survey thence down the dement rods Chace hy a hue nerds, enitl . Tract to the northern line of the gamest" se to include 1.0 acres of the upper end of rending° survey. aml act ' as to include the Raptor omen of said defendant unsaid , Wilts whit two fli-uses, etabling and thaw hill thereon erected. and ttl.out LB awes cleared. eared aid taken lsi execatticm and to be sold asThe propene of Cootie `Naltlfli• k .t • . . [ ALSO,- , 1 fIY virtue of a timilar WricirStildi ont otitis tards " ob ' aii. 1 ./ui and to me directed will be exposed to publio stife,,,et same time and place, a Certain 'llia of Lend rlettlattrllL dog Rs township. Clem field court y, contoinine 41,111 . aerpikettl• on warraut to Robert Morris. tiontded tie Vtioe• rig Stephen Magneto. Josh.'.oon and John i 'flaterserter `Also6o notes in said towershi adjoining the Itobeittiorne smear. beg incline at ripest thence north 49 perches terfillor• I ner of John 'rheum', thence , 015 perches to a 'putt. 'Well 56 Perches to place ci beginning, out oil* the southwest corner of I the W alter Stewkrt survey, with iso acres cleared on the 408 acre trout. Seized and tukea in execution and to ha odd NI Property of John Ifieto. ALSO, Byvirtue of as alias similar writ, issued 00,1:4, 111 elti L 5 court, and to me directed, will be exposed to pub lux e lat J o t time and place. elts listened of Joseph In I sad n London in and to a Certain Tract of Land. aitnabe in Penn tow aship.Clearfl eld couttLY, beet ntdnir at 0 hindloot ' wen to Estes' at London's land lOU perches., thanes south be ' lend of A. B. Reed 105 perches to a Post, thrift 40 15 *ma lull notches, thence north by land of A. U. known parolee" to plaimel teginninee being vett Cif sum, wn as 5933.c0r taming about 16 acres, with A TWo Story Bouts and about 10 acres cleared thereon. Alb 61601011 by landeltuate n 'ergs township, in said county, bounded by laud or Goo. 1 Wilson . sem.. and by land of Caininty, with a and Barn and about 10 acres cleared thereon. Sedged tog taken in eseentiJa and to us told as the property of Jilted , London. ALSO, Bif elute of a sit:inlet writ, hinted out of the earns Murk' lit arid to midi:acted, wilt bee:posed to pnblio Isis lac the same time and place, to wit—All the rich', title, imam" and claim of defendant. or., is and to a certain treat of land situ ate in llecoarta township. Clearfield county beginning at a white pine, alarm; by the Thomas Gibson surrey south 116 perches to a post, thence by land sold to D. 'Pinion west ell panties, thence west by the Robert p Wilson surferplace 1(5 perch• ne. thence onst by h ese Rcokets 9.) es to of n -111101r• beide Pants. a larger Meths theerch as name Thom Gibs begi on. with a Reuse and Stable and about 25 awes cleared thereon. Seized and taken In execution and to be sold as the Molted: of:Jelin D. Miller. ALSO, BY virtue of a similar writ. iStrlei out of the Meataft. and to me directed, will lre exposed to pebble ' the , J ae tme and elem. anal tient title, interest and claim at am m es i Robins ot . in. to a Lei tain Tract of food situate in pane township, Clearfield county. containing wit—beginning at the township toed leading to the cherry Tien. thence along the 'Meer John Stagatts to a corner call ed Bell's cornet. thence at right smiles Into the balauce of Peter Owen's lend a proper distance to make 60 acres, with house o.loolecitherods, end about n acres cleated. &Med and taken in execution and to be gold as the propetty ot JllOl2OO Lt.b.ns. ALSO, ny 'little of a eirnilat writ, lamed out of the tame court. LP and Ur me directed. will na exposed to public sale at the BIAS tim Deeccatie and pi t e iwce,u to wit—A Certain Tract of Land situ. ate in ship. Cleatlield count?. Denuded by leaden( John Patchin, Cardinal' Phillips. and othe. con taming about lit acres, with about 6 times cleared. rs Belted and takes In execution and to be old as the proven, of John Lt. Waters. ALSO, BYvitue of ri imilar writ issued ut of tho acme wort. and r to me di s rected. will , bo expose o d to public sale al the Same time and oleos, to wit—A tenam Tract el I.and shard* In Bradliord townshtp. Cleadield con nty, elwaleing 101 l aorta. being part of the Peter Widdows surrey, beeloaing at a ohm nut, thence by Jacob Duo nieg north 117 perches. them* west In perches, %hailed south l Smog's land 117 sone.hes. thence oust by the George It .bens survey 1 1 7 perches Levitt* 01 binning. with the Imm:temnte thereon. Seized as mace ra in execution and tLobs imict e as the vroportY or Avast Carr, ALSO, 11 Y virtue or a writ uf Fteut Feclas. Issued out of the isms 1.3 Craw and to me dirseted, avid he snoozed to nublio sale. on 510 N UAV the 21th day of Veptember neat, at the Court Meuse in the liolough nt Clear fi eld. the followtort property. viz :—A certain lot aground situate in the hi:negate of CON wens , ille. Clearfield county on the north ads of 'state %MO& pad w ag r r w Merit street : beginning at a corner oft lotnow or late of Wm. Irwin i..xteuding clotheatd street 5 1 .1 feet ten lot of Same& Way ; thence alon stifle northward, las , feat, more or less. to au Alley. thanes along the same Wed& 99ward 99 feet to said lot. now or lain of Wm. Irwin:, t * the womo Sonthward leo to the beginning: with 0 . t OO2 , rrdr develltag li Mi lo and att.ble thereon ereoted• Bitted see. Luke* in eget:twos and to be sold as the property of Samu el Clark. A. CALEIWZLI.. I3I uni ft. Sheriff s Olii-e, Al gust 5,1832. . —..----------------"'"'"'"'"" Court Proclamation. 1,A7 BEREA& Too Honarobie JOHN C. KNOX. V V tient Jade, of he C.,u aof Corn coon Pines of the Ei ll gt: teem , ' Judi ial D smut, compoted of the on un h tios or Clans , Ciariqn, r tfersou and Venetia°, and she Honorable@ RICHAR I) tqf A 0/ and JOHN I'. 110 Assoc Oda Judges in Itteedield county, hare tun eit their precept heNvnit dote the SIXTH day ,o 1 August. Ind, to me directed, for bold- Ina a CiIURT OF COMMoN PLEAS. ORPHAN'S COURT Ct /CRT or ullmtrrit SESSIONS. AND COURT tHr OVER AND 'IEttIiIINER AND GENERAL JAIL Dile LIVERY. At Clearfield, le and for Cl'earflo , d county, on the MON IDA: of Pent. nt:T.—bold thraith day of the GIVEN.monh.. NOTICE IS. THER.EFURE, HEREBY To the Co ronor, J amines of the Peace. god Cour able' in and for the county of Clearfield, to appear la their own proper Persons, with Rolls. Records, le qui.itions. EIBMiDOIa aid other Remembrances. to do those things which their °Mow and in their behalf appertain to be done, and all witnesses. and othr r persons. prosecuting tu behalf of the CoMmonwt against any prisoners. are itqui•ed to be then and th ere a t di, and not depart without leave, at their Peril. GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this tith day of August, in the year ot our Lord one thousand eight hundred ati Vifty tw,o and the Sey.aty.saventh year of American/a' dependence. ALEXANDER CAL.IN ELL. Sheriff. Mon'ilf:3t(DUlS D.II:4IICSTio NoTicE I. hereby given. that the following temente Mire been exemieed end passed by me, and tomato lileP of record in this aim for the Inspection of , heirs. legatees, creitors , an al °Purrs other way Interested be d presented d to l tl.e next O rp h ans' ra court of Cloestiet , tlCountyun to be held at the Court Ironic in the 0 trotters of cworti anekdt. 05 Too•doy tholitst day of bop!.bop!. next, for confirmation al lowance. lst.—The partial enount of John Carry and Sinson am*. ho a gh, Grecuton of Jamas Corry, Into ore , est township. Cieutlleld 03oatr . deceased, W.—The Final Accoont ot FAA sad NYilliams and Willima Wooldridge, Administra.ors of Samuel liatrior. fate Of Bradford township. Cleettield county, deceased. Bd.—The artial Accout of /ernes T. I.eonant and Willinps A. Wa l lace. P.xecu to n rs ot W in, C. Webb. late of the bet. cog h or Clearfield, deceased. ath.—The final Account of John Road. Josiah EL. Reed and Thomas Read. Admit nistlators of Thomas Read, late Of Leer tenoe township. Clearfield county. deceased. 6th. The Account of Benjamin liartsho,o, Administrates, and Ellsalse h Welch, A d ministrattlx ,of the estate of Gee. Welch, Jr.. late of ries township. Clearfield 00. deo'd. 6th. 'l'he Account of 0 . D. Goodie!! i.e. Administrator Olds e sate of Isaiah Goodfellow, late of Clem field Co" doc'd• 7th. The Fused accot f Wm. Irwin and Asnelia ftichlarraY o Administrators of Ma o thew Irwin, rate of Burnside. roam . 7 ship, doo'd. for settlement, WM. PORTER, Resister. Itorlster's office. Cleateld, August'', la/. -----.------------- Estate of Wm, Whitaker, dee'd. ETTERSOF AIISIIIItSTRATI 0 N on the estate of Win. L Whitaker, late of L,vrreace township, Clearfield neuntl. deceased, have been granted to the undersigne Therstora allpersons Indebted to se d estate will make immediate Pal meat—and those having claims against.the snipe will preterit them duly authenticated for setlement: , CHARLES yLKIAN. clemEeld Bridge, July 29 1852. Dissolution of ParttiCrship. THEPaitnersbip heretntoie existing_ between SAMUEL MoKILAN and HENRY GRUB. trading tondet• the I firm or UttOr. Sr, IficKEIAN in lb, Lumbering buolutits. On , ti lt MOthannOn creek, wane diuciived okthe bib izutent by mutual 4:Patient. %Cho business it Beaty heiestle of the on bg Henry Gros, who will settle ntl the busleets theists Dm. r3Aritut±a, ROMAN, , . . IiENEY CISME. July AI, '11157 Estate of J. B. 'Ames, dee'd: • &TOMO ls liklitEllY GIVEN. hitt Leiters of Minim's- IN tuition de bonus uon. havo been granted in doe form or law wait' subsurieer, on the estate °file abovie doceased, late of Jordan township, learfield couuty—aad' that all persoaa noebted said estate are requital to make payment without delay, end thorn havinst demands astrunst the same Will pm. sent them duly authanticated lot settleme W nt. D. MOORS. Adm't Obontio non of J Ii imel.dred. 3 DIY 98. 1839: . Public CaUtiou. grim punfac mut tlifftElSY VAUTlONEuleftist 1 teeing the assignment of a certain edge roe Fir us it l. DOLLARS, be me to II F.N ay EllltENelguyt ,de about the tium lb/ 57 lobl coil I hive Dot recIMMO et the same and wilt :tut clay it compelled bylaw Ace 7:11B52. . ., Itea(ly . Pantie EDIG , or elmOst Myers teacrivUow—Oosts, Volts BM CFeataloons. , A ooverlag for the Upper eities. a WRlst.aoat. Out a non at Utiaraentioriab es. all fur mci KB. M WA LI ALM . . 'VII El SubsaribeN to the 'hock of 'UNION TURNPIKE; f-ji.. will ako nom(' that they are required to pee the 'dun nod FINAL lastalinent (Web/a by them ore:ally subscribed lIIMEDI&ThLY. lie road Is pow amulet ed. sod the moos' doe tc tie 9ore.._ trporon, mid those segleotise this notice mu expect UP WIZ the oupssollertom. , ' • - . - Up ordvr of th e Igaziapspi, 4 . K, VVIIIGIIT, Tin% Charlie's] .lali 86, !BA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers