...3211gP a fr..NOW 10410 le In 14 • virt sari st lear t y w riAltfinitn e Wa: tretitsiliv ot. milvisz you lurk tit „r • • „ ...loci twin •n• c m* r. ATIV op. oct ir NOT rkittPWitifti , mofirra: 1 .55 IF NOT PAID WITHIN SIX MONTHS. . 150 IF NOT r AID wrrniet NINE MONTHS. 115 I r oar PAITIY011111111,14•VE*10$110.1 „P Vo terms Ats es liberal pethple.of tiny other . coo tr Opel um Etat*. and will ho exacted. edol2lollolsAtelwlllblellewed until allsereitaieeheYe . I ,,nkfTit 01? 1 4 1AHILITTA:11 0 roluttcpsocsi neglantlng o notify the Jobblis her, es Poole , brlew. o b t that papers am Ms lilted by those to whotn MiMattr dimmted. eye theretelves,held , ,,yeoposible fel th• stage et OF the stitmiNtlptMo Motley. . • P4P49111 flaPekl'Odrond tbnatil vet: ofto wan. do oil ratt lla le or. the price ot subsono. IOW , iled by . tnall thiointhoiit 'the eon ty, fimitlef papty,ke l ..l9 T.. ;t 11 ‘ .e ) " • i ; PBNNSYINANIAFROM 1783 T0'1796. . . - 1h . tn4PTlsit %FROM EARLY lIIBTOItIf, .• ;In;lnthe"early settleme ntd th 6 ' country wesV( the- mountains;, heford'tivi' .1,:•.m0' ot, th 6 briutionary vil.nt Ih'e'n'etqbers' end' sonth & tn lirriltdolVirginin Wei•e'net,clettrly . l defined and. known. .1 1 1'r,;7iiiiit, howeV,a, WAS PiiiinKiit'dSitirting lei rights to nil the' Otrimirir'. - Which kvali•eOptoied' to' be Niltbi 'llO Ot . rirfered Ilinits - on'ihe WkSt. It'*atixidt nitiV'thh S>'Ciii' 11glrtlint . ' l lintl,' ent3thiri beiiifdttly;"setirkitit* 'linr,.finiiil North ,Cereilliitt; had, lien idiveyed 1,0111 1 thti`rnotiritkii'wehtWard' to the Mississi ppi.' lie l i . nerilliern tiOundiii,§ iiiiti' tei Pennsyl; valita 110 . 66t ti - eitFiefteily ascertained Mid Od'eLig i rinfeCinitil, several' years lifief'- v o x i t iii . ;•:, . ..,ur‘ir.ri:• ,.. •rPPribiioo'Aintiltcd . .till; tine 'Vii'e, rig. lind 'iaalftleti;',lt't4d 'hag' eice - ta'g6Cl,' jtjii'sdidl t i tldurtikti's..'WegtbiliYPerintiil;iaiiitt''us' ra'l4 \ li . o b'n's'Peit 'Pitt': WhiCh ivas Claimed n 6 a r itit"Of the .01d llotninien: 'Ernigtani.4 l ; r f r i 'l6"Miginitx and AhrYl l tiluf hhd ftiii6Ad': Frrki r 6iits; rind had inticiduCed their skive 64 - t i, progi ',"fielicving' theinselves within the jßlMntlein or 'Virginia. • Hinnireds of the besfctltti'zeni;who had settled on the You- i l glio - ifirit ilWai l ivicinongane 1 ii - rivers,' after -' . Wait:A: fittOifildthereselVeS 'ili'Pennsylvania by 'die li'ii' . ll . 6f dernarkniron; Were comPell 2l , cdsttikiiei,tiewith th'el'r'Slit'veg - to Western 1 V.itg,FroiliT, to' Kentuc'ky,3lhe re .they Wtstildtie protebidd lit their prOperty by the ir;VSl,sf"Vittiiipt.''' • '''' ' . ' 'AfteiPtlie - Bbtithe'rit title of i llerinslyll.ra6in had been fully designated; the Ldgislature pinceedt;d te:6 - rgeniie tlie countiltlitistle nlo.lAolit mt Virginia', 'into: twt; Coat - ales, ottll'ed'iWattito'relettd-end Washington.-'—' Waitincitblatid',cOunty 'extended from' the trrotmtliiiii3 westward of the' Allegheny Tic , ' 0 1 1' includitig the town of 'Pittsburg, .and all,thi3'cdtnitrvi between 'the' Risltemineias andlthelylougitioglieny: North of this was tlio Indian territory, in the possession of the' ihative tribes.- Washington county rioinPiiSed'all south end west of Pittsburg, inClOding.ell'llie' country east and west of Ilid'illonorigeheta, now comprised in the CtitrtitieS' of Washington, Greene, Alleghe ny-and layette.. < • ••• :After' the close of the revolutiennry war, the tide , Uf emigration set with double force into the regions west of the mountains.- 1 - - Besid&hundreds: of families who had:su f- Vn•Vd 1 ri' ' their fertttnes' by the war, there WOe'thriusands iilibiadiers i and officers of the cidtifinental army who, now diiabled, wore Ctirntiellcdt6 seek homes in the WeSt, slid' ptovide for thbli growina ° families. '• 'A ,s' late , as the year'l7B4, Fort Pitt was ix . 'lrldntier post, end the' regioncontagious waS'rjuite upprbtecte& The Indian tribes tkelipied 'the' country on the Notth and \Vint, and their numbers and pFewess ren' dered theni' terriblek.to•the desk settlers. The' tewn of:Piusliurg, which' had! sprung uctitear , ' the fortpwas a frontier • trading . place; fre4uented by hundreds. of i friendly Indians in time , of peace, eager to: barter their furs, skies,' and bear's grease for the rode 'staples , of a trader's stoelt:6l.4oocis. i The eAlleghenv river was the India rt-holthi. daryl,l4and,.in ,itime .of peace the Indian 1 tinciit" brocightito the hundreds oti ca. rates' and pirogues, .by means of which'e reinkailintorcourse was maintained , with Terrintiik.dvists ' In 'the - country 'still in Pos. sessiutrof thu'itaveges.t .. • 1 .lAfter the ..itrrisdiction of ,Pertrisylvania wasiforaiblly extended over the' sonthwes. terh.tiortion. of the State in the organizer 'ion of Cutintids, population' began to press Coosa rilinfo the ,most ex-Posed pointsccintb gnot.3,s.td tbaindinahoundary, and theyil lege oil Pittibiiigmor assented' the. form of ®ular American' temp,' -Itrtves , in , the - rribiith of WO 17,84; that real .George -Wciodti; ugiat forlhe proprietors and heirs of t Williaqi•Pond4 to .whem Aliodand,be, Itaigtid; Its irttortiorr,ef one of ;the manors - of the original grantee, fii•st laid out ,and eurvt3red the regblar planer „toiva,twlilCh ayes a(llexl Fittsperge. •a _ ) 1., 1 ~ ~•, •,, 'hi ,Eibaet 1 thtt ientruntirneiitheld3culepent at - ..‘..sllediStonecOld,,F,'ottri hid became On inh- Jitertn tit 1 poi ot. eft erobtgiketiort lei migrants itcrifierituolty‘r nodibid,si4,llo be , the future , ileatof tad° Xon ,thetN eatqro , enuntry . .! ,lo AbsiO . . . gpf)tbenixtroooyeare•Tibomen end liettil3 % row)", friAtAttlidbas, ilerling , per- chased ,the lebarnifordierlyir_bplenging ild Otis. BriattQIICOISSON itlPlll4.lltitlthd‘,4tQlsi fEtrXiit)ll,olXlCld kit :di suitable 'opoitit 'Amin %ottn.'ilbrtMalti,ll.7Bs;itlfoy;taid 'Ala plat sear . ' e.hcc,yeltd: Fortilt i anal gaited; it iv :it $ ;prom' iladietott..l3dcryiptiville. iill'hu§bngqii. thatotiesilitbewaLtbsi/ItlancingelielnaollA il • Maio eltuntiot% of; itbieM eg iicartlic:,Tioixt 1 to which nearly the whol•3 w.eternio l, gration cancantratad,_ previous to its dei tgeity..4ll49 PitiPtilf.clo.9tzwiteYEPoritici, t%Errtlqii3Ovigfirilltepmalltfloyn AsaJtia, _why wino 4h ,eO-Y9A4.1'1/4Pf°Sql. ikg.'9l Pill A lkiN YR arl 478):•11A3119.P,111.01Q 11941i4- . CTRIIP4IPAMeIbtIftiIfP4,FA,II4,,,; Mfttly , , et Afri3gienticrigne4 irlithqf P1P, 0 1 1 .94 a! 14TAII MPONCRrlfFiVt9teds i t s ipAr ioillailt,lunltlingi soml ft ftvp,plxistv the , xi4do ncevoociqs,, Ali, 1 1 - --liveng.ii fI4I4PM nnvigation , L.F.CnigYqn e fq iwtioloignoci; itoliiiiig ,minter, lAN:IA.On , A .yiksgyittw6soYag9;:x9 icotuolty wsitild-,the, fti: i APstgqit , own Novirtel !gild: nintyl,lnkl , :.,.,' PNYPPArt i)l4igful lAP ;VOW 1f4.914'.11€0/,kllo, in F'' itbRF MAYA iit l o) LIPAIWIDAY LheytelY.o for ,IbehfutsetiomineY-Littto,,thgtivil giVott,it, f- ' This 1404%9Pdittit 4011-070i,Witrirogt09Plitg ~. )1, 3 rp,k01.) ion •li+t f;,1. ,- ; 91/91)...r, rzr:.o ti^:J ,11 Ira in:: :wir ~ I , ‘ , 7 -,,, ;:m i1, tt,-;::, I . i : ,. „.::,•' j l / 4 1',•:7:,: , .:"•,1 4'i!-;', r "': -._ '' -•" '' "s -' • ' • .." `- 1 '``, ' - " l ' tii ::' ' ~. : 1 ', c i l '' ''''. ' ... ' ' , ~,, a ~ ~ ;,;.,,; ..' ;'1 . . * I: :1 , 1.1 ...,: ,•',. ;,...'',o' ~ , ~, ' l , ; .. '' w . 1' ' 'l. ; .. 11 .11 : ,: : ', • ( ! .. ' . 4 , • ,), '1! %,,t!'•'l ' ' .. , .. ~ , • .., t . U can ...._...........„____:.:.,.._.,.: , . . A WEEKLY PAPER: DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, MORALITY, AND FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 'INTELLIGENCE• Volunie 3. houses, provided with articles indispensable elapsed when more than twenty forges For the Republican. "Ono" of the New Hampshire Girls. to the emigrants, were in operatien upon the waters of the TOE TWO SISTERS., A correspondent of the Journal relates oHnretoforethe Western settlers had been Monongahela. As these mu ltiplied th e y The power of, pure and undefiled reli- the following t compelled to send their annual 'caravans.' gave rise to every variety of factories for gion is fully shown in the following noble While on a visit to my friends in New across the mountains te Fort Cumberland, the manufacture of iron into the implements example of two young women, during a Ilampshire, the past week, I had the pleas- Hagerstown, Frederictown, 9r some other of husbandry, h ou s e .building an d a ll t he storm, on Lake Erie. These ladies Atati are of an introduction , to 111isn RoSintt De pont, 'trot all their supplies,' which, were • mechanic arta. Excellent mills and; ma- embraced the pure religion of Jesus Christ, light Richerdson, the only daughter of Mt. transported upon' pack horses several litm- chmery of a ll k i nds, p ro pelled by wa ter when very young. They had concluded Nathaniel and We. Mary Richardson of dried miloainto,the interior of the West.e--- power, were eatly introduced upon a ll the, to stem the, torrent of temptation, and by East AlStead, Cheshire county, 5 'lcett:A ji,;,thifi sort ef neuage was now about le branches of the Yough, from its seureef divine grace, make heaven their home.-re inches in height, measures 5 feet 4i, inches ease, 'mid be 4UpeirCeded lily regular corn- near the Laurel [bil e • to its junction with But they had not been long upon their, around the waist, (3 feet two inehe,s around mercial hijuies ra Brownsville, ,whtch tho Monongahela. Vi l e same va l u able voyage , upon the lake before their piety I the hips, 22 inches around the firm below, dhuldauPPlY`theentigrata Withimpbmients ma nufactoiies had ,extended down Ch ea t was observed by en Infidel on board, wholthe elbow, and 2 feet Winches Ina straight the Allegheny of; agriciilture, provisione • salt, iron ;and river, from its source near attempted, but in vain, to, persuade them ; line across the shoulders, At birth ahe cithPr alliClea indLlPenstible inlanow, anoweoun- range iteVirginia down the M o nongahela that religion was all a fable: That this life' weighed• 6 lbs.; at five, years, 148 lbs.; at tPie ee t to e, , • , to Brownsville, '' ,< ‘ is the only place of enjoy meet, and that thelten years 268 Ihse at i fifteen yore, 005 by c a r n e following year, 1787, several Notwlthstandin tho te atie deneeuded heaven they Ought after was h mere data. l lbs.; and now at nineteen years ofage, she g • rl i ' I mercantile houses were established, h and by the United S ' gee, N lTti,h Ihp nokt b ‘ y e st_ sign of the priests, (Sze. Bbt he soon found weighs 478 lbs. On estimating the clean mercantile goods hauled in wagons ern iribesuorliidins In th'e yeat• ''e85.80,! this would not accomplish the end ha had city of cloth in her clothing, when dressed across the mountains from Fart Cumber-lin 1700 the Winne iMpatient of the ad- in view, for these ladies were not babes in fora 11(10 on a winter's day, we found it land and; Ligonier. These tefiderf to givelvanee nit the Noblfes n peth'ilie / Ohio and Ai. Quist, but wore grown up to be wemen, to contain 08i yards of i yard wide cloth. additionaloitoportancotoprownsvlye, as a leg,heny rivers. 'Settlerents had already l and made use of argument which ho was Shp brown hair, dark blue eyes, is pe i uit . ofedilia4•ltetion to the West. Emi- been formed' tiptin thAllest eide i of (lie Ohio, ; not able to withstand. lie therefore left of our comp!exion, and what phretiol., ;grants could carry money 'with less incon- and the natives Plainly saw theil npproach- ' off argument, and tried to draw them from ogists woeld cell te well balapeed head, of , venicnce l theth 'the heavier OrtitleA, 'for It o destructiOn. 1 For Pqßral years past their s trong holds by making use of lowiperceptive organs predominating. She , Iwhich they Could exchange it nt the ciell lawless [ bands'Of savnges lied ierested t h e 'sarcasm, Ilet with no better SUCCOR? , than can knit, spin, weave, make a shirt, or a 'of their jotirney. Of course, money would Ohio river, co mmitting frequent mur d e rs ' before; for they steed firm as the pillars batch of breed, is a good singer, and plays seek its waY to Pli.'e West,' instoa of 'be; ', and robberies upon the ee mignintle e h o ' of Zion ,ngainst all his attacks, Ile then the piano with tus'e and sk i l— constder. . : -_, I , I: t me earr e ee.e the —use ', were continually descending tin> He to ' leaven them to their delusion, as lie suer> ', ed one of the best scholais in the town I &good Wagon road iind been opened to Kentueky. The ninon body o f th e t q es ses, w lido he thinks Ininself secure in his ' where ehe resides—is courteous and affix- BiloWnmille from the east, and a ; egulnr had scarcely rermined from s imilar ne t s boasted infidelity, , , ~ I hle, and lively in couversalion,and evinces lancer fmght wagons from Baltimore and of hostility ;and eow, these oggre ssions, on ' 0 l vain delueionl what horrible mei- a general knowledge, which might raise a Frbderlektown , each wagon trinket(' the the •part u f the l u chans, , had become s, a ,fi e . , cinntion men will fall into! The scene Is blush on OW cheek of some of our city top to Brewnsvtileand•teeth NC ith full loads, q ueen. and auducious, that a we e evo lent soon eheeig,ed. The infidel, is brought belles. once a month, •The p i oft. of lane' ortetwn that a gqii,ornifiesii)etelovemept of Ole sa y. low, and religion triuinphs. In the north SOMSAMIIt LlSsl.—The Albnny Register l over this roete, Wes recruit) three dol- iteeeagniestihe edynewine se ttlements l e n , I west, a storm ts gathering. The clouds I gives the follow ine account of an extraor tars per hundred weight, and the great contemplated, To evoid a any ,eueli yecur. I ribe, dressed , in awful blackness. The , Binary case of soMnitinbutism, which' re . iiiimber ofemigrants to the West soon Deices, negotediepe,lied„been resorted tol lighinillgs 11 4b•aild the fitnianwuk; a PPo rs ' cently occurred in that city bpened ri ;•profitable' commerce betwten ineffectually, and;the,yede'e•al Gpepenment ' ono " I St "eel of 1 . 1113---Vl , llllO the thunders ' • • I Allele eerie daughter of n gentleman [ 'these remote potpie. The seine causes wi t h reselted to inyetle the Indian coeutry I burst forth with d eafenin g P eals ' , wiAr n' il fl reslding, on North Pe„rl street, above Wil pore made Brownsville one elate most ac- , with a strong military force.—( Tar' coned. the sailors of approaching hurler:enc.-1 60n street, was suddenly avieticened out of live tradirig and manufacturing towns ia. ------. ---- -- - Soon, ,coup, tiles 1 it bursts upou .them her sleep by the loud barking or a doe rthe West[. The demand, for mechanics' ' PIE FIRST AMERICAN MARTYR. with tremendons fury. ''' "' us "' are torn As soon ns she was fairly awake, she was and manufaclurersof eventain class brought 1 Early, in February 1670, the females of to ribbons—the tall fury hutted head neartv „„. e . petrified with fright on finding her great numbers of adveturers from , the Boston made a public movement on the ; long into the raging flood.• Thu sailors; self, in her night-clothes, at the dead hour East in tienrch• of profitable employment; subject of non c importution, and the inis- I stand aghast; the pilot's art fails. Doei rue- of twilit, standine upon the railroad truck The great demand was for carpenters end, tresses of 360 families subscrihed their lion appears in every breast, and death in opposite the Trivon Mills, rind just in the boat builders, to supply c o nveyances for names e te p ,leagee, binding thernst'li es ever re• billow. Ilow ale tut Is this to those edge of the woods, about the Observatory the hundreds 01 omimnts who nreived'ev- not le drink grey tee • Tint the revenue act who have,spent their ilay•s in. sin I thus to grounds 1 It was long pest midnight, nod , I cry week, seek boats of airkihds for,,tho t wtis reealed... T hre e d °Y ' a r te r, the (-.l ' I slai'd 4 s it " 19 " t i l e v '' r g e c' f i h 9 g ra " ! there was not a human-being in sight.— vol. ago to Kentucky • and Western Virginia, i ample of the Matrons, multitudes stened a I Ali, see the sinner shrink from the pies- 1 The barkine of the dog ceased, and recov- God — he no ton{, seAirly 4 re' ' aria her p p resence of mind, she immedi as well as te the" Northwestern Territory.idocuMenetO theshmt purroti• - All chi" - enee of his The boat building ? and the beat business ea were. thoroughly imbued with parriblism, ' it em' o r peisecotes lib possessoe, Yes ' cooly turned towards the city, and soon ucton bteame an 'roper : tent branch of Wes.lnnd ever. children were sturdy 4.llStlnterS Tit hatticpcq Intitl4,, %%here Is C hu I Go .leached the rat Ineed crossing, at Van Wcert tern enterprise. 'Hundreds of arks, keels,' of national. ilehts. Distegeoliag these to t b e , ea b l o,, o ed thew you will find hini, street. There she firstnecerinined exactly boats kept tipleNpreSS.lollS of p ublic sentiment, a few , mei -lou hetik twos plee Mg fer tOtoettethh. Now barges and vvery variety of where she ties , and presently dioveritig tt, sell there- I let ue , go, iind see hew it is with those a conslent intercourse between the Mor t on. chants in Bestial , eoutinued n nein walking near, 'she ran up to 7 hirti gabela and the settlements on the Ohio scribed e'tiiele• Milting the w" . :e Tbee , youpg lathes before,' wormed, • Wil c' e end begged that he would take her home. below, hod also with the city of New Or- otiftilue Lillie tied four others, W I o , itere lire, they I 1)9 they {rink item die ems- The fellow rovedp td be little better thin leans, and the rich settlements lon thb lbw. particularly held in their unpopn.ar coil- , e p ee of impending detiger 7, pr•forsake I l i e ' r a brute; and terrified her by first rudely er Mis.sissippi. r, ' _as one to be ', religion I No. I.l> hold theni iii the midst laugbing mend then Collett rag her. She ran In theeneantimp Pittsberg,hedbeen rap- shunned, a mob, consisting elnefly of half- of the etoi rn,how trawled they arc, fa r trom N.Y.Christian n • e (.*--The N. .I qu4 ri a SO deem• into Broadwny, end to the fleet door i idly inc leasing in population and business. grow • t n boys, riiieed a rude wooden head home, and from ell earthly incild., , c she reached, at ;W hiell ehe knocked so Vlf. ligious paper ID speaking of the nominetion Already a printing-office ha d been este b- i upon a pole ,hetir to Lillie 's door, baring they heve a fnend;, a ind that sticketh iof Pionw, says : oreuslkt as, to nronk tlw inmates at once. fished by John Scull and Juseph Hull, mo , upon it the names of our imperteiS. A c loser dine a biothei ; lie who eaid te tire T . ley t hood her 'scary in astonishment:l "No man can obtain high office withtaft industrious 'young , men, who had embark hand was attached to it, with a 6>re-finger rag ing flood ; "thus la shall thou come, hut ieeline that it was - a true one, clothed I having some stiong paints; and in sipitoof ed their whole means in the •enterprise.— emitting to Li Ices establishment. The but no farther, and here shall thy fiery and then accompanie d , the common diepoietion to disparage poli and soothed her, On the 2.9tii of July, 1786, thee . had is,u. merchant was greatly irritated. One of waves be staid :" Ile is their. friend : He tipal opponents, we do not believe , thut rtnY herito her home. 'On reaching the house bd the first number of the ' Pittsburg Ga.l his hiends,named Riehardson,a stout man, enables them to stand amidst the ragings partly open. •dolt or driveller can ever occupy elie fiest they found the fiontedeor et tte;nil the firtst newspaper printed west tried to persuade a conntrytnan to pros- ;of the tempest, with , their. arms gently . Tie", little .eleep-walker ran into tho hall Place in the gift of p our eople. TIM pree of the mountains, and more than a year [rate the figure' by running his wagon thrown orotund each oilier ; whilst they and called her parents. Th e y b a d net.Vnt UOIIIIIIOC IS a man el decided charopfgr, before. tbe,first newspper )yes printed In agninst it. The man was u patriot and le- sing, missed her, and their amazement may be. Ft l r"ng t sense end Influential presepue;•apt Kentucky. It was urn entil Morch, 1787, fused, and Riehardson intempted to pull it , -oAnieritie. br , otin i i y , tend,. I geoid, indeed, one of rho gigantic inellectoc,tlie I judged roc when they found her standlag • I tee, that a town meeting in Pittsburg first re- down himself. 'lhe mob pelted him with I but as free I rem penfouttl fpillngi country, ~ ~ , To c,,!...50 . !. 101 f und buppy lu r id, ►in the hnit, at '2 or 13 o'clock In the morn-1 solved to establish a weekly market, an d dirt und,stones, and tiro% e,him inio lelhe's , tv hi rC It 1) p 11..( tei MIS 111 . I I trig, ;with strang . erse lier eurtous story , prolethly as uny,pf his rivtils, tend quite! as erect a market,honse. , , I house. Greatly exasperated Richardson I tranquilly Thus the Christian ends his 1, i little likely ag any of them to be•niadethe ens quickly narrated', however, and t lc I brought out a Mosket, and discharged it ' days, and gees to the abode atilt: blessed.a Of CC live(' IR his tool of Intl igue ts. W t As looms-Jim ,yeer 1778, Pittsburg was k d•I dpeoplewhohadprotected in • wane her , Without uim into die crowd. ; ' -• i While the stnner dies with all the horror.) Ila I d-dt lc 143 7 ! new, or too ,an were always: s rue , a small frontier town, thirty miles dlstant . weie almost °vet whelmed with the heart. A lad named Chrietotther Gore, after- I of a durk rettibution, and ii loth of a sin the kind respect in which ho was held ,hy frein the coimiy seat of Westmoreland co.,felt gratitude of her parents. wards Governor of the Commonwealth was ,„,a ,,, rig i„ g Gad I , h 1,, , .ay.ng _c.: _re lien.--Puti.o. the muss of the people. We ale glad to to4lich it ileitained. Hounchstown witisi , li I I wounded, and another,Clinstopher see that the tone of the preas is so fair in the county seat, to which• the people of se: slap Illy Y I Snyder, a son of a poor widow, was killed. regard Le him ; for we rejewe to havejell Pittsburg had to repair on county business,' The mob seized Richardson, and an assn- , our public men nppreciated, end i i tleok twt,lve miles octet of the Chesnut ridge. On . 4 , t named Whim', and carried them to' nothing call be more demeraliziegthenelp the 24th ot rof that year, they Wilmot, hamlet Hall, w . ere they were examined habit of political dere mation, by tvitiebneell ' ' !mired from their journeys by the were re a, and committed for trial. Richardson was party represents the other ae a nest, of ),,I organtration of Allegheny County, ' ta- found guilty of murder, but Lieutenant lees." 'keit' froth Westmoreland and Washington SGovernor Ilutchinson refused to sign his Counties, From that time Pittsburg be- 1 deatiewarrant. After two years' impris came the ( county spat for / Allegheny cowl i ' onment, he was pardoned out by the King. eu .1 uegen to assume llpportance as a f , ` ' 'II he murder of the boy produced a great ty,.an et, Trading and manufacturing town ; merean seosahon throughout the country ; tile and trading establishments begun -to and in r or xm. 13oston it was made tha occasion of a most 3111P9P,Ft brucchi'll ics Ifico to, ii- t solemn pageant. Iris coffin was covered ployment, te n manufactures earl trade be: ill° I- with insoriptions shell as "I nnoCence is not . gati. tel iixtend. The' inhuhitants do others oflike tenor; and was ta. MonOngithela add tough had already found Bare," and where it large con. ttgrieultiire.a peofinible . employmeot ;., and kf'n't(Jitb"lY •Tr.e.°' theiproducO,Pf tiwin,fillds,, in the, form of, coorse.Wil§ assCrO le q , ‘qPf r°nr ? tb)enc9 fpi lowell his remains to the grave. ln that whiskey, flour, and other surplus products roces3ion about (lye hundred sell'ciol-hojis of a new.eounty, had already-passed Pitts- P :btirg",+lt`nd--ccinnti"ils Wny-Ankvn`..the Ohio- took the dead : Sik.'oeSnrdet's playfdltows thii:coffinr;. after itherncittme the ado MisSissippi,lo Naisdarleans. '(./k new ' suPPnrteii cli§P..PC,h4FAY,Ompe,m,pqrtcole,omv,or cretvtivQ9 cold fr.ends of. the da4vpsed, and ells t. of the . .city Nye re . fplled, hard dross ,`,9ogOnigt,t,?,') pop sp.rufoupovbp,..s4p.io i Var,\y ) ,firteen hunthyt4 pf ,ttieiphabitarlts. the prod - 46ra Ole Motiorgah6la and 114, ' l ' -11.i.burtyy4rtis. o w vimm.ibb„-c.,,n?ihei6a6ds bf the nelghbctriiik' townt:' The - newsPa o,o,i.iii6t,sitpers:4,vere tilled With aceounis fir-the'lnur- . of K e ntucki,andltbLihe i Sp i t i nl ah plirriti i i funerhlv,aiul . little, Christopher' kfoilkklitkinftqinitiWbSt' -Fltiridd.' LlThu , 4 ' 4 : Stilm,omPalliztite firgtiregularttradoibotivoon frs9Y.tiFirts Arhticopr-. Pittsburg antlinopipriouß.l,,,,./;II.3 wi , ~ V,rll 1 '. ~4 :-.,.„ II; . . JVlanigapto.rie§ - , iind vi hegnn to ri.:l.*TWars ppringitront for)/ In:dal:cads.. ' oiiii4hliri'42rd§6rrtlfiiniiSYlviatiik. -Iron ,9p. t„...111.q8a in ,fopghl., .thfop years. haftlhttonobtrovilogrgh4ibtidatifi6e,firtitn ahoui a lot of ) .114-,sct:im's , ,p . 10ned at,,Nootk - a t ats famaititlomenti:tuud 111(i)greiEllirderriand ,*8'1:;111i'd;'3141€11/4,v 'y'tittra ago; Bilh , larid '4ent ,f9cl;ll2l',.i;BP9ecArf,ycith,ithoi,,ii3Oeutyoqfio-0,600;0t101 in 'ti'fiiifit.Dwith r eliiiiiit'abLint , `transip?stingmit rom tho east thdllopiurn and'hingoutiled pipetr.R.-2A,tliihpres., mol'idtatra_ 3 , Annn preiiipted the e radian ofl,flntlimplvAllo,ye,n,pair of:pmasesgalluiliti, . ftlf 06010/ WO 1;99, ittlizoritsc.i,3'll6(ftret Iblast]]9p?,; wi9) .p i io 40 •nlaMt!e,pfirfip6 and the .i,Mllliqieifrlt.ißfllW Pc.121W0,115.4 Falo he 1 ot l l9r v,iql CrualiP u Glid rliP,ure• in. , tuniop rurrpcu,'. on ,lluftlpr o l gqii, fir.:tillblit felditig, We '-ctinhiirecoN'ot it . 6iii-' iieii`aingegfbefilio\;vii6.vificc. tiV4'sei,dc.-grioiAttie that'origintitelf-i'diiiiing. iase, eifiCyld,weti46646gi;.ijkihryiGitii.6fa v 6. alum zione.iinct,=mouletiny:Aquabble at/but seT DittOthtiillherilkkatbloi V 4ulitrieti lin ofl(ltbinfliii.P. ,paStit,elAr. ..:Tha.retplution in the vigg,tatnnilifisikteli4llPirPlitnNakVi-cib'-•:•k4,,111-0110:; ,‘ivifiiiptlrliqigh; ~ C0P,t.1.t1..4 „. 1 9blv at i ed a a defn,q)(l - wh.:4, q?.Tpcl .?o)prg to t,llutr,)ipopp', fe LMrwto.pay a fBsT, eh ilicigs spilligiiii)Valiniiiii'e.e.BtionS a therebun: t 0;,,;,, 'Lis Ship-,iindliOy;.While our ovri rei;i:Ju- . tryai (iFiiit,eiv,liviftiY-tilizici'lbteiAt'ilit vtlio "tIAW-i6 oiggitii&ir di4;eittl i` J bi manlifoottirezcif;./bv,ibrbw,illiAl /foci) ygaili , _ . tif tputbbx6i. moiler - ow . ) , J .) , .-riion tw.l . leartirld„ Pa., September 17, ItS52. ;(/0!),(,:; 6 1r , ;)!.* •;;;:, , „ ----- 1 TILE TEMA OF iSVIIPATIIY.—HOW soft y THE STR t, AM oF LIFE. —Bishop - I(te r cry correctly remarks taut IncC bears on the tear of sympathy fall; on the heart bruised and broken with sorrow I It as like the stream of a mighty river. Our boat at first, glides swiftly - down the nar- sores the sad ...a.nd weeping soul- that it is not alone in the wilderness of cold hearts; row channel, through the playful murmur- that there u ro those who can fool for the logs of the little brook, an d winding along troubles of others ; and oh, what is more its grassy borders, the trees shed their cheering to an aching• heart than such a blossoms over our young heads, and the , thoug h t 1 The desire to be loved is hu flowers on the brink seem to oiler them- man nature in its purity. It is the first selves to our young hands; we are in hope, and we grasp eagerly at the beauties , impulse of the opening heart, and it lives and breathes In the bosom of all until the around us, but the stream hurries on, and' still our heeds are empty. hour of death. A look of love, a word al i kindness, a tear of sympathy costs us ItOth- Our course in youth and manhood is; i n g W hy, then, Withhold them from along a wider flood, and amid objects more i th yse who would ,prize Ahem as: blessings striking and megnificient. We are ant- i winged with-the fragrant dews oaf heavenl muted; by the movina.picture of enjoyment J o give them costs us nothing, but it of and .industry-that is passing before us, w° .ten:costs tin ps an etfort—a , silent par the ore 'excited by short-lived success, or de- ! , 1 11eart , , did • miserable by we but confess it-,-,to witbliold pressed and rendered sonu 3 l :Ahem;. for he must indeed-he amisanthropo shortdived disappointment. B ut -on rt ene r- gy end dependence ure , both in vain. The , who.selicart does not delight in goipgicorth te blesl,and, be, blessed. . , _, ~ ~,,, ;,,,, .stream.; hears) iia • on, and' our joys:and i :: , , t b 9 ( par o f s y m pathy ppy,el: falirijn vain., griefs are,left behind us;. worinty he 'sbip.. - i 'it vi,,,tors,"4,feritAfb7,s...Aw:spiilpf)thc ,cp(ot ;wrecked, but we eannot.aneliori.,our.vnY-‘l,fertile.,heßrt,j piri,d, ( causes ipo,Opurkill.!Witil age . ,may be.; hastened,. but tve tannbt be . i the pentOpj„4o,wiivo. of,:gratit,udy.,tindJoy,e, delayed; Whether , rough 1 ot; t srnoollW 4 he ,A rg i,4l. l h,e i .spmrpes,clpacts:: , weep!rgfe ht driver hastens tteN4l ll3 its Lome hitheLrott'r•.! ie , rit.pn .tite parChe4 ~earth ttpd ylPt94ift2ll l° . ing, , of the wilYetit is ibenenth our . keel, and 1; b 0 ,p. 1 769, ) 13,4r . o,llfglAku.i.g, , he In re," 11,;(1 .1 be the land lessens from our eyes- ;the fl oo d.4l l; 4 l l, pc. , : c l u t rrnsci l Ekrokkv.ii - 30wiff e jtOa r i •nritilifted-ippinrottndi n 4 :find; we; take: our:' d onne ,„, o pg i Alyg tepc„or„ pktlipirlbk 4 1 4•pilly. 'kale:lye from!! earthl 6.1,1 t itsl inhabitants; I r br tn ib visj Op h pl4 ,t . pp , I . ,y,hojjKptpw , , -. kut , , Unit of i our)fututv 1 Voyage,dhere ti.S.no , &Vit. , : i t cl9valVs4i4l l 9.4A i Wlß ;Pf4.l;°4: ' hr". diessibuttiki in fi niterrind th e eternal: '.,,!ii . ickto. ' ciwil,,,3„).A,*riing.,, ~A;symputhiglrg i; ~;.;41.? II '';Y. l heasils• 61MPri9goi , i PP , r,e,..l.Y. o tef .. . ,,bl i. rt i n g t ' l l i , P Pl . 'i iiii. L t''fi:tint th gio)4blain..l3sdc-,i..,liisvAr,:Nr9 L. P• te& ,t11°..111 Ate.ae , P" ..'. '''• ' ' e "? '-' ' ''*e I 'd et 3 ttliti • i , . ) ansl,sweel. itsel ..,ni g . g,r,1.1 3 . , igal 31, i; ..„,„ ,i t: ' ''' '.' i ' - - 1 ; SIR) - a ',4 18 / 1 icly .og qyery ripple of iltP ;MT'AcrIlL . .,•;! , . - 1 . 9' f ii,00‘,.q°911:11.6.11.,'P.'ik1!!r;,..1Yi.%.41.4;.!-PR4e. it m'' ''' ' ' '----------(a . 1 - 1 -7- ... u. - Itn -0 5 -7 • 'i' . 0..' • i the, kipeatts, n,loy9r i pri : seteti j ce, out the .'.l.otolNoiqr.lo,42llls,t.4niblity, block in thiS ° 4, 4 6 6 rnrAntn4izo WitlAnp open. Oceift4 cowl- . rii,n.v' , or ti 0-n- %v.. , " • ' O3 • ltq l i cY a \ 4l c i . 1 ' . ',r,r ) ,: • • '', - ji ' ',. ' A ' . • iii' . world'iiii 6 it' ' Ai) ''''ol tenatice, tt f ietiepsit9 o nit ,nct,3,1191), ,Apuyiliiiiviiti,,,,., ~..,r) : . , ti . . p . r1,.1t. capable of takyng care Y . a i'd,r 4 tefa i Cn'ap,4l t iy;' . r6 t ,' 66 .isii,l.c,eji i t, l3 :4vOl 9 L 'e,f,`,fi i ii,(!:4!', 6 ;g l. ? 0 . 4' i• : . i .3 - .1 ' '' -11 '' 1 -"' n di t gairwarqs. • • .-, • ~ - - ,-• . ; 'o:7*.auvpoi,e ),0 r .. ,, 0wn ni...eelginkes 4,. ,ii ‘I , you , ii,,,lti,tit.,,itti4in.i,..)viii ~iiithid.....l th'iwr will suPP° IY°u.' ''S I VP' )h :: I- ; " ?;, 11 ! P'• l .l. l 2l.the're'isit'Vell'o l l'ilib i iit,iiitih r e : M l Wltte, l i i to Merehiitits - nil& Ithbf wi11.2:41 ,11 . 1 '; - -,.) : ',° : , : t . ,- • ih -,. fib, ikif t - 6..„thiliTiat r i i r I% •-•ii, 0 : * i ii ,, • &ptibrt th'enhtitrie 0 ii, 'Olul . ti,''',"rilur9. . t". 1. .. I . 51 9.t t l'?„ ra t i °(,, ' 1 yoki o• c liiu:: : ..el ci?ii,........1- 7, - -. .1 c •-."- hi' 'I ' 'the ingio t letti'gria Idli T I ifq6ll,6Y. .., ..,r;•;, , nrt cd.r•••117•11.1- !- L •10 ,• • • i; •• • 11', 1,1 • 1••••-r, •,••••1 Nitmber 4Q• •• • . r , ' PriteA of Adveritaing. i•, ~,,,:l \ ili i i"H 1 I nirti t ,' D. , ' n ;.,, 1 -Ingo% T. 3 % .: 'II 861*e:ideas deo.. •25a , do 'l2 plaattif: ) ,' 1 Illates **mouths, .960 1 half colutan.B months. fi 1 . • o •ft mootoi.• • 400 t do do • 5 Mouths, OW. o 19 mouths. • 1011 1 .cito d .•., , de Ig la $ • ids 8 months. 'OO ltoolamn 8 istirotbs. ' 'l7 do 8 month., 60 L do. 8 ' 'do ••,.r la 100 do 19 months. OO t 'do' li • do" SP) 00 . • . 1 ' A liberal reduction *Ribs male to Merchants' and 'otilitre whotideetthe by the year. • ' . ' . Oar 'paper (drool nue In every weighbothood, and is road lii , neatly averf lonsay In the county--and Uieretote abide a oonvanient and ottani Means rot the, business ntett of oantity-rtne meroliarit. meohonio , end ell others—to espied the knowledge of Mohr location and butinete ihro 1d. 001 4 like to laved "A tlardl., for essay, Mechem itl. 216roillints nod Professional man in'the drum. We have plenty tf MOM saisisonlessasonehine ° w i llar reading Colcanas,ancl no.e3ril In a legitimate boobies , lore by advertising extend velyit fut. as a general iota, the asap, o.tonsivtly a man adiredlicd the grouter will be his profits. Books, Jobs and Blanks, , OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PRINTEDAN TILE VERY REST' STYLE, AND . ON TIIE EIIORTEBT NOTICE. AT TIIE OFFICE OP THE . ' " "CLEAR FIELD 'REPUBLICAN." TERRIBLE CONFLAMIATIOS ' • ~ . All (forts to extinguish itfrliitiess;-- - ilie fire. rppiilly spr . eculing!-711 1 e'Aelegiipli brings th e ; intelli g ence Of a terriblo:fire - th4 Isragina in the' South runt West.ll,lii4na terial being, 'Conseil - A i t . ti'er an Unsubetnni ' tial and rather c o mbustibld'ntiture' s ni . s l l titres, lint has now' bedeinpa- . , fian' leng 'e:Xposurn 'and ' ari'extraerdinary I drought; Which has prevailed in' its ,iiriliediute ''vi . eity--parched and crisPO'id a reintirkii'- bla degret l rind.'beihg expoSed;:for 'Seine few weeks past to the iniense t herit of 'ird mense fires which are' at itite'Ortla known to break out spontanboinly; ih:tharreen, the cornbh.stible mass has heciiihe 'lgited and is being'swept off like stubble, ' At kik accounts theindieationS werh!that it ithd spread without hope of subduing' . 4, throughout the whole Smith and Weat, and had also got a firm foothold'in: the Notth and East, and that those 'wh o' htivobeen laboring' `with every mca na in i t hai r . l soiiii 'M 'q'n'enCh the ficiines Withetit the •silgtit.bit effect were 'on the point of giving I.,tp'M despair ;' for it seemed apparent that :fhb greater their efforts•to extinguish the sprea ding fire, the more intensely it burned. ~' The Most c alamitOus,effects 'yet heard'Of have taken 'place in North Carolina, Where it leti neither "root nor'bruneh" of consuming frail combustible., .1-16n. i Wni. A. Graham, ex-Secretat'y of the Navy is said to have made the most Vigorous and untiring eflOrts at first to'itrrest ilie;p4'o gress •of the calamity,' but was force i to abandon the effort as a hopeless task: ''' Mr. Kerr, a gentleman of some distinction, also worked gallantly, but we reg:rei .. l9 learn . ; has fallen a victim to the resisdeSe element. ' • • ` . • '• '' •' Gen. Scott, Comrnander•in-Chief of the American forces,fias been appealed to 'in the trying emergency, as it ivas'sutmosed that hie experience in, a terrible' "fire" which occurred a few 'years 'Since; WO(Ild enable him to cope successfully with.' the conflagration. But his 'efforts• 'the* ' air seem only to have added fuel to the (lollies, for, while he is continuously making ,pro• vision against encroachments "in his rear" the hostile clement is spreading on every side. of and he is forced to, make a hasty refrogrfde 'Movement.‘ Fitirri''The present it ppettranceS;' it'aceina 1 into/liable that the fire will continue 'till the' inaia':Of doinbestible 'Material is entirely consulted. We sliiiirendenvor to keep our readers informed or the progress' of this extraordi• nary conflagnition.—Albany Atlas. A WIFE STAttEu at Gtr.tis --We have heard of slaves being staked on a'gameuf chance on the Mississippi, and wives being put up at auction in England, but the .be hove it has been reserved for the Fi'i,-rich4o introduce (ho staking of R 'Rife nit( igtiii)e Of Ciltd4 1 A recent 'French pitpais'•reptit a case that was brought before the Corteo- 4* Ilona!' Police, in which MadarnT:lbrought i-rt suit for a diorce against' her husband. ' In the course oftlie.evidenceit rtas fiticiv ed that on tiArddifreirentlbccasintill the wife had beeit sitiket 1 and lost tit eards;land i the key of hei.'loornr:handetrbtier ketiithe 'Win ners !.. 'iv )thies , first .casa'sl4 eadAped 4 by iuttiPitig.eut:Of thh'Whidow'•, truth itVtliiitith , 'er" the 'winner fWa's - itid-niuch initi):reatiStlito be ditrihemusiri; fliiie , co4ltt . -o , ksit6diktil'act 1 -6f4igiralintjibtit refii&Jdtdidivevelii,thiletihr7 • tiieS." V hil s cage: pi'escintkiiittther i btlitti Ou; Pitille•OVF.rench'lnanntlis l alfd i tti 4 tdl ti . i flf•••:•' hi,! •,i1; 11 , -..,;,11 .116.1 • 'di 1) . ...?. , . f.Yltl/:. ~, wzr ir iptwitietterlbbli.4lMg•AlitoPllll4ge fAct [lci ci. gixpA‘,A3e.rYuk)iitt Acliatan4l4ll;l4Pl,Piv 1tg010fz,1t10,1n1449,v,-;9,ol•ltmoblirlillfblitPr- whprq,_,iimorpr.littokillamiittilijon&lqmpre - ypit if, tAte.,snmtner, th,e,casqs i tic%-klationt ,Aild i (WO, ,ppij ;Om silimii)LiA9 l l l 4sbNahe :11,9ttmtiVilitts, i lls, limy llNF4l,pl,lfidi artijww An §ctrlPS-Mt-is (14101 1 74 •I'Pgi%hc Aiiii -0171 Lion the u,pj;,tad,prtkiritt; A'4rtlf4;4o4lll4lggile , I flit val9d; at .0141t,40411g1110VAPPlilYIPful he II linAis,.gagal,,the:,idisteculeri 1:Keyallo. ) 1 a a 6FP.Olll',VhSc4lit4ltIllPY4ll 414r9..rib4Wilgr:Appe ten„pptI its l y,icinityogaJcAlin.,4lighp , q ,, snd 111PrP,Pfi1/tbrlonP;Nngicii.s itiqlptlctiplpilmith fugiljyes,ll,Tjte:gr9ate.tl)Nalber,pfmns it it3,44t9dlcAllrli(tiqa.tiblti !),e, .7;0,801a . . ~ . Atiritajt;ebildaiii Itylitiq i ire4, 3 I Pil st i ed I' 46 (-' •? 1 • by .s'l lf ,t r , ip ii o 1 ,ea %R .„(t. ; :. „a. .„, 1,11')OLI Vt fer" r quo fappi oa 1 to '.' , 1 '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers