WING- _A-IN"ID SON, "THE AMERICAN PIANO," No. 117 BROOME STREET, ISew YorK, —UNS U IIP ASS JBL> First premiums wherever exhibited—Prices low for the quality—Large prices allowed for Second-hand Instruments in Exchange. From Mr. Edward Hoffman, the celebrated Pianist. I conscientiously believe that your Piano is in every respect a most magnifi cent Instrument. , „ , From the *"lndependent. The American Piano has deservedly become a very popular Instrument. Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Send for Circulars t<> 2429 _ 14 AVIXG & SOX, ±l7 Broome St., X. Y. Lewisville CRADE.D SCHOOL. Fall term opens the FIBST day of SEITEMBEK, ! 1873. B. B. Nliule, Mrs. B. B. Slade, Principal Assistant Miss K. E. (lushing, Instrumental Music. TUITION. Primary Department, per term 4 00 Intermediate <lo., do 500 High school do., do 500 Instrumental music 10 00 Tuition must be arranged in advance. Classes in this term will be arranged to aeeom- i modate those designing to teach during tlie com-: ing winter. The Potter County Teachers' Institute will be j held at Lewisville in connection with this term. Board, including lights and fuel, can be ob tained for 50 cents per day. Good rooms can be obtained by those who desire to furnish their own board. SETH LEWIS, O. K. BASSETT, Secretary. 50-tf President: SPRING. 1873. Thos. McDowell & Co., DEALERS IX GENE RA R MERCHANDISE, PORT iAXiXiEGATXTY, PA. We would respectfully call the attention of the i>eople of POTTER COUNTY to onr large and complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS and SHOES , I/APS and CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, FLOUR, ' PORK, SALT, F/S7/, FEED and MEAL, PAINTS and OILS, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, GLASSWARE. Ac., Ac., . mission : •11 Erst expire m uu.. r 1* sief j.isti-e. REDUCED PRICES, owing to the increased '. T ; . • jiirisdi.'lio;: <t' llic .m of the Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia' 1. 1! xh :.d over the state and thoods as low as they can be sold this side ol juiiu' s Imv. i shall, by virtue of their ouic; s, b-j ...tie .of .;>.r and terminer ; -d jail d lively in the si vend; constantly on hand, e >:iii'ies; they sliall have original juris dicti- u.jun -t ion \vh< re thus keeping our stock, in all departments, eoi j .11 s partvd •temh*nt.oi ha : mandamus to com Is of) COMPLETE in tenor jurisdiction, and ot quo warran : 'lf s !t-er.. Of the ~t m illionwc altl: ThOS. McDowell & Co. \ ' . -tion extends i.\ >r tlie state lu s; ; { ex reuse any other original - jurisdiction : they shah have appellate jurisdieiiuii by appeal, certiorari or writ of error in all eases, as is now or may liereaft>-r ho pro\ idetl by law. Seel. Ihitil otherwise directed by law the c. iris of common pleas shall con-J tiiu.a as .it present established, except | a*-s!.t r in changed: not more than lour ; comd;.hail, at am t me. la* included in oi judici ! district organ';,: d for said court General Stage Office Has been REFITTED and REFURNISHED/COM and is now open to the PUBLIC. The TABLE will be kept in FIRST-CLASS style, and no labor or expense spared to make it a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL GOOD STABLING, and careful Hostlers always in attendance. The OLD-TIME popularity of the Hotel will be FULLY MAINTAINED by the present Proprietor, who now solicits the patronage of travellers ajul he public generally. I>. F. GLASSMIRE, Jr., BD PROPRIETOR Insurance Company of North America, OF PHILADELPHIA. The Oldest Stock Insurance Company in the United States. ASSET'S, January 1, # 3,5r0,r3.0l Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETS, January 1, 1073, $1,168,302.-40 The above-named reliable ompanies are represenled in Cou- Uersport by 2430 lT ARTHUR B. MANN. W. W. MOORk, DEALER IN MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, AMERICAN AND IMPORTED MAItBL.ES, &<?., I Third St., opposite Court House Square, COLDFRSPO.IT, PA. All work .lone in a workmanlike manner and ders sent by mail promptly attended to. My prices are the lowest In this section of the country. M44T THE BAKER HOUSE N. E. cor. SECOND and EAST Streets, (East of Court Houso Square,) COUDERSPORT, PA. . j Has been purchased by BROWN & BELL'S I (formerly of the COCDEKSI-OKT HOTEL.) * The House is completely furnished from top tc bottom, and has all the conveniences desired b> the people; the table is the the County the bam is under the charge of the best ox tier it the State; and, in short, everything will l>e don< that can bo done to make it comfortable for stran j gers or others who visit the house. The long experience of the Proprietors in thi Hotel business makes them peculiarly able U cater to the varied wants of the travelling public 1 They solicit their old custom, bellevt g tha alf^' ARE A^'E THE BEST OP TUB EUST t< BROWN & KELLEY, "8 Proprietor t. BASSETTS LIVERT Corner MARKET and IIUXTEK Streets, {SOUTiI SIDE of the Rl YElt.) I 'WOULD respectfully invite the attention of tha public to my LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT, with the assurance that I can meet every de mand for a first-class turnout. Having purchased the Livery of Amos Ve , have the only Establishment of the kind in thi section. J. M. BASSETT. 132-tf New SINGER Sewing Machines ex changed for ones of any kind or make, by A. M. REYNOLDS, Agent. Edward Forster, DEALER IN G-roceries & Provisions, MAIN STREET above SECOND, COUDERSPORT, PA. A FULL SUPPLY' OF FLOUR., SUGAR, SPICES, SYRUP, CHEE3 , HAM, FISH, TOBACCO, SKUP F. &c., &c., KEPT CONSTANTLY OX HAND. A specialty made Teas and Coffees, of which I have the Lar<jowt and Best Stock in town. All Goods sold CHEAP for CASH only. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. EDWARD FOKSTER 1.1. GOODSELL, Carpenter and Joiner, SOUTH SIDE of the RIVER, {ubovc EAST Street,) Coudersport, Pa. CONTRACTS taken and materials furnished for all kinds of BUILDING PLANING and MATCHING done.— MOULDING of all descriptions. SASII, BLINDS and DOORS on hand or manu factured to order. CASH paid for I' inc Lumber. Your patronage is solicited. If. H. GOODSELL. • COUDERSPORT GRADE! SCHOOL. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR OF 1873-4. The Directors, having secured, as Principal, Miss CLARA A. STOCKWELL, a graduate of Vassar Fe male College, with Mrs. NETTIE GRIDLEY as teach er of the Intermediate Department, and Miss HELEN ELLIS for the Primary Department all successful teachers of long experience, feel iusti ned in calling the attention of parents and pupils to the advantages of this School. FALL TERM commences MONDAY, AUGUST 25. WINTER TERM commences DECEMBER I. SPRING TERM commences MARCH 18, 1874. Fall and winter terms three months each, with one week vacation during the Christmas holidays Spring term continues two months. TUITION, per term. HIGH SCHOOL SSOO INTERMEDIATE " 400 PRIMARY 3 00 $ 1 00 per term less for the spring term. Board and rooms can lie secured at reasonable rates. 1 hose wtshing rooms for self-board should apply early. A teachers'class will be organized, and special attention given to those from abroad who wish to prepare themselves for teaching or to those teach ers who wish to post up in one or more of the branches. D. C. LARRABEE, WM. SHEAR Secretary. President. August 6,1873-tf L. B.COLE & SON, rHOPKIE'IOKS OF THE Blacksmith and Wagon-snap, Second Street, (between Main & West.) - Forth Side, — COUDE RSPOR.T, PA. WAGOX CARRIAGE* a SLEIGHS of rill description* manufactured to suit customers and warranted. Repairing always attended to prompt.T. Competent and experienced workmen kept in e • ploy in both shops to attend to the calls of ens tomers. Charges reasonable for cash or ready a . 2423 L. B. COLE & SON Before purchasing elsewhere call and examine the SINGER MACHINE. A. M. Reynolds, Agent, Office in Olmsted Block, Coud#rspOrt, fa. ELORiDGE BROTHERS SPECIAL AGENTS KOK WOODWARD 6c BROWN, MERER, MATHUSHEK, ami CHICKEBINQ PIANOS, ALSO, George M oods' Celebrated Organs. PULLAR'S NKW MASONIC HALL BUILDING, (year Howell House,) WELLSVILLE, N. Y. Dealers in all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHAN DISE, SHEET MUSIC, Ac. TUNING atld REPAIRING PIANOS A SPECIALTY. We invite the Public to examine and criticise the WOODWARD A BROWN Pianos, and GEO. WOODS' Organs. 2+4<5-tf J. GLASE a SON, Carpenters & Joiners, Ccmdersport, Penn'a. CONTRACTS taken for all kinds of BUILDING— and materials furnished. DOORS, BLINDS and SASIT kept constantly on band or mamifabtured to order. CASH paid for PINE LUMBER. J. GLASE A SOX. The SINGER is the best machine for all work. According to sworn returns there were over 45,000 more sold last year than any other kind made. A. M. Reynolds, Agent. __ OYSTERS. A. H. PEIRCE, Wholesale and lielail OYSTER DEALER, COUDERSPGRT, PA. Oysters by the Can, Quart, Gallon, Hundred and | Thousand received daily. Families, Parties and Festivals supplied on short j notice. The Trade furnished at reasonable rates. Give me a trial and I ean suit you. 24-221 A. K. PEIRCE. Old Sewing Machines of any make ! repaired in a workmanlike manner. A. M. REYNOLDS, A yen', j BOOTS and SHOES! John henliof, WOULD respectfully Inform the citizens that he continues the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES it Ids new Stand, MAIN STREET below MARKET, (South of the Bridge,) VLL work done in a workmanlike manner reasonable rates, AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED Give him a caM. THE "SILYER TONGUE" ORGANS For PARLOR, CHURCH and SCHOOL. MANUFACTURED BY E. P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED in 1846. Nos. 143, 145 and 147 East 22d St., New York. responsible parties applying for agencies i:i sec tions still misapplied will receive promnt atten tiou ami liberal inducements. Parties riding at a distance from our authorized agents ma; order from our factory. Send fur an illustrated prwe list. . 26010r20 M. H. BS*C£. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN iJapcc ?£li'ntoob) SijaDfja, OIL CLO'UIS, FAo., No. 218 Main St., 2434 iy BUFFALO, N. I. Singer, Grover & Baker, leather and common Needles, Thread and Oil kept constantly on hand. A. M. Reynolds, Agent. ai-m-s -osnon sim moj, pOt-BIIOJUJ SpOOf? UO Ai.u SAB V.[l! ÜB. *JdlUO)t.n, I •SPUBJ'I RTLOIIIB; jf[|F!RlK. •TAQJO SB U-I.VI stt 'ojovaox oxuwauo.>K:LIIVVIUDN putuy Apsnf oiu JO S.I.UIU 'BJIIUBI, A V 'O'lV.fAlil |aa,i Oi! V If '•co vswvav "l'-j e H. D. TREADWELL, —OF — WelSsvilte, N. Y., Has just returned front New York with a large stock of Ecots and Shoes, LIAIHLPi & SHOE FINDINGS, LOOK AT THE PRICES! WOMEN'S SUITE KS from .V>c. to 51.75 " LEATHER I.ACE BOOTS 9c. " 1.75 •' MOROCCO " " 81.00 " 1.35 MEN'S THICK BOOTS 2.50 " 4.00 " KIP " a.75 4.50 fsina.ll Shoes, from 30 cents upwards. Sole Leather, 30 rnd 31 cents per pound. Shoe Findings of all kinds, verycheap. Remember the place,—directly opposite the Howell House. 11. It. TKIC.iIiVI i 11. 1,, AGENT. The SINGER is a lock-stitch machine and makes a beaut if nl, even and uniform stitch which will not ravel and is alike on both sides. It licms, braids, cords, tucks, embroiders, ruffles, fells and does all kinds of work on the finest muslin or the heaviest full-cloth. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. (Formerly WOOD A MANN.) STATIONARY A PORTA: LE ST E A SV3 ENGINES. The Best and Most Complete Assortment in tlie Market. These Engines hove always maintained the verv highest standard of excellence. We make the manufacture of Engines, Boilers A Saw Mills a MM - cialty. \\ ehave the largest A most complete wnrk of the kind in the country, with machinery speei- We keep constantly in process large numbers of Engines, which we furnish at the verv lowest prices and on the shortest notice. We liuild En gines specially adapted to Mines, Saw-mills Grist mills, i annertes, Cotton-gins, Threshers and all classes of manufacturing. We are now building the celebrated Lane Circu lar Saw-mill the best and most complete saw-tnlLl ever Invented. u We make the manufacture of saw-mill outfits a special feature of our business and can "urni-h complete on the shortest notice. Our aim in all cases is to furnish the best nm ehinery in the market red work absolutely i • el quailed for beauty of design, ecouomy A strength Send for Circular and Price List. UTICA SiTEAM ENGINE CO. W-43r>;sp VTICA. A'. Y. i Dr. T. M Slnrp*r DywpepslH PHI. DYSPEPSIA CURED Dr. Sharp's Specificcures Dyspepsia, LlverCom plaitd, Constipation, Voiuitingof Food, Sotu St >lll - Water Brash, heartburn, Low Spirits, Ac. It: tlitrtv-tive years never failing to cure the most ob stinate eases. SoH bv druggists. C. S. Jones A en is North Front St., Agents for Coudereport, Pa. Depot, if. Eighth St., N. V. Circulars mailed on application. 4a96 (2 oK o O A YEA IJ *D *9 \f \ f made with our splendid COM ..1 NATION PUOSPKCTPS. Tt. reprce .: sample page ami styles of binding of t>ointensely Interesting and useful hunk -.that -"U in every jlest thing ever tried by Canvas sera. AGEVis W \NTED t> make a-permanent •u.-iiless oil iii.'.e V orks p.- \ eouutv. P." Uiectus seat. p. I laid oil r- < eij t of price. si>l. cor eii. tiiurs ai d -heral terms, n ;..ress JOHN i-. POTTER A co., Publishers, Philadelphia, l'a. MM | 13 i AIMS ws| Irs <■ teed; diss t-a and os aj:es vivi.llv portravd. See Fl .c/KS /OSK a:id Its Expr/f;KBS. A splendid o< tavo of iiop g.- most |oofi -' : : illustrated with flout.' sieci aad wood enjrravi.urs. A fascinate .* hi to: . of Irctle I adventure. ':r>*>t saleable i.e.-A Out. A;t' .a'* i malt-1. S ..irt tiiis and >.lmpi<- page* to Mm- : •i:ai Publishing Co., Hartford, . im. ISM i X 4 Q Q5,4"N fn l our IVeeUs' Can- Hr 6 *£r sO Lv V it-•-!:' Wl nroi,l uria i t "Library of Poetrj and Song;"} S7O In one we- k on "The Ne.v Housekeeper's Ma- ! una!," by Miss 1! -per and Mrs. Stow*. Any a . 'iv- in ail or woman can have an :><r ay. J. It. FoRD < ()., -xt-. \ ork, Boston, ("SI 'ago ami S.;.n j Franclseo. Urt : RICH FARMING LANDS! FOR SALE VERY CHEAP! THE BEST IK VESTMENT! XoyiuctthilUms' A '1 nil's rmi r' il,y in rr'i:- The iveawi of the conntr.v i- made by the A-.ivaudc in Keal P-tute. NOW 1 fcJ THE TIME! Millions of aeros of the ;in t lands on the con tinent ill Fusivrn Nebraska mm for sale- many of them n< ver before In the market -.11 price, that j MOTS COMPETITION. Five ami Ten YearF CrcMt Given, with Interest at Six per ('int. The Lund Grant Rouds of the Company taken at par for lands. They can now be purchased at j a large discount. : c-Fu'i particulars given, new Guide with new Maps mailed free bv addressing (). F. DAVIS, 1 *R4 Lnrnl Cumr. If. P. It. Ji., OMCI I, XKB. ; S2O SAVED! ; To meet the urgent demand of the rimes the i FLCBEXCG S MCI'UIXE CO. j have determined to REDUCE PRICES, and will hereafter -ell their SHS Machine for $45, and other stv les in proportion. THE FLORENCE is the ovi.v Sewing Machine that leeds tile work i backward and forward or u> right and left., us the j purchaser may prefer, it has been great); IM PROVED aud >i MPLI FIED, arid is far better lha.. 1 any other machine in the market. IT IS NOV4 THE CHEAPEST Florence, Mass., Nov. 1,73. Agents wanted. lSr4 HRn ?• f L liTC -t<: re- 0.-r :,.* vJuU hUI I' 1 O M \ ■*;•■! re.:.." i;s and : historli ai CHARTS. Splendid assortment! Large sales! Large profits! Address Haasls A Lnbreet, Kmpir • Map an ! Chart Evtablishment, lot Lihen 1 ! sr.. New York. p„- H j ii nni/KTir h UUmLullu FanHles, in Fit. j FA"t ; 'Eu Agents Wanted. SENI) FOR F A S H I 0 N S . CAT Aid )GUE. "DOMESTIC" SEWING -MA. I] IN ECO., N. V. ! Fireside Kg made by CHIME & AT WOOD, produces the I largest light. Can be used on any eoai oil lamp. For sale by all lamp dealers. ' lit "\I r < )AI K\' >!EN,Girls aid l; .y-wamd lo .-11 ~11, French ami A iean Jewelry, Rooks, Ganu . M- b ti..drown localities. Noe;ittitol.-.e ,-tteti. Catalogue.Terms. .. seln phpe. J'. O. VICKEUY ~ >O.. Irr4 Augusta, Maine. \frtVFV made rapidly with stencil * kev cheek 7 aua 1 ' outfits. Catalogues.! full particular j'roc. s. M. Si'ENCKK, 117 lianoverst. Boston, i -r4 THE ncroit SEflfr IACHIIE CO. Want rlso,bie and energetic A-rnnts in this countv The "VICTOR" is a I.oeK-srieh, Shuttle Machine! with Self-setting Needle, it -1 liiii.-lu- I and most perfect Machine oTered. An increase of over 500 per . i*nt on sales of 1*72 over 1- i. For f '-nns, etc.. s Mress VICTOR SEWING MACIIINF CO., Ilr4 1227 Cln stnut St.. Philadelphia, i'a Persons I loltliiifj* NOBTHEEU Pi CIEIOS AND DTKER SECURITIES Can find Latest Quotations of Market Prices by calling on LU7HF.F: S. KAUFFMAN, Stock and Note. Broker, 90 FOURTH AY FX UK, riTTSßimcrn, PA. IF YOU WANT TO En vest Your RBoney Safely and at GOOD INTEREST, Call on or address LUTHER S. KAUFFMAX, Stock and Note Broker, IS J I3 " 96 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. i All clasoof! or Stocks, llnnds nnd all Marketotde \ Securities Bought and Sold on Couimisslon onlv. i Letters of inquiry will receive prompt attention! 1 Agent's Guide. Worth fKm to any agent. Send 25 cents for it or 1 ostal Card for particulars. ,T. I!. Scott, Chicago. What Nesrt? 25Cts. vilh sample picture in ee: is. s, iv where vou <• this, yohaß.Alden,Pob^ Chicago,BL isji:; To the Trade" only! (1873) BATCHES ! DIAMONDS, CLUCKS. Jewelry, Watch & Clock Material, &c., &c. xo OLD GOODS. LA LRYTHING NEW & FRESH NEW YORK BILLS DUPLICATED. Ef—orders promptly attended to.. IIOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY (i. R. ID RRETT & CO., PJB #0 FIFTH AVENUE ' PITTSIJURGJI, PA. Vinegar Big I PURELY VEGETABLE I* ree FitoM i m OR. ViiiLktßo I California Vinepr ; I Dr. J. Walker's < aiif (iri i I Pgar lmtcrs are a 1 I the Sierra Nevadamm: ! nia, the medicinal p ;■ I ; are extracted therefrom w • of Alcohol. The quest ;<, I j daily asked. "What R the , . I | unparalleled success j y !v I j TEHSF Our answer is, tliat I ; the cause of disease, andl covers his health. Ti:e; [ i blood purifier and a life-viv::.. ; I i a perfect Henovator and 1 I lof the system. Nover before j I | history of the world lues ;i ! compounded possessing the I qualities of Vi.nkoar lhmots in; I , are a gentle Purgative a> v H ' relieving Congestion or 1 Vj ihe Liver and Visceral 0 . . Diseases The properties of Di:. v, 9 VINKOAR BITTERS are A peril-,: 9 Carniinative, Nutritious. Lieut ■. j Sedative, CouHter-Irritant Sudoa. .9 tive, and Anti-Bilious. vrateful Thousands pro<; • 1 'iGAi; BITTERS the most woi lgoraut that ever sustained ti> . I • system. No Person can lake ilieseß. I ' according to directions, and iv; i unwell, provided their hones ac: stroyed by mineral poison < means, and vital organs was:.;,: j repair. Eilious. liesnittent air] U : niittent Fevers, which a | ent in tiie valleys c.f ear . i throughout the United States,. ■ ) - I i . is, lied, Colombo. Ur... U ■ j Pearl, Alabama, .Moid. . S.a, •joke, ,1 auies. and. n.... • r I their vast tributaries. : : . ntire country during cio S- . - : Autumn,and remarkal vs.. . mis of unusual beat anil dry invariably accompanied by • mngements of the stomacli ar . and other abdominal viscera. I treatment, a purgative, exert:' erful influence uprai vai> grins, is essentially necessary. ; is no cathartic for the purpose eyes Du. J. WALKER'S YIN:-. .... HITS as they will speedily remove tl. colored viscid m.atter with w\. bowels are loaded, at the .-a :: stimulating the secretions o? ; • and generally restoring tic.: ; itHH&Afta of the digestive org i Fortify the oof. aiiiiiii*-! ml jby purifying all its fluids \\ Vr HITTERS. No epidemic can t;.k j of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, ache, Pain in the Shoulders, < . I Tightness of the Chest, ])i/.zi: r> Eructations of tiie Stomach, Had 1 in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks. I' ! tation of the Heart,, Inflammation i Lungs, Pain in the region of the j i neys, and a hundred other painful-i j loins, arc the oll'spritigs of by; • One bottle will prove a betterg!i;i I of its merits than a lengthy a: | ment. j Scrofula, or King's Evil. - ; Swellings, Ulcers. Erysipelas s i Goitre, Scrofulous Intlamuint : . 1: i Inflammations, Mercurial .\:int • j Sores, Eruptions of the Skin. Sore if In these, as 111 all other const nit eases, WALK Kit's VISKOAR HITTESSI j shown their great curative power ; most obstinate aud intrac... t.c For liitkiminnlor :.i (lira IlllOlimaiistli, Gout, ILL : . 1. ; tent and Intermittent Fevers. Di- • j the Blood, Liver, Kidneys w.-l these Bitters have no equal, Such lb are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Disease-;. I gaged in Paints and Mineral-. - Plumbers, 'l'ype-sctters. (ioid-be.i> Miners, as they advance in lit-. - ; to paralysis of the Bo we!'. T ; against this, take a dose of Walk's - EtiAit BITTK its oven lonally. For Skill Diseases, l j, Salt-Rheum, Sp> -. 1' ; Pustules, Boils, Carbine •• - • Ling-* . Scald-head. Stire Eyes. ■ •- ' Scurfs, Id-colorations of tie' > 11 • h ; and Diseases of the v. fu.:-v-: I or nature, are literally I g up - i out of tiie system in a short time by® I ol these Bitters. Pin. Tape, and oilier Worn | lurking in the avsteiu of so n are effectually destroyed and remoted. I system of medicine, no verroi: ne.- | tnelminitles will free the ystein from i like these Bitters. For Female (oraplaints,' ] or old, married o: . gie, at * iie lu a a j manhood, or the turn of life, ' j Bitters display -a decided an infl improvement is soon perceptible. ( icanse he Vitiated Idtiotl I ever you find its impurities burst | the skin in Pirn. E uj i cieause it when you find it oW . sluggish in the wins: cleanse it foul; your reeling- will te'l ' ■ w ' the blood pure, ami the health ef will follow. H. If. JIrDOVAtD A f ( ' . Druggist* ami Gen. Agts., San K: .-i ' \ and cor. of Washington and t'La. ; "' .• Sold Ijy nil l)ruggists alto ' Establissfi pel in "■ Kc-I Ist in U '• C. Q. Hammer & $ 0!: j- 1 Mmiofacturers of Fin • an*l Mf* TI LE, of every description and pri" - ami superior In style and quality ti a:- inosr or any other Furniture Doio t " mountains. Photograiihsand Price I.istssentoi or when in the city don't forget the i' :< '" tiie lasge Golden Chair, 46, 4S, anp 60 SEVENTH A v ., t 2436j1y pmfO' B ® 1 AG-ENTS WASp To sell an article that every fami _ are large, and extra inducer-'M ,l: ' -r who are willing to wort. Apl : ' l,r "' ctilar and terms to EDWARDS BRDI HEb • Arizona Diane o ! > - ltjie r. Sixth strei', 11 -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers