THE POTTER JOURNAL AINTD Jn o. 8. Mann g p Hamilton, IE S ITB IM!. —■ I 48 (8. ,< 'I ii tl ... . -( ll'l '1 ■>' vj i- ;...vMl".:••.. , ~i i .*> lii. o<iliilUOll ii.,,- j\ Ulxt.. grutctUl tO . t Dieasitigs f ■ jv, iitxi ii ii- B If H B j ti. i. i n :> " • ' ( , ;W'H'!< .i. r Hi- :Ui * btierty, ol ac- MJ-I protecting Mi-' i }ui.'tioi< lii.. i pur liUl" r tIK'II 1'V..l liappliK*-.-. I A!i piiwc: i-- inherent in , .i : w -ill !' iMvemniv ills 1 • Ulnorffy alio • , safety and ,i.l ' r :: advancement of !.- i.. ' it: . Hi itii tlHieS an !: : ! r-il !, • <rHt o ; •'•!).: • - '• •- 1 iK-:: gov < rn ; ; i.. -cu niaiuiei they nay .v. .\!i men iis.iv a natural : s ' •?■ real "<> worship Ai • ' 1 ■. ' tin lie i" •>. iiiti: iiv.ii; re: ... - >ii >i i<gi;t In coiiijHlioi! • ii". Cii'i ' • Sllpp. ■!"' -.IiS plats- 'i ; maintain any ministry t "ii i-nl; no human an-1 '• "• Hi' i JlKlt'Oi -i.- lint . !•■ i:- is . I:i • i ' : Mil office 111 I n - !?-: >| I iiur- V. •.! I. .1 ■■ : . Vi\ I. I'.lav.iotl- .-. iUll >•-. ,11".* .:ii'.l j I il. :nu no power, c.vd •>! ; ; | >. shall at any time interfere to pvt'iil tut* tree exercise of the tight ' Suffrage ; S"v. 'i- Trial by jury shall was; oi-lofore, and liit t'lgnt thereof iv- L 01 inviolate. s ec. 7. The printing press shall be '• • every person ivho may under- j liv ti> examine tiie proceedings of j i Legislature or any branch of inniK'nt. and no law -hall ever • jetiiaiie to restrain the light thereof-1 free communication of thoughts | opinions is one of the iuvalu- 1 ■ right.-, of man, and every citizen ! lively speak, write and print on ; subject, being responsible for the -i' ot that liberty. No conviction v had in any prosecution for 1 ; ibiication of papers r elating to flicial conduct of officers or men ; 'ii<- capacity, or to any other r proper for public investiga r information wticrc the fact, sueii publication was not mali- ; -;v or negligently made shall be -bed to the satisfaction of the j ' J'lry snail have the right to deter •a- law and the facts, under the , ■ n< f the con it. as in ot tier cases, j ■ ihe people shall lie secure in i * '-'oi—. innises, papers ai-d pos lioin mi reason able searches - zures, and no warrant to any place or to seize any per -1 things, shall issue without de-. '• :i £ Loin as nearly as may be, n*'Ui probable causi*, -uj.port •th oi aflirmation, subsc-rilHal ' t!i, alliant. '• In all criminal proseeu- i s > t lie accused hath a right to be ' ! ) himself and his counsel, to ! tin* nature and cause of the | 1!,, n against him, to meet the '"-•*< s face to face, to have com-1 \ process for obtaining wit !n 'd.s favor, and in prosccu • '> in lictuieiit or information, > pubhe trial by an impartial' e vicinage; he cannot lie ' give evidence against ■ can he In- deprived of eberty, or property, unless ' Judgment of tiis p.:ers or the ' 'he land. i '!'• person shall for any ■ 'l*' ollVnse lie proceeded r '!iiinally, by information, ■ *" ises arising in the laud or r '*"h or in toe militia, when Service, in tune of war or ' ;'"'ger, or by leave of the * "ppo'ssitin jjr misdemeanor : rson shall for | u ' twice put in jeopardy •mib; nor snail private '' r nppi. • ' to jul;- ■piut,... 1 . S-> '■ ' s p rs >ll or • • siuu have iermsly by <ine , '• 'Uk.* of sv ,an ' right and justice • voi. '-.u-ml Without sale, denial or •' y- bints may be brongirt against. via* eomuroiiwealth in sueii manner, ui such courts, ami in such case.s as the Legislature may by law direct. 8k- 12. No power of suspending laws shall be exercised unless by the l.cgislaturc oi by its authority. iSec. 13. Excessive bad shall not be i .qui!ed, excessive finis im pose-!, nor cruel punishments in tilcced. -Sec. i 4. AH prisioners shall lie • i-iiiablc by- -iittic eii! sureties, unless glial ••if, n-i -. -:!,-ii tin iiv>i*>i ISI videirt --u-.? srtiiipti>>h great; ami pruiieg'ov rde w-i* <-( *.. l l> s . ; ij '•> ,i.i- ii. >- IK* stisjv-i. i unless • c • .it •dieli: aj .u aiva • " ii- • y ni'sy o iter it. . -e. if. 'l • • • I 1 !<• ; !\!H! of I■' ilt'il". where there is not strong p res urn p t- <d Iran ~ > siaii n<-' be e.mtaiue i oi prison ibiivnitg up ids es tate ior tbv* benefit of his creditors, i: sue,i maimer as snail be prescribed by law. Bre. 17 No K.V POST K.iCTo law, :!*;' any :: w iinpairiug the obligation >i" confr-tct-, or n: iriwocablc any grant of special p it ib-ges or im uiunities, sua!' be passed. >ec. I. No pei-Kon sieilt lie atl.ri'i • ted of treason or felony hv t i e . ■c-g --isiature. if). No nftiitiid-r .-hall v ark eon iptif.r of blood, nor. except dm :ng Mn otlend. r. fo; fi itui' joi to t ' 'otumonwesltii: the estate ol'sucii j>e.-s<ic -v- shell dos' n-v , ibeir own lives -bal. disccu.l or v> d j •> in (•.-. < *•>' i; ! death. ; nd if. , '_v !i -= i• J V.- : .'ii o •,\ .•r.-uai • . the:e i" lie no foi-feitare by j reason i hes eof. >• c. i". fne eiiszeu'- have a right I i p aC' uoii inauue.- o a-ser.bbr '•>. •rf.cei fa tb.- r conunoji good, ••mi! i | :h' • l V-.'S • t.d Wit' ', t • 1 ' •-v.•. : - el govi nill.i -d ior vt-do ss of; ' to nm - '' U iisi- e i beiflselves and cue • •uate hot '< tpie-t!.*ncd. No st'llliiiHg iiilJi bl;bi, li ' • j.-crtce, be kept up witliout t •• • ■•'•ui of"' : H- Iv.i c ;ril i nniitary --b >il. in all , . i a;, t nit a, oe i.i sti-et ->ii!'or-.iL..'t'o'i to tiie civ i! pow i j - . feec a >. .v., s-'idier shaii iii con - ;>! peace Rj ijuaitere-d in any lmuse- with- j out the consent of the owuvr, nor in time of war but in a manner to be pre scribed by law. >ee zd. The legislature shall not grant any title of nobility or Heredita ry dis-inction, nor create any ollice the ; appointment ol' which shall be for a ! longer term than during good beiia- • | vior. .Sec 25. Emigration from the state j i shall not be prohibited. Sec 2f. To guard against transgres sions of the high powers which we iui\ e delegated, we declare that every- 1 thing m this article is excepted out of; the general powers of government, i and shall forever remain inviolate. ARTICLE 11. The Legislature. Sec. 1. The legislative power of this Commonwealth shall be vested in a General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Kepre-cn . tatives. Sec. 2. Members of the General i Assembly shall be chosen at the geu • end election every second year. Their term of set vice shall begin on the liist day of December next alter tiieir election. \\ believer a vacancy shall occur in either bouse the presid ing oilier thereof shall issue a writ .of election to till such vacancy for the remainder of the term. See. 3. Senators shall lie elected for the term of four years and Represent atives for the term of two years. See. 4. The General Assembly shall meet at 12 o'clock noon, on the first Tuesday of January every sec | ond year, and at other times when convened by the Governor, but shall hold no adjourned annual session af ter the year 1878. In ease of a va cancy in the office of United States Senator from this Commonwealth, in a recess "between sessions, the Gov ernor shall convene the two houses l.\ proclamation on notice not ex ceeding sixty days to liil the same. See. 5. Senators shall be at least twenty-live years of age. They sii.ill have been citizens and inhabitants of the State lour years, ami inhabitants of their respective districts one year next before their election (unless ab sent on the public business of the United Stales or of this State), and shaii reside in tiieir respective dis triets during their terms of service. Sec. ti. No Senator or Representa tive shall, duiing the time for which he shall have been elected, be a)>- })<H: t -. t> any civil ollicc under tiiis <'<nn:noiiw.-ailii, and no number of igress o.ncr person holdiug ii; ice (except ot attorney -at-iaw < i i ih. iiuiiiui) under the L-uited i—i i i. 1 iK - CoiiA.iiouAea.Aii 1 e .i member ot either iious" during i.i- eontiiiuaiicc in oiiice. , Sec. 7. No person hereafter con COUDERSPORT, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1873. : victed of embezzlement of public moneys, bribery, perjury or other in hoiu u- crime, snail be eligible to the , General Assembly, ,r capable of ' holding any office of trust or profit . in this Commonwealth. Sec. 8. The members of the Gen • eral Assembly shall receive such sal ary and mileage for regular and special sessions as shall be fixed by law and no other compensation what ■ ever, whether for service upon com in it tee or otherwise. No member of eith'-r house shall, during the term for ' i which he may have been elected, re-1 eeivo any increase of salary, or raile • gi , uiKb-r sjiy law passed during such term. 3. Trie Senate shall, at the b.-g.eair.g and eiose of each regular -• -■- o' : iii-i at such other times as • may •• n< ct--uy, .bet OIK of it< ui in'. •■ rs president pro teni., who sii.'ji! perform the duties of die Li. u tcnani r.-.vernor, in ant' case of ;tb- • seiic* or disability of tiiat otHcer, and ' whenever the said odiee of Lieutcii-j ' ant Governor shall be vacant, the i II ui .e of Representatives shall elect ! one of its member- as Speaker.' Lacvi house shall choose its other officers, and shall judge of the election i | ami qualifications of its numbers. "S'l. ! •). A majority of each house j : si. Hi constitute a quorum, hut a ! : smaller nuinler may adjourn from, : day to *la> and compel tlie attendance ; jofai -cut m.-m'ii - Bec. 11. Each house to-all have | j povicr- 1., det' niiiu* tne rides of it*; proce .iingr. mpnni-h its members '• other person- f,i coiitempl •>!'dia- i : orderly behavior ii it -, to ; esiftir'c obedi ncc to its pr*ic> ss, to ; protect its numbers against viol* n<v ; or filler- of bribe- or private soiieita-j tion, and with the concurrence of. tv>o-thirds, ;o expel a luembci. but not a s.-eond time for the same cause, | and shall have, all otiiei jiowers nee-1 for the legislature of a free j ; si,-. A member expelled fbrcor-J i ujition -inl! not thereafir i be elig- j bile to either bouse, and potohmettt 1 | for contempt or disorderly liebavior | shall not bar an indictment for the; , sane, iflen. e. See. 12 Each :•( u.-i ball keep a j uiiial it- pro ceihiigs tin* from | t.ue i.i tin." publi-ii iire -.ann, cx-i j ii • p. ;a- rcqiitr. s<a:recv, j '*. yeas aim ruiys of the n in- j tie:- •' iiiv qiiiaiini. -it at un •.le i-ire >f any two ol 'icm, be ei.lcicb' i on the J fIJ no 1. Sec 13. T.iese-o-i 'US of I I.'ll le use iand oi'comin Itees of the wnole snail ; be open, unless w;t n tue busiticss is aU'jii ,s ought to b - kept veeivt. Sic. 14. Neither ;.oU-e stiali, witii out the consent of tne other, adj<>urn hit inoia than three days, nor to any 'oilier place than that in which the tw. liouses shall be sitting. See. 15. UGe members of the Gen- j j eral issembly shall in all cases, ex-: ; cept treason, felony, violation of; j tiieir oath of Office, and breach or i 1 surety of the peace, be privileged: I from arrest during ther attendance at tlie sessions of tiieir respective houses, and in going to and return : ing from the same; and lor any speech | i or debate in either house, thev shall ! | not be questioned at any other place. | Sec. 13. The State shall be divid-i led into fifty Senatorial districts of compact and contiguous territory, as nearly equal in population as may ' be, and each district shall lie entitled ito elect one Senator. Each county !containing one or more ratios of. populat ion shall lie entitled to one '■ Senator for each ratio, and to an ad ditional Senator for a surplus of pop- • illation exceeding three-fifths of a ra-' tin; liut no county shall form a sep arate district unless it si all contain four-fifths of a ratio, except where the adjoining counties are each euti- j tied to one or more Senators, when i such county may be assigned a Sen- • ator on less than four-fifths, and ex-1 needing one-half of a ratio, and no; county shall be divided unless enti tled t> two or more Senators. No ; city or county shall be entitled to I separate representation exceeding one-sixth of the whole number of Senators. No ward, borough or township shall be divided in the for mation of a district. The Senatorial ratio shall be ascertained by divid ing the whole population ot the State by the number fifty. Sec. 17. The members of the House of Representatives shail be appoint ed among the several counties, on a ratio obtained by dividing the popu lation of the State as ascertained by the most recent United .States census by two hundred. Every county con taining less than five ratios shall have oue representative for every full : ratio, and an additional representa tive when the surplus exceeds half a ratio; but each county sitall have at . least one representative. Every • county containing five ratios or more i shall have one representative for ■ every full ratio. Every city contain . ing a population equal to a ratio ' shj 11 ..met separately its proportion of the representatives allotted to the county in which it is located. Every ! city entitled to more than idur rep resentatives, and every county hav ing over one hundred thousand in habitant-. shall lie divided into dis • tricts of compact and contiguous ter ritory, each district to elect its pro portion of representatives according to its population, but no district shall elect more than four representatives. See. 18. The General Assembly at its first session after the adoption of this constitution, and immediately after each I nited States decennial census, shall apportion the State in to Senatorial and Representative districts agreeably to the provisions iof the two next preceding sections. ARTICLE 111. Legislation. Sec. 1. No law shall be passed ex cept by bill, and no bill shall lie so I altered or amended on its passage through either house as to change its original purpose. See. 2. No bill snail lie considered ' unless referred to a committee, re turned therefrom, and printed for the use of the members. Sec. 3. No bill, except general ap propriation bill.-,, shall be passed con j tuining more than one subject, which ■ siiall be clearly expressed in its title. Sec. 4. Every bill shall be read at length on three different days in each | house; all amendments made thereto snail I>e printed lor the use of the J urn in bers before the final vote is ta- i ken on the bill, and no bill shall be | come a law unless on its final passage , . the vote is taken by yeas ancl nays, | ; the names .it' the persons lotmg for ' and against the same lie entered oi:i ; the journal, and a majority of tin* j memliers elected to eaen house be re-; ; coaled tncreon as voting in its favor, j i Sec. 5. No amendment to bills by \ <*ne hoc.-se shall be concurred in bv the other, except by the vote ol'a i ui ijorily of the members elected j jliu:re'..:>, taken by was and nays, and j , t e names id tiiose voting for ami | against recorded upon tlie journal l , ; thereof; and reports of committees J |ot conference shall be adopted in I either house only by the vote of a j majority of the members elected j thereto, taken by yeas and nays and i the names of those voting recorded j upon liu join rial. , > c. < . No law snail he revived,! [ .inn n-led, or I lie provisions thereof j extended or conferred by reference j io its title oiilv. but so inueii thereof i • ' ;A- i- revived, amended, extended, or j j ••• nieiTeb, shall be re-enacted au.i j . übimmd at length. Sec. 7. fix General Assembly shall 1 not pass any local or special law : author zing the creating, extension, o impairing ol liens ; regulating tlx i | xiiairs of counties, cities, town-hips. 1 | warn-, boroughs, or school districts . . changing the names of persons or, place-; changing the venue in civil: ior criminal cases; authorizing tlx mying oih, opening, altering, <u ; maintaining roads, highways, street or alleys; relating to ferries or 1 j bridges, or incorporating ferry or | ! bridge companies, except for the, I erection of bridges crossing streams j • w tiich Ibrin the boundaries between 'tins and any other State; vacating; roads, tov u plats, streets or alleys: relating to cemeteries, graveyards, i | or public, grounds not of tne State; j | authorizing the adoption or lcgitimu i tion of children : locating or changing I county seats, erecting new counties ior changing county liin*>; incorpo < latiug cities, towns or villages, or changing their charters; for the open ing and conducting of elections, or j j fixing or changing the place of vot ing: granting divorces; erecting new i ~ C* * © I , townships or boroughs, changing) ! township lines, borough limits m*: i school districts: creating offices or l | prescribing the powers and duties of • olfieers in counties, cities, boroughs, j townships, election or school (lis- : itricts; changing the law of descent; lor succession; regulating tlie prac-1 tice of jurisdiction of, or changing | , the rules ol evidence in any judicial j ■ proceeding or inquiry' before courts, | aldermen, justices of the peace, slier : ids, commissioners, arbitrators, audi tors, masters in chancery or other tribunals, or providing or changing { I methods for the collection of debts I or the enforcing of judgments, or' prescribing the effect of judicial sales • of real estate; regulating the fees, or extending the powers and duties of aldermen, justices of the peace, j magistrates or constaqles; regulat- i ing the management of public schools, (lie building or repairing of school houses and the raising of money for such purposes; fixing the rate of in terest ; affecting tlie estates of minors or jiersons under disability, except after due notice to all parties in in-' teiest, to la* recited in the special enactment; remitting fines, penalties and forfeitures, or refunding moneys legally paid into the Treasury; ex empting property from taxation; regulating labor, trade, mining, or manufacturing; creating corpora tions, or amending, renewing or ex tending the charters thereof; grant ing to any corporation, association or individual any special or exclusive privilege or immunity; to any cor poiation, association or individual the i igiit to lay down a railroad track. Nor shall the general assembly indi rectly enact such special or local Jaw by the partial repeal of a general law, but laws repealing local or special acts mav be passed. Nor shall any law |>c passed granting powers or privileges in any ease whoie the granting of such powers and privi leges shall have been provided for by general law. nor where the court have jurisdiction to grant the same or give the relief asked for. Sec s. No local or special bill shall be passed unless notice of the in tention to apply therefor shall have been published in the locality where the matter or the thing to IK* effected j may be situated, which notice shall I be at least thirty days prior to the ' introduction into the general assem jblyof suc'h bill, and in the manner 1 to be provided by law; the evidence of such notice having been published, ; shall be exhibited in the general as sembly before such actshall be passed. Sec tl. The presiding officer of each ' house shall, in the presence of the house over which he presides, sign all bill- and joint resolutions passed by the general assembly, after their titles haven been publicly read imme diately before signing, and the fact lof signing shall be entered on the journal. Sec 10. The general assembly - shall preserilie by law the nunilier. I duties, and compensation of the ol!i --jcers and employes of each house, and !no payment shall be made from the j state treasury, or be in any way au thorized to any person, except to an | acting officer or employe elected or appointed in pursuance of law. i Sec 11. No bill shall lie passed j giving any extra compensation to any public officer, servant, employe, | agent or contractor, after services | shall have been rendered or contract made nor providing fort lie payment of ; any claim against the commonwealth | without previous authority of law. ; Sec 12. All stationery, printing, i paper and fuel used in the legislative j and other dtpartments of government j shall be furnished, and the printing, binding and distributing of the laws, journals, department reports and all other printing and binding, and the: repairing and furnishing the halls and rooms n-ed for the meetings ofi (the general assembly and ils com mittees, shall be formed under con | ;iact. to be given to the lowest ic ! ponsible bidder beiow such maximum i price and under sm ii regulations as shall IK; pres.-rilied by law ; no meni j her or officer of an\ department of I ihe government shall be in any way interested in such contracts, and all! such contracts shall be subject to I the approval of i he governor, auditor \ i general and state treasurer. Sec 13. No law shall extend the . term of any public officer, or increase . or iliininisli his salary or emoluments i after his election or appointment. Sec 14. All bills for raising reve nue shall originate in the house of ; representatives, but the senate may propose amendments as in other bills, j Sec 15. The general appropriation : j bill shall embrace nothing but ap- j j propriatioiis for the ordinary expen- i ses of tin* executive, legislative and; judicial departments of the common-j wealth, interest on the public oebt • i and for public schools; all other ap- • j propriatioiis shall be made by sopa- j rate hills, each embracing but one subject. Sec ifj. No money shall lie paid out of the treasury except upon ap propriations made by law aim on warrant drawn by the proper officer ; in pursuance thereof. Sec 17. No appropriation shall be • made to any charitable or education- I al institution not under tile absolute ! control of the commonwealth, other than normal schools established b_v law for the professional training of teachers for the public schools of the* state, except b\ a vote of two-thirds : .If all the members elected to each ; house. j Sec 18. No appropriations except ; for pensions or gratuities for military services shall be made for charitable, educational or benevolent pui posce, to any person or community, nor to any denominational or sectarian in } stitulion, corporation or association." Sec it). The general 'assembly may ' make appropriations of money to in ; stitutious wherein the widows of sol | diers are supported or assisted or the orphans of soldiers are maintained and educated ; but such appropriation ; shall be applied exclusively to the , support of such widows and orphans. Sec 20. The general assembly shall not delegate to any special commis sion, private corporation or associa tion. any power to make, supervise J or interfere with any municipal ini provement, money, property or ef fect-. whether held in trust or other wise, or to levy taxes or to perform any municipal function whatever. Sec 21. No act of the general as sembly shall limit the amount to be recovered for injuries resulting in death, or for injuries to persons or property, and in case of death from such injuries, the right of action shall survive, and the general assembly shall prescribe for whose benefit such actions shail be prosecuted; no act shall prescribe any limitations of time within which suits may be brought against, corporations for iu juries to persons or property, or for , other causes different from those i fixed by general laws regulating ac tions against natural persons, and ■ such acts now existing are avoided. See 22. No act of the gene al as sembly shall authorize the invest ment of trust funds by executors, ad niinist rators. guardians, or othei trustees, in t he bonds or st ock of any private corporation, and -uch acts now existing are voided, saving in vestments heretofore mad* Sec* 23. The power to change the venue in civil and criminal eases shall lie provided by law. Sec 24. No obligation or liability of any railroad or other corporation, held or owned by the commonwealth -hall never be exchanged, transferred, remitted, postponed, or in any way diminished by the general assembly, nor shall such liability or obligation ' be released, except by payment thereof into the -late treasury. See 25. When the general a-si m blv shall be convened in special ses sion. there shall be 110 legislation up ■ on subjects other than those desig nated in the proclamation of the governor, calling such session. See 23. Every order, resolution >r vote to which the concurrence of both houses may be necessary (except on the question of adjournment i shall j be presented to the governor. and bo fore it shall take effect tie approved 1 *>y him, or being disapproved, shall |be repassed by two-thirds of both houses, according to tlie rulesand lim itations prescribed in case of a bill. Sec 27. No state office -haii lie j continued or created for the inspec tion or measuring ol any merehaii i disc, manufacture or commodity, but any county or municipality may • appoin' such officers win n a ffhor'/.ed • by law. See 2 s . No iaw changing'the L>ea tion of the capital of the state -hall i ■ be valid until the same -hall have' been submitted to the qualified elector-- of ihe common weal lli. at a general election, and rati tied and ap i prov ed by them. j Sec 2fi. A member of :h( general : assembly who shall solicit, demand. ! or receive, or consent to receive, di j rectlv or indirectly, for himself or ! for another, from any company, cor poration, or person, an\ money , of-j flee, appointment, employment. t n -- monial, reward, thing of value or enjoyment, or of personal ad ' vantage or promise thereof, for his vote or official intlie nee, or for vvitli ; holding the same, or with an uttder j standing, e\pic.-se<l or implied, that : his vote or official action -nati be in ; any way influenced the") by. or who I shall solicit or demand any such ■money or. other advantage, matter, or thing aforesaid f< i another, as the ' consideration of his vote or official influence, or for withholding the same, or -hall give or withhold his rote or influence in consideration of; the payment or promise of such money, advantage, matter, or thing .to another, shall be held guilty of. i bribery within the meaning of this j constitution, and shall in<*ur the dis abilities provided thereby for said j offense, and such additional punish ment as is or shall be provided by law. Sec 30. Any person who shall. <!:- I rectlv or indirectly, offer, give, or | promise any money, or thing >f value, testimonial, privilege. <>r personal | advantage, to any executive or jndi cial officer or member of the general ! assembly*, to inthu m e him in the per formance of any of his public or of ficial duties, slntll he guilty <*(' br bery, and be punished in such man . nor a- shall be pr<>\ i.led 1 y law. : See 31. The offense of corrupt so licitation of members of the general j assembly oT of public officers of the •'state, or of any municipal division thereof, and any occupation or j practice of solicitation of such mem bers or officers, to inllucnce their of fieial action, shall be defined by law. | and shail be punished by line and iin | prisonment. j Sec 32. Any person may lie eoiu -1 polled to testify :n any lawful invi -ti j gation or judicial proceeding, against.. any person who may lie charged with i ■ j having committed fh** offense of bri berv or corrupt solicitation, and shall j not be permitted to withhold his tes- j ! timony upon the ground that it may j : criminate himself or subject him to 'public infamy; but such testimony' shall not afterwards be used against i • tiim in any judicial proceeding, ex cept for perjury in giving such testi i mony, and any persvni convicted of . cither of the offense- aforesaid, shall as part, of the punishment therefor, , IK* disqualified from holding any of fice or position of honor, trust or . profit in this commonwealth. Sec 33. A member who has a per ! sonal or private interest in any nica- - lire or bill proposed or pending IK - . fore the general assembly .-hull dis . close the fact to the house ot which he , is a member and shall not vote there on. • JVIIIIcLKJV. I : f'/rt: L.T< <htjrr. Sec ]. Tlie executive department of i this shall consist of a. i governor, lieutenant governor, secretary • of the commonwealth, attorney gen crab auditor general, state treasurer, secret a rv of internal affairs and a superintend ent of public instruct ion. Sec 2. The supreme executive jiowtr shall be vested in the governor, who shall take care that the laws IK* faithfully txe j cutvd; tie shall l* cltosen on the day of 1 tie* general election by the qualified elec • tors of the commonwealth at the places 51.75 ft YEAR wherethey slmll vote for lvprt senlatives. The r turns of every election for gover nor shall be sealed no and rramunitbd to the sent of govern mr nt duveted totii • president of the senate,, uic* shall o|x-u and publish them in the on -em-eof but it houses of tin-general as;* mbly. The per son having the highest number of votes shall ix- governor, bitt it two or lyorob equal and highest in vi t s one of tin t■< ; shall lie chosen governor hy the vote of t Iteniemitersof hot h lioust s, < on tested elections shall liedetern.ined I.v . committee to lie selected from both ious es of the general assemble and fprtned and regulabd in such number as shall lie directs d bylaw. Sec 3. Lite governor shall hdjd his of fice during four years front the tliir-' Tuesdav of January ne\t et suing bis i election ami shall not he eligible to tla* otlice for the next succeeding term. See 4. A lieutenant governor shall le chosen at the same time, in the same manner, for the same term and subject to the same provisions as the governor; he shall be president of the senate but shall have no vote unit ss they he equal \ dividi d. See >. \o ]x I'son s'.,;.i] )>. cligibl*- to the oitiee of governor or lieutenant gov ernor i \- ept a eitiv; >n of the I 'liitid States who shall have attained the ng< of thirty year sand tiavelreen Seveny ears next preceding his election an inlabi taut of the slate, unless 1 e shall have lieeu absent on t he public business of the I nited Mat. so of tins si ate. See. U. No member oft 'engross or per- Ason holding any otliee under the I Hittd ! "states or this State shall exercise the. >f liee o| go\ erii>if or lieuteuauf governor. Sec. 7. The (bivernct -hail be i on,- m.inder-in-ehief of the army of tin* com ; mnnweaith and of the militia, except when they shall he called intotht itctinil strv ice of the. I niti i! -tab -er s. if,- shall in minute c <i b\ at < with tlf consent of t\vo4!tirdsot all tin |un mk r.-; of tin , re, appoint n cth - i tary -ft he. ■ nithonwealf h ami an attor ney gem ra! during l•<■*; -u • a -upci in , tern ten I ol pt bit: liitl: c-t c>n for four j years ami siieh oil:, r office! so! ' I,.■m- ; moiiwealth as IK- is or may U- author 1 /" .1 hy the constitution or bv law t<> appoint; lie sh.iil iia\e po \. rto I'd d! vc-amd, - that luav hapjteu in ntiic* s to wl ieh lc may appoint dining the r> <•• -- of the , senate be granting < oiuiih--ons \vh'<" • shall expire at the end of ilcir lcwt s, ■ sioii: he shall have power to til! ;illx v. - cau.-y thai inav happei lin ingii. ve< • -s of the senate m tin office of aediiorg. e eral.sta'.e treasurer, s retai\ of iutei - nal affairs or s;i]K riutendei i of pubi;.- instruct ion, in a judicial oihei or in ;■ i , other e!t (i\e ol.■< ■•* whah h soru. i i l>e cilit i.ori.od to lib; if tic . wauey s 11;• I , hupp n during the sessi m of ilie senate tlicgoveinoi hail mot male to tic -ei,,-..-- l their mail a .journnc lit. a ;t opt r person to Itil s„ld \.c tic >• bm in any such \.c ant > in an <1 •.•;\. o''.."c a!.-• Sol. si in; I lie !.t s.t ii to si. •! oli, ;.l to next gi nerelelecttrnr, inih : o--t.c"c shall hap}a i' vxifhui turcc ■•■nlemlar liiotiLlis immediutei'x pli • < ti" sf 11. v t ion. in vv iiiel. i . s. i ji. . leeti in for .ii• t other o' n ■ •! at tin - c . 1 0,1 •('. Ed ing genera < i.-ct ion. .n , <•! • c. \eeu ' with t>|...■ d 0..- a.• in eotiliiniin :o, rejeeini tin liotiiinat•••!'., of P.. gover nor the :• ;ir i d,- ii . .r-as and nays and shall lie intered <: i; lie journal. "St'C 'a. lit- si-ai; liave |. Wt r to renin lilies and • r ■ : nr.- io gran 5. J-.j-: v- > 1 oiiiiuu o ■ s. ni-u >• and pardons, except in cast sof iuqicachmciit but n., pardon granted noi sentcnc : ConimuUtl ' 'XCCJii lie 1 • 'Mill llt I - ation i.i writ ing "i 'h- li, ui .ant go. etlioi . seM'ct, . M till 1 • IIIIU M'.'.ealTll. altoim > grin r. I auu -> > o !a■ tot sidei - nil artairs. any three ol litem, afb 1* tiii! hearing, itfion due pobliti not ice ami i.u o]K'ii session, ami -unh met mmeiida - ' ion. \< il'i Ih< ■•< -ons th ..lot fcliiigli, she ! t?e ice aded ami 1. .din li t ■ Hi-• • ot the set- .'taiy o. "hi e> nmc i.w<alt' >.•. It*, ii.-may p: re Cibr matc 11 iu writing from Iheoiticersof thct xt • ut i\e *le|>artiic. Nt up. u any subject relet ii"- e< the duties of their r< spclive otliet -• v > c 11. 11. shall, fcoin to t n. . gi \t* t<. ,hc - i'lit l'al ass. iabjy itiformati* 1 i>l the stati <>l tl.e >. 1 iiucn wt ;illli a1 c 1 . 1 i-iaiiinelitl to their * ■ aisiueta. • ; ■> .1 measures as he may jc.tlge exiH tlienl. c <'< 1-. lie 111:: y, oh IMI oi*lu..,iy ... C.ts.. '.i.i. Col Vein lh" gt-r.craf arenililv ami in ••• >1 thsngn < nit nt in 1 \\ en ti >■ tVu li UiiCS W'it'l lisp, <1 li) LllC liliil it adjouriitiienl. at!v m u them t.sU"h tine a lie : iuti! ihinh pi'ojs-r. n*>t • xeeeding lour tenths. f{e shall av.- p..\,er i>. eotn erie t be senate in ev 1 i.i.roinat \ MT sioii, by (aoelamatlo)i, 1* r the tiaiisac- Lictt of executive Uc.--t.ic.-.-. - t'.ou mi im, ad mil .it. failure to qnalit *. resignation or olhci disabihtyol t at go\- 1 ernor, the powers, dimes and eiiioiu ; incuts of the office for t lie reuiaiin'ci I the term, vr Until the tti.-sibiiil.v ix* iv ! moved,shall dtSolvc aiKUi Uu Ic uttuact, ; governor. Sue 14. In case of a vai .tney in the uf j rtqe.oj licixlcituul govcrnui. or when the : lieutenant governor sand i*. itiqica* .* d j by the house of reprt sentatives or shall i be uuahie to cxurciae die dates of ins office, the powers, duties and tmoln- I men is thereof for the rt-mauitier of ll.e term, or until the disability be rcncvid, shall *k ro've upon the prcsiih ij'. pto Lp impure, ( t the senate; and tic pivsi -1 dent. pi : tcmpoi', ci ILc sciiaU? shall ut ith* manner bccOiiieg-vi "a a ;t . .\m cv or disability shall o,cuc iu the othce of govm not; t' is.-calasSeiiat". sliall Is : c-t nut vacant wiienevci he sla-dl bionc govencr aid s 1 all La till-d by clcclicu as any otb,a vacancy in the sclu.t "see. 1 *. lively bill which .shall ba.o pass*d bOtll lioUst s be pitM* ii-.' dto the gov- Tie a; il lit approve! csii.dl -i/u it; but if he shall dot approve he sited return it with his object.- .*Ua to the Icuso in whu 1 it originatfcd, which house shall enter the ejections at laige upou tucir journal and pro*bm-onslact i'. If. MU.-h O ■: : .1- tw-. lin ids t* all the ac lube! :, I !• ell .! Lo Iturt i.oU.M sl.illag.e. '"pass lie. bill il simli • cut with II bjcctioils to li e oilier ! c >ll-4", i l>\ which lib" w it shall bt re :oi: -iilel> cd, and ;l approved le. I vvo-llm il - oi all the rre uilxnst-iet tedt<* thai louse ii shaft ! be'a law; but lit StWJll ca-es Uic voles of IKUII houses shall be d< lerioimd by y. arid tiaysanU tin nana a-d the" !u< mo. 1 ' voting for against the bU! slntll lx enter ed on the journals ot each house r< p* . ivelv. If any bill shall uot be reun ucd by tile goVei hoc v\ ithin ten day - i Ler o. shall have been presented to liirn, the same shall be a law in like manner us if
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers