COMPOSITIONS. "My dear Teacher Toads are fun ny Things they have long legs and they can leap verry Far they sleep on the ground and grassy banks of Brooks they get there Food by sly ness they will lye down in the Sun where the Grashoppers come they lye their and appeare to be asleap and a Grashopper conies Up and all at once they feal themselves caught and Swallowed the color of the toad is Brown with black strips all up and down its Back, iw eyes are green with green Eyelids. I cant write env more so good Bye Willie L Edwards." "That's very good, indeed," said Walter's mother; "but I see a good many mistakes in spelling. Hadn't you better correct them?" "0, no! The teacher'll mark'em," be replied, carelessly. Walter's was not as long. It was as follows: "My dear teacher A Toad has four legs and is a harmless creature, the toad can spit fire see how he try s to get out of your way the Toad is very i usefull his neck is all the time going in and out it hops along as pleasently as ever some bad boys like to plague the poor thing and it has tow eyes j like we have if you Handle the toad you will have wats and it has a little head so good by "Walter James Simmons." ; REV. Henry Highland Garrett, P. P., formerly of Avery College, Alle gheny City, but now pastor of Shi loh church, New York city, has been in vited to assume the office of President of Alcorn University at Rodney, Miss., vice ex-Senator Revels, at the salary of $2500 and a furnished house; but owing to the struggling condi tion of his church, Dr. Garnet has felt it his duty to accept the flatter ing offer. A IIACK-DRIVER was made happy in Illinois the other day by receiving an appointment to the Military Acad amy at West Point. The appoint ment was made by competitive exam ination, and the young hack-driver, whose name is Murphy, whose age is twenty-one years and who never at tended school but two years and a half, carried off the prize from fifteen competitors. The jubilant Jehu is said to have been an ornament to his calling. He neither drinks, smokes, nor chews, and lie has employed his leisure time in study. Such a man can hardly be spared from the hack driving fraternity, but if his success shall have the effect to stimulate his brethren in the profession to a sober and studious behavior, his absence from the box will be no small gain to the traveling community. A LARGE number of the ablest phy sicians in New York and vicinity have just signed a paper expressing their opinion that alcoholic liquors is not only the cause of a large proportion of our crime and pauperism, but that alcohol should be regarded as a dan gerous and powerful drug and its traffic confined by law to the pur poses of medicine, science and the arts. When Drs. Delafield, A. Clark, AY ilia rd Parker, 0. R. Agnew, Ste phen Smith, A. C. Post and many other such men sign such a paper, we may be pardoned for believing Maine Law men are not all ignorant bigots. READ " W hatch 's Rhetoric."— Read ten pages a day, then turn back and read them carefully again before you put the book by. You will find it a very pleasant book, and it will give you a great many hints for clear and simple expression which you are not so likely to find in any other way 1 know. AN KLOQI KNT PARAGRAPH. —John Stuart Mill's great work on "Liber ty" was dedicated to his wife in this most touching ami eloquent para graph, embodying as great a compli ment as was ever paid a woman by mortal man: "To the beloved and deplored me mory of her who was the inspirer and in part the author of all that is best in my writings—the friend and wife whose exalted sense of truth and right was my Strongest incitement, airtl whose approbation was my chief re ward—l dedicate this volume. Like all 1 have written for many years it belongs as much to her as to me; but the work as it stands has had. in a very insufficient degree, the inesti mable advantage of her revision; some of the most important portions having been reserved for a more care ful re-examination, which they are now destined never to receive. Were I but capable of interpreting to the world one-half the great thoughts and noble feelings which are buried in her grave, I should be the medium of a greater benefit to it than is ever likely to arise from any thing that I can write, unassisted and unprompt ed by her all but unrivaled wisdom." Mrs. Mill lios buried at Avignon, long the home of the well-mated pair and in the spring of every year since her death he has made a pilgrimage to her grave. During the last ot these visits he died. WILL IT NEVER GO OCT? —The Chicago fiiter-Ocean , of April 19th, says: It is a year, six months and nine days since the fire of October 9th, 1871, and }*< t strange to relate, two gentlemen claim that the cham pion blaze of creation has not sub sided yet. While a party of gentle men yesterday were passing the ru ins of the Catholic Brothers School, on Van Buren street, east of Claik. their attention was attracted by the escape of smoke, and out of curiosity, tliey instituted an investigation. After making an excavation a small pile of glowing coals were reached, and when the air came in contact with it a vigorous flame burst forth. The discoverers resolved to make the fact memorable and accord ingly, obtaining some potatoes, roast ed them by the fire, ate a lunch, then j lit some cigars at the blaze, covered j the live coals over with brisk and de- i parted. U 0 2 OTTDSCiRJiBiE for lie . , n Journal HIIU News Etem. ELDRIDGE BROTHERS, SPECIAL AGENTS KOH WOODWARD A SHOWN, WEBER, M.VTHrsiIEK, ami 1 CHICKERING PIANOS, A LH( >. George Woods' Celebrated Organs. PILLAR'S NEW MASONIC HALL BUILDING, ! (Xcur I fowl t Hotixe,) WELLSVILLE. N. Y. ■ DEALERS in all kinds of MUSICAL MERC HAN DISK, SHEET Ml SIC, AC. TI'NIXO and REPAIRING PIANOS A SPECIALTY. We invite ttie Public to examine and criticise the WOODWAKD A BROWN Pianos, and GEO. WOODS' OqiM. t f J. GLftSE & SOfi, Carpenters & Joiners, Coudersport, Penri'a. ; CON i'PACTS taken for all kinds of BI ILDING— arid materials furnished. ; DOORS. BLINDS and s\s|l kept constantly on hand or mauufabtured to order. C \SII paid for PINE LUMBER. J. GLASE & SON. The SINGER is the best machine for all work. According to sworn returns there \M-re over 45,000 more sold last year than any other kind made. A. A!. Hrynoltls, Agent. PHOTOGRAPHS! HA\ INII arratijred my Light so as to obtain all those tine GrndntionN of Sluule i so esst uiial to a BEAfTiFt L PHOTOGRAPH, I re pectfully solieit your patronage. I make all the leading styles of Pholograpiis and Feireotypes, i from a CARD Picrrna to a LIFE-SIZE PORTRAIT —finished in UNTXDXA. 11ST K , WATER COLORS or OIL COPYING of OLD PICTURES made a special A large Stock of Walnut, gosfuood and fiilt Picture Frames Square and Oval, ON HAHD AND TOE 8 A I.E. work guaranteed to give satisfaction. M. T. LYNDE Photograph Gallery, SECOND STREET East of MAIN, (Dike' 1 # lluilding.) COUDERSPORT, PA. ENOCH MORGAN'S SAPO L I O is a substitute for Soap for all Household j purposes except washing clothes. SAPO L I O for cleaning your House will save the labor of one cleaner. Give it a trial. SAPO L I O for Windows is better than Whiting or Water. No removing curtains or car pets. SAPO L I O < cleans Paint and Wood, in fact the en tire house better than Soap. No slopping. Saves labor. You can't afford to be with out it. SAPO L I O for scouring Knives is better and clean er than Bath Brick. .Will not scratch. S A P O L IZ O Is 1 etter than Soap anil Sav' for polish ing Tinware. Brightens without scrateh- SAPO L I O polishes Brass and Copper utensils bet ter than Acid or Oil and Rotten stone. SAPO L I O for Washing Dishes and Glassware is in valuable. Cheaper than Soap. SAPO L I O removes Stains from Marble Mantels, Tables and Statuary, from Hard-finished Walls, and from China and Porcelain. SAPO L I O removes Stains and Grease from Car pets and other woven fabrics. There i no oiienrtirleknitwu fhnf will ilo so Minis of work mill <lo it on well on well ns Sapuliu. Try it. HAND S A POLIO a new and wonderfully effective Toilet Soap, having no equal in this country or abroad. HAND S A I* 0 L I O as an article for the Bath "reaches the foundation" of all dirt, opens the pores and gives a healthy action and brilliant tint to the skin". HAND S A P 0 L I () Cleanses and Beautifies the Skin, In stantly removing any stain or blem ish from both hands and face. HAND S A I * ( ) L I 0 is without a rival in the world for curing or preventing roughness and chapping of either hands or face. HAND S A I * ( ) I j J O removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink stains .V Grease; for workers in Ma chine shops, mines, Ac, is invaluable. For making the Skin white and soft and giving it a "bloom of beauty," it is unsurpassed by any C.suietlc known. HAND S A I* () IJ I O co.>ts lu to "5 cents per cake and everybody should have it. You will lik Don't fail lo try these Goods. liny it of your merchant if he has it or will procure it for you. It not, write lor our Pamphlet."All about Sapolio," mill it will be mailed free. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, 20 Park Place. N. Y. 2446a26-eow S. F. HAMILTON BOOK <(• JOB BBIXTEB S. W. corner MAIH and THIHD Streets, (OVER TIIE TOST OFFICE,) COUDERSPORT, PA, UTICA STEAI ENGINE CO. (Formerly WOOD A MANS.) t STATIONARY & PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES. Tlic lk'st and Most Complete Assortment in the Market. These Engines have always maintained the verv | ! highest standard of excellence. We make the i I manufacture of Engines, Bi iiers ,v Saw Mills a spe- j cialty. We have the largest A- most complete works j of the kind in the country, wilu machinery speci- i We keep constantly in process large numbers of ! Engines, which we furnish at the very lowest prices and on the shortest notice. We build En gines specially adapted to Mines, Saw-mills, Grist mills. Tanneries, Cotton-gins, Threshers and all classes of manufacturing. \\ e are now building the celebrated Lane Circu lar Saw-mill the best and most complete saw-mill ever invented. We make the manufacture of saw-mill outfits a special feature of our business and can furnish complete on the shortest notice. Our aim in all cases is to furnish the best ma chinery in the market and work absolutely une- 1 quailed for beauty of design, economy A strength, j Send for Circular and Price List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. M-43r;iSp I TICA. V v. OYSTERS. A. H. PEIRCE, Wholesale and lielail OYSTER DEALER, COUDERSPORT, PA. Oysters bv tl.e Can, Quart, Gallon Hundred and j " Thousand received daily. Families, Parties and Festivals supplied on short J notice. The Trade furnished at reasonable rates. Give me a trial and I can suit you. 0 4 _02i A. H. PEIRCE. Old Sewing Machines of any make repaired in a workmanlike manner. A. M. REYNOLDS, Arjent. BOOTS and SHOES ! John Denhof, World) respectfully inform the citizens that he continues the manufacture ol BOOTS AND SHOES ill bis new Stand, MAIN STREET below MARKET, (South of the Bridge,) 1 ALL work done in a workmanlike manner reasonable rates, A GOOD F1 GI . R NT I 1 I Give him a call. i Before purchasing elsewhere call and examine the SINGER MACHINE. A. 31. Reynolds, Agent, Office in Olmsted Block, Cou&erspcrt, ]i. . . - A BEAUTIFUL *8 CHBOMO i FREE I" TO ALL LOVERS OF ART AND LITEKA -1 TIKE. "ityt; will send the Beautiful Cliromo entitled i \\ "The Unwelcome Visitor," postage pre paid. as a premium to every subscriber to our ; monthly maga/ine called the ;IIC M H I.l'. P,EE, ' contains tlurtv-two large pages. besi<!es tin - ' ver, filled with tlie best and most interesting reading. Price, only SI a YEAR! ' Send on your Imllar and g<;t a dollar magazine i and an eight dollar ohroino in return. Bsintple i eonv set free on receipt of stamp. We want and will liberally pay A (i 1-1 IN* r is . Semi stamp for particulars. Address m 31 HI.K HEF, Albion, Illinois. r! '• Singer, Grover & Tlaker, leather ttutl icommon Needles, Thread and t)ilUe[t constantly on hand. A. M. Reynolds, Agent. H. D. TREADWELL, —OF — Wellsville, N. Y., I 1 Has just returned from New York with a large stock of Boots and Shoos, LEATHER & SROE FUNGS, LOOK AT THE PRICES! WOMEN'S SLICI-EKS from s('c. to K1.75 " LSATHEK LACE BOOTS 90C. " 1.73 " MOROCCO " " 81. 00 " 1.25 MEN'S THICK BOOTS 2.50 " 4.00 " KIP " • 2.73 " 4.50 Small Shoes, front 30 cents upwards. Sole Leather, 30 rud 31 cents per pound. Shoe Findings of all kinds, verycheap. j Remember the place,—directly opposite the j Howell House. 11. I. TBHABIVEM,. AGENT. M. H. BIBCE, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN iJapcc SSSltntioto Sijaor, OIL CLOTHS, ldic., No. i2lB Main St., 2434 ly* BUFFALO, N. Y. _ . .Ai-fCt-S -ssnon snn '"<" i j pasßq.und rimhiS tio aioj SA'u u[ übj sjouioji-n.) 'spntuq snonmj a'UBIIOs. ; jaqjo SB IIS.W s 'oaavaox f>xiM3n.->..K.Ui\;HMI puiUH poißJqaiao Aljsnf am lo sjsjiUjbjuuuHl *A W 'OTYTTXUI 'JOOJJS OS -V i L, OO v SIAIVQV W v THE "SILVER TOMUE" ORGANS For PARLOR, CHURCH and SCHOOL. MANUFACH KED BY E. P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED IN 184C>. Nos. 143, 145 and 147 East 22d St., New "Y'orlr. Resjionsib'e parties applying for agencies in sec tions still misapplied will receive prompt atten tion mid libera! inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our authorized agents may order from our factory. Scad for an illustrated p.'ce list. ' 28010.26 FRENCH'S MEW HOTEL. COR. CGRTLANDT & NIW CHURCH STS., fJ. Y. On the European Plan. RinJAitn P. FRENCH, Son of the late Col. Rich ard French, of French's Hotel, has taken this Ho tel, newly fitted up and entirely renovated the same. Centrally located in the business part of the ritv Ladles' and Gentlcmens' Dining Rooms Attached. la 4 AGENTS WANTED. In everv com tv of qic-h State, for a new Nation al Book." (TDK LIVES AND PORTRAITS OF THE PRKsJDEN'i s.) with fac simile copy of the Declaration of Independence, the C'onstitation of the Fniteil States and Washington's Farewell Ad dress, with 1" fine steel plates. For circulars at.d Terms address Johnson Wilson A Co., 2> lieek haiu St., New York. la 4 The vsry best plan Bv which you can obtain Life Insurance is the Low Premium, All Cash, Stock Plan, It furnishes the largest amount of insurance for a given sum of money. The contract Is plain and definite, without complication, mystery or uncertainty. The policy is always worth its face, the premium never increases. It i-the satisfactory and economical plan for the insurant.. THE TKAVEI - I 3KS INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn., i grants Life fasurauce upon this excellent plan. Its security is unquestioned. Apply to ai:y Agent I or send for ( ircular. Bor4 Agents wanteo for the New Bock. Epidemic & Contagious Diseases ; with the newest and best treatment for all cases. Ihe only thorough work ,f t'i • kind in the world. Embraces Sinallwox. Yellow Fever, Cho lera and aii gou.- .n-casc. NO FfIWIILI SAFE Wit : GUT IT, and all buy it. Has 24 chromatic il lustrations. ' The biggest chance of the season i for agents. Address 11. S. GOODSPEED A Co., ; 37 Paik Row, New York. Sr4 <;<}<>!> APIA i S AVA Hlllt M>U EVE IB BODY'S OWN HIYMI IAA by ('. W. Gi.KA.-ON, M. I>. !>cils rapidly, (me i'.gcnt | sold 100 in otic week. Apply at once to 11. N. V.o --j KINNEY A CO., Philadelphia, i'a. 00r4 A!rti Your Homes with the new Cliromo "Awake" and "Aslei p." Setts like wilt-tire. I iiw pair sent for fifty rents. A large discount to Agents. Address \V. F. CARPENTER, Foxboro, . Mass. 50r-i C/H '' Kl; *'KEK IN CASH to Agents. Every- U thing furnished ;Uid expenses i aid. hwJ A. COI 1.1 ER ,V CO., Charlotte, Midi. ' The La Croix Medical Dispensary, FSTABLILIII D IN 1537, Is the oldest A most successful institution in this : country for the treatment of Chronic and Sexual , Diseases. For terms of treatment call, or address | by mail, with statement of case, S. If. HI NSDON, •o4 :;i Maiden Lue, ARmy, N. Y. A GREAT OFFER I v.'llPdisposii of ion PIANOS ,v oI((..\NS <d lies/. rl<<sx maker.*, including WATERS', at extremely ;.o\ prices for cash. or part cub, and balance lit ] small monthly iiayiuents. Neu 7 o -tave tirst • class PIANOS, all modern improvements, for 1 $278 cash. Organs fBB, S7B. Dot RLE REED i ORGANS, *IOO; 4-STGP, $110; —'rt OP, SP2B, and , upwards. WATERS' CONCERTO PARLOR OF GAMS I ire the most beauttful and perfect in tone ever made. The CONCERTO STOP is the best ever placed in any Organ. It is produced by a third set of reeds* peculiarly voiced, the EFFECT of which is MOST CHARMING ami soi l. STIR j KING, while its IMITATION of the 111 MAN ; volcE is si PERI:. ttrmtWberal. ILLUSTKA -1 TEH CATALOGUE MAILED for one stamp. A liberal j discount to Ministers, Churches, Siiuduv-Schonls, i Lodges, ete. Abll.MS U A.\Tll>. 47r4 WANTED. i General and Local Agents, for the Bartraru j Sewing Machine, mode at Danbury, Conn. The : stillest, fastest, and easiest Lock-stitch, Straight ! Needle Machine in the market. We give better | terms than any other company. Address Joh.n A. Dodge, Gen'l Agent j 47r4 Itaiiburv. <Olll9. M ti.i. u i: v ( om'AXvs CRCAM TABLE CHOCOLATE No boiling necessary. A cup of delicious Choco late made with it in two minutes. No waste. Packed In pound jars. Vanilla or plain. One dot. in box. Fiieqnaled as a confection for lunch, spread on crackers, with a glass of milk at hand Ito drink. For making (Soda M ater Syrup or tla | voring Joe Cream it is superior to any Chocolate j made; and for Chocolate Cake, nothing else will be used where this has been tried. For sale bv i J. T. WARREN A CO., Cincinnati, O. 47r4 Write for a Price List to M. Ii JOIINSTOX. Great Western Gun Works, I No. 179 SMITHFIEI.O ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. Breech-loading Shot-guns, ?4o to s3on. Double ; shot-guns *s to fiM. Single Guns |ttos3o Rifles i to $75. Revolvers $8 to S2B. 1 istolsfl top. (fun : Material, Fishing Tackle. Large discount todeal . I ers or clubs. Army guns, Revolvers, etc., bought lor traded for. Goods sent by Express C. O. I), to j j be examined iefore paid for." 4r4 > Working Cl:i* maIeotFEMALE,*™a c '' week guaranteed. Re i -peetable employment at home, day or evening; ! no capital required; full instructions and valuable j pa< kage of goods sent free bt mail. Address, with 6cent return stamp. Si. )Ol NG <v Co., I# | *Tr4 * 173 Greenwich St., N. Y' TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE." NG MI.N .1- LADIES qualified for practi -1 eal operators at the Buffalo Teleg aph Instl • tute A C'ily Line Telegraph. Every graduate se '. | cures a position. The la?*gest arid most complete in America, \ddress, for circular and catalogue. C. L. BRYANT, Supt., Buffalo, N. V. srq Ir. T. *- Mlmrii'N 0yp>li"li Hl. DYSPEPSIA CURLD Dr Sharp's Specificcures Dyspepsia, LiverCotn j plaint. Constipation, Vomiting of Food, SourStoin ! Ht h Water Brush, Heartburn, Low spirits, Ac. In thlitv-five years never fallirg to care the most oiv ; stimite eases. Sold by druggists. C. v. Jones A 'Co 19 North Front St., Agents for Coudersport, I l'a!'lieiKit, 14ft Eighth St., N. \. Circulars mailed i on application. ' $3,000 for 20 Cts. ! ' j Before you start on a journey, buy an Accident Insurance Ticket of tile Etniln ay i'ueiiß'rs Aasitpance Co., of Hartford, Conn, i irkrts ! for sale at railroad stations. Ask for an Insurance j Ticket. 4r4 WYOMING SEMINARY AND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, ! One of ilie largest Boarding s Pools for both sexes in tlie I htted slat- s, six courses of study. >i!i --i tary tactics, Coininercial Oolieg" Course and Te!e *grapliiiig. Terms low.! icim opens Septem ber :tnl. Send for t'aiab-gue l • l.'ev. I>. ( OAK LAND, A.M., or I..L.SPKAOI E, Kingston, Pa. 4r4 CniLEPt4T£ £ COMKEP? SAL INSTITUTE. New Ha ven.Colin. Prsparatory toeollege or business. I Circulars sent on application. \VM. H. Itl'ssELL, I Principal. 4r4 Columbia Classical Intsitute. I A Boarding s -lioo) for Young Men and Boys. For I Circulars address KEY. 11. S. ALEXANDER, < o -1 liunbia, Pa. sr4 VFOKTI'NF. —How? By speculating in iocn-. and jit.l •. Capital, ?!•' to SIM; j will pav ?ion to f! tM> a month. Fe.ll ex <la nation ! --iit free. W. K. HI'BBELL A CO., Bankers and Brokers, 39 Wall St., New York. Ih>x 22>42. 4r4 $25 MONLY MADE FACT ~ iIOOO j By all who will work foi us. If upon writing you I do not find us all square, we will give you onedoi ! iar for vnnr trouble. Semi stamp for cir tilars to O. It.'ttl'4 SiEEY A 4 0.. i'ekonstia, Miell. s;4 I Ilaring struggled twenty years betwet u life and d .. ti with/STHe'A or PhiKISIU 1 • <|ier.meitel I myself by compounding mots and imibs, and in haling the Medicine tlius obtai ied. I fortunately discovered a most wondeiful remedy and sure I < ure for Asthma and its kindred diseases. \\ ar ranted to relieve the severest paroxysm liu-tantiv, >o the fiatient can lie down to red and sleep ewn, ONE TRIAL PACKAGE SENT BY j MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. Address D. LAX | (JELL, Apple Creek. Wayne Co., Ohio. sr4 PATENTS OBTAINED. No fees unless successful. Noieesui auvance. No charge for preliminary search. Send lor circulars. CONNOLLY BROTHKItB, Pes. F nth Phila delphia, Pa. A fie* Ninth st, We. hiiigton, D.O. 43r4 fr . Pftft perilay! Agents wanted! All class 1 ' !!p.4?L " f working peof! of either sex, -, miiig or old, make more money at work for us in : iheir spare moments, or all the time, than at any thing else. Particulars free. Addre.-s O. BTIN sON A CO.; Portland, Maine. Kr4 <;irj'TYKisi !< Katalysins Water Is the nearest appr. aeh t . ;■ -m f-i'ic ever discov ered for H.vspi p-.i.i. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Gravel, Hialietes, K) inev ,v i rli ury !>! -■ a -s g • ■ . erally. ft restores mnscul r power to to i i'arai.v i•. It cuVes Uv< r Complaint, hroulc Ugrhci, Pil"s. Com Til-at ion, A. tin. a, < atari h A i: onc.L.- tis, I'i.-ea.-e of Hi- -ki:>, Genera! Deis! it; A Ner vous I'ro.-tre.lio.i from . entaior Phy steal E.\-< •>- li is the OreiUe-f Xl.iV.o'- evt . i-e-n e vti for Excessive K-.ting or Drinking, it corrects the domach, promotes digest ion A rub vis the he:: 1 alloc 11 nun aiateiy. No household should be with out it. Pur sale l.y ;.!! Druggists. Z" "Fora history of the, medicgi reports of the power of water ov< r diseases, mat v. lions cures and ftirtestimonials f em dislibgmsh-ii m-n send for pamphlets. w i'lTNil GKcis., tieneral Agent-, it: s. Fn ut St., Philadelphia. 1 a. GtiTTYSBriiG SPKINd CO. 43r4 M' nvpv n:a,!e wJthsti ccliak >v check ".Nr. i iiafalognes A full particular* free. >. H. SPKXtiK, ill tiahovcr at. Boston. -r4 H OW "Tlx <ir the >rere( nut.— Mustai he A Wlii.--in 4.' d ;ys. This; SEAT ! .-tx'i.ET and 1< others. Gamblers* Tricke, Cardiol ogy. Viiitriloquisin, in all tha original BOOK OF • V. oNDl'tjs. Mali ■; f Address D.C. j CCTI Ki', Carthage,lllinois. Domestic PAPER FASHIONS. ELEGfIfiT IN DESIGN. FAULTLESS IN FIT W ANTED. Suucl for Ic \. Y. \A " YOU ASK ! n L TELL!" THE NEW DEPARTURE !?; EOOKS AGENTS WANTED. Fxelu'ive territory given The book wfl! s ii itselt. Fattier, Mother, Sitter, Bri ther, Ministf . Merchant. Manufacttin r. Fann er. Miner. Mariner ami Youi .-eif all wantlt. There Mom vin it. , nl for Circular. CUES! ER MAN AV, KBLTKR, fth N. -t.. i'iiilu. I'a. 43r4 We Want an Agent t ; 111 tltis township to canvass for the new, valuable and fast aeiiiiig book by Dr. JOHN COWAN, The Science of a New Life Ktconuiieiiiled and endorsed by prominent uti. is- I ters. physician*, n Hglotts and oecttlat papers. No | ntiier book" ilk- it pulaished. i'4n per we- k guar • I anteed. Address, COWAN A CO., 4T14 139 Eigh'ii St, New York. 12,000,000 ACRES. CHEAP FA U.MS. ; The Cheapest Lain Ilu Mai'ket for <>Ue by the Union Pacific Railroad Co., In tle Great Platte Valley. t{,(500,000 acres in Central \eltrnslia Now for side in tracts of forty acres anl upwards ' [on rive ami t.-n year-'credit ..t six percent. Nn | advance interest renal red. Mild and healthful cliniate, fertile soil, an abun ; •lame of (rood water. THE BEST MARKET IN WEST. The gnat l I Mini: rr rejrioiw of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and j \t vaila I.eiugsupplied i.\ the i'armers i:i the Platte 1 | Valley. Soldiers entiiled to a Hcmesiead ot (60 Acres. TilE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. i 1 KLE IIOMLs FOB A1.1.. Millions '1 Acres of i | eiioi, Govcriinieni lamia open for entry under the I Home lead Law, near ihi- Great Railroad, with j • .rood markets and all the conveniences of ail old j settles country. Free passes to purchasers of Railroad lands. i I Sectional Maps showing the I.and, also newedl- i j tion of Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, i ! mailed free everywhere. Address O. F. DAVIS, 43r4 Land Comr. U.P.Ii.R., UMAIIA, NEB. BI'CLELLAN'S INSTITUTE FOR BOYS i At \\ est Chester, Pa. A tieautifnl and elevated I situatin, 22 miles west of Philadelphia. Spacious i playgrounds with gvinuaslnin. students pre] tared for College, Polytechnic Schools or business, spe cial provisions 'made for very young boys. Many studenls remain, as boarders, during summer va cation. Session begins Sept. 10. Address Gbi ROBERT M. M'OLELLAN. STEVENSON & FOSTER, STATIONERS, PRINTERS, CINDERS. BLANK-300K MAKERS. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS tN IPUINTKKB' STOCK. j Flat papers, book papers, ruled billheads, letter | heads, cards, printing inks, etc., alwavs on ha-d j Hive us a call. Cor. Wood St. and Third Ave \ S2 and si Third Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 4sij4 Established in 1838. lie- Establ islied in 1809. C. C. Hammer & Sons, Manufacturers of Fine and Medium Fl'RNI | TI KE, of every description and price, hand-made : ano superior in style and quality than found in ! nmst or any other Furniture House this side of the : mountains. Photographs and Price Lists sent on application, lor when in the city don't forget the piece—Sign of i the iasge Golden Chair, ■ 46, 4S, anp 50 SEVENTH AVENUE, . 2436j IT PITTOBCTMIH. R.i Vinegar Bitten, PURELY VEGETAL 1,1-;. FREE FROM ALCOHOI DR. WALKER'S California Vinegar Sib, (iratefiil Thousautlsproclaim T-y EGAR LITTERS the most worderfni i ' v igornnt that ever sustained tli system. No Person ran take these Rj|f (1N according to direetions, ami remain unwell, provitled tlieir bones are nut ! stioved l>y mineral poison or 0 - ! means, and vital organs wasted U-. repair. Riliotis, Remittent aval Int iT . niittent Levers, which arc so|,.' .eat in the valleys of our great t. throughout tlie t'niteil State-.e-|n v ilioseofthe Mississippi, Ohio. Mis-y Illinois, Tennessee, Ca!nberl;md,Aii, sa.s, Led, Colorado, Lrazos, Kio Urn; > I Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savant .moke, James, and many others, "their vast tributaries, throughout,! entire country during the Summer Autumn, and remarkably so . sons of unusua-1 heat and dryii-. invarialily accompanied by cxtei:-.v. rangements of tho Ktomach ami 1 - and otln r abdominal ' iscera. hi t!y treatment, a purgative, exerting a; erful influence upon these various r. gans, is essentialiv necessary. T; ; . i.s no cathartic for the purpose equal; DR. J. WALKER'S VINEGAR HI'ITKIS as they will speedily remove the u , . colored viscid matter with which th bowels are loaded, at the same tig stimulating the secretions cf the ho und generally restoring the !.• aI;L functions of the digestive organ.-. Lorlii'y tit'-' body amiilist diseas by purifying all its fluids with YIMV.JJ LITTERS. NO epidemic can take kg of a system thus fore-armed. llysjmprta or liMiighsf inp, i: . ache, Pain in the .Should) .>. fm. Tightness of the C'iie i. i)iz/.;es.-. Kruetations of the Stomach, IhaF) in the .Mouth, Lilious Attacks, p-.r tation of the Heart, Inflaininatimi eft ; Lungs-, Pain in the region < f the h lieys. and a hundred other painl i sy: buns, ;ivc the oli'.-| rings , One bottle will prove a betterguaninti of its merits than a lengtl.y sulvcrtis-.- :n?Ht. Scrofula, or Li,;g*-; Evil, w; Swellings, river.-. Fry:ijiviii-, .Swviinl N--.-,' Goitre, Scrofulous liitluaubiai .> - . I mi' Inflammations, .Mercurial AtVevUn;, . ti Sores, Eruptions of the Sidn. Sor. lhi-.r Iu these, a- in all other t. uistituii<>:|i, Cases, \V A LKKK'S VI.VKOAU UtiTKKS 1.., shown their great eunitivo powct, \.v most ohstiiiate and iatraetabie ea-c-. Lor hiHoiiiiiitttcr. i.nil CIIIM;:;; I'itClUlHltislll, Gout, liilious. it. tent and intermittent Fevers. D: ca ihe Liootl, Liver. j\ iluev.- and lb t'aese Litters have no i qual. Sue'i hi - , ...e caa.-.-d io 1 ihoou. 3it'cii;:iiii't;l Risw-st's.— Persons< gaged in Paints and Minerals, such.: rlembers, Typ.-.-et:er<. Uold-Lcatcr-, aa Miners, as they advance in life, an- si ? to paralysis of the Lowe! . l'.> g J against this, take a dose of W ALKH' Va KGAK LtTTKits occasionally. Lor Skill Disoast's, Eruptions,!:] ter, Salt-Uheum, Ulotches. Spot-. I'in-' .| Pustules, Loils. Carbum-ie-. I,':, g-w- Scald-liead, Sore Eye-. Erv-ijiela-. Scurfs, I )i.-colorations of the Skin. II and Diseases of the Skin of whatever i-a or uaturc. are liiciail; dug lip and out of the system ill a short i y tkt..-< of these Litters.^ Pin. Tn jo', anil oilier Vioritiv j lurking in the system of so many liuue... are eileeiually destroyed and reuiovcil. ; -y-tem of iiiedicine, no verinifuges, nu. ■ iiielniinities will free tilesy.-lcni lieui vri. like these Litters. Lor Female < ontplainfs, iny : or old. married or ingle, at the dawn ■ 1 ■ j manhood, "r the tuni of life, these i' Litters display so decided an influence' intprovement is soon perceptible Cleanse ih ' Vitiated i'loiwL • ever you find its impurities our-taur thr the skin in Pimple-, Erupui -. r ' eleaime it when yti find it ob-t ; " ; sluggish in the wins: cleanse i: whe ' ! foul; your will tell you w!.* '■ the blood pure,and l: • heal:'- 1 lb* ' will follow. It. 11. 4I I>ONAM> CO.. i Druggists ii;<! Geii \gu.. S.:. Froi • ' and cor. of \Vanhiiiglou and 1 liarll- . "'" . IJY ULI LII -JYGIITO uucJ L'.AL' 1 - .5)9d Iy The Elrnira AdvertS:er i A DAILY AXD WEKKJ.) .loI'HSAL 1 TIIE PEOPLE The News Paper of this Section I ; LATEST NEWS FROM ALL I'AR'I S el - WORLD. TSIU IHH.Y tnVCHTPdIiI iug |iaper published every day • \ ' nay s. It is published at such an u\ai.v 1 ; thai it is aide to give all the latest new ■ -"2 extensive terrttory earlier than it is p - any other journal to supply it. Over a tion id SOUTHERN NEW YORK an ERN PENNSYLVANIA it reaches pdi.t the morning, and west of Elmira even tollr-* it Is ill ADVANCE BY MANY HOt'RS of any metropolitan journal. it- specialties ami features tint r 1 to the |iublic are numerous atid ki. iii - - I wide. _ It is the representative journal <>f S<n:fh<" ' York and looks earnestly ami persisted'- 1 interest and advancement of that p-'tsju •State. It has an interest in and care for tin' i '-' constantly increasing in population. H • , power of Northern Pennsylvania, ' 1 printed in another state seeks by a V.- meaiis to forward it on the high road of pf*' ! and wealth. THE SPECIAL FEATI lU> j of the ADVERT ISERare: ltsfull,latest i-s-j •_ I lc intelligence from all quarters; it- "■ t ' ports of tne daily Markets at all the c ■•"■• , t i Centres of the country; its comment- "h . ' and passing events and its full, fresh at' 1 • I local intelligence. It combines all the best features of •• general Newspaper and a Hrst-das- l'*' l "- The WEEKLY ADVERTISE ' Is a large, eight-page, liftv-six eolMiiui' 1 : Issued every Thussday, and contains i v ' the Dally edition. .-;a | It Is especially addressed and inten large and intelligent class of commm , side oflf the great main lines oi .'•■ inn" ' , the facilities for reaching whom n •" slide to supply themselves with a <nu • : ~i For these, besides the late ;■ news, are provided reports of i> 1 -- terests and full reports of late murKeis : produce. If is eminently a readable i ,a !"' r ."„trtc In eace issue a vast amount and varieij matter. TERMS. f .' DAILY, rEU VEAH i* WEEKLY, "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers