I The pctter Journal AND JJEWS ITEM. I L a{ . No. 10. "-OSSSPOST, PA., September 24,1373. hcrii.tion shall be al'owed to run over one in jr.ears. Due notice will be given of Epilation and if not paid the paper will be Voices attached to each address denote the .iL'to which the paper is paid. For in ! the ficures 35-1 or .7-1 denote that is paid to Vol. 25, No. 1. S. F. HAMILTON, Publisher Coudersport Market. Wheat No. 1 white, per bush. SI.BO Red winter, 44 1.60 @1.75 0 >"<>. 1 spring, 44 1.50 @ 1.60 I * - \ M I C<)in ' . - " 2.00 (a 2.50 I Beans, u 35 (w .40 ■ potatoes, - _ M | Onions, * _ per ton, 12. @ sls. . " ft .06 I J'tur " " ft> .20 @ .25 flour Fair. fl TUI . poupU- t vl)\8 County she,V,ld iK-ai ■ in mind that the bounty tan- com-, ■ indices on the eighth of Octobei, tu ■ weeks from to-day. , ~ , \ ■ Tin's is the first effort of the kind that ■ ]Vii , licen made since the war and every i fl resident of tlic County should leel liite -9 restal in making it a success. The pvo -9 liuctions of the County are not lacking., 9 il lt . milv question is, will they be brought 11.ut and < xliibitnl? This is a question 9 t i,e jieople themselves to answer. I Wehave horses anil cows, gtaiii and \e -9 .-etahles. butter and cheese, and manu <9 ~; r[u rt-s enough to make as creditable ,i show as can he made by any County fl ' i tlic size in the State./ Will they be tils' ground? I.et every individual to lie their duty to come to the V a j then not dei>eiul on what sonic -9 iv el>e has done or will do to make it I; vnsting, but bring something with a toexliihit; come not as idle look-: ■ ~ij:uti)i!tsomearticleontheground lii;atwill make them feel a proprietor-, I The Fair can be made a credit to the fli intv. and we insist ujxm it that it is duty f every citizen to help make ii Ktmeinher, it is on the Bth, oth and , ■ lidirf Dctok r—only two weeks hence,: ■ ivfnie give the matter immediate at De mocrats and Liberals of this jnty held a Convention in the Town | ■ the Court House last Tuesday V ~ii .. ai.d nominate 1 a ( ounty tiek< t. ii\c an outline of the proceedings | fl'Vw. There was a set of resolutions i hut we failed to obtain tliem. L. 11. Kinney, of Sharon, was chosen 9 -airman of the Convention and Miles fltliite, of Keating, Secretary, fl Lefirad llolleiiheek. of Coudersport, ■ s nominated for Representative, suit-; fl I to the deeision of the District Con- j fl ' nee. Nelson Gill, of Harrison, was j leClH.'luiiuited tor County Commissioner.' ■'.'l' ll Hurt, of Koulet, for Countyi fll alitor and John L. Brooks, of Clara, ; B Jury r mmissioner. Wilson I .us Court at Smetbport, McKean ; mty, this week. Advice. I wry farmer in the county should do towards making the Fair a ■ ">8 Later something for a. preuii- I cesst ol or not. Send in big pumpkins, squashes, tall corn, nt pigs and fine colts.— di Bulletin. I >• Wellsville Fixe Press of last week H" ii ilter article denouncing the De- H ■;> of that state for calling a sepa- I "'.things are harmonious in the ">■,1.011 ranks across the line. 9'Union llill 1 ''iiiiiaii of the Republican County l: -'tee of Lycoming county for the . iter of people from all parts of the ■ty w\re in attendance in Court last * T ' ' r "'w brothers, of Wellsville, were last wt ek and gave a concerts, I lifl li-s announced a week or two ago. "tl'Ored under some difficulties oxjKM-ti-d to. At the last mo -9.. °f their lady singers disap- '"" n n °t being able to come 1,1 some unaccountable rea i ' v '°linist failed to put in an ap- H "d thus their jirogramme a, atorialiy interfered with. They •STsfl'r tneolne affilin ' Wheu the y will " t t!ie ' r original design. fu r sitting in the 44 Easy E ''l f'aiper's. How much does just flon, inf " imed that the cheese fac sp4 hw^BTrrav,! '^' oun ß of Bingham, euune ntly successful the pre o( ii. j | ie q Ua ijfy 0 j c i ieese i, as j l r, inq' r ' Colll nianding the highest . J . lll,lr ket. and botli proprie fl Mr onsof the factory are well satisfied with the summer's work. The factory near Lewisville has also done good business. We bear there is I a prospect of two more factories being started in that section of the County next year. Other sections of the (.'oun ty would do well to imitate their ex ample. We Noticed ■ the outsiders attending Court r here last week, Hon. L. P. Willistou and M. F. Elliott, Esq., of Vellsboio, . and Hon. Byron D. Hamlin, of Smetli | port. The Teachers' Institute Will be held at Lewisville this year, and will commence on Tuesday, October 14th. Court Proceeding;*. ' MONDAY, Sept. 15.—D. W. Haven appointed Foreman of the Grand Jury | and the charge delivered. They were i discharged Thursday, the 18th. John C. Vincent vs. Laura A. Yin j cent, divorce cUse, rule to show cause why the proceedings should not be set aside. Wednesday, 17th, rule made ab ; solute and pivieet-dings set aside. | TUESDAY. T6 —Savina Ross vs. Duu ! ham Ross and Ann A. Kelly vs. S. D. j Kelly, divorces were granted. J. L. Allen, et al., vs. IJ. 11. Kinney, et al., and L. 11. Kinney, et al., vs. J. L. Allen were tried together and ver dict for the defendants in both cases. I lie Grand Jury returned true bill of indictment against Valentine Schweit zer for grevious assault and battery and assault and battery with intent to kill. Abel Bishop was appointed guardian of Simeon Howe and Cora Ilowe, minor children of Ilerrick Howe. Grand Jury returned true bill of in dictment against Wallace Hollenbeck for adultery. Abraham Salomons was licensed as a peddler. WEDNESDAY, 17. —The Grand Jury returned a true bill of indictment against William Boyington for selling | liquor. THU RSDAY, 18.—Frederick Y entzer vs. Mason Nelson, case tried and jury find a verdict for plaintiff of S9B. Commonwealth rs. William Boying ; ton, rule to show cause why this indict ment should not be quashed, returnable next term. In the following cases judgments ! were taken for want of an appearance: Win. McDongall I\S. Genesee Township; Henry Andreseii vs. Stewardson Town ship; A. I>. Crowell, use of W. W. j Lewis, vs. Chas. Gridley; C. Lyman, et al., •.>'. J.evi Monroe; Fox & Ross vs. Stephen Outinan, judgment against terre tenant; M. E.Olmsted vs. Whar ton Township; Miller, Greiner A Co. vs. G. B. Gordon, et al. FRIDAY, 19.— George Fox vs. Emery Lewis, judgment for want of an ap- I IX*A auee. Mmgiiret C. Barber vs. Stephen ; Blodgett, judgment against terie ten ant for want of an appearance. Harry Lord was admitted, on exami nation, to practice as an Attorney in the several Courts of this County, Y Nancy LY ry vs. P. JL Perry and' i Maria 1). Lord vs. Cornelius Lord, di- J voices W re granted. Court direct a venire to IK issued for j l 48 Traverse Jurors and 24 Grand Ju-j rors for a ( oust of Over and Terminer i j oil tin second Monday of December [ | next. j A rnr.) r Is prevalent that the Wellsville Fro \ Press has gone the way of newspajiers j that don't pay. Is it because the editor, ; in occupying the. pulpit a short time,! ! found that to lie his vocation rather than ! new.spaivrdoin ? Who ever heard of a Beeche; successful out of the ministry? , j —P riiii i Advertiser. We still occupy! the pulpit of tiie Episcopal church and ] we stiil keep our accustomed seat in the ! ! editorial chair of the Fro I'ress. Should j ; we conclude to entirely abandon tlielat-i ter for the former we should be most j : happy to preach to our friend of the A<7- i | vertis' r. as we are confident that a few gosjicl ti nths would do him a world of good.— Free Press. Active. Latily, Mr. L. Ilendrick, who is sev ; enty-eigiit years old and said to be the ! oldest man in Sweden township, chop ! ped and cleared from the highway a rock or sugar maple that measured twenty two inches in diameter. AVe;ii:*s of I'csiais.v lvania. Mr Thomas J. Bigham, Connnission ; er< 1 s.atisticsof this State, lias prepar ed. i:i advance of his annual nqioi t, a very interest ing tabular statement of the J "wealth, taxation, estimated ami true ! valuation and public indebtedness of j Pennsylvania." From this we learn that the aggregate assessed value of real ( state in nli the counties is $1,087, 793,8-14, and the assessed value of perso nal property $85,599,429, making the total assessed value of property of both kinds $1,172,966,977. The Conimis i sinner, however, asserts the well-known fact that this fictitious value is very j much less than the actual value, and he has attempted upon his own respon sibility, without having positive data , with which to work, to attain an ap proximation to the real value. The re sult thus secured places the real and personal estate of Pennsylvania at $3,475,831,851. Mr. Bigham informs us that " in a few counties, in Chester, Delaware and Erie, and measurably in Montgomery and Philadelphia, the as .s ssed creditably approaches the real value, while in others the assessed is shamefully below the cash value; in one county, Luzerne, it is only one-four teenth." — Pxchanye. Now Jersey Is. holding her Btate Fair. Prriftl. [ -Dike—^Carey.—At Coudersjwrt, FA, on the morning of September 22nd, 1872, by Kev. ,L L. Liuidis Mr. WATSON T. DIKE and Miss M AKY K. CAREY. lx>lh of this borough. 1 DIED. In Hebron, Pa.. Sept. 5. 1373, Freddie, sou of WM. and LIBBIE < JooDwrs, aged two years ifdl Notices. Special Rumination of Teachers will be held as follows: Oleona, - - S pt. 30 Germania, - - Oct. 1 Pike Centre, - " 2 Examinations to begins at 10 o'clock, a. m. Teachers will provide themselves with paper, pen and ink. Directors and others interested are in vited to attend. J. W. ALLF.N, COUDEKSPOUT, Sept. 17, 1873. CN. Sn]i<lt. JOHN ORMFROD has now got the KNOX & JONES' MiII in full blast. No more break-downs; no more freezing up. Satisfaction guaranteed to all. Come early and get your grist ground the same day. Fresh ground Flour, Feed and Meal always on hand. The Singer Still Triumphant. —At the Vienna Exhibition the Singer received the Medal of Merit, the Medal of Pro gress. and three other Medals for supe riority of productions. These are the highest Sewing Machine Awards at Vi enna- The Singer received all the Me d als awarded to either of the competing Machines, and two Medals more than any other obtained. Then, in the name of truth, what is it that prompts people to claim recommendations for the I)i --ploniaof Honor? The fact is no Diplo ma of Honor has been given to any Sew ing Machine Company. The sickly season is at hand; the great ; heat makes the system feeble and debil itated and unable to withstand tbe sud den attacks of disease. But the regular use of Rohrer's Tonic will invigorate tbe system, brace up the shat tered forces and enable each organ to jierforin its projier functions. It will cure any case of Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Cholera Morbus in a few hours, and to those suffering the horrors of that terrible disease. Dyspepsia, it is inval uable. THOMPSON & MANN. 2440-3 m Wholesale, and Retail Ayents. COUDERSFORT, Pa. A splendid stock of Paisley shawls may be found at Simmons' Regulato at prices far below their present market value. 'AVhat poor short-sited worms we be, We kan't kalkilate With any degree Of sartantee What's gwine to be our fate."' AVe can calculate, however, with rea sonable certainty on getting Better Lumber "Wagons, Better Carriages of all descriptions, Better Sleighs, Better Cutters, Better Trimming, Better Painting, Better Horse-shoeing, and Better Repairing of all kinds At COLE'S Simp than any other place in Coudersport or in the County. ' 2502-tf Better than Gold. —A certain amount of greenbacks, national or fractional currency invested with C. li. Simmons, the Regulator man for dry goods, gro ceries. boots and shoes. T)OYER "WHEEL CO., I k 37.') Went Third St., CINCINNATI, O. Manufacturers of the celebrated Sarven Wheel, the Rover Combination and Old Style Wagons. Also Carriage and Wagon Woodwork of every de scription. Actual wear and hard usage is the best test of the strength and durability of a wheel, and they have proved the Sarven Patent to wear longei than three or four sets of the best obi-style wheels. When about to purchase a buggy, car riage or wagon, see that your carriage maker uses our make of the Sarvn wheel. There are so many inferior pa tent wheels in the market that it will lie to your interest to stipulate for the Sarven —as it is now conceded to be the only perfectly reliable wheel in use. 2512 Shcpartl, at Simmons' Regulators, says he will give a laboring man or lady more goods for the same amount of mo ney than any other man will in the Uni ted States. Don't forget that < . H. Simmons, the Merchant Prince of Wellsville, is yet in trade larger than ever, and that his twenty-live years' experience in this market enables him to give his custom ers the iiest goods and latest styles at the lowest living rates. Be sure and call and examine his stock, and be con vinced that a dollar saved is worth two earned. Great run on a well known Institu tion. —The famous Regulator man, C. 11. Simmons' Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5, Wells ville, N. Y. lias recently been subjected to an extraordinary pressure—the pres sure of crowds of sufferers that have lieeii in the habit of buying from small dealers and paying enormous prices. Money being scarce, they have seem ingly all made a grand rush to the place where they get the greatest amount oi" goods for the smallest amount of mon ey. The popularity of this establish ment is boundless and will last, for it is built on a solid foundation; one hun dred thousand dollars being the corner stone. This well known establishment might justly lie called a savings bank from the numbers of dollars it has saved the people for the last ten years. From its very infancy high prices have bad to vanish like dew before the morning sun. To the Citizens of Pennsylvania.— Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to tbe Capital Stock of the Centennial Board of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erection of the buildings for the In ternational Exhibition, and the expenses connected with the same. It is confi dently believed that the Keystone State will be represented by tbe name of every citizen alive to patriotic commemora tion of the one hundredth birthday of the nation. The shares of stock are of fered for $lO each, and subscribers will receive a handsomely steel engraved 1 Certificate of Stock, suitable for fram ing and preservation as a national me morial. Interest at the rate of six percent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Centennial Stock from date of pay ment to January 1, lß7t>. Subscril>eis who arc not near a Na tional Bank can remit a chock of posl office order to the undersigned. FREDERICK FRALEV. Treas.. 904 Walnut St., Poiiadeiphie. "V"OTI{T. t > tractors < t i'Mllt'ors. 1.1 Proposals will be received by the Board of School Directors of Ulvsses township, on or before the first Monday of Oetolier next, to build a School House at Brooklanci sufficiently large to accom modate forty scholars. Plans and speci fications to accompany t He bids —the job to be let at Brooklanci on Monday, Oct. fi, 1873, between the hours of one and four o'clock, ]>. m. The building to be completed by the loth day of May, 1874. By order of tin School Board," 11. T. REYNOLDS, Secy. ULYSSES, PA., September 10,1873. The SINGER is a lock-stitch machine and makesabeautiful,even and uniform stitch which will not ravel and is alike on both sides. It Items, braids, cords, tucks, embroiders, ruffles, fells and does i all kinds of work on the finest musliu or the heaviest full-cloth. The people come more and more toC. 11. Simmons' Regulator stores for dry goods, clothing, groceries, boots and shoes and everything that families use. Their stock is large and also well suit ed to customers as to price. Come one, come all without delay and prove the, truth of what we sav. _J REMEMBER THE IS ONLY TWO WEEKS FROM TO-DAY. j NATIONAL Lin of Sisiisiiijs. STEAMERS SAIL WEEKLY TO AND FROM ; NEW YORK, y. KENSiO.VN AM) LIVERPOOL, AND EVERY FORTNIGHT TO AND FROM NEW YORK • AND LONDON. Comprising the Powerful, Very Fast, Fli'3t-Clsxs, New Iron Steamships. FOR LIVERPOOL, CMAW7M, O ttJSSCK, J:GT7>T, A7W/.1; JF.AZ R. IE.A.VC. • FOR LONDON, UOLLAA-/>, TJE.Y.rtME F, E.VG TIPF Q I'L'F.Y, EEJ.Y, If EL YETIA. AVERAGE TIME erMVEKPOOi. AND OTEENS- j TOWN LINE U.IHT NINE DAYS. The Company i.ave a i-ied recent:*-to theirs'.! ready -tpffvnt-d fleet, six sr.* MTHA'ARK*, WMeh I are t!ic larg-sf, and have prove I to he among tl-■ - fast at, la the worVI. These ftdditiou kl ,- learner,, eua'ilL* us to provide tniireasol ai d iiniPirpascci! accomodations for our pas,suture."-, and really ; makes this Che leading line on the Atiai.ti • Ocean. The "NathaiHl Line .v valuers ' are elebiati ,1 for speed, st,re Vrt'i an- *a-goiug qualities; divid ed into Air, Water Tight awl I'lJ' I'roof Com partments, thus obbuiilttg great security; and] are i'U< d tlf in ever* respect Willi nil THE modern improvement* to Insure tl-c comfort, convenience ami safety of passengers, to whom good treat-i meat and kind attention is always men. Pep- j sons visiting the Old Country, or seudiiur tor their ' friends, should certain!* avail theoisclves of the many advantages of this v/eii-kuown, favorite Line; the best and ehea;i: -t Europe and America. Great He:inalien of Passage. To FBOM To or from Qiieeustown, Liverpool, Lon dn i, Cardiff, Bristol, Glasgow or Londonderry 129 s3l i •!o Hamburg, Antwerp, [lit e, Rotterdam, etc ! 35 38 do Bremen, Gnttenburg, (.'hris t-aiia, Copenhagen, Manheffrt, Stavanger, Drbntlteim, Pa-i.-, etc 34 40 , Children tinder Twelve Veers, Half-Rate. 11,- laots tin-ter One Ve.tr, Three Dollars. No Charge for infants Outward Tick ets. .X'OEE:— 'these rates ejf passeepe are enterh cheeiper than eirry other First-Class Line crossing the eltlitn/ic. i Steerage passengers will be-supplied wilt ns much pr* visions and witr ss they may wish t. use; the provisions are of the beat quality, aud are examined and put on board under the inspec tion of Government Oitlcers, appointed for that purpose, and are rooked a rid served out by the Company V Stewards three times a day. Each Passenger is assigned a separate berth ; ! married couples berthed together; single females placed in rooms by themselves. They are re- j quired to furnish themselves with bedding, mess-1 tins, etc. Ten cubic feet of luggage (equal to two large trunks) allowed to each adult. An experienced Physician attached to each j Steamer. Medicine and medical attendance tree. ] Cabin Passengers provided with elegant accom modations at low rates. —4—f EXCHANGE ON EUROPE. BANK DRAFTS issued front £ I to £6OOO, at low est rates, payable on demand in any part of Eng land, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Also, Drafts for any amount, payable in the principal cities of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Prussia, I France, Spaitf and Italy. The arrangements in this branch of our busi ness are very extensive and eempiete, giving us facilities which enable us to sell at banker's low est rates. Those who have bten paying a high price for their remittances should call upon us and avail themselves of our low prices. For PASS via;, RANK DRAFTS or any further in formation, apply to S. F. HAMILTON, AGENT. Election Proclamation. PURSUANT to an Act of the Gen eral As em'ilv of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania cniit .1 "An Act relating to the Elections of * 111 > Commonwealth." approved the 2d day of July, A. 1).. I®', 1, s. P. REYNOLDS, Sheriff of the county of Potter, Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the elect- j • ors of the county aforesaid that a General Flee- i tiou will be held in Hie said eouutv of Potter on T? I NOAY. tii*- Eighth day of Oetit*r, I-?:;, f .rth. p ii*. ■< ** of electing the several offl-' i.. ■ "in in.; named: One person for Judge of the Supreme Court of • Pennsylvania. < 'lie itersoii for Trcasuier of the State of Penn -9} V."i 11.'.. Otic person for Memiier of the House of II ;>re senta;ives of the General Assenibi* of IYniisyi vam a in eonjtinetion with the eouutyof McKean t*> represent Die counties of MeKeini and l'oiter. one person tor Gomniissiouer of the county of Potter. One person for Auditor of the county of Potter, two persons for Jury Counuisaiouers of the county of Potter. I I inso make known and give notiee, as in and by the 1.411 section of the aforesaid Aet I am di reded, .hat every person excepting Justices of i , 11 . e .' ' l 'T ° ■ a "- v office or app.iiin nicnt of j pioht oi trust under the Government of the t'ni- Y, "i i le ? or of any city or incorpo rated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise u MiPordiuate officer or agent, who i.-.; or shall l>" t ntployed under the legislative, iiuli clary or cxei utive departments of this State or the f mted States or any city or iueorporaied dis- ; tnet, and also that every Member of Congress ; the state Legislature, and of the select aud com- 1 jnon council of any city, or comniissioner of anv 1 incorporated district, is by law incapable of hold- ! tug or exercising at trie same time tip- office or appointineut of judge, Insjiector or clerk of an 1 election in this Commonwealth and that no in- i sneetor, judge or any other officer of any -ueh i election, shall be eligible to any office then to be voted for. ; Also that ill the 4th Section of the Act of As i sembiy entit.cd "An aet relating to elections and for other purposes." approved April 10, lHbo, it is enacted that Die aforesaid 13th sect, shaii not be construed as to prevent any niililarv officers or borough officer from serving as Judge, insiteetor , or eierk of any general or special election til this : Common wealth. | By Act oi Assembly of July 3,1839, it is also j made the duty of every mayor, sheriff, alderman,; | justice of the peace, constable of every city, eotin-1 | ty.townsliipor distiict witliinthis commonwealth; j \\ iiencver called upon by any officer of an election, j I or bv three qiuiliiied electors thereof, to clear any | . win-low or avenue to the indow of the place of I ] general election which shall be obstructed in such I j away as to prevent voters from approaching the I I same; and it shall be the duty of every resiteetive euiistab.eof such ward, di.sriet or lownslnp with- j j in tin.- Commonwealth, to be present or by depu-' ty ai the itlace of holduig eieciious in such ward, : district ortownshij) for the purpose of preserving the peace as aforesaid. ADo. that iu the lsi Sect of Aet of Assembly entitled "An act regulating the mode of voting at elections in the several counties of t his Common wealth," approved March 30,1860, it is enacted: ! Thai the qiuiliiied voters of the several counties ; intiiis Comiuonweahh at all general, township, j | Itoroiigli and -[>eciai elections are hereby liereaf- j ! ier .uuliori/.eo and leqnired to vote by tickets, i printed or writteu, or partly printed and partly I ! written, severally classified as follows: One tick- j et shall embrace lite names of ail judges of court | voted for and to IK* labeled outside "judiciary" ; F one ticket shall embrace the names of all state of- | iners and shall lie labeled "stale"'; one ticket i shall embrace tl.e names of all county officers I voted for (including office of senator, member and ! members of assembly and of congress, if voted j for) and be labeled "county"; one ticket shaii em- j | brace the names of all township officers voted lor ■ i and be labeled "township"; one ticket shall em-1 ! brace the names of all borough officers voted for i i (ltd be laltcied "borough"; and each class shaii | | be dei>*K>ited in separate builot-boxes. ! It i- further directed tliattheinectingof the re- | j tarn judges at the Court House in i oudersport l J to m ike out Die general returns, snail be tiie first riiday aeceeding tie." general election, wiiich J will IK- the S£\ RNTEENTH day of OCTOBER. j I also here make known and give notiee that ! lit*' -place of holding the aforesaid general eiee- ! j ti-m i-i tin- severin townships and boroughs v.iih ' iu the ciiuniy of Potter are as follows, to wit: ' Abiiott—Ai the Gerniania Hotel. Aikvany—At tiie school house near the place formerly owned by ( liester Andrews, j Ringhani—At Ringham Centre school house. ' Clai a—At school house near Sala Stevens, j Euia-ia —At the Court House in (Joudersport. Gem -: . —ln L'lisiiurg at tiie iiouse formerly oe-'upie-l by S. S. Ita-eoe. • Harrison—At tiie house formerly occupied by I li'a Raithotoim w. ! Hebron—At the school house near Woodward's ! steam mill. | Hector—At school iiouse in SuuderiiuviSie. Homer—Ai school house near Jacob Peel's. Jackson —At school house at mouth of Cushiug Creek. (Kwayo—At the house uf .T. Y. Drown. Keating— u t.: • house oi i'liny Harris. ; l'-.n.i a— A: .r-ui ii-nise u? a- I'.enj. i* ere It's, j | f easant \ alley—At school house No. 2. 1 Pike—At tin- nouse of J. \l. Kiibourne. R.-uiet—At sehoo! house near Leroy Lyman's, i I seaioit —At Hie house of i'eieg Ruruiek. i isweden—At. the itou-e of C. L. Corsaw. Movai usuii—At New Norway school iiouse. Sntiimit—At tl.-- iiouse of P. Ntevens. Kyiv.tuia— At school house u- ir J. M. Rees". I i\s-,es ,\t Die i iuse *r i). \i liinp.e, now own ed i-y li.! i. I cut. West lirauelt —At Hie bouse of S. M. Cenable. V* barton At tie bouse ■>! Stephen Itoi'tolL Coudei.sport—At thet 'Urt House, i Lewisviue—At tne Dome b. Rurton Lewis. I _ Polls to l.e open--:' IK 1 ween the hours of > aud | 7 o'clock, a. m., and toc'.o.sc at 7 o'clock, p. iu. j WHEREAS, Tne Fifteenth Amendment of the ! Constitution <o lite United State is as follows: -si e i. i ue i iglti of - iti/.i ns of Die United states to v.tli- shall n-i be denied or abridged by the C. is., or by any state, ou account ot race, color or previous condition of servitude. ! See. 3. Congress siiali Lave power to enforce i tiiis article by appropriate legislation." j A net irin-re.w. File Congress*of Hie U. S., oil tiie ; tliiily iirst day of March, 187 c, iia-s.-d an Ac! en-1 titled "An Aet to enforce the right of citizens of j i the tS. to vote in the set eiiti aates in this I nion aim for other jnu i>osi s." tise first and second see-' lions of which a: •• as follows: BEC. 1. Be it enacted ItyFhc Senate and House , of Representatives of tlie'Cnlted States of Anieri- j j ra iii Congress asseniliied, 'i'hat all citizens of the ; L. s. who are m snail U- otherwise <iuaijffed by ! law to vote at any election of the IK-opie iu any ' state,tenitory,district,county.city, pai isii, towii- i ship, .school district, municipality *>i oilier terri- , tonal s.ibdivisiou, shall IK* entitled and allowed ! buuteai ailsiieii eleetioiii without dislinetion of j 1 race, color or previous condition of servitude;' | any constitution, law, custom, usffge or regula tion ol any state or territory, or by or under its - ■ authority, to the contrary notwithstanding. j • :•:< . i. .v..*! be it further enacted, i uat a by or I in:-ler the authority of the Constitution or law's of | any State or the torn of any Territory, any Aet' or .-hall )>e icp.ired to be done as a |ire-reqiilsitc or iiu ation tor voting, and by such C'un.-titu- ! i tion or law, T- r.-otis or officers are or shall t>e i - > !-arg.:*i with tiie pcrforuiauce of duties for fur - iß.dnr.hii.g to ciUzcns an opportuiiity to perform I su.-h pre-requisite, or to become qualified to vote, i it shall be the duty of every su- h person and off! - cei to give to all citizens of the Fuit-'d States the j j same and equal opportunity to perform such pre- I i requisite, ami to become qualified to vote, with- I : out distinct) i ■*' race, color, or previous coattt-j tlon of servitude, and if any su- h p--r-)a or officer 1 shaii refuse or knowingly oinlt t-> give full effect | 1 to this Section, lie shait ior every such off ense for - felt aud par rite sum of live hundred dollars to the pel-son aggri ve-i therct>y, to l>e recovered by : in tlon on tin css& with full costs and tweh allow-1 . an* e for eoun- i fees as Die court shaii deem just, I - au<! shall also, forever* s-n-h offense, be deemed ; J LUiliy of lui-'-temeaiior, and shaii, oa conviction j I i hereof, t>e iin* 1 not iess than flv e hundred doi- j I 'ars, or lie imprisoned not lees than one mouth - an-i not more tliau out- year, or both, at the discre- ! | tion of the court. Arid i chereax tt is declare*! by the s<-couil see-1 tiiul of trie \'l article of the Constitution of the { ! IHited states, that, ''this Consiitutiou, and the j laws of Hie Ciiite-! states u liieli siiali be made in j . pursuance thereof, snail l>e the supreme law of j the laud, * • • anything in the Constitution i or laws of anv state to the contrary not withstand- j j lug' And whereas. The Legislature of this com-; . rnonweaith, on the 6lh day of April, A. I>. isTo, ' phwwd an Aet eutttled, • A further ispplanflfl to the act relating to the elections in this I'omuiou-; ! wealth," the tenth sc.*tion provides as follovvs: : SEC. in. 'i'iiat so much ot every Act of Assent ; bio as provides that every white freemen shall be I j entitled to vote at any general or special election ; i of this Commonwealth, be, and the same is here- ! by repealed ; and that herealterall freemen, with out distinction of color, shall lie enrolled and reg- , | lstercd according to the provisions of the first sc.-- j i iiou of the Act appfived litli April, 1st;;-, entitled ' ; ' An Act furt ier siippieiuental to the act relating i j to the elections of this Commonwealth,' and j when otherwise qnalitie<i under existing laws be : I entitled to vote at all general and special elections j , in tiiis Commonwealth.' Given under my hand this 24th day of October, 1 i A.D., 1973. -S. P. REYNOLDS, Sheriff. AUDITOR S NOTICE. ■ THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the or- { plian's Court of Potter County to distribute I the funds remaining in the ban-lsot the Admiuis- | trators of th** estate of P. L. Cortdn, lar-- of I'ike | township, (ieceased, will atteu-1 to the duties of ! his appointment at Die office of Olmsted k Larra bee :n the borough of Cou.lersport, on the 15th ' -lay of November next at 1 o'clock, p. m., where j all persons Interested litav attend if they think ;troj*er. He will be at thalsaas Walton House in Gaines township, Tioga Co., Pa., on Wednesday, ! Oct. est, at 10 o'clock a. in., and at Weii..l>oro on ; , Thurvlay, <K t. * , at the Court House, at 10 o'clock , - h. m., for the purpose of taking testimony in this , ease. I>. C. LARRABEK, ! September 24, 1873. Auditor. WINTa -A.IT3D SO IT, "THE AMERICAH HASO," No. 4ir BROOME STREET, Now YorK, UXSURPASSEI) First premiums wherever exhibited —Prices low for the quality—l jtrge pilcca -1 allowed for Secoad-hiind Instruments in Exchange. From Mr. Edward Huffman, the ceßbrcded PumM. I conscientiously believe that your Piano is in every respect a mosf magnifi cent Instrument. FVom the "Independent** __ . wr - iB The American Piano has deservedly become a very popular It.H YEAR Responsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Send for Cm - AYIXG & SOX, 117 Broome St., X. Y. , f Lewisyille | GRADED SCHOOL. Fall term opens tiie FIRST day of SEPTEMBER, 1873. B. B. Klade, Mrs. B. B. Slade, Principal Assistant Hiss K. Cashing, Instrumental Music. ■ TUITION. Fiimary Department, per term 4 00 Intermediate do., do 500 I High school do., do 600 Instrumental music 10 00 Tuition must be arranged in advance. Classes in this term will l>e arranged to ticcoin ; modate lliose designing to teach during the com ! iug winter. Tiie I'otter County Teachers' Institute will be 1 held at Lewlsville in eonnei-tion with this term. i Board, including lights and fuel, can be ob- I tained for 50 cents per day. Goixl rooms can lie ! • tbtained by those who desire to furnish their own ! board. SETII LEWIS, O. R. B ASSETT, Secretary. 50-tf JTesident SPRING. 1573. Thos. McDowell & Co., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, POUT R^V. "WE would respectfully call the attention of the people of POTTER COUNTY to our large and complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, ROOTS and SHOES, IIATS and CAPS, RE ADY-MA 1) E CL O THIXG, SCHOOL LOOKS, STATIONERY, FLOUR, PORK, SALT, FISII, FEED and MEAL. l'A I NTS and OILS, lIAIiD WARE, NO TIONS, GLASS BUI RE. A'R. , AT., AT., which we are offering at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, owing to the increased facilities afforded by tiie completion of the Buffalo, New York A Philadelphia Railway, and we can and will sell goods as low as they can be sold this side of Canada. Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constantly on hand. V.'e are daily receiving new goods, thus keeping our stock, iu all departments, FULL AND COMPLETE at all tunes. 2429-l Thos. McDotvel! & Co. THE I Cdtaprt Hotel AND General Stage Office lias been REFITTED and KKFCRSISIIKD/rom OAftRET to CELLAR, j and is new open to the PUIiLIC. The TAULExeUI be kept in FIRST GLASS style, and neriipior or expense spear eel to make it a \ FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, GOOD STAPLES'G, and careful IlasTcrs i always in attendance. The OI.D-TIME popularity of the Hotel wilt be j FULLY M AINTAINED by the present Proprietor, ' who now solicits the patronage of travellers anet ; the public generally. 1). F. GLASBMIBF, Jr., | 131 PROPRIETOR. Insurance Company of North America, OF PHILADELPHIA. Tlie Oldest Stock Insurance Company in the United States. ASSETS, Jamuai-y 1. mnt, 8 3,376,738.01 Pennsylvania Tire Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. ASSETIS, OTa.xxvxfi.x-3r 1, 1073, $ 1.102,502.-40 The above-named reliable Companies are represented In (on* dersport by 2439-iy ARTHUR B. MANN. i W. W. NiOORB, DKAI KH IN MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, I AMERICAN AND IMPORTED MAIIBIJES, &C.. Third St., opposite Court House Square, COIDIRSPORT, PA. I All work done in a workmanlike manner and ders sent by mail promptly attended to. My prices are the lowest ia this section of the country. 2446 THE BAKER HOUSE N. £. cor. SECOND and EAST Streets. (East of Court House Square,) COUDERSPORT, PA. i Has been purchased by BROWN & KELLY (formerly of ihe COCPEHSPOHT HOTEL.) The House is completely furnished from top to bottom, and lias all the conveniences desired by the people; the table is Ihe best in the County ; the barn is under the eliarge of the hest o.it'er in the State ; and, in short, everything will lie done that can be done to make it comfortable for stran gers or others who visit the house The long experience of the Proprietors in ine Hotel business makes them peculiarly able to cater to the varied wants of the travelling public. They solicit their old custom, believl g ma they are able to supply the BEST OF THE EBST to all. , BROWN Ac KELLEY, 133 Proprietor*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers