It would be well to heed, at this sea son, the following general statistics given by Charles Dickens in one of his papers in All the Year Hound. "The first Napoleon caused more deaths than all the earthquakes since the days of Noah; the cupidity of ship-owners and the supinenessof sailors have lost more ships and lives than all the storms that ever blew; the filthy state of our towns sends more souls to Hades than all put together. Plague, pestilence, war and famine yield to DIRT. Trying a Hammock.—A Danbury man read of the delights of a siesta in a hammock in the tropics. The natural tendency of the Danbury mind is to wards inquiry. The question was whether the enjoyment was in the trop ics or in the hammock. Profound de liberation produced the conclusion that practical demonstration would evolve 6uierior results to theory. Not having any tropics he commenced with a ham mock. He "slung it" in the barn so his wife couldn't see it. It looked nice swaying gently, with the centre about five feet from the ground. lie thought the pleasure must be in the hammock, lie placed one hand in the middle and vaulted for it, as he would have jumped on a bench. The hammock stood from under and the barn floor received him. Nothing but the inward satisfaction that 110 one saw the performance in duced him to try again. This time he used both hands and spread the ham mock wide apart. When he jumped, liis hands crossed and he was yanked forty different ways and the hammock spilled him bottom side up. Then he began to think ttie enjoyment was not all iu the hammock. Then he got a chair and crawled into the middle of the darn thing and the sides closed on him. Then he shifted himself just a little and the hammock contracted to the width of Clark's six cord cotton and twisted him off with his dinner against the back of the chair and his disturbed digestion took the hammock and "slung it" into the pig pen and he unanimously resolved that the delight was in the tropics. —Danbury Xocs. Ticketed to a Different Station. —Some years ago a new church at Lockport, N. < Y., belonging to the Presbyterian soci-: ety of which the Rev. C. Winsor, D. D., lias long been the very popular pastor, was to be dedicated. A large numljer : of divines of that denomination from Rochester and vicinity having been in vited, left that city by railroad, ground in and forming a large share of the oc- 1 cupants of a car, in the early evening, j exrecting to arrive at Lockport in time to enjoy a comfortable night's rest, j Among the party was the distinguished Samuel Hanson Cox, D. D., then Chan cellor of Ingham University, at Leßoy. It being midwinter and intensely cold and an unusually heavy body of snow being upon the ground, a furious wind and snow storm setting in, the train had not proceeded many miles before it became' blockaded in the snow with a part of the train off the track and so cold and tempestuous was the night, the train, though every possible effort was made, did not succeed in getting extricated until morning. When on the wing again the conduc tor made his round to look after tickets and coming among the reverends was impelled to refer to the discomforts and perils of the night and also having a vivid impression of the same, exclaimed: "I tell you what, gentlemen, we came very near going to h —l last night." Dr. Cox equal to the occasion and ex pression, quickly and instantly replied: "You doubtless speak for yourself, sir; but as for me and my friends here, we are ticketed to a different station." An artist who had painted a portrait for a gentleman noted for his frequent and copious libations, invited the gen tleman's friends to see it. One of them, who was rather near-sighted, approach ing it too closely, the artist, in alarm, exclaimed, "Don't touch it; it isn't dry!" "No use looking at it, then," replied the gentleman, "it can't be my friend." A Street Car Idyl.— Queen of all hearts, we saw them come with languid steps aboard the car and soon their voices' silvery hum sounds clear above the rattling jar. Awhile we gazed, with downcast eyes, at eyebrows arched and fingers taper and heard with ill-concealed surprise each charmer praise her favorite paper. What could they know of "leaders" learned, these politicians so enchanting? And yet, whichever way we turned, we heard them 011 this subject ranting. The Transcript they condemned un heard, the Democrat with scorn was blamed, but the Review , they both aver red, was the best paper could be named. "If you,"thelaughing Zelpliinecries, "would save your patience, time and trouble—rtake a Review, the weekly size and neatly fold it four times double —" We reached our crossing here and left, amazed beyond the least descrip tion, of power of sieech almost bereft — what was the rest of that prescription? The success of flying machines is tru ly astonishing. A Mr. Folger, up in Michigan, recently constructed one, went to the top of the barn, "lit out" and went with such rapidity that lie lost his consciousness for half an hour, when he found himself but a few feet from the barn. lie thinks he could not have been entirely unconscious, other wise he would not have returned to the barn, where he picked himself up. THE mean old curmudgeons who Comprise the Common Council of Zanes ville, Ohio, have passed an ordinance prohibiting boys from bathing in the city reservoir. ELDRIOGE BROTHERS, SPECIAL AGENTS FOR WOODWARD 4 BROWN, WEBER, MATHUSHEK, an.l CHICKERINQ PIANOS, ALSO, George Wood's Celebrated Organs. PI LLAR'S NEW MASONIC HALL BUILDING, (Xear Howell House,) WELLSVILLE, N. Y. Dealers in all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHAN DISE, SHEET MUSIC, Ac. TUNING and REPAIRING PIANOS A SPECIALTY. WeTnvlte the Public to examine and criticise the WOODWARD A BROWN Pianos, and GEO. WOODS' Organs. 244G-tf H. D. TREADWELL, j —OF— Wellsville, N. Y., Has just returned from New York with a large ' stock of Boots and Shoes, LEATHER & SHOE FUNGS, LOOK AT THE PRICES! WOMEN'S SLIPPERS from sc. to 81.75 , " LEATHER LACE BOOTS O<-. " 1.75 •' MOROCCO " " (<I.OO " 1.23 MEN'S THICK BOOTS 2.50 " 4.00 " KIP " 2.75 " 4.50 Small Shoes, from 30 cents'npwanls. Sole Leather, 30 rnd 31 cents per pound. Shoe Findings of all kinds, verycheap. Remember the place,—directly opposite the Howell House. 11. I>. TSLiDWELL, AGENT. J Singer, Grover & Baker, leather aiul common Needles, Thread and Oil kept constantly on hand. A. M. Reynolds, Agent. The Elmira Advertiser. A DAILY AND WEEKLY JOURXAL FOR THE PEOPLE. The News Paper of this Section. LATEST NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. TIIU DAILY AOVERTISKK is a morn ing paper published every day except Sun days. It is published at such an available point, : that it is able to give all the latest news to a very j extensive terrttorv earlier than it is possible for i any other journal to supply It. Over a large por tion of SOUTHERN NEW YORK and NORTH ! EKN PENNSYLVANIA it reaches points early in ] the morning, and west of Elmira even to the Lake it is in ADVANCE BY MANY HOURS of any metropolitan journal. Its "specialties and features tkat recommend it to the put,lie are numerous and known far and | wide. | It is the representative journal of Southern New I York and looks earnestly and perstsiently to the 1 interest and advancement of that portion of the state. It has an interest In and care for the large and constantly increasing in population, wealth and power of' Northern Pennsylvania, ai d although | printed in another state seeks by all reasonable : means to forward it on the high road of prosperity I and wealth. THE SPECIAL FEATURES 1 of the ADVERTISER are: itsfull, latest Telegraph- Ilc intelligence from all quarters; Its faithful re- I ports of the daily Markets at all the Commercial I Centres of the country; its comments on political and pouting events and its full, fresh and readable local intelligence. It combines all the best features of a first-class genera! Newspaper and a first-class local journal. The WEEKLY ADVERTISER Is a large, eight-page, fifty-six column newspaper, issues! every Thussday, and contains the cream of the Daily edition. It is especially addressed and intended for that large ami intelligent class of community who re side off the greatmainlines oi communication and the facilities for reaching whom make it impos sible to supply themselves with a daily paper. For these, besides the late general and local news, are provided reports of local agricultural in terests and full reports of late markeis forcountrv produce. It is eminently a readable paper ami furnishes in eace issue a vast amouut and variety of reading matter. TERMS. DAILY, PKR YEAR $8 00 WEEKLY, " 200 TnE Popular Science Monthly CONDUCTED BY Prof. E. L. You mans. The crowing importance of scientific knowledge to all classes of the communJtv calls for more effi cient means of diffusing it. The Popular Science Monthly has been started to promote this object and supplies a want met bv 110 other periodical in I the United States. It contains instructive and attractive articles, 1 and abstracts of articles, original, selected and 11- i lustra ted, front the leading scientific men of dif j ferent countries, giving the latest Interpretations of natural phenomena, explaining the applica tions of science to the practical arts and to the o|>eratlons of domestic life. It is designed to give especial prominence to those branches of science which help to a better understanding of the nature of man; to present the claims of scientific education; and the bear ings of science upon questions of society and gov ernment. How the various subjects of current ; opinion are affected by the advance of scientific inquiry will also be cousidered. In its literary character this periodical aims to be iH.pular without being superficial and appeals to the intelligent reading classes of the communi ty. It seeks to procure authentic statements from men who know their subjects and who will address the non-scientific public for purposes of exposition and explanation. It will have contributions from Herbert Spen cer, Prof. Huxley, Prof. Tyndall. Mr. Darwin and other writers identified with speculative thought and scientific explanation. The Popular Science Monthly is published in a large octavo, handsomely printed on dear type. Terms, Five Dollars per annum, or Fifty Cents per copy. Published by i. APPLETUK A C 0., W9 and 6&1 Broadway, N. T. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS' BAPO L I O is a substitute for Soap for all Household purposes except washing clothes. SAPO L I O for cleaning your House will sa\e the labor ol one cleauer. Give it a trial. S A P O LI o for Windows is better than Whiting or Water. No removing curtains or car pets. SAPO L I O cleans Paint and Wood, in fact the en tire house better than Soap. No slopping. Saves labor. You can't afford to be with out it. SAPO L I O for scouring Knives is better and clean er than Bath Brick. Will not scratch. SAPO L i O is better than Soap and Sand for polish ing Tinware. Brightens without scratch ing. SAPO L 1 O polishes Brass and Copper utensils bet ter than Acid or Oil and Rotten Stone. SAPO L I O for Washing Dishes and Glassware is in valuable. Cheaper than Soap. SAPO L I O removes Stains from Marble Mantels, Tables and Statuary, from Hard-finished Walls, and from China and Porcelain. SAPO L I O removes Stains and Grease front Car pets and other woven fabrics. There is no one article known tlistt will do ho iiiitn.v Kind* of work and do it as | well as Nnpolio. Trj it. j HAND S A P 0 L I () a new and wonderfully effective Toilet Soap, having no equal in this country or abroad. | HAND S A P OLIO as an article for the Bath "reaches j the foundation" of all dirt, opens the pores and gives a healthy action and | brilliant tint to the skin. j HAND S A P 0 L I O Cleanses and Beautifies the Skin, In- j stantly removing any stain or blem ish from both hands and face. 1 HAND S A P 0 Ij I 0 is without a rival in the world for ' curing or preventing roughness and chapping of either hands or face. HANI) S A P 0 P I O removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink Stains A Grease; for workers in Ma chine shops, mines, Ac, is invaluable. For making the Skin white and soft and giving it a "bloom of beauty," it is unsurpassed by any Cosmetic known. I HAND S A POLIO costs 10 to 15 cents per cake and ! everybody should have it. You will like it. Don't fail to try these Goods. w ill prornrp it for yon. II not, write lor our l > Riiiplilct."AH about Sapolio," and it will be mailed free. ENOCH AlOiiCi-YIVsS SONB 20 Park Place. N. Y. 2446a26-eow Before purchasing elsewhere call and examine the SINGER MACHINE. A. M. Reynolds, Agent, Office in oimsted Block, Coudersport, Pa. OYSTERS. A. H. PEIRCE, Wholesale and Bclail OYSTER DEALER, COUDERSPORT, PA. I Oysters by the Can, Quart, Gallon, Hundred and Thousand received daily. I Families, Parties and Festivals supplied on short notice. The Trade furnished at reasonable rates. Give nie a trial and I can suit you. ; 24-221 A. H. PEIRCE. 1 Old Sewing Machines of any make repaired in a workmanlike manner. A. M. REYNOLDS, Agent. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. (Formerly WOOD A MANN.) STATIONARY & PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES. The Best and Most Complete Assortment in the Market. These Engines have always maintained the very highest standard of excellence. We make the manufacture of Engines, Boilers A Saw Mills a spe cialty. We have the largest A most complete works of the kind in the country, with machinery specl- We keep constantly in process large numbers of Engines, which we furnish at the very lowest prices and on the shortest notice. We build En gines specially adapted to Mines, Saw-mills, Grist mills, Tanneries, Cotton-gins, Threshers and all classes of manufacturing. We are now building the celebrated Lane Circu lar Saw-mill the best and most complete saw-mill ever invented. We make the manufacture of saw-mill outfits a special feature of our business and can furnish complete on tiie shortest notice. Our aim In all cases is to furnish the best ma chinery in the market and work absolutely une qualled for beauty of design, economy & strength. Send for Circular and Price List UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. iW-4Jr)tp I'TIC'A, N. Y. D. B. NEEFE, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKER, Cor. EAST and WORCESTER Sts., Coudersport, Pa., will carry on the following branches of business Wagon Shop. There will be made to order and kept on hand all kiuds of Lumber Wagons, with Bodies, Whif fletrees, Neck-yokes and Steel Spring Seats; 1 Platform and End-Elliptic Spring Wagons; j Side, or Concord, Elliptic Spring Top and Open j Buggies; Sulkies; One-horse Wagons. Ox and Horse Carts, Sleighs and Cutters will be ! made to order on short notice. Repairing of all kinds of old work done with neat ness and durability. _ BLACKSMITH SIIOP. I i Ilorse and Ox Shoeing; Irontng of all kinds of Wagons, Sleighs and Cutters. Picks, Clevises, Chains, llooks, Drag-teeth, Hinges, Bolts for i Carriager, Plows, etc., and repairing of all kinds ol Mill Irons and Fanning implements. I i PAINT SHOP. Painting of all kinds of new Wagons, Carriages, | Sleighs and Cutters, and special attention paid to the cleaning and painting of obi work. Sign and Ornamental Painting done to order wltii neatness and dispatch. ' All kinds of Carriage, Stage and Coach Tops, Cushions, Falls, Dashes, Lazy-Backs, Shaft Trimming, and all work in the line of Trim ming done in good Style. Notice Is given that I have changed my place of business from Brookland, Pa., to this place and have built a new Factory—3o x 72 ft., —in ' which the four brahrhes of business will be carried on. and will be pleased to receive the custom of my old patrons. The best of Lumber, Iron and Trimming Material that can be procured will be used on the work. Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. D. B, NEEFE. 2425° I. H. GOODSELL, Carpenter and Joiner, SOUTH SIDE of the RIVER, (above EAST Street,) Coudersport, Pa. CONTRACTS taken and materials furnishedfor all kinds of BUILDING PLANING and MATCHING done.— MOULDING of all Idescriptlons. 1 SASH, BLINDS and DOORS on hand or manu factured to order. CASH paid for Pine Lumber. Your patronage is solicited. If. H. COODSELL. 1 J. GLASE & SON, Carpenters & Joiners, Coudersport, Penn'a. CONTRACTS taken for aii kinds of BX'ILDING— and materials furnished. DOORS, BLINDS and RASH kept constantly on hand or manufabtured to order. CASH paid for PINE LUMBER. J. BLASE & SOX. The SIXGER is the best machine for all work. According to sworn returns there Were over 45,000 more sold last year than any other kind made. A. M. Reynolds, Agent. PHOTOGRAPHS! j HAVING arranged my Light so as to obtain all i those tine Gradafionw ol*SHiiil< | so essential to a BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH, 1 re pectfuHy solicit your patronage. I make all the leading styles of Photographs and Ferreotypes, from a CARD PICTUKH to a LIFE-SIZE PORTRAIT —finished in INDIA INK, WATER COLORS or OIL . COPYING of OLD PICTURES made a special A large Stock of Walnut, ijoscuooil and COilt Picture Frames Square and Oval, OS HAND AND FOE KALE. ; All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. M. T. LYNDE Photograph Gallery, SECOND STREET East of MAIN, (DUcc's llv.ilding,) COUDERSPORT, PA. WISHART'S PIKE TREE Tar Cordial, I NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY POII TIIE Throat and Lung's. It is gratifying to us to inform the public that Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, j for Throat and Lung diseases, has gained an j enviable reputation from the Atlantic to the Pa cific coast, and from thence to some of the first i families of Europe, not through the press alone, i but by persons throughout the States actnally ben i efitted and cured at his office. While he publishes j less, so say our reporters, he is unable to supply ' the demand. It gains and holds its reputation— ] First: Not by stopping cough, but by loosening ami assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy ! matter collected about the throat and bronchial | tubes, which causes irritation. j Second: It removes the cause of irritation, , (which produces cough), of the mucous membrane i ami bronchial tuiies, assists the Inngs to act and throw off the unhealthy secretions, and purifies the blood. Third: It is free from squills, lobelia, Ipecac and opium, of which most throat and lung remedies are eoniposed, which allay cough only, and disor | ganize the stomach. It has a soothing effect on j the stomach, acts on the liver and kidneys, and I lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to ! every part of the system, and in its invigorating ; and purifying effects it has gainpd a reputation , which it must hold above all others in tjie market. NOTICE. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial, Great American' Dyspepsia Tills, AND WORM SUGAR DROPS I ; ! Being under my Immediate direction, they shall not lose their curative qualities by the use of cheap and Impure articles. HENRY R. WISHART, Proprietor, i FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's Offllce parlors are open on Mondays. Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 a. m., to 5 p. m., for consultation by Dr. Win. T. Ma gee. With him are associated two consulting phy sicians of acknowledged ability. This opportuni ty is not offered by any other institution In the city. All Letters must be addressed to L. Q. C. WISHART, M. D., SO. 232 X. SECOND ST., j Philadelphia. IPXi-AUsT AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PIRXTI.M; PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL AND NEWS ITEM. Sow SINGER Sewing Machines ex | changed for ones of any kind or make. I by A. M. REYNOLDS, Agent. TKE "SILVER TOEGrTJE" ORGANS For PARLOR, CHURCH and SCHOOL MANUFACTURED BY E. P. NEEDHAM & SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Nos. 143, 145 and 147 East 22d St., New York. ! Responsible parties anplying for agencies in sec tions stili unsuppiied will receive prompt atten i tion and liberal Inducements. Parties residing at a distance from our authorized agents may order i from our factorv. Send for an illustrated price ; llat. ' 25010r2 FRENCH'S NEW HOTEL. COR. CQRTLANUT & NTW CHURCH STS., N. Y. On the European Plan. RICTTAKD P. FRENCH. Son of the bit'' Col lik-.h ard F.-em li. of French's Hotel, has taken this Ho tel, newlv lifted up and eutl-ely renovated the same. Cenrinlly located In the business part of the city. Ladies'and Gcutleiuens'Dining Rooms Attached. la-26 AGENTS WANTED. i In every countv of each State, for a new Nation al Book. (TIIF LIVES AND PORTRAITS OF I THE PRESIDENTS.) with fp.c simile copy of the i Declaration of Independent the Constitution of j the T'nited states and Washington's Farewell Ad- I dress, with If tine steel plates. For Circulars and ; Terms address Johnson Wilson A Co., 27 Beck ham St., New Y'i k. la 4 The very best plan Bv toiucii you can obtain Life Insurance is the Low Premium, Aii Co.-;!;, stock Plan, It furnishes the ltrg"st a* , ".'"tnt of 1: urn-i-- for a given sum of money. The contract Is plain ami definite, j without complication, mystery or uncertainty, j The policy is always worth its face, the premium j never increases. It is the most satisfactory and j economical plan for the insurant. TIIE TRAVEL ERS INSURANCE COMPANY, 'of Hartford, Conn., grants Life Insurance upon this excellent plan. ; Its security is unquestioned. Apply to any Agent ■ or send for Circular. BOM Agents wantec for the New Book. Epidemic & Contagious Diseases j with the newest and best treatment for all cases. I The only thorough work of the kind in the world. Embraces Smallpox, Yellow Fever, Cho lera, and all analogous di.-eases. KO FflWllLl SAFE Wi I hOUT IT, and all buy it. Has '24 chromatic il lustrations. The biggest chance of the season I for agents. Address H. S. GOODSPEED A CO., I 37 Park Row, New York. 50ri i <><!> At.IMS WAHTEB FOR EVE HI BODY'S OWN PHYSICIAN, by C. W. GLEASON, M. D. Sells rapidly. One agent [ sold 100 in one week. Apply at once to 11. N. Me -1 KINNEY A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. 5i:4 I7VR SALE.—A large body of Timber and Iron ' ore Lands in Mi bile Pennsylvania; estlmat j to cut (50,000,000 feet of .voind white oak, white and I yellow pine and hemlock. On and near floating streams, with steam saw-mill, boom, etc., on the Susquehanna. Apply to I*. \V. BHEAFER. Potts i ville, Pa. 50r4 Adorn Your Humes with the new Chromo "Awake" and "Asleep.'J Sells like wild-lire. | ihe pair sent for fifty cents. A large discount to Agents. Address VV. F. CARPENTER, Foxboro, Mass. 50i4 K C/ n IKR wkkk IN CASH to Agents. Kvery 4>HU tiling furnisheil and expenses paid. ! SUM A. COULTER A CO., Charlotte, Mich. The La Croix Medical Dispensary, ESTABLILHED IN 1887, Is the oldest A most successful institution In this country for the treatmeut of Chronic and Sexual : Diseases. For terms of treatment call, or address by mail, with statement of ease, S. H. HUNSDON, 50r4 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. | GREAT OFFER | will dispose of 100 PIANOS A ORGANS of first class makers, including WATERS', at extremely j low prices for cash, or part cash, and balance in ; small monthly payments. New 7-Octave tlrst -1 class PIANOS, all modern improvements, for $•275 cash. Organs $55, $75. DOUBLE-REED | ORGANS, $100; 4-STOP, $110; 8-STOP, $125, and I upwards. WATERS' CONCERTO PARLOR ORGANS i are the most beautiful and perfect in tone ever I made. The CONCERTO STOP is the best ever placed in any Organ. It is produced bv a third i set of reeds peculiarly voiced, the EFFECT of I which is MOSI' CHARMING and SOUL STIR j RING, while Its IMITATION of the HUMAN ! VOICE is SUPERB. Terms liberal. ILLUSTRA- I TED CATALOGUE MAILED foroue stamp. A liberal ' discount to Ministers, Churches, Sundav-Schools, Lodges, etc. AUEXTS WAXTED. 47r4 WANTED. j General and Local Agents, for the Bartram ! Sewing Machine, mde at Danhury, Conn. The : stillest, fastest and easiest Lock-Stitch, Straight i Needle Machine in the market. We give better j terms than any other company, j Address Jolin A. Dodge, Gen'l Agent 47r4 Danliury, Conn. WALLACE A- COMPANY'S CREAM TABLE CHOCOLATE j No boiling necessary. A cup of delicious Chooo i late made with it in two minutes. No waste, j Packed in pound jars. Vanilla or plain. One doz" l ln box. I nequaled as a confection for lunch, j spread on crackers, with a glass of milk at hand ! to drink. For making Soda Water Syrup or fla voring lee Cream it is superior to any Chocolate made; and for Chocolate Cake, nothing else will be used where this has been tried. For sale bv J. T. WARREN A CO., Cincinnati, O. 47r4 Write for a Price List to J. II JOIIN'NTON, Great Western Gun Works No. 179 SMITIIFIELD ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. Breech-loading Shot-guns, S4O to S3OO. Double ! Shot-guns f- to $l5O. Single Guns $3 to $-20 Rifles I $8 to $75. Pevolvers $5 to $-25. Pistols $1 to SB. Gun , Material, Fishing Tackle. Large discount to deal i ers or clubs. Army guns, Revolvers, etc., bought jor traded for. Goods sent by Express C. O. D. to ! be examined before paid for. 47r4 j Woi'lvlllf CIILSS -VI. Ft r1 EM ALE, S6O a I YyJUSS week guaranteed. Re spectable employment at home, day or evening i no capital required; full instructions and valuable package of goods sent free by mail. Address, with 6 cent return stamp, M. YOUNG A CO. 47r< 118 Greenwich St,, if. T' No fees delphla, Pa. i 60s Ninth st', ■ ssb's2o . . I young or old, make inure money It ' 9 their sitremoments, or all the to' "HtM I thing else. Particulars free I SON A Co., Portland, Maine.' ** -II GETTYI Katalysine V;'- : 1 j Is the nearest approach to a Miens I ered for Dyspepsia, Neuralgia i !h '„ "• 'fl j Gravel, Diabetes, Kidney A Urlii.n ' e rally. It restores muscular is,*;.;. I lc. It cures Liver Complaint i i . Idles, Constipation, Asthma ifl I tis, Diseases of the skin, tienerai n " j vous Prostration from Mental or pi ' H I es. It is the Greatest Antidote ev* • Excess ■ stomach, promotes digestion a "red , ! almost imiiiedlatelv. No hostv.ho'.u?" • out it. For *ale bv ail Druggist.,' ~H j C history of the Spring, 1 I of the power of water over dlse'asi '* "B ! cures and for testimonials from ! send for pamphlets. Wlin \yy ,'* '-S i Agents, 227 s. Front st., Phlladelm, " ■" -fl | GETTYSBURG SPRING CO. *-'t ■ 1 i ATnvirv mil ' le taphiiy withstei, , H Al OX hi nutflU!i catalogues A},, fl | free. S. M. SPENCER, 117 Hanmer st.V.^B HOW TIN IHINE, OP the***, E Mustache A Whiskers lu4-iiiinA 1 SECRET and 100 others, Gamblers") og.v, Ventriloquism, in all tho ortg V. GNDERS. Mail B CUTLER, Carthage, Illinois. ' '*■ Domestic I 3 EEtCL EZ S B J 3 w PATTKJtXs 1 ELEGANT IN DESIGN. FMILTijel 1 At,KNTS \\ ANTED. St t ' Domestic Sewing Mai-hinr V I | "YOU ASK! riLTEI THE NEW DEPARTURE J i AGENTS WANTED. Exclusive tem>l j The tnk will sell ilselt. Father, v-9 Brother, Minister, Merchant. Mas.efa.- 9 er. Miner, Mariner and Yourself all waattß is Monet 111 it. Send for t irrular < 9 MAN A WEBLTER, 50 N. sth st.. PhiKfJl We Want an Age I In this township to canvass for the new,> 9 and fast selling book by Dr. JOliN t.1,,-9 The Science of a New ; Recommended and endorsed i>v promiiea ters, physicians, religious ami secular other book like it published. si [kto, anteeii. Address, COWAN Ato 47r4 139 Eighth St., V*), 12,000,000 ACRE! CHEAP FARMS. The Cheapest In Market forss. Union Pacific Railroad I In tho Great Platte Valley, 51,000,000 acres in Central Vbrs Now for sale in tracts of forty acres a:, on Ave and ten years' credit at six per . advance interest required. Mild and healthful climate, fertile soii,u dance of good water. THE BEST MARKET IN WEST. T> Mining regions of Wyoming, Colorado. 4 Nevada being supplied by the farmerslU . Valley. Soidiers entitled to a Hcmesten 160 Acres. THE BEST LOCATIONS FORCQUW© FREE HOMES FOR ALL. Million. •\ n choice Government lands open for eotrv nas 1 Homestead I .aw, near Hits On-at Ruing goial markets and all the couvenieacuo! 1 st tried country, i Free passes to purchasers of KailrondltM , Sectional Maps showing the Land,w thin of Descriptive Pamphlet, wltii atwi > , mailed free everywhere. Auuress O. F. DAVIS, 1 43r4 Land Comr. U. V. It K., OXAHI CHEAP FARMS FOR SALE N£ARCKIC A ITHY GO TO KANSAS OR NEBRASKi 11 you can buy as toe fart sun ever shone on, Improved and unliiiprt from $25 to s4d an acre, ranging from • acres, within from 30 to 50 miles from ma one of the finest dairying countries in Am ■ Five railroads now running through tktl ' and 4or 5 more being constructed. Hm • ■ ' good improved farms for sale cheap. Fr.ri . i ulars address AMOS ALLMAN. ; • 41 j4 Crown Point, LaKe Co., bJ DRUG STORE FOR SALE I A PIRST-CI.ASS PRI'G AND PKESCKIriION ■' Very eligibly situated in Allegheny City. • good paving business, isoflered tor-alt- . , modating terms. The owner wisl - from active business, or would preferse.liifi lerest to a person having good references!! t could give it their whole attention. Ac (P nity of this kind to get into a good paying tj 1 with small capital does not often occur. f> ther particulars address B. F. G(tl'U). at j Hays, ls9 Washington Ave., Allegheny lit? ; The BEST and MOST IXPM Fire and Burglar-Proof S&3* Oi I6S AND VAIIII ; Are made by the PITTSBURGH PANY, 167 PEXX STKBfI , 36j \ rittsl> orf J 550.000 Reward 7 Will be distributed to AMERICAN WORKING I'EOPIYUI ' It is the only Workingraans I Monthly; hits" 16 large quarter | with illustrations. Every Subscriber s''s Pwis j Varying from 25 cents in value.t;- lit greenbacks. Among tlie Wf. are 2 of SSOO in greenbacks; - 10 of $100; 100 of $10; 500 of i--'' lor Organs, $250 each. 10 chines. s6oeach; 50 American o ;1 : S4O each—besides many smaller premiums. Only ?'V , year; sent on trial three montw' - cents. Send for specimen to CAPRON 4 CD .l6ji Box 5, Pittsburgh•' STEVENSON & FOSTO STATIONERS, PRINTERS. BINDERS. BL MAKERS, AND WHOLESALE DEALKM I . PRINTEItS' SJ3 Flat papers, book papers, ruled mu" i heads, cards, printing inks, etc., * Give us a call. Cor. Wood St. &d 82 and 84 Third Ave., Pittsburgh, rb Established in ' Re-Established in IKK1 KK V. C. C. Hammer & So j ; Manufacturers of Flue and - j TI'RE, of every description and ps ' • , ' ami superior In style ami qua ll '-' | ' t ■ most or any other Furniture House ■ I mountains. n P"^ 1 i Photographs ami Price Lists sen l . j or when in the city don't forget t- 1 1 e! the iasge Golden Chair, -j I 46. 49, snp 50 SEVENTH 2436J1y '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers