fhe Potter Journal AND JJE"W9 ITEM. gggpßOfltof tt'i J **7 30, 1373. £ . i9 . r ij)iioD slia.ll t* al'owed to n\n over one * ; K jr 'yarmars. Due notice will be given of ' 1 ,q .n and if not paid tlie paper trill l>e S. r. HAMILTON, Publisher Coudersport Market. No. 1 white, per bush. $ 1.80 I"• Red winter, " 1.60 (a 1.7-5 I .. X. 1 spring, " 1.-50 (h I.GO (>3t. " 44 80 p* -' - - :: pt u >- - - ■** 40 . 1.50 (d 2.00 '' . - iter ton, 12. (a? 15. t" . - - ft. .06 @ .08 Sr. - • " * •: „ tN . . - " doz. .15 jiffiirblnj* Presiding Elder Rice will preach in - , MetisKlist Church next Sunday eve i'higat the usual hour. Lentlemen ; L ij, 1 J tin. tors, how alnrut the dogs? : Ceyou making them hear a proportkm- > [ v share ■" the burden of educating the ( I. g gentrat? We are prtmpted . f ask this question by an i—£—l whiffet j helping under our window. j j khoir. j The California Combination exhibit- \ :in this place last evening. It was a i [ 1 thing to make one laugh, and had ' | c ni-rit of showing as much and as , tell ,:s it advertised. 1 Bain. < I \f; : sc-vend days of fine, dry weatli- 1 I v.- lave had one ol tlie heaviest rains ' the ts; 'ii. it commenced raining j Saturday morning . bout four o'clock. ] | thunder, and con- ' 1; :;io the following night with but 1 ■iffli intervals. A large body of water . b. -lag the streams to rise rapidly. ' ftfcf Ti "sa I ■ ris u.-cassing the merits of the , I vfvl county system of making no-- , I aliens. j ■ he Kepr.l Hcan I ty IJV .nt ion is called for the 4th • IN- ml- r. >ee second page. ft i ( rr.-tui I nt the Court House last Wednes- ' I tvtjLi.hr to tlie value of SJO.oo for k.,t kin lit of the Baptist Church. t ■ia <outtt\ (oii;::iii(ui(ir. : I | in M.ssion one day last week for < 11 f examining the Registry ' | returning tiinn to the Asses p f thi \s.u.i town I.ips. I ■erklcberr ie*. |. I t see by the Cameron ji>ers that p l.ii kleberry season is just at its j I ght. They state that parties are I ' uually going to the mountains and I -ruing loaded with bushels of berries. It:, Kubbish I e Court House Square is being re | v.-d ; ::d the yard cleaned up. IrriTnls. IA. X. v oie. of tlie Wellsville Free } I . and family, are stopping at the j Ik -r lb-use. They arrived in town ; I night. Accompanying them ( I q tea large party from Wellsville . I • v°se spending a few days in our 1 I - . enjoying themselves in a free ' 1 i east wav. ■ -tbtniiig. • .-h.t seof Daniel Jackson, in Bing k. was struck by lightning on the | The charge struck the ' : ..nil a } art of it passed down one f tr. uttering the post and tearing F- l-lasteriiig. Another part struck -'-glass and glancing off hit a ' h ■ family, who was in the room '•'"2 her insensible and tearing off • v p . • ae of lier shoes. Mrs. Jack '• ><nd tliiee young iadies were in the , ' fcot only one was hurt. She is : from tlie effects of the shock ■ a i of no serious result. The ' I - *;:> badly damaged. I | t>> a Battmnake. I T > sday afternoon Miss Margaret 1 a young lady age<i eighteen I . . i g on Pine Run, whilst en- I " i'iTing huckleberries with a - 1 Lie mountain near Sallades t - h;tten on the hand bv a rat ine was brought to Sallades- i |V ®ce, but the resident physician ; t ; ' irr "' nt one had to be brought from , F; • bhore; and as several hours ' •fore his arrival, lier arm in r "at:time became frightfully swol ■st up tc tlie shoulder. (>n the ie Physician last evening ftCr 1 was ma de to alleviate her | " 'igs. and it was thought that the ft e i>is4jn would be overcome I - "? li 'e young woman saved. h- I* ■ '.g since the Driftwood gravel f n the P. &. E R . one n jght, I t 1 !ll,Ul lying between the rails L As the train went over L. w,iS discovered, and stopping, l ■ lck to look after him. | njured, but rj j K vl:"')i' and 0n being wakened t a r :; :t and said lie guessed a man i >rf , A :,t 101: '1 T down and go to sleep i-v aft er he bad jid for ■ $ Friday Jonathan Marvin, who ■'? )! i 1 twos side of Coles- ' I . , * • at work for Mr. George , ■ uat evening started for home. • Past eight o'clock Mr. Eli Xeison wasdrivingdow u this way. when he discovered him lying by the side of j tlie road insensible. lie lifted him in to the wagon and took him home and immediately dispatelied a messenger to this place for medical assistance. Mean time Marvin seemed to be suffering from fits, coming out of one and going into another, with only a short interval be tween. Some time in the night Dr. Mc- Clary arrived and pronounced it a case of epilepsy. The Doctor succeeded in stopping the fits, and he is now improving. Rust. The weather of tlie last few days has lieen decidedly favorable to rusting grain, esjiecially wheat. We have not heard that it has had that effect, but another of those sharp, cold days with a keen, drying atmosphere that have been so common this summer would not be a bad thing at present. Ra*eals in the Rural Dhtrirti. An exchange pithily puts it that the necessity of reading a live newspaper is nowhere 11101* forcibly illustrated than in the rural districts, which ares wann ing with swindlers in quest of victims. The well-informed farmer, who care fully reads the current news of the day, is thoroughly guarded against impo sition, and with liirn they fail in tlie accomplishment of their designs. Not so with the ignorant farmer who scorns to read a paper to enlighten his mind and acquaint himself with the oc currences happening throughout the state. The victims of the swindlers are persons who scarcely know that rascal ities are daily perjietrated in the coun try districts until they learn by person al experience that such is the case. Among the latest dodges resorted to for the purpose of extorting money from farmers is the "library scheme." ~ These worse than Colorado potato-bugs mani fest a desire t establish township libra ries. and selecting some wealthy fanner they ask him to assume the supervision of it. Should he comply with their re quest they call 011 him to endorse the back ola piece of paper, stating as a reason thai it must go into the hands of the county auditors. The next thing lie knows his name is attached to a note promising to pay a certain amount to the swindlers. Half a dozen or 11101* persons have been victimized recently in the rural districts by this operation. TiO'ja Express. AuoShcr jliiriier. A most heartless murder was com mitted near Linden, in Lycoming coun ty, only a few days ago. According to the G :et*r <p Bulletin, John Mcßride and his wife, a couple about seventy years old lived alone and were known to have quite a large sum of money in the house. A neighbor passing the place recently, late in the day, discovered tlie cows still confined in the yard. Think ing all was not right, he went to the house, where he found the body of the woman lying outside near the door with a bullet-hole through the head and sev eral bruises made by a club on her head and neck. Life was entirely extinct. Going inside be found the man terribly '-aten with a club al>out the head, j though the skull was not broken. He was unconscious, but it is thought he 1 may recover. Tlie authorities ai* in search of the! murderers and one man has been ar- : rested. <arpet. Housewives who are so fortunate as to pos.- -s Brussells carp'ts should give them their careful attention. The house-worm has appeared in the land and is actually eating up the carjiets. If yon have Brussells carp-ts, better look to them at once. Tlie worm or bug is of a<l : k color, less than half an inch in leng* 1 and covered with fine hair. Their depredations commence on the edges o the carpets and can easily lie, detect' (1 if care is exercised. Fine salt or finec; dar clihw sprinkled on tin-edges of carpets will preserve them. —Cfeme- ron Press. Metiers. We will send the Journal for one year to any el tils rf FIVE new subscribers on payment of S 1.50. and to any one tending C 15.00 for ten new subscrib ers. ens year, we will send one copy free for same time. En. JOT KSAJ. & ITHM PVase announce the name t It. JL. While, of Sweden township, as a candidate f>r the office of County Commission er—sntij. ot to the decision of Bepubiican County Convention. A i-plondid stock of Paisley shawls may 1-c found at Simmons' Regulate at prh ' r far below their present market value. IJRICK. —Get tour BRICK from * WM. BRIXE, lioulet. Pa. Sjieci- NUNS can be seen at the office of JOCK XA!. & ITEM. Price, i>er thou sand—reduction made when ordered in large quantities. 2502-tf ' What poor short-sited worms we le. '- —" We han't kalkilate With any degree Of sartantee What's gwine to be our fate." B'e can calculate, however, with rea sonable certainty 011 getting Bettor Lumber Wagons. Better Carriages of all descriptions, Better Sleiglis, Better Cutters, Better Horse-shoeing, and Better Repairing of all kinds At COLE'S simp than any other place in Coudersport or in the County. 2'02-tf ■ Lw BOROUGH ORDINANCE.—At a meet ing of the Burgess and Common Council of Lewisville Borough, held July 19, 1573, the following ordinance was unanimously }*assed: Tliat the sidewalk on the north side of Main street be extended north to Dr. Eaton's liarn. To lie completed by tlie first day of September next. A. S. MIXTOXYE. WM. HOWE, "2-3 Secretary. Burgess. 1 TV E offer for sale, at par and accrued ▼ interest, the bonds of the School - District of Renovo Borough. I These bonds are $15,000 in amount 1 and mature In 1876, "77 and "78: bear in - terest at rate of tiyld per cent, jier an -1 num. payable semi-annually. Interest > and principal payable in New York or - at our Banking House. Pi. B. CALDWELL & CO.. . RESOVO, Ta., July '23, 1573.-tf Banker* Belter than Gold. —A certain"amount of greenbacks, national or fractional i currency invesU-d with C. H. Simmons, the Regulator man for dry goods, gro ; ceries, boots and shoes. I >OYER WHEEL CO., .V 875 West Third CSKCIXKATI, O. Manufacturers of the celebratetl San-en 1 Wheel, the Rover Combination and Old Style Wagons. Also Carriage and Wagon AV<odwork of every de scription. Actual wear aud hard u.-age Ls the bf st test of the strength and durability of a wheel, and they have proved tlie ; Sarven Patent to weai lngei tiiau three or four sets of tlie I* >t old-style wheels. When about to purchase a buggy, car riage or wagon, see tliat your carriage maker uses our make of the Sarven wbeeL Tiiere are so many inferior pa tent wheels in the market that it will be to your interest to stipulate for the Sarven —as it is now conceded to lie the only perfectly reliable wheel in use. 2512 Shepard, at Simmons' Regulators, says he will give a laboring man or lady more goods for the same amount of mo ney than any other man will 111 the Uni ted Staies. VV^ANTED.—Two enterprising men ▼ to sell Elias Howe Sewing Ma chines. Inquire at our office in Couders port. LOYSTER BROS. 244f-tf Great run 011 a well known Instiin* tion. —'The famous Regulator man, C. 11. Simmons' 1 Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5, Wells ville, X. Y. has recently been subjected to an extraordinary pressure—the pres sure <>f crowds of sufferers that have leen in the habit of buying from small dealers and paying enormous prices. Money being scarce, they have seem ingly all made a grand rush to the place where they get the greatest amount of goods for the smallest amount of mon ey. The popularity of this establish ment is boundless and will last, for it is built on a solid foundation; one hun dred thousand dollars being the corner stone. This well known establishment might justly ie called a savings bank from the numbers of dollars it has savl the people for the last ten years. From its very infancy high prices have had to vanish like dew before the morning sun. The people come more and more toC". 11. Simmons' Regulator stores for dry j goods, clothing, groceries, boots and shoes and everything that families use. ! Their stock is large and also well suit ed to customers as to price. Come one, : ! come all without delay and prove the j truth of what we say. Tlie SIXGER is a lock-stitch machine I and makes a beautiful, even and uniform stitch which will not ravel and is alike •on both sides. It hems, braids, cords, tucks, embroiders, rutfies, fells and does all kinds of work 011 the finest muslin or I the heaviest full-cloth. Tlie sickly season is at hand: the great heat makes the system feeble and debil itated and unable to withstand the sud den attacks of disease. But the regular 1 use of Rohrer's Wild Cherry Tonic will invigorate the system, brace up the shat- 1 teml forces anl enable each organ to' perform its proper functions. It will cure any case of Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Cholera Morbus in a few hours, and 1 to those suffering the horrors of that terrible disease, Dyspepsia, it is inval uable. THOMPSON & MANN. 2Hi-3ui WhofeerJe etnd Retail Agent*. C'OUDEUSEORT, I'A. Don't forget that C. 11. Simmons, th<" Merchant Prince of Wellsville, is yet in I trade larger than ever, and that his twenty-five years' e>.i**rienee in this market enables him to give his eustom i ers the best goods and latest styles at , tlie lowest living rates. Be sure and call and examine his stock, and l>e con vinced that a dollar saved is worth two I earned. TliYiE TABLE. BUFFALO, X. Y. * FHILADA. RAILWAY COMPANY.— Time Table adoj>tetl MON DAY. June 30,1573. NORTHWARD. STATIONS. NILI Jl'iag- Local Through Kxp. ara Freight. Freight. F.xp. a. nt. p. in. Emimrium 31" '<■¥> fi-OOatu 7.30 pill Keating Summit 3.44 ... 7.25 " .... Port Allegany ... 4.12 0.24 5.35 " ILOO " ' Wean ." .\2o 7.2"> 120C'in 1.30 am Ruftalo S.2u 9.45 5.15 pm * SOUTHWARD. Philad'a Night Local Th'gh STATIONS. A: Bait. Express. Freight. Frght Ex pre*s. a. m. . Buffalo s.3f>am ixdlpm 5.15 am § Olean 111.47 " ".40 '• 1200 m 1.30 l'l >rt Allegany 11.45 " 11.00 " 235 pra 4.12 Keat'g Sum't 11.40 " 24" "" . Emporium 1245pm 1230 a- 5.00 " 7.10 * Stops at Junction. 6.10 a. m. ! 5 Starts at do., 7.00 p. m. ; H. L. LYMAN, J. I>. YEOMANS, Gen. Bass. Apt. Superintendent TWO DAILY LINES OF STAGES FROM Coadefspofl to Port Allegany, The MAIL STAGE leates Coudersport at 7 a. m. and arrives at Port Allegany in time for trains to I'hiladelphix Leaves Port Allegany at Ip.m., arriving at Coudersport at 4 p. in. The EXPRESS STAGE leaves CoudMNport at 1 i>. m., arrives at l'ort Allegany at 4 o'clock, in lime for train t<> Buffalo and toconne'-t with N. Y. &E. R. R. Stage returns for Couder*i*,r: on ! arrival of trains. 02-tf j D. F. Glassmire, Stage Proprietor •• nrf Exjiresr Agent In the matter of the Petition 1 In fie Orphans' of W*. I). ATHXBiosf.rthe | Com of Potter partition of the Beat Estate 1 County, N O . I SO. of H*<" !iam Atherun, do- , To JAMES ATHEE ! ceased. I T>* and H;EA* J ATHEBTOH. You are hereby notified lo appear next Court, to !*• held at C'oudersport <>u the fllieentb dav of September next, and -!iow eause why the report of the inquest made in this case should not be approved, au i whv vou -h.iu'd not accept the several parts of the Aid real e-Jate assigned to you in said report. J NO. S. MANN & SON, Attys. for Petitioner. Coudersi>ort, July 30,1873. tt "5 IN the Orphan*' COURT .f THE 'ln the J. A'LER OF the . County C* P< 'ierEVßhel estate of JOHS HE.*- j miua Jfoisa, Chss. 1* Moisa, TT SACK* IS*. late I Emm* A. Sack ma nn and of the township of " tiireeminorcliildren (names At' ain t!. e vn- nalcnown) of John Otto AA ty OF Potter, dec' D, drew isarkin&an, ale ~f S. V. city, deceased. TAKE N< >TI( E. on the petition of ibe widow oi said decedent, a citation Juts t>een grimed bv the Orphan," Court of Potter County to the arf lnmistrator and heirs-at-law of JOHN HENRT I Swk'O.'.v decasoii. to s'ii rw am why sale of the realestate of said decedent should riot be or ret ..; n.tide on the l'tli da\ of September next. lK'f'tre tiie Judge of said Court at Couder sport at 1 o'clock p. in., at which time and place vi>n inav attend if vou think proper. CiLMSTED A LAIIRABEE, 2t06 Attys for Petitixmert. (.'-oudersport, July 23, 1873. ANN A. KELI.T "| by her next friend, j In the Court of Common JAMBS NELSON. ► Pleas of Putter Co., No. <•*. I 47, Feb. Tenn. 1573. S. D. KELLT. J Libel in Divorce. S. I). Kelly, the Resixinient above named, wiil please rake notice tuat a subpeena and alias sufojwrna have IK-CII is*,ied and rrturned nihil: > on are therefore hereby required to appear on the lirJ! day of next Court. Sept. 1".. 18.3, to an swer to the complaint made in this case. S. P. REYNOLDS, Sheriff. Coudersport, July 23.1873. 2506 A elm iai st ra! 01**8 Notice, "YTYfIEKEAS. letters of administration to the v t ESTATE of REUBEN E. KENT, late of Pleasant Valley twp.. Potter Co , deceased, having been ■/ran: 1 the subscribers. all persons indebted to s.tid estat" are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the est it" of s*id decedent will taake known tii" name without delay to • DORCAS M. KENT, EBNEST WJUOHT. Pleasant Valley. June 10, 1873.-6 Adm'rs. SOOTS and SHOSS ! John Denhof, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens that he continues the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES at his new stand, MAIN STREET below MARKET, (So"'.'< of the Bridge,) ALL work done in a workmanlike manner r-us liable rates, AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED Give him a calL i A BEAUTIFUL $8 CIIKOMO F? E £ TO ALL LOVERS OF AltT AND JLITEBA 'i CUE "\1 T il will -end i: • Beautiful Ch: n.oe.Titled vv "The Unwelcome Visitor." portage pre paid, as a premium I" every subscriber to our . mouth y magazine called the' J} CJ Mlsla K ]] EE, contains thirty-two large pages, besides the eo ver. tilled with the liest and most interesting j reading. Price, only S i a Year! Send on your I lollar and get a dollar magazine , and an eight dollar eliromo in return- Sample I copy sot free on receiot of stamp. We want and wiil liberally pay A G E A J' S . Send stamp for particulars. Address HUMBLE BEE, Albion. Illinois. 504* NATIONAL Line of StoaisMp. STEAMERS SAIL WEEKLY TO AND FROM NEW YORK, QUEENSTOWX AND LIVERPOOL, AND EVERY FORTNIGHT TO AND FHOM NEW YORK AND LONDON. Comprising the Powerful, Very Fast. First-Class, New Iron Steamships. FOR LIVERPOOL, C-d.l7sfJy.sf. GFtHHCK, £ G J'i'T, 67'AJA". ITHZ r, rHA.YCE. FOR LONDON, HOLLA AD. UH.Y.ifAHK, HJYGLAAf), TII£ QV££.\\ JFTt/.Y. JIFL rJZTIA. AVERAGE TIME OFUVErtPOOI. AND QUEENS TOW N U.NE AEOUT NINE DAYS, ! The Company have added recently to their al ready splendid'fleet six NEW STEAMERS, which *r • the largest, an,! have proved to is? among the f Bill fat, in the world. These additional steamers enable u to provide increased and unsurpassed accomodations for our passengers, and reaiiy makes .his the leading line on the Atlantic Ocean. The''National Una steamers" are celebrated for -jwrsl.strength and sea-goingqusUil'-s: aredivid j i i into A ! r. Water-Tight an/f Fin-Proof Com •tmentM, than otoialafng gnat autty; and are fitted up in even - respe t with ad the modern ir;<pror*."nt* to insure the comfort, convenience and safety of passengers, to wl. :.i good treat ment and'kind attention is always given. Per sons visiting the Old Country, or see hug for their friends, should c. rta'ub a-.'ail themselves of the j many advantages of this well-known, favorite i Lin": the best and cheapest irctwee.. Euroie and I America. Great Ivednction of Passage. To Fso* • To or from Queemstown, I,lverp'>o!, Lon don. l arditf, Bristol, Glasgow or Londonderry .?29 #3l <'.o Hamburg, Antwerp, Havre, Rotterdam, etc 35 DC do Bremen, Gotten burg, ( hrls tiana, Copenhagen, Manhelm, Staranger. Drontheim, I'aris, etc 38 40 Children r.nder Twelve Years. Half-Rate, lu lants under One Year, Three Dollars. No Charge for Infants on Outward Tick ets. A'O7~E:— 77)e*e rate* of pat*ape are mur/t cheaper than any other Firtl-Cta** Fine rrotting the Atlantic. Steerage passengers will be supplied with as | much provisions and water as they may wish to use; the provisions are of the beat quality, and are examined and put on l>oard under the inspec tion of Government Officers, appointed for that j purpose, and are cooked and served out by the , j Company's Stewards three times a day. Each Passenger is assigned a separate t>erth; married couples berthed together; single females ; placed in rooms by themselves. They are re ! quired to furnish themselves with bedding, mess- ; | tins, etc. Ten cubic feet of luggage (equal to two large i trunks'; allowed to each adult. An experienced Physician attached to each Steamer. Medicine and medical attendance free. Cabin Passengers provided with elegant accom- j modations at low rates. EXCHANGE loiT EUROPE, BANK DRAFTS issued from El to £6OOO, at low- j jest rates, payable on demand in any part of Eng land. Ireland, Scotland and Wale-. Also, Drafts j 1 for any amount, payable in the principal cities of ■ Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Prussia, France, Spain and Italv. The arrangements in this branch of our busi ne*- are very extensive and complete, giving us , facilities which eDable us to sell at banker's low est rates. Those who have bten paying a high price for their remittances should call upon us and aval! themselves of our low prices. For PASSAGE, BANK DRAFTS or any further in- I formation, apply to S. F. HAMILTON, AGENT. 'j I WIITQ -A-ICTID SOET, "THE AMERICAN PIAHO," IVo. 117 STREET, ISew York, UNSURPASSED First premiums wherever exhibited—Prices low for the quality—Large prleee allowed for St-cond-haud Instruments in Exchange. Brow Mr. Edward itoffman, the celebrated Pianist. I conscientiously believe that your Piano is in every respect a most rnagnxfl i | cent Instrument. From the " Independent." The American Piano has deseivedly become a very poptilar Instrument. fg'Kesponsible Agents wanted for unoccupied territory. Send for Circulars to ' 2429 AVIXG & SOX, 417 Broome St., X. Y. — Lewisville w. w. Moore, GRADED SCHOOL. DIALKB j i mi™ MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, B. B. Slade, Jlr*. B. B. Made. Principal Assistant ! ' , Kr „ .. _ , , AMERICAN AND IMPORTED i Hiss K. E. Caaiiing;, Instrumental I , I TUITION". rrimarv DeiartnK-nt, per tend 4 of< MARBLES, etc.. i Intermediate do., do s(' • i High school dm. do 8 Of l • Instrumental music 10 00 s Third St., opposite Court House Square, Tuition must be arranged in advance. (".asses in this term will lie arranged to accom modate those designing to teach during the coin- COL Dt RSPORT, PA. ing winter. The Potter County Teachers' Institute will be ' held at Lewisville in" connection with this term. f Board, including lights and fuel, can lie ob- All work done In a workmanlike manner and or tained for ou cent-per dav. Good rooms can lie : , .. ~ ... , .. ; obtained by those who des're to f Ornish tlieir own ,I(TS Bent lnall promptly attended to. ; boiiriL SETH LEWIS. OIL BASSETT. My prices are the lowest in this section of the j Secretary. 50-tf President country. 544 i ; 1 I •j SPRING. 1813. Thcs. McDowell k Co., | DEALERS IN GENEEAL MERCHANDISE,! PORT A.X.iIjECw.A.rJT, PA.. TVc would respectfully call the attention of the people of POTTER COUNTY to our large and complete assortment of UIIY GOODS, GROCERIES, ' CROCKERY, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, READ Y-MADE CLOTHIXG, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, FLOUR, PORK. SALT. FISH. ! FEED and MEAL, PAINTS and OILS, j HARDWARE, NOTIONS, GLASSWARE, Ac., Ac., Ac., which we are offering at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, owing to the increased facilities afforded by the completion of the Buffalo. Xt-w York & Philadelphia Railway, and we can and will sell goods as low as they can lie sold this side of i Canada. Fresh ground Feed and Meal kept constantly on hand. "We aix- daily receiving new goods, thus keeping our stock, in all departments, . " FULL AND COMPLETE at all tunes. 2429-h Tlios. McDowell d Co. THE : Goiersport Hotel } , AND - General Stage Office | llis been REFITTED and &ETVRSI?UE.B from •I Q4 TJpFT jo Q7T T.AR l and is now op>ai to the P CPLIC. ' \ The TABLE irill be kept in FIRST CLASS style, ' and no latx>r or expense spared to make it a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, GOOI) BTABLtXG, and careful Hostlers of leaps in attendance. The OLD-TIME popularity of the Hotel will be FULLY MAINTAINED by the present Proprietor, who now solicits the patronagex>f travellers and the piublic generally. D. F. GLASSMIRE, Jr., 131 PKOPKIETOB. Insurance Company of North America, Or PHILADELPHIA. | The Oldest Stock Insurance Company in the United States ASSETS, .January 1, INTJi. S* 3,376,738.01 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, OF PHILAEELPHIA. ! I ASSETS, JanuAiy 1, 1873, $ 1,162,602.46 i The above-named reliable Companies are represented in Con dersport by 2439-1 y ARTHUR B. MANN. THE BAKER HOUSE X. E. cor. SECOND and EAST Streets, (East cf Court Ecuse Square,) COUDERSPORT, PA. : Has been purchased by BROWN & KELLY {formerly of the Cotoersport Hotei. ) The House is completely furnished from top to liottom. and has al! the conveniences desired by the people ; the table is the best in the County ; the barn is under the charge of the hest ortler ir the State; and, in short: everything will tie done that can liedone to make it comfortable for stran gers or others who visit the house. The long experience of the Proprietors in the Hotel business makes them peculiarly aide to eater to the varied w ants of the travelling public. i ' They solicit their old custom, believi g that thev are able to sttpplv the best of tue ebst to alb BROW> k KELLEY, 133 Proprietor t. i r~ L. E. COLE & SON, FROFKI RTOIU? OF TH ; Blacksmith and Wagon-shop, I Second Street, (between Kain k West.) —Xorth Side.— COUDERSPORT, PA. WAGOXB. CARRIAGES and SLEIGHS "fall descrij4iaru , manufactured to suit monomers ami warramM. Krpairinc always attended to promptly. Competent anil experienced workroen;kept in em ploy tn both shops to attend to the calls of cus tomers. Charges reasonable for cash or ready pay. 2423 L B. COLE &. SON M. H. EIRCE. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN paprr Jiianfliiifls, jatfnTJoto OIL CLOTHS, Etc., Xo. '2lB Main St., 2434 iy BUFFALO, K. V, }. . .ti-Leb? tasmon TOOJ; ; tvhfsq.uml tpoaS uo iiaj sicwrs nr.) BjamojKUD wptraiq fmotnsj XnuuW JOl(JO ST! FB "00-TVaOJ, OXIJiSHO ..K.llKHHdo : putuH Xttsnf oqi ;o sJuntovjnutK A -M 'OTVAJIH 'too-iis on v it '•oo v swvav 'W •* BASSETT'S LIVERY, Corner MARKET and Hl \TER Streets, [SOUTH SI OK of the It IV Eli.) I WOULD respectfully Invite the attention of tha ; public to my LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT, with the assurance that I can meet every de mand for a first-class turnout. Having purchased the Livery of Amos Velie, I have the only Establishment of the kind in thi* section. J. M. BASSETT. 132-tr John V. Brown, PROPRIETOR OF LINE OF STAGES EBTWTK.N Coudersport & Wellsville ( T'td OSWAYO, rA.) Persons going to OswayO by stage, and desiring to return same day, will be accommodated at stage rates. Passengers wishing to reach any of the neighbor ing towns will be conveyed by Livery at reasonable rates. A good Livery tig kept eonstantlj on hand for passengers by the stage. OSWAYO HOUSE, (JOHN V. BROWN. Propr.,) OSWAYO, PA. 114-tf Edward Forster. DIAIEE 19 G-rocexies & Provision^ MAIN STREET above SECOND, COUDERSPORT, PA. A FULL SUPPLY OY FLOUR, SUGAR, SPICES, SYRUP, CHEE6 , HAM, FISH, | TOBACCO, SNUFF &c., &c., KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. A specialty made Teas and Coffees, | of which I have the Largest and Host ; Stock in town. All Goods sold CHEAP for CASH only j Call and examine before purchasing elsetvher . EDWARD FORSTER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers