D. B. NEEFE, i CARRIAGE and WON MHO, Cor. EAST and WORCESTER Sts., Couderport, Pa., i arry on the following branches of business Wagon Shop. There will I* made to order and kept on hand all kinds of Lumber Wagons, with Bodies, Whif fletrees. Neck-yokes ami Steel Spring Seats; Platform' and End-Elliptic Spring Wagons; Side, orConcord, Elliptic Spring Top and Open Buggies; Sulkies; One-horse Wagons. Ox and Horse Carts, Sleighs and Cutters will be made to order on short uotice. Repairing of all kinds of old work done with neat ness and durability. BLACKS3IITH SHOP. Horse and Ox Shoeing; Irontng of all kinds of Wagons, Sleighs and Cutters. Picks, Clevises, Chains, Hooks, Brag-teeth, Hinges, Bolts for Carriager, Plows, etc., and repairing of all kinds of Mill Irons and Farmiug implements. PAINT SHOP. Painting of all kinds of new Wagons, Carriages, Sleighs and Cutters, and special attention paid to the cleaning and painting of okl work. Sign and Ornamental Painting done to order with neatness and dispatch, | STrtmnunfl All kinds of Carriage, Stage and Coach Tons. Cushions, Falls, Dashes, Lazy-Backs, Shaft Trtmmtug, and all work In the line of Trim ming doue in good Style. • Notice is given that I have changed rnv place of business from Brooklaud, Pa., to this place and have built a new Factory—3o x 72 ft.,—in which the four brahcltes of business will be carried on, ami will be pleased to receive the custom of my old patrons. The best of Lumber, Iron and Trimming Material that can be procured will be used on the work. Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. D. B. NEEFE. 5445° If. H. GOOBSELL, Carpenter and Joiner, 80UTH SIDE of the RIVER, (nboi'f EAST Street,) Coudersport, I'it. CONTRACTS taken and materials furnished for all kinds of Bcn-Drso PLANING and MATCHING (lone.—MOULDING of all Jfi ascriptions. B.LSH. BLINDS and IX)ORS on hand or manu factured to order. CASII paid for Piuc Lumber. Yonr patronage Ls solicited. 5. H. OWDSLLL. j FTaJLTZT AND . i; ORNAMENTAL JOB PBUTfIM! I I I PROMPTLY EXECUTED I J AT THE i I OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL AND NEWS ITEM. H. D. TREADWELL, —OF— lWellsville, N. Y., Has just returned from New York witbjia large stock of I . Boots and Shoos, LEATHER & SHOE FINDINGS, :LOOK AT THE PRICES I: I j I WOMEN'S SLIRRKRS from E E to £1.75 j " LEATHER LACE BOOTS OC. " 1.75 •' MOROCCO " " 81. 00 " 1.25 MEN'S THICK BOOTS |2.50 " 4.00 |" KIP " 2.75 4.50 Small Shoes, from 317 cents upwards. Sole Leather, 30 rnd 31 cent's per pound. Shoe Findings of all kinds, vervcbeap. i Remember the place,—directly opposite the Howell House. J ' . I WISHART'S PINE TREE : Tar Gonial, NATURE'S GREAT 'HEREBY PCR THE Throat and Lung's. Tt is gratifying to us to inform the public that I Dr. 1.. Q. C. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, [ ! for Throat and Lung diseases, has gained an ! ! enviable reputation from the Atlantic to the Pa j ciflc coast, and from thence to some of the first ; : families of Europe, not through the press alone. I but by persons throughout the States actually ben efitted tud cored at his office. While he publishes less, so say our reporters, he is nnable to supply the demand, it gains and holds its reputation— , First: Not by stopping cough, but by loosening i and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy | matter collected about the throat and bronchial : tubes, which causes irritation. j Second: It removes the cause of Irritation, ! (which produces cough), of the mucous membrane and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to act and i throw off the unhealthy secretions, aud purifies 1 the blood, j Third: It is free from squills, lohrlta,ipecac and opium, of which most throat and iung remedies are eomposed, which allay cough only, and disor ganize the stomach. It has a soothing effect on the stomach, acts on the liver and kidneys, ami lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to i every part of the system, and in its Invigorating \ and purifying effect* ft has gained a reputation which it must hold above all others in the market. NOTICE. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial, r 1 i I Great American Dyspepsia Pills, AND WORM SUGAR DROPS ] Belug under my immediate direction, they shall II not lose theircurative qualities by the use of cheap 1 and impure articles. HENRY R. WISHART, Proprietor. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's Offilce parlors are open : on Mondays. Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 a. i m„ to 5 p. m„ for consultation by Dr. Win. T. Ma i gee. With him are associated two consulting phv -1 slcians of acknowledged ability. This opportnnl i ty Is not offered by any other Institution in the | city. VII Letifrs must be nddreNkcil to L. Q. G. WISHAET, M. D., SO. 232 S. SECOND ST., I'lli liKiolf ——— 8 \\r 1 • _ ■ MALE or FEM ALE, •>" a \\ 01 Ix. 1112T week guaraatcv L .)"■'- apectable. employment at hoiuc. .lay or evening; 1 no capital required; lull la.structlo.;S ami valuable package of goods seat free by mail. Addr, wun Scent return stamp, M. YOUNG A CO., 39-4U 113 Greeuwicil bt., N. T. j 100 MBS oi SHUTS MALE or FEMALE, can secure EMPLOY MEN I PAYING FROM Slot) to si'O per nmnth during the Spring and Mummer. Address i,.0- PLE> JOURNAL, SIS Arch at., Phila., fa. SU j innn Agents wante l for our immensely popu lUUU lar Maps A Charts, our large Map of the ! United States, with a beautiful large World Map on reverse side, sells splendidly. Each map *oxs: inches. , IA flfl Agents wanted for oir new I harts *nolv ; IUUU virgin A Child'and 'Christ blessing little Ciiluien.' Thee will hud a place in every Christian home. HaasisA Lubrecht, Empire Map A Chart j Establishment, 107 Liberty St., New York. 35 * S 500 IN PREMIUMS. TWO NSW POTA.TOE3. H EXTRA EARLY VERMONT. Ten Days Earlier than Early Rose. Enor ■ mo"usl> productive and of excellent fla- W <fi vor. -i 1.00 per pound. 1 pounds by mail, postpaid, $3 ot. , O COMPTON'S SURPRISE, 826 buslieN j H tn to the Acre. A litt'c later than Early : rw v* Rose. Equal inquality. id per pound, . f/J bv mail, postpaid. m " SSOO will be awarded as Premiums to £. those who produce the largest quantity • ■as fl) from one pound. I hre. nptiv ■ circulars BQ of the übov . with list ol 300 varieties of "Q Potatoes, free to all. 1M Illustrated seed Catalogue, 20.) pages H-m with Colored Chromos. 25 cents. Cw A new Tomato, the' Arlington.' Early M solid and vrodnctive. Pri ~Vw et. Five packets for one dollar. p.. K. BLISS & SONS, if:i Park Place, 241",-4 New York . Ulrri ]} ipi Y T FIRST PREMiUSI JLv/ ; ia. IWST. iS.I, Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet, Broiling Door, Fender,Guard,Dumping \ Slinking Grate, Direct Draft. FULLER, WARREN \ CO.. 36-4 236 Water St., N'. \ Agent* tVantHl for the New Illustrated Book, WHO LIFE '"so FSB WEST.; 30 years with Indians. 1 rappers. In Mexican wars, etc. Scalping Expedition against Apaches. Full of interest and selling rapUib*. The Book of the i veer. Address WILEY, WATERMAN A I '.TUN, : 40-4 rl Hartford, Ct. OTTDSCER/IIBIE oUD fnp thp , , iUI iiiu Fottsr r IP cJOth Ord News Item. The LEST and MOST IMPROVE] | Fire and Burglar-Proof 2SS S3L ji* <£S 2SJ AN B VAULTS Are made by the PITTSBURGH SAFE COM PANY, 167 PEN: - STREET, aCjti • Pittsburgh, Pa. 1873. SPRING. 1873. J > ci < L•wf?L, A Pi O, MiNI'FACTrRKK *.X3 MIOLE.4AI.ti DE.U.3K IN EQO7S and SHOES, JR! sirid 55 WOOD fettreef, is receiving the largest stock of Spring attd Sum mer Goods ever brought to the city, consisting of .HE. i-.v, xoj'.f, rovrirs. iro.tr/.rw, .HISSES', and CHIL f)H E.S 'S' Boots Shoes, Brogans," Balmorals Gaiters, and Slippers. Having had most of these goods made to order, and having a factory on Women's,""Misses', attd Children's Goods, and buying for cash, I can oiler any goods at Eastern prices to cash or short time buyers. All orders from the country tilled prompt ly, and satisfaction guamnreed, The .attention of the trade is specially invited to call and exam ine my stock and prices. J. 11. Rorriuid. 53 and 55 WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. j Also, Family Retail Store, No. 9s Market St, ! 36j* SSO,ODD Reward! Will be distributed to subscribers to the AMERICAN WORKING PEOPLE in 1873. It is the only Workuigman's Tariff I Monthly; has* 16 large quarto pages, ; with illustrations. I very Subscriber S 's & Premium. Varying from 25 eents in value) to SSO(J l in greenbacks. Among the premiums are 2 of SSOO in greenbacks; 2 of $20(1; ' 10 of SI no; 100 of S10; Sou of $2: 5 I'ar | lor Organs, 5250 each; 10 Sewing Ma chines, SGOeaeb; 50 American Watches, j S4O each —besides many thousands of j smaller premiums. Only $1.50 iter year; sent on trial three months for 25 cents. Send for specimen to CAPRON & CO., 36j} Rox 5, Pittsburgh, Pa. Established. iiv 1838. Re-Established in 18(><). C. G. Hammer & Sons, j Manufacturers of Fine and Medium FCRNI | TURK, of every description and once. Hand-made j and superior In style ami quality than found In I most or any other Furniture House this side of the j mountains. i Photographs aud Price Lists sent on applies*! >n, or when In the etty don't forget the piece—Sign of the lunge Golden Oec, 45. 4-, f.ap f-) SEVENTH A VENT E. <4i36jly FiTrserßOD, Pc. Write for Large lilu-itrated Price List, .Vldrrjs (•re:i! iVi'slcrn fciun Works, No. 173 SMrntFIKI-D ST., PITTSBURGH; PA. Creech-loading Shot-guns, sp> t > $ •. I> vible Shot-guns SUo $153. Single Guns fj t. ltf ies $s to $75. l'evolvcrs $6 tos2s. Pistcis fll > Gun Material, Fishiug '< a klc. Large • Dcocol to deal ers or clubs. Army guns, Revolvers, etc.. bought : or traded for. Goo's sent by Express C. O. n. to • be examined before i>a!d for. 35-4 i 12,090,000 ACRES. CHEAP FARMS. The Cheapest Laud in Market for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad Co, la the Great Platte Valley. i 3,000,000 acres in Central Jiehraska i Now for -ale la tracts of forty acres a.id upwards ; on five and ten years'credit at six percent. No j advance interest required. Mild and healthful climate, fertile soil, an abun- . i dance of good wafer. THE BEST MARKET IN WEST, The great Mli.lng regions of Wyoming, Colorado. Utah an i Nevada beiug supplied by the farmers!., the Platte : valley. Soldiers entitled to a Horn stead uf ISO ACre9. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLC. ICS. FREE HOMES FOR ALL. Millions v I A res of j I choice Government lands open for entry u:i Gr the : Homestead Law, near this Great Ualiroal, with gooii markets aud all the conveniences of an old settled country. Free passes to purchasers of Railroad lands. Sectional Maps showing the Laud, alga n >v edi tion of Descriptive Pa upnlet, with new maps, j mailed free everywhere. Address O. F. DAVI*s, .39 4d Lttnd Comr. V. P. Jt. It., on ait A, XEB. i ! Hall T. Uelson's MEAT MARKET, THIRD STREET, (Ijfticcen M.[IX and EAS'J Streets,) Coufeport, Pa, i Will be eoustiintly supp'ied with BEEF, VEA L , jV2 UTTON, and PORK,! iOf the very be the c utnfrv will afford. HALL T- ITZLSON. ■ ; ! GO TO H. T. WELSOrJ & CO. FOR THE CELEBRATED LOCK HAVES; FLQU'H. Ru S3. 3asway s mm mis CURES THE WORST PAINS 1 In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT HOUR after reading tliis ndvertiscmeut reed anv one SUFFER WITH PAIN. IIAD W AY'S HEADY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. It was the first and is The Only Pain Itemedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflammations, and cures Conge:tlons, whether of tne Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one annlicaUon, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY IfINTTTRfI. ISo matter how violent or excruciating the pain the RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden. Infirm, Crippled, Ner vous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, RADWAY'3 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF TIIE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA. ItHEUM ATI SM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CIIILI.s. Tne application of the Remlv Relief to the part or pim where tha paiu or difficulty txusia wiil afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops In half a tumbler of vnDr wiil in a few moments cure CRAMPS, SPASMS, sol'R STOMACH. HE\RTIU RV. SICK HEADACHE. DIARRHEA. DYSENTERY. COLIC. WIND lH THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL I'AINs. Tra. ilern ahoul l nlwavs cany a Lodl' iftnd wav'v K -niiy Ueliof with them. A for. ain i w iterwid tc. veu ri-'kne-,-* or jialim fi , of water. It is In tor 'huti Frcuc'i Brandy 0; Bis.crs a* astiuiuiai'. FEVER AND AC!'F., FEVER AND AGUE cured for lilV. wis. There Is pot a reined' .1 agoat in this world t: it wft care I Fever and Ayue, and all ether Maiatl"'-,, Rllious, IscaL-t. TvtihoW, Y, and other I e-. ■ • ; y KADWAY'S PILLS) .o quick a IIAIBVAY'S BEADY RELIEF. Fifty qeutsper Letile. Sold hy i>n isgots. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STROS'G AND PURE RICH FLOOD—IN CREASE <>'■' Ft Ksl l AND WEIGHT—"I.EAJ SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION slf CURED TO ALL. ! DSS. R&DWAY'S SAR3APARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE rHE MOS T ASTONISHING CCREB; t- ) (A! KMC. SO RAPID ALE TIII". CIiANGE.4 THE BODY UNI El'.GOl'.s UNDER THE IN FLUENCE OF THIS "'"OI.Y WO.NDERI'UL MEOK'INF, THAT Every P?.y an 'n Tieoll > ctnti Weight is Seen nr.J F-JJ:. TTI <1 GREAT EI-OO ITO PIER kyerv 3. •>. if !„• BAP.sAI'Ai:ILIdAA UK wLvfclTcftniMtinU tied tliriMtgb thv Uhi !.S' < ;t. , t'r'.-.0, other lluld.i Juic..s ol fiji- sYxUrm tiie vi* .r of life, for it rep ih-* the oi ? ho f efiv v*rtl i v and - ''id mi iKtUiI. Sert't'ula, S- j hilis. Con* k inipti' Ohitldulir di flees* 1 the Thrnat, I Mo ith. Tu'mom. Nodes in t e Olnnd.-* •• (I c t!u*r p trtf ' .•?' lit • s>u m. .> re Eyes. Si unious l)i-charg< a from the Ears, iin l tit ' wrst f J ins of S i;i -*es g : jfiinptlotsa, F. v.-r Bnrw, Bcsld He:.-!. tQng Woiti, . Salt Kiieuin. Ervslpelas, Acne, Itl.iek S|' \ Worms it. thu Fh'*!', Ttitnors, C:e cers iti the Womb, and nl! *ve:tkc in ' •in<l pninfui discliurcr ri s. Night Stvvats, L (>: > "'fin. and ail or the life prlnrttiie, ! un within UK* curative range of thi- votnl-r of HM* j em ( h .aistry, and a few chnV u-e will prnv* to ; ti'-y pers<iii it for citiier of these lo.iua of discus# it- poteut power to cure them. N-DT only the SABSAPABIMJAH IV r.sotn*T excel :ttl known remedial agents in ihe cime of t'hronlr, : sV*rofu!oU"* $ Constitutional, and Skin uUcascs; but it | Is tlu (inly positive cure for Kidney Ac Bladder Complaint*, Unitary, and Womh ili>eass, (iiavel. F>i;t|Mti*s r Dropsv, Sf upngc of Water, liicontinenee of ("rfue, liright's Disev'.p, Albttmluuria, and in all cose* where there are brlckdust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an rgg, or threads live white silk, or thero !s:i morbid, ' dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust de posits. and when there Is a pricking, burning aeusa- ' ti.iu wiled passing water, and i.tin in the oaiull of the Bick R'id along the Loins. Price, SI.OJJ WOIMS , —The only known an J sure I for Worm* -i in, Tope. etc. Tumor of 12 Year*' Crmvth \ Cured by KudtvayV* lieHOiveut. BtviiLY. Moi., July 1 # ]kO. i TTr.. RvoWay :—T bsve had Ovii-Un Tumor in th< ovaries n:..l bowels. Ail UM Doctors in Ip■ R-r it.** I tried every thing that rcronnnentitd: but nothing )<el:K>d me. 1 saw vo ir Resolvent, ami thonght 1 would try it ; hath id "> f*'th In h. Lecnie f had for twelve \-sr.*. I t 'k bttlel ol* the Resolvent, and one box of kadway's Pill*, a:j1 lw; brttles cf your Read; Rrli^f; and there i* not % sign of t!--• r to le seen or -itul I better, and happier th.-.n 1 have f r twelve year?. The tu.imr wa> i . t!** !♦ t side r.f ilie I wels, over t-i- groin. I write this t-> you f->r the I D ht .f others, Y u coa pabluh it if you choose. HANNAH P. KNAPP. DR. RAOWAY'S PERFECT PURGATisE FILLS, p-'rf ft'>* tL-1 -iless, tlpputly runted v itii a.vrct gum, j IT; I.rtv'i Mis, f I hi! cure of a?! disotth-r-. uf the j Fiuaich. i.iv<-r. 1 • %a, K.lit ivy-, lk.iu*. 7C?rvi*tis lli- .'ASM, H dadm. f'-'ttstifiaiion, •'-Ktivrin sa, IndUrc-* , .-m. 1> >-- 11, Thliu; i .y F vcr, Infianiuia' "3 "I Uc 1 Phs, and ai! Dunuigvr l4i-i:i. I t- 'I N SU''! W; t uteri t' l*lf *i*t a pout v ?*urr. Pur .v \ eg. '.--i-lr, con tail... g 110 uier i Cur . A !n ■ vt< r. -i-diu_ Zt?* O v; ti • following <v*vptnms rcsttillng ! fro * I>ia •u> uf ti'.c I' £ .*> •• V r ... X -e.' ;<v -! Pi! •. r Li'*!.. - : S'- lin tlw j Held \ id.lv -T th • N-v. c a. 1 • a>p.u-n. l!!.";iut j ©:' Food, tlfnox rV ■ t i the f - 1* irta ; (forts. I •' • • ' HO Fit f St • . * IRIUT of i Hoi, Married fi d lii; .Jt reathing. FltiMer* \ j- . ; !- ".( * '■'£ v- wutrg S-vh-.i in 1 a X.v ' f ' *of \ ! i or VVP ? b>r : the .Sigh'. F er ---d #ill P .ri iu the t!< v!. iMi'-'ruty ' ; Of IV -i ir 'Vi, V-!I . ' ' t! >V•* rl.'yee, P .t-i in t . •- :ie, Limor, a.i t$ t id- FluJieoi liuruiag f the Kie l. f - - f r S- n f :n a!I tV :i •\ t -r ,*r . Pncv. 2\ v vv ! K '!■■■■:: .. i pc\;. • v.Yi -K AM) TKI K." '-n? 1 I r*• i ..i 'A." AY / CO.. N. e : V. -ti 1v .. | ,\ N:t E.fv-iw-ilhA wor kk. -i.v ja„i a. ; • j > >o. Bsauty at the Firesids. Untibateff sKtcess of CRLMtIi vF < o rir CRT. ELI'GANT! UOUGTSOIJS! ISKILLI ANT! | Crii ml), of Contfori. thf saeor,> ! of Lie me. Criimhs i i'ouiloi'i. the pii e 'of the kitelieii and parlor. Tiiau-i unN of ladies j atie.t i;> worth, an . unhesitatingly pronttnee it I the Qinu i ./ LuMers. The I'rcTs universally : praise St and pw'aitii it woman's ererv-dav /friend. Eeonomiral. Ijtvtiiiff. I'nap proactmble. >e-■ f. rPA*TS. Ladies \vi ; nid Crumbs f Comfort for sale by ail first class grocer-s hardware dealers, country store } keepers, &•.: tlirotish.'tif Ihy United states and j Canadas. If A. B VRTLETT .v ft*.. Mauufae ' Mirers Bart>tt's Blacking, I'earl Blue, xe., .te. N.is. US, 115 and 117 Kn>n SI.. FltUa lelpMa; 11" 1 | Chambers St., N. Y.: 43 Broad si.. Boston. .To ; TliE Great South American BLOOD PDEIPIEB! JURUUEBA! isniiequal'pd by anv known remedy. It willerad | icate. extirpate - thoroughly destroy all p qson ous in the Blood and will effectually . dispel all predisposition tot i i us I- (here want of action in your I.lvor A Spleen? Unless relieved at once, the blood impure by de'etc'lons secretions, pro ! dtt in l serofu'ousorskin diseases. Blotches, l'el on-s. IMistules. Canker. I'imp'es. \c.. &e. Have yon a Byspeptic Stomach? Un ; '..ss digesti ni i< promptly aided, the system isdc I ' i'itated with loss of vita! force, poverty of the Blood. Itrojidcal Tendency, General Weakness ■ r Lassitude. llsvcjoii weakness of tlie intestines? : You are In danger of Chroni ■ ld irrh ra or the ' ili e -dfii' liiffamiii''' i m of t!ie B iwe' .. Have on weakness of the Uterine or Urinary Organs? You must oroeure instant J re'iqf or you are liable to suffering worse than I death. A re yon dejected, drowsy, dull, s'uggish. or depres-ed in spi its. with headache, baekaehe, ; coated tongue and bad tasting mouth? For a certain remedy for a'l thpse diseases, weaknesses and troubles: for cleansing and pu i rifving the vrtratrd Ideod and imparting vigor to all the vita! forces: for building tip and restoring the weakened constitution USE JURUBE3A which is pronounced by the leading medical au thorities of London anil Faris"the most power ful toi.i ■ and aitertiive known to the medical : world." This js no new and untried discovery, | hut has long been Used by the leading pity ieiatis of other countries with wonderful remedial re ; sp't •>. Don't w eaken ium! impnir tlte digestive ' organs by caitha: tics and physics, they give only j ieinnora' v rc'icf— Indigestion, flatulency a dy-i 1 iiepsia with piles arid kindred diseases are sure to follow their use. Keep the blood oir e, and health is assured. ,1()IIN o. KKIJ.GGC. IK P'att St., New York. '"—l So'e Agent for the United states. |Pi ice One Dollar per Bottle, send far Mrcniar. | AGENTS WANTED.— Address for the most I liberal terms ever offered. THE PI-'.COVKKKB DISCO YEREJ) Tim advontnres of a raost adv.-aturnns life. A ' hirge octavo volume, splendidly illustrated. Con | tains Incidents of the wonderful '-arcer of the i t-est Traveler, the Coutiti'.v, AnimaD, Natives. I T inting, Ac. The bfst dig. -ae i CyciopefUa of : African know' lge and T.u.'INH.-'TONk'.s explors- : | 'tons FVE publish "1. Full aecnurt of how STAS j .i-.v J.'.itN!) I.IVIN'GSTOXK. The oulv book et s-i ! h 1 i>v the Press, send $1 for outtlr, or write to ! V. FLI.NI k Co., whdadelphia, Pa., or Soring ield. ! Mips. ->- A 1 | J>OOK CANVASSER!? can Had no more frc-li V ,1 I at' lefivc o i:ae for Spring sales than **r/ic ] .Ycir Mat: nil," by ,s:i. * C. F. teecher and Mrs. If. B. x?ov; a t'vdopdia of i Domestic Economy and a complete Cookery Rook iu one volume, send for circular to J. H. FORI) Ik Co., i 37? New York, Boston, Chicago, or San Francisco. CAMPHORIf^E. PAIN! PAIN! PAIN!- The Great discovery "or the relief of pain and a sure and imme liat ( • ire for Rheurnuti-rn, ehroaic and acute, Sprai'ir. c. Ir has a pleasant and refreshing o'o-. an 1! not g.-eas" or stain the most d!ie:U • f-'.h-tc I hich makes it a Inxnry in everv fandly. Pri • ' I "> cents per bottle. Ko*' side bv all druggists, f REUBEN HOY i", Prop'r, N v Yuri NUMEROUS TESTS RAVE PROVED U. F. Bu"nhvji's Tnrbine WATER WHEEL, to be the Best Ever Invented. , j AM I'll LET FREE. 4)> ADDRESS, YORK, PA. j OH 8 i?i™ 51. T* 'Plaso*. a yea . Ad L ess, FRED. G. BEACH, PiU L V ", : !d-4 AIM ) . JT. V. | A | !rmii 25 >?s — Eigh*. ••.tx;T"' mail" i e j xl fl 'or 25 eta. that s >!1 at sight for four -lolla- . OT* oa person in Coo ic o.u.i whuwili act a i agent. ItANDA 1 T .tr CO., •■5? 767 Broadway N. Y. *i WIATPU TOnC wo-th S2O, given gra ! A %/i A I trii f )!l.t lis t-. evcrv live ~,n vh*i 111 act a < our ago t. Business light and ho: - j cable. s•:<>•.> ma le In sda Salable' a flour, j Kvervbody buys it. Cant do Without it. Musi hav ■t. No Gift Enterprise, un fiumtc.i-g. KENNEDY A CO., Pittsburg, Pa. ; ' use the Reiainger Sash Lock and Snpoort to ! F'.oTtN YOUR WINDOWS! No spring to break, no cutting of sash; eh*:>t>; dn- j ■ abl", verv easily apnlied; holds sash f any place | tesired, and a self-fastener when rasii Is down. [ - • d s'amp for circular. Circular and six coppsr hronxed locks sent to anv post-paid, on I receipt of 50 cents. l iberal induceiric ts to the I trade. Agents wanted. Address; kKISIKOER CO„No.4W Market s'., Hamsbnrg,Pa. (Seudt ! money by psst-ofllce order or registered letter,) I gs|SAMPH.KH seati rtn flto 50c,tbatreiaUqnlck j i/ fib. R. L. Wc-ir-r :'>6U 131 Chatham Square, N. A". t tSJ'NTPn |UfpEnfiTrLY—so,6oo addretse-. to Vr which spi ,• Tnen copies of Smi h's Mn?ukine . i will be ser.ttree, a-p • wanted. Write. Plinv v. | ; Smith, 5t Liberty St., N. Y. 36 ";4 : n it | Send for onr I'lusfrfireit Catalogue of Kill (lore bew I,ook ■ op bull !:■ g. CUilUulO A. J. I I.'KNELL A CO., 36d4 27 Warren St., New A'ortc. i A GR'AT OFFF.B. 1 We will pay nil agents UM a week IN cx'TT, who will engage with uh AT ONCE. Everything furuish i *'d and expenses paid. Adcress , 4<Kl4 A. COULTER A CO., Charlotte, Mich. HENRY WARD BE ECU Eft's PAPER with the largest circulation tit h ■ worl 1. grows von -1 ierfullv because is 'hi lust paper, gives subserl- , i hers the most beautiful premiums, and offers Can vassers the moat LIBKRAL TERMS. Send for, circular. J. B. FORD .$ CO., Mew York, Boston, I 1 Ohtcago, or San Francisco. 40d4 Fire! Fire !! Fir?!!! Fighting Fire! \ GENTS WHNTKD for the grandest book of Z\. the vear, now selling with astonishing rajiid itv. Tells of the causes of lire ; safes; fire-proof) 1 buildings; conquering lire with water, steam and ■ gas; insurance—is it safe? its history, basis, man . igement, how to Insure, etc.; vivid accounts of the great tires of history. Agents send for circulars. ; You will not regret It. Sent free. Address Rita- i ! tin, Oilman A Co., Hartford, Ct. 4ii4 $lO A DAY Knsilv made br an Agenov of "OUR OWN FAMILY DOCTOR." i Be-t medical work extant. Everybody buys that sees it.. Unusual Inducements to Agents.. Send for circulars and terms to HURST A- CO., 3614 746 Broadway, N. Y. i s".\n easy and sure way to make money. A MECHANICAL CURIOSITY! Catchomalive Mouae Trap. Every moose caught resets the trap for another. Sample by mail prepaid for 75 cents. For sale by the trmJe, R. E. DfETZ, Patentee. 4hd4 54 and 56 Fulton St., New York. YYe Want an Agent Irt this township to.canvass for the new valuable ami fast selffng book by Dr. JOHN COWAN, The Science of a New l.ife Recommended and en lorsed by prominent minis ters, physicians, religious and secular papers. No j other book like it publlslied. S4O per we.t k guar i anteed. Address, COWAN A C 0.," 4u '4 133 Eighth bt.. hfc .v York. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE Home of G-od's People. The grandest A most successful tow book out. A -knowledgcd to be the most deefded sueiTss of : the year — now selling with astonishing rupi iity. . It contains nearly *2(h) uiagnillcect engravings. Kplenidd opportuuitv for Agents to make niot.e.v. Cirenlars containing fufl fcurtleulars A- terms sent i free. A,hires Dl STIN.GII MAN A CO., 4')- d tjart'onl. Couu. II j Per Cent GOLO Interest, i FIRST MORTGAGE SiNKJN J FUND , GOLD BONDU Secured by mortgage on 6two aerea of very va!- UR T- Coal and Iron Lands. I' lm ipal an 1 I iUe.it payable In O<U n COIN. For sale at prices ihat will pay over 11 • perct. ; Iti GOLD. Equal to in per cent In currency. Choice Municipal Bonds A'wajS cn Hand. Catl or send for Pamphlets, with maps ami full j particulars, that will satisfy the most cautious ia vestora. TiiOS. P. ELLIS A CO., Baukers, | *614 14 PM Street, N. V. City. The Mormon Wife. 4 GENTS \s AS IED for this fearless book. It XJL comprises the Adventures and Expeileucenf ' „ oman —written bjt herself— for years the wife - ! of a Mormon Prophet— nselosiug all that is mys terious, wicked and startling. Pull of thrilling adventure, humorous and pathetic scenes—the ; most fascinating book extant. Portrait of the Au j thore-s.aud of leading Mormons,- mm and worn- J m.—l.lfe and Scenes iti Utah, etc. For circulars address Hartford Publishing Co., I 3SJ4 Hartford, Conn. * ! INVALIDS, DON'T DESPAIR: ! Thousands have found relief, and thousands will turn to this Medi cine after exhausting their purses ami patience in search of health, i Giddiness of the head, dullness of the inTnil, foet l id breath, coated tongue, 10.-s of appetite, pains ' ami weakness in the stomach, enlargement of the liver, yellowness of the skin, constant fever and thirst, with a total disrelish for business, pleasure, or any KIND of employment.— KMlUNEY'S PAN ACE.A. if taken ami persevere,, in for a few days, j will remove this whole class of symptoms.—The fluids of the body become pure, and mind clear, i the stomach strengthened, the tongue clean, the appetite improved, and the whole system so ben efitted that disease, in bud weather, is less liable to allllct you. | DR. P. FAHIINEY'S 8 CELEIIRATED Blood Cleanser or Panacea. As a medicine for children, fhe Panacea Is, In every way, calculated to takethe plac ■ of the end less variety of drugs which are annually sold for that purpose, and which are often very injurious. I A medicine which possesses the qualities of a ca | thartic as well as a mild alterative, and which is ; ■ capable of arresting disease without the least In jury t<> the child is of incalculable value to every mother. As a Cathartic, it is very effective, yet it does not, if given la proper quantities, cause nausea or distress In the stomach or bowels. It is very pleasant to the taste, wiiic.lt is a very impor tant feature as a m ' limine for children. As a pre ventive of disease It is unprecedented us if acts tirectiy upon the digestive organs and the blood, j In all scrofulous diseases, it is the most effective l medicine ever offered to the public, and, if given regularly and peiseveringly, those eruptive dis- j eases so common In children may be entirely erad- j tested. Prepared hv P. KaUrnev's Bros. A Co., Waynes- > boro, Pennsylvania, and Dir. P. F.VURNK v, 3i North Dearborn Street, Chicaga. Price $1.23 per iKittle: for sale l,y Whole sale and Hctail Dealers, and bv P. A. STEISHINK, JH., 24 4 Coudersport. Pa. llaSCrl £ HAMLIN ICABINET ORGANS. 1 r pi,,, vxnlv- American Musical instruments of , lilt SIIC [, extraordinary and recog nized excellence as to command a wide sale I• 1 Europe, notwithstanding competition there with j products of cheap labor. \ Itimvc awarded highest premiums, inrlnb- i , \ I v> CL \ > j; „ )•„> Medal at the I'aris K.v o - Hon. Of hundreds of I.i lust, l.il Exhlbiti the ', , , have not been six in all where any other organ- ; : have been preferred to these. v 111 \C I !hl 1 1 \ musicians as pose-si ,g e.\ I -.,:",0s not aftai. e I 1, any ofltc. -. See Oniai ' of ONE THOUSAND, in Testimonial Circular. : h\-„1,, i .;,.„1.- einpkiviisseveral Important Tj\- lllsn ( 1\ | iventtohsihdetnhraclugev en" real 1 nnrovtmie -t. Tin* Most Extensive: vvo:i I, p o lurlujr better work at cost tha ! wise po<s-i'>lo. Pi-ir./w Pivo/I an:l ,nn " consist,- < 1 1 itCJ? l IAC 11 with si -mm! uis employ . , raant of only be it material and workmanship. Illastr ite'l Catalogue ml Tcstixn - nlal C.roular, • port-ant ■it o g.i 1 s „ii h mav save purchasers fro 1 Isapßol tment in purchase of Inferior or vp t: j i '■ s instruments or payment of high prices, set 1 free. Mason and Hamlin oreran Co., I F54 THKMONTST.. BWTON ; 28 UNION RQUAIM, N E j t I-4 YORK; so and s-2 AN T*: Sr., CHICAGO. i anv ss'no ooks s?nt free for Prof. FOV/LER'S OREAI WORK: j On Womanhood, and their mutual L - ter-n lattDßt; Love, its Laws, Power, etc. | Agents are selling from 20 to iiO copies of th! j i work a day, and we send a canvassing book fm ; to anv book agent Annro-s, stating experience. 1 -fc„ N A l ION A L PUBLISHING CO., 21-4 Philadelphia, Pa. WIFE AWAKc B'.CX AGENTS ANTED FOR LFE GF NkPOLEON 111 j by VRttOTT, .Veic Edition, with accounts of the j j Prussian War, and t .e la.-T hours of t,lie Eiupe.-o : ; making an elegant octavo of 700 pages. Tin . ; times and the theme render it the most popula j work of the day. Exclusive territory v. ith m competition. Address at once, i QUAKER C I I'V PUBLISHING CO., : 31-4 21T and 219 Quince St., Phil* leiphia. AGENTS WANTED FOR BEHIND THE SCENES - IN WASHINGTON. ' The spiciest A best selling book published. It. tells all about t he great Credit Mohilirr Scandal, Sen- j atorial Briberies. Congressmen, Kings, Lobbies,' and the wonderful Sights of the National Capital, j The demand for it is immense. Agents making ' early application will secure choice territory. ! Send for circular, ami see our terms and afnllde- i serlptlon of the work. Address, NATIONAI ! PUBLISHING CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. 31-4 The immense sale, (0.000 IN ONE WHNTH our LIVINGSTONE "j- AFRICA . is having PROVES it ABOVE AM OTHERS; th'- book . the MASSES WANT. It goes like WILDFIRE. Over ftoO pages, only $2.50. More Agents Wlllileil, ! NOTICE —Be not deceived by misrepresent-I ations made to palm off high-priced inferier works, ■ but send for circulars and see PROOF of statements 1 I and great success Of our agents. Poi Alit rwmpUn ; ion, worth $lO, mailed free. HUBBARI) BROS., Publishers, ; 39-4<l 723 Sansotn street, Philadelphia, j The Light Running DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE is the BEST IN THE WORLD. AGENTS WANTED. Semi for Circular. Address: ! 39J- "DO.MJISI IC" SEWING MACHINE CO., N.Y. I WANED AGENTS ESGSK mature, oi i! DIGESTION"; or My Jolly Friend's Secret. 1 Dr. DIO LEWIS' new work is an immense sue- j ; cess, saves money, worry, and precious health, and shown hove to lire writ and avow fat on $1 a ■ 2 rrr/,\ Agents are ' inn -bo/ imjjwtj and ds.ing u 1 world of good with it. Delay not, iut address at \ once " 3#-4d GEO. MACLEAN, I'ubiisher, Philadelphia. NEVER NKOI.KCT A C OFI.IT. Nothing is more certain to i lay the foundation for future evil consequences. ■ WELLS'CARBOLIC TABLETS are a sure cure f-c all dl -cases of the Respiratory organs, Sore Throat, A olds, croup, Dlpthcrla Asrhn.it, ( aftrrh. Hoarseness. Drvness <-f the 'I hroat, \\ iu<lp!|.c or Bronchial Tubes, and .!1 D:- 1 eases of the Lungs. Wells' Carbolic Tablets are put up only In hiu: ' boxes. Take no substitutes. If tbev canl iie fount! < at your tlruggist's, semi at once to the Agent in New York who will forward them bv return tuall. Don't be det eived by imitations. Price i'c- per P,ox. " JOHN t}. KELLOGG Stqid for circular. 18 Piatt St.. N. \ •' 54 ~ 5;1 SO'.- A GEM for The C. K. Vinegar Bitten Purely Vegetable. Free from Alcohol. DR. WALKER'S California Vinegar Bitters, Vinegar Hitlers are not a vile Ftsci ! Drink, inihle oi Poor Rum. Whiskey, lr- I Spirits uit-I Refuse Liquors, doctored, I and sweetened to please the taste, called 1 "Tonics," "Appetizers," "Restorers." ,v 1 that lead the tippler o:i to dhinkcuness 1 ruin, but afc a fite Medicine, made iron:: i native roots ami herbs of California, free tr all Alcoholic Stimulants. 1 hey an- the .: ; Blood Purifier and a Life-giving I'riiiclp' , | l'effeet Renovator and luvigorator of th, , , i tern, carrying <tl ail poWouous matte t restoring the blood to a liealthy condnmn. e f riching it. refreshing and invigorating i„ ( mini) and body. They are easy of ndmiiiHu. L Ron. prompt in their action, certain hi id., r results. safe ntvl reliat.le ill all forms of m* . ft No I'erson cni take llicse Hiitci. , cor,ling to directions, and remain loiqrun provided their bones are not de-trot.-,! ; | mineral poison or other means, and ti„- ; . organs wasted beyond the point of repair. I>> *|-I>SD* Idiestion, flead.-rV. p Pain in the StioAilders, Couglis. 1 ightu, Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of they-"' 5 SCh.BadTaste in the Month.Bilious Attacks p. pitatiou ofthe Heart.luflamntation <>t the l.jar! Pain in tlie regions of tlie Kidneys. and a hnudred I other painful symptoms, are the ott-pnng,,' | Dyspepsia. In these complaints it hasnoequa, 1 and one bottle will prove a better guarantee g M its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Female Complaints, inyoungoroq ,-,i ; marrietl or single, at the dawn of wuuianhooo 1 or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters <h|,' ;u . 9 decided an influence that a marked in,pj 0 ., , ' ' mcnt is soon perceptible. For liillamiiiatory and flu on I, 1 Klieuiiiatism and Gout, D)spcp-ia or 1 gestion. Bilious, Remittent and Int. niMtv, I Fevers. Diseases of tlu- Blood, laver.h nine in j Bladder, these Bitters have been most sue, 1 ■ Such Diseases are caused by N itiaterl Hh>oU. vv.'-j s § is generally produced by derangement of t.- M Digestive Organs. They are a Gentle Purgative as well F3 as n Tonic, possessing also the peculiar i, !(r . ; I of acting as a powerful agent iu rdlet tag to'ti' M gestion or Inflammation of the Liver and YL, y ccrnl Organs and in Bilious Diseases. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter.EC I: Kliettm. lilotchcs. Spots. I'itnplcs,Pustules. 1 Carbuncles.Ring-worms.Kcald-llead.S i, i-.. H Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs. Discoioratiwis w t, II Skin, Humors and Diseases of the His. c R ! whatever name or nature, arc literally ih- tp || ( and carried out of the system in a si, .-ritau, t! nj tlie use of these Bitters. One bnttf lasnc'.r;. ■ will convince the most incredulous of theirca I ativc effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Hlood titflu - I you tiud its impurities bursting throng! I | skin in Pimples, Eruptions, cr t-u;c:i; ckuo-.,. H when you lin.l it obstructed and sluggish inn- 9 ; veins : cleanse it when it is foul; j.; f. ,im, 9 will tell you wheu. Keep the bio. I pun-, as, ••••j I the iicalth of tlie system will follow. Grateful Thousands proclaim VISE,. 3 BIITKUS the most wonderful hirigarant ti,it 19 j ever sustained the sinking system. Pin, Tape, and ot her AVoi ms, lariat; 9 in the Ay stem of so many thousand, am., I tu.tlly destroyed and removed. Sara at otv. B i gbislicd physiologist: '."here is scare !y an it. H viduulon tlie face of the earth whose bob i.i\ >1 - cnipt from the presence of worms. It i- i.e.o; E| on the healthy elements of tho hotly that worm R£ i exist, but upon the diseased humors and slur:R;| deposits that breed these living monster, t Hj disense. No system of lactlicinc. no vennifnre K| ■ no anthe-Liiinilics, will free the system fraRH worms like these lliticrs. Mechanical Diseases,—Persons cngar: [ in Piiiuts and Miticrals, such r. < Plumber- , Vfl setters. Gold-beaters, and Miners, as w . H vatice iu life, are subject to paralysis J. tt-1 Bowels. To guard against this, take a (!:.-• t: I u .-.t.i.Ku's ViNKUAti BITTERS twice IS wet I ililious, Remiiteut, and liitcrtai;,Bi I cul Fevers, which ate so pnvaiutt j:. -B valley a of our great rivers tlirpughout the lH States, especially those of the Mississippi, i„ H tirsouri. lUiuuis, Tennessee, CuinherlanJ, A-BB !:a:i-;n, T -d, Coiorido. Brazos, Uio (kui.kß I'carl, Al.di.inta, Mobile, Savannah. 8„..a . O James, and mauy others, with th irvasttri RB 'anes. titronghout our entire country dsnnH the Summer aud Autumn, and remarkably during seasons of unusual heat and dryness iuvaria'dy accoinpauicil li.v extensive drraarT . im-iiis oi the stomach and liver, ami other, H In their treatment, a i _ i u e, exerting a powerful Influence upnut f various organs, is essentially necessary. 1: H is no catiliii'tic for the purpose equal to I W* at.si-tit's ViNKOAtt BIITKUS. as tla-y speedily remove the dark-colored viscid i . HR '.*!h vvuich the bowels are loaded, at n.-'t: RB | the Kecrctionsof tht I generally restoring the healthy functionsvi ' f Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whitefr J urns l iters. Erysipelas, fcwcllul neck, - c'rofulous Inflammations. Imlolcr.i likiat k! lions. Mercurial A tree lions. Old Sons. Irvßa tions of the Skm. Sore Eyes, etc.. etc. In tt H as ill all other constitdtional Diseases.l Vis. ■■ A inbi,ak BITTKKS have shown their gr..tcrß9 tlve powers in the most obstinate and ictr-BH : aide cases. J l)i . Walker'* California Vine; j Rot Hitters act on all these Cases in a manner. By piirilyiug the Blood they rent. ■ the cause, and by resolving away tin- r:t;- I i the iiiilamiuation (the tubercalai ilepiositl J alleged parts receive health, and a pirtusiiSß cur Pis effected. 9B Tlie |>ro]iet't ies of I>K. W.AI.KF.Ii's UnTKKs are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Car ative. Nutritious, l.axative. Dtart t". > L live. Counter-irritant, Dudoniic, Altcrau aud Ami Hiiioas. Tlir Aperient and mild Laxative pro?TO lies of Dn. WAI.KEK'S VIXEOAK Ihrri.t.- tlie b >t safe guard in rases of emptier.- kflfl maltgnaut Tevers llnir balsamic. hialiDf.vj soothing properties protect tb< humors fauces. Their Sedative properties aliav ptutßH the nervous system, stomacii. and 1i,., - -i- H from inflammation, wind. coUc. cramps. Fortify- tlie tiody against disea-f ral purifying all its fluids with Vim.uai; IhtrmM No epidemic can take hold nfs -vst.-m i:-faM fore-armed. Directions. -Take Of the Bitter-on. Dfti to bed a: tngiit lYoin a half to one and of f ■•** wine glassfuil. Eat good nourishing fcixi as beef-steak, mutton chop, veuisou. and vegetables, and take out-door They are composed oi purely vegtuWemrH dit-nis, and cout.iiu no spirit. Wm It. H. Mf DONAI.D A. CO.. 89- Druggtsis and Gen. Agts.. .Satt Fraavtsco. Ci-99 A cor. oi Washington and Charlton Sis.. NJ 9 SOLD BY ALL DllUGLlij'i'b A JiEALEfcf 'J Agents wanted for the new A start v g ' L,. | 11,-itll In History, bv the nuthorof "'f" l '. l.\ 1 L tory." Illii-tiale.l Lv Dor'-Hfl lorsed by emineut divines. K. B. 'f'UKA-- ! 39-4,1 SOS Broadway, AGENTS Wanted foe "'"i CAINTS & ClKllfe (J OF nil) (j Klf-l'-H! : Address /.I EG Li- R*M i l KDV,-?l"l ,l ' e ' '^H AGENTS WANTED FDlt THE J Undeveloped Welp FIVE YEARS in (lie TKBRIW i *3i By J. H. BEADLE. £| Western correspondent of f.'iiicimwti) The only complete history "f v ;'.".l i tweenthe Mississippi A the i'acltie: to climate, inhabitants, natural cart"'" l !'"', Jßgajs , life and aduentitre on prarit-s, iin>*.inta >- Paclflc coast, Mr. Beadle ha* SSSSKOVJ ' ellng in the new states and it rrf, more at,out their resources than *'b,, %HjA I'he book is llhistratetl with over I iugs of the Hcencrv, cities, iamb, n ; cuilositles of the ft real West A i est selling book ever published. S'-ti" pages and circulars with term-. A : ' lr 'T". "ill k | AI. PUBLISHING CO., IMiiladctpl"*-' 1 CHEAP FARMS FOR SALE NEAR^"'' ;^B \\ r ID GOTO KANMAS OK NLb/D" C^j von can Imy as tine farming q, sun ever shone on, lmprovcl ami u I from $25 to (40 an acre, ranginS acres, within from 3-t to 50 mil' - , A# o o:ie oi the tiiiest dairying l 0 " V- Five railroads now runttttig th.'"' - *o*gS -1 and 4 or 5 more Is-lng coiistrm'tc'. te*,, g-tod improve i farms for.-;,I" <"• ,'V'hiN 9^9 H ' u!a s adiircsa AMOS A'-L>' 41j4 Crown Point, Lak c lilil ii SIUKi: KIL A KIHST-CLASB IKI" AND 1 KIW rj YcPv eligibly situated 111 All* gh< | 1 good paying business, laoßerci |'' k. from active tmslness, nr woiih- ' •■< lerest to a person having g"" y . could give it their whole alien-"' nil v of this kind to get into * P''BH? vv it'll Sinai! capita! <I"'S not porttcniM* jnWrew fl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers