- — — 1 The Potter Journal 1 AND N EWS ITEM. SBS£®S WU ilar 2.1873. . -.: i >ll Imo be allowed to run over one V: " " ir r ea:>v Due uxtice will be given of and if not paid tlte paper will be *■ F HAMILTON ' I*h' lisher Coudersport Market. TV; eat No. l whitfi ' l * r bush - $ I>o • Red winter, " 1.80 (or 1.7-5 So. 1 spring, " 1.50 (a 1.60 -40 - - " .7-5 ..." 2.00 (a ±.50 . ... - - " So( .40 ..." 1.-50 (q 2.00 t haons. „ . tier ton, 15.00 [O, ' * ~ , . . •* fti .06 ■ .08 B.ntrr. * " „ ? *?? . ... . - - 1 doz. .15 m,ilro<t. Fur the benefit of those who are an x;..us to bear Railroad news, we state . gentleman arrived in town Tues day evening whose business is that of .-intending Engineer in the eofr j.;ri;etion of the Railroad between here i <i Part Allegany, arid that he was or i-rcd to this place to take charge of the irork. Floor. P. A. Mebbins. Jr.. is engaged in pot t;;ig in a new door in his store on the I :;;er of Main and Second streets. Ihe , _.i;t of the building is not to be • nil. but the floor is to le eighteen es lower than the old one, so that ; ,en completed the entrance will I*- more commodious than liereto |mpriement. \\ - hy the local notices this week. *r are to have a new bridge across -A .- -•>!'> a t the foot of Main street, i . ; ..t the sidewalks are to be re- I Tie bridge spoken of received ft. : - three years ago, but was ft . .-.t that time so as to be used ft . until the flood of this spring. ■ . a.wks in several places in*- bad ■ .. and decayed. ■trl ■ - tisy. grasping, jostling life ■>> live nowadays, we are apt ■ t claims that our neighbors Bo- to help them to be strong B tlrey may happen to lie weaker B .i. l t>> manifest by our actions, B JUI words, tlte spirit exhibited B re: y. "Am Imy brothers keep- T meet with instances almost every ■ >r> us going down before temp ■ • which their unassisted moral B A...;> too weak to resist. Especi- B A cases of this kind frequent in B tic use of intoxicating liquor is ■T responsibility for such a result B . ever rests entirely with the in- B • a.fl the ruiuseller. Moral assist- B friendly advice and determined. effort can do much, often B ihe man. but sometimes there B ther and sterner reinetlies ne- B<. and their application is just as ■ - . ve. If we keep our brother safe ■ in, ans there is safety for nur- B-- . irs. But by whatever means I - e June there is a clear duty de- B .1 tempeiunce people, and es- B . a temperance community like B- > uc the drunkard from the ■ • A fat*-. To save a mau from B - a glorious deed, and even f a\e such opportunities. F .> things connected with B •: * it seem to call for a dif- B >f language than we have B" t v. l ave learned that words ■ - -- -A ;--I ( action is demanded. B ov iri the firet riumlier of T,>. a spicy little five- B A-.er, : dished monthly and K. Tillotson. It starts out " iteiiient that it is not a rival B r ur B • o Agitator comes to tie •2i>ss for abolishing the ' -v n of newspapers in coun " Eey are published. It says: Vf * why anybody should B v 'i-ge of using the uiaHs ■ ?'•! -'a fair price for the ser-. -"id. (Jur common I'ncle : u- r no more obligation to B ■ iortatioH for anything ■ a-his good sense in de ' - my longer for mtthiug ■ -o far as actual hani ; -■ we believe there are ■ cHiu: >t afford to pay the ■ .. late of jmstage —twenty llU— assi-ssed on such jia- •e journals themselves. ■ -a d inger of deatii from H- M 1*- in a very bail way ■ . that is worth taking a i tJi iying jicistage on. B > bet n sending the wm ■ .. *''"*■ -returned to his home ai,J hruugbt with him two H *' ,v ,l ? ull description of the Ht . a ud the manner of using H L >.■ '*>' Hie Government, "s'} fiurn the Washington t ■ - ateil tliat there will lie B '"ne ruled aiid the B T . v .. n ''S! but such is not tlie I a v ' .' '*; but one kind trf card. I a certain color, five B in length afni B [ ~A • i T . A is B r.- 'i'".7 •'trsan ornanien- B 1 iV r 'o er nne-eighth of an 1 • tl right-hand upper corner is a picture of the goddess of lib erty surrounded by a scroll-w . >rk liorder in which are the words: " L". S. —one cent." In the left corner an' : ex tending twc-thirds across the card are tie- wortls4pn velvet-brown letters: "United States Postal Card:" and tie low in smaller letters: "Write the ad dress only on this side—the message on the other."' Beneath this and to the left is the word "To" in script, followed by a line extending across tiie card for the name of the party addressed. Below this are two other lines, one for the name of the ]iost office and the other for the county and state. Although it is not expected that any one will put more than the address on one side tin re is no prohibition against tilling both sides with writing, proxi iing tlie address remains legible; nor is it contrary to law to place printing on the cards instead of writing. Toe cards will be distributed to post-masters throughout the country on the requisi tion. tlie same as other supplies, and will be sold at tlie stamp window at one cent each. The question has frequently been ask ed whether a plain card, bearing a one cent stamp, will not lie allowed to jiass through Jiie mails tlie same as the gov ernment cards: but the law prevents the transmission of any buttheoffieial cai ds. The cost of the postal cards is jier thousand : that being the hid of the successful competitor for their manu facture. 1 mir. The Band was out playing last Mon day evening. We heard several strangers wh were slopping here s{K-ak flattering ly of their i>erforrnanee. Oerorati. n Day. H inrums <5. A. E., ) PHILADELPHIA, General Oritur--, yo. .'>7. In accordance with our rules and reg ulations. Friday, May 30th, will lie ol>- sei vt-d as a Memorial Day for the pur \< -t- of strewing with flowers, or other wist.- decorating the graves of comrades who died in defence of their country (lu ring the late Rebellion, or whohave since paused away. Citizens generally. Mili tary and Civic Associati ns. Churches and Sunday Schools suonld lx- invited to ittrticiiiate. and in places where taere are no Posts of the Grand Army, it is hoped that the citizens will join together for that pnr|Hise that fitting services may be held in every churchyard or ceiu etry where our dead heroes"sleeji. The manner of conducting tuese ex ercises i- opti<uial with Posts, but tho.-x --desiring it can obtain copies of the cere monies. as furnished last year, by ma king immediate application to the A. A. <T. Attention is esjiecially invited at this time to the recommendation from Na tional Headquarters last year, "that flowers and shrubs be planted at each grave in order that when we are gone the seasons, in their ceaseless round, may, in our stead, adorn the sleeping places of our comrades. By order of R. B. HEATH. C bm'tf'y C. S. GREENE, A. A if. , ' Ai - • r We give tha aG>Ve oider in full and renew the suggestion expressed in this (•aper a couple of weeks ago, that as we have no Post of the Grand Army here the Churches and citizens generally will take the matter up and devote the day to the ceremonies so usually observed throughout the country on the occasion, i A holiday to do honor to the dead would certainly do the living good. Who will jiiitiiiti- the movement V Cot to (> row . Couders}Kit never was so lull of jieo l>le. actual residents, as it is to-day. and still more are coming. It has got to en large rake The first occasion when the ground is dry enough to prepare and plant the gar den. Tin-re is a great difference bet ween having vegetables in June and July or not till August and September. Our Xerrhant* Are going to the city. Look out hr new goods, and Spring and Summer styles. We had A rain storm on Wednesday night. It hasn't snowed any yet. Difference. The Westfield lu'lex thinks the sleigh ing is getting thin in > rue parts of Pot ter. They must have been wallowing in tlie mud up this way and thought they were sleighing. Summer Bnarder*. : OB hotel ki-epers are preimred to ac comodate excursionists, fishing parties ' and summer boarders who may come m tliis direction. By the way. there is no Sietter place in the whole country in which to spend a few weeks of the hot weather than Coudertport, with its pure air. cool breezes, clear streams and speckled trout. i : ottrr < onnt) Asrieultnrnl (locidjr. Tlie Board of Managers met Wednes day evening. 7th inst.. and David White ap]x>inted Chairman of the meeting. Tlie Committee on Premiums reported a list of premiums, which was accepted and ordered to lie printed. [The list was received too Lite for insertion this week. —ED.] On motion, it was resolved that we report to the Quarterly meeting of the Siciet} to be held in June next, a re commendation to amend the By-laws fixing the amount of subscription for membership by striking out "fifty cents and inserting an amount not less than one dollar. (>u motion it was resolved that the time of holding the Fair lie between the 25th of September and the loth of (K-to l*-r —to be definitely fixed at the next Quarterly Meeting of the Society. On motion it was resolved that the Constitution and By-laws of the Society be published in the JOURNAL, and that 2ob copies te printed in pamphlet form for distribution among the members. Adjourned. S. F. HAMILTON, Secy. Carried. Johnoon-Burlfj.- AUB* LEWIORTIV B'HRI- May 3, 1-73, by Rev. Tracy Scuti. Mr. WuutE* JOHXSOH and MISS MART BI RLEV. daugliter of D P. Hurley, of Harrison. Pa Xornl To receic prompt attention commu nications in relation to subscriptions and advertising should be addressed to S. F. HA MIL JO-V. Publisher. 1 IME TABLE.— Buffalo, New York & Philada. Railway. NOHTHWAIII). SOOTH WAR U. Mall. j Kr>llit. J j Mull. VnlfeM. MO p. in. 7.00 n. 111. leave KMI'oUIUM, Arrive ' 0.00 p.m. 6.10 p.m. 2*06 " 8.20 " " KKATINO HI'MMIT, leave 5.10 " .1 >0 " 2.45 " | 9.26 " lj " I'OKT AIJ.KfiANY, " 4.30 " 2.4 ft " 4.12 " ; 12.16 p.m. " (II.KAN, " 3.00 " 12.16 " ! ; 7.10 " | fi.f 10 " Arr. llllFl'Al.O, " 12.(0 in. | 7.10 a.m. I I 11. E. (Jen. Pass, Agent. lT" r i>TED.-Fiftmi yards s ■< rag y > Carjietiiig. Apply at this otiice. I'LANTS.—'Verbenas at 10 cents each or SI. 10 jer dozen. Also Dahlias. Ge raniums. Salvias, etc.. at equally low prices. Asparagus. Rhubarb an<l all kinds Vegetable Plants Grown, and for Sale by M. B. PRIXCE, May 7, 1 -73. W*V*koro y 77 0y i Co.. P<i. 73~0r ieragivea to JOHN M. HAMILTON, win ' rceive atiention. EldriJge Bros., of Well-ville. are ?;>■- cial agents for the Woodward rc Brown, (.'bickering, and Mathushek j-i --anns: also, general agents for George Woods & Co's. parlor and vestry organs. These organs are suj>erior to any reed organ made in America at the pieseut time. It will jiay any person to exam ine the instruments sold f.*. Messrs. El dridge Bros.. if tiiey are intending to pun-base a piano ar organ. Klilridg: Bros, also make a sjecialty of tuning and all pianos and organs. 4D-2 7~ht Titc! Sirefies! Cod-Liver f 'il iiu/.ard <V a.-w -SI'S MAIK- na I -bore. from f 11 r > (ft, I >* Ontwe!J. IfixnrdL- f'o.. S'CWTTA. It li ttiwlrttlr MOT WIN art. RE U :it > have on>-e taken it prefer it t.. a:; nth ■ PHV-K-IAN- have decided it SUPERIOR to any of the other oils ia market. IS-D N'OTICE. —Sealed Proposals forbnild- J IN? a Bridge over tktAtkflKlii Hirer ittke : si? of Main street, in the Borough of < > -• rt, s ill : e received iint i the first MONDAY of -'rsE next (fneM). Sjud nid|t It toe Wit to tccar ee with the Draft and Sptrlltlttan In the ha - , is i f Dan Faker, which I)-aft an: s-t- n * •.*. -a fiefD 1J -**JlUur hi:n_ May ft. T-T'J 4t B* order of the Tuva Council. Before pn.rfhnsing elsewl ore cj d and examine the SINGER MA< HI X K. A. M. Brjaokfat, .1 (i ■■ in < >; ji wCttlSTsjirt, •a. r J"'.i the Real E-t;ife Owners in the B-. 1_ R'.ro-H OFCOV LEI.'SPORT.- Tnke No tic*.—"l l-t JMI have Mflfc* T>l out of re pair w ill have the -aine pot in gt>o;i repair te*fore rr ■ sti-ovn .lav f JT'NE n* xt ntwler th> -niervi sioa of Ke.-j. Rettneiis, the Sirt 't < aisafc-iener, without further aot.ee. May 5, is73-4t By order of Tov n Couh' il. S B- KIFTIONS to the BwfTjala DAILY "E*- PRR" AND the Elmirsi Daily " Ailter ti-cr" neelwiaa Arthur B. Matin. Notice to Collector* of (cunty Taxes. By REFERENCE to lis- Act of M ircii 'J*. 1-7 . EN tit C.i "An Act to < AIPJETI.E ■: 'r\ via r NI. 1 F((L>- :IU? TIN- i* taxr-.ii! < H- Comity..! I'oiter," it W! I*- -O N that THE duties heretofore exer , by * - County COB.HW N-r- are lie. ?,e> T.I LIE J>rrfonned by the L>l ectors of the >eve,-al V:FC 1 : •: RESW ?I." V. TheC. e -t.-rsof county tav-f -the YEA* 1*73. wi! therefore take notice thai tiiey are not to colleet Tiie do? taxes < ;ixile<l out .11 their il'ip i eates, as the th.nnty l''>nini-si..iier* imve n • it; thorlty to levy said taxes. By .rite:-.. |T el' . <l. L. F < (>LE, Citrt. ! O'lnnii-siouers" Office. May 2,1-7A The Eimira Advertiser. A DAILY AXD WEEKLY JOURS AL FOR THE PEOPLE. The News Paper of th'.s Section. LATEST NEWS FR"M ALL PARTS OF THE WOULD. THE NTLF.T \IVF.K RIRR IT T mom ins paper puiJished every da> ex. ept ST.II <Iit :> (Cl'di-he-L at u- H an avaiiat.'.e poiut. I a :T I? a de to FFIVE a.! the ate>t R.e> to a very ex -.1-I ve terrUu.Y earlier thau it IS P"--I >ie for a ,v other JOANIS! to SUPPLY it. -FIVER A (are- PO - TION of SOUTHERN NEW YORFC cn-T NOBTH KUN PENNSYLVANIA it reaches POINTS early IN tne morniair. and west of LIIAR A evea to !HJ.-.K it is ia ADVANCE P.T MANY HOURS of anv METROPR.IITAN jouniaL Its SPE-RTSRIES atv! featarre tkat recommend it to the public are NUMEROUS AND known far and wide. It I- the representative journal of Southern New YO-S an-i KF)KT earnestiv an I persistently to the interest and a-lvanceuieht of that portion of the State. It has an interest in and care for the lartre ar..i ■■ -tantlv increasicir IN p<jpniation, wealth AMI power of" Northern Pennsylvania, and although printed in another state seeks by all reasonable MEANS to forward it on the H,GA road of prosperity and wealth. THE SPECIAL FEATURES of the ADVERTISER are: its fell, latest Te.eir-apb- P inte'.rigence from all quarter- 1 its faithful re port- of tne daily Market- at all the Commercial I entres of the c->untr> : us comments ON politi al and passing events and its full, fresh atii readable local intelligence. It (XJRNTIINES ail the 1-est features of a CRST-CIRSS generaj Newspaper and a first-- LASS local journal. The WEEKLY ADVERTISER I* a lar?-. eight-page, fifty-six column newspaper, issued every Thus- day, ami contains the cream of the Dailv edition. It ts E7P**< :AIL\ addressed AND iiitended for that large and intelligent class of .-o-nmumtv WHO re -: !e ..T tie great mam iiuesoi -O'ninuuK-a'ion AMI the facilities for reaching WH-.M PISKE it impo sit LE to suppiv themselves with a dailv pa: er. For THESE, TW-I LES the late gene-AL ani local new are provided REPOTS of local agrlenlturai iu t-re-T- and full reports of late markets for country pnotace. It is erolneatly a readable i :.;s-r and furnishes n es.-e issue a vast antonnt and variety of leadlaE matter. TEKMir. DAILY". ***▼* :• * ' F" WEEKLY. *" Ia til nutter of the pe'itioa oP. In the Orphans' • *. r. ATuERroX . twin of pot ior the partition of the estate of ter C-xsatj, Vs'li. Athkkton, <jeceaseo. j No. 4A.'. To JaMF.s O. ATU> t.TOX tail Hllil Athskton. Take notice that, m pursuance ot an orii-r of the Orj Cans't • . tof Potter County, I:iq,-s up. pointed by >ai:i Court u .11 meet Ju the pteoiises ot toe aai i Wliitatn Atoert •.. <ie.-e*sel, on the reth D) d May, A. D.. 153. f r Ike purpose of making pa. tin uof tae same, at via -fc ti,ne acl place you can atteu<i if you tlii ok proper. irr-j JOHN S. MANX A SON. : April 25, 1973. Ally*for Petitioner. Bankruptcy. 1 l". S. MAhfitAVS OF rK E, < H*. D. qf P-nnrylrani i. ( PirKBCBGA, Apnls, 1973. T;:. is TO HIVE Notice : 1 hat on the Stth day of March, A. I). Is"3, a Warrant in P.aiikruptey is.su •! mtdiLii the Estate of Charles Heeiy ol liector Township in the County of Potter anl state of Pennsi'vaaia, who has "neea adjudged a Bankrupt, on lis o.vn jretition; tiiat the payment of any iei ;s a i•! delivery of auy property belong : g tii KL h Bankrupt, to him or his use, and tae the :-ansfer .1 any property by iiiiu are form ! let, By law: that a lueeUng of the Creilitorsof the -ai.l Ba Apipt, to prove their De'.ts, au-l to choose one or more a--:?ue*.s of his Estate, w ill >-e hs! • at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be itol !en at the office of K. E. Smith, Esq., in the bor tij.li of 1 !>ga. ii.-ga Co.. Ps., before E. E. S-nith, E-<<, Regi-ter, on the lTth .lav of Mar, A. D. 1973, at Id oVJ •£, a. in. JOHN IIAU. i--l r. A if or thai for Miid IHstrict. Administrator's Sals. I)Y VIRTUE of an order issued out 3 of the Orphans" Court of Potter County and to me directed, baaring date of February 20,1973, I wiii exros* to sale by public outcry on ".tuiclaj the NINETEENTH day of MAT. A. P-, at 10 o'clock, j a. in., on the premises the following described real estate, all situate In township of Hector, coun ty of Potter and state of Pennsylvania, to wit: Bounded N t.v lands of Hiram Warren; E bv Laden Br d lot; S' .y lauds of H. C. J mes Wby • tec.- of John l_ Haven. Containir.- a oat forty a re with a: suit twenty acres improve 1. AI SO. Boosted N bar ibriMi SoaMi Id; E by H. C. fnnw, Sh 11. c. Juries.ffeo. Sanaa ami as wj m . : Gee. Patter. Containing *i*>iv. twenty . res, a u~. fifteen of which are ir.p. •ve 1. To S>e vol.- as the pis p *rty ©f John deceased. Terms: one-thin; cash, ore-third il six months and -uianee in tweive mouths after .-on finiiation. C. W. BEACH, 39-3 Admr. Ed. /no. Svnderlin, deed. - inderliuvilie, Pa., April 25.1973. Administrator's Notice. \v:!ERE.\> letters <t AJmlni=trat.on to the es tate of Noah Crittenden, !ate of Oswayo. Potter Co„ Pa., deceA*-L having been grante i © She ; subs riner. all | ergons indebted to sai l estate are -e jit'-sted to make lasinc date payment, an! thos ■ having aims or demands against the e-tate of tie said decedent will rnase kn.wn the as without delay, to Cathekjne I. CHITTENDEN. ' ositiyo, April 11, 1973. Nulitc. Letters of AiluiUiistratioci to the if i tie of >- P. 1! H Mt of Btegham t p.. Potter C >. de ••• col. Having !►-. n g, onted io t;.e sipeM-riier. .iii perms UnM tos-iides t.it'- ae Ito|u,-sie,l t>. mike iimnmliate piynient. ■iii.-l t; .s. ; .ring cl.iimsor dviiiuuds arnt.nd the est .ft- •* s id J,-, ..ii-u; wii! m ike kn >v\ pi o- same without dels) to .J. L. ILtYMOM), Biiigi.ai i. M .y 7. 1*73. .t 'lii.ru drotor. (in r i ;i;*s Sale. T">V \ 11.7 d E mi order ot ill- < rj: < . .-,:rt 1 > .i" o- > iml to m.- dir. 1 sic. . \ .s.- f...- s.i. .it veteiiH: "r ouierv .m Til 1 liXl >A Y. i he Fiftm day ..f .1 cue, A.l>.. i7 . .it n o'c.ock. p. in., on ill* premises in > . t ;. „ ••••il-hip a-the urofiertj ofuea \v. Humpbrry •rid Hatiie Bed Hump!!. .•>. minor ci > dn nof A. W. Haaapferey. laie of guns tp.. deceased, tii*- fo in r J s.uibed real estate. Miu-ite iu Snurou tp.. Potter county. Pa., to wit: X - I.—Tit*- undivided aue r oTirth evrt earl: yf a lot -r irjct of land, hcginnitir at a pMt e.rer aS 'he .9 ba:.s c.f the lbwr . Creek in fhe W iaesf la: 1 oc -.;•:■ Iby \V. L. Siarkweather: thence s:n baa -4r .1 and tw ■ p-rrh : p •! e >raer: tt-.c. \Ve _-h --iv-t.ve at..! sevd-teath, p--.-che- t ■ ;!:•• K <■ r. -r ' , •; sQrv- ycd for H"ury M-iiiew.: ihvace. by liueof mk! . t. >' -u. haedr-'d aaJ aihe:-7i:t ; rc;;e- to the ii-v, ay Cr-s-k. thence ap the S!. Uk .f lio -aid C e.k to j Are M Cwiiti,i icg oae naa dr vi and ei.'ht acres, m re or 1 sa. No. - —The aadiviJ.-d oac-fonrth jeert each of aa . : ia* vij i-. b-j. o.u a: " ''' •_ ,r..er VI 1 ..I'.lwl ib ■: jelvti" : j~t crner: iii-*W ne handre. aad Sve pcrchev p-s e Tin'r. th-nre N : rtv-- v a p-'.cl. - po.l comer; th-nce, by line of MicL-i Lau.li"- Ulkl tone ha Mlaall*eiwihM)lHHfhifiaNif. C< t:- :.t tiii iy aod acres, m re . Lt-. ■i Abeingp r; ot t. No. 2i7<i. N 3—The uudivi ,'d ..nc-fennh part each f a-.- athw lot >i;oated a alc.ve. liegi:niii.o u> p ikes £ ruer - .ai dc a veyed to J-ha M. lo: >• ? tti ore \V •!!' huhvired {vrchea t pa-i r .mer. tn.-av - N shty-f- or perches, t. ap m :L- \ E c .ra> r-f lot 71 th c E.ue i, indred perche, t.. a cost c rn. r ; the arc * ■-ia'tiiy-'oC.r p-rchee to (dace i.-.-.iming. ■ Sly-: we aud fiv.stenths ac ts. !• I *ue m '■ ri* —. Utntf I"t No. 97 >.f allotment *.f Keating iaiid- in Xl.ar at wnhip and part of Wt. N _l The atotc dejcrihed real estate is he'd us teu oiits in eaumou with Ni-.nou l'lnßtntrr, wte UHtk( nadiTtded • nc-ha.f tberrut. Teresa, — olioThi d coiitiinn itiou of sah*. oik- thiid in unt: year and oncdlii.d in two years thereofi-r. JAMES Ji. WblGllT. Sharon. May p. 1573. Gtt'oii, . ..EI URT OF Al DITfiRS OF hOMEIt T"VN -SHIP F r h 7-72. PR. To orders outstanding.". 125 95 ; '" balance due on judgments 2-.! t. OR. by Com'r's certifkate f Koad Tax ' -I 76 : " ** Cash " 75 45 " ci-sh on hand 115 BaL of indebted n- - over twp. funds $ of' 9? tv*. 11. CKOS3T, J. E. EvbLE. I s ,„1 413 clerk. u. If. iATE.s> AUU " ors BEPOKT CP THE AlIIT<il> OF HEBKON TOWNSHIP. APKIL 23, 1873. DR. To orders in circulation .76.' 99 due on judgnienu It."'' 71 CR. By eertificatesoftaxes ret'd for T2 42 "5 ; due from enmity treas 64 "3 Jno Metzger. sup..'6B 27 19 "" A:hen Beetf, " "72 MM " Co eel or for 1872 87 93 Cash on hand '•.*) Indebtedness over township funds *BoC 37 J. B. CARVER. Stltester gkeemmax, Vi&rk. C. \Y. Giram, Auditor*. Also one order for*l'>. No. 17. ! registered on p ize 17<>f . rder b> ik B. drawn tn SiHimui >her -1 w.i-1,1. wiiii-h is lieileved to have been obtained by fraud and wii! u t lie paid by the Township unless compelled by law. WE-LEY ALLEN, Si>errisor. SYLVESTERGREENMAN. / AuAitltT% a W. CORAM, <, Auauor* KEI'ORT of the Auditors of F.uialia Township. ArRIL S, 1873. Dr. To town orders in circulation. 646 "1 Due on judgments luT5 00 Or. By receipts for taxes returned 179 80 " cash on hand 21 to f SuOSo Bal. of indebtedness over twp. funds ft. - 5! H. A. NELPOS, T. B. ABEK TT, ) C.Vnt. Ai REROX NELSOx.I' Tlie SINGER is a luck-stitch machine and makes a best nt if til, even and uniform stitch which will not ravel and isalike on 1-oth sides. It hems, braids, cunts, tucks, embroiders, ruffles, fells aud does all kinds of work on the tinest musliucr the heaviest fuil-cloth. "IITANTED, Agents and Peihilerx for our I> PKr AND STR.UNER.—Presses and st.ain* jainA jellies, bertv-, vegetables, a- r d. Ul kiw, me a i.. cheese, etc. Over xoH in a few localities. Sv ls quit Even family wat te it. Sew rag Machine and other esabli>hed agents are nodiug this very pn .u* i". Circulars Free. ! nTI.EFTELD A DA ME. :•*! WTasUsgt-'m WX3NTO- AN"D SON, "THE AHERICAH PIANO," >o. 4Q3 BROOME STKKET, New VorK, UXSURPASSEI) First premiums wherever eXliibittd—Prices low for the quality—Large prlcee allowed for ."sccunu-nand iustTuineuls iu LxeDatige. Froi,i Mr. Erhntrd fi -fman. tJu celebrated l'ianu>i. I coiisvicutio usiy believe that your Piano is in every real vet a most magnifi cent lnairiunt.uL From the "Itulejjembnt.'* The American Piano has deseivedly become a very jxypular Instrument. Seirßesponsible Agents wanted fur unoccupied territory. >eiid for Circulars tu WING & SON. 423 Broome St., N. \. S. F. HAMILTON BOOK <£• JosBRIXTEH, S. V. cornsr IAIN and THIRD Streets, t ; (OYER THE POST OFFICE,) COUDERSPORT, PA. Thos. McDowell k Co., 1 DEALEBS IN Ofxeral Merchandise, POrtT ATiTiEG-iITJ-g". 3?A.. We would respectfully call the attenti"!! of the people of POTTER (,'ot-VTT 1 to our large and complete assortment of Lltr GOODS. GROCERIES, CROCKERY. ROOTS and SHOES. HATS and CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTIIIXG, SCHOOL ROOKS, STATIOXERY. FLOVR, PORK. SALT, FISII, l ; FEED and ME A L. PA LXTS and OILS. HA RD WA RE, XOTIOXS, GLASS ir.i RE. Ac., dr., dr.. which we are iiffirin? at GREATLY REDUCED PRK ns. owing to the increased facilities affunleil by the completion <>f the Ihiffalu. New York A Philadelphia ; Railway", and we can and will sell g<HgJs as low as tl.o can be sold this side of ! Canada. 1 Fresh ground Feetl and Meal kept constantly <in hand. M < un- daily receiving new goods, thus keeping our stock, in all dejartmeuts. I „ FULL AND COMPLETE at ad times. Tlios. McDowell & Co. f i insurance Company of North America, OP f 3 f-xix J fVi3fi:x-r , ffifv. [ 1 The Oldest Stock lu&arauce Company in the United States. Assets. January 1, S 3,70.73h.>1 : Pennsylvania Eire Insurance Company, ■ i ASSETS, u"niixtnry A, 1G73, $ 1,1G2,Q02.40 The above-Ramcd reliable (ompanlCN are represented Sn (u --der>r>ert b) iy ARTHUR B. MANN. Edward Forster, DIALER IX Groceries & Provisions. MAIN sTHEET alwre SECOND, COUDERSPORT, PA. A FULL SUPPLY OF - FLOUR, SUGAR, 1 * SPICES, SYRUP, CHEESE, RAM. FISH, TOBACCO, SNUFF, &c., &c., l ; KEPT CONSTANTLY OX HAN"I>. A maoc of ' Teas and Coffees, I of which I hav* tw Lareest and Best Stock in town. ■ All Gtx.ds sold CHEAP for CASH ouly. _ Call and fxamiii' IWore purchasing elsewhere. FDWJIIID FOKSTFB L. B. COLE & SON, PROPKIirrOKk OF Tii* Blacksmith and Wagon-shop, Sec:-i Street, between ilsiz k —No rtti Side.— COUDERSPORT, PA. WA GOXS, CARRIAGES trW SLEIGHS of all description* insnu facta red to suit customers aihi w arranu-U. Repairing always ht'eaUeil to promptly. Ceuwieieat aa-I experiea-f<l workmen kept in em ploy in both sbops u* attend to the calis of c turners. Ch&fges reasona'a-e for cash or ready pay. - 4 " s L. B. COLE & SQ>; BASSETT'S LIVERY, Corner MARKET and HUNTER Streets (SOUTH SIDE of the RIVER.) _ t I w ocm respectfully invite the attention of the public to luy DIVERT ESTABLISHMENT, *ufc the aswtnmce that I can meet every de maed for a first clas-- turnout. Having purchased the Livery of Amos Ve'.ie, I have the oii'y of the kind in this section. J. M. BASSIDTT. i3>- n PHOTOGRAPHS] e HitiSu arranged rn> Light so as to obtain ai' those fine Gradations of Sliatlo •o essential t • a Riiim l raoroi.RaPß, I re pectfuliy solicit your patronage. 1 make all the leading styles of Photographs and Ferreotypos, from a Ca&D Pll.tvke to a Lut SIZE I'omukir, • finished in INDIA INK, WATER COLORS or OIL COPYING of OLD PicrraEs made a special A Stock of Walnut. itosruoort and 6ilt Picture Frames Square and Oval, 0* HAJTD AJID FQ* • A LI., All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. M. T. LYfiDE Photograph G-allery, SECOND STREET East of MAIN, (Dike's Building.) COUDER SPORT, PA. BOOTS and SHOES ! John Denhof, WOCLD re>i-<T fully inform the citizen* that be continue* the manufacture t .f BOOTS AND SHOES at liis new Stand, MAIN STREET below MARKET, (South of the Bridge,) Aix work done In a workmanlike manner reasonable rate*. AND A GOOD KIT GUARANTEED Give him a call COTTDEESPOKT CLGTWKC STORE! 1 ALL KINDS OK Ready Made Clothing, | *A,S, *AI S| .U U &S , rA mm SE AMD GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Constantly on hand ami for Sa e .v, CHEAP as the CHEAPEST!! . MEN' and BOYS SCITS to correspond with the SEASON. This beine the only Establishment !c this place u- vot eti exclusively to the (flothing sur.iuss I -an *ell cheaper to m; Customers than those whodoliot make Cl>>l HiNG a M'Ealaxtt can ufforet to. Call and see my stock and I will guarantee satis faction. M. L. GRIDLEY. The NLXGER is the best machine for I all work. According to sworn returns there were over 45.U00 more sold la.*t year than ay other kind made. A. >l. iU) 11 olds, Agent. J. GLASE £ SON, Carpenters & Joiners, Coudersport, Penn'a. CONTRACTS taken for all Kind- of BUILDING— and materials famished. IKtORS. BI IN"DS and SASH V-pt con-tantly on hand or manufactured to order. CASH paid tor Pl>*E LUMB£K. J. GLASE A SOX. M. H. BIF*CE. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN liaprr 2?angings, Mlinticu) -atiaUrs, OIL CLOTHS, Etc., No. 218 Main St., i .T-tW "woon si-ii Ml) gpoo3 uo a;xi sajh.s u*v sx uiojtoo "MHIBJQ nvoonrj inanba * 'oyovao 1 'jVLaaEO _K.IIK3}ItI [ug jo gjerowßinntji A "v 'oivAiaa |JWd UV * I 4, 00 V SMIVOV "W *v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers