qatas. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, • 1:1 LAN PI:CIZIPTION OF roc,x AND JOB MINI:NC, SUCH AS FINE cmcri.AßS, PANPI:LETS, IAOLT BTLESS there are many persons in _LiCoudc.r. - Tort and vicinity .i.vbo• have r.rver visited the famous Pr.s•roiv l•;TORE at i the fast-growing: villseP of ellsvi!le. The No. of this store is J 4, which number is ever the - LOSTON STORE 9.-1 • _ N. H. ROBINSON & CO • THE DOOR This establiqhri nt leone of the largest WHOVESALE AND ILETAIL DEALERS 1N - e BOOTS .1.1" D SHOES.' , DP. I GOODS an V d RE.IDI 7 -31.1DE Their stock comprises the larcret variety CLOTHI. G DEPOTS of th.e best Massachusetts manufacture. in AllennY county. Hundreds of custom .RCIMER BOOTS .-I..VD SHOES, era from Potter county buy all their elothin;r, a . 11. R. & Co. are agents of the areal a m n a d r I s of oes l Nosiness . C I h Lil l i s r t i r4h a r t r a b r i e s ihrFard Lubber Ccrnpaus.:Lthe best who have never I;appened to fall into goc;ds of t!..e hind manufactured in the the path that leads., most assuredly, to U. S.; which goods they tvill sell to e;...oni.iny and wealth.—Tha path lead all wholesale Furchasers at :New York cash buyers straightway to the prices.GREAT BOSTON. _ _ . BAI.L TICKETS, 1: AN 1,1.11-LS, BILL 111-Ars, ms re , snownlLts, BLANK NOTES, WAYt!LLS, - lIAT TIPS, CARDS, ETC DE:-F, (*. ‘‘ift. and , al the c . re of THE PEorLE'a All orders filled on the shortest notice 2S WATER July, b3l. Vt ISAAC 1f1%50%, At t orn e y-at-L a OrricE—East side of the public square , ,Coudersport, Pa. By special arrange ment the profes-tc nal services of S. P, JOHNSON, Esq., -nay be engaged through him, in all case 3 in v, hich he is: not previously concerned. B. All claims due and payabl,e to the un. , rsigned,personally and p,.)fes sionally, may be found in the hands of ! BEsqus, Esq., fur adjustment. S. P. JOHNSON. MarchlSlS, tf JOHN S. MANN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, will attend the several Courts in Potter and M'Kean Counties. AI! business entrust ed to his care, will r. - ceive prompt at tention. (Alice on Ilan S'...eet. opposite the Court Clouse, (ouiersport, Pa. ARTHUR G. OLIYLSTED, Attorney an.l Counsellor at I,a‘i-, frill attend to all 'ousiness entrusted to his care, with promptness and fidelity. Office in th , ., Keystone Block,' up stairs, 'Alain Street, Coudersprt, Pa. 21, 1531. v:1, n44.* L. F. Elaynard, llorneysand Counsellor al Law, CO U DERSKIII 'PA Office—North of the Court House Square, at ."The People's Cash Store," up stairs. 3-,l7tr C. VT. ELLIS, Attorney at Law, Coudersport, Potter County, I'a. Jan. IS, ISSO. F. W. K NO I X Attorney at Law, Coudersport, Pa. will regularly attend the Courts in' Tio ga, Potter, and NPKean Counties, Office—over \V. 'l'. Jones' Store Feb. 2S, -18:51. A. P. CONE, Attorney at t,aw,,Wellsburough, Tioga County Pt: Witl regularly attend the Courts in Potter county. -June :3, tf • LAND AGENCY. THE undersigned baying been entrust ed with the care of several large tracts of land, in this County, has made. • bimself acquainted with the lands and land titles of the County, and will give immediate attention to any business of this nature that may be entrusted to him. JOHN S. MANN H. 4. HEATH, i ii i acian and Surgeon, GOUDERSPORT, PA. Will attend to all calls for professiona. assistance, with promptness and fidelity Office—On IVest side of Main street, fint.door above Jno. S. Mann's store. April 1 I, ItS5l. 347. tf. JAMES M. BASSETT, Cabinet-Maker & 11-pbobiterer, COUDERSPORT, PA., Will talcu 811 onlors in hit; line of filMilm,ino,s sill' m bh Mid despa tch. nuc'e nmolllctofy formerly °wiled Ity G, 11 . Strong—two doors tams Wm. Crosby's a wollint. lovillg itopro% t d t'lle building and ma chinery, anti ourpb,voa got la workmen, be is prepared to do %% mil as ‘‘'ell uStlie best, and ou short nonce. .1. . 6-30 t f M. R.. GAGE, X. D., PiIisICIAN AND SURGEON WOULD • respectiolly inform the chi -, tens of rouperspoit and Putter couray, that' he has located perm:lndy among them and will attend promptly to all calls in the line of his prole,ssion. Office—T. 13. Tyler's Drug and Bock Store, end may be found at night at Mill's hotel. 66y _____._ Tailoring! Tailoring!! J.W.l l Al2l)lNG,Titilor. All work • morn. , : ii to la. care will be done 1.1 Li minute... comfort, auil durability. -07 Shop liver Lewis NLien n store. Ca-37 COLLIER'S ShalisPeare ; P.ook's Index to Periodical Literature; . Edmund,' Spiritualiini; Spectator—a new and hand onto edition; liot Coro—Life Seenes in New-York ; and touie boat fur the young people, at the Jan. 13, 1551, Jol'llN.ll, PoOR STORE. PE Music; pieces of new usic; A ,Nitt ,, ic procured to order: oho, Tem in:ranee uud other TractF, or any periodienla dtpired. FF;+'Senoor Books conmantly on ,s‘ slin,•: f . and every thine net to . 7:1 }ARA C•jatf. . . , .. . • . 94 . -Fanni n g ; ... , .i. • Premium Illalle.- Implirtantla" Farmers" and Mechanics. GAZONI NGOTOBERZM THE subscriber has purchased:of J. , - 1 Baruborough the right to use in Potter and el' P. IF* G 0 OBS' M'Kean counties his patent in the construction lof Fanning Mills. He has 3150,, at great ex . • . , • _ • t bense, commenced the maul/facture of a PRE MIUM MILL which will clean from 100 to 200 bushelsper hour. This Mill was patetted 31hrtli 20. 11: 1 .47, since which time it has stood at the head of the list at all the State and ceun ty noTictilturul societies where It has been ex hibited, and is a universal favorite witti-t.ll farmers who have tried it. It took the pre miuur at the fiNt Agricultural Fair held at Harrisburg, Oct. 31st, ISSI, when there were 30,01)0 people present .c . Agfieultural Fair at Is. ~ , , and at the great State tv-York, held at Roch ester Sept. 16-19, 1851, this Fanning AIM received the highest honors. • flaring 'net With uniform success wherever tried. I confidently invite the farmers or offer and At'Kean counties -to call at my el op in routlersport and' examine for tlaemselvt . A Pitpply always on hand, to be sold on rea eonat)!.: terms 6-371 f COY AL3G E , We live no enemies to pueish, no friends to reward. We tel l for ready pay. and take in exchange for goods the following : useful articles, viz.:— Cash Tallow Venison Oats Beeswax , Fur Beans coifs Hides W heat Yarn Rags. Potatoes Wool Butter &c. &c. We are now receiving front oar shop at Rochester, about ten cords of tlrri.liest BOOTS AND SHOES sold in the county. We keep constantly on hand— • Men's:lndia Rubber Bouts Over-shoes ' " Coats " Pants • Caps With a very extensive stock of - TRUNKS, VALISES, AND CARPET I3AGS, Choiceblaek and colored Dress silks. Al paca, Dejaines,Thihet Cloths, Prints, Ging hulls, and other Dress Goods—together with a general variety of Dry Goods. Shawls, Shawls. In partienh,r, we would call the attention of the Ladies to our great variety of Shawls, every poB,ible hind, altogether too nu merous. to inehtion. .S' ,S*l2 S. We have the largest stock of the differ ent kinds of. Llliitra.p.:s in NVe-stern New York. HOTIft 1 r r r<t can be EMI/plied on reasonable; terms.' - For the cent, ruplatad Curial from Wells ville to Itorli. ster ; and hoping that the flank• R•Jad will he cuntinm d on to C , d dersport the coming spring, and that the sons and daughters of benighted Potter may be more frequently seen hi our young City. We remain your•most ob't serv'ts, CIHEST HANDLES, Drawer do., !;etches, Halter Snaps, Ward robe Hooks, Barn Door Hinges, kept for sale by LEWIS MANN. %ITM. CROSBY, of the Boot and tlitoc Store, has renioved-to lately occupied by Caldwell's cuhiuct aht p, first door north of ..10)111.WIl'h store, where lie w'.ll ht• ph.a,ell, to to those \silo have hereto fore fit oral him %%WI dp•ir pam.inige,roia rill others who B:and - iii need of Bouts uud Shoes. Nov. Is, 18.53. fi'27tf. v 3 nlO. I)ATENT, Pails, Bed Cords, Coles' Liucs, llorw Cord , , curry citilm, barge brusb , p, to lie bold it Ttlf ACKEREL, Salmon, & Blue Fish -"jig' at C. S. JONES'. QUPERIOR Sperm and rallow Cnn Lidies at C. C. JoysEs' PROVISION STORE INDIAN Meal and Buckwheat con stantly on hand at the NEW PROVISION STORE. tIItAIN and Produce of all kinds ta exchange for Goods at this - - and Shoulders—a new• supply IY -"L 'at the NEW PROVISION STORE. itU'll'Eß and LAO of the best quality at the. NEW PROVISION STORE. CiANDLES of. all hinds—a new as 'B6rtment at • C. S. JONES'. ACKS OF SALT at the ► NEW PROVISION STORE. (IRA MERLES! CRANBERIES! by the quart or bushel at • C. S. JONES'. Mill Owners will always find n sandy of oil for machinery at satisfactory prices, and in any qualaity,nt M. W. .ANN lIMMIII ITME Three Chars LANCEY LC. Co, Weiiisville, Jan. 13, 18.54.. C-35 In 'Removal, C. S. JONES. relchine Oil. TYLER'S Drug Store 4)rafting Instruments, Witter Colors. Drawing Paper, Pencils, and Brushes, just received at TYLER S• Pow- IPtlei•s.—These Yeast and Soap Pow llnters.—Thcbc superior tu•ticles arc War to time and Janney, and promote reacts and harmony in families. Fur sale at TYLER'S. - Magazines for April.' Pulnant ju i st °d ru c eli'vet il au i d il f a or n s i a . le an a t t i 25 cents per No. by. TYLER. - E YOM'S ICATHAIRON and other /excellent preparations for cleansing and iilicutifying the HAtn, for sale nt TYLEft'S.. --- PERSONS about to build or repair, will tiod tt complete stock of Window Sash, Glass, Paints nod Oils; for sale at for prices by T. 13. TYLER.. ECKEWS and Pulrpriked Starch for sale at :T.Vl.lilr.S. DANDLES. Sperm, Solar Sp'etip, sffika T4llow by the Pnnnd or Box, for sale very low ?it the. DRUG & stool,srolln, Tin and Hardware, TILE undersigned has connected with his Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, and Stove j Business. that of , HARDWARE and CUT- LEa—so that in attlditiou to the lantines herclolore conducted by hint, he is cow r ea dy to supply the pUblic ‘vith almost every, variety I of urns are. Ali!laud . Cross-Cut SdAVF, Hoop Iron. Nails, Cable and Ox Ch-tins, Carpeut era" Adzes and Broadaxes, Manila Rope. for Ca- / Ides. A tzeileral assortment of CO::11 - .5, Ja panned IV - are, Toys of every-description; and in short...tie designs to keep all Such things - as the public wants in his line, which he will sell, not for less than cost, hut for a v..tur SMALL pit indeed, and hopes strict attention to his . busimss to rectivt: a liberal share of piddle patronage. All 1.. a is of I'mlnce taken in eichange for Goods. at the t market prices; also, V() er ton paid fie. old troll. y JAS. W. SMITH. IS hereby given, that the Corntriission ".,:cf Polon- will txpose to public sale, at Ilu• Counri•u•doner , ' (Alice in Conden port, on '\ EDNESDAIi, TIIE DAY OF APRIL ni.xt, at o'clock of said day. the roilov.iat: ti t, of Loud, licloaging to said comity, to 11:. , Light st bidder: No, I Quantiw.t ‘larrautee. I 4(;CKSTiFrit;:: 100 " 0•' 11):.!1 I 111 S.",j1110 • - G. 1201.1 IN. i• \\ LUIS YOUNG. IYm. 11. METZGER, ) L. IL 'Cor.F., CNC& Match I, 1859 426 t Attest, NEW GOODS FOR THE FA LL TRADE, HOYT& LEWIS it\Tculd respectfully inform the inhabit ants of Wellsville and vicinity that they are now receiving a fresh and beauti ful assortment of GOODS, tt filch sold cheap as the chea;:est. Iv.e would ako return our heart-felt thanks to our old Customers for their patrunacre and would:be gild to , how them any Gr:ods which we have, and will try to Save them at least 10 per cent by calliri4 and t 'omitting our' STOCK OF COORS. NVe do not .wkli to make a great. display to pain custom; but by trikini2 a straivhtfor ward course we will endeavor to uain the respreC and confide nee of our 'Friends and Ctkonneis. Please call and ex amine our Stuck. No eliarge for showing Fl o u r and Salt al>o on trawl and warranted. HOYT & LEWIN. N, 1852, -1 22tf- J - 0.13:N" RECKHOW, MANNS Carriage and 1001-Maker. TEM subscriber respectfully gives no• tice that he is prepared- to do 'all the business in the above line, at the short est notice, at his new shop, two doors west of the Coudersport Hotel. • ii/ACKSMITHING: IEN N ELLS, & HITOIICOtI would in ,l public that they still Barry-on the BLAOKSAILIIIING BUSINESS, at their New Shop in the Boro' of Coudersport, where they -are prepared to execute ALL KIN US OF WORK in their line, with neat „ess: um t di;:patch. A share of public patronage is solicited. N. B.—MI persons indebted to me by note or ilecoura, will cell and settle the same immediately; if they desire to save cost. 1,21 - BENJ. RENNELLS. MILLPOItT HOTEL. cat 7 l -k— i: • - s p e l c l t i f !I 'l l Iy s 11 l iTi c fo ri r b ri e i r il l t ‘ e . o u ! l i d o b r l e i c -ill 3 `V. ~., b i ill; ;Ind trayelin,rr community, tha - ,----V1 he has fitted up a house and stanliou, tor the accommodation of strangers and travelers, at IVEllport, Potter Co.; Pa., and hopes by prompt and careful attention businei;s, to tnerit and receive a ltbera share of patronage. H MIRY LYMAN. hlillp .rt, Aug. 15;1851. 13tf c~ d a~ A. B. GOODSEIZI, FIRE ARMS manufactured and re paired at his shop, East of the Bridge Coudersport, Potter county, Penna- Nlarch 3, 1 . 848, tf • Music. UNTEN'S celebrated" Instructions fnr the Piano-Forte; Barrqwes' Piano-Forte Priimmer; Union (Th.& Look ; A new supply 01;Sheet Mtoic; For tetin,hy, T. E. TYLER. 'WROUGHT NAILS at MANN'S STORE 3011 N 'RECKIIOW MOMEMEI NOTICE Tos.% it hip F.,thaha CM3IM Jut kson. (1,11 Ja(d:;nn. I «111 1 / 1 Z II SPENCER'S COLUMN GROCERY STORE. I here take - liberty to inform the Peo : . ple.of Coudersport and Potter County that I am still ,at my NeW 4tand. oppo liitethe North side of the Public Square, 'where may he - found GROCERIES of all kinds constantly on hanilovith many 'dddjtions thereto ; such as Druf.' , s,lle4 cines,DyestUtis, Stai:onery, YankeelS'o tions, Perfumery, Toilet Soap, Jewelry ttc.,lesides many articles ,(hat I have - never kept before to - numerous to'men tion. The Ladies, as well as 'Gentle men, are rt spectfully invited to call and examine ; and if I can't suit you as :to pribes without yoni going' to York State canny other place ; then I will acknowl edge that I can't sell 'cheap enough ; but I will not give up until you have called and examined for youselves,which, again, you are invited to do. My motto is, Me nimble ispence in preference . 10 the aluco slcillinr,. - All lilnds of country Produde taken •in exchange for goods. Butter, Lard, :Eggs, Rage, County Orders, Shingles, and cash not refhied• for goods.. GROCERIES, Tea, Sugar, • Coffee, Spices. Sa!crate's, Ginger, Mustard, Tobacco, Snuff, Nutmegs, Maceploves, Confectionery and a few boxes. nt Kibbe's Wild Cherry . and Blood Bout Cough Candy, and Millard's . superior Gum Drops, . Drugs Medicines, Patent..Medleinea. :- oils, Spirits of Turpentine, Gantt:Mine, Burning Fluid, Soap, Candles' ,Cloth, Teeth & Blacki,ig Bfushes,Blacking :Miscellaneous. Cap, Letter-and Note Paper; all kinds of Stationery. Steel • Pen Holders, • Wafers, Sealing Wax, Sand, Ink, _Pocket Booki envelopes, Visiting Cards,Jewelry,Ftne Cut lery, and a variety . of Fancy /Iriteles, to gether with Silk Thread etc. ec.t . • :D. W. SPENCER. JUST received a:quantity of,that Splen did Poritrnada Rcsa.— The purest and most perfect article for the growth and pieservation di the hair, War ranted Genuine Beef's Marrow. For sale a D: W. SPENCER'S. olasses that is wolases selling at 3-6 .L per. at 'D. W. SPENCER'S. landles, such as sperm. tallon, '&u., for Visale at D. W. SPENCER'S CIOD Liver al, I,ithontriptic, and , nany timber popular medicines fur sale by D. W. SPENaR " Hlloo ! Halloo ! Halloo ! QPENCIiIt: is in . town!'Mountains of killEA HY MADE CLOTIIIi' , .G tor almost nothing, have bough tr . th is coat, this' Vest, - and these pants,—'atnt broke e Bier! Bur . rah ! All the boys shall have one of Npen cers coats! Hurrah'. But, to be candid, friends, there's nothing like it in all the country. Just go over there, and for a little O' notaiog he'll sell ye a' ••‘ rig" that, though ye.'r the bigest rascal aboveground, Will make ye fair as a priest to lade .at though ye 'haint a cent in ye,r pockets, folks will bow and scrape to ye as though ye were millionaires, and "real gentleinans. ' Fashion! Great thing ! Better dead- titan out of it—many Ott honest fellow has been •• to , ,,oise. of the cot of his coat; hut no danger if ye buy .1 2E , 4,,,r, his cloth: are just , the fashion." • The subscriber lias:ljust receivell a large stock of neatly made:Mailing, of the hitest style; and best quality, whic;ll lie Cir . ( N for sale on the most resalable terms. NV. SPENCER. 11. , .1 1, 1 0 ? i l l ? e l t S s 0; sa N;S sz I e N K a t ro r s Ik p i;;;; f .f iAo t I PUI,VERISED CORN Sl'.lll.(' II for food fur sale ut D. \V .ENC BAZIN EXTRACT for the thlkfs, the hr-,f.f4t Doted and best ;micro of the kind in use, also Extracts for flavoring all to be. i,id at SPENCER'S. _ AA. LAR GE quantity of Cologne, flair iigorator, Tooth Powders for sale at .D, W. SPENCER'S. C n ODA, Cream Tartar, Magnesia, Allan], OChalk, Salts, and G:ue for sale at SPENCER'S Grocery Store EW ARRIVAL OF DRUGS . 1 - 'AND MEDICINES at NTEW arrival of FIATS and CAPS for the ..1.1 Winter Trade. at —SPENCF,EVS. ICOI'EL and Coach varnish can be had kiat SI;ENCER*6 on very reasonable OEM NT ENV arrival of Groceries and Fisli at . SPENCER'S: ENTLENI EN, now. is' the time to fur finish - yourselves - with Under-Shirts, Dratxers, Overcoats and almost everything in 'the Clothing Line on the most reasonable terms, at • S. PENG elt'S. 7 0 th e douhful minded people, whether Spencer has goCall the ariicles he 'ad vertises, and so' cheap : —l will guarantee all of this, and a thousand times more.- If you don't believe it, call in some day and I will show you. , • W, S. - WINTER -S TAINED Linseed Oil, ect 1 for sale at SP VNCER'S, (AIL of Tar, Merchant's Gargling Oil, to (AIL had at - SPENCER S, by D. N. Spencer, from one 11, La, two thousand dollars M County Or ders, at the face.• • • • liatthalton, Tticoperas. In 6 vigorator, -and other excellent prepara tions for cleansing und beautifying the Hair for sale b y 'D. • 'N. SPENCER, HOT and •Lvad at tower fie:or es than down town, at SPENC ER'S. T•I3I' , KWIIEAT:FLOOLat SVENCER'S. -117 Y r '9,uantity . of first-rate CHEESE -9Ljtilt received' Of . C. S. JONES'. ITV TrELI.SVIL . LE, TIIE gtotti Air AY be found constantly on hand and ..01for sale, an - extensive variety of Spen cer & Granger's superb lklattrasses, of every sort, ktad, and price, from 'a $3.50 palm Mattras4 to a super-English Hair Mattrass at $lO.OO. Also, Lounges, Bolsters, and Pillows.' - All of which are offered to Hotel and Boaiding House keepers. and all others who) have common sense enough to' know that a filthy Feather Bed, t m tke the hest of it, i t s but a breeder of disease and a life curtailer,—at lower rates than can be found at any other store in the .county . . LANCET & Co , Sale k-zents (in the county) fur tin. gal of abovC. rnOds. 6-35 1y Bostori Store, Wallsville. Jan. 13. 1854. Pure Oil—lmportant to Saw yers and Machinists. hl IS article will be furnished by the barrel or gallon, ‘vi rranted neither to smoke nor •gum up." Pur chusersiwill find it an object to get my prices before they Supply themselves elsewhere. T. L. SMITH. 613 3m BLEACRED Elephant 011—a su perior article to Whale Oil—for Lamps 'or Machinery. Wellsville. T. L. SMITEI. ARD OIL for sale at the WeVville Aflardware Store. T. L. SMIM. ItylLL SA WS. Shingle Saws,.Siding -LY - I L Saws, Lath Saws.Uross Cut, Tenon, Pitt, Drag Saws, Hand Saus. Wood Saws, furnished of any stattip or fattorv. to Suit the purchaser. Wellsville. T. L. SMITH. sell an article which is superior.for durability and execution to any English File in market. Wellsville. T. L. SMITH. ' CORDAGE.—Hope—all sixes—from 11-ineh Cable to a skein of saddler's silk. (Wellsville.) T. L. STITH. WACIIINE BELTING.— Pal e n; I V-n- Vulcanized Rubber ;,-; Riveted Leaher Belts ; a large stock of all sizes on hand: (Wellsville.) T. L. SMITH. 31 A11 1 . 4 1 ROPE for sale by T. L.: VEAKLE BLOCKS—At the Wells ville Hardware Sore. WIENIP and Rubber Packhz. Lacing Leather,enpper Rivets, Belt Punch, es, at (Wellsville) 'P. L. SAIIIIPS. LED BUCIOIIIEATr saleio at the i , 3CoudeispaL Mills, by CA' ' D. C. CRITTENDEN. ). A lilt. Mill Nails.--Bu find.these Nails a more taper shape, tougher iron, and superior in every re spect to app• oillet Nail in market. Wellsvilie. , • 'l'. L. SMITH. .4ktadent3• Teit Boo ks. A for sak law at Fit Irsuipty 'l' S• I, KITS -• P&p ' etuate Family Faces. 1,1, who desire to do so should not lons Adelay going to CAsEv's DAGL'EitIikAN GALLEIV. be subscriber r weeld) prodn clog ininiaturo p•atraits in the most itieasing style and the at most reason able. prier-s. A 10PaSJIII ru to i> , open.nd every one is welcome' to call and examine specimens whenever they choose. Those ho wish to-be sure of a sitting should not coute•,thti - in the dap. Gall4ry open only on Saturdays. • 6-3(4f - J. \V. CASEY. • US47I:tEcEIVED—a new awl splendid 101 of Cooking and Parlor S•rov I:, at titf SMI VINC ANp AIINER AL PAINTS, 41 " with directions for using, at 552tf • • T. 13. TYLER'S. 7 1 %VICE a treok from Nuiv York tiew goods are,receil.Td. Nell rille. T. L: D. \V. S'PENCRII S Your Attention is Solicited to the following, for n moment. rim E J'artn . ership • formerly existog tween C. Smith arid A. F. Jones, in Ole mercantile business in Coudersport, is this day diabolved by , mutual consents and the buinesS will be carried on in 'future by -C. Smith; at the same place laioly occupied by the, said Smith & Jones, viz : on the corner of Main . and Second streets, Couderspott, next door to Tyler's Drug and BoOk store. N. is reqUested that those who are indebted 'to the late firm of Smith & Jones, will make payment to C. Smith without delay, as he intends to pay 'he dernandb against said firm 'as soon as possible. A NE AV supply of Fluid and..Calu Lainps—..Bl,llll, new and beautiftil putterua just received I.llld fin• sale' low at TYLEWS. HE,Governor of the State of New York appointed-'the subscriber a core ! miesioner for the State of New York, to take the acknowledgment of 'Deeds and other instruments, and to administer oaths petsuan iu an act,of the Legislatureof said Slate. .; ISAAC BENSON. .GoudetFport, Dee. 12, 1851, 93tf CIRINS, or HIDES, for which Roots and, lOS - licis will be eseharwed, arid' some call . ‘vill,be paid. Wm. CROSBY. ,Placi of busin6ss, one dour Nortli-oF Jobusun'4 Store. 36tf- TILUG TrOBA CI C 0 —Fine Ciii..Ctelvii:l4 l E;•enti•Slitoking, by the pound,'Ar SPENCF:R'S. noel S No. 94 `LAIR STnEET, T. L. SMITH COLLINS SMITH, A. F. JONES. dec3o 336 t Mov, ' l lll.ll, 1953, Notice, Wanted: The People's Cash store, AT COUDERSPORT. Something New. and Something Wanted. MRE subscriber has just - received from 1 the City of New-York, and opened at the store fonner'y occupied by Hahkin & Smith. on the north side of the Court HOJSO square. a affected cr.s.sortmen/ of Aar (Lodi, comprising tiny Goons, GROCERIES, CROCIP' EBY. and HARDWARE. The motto of business— adoptpd-... t , the sure shilling and the lively aixpinoi." The above Goods will therefore be sold exclusively for either Cash or teady-pay in hand, and upon such terms that the pur chaser cannot be otherwise than Satisfied that he has made a good baigain—received " quid pro quo"—sorriething for something in value for his money. An exchange will gladly be made with the Farmer, for his Produce; Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Grain is any quantity, and with it, the more Cash the better. The subscriber will at all time takn pleasure in exhibiting his Goods to the-. Cuoomer, that qqality and prices may be examined. 1.. F. MAYNARD. Couderspert s - Jtily, 15, 1853. 691 f 1H ECK h; D GEN G H AMS in variety, andt k .../j!rices to suit. A MONG many other articles for tfie ./I_ladies, of fancy and rich worth, Will be (bowl, at the People's Cash_ Store, fins\ Worked Collars, .of different designs - a 13 patterns. )LEACHED Sheelings and Fhirting, lißlown do., Candlel Wick, Summer Cloth fur children's wear, Bed Ticking, Towelling, Table !Armen, Brown,. White• ~ a survridr article of Damask, all pure. o.lx.—Table Spreads. An examination will recommend them tmtt-r than any thing else. A T "The People's . Cash Storel may be IlLfound a selpcied lot of Prints, 14 En v .. Frecelt, and Am-Heart Good's, qualify and pric,s argreciny. athkiratily. • Please call and se!. 1.1, Teas -)LACK and Green Teas, of excelleas J...)tlavor, and at most reasonable prices,... Suwirs, White and Brown do., Rice. Gin ger, Spice, Pepper, Ntifmegs, Cassia, Rai sing, TiMacco-, in all . its variety, to please the,se who love the weed, and . a superior article of Coffee that cannot . fail to please ail the Dutch and some of the the - !Asir STORIr. (iRUCKERY and (.Hass Ware, in variety, k_ititai will please the eye on the first in- =1 The Clothing Depart m ent AT TIIE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE." j ) EAUN' Made tlothing, kept constantly t,,,n hand by the subscriber, made up ; , t ,d manufaemeed ! the hest workmen, from Cloths selected tor durability and qual , ity ; the ()Nem -bein:_! [Mt to supply the cas hier with a humhug article utich he may be induced to purchase . , because is; so eery cheap, but which in the end is very dear; hut to fire him in the first instance an aril• ele which willdo him ;huntst and good ser vice for a reasonable pike.. All those desi. COOS of heinu so accomodated call at The People's Cash Store . " _ _ IIR D‘‘ A RkLL-sythes and Shall's, of 'l4irw-tried ml found to be If 01.1 i, RIJN'S and I:lib-Stones, Sive-Milli hilts, li•o~ Handles; Latches,. Alineral Knohs,.(whit and:broivn.) Mortice Locks, romfht Butte for LOOrs, of all sizes, Cut lery, liffives . of good quality for . the table;. arid for the pocket, at the • PECI'I.E'S CASH-STORE. COURT PROCLAMATION. 111,A711EllEAS, the flan. Robe“ VT White; President Judge, and the !Inn. 0. A. Lewis and Joseph ,Mann, Assciciate•Judgei of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter sessions of .he . Peace, hans' Court and .Court •of Common: Plea., for the County of Potter, have is sued their precept, bearing date the 25tti day of F, b., in the year of out* Loll one thou and eight hundred and fifty-four,. and to the directed, for hOlding a Court of Over and Terininer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Seasions of the Peace.. Orphans' Court, and. Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough of Coudersport, on Monday, the 15th day of May next, and to continue One Week. Notice is thervfore hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace. and Com.•t'ables within said County, that they be thin and there in .their proper Per, sons, at . 10 o'clock A. M. of said day with their rolls, records, inquisitions, er a:ninatiowa, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who.• are bound by their recognizances to pros ecute against the prisoners that are OT shall be in the Jail of the said County of Potter, are to be then and there to pros ecute against them as will be just.., Coydersport,. April sth, and the 7bth year of the Indepenclencs of the United States of America. P. A. S'VEBBINS, Sh'ff: List of Causes, MAY TERM, 11454. Gliester L. Carsaw vs. Jackson Township. James C. Curtis vs. Verse) Dickinson, John. 11. Latitherton yd. James H. Wright. Benjamin Cuer vs. Lyman Bennett. A. J. Bosco. al., heirs vs. J. IViederivb. Hen at law ofiuhußose, ry Yentzer, ata deceased,. Peter Mentzer. Thomas Rees, Vs. Frank L. Joins. Elenzer Harman vs. P. B. Dedriek,et. al. Joseph Coleman- vs. P. U. Hedrick, et. al. Chester L. Carsaw vs. Jackson Township. iamee Ayres, - vs. James Bartron. A, F. Cressy vs. L , 11. Williams. Bingham school die. vs. C. C. Crum. Execu tor of P. Hawley, deceased. vs. Nathan Brown smi Lunnin Jana 0. Williams and vs. Harriette Loscy ' Sobieski • Lo his wife \Vie. T. Jones & Bro. vs. Jiilias Baker, Wn.. T. Jones & Bro. %V. Edmund Alvord.. vs. Chnrlea Steele. T..lones & Bro. vs. Charles I', Cool. . Carson vs. Chns.' W. Johnson: V. U. Spencer vs. Mahan Woodcock: 1t..1. OLMSTED, froth y., „ ROTHONOT/TIT ' S U►rlCr, • Coud.•rsport' Alarch 31, 1654• L. F: MAYNARD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers