arty of Silas Butherlana, at the suit of E. Har man use of Thomas J. Burdic. ALSO—certain:real estate, to wit: Situate in pitcssownship. "Poster ccunty, Penn's, bounded ott,thenorthby lands of Simecn Fur man, cast by unseated lands, south by lauds of James Bump, and on the west by lands of Wm: Furman tmd unseated landa--contaiaing ninety-five acres, about twenty acres of which is improved, with one frame barn, cne f. am° school-house. and an apple orchard thereon: Seized, taken in execution, and to be Sold as the property of Calvin GArriel, at the Suit of A. P. Gone. ALSO—certain real estate, to wit: Situate infilara township, Potter county. Pa., hounded cm the north by lands of Isaac Barnes, on the east by lands of Sala Stevens, on the south by lands of E Balch, and on the west by nitreatel land—containing sixty acres, more or less, with about thirty acres improved, with one leg an I fratne house, one log barn, and some fruit trees thereon: Seiied, taken in execu tion, and to be sold as the property of Wm. B. Graves, at the SUit of J. B. Noble. ALSO--tho following real estate, situate in the Bcrough of Coudersport, Potter county, being lot No: 134 and 135 ofsq•iare No: 13 on the map of the Borough of Coudersport at the commissioners' office, situate at the northwest corner of Main and South-streets, four rods front on Main -street, and eisht rods front on Fourh-street—containiug one-fifth of an acre: Seized, taken in execution, and to ho sold as the property of F. 1. Caldwell, at the suit of Alrali C.Tageart. ALSO—the foilo vine described real estate, pitunt,". in Pike tco.vosinp, Potter county, state oC l'enusylvnuiu, bounded on the north by lot No: 14, on the east by lots Nos: 14, 2.2, and 35, oo the south by lut No: and uaseated laud of the Estate, and on the west by unseated lands and by lots Nos: 13 and 3t.;, being lot, Nos. 11 and 12 of the snlAlivitdou of the lands of the Di:tell:an, Estate in said township--containing ()Le lituli,u, and fifty five acres, about fifty acres of which is im proved, on which is erected tlitEe haute houses, two frame barns, and one saw-. 1 ill, and some fruit trres thereon.—ALso, lut No. 3G. in the township, county, and state aforesaid, bounded on :Le no_rth at d fast by lot No.. 1.1, on the south by lot No. 13 and by unsNx ted. land, on the St est by unseated land and Ly L t No, 13—cot.t.dning one hundred and leer acre:, moult abtott four arras iin;.roved, and a hg k use tbeseon; seized, taken in exeoution, and to he sold as the relic rty of Eitjalt Jahn:ion, to iha ;Alit of Jabez 11. Giibert. .ALEO—certain real estate, situate in °sway° town-hip, Potter county, Penn':, bcnnded on the north by land of Geo. Estes, east by land of Shattuck and Crittenden, south by Bryan lit, and west by land of G. Estes—cont,iiiing 10t; acres, on which these 13 thrie acres implored, on which' is ore saw-mill, two frame houses and ban scized y taken in execution r . .s the property of G• Id. Urn:Bey, at the suit of W.T. Jones and Brulher. I'. A. S I'EBBINS. Sheriff. Sheliff's Ofacr, April 21, 1631. THE JOURNAL BOOK STORE tIFFEIZS to the public a coPection of r,u(ll.:S of every kiiki for in this coin:mini! y—remiii.g. whiter for every taste-w: tie ‘‘ork; of z;mt-:honored mot standard anti r vyiih tir se n pro.:;ressive sind inquiring wri:t :4 of almost es Cry school of thought anti invosli,-otion, and on terms which no purchiser will r,i:ret. Anions: our works of tti•tore are— Uultc(l St:oc!.. IVitithrop's t eaiiion, j'asco:Cs AlncuuleN's koa. 11llinl'IiR' ilis:tury of Eflgiantl, kir..ll . - ii,!ory Eugutuu, France, and Law Book; of :I,r• 1:r.o: nml most useful kind, Laynrd's NiNtre.ll an,l 1131,v1 0:i. \i::rccl: it-r!..tir . o. and CLe•misiry and Itar:krz's . Travels AL: in Eurrpo. of Dr, .1:::Isnn a.^.:l his throe svivrs, Lives of Lids .lane Gras - and :klargaret p, uvc Cask. and others, Pouts Poetry ~f " Amerirl. f'rtnai , • i.•nny;:on'b 1:1 :I.le- rnorianl. (,c.i Fern 1. , -ay.•. IVi World—yucrelly, E.,1•,r2,1,—Ci1,r ...hi Sultan. f,cle T. ff• pnrr. 4:11 0:11,-r wnr!-.'s by L. A :y 14,01:5 for Citi:aren, but!! a1..1 'Wolk% ..f Tit•-ori•:rct l'arkcr, \C _® ofJ. tler.,on, Niiton'. Prose. W . nrks of E. Ook-s Sinith. llcdropatiih Co 4.; Cookery as it Shoohl Be. iVater Cure lklanual. Ilydropatitic Encyclopedia. Itotre t" , r tuellud of building.. The Fanti:y Venti,t. and other publications of Fowler:. New-York. Albums, Drawitiir. I.ittohs, and paper. .MacLaurcit's set le,z ut Copyrilooks. Various kinds of Ler, r and Note niper. t'arti.. Enreloprs. \Vat, rs. and 'V Ax. Watur Colors. Diaries. Pencilq. etc. Temperance I'n:os. Hot Corn Tracts. IVernan . ., !nett!: to I'recxlt. a scram/ by 11ev. T.uther L. c.. Tile Yost Cl:ristbit Use of the Sunday, a acrua.n by E 0... Theo lyre Parke-r.• Lecturrs by .Nu.s.utb, Gree!ev. Seward, and etb,rs. "vv. MANN. Pa., Dec.. 30, i 5 5 .3. -633tf New Cash Grocery AND Provisioits Sto.e HITHER, YE HUNGRY. CS. JONES takes this method to inform .the people of Coudersport and the pub lic generally, that he has just opened a Grocery and Provision Store, where he will keep constantly. on hand everything in the line of s• eatales," and tt hich he will sell as reasonable as can be desired. .:The s sub statials' can he found here at all times, such as Flour and Perk,—while the appetites of the most dainty can also be satisfied.— Therefore, should ycu wish for anything of the kind, please call and examine hei. fore purchasing elsewhere, and if he can nat satisfy you, yourcase mast be des crate. You will always find a full assortment of Groceries. cons i st i ng o f Su gars, Teas, Coffee, Saleratus, Spices. Gin ger, Raisins, Candy, Crackers, Cranberries c salmun, Codfish, Mackerel, Blue Fish, Rice, Molasses, Syrup, ec. Also, at all times, Perk, Flour, Lard, Cheese, Butter, (roll and firkin,) Salt, Hams, etc., etc. 13::r Grain and all other kinds of Produce taken in exchange (or goods at' the cash price. 6-33tf C. S. JONES. DRENCH MUS VARD, a new thing entirely, for sato nt C. S. JONES'. Sale of Unseated Land, ivaricz IS HEREBY GIVEN, that _Li agreeably to an act of Assembly, passed the 13th day of- March, 1815, entitled an act to amend an act, directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes, etc., and the several supplements thereto, the following tracts of unseated lands la the county of Potter will be exp9sed to public sale or outcry.; for all ar rearmzes of taxes, at the court-house in the said county of Potter, on the second Monday of June' next. And also, certain tracts of seated lands, which am returned for unpaid taxes, will he exposed to sale, at the time and place aforesaid, agreeably to the act of April 29111, 1844, for the taxes due thereon, unless previously paid. ME SSQ3 5510 EMI BM 55'20 5521 5522 19 Mal ME BEM 5957 5953 47.23 5J27 5930 5938 5948 5960 596 I 4673 1612 -1669 4663 4657 -1656 1657 465 U 4651 4654 1:5:1 165:2 4651 '1650 5071 5072 SZE 5074 3(325 ME 4657 4695 4700 Eulalia township. 1097 Nicklin & Griffith• 47 54 1084 46 49 77 61 1098 41 93 1094 As 41 92 163 5 47 105 2 47 990 " 22 99 990 As 23 04 270 6 25 728 16 86 425 66 9 89 Jackson township. 990 W. • Willink 37 631 do do 37 604 do do . 37 63+ do do 37 604 do do 37.631 do do 37 604 do do 37 634 290 do 11 001 290 r do 37 601 990. do 37 634 290 do 11 001 990 do 37 611 do do 37 62+ 290 do 1103+ 990 do :37 60/ do do 37 631 do do . 37 624- . do do 37 631 do do 37 60:ir do, do - 37 631 do do - 37 601 do do 37 631 do do 37 60/ do do • 37 63+ do •do 37 60/ do do 37 63/ do 37 601 do do 37 631 do do .37 604 815 H. A. Nelson 15 46 Portage township. 1100 Geo. Read Stetcardson township 990 Sam'l Hughes 40 Sfl do do 5. 40 81 do do - 40 83 do John Banon, Jr., 65 :34 do do 49 00 do do 49 01 do do 65 :34 do do 49 00 do do 49 01 869 T. Stewardson 45 99 693 do •• 34 32 990 do 65 :34 990 do 49 00 109-1 Nicklin & Griffith 45 14 1099 do 27 20 950 W. Willink et. al. 32 69 1094 Nicklin Griffith 36 10 1100 " do 36 30 1094 do 36 10 1100 t do 36 30 1100 do 45 :37 t6O 36 20 Il est Branch township. 700 W. Willink et. al. 25 31 990 • do :3414 990 do 34 17 990 do 3-1 14 990 do 33 01 700 do 23 15 300 do 15 07 700 do 31 32 990 do 33 83 495 do • 20 87 495 do 21 55 600 do 26 55 800 do 33 20 700 do 32 OS 1117 Moses Levy •47 IS 1117 do 47 20 1117 do 47 22 1117 do 46 45 990 Barton & King 42 59 - 990 do 42 50 . Intarton township. 700 W. Willink et. al. 24 85 SOO do 23 40 090 do ' 35 13 690 do - 24 51 990 do 24 48 990 do :35 15 990 do 351.4 500 do 17 75 800 do 28 40 990 do 35 14 . 940 do 35 37 500 do 17 75 500 de 17 75 700 do 24 85 900 • do • .31 95 700 do 24 85 800 do 40 690 do 24 48 700 do " 24 85 655. do 2'3 22 990 do 35 14 800 - do 23 40 800 do 23 40 990 do 3515 500 do 17 75 600 do 21 30 340 , do 20 32 900 do 31 95 • 890 do 31 68 `990 do 35 15 990 do 35 15 990 do 35-14 •990 do 35 14 560 do 19 88 300 • do 10 65 495 . do 17 57 690 do 24 ao 350 do 12 43 495 • do 17 54 720 19 62 990 do 26 95 990 . do 27 00 990 do 26 95 465 do • 12 65 ' 590 do 16 10 816 do • 22 2<3 990 do 26 99 9SO , do 26 96 990 do 27 00 990 do 26 96 990 do 26 96 890 4 do , 24 24 860 do 23 44 990 do -26 99 990 do 27* 400 NickliS &Griffith 330 300 do 5 70 Abbott township: 790 W. Willink et. al. 36 56 990 do 56 44 990 do 48 28 990 do 37 63 990 do • 37 61 990 do 37 62 990 do 37.61 990 do 56 40 990 do . 56 43 990 do 56 39 396 Banon & King 15 05 595 do 22 57 940 do 35 72 940 do 35 72 940 do 35 72 670 do 25 46 1029 Moses Levy 39 07 1117 do 42 45 1029 do 39 12 10-29 do ) 30 06 990 Samuel Hughes 37 62 900 do 37 62 990 -do 37 62 134 do 509 690' W. Willink et. al. 25 21 890 do 33 82 990 do 37 61 1117 Moses Levy 42 40 1119 do ' 42 45 990 Banon & King 37 62 990 do 37 61 350 W. Wlllink 10 43 990 do 29'44 990 do . 29 46 Allegany township. _ . No. viraent. Q'nty. Reputed owners. Amt. tax. 1849 29 S. I'. Lyman 382 1574 210 .do 27 77 .Ibbott township. 200 W. WiHMIs, et. al. 7 60 510 Ellen Niceling. 12 Cl Bulalia township. • 700 .W. D. Messer 29 39 245 C. A. White 14 69 50 James Bennett 3 00 990 Henry Drinker 44 54 990 do 4159 ' 112 do 5 63 395 Wm. McDougall 15 57 625 do '24 72 350 do 11 85 100 Eulalia Coal Co. 6,00 200 A. C • Smith 560 86 Wm. Willink & co. 247 100 L B. Cole 3 30 Genesee townihip. 203 S. P. Lyman 76 75 Hebron township. SO . W. S Switzer 533 .400 J. 51. Bassett 12 00 Hector, township. . 475 Z. Mallory • 17 00 475 W. B. &V. 11. Slaughter 45 60 Jackson township. 330. Jo . seph Davie - . • 10 53 9.00 Wm. McDougall 7 GO £OO (In 7 60 17 re 01. Boarenum G 68 200 A. C. Smith 5 55 M. [Hochman 1 37 9:30 Wm. Willink da co. 30 17 °swap township. 100 .N. B. Lino 13 60 100 S. I'. Lyman 13 40 44 do" . 634 654 do 94 16 100 do 43 20 204 du 29 38 100 do 14 40 230' do 36 00 • 650 do 93 60 970 do 138 G 8 • 30 do 4 32 1000* do 144 00 300 do 43 20 Pike township. • 984 Chester Robinson 181 45 5p . do 108 30 Portage township. 1100 Geo. 11. Foster 33 85 COO do 15 00 1100 do 33 33 1028 P. Aborn 31 60 1100 C. J. Anthony &Miner 27-50 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do du do • do do do • do do do- do 1058 do 26 45 66 R. Webb 550 Sobieski Ross 150 A. H. Boyington Roulette toUniship. 697 Solomon Szriwell 200 Haven & Woodcock Sharon township. 50 William Bell 415 I'. B. Dedrick 70 do 174 do 154 do 90 ' do 110 do 125 , do . 24 do Stewardson township. 300 A. B. Reed . 600 do 1094 Stewardson & Ellis 1100 Bernard Duffee 1062 Hermon Chapin 1081 Clark & Bunnell 1103 Oliver Watson 7zro C. W. Ellis • 700 E. B. Parker 881 .11. G. White Sweden township. 697 Jacob Ridgway 47 J. M. Hamilton 90 do, 22 do 2 11, C. McMurtris 110 H. Y. liaydock . 100 Christina Geller 100 . do 50 do ST John Kibly 70 George Kress 53 -A. P. Couo 4689 5630 27 50 4694 ,694 2124 .31.44 5149 51.54 4693 4768 5908 35 4 95 4693 4693 3;05 ECM 1599 15.).) 4631 3060 4678 4679 169:1 4b78 3738 1408 BE 58 , 15 5895 2194 5867 5863 1 5359 1 5835 I 5878 1 5832 58a9 i 2141 52 do 495 Wm. Willink, et a! 4778 55 Morgan Hindman -2107 100 /Mulford & Alter 2109 25 'do 2185 100 'do 2186 25 do 2101 - 100 S.F. Wilson 2102 • 400 • do 2107366 - , do - - 21Ee., 100 . do 2185 137 'do 4678 107 William Willink . Whayton township. .4920 - 990 T.J. Wharton 35 13 4924 770 do 31 83 4939 495 Hannah M. Whirton 17 54 4772 - 75 William McDougall ' 262 4775 30 • do • . .81 4772 100 George Blackman - 355 4758 - 100 Ives & Ellis . 273 4753 100 .C. W. Ellis !, 273 5908 275 SamL Haven 7 46 . . SEATER LOTS RETURNED AS UNSEATED, Homer township. 100 Merrick Jackson 85 Luther Read Sweden township. •50 Washington Haskin 50 Dtrastes Ayres . • 100 Nathaniel Perkins 50 D. F. Ellsworth • 250 Bir.ghatn estate 71 J. M. Hamilton 122 P. Daggart . 115 John Roberts • 99 Wrn. H. Benson 150 Sotomon Snyder, Jr. 100 Jobnson Chase 100 Jelin Keeling 106 Warren Sherwood 70 E. M. Cthenter • 200 Nathan Woodcock 50 Lather -Riad 70 Almcind Rossman Hebron township. 210 T. Oicott • 150 do 1059 do .699 do 352 do 122 • . do ' 2955 .do 70 Geo: Harrison . 150 do 165 . do 225 . do 11u0 do 572 do .900 Robert Blackwell SO, do 64 T. M. Willing 80 do 50 • do 58 H. Wykoff• 362 . do • 221. do .130 W. B. ,Graves 120 Sheldon 13mdley : 165 Saml. Haven 50 Haven'& White 275 Sala Stevens ' 50 Chat les '..‘leNess • 350 A. Lane & Nichols • 50 C. W. Alien 148 Joseph ' Lent 73 B. D. Ddlbee 144 • do• 2G Sabra Bennett 65 Henry Bacon -, 82 Ilurace.Leet 205 It. B. Stanwood Harrison township. • 91 M. H. Abbey • 35 Saml 75 Francis' Cornish 97 Miles Thompson 71 Ja‘eph Ginnings 50 Edward Gineings 60- Henty Clark :161 William Cobb 129 Marvin Stnnrt - Jeremiah Springer 50 Arnold . Yarrington - 40 John French 97 • Robert Hunt 13G Elias York • • Eulalia township. 100 - F.Ulalia coal co. 64 Isaac King 50 Abel Aldrich 89 Chauncey Blakslee 50 F. B. McNamara 56 J. C.,Knox 23 Jacob•Reckhow "72 Maynard 61 Julius Sherwood 25 Blakslee & Haven 5 V. Dickinson 13 . do .50 do: .28 do - 10 do 25 Miles Thompson 100 John Avery 100 William Meir 100 John Dana 90 P. Delion . • .100 A. York 160 John Torpor 100 S. Bolick 100 D. Azpeck 129 Sam!. Barclay 70 Y. S. Brehmer Ulysses township. CO E. Peasley 50 Jacob Jordan 132 H. Wharton 50 • Thomas Baker Pike township. k l ) 250 Moses Meeker t 50 William Furman 76 • Polly Ann Smith 50- Lorenzo Ackley - -Clara township. " 130 Samuel Haven 252 A. M. Benton 70 C. &J. Lyman 40 Ransom Stoat • • Jackson township. 50 Daniel Sherwood 66 50 J. Springer 66 62 Luther Slade - 60 50. J. Vaneuren 310 Reuben Herrington , 6 03 - 49 J. G. Russell 71 50 - Israel Vancuren - . 65 Portage township. . 50 A. Smith • • 65 Bingham township. ' Stephen and Jos. Hurd 65 50 John Sharp • * Turtillus Morris . 50 Hezekish Morris 50 Calvin Morris 60 Levi Annis 50 Mary Bennett 1 13 BO Nathan Harvey . 117 50 J. S. Kimbal • 65. 79 Gornelins Lancaster • .1.57 75 Martin Musto 97 50 W. &A. Perry - -60 James *Vancuren Genesee township. 200 Silas Billings • 900 1208 1211 1213 1214 1292 1857 7 42 1 98 42 42 8 92 4 81 36 Z)3 6 30 15 65 17 41 8 10 11 17 11 36 2 16 i 4 82 6 86 1 711 6 87 1761 6 86 2750 25 17 689, 9401 S 12 50 - r Barney Daniels 50 Weal Branch township. 50. Daniel Dewey 1 50 '67 . John Russell "2 02 50. IVm. Robbins k 65 50 S. Wetmore -65 50 George Sherman 81 • Hector township.' 50 D. Wheeler po *George Young 50 D. Turner 100 V. 111cRedner Osteuyo township. 50 T. Clark 108 150 Chauncey Pierce • 780 . 50 Nathaniel Squires 100 G. W. Stiles 55 Wm. Fuller • 50 Wm. Oliver • Coudersport. blots, Nos: 152, 153, 170, 171, 178, :179, estate of J. seating 364 EMI 1 38 1 L 9 Susan Ayres . 32 11G John Baker It 2 village iota ' E. W. Bishop 29 1 ,-, " C. B. Cotter 16 .1 ".. t. F. J. Cal d well 2l 4 " ," Deroy Ellsworth 19 6 :r, " Jerome Keating estate 59 5 6 , -.. John C. Knox 145 4 " . " Woodcock and- Strait 73 • . JOEL L. RA VtIOND. 'Treasurer of Potter Co. r ,., 1 REASUEER'S OFFCE. Couderspoti . , March 44. 185.1. i 45 3t 'Lewis Mann IS again home, in the store opposite the Ncrthelat corner of the public square, and is receiving direct (tom New-York city —not a " mammoth stock" of winter goods, but sufficient to fill up the old store; which goods "are now offered for inspection and xearnination. He would therefore say to the old customers, Step in and see his as sortment; and to the public generally, that as his goods are for sale. he will be happy to receive "calls." 840 . 1 6 20 t 42. 35 97 96 ' 1405: • - 488 , 59 10 8 GI ; 18 45 20 29 27 63 135 30 70 35 48 20 9 811 County, Orders taken at Par F DR Goods at Milt LAMES will find at Mann's store ecelieep, Waaii ngton, Merrimack, Phil - ill, Allen & Sons', and other choice varieties of Prints, warranted by the subscriber nit to fade. • 4LL-WOOL Delaines at Mann's. A'-. pacas, Parametias, English awl French Merinos at MANN'S. ING liA NlS—a good.arsort ment at Jr MANN'S ILKSaod Dress Trimmings at NIANN7S C . I . HAWLS of various patterns and qnali Oties—Ladies' and Children's Hoods. at • CIAMBRI CS, Bishop Lawns. .Vietciia Lawns,' Cap Lace, Grape, Rog d'Mus!in. Swiss Muslin. Linnen Hdkfs , Embroidered d 0., Muslin Edgip_rrs ; Cotton dn., Linen do. Ladies'. collars, Wristlets, Lindrrsleeves Ladies' Skirts, do, Caps, to be fvur.d at ' MANN'S. E 9 1'23 LARGE lot of Hosiery at , MANN'S TF you- want warm Stockings for the you 'will find them at . , MANN'S. 1 94 45 041 193 -69 41 1300 TS, Buskins, and the other v‘niety of Shoes, can be found at ANN'S. caps, comforters, Wrappers Drawers,. Buck Gloves, do. Mitiens, Berlin-Lined Gloves, Carpet Bags, Satcli els,StisPenders. .Call at MANN'S STORE. 3 20 I 79 65 30 GI 2 03 'GOYS' Y oath . '-13oota at M A NN'S , Qti . EETING, Shirting, Batts, and Cotten Varn at -MANN'S. 5 st, '7B . 52 3 05, QUGA.RS, Tens, Coffee, Rice, Ginger, Pepper, spice, sterol!, saleratn.;, con stantly on hand at MANN'S STORE. TiLUG Tobacco, Fine-Out do-,.Chetr ing and ,Smoking at MANN'S. you want Axes, Hatchets, Ham mers, mill saws, cross-cut. do., lino& dm, Aimcr Bits, Fite or all kinds, mei Squ'arc;:, trots do., Try do., call nt MANN'S. MANN keeps constantly on baud Spad cs, mauuro Forks, nre Iruns. •LEIUH BELLS at MANN'S STORE. OCKS, Door Handles, Butts, Screws, 141,tvlis-2.11 EiZCE—Shoe Nails. Finishing (10., for sale Lt. -LEWIS MANN'S. POCKET KNIVES, Table do, CALI. AT MANN'S STORE JEW MANN has for sale Shot, Lead, Powder, Flasks,' &c. 1 39 72 1 79 72 Auditor's Notice NTOTICE is hereby. given that the under -11 signed, an _Auditor appointed by the court to report in relation to the distribution of money raised by the sale of real estate in the case of Johnson Wells and Go. vs. V. Dickinson. of Dec. Terri), 1852, No. 65, will 'attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of the Protlionmary, in Cou dersport, on .Friday, the Sth day of May next, at one o'clock P. 111. 8 74 97 125 1 30 '6 21 18 47 1 90 52 The said Auditor having been also pointed to make distribution , of the proceeds of the sale of Real estate in the case of Wanza and-Harrison use of Jones, Walton end Fuller vs. V. Dickinson et. al., will attend to the.duties of his appointment on Satuaday, the 6th day ct May next, at one o'clock P. M., at the same place. Persons interested in the above mentioned cases may attend if they think proptr. 48-31 11. J. OLNLSTED, Auditor, "I Come to bring you Life and Health." TAR. CURTIS' HY GENIA. or Inhaling Hygean Vuvor and Cherry syrup, for the cure of pulmonary consumption, asthrria. bronchitis, coughs, colds, and all Lung and Liver complaints. A new method of inha lation for the cure of the above named dis eases. For sale by D. W. SPENCER. 1 'Stone Ware. LL those wantino. Stqne Ware, such as dlugs. Stove.Pipe'Crocks, Churns; Butter and Preserve Pots, Pitcheis, etc., will do well to - eall'at C. S. JCNES', whew they can be suited with any size or shape de sirable. lIE Sound the Tocsin! OLMSTED'S - ONE-PRICE ST-ORE. Cash and Ready-Pay. "Economy Is the Mother Of 92 2 55 76 88 TIIE subscriber would announce to the public tha't he has removed to a new st ,, re, next door north of J. W. Smith's Stove and Tinware establishment, where he has just opened a large stock of geode for the fall and winler•trade. The stock is marked at the very lowest cash figures,. aid at such prices as cannot fail to suit those who study economy in buying. I intend . to adhere to the one-price system, belieiing it to be the only fair and honorable mode of doing business: and by. taking a straight forward course, hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage.' Produce taken at its cash swine. D. E. OLDISTED 5 20 1 05 65 Nov. 4. 1853. 625 T A DZES, arel:on in want of any Dress .I_4Good., Silks, Alpaca, De Laines, Ging- Nut's, Shawls; Bonnets, Shoes, Laces, Edging . , Collars, Gloves, 'Sic. You aunot fail to be suited at OLMSTIM'S ONE-PRICE _STORE. t ENTLENIEN, are pm in want of any Ur Nati, Caps, Cravats, Stooks, Gloves. You will find a good -assortment, also a rod assortment of Clothinri, at the ONE PRICE STORE. ALL•who are in want of GROCERIES; such as Sugars, Molasses, Tea, Coffee, Wee, &C.', will hull them at low prices at OLMSTED'S. Jr ) Tailozing. • - j_ IHE pubseriher, having zecured the set vices of.a good workthan, would call the . attention of the public terhis stock of Cloths, Cas:simero, and Vestingp, which will bi made to order on short notice and warranted to fit, or no sale. To those who have be• corm; dissatisfied with buying slop-shop CTI:, which may come to pieces before it can be get home, he would say, Come, se lect from my , Cloths, let . 111 r- Smith take your Measure, and he will make you a good titiing, durable garment, and warrant the buttons not to drop off within twenty-font II -ors, with careful usage,--and at as low paces as can reasonably be expected. • D. E. OLMSTED. L. 111ANN'St ED Bpreads, Table do., Jaquard liper, ToTelling, Sheetings and Shirting.; cotton bans. cotton yarn, candlewick, at OLMSTED'S. HOOTS and. Shoes, suppozErd to bit .hear, oumsTED'S. 7 t - ElZY.good Black Silk to be had at p-r ar . OLNISTELYS. 1 5 00 R Silk flat can be bought for ~- ; 111,50= a Leuer.une for 4,50. at ' OLMSTEErS.4 [ a r o ?r ruing J Fluid and Carnphii :e DßUG and BOOK-STORE. To the Inhabitants of Couders port and Vicinity, ; And Potter County Generally. rullt:. eub..tibcr has Just received a large stovk of ;TINTER GOODS, • consisting of DRY GOODS, FURS, HATS a r,(.1 CAPS. Ready-Made Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, L'OO'PS arid SHOES,_Brooms WOUDEN A large stock of DOMESTICS, Sheeiings; Drilling Cotton Yarn, and Bat ting, and most kinds of Provisioni, kept constantly on hand, for cash. All of which he 'will sell as low as the kwest. for READY-PAY. Cash and most. kinds of Farmers' Pro• di:cc taken in exchange for Goods. Knowing that one colyinn of this sheet iv insufficient to enunirate every article seprate which he keeps 'for sale, he hopes that the above general catalogue will suffice. Ur-c. 30, 1353. C. SMITH. Couders"port Academy, rpiiE spring term of this icstitution will commence on Wednesday, April 19, I 051, and continue ,eleven weeks. Elementary branches—Pt thography, Geograph3', Arithmetic, &c........ 52.115 Higher Arithmetic, First lessons in - Akebra, and Grammar, _ .' 3.25 Engtila branches, Algebra, ridlosciphs, &c., 4.75 Higher Mathematics, Latin, creek, and French languages,..- 6.25 Instruction on the Piano Forie, extra, 10.00 Use of instrument,.... Focal music free of charge. N. B.—Prepayment of all bills will be silkily requited. .1. 13L00111NGDALE, Principal. . The undersigned, Trustees' of the Con d,-report Academy, are moved by . a sense of o n I and personal duty to inv Ito • the at trmion of the Public--of pirents in panic- Liar, to the rising and useful character of chi: institution of Learning. When invited, a little more than a half-year ago, to the superintendence of its affairs, we found it depreE sed and still declining. We requested Mr. J. fit oautpoane to become its Priori pal Trite er, and entrusted its organization and other m st onerous a ff airs to his discre tion and management. Experience has provoJ him to ho faithful, efficient, and Nautical—just such an instructor as this community need. The number of pupils in the school is now over sixty. We refer to Mr. Bloomingdales • advertifement for information as to the terms and cofiditione on Which pupils are admitted, and for other facts of interest: and "recommend the insti tution to the patronage of the people. 11. 11. Dzsr, President, TIIO,IIN B. TYLER, Secretary, HENET J. ()Lump, Treasurer, F. L. Josms, • Cuss. I.rstax, trustees. • G. G. CoLvt.x, CI W. STRONG can be found at the kx. shop of Jas. M. Basset!, formerly owned by himself, where he will attend to all calls in his 'line' with promptness and fidelity. 6-41 3mo • Wealth." St Cll . AS Terms. .. 3.00
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