61JF B h 2 Pl i ti . Saturday, Dec. 24, 1870. HALDEMAN'S . Popular Dry Goods Store ESTABLISHED 1515 Our Stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS 3'OW COMPLETE, AND WE OFFER. TO OUR =1 Attractive Prices. BLACK SILKS, COLORED SiLKS, NEW STRIPED SILKS, FRENCH SILK POPLINS, IRISH POPLINS, NEW CORDED SILK POPLINS, FRENCH SATTEEN,(Clovit.Colors) FRENCH. MERINOS, F.j,tENCII CASHMERES. --" — BEST MAKE BLACK ALPACCAS, BLACK MORA IR BRILLIANTES. EXTRA QUALITY 'VELVETEENS, ROMAN STRIPED SII..).WLS, PLAIN BLANKET SHAWLS, „ GAY PLAID SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SHAWLS, BLACK BIARRITZ SHAWLS, JOUV IN'S KID GLOVES, WHITE VELVET CORD, WHITE PLUSH CLOTH, BLUE, WED E AND SCARLET OPERA FLANNELS, REAL PAISLEY SHAWLS. Our stuck coulttius many Choice European Goods, :MALE SCARCE BY I.IIE.PRESENT WAR Which w•e mill ec.ll NVITHIPT ANY ADVANCE IN PRICES. We have now the Largest Assortment of BLACK SILKS, ALL OF GUARANTEED MANES, ocamEn 230UONT EARLY LN THE SEASON. And at Our Prices ARE CONVINCING BARGAINS. ILIEEEME riEw GOODS EVERY WEEK. GEO. W. & B. F. HALDEMAN'S Popular Dry Goods Store, 173 & 114 LOCUST ST 0ct.22-70-13 LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Local Brevities. The Reading 4: Columbia R.R. will issue excursion tickets during the holidays. See advertisement. Notice of the annual election for direc tors of the R c4c C. R. R., the Columbia Na tional and First National banks is given elsewhere, in the stdvertising columns. Raldemans' store has been the popular resort for the past week or two. Elegant banotins still on hand. We tire pleased to notice the elegant stock of jewelry, which Mr. E. Spering has lately purchased. Mr. S. has opened out at his old stand, and is entitled to a liberal share of patronage. The mufti' autmal bid masque of the Crystal So.-ial Club, of Reading, will be field on the 29th inst. Thanks for an invt tation. Turkeys are trembling. Our jewelers are driving a brisk business. Mete is it female law student in Chieagm The kind of taw she should praetice is that kind known as datighter-in•htw. Son. soap, in s“ me ,thipe, pleases all; and, generitliv speaking, the more Ige you 'pill into it the better. Wednesday WaS the seventy first 11013 - Verbary of the oetith of Geo. Washington. Hawes ras4lrloro, Of Rail Nottingham, Chester Co., has it second crap of iiats. Money received at this office, at all hours of the day—night too. The old style of butter gouging, has be come unpopular. Some or our dealers now tender buyers the use of a pen kaire, a de aided improvement over a dirty thumb. • Lancaster will observe Monday as Christ mas. No business ‘N ill be done. Franklin & Marshall college closed the fall term on Tuesday, and our friend Rob ert Mahon is at home enjoying the vaca tion. The banks will be closed on Monday hare and all over the county. Notes and cheeks lulling due on that:day must be paid on Saturday (to-day.) The Masonic fraternity will have at ban quet in Odd Fellows' Hall on Tuesday evening, 281 h inst. (St. John's Day.) An otduance hits been °tiered praying for additional legislation..Quthorizing the loan of *20,000 additional to build a new town hall. The SrY corps thank John Fend rick for a 'box of his inimitable cigars. Bruner & Shurtzer's saw mill is almost completed. Operations will soon be com menced. Mr. George Golan is building two large ice houses on the wharf. Mrs: Turner has her popular Locust sireetgroeery storeliterall v crammed with good things. She as determined not to be undersold. Wall Fry will entertain his friends on Monday, at his tobacco and cigar store, next door to tee post-ollice. The de mocracl had a fit of jollification on Tuesday nhlit, at the news of Dechert's electi in to the State Senate. It won't last long. Heist's now agricultural implement store is under roof. We wish our readers and everybody else besides, a merry Christmas. The exhibition by the German Lutheran sabhath school In, Odd Fellows' Hull, on Monday evening was a success despite the rain.• The hall was well filled with an up ceis tive audience and was a very credit able entertainment. 'Lancaster anti Columbia have "holiday Visitors," and both are claimed to be copy righted. lit our advertising columns to-day, will be found u node.. of the "Domestic sewing machine." We have examined its merits, Eave seen it in operation and can testily to Its simplicity, ease of operation and man agement, durability enti general etliciency. It is a western invention, and bids lair to become a formidable rival With yan kee inventions. it call be seen et J. W. R e a. sin's tailoring establishment. The Pi iota. it. H. Co., issue excursion ticket.. during the holidays. Lames at e in attendance at May dr, Er win's Bahk 'Store. 'Wasp the windows. clean up the house. put things in order, bring out the dough tray. take down the hake pans, haw ,- ' up the sleeking 4, hunt tile coke cutter, kitl the turkey and stair the goose, tor before an other week. rolls around we will be in the midst of that season of enju3 meat, of balls and partic-s, of tnilk and holey, of mu ono frolic; at wines and egg-hug, of mirth and trivolny.of ginger bread and turkey roust, French cookery and dyspepsia.-1 es, err the dawn of another week we can salute each other with it "Merry Christmas." How many happy, how many louu alto tender recollections these Inlet worth sum -I[lloll Up: "A, Merry Caristinas joy - tons salutation which har‘ts forth upon Mu world front every tongue mai will uo doubt be sounded by the sentinels en the ram parts and tormicatiens around Paris. That this Christmas may be u happy as well as a merry one to all is our must midis' wish, alai all who , wish to enjoy tile lull tide of Me -peril} for another year, should buy their groceries at Max But:Dees cheap gro cery, No. 2.49 Locust St.,Solumbia, la. • MEssns. Perretot of Philadelphia have !iambs - 89d Ryon's Foundry in this pl.•ace for the sum of $lO.OOO. They will take possession on the Ist of Peuruary. THE Knights of Pythias aro negotiating for the use of tile hall in the thirrl story of the Vigilant Engine House. It will make one of the most convenient Lodge rooms in the borough. E entertainment by Prof. Hart and the ./Eolians, for the benefit of Vi ilant Fire Co. was a success. The endings by Hart were highly appreciated, and he NV:I a repeatedly encored. His rendition of -The Battle" was a master effort, end supers-sl ed anything we have yet heard A large audience greeted this, his third rending. Now we propose that our people give the "'Bonen a grand benefit. They deserve it, and will have it too, some time in January. ON Tar, WAR PATH.—EX-Brother Grier, late of the Herald, is the democratic can. didate for the office of Sergeant•at-arms 01 the State Senate, with prospects of reeeiv ing the nomination. As Hayes ( ccording to his valedictory in the herald) did so much for Columbia, "built scores of houses, opened streets, extended the borough lim its and built the market houses," lie ont.tlit to be rewarded in some way. Remember there's a many a slip. JrtßonS.—Among the grand jurors for quarter se•sions, January term, are Sam uel Clair. Hear. Duelr. and Jos. Tyson, of CLAMTibia. Among . the petit jurors are Abram Bru ner, John W. Brunt;r, Jonas Myers, Tate. S. Snyder, of Col 11 ILIUM, and lien ty Cupen in Cu!. Jll9. Myers and Abram Wisler,- West HUM ptield. Common pie. s: Gco. Green, J. Halite man Elt.rr, Wm. liippey, Santa& Truseott, N. 13. Llei,e, MeLhositt, Jona, Rum ple and Jacob S. Stritte, of Columbia. REnucTION . or ItAms.--Too Western Union Telegraph Company have reduced their rates from 25 to 20 cents between the following places: Philadelphia, Norris town, Harrisburg, Pottstown, Reading, Le Utilion.Ha rri sb rg,Port Clinton,Sch ny 1.- k ill Haven, Pottsville, Ash! did, Centralia, Mahoney city, Shenandoah city, Mt. Car owl, Lancamter and Columbia, Pa. To New York 50 cents, to Wilmington, Del.. 45, to Boston, Ala.'s., 50 cents, with a cur re:Tending reduction to other places. SNow.--There was a slight fill of snow ou Saturda. evening. It commenced to come down about S o'clock, when our streets were crowded with promenaders. All seemed to welcome the fall of the beau tiful snow. The boys were jubilant at the prospect for coasting, and many a falr nitinien indulged in hopes of a sleigh ride during the holidays, but they were all ootned to disappointment. Be ore the ground was fairly e''vered the clouds blew over and the stars .were sinning tnrOllgn the wintry atmosphere. It is a rare thing for us to have so little snow before Christ- QM SCHOOL BOARD.—Board met, December 7th, 1870; members present,Messrs. North, Watts, Detwiler, Breaeman, Young, Pat ton and Guiles. Minutes of the last meet ing were read and approved. On motion of Mr. Breneman, tile tax of S. B. Heise was redmed to $115.4.1 A proposition was received from a Welsh society, to rent the upper room in the col ored school house, for the purpose of hold ing meetings therein. Referred to the committee on rents. • A. T. Palm, principal, reported scholars in attendance: white males 431; females 447; total 861. Colored school; males 28; females 46; total 68. IMPORTANT PROCEEDINGS IN COUNCIL.- At M.- last meeting of C .until on Friday evening, S. S. Detwiler, Esq., tiered for the considerations or Council a resolution praying the Legislature of Pennsylvania, , for the passage of an act, to establish an additional court for Lancaster county, in Columbia. The court is to have exclusive jurisdiction in all matters coming before the various c 'tarts of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Tertniuer, from the townships of Conoy, West and East Donhgal, West Llemptichl, Manor,and the borougas of Co lumbia,M arietta,lilizabethtow n and Wash ington, and also in all matters of appeal iron] Mode townships and boroughs, all, also concurrent with other courts of Lan• caster comity in all mutters before the Or. pilau's court ielative to estates of persons dying within the enumerated tern tory. These courts shall be livid ut kitSl once in ev,ry three months, and al ninon. Wiener as tlieja.lges holding the salon deeiu nec essary. Thou follows the provision% as to the offi cers, their remunerat.ou, &c. Illnexthsue we will give the full text of the tall. an important movement, and one which is due Columbia, and this section ul the county; not only on account of tine amount of court business from bere t but on account of the better geographical location of Colanacht, as a centre. Columbia is easy of access, either by private or public con veyance, and we believe this measure will be a great saving of time and expense. A similar division into two judicial dis tricts is made in Cumbria county and works admirably. The general text of the proposed law is the same as that of Johns town, page S9l pamphlet. laws or ISIO. We will comment more at length upon this measure when we publish the bill. COUNCIL.— Stated meeting of Council was bent on Friday evening last. Messrs. Crane, Arms and t•uttmt were aliment. Fimmee Committee reported Its (01- lows: Bal. on hand at last report, ' .5,2D9.71 Proceeds ot 82000 note dis'd, I ,975.011 itee'd ot S. B. Otepper, ts..s. s, 478 7S '• '• Market. Muster, 23.83 " " Chtet Burgess, License, 5.00 Orders paid, _ $:,30.97 Coupons on Dec. bonds p',l, 876.00 Bal. paid J. H. \Lillitn on completion of culvert, 1.100.00 2,564.97 Du • Treasurer, The Market Committee reported the rout of the market uouso in a very leaky con dition. The Paving Committee reported many pavements needed, but work was ssuspel_d• until the opening of good weather, owing to the scarcity of money. The Gas Committee reported a number of glass broken in ditferent parts of the town, in the street lamps. Chas. 11. 'McCullough, Esq , appeared s.s treasurer of tile Gas company, and :aid that the company had heels mond:dung gas to the borough for a number 44 - years, at a price which was at lus to them. and they were not satisfied with the action 01 in allowing $l5 per year lisr earls lump, and hoped that solo.- decided actloll would be taken this evening. Mr. Craig offered the following preainhle and resolution which were adopted: NVIIEREAS, The borough is, and has been for some tune mg gas tur the reet lamps, at an unfixed price, therefor he it _Res°lvcd, That a , pecial emainthee be appointed to wait upon the proper onif•ers at the Gas company, and conclude a eon tritet for the use of gt 4.. for three ears, to the best po,sibloadvalll.ige at the borough. Tile President appoink-d Messrs. Cittig,, Detwiler taut litetz as t. ,e committee. A communication trout John 111. Read wo.s reeeived and read, when Oil :notion ~1* F. S Betz, it was . - itcAolv , (I, That a special eoininit:ee of three be UppUltilell, lvith niNirtielloas to have a Wall built initueointely alonL; Read's propPrty, one-hall uu the ouc h:dim; said property. Counnittee—Nles.rs.. Illetz, Craig uud Patton. • Ali ordinance offered by S. S. Detwiler authorizing the Bilildlng committee to bur row an additional j 20,000 tor the purpose of erecting a new Wish hail, wao, read and laid over one month under the rules. On motion of \I r. Resolved, Tim' a Potter ettuttltittee Le jier,ti:.er :Appointed to twit, the plroto of ClAll Jul L Lee WI %vhurves. W. 11. Grier, Sec PERSONA I,—Harry E. Turner, Elq., elm.): in the freight office of the R. fa C. R. R., has rendered his resignation to take ef fect to day. Harry bears with him the highest regards of his associates—and a vory flattering te.itimonial from Mr. Gage, the superintendent. CANED.—Our good old friend Robert Ham ilton was handsomely caned by a lbw of his many personal friends of Columbia on Thurs day evening last. About S o'clock some six or eight persons stepped into his store and one of the number immediately came for ward and in a few remarks presented Mr. H. with a very, handsome silver-headed rose wood cane, having/engraved on the head, " Presented to Robert Hamilton by his friends, Columbia, Penna." Mr. 11. was so taken by surprise that for a time he was speechless—something very unusual for Bob—however he soon recovered his speech and searched his larder and in less than half an hour had a fine repast set out at which all enjoyed themselves until a late hour. The presentation was all the more Pleasant as it was an entire surprise to Mr. Hamilton. PEnsoNAL.--Some weeks ago our cor respondent at Lancaster, in one of his eu teetaininggossippy letters, in speaking of a concert held there said: "Tho most intoler able bore was a base solo. and in response to an encore, the inevitable "Ivy .Green." Shades of the Naiades and Dryades pr - serve us from future inflictions of this sort." tif course we are not responsible for the opinions ()four correspondent, (and in this case cannot say if old "Ivy Green" descry ed the critici•tu or not,) and to show Prof. Woodward, or Lancaster, the solo singer relerred to, that we had no feclin; in the matter•, wrote a pulite personal note to aim to that effect, marking it "personal." The Professor, violating the confidence of the nose, a confidence which correspond ence, so nt••rk.•d, always enjoys in polite circles, published it in t h e Express of Tuesday evening. We make this statement di explanation. I om E MA TT ERS. —A big, moon-struck youth was around the other night with a cracked guitar and a urea Y Voice, singing • 'Put We 111 wy little bed." A. wiudow was finally opened an.: the youn;_ wan inform ell that if he didn't "dust" they would 'Stand film on his 'little head." Two New York reporters, Mr. Kirman of the Herald, arid Mr. David of the Sun, were in town on Tuursd:ty even in 4 taking notes. We gave thew a few facts about iron and tariff. The hdelligencer says that the vestibule of a church is not the proper place for la (ties to stand in groups to converse. It blocks up the dour-way, you know, and the rest of us cannot get dinner. . Last 3 - ear the navigation on the canal closed in .I'..7.wetnber. Quite the reverse this season. Everything is yet favorable. At last the wild geese begin to "fly." Winter may, therefore, be expected in other shapes than as to-day. NVlion the wild geese cry ho honk over our heads it is tune to burnish our skates, see that the coal bins are well supplied, and stop up the cracks in the houses. Marietta had a public meeting on last Monday evening to move in the estao lisinnent of new manufactories. Go ahead neighbors. Turkeys and chickens are drug a in Leban on—but not so here, at least we hav'nt seen tuem in that light. We see it announced that the Columbia Spy, is soon to be enlarged. It is a good pa per and we are pleased to hear this substan tial proof of its prosperity.—Maubeim 'Sea- The editor of the Lebanon Advertiser, butchered on Monday, and complains that los two hogs ware not as tine as usual —on ly weighing SSO pounds-450 and 430 re spectively. A lover in Springfield. Chester county, in whom Pi onietitean lire burns brlght, and effulgent, has • worked out tbo following el egant specimen of literature and rhyme: Oh, Sallie, 'Us my chief delite„ Tu gais upon 3 uro (13 esos brite, fly luv fur yu gosh eirpasses The love I feel for rum and 'lasses The new sewing machine, a purely wes tern invention, calle I " The Domestic," is attracting lunch attention. The pupils of some of the schools are pre paring to give their teachers presents. A Wrig,..tsvi Wan ea me to Colt/ll:his the other night, got too much " benzine" on, and started bad:. When ho reached the iron 511,01 in the centre, lie thought he'd take a 10,,k down the river, lie turned arouna ,everal times too often, and after walking over another half of the bridge, emerged on the Columbia side! He then took a fresh start for Wrightsville. W. 11. Eagle, of Marietta, intends building ;t furnace near Lewl,,burg, and not .tt tC.ieke,s as reported. The groulid was froz , n hard on Friday morning, ind the lee on the pavements is getting its smooth side up. A LAIWE Incident.—The i.eral of John D. Wright on Sunday, was very large —a spontaneous testimonial of the est a•-m in which our community held StliqUellantla U“: 140, I. O. of 0. F. and the Col Milblzt, Fire Company, to which orgatitz-ition Mr. Wright belonged, were lar4ely represented. The funeral services were conducted at the M. E. church, which was crowded with the friends of the deceas ed. Revs. B. H. Witheroev and S. It. C. 6mit h, ~ffiriated, the latter preachir. .2 the tuneral sermon, and Ihe former following in at few appropriate remarks. The re mains were buried in the Zlt. Bethel Cem etery. —An incident occurred which impressed almost the entire congregation, and which did not escape the attention of :Arr. Smith, who delivered the luueral sermon. Just as the choir were singing that beautiful lino Break from His throne illustrious morn," the sun which had been entirely obscured during the day by heavy clouds, suddenly broke forth, for a moment flooding the chancel with a stream of splendor, and then sank. be•huld the clouds Mgain. Our trawl and poet.E. N. ',MILS made this the -Ls idea of a chaste Land beautiful pasta, entitled SUSLWILT IN TILE CIL WWII. 75,) GU En We had gathered around the coned fortn Of our dear, loved friend departed, The heavens were ("bleb: with the coming storut And the earth itself had-hearted ; But we sing it hymn of faith and trust, savi.mcq loving story, Wti,•u a ray of light 6roke through !Ito clouds, And the channel lit with glory. It rested upon the ,ombre And the olaek robed lorins before us, It streatued o'er tuu lace by the eotlin lid, And its brilihnive novered o'er It east its beanlb of golden light Like ',halts trot,, a glowing quiver And lit our hearts with a radiance bright; Like a light ou death's dark . river. And I thought'twasa svmboi meet of him Wtto had pa,,ed tutu t. 1.-1 1, 11's clam si till, her; Who with eneru win and seraphitn U m ' joined the Angehe limn her ; To as :ha Silalth.W, to hint the light, The ray of Godb moming breaktng. To us, all wa, ttarkuess, to ttitta, all bright thejny 01 tae heavenly a oldog. curl I kit lilt. clinch tt it h a softened heart, ~ Vito a Li ert ail toadied and tender; As it In Uid a 1/0.1 - se I had caught, a part 01 t e dep.t rung splendor: And I knew that the sun tont shone on our way As a synknot and a warning, TIML L 11011,411 sorrow and weeping endue day Yet joy etnneth in Lie tnurning. Through the gates 01 drath we may catch the hgot To 11111001 L. I stn rits gi yen, And the rustle tie,sr ut the garments white 01 angelic huts lu II• Wanlii tie in u.,t, tcwk, and watch, auLl T.., ahlcien cord shall sewer; And the ~.un ~blue Juno llirullgu the open ing gale; To rest op enr souls forever, ANoTLIER LECTURE -M4, Lifll ii S. Ed Barton, "The Pearl of the Platform," will deliver her celebrated oration, entitled "Whither are we Drifting," in Fulton Hall Lancaster, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 2Sth. Tickets at atrr's book store and lievinski's :rnic store. Bunor.mis.—During Monday night last, the shoo shop of Mr. Reitzel, on Front street, was entered and robbed of seven pairs of new boots. The thieves entered the adjoining building and secured admis sion to the shoe shop by cutting a hole in partition. We hear that a couple of other places were entered. A good look-out should be kept for these midnight thieves and a dose of lead administered them. TUE subject of seling fruit and vegeta bles by weight is being agitated at the West. We would suggest, that the same policy be introduced into our market, and that eggs be sold in like manner. Some 01 our farmers complain that their customers always pick out the largest and leave the smallest. To prevent that the seller and not the buyer should count them out ; but if the seller should pick out the small ones, the buyer would complain. Buying and selling by weight is the best way. DEATD OF A STRANG.EII.—A man who had been stopping for some two weeks at the Keystone House, North Queen street, died there last night. He gave his name as George W. Brooks, appeared to be about 55 years of age, was well dressed, talked very intelligently on most subjects, but appeared to be broken down in health by dissipation, death probably resultin4 from that cause. He had been engaged in selling a patent coloring, fluid used for the purpose of color ing liquors. An examination of his effects renders it more than probable th .t the name 01 Brooks was only assumed by him, and that his real name was Albert \Vintercamp.-- h is contained a great molly papers stud letters to that eiroct. Among the pa ta•rs was a deed for 18,000 acres of land in Wisconsin, ccnveyed to Albert Winter camp by Lien ly B. Bunster and has wire Jane, of Hoboken, New Jersey, in consid eration of 861,000. He held also a large number of promissory notes ol various par ties. aggl egating some thousands of dollars, but all barred by the statute of No money, however, was bound in his pos session.--Intelligencer. A man by this name and in several re spects answering the description. worked at Fendrich's tobacco store several years ago. The question is, who is he? CLIRISTMAS FESTIVITIES.—There aro a hundred and one ways at' spending Christ mas, but only a few these are suitable to the occasion. We give below a short sketch of the exercises in the different churches in Columbia. As the day this year fails on Sunday, it will be observed more religious ly than usual. Presents will no doubt be exchanged on Saturday, and business will be suspended on Monday. T ere is a va riety of religious exercises iu store of which we furnish a complete programme below. TH.F. E. E. LUTIIERAN cnrjncll will have special services in the .morning, when Rev. G. M. Rhodes, pastor, will preach a sermon 'with special reference to Christmas. The Sabbath school exercises will also have special reference to the day, and we believe many, if not all the children will receive some present. TUE PRESBYTERIAN' .C.IIURCa will hold tho usual morning and evening services, with discourses on the great event WI& iCLI the day commemorates." TIIE REFORMOD CHURCH, Rev. F. Pilgram pastor, will celebrate on Christmas eve (Saturday evening). The Sabbath school will have an illuminated Christmas tree. The church will he beauti fully and tastefully decorated with ever greens, and tb.- pastor will deliver an ad dress suitable for the occasion. lb mns and tunes have been in rehearsal for some time, and will have a prominent place on the pro gramme. Mr. Pilgram has organized at very successful system of tiGrisihin labor ; unit a large Subbsalk sellool is oue..-: has re wards. The exercises on Saturday evening will be very pleasantl itncl all are cordiAlly Special services on Sabbath morning at o'clock. THE METITODIST CHURCH .viii kayo special services at the usual hours on Christmas morning and evening. The Sabbath school %ill hold their anni versary festival on Monday evening in the church, at seven o'clock. Simon May. Esq., is the chairman. The following is tho programme : 1 Organ Voluntary. singing by Nehoul. Our, Welcome Anniver sary Day. 3 Prayer by Rev S. H. C. Smith. .1 Singing by School Christmas Hymn. 3 Address—The Teetotaler, by Master Harry 6 Dialogue—About the Angels, MamleH.ersh cy and Mamie Smith. 7 Singing by School Joy Bells. S Temperance Address,Master Willie Vanhu seu. 0 Dialogue—How Much In Debt.3lastcrs linr iy John,en and Arthur Vanhu 10 Recitation—The Sword, Master Alfred C. Bruner. H Singing—Sunday School Volunteer Song 12 Recitation—People will Talk,Alaster Pack er Finkel, ne. 13 Dialogue—Naomi and her Daughters-in law, Jennie Eddy, Mimic Bruner and Mazie Nolen. 14 Sin:Ong—Hear the Belie By the SchdOl. 13 Valedictory Master Geo. 23.'Brenoma, .16 Report of Secretary. The second part of tho programme con sists of a scioptican exhibition of one hun dred beautiful views of the Holy Land, starry heavens, Pdgrim's Progiess, comic al, historical and Biblical subjects, to be accompanied with music appropriate to the scenes presented. The light used in this scioptican exhibition is said to surpass the far !limed drumtuond light, and wherever it has been exhibited it bas given universal sat ishaition. We therefore take pleasure in offering to the citizens of Columbia an en tertaintnent worthy of their patronage. An admission of 20 cents will be charged ; children 10 cents. This will afford pleasant entertaisinent for an evening, and a large audience should be present to encourage our Methodist friends. THE EPISCOPAL SABBATH SCHOOL will hold its anniversary services on Wed nesday evening. Dec. 28. A neat pro gramme has been issued, and a brilliant Christmas tree will form an attractive fea ture of the evening's exercises. 'there is always so much genuine happiu anniversaries. that we cannot resist thn - .• vit:itio. to be present. The church on this occasion, in addition to its usual charming and attractive appearance, will be richly and tastefully decorated with evergreens, and designs symbolical of the occasion. rho ivy which has twined about the root will ho in sweet harmony with the offerings of winter's green, arranged by loving hands in graceful wreathes about the church. A. number oft,vintis are in rehearsal. and the pastor will deliver an appropriate ad dress. CIIIIIST3IAS DAY A Sr. PNTELCS CH 1.7RC11. AL 5.i o'silock., A. M. there will be a High Mass, when toe c .oar will sing "Mozara's'• :slabs No. 1. AL S o'clock there will be a Low Vass. AL 101 o'clock there will be a High Mass —the choir singing a Grand Muss. At 7 o'clock, P. A. there will be vespers and uenedictions of B. S. The 17.1111 reh Is being beautifully decorated by the tallies of the congregation, and will present a very attractive appearance. The services during thu day wtli De imposing and interesting. AT ST. SUSEM'S CATIMLIC CHURCH the lb!lowing will be the order of worship: First, service at 6 A. M. second, service tit 7:30 A. M. ; third at .0.00 A. M., and ves pers at 3P. M. Regular Sabbath day ser vices at S A. M., and 3 o'clock P. M. SAL.E.M. (OER.IIAN LUTHEItAti) CIILTUCLI, Will celebrate christwas this (S.durday) evening by a union of the congregation and Sunday school. Presents will be distrib uted among the children. Special Christ mas services on Sunday morning and evening. rliE; UNITED 11RETILICUN 01 will hive servives inarasug and eveuing with :special refervziee to ttiu day We eele• brate. With such an array of religious servicas, our people eaunot help but be aceommodut ed somewhere, ACCIDENT.—A young unt n mimed Oath had his leg so badly crushed by tho cars at ':.ordelia Furnace" on :11onday last, as to requiro it to be amputated, which was dono by Dr. A. K. Rohrer of Moun tyille.— We understand the patient is doing as well as can be ex pected.o nder the ci retunstan MESSRS. GEO. W. tt, F. llernr•.arAN, Proprietors of Haldeman's Popular Dry Goods Store, Columbia, Pa., present tho compliments of the season to their friends: and customers, and return their thanks fon' the largely increased patronage during th past year, and promise with extra lheilities and additional energy to make their stool c the coming year, still m9re attractive in all departments. WE invite the intention of our readevs Oita week to :t review of Commissimmr Wells, as a representative free-trader, giv en on the second page. The sketch, amus ing as it is true. It appeared originally in the Wilkesbarre Record of the Timcs. It will be remembered that the 'Suited States government paid this fellow to talk for our political and financial ruin. CHEAP Ft7EL.—Winter holds off wonder fully. Old fogies inform the public that there has not been such a December for a century past—as if they hid been sent to school with Sir Hutnphrey Davy and Guy Lussac, and went into business with the lather of the Isothermal lines. But nature shares the immutability of its maker. The cold is sure to come. The poor are fated to suffer. Poloticians look out for themselves. A republic is as selfish as a monarchy. Christ alone saves the world. The beneficence which remedies all human distress mast still be private. Let those who have provided fuel tor their own hearths remember the empty hearths and cold stoves of the old, weak, sink, un forzunate and—philosophers must permit maid—the improvident and criminal ; for what are these but the sick in head, or weak at heart. Is it not absurd that coal sells at the head of the Reading railroad tor $2.25, and at the coal yards in Philadelphia for $7.50? Does the Reading railroad charge $5.25 for bring ing coal a hundred miles? \o; only $2. What becomes of the remaining $3.23. Will the coal yard retailers enlighten the public on that head? A correspondent from Pottsville writes its : “While you aro lashing the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Company for stopping work and putting up the prices of coal, please do no omit to say at which ClUd of the line the blame lies. We are in favor of cheap fuel, it has expanded and increas ed our product 21- millions this year, mak ing the aggregate some 1G.000,000 tons. Our operators who run all the risks, be sides investing largely, should have at least 50 cents per ton profit. You retailers, who run no risk and invest nothing, get the lion's share of the profits.",—Railroad Morning liegi.ster, Coal is still at old price; in Columbia, and this charge against retail dealers does not hold as far as it concerns Columbia coal merchants. Mr. Editor:—On Wednesday evening last, accompanying several ladies, I went to the Odd Fellows dal! to listen to the read ings of John Hart and also the performance of the ..;Eolians, both of whom by their for mer renderings and acquirements have made themselves poimlar with the citizens; of our town. Anticipating, a crowded house. we entered the hall inure than a-half hour previous to tile commencement of the pertormance, and to my surprise the most elegiblu seats were all occupied by boys; and whose conduct on the occaston exceed ed for rudeness and vulgarity, any other occasion which I had ever witnessed in our town. The programmes which wore dis pArsed over the seats were greedily masti cated into balls and thrown promiscuously over the room, much to the annoyance of the audience present. I did nut observe that the janitor of the r;soin made any interference with this vul gar sport, neither did be make any dissent to their exclusive occupancy of the tront seats. It public entertainments are expect ed to beiVO a relined aud appreciative uudi once, surely such a nuisance as I have re *errectto, stiould be abated. Alai perhaps tt would be well for the trustees Cl the hall to require some emendation in .the matter. Sanday School Entertainment. Mit. EntToll: Permit Z.i - orwoo.l suralay s cool to again chi lin a notice in your col umns. Tuts school celebrated its annual entertainment on the evenings atilt) PM and 17th inst., with very gratilYing results. Tue entertaininent conskted of music., re citations and tableaux vivant; all of Which were highly erectitable to the school. The pupils all, without exception. acquitted themselves with Marked ability. Where so litany did well, It is difficult to designate any as ; but the hollow ing recitations deserve special notice: ';Eulogy Oil Water" by Miss Matilda. Hel wig; ••lleath of -Napoleon" by Miss Clara Swaim); "Battle cry of Freedom" by Mas ter Samuel Loeb:l.lrd ; and "11 w Cyr us laid tme Cable" hy Master Howard L. (Mer lin, The tendering 01 these selections would have deco credit tp older intellects. The tableaus wet u interesting and amus ing,; several 01 winch were entirely origi nal, and "brought down the house." Thu singing was good, Lind speaks well for the 6ehoot, when taken in consideration Lae very hunted opportunities the child ren LIU% t! of receiving musical instruction. Jurougli tae very great kindness of Mr. George Seibert and alias Pi101.)(3 Mellinger, w. were iavured with instrumental accom paniment, winch grt.atly added to the en Joy:Anna of the occasion. The thanks of the school are due to both lady and gentleman for the laver; and we recommend mein as much for their kindness as for their supe rior musical ability a .(1 culture. flati object of the entertittnnie.nt was to raise tunas LO Ward replenishing the library of the sellout. Norwood solidity school now closes its second . ear 01 Lieu ye work, and the few friends who orizainzed and held it steadily thus tar lit Its mission, know they are nut lati..ring - Iu yam. It Is altllUbl the only or ganized religious influence in the neigh borhood; but trout small begiunings,sinne times, great results appear. Wes , licit the well IA 'sties and prayers of all Irieuds 01 humanity. SoinuE MusioaLu.--The Soirec at the Columbia Female Institute, R-v. 11. S. Al exander, Principal, on Tuursday evening, was a grand success. The evening - was pleasant. and school ball was crowded to its utmost capacity by the patrons and friends of the instiutien, and a few invited uo =bug WIIOIII we were one. A. temporary pi:moral was erected in tho west end 01 the hall, on which were a piano and music table. Wreaths of evergreens and bouquets of flowers relieved the walls, and I.lthled to We attractiveness of the room. The eserejnea opened by u piano duet by Sias Joyce, Illubieui instructess at WO ill sticutu and Mira Strickler. The programme consisted mainly of pi ano solos and duets, interspersed with net . casional vu al performances. These were all so well rendered, that we cannot easily discriminate in our criticism. The young ladies evinced a degree of musical disci pline. seldom attained in persons so young. Misses Annie Purple, Tat itha Chair, Lizzie and Chellie Armor, Annie Fend, ich, Al ice Hershey, Bella Strickler, Laura Eber lin and 'fettle Stamen; Masters Robert Haldeman and Barton Evans, were the pi anists. Misses Laura and Emma I,Villiams distinguished themselves in a vocal (met "O'er the Hill, O'er the Bale," Miss Carrie Jacobs sang sweetly in a solo, "The Valley of the Chamouni," Miss Mary Bruner sang that Charming song "In her Little Bed we Laid Her," and Misses Josie and Caddie Patton closed the exercises AVIUS "Goad Night and Happy Dreams." Several choruses SS tirO interspersed among the solo and duet pertOrmances, which elicited warm applause. Altogether the entertainment was a most pleasant and satistlictory one, we have yet attended at the Institute. Miss Joyce pre sided at the piano during the evening. These exercises will close the fall session of the institution, one of the tnost. success ful In its history, The examinations were held on Tuesday and Wednesday previous ly, and showed unusual study and prepara ration. Our people are proud of Columbia Institute, and we congratulate Mr. Alexan der on his successes. The next session will open Jun. 9th 1571 ClutusTmAs in full blast at Mrs. Brooks' Millinery and Variety store Walnut St. Everybody goes there for novelties. 5"B. Eiseman's Empire Clothing Hal E. SPEWING :it his old stand with a new and fresh stook of watches and jewelry, ami other goods suit .ble for holiday pre. en ts. Remember 39 Front street, where Ile will be pleased to see all his his former pa trons, EVERYBODY goes to Moy tt: Erwin's be (-muse they can be accommodated wilb any desirable article for holiday presents. Everybody looks to their own interest, Ptipevially when they can save trom A to 25 per cent. Bachenheimer at No. 5 Front Street, two doors from Locuq Street, is the plaee to buy Clothing, Hats, Caps. Boots, Slices and Gent's Furnishing Goods front 20 to 23 per cent, titan elsewhere. Give him a call. FANCY Parer. BoxEs for Gloves Hdlc'fs &e. &c., in large quantities at May S Er 117 - Great bargains in boys' overcoats a B. Eiseman's Empire Clothing Hall. AT ?fay A: Erwin's Book Store, next door to the Post`Oillee, will be found,in addition to their usual well selected stork of Books and Stationary, an innumerable variety 01 Holiday Gifts such as Writing Desks, Port Folios, Ladies' Work Boxes,Satchels, Cabas and endless lot of new and improved Games for the young. They invite especial attention to the Lozo Pendulum Board the most attractive Game out. In a word, they have hundreds of different articles for Christmas and New Year's Gifts, and our reefers will profit by taking a look at their stock before making their purchases. A Ladies' Oyster Saloon has been opened in the Franklin amuse Dining Rooms,wlwre Ladies' and Gentleman and parties can be accommodated with all seasonable dishes. PARLOR arta:ranos, Parlor Croquet, Par cl•cesi, the Magic Hoops, and hundreds of other Parlor Games at Ma . ) 4:Erwin's. I don't advertise to sell five pairs of Gloves for 25 cents, and when culled for have not got them, I don't deceive the pub lie by false advertising, my motto is quick sales and small moths, fair dealing and satisfaction always given( If you want anything in the Men or Boys' wear, give me a call. Remember my place of busi ness, :No. S Front Street, two doors from Locust. M. Bachenheimer. Tut: Loza Pendulum Board, the tnost p pular game in America, at May and Er win's, next door to the Post Office. ?r B. Eisecuan's goods are of his own manufacture. Ile therefore has better goods and can sell at lower prices than any other store in this part of the state. Call and see him at 43 Front street. IN'Avkar.r NOVELS, Chas. Dickens, Oliver Optic, and Wayne Reads works complete at May &Erwin's. •If you want , a good and useful Christmas present, for your father, brother or son, go to P. Eiseman's Empire Cloth ing .Etall. Brnix.s, Testaments, liymn Books. and Prayer Books, in great, variety at May Erw - Great bargains in overcoats at B Eizeman's Empire Clothing Hall. LADIES LO - ISTAI.7II - AN'T.—A new Restaur ant and Oyster Saloon for Ladies has been opened in the Franklin House Dining Room. It will be conducted in the must fashionable style, and parties or individu als can obtain meals, hot tea or coffee, rolls, biscuits, plc., at all hours. ME= IT is plainly seen where goods are sold the cheapest. Go to Bachenheimer's Cheap Clothing Storo and you can see the great bargains that he offers. Remember the place and name. M. Bacbenheimer, No. 5 Front Street, two doors from Locust. Go see the Changed Cross, at May Er wins. F11813F: nicx. Buountt has the best brown Coffee, at a very low price,of his own roast ing, West) every day. Atmono's celebrated Mince Meat, [behest in the market. Also prime Cranberries, Raisins, Prunes, Cit rons, D. Long's Tonic and Alterative Bit ters. Dr. Collins' Indian remedies and the world-renowned Red Horse Powders, for stock and poultry. Please try his pure butZ:hering Pepper and other spices MAI 4: Erwin's book store was crowded on Tuesday evening with customers, who were busy making selections for presents. Many a heart was wade glad, and May looked bright because he was the means. Ito will be pleased to see about ten thou sand wore buyers at the store. [FortlieSp] FIZI:F. Or CLIARGE.—II you will call at !ranter Cos. Drug Store, or F. Bucher's Liquor store, you can get, freo of charge, a sample bottle of either D. A. Boshea's German Syrup, for the cure of severe coughs, heavy coughs settled on the breast, consumption, crodp, d:c., or Of the An gus. Flower, Green's great cure for dys pepsia and its effects, or a regular 75 cent size of either, which is warranted to care or money returned. Sold by C. If. B•cittin, Marietta, Leber tts Bigler. Wrightsville. Proprietor, L. M. Green, Woodbury, N. J. noel'_'-31u A LArta E lot of Chromos and Frames, at May & Erwin's. On Thursday. Dec. 15th, In Columbia. by Rev. J. IMarkwood, Mr. C. V. Giveler, of Balrville, and Miss Lillie hood, of New Holland. On Sabbath morning, Dec. 11tH. at the home of his son-In-law. John E. Miller, in West Phil adelphia, Samuel Mathlot, of this borough, iu the 72nd year of his age. His remains were hurled in the Cemetery as announced, on the following Wednesday. NEW ADVERTISE:AMA-TS TOBACCO NOTICE. Ail persons having sold their Tobacco to me or my Agents will please not deliver it until af ter New Year, and then not until they are cur- La; 11 that weJire receiving, as we think there has not been suilleicnt damp weather for stripping We expect , o receive tine Tobacco, only as we bought it, Sound and in Good Order. dee '2l-Ilt JOHN S. ROHRER. N oT oTi i ; LIE OF THE MOUNT BETHEL CENIETERY CO.—The annual meeting, and election for nine managers of "The Mount Bethel Cemetery Company. ' Will ho held nt the °Met. nit he Company on Tuesday, January 10, 1871, at 2 o'clock, P. M. A.. 1 . KAUFFMAN, Dee. 21, 81. Secretary. The Lancaster Intcliigencer, Tills OLD AND FAVORITE' NEWSPAPER still Maintains Its position as a leading Dein.:. crat le Journal. Being unsurpassed In size, each issue of the Weekly contains a vast amount of literary and political matter. together with all the latest news. Its market reports are very full and val uable. To all who forward their ad dress it will he sent FREE FOR ONE 31ONT11.74figl TERMS OF SUBSCUIVCIUN FOR WE.C.:KLY. Ono copy, une year six months 1.00 11. G. SMITH 3: CO., Lancaster, Pa. N OTICE. rn ILA DEL PILIA , Dec..', MO The Annual meeting of the Stscitholdeni of the cOLUMBIA Cc PORT DEPOSIT lIAILItOAD COM P.•NY will be held at the Oldee of the Company, No. Soma Third street. PHILA. DELPIII.k. on MONDAY, JAN. 9th, MLitt 1.2.1. o'clock., I'. M. The Annual Election for President lute Di rectors will be held the same day and place. dec. 21-3t.] JOS. L ESLEI , Seey. FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE on LOCUST STREET. above Second. for Sale or Private Terms. Inquire la this UtlEie (dec. rr , lili READING & C')LUMBIA j_ R. R. COMPANY will Issue EXCUI?S'ION TICKETS for the Tlolidays, TIFITWEEN ALL POINTS ON THEIR. ROAD and to Principal Points CM PBILADELPMA F READING RAILROAD. TiCkets;lood from })t CEMliElt:lto JANUARY sth. No Tici;t•tc will be cold after January 2nd, SEED, HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT STORE, No, int LOCUST ST.. COLUMBIA, PA. On baud and for sale DEXTER FEED, AND TELEGRAPH FODDER C urrERS. BURROWS, SAVORY &CO'S„anii BRINDLE S PATENT FEED STEAMER. (now in operation at M.L.Grchter's,Rlipho twp.) ALSO BOOT PLOWS, Of Mount Joy manufacture. The best In the County. H. HEISE, Dec. '2 1 ,-tC Columbia, Pa. Marriages. ptati,s. ECM NEW AD VERTI6AMMENTS. R EAL ESTATE AND TiS 'S UR Aiial OFFICE No. 237 Locust Street. Columbia The undersigned having enterad Mtn partner ship for the above business will sell or Rent Real Estate and Make Collections for a reasona ble Commission. None but reliable and trustworthy FIRE ez LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES represented. Satisfaction guaranteed Lir all Buslue3s en trusted to their care. dec.lo-3m DRUIsTER pRIVATE SA.LE. Tho undersigned offers at. private sale the fol lowing described properties : No. 1, A TWO-STORY HOUSE, No. 93.3 South Front Street, now occupied by Samuel En Wean No. 2, A THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, ad joining No. I, occupied by S. Su lee. Nos. d, 4, 5 and 0, FOUR THREE-STORY Brick Buildings, Nos. 3411, 303, 307 and SOS, South Front Street. Nos.: and 8, Two TWO-STORY BRICK Build ings. Nos. 220 and 222 Perry Street. now occupied by Wm. Smithwal te and Mrs. Redman. No. 9, A THREE-STORY BRICK Building, No. 527 Union St, now occupied by Mr. Lewis. Persons desiring to view the above properties can be accommodated by calling upon the occu pants or the undersigned. Pos.sesslon of each or all can be given on April Ist, 1.571. T i ering reasonable and for further information call on A. BRUNER, CYRUS BRUNER, Executors of Estate of A. Bruner, Sr. nov.lB-tf. - ADJOURNED COURTS FOR LANCASTER COUNTY FOIZ. 1.570. It Is ordered by the Court, that adjourned courts for 1871, for the trial and decision of cases in the Co:ninon Pleas, Orphan's Court and Quarter Sessions, nre to be held as follows: FOR ARGUMENT. One week commencing Monday, March 29th June 19th " 4% " Sept. 15th ~ " " Dec. 19th To continue one week from the said days re spectively, and as much longer as the business may require. All the cases on the list for argu ment In the Common Please will be taken up on the first day of said terms, and be proceec.to with until disposed of. unless continued by con sent or for cause shown. The cases on the argument list in the Or phans' Court will be tak.en up immediately upon the cases in the Common Pleas having been gone through with. The cases In the Quarter Sessions will be com menced when the cases In the Orphans' Court shall have been heard or continued. It is fur ther ordered that the absence of counsel at the time appointed for hearing the cases, mentioned in the preceding oraer, shall be no cause for sus pending proeeeding therein, unless by consent, or legal ground for a continuance be shown. ADJOURNED JURY TRIALS. It is ordered by the eovrt, that adjourned Courts ler July trials in the Common Pleas will be as follows: One week, commencing the sth Mon. In Jan. 30. :ird " Feo. 20. " 4th " Feb. LI. " •• 4th " May 2:2. sth " May 29. Ist " Sept. 4. 3rd " Oct. 16. " " 4th " Oct. =. " Ist " Dec .4. And at 61101 other periods as may be appoint ed the afaoresald Coutts, or at regular terms. The foregoing to be puolished In all the news papers in the city and the county of Lancaster, by one insertion in each, at the expense of the cou..ty. Bill to be presented at the Commis sioner's Office. Court orders defaulting Jurors to be fined $l5 W. D. STAUFFER, dee. 21-4t.1 Prothonotary. MAY & ERWIN'S The Centre of attraction in, lumbiat Call and examine our Stock of CHROMOS FRAMES.GAMPs, CABAS, WRITING DESKS, WORK BOXES, SATCHELS, • PORT MONAIES, &c., &c., &c. The largest variety of PRES ENTS, for old and young, is found at May Sz; Erwin's CHEAP BOOK STORE, (Next door to the Post-office.) Ladies are in attendance, and every ar. rangement calculated to induce Ladies to examine our Stock of Presents, is being made. 443 - Remember the place, May & Erwin's Book Store, 105 Locust Street, Next Door to the rost•omee. Columbia, Pa. ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held for Nine Di itEcrons of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of COLUMBIA, at their Banking House between the hours of 10 A. M., and 4 P. M.. Tuesday January 10th 18 1. Columbia, Dee. 7,1570 8. S. DETWILER, dcc 10-Zit Casnier. 1870 GIFTS: GIFTS:: 1871 E. SPERINGr, as just returned from the city, with a choice stock of new styles of JEWELRY, 'WATCHES, SILVERWARE, &C., kC. all of which are new STYLES purchased for CASH,and will be sold at smelt prod is for CASH. Remember at the old stand, No. 39 Front St. In? . SIGN OR THE WATCII.- DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE "DOMESTIC," It is a perfect FAMILY SEWING MACIIINE. It DOES what all others FAIL to do In both HEAVY" and FINE SEWING, "TUE I\olll-L'E has, by Its great simplicity, quietness of opera tion and ease of running and remarkable range or work, gained the proud name of tho ET SEES EMIR II TIE WORLD ON EXHIBITION AT J. W. ItIEASMS Fashionable Tail- oring Estabishinent, NO. hr. LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA An energetic Agent wnnted In ibis section, LIZZE =MMMOMMgrNMWMMMMI 7G NOUTIL QUEEN STREET, LA.NCASTIM. D. S. BARE, Agent. decl7-2t P S.—Please, call and see it in operation. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. )state of EDWARD T. MELLINGER. ate of the Borough of Col unibia, deceased. Letters of ad in I n ist nttloo on said estate have lag been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested to malt immediate settlement, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them Iwithout delay for settlement to the undersigned HENRY 31. I3RENE3IAN. Adm'r. Elizabethtown, Lancaster county, Penna, Or to his Attorney, A. J. IC.A.IIFFNIA.N, No. 238 Locust st.. Columbia, nov2G-Ot pETEIt FRALEY, CUSTOACER Boot and Shoe Maker, No. 161 LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, FA. French Calf Boots (Sr, Shoes Of the tlnest material and most elaborate workmanship. At FRALEY'S, 161 Locust Street, BOOTS & SHOES, Made with a view to great durability and neat ness and yet at very low prices At FRALEY'S. 161 Locust Street. Those who find it difficult to get, Boots to flt comfortably, are especially Invited to call and leave their orders la FRALEY'S. All kinds of Boots and Shoos, for Mews wear, made to order at short notice, At FRALEY'S. 161 Locust Street. Alen's Boots and Shoes very neatly repaired At .F.R.ALEY,S, 161 Locust St. ttliplEtalloitii4awfricitoeow i l Persons wishing DRAPTS ON GREAT nail , - AIN AND IRELAND, or PASSAGE TICKETS to and from those Countries, can obtain them of the undersigned, at the oftlce of the Colum bia Roiling dec. tO-6m WILLIAM LEWIS. _ NOTICE. READING Q COLUMBIA. It. R. C 0.,) coLtrmszArP.4..,,Doo,l9o. The Annual meeting of the Stock c. ho 2 lders 7 , a l. nd an election for a President, twelve Directors, and Secretary and Treasurer of the Reacting and Columbia Railroad Company Columbia, held at the Otlice of the Company, in Pa., on MONDAY, the 9th day of January, 1871, at 2 o'clock. P. it, The Polls will be open at 2 o'clock and close at 3 o'clock, P. M. J. B. WHITE, dec. 20-'7O-2t.1 Secretary, FONDERSMITIFS DRY GOOD STORE, Aro• 127 & 129 Locust Street. IN .P.R.TcEs ! 10 PER CENT LOWER THAN LAST MONTH ! STOCK OF GOODS, Attraction of the Season STOCK OF GOODS, And you wilt be be convinced of the truth of find it to their Interest Commission Merchant NO. 41 FRONT STREET, QUEENS WA RE, SOAPS, GROCERIES, TOBACCO, Specialties in Holiday Goods, ns CHEAP as Philadelphia Prices. 24. -- e^ He is Agent for the Largest and Best Manufacturing and Jobbing Houses of Phil adelphia and Now York, Having opened Sample Rooms at the above mentioned place, Merchants will find special Inducements to buy. dcc .1.7-th DON•T FORGET TIIE PENCE, dec"-tf ITUNTER & CO., DRUGGISTS and APOTHECARIES, No. 11 NORTH FRONT STREET, Are now receiving and offer for sale Wll 0/ esale and retail at very low prices for CASE, an en tirely new stock of PURE DEUGS, 'MEDICINES, PERFI.I3IERY, SOAPS, A. LECHLER. CONCENTRATED LIE, CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASH, &C GREEN'S AU GUST FLOIVED, The swift and sure Dyspesia cure. Columbia, Pa Physician's PreNcriptions mrefully Coln pounded by an experienced Pharmacist. novr2-ly FOR SALE With a Two-Story Brick. DWELLING HOUSE,. nearly new, situated on Walnut street, above Fifth, east side. The HOME` contains Eight Rooms, Gas, and other conveniences necessary to make a desirable dwelling. For price and further particulars ripply at THIS OFFICE. Columbia, Oct. =-70-tf• 4 - I)3IINISTEATOIt'S NOTICE. .utters of Administration on the Estate of ANIOB S. GREEN, deed., having been granted to tbe undersigned. All persons knowing them selves indebted to snit! Estate, are requested to make Ituniealltite payment: and those having claims will present them for settlement, to COLIMISIA. Dee. 3,70. JASPER GREEN, dee3-St Adult nlstrator RENT EXCITEMENT AMONGST GROCERY MEN 1 How can good GOODS be sold so cheap, Is th question. ATTENTION HOUSEKEEPERS SUGARS, COFFEE. Provisions of all kinds. together with Wood nd Willow-ware and Glass and Queensware. Switzer and Llmberger Cheese, Merman Fruits, SUGAR CURED HAMS tt DRIED BEEF. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN rICKLES. Fresh Peaches, and Millie Fancy Groceries per Mining to a well regulated Grocery Store. I am determined not to be surpassed in cheap nets and in the excellent quality of my goods. around and inspect our stock whethe you buy or not. A share of public patronage Is solicited. ftpt-G94f' CIAL NOTICE ! ANOTHER REDUCTION HIS IMMENSE THE CALL AND,: SEE 017 g call' assertions IL C. FONDERSIII CH, 127 and 1 LOCUST STREET MERCHANTS TO CALL UPON JULIUS IiILESCR; D - GENERAL AGENT, And examine his samples of GLASS WARE, LAMPS, &c., d c. , cf:c go. 41 Front Strcct, COLUMBIA, PA, Julius Flesch. CM= colambin,lPa. A LOT OF GROUND. TEAS. FRUITS, CREE6E. SALT, &c., MA—N. 'BUCHER, 20. 239 Locust Street MEAT, FISH. FLOUR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers