WATCH.ES, , DIAMONDS, JEWERY AND SILVERWARE WORKS OF 'THU UNITED STATES WATCH COMPANY, GILES, WALES S.: C 0.,) MARION, 'I'll." G-I.ILES , WALE'S & C 0., IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY 3: SILVERWARE, SALESROOM OF THE UNITED STATES WATCE COMPANY, 13 Afaiden Lane,, New 'York. Manufacturers of all the Grades of - • AMERICAN WATCHES, PENDANT WINDERS AND KEY WINDERS, Both Nickel and Frosted Movements. with Danansitiu Finish. f;The finer grades all having three pairs of Conical Pivots, Cap Jeweled, in Gold Settings, and ac curately adjusted to Heat, Cold and Position.; and all. even in the cheapest grades. have the STRAIGHT-LINE Escapement, with ExposetlPallet Jewels. and Hardened and Tempered Hair Springs; and for our late improvement in Stem -Winding mechanism, we claim a Strength, Sim plicity and Smoothness hitherto unattained in any other manufacture, at Home or abroad. Constantly on hand, full lines, ail sizes, in Gold, Silver, Diamond Set, and Magic C.,ses, Minute Repeaters, Independent 1-4, 1-5 Split and Fly-back Seconds, for taking Aline diffreiat, times, for timing Horses, Artillerymen. ' 1114:Priee-Lists furnished the trade" on application, enclosing business card. • For sale by the trade generally. Ask your Jeweler to see the MARION watches. Wholesale Warerooms. 13 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. And GILES, BROTHER. SCO., 142 Lake St., Chicago, 111. Watch:No - JOS% StemAVlnder=bearing Trade-Mark "Frederick Atherton &Co., Marion, N.J.," ....niaaufactured by United States - Watch Co., has been carried by me from Deeember,lBBB, to Janu ary 17th. 1.870, its total variation being only TWO SECONDS in the entire time. New York, Jan. 17th. 1870. L. E. CHITTENDEN, Late Reg, U. S. Treas. Watch No.loo4,Stem Winder —Bearing Trade-Mark 'Frederick Athdrton &Co.,Marion,N.J.,' man ufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me fifteen months' its total variation from mean time being only one second per month. WILLARD DERBY, • Of Derby. Snow & Prentiss, Jersey City. N. J. Watch No. R2l, Stem-Winding — Bearing Trade Mark "Frederick Atherton Co., Marion. N. J.," manufactured by the United States Watch Co., has been carried by. me seven mouths ; its . total variation from mean, tame being only six seconds. • A. L. DENNIS. President N.J. R. R. & T. Co. UTICA, Fee. 15th, 1870. Watch No. 10594, Stem-Winder,—.Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederick Atherton & Co., Marion. N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch. Co., has been carried by me 20 months; its total vari ation from mean time being fivesecondsyer mouth. Z. C. PRIEST, Asst. Sup`t. N. Y. C & 8,. Watch No. 1117, Stem-Winder,—Rearing Trade-Stark 'Frederic Atherton & Co., Marlon, N. J.," manufactured by the United States Watch CO., has been carried by me fifteen mouths ; its totalyarlation from mean time being only-an average of two-thirds of a second per day. ~B. F. PHELPS, Con. .1. Central R. R. Watch.l.To.lo37, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," rininnfactnred by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me slime June, 1867 ; its total ye 'dation from mean time being only live seconds per month. . HENRY SMITH, Treas. Panama It. R., SS Wall St., N. Y. Watch No, 1125, Stem Winder,—Hearing Trade-Mark..".Frederie Atherton di Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me fourteen months, six months of that time at sea, and in the 'various climates of Europe. During the time and since my re turn it has not varied one second a week., B. LAStsING, Manager Knickerbocker Life Ins. C0.,161 .13r , htlway..N. Y. Watch No. 12086, Sicm-Winder,--Bearing Trade-Mark "United States Watch Conmany,slarion, N. J.," manufactured by the United States Watch Co.; has been carried by me three months; its total variation from mean time being only two-thirds of a seconder day. May 8,-1869: ' • Judge CHAS. ff. vuoitals, Hackensack,N. J. Watch No, 12012 Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark, United States Watch CO., Marion. N. J., `manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me ki,TMonths ; its total Variation from mean time being only twelve seconds. -GEO. LOUIS, - • - - - Gen. Eastern Passenger Agt., Toledo. Wabash, & Western ER. Watch No. i 1159, Steria:Winder,—Bearing Trade 'Mark "Frederic Atherton & CO., Marion, N. 1.," manufactured by United States Watch. Co., has been -carried, by me six months ; its total variation froni mean time being only eight seconds per *mouth: Have been traveling through different sections of the country, front New York to Galveston Texas, and back, by steamer and railroad. E. RICE, of Whitney & Rice, 179 Broad Way, N. Y. StrISBURY. PA., Feb.. 23, 1889. • Watch No. 1178. Stem-Winder,—Beiiring Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton it - Co., Marlon, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me three months.; its tont, variation from mean time being only five seconds during that time. HENRY DHLANCY, Engineer Phii'a & Erie R. R. - Watch No., 1105, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Marlon, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by mo eleven =mitt's : its total variation front mean time being only seven seconds in the entire time. A. H,. KING, 7 Park Place, N. Y.. Vice Pres't. N.J. Car Spring & R. Co. UTICA, .Feb. 14. MO. Watch No. 2017,—Dearing Trade-Mark "Fayette Stratton, Marion, 'N. .7.," manufactured by United States Watch CO., nas been carried by me twelve months ; its total variation from mean time being fifteen seconds. I. VROOMAN, Engineer N. Y. C. H. UTICA, Feb. 15.1810, Watch No. M, Stem-Winder,—Bearing-Trade-Mark "Fayette Stratton, Marion, N. J.," manu factured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by, me eighteen months; its total variation from mean time being five seconds per month. E. 0, WHIPPLE, Con. U. & B. H.R. BEWARE of worthieesimitations with which the country, is fittodetL TO avoid imposition in sist on a certificate of genuineness from those of whom you purchase, and gee that the words MARION, N. J., are engraven on the pia to over the Alain Spring Barrel. An others are spurious. Oct. 22, ne-ly.tjw . _ . . _ • LIFE INSURANCE FOR': TIE' 'PEOPLE ! 11011ifti STE.AJD LIFE INSURANCE CO., Office-701 Chestnut Street, ,Philadelpha. W. M. SEYFERT,Pre.sident. LA-WRENCE 'MEYERS, Vice President,. R. W. DORPALY, Sec'y BENJAMIN E. DAVIS, Superintendent of Agencies• This CozapanS organized by leading representatives of Industrial interests of the State, wide] A known as successtul and responsible business men, desiring to . place Life Insurance within reac of all, has adopted a sysem of Monthly Payments ~of: Premiums, Enabling every man to provide for his family in ease of Ids death, at a cost so trifling as scarcely to be fait., Special attention is called to this Company's GRA_DT_TA.TING. POLICY a:rauch needed feature In Life Insurance, entirely new In this country : designed to :protect In ease of death, the interests of SPAREHOLDERS 1& BUILDING . ASSOCIATIONS and al :others whe have borrowed money or purchased property payable it instalments extend ing over aseries of years, by cancelling any balance of indebtedness remaining un paid In case of that. ThlsCompan,v issues all the ordinary' forms of Life and, Endowment Policies at low rates of Premluin;.on the Participating Plan, with but few restrictions as to occupation, and none as to Travel or reesidence. Active and responsible men wanted as Agents. Full information as to Plans and Fdaturs, is contained in Pamphlets At. hiCk will be forwarded b small on application to the Home OM ce.e ENE 41'17A'RiELS MASONIC BOOKS—AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circular. Address 3.1.A80N1C run 932 Broome St.. New York. EGGS.—Big Thing. Bend for circular 1.11 to A. T.IIO3LAS, 320 WashiegtonSt.,Broalr.lyn, IpSYCHODIA.NeY.—Any lady or gentleman can make $l,OOO a month, secure their own P happiness ;and independence, by obtaining CH.OIitANCY, .PACINATION, or SOUL CHARMING— 400 pages ; cloth, Full instruc tions to - use this power over men or animals at how.to2iesmerize, become Trance or Writ ing diedlunis,i.lalviriation, Spiritualism, Alche my, Philory of Omens and Dreams, hr.'s. hanrYoun s liarem,Guide to ,carriage, all contained n book; 100,000 sold; price by mall, in cloth $1.25-,..paper covers N. Notice.— Any person willing to act as agent will receive a. sample copy of the work free. As no capital is required, all desirous of genteel. employment should send for' the book, enclosing ton cents for postage. to 7'. W. EVANS .1; C0.,41 So.ith Sth St., 'Philadelphia. jjCARD—A clergyman, while residing in Sou th Amerlca as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous, Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal OrganA, and the whole train of dis-- - orders brought on by baneful and vicious hab its. Great numbers have been cured by this n 0.,; .,; bleremedy. Prompted by a desire to batten t the . afflicted., and unfortunate, I will send the reclepe • ' for-preparing and using this medicine, In a seal , -eft - envelope, to any one who needs it, &ce of char - .Address'JOSEFII T:IN.MAN, Station D, Bible Rouse, New York City. 1826 .PVIUM , I , 'EZIPMP. - - 1870 The old standard remedy for Coughs, Colds,Con gamptlon. "Nothing better." CUTLER BROS. & Co., Boston. CHERRY PECTORAL TROCHES Are superior to all others for Cough's Colds, Asthma, Bronchial and Lung difficulties, are exceedingly palatable, have none of that nau seating horrible Cubeb taste, are very soothing aral•act like a charier; liinistera, Singers, and Publle.iptakers will. and %they ate especially 'adapted to the voice. Sold by , Druggists. Aho • ,Ittiebton's (F. T.) Cod I.l.Ter Oil, _for - Censumption and Seroinia ;'use no other. , ITY11.&61? •DEYILALCA.II,Y POWDER.—lie ' Ili' 'Moves superfluous hair 'ln Five Miniateei, without injury to the skin. Sent hy . inttil for $1.1t5. -', ;UPTIAM'S'ASTIDIA!'CII,RE Believes most violent paroxysms* inZfive rites and:effects a speedy cure Price &.:by ,THE,J'AP.SE ILAIR STAIN Colors Die:whiskers and hair a beautiful Black ; :or Brown.; It consists of only one preparation. ,- 75 cents by mall. Address - S.. C.. UPHAM, „No., 721 ',Jayne 'Street. Philadelphia, Circulers . sent free. Sold by all Druggists. CRIUSTMAS GIFT TO ALL Yearly Sub -ilacribers- go Appleton's• Journal, , publiAlied Weekly. Two montlisSubscrlption, gratis, The Months of November and December. lige, given gratis to all subscribers remitting tti,tor the year MP Any one deirous of making is trial of the JOITITNAL to see whether, they like it, can, have for two months on remitting us Fifty Cents. Picturesque America, consisting of splendidly ; executed views of American Scenery. commenc ed in November. D. APPLETON fi CO.. Pub lishers, New , York: • SALAlll:l—Young . Men want: I and (Tr mvellng alesm a. 'Ad ess qwlth.; st T amp) Et. IV Ar S rai x a n s Park ,Rotv,.oew,York.• ;; ; - - , :rfiRAVELERS JLIFE AND. ACCILE.NT. "MSC ji RANCE COMP.ANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash 'Assets - $i , Grants .LIFE and, ENDOW ' INIMIT Policies of all approved "fOrnlft. Ample security. low :sates.% 6 InstiroS against AC .CIDENTS causing death or total disalultty. polieleemritten -by: :,the year or- - month. Hns pald $7OO per darfor- , Biz- years .in • benefits of pollcy-hoidern: . —., • . , - ROYAL HAVANA, 'LOTTERY. • ' • "PrLzes 'cashed and iniormation • far nista ed by .Cf.EQp.G UPHAM, Providence, R I. • • • • . '2,33Fect Front—lron and Glass 01? PENN4YL-VAYIA. ADtWRTISEMENTS. THE BEST PAPER, - • '7 • „ AND TIIE • BEST INDUCEMENTS! This Quarter's 13 Numbers SENT FREE to all sunseribing, before Dec . 25,1n70, for nest _ „ , years Fifty-two Numbers of MOORE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER THE GREAT ILLUSTRATED RURAL AND FAMILY,WEEKLY, The RI7IIAL now in its 21st year, Is not only Largest, best and Cheapest, but by (Sr the larg est-Circulating Journal of its Class In the World! National in Character, Ably Edited Su perbly Illustrated and Printed Ala the • • BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY. It is the Standard Authority on all branches Of AGRICULT (IRE, HORTICITLTIJEN. &O. As a lit erary and Family Paper it is a favorite in many of the best families all over the Union, Canada, d:c. Indeed, \loore's Rural has no Rival in its Sphere, and Is the largest Illustrated Journal on the Continent—each number containing Six teen Plve-Column Pages, (double the size of most Papers of its class.) It is TIZE paper for the Nast, West, North and South. TERMS, INDUCEMENTS, .L-.C, TERMS-83 ayear of 52 Nutnbers. and only $2.50 In Clubs or Ten. This Quarterh's IS Num bers sent , FREE, as offerred above." Our eMb Inducements for lan are unprecedented. Spec imens. Premium Lists, .tc., sent free to all form ing Clubs,—and we want a live Clue Agent In every Town. Address. D. D. T. MOORE. dee.3.4w LI Park Row. New York. mu \b W YORK 51ETFIODLST—AN ElLitIT . PAGE WEEKLY, Now in its Eleventh Year, publishes Sermons, a Serial' Story for the Family. a new Children's Story; every week, Chats with the Little Folks, Editorials by the best 2Sfettiodist writers and other 'Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, full Departments of 'Relig,lous and Secular In teldgence. priee• a year. Liberal premi ums or cask con missions to canvassers. Sub scriptions commence at once at any time. For specimen, enclose a two cent stamp to prepay postage, Address THE .11ET.tiODIS'T, 114 Nas sau St., N. Y. HOLIDAY JOURNAL FOIL 1671 Contains a Christmas Story, Splendid plays Magic Sports, ttc. • 47 pages; illustrated. Sent Free on receipt of on stamp for postage. Ad dress ADAMS dr. CO., Publishers, Boston. SliOttT HAND. 150 words a minute in Four weeks. Send 'two 'stamps for circular. 3. OR P.0.80x 4847 New York ~ clee3-4w r k oiTT WASTE TIME 'AND LA.I3OE. by using IV an old'Axo: fiend $1.50 to LIPPINCOTT Ch 13.9.1,ZWELL, Pittsburg, Pa., and they will send u tip-top Axe; Expressage paid. EAU' a day lost In grludlng.wlll thus be saved. dee3-4w $3O A DAY, nure, Latta .t• Co.. Pittsburg. Pa. AGENTS 'IIIIIS We will pay Agents nalary of ,SIO per week and expense's, or al low n laree commission, to sell our wonderful W WI:MOPS.. 'Address M. WAGNER. CO., piar shall, 511 ch. VINTER-' EMPLOYNIENT: •PEUE.I.N.S is • .1101.7.SE'S PATENT. EXPLOS , • , 3LETA XENOSENE I.AJMI'. Is absolutely safe from explosion or breaking. burns any Coal OH, good .or.. bad; gives more light, no odor, and uses less oil.- It is perfectly non-explosive. The light is better than Is produced by any other lam p."— IV, 'S. Mirk, Pro% hfaseachuecar Agricultural Col- I “It Is perfectly non-explosive, gives a better light and is more , economical than any other lamp in use,"— IV. if; "Hills, late Sup. Pub. Schools, I Mirage. -- The appalling deaths and fixes , from glass lamps exploding and breaking create a greatde rearid for this lamp. It pays to sell It. Sold by Canvassers;_AgentS wanted everywhere. Seed for circular an terms to MONTGOMERY d: Cif., Cleveland,-b.,3." N. Y. ;4 R. TOMLTNSOI , T,A - gant, Columbia ,P For Town and Country TOBACCO & SEG-AR,I MRS. G. DI. 'BOOTH, No. 153 LOCUST ST.. COLUMIIIi. DEALER. 1l SEG ARS, TOBACCO, SNUB FS, PIPES, &c., And all articles usually Itcpt In a drst-c1 Ass To bacco and Segal* store The poblie en., rely on gen ug at our store as gOO.l x;Olirls tor tile Money as can be obtained at any shuilur ester blis h tacit in the State. fly" 1 du not think: It necessary to publit:h my prices, us the Goods will 'ell or thutosel vas. Was. G Sl, ROOTH, Locust Street, Col LI 1116111, Pll., siiptll-69-tywi Sian of h P e ut,ch JOIIN FF.:ND ti IC , w RETAIL TOBACCO, Sl%; UFF ct SEGA It .11.1ANU- FACTURER Agent for the New York Fine Cut, Navy, and Monitor Chow-Chow Chewing Tobaccos, corner of Front and Locust streets, Columbia, Pa. sent.l-69-tfw It) — r. -- Z A I - rr, JEWELLER ! (Late E. L. & E. J. 7ahrn,) Cor. N. Queen St., R Centre Square LANCASTER, PA. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry 7-Is\ • SILVER WARE, Spectacles, best quality Silver- 10 1 Plated Ware, Thermometers. 1711- Personal and prompt attention given to Watch work and Repairing. Remember the OLD STAND, ZAIIM'S CORNER, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. may 7 '7O 1 yr COAL! COAL!! COAL!!!! The undersigned is now prepared In sell Coal of all sizes; received from the best mines in the State, and guaranteed to be of superior quality. It Is from the Veins of the Celebrated BALTIMORE CO. LEE MINES at Wilkes• barre; well prepared, and Ji ce of slate and dirt. The price net ton of 2000 lbs., on Wharf at Basin: For No. 1 or Grate, $5.00. 66 66 or Egg, 5.25. 66 66 3or Stove, 5.25. 66 ' 66 4or Small Stove, 5.25. 6‘ , 66 5 or Chestnut, 4.75. The above prices are for the Month of May. Terms Cash before delivery. The reputation of the above named Coals is a sufficient guarantee of their quality and as .1 deal in no other, the public can rest assured they are as represented. AMOS S. GREEN, Agt., mar2l-ti For Stirbten te. Co. WilkeNbarre. _FINANCIAL. INTERESTS ON DEPOSITS The COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK will pay interest on Deposits as follows: For 1 & 2 . Months, 4 per cent .‘ 3, 4 & 5 " " 6,7, 8,9& 10 " it 5 " 11 12 51 it marl2'7o-ly SAMUEL slloca, Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CO.- LuninA, Interest raid on Special Depog Cs as follows: 4 per cent. for 30 or 60 days. 4 1-3 per cent. for 90 days and under 6 months. 5 per Cent. for 6 month and under 11 months. 5 1-2 per cent for 11 it 12 months. S. S. DET WEILER, Cashier B. FRANK• SAYLOR & CO., pHOTO.GRAPHERS,: .No. 26 /Vest King Street, LASCASTER, PEATN"A aim to satisfy all our patrons, as well as give them work, which favorably compares with that done in the best galleries. COPYING PICTUILES Into any size, of deeased or absent friends, is made a specialty with us. FRAMES, ALBUMS, and all things in' our line always on hand. AV-Remember the Photokraphers, No. 2G West King St., Lancaster B. FRANS SAYLOR. JAMES POTTS. THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST CONFECTIONERY SALOON ! No. 25. N. Queen St., Lancaster, Is the best place to procure your supplies of ALL KINDS OF CONFECTIONERY, CAKES. CANDIES, sc. shortes a t I:o—Prties and others served promptly at notice NEW STYLE WINDOW SHADES. The Subscriber has on hand at his Furniture Store. all kinds and styles of WINDONV' SHADES, CURTAIN FIXTURES, &.c To which he would respectfully call the atten tion of the Public. JOHN SHENBERGER • sept4-09-tfw) No. 256 Locust St., Columbia LT OWARD SANITARY AID AS SOCIATION. it For the Relief and Cure of the Erring and tin fortunate, on Principles of Christian Philanthropy. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age, In relation to Marriage and Social Evils, with sanitary aid for the afflicted. Sent free, in .sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSO CIATION, Box. P, Philadelphia. may7lo-1V IMPORTANT TO INVENTORS — AND PATENTEES. INVENTORS' AND PATENTEES' Bazaar and Sales Rooms 529 Chestnut St., Plniladelplira. BARBER ct: CO. No FEES IN ADVANCE. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that they have opened an establishment under the above title where Inventors, Paten tees ,and Owners of Patents nre free to resort for be negotiation of the sales of their Inven tion and Patents. The feature of this Bazaar consists in this, tha Inventors, Patentees and Owners of I at ents and Inventions may transact their busi ness and effect sales themselves, without any interference on the part of the Proprietors. On such sales they charge no commission whatever nor do they ask registration or like fees, nor any commissions in advance, believing it to be unfair to ask pay for services not yet rendered. But If any of their, Patrons desire to employ them as their-personal agents, for the sale of their interests the Proprietors will then charge such commissions us many be mutually agreed upon. The only charge made by this Establish ment Ls for the Storage of Models and Machin ery of all size. on exhibitions therchl, us follows: FROM TWENTY-PVVE (Si) CENTS TO ONE DOI.- I;MM PEkt WEEK PER SQUARE FOOT OF SPACI, . For this very small compensation the Model and Machines are kept in good order and their Workings completely explained to the numer ous visitors of the Bazaar and brought forward to the best advantage, with a view to prepar ing the way to eventual sales. An experienced PATENT LAWYER and an able CONSULTING ENGINEER,stre attached of this establishment, thus enabling the under signed to procure, at all times, the best legal and practical advice to theirratrons. The Patronage of all is respectfully solicited. BARBER ee CO., 529 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa P. O. Box 1t,73 FURNITUItE OF ALL KINDS. CABLSET WARE-ROO:US & MANU ACTORY, Locust Street, a few doors below Third Street, Columbia, Pa. The subscriber manufactures and keeps on hand an extensive assortment of all kinds of Furniture. Persons wishing to buy, or those about to go to housekeeping, will dad It to their advantage to give me a call. BEDSTEADS, TABLES CHAIRS, BUREAUS, SETTEE, &c., &c. Of the best quality, style, and manufacture, and will make to order, of tirst-rate material, every article in his line. He will give strict attention to business, and respectfully asks of the public a sharh of itspatronage. UNDERTA.KING will receive the most careful attention, at the shortest notce. aeptl-69-tfwl GEORGE sErBERT LADIES! LADIES! READ!, READ! The undersigned having bought the entire stoat of LADIES' BOOTS SIIOES, In the Store. Room formerly carried on by JAMES SIIROEDEtt, No. 148 LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA., Is now ready to sell all kinds of LADIES' BOOTS dr:GAITERS, MISSES' BOOTS Si GATIDIIS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS d GAITERS, As cheap as any other stand. In Colombia. La dles! Boots and Gaiters made to order. VI-Repairing Wall kinds neatly done. Don't forget the place. Give us a call! A. G. GIYI7.rs4. • • ITT.I.N.ES & LIQUORS. pTJRE WINES AND LIQUORS! For Pure, Unadulterated Vanes rind Liquors, LTo W the store or the subscriber. He lias elegant CATAWBA WINE, Wit sell for quality and flavor, cannot. be excelled; also, the celebrated ROOSTER WHISKEY, "Yankee Ruto,Januticatipirits, Blackberry 11.1 aad v Cherry and Currant Wines. We have Wines, limn, I let., (31ns, Cordials, Old Monongahela of all grades. Give us a call an. -•x:unlnn uryoureelt. CHA RE.ES GRoVE. Corner at Commerce and Walnut :its- Columbia sepl-69-tlw RlimmiDs, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE: Paper Hanger and Varnisher, No. 132 LOCLST STREET COLtafBIA:; - P,A tela,Samples of paper constantly on hand Call and examine. julyl6'7o-Iy. 1870. ATTENTION, LADIES _ _ MRS. E. .SPERING, Is the sole Agent In Columbia for RAMSEY, SCOTT .t CO'S. PAPER PATTERNS, FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, Call and see themat No. 37, N. Front Street. Oct., 15 '7O 'THE FALL TRADE AT WILSON'S 1 Opens with the Largest Stook - of Sa"CDVMSI. Of carious manufactures. The DOUBLE SEAT ERS consist of the Morning Glory, Juniata Base Burner. and the Sanford Healer. The HEAT ING STOVES embrace the Morning Ofory, 'pear's Base Burner, Parlor Light Buse Burner, the Picket, the Seral/1. The celebrated 1 FIRE-PLACE HEATERS 'Embrace the Sunnyside and Dia mond. Sunnyside Cook Stove, Barley Sheaf, Niagara, Quaker City, Excelsior Penn. Also Agent for REYNOLDS & SON'S FUR NACE. - • We do not hesitate to vinqual fledly recommend the above rtumrtil—Mnis to the trade, and we invite families, especially, to call and examine our stock. These goods are purchased tor cash, and are offmed at Bargain Rates. All good:, warranted. - 7 . OM OUR HOUSE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is well stocked, and embraces every 'variety and quality of Goods. Plumbing. Gas and Steam Fitting and T'n ing promptly and carefully attend,d to. Call at WILSON'S, Coiner Second & Locust Sts., Columbia Oct. 1,5-70 tf. AIEW • MILLINERy Vt TRIMMING STORE, STORE, Mrs. A. WISLER Hes removed Worn Walnut Street to hey New Building op Second 6treet, adjoining ate 1, /Xi lant Engine House and has extended hersphere by adding M SE& FANCY GOODS TRIMMINGS To her regular 2711I.SLIIVIIEVW matarazi. She has a very line tte4ortinenkof Funcidoods and Trimmings Every thing Weeded Pi Coln plete the Toilet can be found at her place: Her assortment I3ONNET 4 , HATS RIBBONS cannot be excelled. Call at the New Store. She respectfully solicits a share of the public favor. MRS. A. WISLER Second St, Columbia, Pa FAMILY GROOIi4IFA FAMILY GROCERIES! NEW STOCK! The Subscriber would respectfully inform his customers and the Public generally, that he has Just received a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS TEAS AND SPICES, Refined Sugars of all Rinds, No. 1, and Mess iqackerel, English & Anierleau. Sugar Cured 'gams anti Reef Extra Fine Skrups, Old Rio and Java Coffee DRIED AND CANNED FRUITS, Raisins, Prunes and prepared Mustard always on hand and of the very best grades. EXTRA. FAMILY FLOUR, CORN bIEAL, iTammy, &c., Fancy Groceries, CannedVegetahles azidyruits, for hotels and families. The best Gnods only are sold, and prices very low.f Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and weintend keeping it • . if, by almost dally additions. Watkins of different kinds always on d., FREDERICK RUTILE , cor. 4th & Locust Oh ESTABLISH ED LN 1851. REMOVAL, JACOB lIARLEY, JE WELER, Incites his patrons and the public generally, to his New Store, No. 1820 CRETIN - UT ST., PHIL ADELPHIA, where they •rill And a large and well selected stock of DIAarONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, sithvEß. and PLATED WARE, at Moderate Prices. N. B.—WATCHES and JEWELRY carefully repaired..JEWEßY and SILVER WARE of all kinds made to order. [sept4-09-tfw CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT OF k.) ALL KINDS IN SEASON. Parties and Families supplied with ICE CREAM, op the Freezer, or in 31onhisor1th promptness at GEO. J. SMITH'S, Adjoining the Franklin House. Locust street. P. S.—Also, a tine assortment 01 TOYS a nd Fancy Artieles.constantly on hand. Esei__2l::Glrl-tf•it! FRESH GROCERIES AT TILE PROVISION DM FAMILY GROCERY STORE OF MULLEN & BROTHER, ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Columbia, Pa FD.ESEI TOMATOES, FRESH' PEA.CILES AND other Canned Fruits, Shaker Corn, dze. TEA - THE BEST BLACK. TEA LN--TLIE MARKET. EXTRA REFINE D SYRUP MOLASSES very cheap. Relined Sugars, Dried Fruit of all kinds Filo, Java, and Lagnyra. Coffee. wlriM=Ta= Also,Fancy Groceries, Family Flour. Notions,,itc. We intend to keep the best Goods only, and to sell us cheap as any similar store. LI. ,MULL.EN & IMO. tol,Country Produce of all kinds bought or taken In exchange for goods. Diep-1-61i-tfvr nEefIAN . AG f 4 iNTS WANTED FOIL SEXTJA SCIMNO Including :Mau hood, womanhood, and I heir mutual Interrelatlovs, Love, Its laws, power. atc by Prof. V. S Fowler. Send for circulars and specimen pages. Address NATIONAL PL7I3- .LISHING CO., Philadelphia. dee 17-4 w IcIDD .FELLOWS I- 751, .._. _ _EN ... , , ./ KNIUHTS OF PYTI-IrAS, and all kinds o society itegallas and Pulapliernalia, Manufactured to order, at E. J. ERISMAN'S N0..113,5 North Queen Street; Lancaster, Pa sem-I-6941W GEN. 11.013 T. E. LEE'* LIFE. _Nearly ready for publication. the b.ography of Gen. Robt. E Lee, by John Esten Cooke, the author of .• Lite of Stonewall Jackson," "Wearing the Grey," etc. vol., 8 vo., sto pages, Illustrated. To be sold by subscription. AGENTS WANTED, D. Appleton 45.• Co., Publishers, New York. dee:3.4w ItIEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. A Now Book of 15S nage-. Price 30 els. by mail. A.IIEE ICAN NEWS CO., New York: Sect.lo-4 COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS. GEORGE BOGLE, Pitorinlrron. The highest Cash prices paid for all kinds of Grain. . SUPERFINE AND EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR for sale; also Mill Feed of all kinds. Wheat Ground and Pecked to order. Grist work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and Oats. Corn Ilea! and GRATIA3I FLOUR For sale at all Wipes, and delivered to any part of the town, mTown and country custopii_so lielted. lsrep4-01),Vfw FINE FAMLLY GROCERIES, AT TIARD3LAINT'S: Just received, at the tine Grocery Establish ment, corner 3rd end Cherry streets, the follow ing new Goods: SUGAR CURED HAMS AND DRIED REEF, JELLIES, PRESERVES, HONEY, PEACHES, romATOES, ENGLISH Picßus,. vviAsLo , o:'s G /LEEN COIU '~IUEI PEAS Together with a very lino assortment of Family Groceries, of all kinds. LABOR LOT OF NEW YORE CAlcDrits, FOREIGN FRUITS, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Cocoanuts, and White Wine Vinegar. Extra Family Flour, Mercer Potatoes, Rio and Java Coffee, fresh roasted. Lovering's Syrup, 4G 493-New Goods received almost daily. WA!. H. I.IARDaLAN, .ltrd and. Cherry Sts., DAV - Lbw-01 ) B COLUMN. Wa.riTTED roz. "IMES IEE WITS BEE." Standard and otnelal !dog raohlesol every mis tress 01 the Pi esidems Alilaslou Isom N ashltm to Grant. Superbly illustaa ted on steel I.'or circa ars and terms, address, U. S. PUBLISHING t 'O., New York. N0v.:16.1w -Co sell the iIoME I I l y A :-, N IT Eu ua.. • . r. 01 ,7 V to,ct .MACIII •E. Price 52.). IL 551111 -, ..' -`••• "' stliell." (alike on both sides , andis'"• . tintterlecil :•0151 for let, 1,11112 4341. Li , elowil 111 Beeler at \V ilson, Grover t Either and stuget Co. All other under-feed Shuttle Mat:hints sold for less than SW are inlringenients, and the seller..tul user liable ro proseettlloti. kildres , JOHNSON, CLARE Lt: 1 0.. Boston, Mass., ; 'it P.a., Chicago, I 11.,,•rnt. Lotus, (I,t _lidos A\vATcli l'111.:1.: for everybody and S 0 per day sure. Bilslness Ugh Litsid Limon able. No Galt enterprise. No humbug:, Ad's R. Monroe Kennedy, Pittsburg, Pa. S O'CLOCK. ECM LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. I want a Local Agent In every Town and Vil lage in the Country, to canvas* for t-übseriben, to the WESTERN WORLD. A. MAGNIEICENT $.5 PREIMIUM. ,TRI,L. ENGRAV ING Is sent grabs to every subscriber. From $1 tosmO can be easily made in an evening. A lib eral cash commission Is allowed. Send stamp for Specimens and Prize Circular Address, nov2C-1w JAMES. R. Elliott, Boston, Mass. VE /ICBM womEi hEt y omi WATE,D FOlc Or SOeis I Life in the Great City, Wonderful developments among the aristocracy Married Women exposed, ,t..o.te. Price $3,25. The best Book to sell published. The best terms to Agents ever given. Address, N. Y., Book Co. 143 Nassua St, 'ow York. nov 26-1 w CRUMBS SWEPT UP 13y .Itey. T. Do Witt 77.altrirt,ge, Tim: MOST TOPTILdI: I'USACIIER IN AMERICA. Agents wanted everye here, male or female, to sell this great work, is better than Nark Twain, and no trouble to sell. BIG PROFITS. Send ter terms and illustrated 12 page circular, to Evans, S toddart S. Co., Puhilahers, No. 740 Sam som St., Philadelphia. novilaiw - C GETTING UP LUBS. UreatLostug to Consumers Parties enquire how to get up clubs Our an swer 1 , , send for Price List, and a club for.,, I will accompany it with full directions,—making large saving to com.umers and remunerative t • Club organizers. THE GREAT AMETTAI TEA CO, 81 it 33 ,TESEY STREET, P. O. Box 7 94 NEW SORB. nov2G-lw BOOK ACENTS MAKE SSO to tr2oo per by selling GREAT FORTUNES .A_ND MPW T.IIEY WERE AIA By J. 1). Me- Cabe, Jr. Now, fre.h rind original. Profusely illustrated and bcautifally bound. It shows how a poor school-master made t ,4 0,000.000; how a poor half-blind sailor became a great I , anker,a hatc:ier's apprentice the wcalthiest man in America, an unknown mechanic - a millianalre in seventy years, with many more such exam hles. In.w energy, talent, and patient indu.try ave always met with success when properly exerted; how money can be made honestly and without, saerince 01 principal. send for circulars ete., and notice my ...vim terms 6EO. MAC LEAN, Punms a ER 719:- ansom st.. Philadelphia nov2l! 1W TEY WELLS' CARBOLIC TIBLETS Au unfailing remeby for all Bron,hial Diffi culties, i'oughs. Colds, Horseness, Asthma, Dip tlwria, Dryness of the Throat or Wind Pipe and all Catarrhal diseases. The wonderful modern discovery or Carboile Acid, is destined to become one ol tile greareNi blesings to tirouttind in Its appiteat ion to diseases of the throat 4110 it., great curative qualities In a.laticetlons of the Chest and Lung.. Dr. Wells' CarboDe Tab!els, besides the groat remedial agent Ca etv,tx A cud contains other ingredients universally i ecem mended, which chemically combine, producing TaMet more ini_hly meth cited and better adapted tor diseases 01 the throat titan any preparation ever before offere,l to the public., For Coughs and Colds Well's arbo abret , are a sure cure. Try them, Sold by ail Druegists, dee 17-4tv .MOV Ey CLITIORLYSEITE. --- by active plea and ‘conien getting. übserlptlons tor the great religious and literary weekly The (Amman Uuian, edited by - - • Having in Its corps et eon trlbutors the ablest talent of the Lind. A charm in serial story by the world-heinous authoress of " UNCLE TOM's CABIN," just begun. Every subscriber for 1871 receives the paper tor el,ht, weeks, and the pee plots lavorite,MAitsnALL's WASHINGTON, (alone worth _§.5,) FREE. This new and unequalled combination is taking like wild-tire. All are g well, many na4king from $lO to $3O a day. timing is positively nothing that will pay you JO Well. Copy of p..per, chapter of story and rare "terms FISEL address A. IL 8.U88Et.11.11, -100 Chestnut street, P-M . adelphia. dec 17-4 w TITA_NTED—AGENTS—To sell our new illustra yv ted Book of Travels OVERLAND TIIROUGLI AMA. By Col. Thomas IP. Kook. A comprehensive and saluable expo,ition of the countries of AUlS lie. Siberia, China and Russia es they are to-day. Matching oar ltichardson's "Beyond the Missis sippi," and Murk Twain 's "Innocents abroad" In Style, &c. Send for circulars and see our ex tra terms, Address AMERICA:N . PUBLISIitNG CO., Humor . Conn. dec 17-4 w A PURE CHINESE BLACK TEA Wit b. Green Tea Flavor. Warranted to Salt all Tastes. For Sale everywhere. And for sale 'Wholesale OD ty by the GREAT ATEANTIC d• PACIFIC TEA Co. P. 0. - Box. 3390. a Church St. SEND FOE THEA.-.I3E'CTAIt CIRCULAS. dee, 17.4 w AGENTS ' IV A " c " i t t e E d n f u 'r E ll ito e r a l " no s 't e iL u ;vrils k . Written in the Author's happiest style. and sur passing nis former works, which have sold by the 100,000. With Original Steel Engravings from designs by our Arti,t who has spent three years in Bible Lands. The Clergy and he Press ure loud in its praise. Agents are making mon ey rapidly, E. B. TREAT & CO., Pub's 1351 23 mid way, N.Y. dee 17-Iw lIELPER--tiliows how to double JO the }wants UI Lite tarm,and how @u•wors and their son, can inane ROO PER 31ONT11 in Win ter. .IO.UOO Copies will lie • mailed tree to Par tners. fiend name and address to ZIEGLER, MeCURDY, Philadelphia, Pa. [dee 17-It AUENTS WANTED FOR FREE LOVE AND ITS VOTARIES by Dr. John B. Ellls, Large Sales, Immense Prollts. Stupendous r velations and standing disclosures. The whole subject quickly laid bare and its oideousness exposed to nuiversal execration. Written In the interests of (lent zation, Christianity and Public Morality, Send for circulars an. 4 terms. U. S. Publi s hing C o ., 411 Broome tst., New York. dee 171 w 1 WAS CURED O 1 DEAFNE.-4S AND CA TARRH by n simple remedy 4111C1 will send the receipt, free MRS. M. C NEGGET, e 0 .17.4v7 Jersey City, N, J. k;6OA WEEK: paid agents, wale or leniale, in a, new menivactu ring business al ilorne. o co pital required, AddreEs NOVELTY. Co., Saco, Me. doe 17-1 w CI A LES MEN WANTED, O Bu,,lnet.s honorable. .No competition, liber al paygiven. S. W. KENNEDY, S South 4th street. 111110,1,1p111a (lee 17-4 w sio MADE FROM 50 CENIS Something urgently needed by everybody. Call and examine, or samples sent (postage) paid for 50 cents that retail easily for 010. It. L. WOOLCOTT, Ist Chatham N. Y. Wee w /00,000 \ OMEN (I ‘ :l7 N l . l . iiu x. Ann other Lest Boc,ks in the I,l4rlcot. Nciip:N.Ky S 4dtcTiy, IzOS ate - stiaut Street, dee .17-41 r SCI-1001, Will open on Monday morning, next, and all Scholars must be provided with the neeessaly SCIII6OL BOOKS, COPY ROOKS, SLATES, INK, PEN HOLDERS, PENS, SCUOLA It'S COMPANIONS, And all Kinds of BOOKS Used in our Public and Private Schools The pupils or the Select,Schools, of the instl lute, 01 the Borough School., of the :%cli , ols in the surrounding townships and town. arc In vited to call A. 12 • Wrtglars Cheap nook Store. And make desirable purchases. School Directors. Teachers, Parents, Scholars, Country Drawl's, and everybody are invited to examine our stock. Discount. to Dlrectots and Teachers. POCKET BOOKS. BLANK. BOOKS, CAP. LET TER, ROTE AND BILL PAPER, Always on hand at WRIGHT'S, No. 262 LOcust Street, COLUMBIA, PENN'A O r EORGE BUGLE, DEALER IN LUMBER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Onice—Front Street, between Locust and COLIMIBLa., ADVERTISEMENTS. OMER, COILIDAY & CO. F _A_ T • lA, 18 0. Our Importations for the_present :Season ARE W COMPLETE. .Notwlthstan '1 ng the groat ditTicuttles emote qtu,ltt ou the I , :uroltran weir to Oi/1:1ill CllOt , C Ft eoclt fnbrirn Iol• too Vali troth., ue are r nu bir:lby olovh.g row tt coriy nod thromth our YS trostvt• runner[ lONS iii Ettlrupe‘ 10 other an utittsuully large number of ENT F , II N 1 C:61,1 And we would ealt p.. 1 tivnial aurntian to (Al buperto nsso:•t men'. In great,. vstrJ ety of texture of NEW CLOTH COLORS, 13= 1.11(st atylu .ur Walking Costumes, As it w:lt ee impossible to leplenish our mos desirable textures lu this marlcrt, lye respect I ully_invite,an _ EARLY INSPECTION. BLACK SILKS Of known7maltes.2in all pikes stud qualities WHITE SILKS AND SATE\ S Ll , ' 0 ' EDDI sz.zsicr, In ever: , cnntlity—: ,o:GrF Cos turn es de cr e , In all ill newest styles end fabrics Mourning Department 7:‘ replete,:with every varjelv of texture tul table S II _A___ AV 1., S , rvery :quality and !KAU for varial and Ilse, atal also 111 clegant PLY es tut hull ElteNs NOTICE. We sludl take no advuntwze of the .enrei• ty of de-in.ble goods, but shall continue ti sell our stork ra MODERATE ADVANCE 1412 c 414 Chrstmut St., PiIILtIiDELPIIIA. \ o .1-1 f CAREN ET WARE MAN li FACTOR Y. The subscriber having lately put up new ware-rt oms Lunt greatly inere..east his business, eau offs r better hidueernents to Ins eustomeres than ever. WINDOW SFIADES, INITIIROIIS, IN ALL He manufactures to order, ancl will keep con stantly on band, Dressing, Main and Fancy ßureaus, Sideboards, Solis, Card, liming and Contra Tables, Common, Fan:wand leremdi Bed steads; all ul which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, As ne manufactures Iris own work he is enabled to warrant every article to be what It Is represented. ! I CHAIRS!: ! _ All kinds 01 chairs kept on hand or manufaetttr• ed to order. Cane, \Vindsdr, Arm and Rocking Chairs; Settees, Campo,' Countea Stools,Solas, Tete-a 'fetes and Staffed Seal Chairs, made to order. Old chairs repainted and repaired. UNDEdiTAK IN G. Funerals will be attended to with promptness, to which he gives his personal attention, He is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be required. MAHOGANY OR WALNUT COFFINS, Furnished plain or tinted in any style that ma) be required. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which he has been It berallylavored. JOLD.: SHENDERGER, South side of Locust street, between Second and Third. [septl-69-tfw LADIES' I? ANC N: YUii JOHN FAR.EiRA, 710 C ti.T T, Middle of the Bleeß, between 71h and Bth Sts. south side, PHILADELPHIA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer In all lands and quality of FANCY FURS FUR LADLE:- and CHILDREN'S WEAR. laving enlarged, remodeled and improve our old and favorably known FUR, EMPORI Uhl and having lin pot ted a very l:u•ge and splendic asst,: lineal ()fall the Lent kinds 01 Fur, Irum first bands to Europe, and have had them made up by the most skill f ul workmen, .1 would respectfully Invite my friends of Lanc.,ster and adjsecia Omni lea, to call and examine my very ltu•se assortment or Maley Fart, tor Ln.thes uud Children. lam Mtermined to sell at as low prices us any of her respectable louse In this city. All Font Warranted. .No misrepresenta tions to etlect sales, - JOHN . PA REII3,A, 7I Arch :-Cruet, Phiincicip. 18 00.2470-3 m I \IANI.WOD: iIUW LUs'l', liuNV ILE:"TtniE.I) Just published. a new edition of Dr. Culver well's celebrated Essay on the radical uno (without medicine) of spurinatorhoea or Weak ness. Impotency, Mental and l'oysteit, Inettp..e- Ity; Impediments, etc. • also Consumption, Epi lepsy, Mid r'ltt,,inctueedlly tudulgence or extrav agance. Price, in a sea envelope, only six rents. Tile celebrated author, in tins a d tairamable vssii)., clearly 410711021.5 t rates, 11 . 0111 It thirty years' sueresslttl prat , tie-. that the alarming cause fattenee of sell-uhtise fogy be rataliegaly eared without the tiaangerou- Use iii internal medicine or I tie application of the It al ale; pointing out it 111000 ill care at once "Maple, certain, amt effect. , by tneims ut which eVCr. sUtrei er, 1,0 ter teintl. his COllll It iLIO ILlay tr• may cure Wm vrivately, aud radfcally, Lye.= e suuul t be in the li,intls of every youth and overy 10 in 111 tae laud. Solt, under seat, 111 IL plain et/ Velltpe, 10 ally address, postpaid, all I ceeipt sit 00010 or LiVo punt Stao:ips. ..I.lso, Dr. Culvei ••iijarringe Guide," price 25 cents. Address the PuMioner, CHAS. J. D. KLINE At CO., dee 17-1 y liowei y New Vol.:: 1' 0 It tSS, HOLIDAY, BRIDAL —A N D Birthday Gifts. Parian cL Lava Ware: LACQUIatED i 9 H.NLA;D, MIME 1111 ARM A Fre.ll voice of Cueap Decorated China 'Nzt Sets. FIRST CLASS GOODS, LOWEST CASH PRICES. Tyndale, Mitchell & Co., China Ginn litacellissvare -707 7 7 Chestnut Street, Philueltt. ?Al de,.3_4w G REAT BARGAINS. A.NOTII ER ARRIVAL —AT--- A_N - A_ IT E 13u^ h 137 N. FRONT Si', The undersigned takes pleasure to invite his friend., and tile puhlie gelierall,y, to examine his large and well selected a , sorttnent of MEN'S, BOYS', AND CHILDREN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING: Which he off:rs at very Low PlacES. To IT I-?, FOR LADIES .A.1%.;.D MISSES, BOOTS & SHOES, Hats and Caps ! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, cto. sept.4.7o D. LIANA U EIV'S, Nos. 133 & 137 .NORTH FRONT STREET. for nuurning wear STI LL.. CLOTHING. p IS A FACT I Capable of ocular demonstration, that the prices of Cloths, 1 . 11,4,1111 ere!, steady-Made Clothing and Fa ruts h hag Goods, are less than one-half what they were during the war, at the Zlerehant Tailoring establishment of S. S. RATH VON, Corner . 1. , :ortll Queen n ntl Sh pets opposite Siiiiher's lledrl,, Pa. This Is the oldest esi.Mllshmem in this line of trade in Late. aster totuity. and is selling, at this time, tine Moscow, Esquimaux,find coin:non Beaver Overcoats from 1.115 to e2ii; COnlitsloll UT; ion Beavers from SW to ;15; Common Union Beaver Business rltlas Rini Sl2 to ;frt; Good Cate sitnere Sui•b 111,111 in; to ;20, and fine qualities awn s:;u. A tow nulls on hand tin lute nd C14.11i, 9 Clit.sllnereS I{llllTrinaillligh as low as they em, he ftbtai lied anywhere vise, and hold by the yard to ther,e who may wish to have them made at Mune. ot elsewhere. _ • _ Overcoats, Dress Coats and Business Suits made to order with dispatch, and In the best and most fashionable manner, as the customer may dealt e. All kinds of cutting and repairing dune at reasonable prices. An entire new stock got up for the Fall and Winter trade of ISM and labs, and manufactured in the city of Lancaster. It would be to the interest 01 the public to call and realize that "IT IS A PAM." S. S. RATIIVON, sepl-09-tfwl Merchant Tailor and Clothier. 171.ISC'ELL.z.LNEOUS. WO , ID WA RD'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC STORE, 0.22 WEST KING STREET PIANOS, ORGANS, Al ELI )120 EONS woLINs, VIOLIN BOWS, CELLO BOWS, ACCORIJEONS, FLUTINAS, CONCERTINAS, TA. MIRR tI N CS. G CITA RS, BANJOS, DItC:IIS, FIFES, • FLUOR'S. TONING FORKS, FITC/L MUSIC BOXES, MUSIC FOLIOS, MUSIC BOOKS. Piano and 3lelodeon Covers, Piano and Alelo deons.btouls, r-trin,, , s of till kin ps,:Slicet Music Music Books, Music Yapera, and every descrip Lion of Orders filled promptly at the usual Wholesale or Retail Prices, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. AcirTuning and repairing promptly attended to A. W. R OODWARD, decd. 69411 No. 22 West King 6t., Laneast COOPER & PEART, DEA.LEII3 Iti LUMBER & COAL, HALTnionE compANy. And all the best Quality of STOVE COAL. BUILDING LUMBER Of all kinds, sold and delivered on ears, at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. Hemlock, White Pine, Weatherboarding, Scantling, &e., du..., suitable for all kinds of Building purposes. LOCUST POSTS! ,_BERRY, POPLAR, ASH, PICKETS, LATE!, SHINGLES, de All orders by mail 111 1 1 receive the same at tention as though the application be made n crson. COOPER & PEAItT, 4.94 fwl Front St.. Columbia COAL. MVIIMEI COL IMMO La, P. 4%., Manufacturers at Lock Raven, Pa., and Whole sale Dealen, WHITE PINE. LIENI LUCE AND OAK I. t N 113 1 ,111, FLOOBING, 61DI NG, LAT I I, • PA IL/NG, Lte. COAL! Special attention paid to Coal Trade. Best brands always on hand, and sold at the lowest market. price. Orders tor shipment promptly THOMAS Sr. MASON, 0.11 uni bin , Pa rna3 - 14 '7O-ly COAL GOAL! GOAL!! UO'AL T! LAY IN YOUR VINTER SUPPLY. The subscriber is now prepared to furnish the best qualities f ANTHRACITE CO ‘L for ,Ti GRATES ain4l UNACE purposes. Having laid in a large stock at the lowest prices, we are prepared to givu , our cust,mers Coal at at eat advantage. The following Brat-class Coals we now offer for sale: PRESTON, PHIL' A. COAL Co., PLANK RIDGE, HICKORY SHAFT, LI Hltiil, IIALTIMI HIE CO., PINE SHA MORI N, LYKENS VALLEY, ALSO TII IL WEST LEHIGH NUT, For Dose-burning and Self feeding Stoves. All Coals sent out are clean and free tram Var - SMALL NUT COAL AT 3.60 PER TON. Call and examine the different prices of Coal. Coal Yard oppo , ite Bachman's Mining Mill, Front street, ColumbitiPa. SCOTT PATI ON. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! PRICES REDUCED. . COAL SOLD BY CAR LOAD, GROSS WEGHGT 100 LB,. THROWN IN, 31INERS' PRICES, AT LO WEST FIGURES'. H.F. RBUNER d: CO., septl'7o-ly Columbia, Pa. C. tr • Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FOR EIG N AND DOA ESTIC Wines & Liquors, No. HS Locust Street, COLUMBIA. PA His a ent 01 Pure and unadulterated WINES AND LIQUORS Cannot be excelled, his stock embraces the Col lowing Pun, Cherry, Matcleria, :%laltunt, Champagne, Claret, Rhine, tikulkhorey, Elder berry, Currant ma Muscat Wlist ES. COGNAC, OF DIFFERENT BRANDS Also, OLD RY E WHISKEY and BRANDIES of all kinds Slack - berry Jamaica Spirits Catawba K amulet, Cherry, Ginger, Run], Gin, . u perlor Oto a. 3 e t Pure Oh. Li, e, XXX -Pio ltve, .XX Ohi aye X 0141 Rye, Pure Oki Rve, Al.non..mhelri, neetlned NV ,II-I, Y.Loudon Brown Stout. :. - ;eotell Ale, .Cu., .Lc., e. E . NCY FOR MALT A I (1111: Agent fur the PURE MALT VINEGAR Cannot be purchased at any other establish meat in towu, and Is warranted to keep mutts sad vegetables perfect. J. C. BLTCIIER'S, n. 118 Locust Street, Colon/111H Oct. 2'2, 70-tf • READ TIES! Lazar t:U - 1 (3:3 t.l/LLEI3RATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES. That they render Impaired sight clearer and dis tinct; strengthen and preserve the eye; are very easy and pleasant to wear, and last many years without change being necessary. so that in the end they are the cheapest as well as the best_ NOTICE, that Mr. Chas. Y. Schreiner, Watch maker and Jeweler. Front s.reet, is our sole agent in Column's, Pa. l,a7arus .1: Morris. Manufacturing Opticians Ilartiord, Conn. septl.'69-tfw NEW POTTERY. the undersigned have opened up a Pottery in Elbow Lane, between Filth and Sixth Sts., sign of the Big Jug. where they will fill all or ders in this line et business. The patronage of the public solicited. seplll-Iy] • WESLEY, SWEENEY et EgO, 124 7 8 ÜBANCE COM:PAIVIES Fire Insurance Co. Insures BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE., and other Property uploht Luss cud Damage by Fire, on the Stock or ItIrPIIIII Pin n,ox AsstASON AME TERMS AS OTILEIt .I‘).:Srulvhl BLE COSI j'A NIES. OFFICERS : Ptedident—S. S. BET WEf.E B. Fr WILSON. Su, rfarll--J. F. I , I:IJEA MeV, TITFATtlrei BEI LT T1.1.0M s. S. S. Di-twiler, ll.ihoti, 3. B. flaeltinan Robert, Crane, Wtn. Pat ton, M. M. Strickler Herbert. Ti.otnah, Robert Ryon, Jan Behrortler. A Brunerjr., J. S. Strine, J. F. Erne:mil: For Insurance or Arzencirs apply by mull, or in person, lo J. F. FILLTEAITFIJ,Sea'y, LI Coltioihin, Pa. VARME RS' 141 UT UAL YI E [SS . - lmureb on the Cush, Mutual or Perpetual Hates H. KRABER, Pre den. STE/CILLER, Secretary. M. S. SHUMAN, Agent, sept44;o-tlw7 Colnrnbia, Pa GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCE COMPAMY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital e 200,000 I Securities i 1300,060 This Company continues to take risks on good property, at rates as low as any other safe Com pany and consistent with prudence. Policies issued for long it short terms, or peL manently. Losses promptly paid. All claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Com pany refers to the past as a guarantee of its future conduct. THOS; CRAVEN, P2es't, A. S. GILLETT, Vice-President; JAS. B. A.LVORD, Secretary F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Front Street, above Walnut, Columbia, Pa. sept.l-69-tfr4] INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH AMERICA, _ _ - PRILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. Charter Perpetual. ASSETS. Jan. 1, 1870.—52,783 580,96. SURPLU6—over all liabilities—sl,lB4,2BB,oo Insurance against loss or damage by fire on Buildings, liferehandize, Furniture, &c. for long or short periods, or permanently on Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The prompt payment of losses for a period ors - EA/Ex:pi years, affords a guarantee of claim upon public. cond. deuce. ARTHUR. G. COFFIN, Pres' t. Cu ARLES PLATT, Sec'y. F. k. ZIEGLER, Agent, Front Street, above Walnut, Columbia, Pa. sept-1-69ifw] LYKENS VALLEY DELAWARE MUTUAL OF WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, J0.11.N P. BFLEAR, Prest. M. AL seeTy N . Ty Cornet Ninth & Chestnut Streets, PIELILADELPRIA. Gro. fi•rosa, Vire President and Manager. GEO. F. neral Agent, and Attorney PURELY 'MUTUAL All rendes Nun-forfeiting after Oue Annual Payment. ,"v.-ry accommodation consistent with Safety gnarou iced to Policy Holders. Hauls containing full information concerning Me plans and Rules of the Company sent free upon application to the 13roach °ince. Agents wanted throughout the States of 1-enn by ,vanla and N w Jersey. REPEttnicuEs (by pertntsbion)-1-ton. E. Gilpin Chief Justice state of Delaware; Hon. Thos. b'. Bayard U. S. Senator front Delaware - Rt. Rev. Alfred Lee, Blidion of Delftware; Gen. Henry Du Pont, Powder 31anutacturer; Dom tioe. Saulsbury, Gov. State of Delaware; the eTtlthie"tii of all the Banks in the City uf Wil mington ; Huh. J. S. Valentine, Mayor City of W nod 'lanai. july2i "P-ly - 1100EILOH)PHY OF MARRIAGE A. New course of Leetut ea, as delivered at too Penna. Polytechnic and Anatomical Muse um, 120 Chestnut St. , three doors above Twelfth Philadelphia, embracing the subjects: flow to Live and What to Live tor; Von th, Euturity and Old Age: Ithtitliood Generally Reviewed; The 11111S0 of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervous ilkeabes accounted tor; Marriage Phtlosophleat ty considered. These lectures will be forwarded un recint of 2.i cents by addressing: Secretary of the Peona, Polytechme and Anatomical Muse um, 1201 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. UunelS-Iy. SUSQUEHANNA IRON COMPANY REFINED AND DOUBLE REFINED Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars. —Orders promptly filled from Stock on hand or made to order. Terms, net Cash, at Manufacturer's prices, de livered on Cars or Boats. Office at their epti-69-tf w] B. 11. MARTIN, HERBERT THOMAS, SNO. S. MASON B. B. MARTIN Columbia, Lancaster co., Pa., Manufacturers at Beech Creek, Clinton co., Pa., and Wholesale Lumber Dealers, WHITE PIN; UNBLOCK, POPLAR, U WALNT. ASH, FLOORING, SIDEING, WEATHER BOARDS, PICKETS, LATHS, BOX BOARDS, .fcc., cfc MERCHANT TAILORIN G. sept 4. 70.1 T. W. REASIN, No. 12. LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, Has opened in the room formerly occupied by P. S. AleTtigue, a full stock of FRENCH, ENGLISH , AMERICAN & SCOTCH CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & SUITINGS, Which he is prepared to make up in as good Style and Fashion as can be made in New York or Philadelphia. He invites all to call and examine his stock, which, he is possltlve, cannot be excelled in Columbia. The establishment Is designed exclusively for Nterchant Tailoring, and the undivided atten tion of the Proprietor will be devoted to his business. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Of all kinds, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, al ways on hand. Remember the old adage, that money saved Is money earned • Call and be convinced that you can save your money by purchasing at the ONI Y exclusive Merchant Tailoring Establish ment in Columbia. (ESTAMLISEIED IN 18 o.] WELCH tr. GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws !! Saws! !! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Sit4.l, Hill Fur nishings, and illiteliin.ry• . Get the best,they will prove the cheapest.'624 Prices reduced. Send for Price List•and Circulars. 'WELCH & GRTFFTHS, Boston, or Detroit, .511cb. Novedyr 05 .FIRST PRIZE ALEDALS 2A.WA IiDED GE• TA, tr Lar A ITimum. man.. „tor, WZLlaYt3lrll 313. Zr ABF3 , tots C Manufacturer of Grand. Squa: nand Upright PIANO 0 R,T :S, BALTIMO BE, MD. • These Instruments nave been before 'the pub lb• nearly thirty years, and upon their excel lence aloni, attained an oupurchatsed pre-enti ❑-nee, which pronounces them unequalled Their TONE Combines great power, sweetness and tine sing ing quality as well ns gr , at purity.orin bona km and sweetness throughout the entire scale. TOUCH - - is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stillness Mutd in so many'Rianoil." In WORKIIIIIN.SHIP. They are unequalled. using none .but .the very best seasoned mat. (lid, tile large capital em ployed in our busts. • nalnlng us to keep con tinually- an iinmens, stock of lumber, &c., on nand . . . . 4a - • All our Square Pianos have our New Im proved Overetrung Scale and the Ayralra2Vc6le. • m. We would call special attention to our late improvements in GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE GRANDS, Patented • Aug. 14, IS&6, which bring the Plaao nearer perfection than has yet lean attained. 10. Every Piano fully {i.srranfedfor 5 Years. e have made arrangements for the Sole %Wholesale Agency for the most Celebrated PARLOR ORGANS and MELODEONS, which we offer Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest FAO tory Prices. ANDREW ZELLERS'. Wholesale Depot, sepl7-Cm] No. 127 North Frnntstreet, Columbia F. F. LANDIS, EZRA. F. 'LANDIS, JACOB S. DANDIS. KEssToNE EAST JAMES STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturers of Stationery and Portable En gines, of the most approved style and plan. Mill Gearing, Shafting, Pulleys, Rangers and Couplings, of an improved pattern. ,Parmers Portable Grist Mill. OUR NEW AND IMPROVED GRAIN Tti RESHER AlsrD SEPARATOR. With the Best Tripled Geared Horse Power. Iron and Brass works made to order. Furnish Models for Patters at reasonable rates. Having good and experienced htuls,and being practical mecbsinles themselves, feel safe in guarantee ing all their work to give satisfaction. For par. ticulars, address - LANDIS* CO.. nov2o.'Bii-tf] Lancaster. Pa. OB PItIN LING, PLAIN. AND, OR, ty :NAMENTAL, executed With aczatiesi and dispatch at this office. ' ' THE COLUMBIA Of COLUMP.IA, PA„ Losses Paid since ISGO, $325,000. DIRECTORS ANCE COMPANY, YORK, PA Life insurance Company, BRANCH OFFIC I LOW PRICES Manufacturers of all sizes 01 ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND HALF OVAL IRON. ROLLING MILL Columbia. Columbia. Penns MACHINE WORKS,
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