WATCBES, DIAMOND, JEWEIZA' AND SILVERWAPF WORKS OF TEE UNITED STATES WATCH COMPANY, GILES, WALES C 0.,) MARION, N GILES, WALES & C 0., IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND ,TODBELLS, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE, SALESROOM OF THE UNITED STATES WATCH COMPANY, 13 Maiden Lane, New York. Manufacturers of all the Grades of AMERICAN WATCHES, PEI , : DANT WINDERS VND KEY WINDERS, Both Nickel and Frosted Mov , ments, with Damask in Finish. The finer grades all having three pairs of Conical Pivots, Cap Jeweled, in Gold Settings, and ac curately adjusted to Heat, Cold and Position ; and all. even in the cheapest grades, have the STRAIGHT-LINE Escapement, with Exposed Pallet Jewels, and Hardened and Tempered Hair Springs ; and for our late improvement in Stem-Winding mechanism, we claim a Strength, Sim piicity and Smoothness hitherto unattained in any other manufacture, at noire or abroad. Constantly on hand, full lines, all sizes, in Gold, Silver, Diamond Set, :111E1 Magic Cases. Minute Repeaters, Independent 1-4, 1-5 Split and Fly-back Seconds, for taking three ditrrent thaes, for timing Horses. Artillerymen, Sc. IM..Price-Lists furnished the trade on application, enclosing business card. For sale by the trade generally. Ask your Jeweler to see the MARION watches. IVholesnle Wareroems, 13 MAIDEN LANE., NEWS - OEli. And GILES, BROTHER it CO., 142 Lake St., Chicago, Watch No. 1089, Stern-Winder—bearing Trade-Marie "Frederick Atherton & Co., Mqrion, N.J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me from December, 1868, to Janu ary 17th, 1870, its total variation being only TWO SECONDS in the entire time. New 7ork,Jan. 17th. 1870, L. E. CRITTENDEN, Late Reg. U. S. Treas. Watch No.lo94,Stem Winder,—BearingTrade-Mark 'Frederick Atherton &Co„M ' arion,N.J. man ufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me fifteen mouths . its total variation from mean time being only one second per month. WILLAttD DERBY, Of Derby. Snow & Prentiss, Jersey City. N. J. Watch No. 1121, Stem-Winding,—Bearing Trade Mark "Frederick Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by the United States Watch Co., has been carried by me seven mouths ; Its total variation from mean tame being only six seconds. A. L. DENNIS. President N.J. R. R. & T. Co. UTICA, Fee. 11th, IS7O. Watch No. 10584, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederick Attica tou Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried IT one 20 mom hs ; its total vari ation from mean time being five seconds per month. Z. C. PRIEST, Asst. Supt. N. Y. C & H. R. R. Watch No. 1117, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by the United States Watch Co., has been carried by me fifteen months ; its total variation from mean time being only an average of two-thirds of a second per day. B. F. PHELPS, Con. J. Central R. R. Watch N 0.1037, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade Stark "Frederic Atherton S. Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States \Vateh Co., has been carried by inc since Juno, l / 5 7 its total va riation from mean time being only five seconds per month. HENRY SMITH Treas. Panama R. R., hS Wall St., N. Y. Watch No, 312,3, Stem Winder,—Bearing Trade-Marie "Frederic Atherton .5: Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me fourteen months, six months of that time at sea, and in the various climates of Europe. During that time and since my re turn it has not varied one second a week. H. LAS:sING, Manager Knickerbocker Life Ins. Co., 161 Broadway, N. T. Watch No. 12006, Stem-Winder, --Bearing Trade-Mark "United States Watch Conipany,Starion, N. J.," manufactured by the United States Watch Co„ has been carried by me three months ; its total variation from mean time being only two-thirds of a second per day. May 8, 1%9. Judge CHAS. 11. N 700141115, - Hackensack, N. J. .Watch No, 12012 Stem-Viinder,—Bearing Trade-Mark, United Stales Watch Co., Marion. N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by one six month,; its total variation from mean time being only twelve seconds. GEO. BOVIS, Gen. Eastern Passenger Agt., Toledo, Wabash, B West ei n R. R. Watch No. 1259, Stem•Winder,—Bearing Trade Mark "Fredetle Atherton J.; Co., Marlon, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been cart led by me six months; its total variation from mean time being only eight seconds per month. Have been traveling through different sections of the country, front New York to Galveston, Texas, anti back, by steamer and railroad. E. RICE, of Whitney b 2 Rice, 170 Broadway, N. Y. Suzsßuriv. PA., Feb. lii, 1169. Watch No. 1176, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark 'Frederic Atherton & Co., Marlon, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been eat, ied by me three mouths; its total variation arom mean time being only dye seconds during that time. HENRY DE 1,21.NCY, Engineer Plitra a Erie R. R. Watch No., 1105, Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me eleven mouths : its total variation from mean time being only seven seconds in the entire time. A. H. KING, 7 Park Place, N. Y.. Vice Pres't. N. J. Car Spring B. R. Co. irrica, Feb. 14, 1170. Watch No. 2017,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Fayette Stratton, Marlon, N. J.," marmfactured by United States Watch Co„ uas been carried by me twelve months ; its total variation from mean time being fifteen seconds. i. VROOMAN, Engineer N. Y. H. R. IL UTICA, Feb. 15. :8:0, Watch .1 , 7 b. Stem-Winder,—Bearing Trade-Mark "Fayette Stratton, Marion, N. 5.," mann factored by United States Watch Co., has been carried by ma eighteen ino 11 LilS; 1t total variation from mean time being live seconds per month. , F. V. Wli ti•PLE.', Con. U. 4: B. B. It, BEWARE of worthless tmitations with which the country is Hooded. To avoid impo:dtion in sist on a certificate of genuineness from those of whom you i.urrhase, and see that the words DIARION, N. J., are engraven on the plate over the 3laln Spring harrel. Ail others are spurious. Oct. Z 2, '76-ly tJw CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN EVER. R. HAYES' GB OCERY AND PROVISION STORE S. E. COR. 4TH & CHERRY STS. COLUMBIA, PA Begs leave to inform hieold friends and patrons that he has ust received another large and splendid - assortment of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Better and Cheaper than can be bought elsewhere The undersigned would call the attention of the public to his large and well-selected stock of FRESH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS just received from the City, which he will sell CHEAPER THAN EVER!—FOR CASII! His stock comprises COFFEES, SUGARS, SPICES, HAMS, DRIED BEEF, DRIED ANY) CANNED ERITT, Also, Brootns, Brushes, Buckets, Bed Cords, and everything in the Grocery line. Ile directs special attention to his new and superior stock el: GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Which he Is selling at prices LOWER than ever before offered in Columbia. Call and examine Mr yourselves. Also, on hand FLOUR AND FEED. „Xi' AGENT Pon WM. GOOD'S EAGLE NULLS FLOUR, The BEST Family Flour in the Market Every burrrl Warranted. Sold Cheap for Cash. Having purchased my goods cheap for Cash, Tam prepared to offer them cheaper than auy r 'ler dealers. Goods sold for CASH ONLY. R. HAYES, South-east Corner Fourth Lc; CherPy Sts., Columbia. LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE PEOPLE ! HOMESTEAD LIFE INSUP.A.:Cri: CO., Office-- 1 :01 Chestnut Street, Philadelpha W. M. SEYFERT, President. LAWRENCE MEYERS, Vice President, R. W. DORPIILY, Sec . ), . BENJAMIN E. DAVIS, Superintendent of Agencies• This Comtism& organized by leading representatives of Industrial interests of the State, widely known as successful and responsible business men, desiring to place Life Insurance within reach of all, has adopted a sysem-of M.:511 - thly Payments of .Premium.s, Enabling every man to provide for his family In case of his death, at a cost so trilling as scarcely to be felt. Special attention is called to this Company's GRADUATING POLICY a much needed feature In Life insurance, entirely new In this country: designed to protect In case of death, the Interests of SPAREHOLD ER AS' lAr BUILDING -ASS 0 CIA T.ION S and all others who have borrowed money or purchased property payable Jr instalments extend ing over a series of years, by cancelling any balance of Indebtedness .remaining u n paid In case of lath. This Company Issues all the ordinary forms of Life and Endowment Policies at low rates of Premium, on the Participating Plan,- with but few restrictions as to occupation. and none as to Travel or reesidence. ' Active and responsible men wand Pamphletsts. Pall Informationn&toPlans and Pdatures, is contained in m Welt will be forwarded bytnall on application refute Home (Mice. =Feet Front—lron and Glash, JUST RECEIVED AT I' I N . ril TEAS A.CKEREL, CITF,ESkI, SHOULDERS, OF PENNSYLVANIA SYR . UPS, POTATOES, CANDLES, SOAP, A R. TOMLINSON,Agent, Columbia ,P T 0134 (1 , 100 & SEGABS. ;:i U. 3t0011:1, Louumm.‘, S': ; 'Olit..V'e(), SIN CFF:.'z, i• =I MiT=Cl==ll , ti•insn ”111 lirl I lit' bioney 4; a.:O ,111,1;ir e.t:;l,ll,lltnent !i tile :-zt, to. Fry - 11 t 1.1 I 1 WO: It 10 my t,..1 , I • 41111 li•ii 1 4 •I' fht•unrlry s. /:1,11111. P. 1., ,011111-0, '-; 411 ETA ronAcco, ts›; UFF SEGAI: _NI A NU- FACTURE. Agvnl, for the New York Floc Cut Navy, and Monitor Chow-Chow Chewing Tobaccos, corner of Front and Locust streets, Columbia, ra. sent4.tl9-tfw 17 4 1- 111 V A ltf) J. ZA II , JEWELLER ! (Late U. L. & E. J. Zalatn,) Cor. :717. Queen St., ct. Centre Square LA.NCASTErt, PA. Dealer In Watches, Clacks, Jewelry SILVER WARE, Spectacles, best quality Silver- Plated Ware, Thermometers. eta Personal and prompt attention given to Watch work and Repairing. Remember the OLD 6TAND, ZAII3I'S CORNER, North Queen Street and Centre Squat e, LANCASTER, PA. n y 7 70 I yr COAL! COAL!! 00A ! ! The undersigned is now prepared to sell Coal in all sizes; received from the beet mines in the state, and gust tan teed to be of superior quality. It is from the Veins of the Celebrated isAtirimoitE Co. & LLE MINES at Wilkes- Barre; %Yell prepared. and _tree of slate and dart. The price net tun of LeCti 1b..., on Wharf at Basin: For Xo. 1 or Grata, $5.00. " " 2or E. 5.25. .." 3 Or Mo ve, 5.25. " " lor Sitsa22 SZove, 5.25. " or Ctletitelnt, 4.75. The above prices are for tile Month of May. Terms Cash before delivery. The reputation of the above named Coals is a sufficient guarantee of their eualit2.• ; and as I deal in nu other, the public can rest assured they are as represented. AMOS S. GREEN, Agt.. mar f 2141 For Sortoro IS Cie. IrAcaabTc. .FLLYANCIA E. INTEitEtTS ON DEPOSITS. Tile COM:ME:IA NATIONAL DANK will pay interest on Depc,;ts as follows: For 1 ez, 2 1Mo:111o, .1 per cent G, 7,8, 9 10 " " 11 .lc " rnar:2'7u-ly S.1M1;111. SIIOCII, Cashier UST NATIONAL BANK OF 00- -e LUMIII-1. Interest Paid on Special Dcposl :Ls follows per ci•nt. for 30 or CO days. 4 1-2 pie: cent. for 90 days and under G 5 per cent. for 6 monlit and tinder flfi anontir,G. 51-2 per cent for II 12 months. S. S. DIETWEILER, Cashier SAYLOR & PROTOGRAPHERS, 26 West King Street, LANCASTER, PEIsiN'A. We aim to satisfy all our patrons, as well as give Them work, which favorably compares with that done in the best galleries. COPYING PICTURES Into any size, of deceased or absent friends, is made a specialty with us. FRAMES, ALBUMS, and all things in our line alwars on hand. i•• Remember the Photographers, No. :NI West Xing St., Lancaster B. FnANn. SAILOR. JAMES rOTTS. T HE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST SHIRICS CONFECTIONERY SALOON ! No. 25. _Y. Queen St., Lancaster, Is the best place to procure your supplies of ALL KINDS OF co: , .: FEcnoNErsy, CAKES, CANDIES, ,te.. ua.Partles and others served promptly at shut test notice To THE PUBLIC. The undersigned having purchased the Jewelry Store, formerly occupied by EL Sperlug, announce to the public of Columbia and vicini ty, that they have now open at \o. 39 FRONT STREET, A large and full stock of Clocks, Watches ce Jewelry, Which they will sell at lowest prices • r 0 Ft Castr. We ask on to examine our stock as it will cost yea N O T G We make It a specialty to have constantly on hand a Stoel: of I.,LUIJKS and WA relik:s, per- Wetly regulated and toady lur initued late use. E. MASSEY n11100'70411 1o.:19 Front „ Coln/num. EW STY LE _LI WINDOW STIADES, rho Subscriber has on hand ut his Furniture Store, all kinds and styles of WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN FIXTURES, &c To which lie would respectfully call the atten thou of the rublic. JOHN SHENBERGER, sept4-69-tfw] No. 256 Locust St., Columbia. HOWARD SANITARY AID AS SOCIATION. For the Relief and Cure of the Erring and Un tonna:tie, on Principles of Christian Ph Haut hroPY% Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Follies of Age, in relation to :Marriage and Social Evils, with sanitary aid for the afflicted. Sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address I.IOWARD ASSO CIATION, floc P, Philadelphia. may'," '7u-ly IMPORTANT TO INVENTORS AND PATENTEES. INVENTORS' AND PATENTEES' Bazaar and Sales Rooms 520 Chestnut Se., Philadelphia. BARBERS CO xe_. No FE.3.3 n: ADVANCE. The underbigned would respectfully Inform the public that they have opened an establishment under the above title, where Inventors, Paten tees ,and Owners of Patents are free to resort for he negotiation of the sales of their Inven tion anti Patents. The feature of this Bazaar consists In this, tha Inventors, Patentees and Owners of Pat ents and Inventions may transact their busi ness and effect sales themselves, without. any Interference on the part of the Proprietors. On such sales they charge no commission whatever nor do they ask registration or like fees, nor any conumssious In adVance. believing It to be unfair to ask pay for services not yet rendered. But it any of their Patrons desire to employ them as their personal agents, for the sale of their Interests the Proprietors will then charge such commissions as many be mutually agreed upon. The only charge made by this Establish ment is for the Storage of Models and Machin ery of all size, on exhibitions therein, as follows: FROM TWENTY-FIVE (15) CENTS TO ONE DOL LARS PER WELK PER SQUA RE FOOT OF STACY. For this very small compensation the Model, and Machines are kept lu good order and their Workings completely explained to the numer ous visitors of tile Bazaar and brought forward to the best advantage, with a view to prepar ing the way to eventual sales. An experienced PATENT LAWYER and an able COSSITLTING ENGINEER, are attached of tills establishment, thus enabling the under signed to procure, at all times, the best legal and practical advice to their Patrons. The Patronage of all is respectfully solicited. _ _ BARBER & CO.. Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa P. U. Box 1573 U'tNITURE OF ALL KL.N.Ub. CABINET WARE-ROOMS 4: MANU FACTOIty, Locust Street, a few doors below Third Street, Columbia, Pa. The subscriber manufactures and keeps on hand an extensive assortment of all kinds 01 Furniture. Persons wishing to buy or those about to go to housekeeping, will find it to their advantage to give me a call. BEDSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, BUREAUS, SETTEES, ‘te., &c. Of the best uality, style, and manufacture, and will make to order, rq tirst-rate material, every article in his line. Us will give strict attention to bugle e+s, and respectfully asks of tile public a sham of its t:at•onitige. 1" UNDERTAKING will receive the roost careful attention, at the shortest note°. isero-894.1W1 GEORGE REIZERX. TVI2CES Le LIQUORS. I 34:RE WINES AND LIQUORS! ror Pore. LTnadultentted Wines and Ltquar t• to thu ',tore of tile nu bseri her. Ito lets elegste C 'r A 1, 1 ," 13A IV IN l , 551ue1l tta. tinalltyana ilavor,eviinot be eveclled al,o, the ce!ehral,il ItOOSTEE 15'111S1 EY, Yaitkce Ittrte,Jmnalca:spirits, Blackberry l'raleiv, Cheery and Curt alit Whics. We hos C Cordials, 0 1, Monottg,tbela u 1 all t7r.t.lc.. (Ave us a call a:e examine for yourself. ELES CIIIOVE, el Coln aLerce •eal WaltilaNts..COltunim. ,e1)1-(;9-tfw LUIN It1U11.1111)S, I 'LAIN ..,x D DECORATIVE Hanger and Varnisher, Paper ISo. 132 LOCUST STIIEET, COLUAII3I2I, PA -19...Samplcs of paper constantly on hand Call and examine. I July-16'70-Iy. 1870. ATTENTION, LADIES - - _ .3IRS. E. SPERINTI, Is the solo Agent in Columbia for RAMSEY, SCOTT A; CO'S. PAPER PATTERNS LIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, TOP L I.D Call and see tbemat, No. 37, 2i. Front Street Oct., 13 '7O THE FALL TRADE AT WILSON'S Opens with the Largest Stork of S rr 0 V S 1 Of various manufactures. The DOUBLE HEAT ERS consist of the 141orn I ng Glory, Juniata Base Burner, and the Sanford Healer. - The HEAT ING STOVES embrace the Morning Gfory, spear's Base Burner, Parlor Light Base Burner, the Picket, the Herald. The celebrated , , fir. 7 :73!" EII t E -PLACE II EATERS 1 • ir ‘4 Einb , ice the S-Inn •si ir nd Dm i! 1 — 4 \''' 6 ' I 'l' 1 ' 0 7 ... ...... r., tunnel. unnysic 0 Cook b ove '''' ' * r 141.... `Barley SI • N Quaker ' liii ~‘ t ill ~ teal, - iagara, ili_ Tll7-,,, ~,, ,f for ' REYNOLDS u: SONS FUR k7,„ ~,, ' NA CE. -5 , ' We do not hesitate to unqual fiedly recommend the above named Goods to the trade, and we invite families, especially, to cal! and examine our stock. 'I hese good:, are purchased tar cash, and are onlired at Bargain hates. All good. warranted. OUR HOUSE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is well s,tocked, and embraces _every variety and quality 01 Goods. Plumbing, Gas and Stearn Fitting and Tin ning promptly and carefully. :Wench d tc. Call at Corner Second LS:Locust Sts., Columbia Oct. 1,540 tf. EADING RAIL ROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. r , ft.I.N.DAY, NOV. 21sT, 1870 G INE F 1 31 'ME NORTH AND North Ph: • delpnnt, New York, Read. mg, otts% ,l le Pfltnaqua, Ashland, Shamokin Leuanon, Ailento , n, Easton, Ephrata, Litiz Lancaster. Col urn s,Ltc., 'l', ulna leave liar isbutg tor New York, ms : eft 3:10 3.10 10.&0 A. M., and 2.50 P. 31., con einailar Lralns ott the Penitsyl- Ratlroad , arriving at, New Yori, 9' 10:10 A. 31., 3:50, 5:30 tun( 10.00 P. M. respect ively. :Sleeping tar:. accunipany the 0:10 A. M., train change. •, .seLarninleave New York at 9.00 A. 1., 12.00 noon ana 31'00 P. 1., PinlAdelpunt at 0.1.) A. :U. 1010 1:30 r. .le.eping Can, :Lk:company the 5:00 P. M. ....,• 3S 110111 NeW 1 - ura. without Lv..tve. HiLrrisburg, for Reuding,Pottsv lite, Tama qua, Mine ••••••' le, Ashland, :stianiokin, Allen town•s.io A. Al. and 2.50 anti s:O5 e. and stopping id? Lebanon and principal way staLleas; the 4.0.5 train connecting for Pailadciphia, Pottsville, :tad eolltiantit unly. For euitsville, Haven, and /lute' rn, via :Sell iLylltlL and Sus quehanna Rutin • leave Ilarristanig ar ..,111 M East, Pea usyli, lialliutal trains leaVe noun lug :Or Alien to Easton and York aL 5:00, iU.3 12:15 won and 4:15 p. in. Re turning. leave :New York at. a. In., 12:00 Noon p. ill., and Allentown at a. 12::::5 ouu, and C:45 V. M. Way Passenger Train leaves PilintUCiplila at 7.30 A. M., connecting wild similar tratu on East Penna' itallrOad, returning from lteatung at 0.20 P. 31., stopping at all Stations. Leave Pottsville at 'J.tU nail 3:10 P. .M.,llerniton at 10.10 A.:11., riblauoalu at 5.10 and 11.00 A. M.,Asnlaud at 7.113 A. 111., unit 12.50 .Noon, Mullaney City at 7;15 a. in., and 1:45 p. 111., '1 um...qua, at 5.33 A. M. and 0.401!. IL ter Pinta delpina :sew lurk, Rasa:Lug, Harlisbuig, Leave Pottsvnie Via Hall Lead at 5.15 A. M. ler liars isbarg, and 12.05 noon lor Pale Lirove and 'Pre/mint. Reading Aceuininudation Train, leaves Potts ville at 0.40 A. M., passes Reading at 7.:30 an iving at Pinlaueiplua at lu.L. , u A. M., return ing, leaves Pniladeiplint at 4:45 P. ii., passes Reading at 7:25 P. M., arriving at Pottsv the at o.lu P. M Pottstown Accomodation Train: Leaves Potts town at 7:50 A. M., returning leavesPhiladelpina at 4.00 P. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 7.•..0 A. M., and 6.15 P. ill., for Ephrata, Latin. Lan caster, Columbia, &e. Yeritionien Rail Iturid Trains leave Perk !omen Junction at 7.15, 5.05 A. Al. 3.00 and .5::10 P. Al. Re turning, leave Scliweaksville at 7:o0 S.J.) A. Al. 12.iU ;Neon and 4.30 P. M. connectingwith trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad Trains leave Potts ton n at 5.-1 U A. Al., and 5.20 P. Al., returning leave Mount, Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.25 A. AS., connecting with similar trans on Reading Rail road. - - Chester Valley Railroad. Trains leave Bridge port at 5.59 A. M., 2.03 and D.U2 P.. 31 „teturniu,,,,•• leave Downingtown at 0.55 A. H., 12.43 noon, and 3.13 P. M., eounceting wan similar trains on heading Rain nail. Uu i,unuays: Leave New York at 5.00 P. M., Pintadelpina JAR) A. M., anti :1.13 P. 31., the 6.11,1 A. H. Train running only to Reading; leave Pottsville 6.00 A. 2.1.; leave Harrisburg 3:10 A. M., and 4.05 P. M., leave Allentown at b. 45 P.M.; and Reading al. 7.15 A. H., and 10.03 P. H. for Harrisburg, at 5:00 A. M. for New York, and at 9.40 A. M. and 4.23 P. M. for Philadelphia. •-•••• • - •- • Commutation, INllleage, beason, ScLool and Exeu stun Tickets to atm. trout all point:, at re duced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pound., allowed cacti Babsenger. G. A. NICOLLS, Gen. .upenutenclent Pa., Nov. 1870. Rending ESTABLISH• ED IN ISSI REMOVAL JACOB lI.A.RLEY, JEWELER, Invites his patrons and the public generally, to his New Store, N 0.1520 CHESTNUT ST., PHIL ADELPHIA, where they II find a large and well selected stock of DIAir.ONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, at Moderate Prices. v. B.—\VATUHEa and JEWELRY carefully repaired. JEwlimalY and SILVER WARE of all kinds made to order. [septi-aO-tfw CO:NV.I , XTI ERY AND FRUIT OF ALL KEN DS IN SEASON. Parties and Families supplied with ICE ORE .M, ay the Freezer, or In Moulds, with promptness at GEO. J. &MIMI'S, Adjoining the Franklin Rouse, Locust. street. P. S.—Also, a fine assortment of TOYS and Fancy Artleles.constantly on hand. [sepl-69-trw FRESH GROCERIES AT THE PROVISION BEI FAMILY GROCERY STORE OF MULLEN & BROTHER , ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Columbia, Pa FRESH TOMATOES, FRESH PEACHES AND other Canned Fr u Its, Shaker Corn, 4:e TE A - THE BEST BLACK TEA IN THE A'I,LARKET EXTRA R E 1.1'; E D SYRUP MOLASSES very cheap Refined Sugars, Dried Fruit of :in kinds Itlo, Java, and Laguyra Coffee NEW SUGAR CURED HAMS ez DRIED BEEF Also, Fancy Groceries, Family Flour, Notions,&c. We intend to keep the best Goods only, and to sell as cheap as any similar htore. IL MULLEN & BRO. ta.Country Produce of all Rinds bought or taken In exchange for goods. isep-4-69-uw ODD FELLOWS', MECHANICS', KNIGIITS OF PVTIIrAS, and all It indb 01 Society Regallas. and Palaphernalln, Manufactured to order, at E. J. ERISMAN'S o. 11% North Queen Street, Lancaster. Pu sept 4-69 tfw riutAvELEats LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSD -I.ItANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn. Gosh Assets, 51,500.u1k, Grants LIFE and ENDOW MENT Policies of all approved forms. Ample security. low rates. Also ir..zures against AC CIDENTS causing death or total dtsatfillty. policies written by the year or m^-r**l —Has paid $7OO per day for Six Yeats in benefit , 01 Polley -holders. D OYAL HAVANA 1,01-1.1.11 Y. Prizes cashed and information furnished by GEORGE I: !'HAM, Providence, R. I. (YEN. 110111'.Nearly E. LEE'S LIFE. ready Unir publication, the biography of Gen. Rota. E. Lee, by John Esten Cooke, the author of "le of Stonewall :Jackson," " Wearing the Grey," etc. 1 vol., a vo., 51.0 pages, Illustrateo. To be sold by subscription. AGENTS WANTED. D. Appleton Co., Publishers, New York. d eel-1w VEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. A New Book 11 01 15S pagc.;. Price:3o et.. by mall. AMEB iCAN NEWS CO., New York Set 1.10-4 - LOB pitiN riNu, PLALN AIN thi executed with neatness and dispatch at this office, D AZ: ji , ±l. ti'; ..'Z',& COL VMN • G.VN TE;1":1 TED roa r _r iiillifS at; WI FR E' L Standard anti 0111‘4111 lilograpi l ic, 0 1 e r ( wy ifilh tre,s,.l the i7.1(1.-nts Manstoit from \\ Grant. On steel. Fo. .•ircut;trs and terme, tuldre,,s, U. S. I'Unt.r,IIINC: 0., NeW YOlk. 1V ov:Sti-lu• t•ANTF I. 11 ". , 111,1 , J.t.1,`1 .•t - M 25. It ntal•-t" '•."'' • talike on bolt ,ifiestand ,3.1 unclericett trlttatt , e Mttehtt• Sold Illr Will jw,ler I,Vil•ovi. la over Batter and ronget . 4 .t Co. .Nll into r r.huttle Maehire sold for leas than EN/ an. Inn tin:torten tr, and th .rllcr.tncl u•er I mitt,. to in 0.04..1100n. Atldre.- 1011Nt.ON, FLAIL!: At 13,•rt on, tAi rg. Yu., t.'liteagt. ~ 111.0 w SL. Louts, [neat-Ow A WATCH. FREE for everybody - "and $3O per A Bustnc.ahuhlt and Honorable. No UM • en I ell,' Ira. Ni, humbug„ (I's it. Monroe Kennedy, Pitt slat rg„ l'a. nrtv2ti- .w S O'CLOCK. nov2„," IMO LOCAL AGENTS WANTED, I want a Local Agent in every Town anti Vil lage In the Country, to canvass fur tubserilaers to the =I A MAGNI GICENT V.11E3111;31 ,TELI. ENGRAV ING is sent, grata. to every suoseriber. From SI toS.O can be easily made in an oven ing. A lib eral t•ash*COMMlssion Is ;1110V:ea. Send stamp for Specimens and Prize Circular. Address, nov2t,-lw JAMES. It. Elliott, Boston, Mass. LIVE CEA TS w i impj Dm vapv 'WANTED FOIL U/111 Or Social Life in the Great City, wonderMi developments among the aristocracy Married Women exposed, tt:c.. se. Price $:1;25. The best Book to ectt published. The best terms to Agents ever given, Address, N, Y., Book Co. 115 Nttastut St , Sety York. nov:!ti-ttv CRUMBS SWEPT UP ! nev. T.1.3e I.l7itt T},MOST 1'1:BACIII:N. IN ANERICA Agents wanted everywhere, male or ft male. to sell 111 is great work, is better than Ma::: Twain. and no trouble to cell. BIG PROFITS. Send for terms and II lu..tra fed 12 page circular, to Evans, Stothlart. & Co., Pahl ishei s, No. 710 Saut tumSt., Philadelphia. nov:26lw GETTRIVG UP CLUBS Great Losing to Consumers Parties enquire how to get up clubs, Our an swer 1-, SOMI fur Price lASI, and a club fern, Will lieColll pa IV with full directions,—inalzing a loran audit^, to consumers and remunerative t, Club organizers. CIE GMT AMSTAR TA fj, 81 aIL 33 VE sty slutzET, P. C.S. T;()x :91s BOOK AGENTS MAKE SSO to $2OO per Month by selling GREAT FORTUNES ! AND ' HMV THEr WERE MADE. By J. 1). Mc- Caig., Jr. New, fresh and original. Profusely 'trust rat ed and b ntu Wally hound. It shows how a poor school-master :nude ti. 0,000.00 0; how a. pm . . half-blind sailor became a great banker, a butcher's apprentice the wealthiest man in Americo, an unknown mechanic. 11 mill rcuadre In seventy years, with many more such exam ples, hi iw energy, talent, and patient, ludo-try have always met with success when properly exerted; how MUM.y can be made honestly and without sacrifice of principal. Send forcin:llms CD..., sort make My ea Ira terms (.7EO—MAC LEAN. P unListi - xn, 7:9 it., Phlladelph ra rrillE BEST PAPER., AND TIIE BEST INDUCEMENTS! 'Mk Quarter's 13 Numbers SENT FREE to all suberll,lng, bc•fole e. for next year's Fl fly-two Numbers of MOORE'S RURAL NEW-I'OI:74ER TUE GREAT ILLUSTEATED RURAL AND PAMTLY WEEKLY, For Town and Country- Tice R.CIcAL now in its I.lst year, is not only Largest, bet and Cheapest, but by ttr the larg est-Clreulatl ng Journal of its Class In the World ! National in Character, Ably Edited Su perbly 111 u.trat..ll and Print,a 'al, the BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY. It is the Standin it Authorny on all branches Of AonteuurtniE, llonlacuLTonn. ikc. As a lit erary and Family Thip-r It is a lavoritein many the best families all over the Union, Canada, etc. Indeed, Moore's Rural has no Rival in its Sphere, and is the largest illustrated Journal on the Continent—each number containing Six teen Five-Column a nes, 'double- the size of most papers of its class.) It is THE paper for the East, 'West, North and South. TER IS, !SDLCEMENTS, ate, TERMS—: , ',3 a year of 52 Numbers, and only 52.50 in Clubs of Ten. This Quarters's 13 Num bers sent FREE, as offerred above. Our Club Inducements for 1571 are unprecedented. Spec imens, Premium Lists, &e.,sent free toall form ing Clubs,—and we want alive Club Agent in every Town. Address. D- D. T. MOORE, deco-la- 51 Park Row, New York. THE NEW YORK METHODINT—..I.N EIGHT PAGE WEEKLY, Now in its Eleventh Year, publishes Sermons, a Serial Story for the Family, a new Children's Story, every week, Chats with the Little Folks, Edito-lals by the best Methodist writers and other Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, toll Departments of 11.-ligions and Secular In telligence. Price 3U a year. Liberal premi ums or cash commissions to canvassers, lettb scripttons commence at once at any time. For specimen, enclose a two cent stamp to prepay postage, Address THE METHODIST, 111 l'cas- San St., N. Y. HOLIDAY JuURNAL FOR 1671 , Contains a Christmas Story,Splendid plays sport , , Rat. ; 47 pages; ilustra ed. Sent Free on lecelpt el on stamp ior postage. Ad dress iI.DAMS .3:: CO., Publishers, 8...5t0n. 1 ASO:s.ZIC BOOKS—AtENTs WANTED. Send for Circular. Address MASostc PUB Co., 432 Broome St.. New York. °HORT HAND. 150 words a minute In Four °weeks. Send two stamps tor circular. .1 GRAY, P. O. 80x4517 New York ' nox , r WASTE TIME AND LABOR by using .1,./ up an old A. Send 6.1.5 U to LIPPINCOTT BAN EWELL, Pittsburg, Pu., and they ivld send a tip-top Axe. Expressage paid. Balt a day lost In grinding Will tints be saved. deit3-1w 830 A DAY, sure, I,atta Li: Co., Pittsburg, Pa. JGE\'ISI rtEAD THjSI We will pay Agents a Salary of st) per week and expen.es, or al low a iar-e commission, lo sell our wonderful In ventions. Address M. WAGNER. .k CO., Mar shall, NI Irk. W INTER L•'\l Pl.O M ENT. PERKINS As LT,E'S PATENT. NON-EXPLOSI VE 311:TALIC Kt:Mt:SC:ME LAMP. Is absolutely safe from explosion or hie:thing. burns any Coal Oil, good or l,ad; gives more light, no odor, and uses less oil. - It Is perfectly non-explosive. The light is better then Is pi ()deceit by any other lainp."— IV, S. Clark, Pras'l. 1 / a ssachusca s Au/ !mite./ Cob ((fie. - "It is perfectly non-explosive, elves a better light and is more . economical than any other lamp in use,"—ll. talc Sup. Pub. Sclu,ols, Clamp°. The appalling deaths and fires from glass lamps exploding and breaking create a gi cat de mand for this lamp. It pays to sell It. sold by Canvassers; Agents WI - Mimi everywhere. Send for circular and term, to moxTainNIERY.S.: Cleveland, 0., Ti Barclay St., N. Y. AUIU EUGS.—Boz Thing. Send for circular .1) . 1. to A. TIIONAS, 320 WasidngtonSt..Brooklyn, IN . Y. DOYI2I OMANUY.—Any lady or gentleman I . can make $l,OOO a month, secure their own happiness and Independence, by obtaining P6I2IIOMANCY, FA CLNATION, or SOUL, CTIARMING. 100 pages; cloth, Full instruc tions to use this power over men or animals at will, how to Mesmerize, become Trance or Writ ing Medi unis, Divination, Spiritualisin, Alche ' lay, Philosohy of Omens and Dreams, Brig- Mon Young's Harem - Guide to Marriage, ste., all contained t .is book; 100,000 sold ; price by mail, in cloth $1.13, paper covers $l. Notice.— Any person willing to act as agent will receive a sample copy of the work free. As no capital is required, all desirous of genteel employment should send for the book, enclosing ten cents for postage, to T. W..4VA:NS t CO., it South Sill St.„ Philadelphia. CARl,—.',clergyman, while residing in South jjAmerlea as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous, 'Weakness, Early Decay, DiseaJCS or the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of dis orders brought on by banclul and vicious hab its. Great numbers have been cured by tills no ble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the reclepp fur preparing and using this medicine, in a seal ed envelope, to any one who needs it, Fret of charge. Address osEr II T. INMAN, Station D, Bible Douse, New York City. 1826 1870 The uld standard remedy for Coughs, Colith,con suinption. "Nothing setter." CUTLER. BROS. & BoStOn. CHERRY PECTORAL TROCLLES Are superior to all others for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchial and Lung difficulti es, are exceedingly palatable, have none of that nau seating horrible Cubeb taste, ore very soothing and act like a charm • Ministers, Stagers, and Public:Speakers will find they are especially adapted In the voice. old he Ai-o nusliton's Cod Liver OH, for CUll,tilliputm and Suroutta.; line LIO 01,11 Cr. UPHAM'S DEF'.II...A:VARY POW DE IL -- Re moves supertinous lutir In Five Minutes, without injury to the skin. Sent by mall for • UPHAM'S ASTHMA CURE Relieves most. violent, paroxysms in live min utes and effects a speedy Cum Pried $2 by mail. THE JAPANESE lIAIR STAIN Won, the wh ibkvrs and ban' a beautiful Black or Brown. it consists 01 only one preparation. 75 cents by mall. Address S. C. UPHAM, Co. 721. Jayne Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars sent free. Sold by all Druggkls. 4 CIIIUSTMAS I , l' TO ALL Yearly sub. Ascribers to Appleton's Journal, published Weekly. Two months Subser ption, gratis. The %lontlis of November and December. /na. given gratis to all subset. hers remitting i-I,for the year 1871. Any one delrous of making it trial of the JOIMNAL to see whether they like it, can have !or two mouths on remitting us nib , Cents, Picturesque America. eonsi,ting of executed views of American Scenery commenc ed In November. D. APPLETON & CO., Pub !Niters, New York. AI. WEEK SAI.A.U.Y!.—Ywnm men want, Vi T h Lo s e t t a tl in a p V Pa A r d k - Bow, Oew York. :NEW YORK nos 26 iN,, ADVERTISEMENTS. 11011 ER, COLLADAY & CO FALL, 1870. ur Itrportnliong for Lhertpresent, Season A1 , .1 NOW COMPLETE. Notwithstanding, the great difficulties Conse quent on the European war to obtain Choi, ench Fabrics for our Full trade, we are cwa bled by placing our orders early and throng: our extensive connections in Europe, to offer a: unusually large number of NEW PA.BRICS. And we would ealrpartieular attentiou to our superb assortment 1n great, variety of textures of NEW CLOTH COLORS, The latest style for Walking Costumes, Ay it will be impossible to replenish our mos desirable textures in this market, we respectfully.invite:an EARLY INSPECTION. BLACK SILKS Eof:known makes.in all:prlees:and qualities WHITE SILKS AND SATINS LFOR WEDDINGS.: COLORED ZZL Iu every cwlorp Costumes cle -V-avage, In all th newest styles and fabrics Mourning Department Is replete, with every variety of teNture suitable for mourning wear. SIIA_WI,S, Of every quality and style, both 'for warrni and use, and also in elegant styes fur Fall dress NOTICE. We shall take no advantage of the scarci ty of desirable goods, but shall continue to sell our stock at a MODERATE ADVANCE 1412 & 1414 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. MEM CABINET WARE MANUFACTORY. The subscriber having lately put up new ware-n oms, and greatly increased his business, can offs r better inducements to his customeres than ever. WINDOW SHADES, mni.nons, IN ALL STYLES He manufactures to order, and will keep con stantly on hand, Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus : Sideboards, Soibs, Card, Dining and Centre 'I abler, Common, Fancy and French Bed steads; all 01 which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. As he manufactures ins own work he is enabled to warrant every article to be what it is represented. CAAIR6 ! CHAIRS!! CHAIRS!!! _ - - All kinds of chairs kept on hand or manufactnr• ed lo order. Cane, Windsor, Arm and Rocking Chairs iSettees, Camp mid Counter Stools,Soias, Tete-a fetes and Stuffed Seat Chairs, made to order. Old chairs repainted and repaired. UNDERTAKING-. Funerals will be attended to with promptness, to which he gives his personal attention. He is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be required. MAHOGANY OR WALNUT COFFINS, Furnished plain or tinted in any style that may be required. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which he has been liberally favored. JOHN SHENBERGER and Third. side of Locust street, between Second Third. Isepti-69-ttw LADIES' FANCY FURS. .3 . 0 FisREIIi .4, ARCR STREET, Middle of the Block, between 7111 and Bth Sts., south side, PHILADELPHIA, Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds and quality of FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WEAR. Having enlarged, remodeled and Improve. our old and mvorably known L•'Ult EMPORIUM and having imported a very large nod bplendk assortment of all the different kinds of Furs from first, hands In Europe, and nave had them made up by the most skillful workmen, I would respectfully invite my friends or Lancaster and adhurent, Counties, to call and examine my very large assortment of Fancy Furs, fur Ladies and Children. lam determined to sell at as low prices as any other respectable House In this city. All Furs Warranted. No misrepresenta tions to ellect sales. JOHN FAREIRA, 71S Arch -trees, Oct. 22.'70 3m DETER FRALEY, JE CUSTOMER Boot and Shoe Maker, o. 161. LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, French Calf Boots & Shoes Of the finest material and most elaborate Workmanship. At 'FRALEY'S, 161 Locust bttreet, BOOTS SEIOES, Jude with a view to great durability and neat ness and yet at very low prices At FRALEY'S. 101 Locust Street. Those who find it difficult to get Boots to fit comfortably, are especially invited to call and leave their orders At FRALEY'S. All kinds of Boots and Shoes, for Men's wear, made to order at short notice, At FRALEY'S. 161 Locust Street. Men's Boots and Shoes very neatly repaired At FRALErS, 161 Locust READ THIS Lazarus & Morris' CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES ASTD EYE GLASSES That they render Impaired sight clearer and dis tinct; strengthen and preserve the eye; are very easy and pleasant to wear, and last many years without change being necessary, so that in the end they are the cheapest as well as the best. NOTICE, that Mr. Chas. 1. - . lichreiner, Watch maker and Jeweler, Front s..reet, Is our sole agent in Columnia, Pa. Lazarus & Morris. Manufacturing Opticians Haman!, Conn. sept4.'l:9-tfw COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS - GEORGE BOGLE, PROPRIETOR. The highest Cush prices paid for all kinds of Grain. SUPERFINE AND EXTRA - FAMILY FLOUR for sale; also Feed of all kinds. Wheat Ground and Packed to order. Grist work and Chopping done. Chopped Corn and Oats. Corn Meal and GRAHAM FLOUR For sale at all times, and delivered to any part of the town. wij..Town and country custom so licited. isept-89-tfiv CLOTh l G. ET IS .1 FACT! point dernot,,,:i . .iln,n, In.:. the ;.,r, +I Cloths, Heady 31,1141144 and Furnishing Goods, are le.:, than one-half what they were (luring the war.at, the .Nlerchant faltering establishment, of S. S. It A I) V() “rner (2.0..,•i, • ”' opposite •Sii.wer', This is the oldcst , st.ddishnient in 11, lit, ..? rude Lt La 1114151.1.1 PulllllY.ll/Iti Is selling. at ou tline, line Moscow, ENquotikat,.., and cute uu.n Beaver overcoat, Irma Zit; to Common Union Beavers from 810 to •. , 1•1: COlllllllll Ull1"11 'leaver Business Suits hulk ?hi to j4r Oood Cns .unere Suits from sto to and lino quail! le from i 25 to 530. A tow suits on hand ,e, low as $lO. Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings as low as they can be obtained anywhere else, and sold by the yard to those who may wish toliave them made at home, 01 elsewhere. Overcoats, press Coats and Business Suits made to order with dispatch, and In the best and most fashionable manner, as the customer may desire. All kinds of cutting and repairing done at reasonable prices. An entire new stock got up for the Fall and Winter trade of 18118 and [BOO, and manufactured in the city of Lancaster. It would be to the Interest or the public to call and realize that "IT IS A FACT." • S. S. RATEIVON, sepl-GO-tfwl Merchant Tailor and Clothier. jILISC_E'LLA2rEOUS. WOODWARD's WHOLESALE AND DETAIL MUSIC STORE, \0.22 WEST RING STREET PIANOS, ORGANS. ;MELODEONS viola:Ns, VIOLIN BOWS, CELLO BOWS, ACCORDEONS, FLUTINAS, CONCERTINAS TAx BORIN E.'S. GBITA BS, BANJOS, FLAGEOLETS. /lAH,II ONICAS, CLAPP EEs, DRUMS, FIFES, FL TILES. TRIANGLES, TUNING FORKS, PITCII PIPES, MUSIC BOXES, MUSIC IOL.IOs, MUSIC BOOKS. Plano and Melodeon Covers, Piano and Melo deons Stools, :-trings of all klnps, sheet Music Music: Books, Musie Papers, and every deserlp tion of .MER.C.IIANDISE. Bu 1111 Orders filled promptly at the usual Wholesale or Retail Prices, and aatisfaetiou Guaranteed. AeirTuning and repairing promptly attended to A. W. WOODWARD, dee-1.'694f] No. 22 West Ring at.. LaUcti.it COOPER & PEART, ' DEALERS IN LUMBER & COAL, BALTIMORE CO.MPA_NY. And all the best Quality of STOVE COAL. BUILDING- LUMBER Of all kinds, sold and delivered on cars, at the LOWEST MARK ET RATES. Hemlock, White Pine, Weatherboarding, Joke, Scantling, &c., &c., suitable for all kinds of Building purposes. LOCUST POSTS! CHERRY, POPLAR, ASH, PICRETS, LATH, SHINGLES, Se All orders by mail will receive the seine at tention as though the application be made n , arson. Cut PER 6: PEA Ft out tit., Columbia COAL. MIUM COLUMBIA., PA., Manufacturers at Lock Haven, Pa., and who:e Sale Peale's in WHITE PINE. HEM LOCK AND OAK LI MBER, FLOG RI N SIDI NG, LATH, PA I LING. Lt.e. COAL! Special attention paid to Coal Trade. Best brands always on hand, and sold at Lhe lon est Inarket price. Orders lot shipment promptly filled. TLEOMAS & MASON, C 4,1 tun bi a, Pa may 14 '7O-13 COAL! COAL!! 0 O.ALII LAY IN YOUR WINTER SUPPLY. The subscriber is now prepared to furnish the best qualities ~f ANTHRACITE CO L for STOVES, ORATES and FURNACE purposes. Having laid in a large stock at the lowest prices, we are prepared to give our customers Coal at great advantage. The following first-class Coals we now offer for sale: PRESTON, PHIL'A. COAL CO., P LANK RIDGE, HICKORY CO., AVEsT LEHIGH, BALTIMORE CO., PINE GROVE, SELAMOKIN, LYKENS VALLEY, ALSO VIE WEST LEHIGH NUT, For Base-burning and Self feeding Stoves. All Coals sent out are clean and tree Irvin Impuri ties. AiirSgALL NOT COAL AT 3.50 PEE TON. Call and examine the different prices. of Coal. Coal Yard opposite Baehman's Pia Ming, Front street, Columbia Pa. SCOTT AT ON. , ADIES ! LADIES 1 READ!. READ! The undersigned having bought the entire stock of LADIES' BOOTS a SHOES, In the Store Roo'n formerly carried on by JAMES SHROEDE.a, No. I•4S LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA., Is now ready to sell all kinds si LADIES' BOOTS & GAITERS, MISSES' Boors 4: GAITDICS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS t GAITERS, As cheap as any other stand in Columbia. La dies' Boots and Cadets made to order. t Repairing of all kinds neatly done. Don't forget• the place. Give us a call! A. G. GUILES. WISE Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FOREIGN AND DOM ESTIC Wines S 5 Liquors, No. 118 Locust Street, COLUMBIA. PA His a ant ol Pure and unadulterated WINES AND LIQUOICS Cannot be excelled. llh stock embraces tho fol lowing : Port, Lisbon, Cherry, Muderia, Champagne, Claret, Blackberry, Elide/ berry, Currant Muscat Vats: Es. COGNAC, OF DIFFERENT BRANDS Also, OLD RYE WHISKEY and BRANDIES of all kinds Blackberry Jamaica Spirits Catawba Rummel, Cherry, Ginger, Rum, Gin. Superior Olu Rye, Pure OM Rye, XXX um Rye, XX OM stye X Old Rye, Pure Old Rye, Monongahela, Rectified Wilt. ic y,London Brown Stout. Scotch Ale, Sc., c. AGENCY FOR MALT AND CIDER VINEGAR Agent for the PURE MALT VINEGAR Cannot be purchased at any other establlsl.- moot In town, and Is warranted to keep fruits and vegetables perfec% J. C. BUCHER'S, No. 118 Locust Street, Columbia Oct. 22, '7O-tf FOR THIRTY YEARS Has that will•known, standard, and point retnet PAIN KILLER manufactured by Perry Davis ,E Son, Provi dence, I, been before the public, and is that time has become known in alf parts of the world, and been used by people of all nations It remains to-dny that same good and Meat remedy, Its wonderful power In relieving the most severe pain, has never been equalled and it has earned its world-wide popularity ba its Intrinsic merit, No curative agent fins had so wide-spread sale or given such univpmat satisiaction, The various His for which the P in Killer is an unfailing cure, are too well a liOwn to require recapitulation in this adv., rtisement, As an external and int.raul medicine the Pain Killer stands unrivaled, I dreetiods accompany each bottle, Sold by all druggists, Price 25 cts, &acts, and SI per bottle. 1.2V8 (TRANCE CO . 1 7 11 11" i r (:; 3:Ls Cp.. Insure , IHJIL.DING , t, MEIRCII.I.I 4 :I,IsE, and other • roperty ag and Laumg.• uv I.lre•, on tlu•Muck Ilr 1M at ttal 1•1”».1,:: As itEAsoN A , 0.1 , ,t,, t.,. W 1,1,, Z. l'w• /' NV 1 Tr c 1,1 L 1 S. S. Detwiler, 11. J. B. Bachman Hobert Crane, Win. Dalton, Al. Jl. strajkl e r Herbert Ti.onets, Hebei t Did on, Jas Selireed er , A Bruner, jr ., J. S. St: the, J. F. nueatul. For Insurance or Agencies apply by 'nail, or in person, to Li J. F. FlaT EA UP P. See'y, Col u I, ia Pa. BENNEEMIIIM Insures on the Cash, Mutual or Perpetual Rates KItABEII, PreNalent D. STILICICIER, SeCretary. M. S. SHUMAN, Agent. septl-119-thvi Coluntliin. Pa GIRARD FE RE AND MARINE I.IsT— SURANCEI COMPANY, 0 PFIIL A Lb: I.P II lA. Capital :1200,000 Securities This Company continues to take risks en good property, at rates as low as any other Nn s fc Com pany anti consistent with prudence. Policies issued for long it short terms, or per manently. Losses promptly paid. All claims adjusted without litigation ord./clay. This Com pany refers to the past as a gum antes 01 its lut ore conduct. TILOS. CRAVEN. Pre,'t A.S. GILLETT, Vice-President. JAS. B. ALVOitl>, Secret:try. F. X. 7.1 - EGLER, Agent, Front Street, above Walnut, Columbia, 1a sept-l-ar-ttrij INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTE A. AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED re 1. Char let Perpetual, ASSETS, Jan. 1, 1570.- 4 32,783,550.90. i - itIRPLUr--over all liabilnlcs—i. , 4,l6l,2.S,oo Insurance rigollist loss or damage by fire on Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture, &c. for long or short periods, or permanently on Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The prompt payment of losses for a period erslirENT - e years, 'Words a guarantee of claim upon public confi dence. AnTit un G. CoFFix, Pre.sq. CHARLES PLATT, Sec' y. P. X. ZIEGLER, Azent, Front Street, ahoy. Walnut, Columbia, Ps, sept4-69-lful LYEI.E:s.TS VALLEY ELAWARE MUTUAL Lifel us:trance C:onipany, OF V.ILI\UNOTON, DELAWARE:. JOAN P. M'l.h.xis, Pi est. ill, CHILD, S,,e'ry 13E\ Nell OFFICI.: IV. B . C'iriict & Che,tiod iS ' irects, PITILA LPI - i lA. GEO. W. STONE, Viet. Pla,sialcill end 'Men:feel. GI:O. F. Tut,:shit, G• neial Agent :nal Allot !ley. PURELY MUTUAL. Low PEICEs. All l'Olieleb Non-foi felling after tine Annual Payinen I. a ca ry accoliannad Linn a onsia,lent ',call Safety guarantied to Policy I ladder, Bootie containing foil hole Illation erineernire: the plan , and Mule. of the Company Knit nee Open application 10 th“ Orate CI I Wile,'. :Agent. wanted throliglioni the of l-ean sy Canna and N 11.14Fhlui:Nehe Gilpin, Chief .lu-'lce i"tate of Dellware; Thos F. Dayard , ienator Evian Delaware - Ht. ltev. Allred bee, Bishop of Delliware; Gen . Henry Do Pont, nova. r .:11; ntuaouver; Ilon. Gov. :=aitlsbuly , Guy. gale 01 Pe-law:tn.; the the - Bank,. in the el* in Wit tiong•ie, ; bolt. J. :.:. tattoo, Mayor City el pill1.0:-Oi'llY OF MAIutiAGE A New course of Lectures, delivered at e Penna. Polytevhme and Anatomical Muse um, 1205 Chestnut St , three doors above twelfth Philadelphia, embmcing the sable Ms: now to Live and What to Live tor; 10, 111, Maturity and Old Age: 'Manhood Generally lteviem ; The cause of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervous Diseases accounted tor • Shu•ri.ige Phtlosophicat ly considered. These 1i Mures will Inc lorwarded on recipl 01 25 cents by addressing: Secretary of the Penna. Polyteehme and Anatomical Muse um, 1205 Chestnut St., Plilla., Pa. LitinelS-Iy. SUSQUEHANNA IRON COMPANY REFINED AND DOUBLE REFINED Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars Orders promptly filled from Stook on hand or made to order. Terms, net Cash, at Manufacturer's prices, de livered on Cars or Boats. °lnce at their ent t-GO-tf cc') E. B. 21AILTIN, /11SIBERT T. 11031.15, JNO. S. MASON B. B. MA I - Yl l li\T Columbia, Lancaster co., Pa., 7,laurtfocturers at Beech Creek, Clliitou cc., Pa., aml Wholesale Lumber Dealers, WHITE Pf HEMLOCK POPLAR, WA INTJT, ASH, FLOORING, :m:A I , ;G, WEATHER BOARDS, PICKET'S. LATII6, BOX BOARDS. Sc., &c. i,ept 1.'70 -I MERU ANT TAILOR IN G No. 1:23 LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, Has opened in the room Mrmerly occupied by s. Nlt•Tazur, a full stnelz FRENCH, ENGLISH, AMERICAN' &SCOTCH CLOTHS, CASr.DIERES LSIiITINGS, Which he is prepared to make up in as good Style and Fashion as can be made in New York or Philadelphia. Ile invites all to call and examine his stock, which], he is possitive, cannot be excelled in Columbia. The establishment is designed exclusively for Merchant Tailoting. and the undivided atten tion of the Proprietor will be devoted to his business. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Of all kinds, and of SUPERIOR QUALITY, al ways on hand. lietnember the old adage, that money saved is money earned. Cal; and he etundneeti that you ran sac e your money by purchasing at the ON exclusive Alerebant Tailoring Establish ment in Col undan. [sepi-69-twf WELCH Sr. GRIFFITHS' Saws ! Saws ! ! Saws ! ! ! Axes. Files. Cast Sleel,l3l Fur. His:kings, ;and :iiricthill ry . Octss the be.t,t hey trtlt pruce the cheap , st. Prices reduced. Seed lur Price Ltst .and Circulurti. REM BBOOT:T W kNED.—" Dube. of the White No opflosition. Steel t-m:,rav int>. 121.1dd Sales. For Circulars. addre,.. U.B PuBLISIIING Co.. N. Y., Cincinnati and Chicag (35 FIRST PRIZE MED LS. AWARDED THE GREAT 31111111111. tory. WILLIAMINT Ala r. 8i CC?., •Jpanufacturer of C rand. :,qua! 0 and Upright. PIANO FORTES, These Instruments have been before the pub lic Jul nearly thirty yeah, and upon their excel lence alone a Maned an a npn reh ascii pre-eml nenee, which pronounces then). Unequalled Their TONE Combines great power, sweetness and fine sing ing qughty as tv el 1 as gr at purify of Intona tion, and sweetness throughout the entire scale. Their TOUC II Is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stillness found in so ninny In WORKMANSHIP They are unequalled. using none but the very best seasoned mat dal, the large capital em ployed in our Mum.. nabltng 115 to keep con tinually ail immens. stock 01 lumber, &c., on baud • • /A'a - Alt onr Square Pianos have our New Im proved 0 v erst rung Scale and the Ay, affe Treble. e c s. Re would call slucial attention to our late improvements in GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE: GRADS, Patented Aug. 14, IS O, which bring the Piano nearer perteetion than has yet teen attained. Eeery Piano folly If irranted hr 5 Fva•s. I%e have made arrangements for the Sole Vhole•ale Agency tor the nio , t Celebrated PARLOR ORGANS and MELODEONS, which we otter Wholesale and Retail. at Lowest Fac tory Prices. ANDREW ZELLERS". Wholesale Depot, Nopl7.ora] No. 1:".7 North Frontstreet, Columbia F. F. LANDIS, EZRA F. LANDIS, JACOB S. LANDIS K.E YSTONE EAST JAMES STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturers of Statleueryand Portable En gines, of the most approved style and plan. Mill Gearing. Shalling, Volleys, Hangers and Couplings, 01 an Improved pattern. Farmers Portable Grist Mill. OUR NEW AND IMPROVED GRAIN 'MIRES!! ERAND SEI'A ItATon. With the Lest Tripled Geared Horse Power. Iron and Brass works made to order. Furnish Models for Patters at reasonable rotes. - Having great and experienced nundsm tul being proet Mal mechanics t lientselves, feel sate in guarantee lug all their work to give satisfaction. Fur par ticulars, address LANDIS & CO_ n0v20.'89-tri lamensiter, Pn. THE C. 1,3 J iE!I. Of COLUMBIA, PA., 1..(m A:., 1'01*(1 7660, DlitEcTi)n,; ANC,^•. COMPANY, YORK', PS Manufacturers of all sizes of ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND HALF OVAL IRON ROLLING AIILL. Collin) bin, Penna J. w. HEASIN, [Bs•iau:esury IN /8 0] SUPE•'RIOR 10 ALL OTHERS WELCH k GItIFFTITS, Boston, Mn..,. or Detroit, Uidt BALTIMORE, MD ACIII NE WORKS
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