''lle tlolitnibia ',pl. „ torelh ' 1 . 4 - • • ••—X . - Saturday, Dec. 10, 1870. HALDEMAN'S Popular Dry Goods Store ESTABLISHED 1815 Our Stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS m NOW commmr% AND WI OFFER TO OUR = Attractive Prices. BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, NEW STRIPED SILKS, FRENCH Si LK POPLINS, IRL II POPLINS, NEW CORDED SILK POPLINS. FuEmna.sA TTEEN. (Cloth Colors) FRENCH MERINOS, FRENCII CASHMERES. BEST MAKE BLACK A LPA COAF. 4 BLACK ;NIOIIA BRILLIAYEEs EXTRA QUAI.ITT VELV ETEENs ROM AN STRIPED SHAWLS, PLAIN BLANKET SHAWLS, GAY PLA ILi SLI A .LS, BLACK TEIBET SHAWLS, BLACK RIAI RLIZ SHAWLS, JOU V IN'S KID GLOVES, WHITE VELVET COED, WHITE PUSH CLOI , E AND SCARLET OPERA FLANNELS. REAL PAISLEY SHAWLS. Our stout: ecultuius many Choice European Goods, MADE SCAlter BY TBE:PBESENT VAB Which wo will cell ANA - ADVANCE, IN PIIIL'ES We have now the Largest Assortment of BLACK SILKS, ALL OP GUA-RAN9'EED MAKES, =MEM DO VG/1T EARLY IN TRE BEASO.V. Ana at Our Prices ARE CONVINCING BARGAINS. 111:CEIVF NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK, W. & B. F. HALDEiIIAN'S Popular Dry Goods Store, 112 & 114 LOCUST ST Cet.?2-70--1y LOCAL II TELLIGENC READ B. E's••man's acivprtisetnent LANDLORD'S NOTICES To QUIT for sole :it this office. LADIES are in nttentinnee at May 6: Er EVER - S*33(lD'; glet , to 6:.". Erwin's I.w. reuse they run he nrrou u tlnd. ted wit Ir an.% desirable artiele lirr lioliday presents. WANTED.—A trruai j(11.11 - f14'y111:111 ,410 P 1 M 11 : - ei to nntl: on filo tu•st ou-toill work. Au dress A. G. Guiles ItS Loeti,t street, Cu Pa. EVETZYII , •DY that I.i i y Cl.,thing, Hat,. Cap , Boigs, Gent,' FtlitliNl)lnt. C 10 4 ,111, pOl, more i».n the worth at ha money :tt Bat•hen.tt•imt,i or hott er k n as the hip s 5, nu Front ~tt...et, near Leent•t. CONSTANTLY 31'311:Mg 11l Skye Iner'S 1 tine tot bi-:111(1111 1 llohilas goods. An el eglint stock now in and a grand arrival wits be looked lor next week. Go 1,. for your Christina.: girb., cot: caul be SUIWAI there 111/0111, gmlig It WU% It. ri :11114/111, 5111.24.1 rs. Mr. Shreiner warrants p FrtEDEF/j 1:1 , •11Elt 1111 , 1111- 1 I/0 , 1 brown COIYI. e 1 A, a very low pr;ce,of his own rat i t .„_, .„,, clay. Al mone's celelomed ..since Nleat, ti e est Iu the tom! e . prime Cr:miter:it s, Prunes, Cit ron..., D. Loan's Tonic and Alter:ince Jut tors. 1)r. Collin , ' Indion remedies:m(l the ri•nownwl Red Horse Powder., for -terse and poultry. Meuse try its pure butchering , Pepper 81111 other spices. FOR. THE IrloLin.tys.—Willitun G. Pat ton, having. an over stork of Mess Gotals, will oiler until the first o,f.Januare, the en tire assortment at Erectly reduced prices. 'l'lllll4llo teaard to cost, it) order to clos them out, beton , taking an neeo , tntofsticek. This is a tare chance tor-buraaina—lee has also on hand a peat variety of eel ter artods, suitable for Ilolicay presents at prices to suit all customers, from a first-cluss Sewing Nachine, dots at to a tea cent lave volt-tr. Remember Ow place in at No. 160 Locust street, Columba'. A GRAND St:CcEes.-• The Fur trade at Fonder sm,th's store, has been a grand site teas, his sales this season being double that of any previous one. He unbolt bee:- a third opening this ixtit-k, to tite Ilot day - . consisting of Russion :able, Iludson Bay Sable, Mink !Sable, ito.i.,•;il Et mine, Sibert. au Squirt el, Lt.c. Lewes in seareh of the above goods, will find it to their lidviinitige to make their puretta , ets at Fonclerstnith's; as his stock is all Irebll alit' lieu, unit as 101' quality and finish be defies competitioth lie is selling a good set Furs ion $3, Gel,- hunk . Siberian Squirrel ;:6 to $B, just halt the price they were sold at lust season. Remember it you want new Furs go to Fundersinith's. PROF. J. MILLER CowAN, agent for Fow ler 6: Wells, and one 01 the most powerful mesmerizers of the day, a ill continence a course of lectures in our borough, in O 1 Fellows' Hall, commencing . Friday even ing. Dee. 9th. First night free. His experiments iu mesmerism creme the greatest excitement awl a inos.onont. In his lectures on Psychol , gy, he will ex - plain the mysteries 01 the soul. tie trill also give lectures up-11 Phrenology, Wo man's Rights and Woman's Wrongs, Love. Courtship and ithirrtage. The intelleetu.rt and the fun-loving will both be enterlat fief I. Season tickets I r.tn4feroole, will he sold for only 35 Cents; SO.:. le 20; Children 10. EIstLARGENEN'reaNTLUPLATED —Our in creasing Luton( t.;s, and the press upon our columns by advertisers will shortly ne is, skate eu eniargement of the ordet that we may devote a more liberal space to reading matter. With ibis in view, we are stipulating for a larger press, as well as a large sleek of new jobbing material. We have alsO in view the pNtjr,t of a dai ly paper, to be de% (nod ,speelaily to twin lererls 01 American Prot, rtiuu. Negntia• Lions and arrangements are nOW Willi a yleW 10 such an eliterprrw.anii 11 aucces•ful, we hole ~O 11 [onto', c. ti e capi tal C Itlinlisa the great manufacturing centre, for winch, as will be seen in another ouluuut, we believe the town is destined. We appeal to our ttietals iu tow)) 11)1(1 il , lllll/ II) IVII(1 sl heipillg 1/1.p.3 Iu 1111:It,aa illy; our en g-inattrm al the tonne nine to rot re,Totto w 111. u. .utl at uU .1, , ati I•W.11 Items .1i /111 . 3%,t. 11 ' Juor.criLWl - trj, to but atwitter tar U. LANDLORD'S NOTICE , i TO QUIT printed and or side at this care. Also all law blanks at shortest notice. SUOnTING M ATCII.—A. shooting match for a tat hog, weighing, 500 1114., will he held at Silver Springs Hotel on Monday, Dec. 2011. Sportsmen should attend. BooLE's flour is justly gaining a wide reputation, and his brand is among the very be , st in the market,. is. , :early every handy in town uses it, and there still is EOM NEW STATION.—MP Pennsylvania rait maid is build inz . a n"w station itt Wrights ville, It Will be one story high, and built of brick, and suitably :Ind conveniently ar rtaged. The style of architecture is Saws as the \Vat it.. Station at M.rietta. BARN liutasED.—•The barn belonging to the Ym County Poor house was destroy ed by Ili•e Monday bout four o'rlork. We learn that the contents, in rlu the live stork, were 5L o burned. We have not heard the particulars. The )lent or the tire Was cli,unetly seen at Co TiA DinECT FROM. CLISNA.—On Saturday nfternoon, n train a ineteen ears freighted n•ith tea, passed through thi4 plaee for the east over the Pennsylvania Central. The tea wits imported direct front Chins, brought to Sun Praneiseo by the Patath; "Nail] stVamerN, and rain fheuee Irausport ed hy rail. This. ‘N as the first load that has route direct. LEFT SUDDENLY.—Brother Hoffer of the Mount Joy licra/d, ha, been away on a tour for ttte past rele Weeks. lli, last letter , o It Lt paper in written from his ,anet um at ,onto, in whieb he -We len Omaha rather 41111111)11y with,,nt ..vim ,eeing Our Irwin] Jacob H. Gisn.•' Our Jabe, in reading this, wants to know it Gi.n ts'nt the landlord o an Omaha hotel and ii leaving abrtv,.t.ly i, no: quite natur.il or erinots Immtov. , MENT.— We observe John B. Bachman has: erected It very complete 11111111Ing two stnrics high and nearly 0110 rt.sq blng tot his wharf, for the -lortee or seasoned It/tube'. Each t.t.ory will contain about one htllllirCd Ihonsmnl teet. The ti rst story will Ite oreeploll Inv Ihe storage of box lumber anti the !nano- dmture rd lobar , n boxes. The s e eond sto ry, which communicates with the second story of his mill, will be used for the stor age of planks for the sash and door tnotnu r•cotory 01 Bachman Deana: The in creasing patronage of hi , planing mill d minded mind required the extension. It is a :;real addition to los large manufacturing establishment. Tit printed addresses which a ppea r upon :he margin of every issue of our paper, 4hu•d a good opportunity to delinquents to Ascertain how their subscription account stands with the °Hire. For instance. it the address reads : " 301. n Jones, llnovG8," it means that the said John Jones owes on his pa per for two years,up to Novell] her 11,1.870 We hOpe,tht..renlr(s, that these gentle margi nal reminders will serve to secure the pay meat of blaekstanding subscriptions, and, furthermore,that the n mittances will be promptly made. We will receive $2 pen annuln on all bark subscriptions that may be paid between this date and the Ist of January, 1871. Those who desitr to s .ve 50 rents a year, will find it to their own interest promptly to avail themselves of ipi4 offer. ElisTonhcAL.---Litis as NMI bg a corres• pendent.—The correspondent of the Harris burg Stine Journal gives the following - in teresting history of iz : Litiz is situated in Warwick township— Nettled, as the name implies, by the Eng- Zinzindorf preached hore about 17.45. anti )11Vt3 I toil a few Mennonites to the Moravian ;11111. Emigration of Moravian , from Ger many rapidly swelled theve numbers, until ISiit; the entire community hod become Moravian. Following the plan adopted at Bethl-hein and Nazareth, the people were organized into a separate and exclusive e mum nity, e n 'rely under the government the church. Th.- property, comprising IMO acres, and Mel Winn!: L.ltiZ springs, he .onged the ehurch, and was leased on at mind lent. It alter buildings had been erected, a mew her behaved so as to ne ex pefled from the church, the moneyed msti t ut ion id tile church, called in German Dca nen, and d over by a windy!). ap ponns one ;11,pi :di-cr. the party expelled o sec mil, and theseatturd, ise •va rd li Md aild at iv toll tile took it , •t rot Ile pre% lOUS owner %v.:, compelled to leave the etillllllllnity. Thus unworthy Omni , lets a ere kept out or the community ior ova tly lunyears. This a: r.tugeineut hat hail to yidd to the -torn of the times. however, and the lease system wii, abandoned in 1534, on , the propel ty throem into the market. Though the' e is no other church yet in town, there are many citizens of other re ligiuus persuosion. now Incorporated into the community. The Reialtng nail Colu tit Ma railroad, cot:wit-qv.' in iStn, attracted at tention to this town. anti caused a large growth. Many of the new-owner,, how ever, attracted by the honest simplicity of these good people, Joined the Moravian church, so that it tetains its present sti pre mavy. The present School Board, for hi st:awe, are all Mon:tans, thought elected without preconcerted arrangetnet:t or Lle- CM 8 =! The present heuta 1110 church was bunt .thotit 1730, and renifideled iu 1557, IUI year , 1 . 701k1 ilSiotllltintloti. It does credit to the •ongregatiuu that noa• worship in it. It. sacred walls lun•e re-echoed the do queued Cei , berger, Bishop Hale, Bishop lientale, Wane, Sweirdiz, and Kluge, all di-tincuishe•d men in the church, as but; e"sive generations sprung up, grew old, and passed it‘‘ ay. One might, linger long in it, and the adjoining buildings and grounds w t i interest and profit. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS One of the avowed objects in establishing these exttlix-ive religious cournunities was ta provide first-class schools, it) quiet plac es, under religions influences. Hence, ono ~t tree first steps taken was the commence ment of a , lolermes and seminaries. The present church seminary was established in 17i4, and is still flourishing. Rev. E. A. Frueaotr the The elder Beek established an academy, :nal, though near ly So years old, and a teacher 30 years, still assists his son, Ahr,lrein Beek, with his se lect boy,' academy. The Snimysitle col lege, a temale Institution, flourishes under Rev. J. T. Rockier. Rickert and Hepp have charge ol• Beck's original academy. Liliz has been noted for the excellence of her of I circling for more than half a century, and bids lair to retain her pre eminence in this particular. Among the patrons of these hi...lllations are Many well-known citiZeil, of other States. We have ohly sp tee to iitlude to J. E. Suite-r, of i2 ; .111,,r0i,,, rho has titer grand children here, and Spends inert 01 the summer here himself. Gen. Surer, a foreigner by birth, wa, a resident of California when it canto into poses+r.•n 01 the United Slates. He is sit d to be the ti t an who lina thseovered gold in ..S4S, While dhiging ami 1 rave. lie tried to keep it concealed until los mill race was completed, hut it was impossible, and his hands ahandoned It for lbt• more promising search for gold. The general was the owner of large tracts at land, on whirl' thousands 01 cattle were herded. When the nalux el Miners over touted ezt ',Hag inst u lions. and instil vied a peripd ol• Is wen became o•t•althy at Iddcliering the general's cattle without 11,.k tog or eve.. for thew. The getit.s.d co witi.aided iu Cal 'urn la t.1.11±.1 : 7 Ui War. WAsTim at this office immediately, tut) active men, to whom a very liberal salary will be paid in an easy and desirable busi- CM WILL POST BILLS—J. J. Krodel, and will faithfully attend to distributing circu lar., dodgers, cards ite. Orders left at the SPY office will receive prompt attention. PROF. SCIDIIED'S Dancing School every Saturday afternoon from 2 toy P. 1.4., for IN I ktses, nod Ma-tter4. In the evening . frost. 7 to 10 P. M., for Ladies and Gentle 11l Pll. Terms, 12 Lessons for ; $5. Come one, come all. J sit BILLiNas will lecture on Monday even inz at Lancaster. llis subject is "Milk." The .idinission is only 50 rents. Everybody has heard of Josh, and we hope to ;see Columbia well represented in the audience on M.Pnitay vVvi r j MATTumi.—The sent.ibie pimple in Nrci. York or, inovin4 in tlu• matter of increa,eil so laries for school teacher 4. This ight. Our teachers are not, half paid, when we consider the yrars or pr•eparattion required. Teachers' institutes in some sec tions of the state are growing into disfavor, because not properly managed. They ca n certainly be made a most influential agent kir educating our teaiebers, and generally are.—Oar schools are in prosperous co, di lion, and maintain a high relative standard among the schools of tho county. So says the Superintetolent.—Our private schools are very suave„fulls• maim ed.with a cred itable average attendance and advance ment. C'orattly items. The Fir:4 11 , • 101'111e , 1 C;itireli Lancaster hold a lair during the Child. Week of Jitmary. The Police Repot t of Lancaster city fo ;:lotalny has too following: Petertnan, the redoubtable, CharlPv. wns bi•Pirt" the (Alderman Fished this In , irninu . ,. on complaint of 111 , 1 w, te. ,vho ,diarged htw with having been drunk and dta•,rderly on Saturday ; and tutther, that be had L,• en—as he alway, is when Intoxi ea:ad—exceedingly ahua•ve to her. IL , yen thirty days in which to become sober. and to ponder over the weakness of toe Ilech generally. The halal editor of the Lancaster Express call, our Lane:l , 4er correspondent a •• poor devil:' We o.lnnot vouch for any resem blance between hi, Satauu• mAjesty and the (1101eaaiidcorrespondent (probably the local editor is better acquainted with the per,on habils of .he devil than we are,) but as to the poverty of our correspondent —well a (101 do for the •• pot to call the kettle block :" Franklin ,c; Marshal Collego put upa now 1 , 01 intlietower of rhea adle o building on TnurNclay. There was a gal t -day ittnong tho students The L.ineoster daily papers are afflieted with the •Geyelin' wheel and it t hey indict 118 much upon their weekly readers,as upon their daily, we pity them. The last pliase of the question lair Let her the old or new, is or is not, pumping air. What a weighty question tbr the philosophers and savants or 1 ho,e journals. Christian Kauffman or Petersburg was thrown out of his market wagon near Lan caster, by his horse taking rrigut and run ning away. No serious injury done. The Lancaster Intelligc ,, ccr says that J. De Cordova lectured on " Toting Ameri ca" MI Tuesday evening, instead of "Courtship and Marriage," and then adds : Apropo.i of Young America a better il !m.o.:nom of him than was given in Mr. Do Ciirdova's lecture, was published in the Philadelpttia papeta a tew days ago.— Among rho arrivals :it the Alerchants' Ho t, 1 appears tie 11)1lowing entry Itt the regis ter: " L. C Eby and Jul/ter. Laacaster Theres' Young, America, in short. General Joshua T. Oii:ens, lectured in the Court House on Thursday evening, cm temperance. Lear. Bauvrrmi,—The Knights of Py thias, Evergreen Lodge No. Si, of Colum bia, went to Lancaster on Tuesday even ino, to meet the Grand Lodge officers. Don't fail to examine J. A. Meyers' pure spice, and baking materials, p trucatarl) his Superb Baking Soda. John 11. Quail, a brakeman on the Penn sylvania Railroad, n,aidtrig at the corner of Fourth mill Cherry streets, bad hi, head pretty badly hurt between the ends of hoards on a lumber car, on Saturday hint. Sltghl internal injuries were received. flo is, however doing well, amt will soon be able to go to work tu,ain. The Retorined congregation at Millers Rev. A. B Sheila le, Pastor, intend 11111111111 g a new church edifice. A. Cum suttee wt it ristt C.:0.11110.ln as iunpeel our viten:hes burr; tutu be thereby butter en oblett to agree upon a plan 01 constructam. Pre,ents for Mittel:, presents for gent a. anal prenenta for en I idremusetul and limey, tat .f. A. Meyer, Drug store: Scheßieetzor offer"; her Lvust street property ior suit,UZl Saturday nest at the Fr.Ankliu House. Another OA Ili 11l bill welch:int, has beau to vial:tut:ltalia, and heagut a l.u•ge stuck of clasp good, This Date it is Max Bucher, who Lot, un hand wetter Batt than ever,sa It, Die beat uualun ut lun,liaarter or hall bOX,:, 411,3 wtlec, nesn rua.,ed every day, at, toe luwe,4 caNa price.. Go and aee Books, saucy and plain, high Linn low priced, at J. A. Meyers' Drug store. The secuhil uuwOar at lne "Holiday appeared on 11.1e6dar. It is copy ! J..t. Mayors has an attractive array oh i.e., utile and well se.eeLed Honday atocl: relketS the highest Wale 111 01/1 11,11MILatt le -LOW IISIIIII.II. rpe Ceinetvry Coilipaily is whito-‘vaAi iiig eeititA.:ry Itene,„ 11,v, 3ou aevu tuu —ltuilspeli.,al)lo.," at J. A. Me Di storu? '1 LW luUeuh, 01. the eta 1111lbtit tailme Ivlll hold tuuclu,lug LlXerei,us ut the LllO S'CLIMJI IJUtidlua. Tuu exer cises w ill Cot be strictly pu Who. The It. Co. will retain control oh the pier, lately occupied by Amu. 6. E,g., deceased. The Lugest stock of 4:twice goods is to Le iou lid at Meyers' Drug store. W. F. Lorkard, was in town on Miaiday. Meyers has soul° matzniticent, Holiday presents—any of which will suit. us. Coal is cheap—hty ni your winter sup- Do not buy any Holiday goods before going to J. A. Meyers' Drug store, Odd Fellows Hall. Get your job printing dons at the SPY of fice. We give full coma, large and taste !al display and charge nit tn prices— Mien p us the cheapest. Jack Jordan is en expert at crying sales, and should be patronized. The toy stores are putting their best faces forward—mostly waxen ones. CuSiness is quite active. and promises to continue so fur some time. Now is the season to advertise. A general war on Turkey will soon take place. Why don't people keep their dogs in their y : irds at night The Columbia Rolling Mill is making 35 tons of rails a they. The Susquehanna em ploys 110 men. The Gas Company have made some im provements at then* works. %Vail Fry has the cheapest cigars, as well as the finest fla cored. Me-rss. 13rimer & Clair have opened a real estate agency. Read their advertise ment elsewhere. The Columbia boys will celebrate New Year in the Odd Fellows' Hall, on Friday evening, Dee.34.lth, with music mad mazes. It will cost only Two new souses on Locust street, above Filth, show that we are still moving. The Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine ageoey, Mr. Lauer, Agent, is at No. 2.51 L sit eel. S rtiltzoscoct s and Vie a at May dt. Er win's. PKasosAL.—llov. B. J. D t4l A., t",,r inerly leetor nt St. I'Jul'4 Ernsvopal Church, has gone to N'Whitestone, Long Is land. CONCERT. —KofT,r's celebrated Orchestra, in connection with the iEolian elnintette of this place, will entertain the citizens at' Strasburg in Mas , ,nit 11 , 01, this evening. OrFICES RENT.—l)irle,•S ie the first and second stories. 111 that, splendid htssi 111.SS Stand Sit Wiled ‘,ll the eon , er o r Lnt•n=t aria st...ond streets, Col umbra, Ya. , if' ftp pl e I On soon. 1 . 1 ,, he , .. , 11)n htittioiliattel v. Apply at Irmetersittith's store. Rut,iurous.—'l'hesiterenielii of tho Lord's Slipper will be oelvbrat• d to-morrow in the Lutheran Church. Second St. Servier. , 4 morning anti even in:; in the Episcopal church. Services have been held every evening during the past week . ill Cit.+ l'resbyterian church, with :rum . / results. The) va I MIS Sabbath hPit• , •il: are well at - - tenclea, nod the•re es at preent a deeper re lit:foam seutiment prey:alio:4 a 10 rg'l) portion prom. peoplo than at any tittle within past few years. TILIDD EL'S STNVESS . ESTAM—ift tho Coll a of Common Pleas on . Thursday morning, Mr. Landis, on behalf of the Commissioners, presented a petition pray ing for a citation against he executors of Don. Thaddeus Stevens, deceased, namely, A. E. Roberts, 0 J. Dickey and Edw. MePnerson, to tile an inventory on said es tate on or boloto December 24, or show eause :vby the sa u te should not be done.— Catation an•arded. -Messrs. E. C. Reed and S. 11. Price appear:d on behalf of 14:mons ter city, and joined in the application. UNCLAIMED LETTER:S.—List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Coln mbia Pot , t-onice, up to this date. Persons call ing for those letters will please mention that they are advertised in the SPY; Genis. List.—W in. D. Yount % TV tn. 11 7 01 f. L. B. Womior. Jll.. Frier. Geo. S. SWIle., Shields (; Jos Shortzer. John Swat ler. IL .Nlc.Fildor, C. Mwsey, Thos. Mere dello, Chrlstittn S. Mi 1,501% M. Kellinger. M. Dorsey, Frank A. Borrough, Jacob Bouhlor, A. K. Armstrong, Chas. Ander son. L , td los Lia.—Charlotto IPizes, Minnie L. 110,,, Etnnta Lawry, Susan Lu 11..., Eliza hHuy, 3,fary Hill, Kato Guilin, Hut Cornell, !Cite Bolland, Jane Jiner, Al lice Baker. A SuCcEss.—The Sur day School exhibi (ion which was held on Tuesday evening last at the German Lutheran Church, on Walnut street, pro - zed a decided success.— The lecture ro.nn was crowed to its almost capacity, even the aisles were ocenpied with spectators. The performances by the scholars were very ratiCying, and gave general satisfaction. The opening' ttrldresse's in English and German by If isles Rate Bauer, Mttry Abendschein, Flora Herrman and Master Charles Weimer were well refl. given. "Aunt Jane," taken by Miss Liz tie Lebegern AV:IS a master piece ; the "Philosophy of Smoking," by Miss Kate Kerner and Jacob tenhotrer Arched great praise. and the "Sailor Buy's Bible," by Henry Westerman had a gout The Angel scene by I viva small girls, all dressed in pure white, was grand beyond description; and the "Guard on the R.in",'' w i t h Mi ss Be r tha noehow as Mother Ger mania, appearing to the guard, was strik ingly beautiful and !Kid the audience in trance of deliglh. All who tw this grand tableau expressed the desire to sec it again. The singing by the ''Titonia Quin tette," was vary tine, :Ind listened to With tho greatest rt.-U.lloOn. PIS general request. this very popular exhibition will IT re peated at. the Old Fellows' Hall, nir the benefit of the Sehoot, on next Moud- , 3" eve ning. December Ic9ltt. Tickets, 23 cents ; ebildren halt price. Doors open at G!-, onises gill coin menee ut 7 o'clock. Wre earnestly recommend this entertain ment to the pntronng,e of our people, and trust that the flail will be crowded. rrcirtratAlia dispatches from Scranton. LllZOille county, give the details of the great strike among the miner,,anil the con si fluent lossofh her to upwards of 30,110 a men. The cause of this suspension may he briefly stated thus : For a month past there has been a depressed and dull Mar ket for all varieties of coal in "New York. the great depot for the :tieranton region, caused in part by the mild weather and the cote.equent small use of fuel and by the r production. It is more profit.ible now for the great corporations of Lnierne .teunte to allow their coal undisturbrd in the mine: than send it to markets. The prodnmiiin has largely exceeded the coo .nmplion, and in accripla ace with the na tural laws of Supply and demand there must lie a hill in prices. This the mining companies of the Scranton region refuse to suLinit to, and rather than sell at current rates they have precipitated the suspen shm. In regard to this strike, the ll•,rrisbnr¢ State Journal says: '• The motive for the reduction of wages to be found in the filet, that the yards of the cotnpany were well stocked, and that they designed to pro duce a strike so as to advance the price 01 coal. This was a conspiracy against the public as well .1:1 ainst their own work men, and, if true,is is rascally and cruel, n attempt to speculate upon human necessi ties and sufferings, as we have ever heard of, S rikes are shout the worst remedies for the numerous hardships to whieh work ingtnen are eften hrought, and are rarely, if ever, justitiable. In this ease the provo eation was great, and the men, doubtless, saw no other solution or the d Mien ty," CFINSUS or COLITg TIT —Tn 1S:10, t ht. C0n ,t1,4 w.q 114 ken by William I.llppey, la nt Nlaa.lial, from which We Luke the fo!- I,,wi extrart Whole number of :gala; 2147 Whole number of females 2173 Whole number of Colored Whole number of per , ons ovc , r who eau neither re:141110r write 7,11 7 , Whole number oh hoa , es 711 Whole 111.1111ber of hyalite,: 71:1 Whole number of deaths In one year 111 Whet° number of seholars in I,chool Itl IS6O, CPrISII'. W3S Ink.oll 1)1' SNnlnt.l E. Maxtor'. Assi , tant garNilo!, as : Whole humhor or M, le: 2151 Whole suleiber of Pontales Whole nu nibor of L'olorefl Whole number or per-on; over 2I WhO ean nett her reall nor scrim Whole number of lum , e ,, Whole number of ram 11104 Whole number of depths in one veer Whole number of , :eholur, in .ehool In the otlivial statement of the nopulat'on of Luneacter Nanny given below, it will 110 seen that Colmnhia has an aggre%ato 0,101 souls The as4istant trshals ,•hrm that the stmement ii. ineorreet, and II:1i it is on low by ;Mont 200 At any rate W. have gained 8511 in the ten vent's, which It correct enumeration of our now would dnubtlessswell to 1.000 or one !lull of the entire gain in the enunt v. II speak-. well r.,r CMutn&a.aq eotunao.d wit , t (OW tvq. HOW soon shall WO ha Ve a city chat ter? ornerAr. sTATA M ENT: Ist.. - dh, DI h Wards, La TlMSter - , 710 2.1, Gth 41.::0 3 " " .1. Ti Il 1 - 'F 401,. , " .SI h. 61:.•2 Total population of city r.ancristrr and East tAinpeter tt,p, '5 Wi.,t r.anipoterlxvp %Tao I' , nal ise I WI) •• NI St raWstAtra (0W11 , 11140 ITI , I nor._ 0 , i - ,. -inli,liiir and I.4invoiin tv.-ps 5,a; 13 irt itn.l `inilidairV I WIIS :.11N 1•}I yr, ant l'alarian twp. Dratinire I sep. I iini Lit tie Briiiiln nail li'ulton I wa. 107:1 Nlartie t Wp 1, 4 .9 Prosilleace ta - p 1,90 n Pea aoa twp 1:2NO Cone,taan chip 0151 Manor twp nail Wit,langtail Liar 33,113 Vest Heunntleld two ,t and :td Wards of Columbia d Ward Total population nhunl7ia.. ....... 11 . . 7-0,141 Marietta bor ,and Ea at Donegal twn 1431. lnuoy and 1.11.. qt Donegal t wo. Mt. .Do: two,Ellzao'rn anil Mt. Joy bar 1.791 .. _ . M anheho bor. and limpho LW:, 1 ; 572 Warwick anti Penn twp. 1,131 Elizabeth twp 11,31 East Item twp .001 iitanhelat Iwp 0 1,03 tipper Leaenek. twp 1,961 NVe.t Earl Vtip. 1,.1.3 Ephrata twp .700 Clay twp 1.113 West Covalico twp •P 110 East Cocaltco and .I...l,tristown bar 0 123 111 ,, e1:noek twp. Earl twp and New Llollt‘nd bor Eabt Earl and Carnarvon Total T population of lAttiodslor 0.-iunt} • in 186/ including the city, was 11.6,31-1, or a gain of 5112 in the. decade. I.lr.ts 7."c0p1v., Sap• MEs,ns. EntTon.; :—The recent improve 'lnuit which was made in Gotsler Green—a nea• p,VPlllent on Ziliinor street run nor coca to Fourth h.treLt—gives great sati,fac tion to the reAtient.s of our part ono, ton•n. flat why was the pavement not extended from Manor on Fourth to Mill , treet ? In our petition tl.is exteit-ton was asked for and grouted by ttic eon nett. What ncilnt- Hioll'i tite lArdilloS.4 it in not hay ing eomplete.l what was nU well begun. Tout eorrespontleia hopes it trill he um iwves.ary 11.1,r to the I ru tlint eouncil ,wder pavetury Fourth to be put lOW II at, 0110,% Night after night our town is disturLed by young boys prowling :Mont, swearmg, smoking, chewing tobacco, spitting on stoops, opening g.les, h - soiliing ezii :Cr. We think if one Borough otii , crs :would appoint sonic one a spcOmi police fur one month, ttie youm4 0,111111 aho are on the way for the could he coopeil laarr,nJ hoc: to behave theniselvis. Why not our constable arrest the tramps :: - Lo travel from hat:.e to house begging ancl stooling. ap pears to me, the Lie; antinn:zos cons:al:lns to arrest all such persons, but one hot eel (tom henr of hint ful it 1 1 hip; his, othoe. Editor ,S'py rea•lor of tfto D t ly Evening E:cpress for many it : u •.<. apart; from its recent free trade noose!' ,c, I bar', regarded it as on LlAtere.:4l,ll:4 jour :;a , both for local and ot'.er news. I have al waysrega riled that;paper, which contains tt ie largest amount. of WS. :15 haring 11:0 greatest ititemit for its retpler-t. Bat bloc, the project 01 the iot:oat:at tou or the Geya- I n wheel at the city water wo:•Its some twelve mouths ago, the colamtri or the Daily Express hare b,!en tti.eittled with mutter so intennety local; I might say,so in relation to the mere • Geyelein wheel, that the daily eadcr-. r.l the many articles mid colutnms of stuff, to relation to the aforesaid witeel, are Ito doubt reminded of an oh] story of an old woman, who bought for her table and boarders no other meat thou • • liver," which she served every meal. Otto day her boarder, John, not eating his usual gluttony of liver, gave the olil woinao some compunction In the ina too-, a n d she very innocently inquired of John, whether he lilted liver? "Madam," JO , in eitolatated, "I can go it sigiy or sus - tatty tai n—, but I'll be blowed if I nit, it for :ill Litnv.- S , ) with the r,-.llerB cif tl:• hate boen `get u::'' this Geyelin leer Clines seventy awl must: \I entla:u tt to all eternity? We don't, care whether the pump is a good or a btd one, wheth,r thorn wit; Or was not a wed4r in th" vvro•th"r th ealtor ot the pre , s is 0101 e entitled to persowd v..raulEy than the editor of iii fa telligen2er, for here i, a ; or whether tioyelin or Noah made the wh , ol, but it would seem that thew la;erary gvolleinan bad an alleetion of the mold tki t p uhy hail b-en reowntneuded a , an anti dote. Let us have tie.. so. tI. Editor ,Spii:—Deceni her ninde her ap peara nee last wook, cla I in a bealtifitil white mantle, in triiiroot aro! tV that old MaZilltie..ollL !Ong tlilWll hy the none of "..laolz 10r0 , t." however, "Old sit" striae I ok or.-t it, we the ea,t ern horizon, t. hen 11,0 new morning i.itv.t" Puled to lie kh•Live as it tn•td. NO 111111er ; and tee eon !...wareely l'l`.lilZo that we ire on the eve or Co i,tauts. r:111.0111...,1 tale ;4 0in:.; up in all parts or the eity, Ull,l from the new hottios, h t.ly 11,r o.lettponey by the [list ottgllt to expect a red tt-li :a i t r I at teat "Ulla, is a con-min:ll its t.t tl,n title be wished." T11(.11' iSil prc,,, , , , et that the ~,.n•daint of a swarvity (I %valor hplS 11 , 071 hi' last tun, ; nc I tuttio:st.i-, I Ito a City Fathers, that the ••( . 4..y.•1, punip - is at last been ...A.arted and ms w0r.:111.4 tnin 2:- Iy—tin-owing up w.tterut thB r :to o" .t lion gallon.; ever; 1..v.e while this surely unt-ra Iragr.:.tifyin.; to our citizen-4, generally, I ha; stood that it is g.til :111 , 1 WOl - 111-W t) smart thou of [lid who have all along been predictin4 t:tat time new pump world be a failure. "Their wt..h" in this ase (I think) "1 , , to tt , .. thouv:ht." it strange ilvV: ,fllllO pie pt!rNibr. fault with every thing planned or 11 o 1,0,mt110.1 to their owit, even tho.; ; _ta tt.. , y are laity aware of the fa:q ULU. CI 1, 2 11: :11i right; u., it ha., been with tl.o woo shine around the (1.11 , 0 e. [ have very little doubt. l_att tt they Tully believe, and have believe,l t.::111, that the (ieyehn whet I and phial) would work tveli:; hut than ii it it would pre-eau nu ugly contrast with the old works, awl the "youti4 and vigorous a !ministration" of Mayor AtIoJ woald be total eclipse or the ten year, of the a...f -nial:4lr ttion of \I ayor S 1ri)13 . 1. i•lh inigut be disostrous at the tteN.t city Inasmuch as tho quiet thial:iug !nen, who nre not, governed by bar-room politi cal brawlers, would be likely to stastani an adiniai>tnition wifich had gi yeti LIV.On :1 full amt constant supply of v..ater; and, who had pat the old worn-oat w ,, rk, into good condition at very tnavil les- , It / ,‘21,-, [lull the .T(2110:1 or a conii,,h nothill 4 or flu , innowrio aniill.ll rust ut t•fl000p.:. par , tr .11,3 1./.. - 111g 1n1V , 2 ,11- Irtet thus . ..ad:lg 1.tr..,e1y . to t; , • Llti Itl•tvail (tyre , WartiEtp,r, l:1 1 hlr erg without regard to Wa-• rite (Older the 101.111 Cr I pinpo:re, with 'oar pertni•-,lon, to give volt n litte otlee in 11 tVIIIIO 011 pa , Sing evehh:. Bat. OIL, i , ettongh :or Otte t a••, -.hot( letters are generally 1111)re to both eriit•n• and The le,tur(• •••.•.•..ott has ',wet) inatigltr:llll in thh, rather di-count:lint; en , It 11111,1:11/Ve.l. A. few nights •••131,••• ('. C 14,1 ar,••l 1111 101 1111 ,• 1 . 1 ., 111PZ 511101 . 1 . 1. 111 111 , 11 , 31,11 01.31110111 .tclr to 411 :11/ w 3 ll ont•-fl/111111 II Ii l 3 Fllll' , /1 /LW* 1.1,1 114,... .T. Clonhiva. (hoa r n.uueJ 1rm0 .1 . .."••w York, ,leliver.,l V.•(*t.' tire in the stole hail •at •• y,•ilag; ator,•• I, oa I,i. ,iumtter 11,11... to :111 :1111he , 11•1. :1 11 In. 1:11%.:1•1' 111,111 \1 111 1 1 , 11 1131,1 If Duel( In 11 1111•11. Why Our people 111 1101 t/11 ` iet1111%, , , ib t ,rJ• qtier to no, till! Wlly I ...VA' 11 etiltrird:la in 1:10 Wt.] ligeni•(•r a 11 4 W 41 • t )1,1) 4,1 I:44rk , ennuty 1 4.14.4 MAR' S, 141,414111.- ~144444141 1a• re4.1 4 1/114 , 41 ;..t0. , •1 44 4, k , 111.• lie, I:0,A. 1444111 Ih, lat•t th.tl oil Ow ~); 1) in I,er 1^,7, the (I,llt 44•1 1)444444 44•444 41 4 : 4.4,4t1a1y, V. 11, &1Hlt).1 till co. .Irl,l t 1 11144 y 11.4%, r 4.41444401 It 111 11/ yoar, I 4) ~ .1114,114 1 (011, all I /1:4V4, la . ..ay 1.. " 1.11:1.13' tur I.tet i., tlittt 1.11,• Ilit,111.2:1.11t•or watltoil to ~ ,V t•Iif111, 4 11. and, 110111•1V111:2; any irnth , to !rant!. t...t “ti, would tqty, •• tt Ott 1%0 Con -.took-Alt ,•." :fiat sO they Intl a Itt to. 1 , It ,10t ,a111g111:11' IS Aar .0 1110.•:, , f1,0 111..1*C1 i. beiWvlll I).:llltieratie. :111 , 1 li.eliUtrilOall 1,1.111.1ge1111.11,? 1.011111.1., td- Hnlng .I..rtne.isier, east and w. l'Jll illy tisse,sett propel ty at tit, rate ol milts on the dollar, for etninly purpo-t-Q. York county,r.•quires 7t null., to the dol.. hir, far the Siitticl tiltrpoSe. NVitilo Lancaster county ha-; managed to get along ou three m ills , iXcept the pi..s• uat owing to ex rata - .thaty 11l erecting ii new buspitßi wh at , It taut Up to five mills; it is llieitlttlitioliiit s eo • inie.hioriors alter tItIS year, to tel./lice the rate to the olit :cp . P. 1117 :!,5I I It will bold good .vtrywht•ie, that if Demourat.s are. ;II power, book for extrossits tax. s; wbilu if tile it,imblivans hate the Managt"Mmt. you wilt Ittnt tw uceututui.•al di-pusat nal a sosins.y. Our st luirs to Peonsylvania are .t completo inns tration of top, fact ; a, tom; Demo cratic party Lad cmitro: to t u g• ',lat.., Our tie M kept at forty -t WO ItifillOllN---tfUt .i 5 tun I‘eptll.ll.t: als get tile rein, "I gov.•rn utent 11110 their hand, , dean em,les I his debt at Ito- law 01 tale 1511111 ml 2.var. entitiot explum It, but it is slut. novs•nbu less. MEAD rte 1.1011 3,,71; OEM MEE Uossi.):lt I= MEE L.t.scA.rEic, Dec. 7clr, IS7O Ilond 1). nts Cio to B tchentletm,•r's and get a good. vlivap Over 'oat. FANcv PArEn Illoxics for Gloves. Lid k'fs, in 4e, qtLinicii.ins itc May & Er win's. If son want to boy a good and cheap Or. rcoaki (io to B. 1 ,. ..ent an's Einirjrl 4 CiOthi:ig (;,) to A. R. Holiv.vivlolll‘.l.' , 4 and look thr.oligh hi' stock, an I bo surpri-ed. N• En (.1' Nov Dit.k,o., fiver Optit% .11,1 W:t Reads works eoln Piety' at Al v Er wm's. y”,., will rind the I,srgi.st a....ortment ::nd I‘)v.t.-4 prict , s ut I, E1,3-ntait's. Euipiro Cl.,thiaLfs Hall. BILLIA nth, t alloy Cr,,q aet, Par tta• noopq, aud hundreds of other G.uu-s at Ma, tt, Er wlns. T. ot• tra::, and Cups, just re c,ty at. C,tit nncl' , CV the n,tonishing bat•tzains in 1:..1t1.%-.\!.1,!.., CY,':lung And Gt . llll . 1 121 . 111511 lug g 0.;,, Empire 01,411. N". -13 Vvclnt. t.ttk..ut, Iwtwevn :Lnkl NV:11.10:. Al.lg:k: e. 111,, a :Ili BOrtS ()I 12()Itazty pre , ... ent.!., at MUY era NC. You ean Ur , ttited in Boots anti Shots at 8,, ilougendobler's. He ha,jubt opened an tnun~l i t ,tuck niao.o to ortlvr. MaY & Er -1;:ok no:zt door to the Unit 0. Pe pl' bw. ing G00.f., for cash will bear ill :111:2:1 thr.t. tue el.10:11) Cali] ,tore ut • A. IL i, the place ,o get gOuti !Ur lOW lor I,: yOll t bt (1./Ultll4 at the 10‘ . ."- o , t iv, to Empire Cio'cii',l,;.; rapr...Es., To.-',ducats, Hymn Books, and . 1.?:;* ex- Books, in g eat variety at ..May iC IZ.. from 211 els lo thi• ver,y liout . l from ;i1.,:10 CALL tind the a , :tutti , hitig 'bargains in rk.r.i,ly-wiklo ..,4ott)1111.1 11111.1 t.tt El:me:nail's Ettl!)tru Cl"tultl4 h atl, No. riont. strorl,do ttrrn Wain LI:. tho 1)(!,t ar-o,ortment. of Photo. .11- Welting De,k. Po! tilion -0.1!,,, Wolk Boxes, go lo 2,lzty Ir OM A ;:trgc iot of ScLuol shoe:, made to or der, now reaoy at, A. it Siongen,:ul)lt.r . :s. Ei,enian':, goods aro all of his own tnannt.tctuce. Ilutheretoc has better gomit, and e.tu ,vlt theta at lower price,' than ;my other ,tore 111 Ihts a,ct:on. anal ;co 111111 43 Fr./zit nUeet. L'va Pendulum Board, tho most popular game 1,1 Amertea, ut May and Er r, next door to the Post Oillee. ( , :ur.Vr I.:A.ltt,..kiNs.-1). Hanauer, :it Nos. 1.1, aunt attect, hae a new arrival of ,aid thithlren's Rea ly-tibitle eta bleb tie oilers at very low prices. aioek is without oxa.,2.guration Clio litt eet to our people catch trot ito bet ter Ulan call Were belure else wnere. Woatever Mr. Hatiauer .s.,.tys eau be relied ou. A. R. llongendoblor wakes specialty in Li ,ots and Snoes. A visit to lus store will grope ," your iuteremt,you WIII be surprised at the iutut.usu stock Which Ito displays,all goods ne has inado to order will v.ari.tut thew as gootl as any in Col u b 00.1 at tee lowest prn:s•Q. A large assort rin•nt of itatq, Cap,, (.la. r h.,. I,•r,u>!,'' Notion awl • Urtninit ;IA ett W,ttnnt Sit et...ttUtqween yrc ti c Ch.tagr.l UrOSS. at May Le.: Er- EIDE 1. I!..ll.)ll,;vittlobler sells _oohs a little iliac Ulu eLuepC,t, givu latal ti t:n to th.t mhere they have the cheJiwst, nfol lar r te.t of - clothing, hat-, t• 41 ), ,,, 'loots and gents Inrwah I.llo‘l n :Is Or hu. rtvh. IJ -) not he huntbultgmtl be anoto,r n‘o on nont .“ reel, Inn a.it o' li.:.•!n.nhenn,r'-, or 1..u1e fur thu rtv:: toout..o n!. T.gr.......;Lard R. Ilougen 101,1;•1',. Ctf:k :nos and Frinc , , at ,7 1.7...0. Ili.• dolhus I or 1;•`; ~ml:,ooes non• ready for inspection L.ll. T.ccr. 01. - r teen Di:i lipTtox.—..l. rivet r f 7)1:• in the ,to:le buNine,s nn 12 . r.,:1t liov too; toilet to •e•curo trd() jtk tti^ 1 , ,u,11 1 ..61• tV.IV, 11,4 1)(1,t,i it lanze lice 1 1 ); ,leer in o No licit the; public still 110 11/le Olt' 1111,1% ,, itM that it is 11:p 11r1;:111:11 live V't here ate -.oh: K look out, ;1,1,1 cot 6 0 11111111 , 11.4t:1•41 li, the trick of it it, hnt II iclientleinier':,ebeiti),Dirc at North Front -treet, where there is I:1ir 0,31111:4 :i . .161 wily) given. -.1110;10, •r the pltee,tw. duel (rein Loctikt street. cuAwo:.—lt you earl at Ht . ttor 1)..i1,;:-tioro, or 13ucher's Liquor , t,ro, you can get, flee Of charge, .; botile of o:slwr 5;, , 1;0:511 ior the cure of tiet'ere h, ivy rough:3 ottletl on the hrea,t, ,051 , 51:1,pt:0n, croup, e z ,., or of th e A u u.tt, (Dvett•, gro:at cure Sur aO,l tt. (1100 t., or a re2ular i 0 cent ealu-r, lush t. %%slrrante.l to cure or won •‘.• ('. 11. D tit he, Marietta. I.,herWrightsvillo. Proprietor, L. M. Green, \Voodbur,y, novLl Tice Columbia Ileposit Raul& i'm ni-Ites ili.• s,Lt 00.m4 ...5.,_,.. loi I:. 111. t tIII,IIN lOr GlAti nlid lion4t , , tor pr-.. ,I.ty 3 o',.:".•!:. P. M. Coupon. P.,sl . I l'. , . 3-2 i 0 Jor.ti, 1N,.2.... 11/7.7. -.,) COIIIIOII. 1 irri 1.17 - ..2o co,ion, IStil, :May :iit,l Ni,'. ettilre.Y. lii7 :3 2 . .lCmilv , it, 1 ••1;.;, Jul:, :tisti .1.11..v...try 1‘1•1!:, ".,.,• 14. 'impon, Nii7......... .. 10:1,,,, :1- . 2)1 ..1)•IpItl, I , ', D WY 10-1!; 0,111 ,,, 11 Cll I It'lley. L. Alarrizzges. At Ilio Bro,hyteria l':ir,onmn., on Tue,,fily, B. B. Wnherow, S: maul Calf or to NI-, Lizsle :"1:4, Its, all ot Columbia. 'pratils On (I,e 7th after a snot t 1.11: pain l‘tl n(,,, J.teub Sidner Esq., in the :stli year ol his Bane my fat b Pr, alone fa relren 141111• 10 Wl/11.1'0 :1:1• Ith thrl,ll Though hrd, aloq, It In to part \Vol, you, the loved ono of all ben rt , iltt oun Wt.` 1:1111% lac her that wa, trot". VVO ty Once Mole :11111. 1 11, We ho;m.•to long to be v:ttn you. ti,•1111• ',III 11111 1 , .1.10 1 If 11. W A) rEitI.'IB.E.ILENTS. 1 - 7 C: 4 ,,E1:1()N wv s,,t tee IN an o,•tm ia , 1,4•1,1 Nino !)..tti.,•l,,u.“)f the 1 , 11,5 T II N. ztt theft 11,m,• {lOlll,Ol 11) A. :1., 1111.1 I tte-,i•t% 11,:b. 1,71. 04111,1..1, 1 , 1•... NUIICE! Vox -.011, v:1 , 1slog DI; ‘Fr., x 'ItEATI:IIIT VIN .I.NIIII:ELANI,, PASSAGE TICKETS lii liap,ll ',III', '1 , cw.l 0h.0.t.n Coa 1p it , olliir4 0-1,1 WILL AM LEW I-% ANOTIIER ARREVAL AZIST.A_ S 135 f:l7 S. FnuN r ST, Th. cdc • :.urr to invite .1.14 tln• iilllo.lll to exurn 121 u 4....dit1 v. rli .t.locta .1 u•Sot lint.nt 01 Ili) ND c:11.1 [AMENS .1 a)➢- I. f)E ELOTIIING: ”11 r , nt very Lo Pllll2l-:., S R L A D I E.-; I) :11 I SS ES, BOOTS &ST-TOES, 3.a is and. Caps! GI:NTS FL'IZNISIHN .04 ))S, aupt.4 II ik A U EIVS, N 0,7 , 135 X 37 ,N4.11:TII FICONT *TELET NE IV A D VERT'S YTS. REAL ESTAIE A N it AN (.3E OFFICE No. 237 Locust, Street, Colrzatbin The untlerstitne , l having entered into partner ship for the above busine-s will sell :or Rent lb•sl Estate awl Make Collections tor a reasona b'e Cornintssion. Mont; hut rellabln arta trust wc‘rthy FATE & INsUILINCE cumrANl Es: represented. Smit,tt.etirtst gutuantectl i,r ull Bu,lttet:s cu t: u,tt•d to their e.tro. 1311ENErt L CLAIM .. - 101,11111T 11EADQIAITERS C. P. SHREINER'S Y STORE, NO. 13 NORM FRONT ST. He offers this season an unsurpassed stuck ut GOLD S SILVER WATCHES GOLD. SILVER AND PLATED CHAINS Po:. Ladles and gs.p.Vdnueu. A splendid as :,(:rtnient of FLVE COLD JEWELRY, we are ,elleig at the I.OWEST CASiI oue Meet! leer 01 being :stututl, U we have without, doubt THE LARGEST SToc:N. Ever ofrored for the inspection_ or the People of o.'lllllllla. We Invite the A.TTEN- TioN Ll Our new alto un rv. alley 01 the FINEST SILVER PLATE WARE 'Which for beauty of deign and finish is UNE QUALLED,,IN TflE COLI:". 111,1". Our goods are purchased directly iron! the Manufact u re!, at meriden, Coon., and r..,• are able to 5e,1 tile Best tiQud:, at A Lueve? Ppice Than pa al for the ordinary Plated Goods. Ca and , -,ee for 3 Out set yes We offer a :toe lot in t-opertor ENGLISH & AMERICAN POCKET CUTLERY, 'Which we are determined to sell at the lowest pu,sll,lo rites—cull and get a FINE SET OF IVOILY 23_ Good. Carver itic Steel Or a wood POCKET KNIFE for Yourself or CLOCKS CLOCKS CLOCKS A new and splendid assortment of SETH TEMA'S CLOCKS, =9 ThE BEST MANUFACTURERS! Call and zee them and be convinced, that, here es the The Best Place for Time Everything usually kept in a arPt-classJetvel w :Rote, Can DC found al Ei tFA N S • Don't leave town to 9pine4 your money, but em eon re4e KqE ENTE'RPItt-:E, by culling :it the VINE JEWELRY SID I It E of C 11.1.:, P. SliftElN E.R, r Tie. 13 N. rrout. Street, 4Colttinbitt. MAY ERWIN'S The Centre of 'ttraction do Columbia: Call and examino our Stock of CIIROMOS. FRAMES. GAMES. WIZ IT LNG _DESKS X TCIIEL' The largest variety of PRES ENTS, for old and younL , , is found at Alay Erwin's CHEAP BOOK STORE, Ladies are in attendance, and every ar rangement calculated to induce Ladies to examine our 6toc!;„ of Presents, is being made. q4R - Remember the place, May Erwin's Book Store, 105 I,oelmt Street, Next Door to the _ Columbia, Pa. tni I \l c4 Tl? ITOIt'S NOTICE. / "X_ Letters of .kdatinistration tat the Estate of .1.;%14*.; GREEN", dee'd., having !well granted to the understgned. All persons 1:110N% Ing t hem ,elve inticbted to said E'd.tte. are tetate.ted to nutku tta •atthate payment ; and These haNlng claims will In esen 1 t lor••culrntcnt, to 001.1 , t1:1A, 11,e tlec3-61, ISSOL Ihe I):) , lne:)..liip of prz,sy, 1.1114 s Fc Co., 11:,) be,r) 111,.,11:Cli I,v MAI consent by the of II .'„ Eagle. cob, Nov. 1,1 , 70 .10IIN Q. DENNY', .1, O. 11. C. 1.: be continneil DENNY. 1)111vATE SALE. orieltat ivate .ale the fol lowing. de,erthed } uoport les: No. t . A. 't N O.SPOttY ItOtti‘tE, N°, 2.11 South Front Street, now °coupled he Samuel Entrican MI s". TintEE-Ti.at I:Rio: it :Iti inllllug No. 1, oveapioil by Z. isuppitio, Nu..:;, l, :mil ii, I , orlt Tlll{Ell.ssl'OßX Buildings, Nus. :hl7 :11.1d :,01.11.1/ FrUllt N0 , ..7 and Two TWO-STORY' much: Bond :20 Old .222 forty •-.L t•t•i. note occupied by Wlll SW:Um:lite 411111 Mr, tt. A TIIIII,E-s1'011.2" 1:1111:1( No. 5'27 Union St, now neeupted Ity Mr. Lewis. Per , on, theNtring to view the above pittpertie , eau I>u acooinnhodated by oniling up, :t Illy to,u pant, or tile rintier,ntnetl. pot, 01 cacti or all cw ho given on April 1,1, I'7l. . Term, re:1...0n:0,10 athl for further Information ca.: on A. MCI:NEN Exec:nor, of li,iat of _l_ Bruner, 'DON.ILI) S BUCHER IZEAL E,TATE ciit.r.EcTloN • .I.ar.scV, of Tiir.o. NV. lir.tsiz, I,•lnen.,ter. 111 City or nltlntly i d ex eliang,.l or rent , ,l. Ltiven •,11:n54 tteal E•tal , br nubile •:111`, without trouldt. 1,, (),,. ern. 1.• , , 111:01 "rtilliary 1t itt .ltd utz.•ro,t,ll.,lle , N,ltlllatifith, t ClainiS 1 I),lrance- ellvc•11..1 In Itio relvAble Life: .It.vitlcat.ll romp:wt.-, I'm% cr of tturlwy 1.0 culiect :11611Q." fr4.:11 Eu rope, a ritten. Tiolc4.t , to and front Europo 111 ai. ry er. . . • Al..:AqteY i , ll . t th, e SIM et 1 , 1.11111 Ily. , 11"11,illitioe N,, :::,, I,.eti,t Stiecq, ot I r A. lialth.man 0... COS., Dly 11,,,,k1. st ore, .1,, ',...11, - . 7.) :‘1 . 1)( , N.‘1.1 ., ,t: Ill'i'111:1t. 1 - 10LID_-1 - , bIRMAL Birthday pariah S Lava Ware. LAcceuErzED a< iNL . IFID, EPEE HD JAPANESE EMIIIISPEES. A Fre , h Thvoico Of Cheap 11,..stT,ratted HUST CLASS GOODS, LOWEST CASH PEACES. J }litcilcll Co Chinn Gine,s , Queeiv.ware. 70? 7J7 Citc,thut ,S:trta, Wu. 70? ME .A. 131.1 l-11 CBES MOE WORK BOXES, PORT .MONAIES, &e., &c. Next door to the Pos!-naive.) J. , -:•••1•Elt. RE EN, Adnum,trat or. -_\ NO China 'rett Sets 4e , 3-Is _YEIV ADVB'BTISEMENTS. CokEr -COALiI We now hove on hand a wood Stock CO_A.I4 which wo will sell at the LOWEST ICAERET EATES. and deliver the same directly into the Cellar by ?newts of our Patent And Dust v% aeon nail Chute, thereby saving the expense Of hand ling, and WASHING r , P PAVEMENTS. Give us a call before purchasing else .chore. Orders left at our Lumber °free, Reading t Columbia R. R. Wharf, will receive prompt, and eat end attention. ji J. KRODEL, Bill Poster and Carrier, NO. ISt S. FIFTH STREET, P. O. Box, 11l COLE:ABU, P.S. Persons entrusting hint with Bills to Post or Distribute will find the duty faithfully perfn.•ra ed. cleat(' FONDERSMITITS DRY GOOD STORE, No• L• 2; & 129 Locust Sire. t. ANOTHER ItEDTJCTIOS IN PRICES ! 10 PER CENT LOWER THAN LAST MONTH ! lIIS IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, Attraction of the Season CALL AND SEE 01:R STOE OF GOODS, C 113A`• And you will he be conduced of the truth of U. C. FONDERNMI MERCHANTS Will] find it to their Interest To CALL UPON JULIU:S Commission Merchant G ENERNL AGENT, NO. 41. FRONT STREET, In 1 eNallline his samples of W.IQUEEN'S RE, GLASSW.IRE, GROCERIES, TOBACCO, ..e., dc., <t•c Specialties in .11 - oliday Goods. as CHEAP as Philadelphia Prices. Ile fir the Large , t anil Tie,t 'Afannfacturing and Jobldwz frotr , c.: of Phil advlphia Now - York. Haying opened Sample Rooms at the above mentioned place, 'Merchants will find special Inducements to buy. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. 41 I•'i ;it Julius Flesch, (Iti , '•tf -OF THOMAS & MASON. Cott• mbll. Pg THE our aqsernow.: Lr; and 129 LOCUST STREET -.1 \ h-- LA _VP:, YOAPS, cOLUM.BIA, PA
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