TERNS OF THE GLOBE i'ar annum in advance viz months !brae months TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 time. 2di 3do I moo line inch, or less $75 $l. 25 $1 60 $1 76 i t Tr.,:infihott. : ... m ..,.. a -. 50 ,: - ..t pr...... 15,.. 4 ,.,3 ,25 .., Turtle 1ticheey..i...,,...,.. 2 1 ,25 f 3" 254.... 0 9....,E4 75 ~, " ;.• ~... ..,',i ~tt loathe>, Vontbs4 Vrear ~-Ax i lngt, lo oslA . .l/....ki 4 00..: ".. 00 - WO 00 ir...1....:..,,.:2. 6 25 , fi 9:00..,;;.: .. .. - t . 00 Three Inches 8 50 l -2 00 20 00 Four Inch.. 10 75 16 00 25 OD quarter column, 13 00 18 00 30 00 Ralrcolumn, '".V.O 00 .30 00 ...... ....45 00 One column - 30 00 45 00.... ...... 80 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, One year, 55 00 .-44thelystratoritinod-Executors',oiotices, 6 times. ,$2 50 ,;J itiltykitriflititicoe,74)iiinii.r ' -4 " - 200 'Estray, or othe'r ehort - Notrciet" , " -' ' - 4 ' v 1 60 Advertisements not marked mint the number of inser tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged Sc. mii 4 dlng - to %imp/tetras. , Lir. ' - = ''' -.. ' ' Local or Special Notices, 10' cents a lirvi for single in sertion. By the year at a reduced rate. Oar prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc. are reasonabli low. j, ;i' I TR: . ; 1-- - ; Vrofosiona[*--Nusincss garb-s. -..D8-,l3[J-11KVIART„ -Physi clan and SurgesOti,bas located injluntingdon, and tenders his services to this wad neighboring community Office on Railroad street, near the Wpm. fe243res . peirffitnenili ldeStod'ef. litntingden, offers laPbfeenfohnt aeivices.toMi commuuity. Office, tho canto as thht 'lately occupied by Dr. Luden on Hill street. 5p10,140 - .1?R: JOHN MeCULLOOH, offers , his professional•- • rofestional services to the citi:Lons of lieotingdon !el; , Office on ROI street, one door east of need's 'brut sa •• iv: • —••- " • 1 • , eing. 28.'40. R ALLISON MILLER, a:D N 7-71 S T *ea remove:lto tho Brick Row opposite the Court House. l~~jApil 13 . 1859. (fr•rit , t — - . ` J t j k - "Pdlt - PE" - 777 I.Nit, • DENTIST. 1 . 1 otriccv: removed to Lelstee• Niqr Building, Hill street. Iluntingdon:' ,:a , Ju1y341857:. : JA. POLLOCK, -S.Gr e R TEYOR &REAL .ESTATE AGENT, nusTisa DON, 'PA' • •et• ; Will attend to Sur t, vying In' all lii brincheiCand will buy and sell Real Estate in any part of,tite United states. Send for circular. dec29.tf Ang-%44 11 q , , it A- iyagefirid Retail Dtiapy 1112,1Nds of , N,44 at'AUI VODAMOv HONTINGDO,V, PA Opposite the Franklin Hausa, 16 theDleimc6l4.-'^' Cbuttlry trade supplied. apl7'CB 4r e r (All, !Writ , 11 SIMPSON & ARMITAGE, ':"ATTORNEY&AT LA'W, - IZTJN 't&'G YON, PENNA. 'OFFICE IN BRICE NOV °rpm= CollitT HOUSE' Jan. 27, IS6S-6m. 4AG,E - I.N I 4.0 R COLLMiTYNG - , --r CIL.AIXB/ BOOTY; ILOK: elir AND IiASION3. All who may have any claims against the Government for Bounty. Back Pay and Perisione t can have their claims promptly collected by applying either in poison or by let ter to csc , l 4 - c *c,"' W. R. WOODS, - ATTORNEY AT LAW. - HUNTINGDON. PA =I ang12,1863 UNTIL T. BROWN, ZONN !COIN, The name of this firm has been ehang 'l:l3 r dtr ibi 8-C P I N BROW, ; crtiv - BnoVif & itAre,l; . under which name they will hereafter conduct their practice as ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, P.A. PENSIONS, and all thane of soldiers and soldiore' heirs against the Government, will be promptly prosecuted. May 17, 1866-tf. Pl4oool.l4.CTjoiv o 17,1.r41' • • I; • • i !il ( ; „: • : ALLEN -Lovga.a., !- ' District 'ilitionney:Onlunting:don County, VE:I-7i l o l `r ij o N om Tl 'etr - tt r i: l iel . 6;y IL L M. Speer. jun. 1.1867 MU ) TQN S. LYTLE, ATTORNEY AT LA TV, ixugrmatoN, PA. Rill attend promptly to all kinds of legal business en Assisted to hi. care. Fahlitt 4 M 4l ""rullingnMMUlklal . . Special attention given to CONVEYANCING In all its branches, such as the preparation of Deeds: Mortgage., lanes, Bonds, Articles of Agreement, &c. All questions relating to LAND TITLES IA" PENNST‘LVANI.A:' carefully considered. Ile will also ascertain fur land owners whrtbc r their lands are patented and obtain ; . I P_A2 - 1'="1"S for thou+ who moy,deatre them. . JOB OFFICE. T"IiGLOBE JOB OFFICE" the most complete of any in tbii:cbuiatry; and pee. sesse• the most ample facilitiee for promptly executing in the but etyle, every variety of Job Printing, such es itik6lloittfig, • r i (1,7 BILL HEADS, POSTERS, BALL TICKETS, • CARDS;' c - • riß6diiiAnng,§,'" ) BLANKS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C „CALL AND eXAMINE sraccurris OP WORE, jAillitcle :TOOK. STATIOS' - SUN i,iIITISIC STORE. ‘1:113N BAR; W. B. 00001, W. 8.1.019. ,JAMES 712k171,3 ( .„; r , , 11.MION SPEZ; JOHN BARE & CO., Mg n_ k r i tJI ; , tiP,NTINPDQNi /, CAPITAL - - - $50,000. Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers and others. A liberal Interest allowed' on time Deposits.' All nide of Securities, bought and sold for the usual commission.— Collectionamade on all,points. Drafts , on all, pacts of 'Europe stipplied at the' usual rates." " Persons depositing Bold and Silver will receive the in same return with Interest. Too partner& are IndWitl• natty liable for ail Deposits. • Jr22,lB6Stf COUNTRY DEA.LERS can 1\ • . bay CLOTHING from me in iluntingdon at ' 4 WHOLEBALEaa cheap aa they can in the gee, as I have a wholesale store in Phpalielphla. ' • • j. ROMAN 3TONTILLY •T .T.ME BO KS, !: For solo of . . . 2,81178'1300K AND STATIONERY' STOFS 42 00 . 1 00 ,LEWIS;, HUGH_ LINDSAY, Publishers. VOL. XXIV. PROCLAMATION.---WI-lEREAS, by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 24d of January, A. D. 18611. ender the hands and seal of the lion. Ocorge Taylor, President of thei Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deliv ery of the 24th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, compo sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; and the lions. 'Anthony J. Beaver and David Clarkson, hisassoci ates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as signed, appointed to hear, try and determine Mt and every indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes. which by the laws of the State are made capital, or felon Its of death, and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, lutye been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe trated, for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to notice public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court House In the borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 12th day) of APitlfs, 1500. and those uhnc will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them /IS it shall be just, and thatoll Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within said county, be then and there In their proper potion's, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembran ; ces, to do those things which to their offices respectively' appet tatn. Dated at Iluptingdon,llth day of)fardt, Icothe year of, our Gold One thinisand eight himdra arid slzty-nine, and the 93d year of American Independence. ' D. If. P. NEELY, Sheriff. - DROO.LAMATION.---WHEREAS;by a precept to rue directed by the Judges of the Com mon Pleas of the count/ of Huntingdon, bearing test the 23t1 of January, a. n. 1969, I am commanded to make publicTroclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Common Pleas will be held at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 9rd Monday (and 19th day) of APRIL, A. 0. 1969, for the trial of all is sues in said Court • which remain undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses,and suitors, In the trials of all Issues are required. Dated at Huntingdon, the rith of March, in tile year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and eixty.nine, and the 93d year of American Ind4endenee. D. 1.. P: NEELY, Sheriff. TRIAL'LIST, ' • FOR APRIL TERI!, 1869. • • FIRST WEISEL Samuel 3lePherran, . vs Henry Feebler. JobILL Herron • ' vs David Blair. Robert Love's adm'r. vs- Ma. Owens and wife A. Oibison vs Thomas Turley & wife: Thomas Turley and wife vs hlctlraill and Plpet. John Dell et al. to John Morgan et al. William 1U Weigley vq Jobn,W, ?bittern. • . , Theodore It. Cramer ♦e Patine'. Railroad Company SECOND WEEK. Ann 'ElizaLang " 'vs Ephraim Hyler, et al. The Vmenship of May, 've Oeorge Eby. Martin V. Miller , vs Lewm tmlawly; et al. Isaac Zinimei man for use vs Eleanor Baty, et al. William Wearer vs John B. Weaver. hamnel T. }leaner, vs The Penna FL E. Co. „Joseph Bose vs Same, Samuel C. Simpson vs Same. vs ,Same. Sarauent. Shoemaker vs . Same. E. I,l3enerlitt • a, vs Buller & Foust. William 11. Cornell for use, vs The Columbia Ins Co. Easton Blake - vs W. F. Cunningham. John McCombe _ -vs A. 11._B , %J.lt..Cll6l.lll;ll.ot.lionotary Prothriiioiriry a Office, Mar. 17, ISO. rrio ALL PERSONS INTERESTED. of the Protheilotary of the Court of Common Pleas of the Cehnty of Huntingdon, his aupplemental account as committee albrOdAid, and which Aleut be presented to sold Court on the second Monday 01 Ain 11 next for conlhilut• tion and allowance, and will he so confirm( d and Allowed unless exceptions are bled thereto. . . = Prot) 'a Office), Mar. 17, 160. rro ALL PERSONS INTERESTED. Take notice that Abnilmin flourish. Committee of John D. Cassidy, n lunatic, by his Administrators line filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Cow t °remit. mon Pleas ' of the County of Huntingdon, Ids account as committ ee aforesaid. and which o ill ho presented to sold Court, en the second Monday of April next, for con firmation and allowance, and will be so confirmed and shinned unless exceptions ore filed_ther. to. Prot'y Office, Far.p, 469. AAEGISTER's NOTlCE.—Notice is , hereby given, to all persons interacted, that the fol. lowing trimmed persons have settled their accounts In the Register's 011 ice, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts Dill be presented for confirmation and allowance at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Ilmintingdon, in and for the county of - Huntingdon. on Monday, the 12111 day of APRIL treat, (18604 to wit 1 Adtnimmistration ateconnt of John Coalmine. edminie teeter of the estate of Sarah C. Adair, late ofJackeon tp., deceased. Y. Administration account of John A. Briggs. Execu tor of the last mil and testament of Benjamin Briggs, late of. Toll township, deceased. ' 3 Administration account of Henry A. Mark, executor of the lest wilrand testament - of lieorge W. Mark. late of Juniata township, deceased. (so far no the souse can bu administered until after the death of his Olden , Mary Marls. 4 Administration account of S. Weston and Mar tha Weston, executors of the lust rill and testament of Juhn Timpani], late of Union township. deceased. _ 5 Administration account of Wiliam Stea - art, admin istrator de boots non cum testamento annex°, of the estate of William Strart, Sr.,, late of Barren toe/whip, deceased 6 Administration account of Alexander Ale and Sam uel Ralston. executers of, the last will and testament of Henry' Hummer, late of Morris 'township, deceased:. 7 Administration account of Henry S. %%lumen, ad ministrator of estate of Susan ilampsim, late of the horotigVof Huntingdon. deceased.. Account of J. M. Stonebraker and William Bice, ad ministrato*Mthia,estato ofjohn'lli.Stonehmker, late of Franklin township, deenased! " 9 Adminkstration account .of William M. Bell and J. I,tairey Uohnstotil edrisinfeiratids of the estate of Samuel 11. Bell,,late,of Shirley township, deceased. , 10 - Adinitifstration account of JessellcCiain,'exeCutor of the last will and testament of John McClain, late of Tod township. deceased. " 11 Final account of John A. MoPherran, ono of the ex ecutors of the last will and testament ofJohn 51cPberrao, lato of Franklin Inwtaship. dscoased. F . 12 Final acdeci onnf Santee! 11. McPherran, one of the executors of the last will and testament of John Mc- Pherran, late of Franklin township. deceased. 13 Administration account Of George. W. Johnston and James Barr, executors of the last will and testament of Samuel Barr, late of Jackson township, deceased. 14 , Administration account of James Ward, administra tor of the estate of Alexander States Into of Walker township, deceased. • 15 The first frost, and the several guardianship ac counts of Peter Shaver, Jr., guardian of Martha Sha ver, E. I. Shaver, Millard Shaver, Sarah J.Shaver, Henry 0. Shaver and A. M. chaser, minor children of John Sha ver, late of Shirley township. deceased. • 16 Administration account of elmon P. Stair, executor of the last''and testament of honk Hee., late of Tell township, deceased, as tiled by Michael Stale, one of the executors of the itaid Simon P. Stair, deceased. 17 Partial administration account of Andrew Croteley and Ralph Crotaley. 'administrators of thdesta a of Jacob Crotaley, late of Cass tOwnship, deceased: . IS Guardianship account at MUSD) P. Orbison, late guardian of Minnie A. ()win, minor child of Alex. and Catharine Gwin. late of Huntingdod borough, deceased. 19 Final guardianship account of Wm. P. Orbison, late guardian of Alex D. Elwin, son of Alex-nod Catharine Elwin, late of Huntingdon borough deceased, who is now of full age. ME ' Register's Office,' hunt.. Mar. 17, 'O4 NOTI,CE is hereby given to, all tier ,.eons interested that tho 'following. Inventories of tne goods and chattels set to widows, under the provis ions of the act of lath of April, 3851, have been tiled In the canoe of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Hunting don county and will be presented for "approval by the Court" on Wednesday ,the 14th of APRIL, (18b1h) Inventory and cippralsenieut of the geode and chattels which were of biliplinz Ingelow, late of Cass Jackson town _ship, deceit:ad, as taken by Ins widow Leak Bigelow. Inventory and spinals...l of the goods and chattels which were cif ThonisS,Lock, of bpringlield township, dectesed, . ta)<Zni by lifs'4ldow Hannah Lack. Corrected Wi:dory - and appraisemont of the goods and chattels which , were of l'hilliit'heasant, late of Cass ville, do, eseed, token by-his widox'lllatflda Pheasant. Inventory and apprateement of the - goods and chattels which were of Tlionnis 8: AlcCaliati, intent Walker town ship, deemed, takedtiy bin Widow 'Sarah blainhan. Inventory and aPpraleetnent of the goods and chattels whlch.were of Janie, Steel. seq., late of Huntingdon, de mised, as taken by his widow Kliza Steel.- - Inventory and appralsoment otthe goods and chattels which were bt,'Jblin Kelly, late of, Dublin townebip, de edased, as - taken his. widow Elizahrth Kelly. J. E. SD UOKEII, - Clerk Orphans' Court. ga_ ' r.l7;lie9 A.!(?..gR3.,'O: r kitOM,PTLY PAID , HUNTINGDON INSURANCE AGENCY. G. 13. AR,MI.T,AgrE, numrlimibm,,‘ I , . I r ,) Ithreeent'ilie mod reliable Coinpanies iii the Country: Rates as low as is :ciainieteia with reliable indemnity. , Sep F„'tid. A Plt4 ; l, Represented `pirer $1,1,q00,0 TA"‘ -P. ', *ANGAN) • rrEC/FEMOR RF Drpsrc.:, , ' •' - - 'lies located ` In llonlinplon aria 4111 give lessons in Biotic upon the Primo; Melodeon, Cabinet Oman and Vi olin; aloe, Lessons in Vocal Music, The Profeesor line received a diploma from the Institu tion for the litho! in Philadelphin, and fools himself fully competent to impart Inntructloh Ire 'Yobs! or Instrnoent. al Mimic. Ile expecte to meet with Bimini patrollage. lie ie alto prepared to tune Planoet. mbl7 HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Hoofland's German Tonic. The Great Remedies for all Diseases of the LIVER, STOMACH, OR DIGESTIVE HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Is composed of the pure Juices (or, n e they are maid. natty termed, gr.tracts,'of 11 oot s, Herbs, and Harks, making preparation, highly •concentra ted; and entirely frefrom alcoholic' admixture of any kind. MOORLAND'S GEI-61AN' TONIC Is a combination of all the Ingredients of the Bitter', with the purest quality of Santo Cruz Kum, Orange, dc., making um of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever uttered to the public. Thom preferring a Medicine free from Alchoholie ad mixture, will use lIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Those who haeo no objection to the combination of the batters, as stated, Will use IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC They are both equally good,, and 'dontitln the same medicinal virtues, the choice between the two being a mere matter ut Mate, 111 0 :lonic being the most palatable. ' T he ittoniabli,.from a variety or causes, such as Intliges -0 lion, n)tiptlpfiltl, ilsrvous flaunty, etc, to vary apt. to have its mama de tonged. The Liver, sym• lintbizing as closely as ti toes with the 'stomach, then becomes allected,tlit tesult of which Is that the patient sullen trout serest or more of, the following die. cases: Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fill ni.es of „Mood : to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nauseci, Deartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the' Stomach, Sour Eructation, Sink . Ingo>. Fluttering at the Pit of the • 1 Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Kurried s or Difficult 'Breathing, 1' lutteringat the heart, 'Choking or = Sapeating Sensations :when in a Styiug posture, • . Dimness of Vision, Dots :{l(e4 before . the Sighti Pain in the .Head, Deji .•eiene'y of Perspiration, Yettow • ' twos of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in • the Side, 'Back, Chest; Limbs, etc., Sudden Flushes of , Head; Burning in the .I , 7esh, Constant imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. The sufferer troru these dlsensee should exercise the greutest caution iii the se lectlou of a remedy for his Casa, put chasing 0111.1 h tout W shah ile is assured nem his iuveatiotiou .fitt huo m:sled possesses tills UM It, is iihillil/1 4oulpuutztled, ha Iron troth injlillutin mgiedieuts, laid u•si estithublital !Ur steels a lep- Iltatitili for tile Luis of these'llisesses. is this count:aim lie iiyuld submit those hell !mutt u remedies— J. IL SIMPSON Prot'y 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS 1100,ELAND'S GERMAN TONIC, cpared by D. C. M. JACKSON, J. It. SIMPSON, rroty Tuent)-two yenre since they were first introduced Into this countly hunt tiorinauy, Miring winch time they hole Uudoubtediy tifulorttied Moro cures, Will benefited suilbr slag humanity Co 6 grouter extent, S h ah ell) other rein, wee Knoell to the public. : . These iinnedieili Aral ell pliant, JIII.IIIdICY, .1./japep Ina, Llirunic or Net roue Velmily, &Ironic Diet .. /bola, Invitee of the Aid- F nu, s, and all Diseases at . sing Clout a disordered M ewl.. btu:nut:4, or lutelaine... Rein/tiny front any Cause whatever' ' • PRaiTRATIOAN OF TIM Sr.T.E.JI, induced GyScara lAthor, Lturd4hips, exposure, inert, etc. There is uo medicine extant equal to these remedies in suLlt Luse.. n'teite and 'vigor is imparted to the whole system, the umatite lie atieng,thelled, hied is enjoyed, the ineweeli digests idoundly, the blood is purified, 11.0e0111. tenntilee bulled add healthy, tile yellow tinge is num the ey us, a bloom so given to the cheeks, and the weak and Linnet's Invalid becomes a strong and healthy hmig.• And feeling the hauduf two weighing heavily upon thorn, ith all its attendant, will hud In the 006 dl this MT ur the TUNIC, au elixir that, will Instil new 1110 tutu their veins, restore iu, u measure She energy and er• due ut inure youthtut dayeAtitld tip their Bliruukuu tonne, and give health nod hoppmus to their rumaluing years. It is avid' established ,fact that fully one half of the towels purtiou ul our pup ,ulatiun aro seldom iu the eup,puentut goodhraith; or, to use their own ex, ptesiouti,-uurer loot well. hey ere languid, devoid ul all uueigy, extrennut nervous, and nave no ap• petite. . , To thidclase of persons thu BITTERS, or the TONIC, is espetuaily rucinnuiended., WEAK• AND L•ELICATE CHILDREN, Are made etroug by the use of either of them remedies. They will cure every case of illAltAmil Us, without fail. Toomey:ate of cat [abutted have acaumulmoil in the hands of the proprietor, but space will allow ut the publication of but a.tew. itiove, it will be obtervod, ate moo of note and of such attending that they must be believed. TMSTIMOST.T...A.I_,S. . . . . im, cIORGE isr.:WODWARB, • I Chit, Justice of the Supreme Court of Pm, writes: • U'illadel.phia, March 18.1767. A "I find 'llootland's der matt Bitters' Is a deed tonic, mewl in thstuses ut the digestive orguod, nud of great' beuetit In • cases of debility, and want of • nervous sets,. to the system. 1 Yours, truly, • . • ' " CIBO.'W. WOODWARD." FION.JAMEB THOMYBON, • Judo of as Supreme aturt of Pennolsanta J. E. SMUCKER, • • Reglater '•I coneider 'ilooiland's (lemon Litton' • valuable med• Mine m coca 01 attache ot4uiligentiou or Ai olimpcia. I coo cortoy [Mg from joy esperceacu of it. Yours, , with lecyeei, Tllo.lll.'airN." Dr.Jackson—Dear Sir: 1 hails beau ltequeutly reques ted to connect my name with recomuienuationa of differ ent kinds ut medicines, but regarding the practice as out N et my apploprnite apuero, .I. 1000 In all cases (te amed; MIL Valhi a altar pt out ill various iLifitilll- Celf and particularly if, toy own Wilily, of the useful.. of Dr. llou: Land's tiernhal Bitters, 1 tiepnrt for once front my 11.;t4.1.. nnurse,• to express My hill cout.lion that, ny general detnfttY of the syseent, anti espetialli.lbr Liver o lpttDd, tt tor a 'safe and taittable preintrutton. /14 Bon, Ludes it luny tail; but usually, L doubt taut, it will be fiery beneficial to those who under how alto Omits conies. • . l ''' • You r tory resp.tfully, • .-• . ' J, 11, hr.ANARD, . . Eighth, Lao' , Coates St. PROSI Ia:WE: D: FDIs DA LI., iislisidni Editor Chrutiati - Chrontcle, l'hiladelphia. I )aye derived tlechled benefit from the ueu of hoof laude t.etit.tu nud leel at tit) low:lege to recoil, mend thew me LC meet unnaKe reuic, co all it Ito ore eta fel tug 11001 10We:tack:I/nig Ul horn die:melee Ottani; noel Iterallitenleut of the liter. YOUIrs truly, E. D. FEN DALL. Moorland's German Iternedies are cptintetleitod., See that the signature of C. W.IACtinON is On tote rapper of each b4tle. All ptherc are coupter- Principal 'Office , and' Millnefastory at the ger man Metilelne ;'.torn,l l / 2 0. - wt. altoll bueet, lthilatfeylqa, PuFmnylcuma. , Charles M. Evans, proprietor,. Formerly O. M. JACKSON Se CO. Iloollaturf!GlerpAn Bitters, per bottle, • '" . " intlf dozen, . . 600 lloollantre;Geritinu Tonle, put up in quart bottles p 50 per bidtlo, or u half dozen for 57 50. KA-Donut foig% to cAtiulloo zit tlio nrliFle ,yonpny, In order to get dm genuine: ' For 8410 by all Dealers in MOditillo. April 2,1268-Iy pnirm. HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1869. ORGANS PIIIL/DELPLIIA, PA DEBILITY, PERSONS ADVANCED IN LIFE, NOTICE_ = ERti.ll. REV. JOJ3'.RIIII. KE'NNARD, D. D., Pasior of the Torah Euptiat church j !Maack/phut CAUTION_ PRICINfit. -PERSEVERE.- Cie Ogilabe. THE PRINTERS HOHENLINDEN In season when our funds are low, Subscribers are provoking slow, A few supplies keep up tho flow Of dimes departing rapidly. But we shall see a sadder sight,, . When duns pour in from morn to night, Commanding every sixpence bright To be forked over speedily.' Our bonds and due hill nro arrayed ; Each 'seal and signature displayed, The holders vow they must lie paid, With threats of Ittw.and chhncery. Tlien to despair, we're almost driven, There's precious little use in living, When our last copper's rudely . riven From hands that held it lovingly. But larger,yet those dues shall grow, When interest's added on below, Length'ning our chin n foot or so, When gazing at them hcipersisly. 'Tis so, that scarce hare we begun To plead for time on a dun, Before there comes another one, Demanding pay ferociously. The prospect darkens—on, ye brave Who would our very bacon save; Waive, patrons, all your pretext,waive, ~ A nd pay the printer cheerfully. Aid it would yield us pleasure sweet, 'A few delinquents now to meet, , Asking of us.a clear receipt n i For papers taken reglerly. The Methodist Ohuro.h. The Lay Delegation Movement in the Methodist Episcopal Church.: Doting the month of Juno next a question will be submitted to the'votes of the entire membership of the Meth odist Episcopal Cburch, , male and fe male, above the . ago, of 21 years, the decision of which cannotlailtO ha're a marked ,influence for good or evil,uPon the, future Of that' largo and • "rapidly growing denomination. This question, is, whether the laity shall be.represen- Led in the legislative assembly of the Church, or whether the law-making power shall remain, as it he's hereto- fore, solely in the hands of the minis- 1 try. To fully apprechite the impor tance which Methodists themselves, of either way of thinking, attach to the result of the forthcoming expressions of the popular will, it will be well to glance at some of the circumstances of the origin and growth of Methodist Episcopacy as an ecclesiastical system. When John Wesley, in 1739, at the solicitation of Whitefield, who had preceded him in the work, commenced his public ministries as a fluid preacher in England, he had evidently no de sign of organizing a church; nor does it appear that subsequently, when he numbered his followers by thousands, and many societies had grown up, and were, with their pastors, under his supervising care, be had any thought of constructing an Ecclesiastical sys tem, outside and independent of the 'English Church, of which ho himself lived and died a member. He institu ted a Society as an Evangelizing Sup plement to the Established Church, and all the distinguishing'pecaliarities of this Society, except those pertain ing to religious faith and life, were the result of accident. In nothing is Wes ley's sagacity and fitness for leader ship more .elearly manifest than in "that bright intuition' which, as .by a 'flash, discerns the 'true meanings pf things present; and which, in the same iastant,•adapts itself to the shifting cir cumstances of,thehottr.or day." Lay preaching forced itself on .his attention as a good thing, and he adopted at; the class meetings arose by'accident, and became a part of his system. Be ing but a Society, and not a Church. Wesleyan Methodism was ruled by its founder with almost absnlute sway, and no Governmental functions or In dependent Liberty of action were al lowed to his preachers or to the people. In 1784, Mr. Wesley took the first step toward the organization of a "Church," and in this, as in other measures, he seems to .havelollowed only_where necessity or well-defined expediency led him. Previous to this time Methodists had considered them- Selves as Episcopalians, and had re ceived the sacraments in tke churches and from the ministers of 'the Estab lishment; but in Ameriea there were now some 84 Methodist preachers and 15,000 Methodist laymen. They were scattered all over the country, and the' Episcopal churches ,being few and in accessible to inany,.this large bOdy of Christians was deprived'ef all "church" relationship, 'and of participation in the sacraments. Wesley, pitying their condition, and yet wilthing to avoid "irregular" action, besought' the Bish op of London to ordain ministers who should administer ' the , sacraments among the American Methodists of America. The request being' refused he the - tight himself authorized by the necessities of 'the cited `to himself or dain Thomas Ccike,afready a Presby ter in the English ,phitrel t ,,i, Superin tendent or Bishop Or:America.. ,On ChriStmas day, 1784; as Many'ai pos sible ,of' the Methodist ,preachers in Atherica met in' Baltimore; BishOp_ Coke presiding,, and the Illethedist Episcopal, Church watifertnally,orgam. ized. . Though this church has, over, since, evinced the sattte_epti,tude in adapting its polity to changing circumstances, which characterized its founder, and which led to its own 001asstiesl ex istence, the respect and -voneration• felt for Wesley .j:11113 t induced the,pop tinuance, in the church,.. ot a system, based upon the practice of Mr. Wesley' toward his society. - Pon) the first the mlpistr}+ has heed the' Sae' legislative power, the 'people having,,no,effeeti,ve voice in the making of laws, and the 'election ofehureh officers. Aft,ch'ebni;eh' gets one minister. in cpittdrobial 11 . . - . . . . , , ..... .., ' ~ ..• • . ' - • :, . y r I. ''" •/-,- , • . - ' . . • •,7 General Conferences, until 1812, all traveling ministers of the denomina tion were entitled to seats and votes. Since that time the General Confer epees have consisted of delegated mem bers—themselves ministers, and chosen by ministers. The church edifices 'are held by laymen, but for the use of the church, and the pulpits can only be occupied by:such ministers as are ap pointed; by the bishops.' Probably no other church — organization exists so completely under clerical control: This has been owing to the influence of no especial class in the church ;. the ministers have arrogated to theinsehies no more than. has been - willingly con ceded by 'the people. There has been' a widespread repugnance to change The Church has boon well enough as it is. There has probably been no time when then the laity, taken as a whole, have been in advanee .of their ministers on the subject of laymen's rights. The subject of Lay Represen tation first began to be agitated among the. Methodists half a centurragoi and in 1826 the Rev. D. B. Dorsey was ex pelled frbm the Baltimore Atinual Con ference for circulating a' paper called ."Mutual Rights," 'the object of which was to advocate the introduction • of_ laymen into the Councils of the Church. .An ,appeal was taken to , the' General Conference 'of 1828, when ?the expul-' sion of :Mr. Dorsey:.was. confirmed.' This and other action on the same sub ject, taken by ,that body, led - to the se cession of a largo number of ministers and laymea who originated the "Meth odist Protestant Church," which, to day numbers—together with the"Meth- - , odist Church," which is an offshoot from it—no less than 122,000 mem bers. The subject continued to be die. cussed by many who preferred, to'in• licence the Church from within rather than to leave it. .In 1840 the General C,onforcoce said :. "We should proye. recreant to the trust committed to us Were we in the slightest degree' to yield to the Spirit of innovation." The General Conference of 1852 replied to petitions for a change, that there was "a strong opposition in the great mars of the meinbership to' the proposed change," and that therefore they deem ed it "inexpedient to alter the econo my of the allure')." During that year (1852), a paper called The Philadelphia Christian Advocate was started for the purpose of advancing Lay Representa tion. In 1856 the General ConferenCe spoke of the matter as one which might be practicably dealt with in the future, but thought that any change . would be inexpedient at that time. Petitions bearing on that subject were presented 'to - the General Conference of 1560. It was amply discussed, both in committee and in General Conference, which finally resolved, That we, the delegates of the Annual Conferences of the 'Methodist Episcopal Church in General Conference assembled, hero. by, approve of the introduction of Lay Representation into this body when it shall be ascertained,. that. the Church desires it." In order that the desire of the Church in the premises might be ascertained, measures were adopted.for having the question put to vote in every annual conference ' and in every congregation of the Church, in the years of 1861 and 1862. In the moan time the eivil,war arose, and lar ger anclanore exciting intorests,absorb ed the , popular attention. The vote was very light:, having been taken in compriratii , ely few churches. - As re pbrted" at the General Conference' of 1864 it .stood: Of. miniaters,.ll,33B votes for and, 3,069 against; of lay vo ters,, 28,884 and 47,855 against—giving a'elerical majority of 1,731, and a lay majority of 18,971 against Lay Repro sentation in the General Conference. The report on Lay Delegation adopted by this Conference declared, "That while we reaffirm our approval of Lay RepreSentation in the General Confer ence whenever it shall be ascertained that the Church desires see no such declaration of, the popular, will us to justify us in taking advanced action in relation to it." In July, 1860, a paper was 'Started in Neiv York City by a company of New York laymen,' for the purpose of advocating the interests of the laymen in the church. It bus been odited by the Rev. Dr. George Crooks, who has had as his associates'seme of The ablest writers of the deribmination. The spe cial work of this journal has been the dissemination of inthlligence r concern ing the lay representative movemeot, and arguments favorabfe thereto ; and such had been the change ih'the, pop. feeling'among' the Methodists, ,that none of their papers official and unofficial, ,are openly ,opposed to the "innovation" onee ,so strenuously re sisted,.and all but one or two are out speken'in dts ftivOr. . . Previous' to•the session of the Gen eral,Conference, in May,' 1868, most of the Annual Conferences had adopted resolutions favoring some . action on the subject of lay,representation by that body, , and ; petitions for, and Against such a course hed been • circu lated more; or, less,freely among the ,members. ,Thesri petitions wore pro ;sented, to ,the, Conference,; those favor ingA change l of church, polity, signed .by,25,519 male members of the church ,ah,ov,e, the ago of, : 21„ and petition op posed to a change signed . by 1,223. 7 After careful consideration, arid dili gent effort; recencile• conflicting views, .resolutions were oadopted 'by the nearly Unanimous vote'of 231 t 0.3, embodying 4i, plan by which • lay rep resetitatives,,chosehnby laymen, should bo admitted to seats and Totes, in the .General Conference,: the adoption: of the plan: being subject •to. the approval of the ministers 'and lay naembdrs the church, such. approval to be,,mani— fested in a way pointed out by , the resolutions; the seeohd of:which r`eiids bining the month of ,June , ,• 186 b, on any day except the Sabbath, the Mime TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance. to be deterinined :By the"pastor and the two laymen , typointed by the Quarterly Conference 'as hereinafter 'provided, there shall behold a general election in the several places of wor ship:Of the Meth - ddist E. Church, at Which all members in' full connection, 'not less than twenty-one years of age, shall be invited to vote by ballot: "For Lay - •Delegation", or "Against Lay Delegation. ; This election shall be held underthe direction of the preach er in charge and two laymen appointed for the purpose by the Quarterly Con ference, who shall see that due .notice is given, thereof, for at, least twenty days before the electio,n,' • and who' shall superintend 'all'the details' of the election. They' shall rePoit• the re. suit within ten days after the election Ito the Presiding Elder of :the district, who shall report the same to the Bish op presiding at the - ensuing Annual Conference, to be entered upon the Conference Journal. ' 2 • The third resolution reads: "Should a majority of votes east by the, people be in favor of the lay 'delegation, and should three•fourths of all the mem .bers of the annual Conferences, pro sent and voting thereon; vote in favor of the,above proposed change in •the : Conatitution of the Church,,, then the Goneral,COnference meeting ,in, 18'72; by the requisite' tWo-AliiidS "vote;' oan complete, the change, andlaY delegtites ' previously • elected. 'may then be ad mitted." , ,Tbough three separate and distinct. proceSses are thus marked out,' all Of which are requisite to the completion .of the change in polity of the Church, no doubt is felt that if the approval of Abe : people is.expressed, both the min isters in their .A.nnual Conferences and their.reptesentatives in the General 'Conference Of 1872, will loyally carry out the will of the laity; and but • lit tle, if any, doubt is felt . by those' beet informedin the Methodist Church ,as to what the _will the ,lay members of their church will 'be; this,, indeed, seems to' beintliCated by the tone of theWilenominational" press, which is the reflector; . no lessthan the leader, of popular opinion. 'The radical change which - has come over the` Methodist Episcopal Church in the last 40 years may be attributed to several causes. The character of the relation between the ministers and lay members has gradually changed. At first the great body'of the laity were poor add un cultivated. 'The intelligencel.'of the church was. largely in the-- ministry. and its very existence was maintained ,by the heroic and self,stteriftcing la. hors of the itinerant preachers, who re• ceiVed id return' but food 'for themseli'es and their' horses, and perhaps a suit of clothes, each year or two. The church es were scattered, travel was tedious and expensive, gratuitous attendance at a Ccitiferenee in 'a distant town was a privilege not 'to be desired; arid' so the laity readily acquiesced irtithe pot. icy maintained by ?their spiritual rulers. Things are not so now; the best' businee.s talent and legislative experience is now to be found among the laity, who aro as ready to devote Ahem to the interest of the Church, as they are to peur out their thousands a year to its support, and the'maintonance of its institutions. The financial interests of the Ghurch also, have become' gigantic in their proportions, and it.is queried whether their management should- he left ex clusivelye in the hands of a class of men who are called to the sole work of preaching the Gospel. The official pUblishing interests'of the Church rep resent a capital of nearly $1,500,000. The Missionary Society receives and disburses annually from $600,000 to $BOO,OOO. The Church Extension So ciety is appealing to the Church for hundreds of thousands. The 'Metho dists have six theological institutions, 23 uniyereities and colleges, and 85 seminaries of different grades, all of which are more or less under the con trol of the Conferences of the' Church. There aro many who advocate- the participation of the ,laity in church government on the ground of ,abstract right, but this mingling of temporal with spiritnal'affairs has its influence on many; , 'who. would: not trouble themselves much about church gov ernment if the cafes of 'the ministry were solely of a spiritual nature. The Methodist Episcopal Chiireh, too, has' become 'essentially Modified in its character; Ithd within the, last 'few "years has become••a' corporate body under the laws of both:Ohio:and New •York. The "Board ; :of Trustees of the Methodist ,Epiecopab,qhurch" wereauthorized by the 'General' don &ranee. of 1804;and htive l 'SitiCe haen chartered 'hy.the tegielature of Ohio, with power to receive ; hold, and ad minister on any : property by gift, „de vise, or otherwise confided to it, in behoof of and for tho'benefit of the M. E. Church. It Mdse competent to re ceive an,d administer on 'any special benevolent trust not otherwise provi ded for in other benevolent : sopieties of the Church. It is .provided in the Charter, that the, Trustees shall be.elected by and, be amenable, the General Conference ; ' that body has received forthe first' tithe in.its hisfo ry„recognition tee legal,bod3r,L A "Board of Edueation". was,organized by the General Conference of 1068, to be Chartered 'under the lime Of 'New 'York, th c 'pOW er'to'receiVe l , 'held; ' and convey real and personal' estitte,' - erld to receive and- administer bequests' and trusts et. every kind. relating to education, "linder,,suc4,..reguJatiolts as the* Geleral c Conference , sha t lf, front time a tinte,l:p're's'eribe." - The MisSiontiry Seciety'Of the M. E. 'Church, which during its isuceeSsful history, of `fifty years had been under tholegal cont.' ol of a,board of tainister , s, j and , laymen, and only by courtesy ,under that, of the General Conference: 'the request of the General Conference; re• /INI _Those__ subscribing_foritbree,.fii2E. or twelv_e ropctlis wttb3heiknclertilanding that the paper be ditcontiquekupless• subscriPtikkil'in diced, receiiiit4 Ppa - per marked, with a thcicre, the , ,,rpame will' 'llfiderfstand' thatl, the ',titan for which theraubscribed,ts ttp. — lf - they wish the paper continued' they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise: no,„ All kinds of plain, fancy and ornamental Job Printing neatly ..and expeditiously executed at the "GLoua" office. Terms moderate, NO. 38. cently consented to have its charter!sct changed as to place tbo; seleetione )of its officers,in the bands of that, hody. These things tend to make the masses of the church con sider'-"the Introduce tion of ,business men,into the councils of the,charch as, a thing to be greatly desired, and in no reetiget to be dread ed i'though; as hes beeHH baid,` the iii - dye intelligent' and' theughtful advectites of lay representationovhile they ~adm it the force of•the-arguments based upon 'these ehnnge's the 'clihrth! po lity, claim the . admission of: the lbw element on higher grounds than,,those of policy ; and the .ppyonents,, of „the same class 'meet' them and '"'oppose the change on scriptural grolinds,-a'nd claim - the exclinsive,rig,bt ortbe, clergy (or priesthood ) to govern in all cede. siastioal ' 'Matters. -' The San thern"ll. -E. Church . ; by a popular Voteln . -1807, admitted lay delegates to their , Gener al and Annual Conferences, and th,e2ex periment is said to,haye prov,bd a de cided success: Thih" orisifitii - of no lees than 2,581 travelineaiiriiiiters, 3,552 local preachers, — arid - 535,040 members,"and its 'infinende 'Uphill the Northern Church lying alOng..`thti-bar der mild in the SoutherniStates '-dot inconsiderable.. :The result ofthe)vote can„of course, not e,. predetevnined, nor, the effect upon, the denOrnmatioa of the Adoption of the iirepbsed'Ainile; but, as an important MoYeillintriri'lle largest religious body ofthe - uation, ib is rortily 'of - being , ehioniele`d.reto 'York - Tribune:' , • -•• . Culture ofthe Eaify White Beau' A farmer of Ciorewell;toWnshiP;= tfild ,county, writes as follows orothe culture of the Early White Bean. 1 selected a clean upland,_corn_stalk_field; plow ed:it in the latter.part , pfiNay,and the first, of ,Inne; top, dressed, it, I . ightly with good barn=yard' ,Manfire, - , (chip 'dirt is very"goOd;) burr©tved;'i~`n'd pre pared the • 'ground 14: marking jittitt drill rows, eighteen .or .twenty inches apart, and several inches in depth ;,clrll - the seedby- hand, averaging abOut. six grains per foot, a bushel per nere.;) run a light harrow lengthwise Corer:the rows, taking two - or three; rows at a time. ' 'After they were up"andAargeo enough, I cultiVated by meanti'ef she vel plow; hoes, iron 'rakes . ; &o. +lCepp perfectly clean to insure. a good crop; cultivate shallow ;,shouldbe harvested as soon as the pulling ,are ripe ; which is done by the: 'Threw four or six rows together; leave - there a few days in theisan to,dry,..turaing them every, day; when dr,y,,take in to thrash, or put away in some dry placer. Care shoUld be taken: not to pitt them' in a granary, or ,large pile, after they are thrashed, before perfectly dry, as they are very easily 'damaged from beat or mould while in 'a damp state.'-! The'hulls or straw make good,feelL for stock and will 'pay to cave for win-- ter feed. The ground is left in a, hotter condition for wheat raising after,thee bean crop is taken off, than the Senile would be to falloNiit - and leave'it grow up with all manner of: noxious weeds. -MARRIA9E EXWBAORDINAAY.-z . SO , MB time since,- a WOIT-kw - young gen tleman 'sty pearbd at one 'of our 'irketr'o polittin chiirchea'*ith a very .beautiftil young lady,' and, invoking,the!services .ef the,,minister, was , imme,diatftitni-- ted to, her in, marriage., ; peered, doeply ; agittited,,andqhere was" a stern deterininatieni'Vlaible:''cin'tlb , court tentince•cif the iyouth=ii'"pui'o; ad gry face—evincing anythint,but the nuptials. As soca as tbeertremorty was concluded, the man turned 'to the lady with the romarlr— „ "1 harelrept my'Proiniai rfo'w`Yon are married to tale f,byt noyerloolc. on your face"again.',' . ) There was ' a' frantic' appeal'" in tliet girl's ;notions and tears she'' beggocT,. implored him to recall his words,r promised some, wild,things .hotter left unprinted—and ,then,fiany frunting on the floor:' The Inan,turned heeL and quitted the apartraeut.: ;; ;.T.,,, 7 What did it bean 2 , The •sirrtiile, 'feels:Tooker like the coloring of ; romance, yet they are:trtinip every particular.;.-When it. is further :stated that the partiep of-high sociat,popitipp, have , numerous relatives, and were nttely;unattc!nd od, the mystery will appear more strange.. , yi Tin; friends hays the matter. _4l,Eipstiriate. "si lence greets' eiery - of the iii.dy; and if theft , flis'es any 'explanatiohreta .Orlectns• Picayune.. ; . u • IM; A , burly looking:female I of; un. mistakable Celtio.:originOyas-reeantly arraigned,before a•New,:ooeans mag istrate for. some ordinary o ense.— While natuVe had riminlementlyikidOil , - , ed her .with health• and , "lpliyafoal strength; the:. questionl of good, MIAs had been neglected jo ~,t))q, haste Avitir which she,.bad beep pr , okared for the • . iiorld. "What are' uptere inciuired the "Magistrate.. beau ty, I reckon." "Your beauty." - "Are you-certain - of that ?" "Oh,=bedad , , there's 'ino mietalte . ."— "Then,l discharge you- 7 -yolkaintguil. and the, acquitte,d ,lalil r y,topjf.,her de arture.' Agir f.N,qthictg," ,saysi ) 4ohn .: 79Ac i p t "more palpably betrayslittieness,mean neits of sou I,.thtli a SUperbill6fieltoo,liixig dOin estireable c tiliends - lorari" iiife- Tier order,. afteiT a intui) has attained some unexpected eleVation,n LAnd yes nctthingi is 'more „common. ' man meets with a sudden increase of.weattb, 'and ho ' fails 'tO'reactirtijsk'aleabcOaint 'atices thcitie whose fairer be onbe•court ed., A{ mantiforins earn° distinguished ,acquaintances, -tandfithe.iplAitkl:people .with rhotri ,he wasi gied,te associate are passed ;ThiSter, there s diiiit 'a "great''dbal of flees of soul in the worldi"' • ',.1 .§ tri3C ß/1 4 4S`
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers