NEITNTINGDONT PA Wednesday m:orning,,April, 7,:1869. NI& LEWIS, TT -77 f HUGH LINDSAY, 1 1 lie !'Mobek . heti go . largest 2?untber v'eatler; of any other papa: published'in 'the , .Adverfisois should remember this. "19—President .Grant" le sending in • long•liets of nomination's to tho Senate. • "The.blittotitin' has' at Wet been 'sot to 2:3 _ • . Georgaliarle,.pf . law ,partner. o .I?ostmAatftr., General_ creeswell,- tree - been, appointe'd First 7.Aestetent Tostneakei Geneiiil vice SiThAfei." " --- • 1 !- itti.:Relirerichnieiit tad reinads . 'flie "ordefof tiiei?ecis:eadret in ,for, it; fkrqd, 43 .49,11-, 130 ng ,carried info'.expoutionitr,,,3-1.; .pi:actraj9i oon pltida n of the ibfantiy regiments, creates quite ' aJfuriinil hue-, "fi ed andill be~ifu's~d`on . . ! l I c i , V 4 41)1g .•, „.1 hab iv notieo ibitt`tho ipieiest cOu pons,payable..on ,tht? Jet , . day, of • May nest will fn6i,44)e paid!on rpresontation' dt ttitu'tt:opoF.offiee,i, upon ' of interest ' at' .fqktii Per ; t, • k IY • • f 4 R I . 3 YRI i LsinAPPP .! r" 0 • ".,.1 - ""7 --- =7. i sitlY,Your'eolo'red 'men nominated 'to I; a , ',Li ~"( „offie,eibztho ; VjeNdert„,two,,of 0 ?9 ,, 1 t, ;ate itistimbfrthe' beat() tbd , aistriet• tof , OdluMbitti thiird to be iiiisessorl'of a'Weii 'Orient's "ins thid the fourtU to "Lb po"stiiitas Glatnmbia, S. C.,,, . „ „ •: - .rees * iba,97P •o: 7119!'l 1,1 will aajourn until the middle of .April or 11_18Ag rg 09 e n t cit4illi t O" u ft' *a kept :,.,liaskUgialatibni.aud• much ought 6toitAydorio beforf;t4'selsio . n4s.brought ‘-• ‘ , l t - f 1 , 1. , , Natiftiet• `efforgiti - beilig- , thddi3 to ePriblre TV ) 9,4'44 f aton,evtitoncea to,bo 13 . 1 i rtDcritq l motTOYY, fur 11A4,,rauriler of , m othy'. Ffetint!,n in Philadelphia inlJune ' dticti rhed La sit bmit• ' . . =- 4M"via's - Oho Of the ••-• ~•, • that n s:afrighiful`batGh 10.f.PP - WB!..A O NNN .exciteinent4 %rush ,of ,miners; ;frightful 'st'af!n's; , roads' lined for:roiles br'Okan'. and "stalled' teams; mud ow , - • 17c; • ; .f,raili pox; at. ,tacks,-.fCom ; ,hostile " Indians; earth juakos., Suoh ' , details are calculated ' shocktiatileast.!' cis T . Tumored in I.WaBhingtOn - 11:11it'§'enntoi Sprague"coritemplates the _pnrcliaso"of "ilia :' old Natrtinal' iiiiilli -gencen,kOssiiApo,,, that ,he intends 'to give .i:t a new-lease of life ; in.,engin -oaring! a new potitical `movement in "betialf'of: dhicf 5 - iVntide Chas( for 'tile .Bp . r*gue Money t t la9,lnaro goir , but, 7,0 , )3 aye !doubtsa;bout.the,eueoess,of , the move ;Dent, 'enerre'to"Mi l of I plida'tions ariikiPqersi-coPwlNAc.,4aFA,befal.:Plas ;sified.atud, arrtingedi at 1 00 . 11,5440 De -613 desler, iideiiPdi i n Lt'o Nye,i Oti Of re d , pointme & ,zw § eVoral to, te Staten, their ilitttl - ..... •1: • ' • - o.ard' phild to 'the atrarii,T,th • ..“11 MI ( 1- 1 )9PAr4 1 _ 1 :9-,t': ILL; ift •;9,a.T1 n teriii tu kf 0f9C1341 Y B.O fe? Ap e r I, re, r 7 tTe1329 . 1 egi era- , , afinna ap d hitkicts, : as° i t s r ifollowi t l u tB'iiirefdii".l3oriletf; XVth. j G66iie' XVlth. r. Dat , pion' O'ofeC4ailt,' "'X'V;lttly. 11§ahis It.::" Fibblet', ' 1' 11 ' S irriWn; 'R.' f rilok ''X'X'Vliti?:::(lexTed IV,'.."rits , I • ::*I S CIVItii h7'.riti46s `"' OEM 200—We learn from a friend who Vie 11eiLyidfOiAti io Ifilay . Pvtireelr:, .'tiiii,i the 0114(t4f,TYLkur.P,OY,801Win is ter -iztsipg. p o• uniter-theilfietternment. gresargen and Senators are;' hunted, - , walehedi :cog nRPed, ran,dikWili,f9llp,sved 'Atitheir -rdwdlcalled du f-befoi they - Wrd; befifBdi r ilioik; ,1. 713 -.-7 t b tq l ?? e , ° !!iiF l i t l l, llV9 r . l . 3 :l for, pdsitjojA§ ,eydyy ~es 9 ,negiy FEibld character: , One , congresinnanlbas fotl frooei. i9,i#l4'Ae L , t_a6l . l) . l:iidi Cdsio mll„ii4e o_ jgouldn';t boft::C#st. gtessayati ?yr, zr, I ---"Seralba Pemota.alio State Central - KlonirtiittleO'enet; , at'r,thorißoltiSn Hens°, eVenilik oy'the . 3oth nit. _After a long.diecussion" thi3"&eib • l'nertfe'e aireektb 06i:1'456110n for • :tieyViiitYßaiOn: a 1)1401 ;of dOlYi:, Harrieburg in z - nlatined that 'this delay was secured by , fiien of: GenYll Cxudless;"if ho ti ;?" i tii6i, cm chow • Atitlaftnct@ , i AlsaTaekilf; with reference do : certain • Itigislattitin , thatjhtisibeerppreilented'bei ' IA'A .-490 4 9111 4 1 : , ; ' 1 , 9)PrMii'df Pennsylvania; We are greatly pleased to notice that extensive preparations. , ,,nre being made throughout the countyY to cele brate, in a bcoenting,inxneiytke,,ffset an niversary-"T?if IV.:',Deptitatin ' Ray?':, That all of our iillderiimazv' 4 rcuerlv; 1 ) ~.:Il ,----' r•... •-•- understand what-fee.mbiint bywdeeizn-,. tion day, n .lt beitiianow leittue -in the history of our country—one which wo hope .will Iff-I-c_9419,...A.6t: llllli9ria I. i».- -i tf' character, astheyourth "of_ Suly„ or the .22d ot . Pe iAlu ttry' iv eiv iii state its object as we understand it. "Decora tionl,Day".occurs on the :30th day of May, aiid ifs jet apart for decorating: the Soldiers', graves with flowe i rs. d About. a,y.ear ago ,General Logan„gom-.., mander-in Chief of. the GratidArniy of tbe'itepublieri'ssiteil al Order:that. the 30th:i:of`/"ltiy. siionl4 l bo .consecrated to 'thisila t triot y le..duty, • Witlf„the„fikt,poon and t in tho-,hope.that the-custom. might liecome..pbtlietual• 'aricl , ,theiday. , a;nw , •tfOnliPlioliday: ' THO order th'theflA. .4..w a saccoinnapted'wit.lf ar,i, appeal, te, ' the,l4,4l.lpjAy people ontsidO,pf that or ,ganiitiLionotti aid aydiassistiin the cor ernonies• inn suggestion 'was well re ceived '''‘iyi tflis country, 'and. the "ftp::' pOinted'day N,i1.13-'colebra.ted'yithap propriate ceremonies in ! every, part, of the land. , ..,,, • •,..; .1.: ~1.:.,: 0- I:ne. , • • The gravei3 'of -tibe;SOldier'd of Hun- - f tidgdelif 'c(p6iyi,i , l , -- ?? , j 'el.d'beatitifully and ., ' r ang' repifa`teiy,'"d,ecorated- with wreaths Of fh s icters artistically,and 'ingeniously. '.wrought together: 'by 'the ladieli, and , Under'llierunetileepAif 'the GVA:. 11!.; & largecojiebnreof pJ(.l,l'e ailsehl'hietl'iti ,ctur por.Rqery,,.2wherp,th,o flowers were . t afrewn upon ,thel graFes_of our doper led:heroes' and !a. , feeling 'and'apin'opp-1 :ate iiddi•esS-Wit'S delivered by 'pli e of, our - al oet ' dlut#iir,,"di4Pn'gui4 ) ,e i ,cl. - 44 o' n s.' jf',. - 1) tlOl th . ow ‘.,921,11 t,o„ o . „ „us atone y.,con secrato.ono dupla each' bedeck the graves of our friends with'floWers, ) —they 'vriici'gtiVe:' - fip'.'theiPlivOs that' , in Ivo .. ...:11 ,-.! •,, 11* ' ---, , our } country .infght . Iwo." Wo., know that the i mern hers of -GI. -A,.:,E. of ;Hum. tingdon I county :will not' fail-td per form the'snereddittyi4ssigoed toithem, - and 'We'ltn'div ti:6 l tfilit 'iliii ladfee,'al -3v9.. ,1:: , ; •111" 11 e , ;1._1: eil,i ... , -s. , potriottn, will ecoong, them ) ea-nn-. ...cialY'a'fffi• beiartily in, the noble work' add contrinatetbeiri full share LOWard• iippr . cipriatelY And fittingly' PerfOrming .ihe'saerecr tindliolYtifek.'. ' ' • ' Ginfessibn Gepigo ,5, ~vitclielL G dorge'S: Twitehellar,,',Wilb is 'e'en tenee'cl ~to bitu k ied io-goryo t v, An ~Pliilade'lphia,jor,, the, „marder of,. his ,Ildrs.i,Mary. B. 7.f3i11,• made a eonfsbsion'on.Saturdayllasi,-in 'charges his the' •11 t •.t tnurdpr - (91 4 which le. is, condemned. e•says ) at on t mg to the mur der ho.went,to and instead of 'going; to•bedi'lay dtkvn .q . •lcitinge'in 'the too tid fey asksp. %; 1 % , i1e 'was bed at the, tinie,ihe waa arous ed at her repeated calls, and ,ran , down to the diiiing-roem,' where he' , found her much excited and saying : "I have had ti,guarrel with"inother: and, killed ,her,;; ; ;together the.y r threw„the,tiodyinf , kars. Hill out• of., the window to imake •iU look as , if.she fell out'; ho , then went to the hydrant.;` washed &e'e n went tO Ilia, room, undresscd and went' to,bed.; his wife, followed .and also got• into he'd p they , wefein bed ' tin" or 't w ty trtiriu t tei; s tiPat'l3 M'ade vcw'to'etOi•;ntl God, that, night,.}hat he Ny”lil i Fipver ,reveal,it ; hn,, vow tosaye his wife, and he now ima kes the disclosure that he mit3l) Stich 'is ihe'tonfesgYOb, crioeCiVOt'd a ‘ dm il, )t 3 /, ,t c h atd we, , hk.ll.eiv, be A f!lbritiatiop, gotitp' for a;'Mts! Ttvdtehtll has boon triedv,tind'adiiiiitted i ll aiid ihe""f ••' qfel'or '6EI ' Vj v- b e ,tField fo r .4 13 4 .Inolbor• ,A.l),effortslto obtainza,pardors•frcirn .the -Governor !hay° TWitehell a k'`,' s 3;q9/ ) ;?q / ..1fi l lisi (149,( 1 :.t0 oa.sto and •eolor ito, , the ; 'WO tes eiooi : 7. About 410 - ctime it' maked its 'appetraireo - ,j e 4 b r 6'6;0; op e r,as tliobgli"the, fyjiipio . !yt9,ry,werp r ooyrect and,+he.fearsotherlsovvwill-pgain take hold of her. In-Our fiviniorritherWhetle .'"ifontessiee" "fliets manufactured Of , the t mkt' wind Murdered Ifre. MEM EMI ii Olil 11-1.1171 int; u - . in•Mi439ATAG%isPPEt I 0.,;i4P•71TY,h 0 tie4i leatinn(frithb'EexiehntSuldiers'Monii- rment:lit'4ll - aritihiirgj . whikly 4118'A° laiffd'thic l 63sllll64Slo4 - fiiiif.'ideli .„19.1 , i 5 , 17, :4,P .Ql:,r,hkil1 1 ,OeARs9l.°PiikvP,PRP -64,1:giqxls ',btu:1,11)00d ! nmtide, !has rheen !definitely poltponedrby tlso*Coll.lthittbe having itia 'matter EL. charge; on . riic eotiht of the delay in the ship ' ment of '.ft ! i 0 un ..r. dth 9 , f ,fqj 1 e .ef , the lqegisiature.te'apprepria.te:Buf liloont .mbneyi telt defray!the 'expenses ineidentuttPth . Wdediafoi.s , dbrenidnis MEM • zers.6ooAdi.i 14 1 , 1 t0y „ ieduung'L~ic` cr!9t! p ?Aa; -4 Trgf ll )/x , . 1 =9 1- i ggs . in. uwvgaus•atni i iprtni i - Ing,fistabliaJments , of tho Treaeury-de vartmetit,.. Llteirtnehm(itit is' thd , rirder tinder the 19Pa..;'t•tn,q 6 .9f.,,ithe i•oi: ••• 1 . -- r -- 1 ,- i - rrin - rr:9—+-77.---.-i-", A oi i 010LIOadifig.bfficers,ohil, the fasso :sobiAstibiiii"ffod..codities ve.lfliioe,'l'for .ii 'ilie 1 0 iYi tiiiiin,SaViiiiehiotiallioci Alsj inter '1- Of: .1. a ,, , . ~ . :99r , 9f)TWC I P P T es k l S iF e T 4 S B "Pg h ist ; 1 it possible, LOI mithciraw ,h;tei repig: 'natiotiac Cotiimhisioner of the Freell inen's•lfuriatt,' itiiii 'to' cc; h tifilie 'lto ` di i•oot'ithe'‘NirO• Vic i r e'l'iii'i(i;hd`''?f' tWe l- ' Bu reau„ ,-. -,•, , .... 1 it I, rt ~% •' i T , f-,. 1 , - =I Decoration Day, The Tenure of Office Law, The Tenure-of-Office question which has hung gro So long and caused dead-kWh in the removals and appoint; tnentst lir finally 4ilwee ‘ cl of on last -,Wedneiday:,; ; A hill4as reported by a committee of - Conference, which. Was pasned by bdth Houses, and readk follows: S.r.c 1 Be it enacted, &c., That every person holding any civil office to which he Erie buss; or &Walter May The,: .poipted•by and with the advice and• consent of the Senate, and who shall have become duly qualified to act theynin t hall"be ent4led to hold such of fice dierang the tone f4 l whibh he shall have 'been appointed, unless - •sooner=ro moved by,-and the- , advice and consent of the Senate, ;or by :the ap pointmcnt, with the like• advice and consent,. of a• successor in his place; ex cept as therein• otherwise provided. • ,SEc. 2 And be it further enacted, That during;any recess of the „the 'Presitlent,is hereby empowero 'in his discretion to Stispend any,, 6rib-officer appointed by and with the advice and 'consent of the•Sonatey.!expept Judges :of the United States Courts, until , the end of the next session of the Senate,,atid to designate; some su i table person, sub , ject• removed in.hisldiserptionrlor I •by the resignation:of another,,,to,3:per- Lform , tne!dutitts , of osuspended• • of- ^fieerrin the theamtime, and csiiCh per son so designated shalt:take the oaths, and give. the bends 'required. bylaw to. be , talt6n• and ,gfren byithe suspen ded officer, and shall, during! the • time ho performs his duties, rite, entitled: to the salary and,•emoluments of suchiof ',fleet - , no part 'of which shall belong. ,to • the officer suspentled,;_atithit; shall; •be the,• duty , of the ,Presidentiliwithin thirty - /days' alai' the „coinMenee ateiat otoevery,sessicitt of; the tSenate, except. for any office whiehln his•opin ionNought not to :be to. within. ,ate persons, to fill. all: vacancies in,vof :fiee..whicluexist. prior to the rtneeping .of the Senate, whether temporarily fill. led-:or tiot,rarrd• so' id the , plaee'llaf,'_all officers suspende4 r -anal softtlee, Senate 'during soak' session sha il.ttefuSe to and 'consent ,to ,ant•appointinchtl in , the place of sucla•suspended:officer, thenond 'otherwise', the :President nominate ,anot her pb.son. as' soon as pradticable: , to, said session of the' Senate for 'said office.' ' The languageof theSe:;seations' is 'ettoffiewhat am4gugus, and ld,different- ; 13',.,CO.nstrue,d : bY,different paAtios,,Mr. Butler, who was for. the repeal,of,the ,:old• tOto, and was , Ohltirtnan ,• of lhollikßsa, Uornrnitted"of 'Obilffiretiee, Says that the neiv'bill gibes the Pres , 1, , 2 1 ,• , , • At:, ,ident,frcecopß to do Ti 49 : pleases, in the matter •Of l appointments, and•;re litovals,•and is equic;aleut,' to an uneon , ditional rep r eitl' of the law, ' Mr. Trum bull' who was opposed , to u the r epeal, ,and.,Cbairrron,of,the Senatc,,,Commit ,l ace of Conference, - centetids•itliat• , the . g revised' bill:gives no such 'power; put the Setite, , inder proysions, may I:.reinstaie',Rn old officer, remoyed „Oar jug a recess,,: by refusing, to confirm his successor. ' This latter view is ,un dbubtedfj; tifo correct : one. `ills Rill pro however, tbat'aßy occasion, will .arise,during President Grant's,oadmin istration to. test' the law in. this regard. The Senate will bardlSorrifese to firni any'of President Grant's appOin ,tees uffiess•for a'very goitlttase, And the Peesidenvis not li,levly to,, remove an officer except for the same teastob, 'or to pre'ss'an' obtioxiciits"pprsan 'upon ttio:Setite. „Spay') tho.Pre'sident, 'Seare.6lS , '• d l i:n'k;"G,:,lpt!t,.34:il . pi.j, 9 l•,!l, rudder of! . , the., good ohl.shfp•Of, f s,tat,o, yet:ha bas already broken down, under the '.presstieep • - .A.' , •eoteniporal 4 3 43, says aaj•• ,1; 1 .3:6-1'(`3tfi4ng :!!' l 4 , kn g (q Pi 39 El-10:( 4,i ,o I eclipAl 7 ,ba t ; he, • Air metio l te(the TOple . ,ow lio !would have him for ith'clir arid L ... a thittv. he, shall savo , f,his health:, and , strength , :for , . the , ;fee r#,.. „, tliye t tri ; at 1i1?e \c`.t B Pt staistYa el ftee seekers,.bownver ‘gt;eedro'r'elam brousl.' 13efOre Genf. •Ordrit u alfrifr;d had resoled to have, pithir , tet i ahem's 'pf,:his,.:g7.vnheiee„ltnd i t o r i do.y.viyeon them respeetively„ lber :labor . , and ,to ;spoeslbiiitymf •serattniziiig:and , pasing :Upon the ti l laiMg or - Merits'Of `Oft 6e:, 41;i 1y a d wise resole and we regret ,tiit it has •sinee been.:overruled .to; tholdetriinent of the 'President/a 'health: .In ' behalf ' of' th body Piyoy l e:,,:%yfio 'll , yeet.66 , v`e` :I,r? a t President ; to .reenr i truhis original;:wiso,,qnq just 'resolve ; ronbw ~" I 7 . '-'11;1 , t • 'llrinte''' a statement to the eff!kethtit - ii fiiitf4Vit "terl bob hasietfOfesiied haViegl'inur dared-the Ilon':slifrrhy'.:Meeorinll!`-of afkitit • $ll, and;:liadoihingfefirag,ed,!strnelr him on the lie:id with :a'lhainreer:.!!'The -boy iti'left'lian'tind;landlit is• tisaettetr . fh'ift lb& blows 9)roVOA' !fatal!' tnif'sf,! Itavelieerfatradk!bra!left handed:l)er -1'1366: I,trlto'hi:inacitOvho'iholirldfir" ar-1 1; feat elitirge'd !tai`nia don fid'en 'de trieentir, and feels'ia,Astired"-th'at!he will be:!!fible - to'estittash `hitt'intin - edn'et3: !!!-!" I : !,•! '‘• -,••• !!!)At. , ! , .:•The!misersl,ireaulle ~. Nevada WhitO Pine 'region Afresented ! the .first 'born baby in the.digginshavitb Silver !bars or Ll] eeeeratabtiusahcialollare.!!Quite iiverld.o.ilt is good; to be born; as the phrarne,is, spool' iii,youtianputh,'?Jbut' thinic;:;ital!fat I.aiflilmaluo , 'lel :e,onsid-• 'seve'ral of !them, , .that/natorai eavity.!r; .15:1 11 ): y9tqlgelit pop pin_linow,n, L are, i in offtitqwp,,,,lll, tyci.„grpqm I?,q)pg ( d 6 and .the brtdo 111 ,yearan old. HubrzNanort, April 3, 1869. .Editors of Global, a ,tipace in your oelumni,. for the purpose of explaining- a transaction thathas caused much disc - union in our towp within it feW days,- and -which haling_floAted„around, burdened with many mis-ettitenietitineede.t2,be explained, in' or: d ey , alief }ince an - opporfunityt'-of, vjetxing it proper -' • -Itzhas- been_ the;_feeli!igAor.,n; long time,- - tlhat.the people of every Anniuniinity should have the privilege of saying • whether ,they should have in their midst, places licenisee to sell liquor; and it has-been I.lie expressed opinion of our best men, that if the consent ofltodve tuß,,muffit be_had,before any certain. totnnniniry 'sliculd - be afflicted with one of -these vile,; tlicinLaii - Cdiding to the -principle on which our government is founded, viz : "popular sovereignty, the majority ruling," instead uff.tweke melt holding;tltis power, the Wigheitera Majority Of those iisterested should• he consulted. - . _ To meet this desire, n committee was ap ; .,,,Stone Lddge,.l. O. G. to cireulnie pbtitions, and learn thereby the opinion of the people of Huntingdon county in relation thereto. And - also to_prepare a 11 . 1, 1 td . sniffrated:lu tile - Legislature, that this principle might be made the law. The wholeliSt Of the bill is thtir instead of ob taining tit-elve2signers to 'his - petition;* ap plicant for !Meuse must-obtain the' approval of a majority of , the 'voters lb the 'town or township,ip which he proposes,to sell liquor. The Petitions were to in,pe . bruary to evbry. boropiTS, awl IdWri`slip ilm,,county, and Nifefif'ildfy pshipkiivolY signed bf i the best men of both' political parties; In fact no. good who ; respbeta the, grand, foundation' principle.ef•our govetement„could reface to recommetaVso,fair,,m;law., -Many; who lied not tbesapportpuitY.ATOpld•gladly.hare add ed tlieir names to the long list. The bill was sent to liariisbuig, and' offeeed' , in the !louse, and referredlo the aommittecron Vice and a, Immorality ...during the first week in March,.. and'.thel Mond-notice •ihttt local hills get, ,was published_ in the_ Legislative Record;;und HarridbUrg papers. The Globe of Marelif'l7th:tind the Journal & AnzOican, of March 24th,.urider n 'tlib head of loCid gislatioti 'notice that .. Baid' bill was presented. A few days ago,,,puroe . s ,w,ltpse, hearts and moral feelings are the ir pocket books, pro-. fussed to' have juet,pneapthed a hill of mon strous iniquity thtit was being snaked through ; the' Legislature, withouttanyhody • knnwing • anything,about it, bud were unmeasurifd in, theit -epithets! againstr 3'6 Legislature!! that could do so vile an sot,-•, Earn* meAtramp ed the streets of our Ancient, Borough, with woliderful'healihatlilie"girid",piple light be induedittn 'crush such base infhtify /They found however; trimly - who" thirreird the pa pers of our own urtfh; arid „Kure riot so gross ly ignorant of4uhlisheefants, , hOt who had been for weeks , vishing the bill God speed ,And a saftopassidge., , ' .1. ; These, ate, tbe „facts, antil-make•this state ment in'rner thht thelimth may be known. I was not on the Good - Templar Comulittee, but at their request,lliall•the'hoalif' of from itiwthe billl and:he's: censequ'eriee'aiii letiked upon as its eriiitator and'onlyistipporthrl') I need ,oply, say thatlite:frioncle of that bill are -,. • Repiait . 'ine to, add' • a fety„vgrtls twore.upen a matter' that, shotliii : beef interest to this The'Cii6dtetnindr l 'Ut'dl;e tit` this _town has faiitniiiekistenoe war"' four years, during.than time 'has initiated 'nearly , ticice buncircifunellibets, and has ri regular futon-, dance of about a hundred. • Although seine what, successful,, and accomplishing ,some good, yet it has not the,nunthers or the, _sue ceseit shotinthavo , a town so large •as this,"and contaiiiing so many 'true tenther 'Mice -people. The 'Ledge weekly gathers , around its altar from twenty to-fifty- young men in: whom the , -tenthorance principle is being imbedded "to , grow with their, growth and strengthen with their strength.". If the Lodge hustiot reformed many drunkards, it is accomplishing weekly is main object, that of training up the rising generation/in right prinOples„ 'The benefits of these meet ings will: be felt by, these young'men through life, and in 'after years thdy will: loek , back with thankfulness-that in their yoUth, they chose rather to spend their evenings, where their moral, social and intellectual feelings and factiltie's would 'lie fostered - at - I'd strength ened; than in' the' nen; of rice that fester our toWn jearnitig'the're a life of uselesisn'eis, im morality ;Mid wickedneis, and 'its 'n l, ctirole•- ,quence of, fear and' unrest. , A . i.suciety that dues this ; tinted, ,deverves, if notsthe, active, at least the moral supper/ of temperance,,peple. The.Luitge however is ninch blam ed .tier`not ""thanir; fume in the 'whY, of : breidiing! , 'iip, the liquor troche jo'Vitensiief3Pctieried'im oiar tow'm This -slithiln nut be.' 'fleie ask a few 'young persons, • possessed of little ineane, *to. oyerconie so. great' an evil, : , The ,truntthers pit.lio:Leng'e : both; male and :feudal° h:il? much ,tinte.and Labor, tin;:tlittt ; di rectum, but tfc'effect anything, all yOlO aFe the.efforctind'iliet4' in lhlidnthere h/ife that had: a ituithiti'd•— •:eY.eryi parent thatilits.`a self.' Young leen tinos.Sibe, resist. temptation or;ithe ,temptqthm Appetite removed. ; ,, Atipresentithe ( teptptatiiml,iu 3 ld i s i nnv,n,aFe / aluiot ilpmher tlesn; sod' ittsfearfpl ,to. call_ lo..minf i l it the. L co'thent. likaftry,•par leh andt' 016 ot:inner 'their the r ure, • 'hrlYing i yielded' te't.ltii temptatintis. !It` is Afoot' that thellenthlyoung inert inaliistotkn whop after fimw-ing at-the family altar , in the morning, ,go forAh asiti !ip . md theday in the.,liunts.of ,revelltdi in.ribaid jeBts,ond blusphYMY, and'feturb niitht tb'deceive . , their,,parepts into hii belief thin spent theltiy in 'the oemitadv t bfthii'upi•ight and' * siiiiinius:" "And •cnn 'they , blamid Thetripisqipple'doe`.4' bin ',more naturally f rom thei thee, -than ~ m an temptution. : ! ;Removal the 1 tempfa tiunoWen.,, There, is.-aufficient t temperance ,el4men,:t l4„thia , lniunity . to „crush, ow, „the 'evil, it'lliete'wonl be a iiffuef,d eftrt. 01 (et tit; m&d6: IM l Sitiess 'thttitactiOn inittfet tnyilVtlititawnuid. •-weiLli ecanyetiwychiekey , ;ao'd • grzio• shops :ofithis townwund the:greet ("anxiety ; tkat : nyeiglis dowel the ; hourtmofittltdr.nuithers pn y:ives of the, to w,e, c ,,y, i be fmci i and ,thiit,,werethere notljing else„would:be suffi eieUtp. aPettkVi the' Peane:ainl 'find heyqiinceltrffie:Murfilkty nikehrietifiiitty, , ctratme.ify ottopiblessiitgu Mutt would Pillow. :• -, t ll,oopeuttUtly /yours; ; , I , ;1 owl') 01.1 7;.4v(; , j;•:/1.1.51)1p30.R. d .) 09 9k ' gq:1P Ii ) 4 4,P4i1;Idelf)JAiu • ynontly.!yiot9o, ; 09{,-1-4iY.erPPßLitA'ain juilibil3;,)3iiN if/ .ttlq:AlerFlYY,,,a,lMl, , ,9il ;hip r,esurp . sei?cll.,nves9,nt „4.7 A, • EachPs;4lK,,44n4 b,o I o peg rip Lion • "Irrpopn ted ,to, tbo ~ Liverpool • train; ng ,t3lO ..I,Raufacigu Ti,eurge - Ohilds of. Philadelphia •Unft,ed Stator, of .Aknorica„, yas . olloo„ a sailor Ipj , • JIOn. Pidad - bou'le,:plio 'at §nd . " time i'vka Soilat'cir from ,to Spain nndor Prosi 'lAntAiidroeTr r Sbii; Burin'.°. '"'the l ite Struggio' anu 'aitiayB until you ,re venil'y a' nati'of'tigoroun and' highly edltivitied intulfectl;l:dis gone hien:tie. A Memphis fury hilving, conviction' a 'prikinbrlor 'Murdering ti man;' who . is still alive, found themselves in doubt Whetlier . tO eekind , thoir , Verdiet or lot p'ritinei and-'justify ,•;• • !.. Theiltahifpbegi - dtatu re has:passed , a law :i mposibg.. $lOO ;Eva e, oe bus.) ye'ar's iruprisminnuit•on any persdri, who,:hj7 .design or ecakeledsnesS, injures.o bag gagEt tr).. 1)3"; 71 , 1. ...1 . ,r7 . 17 . PT - r -,' e,oapnfts.e i , p t e9, .41'exapdr f ia, ,Af.; ureik belief at, .I . `tAiee° aq-,d Psag PO r ?:•! i a7 1 tAle HIIRRYGRAPHS. : diatitude=4lke-a clothes lino—stret chesTren'pole to pole. A man isyAtsb a r g h..has a beard 8 feet :fog. •:....A. : Shanghai killed a small :ehildin;Kentuelty the other day. Hampshire, Vermont - and Mai sachusets have their fast day on the. Bth of April. Emigrant wagons have been going through Mitiojscary.ying slovea,tn„fuß. .. blast during past cold 'weather. Six bridesmaids atidktio - groomsmen is the correct thing now. The poor bridegroom-must go it alone. CTIYe idnaks_liii !Japan loosen the .teet,lh_by.- blows _from, a- mallet ; -and .t4mpull t„herit ; out with their -..fingers. sPt&rciws have arrived in Philadelphia, and will reside in the public squares_ of that Ali.tY ; ) % ;.: In, when a.pp.son diesi?nly the wbirieri weal' niorning; They Cheit.oloilaes inside out. Young gentlemen' may be pleased ,to learn that it; 18 , 7,becoming i 'able for' brides"to fire' one 'year with , their parents. 'Awful aCciatt4s:df •the;PaMl;•i)ros peet are tteginnipg'to circulate, irr,;prj der to accustom' the peoPle 'high, 4ritles be, time arrives: _ Concerninf , coartinff Billings blows' :that the. more advice you-undertake to fdlloW; tb6"less ,amou'rit 'of good, .courtin4 you wilF be able to do. '„ An Euglish,astronomer has diseov erdd tliat t temperature of the moon varies alternately, from,tbat.otmolten, lead. to that of frozen mercury.", The inauguration of Ge,neral ,Grant' was celebrated at bi3tWeen 80 and 90 iniGermani.':': The.,;best,'• 4Mets of, the •Fatberlipd,:rettiVedr: poems 'on ; . kE; papers' , nrcr making merry over a fight in the bouselinki'df ti\-MnreuniebialiciK in' wfilch thm"inlitit" bY • A1'7,0:4: i tO c r, ePn It„is ,estimated that the-ssnow in icorman's 'Ravine, the White Mountains, i 51,0,00 reet"deep'.' Hopes are d;tertitihedlef a niagnifiCent !MOW arch neV•Summer.,;• , NEWADVERTISEMENTS. • P. RI. Lytle St Milton S. Lytle, • ArtORNEYS TAW, • ' itunnccbow, TACO' liirined a piutner;Alip under the' name and firm of, " 'P: '• 111.& :' M. S LYTLE, ' And have romorsil to tho Mike on the south side of Hill street, fourth door west of Smith. They willattend promptly to of, legal bust nese ,e s etlus . ted to their care. „ „ LIBLIC,SA -Er; - • I The undersigned iilli offer at Public Salo, at his, residence fu {Vett toWitshlp,'lwn - and half allies 'rat of Potetsbitrg On Thursday the Sth day of April next, the lAlowing property to wit:. i h ;ft " ; Pico Iliad of hotsas, two of which are mares with foal, one colt rising 2 yews old. fresh milch cows, and a lot of young cattle, filteen head of sheep, two hem. ono threshing machine laced power, two wagons and beds, hay ladders, hay take and hay fork, rope and fanning mill, one sled: ono sleigh ' piews and barrows, a lot of cat pouter and blackstnith tools. lbechaltis; and a lot of other Ortklue too tedious to montae. Also a lot of dry pine bowl, and oak plank. . 0 Salo to C01..111011. at tea o'clock, , A. !t., when terms will ho made Conan JAMES MAGWI lilt. IVICEttiLAS ISEN BMW, Auctioneer. 01,7 -I I*. 'Spring: Atlll%l .of: '004 7 .g', - Goads. H. ROBL,EY' "' - • " WIERCHANT . .TAILOR; Ilse remneeJ to tliVrooreiver Hank (Old lirond Top Corner) a liele lie is in etiiirod to do al kinds of Mork in of business. no has Just teed', ed a full line of . CLOTHS,. • " • :VEST INGS, • CASS I M ERS; ''''• • 'CORDUROYS; Thankful Tol• past patronage he solaclts ' a contintta'rice of the sanle:"Tife d',tcntion•of the public is called to his 'stack of civil., dze.. which ho Is prepared to make up to order inn favidonahle, durable and workmaulike'manner. Please give me'n call. '• ''"•' '' ' ••" II:ROBLEY, ' Blerchant Tailor Huntingdon4 , Pa.; •• • • ~• :11. I . .1. "I.6§L i di r )oo tagei ' .. • Aseree'lfri , t;ii,li , rit !Longoria°, April 3, 1809. j Notice is berally.glren that the Minnd hats, valuation , and enumerations made and taken by, the Assietant As, beeaore'ofoAd ttiAtiiCt, Including' Onset 'on in'etiMeit for • the year 1808;•• taxet on carriages:billiard' . tables plate 'atufwafehes. lia , bl , tltO filaqay of March; 180. Mid •apa cid tagetiags'eaklid tat , egg year frda the gist' daY'of Mktg 'lOO9. it, puretionee'ef th69nYernal• Itetenitti I.ltwa'of the United Mates. mlty 11111 Y be examined at the offices of the 'AetWeor Mid Alikatitat'Atoe'saera In bald dlairfet. "' And pollen i. hereby givoa that 'AppeAhe'from Ihr Pro cerd;pFs of quid AliEJ•tial estsNoreo, ill be resriv , d and detormlnediad the oflice ne , ri..undhrstgned lA. If it ling' don, on a. TIN DAY, the 17111 APRIL. ISO. for the enon• • tine of Alia° and Huntingdon and on: MONA, AY, the .19th APR I 1.8,16.0..f0r the counties.of BlnirandCatubria, Or at. any time previous thereto ..; . nppeals ato,required to;be in; writing, and must ;specify therparticular enuseiimntter an: thingiirespecting decislow is.irequeSteil, end also , tho.sround or principle of error compl.iluod - - J. -EWELL STIIW ART. Assessor. 17th district, Ponca ISE THE-ETNA ST-LL AHEAD T T ,h 0,5 beeelried end has never failed o give satisfaction to,tho purehoser..draypira will .nil theiv,ollyoutitgeAto cation epbscrlber.ilur• iog th,O,aiprilyourt.and .0 - glsmitio ilia above, mmebine..,lt will le on rvitildAillotatio2coitirt. house Indituttiogdon during Itte hen weeks of enurt,,,,,, emnkinied ,Mashint•'; can ho changed from a Mower too Retiper in a few mon,..nre ; Can ho worked with !'slow belogbilther geared then other nos chines and the dreft being reduced to thelowest ettinno. ble point., „Haaping, and Mowing with the. 'Etna is no barilecon ‘ thu twat than plowing o its and stubblo It is Wood by All ` tried,it 'kat it is, tha ma , him, Mot adapthd ttitho wahts'of lbw fainidro this county. hoe no ehlw draft' and tin • weight 'oh the If'reps' 'Melts • "We will also Maroons' of "the Rtied litiniait e &Wild Mow ers'on the grounifat 'the same time Farmer+ Ihtenlling to purchase lllllChlrleB this season will do troll to, examin e the above machitios• bOford l etrehltsitig'elsewh - ore. All you want is to examine the £toa to enablo you to make 'tin your Mind what Machine to buy. I 'am the author irodiagent of ,Iloseet. Wharton :Maguire for.tha above niachities, also for the Willoughby Gum spring Drill. i, I will also hero ono of the, ,famous Harpoon •Elay.forks ion hand,. which ovary farmer should • exttellne.. whether Ile,Rceile at fork or not.,, *very farmer !Mould. have one. , They,niitthe beet in ti.,:ernigirket.. No farmer that trio. one could i ho induced 1/5 iiiatrehase Any ,other I ,brienthnexelllBo/.13 right of this Minty. , • Whart•ina:Mn •guirearatity agents, rot the, solo of Oho !above Boy Fork Any ot h er person, selling the Above Fork in Iluniimidon county will ho doalt witb,aceoftling to,low to auckekora. : AWL forgo Neburntositil. t At .Whertort 2e,,Maguireo, at the Court Nouse duringcourt rt eek„ • , :t MONTGO3IERY, apS-ln , Nell's Mile, Hunt. co., l'a. ' A Z'U R E AON ' C ' E ' N - TR ' ATED INDIGO.] Fortlid 'LAUNDRY. It is warranted,not to streak, or in anj• manner injure tile finest fabrics. FOR FANII.Y USE SoJd jn FIVE cents, TEN cents, and TWENTY cents boxes. Each TW'I NTT cents ,b6l, liaahW having FIVE TIMES as much blab as tho FIVE cents box t contains a pocLep ,pin cnahion, or °may) . bag. Fol ttasei Und,largo Laundry Ina; it Is put lip In $2 l OO Sao that each liox.'nfairdier'Tr'ade' Mark. • 'For , Sale at , I.VIA 'BEIT & CO. , Groc r ei Jana-3m. AA ifAff LTjNG :,,,,.'llbel',llfintingtlerr County A g ricultural Society will hold a regular erecting in thu Corn t !louse, on Tun-- day eventin g of the first weed of the coinin g April Court, 13th pron. Business of linperangeortrifeited mill, the Associatio n will be transacted, and a general attendance is desirable. y order 0ph0 , 40;43%, ,; 0, ‘o,soichii,,h4,: ~i J. 'vpretaties. .11 4 AP and Solnt Shingles for sale by mell2l-lr , " & CO ' HEAD QUARTERS NEW GoODS 1 • , - D P: IN , . INFORM7THE-IIUBLIC • . TH , A.T. HE HAS JUST OPENED -•-- - .TA -.- . . i'LiNbIY6TO . 6K - - of- NEW C--iisoN THAT : • ;' CAN'T "BE BE'A.T CHEAPNESS AND• QUALITY • COME AND' - • to. •P._ OWIN Iluntingdon,"Aprill, 1869: , 1869. 1869. eLOTI-lING, H. ROMAN; MS 6L6 7 1101i5T0 , !.q , — ,, MR 'SPRING AND SUMMER =I r• /.; AT " I IL 'R O'M ' CHEAP CLOitHIHG,SVOPE.:., I , ~ For Gentlemen's Clothing of thd best Mitterid, and mint, iu the beet wdels.Muollke manner; Mal at s• ~ • . OPtoaltocite,Fritiahllu tioitee 'ttlathei,Squltre, • ftuutint, dop, Da. .- t • • . 1± BACK. AGAIN 1• • , ~„ NEW STORE and .N.EW.G'OODO! M.:7;41T .I.I•L'IS. .110 , / genjamin..Jacobs Respectfully Anton& ails old friends and theliuldlc Fen" n ll 9, that liw,lnisugnln toc,,earin•- the borough of lIIINTINODON. end iee opened a very. Isrgohnd entire hew stock , ut.Cleuds in .Saaton's Store Douai bpposite Latvia' BookStoro, consletingl . of , ..• :If DRY p . 001),..% (410 CE and -, ,CAPS. BOOTS • and' , S lIOES - QUEEN:aI - STARR' aticM.VERY VARIETY OF 'GOODS'' To be,found in tha bast stores In the - vino,' all of' which ho will sell at prices to suit the times, and hopes td re ceivo a liberal, elrare of patronage from a generous public Drn't forget to give ms a call and I will 'try to please you with Goods and prices. - • • • '• BENJAMIN JACOII4. Sept 30, 1811.11. . cyv - =' TO THE N. E. CORNER OF DIAMOND; Bootrnd Shoe Emporium. , JOHN,fI. , VVESTBROOK , ,:• liaapectfhily inform tho citizen); of, liuntingdon and vicinity that be has just received from the cltra•Nxiv4tthl splendid stook' of BOOTS ,& SHOES, HATS • - 4.% i - 04.PS, . • gosiery,, Shoe Findings, Cerrpet' &ids, (De., &e.,&e., - iko.".1,":0 ,all of which ho It prepared to tell at greatlyro4edprlcos DOn't forget,'6o' yeti atanil m the inatnond. • EMI !Joel mere ned the publie golll , lally are invited to call. Iluntingdo% ryp. S, 1869. fel GEO. SHAEFFER. Llitsju o ixeturiled from,theiedeCiriili 0 4 1 00 • SPLENDID ,STCONt C . r .".: ,I3OOTS,'• SHOES, .GAITERS,'. 6. ; Which ho offers to the - inspection of hie 'customers and tho public gonerally;•ille will sell his !dock at the most •• • -REASO?.TABLE PRICES,' and those who porches& once will Anrely cell again. , •,.. „ ~ Boors *SIIOES,MADE.TO,ORDER,. and REPAIRING done in ilto neatest and •moet expedi tions manlier. Call. upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on Hill street, a few dime well of the Diamml. ,; Oct. 28, Hal. NEW BOOT ANB.SHOE STORE. IVA 1; AFRICA • ,Inforigi" the public; that' hd at ht. ,WO iho' •A'Fine "ASsiirtnoll„of,,..6ll,',liindBi) BOOTS AND SHOES' , ' E4aiee, „ A lloy wi?iej k Und small prqll6. and d*lthill4 mj At,yrli t hig u nit dion9 io oIPRF,f , e Uoh4. 0ct.: 28 0 - .1115 .1100 P 5K1R15;.:,`,•;...;',..,'1115 • - • • • T H 0 1 3 , li.NoS • Has removed • hisidanufactoryatid , Salesroothe to •c• - • ':, „ Norielf,'CliESTls eTREET,'PHILADELPHIA, WI 1 ' lll " fel i ski lore s •iren u - 0 o tunipioo, I pop, : rts. cap°. molly tulttptt , d to , ' first.clug. Wholesale alltd•ltitalLtradO, I will, bp Axed In embrace the tooct pstenslis assorruntut la the Mutat:Lend all tb7; I, iFvi and moat degtrgttte, 'SW"' shapes. lengths and 'lane, repot!, of plain and gored Mud°. to %%silting , - tblrtrk 1 . , ,Vc904 41 :1 Trails. &o,,,,Ace,together 00cr. tpludy•differeut vet ie. tirenf VA M S°. et Children:upkit Ali of vtlGch for. .3m , ,metry e ofeat3lv, flnub,i,lightness,„alastluity.,,dUrablljty end reel cheopunskdrp,pocquated by ; Qty,ottker guodslin the market...Ml ere dyarrunted in blertY, , /0 PIMP. skirts ,131110 F, to order; altered and mailed, v. hotrods and, retail. linen at tow pa !cod cauleru wide; springs •35 gents;,2o sittings ; ,45 cents;, it spriuget,QQ,ceuts ;3Q springs, 85 cents ;And 40 springs, 75 cents.., , ••,CGlteeTe. I COltne.3:eLl.,,CtlltSo ~ 57 , , differentt styles and, prices,, row 85, contslsoa7,oo,,erpb• acing It. Wortley, 1411cokel," tO.Htro Fitting," 51adem,loy.'s Corset ekirt•onppor, ere, •451re, , ,,Morly's ,F,ttputtep:olf.Adjunting A ulientosi," corsets. hi inch. Ingli-h nod_ Depputic II end-Made Corlett. and superior French Pattern, of Co. tell Cornet., "Our Con Mugs" to yt hich we invitv,espe cial attention. ;,, It Complete assortment of Wien" : Unde'r Garments, : at fdr OP HA RTRA 51- PANTON FAMILY SAWING • MACHINES/ •superlor to anyrot_hey ' , before rho peblle. 'Fiftletett , of.these , No. I'Mashiuse, , Price $55 each: eru being Overt. to our cuitolnernoin order to get them inteotificed.l , Every-Terkson in,: want of Vi-titles in our line/ should examine our goods berorePui eh smug el ie ;aloe.; Call or senddor decide bLut our men lifectray and salesiodme, , Not 1115 I.3hestbut 'Phis. • - ' • - ' nlh3o-3m .••• 4 •.• •W5ll T. HOPKINS. TIIE RATIONAL - BITTERISe' llns o,ll;pd•cf•ns 'of Inore!erisee LITER "cases of 7PIERVOUS . PAD-IC V,: VENTER AND AGUE, and Aulltgicilseq.4,PF9BlLlTY: than rtriy other remedy before the public irO,lic ' • • • • • • •' I.'l' PpRIFIEF, - THE- BLOOD, ieitiglitiltES 'Kt:Et P, is an Excellent AppetAzpr, agii a . general Invigeratot• of the System. 'WALTON & ZUG; Proprietors -- ; No. 9, N, Seventh St. Philadelph ia. &Oars gpileially , . • reerlo, 6113.- • , " " - . Irjr itnd Soft Cchil'for.,sule Is3i, .ILL...rArh24-tf • • LIENS:r S: CO. ', •:g ,1 •':"J ',"f. Ii T 'Tf • :i if c•7.;_r.".e. OEATIARGAIIS Ommi.gham,4.otyprp. s, Corner of , Railroad and Montgomery Bth.,, 1117NTINGP_04 j !PA; l'!i' ,), ;;,f::", :•" 110 fill, WE' wduld eheeiall iittentioti to. •y y the 'daily arrival 6(011010E AND BEAXITIVOL, GOODS, which at:e otrikiad at •- • • •• , TemPting Prices; Coniiitine brtgoktltlil'6llkl of, OIL otiodovolllroo ,Oipiioo},lgolOngeo ) ?tomato? , Chlotztli:4„tnost beoutifol• lino of Mao b;Ml;liles;l34i:4ed tiooks, aitalkazabrtiya. ALPO, p full llu, on/m.llls Ooodm, lush u tt..l t• -1 , „r; HEAVY BLEACHED, : psipis, Fine DrOWa from ji to 2% yard. wide; ISMitzeky..leass 1/arater. Cacalmere, &e„ &c. ;I'::3.~_lt)•; I. o i.infztait sktelg any thintorpie 4 . 143 bis nade of iT ALSO, a,lerge °P a siJrA 71rf!! 4 ! 1° F. 1111 .'f' 7 , 1 .211 ' l , e for tilt. leaon: • Re make a specialt,yof„tbia RAI*, sad boas on Lana " •ery h OPe e aseortwect of Etllsfecli I'7l :•E -DESIRABLE PATTERNS F t 1.).13. T 11. CT A 'ill C. wistelfrjll bEksol4 lioyrerttmACAlf kit tell It 7 soy other bou3o outp!dalf P l , ll adight•%- ) 7". 1 1•7• 1 " 0 91 1 •10 • ledgi efolVer - I: • e • /if...lf ll' 'EIE"I YiBtAND.l.Atil / i+ V.ll sd MI; we are eellinevary_loiif. .1- , t •1 , 10 , • , Cdir, In order to be convinced that ours le the place !o bar. .•; calkorod etstimino o ur go* and prices. - We take pleasure in showing our goods, *you if yea do not siisitio buy. ilk. yontwill ‘PlCti:e call and gob jollied. ' ogt.s.s, Has-tr. =II 7 :::::-i- . - . , 1 , .: -- JOHNSTON &\\ATTSON A.Kg .13 A.°l LARGE( i ;§TGok WE: - GOOD S. Which they have iusiOpenC i d. oUt nt!lhafi xt r i4c,it4P, IN smvpi!s ; KEyv:, BUILDING, t. 'Tbatifitdck dove - Ltd of 1 . !" 7." DitY„Grociii ,„ ' " 11 tllO ril~~'~li~LlOy v; r.:,t :~~r ~ .n R/% 1 t ll: V rOAASE - DI;FltO4l'S, '-r101)1.vA M , • - vt.r.a:xx-Z5D411-vaa,E, =1 QUI?, ENSWARN, C;;• A 7/ I:L'i r. , OIL CLOTHS, 7,/.0;10 rtZULLD ittni CZNIIMI PAN S, Ve, • •ol:T --. :O I A:RVETareARVE7 - 011AIN k -13 L 1 AVIJE L &CA: SAT_CHEESE, H.yriq‘,) ao. TRUNKS,) n, r . - li+ HAMS, SHOuLDE;Rs,,s,uni.bsi*,.4!: •• T They hare • large atciakoc ii „ii 111 • 'LADIES' DRESS GOODS, i..;"1 Consisting of SILAS, DIOIIAIItS, ALPACAS,TAP*42, LIISTAES, GINGIII.,!I?, ir 1,5f, ; 11ff. , ..198, PLAIDS, LAINES, &c., &c.; ke. !ti.;9?,Asortnaont of DRESS HOSIERY, %LOVES; C - A . tl H t, BUT TQ.NS, Ste. 4i2a ` 7 17. ,c 3 &EC. A FULIAINSE GF'-'SVIIITE GOODS ' 1-.Ii3OLIeVO,"#O,I•4:NL fiCid'yi6` st:O:dOPtis, (R. A fi rT trill:befoia - piar . pbvijog"elmiwkore. ~ . • ;:aomisrivorta WATlSON juitingdon. April 7,1869 . " - ' " HENRI( CO:& will - do - tnoro to tie v.6—nAoldelhoro ;Wei- !billed uttpe pe:ghborbootl. •• . • ^I, • InclOir MET MS MEE rml La ME! =IIE3II EWEN WM f- , re. e . 7 11 , 01, • .1 ...L.. t:il =EI In=SIM EEO ESE EMS MED
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers