Volitical. Dangerous Whitewashing, Print IVew Fork Ercning Mr, Pendleton supports Mr. Sey mour, he says, because he is in favor of taxing the bonds and against paying them; the World supports Mr. Sey mour because, as it holds, he is in fa. vor 'of paying, but not taxing them.— Vance of North Carolina, Wise of Vir ginia, and Toombs of Georgia, support Mr. Seymour, as a friend of-the lato Confederacy; the World, on the other hand, is engaged in an attempt to prove that no one was more vehement ly loyal, or more activo in holping to put down the Rebellion, Chap Mr. Soy mour. Tho World insists that Mr. Seymour put 'down the New York riot ; that without Mr. Soymour's timely and en ergetic measures of help, _Leo would have beaten Meade at Gettysburg ; that Mr. Seymour, in fact, did a great deal, and with extraordinary vigor, to put down the Rebellion, We do not moan now to dispute .with tho World on this question, though it might very justly be said that if what tllr. Seymour did injured the cause of Davis, what ho said, and the manner in which he acted and spoke often in critical moments encouraged the Rebel loaders and alarmed and dis couraged the supporters of the Union. But .does not the World perceive that its manner of supporting Mr. Seymour is weak, and injurious rather than helpful to him ? It domauds Mr. Sey mour's election on the score of his ser vices during the war. But all that im putes to him of devotion to the Union compares l after all but poorly with Grant's record; and if service to the Union, and against Rebellion, aro to be made the eest'of merit, tho Republi can party must carry the day, without question. The truth is, Mr. Seymour "suppor ted" the war as the Whigs "suppor ted" the Mexican war, and asthe Fed: era,lists "supported" the war of 1812 ; he entered, it, because he could not help hinigelf; ho spoke against it 'and against those who thought the war just,-righteous, and unavoidable; he was elected Governor by those voters who were opposed to the war, who cx petted_ and hoped for its failure, and who imagined-Davis to be a far great er statesman thanLincoln,and thought "the South"---as they called the sous sionists-rjght and deserving of sue cess. ' There is no doubt that these pooplo believed that Mr. Seymour, if elected, would effectively servo their purpose, which was so to embarrass the Gov ernment ao to compel it to withdraw the Union armies, and give the victory to the rebel leaders. There is no doubt either that the violent secessionists - wero disappointed ,in Mr. Seymour's administration—and for the very good reason that Mr. Seymour is a man who talks, but does not act. They expected that with him in power at Albany the great State of New York would be placed in direct opposition to the General Government, and that the example of Now York under Sey mour would have a disorganizing effect in other States. So, too, in the South anStates, the election of Mr. Sey moue caused great rejoicing; the rebel newspapers encouraged their leaders to hopo for "groat events" in Now York, favorable to the fortunes of the Confederacy; the rebel leaders pluck ed up fresh courage, and urged their soldiers to renewed efforts, by telling them of the hopeful election of Sey mour. To a certain extent Mr. Seymour, as Governor, justified the hopes of tho Secessionists, North and South. He appointed such men as John A. Green and Walter S. Church, notorious sym pathizers with the Rebellion, to impor tant commands in the Stato militia— and thus, as everybody remembers, spread alarm and' uneasiness among the friends of the Union cause, and made the hearts of the secessionists beat high with hope. Moreover, his language caused a very general bplief that ho was opposed to and would ro bist the conscription, which had then become necessary. Ms whole atti tude was ono of hostility; for months ho was regarded as an element of dan ger, both by the authorities at Wash ington And by the supporters of the Union everywhere; and, on the other hand, the enemiesof the Union, the friends of the Rebellion, and the rebels themselves, were filled with joyous cx• peetation of what ho would probably do. -33utit is Mr. Seymour's way to sit down between two stools; to try to please both sides; to talk loudly and act mildly. When the crisis came— when poor Leo marched into Penn sylvania on that foolish campaign in which he vainly looked for a rising in his favor—Governor Seymour so far disappointed the expectations of his friends, that they openly cursed him for 3 ‘going .back on them," as they phrased it. - If Governor Seymour had seen the authorities at Washington flinch, ho might have been encouraged to carry out the policy of opposition to tho war. But finding the Govern ment firm, ho wisely succumbed. In fact, ho may, perhaps, bo called the victim of two circumstances, named Stanton and Dix. But we do not think his record in the war, in itself, of surpassing impor tance, or even of great consequence.— We have discussed it chiefly to show what manner of man Mr. Seymour is; a man of an unsteady purpose; a man who would keep the country in tur moil and alarm, if ho should become President; who would keep alive the hopes offactibuists, as Mr. Johnson has done, by his words, and by his less important acts;. and who would yet, in all probability—unless ho were subject to the influenco of tho more reckless Blair—disappoint the factionists, just as Mr. Johnson i)aS disappointed them. Now wo honor° that no greater harm could befall the country than to have, during the next four years, a President of this temper and spirit.— 'What the country needs is poaco,quiet, certainty, rest from political excite ment—or rather from political sus pense. This it can have only under a President of agreeable temper, of a &m will, and of a simple, but assured policy: "Let us have peace," wrote Grant; and that is the best and the sufficient platform. The nation needs a ruler in general sympathy with what has been done; ono who will not either tear up, or al low others to teal up, what has boon painfully, and perhaps in some CRSCS blunderingly neeomplhihed, but yet is actually done. It needs a man who will with a firm, regular hand, with a sure eye, maintain pence and •mder ; it requires, in fact, a captain of police, and the victor of Fort Bonolson, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, and Appo matox Court House; the man who dis persed the great Southern riot, is as suredly a more capable officer than he whose first impulse, when forced to face a mutiny, was to_coddle tho mu tineers, and promise them that they should have what they wanted. It is not the Northern States which would ho most injured by Mr. Sey mour's election to the Presidency, but the Southern. It is of extreme im portance to the people of these States, white or black, that society should proceed there, henceforth, upon a regu lar and orderly system. For oursel ves wo have not been overly particu lar, as our readers know, what that system should be, so long as all mon were alike free—alike in the equal en joyment of rights of life, liberty, and tho pursuit of happiness. We have be lieved that, those things granted, all needful reforms would be surely ob tained. But wo see harm and danger, and only these, in any policy which would now overturn what has boon achieved, and bring confusion and disorder, where at last there is a promise of or der and system. Therefore, wo con ceive that even those who aro not con vinced that the Congressional policy of reconstraction is Lho wisest, Should yet resist its ovorthrew, now that it has done its work. And the way to do that is Lo vote for Clrant, and against Seymour. For the election of Grant means peace ; the election of Seymour means fbur years more of wrangling, of derangement and disor der in our affairs; it means a vacilla ting policy, a weal: ruler a man at the helm who cannot keep dm ship steady, and who may mismanage and founder her. HEAD QUARTJUtS NEW GOODS .D., P. CWIN INFORMS TIM PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED BPLENDLL 3TOCK. u.t NEW (iOOPS TB AT CAN'T BE BEAT IN OIIEAPNhSB AND QUALLTY COME AND SEE nonling , ion, Alail ISGS 944110),-, IN ~q, , wiAc „, 1 0 , JA_ r 74:,,144 ~ z ) .4 A :1,7 - 0 l rz Vi i ~..--- -s f-- - , „. I- 3 if ' ,OW/i fl ,f : •:,.' " :-4-- -' rfy ): :,...2,.. • ...__, WALL PAPER. NEW STYLES FORIB6B, LAROEST ASSORTMENT AND MOST DEAUT7III6 1 ARLORS, SITTING AM) DININU 1100113, I 11'D ROOMS, IiITCI[L•'SB~ OVIICLS, 4t00315, Le, Ever brought to .1 luntingdon, auto on • hand and for sale WHOLESALE allil RETAIL AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. Can't Be Beaten ! it JOHN H. WESTBROOK v. Itespectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and kinky that he liasjust icentred flow the city a Scui and splendid stock of GROCERIES, CONFECTIWRIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sachs, Trunks, dle., (be., c'c., 40. "all of which hots prepared to cell at gi rally reduced pikes Don't forget the old stand in the Diamond. Old canto. mess nod the public genet ally ore invited to call. Huntingdon, up 15, 1868. fig GEO. SHAEFFER 91asjust returned from the, cast with nogg l / 4 1 SPLENDID STOCK or BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &a, Which he offel s to the inbpcction of his customers and the public geohlally. Ito wilt bell his block at the moot REASONABLE PRICES, and those, who purchase once will surely call again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and 1113 PAIRING done In the neatest and most exiled/- DCle Mantle, Call open Mr. Febacifer at his atop on WU street, a few dome Weet of Dm Diamond. mayb NEW BOOT AND SI.T.OE STORE. WM. AFRiCA. opened at Ir t i lr o utlia a tl i t n atlt o o p i a a s n, Ll:t i t „ze w a A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, , . For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of which he alll 80 at fair prices. Quick sales and small prlfits. Call and tAilltlilll3 toy stock. Alanufactuting and Repining iloue to order as usual. Huntingdon, up 16,160. GRANT AND COLFAX! AGENTS 'WANTED for J. T. Ile;Riley's Life of Oral t.— Now ready, A Life of Colfax, with a steel poi ti alt.— Price, 25 c. Otron frith every copy el Otaut. The Na. ttounl Hand-Book of Facts and Figures, Just issued, is tho Book for tho Times. dent for 61.50. TREAT A CO., Publishers, G 54 Brenda ay, New York. t Augl NEW SHAD, DRY SALT HER RING aud Mackerel, (Wm ranted,) II led Apples, Poaches, Currants, lh mt.+,Aim, Cit ron, Ac., at CV& SEY'Sellool Books of all kinde for sale a.t.Liewi§' 80015 Store. tf. JOHASTON 8( WATTSOA PAKE -ploasure in announcing to tho citizens of Huntingdon county and vicinity that they awe just returned from the East with a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they hove jngt opened out nt their now store, ONE DOOR EAST OF 'ME WASIIINOTON 11011 M. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND (SAPS, BOOTS AND SIIOES, FISH, SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &e. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, CootfAing of SILKS, MOIIAIRS, ALPACA'S, POPLINS, I.I.ISPRES, GINGIIAMS, 51551505, PLAIDS, DE LAIIOES, &c., DRESS TRIMMINGS. EMBROIDE RY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, A FULL JANE OF WHITE UOODS =ffil All gouda doliveliAl to 1lb!di:Ill:CY lu buttand tivpolh ft co of dial go D. P. GWIII, Glee us a filal I.,fLau ptitchtvelog doevklivro Huntingdon. April Hi, 16G8 THE PLA.CI4_,' TO BUY NEW AND CHEAP GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. VV.MARCIIt 8110. • geopectfnlly infoun the public genetally that th.) have ,init received n large and splendid stock of goods at their Slung in lluutiugQmt, c msittiug in part of SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TINWARE, LADIES' FANCY TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BoNNETs, BUTTONS, WOOD AN 0 WILLOW TV A It E, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, 1?ItO VISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEG ARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &c., &C. Also CARPETS and OIL-CLOTII, And In fact M outhing that Is usually kept in a fits cotes flue, all whim wets bought low for cash and null sold at cot respondingly low prices for cash, or count ty prtalure. and request Me poblio to give us a call before put clueing elrewhet o, feeling hnlidlted we can otter SUP, 'tor i ntincumen is to cnilu buyers. WEI x.. 0,111111 ), solicit the patronage of ntl. and the public into eta Malty Invited to examine cur goods. EAerything taken in exchange for goods except wont!. ten. !VM. MAIICH &BRO. llnbtingdnty op. 16, Mg. MEM mAY, 1868. MAY, 1868. GLAZIER & BRO• 7 DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, 011PCLOTIIS,: . GROCERIES, QUEENSWARA HAM; BOOTS AND SHOES, d:c., &o. Washington street, near the Jail Our prices urn es follows: Calico and Muslin. from 8 cte. upward. '`ldn_yriumele , Prints, 15 cts. Yard wide ble.iclied 31:Nlin, 123 de. Void wide unbleached Muslin, 123,4 eta. 'Pickings mud Shit tinge, from 12,% eta. up. Whit° Cambric Muslin. from 15 eta. up. Whito Paired Muslin, from 20 eta. up, Whit.: Piques, from 25 eta. up. Irish Linen, from 3734 Ms. up. Po Lain° 18 to 25 Ms. All Wool ' Do Dane, 35 cts. up. Lawns, 16 to 50 cte. IThito 6.preade, ;WI to $O,OO. Pio Corte°, 22 to 25 cte. Plenso call end CXLIIIIIIIO and, If you are not con d uced It le to your interest to buy from us, do not do so. ULAZIEIt 8 1)110. Huntingdon, Mnyb, 1805. rr°PRE LADIES.—Do you really intend to comb wearing the beautiful Myles now so prevalent, or dross less elegantly, becauso the tebcl Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Fermalo attire? One moment's calm reflection will surely servo to change sour rash tosolvo. The angels had too much good sense to my nsido their puro ` ehasto robes of white, Weans° they had for a time served to hide tho deformities of that Prince of Itebela, the Dovil. Can you err in following the examploof Angels? Then having made up your minds that you will continuo to dress tastefully regardless of rebel nets, do not forget to call at the store of the supseri hers, who will be happy at all times to furnish you with such al tides of dress us you may desire. Urgo your falls, cm, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the some store. They cut hero ho suited in good articles of Boots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Cape, Quoits nue and is goneral assortment of (Infamies, on as Tea aonalito terms as at any Muse in town. Store oy South east corner of the Diamond, fluntingdon, may 31, 1865. P.ll4NOp B. WALLACE. FULLAW.A.Y'S ALL-HEALING and STRENGTHENING SALVE. J. FULI,AWAY will introduce, at his own expanse, his All•Hcaling and Strengtheninti Salvo, a §overclgn runway for Kano hack, local thelinnititinh Pain is the silo and in east, fresh wounds, bruises, sprains, weakness in Gm Joints, click. in the I,acli, old boles, fro:ded feet, awellingi, lautilateiN, ague is the We and breast, cracked hands, Wiwi, corns on Um feet, occasional anti's of moot !Linda to mhieli ilia human family Is bultjoLt. o.22„Fur bale at Lovoet' Family Illocery. 133=1 CI It° °BRIM, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEC AILS, CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, CEDAR -IVARE, QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, ons, PAINTS, &U., DRUGS, UARPETB, CARPET 011A1N 'flow have a largo cluck• of tibia, a large as sortmeut of BUTTONS, &c I= DEALERS IN SPECIAL NOTICE, WHAITON & lAGUIE, HILL STREET, HUNTINCDON, PA., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, TATIARY, The attention of DIECIIANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS. nod buyels generally . , Is Invited to the fact that WO aro lIUW (lira illg it 131iTTER. ASSORT3IHNT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can be found °lambert , In this part of the State, at Prices to suit the times. Our stock commiscs all articles in this I:no of liminess, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIMJE suit WACION - MAKERS JuINERS, dr. , de., together with a largo stack of iron, Steel, Nails, sSpikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains,. Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross• Cut Saws, • Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hal loty Goal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. As excellent assortment of 3Wtixi.e) .-vAlaDi--sr, Comm hung KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA. AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS ORS, .RAZORS, &O. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE Ilousel►old, flortienitural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved pattertis, CONSTANTLY ON ILAND AND FOR SW: AT MAE UFACT UREA'S' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS WIII find a uncial assortment of material for their us conaisthig in pint of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, 4okes flints, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelleclieather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, tc:c. pcositlirlr4iNfaiir_VlCtiri,7l4 lll . l 4•4 3 'lF;zl C'c Le nupplimi with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, SLEDGES, HAN(NTEES, HORSE ALTI) MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds a Iron & Steel CARPENTERS win iho ia out efitablielonont a euperlo• block of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, HINOES, SCREWS, LOCKS, tnurs, PULLEYS, SASI.I4.;ORDS, &C., &O. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS, NAILS and SPIKES, of all varictios BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, OAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. i - 0 1 t3L'•33 , .2.4 - 03e..Si - Can be accommodated with everything In theft !Inn from I Ma Xurnalitor to a I%llot-stone. 3311,1711.C1.0 Ale espoci.illy invited to call and CXIIIIIIIIO our ntuelt BUILDING HARDWARE, and colupalo our pie. uillt others, Agricultural Implements, Comprising the famous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Rundelt's First nominal HURSI.3 P/TCHFORN, Ratios, Soy Hies, Hues, jinx Fmk', Trim awl Haller Challis, flutist Chains, Cow Ties, (tiny Combs, Cards, AO, Ac., Lc. Among the specialties of our House, tiro desire to call attention to the cold/anted OHIO PUMP, Thu exclusive right to sell which is vested its us. Bond for nahrular nod got full particulars of cause, and satinf3 3 °mad( of Its superior qualities. SCALES. &'olos of 01l nizci nod tlocriptious, Including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and .Druggists' ,Scales, hill,Rolling Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port• able, Hopper, Miners and Trans. portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASII PRICES. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, .liv"olrured au flag placo A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By the keg. Very teme Best Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and closoriptions WAG.ON‘BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIR Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the hat rot or gallon, at vary low ilguroa CP' A call Is Tespectitilly solicited, fooling coot:- door that our goods end prices lull not Mil to I,leatio. 'WHARTON & MAGUIRE. Iluntluiplon, Ditty 7, IS(7. - Al 1 2 ilOelyhizt abbalistments. THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. J. RICHARDSON & CO., 126 S'alttlET, PIIILAD'A., Is the Lugest Manufacturing Confectioners and Whole sale Dealers in Fruits, Nuts, &e,, in the United States. mll4-ly -4 ISAAC K. STAUFFER, tOY WATCHMAKER and JEWELER, No, 118 Noi HI Id Stteet, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An am' Went of Watches, Jewelry, Silvor and Placa Ware constantly on hand. EQUABLE FOR HOLIDAY PItLSENTSI trg-Ilepali tug of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to. n0v.27-Iy* BOOK AGENTS WANTED To solicit coders fin DR. WILLIAM SMITH'S DICTIONA RY OF 'ME BIBLE. Tut: otos Enroom vuumsnED IN AMERICA, CONDENSED DC 1)0. SMITICS OliN [LAND. ID ono largo Octavo volume, illustrated with over 125 steel nod wood engraving, Agents and subsetibers see that you get the genuine editton of Or. Smith. Thu Siwinfthad ie,publicun bays, this edit ion published by Messrs. ]liltr & Co., is the genuine tiling. get, in Tiro Congwyafienutitt says, whoever wishes to get, n the cheapest f our,the best Dietionaly of the Bible she'd boy this. • Agents are meeting It ith unparalleled success. We em ploy no General "[genie, and oiler extra inducements to Canvassers. Agents Dill see the advantage of dealing din ectly oat' the PUBLISH BIOS. For deberiptive eiteu. lm s, with full pal Octants a nd tot mu, Mat rho the Publieb en e, J. B. BUIIIIIt & CO., my27,31n Hut tford, Conn. T O FARMERS. - - - PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S S01.11131.t; PACIFIC CUANO. The attention of Farmers and other consumers of For- Hitters is invited to this Guano, as not thy cf their spa. cis/ notice. Its Use for several years in Maryland, Vir ginia and other southern Stales, for all crops, bins given it a standard ohm aeter for eacellenco unequalled by any other. It possesses all lho quid:um of Peruvian Guano with permanent qualities net found in that article. 230 Ills of tubs titan,, art fOlin it more than equal to 301) The of the best Superphosphates• It ripens the wheat crop {Coln f ro (a seven days earlier than the phosphates, which fact alone gives it incalculable advantages. Libel al discount to dealers. For sale by . JOHN S. IthIESE A CO Uenei al Agents for Pacific Guano Co., 38 south Delaware Ave., Phllad'a nth 25-Gm and 71 South street, Dal thnore. Anti-Incrustation Co.'s Co.'s Office, No, 14.7 South Fourth Street, PIIILADELPItIA. The Anti-Incrustator Kill moor° seaks from STRA,I BOILERS and Imp ilinlll than, lender (Ito Barr ins, liable to Expo;ion, and COOS ins a fp eat saving Vinci. Then I:nyrnutki kayo been in intriwvila me during the lint two yeani in many of the ellahlishments of Phil., oiler yaws nI Ihe United Stales. ft MO which the mo.t flu/Wing lialinionith of n.ll tvo,,awm sarmo fffuel and labor have been leceis ed. . . • l'A It'll ES hoeing 11011,1011 could an well to ca': nt [lto otlwe. and examine tettintoniate, &G. EZRA LEK EX:i, Svey nut! netts JIIIIO 3, 'O5-3 nips. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. GREAT REDUUTION OF TOLL' =I nom Thiousater to all vointd on the Susquehanna River and its Branches Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, Tide water and Pennsylvania Canals, By nog.lar I lady 'Cons of Canal Beall ft ono l'lolmlol phin loan placer; °Oho Foir.quellannaitiver and blanches. Gooool4 coloodglicol to thu above points noon l'hiladolpela and Melt into“o will ho received. woeful Iv handled. nod forum dell by Canal Beals, µ hich are constantly an lying for fleighin. Ample walthon - e and chat (age room (under cover pt oN ided fut unclad rargueo. Shippets 0 ill find it to their advantage to send for m ,trd [huh cousigntnenhi to n eroivo quick disoich. For further pattitmlarel. apply to KOFFMAN & KENNEDY, No. 304 North Dehtwaro Avenuo, PHILADELPHIA Or JOB. JAB. TAYLOR, No 212 West lulls Avenue,. Jo. 17,18b3-ly JIIS. E. CALDWELL & Cth, NO. 902 CHESTNU T STEET, • PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturers and Importers Of every &het iption of FIRST CLASS GOODS, belonging to the Raciness of Goldsmiths and silversmiths, linen removed to their NEW MARBLE STORE, Nst ending ft om Chestnut Street to &insole Street„aford ing amide rglinlytlld CO/111.11iClit occessotics ' giving op- Pot teeny tor a toper do4pl.sy of gouda, and bet ter menus lee nods examamtion. Wilk oxtonslvo and favorable arrangements in this Comitty and in Sinop; MO ow in a position to offer at sambnato FIXED prices Watches, Diamonds, Bronze & Marble Goods, Silver Wares, Jewelry, Porcelain, Plated Goods, Musical Boxes, and every deocripliuu of FANCY ARTICLES; Ott angers 1, WI lug the city aro cordially Invited to ex nmine Now Store. fmhl,oi, 7y. 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628 WM. T. IMPELS'S "OWN MAKE" OP "KEYSTONE &Kum." 11111 the best end Clicsri ST Low PRICED Hoop Skirts In the mai ket. ts, 25 springs, $1.00; 30 springs, $1.20; and 40 Ito lugs, $1.15. ]'lain Skit Is, 0 tapes, 20 springs. Mt Cents; 25 springs, 95 Cents; 30 springs, $1.15 ; and 35 bpi lugs, $1.21. Warratiftd all every respect, "Our OWN Make" of "UNION SlilltTS," cloven Tape Trails, from '2O to SO springs, $1.20 to $2.50. Plain. Six Tapes, 20 to SO springs, bum 05 Cents to $2.00. so Skirts are bolter limn thubeeold by other otabliehructits 118 Slot Cllll5 goods 01111 at mock lower pt ices. "Our OWN Mak." of "CH,I3IPION SKIRTS" 11r0 in 0101$ Supetioo to all other Hoop before 1110 11111/11C, null only have to be examined or worn to con vince every one of the fact. Manufactured of the beat linen-finished English Steel Spi lugs, von y impeller tapes, and the style of the inetalls fastenings end manner of SCCIII lug them sin pass for dinability and excellence my other skit t in this country, mid are lighter, more studio, will was longer, give Mote sal ilfaction, tun) Ato really cheaper than till others. Every lady should try them They are being sold extensively by metchants tin ouglb out this and the adjoining States at vets moderato prices If you want the bests adi for "Hopi:lies Champion Skit I." 11 yen do trot find them, get 1110 1111 reliant with alma you deal to outer them fur you, echelon or send direct to MUICII.I.IIIIIw ill find our different grades of 'Skirts exactly what they need, and 100 especially Invite them to call and examine our extensive assortment, or send fur Wholesale price Lint. Tn bo Wad at Retail at 'Manufactory, and of lbe Retail Thole generally, and o t Wholesale of thu Dlanufactorer only, to. n ham all ordin a shunld be addressed. MANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM 028 ARCM STREET I:llet‘i oen 6tll and TO! Sp,, rhii9dl3loll%. WM. T. ELOPKINS =EI LUMBER, SIIINILES, LATHS, - HEMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, L. Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plastering and ELtngling Lath, cantanntly on hand. Wadtad Flaming, Sash, DUnd4, Doom, Door and IVIn• dow Ponied, furnidted ut manutheltircrs' tutees: Grath and country product gonatally bought nt market Mt, WAtlONillt BRO., :ing2S tf Philin6burg, Centro tn., Pa. TIIXBD FACTS INDELIBLY IM PRESSED will always trittukpll ONer 811100 as. surtious. Thus it is that this community gives testimony in fa vor of Ow well known ostablishmont of H. GREENBERG, nnEgmanti ita.BIIIARD HILL STREET, II INTINGDON Whilst it is not his purpono to keels . ° tiro public by clamoring "low prices and better goods" than other dealers, ho simply Invites all who wish to purchaso in his lino of business to call and satisfy themselves - that with him n patron once gained is never lost, that is, "the proof et rho pudding is in rho tasting of IL" 110 has just received winter supply of atAIN MAN ELDVINC, Ho has also a largo assortment of the most substantial and fashionable Hats, Caps, Goats' Famishing Goods, of every debctiption, tuul made up from the best materiel Al‘lap; oil baud the finest quality of American, Eng PA and French CLOTHS, CASSIHERESmuI VESTIHOS, which ore ninth) up to order by good, experienced isoi Mel!, In a manner the most fabllionable and endurable. No eastern city can lifford a better or more varied style of goods than caiibe found in my selection. luntingdon, Nor. 13,1167 FASHIONABLE 'GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. • GEO. P. MARSH, MERCHANT TAILOR, Also DEALER IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN AND DOFF, Nave removed to the store room on the Corner of the Diamond, oppoaito Lewis' Idoolt Storo, whore ho intends to keep constantly on band the latedt styles of Ready mode Clothing and piece goods, comprising AStEItIOAN, t2:ol.ldEl AND I , l=oll CLOTHS, CASHMERES, AND VESTINOS. CLOTHS, CASSDIRRU, AND VItSTINGS. =TIM CASSIMERES, AND, TESTING& Being ne practical workman of many Seats experleneo Le to prepared to n a cho to tailor Clothing for men and boys, and go:ulnae° mat, durable and fashionable work nittoship. Ile is determined to 110000 everybody. • Priy• All are Invited to cell end exarnino my now snick of boantifin patterns hertno pm chasing elsewhere me 1125 GED. F MARSH. ici.z.-%r'ccior•TwmA V ~,,, ir::;..,..... -:!- - 77 - 119 ii. 'll- .-g=t-'- -- f l ow - • - -- -1 - 4* - ;r:c:*\ ::') MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND - SEWING AIACIIINES- - JOhN VARBIItA, Prenutent M. GItEENII has removed his e Music Stole, to Urns:Nona floor of bolster's build ing, where Le keeps constantly to, lattal STKINWAY SONS' and OA MILE'S Piano Manuracturing Coll PIANOS, MASON A lIAMI,I:N'S CABINET OROANS and CAItIIART.NEUDIIAM A CO.S' MEI.ODUONs; Unita:l4, Fifea. Ftlitel; Onitar. and Violin St: logs. MUSIC BOOKS—Golden Chain, Guidon Sbauar, Golden Censer. Golden Trio, to., SIIEIIT MUSIC.—Ito is constantly receiving Imo Phil. ndelphia all the latest music, which pelsons at a distance wishing. can order, and Intro sent thela by to oil. Also (MOVER A BAK EiCS eel:lb:Med SNWINO MA CIIINES--tile only on:chino that. in addition to et ery kind of sew lug, embroideta he: fed ly bowing Silk and Cotton of all colon [l,l maomus. ['onions buying &wing ]litchines fully instructed in the use of them. .fl & Piazion and ()rpns Wlli ranted for fire years. di buy any of the above articles dro in vited Co call and i,ainino mine refute purchasing ail' niter° My itrias me (Ito sante as in Now Yolk and Pidlailelphin. (.11:1L1,1 or rani rimieubt or Machine% sent promptly upon application nit: any additional infiirniation dedirtd. IL AI. GICBIINN, Bill sheet, Iluntingdon, Rt. tiliV B ; 6 7 Second floor of Lei.der's new brick building inE7Dri a iniTtaraCioefaC f - E, -; , , - Av fibli. Pq , 11111 "-' DALTI3IORE, MD 0 4 , 4 t , MARBLE YARD. J, II GREEN & F• 0, BEAVER Having entered into partnership, tali= the public that they aro prepared to execute all 6 tylos of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such aq MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, also Building Work, at a., low prices as any shop in the county. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN duet . , a fow doors cost of tho Lu /heron church n 1026,1807 MARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Huntingdon and the adioioing counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on band. He is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, itionumentni Marble, Tooth, Tables and Stones of every debited size and form of Italian or Castel n Marble, highly finished, nod carved with appro• vitae devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, Ac., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in the country, at n Stir price, Call and see, befoto you purchase elseubero. Shop on the ornor of Moo tgonwry awl MIMI am, Huntingdoo, WM. WILLIAMS. Iron tingdon,May 16 1855. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LyiRGE STOOK AND . - SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or Window Curtain Papers, SPECTACLES • A fine and latgo assortment ahyliys on hand AT LEWIS BOOK STORE. <Ol-C.),1.213) EnEATei FOR EVERYBODY, friptly ANY OTHER -R-INDS. Gall at Lewis' Book Store argil SEE 4,S"SORTIIIENT, ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, THOMAS N. COLDER. The undersigned having now entered into the i lx'dri ll w T tiu fa t:tVo„tiitted public am informed of nil timoe to lilt orders on the shortest notice. •••-• THOS. N. COLDER. Alexandria, Oct. 23.156G-tt. FOR THE LADIES. A atilmiut Itrttclo of Moto raper rood Evor,lopt, euitablo fur cooat(Na cat reopentkilte, fur sale at - LVIV.a." ,MIIIO_,VERI FOR MEN AND BOYS CIRBENDERG, Merchant Tailor JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE TO THE AFFLICTED ! ANARTIVLE OF REAL MERIT! POSTER'S ORIENTAL BITTERS. A Mune(ly that Imo broil tried null Mond tho tont, not only in an OCCABIOIIIII CII9O, Intl In every ennummity wbete mod it ban beell pronounced mu Harcht and mot reliable remedy known fur DYSPEPSIA, LOSS 01? APPETITE, WEAKNESS, GENERAL DEBILITY, PAIN OR CRAMP IN TILL STO MACH OR BOWELS, CHOLERA MORBUS, HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, INTERMITTEN'P, OR CHILLS! AND FEVER, LIVER. TONIC, AND FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES As au agreeable:lnd safu ninthly and an Inrigorating liuverngo It nns 110 equal. Thin V 1111141,10 Bitters to °Jensen/4 of the essential pro. portico of roots -the medicinal quali ties of which Intro been enrettilly extracted. 1. llgree.lblo to the last° and does nut leave that unplemmot taste Jo the mouth for hoots after, that west medicines do. An a Blood Purifier and Liver Tonic It bag no equal.— It contains no colonial or other injurious drug, but is purely vegetable. ror Dyspepsia It cannot be excelled. It contains no thing injurious to the stonnich, is mild mud prompt in its unction and elr.ts a pormanont cure by romoving tins Wilde of tho complaint. For rate' mit tent Fever or Chills and Fever this Bitters is a specific far buster and surer than quinine. No runny should be without it nu the cost Is billing compel rd will, the 'differing that may be avoided by bay ing it at hand in case of sudden attack. Weakly Persons use the Oriental Bitters Invalids use the Oriental nltters Dyspeptics use the Oriental Bitters Females use the Oriental Bitters TRY IT AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Prep:nod only by BUCHANAN 41 SMITH, To obom nil orders should be addressed 1 to., .V.OO per bottle. ror solo by all druggbds and dealers &morally. talaS The RESTORR 71M - R_ROVED: RDRESSOM ) (0 , - ,styl e i.oneßode will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It is perfectly larmless, and is preferred over every other preparation by those who have a fine head .of_ hair, as well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old and young. TP For Salo by all Druggists. DEPOT, 198 GREENWICH ST., N. Y., p_xlictONENUA UNITED STATES • Authorized WAR CLABIAGENC'f lIU.NTINGDON, PA SOLDIERS' HEIRS, ATTENTION ! no act of Congress approved March 2, 1801, giros, to Mirk of Soldiers who died prisoners of war, COMIIIITATION FOR RATIONS, for the time tl,o soldier was oa held a prisoner, at the rate of twenty-five cents per day, to be paid in the follow. ing order: let. Td the widow, if unmarried; 2d. To the' eblldren • 3d, 'lO tho parrots, to both jointly they are living, defiler is dead, to tho survivor; 4111. To the bra' there and sisters.' The net of February 28. 1867, provides for the refund. ing of the $OOO Commutation Money, where the game per eon won again drafted, anti was required to cater the ncr Vico or furnish a substitute. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. The act of March 2,1887, also makes provisions fur tl,o payment of the $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY I.* to such bohlicrs as Imo acciqoutally lost their disahai gee • - J• •' .• All persons having any claims under any of the above men'tkmed Acts, or any other kind of claim against the` United Staten or State Cloveraments, cnn' have thoui promptly collected,. by addreshing the undersigned. ITO forMation and /Wince cheerfully given to soldiers or their . fritnalii, free or chttrgo. WOOP.S, - - .417‘0ri,m2 Army and Mal Ilitr-Cyzine'..4oent, ma)9,215137 IluptinattOn ct).•;l's. 11 , 01)1t FLOUR. ! The Lest Flour, by tho barrel or smaller quantity for auto nybpsytk' Family Grocery. WI. COUNTRY DEALERS can vi yamn r ila om ma In Huutingdon at tics, as I tiara a wholosalo sta n' r ' at in ll ' hi t l e attu i l e pTti c ne n in the U. KORAN. COUNTRY PRODUCE. • An kinds of country prodmo takou in oxchaugo for Goods at Lewis' Ymnily Groceq. EVER. I Y FAI.IIiY Will find rt Ifiwis' Ji.ougy Grocery, orory oga° usonlly kola in Ilret clues Wurery stores. Cog 1:91 . Volt you writ. CHEESE. CHEESE. Tip Inst, ahs ay% for s•.dD at TJEWIS' El.\lll.Y Gituvraw HUNTINGDON, PA., 0 4i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers