Ely Cabe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, July 29, 1868, LOCAL So PEINONAL. .LL3tl33.c)luxxeD emaa.ozate,. ASSEMBLY I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Assembly in Ilk legislative district, subject to the decision of the Republican County Consention nod district conferees. SA3IL. T. DROWN. Huntingdon, June CO, IF:GS.pI My ammo is respectfully announcei before tha people, of Comity, ns thtir eandolato for A....wilily, Fuldect to the decision of thin Itopublicat County Conven tion and District Conforms. If nominated and elected. Mill devote my undivided attention to the people's intor• est. Ell VAIL', A. OttElIN. Brady hrp., June 17, 'CS-pit. The Republican vote. of Huntingdon county are re spectfully informed that the filen& of Capt. maim X. 111,Allt will offer his name to the County Convention for nomination as the Republican candihtto for the Lrgisla• tun, !Huntingdon, June 17, 1665-pd. The friends of JOHN M. STONEBRAKER. Esq.. of Brady township, mill present bN name to the coming Re. publican Convention, in August. for the taco of Assem bly. Mr. Stouebritker has Om ability to mako a good se prosentativo, and bls nomination a ill be bailed with do- light by tho outiro'porty Juno 10, ISGS-pd Tho undersigned respectfully offers himself as a caudi dsto for Assembly, subject to the decision of tho Republi can County and District Conventions, and if nominated and elected, he pledges himself to discharge the duties of the office honestly and to the best of his ebilities. HENRI" GRAFUS. Porter twp., June 1, 1863-pd SHERIITALTY The Republican voters of the county are respectfully lammed that I am a candidate for the office of ShedlL and if nominated by the Republican Convention, and elected, I promise to discharge the duties of the 0103 to the best of my ability. Brady tarp., July 15,1565. Tho friends or Capt. D. R. I'. NEELY, will present his name to the next Republican County Convention, as candidate for the office of tAterilr, believing his claims second lo nouo. Soldiers and citizens of thu LOWER END, Itent. Co. July 15, ISGS.* respectfully announco myself as a onndillato for the office of flioritf of II unti ngilun comity, subject to tho de cision of the Republican Convention. If elected, I Wag° myself to discharge the duties of the office to the best of toy obility. G. G. TATG. I rospeetfully announce myself as a candidate for the office of :Lerift", subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. (3110. W. COLDER. Iluntingdon, June 30,1003. • , The undersigned respectfully offers himself as a canal dototor the office of Sheriff of Huntingdon county, sub Jed ,to the decision of tho Republican County Contention F. S. YOUSE. Lincoln Lwp., Juno 2.4, 16C.S.pd cespect fully announce myself to the citizens of Hun tingdon county as a candidate for the unto of Sheriff subject to the decision of tho itepnbitcan county Conven tion, and prom*. if elected, to perform the duties of tho office to the best of my ability. 'lltirleysburg, Tune 24,1865.. I respectMly announce myself as a candidate for the ofilce of Shot id' of Mutt l ingdon county, subject to the de cision Of tho next Republican Cone Cation. If elected. I trill endeavor to discharge tho duties of the office v. ith , A. 11. BAUMAN. Mapleton bor., Juno 17, 1161-pd I respectfully nnnounco 1113wIr nq n cantlhlnte for the o fti co of 81,,, r iu of ❑oet in pion county, slthjeet to asiOn of 11,6 IttpubbeAll Conventint, If oketod, I pledgo nip.elf to dim:lunge thu duties of tho °Met, to the bled of toy chilly.. J021:1'11 JUIINITUN. Petersburg . .Tone 17. 1569.-jul. • • .I respectfully announce inybelf as n cantlidato for the offieo of :sheriff of linntingdOn county, sobject to the de cision of the publican County °wive:llion. T. W. MYTON. lluntinden, June 10, ISl pit I re:Teeth:ll3 111111.11C0 1113 Fel f .19 :1 C.llllillillto fur Sher iff, cubject to the deeicion of the rapt:Micro lion lay Cmr• ye:Alen If nonnietted nod elected, r it diecbm go tl:o dittiert of Mu 011110 to tiro blot of my ability. D. 31. PAINTER. Brady try., June 10, ISIS-pd COUNTY COMMISSIONER The friends of JAME: 4 HARPER, Esq., of Cromwell Toun , hip, Witt pres:nt its name to tho coining ltepubli con Cou n ty Conicutimt for tho ollleo of County COMMlS stoner. Mr. Hay per is well know II for hr. tasty and in tegrity, and it elected wilt attend faithfully to [lto in terests of tho tax pat els of tho County. Cromn ell top., July 15, Ts.* LOWER END. Republican County Convention. Tho annual Convention of tho .Na tional RopibHenna of Huntingdon coun ty will be held in ake borough of Hun tingdon, on -Tuesday, the flth day of Auggat,.lBoB, at 11 o'clock, A. M: *; .- This - Convention will be coniPosed, as heretOforb,' of two delegates from each township 'and borough, except the borough . of, Auntingdon, which shall litive two delogat'es from -each of the election - distrieta into which' it is diftid.Cd; - -. . "Tilt Republican voters of Aho county amrequested to,-assemble . at their usn aVand reSpectiVe places of holding electiols,on-Sattrday, the Sth day of August, in townships between the hours of 4 , .and 7 o'clock, P. M., and in boioughs between_the hours of 7?.. and 9.o!clock, - P. M., for. the purpose of electing dale - gates t 0 thiS Convention. ~By order of -the:Repliblican County Committee. - .11.11yr . ox S. LYTLE, Chairman Iluntingdon, July 28; 1868. Brief Items. - . Handsomely improved: the Franklin house. '-Tho best news for a month: the general rains last" week. '' The best change' in 'Circulation last, week was the change of weather. Long trails ar . e saidJo be going out of fashion. What'Will we do for our streets? 7,ThO Tyrone Hera Id ; is to be enlarged to the Simi of other county papes. Glad to hear it. About: the , tax collectors.' They look as vrell'ltS might be expected under the circum stances.-- -- - Not dead yet: the Grant and Colfax Club in this place. It will be heard from before _yep Can •Say more. A Convention of School Superintendents will be held in Harrieburg, commencing on Thursday, the 30th of July. July has been a hot month everywhere, but August, somebody says, is going.to be cooler. lope so. J. IL. Durborrow, Esq., has retired from .the chair editorial of the Bedford Inquirer. We are sorry to miss him from the fraternity. Two men named Thos. Oldham and Henry Moyer died in Bedford county from sunstroke during tho recent hot spell. William Bathurst, Deputy Sheriff of this county, has been appointed Deputy Marshal for this District. A good appointment. Nature benevolently guards the rose with thorns; while art just as bencivolently guards the woman with pins. Outch I There was a delightful rain fell hero on Friday morning. The parched corn and roasted potatoes were badly in need of it. A man named George Roger was drowned in the Conomaugh river near Cambria boro., while bathing. The mail train west on Monday a week, ' run over a man named John Hodgerd, at Johnstown Station, and instantly killed him. Now promising : the oorn and late potatoes. The farmers look more pleasant, and can be approached by the candidates. The children of the Methodist Sunday School and their parents, will hold a picnic at Cottage Grove on Saturday next. A man named Dixon has been lodged in jail for committing an assault and battery upon-old Mr. Gayton and the constable at Mapleton. During the 4th, sth and 6th of July, 63,004 passengers were conveyed over the Penna. Railroad, and we were ono of them, we was. Mr. John Widman, of Conemaugh hero-, whilo crossing a bridge slipped and fell a distance of eighteen feet. He died shortly after from internal injuries. A husband complains bitterly of t'.o price of ducks. Ills wife recently bought them fur 5225, viz : a "duck" of a drese,.a "duck" of a bonnet, and a "duck" of a parasol. 16. Burchinell has made a public ball in the Juniata near the Grove. Some of those who have tried it say like the woman who was baptised, "0, it's bully." The truth of Cowper's saying, that "God made the country and man made the town," is more fully realized now than at any other period. • Two men fishing ; sharp boy appears. "Well, sir, git any bites ?" "Lote of 'cm." "Y-o-o, under your hat." Race between boy and stones—boy a little ahead. A little girl named Roscop, of Lewistown, was badly burned by stopping into a lot of hot coal that had just been thrown out of a furnace at a tannery. • Some mean fellow entered the office of our Mount Union cotemporary, and pied, i. 0., knocked down, several items of his matter. The editor is after him with a sharp stick to make a copy of him. The annual meeting of the Pennsylvania State Teachers' Association will be held at Allentown, commencing Tuesday, August 14th, to continuo three days. We would like to have it held hero next year. An eastern cotemporary says, "We should not want to itemize in print what the ladies tell us is a comfortable costume when the mercury is at melting 98." And pray, why not; wouldn't others liko to know? Two young apple orchards on Raystown branch on the farms of Mr. A. B. Shenefelt, have been almost completely destroyed by the locusts depositing theirovum in the branches. On other farms on the branch young fruit trees have been very much injured. • The Methodist National Camp Meeting at Alanheim, Lancaster county, held for ton days, a week ago, was an immense. gather ing. The tents numbered five hundred, and seats were provided for three thousand per sons. The crowd in attendance on Sunday last a week was estimated at from ten to fif teen thousand. • The iron ferule around the Catholic church property in this borough has been completed. The fence is made and painted in imitation of hickory, and was put up at great expense, but it adds greatly to the beauty and value of that corner. We understand that the Meth odist church talk of getting ono like it. A man named Joseph Clark was caught between the platforms of two cars at the yard in Altoona and so much injured that when the cars parted lie fell upon the track and was caught by the brakobars of ono of the cars and rolled over the tics, breaking his back and otherwise injuring him to such an extent that he died in a few minutes. GEM ADAM WARFEL The Democracy of Blair county on Tuesday last nominated thefollowing ticket, which is to bo beaten noxt fall by about GOO majority: Assembly, Jas. Funk,,of Duncansvillo ; Reg ister and Recorder, Capt. Frank Cassiday, of Newry ; District Attorney, S. M. Woodkok, of Altoona ; Treasurer, M. L. Bechtel, of Hollidaysburg; Commissioner, 11. Fettinger, of Altoona ; Auditor, Tyrone; Surveyor, Christian lineman, of Frankstown ; Director of the Poor, James Stevens, of Juniata. 1= Terrlble Tragedy at Altoona. . Thomas Merkloin, of Mechanics burg, was qmployed in the Pennsylva nia railroad shops at Altoona, where ho labored for a considerable time.— He there made the acquaintance of a young lady named Seibert, to whom he became devoutodly attached and fi lially the two were betrothed, but, be cause he took to drinking, it is said, Miss S, recently- saw proper to break the engagement. Merklein made re peated efforts, since, to obtain her con sent to a union, but without avail. On Friday evening last he quit work as usual; but did not return next morn ing. During the forenoon (Saturday) he visited the residence of the Seibert family, and obtained a private inter view with Miss S. lie again ondeav ored to gain her consent to marry him. Sho refused, at the same time stating her cause for so doincr,whercon Merk kin drew a pistol, and pointing it to her heart, fired, at the flame time de elaring that she should not become the wife of any one. Immediately after firing, he turned the pistol towards his own head, and shot himself, pro clueing instant death. Fortunately, Miss Seibert was not fatally wounded, ' the bullet having entered her arm near the shoulder. Camp Meeting A Camp Meeting will be held on the "Old Taylor Ground," near Isaac Tay lor's, Cassvillo charge, M. E. Church, commencing August 28th, 1808. By the help of the Lord, we intend to make a grand rally; hundreds have been blessed on this ground in years past, some of them now in glory—may tho Divine spirit bo poured out without measure upon us this year! We wish to.givo notice that no huckster wag ons, confectioneries, or picture cars will be allowed within the limits of the law. Our friends on adjoining charges are earnestly invited to join us with their tents. S. CREVEr.ING, Pastor. How to Build up a Town Our citizens can read the following and think over it at their leisure "The Cincinnati Enquirer states that a fore days ago a gentleman visited Wooster, Ohio, looking for a site on which to locate a paper mill., As soon as his errand was known the business men of the place, instead of raising their rents and the imieo of lots, at once pro posed to furnish him, free of cost, a suitable site and a steam.ongine to run hie machinery. He accepted the proposition and is making arrangements to erect a mill that will cost about $35,000." Sold Tho estate of JosSo Cook, deed., on Broad Top, was sold at public silo on Thursday last for $29,897 50. The coal tract of 275 acres, with two good openings, was purchased by Thomas Fisher & Sons of this plado for $25,250. Also four lots in Broad Top City with store and .double dwelling for $lOl7. The farm near Cassvillo was purchased by It• M. Speer, Esq., of this place. BIM A colored boy named Win. Chilton was arrested in Harrisburg on the 22d inst , on the charge of stealing a pair of pants, vest, a pair of shirt studs, and set of jet sleeve buttons, from B. Priest :of this play. A search was made and the stolen articles found in his possession. Ho was brought to the jail in this place on Saturday. The Delicate and Infirm. The most incredulous are convinced of the virtues of Spoor's "Standard Wino Bitters" upon a trial of :them.— Their base is pure wine, with herbs and roots, so favorably known to the Medical Profession and the communi ty at large. They aro all that can be desired by the most feeble and infirm. Druggists sell the Bitters. • aErrisher Si; Sons will sell at publie sale at Huntingdon Mills, Thursday, 13th day of August, at 10 o'clock, A. 111., ono Chester Whito Boar, 6 Sows and 15 Pigs of different age. Also 31 head of Sheep. The Hogs aro thoroughbred Chester Whites from the best stock in Chester County. 2t. Joe-Wood Wall Paper—call and see it at bew43' Pock Store. 'COMMUNICATED.] DEAR GLORE.-11 - aving a few days ago ab sented myself front tho ancient town of Hun tingdon, and seeking a quiet spot whore I could repose from the din and tumult of a busy life---the high appreciation I have al ways maintained for the Globe, and the esteem I cherish for the inhabitants of my native place, induce me to trespass on the columns of your worthy paper for a description of the secluded village, whcro• I am sojourning. The Summit is situated on the most, elevated part of the Allegheny mountain, one mile from Cresson Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. This village contains about 200 inhabitants. It is noted for its pure air and beautiful scenery of its mountains. The little cottages neatly surrounded by shade trees and shrubbery, all tell to travelers that their in mates are industrious and happy• people. There are some magnificent walks around the town, and in particular ono which I can not allow to pass by without at least trying to give a vivid description of. It was once the old Portage Railroad, having long since been abandoned fur speedier yankee ingenu ity; the downy moss has spread its mantle of green o'er the earth, that once was the prin cipal and the only road of transportation. On either side aro now grown up spruce and pine trees, sweet brier and laurel combined, twining among the small trees, make it a per fect hedge ; a spring of water bubbling up pure and unadulterated, nature hid under a cluster of shrubbery, invites the traveler to in dulge and be refreshed. This romantic stroll is known as the lovers' retreat. Cresson Springs, the fashionable resort, is located one mile from the Summit; it is thronged with guests from various Mike, some seeking pleas ure, others to improve their health. Among the persons of notoriety are Mrs. Lincoln, Bob and Thad; they create quite a sensation. I understood confidently that Mr. S. 11. L. of Cresson, was playing the agreeable to Mrs. L The springs are situated in a delightful spot, and 'tie only those who have seen it can imagine how beautiful the grounds aro. I expect to return to II soon, but not without feeling sad that I must leave this quiet little retreat. Dear Globe, I will say an revoir, and should I remain you will hear front II again. ** [CO 3131 131".: ICATED.] In pursuance of previous notice, the citi zens of Scottsville and vicinity met in the Town Hall on Saturday evening, fur the pur pose of organizing a Grant and Colfax Club. The meeting organized by electing Dr. J. F. Thompson, Chairman, and Henry Hudson, Secretary. On motion, P. 11. Bence stated the object of the meeting, &e., after which S. Mc'Witty, Esq., Thos. L. Utly and H. Hudson, were selected as a committee to report at the next mooting, rules and regulations to govern the proposed Club. S. McVitty was called uppon to address the audience on the "necessity of an organi zation of this kind in this township," which he done in an able and eloquent manner, re feriug in the course of his remarks, very poin tedly to the record of the standard bearer of the opposition party. It now being late, the meeting adjourned to meet on the evening of the 25th at which time the organization will be completed. The meeting was well atten ded, and we aro pleased to note, that quite a number of the "fair sex" were present, and seemed to be deeply interested in the pro ceedings, The news of the nomination of Seymour and Blair, fell like a wet blanket upon most of the "faithful" in this locality. Seymour seems to be a very bitter pill for the conser vative soldiery to swallow. But the stout hearted "faithful" think they can get some of the soldiers to "worry" him down body and breeches, as he is sugar coated, and cov ered over very nicely with a General, P. P. Blair. W aro strongly of the opinion that the bitter record of both of these candidates, and the mon who nominated them, will ooze out through the nice coating they have, suffi cient at least, that the brave soldiery cannot stomach them. The friends of the nominees of the Union Party in this township, are awaking up, and from present appearances, you may ex pect to hear a loud report front the "Grant gun" in this locality. Scottsville, July 18, 18GS Prices Reduced. Family and Pocket Bibles, Hymn Books of all kinds, Sunday School Books, Blank Books of all sizes, School Books and School Stationery, Paper and Envelopes, a large stock of Wall Paper, Window Shades, and a great variety of articlos too • numerous to mention, at LEWIS' Book Store. tf. Try Royal finking Powder. It is the best in use for cooking, and is cheaper and much better than Cream Tarter and Soda. It is for sale at Huntingdon by Henry & Co., Wm. Lewis, Josiah Cunningham, and at Dudley by D. Blair. July 28,1808-4 t. Sec Bunch of Grapes On Standard in another column. SPEER'S STANDARD WINE BETTERS is highly rec ommended by physicians fir Dyspeptics, on account of its tonic properties, its purity, and its delicious flavor. fl My wife's choice and the whole family prefer it. Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved (new style) Hair Restorer, or Dressing, (in one bot tle.) Price one dollar.. •Every Druggist sells it. Farmers Attention t The Huntingdon Mills commence operations on Thursday 30th of July. FISHER & SONS. -Tor neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "GLOBE Jon PRINTINE GEHOE," at Hun tingdon, Pa. Brick Pomeroy did got a sprinkling of truth in his paper for once, when ho wrote of, the New York Convention that "over $lOO,OOO wore paid out to buy delegates away from Pondloton between the Ist and 4th of July," and that "it is now as we write, as it has been for some months, and will ever be in the future, a warfare between the slimy, corrupt, reckless, dishonest, money-using political tricksters of Now York, and the young Democracy of the great West." MARKETS. = PIIILADELPIIIA, July 25, 18G8. The Flour meritet is moderately active, nt nn ethane°. Sepal flue Flour et $7,50 C.), 8.25; extra nt $0,25; Miley WeOm n exha family $9,60q.1 l; Pennsylvania do do $11,75 met fancy brands $12,00(01.1,00 acem ding to quality nye flout $0,52. Prime Wheat in fair demand Choice red nt $2,25®2,20 white $2,0002,05. Itye nt $1,80®1,55. Coen 1,00 ® 1,05 Bats nt SSc. Barley Inuit at $2,05. Prrisingo:ln, July 25 —Flnur.—Tho Market 'in active. We quote sales at spring ',silent Fleur at $10,23010,50, wintry Flour nt $10,00®10.15 fancy at $13@14,00, Wheat, red, $2,2502,30 nod for mbite, '52,42,02,50 Corn from fast hands at $1,05. Rye, $l,BO per bushel. Oats 77020 e; Barley 2.25@52,50. Potatoes, Pencil Blow 6,00 bbl bums 17141 c, lard 31%c. Muter 27 0330 c lb; Eggs $2 doz. I= a II! NEW YORE, July 2i.--aold closed at $1,4314. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. COICRECI.V.D WILEKLY DY ILENII.Y 4 CO. =I SuperllnoFlonr $lO,OO Foutltcre p 1b...,..... Extra Flour, ~ 11,00; Flaxseed Fondly Flour 12,00,110ps .13 lb ...... ...... , Rod Wheat,— ... ... .. ...... 2,40 (nom, smoked White Wheat, '2,10 Ilayll ton Apple Butter /A gu110n...1,25 Lord 1301 k vim cord 9,00 Large Onions 33 bus. Busboy 120 Mixed Chop, Butter 20.0sts Potatoes 11 bus7s to 1,50 Plaster per toll 10,00 Rags g 1 ib 4 UY° 150 , Ityo Chop 11 9,50 Bran 19 cwt 1,25 Brooms V doz p,oowoo Beeswax V lb 30 Boons V bus 5,00 Melina ' "5 Country Soap Ghat sl,lfi • ' Cos n Mea11...,.......2,40 Ih. Jell Apples t'bu ..... ~..2,00 Dile.% Clun Hui 71 foal t. Drictl Peaches t,t, lh - 15 Dried Beet "0 Dt owl Top Coal , ton ..42,20 Urcen Apple° ii bus Clovel aced I.lbllbs 65 00 SW4)411:811 lAN c ^ oo Cheese.. t2cj,•!o lh ):gr.P. .22 Ityo Straw 11 bundle. Shorts Cwt Sliouldur Sides low Timothy Tulkeya 13 lb Pink It lb I Ilarill;cal 11 ton.— ...... $13,110 Pig Metal 11 toll $3501.511 Lumbot 11 1.000 :10 " 1.0/tto.,;tl . SPECIAL NOTICES,' IDEAFNESS, B LINDNESS and CA TARRH fronted fthli tho utmost siircess, by J. CS, M. D. , , and l'rofessor of Disease of the Eye and Ear in the Medical Cbllept of Pcnnsylnania,l2 years exper ience, (rot one, ly of 1.05 den,lloibinol,) No. 805 ARCH St., Philadelphia. Teidinionlaii Con bin aeon at title ollice. The medical faculty era illYitOd to itecompany their 1,11• til'llk, as Ile has no secrete in his pi nctico. Artificial Eyes inert hod V, ilhollt pliill. No charge for examination. Juno 11, 1805-1}661. REMEMBER THE •RED HORSE ON DAM PACK OF DR. BARIUM% lIORSD, OATFLE AND 1100 POWDERS, propared by O. BROWN, Milton, Pa. Tako uo other. 'Xhoy havo also proven :a great preventive and cure for Gapes, Cholera, &c., do., in Poultry, and for 'Horses, Mules, Cattla end Hogg, aro un surpassed. Got Circular et Henry .2 Co's., Huntingdon, of the svondet fel cm en performed. Every name is relia ble. John Ileac of Lewisburg. In., lied IV horse cured of Lung Fever. 20 and 40e. packs. Try them. For sale by uggiets and storedieepei genet ally. • yo3•lOtk IpAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS —The Grafton Mineral Paint Company ale now manor:won ing the Best, Cheapest sod most Du rable Paint in use; two costs Won pot on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, Pill lent ton or fifteen yeang; it is era light brown or beautiful chocolat° calor, and can ho changed to green, lend, atone, dial), olive or mem, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for Hon. ECS, Fences, Barns, Carriage and Car lookers, Pails and Wooden-wire, Agricultural Implements, Cabal Boats, Vessels and Ships Balloons, Canvas, Motel and Shinto Boon. (It being Fine and IVater proof,) Floor Oil Clutha, (ono Manufacturer hitting used 0.060 bids. the post year) and as a paint for any purpose Is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity and adbe,ir mess. Pike $G per bbl. of 300 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Wan anted in all cases us above. Send for n cir cular whirl: give, full pan Ocala's. None genuine unless branded in a trade mail:, Goaton Mineral Paint. Per sons con order the Paint and remit the money °tire cella of the goods. Aridness DANIEL BIDWELL, 254 Peat! street, New York. For sale by the pound or barrel at Lewis' Book Stow. may66m An Ordinance declaring certain streets public highways, Be it enacted by the . Burgess and Town Council of the borough of Hunt ingdon and it is hereby enacted and or dained by the authority of the same : Sec. I.—That Washington street, of the width of sixty feet from the western line of Charles street to the Warm Springs road nt the line of the Renner farm; Mifflin street of the width of fifty feet from the western line of Charles street to Fulton street, and from Fulton Street of the width of sixty-feet to Lo cust street: Fulton street of a width of fifty feet from Washington street to Miffihistreet; Chestnut street of the width of fifty feet front the first alley east of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Moot c street; Walnut street of the width of fifty feet from said alley to Muddy run ; Spruce street of the • width of fifty feet from said alley to said run ; Pine street of the width of fifty feet between the last named points; and Locust street . of the width of fifty feet from the Petersburg road to Mifflin street, as surveyed and laid out upon the ground anti marked upon the plan of West Huntingdon as recorded in the office of the Recorder of floods in and fur the coun ty of Huntingdon, be, and the same arc here by declared public streets or highways. Passed, July 3, 18G8. Attest : HENRY Gr./Van, Chid . Burgess. J. S. AFRICA, Sec'g. July 8. pito CI, A MATION.---WIIEII,IIAS, by to precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the '2oth of April, A. D. 1.51,8, under the hands and coal of tire Hon. Boor go Taylor, Pt esident of the Corn t of Common Pleas, 03 or awl Ter miner, and general jail deliv ery of the 24th Judicial District of compo sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Callan la counties; and the nous. Anthony J. Beaver and David Clarkson, his:issue'. ates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices as signed, appointed to hem, try and determine all and every indictments made ur taken fur or concerning all ei which by rho laws of Ile State are made capital, or felon lea of death, and other utterer., crimes and 11 , 13 , 1mile:roots, which has e been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe trated, for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make public proclamation throughout my whole bailiff lilt, that a Court of Oyer and fl'erininer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Corn t House to the borough of Huntingdon, on the iieennil Minniny (and 1011 i day) of AUll UhT, 1068, and thrice mho n ill pro,ectite the said pt Milers, be thorn and there to prosecute thorn as it shall be Just, and that till Justices of the Peace, COlOll. mud COllStabit-t Within said comity, ho then and thorn in their proper pet sons, at 10 o'clock, a. on. or said with their records, inquisitions, examinations and li.menibran- CO9, to lit, those thing, mm lath to their °niece legpeetisely (type' tam. Dated at Huntingdon, the 15th day :tidy, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred a n d sixty -eight, and the 91st year of Anon lean Independence. JAS. F. BATHURST, Sheriff. pito CLAMATION..WHEREAS, by a in ecept to mu directed by the Judges of the Com- SllOll Pleas of the county of llttutimplon, bearing test the 25th of Alai!, A. D. MS, I mu commanded to 'make public Proclamation throughout toy uhule bailiwick, that a Court of Common Ploos mill he held at the Court 'louse in the hot ought of Huntingdon, on the ltd Monday fond nth day) of AUGUST, 19 S, tOr the taled of all itl fillOs to said Court u Welt remain undetermined hereto the said Judges, alien m u d there nll j m 01,, is is the trials of all i,lllOll al e t Nob ed. Dated at Huntingdon, the 15th July, In the year of oar Loud Ono thousand eight hundred and sisty-eigh and the 03d year of Anna lean Dolmen knee. JAS. F. DATHURc.T, Sheriff. JUDGE TRIAL LIST, FUR AUGUST TERM, 1808. FEIST WEEK. W. W.& D.C. EH trokin f u vs Michael Sion°, Sams, v 9 Fame. Same N.I - Same, et «i Dr. P. Shoenberger's cars. vs Wilson & Lorenz John Ileeshan's exls. so A. P. WiGun. John F. Hermit vs Das hi Blair. John W Matter's - vg Audi ew S. Harrison George C. - Hamilton vs David rouse. SSCONO Will:K. Hobert LOTS'S athur. .n Wm. Owennat a'. I'. M. Lytle on John W. Mattoon. Wnt. A. Orbison on Thos. Turley A wife. Mat tin 801 l ye John McEtweo. - O. W. 11. Sipe on A. L. Huss. Thos. Tolley A nth, on Mc(Troth A Piper. Wilson & Pelt ikon vs Simon Cohn et al. Alex. Poll is A. S. 'Willson et a.l. John Itoll at al vs .Tohn Morgan et M. Win. M...,Weigley ♦s JOIIIIN. Midterm Jacob Longecker vs Jesse H. Match et al. Haney S. Bedell On Hobert A. Laird. Alexander Stair TS Job Wilson of al. The Co. of Huntingdon ht vs Isaac Welt 01 ton of al. Win. 11. Hiatt vs Hew go H. Long. .7. R. SIMPSON, Prothonotary Prothonotary a Office, July.ls, ISGS. NEW MARBLE STORE. NO. 902 ChesnutStreet, J. col. J E WEL LERS, lltvu Leon appointed SPECIAL AGENTS in this city fur tho bolo of tho GORE MEG. COMPANY'S FINE ELECTRO-PLATED WARE. SSo guarantoo film goo.ll to Lo decidedly impel for to anything in the market, excelling In design, bluish and quality. A largo a.ssot tonna will ho maintained, and sold nt tiw manufacturers' regular FIXED PIIICES. Trado Mark Stamped on tho of luso of each Eleotio Plato 60114T/C0 articlo. J a ECALDWELL &CO. 902 CHESTNUT ST., FEELLADIILPHIA.= • July 22, '69.—ff. 727 • DRY GOODS. .. 727 RICKEY SHARP & CO NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Have now the most complete ant elegant stocic of Grp Crcsicaclist They have over offered, and Invitcr special attention to their stock of SILKS, comprising a full lino of HEAVY BLACK GROS GRAIN and LUSTERLESS SILKS, FOR SUITS. Plain Drown and Mode Tageitas. Plain Blown cud Mode Poona do Soles. A fall Hue of CI-lENE, MOH...AIRS Of the cholcovt coloring, together with an Extonsive Vs. Holy of ,DRY GOODS, embracing Cloths, Casslinetes, Houso-Yarnishing Goods, 40. mcKEy, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Hoop Skirts. Hoop Skirts. Beat SO Spring, %Vlote, 1010 • , AG BENIty h CO'S. DO BE ..100 , ..... ..2 24 .10(911 ..... EGIBTER's NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, to all persons interested, that the fol. owing named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Office at Huntingdon, and thnt the said accounts will be presedrol for conlirmation and allowance at en Orphans' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the County of Huntingdon, on Monday, the 10th day of AUGUST next, (1808,) to sr it : 1. General trust account of John Scott, Trustee under the will ofJoli it P. Anderson. deceased, and for Chas. 11. Anderson, Ellie C. Anderson, (now Ellie C. Maguire,) anti guardian and trustee of Alice A. Andel son nod Alexander Anderson, children of said deceased. 2 Account of John Scott, Trustee of Chas. 11. Ander son, under the will of John P. Anderson, deceased. 3. Account of John Scott, Guardian, dot tug her mi nority, (sire being now of full age,) and Ti nate° of }olio Anderson, (now Ellie Magulle,) under tire Will of her fa ther, John P. Anderson, deceased. 4. Account ofJulin Scott, Guardian find Trustee of Altos Anderson, under the will of John P. Anderson, she'd. 5. Account of John Scott, Guardian end Trustee of Al exander Anderson. under the IN ilt of John P. Anderson, deceased. G. Third administration account of John Scott, execu tor of the last will and testament of John P. Anderson, lain of the hot ough of Huntingdon, decorum'. • 7. Account of John M. Smith and William S. Smith, ndniiuist Rom a of the estate of Charles W. Hardy, late of Jackson township. deceased. 8. Sunuel Wigton, thiaidian of Eliza Jane ,Mattcrn, one of the Oahe,' and heirs of Janet, S. Midterm late of Franklin township, deceased, in acctamt with the estate of the raid Eliza Jane 510 tern. 9. The account of James 11. :defeat, administrator of the estate of John Uloelr, of Clary tow nArip, deceased. 10. 13 ilardirt.hip account of IVm. Cleisurger, Guardian of Ellen, Mary, Susan, Scott, Jane Elizabeth, and Frank lin Ridenour, children of John Iddenour, late of Juniata township, deceased. 11. Administration account of Rev. James A. Reed, ad ministrator with the will annexed of Marry C. Her, late of Wooster, in the State of Ohio, deceased. • 12, Trust account of Abraham Weight and Wrn. If. Wallace, Trustees appointed by Gm Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county to sell the real estate of Samuel P. Wallace, late of Morris township, deceased. 13. Administration account of John Eberle, executor of the last will and testament ofJacob Eberlo, late of West township, Huntingdon county, domed. 14. Tho account of Samuel Ralston, executor of the last will and testament of Rachel Shugarts, Into of NYnr i iorsmark township, deceased. 15. Tho first administration account ofSimil. T. Brown, administrator de banjo non, can teetamento annexe of John Armitage, late of Huntingdon, deceased. 10. Final account of Thomas Griffith, atiministiator of John Terrell, late of Tod township, deceased. 17. Guardianship account of John Gifford, Guardian of -Harriet Crownovor , minor child of Thomas Crownovor, Into of Shirley township, deceased. 13.. General guardianship account of George C. Bucher, Guardian of William, Alice, Llizabeth, Margaiet and Lydia Stryker, minor children of Peter Stryker, Into of Pm ter township, dee'd , with each of said wards as filed by Nicholas Croswell, in/mini:di ntor of old guardian. 19. Guardianship account of George C. Bucher, Guar dian of 'William, Alice, Elizabeth, Margaret, and Lydia Strykerd miner children of Peter Stryker, Into of Porter township, deed., with each of said wants no filed by Nicholas Clesswell, administrator of said guardian. 20. Final administration account of M., Weyer and George B. Porter, oxecutois of John Weyer, late of West township, dec'd. 21. Cluardiandlip account of Margaret Lewis, guardian Of the minor children of Abraham Lewis, deceased. 22. Guardianship account Thomas Norris, guardian of Annie K.ltichardson, (formerly McCall.) 93. Final account of • loan Cook, executor of Henry Miller, late of Tod township, deceased. J. E. S3IIICKER, Register's Office,' Register. Hunt.. July 16,'69.5 NOTICE is hereby given to all per sons interested that tiro following Inventories of tlie goods and Chattels set to widows, under the provis ions of the net of lith of April, 1151, have been tiled in tho alien of tho Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Hunting don county and situl ho presented for "approval by tho Court" on Wednesday the I2th of AUGUST, (1565,): Insoutory and appraisement of the goods and chattels of Jacob Cresswell, late of the borough of CIIHSVIIIC, de ceased, as taken•by his widow, Elisabeth A. Cresswell. Inventory arid appraiseinont of tire goods and chattels which were of Samuel Mitchell, late of Jackson tom uship, deceased, triton by his widow Margaret Mitchell. Inventory and appraisement of the goods and chattels which were of John Adams, late of Shirley township, de ceased, taken by his a Mow Ann Jerre Adams. Inventory and apprainement of tiro goods and chattels alitch woro of Nicholas ooo4lorn, Into of Tell township, deceased, taken by his widow Jauo Gooshorn. Inventory nod apprehement of tho goads and chattels which were of Darnel J. Logan, late of Cromwoll twp., deceased, taken by his indoor Margaret It. Logan. Inventory and appraisement of the goods and chattels which sorts of Abraham Iternisli, late of Morris township deceased, taken by his widow Ann E. Harnish. Inventory and appralsement of the goods and chattels which were of Alexander Dufliold, late of Tell township, incensed, taken by his or idow Elizabeth Duffield. Inventory and appraisernent of the goods and chat tots which wore of Dr. Henry If. Neff, late of tho borough of Huntingdon, deceased, taken by his widow Mary M. Neff. Inventory and appraisement of lire goods and cliatteld which were of A. D. Sangroe, late of Walker township, deceased, taken by the on blow Maria M. Sangre. Inventory and apprahoment of tho goods and chattels wench MCI °friar - sus Err hp rtrark, late of Cries aud Case- TRIO I,olollgll, deceased, taken by his solitary Catharine Kirkpatrick. Inventory and appraisement of tiro goods and chattels Well were of Geargo Miller, into of Barren township, deceased, labor, by his or IIIOW Miller. lin en tor y and apprsisearant of tire goads anti chattels which were of Usurps C. Itashar, late of Porter tumuli ip, deceased, taken by Ills WillOW Sllmall Dueller. .1. Is. SMUCKER, Cloth. Orphans Coat t. Ilinitingdon, July 15, ISfai. aata o \ 4 1 1. 4 b, '6, ! ! z , gg A. R. STEWART, HUNTINGDON, PA., DEALER IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS, PUMPS, GLASS, STOVES, OILS, LAMPS, ROPES, In FO2lB, Scythes, Snafus, Grain Cradles, Sad• ,dlery and Carriage Goods, Hubs, • and Spokes. NAILS AND IRON, LOCKS, LUNGES, SCREWS, DRAIN PIPE, • .S)`9O4COIV.IMICTET.A.3i.IO, and an endless variety of goods in his line. I am receiving goods almost every day from manufacturers, and in view of late DECLINE IN PRICES, and ray experience in selecting best brands and reliable qualities, of goods, purchasers will find it to their.advantage to examine my stock. THE NEW PATENT ECLIPSE COOK STOVE, which throws all others in the shade, is still increasing in popularity, and pleases so well that everybody wants THE ECLIPSE. STOP AT THE BIG PADLOCK SIGN Huntingdon, July 1,-1808-tf. Sugars, Teas, Green and Browned Coffees, Syrups, Spices of all kinds, Candies, Cedar and Willow Ware, Choice Family Flour, Su gar Cured Hams, Dried Beef, Brushes and Brooms, and a general variety of articles too numerous to mention, AT LEWD' FAMILY . (iWOERX GREAT 16ARGAI1S Cunningham & Carmon's, Corner of Railroad and Montgomery Ste., WE would call special attention to tho daily an ival of CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS, which tiro ulTei ad tit Tempting Prices, Consisting of Beautiful Silks of all Andes, all wool Poplins, Alpacas, Melanges, Arnim, Chintzes, a most beautiful lino of flue Cambrics, Barred Muslim, Bain stooks, Giugbrims, nod Chambray.. ALSO, a full lion of Domestic Cloodq, each as HEAVY BLEACHED MUSLIM, Fine Brown Muslin, 40 inches wide, Blenched Muslin from to 234 3ard4 wide, Kentucky Jeans, Farmers Cassinicro. &c„ &c Our ntoch of SHOES excels itny thing of the hind thin aid° of Philadelphia ALSO, n largo and well selected stock of Ei ATS suit I=! CARPETS. Wa make a specialty of this article, had liars on hand a very fino assortment of DESIRABLE PATTERNS, which will be sold lower than CAN ho sold by noy other hoowo outside of Philadelphia. Wo have also on hand a largo stock of PISA AND SALT %Odell we are selling, very low. In order to be convinced that ours Is the place to buy, call and examine our goods and pikes We tipto plc:iv/Ivo In showing onto goods, even if you do not wish to boy. Po }on will pleaso call and get rooted. CUNNINGHAIVI & CARMON. Juno 10, 190 S-tr. U 0 000 SPRING STYLES for 1868. A MIME AND ITCLIa ASSu . RTFI? STOCK OF LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, , 1%/ZeIV - 4ail'a (Successor to W. P. RUDOLPII) VMUPIM TA‘TMEDE LADIES' DEPARTMENT In this department, which 11111 nt all times receive my strict attention, I liars a well assorted display of STRAW' GOODS, Dress Trinunings, Cloak and Bacquo Trim mings. Dro , s /batons, Cloves, Vails, Zephyr Milt. Shawls, Hubins, Hoods, Sontags, Hand kei chiefs, Pall Hats. Manna Bonnet Dramas, • Velvet Ribbons. Corsets, Hosiery ; and latest style SIICWICS from s's to $3O. GENTS' DEPARTMENT Hats and Caps, all styles, from 50 cents to $lO, Skirts, IN ewers, Cloves, Neck Ties, Col. lore, Hosiery, and every article kept In a first class Furnishing Stole. HATS AND CAPS A SPECIALTY. tty promptly meeting the wants anti, I hope to meet with such patronage front the public so will enable me to keep continually on hand a largo and well selected stock of first class gond% Whilst keeping op to the Coition in overy article, I will also sell cheaper than the chexpest. 0. E. MeNEIL, Opposite Leisterle New Building Huntingdon, Ap 21, 1811. Villa &WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM ung nano Sewing Machines, Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION, j 1867. ' They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sowing, and to tho use of Seamstresses, Dressmakers, Tailors, Manu facturers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, 3iontillas 2 Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Linen floods, thnbrolles, Pamela, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods, nith silk, cotton for linos thread. They will Beam, quilt, gather, holy fell, cord, braid, bind, end perform every species ofsowing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both Bides of the article sowed. The qualities which recommend them aro: 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both . sldes of the labile sowed. 2. Strength, firmness and durability of seam,tbat will not rip nor ravel. 3. Economy of Thread. 4. Attachments and wide range of application to purpo ses and materials. 5. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. O. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. _ . . 7. ,Sperd, ewer of oporation and management, and_autet• nese of moYement. Instruclicns free to alt. Machines /apt in repair One year free of amp). CM • THE JOB PRINTING OFFICE. T" GLOBE JOB OFFICE" the most complete of any in the country, and pos. times tho most ample facilities for promptly executing in the best style, every variety of Job Printing, such as HAND BILLS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, CARDS, CAM AND Ex.traclE DPEDIND-N3 OP WORK, Lt.' YlB' BOUM S'CATIONERY 1c I.I.IJUN 't0104: HUNTINGDON, PA. AT REDUCED PRICES, Et= 11, B. LEWIS, Agent, HUNTINGDOX, PA BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, LABELS, &C., &C., ,to Cheaper than the Cheapest t BARGAINS lEZME itiiEckifiarlaa=atla sE;tortii' West End of linlithluclon, We are now offering our iin-. mouse and• well -assorted . stock of Goods, at flioronghly reduced, and unprecedented low prices; our superior facilities enabling us' to compete successfully with the cheapest. Our stock consists of Groceries,. Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware,- Queensware, Glassware, Willow and Cedar Ware, Table and Floor' 04 Cloths, Carpets, Rugs and' Door Mats, Crocks, Jugs, Stoves, Tin - Ware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass, Putty, Oils, Paints, Drugs, Flour, Feed, &c., &c., all in great:. variety, at prices that will not fail to suit consumers. We are: also dealing in all kinds of Coal. and Lumber, our facilities in these commodities being superior" to any other firm in Huntingdon. We claim them as SHP : AMES in. our trade, in Which . none cane compete with us. We buy all kinds of Grain,- Seeds, Flour and Feed, at the' highest market rates, and giirn the highest prices in Goods for - Produce of all kinds. Do not fail to call and examine our stock and prices, as both - are sure to please. HENRY & CO., Huntingdon, Pa. ME WM. B. ZEICLER, CCM Furnishing / Fancy, Dans COOM Alpacas, Poplins, Plaids, DeLnines, Lawns, Ginglumos, Prints, lino Cumbrics, Muslins, Denims, fins Linen, Mar seilles, P opus. India Twills, itc. A largo assortment of Lathes' Fashionable Dress Trim's Silk Fringes, Buttons, Bugles, Velvet Ribbons, etc. Fun&'ling Goode, Stockings, Morons, Cotton. Wool, fie 4 0r149 , :re0, Rid of all colors, Sill, Thrond, Cotton, See., of rill sixes,. and latest styles, Under garments of all kinds, for La dies, Cents and Children. Tokio Linen, Muslins, Napkins. Doylies, &c. Sheeting and Shitting, Brown and Bleached, front S cents up. ~ '''IUML,V7'C/C)L), A large stock of the latest styles. A largo stock of Notions, Zephyrs, Yarns, Ac. All cheaper than the dieapest, liouln, opposite the First National Bank, Hunting don, Po. CHEAP GROCERY STORE. , •• • WI. "E".3111.N52 1 .MEL LULL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA.. THE undersigned offers for the in -1 spection and purchase of customers a large and an sorted-stock of Groceries, Provisions, &c. lie fools antis. fled they can be accontedated with anything in his lino. Ilis pricos aro low, and his stuck fresh and good. lie 'keeps the best of SUGAR,, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO Sr; SEGARS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, &c,:. ALso— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NO TIONS of ovory kind. A select stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUEENS WARE, and all other articles kept in o well regulated establishment for sale at reasonable prices. /1D- Ills store is on hill street, nearly opposite the Bank, and in the room formerly occupied by D. Grose. Call and examine. Z. YENTBR. Huntingdon, np. 15, 1868 NE W Carriage& Wagon - 13 A • Manufactory. --,•ls..mAWelitv P. S. ISENBERG &•CO., Respectfully inform tho citizens of Huntingdon and• the public generally that they have commenced the Car riage and Wegon Manufacture in the building formerly mewled by Anderson Cozzens, DI THE BOROUGH OF HUNTINGDON, Near Henry k Co's Store, whero they will be pleased to accommodate nil mho call and giro prompt attontion to 01l ordere, either for new work or renaire. Their work shall ho put up with the best material and to a workmanlike manlier. A liberal patronage solicited. Huntingdon, June 17-ly , , S. B. McCARTHY & BRO., (S'accessors to Jliller ce Armitage,) Real Estate and Insurance Agent's Office on hill street, opposite the Court House, HUNTINGDON, PA. • We are now prepared to negotiate for the purchase and' sale of Faints, Teen Lots, dc; also, to insure Life. Prop• oily and Live Stock to say amount in the most rellablo , Comi..talss of the Culled States. SURVEYING AND DRAFTING neatly done, Ott short notice. Personedesiring to make sale of lands will' please give' us it description of the property, location, and terms, and it w ill receive our special a.tention. We have now fur sale A Farm in the west end of Eishacoguillas valley; Also, a farm situate Once miles frqm the borough of Huntingdon. Wo respectfully solicit a share of r =oae ir ap2ll-tf TILOS. BURCUINELL THOS. BIIROHINELL & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, FLOORING, And all kinds of Building Material, HUNTINGDON, PA EMIEM 'heAGENTS WANTED FOR nWEARING OF THE GREEN." most entertaining book published, abounding in Roane!, Boum AND Wet. Agents say it is the best selling book out, as people are tired of the irepetition- of dry details and army reports One Agent Sold 58 in One Week. II ll 92 0 It if it " 182 , 4 Ten Days. Libernl Terms to Agents. Send for Circular. Also, Family (Wart., Bibles. Best Edition publishod. WM. FLIRT, Bub Usher, 26 South 711, street Bldialle phis, Po. July 15, 'IIS-Im. ITARRISBURG STONE - WARE, at manufacthror's prices, for solo ftt. JOl7 111:N1117 8; CO'S. 13 AR Tito bit,but vino; wtll vaid itt twit f4,r. It by it:l7 11.1:NRY S CU, A. II FLOOD I=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers