• Items of General News. • The director of statistics furnishes a table showing that the actual revenue derived by the 'General Government from the use of distilled spirits in the United States, during the fiscal year ending June 80th, 1863 to 1867 inclu sive, or for five years, were 8135,356,355 currency, or a total average of $27,071, 271; currency per.annurn. Amon , * t' the debts itemized in the pe• tition of John IV: Steele ("Coal Oil Johnny"), of Oil City, claiming bank• ruptcy, is a hotel bill of $19,000, and a'cigar bill of $5,000. Steele is the millionaire who created such a furore in Oil City and elsewhere .some time &lime with his $2,000 a day income.-- Ile is - now driving team in the; oil re gions. "Slob is life." Richmond, Virginia, correspon dent says that everywhere during the day one meets freedmen, women and children going to and fro with baskets to the several soup-houses established by the Government in different locali ties to keep these unfortunate people from starving. There is no work for them and they are-perfectly destitute. The county' pays for their soup and woocli•an - d,Scanty enough, is the/ sup ply they get - of both. , T. P. Pinkhnm, seventy-one _years of age;'3a suddenly in Lafayette, 'ln diana, last week. He was in good health till about half an hour before his death,'Whon he wont down stairs and romarked,"l. am going hbme :in half an hour—in thirty minutes—l shall be a corpse." He quietly proceeded to give directions about his business, and, ctiMiriending his soul to his lira ker, expired in exactly thirty-four minutes. His relatives wanted to go for 'a -doctor ; but he said, "It is no use; I shall go hence in halt an hour." A few days since here, a boy discov ered a snake, and killed it by shooting the reptile through with his arrow.— Soon afterwards another boy placed himself behind a tree, and exposing one of his hands, challenged the other to "shoot at the target." The banter was accepted, and with the same ar— row which had just pierced the snake, fired at the exposed hand, and struck it nearly in the centre, inflicting a slight wound. In a few hours the hand and arm of the . lad began to swell, showing that poison from the snake, had been communicated by moans of the arrow. The youth suf fered intense agony, and after linger ing in this horrible condition for three days, expired.—[Montgomery (Al a barna)lfail. • A letter received from an American citizen at Boyrout, Syria, dated Jan. 2, says, John C. Breckenridge was there on January 1, making inquiries with regard to traveling through Sy ria. .He denied all claims to the priv loges of a citizen of the United States, and appeared much affected while con versing upon the affairs in Ameriea.— When asked if he intended to return to the United States, ho said be had no wish to become a martyr, and should not return until. e could do with per- sonal safety; and that no other coun try could .be his home. He also said, with reference to affairs here, that as the war was over, and the appeal to the sword bad been decided against those with whom ho had been associa ted, he was now willing to shoulder his gun, like any other man in defence of his country.. He, however, spoke of matters here in the tone of a foreigner. The same letter states that Jacob Thompson and' other leading rebels were wandering about Turkey. WHO CAN VOTE.—Maine—Every male citizen. • Now Hampshire—every male inhab itant. Veimont—Every man. Als.ssachusetts—Every male citizen. Rhode Island—Every male citizen. Connecticut, Indiana, Illinois, Mis souri,lowaiiNew Jersey, Ohio, Cali fornia;.Oregon, Nevada,,West Virgin ia and Colorado—Every white male citizen. • New York—Every male citizen, but colored men are required to own $250 worth of taxable property. ,Peiatisylvania—Every white free man. _:Wiimo - naln- - -Every male person. ''Alinnesota::--Every malo person. ::.liansas—Every white male adult. Delo.ware—,Every free white male citizen." 11114land—Evory- free white male citizen. . - - gennepsee = Every free white man formdrty, btit 'now negroes vote. - In f hi3sit' I%a:tog:which were engaged in rebellion, and which aro governed by the - . reconstruction laws, negroes are-allowed to vote and hold office rd " .4.44iMAT,H . OLICB IN THIS COUNTRY. Sb rittic;lattention has been paid by the daily'press to the condition of the Catholic CharCh, that few persons are aware of the progress it is making in this country. In.lB6o:the "American •Cyclopredia'.-.estimates that there were only a little over- 3,000,000 Catholics in the united - States adhering to their doetriikes.ii The . best Catholic authori tiernpw-declare that nearly five mil lionspf;persons belong to their denom ination: • In 1.559,,there.ri,.0.:e. in abode Island And Connecticut only.l6,oooCatholics; there are now 125,000. At the same time Pendsylvaniacoatained 89,591, while there are at present27s,ooo in the diocese of Philadelphia alone. In Illi nois there were 29,100, and the district abOut Chicago alone now counts 150,- 000. The dioceses of Albany and Buf falo, have 430,000, against 126,288 in the whole State of New York in 1850 and there are 90,000 in Michigan,while ja 1850 there were 16,122.—. N. Y. Post put in Illinois, a Justice of the Peace was recently elected who is not particularly noted for legal attainment. Wishing to have a little fun, a friend asked him what ho would do were a case of mayhem brought before him for trial? The 'Squire looked a little puzzled'at first, but soon began to look wise and said : "I had a case of that kind when I was Squire before, so I just ordered the fellow to jail, and af ter staying there for a week, he was willing to marry the girl !" XemA. well known minister of New York, repudiates the received theory that they have music in heaven. He declares that his choir has given him so much trouble on earth, that the idea of music in the world to come is wholly repugnant to his ideas of eter nal peace and rest. A SPECIALTY. • • A LARGE 'AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AT REDUCED ' , RIDES, Just received at RUDOLPH'S I'2ELPI2 - 0T LADIES' DEPARTMENT. In this department, w bleb will at all times receive my strict attention, I Pave a well assorted display of • Dross Tamping, Cloak and Salim Trim mings, Drose•Rattons, Gloves. Tails, Zephyr Knit Shawls, Naas, Hoods, Santiago, Hand kerchiefs, Fall flats, Ireland Bonnet Frames, - Velvet Ribbons. Corsets, Hosiery, and latest style Saconee from $5 to s3o._ ' GENTS' DEPARTMENT. Hats and Caps, all styles, from 50 cents to $lO, Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, Neck Tics, Col. hors, Hosiery, and every article kept In a ' first class Furnishing Stare. . By making my business a specialty, I hope to meat with such patronage from the public as will enable me to keep continually on hand a largo and well selected stock of first class goods, Whilst keeping up to the fashion in every article, I will also sell cheaper than the cheapest. ' • W. P. BUDOLPII, Opposite Leleter'e Now Building. Huntingdon, Oct. 30, 1367. lyr 11[ 4 070 1.1 1 *lll n - 01 2 1 744 eJE 04,-.1 W. B. ZEIGLER Would respectfully inform tho Ladies of Huntingdon And the country generally, that he has Just returnod from New York nod Philadelphia ' triter° Ito has per. chased a largo stock of goods almost "; EXCLUSIVELY FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN Ladies' Furnishing Goode, FRIICS 1111 , 1 plain Dress TrirAMlngs, Ladies' Under. garments, Morino Posts and Drawers, Corsets, Bnlmo rnle, Hoop Skirts, Shawls, Scarfs, Hoods, knit of vaJlotta styles and patterns, Ladies' and • . Children's Stockings of all styles and colors, Also, Dress Goods, Prints, DelflitloB, Plaids, Al. patron, Ginghams, Brown and Bleached Mul lins, Ac. Gents' Undershirts, Drawers, and Stockings. All goods sold at tho lowest cash prices, nut as cheap are tho cheapest. OPPOSITE TILE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. liuntlogdon, Nov. 6, MT. READ AND BE. POSTED ! TO THE NETVLY MARRIED AND ALL TN WANT OF New FM' llitiffe TIO undersignocl would respectfully J.. annonnes that he manufactures and keeps constantly on band* In7ge and splendid assottment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS • WASII AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cane seat chairs. cupboards, gilt and rola woad moulding for mirror nod picture trainee, and a Tart ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory. Ito is also agent for the well known Dailey & Decamp patent spring Bent Bottom. The public aro invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elseirhero. Wont and sales room on 11111 street, near Smith, one door west of Yenter's store. Unntingdon, Aug.l,l6GG _ Tgmaavgmg J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in 3E'r T 3 MIL I 'l' ICI 111. Reepectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on 11111 at., Huntingdon, in the roar of George IV Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, whore ho manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. AMP- Also, Undertaking carried on, and CoMtn made in any style desired, at short notice. The subscriber has it A - EiV.4.tiD ELEGANT HEARSE and Is prepared to attend Funerals at any place In town or country. J. M. WISE. Huntingdon, May 0, 1868-t[ Can't Be Beaten ! I JOHN 11. WESTBROOK, 5 - 11 Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that ho has Just received from the city a NEW and splendid stock of GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, - Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c. all of which he Is prepared to sell at greatly reduced prices. Don't forget the old stand in the Diamond. Old costa• mere and the pdblic generally are invited to call. Uuntingdon, may 1, 1807 • NEW . BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WM. AFRICA llnforms the public that ho hat just opened at his old stand in the Diamond ; airla Huntingdon, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND .SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. ' All of which he will sell at fair prices. Quick sates and smaaprqfils. Pall and examine my stock. Manufacturing and Repairing done to order as usual. Huntingdon, Slap 1,1567. rig GEO. SHAEFFER ft-Ilasjust roturw r il from the east with 04142 SPLENDID STOOK BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &C., Which he offera - to the inspection of his customore and the public generally. Ito will eel' his stock at the most RE A.SONABLE PRICES, and those, who purchase once mill surely call again BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done in tho neatest and most expedi- tious manner. Call upon Mr. Scbaeffer at' his atop op llill street, a few doors west of the Diamond. my?. 70111,1 w. R. ITOOPI, P. LL unz, R. P. zeuvanum JOHN BARE, .& CO., Bankers, 3P.sb. Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers dc others. Inter: eat allowed on Deposits. MI Muds of Securities, bogght and sold for the usual commission. Special attention given to Government Securities. Collections made on all points. Persons depositing Gold find Silver will receive the same in return with interest. 0ct.17, 1566—tf. TVLCOATIVX . ECONOMY IS MONEY SAVED ! flee subscriber is perzenocitly located ip Iran tinaion cud is - prepared to purchase, orrepair tbo best style, and expeditiously, broken ILIILRELL,AS AND PARASOLS. All article, intrusted to him Neill bo retlyrne4 to the. residence of flee owner as soon As iepaired. Umbrellas and parasols for repair can be Jolt at his residence On Bt. Clair street near UenediCt'el. giay2,lBo9tf RENTINAN. a'O r'- COUNTRY DEALERS can boy CLOTHING from me In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the tie', as I have a wholcaalo store in Philadelphia. U. ROMAN. R VERY FAMILY Will find at Lewis' Family Gr.:eery, orrery article usually kept In first class Grocery atom. Call for what yon want. taVOR THE LADIES. A superior article or Note Paper awl P.nselope 5 ble for confidential correspondence, for sale at LEWIS , BOOK d‘ STATIONERY STORE. ler For plain, fancy and ornamen tal printing, call at the "Globe" Office. BELLS ! BELLS ! ! ! TH.E LARGEST STOCK Q.l. SbIICII SE UL, Ever exhibited at HUNTING- DON, Loose, and* Strapped, in every_ style, NOW OPENED,-and beinglsold at very LOW HUES, JAS: A. BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE, =1 SLEIGH RUNNERS, FENDERS, SHAFTS, SOLES, STEEL SOLES, A good stock of well seasoned HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, and a general stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Paints, Oils, Glass, .e# l l ll 4CriT.M9 Including the late Patent "ECLIPSE" COOK STOVE, Which throws all other Stoves in the shade and pleases so well that everybody wants THE ECLIPSE, Don't forget the sin OT THE PADLOQN! Thantiogtlo,4, Jan. 16, 'BB-tall BELLS!! HUNTINGDON, PA. .A. 1.1 tS CP, WILLOW SLEIGH BASKETS, SLEIGH and WAGON WHIPS, FINE HARNESS MO UN- TINGS firft<3.fiji HARTON JANIE HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WI - 10LESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CrWARI, U 4 The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, Ana buyers generally, is invited to tha fact that wa aro now offorlug a BETTER At'SORTMEINT of HARDWARE, CdTLRY !C, than can be found elsewhere in this part of the State, at prices to suit the tinted. Our stock comprises all articles In this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS nod MATERIALS need by CARPENTERS, BLACESMITIIS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, .kc„ La., together with a largo stock of iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Xining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Civeular, Mill and Cross , Cut Saws, • Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. • Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An oxcellout assortment of C3 - mtlez-sr, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS ORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITT ANIA 3; SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT AfANUFACTU.RERS" PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will Unit a general iiseottment of material for their use consisting In part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, • Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa. tent and enamelledLeather•, Whips; Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, &c. riziE4 Can be supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, . Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS Will find In our establishment a superior stook of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, - HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C.i AC. MINING AND ➢LINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, t; OAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. N i iiti . 7361. 4 03M,e; Can be accommodated with everything to their line from a Grain Separator to %Whet-atone. 3intoul_lclawtsi Are especially Invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prices with °Mom Agricultural Implements, Cemprteing the famous 'lessen Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Rundell's First Premium lIORSH PITCHFORK, Stakes, Scythed, • Hoes, nay Soria, Trace and Halter Chain., BreaseChelue, Cow Tim, Curry Combs, • WA &a., ac., &c. Among the specialties of our House, we docire to call attention to the eolebtatod OHIO PUMP, The exchwiceright to sell which is vested in us. Bend for soli color and got fall particulars of saute, and satisfy yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Scales of all sizes and descriptions, inelnding Tea and Counter Scales, Platform' Scales, Grocers' and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling _Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port• able, Hopper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered in this place A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES zwis AND BRADS, By the keg. Very low! Beat tiooyay nap, rod, bar an hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGONNBO,TES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrol or gallon, at very lop , fierce. .44- A call ja respectfully solicitcd, foaling cooti dont that our goods and prices will pot fail to pleaso. WHARTON & MAGUME. n tinder, Hay 7,*1867. AMltrtisintotts. PAINTS FOR . FARMERS AND OTIIEIIS.—Tho Grafton "Mineral Paint Co. are now manufacturing the Pest, Cheapest and most Durable Paint In ma two Coats well pat on, mixed wills puro Linseed 011, will last 10 or 15 years ; It Is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive, or cream, to salt the taste of tho consumer. It is valuable for houses, barns, fences car ringo and car makers, pails and wooden.ware, agrioktur• pl implentente;canal boats, vessels and ships' bottoms, canvas, metal and shingle roofs, (it being fire and water proof). floor oil cloths, (one manufacturer !mina used 5000 bide, the past year,) and as ft paint for any purpose is ‘lnsurpassed for body. durability, elasticity, and adhe siloness. Price $6 per bbl. of 100 lbs., which will supply a farmer for yearep come. Warranted in all cases as above. Send for a circular which gives frill particulars.— None genuine unless branded In a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, hel.ron 214 Pearl street, New York. 4.70- 'Pro Pas rela of tho above paint for sale nt Lowis' Book Store. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 26, & 27 BROADWAY, N, Y, OPPOSITE BOWLING GREEN, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The STEVENS HOUSE Is Welland widely known to this travelling piddle. Thu location Is especially Suitable to • •,^^ • ••• lo in Ouse nroximitv to merchants PIM • • , '- the business part of the city—is on the high w ay of South.' ern and Western travel—and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. TILE STEVENS liciUSE has liberal accommodations for over 300 guests—it is well famished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertain: went of its inmates. The roams are spacious awl moll vont lated—provided with gas and ventertho attend ance is prompt and respectful—and the table is gener ously provided with every delicacy of the season—at mod erato rates. The rooms having been refurnished and remodeled, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasuro erotic Guests. OEO. If. CHASE .t CO. Aug. 14, '6l-om. PROPRIETORS. F OR BITUMINOUS COAL. NO DUST? NO GAS!! NO DAMPERS!! ESTABLISItED 1851 J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. Corner 13th & Filbert streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated WROUGHT-IRO, AIR-TIGHT GAS•CONSUMING 11 ESTE 11, WITII PATENT DIIST•SCREEN For ease of management without any dampers, Dora. bility, Simplicity, and Economy, this hooter hoe no Cu perior in this country. They are nil guaranteed to give satisfaction. Estimates matio tree of charge. Cooking Ranges, Latrobe Beaters, Slate Mantles, Low Down Grates, Portable Heaters, Registers, • Ventilators, &c., &c. flow' for ono of our Illustrated Ptntdslots. Attpl.o-ly ilro more Bald _Treads! No more Gray Locks! DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, Is pronounced by all who havo used it tho vory best preparation fin the Hair. It is a positive care for Bald ness, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stops the hair from falling out, nod speedily restores (hay Locks to their original Into and luxurianco. It operates on the Excretions and fills the glands trill' new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair will always bo brought back by a few applications, to its 3 outhful abundance, vitality and color. It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange.„ Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain In any desired position. As.a Hair Dressing it has no equal.— The sales ore enormous and it Is °universal favorite will, old and young of both sexes. Sold by DI uggists throughout the United States. Ad drew,: all onion; to ZEIGLER & SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETORS. 137 Nth. Third St., Philadelphia 1201 ."7-ly SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE! Excellent for Females nod Weakly Persons. Used by hundreds of Congregations fur Church or Cons- Dilution purposes. VINEYARDe—Los Angeles, California, and Passaic, Now Jersey. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, Four Years Old. This justly celebrated native Wino is wade from the juice of the Oporto Grape raised in this cottatty. Its Invaluable Tonic anal Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any other native wine. Being the pure juice of the grape produced under Mr. Speer's 'earn petsunal supervision, Its purity nod gonuittettese are guaranteed. The young. eat child may partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to advantage. It is particular ly Lem:qt.:lA to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afflict the weaker sex. It is in ev ery tweet A WINE TO BE ItELIED ON. Invalids use Speer's Port Grape Wino; Females Use Spear's Port Grape Wine; Weakly Persons rind a Benefit by its Use; Speer's Wines in Hospitals aro preferred to other Wines. Principal%) . A. SPEER, No. 243 BROADWAY, opposite City Hall Park, N. Y Sold byJobn Reed, and Samuel Smith, Druggists, lion tiogdon. • solB LADIES' FANCY FURS, JOHN FAREIRA'S OLD ESTABLISILED liittaaixiaactcoL"sr 718 ARCH Street, above Sevpntlr, PHILADELPHIA I have nor; in store of v own Importation and sufacturs, cue of the ILQEBT and most ittAITIFEIL selections of MIMEO LADINIS' and criir, EN'S WEAR, in the' r, Also, a fine assort it of Sent's Fur ices and Collars. am enabled to dispose my goods at very 'IAJONADLE PIHCES would therefore a call front my •—i ---- cety.. — v - frlends of Ithutingilon - county sail vicinity. r Remember tho NRMO, Number and Street! JOHN FAREIRA, 718 ARCH Street, above 7th, South side ac 2-111 PHILADELPHIA. Airo- 1 HAVE NO PARTNER, NOR CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER'STORE IN PHILADELEHIA. DEST BLEACHED M U SLIN _13,1 7 .y. oil Imml. at CUN.NINGILLIf tr: CARIION'S. CUNNINGHAM & CARMON = 10,000 DOLLARS WORTH NEW & FASHIONABLE GOUDS From tho on3tern marketo, which they can, with profit, sell at loner figures than can he sold at any other house in tho county. PRICES TIIE SAME AS BEFORE THE TSAR A good Calico Dress , for a Dollar & aLevy THE BEST HEAVY MUSLINS Lower than they can l) bought outsido of Philadelphia THEIR STOCK IS IMMENSV, Conslatin of everything that oyo can fancy or heart tyi:',l Come and 800 then lino asaortment of CHOICE SYETIfi, 1.03t1:11. than ever Won also. EVERY IUND UP SUGAR At greatly &educed pricos COME ;AND SEE OUR STOCK, and do not pny high Nicos any longcr Cunningham & Carman, Huntingdon, ninll CUNNINGHAM & CARTON HAVE , CAIIPETHCS9 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, For Sale at Wholesale Prices, , StICII AS, ALL WOOL , IN AIN 9 VENITIAN, . COTTAGE S . STAIR , HEMP RAG Ake. Iluntingdo;t,July 3, 1667, lIN.TTIZIEI STATUS , Authorized WAR cLAin AGENCY HUNTINGDON, PA SOLDIEE4' HEIRS, ATTENTION The act of Congress approved March 2,1807, gives to Heirs of Soldiers wlio died prisoners of war, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, for the time tho soldier was so held a prisoner, at the rate of IwentyLve costa per day, to La 1011,1 in the follow ing order: Ist. To the widow, if unntaftled ; 4d. To the children • ad. To the parents. to bothjnintlyy they are thing, if enter is dead, to the survivor; 4th. To 11,0 bro. titers and sisters. Tho act of February .V.S. Ha , provides far tho refund ing of the $.lOO Commutation Money, where the sumo per son Sias again drafted, and was required to Enter tho aer vice or Cornball a substitute. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. no act of March 2,1807, also makes provisions for the payment of tho $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to such soldiers as hm•o accidentally lost their dlschar gas All persons haring any claims tinder any of the above mentioned Acts, or any other kind of Mahn against the United States * or State Governments, can have them promptly collected, by addressing the undersigned. In formation and advice cheerfully given to soldiers or their . . friends, free of charge. W. rr. WOODS, -Authorize:l Army awl Iran Wirr.C/rtim, Agent, may 9,21807 Hunisonou, Huntingdon co., Pa • •. ID' •. --- MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS' AND SEWING MACHINES. P M. GREEN.B, ; _bas removed hie . _Jul. Music Store, to the second flo or of Leistor's build ing, where hvikeeps constantly on hand STEINWAY & SONS' and GARUbE'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CARHART, NEEDHAM A CO.S' MELODEONS; Guitars, Fifes, Flutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOOKS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censer. Golden Tlio, &c., &c. SIIEET MUSIC —Ro is constantly receiving from Phil. adelphla all tho latest music, which persons at a distancs wishing.can order, and have sent them by m ail. Also GROVER A BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CHINES—tho only machine that, in addition to every kind of sewing, embroiders perfectly; sowing Silk and Cotten of all kinds and colore for machines. Persons buying Sewing Machlace fully inetructed•lu the use of them. - . Air. Pianos and Organs Warranted for fire years. • Those wishing to buy any of she above articles aro In vited to call and examine intim bcforo purchasing else where •My prices are the same as in Now York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional information destretL B. M. OREEN.E, MITI street, ifuntingdou, Pa., may 8 , 167 Second Soar of Ulster's new brick building ITICTIITT'IMT4M-XICMT 1 :4 .••1 MARBLE YARD. J. M: GREEN & F. 0. BEAVER Having entered into partnership, Inform Cho public that they aro pillared to execute ell styles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Euch as HONII-31ENTS, HEADSTONES, also Building \Volk, at as low prices as any stop in the county. Orders (roma distance promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN area, a fate doors east of tho Lu theran church meh6,1867 MARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of tbo cliiSens ntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ho is prepared to furnish at the bliorttst notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of °you desired lame and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro• prima atlykeS. or plain, as may snit. Building Marble, Door ima 'Window Sills, ,ke., Fill be furnished to order.' W. W. pledges himself to furnish material Iva we* monship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and seo,' before you pureboso elsewhere. Shop on the outer of Montgomery and Mifflin EVE.. Huntingdon, l'a. HM. WILLIAMS. Huntingdon, May 18 1855. CHEESE. CHEESE. The best always for sale at FAIIILY GROCERY' ,For School Books and School Stationery of all kinds call at Lewis' Book Store. • pHE CHEAPEST AND BEST AR TICIAI ..1 A PERFECT MVP-PIECE FOE ONE DOLLAR. Let every Housekeeper, Farmer, 3lechinie, and Travel,. er buy our SOLAR W.ATO23, or Perpetual Portable Sun-Dial. "- Warranted to keep Ttud Time for every DUy of the Year _ . This valuable instrument, which is Warranted by,us to give the true limo of day throughout the year, is con structed on strictly scientific principles, being based on astronomical tables, and calculations, and affording the.truest measure of timo which human humanity and skill can devise, exceeding in accuracy and reliability the most perfect chronometers; whilat .th 6 low price ht which we offer it to the places it within the reach of all. Its portability makes L. Convenient for travelers', rind to every I farmer or householder it must prove invaluable to regu late their clocks and watcheit by - tho Moat 'infallible test recognized by science. The mode of using t`-o' "Solar Welch" Is the atmplest that can be devised. After screwing the Style or ()no mon in its place In the moveable brass bend and'setting It directly of er the straight lino corresponding to the date, or that nearest to it, on the cylinder, the instrument is placed upright in the sunshine in such a position aa will throw the shadow of Ilto Style directly aspen the line un der it. After placing the plundb• ine. by means off its brass attachment, at a right angle with and to the left of the Style, in older to set the cylinder perfectly level, the point where the -witremity of the shadow fails, and' its distance from any , of the Tremor crow lines exhibiting the morning and corresponding afternoon hones, Will in elcate the trno time of day..mho • whole apparatus, consisting of a C,ylinder and Dlit: gram, moveable Brass Head, Style, Plumb lino, and Bract attachment for tit° !afield by ue at the incredibly low price of 014E:DOLI1AR. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by, , BETENS,.PA BRE & CO; ' 31 North Plinth Street, Matta. .ftif-For sale, wholesale and retail, at Wm. Lewis' Book' Store, Huntingdon, Pa. Agents wanted toed! the atticis apply htmedlatelY. Witt LEWIS, - ael Agent for Huntingdon county. _ , The Las ,S 5 jam REsTORER DRESSIN: )ifew,,style moat IMPROVED will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural color and beauty, and produce_' luxuriant growth. It ie perfectly harmless," . and is preferred over every Other" preparation by those who have a fine head of hairs' as well as those whci wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair make it desiiablir for old and young. 'a-‘," For Salo, by Druggists. 11EPOY, 198 GREENWICH Ni PIcidtONEVIdLIA' .462 m mg als READING 'RAIL ROAD. , . . WINTER ARRANGEMENT, INOVE3IBER 25, 1857, REAT TRUNK LINE FROM TIiE or North and North-Wait for PrITLADELPRIA, Naw YORK, READING. POTTSVILLE, TAMAQUk, AIMLAND, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, lIABTON, EPIIRATA, LIM, LANCASTER, COLON, Ac., Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, aa'follows fAt 00, 5 25 and 8,10 A. AL, and 205 and 9,35 P. 31., connect ing with similar trains on the Pennsylvania R.lt,nrriving , atNew York 5,10,10 15 and 11 60 A, 111.,-and 3,40, and ft 30 P. 31. Sleeping cars accompany tho 300 a m and 0 35 p. tn. trains without change. • Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Sthrersviile' , Ashland, Plan Grove, Allentown and Phihr dolphin at 810 A,31, and 2 05 nod 4 10 P. 51., stopping at Lobaucn and principal way stations; the 4 10 p. in. train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia - only. Nor Pottaville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Susquehdima R.R., leave Harrisburg at 3 55 P 111, Returning, leave idsw-Yong at I A. Mi . 12 Noon, 5 & 8 P. 31; Philadelphia at 8,15 A. 51., and 330 EA; Way.Pas scnger traln leaves 'Philadelphia at 730 A. M. returning, from Reading at 680 P. 31., stops at all Stations: Pottsville at 8,45 A. at.. and 2 45 P. 51; Ashland 6 00 and 12,19 km, and 2,00 1' 51; Tamaqua at 8.30 A 31,, and 1 and 8 45 P 31. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7,10 a m. and 12 noon. An Accommodation Passenger nein leaves READING at 7.30 A. M., and returns from PIIILADELPLIIA at 4,00 P. 31 Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown at 6,45 a. la., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5,00 p. Tn. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading 'at 700 'A, M., and 615 P. M.,' for Ephrata, Lltis; Lancaster, Col,i =lda, &c. ' " • On Sundays, leave N ow York at 8 Off P. M., Philadelk phia, 8 a m and 3 16 P. M., the 8 a ra train running only to Reading; Pottsville 8 A. 31., Harr( burg, 5 25 a m, and 410 and U 35 p in, and ReadiAg 100, and 715 a, m. for Harris burg,and 7 00 a. tn., and at 40p.m., for NoW YOrkrand 4,25 p. in. for Philadelphia. COASSIIITATION t Itlr.EAaz, ZEABOII, WIWI, and Facvnanm TICKETS to and from ,all points at reduced rates. Baggage checked through: 100 pounds Baggage - allowed oath Passenger. 0, i.NiCkiLLS, - - Rending, Nov. ' General Superintendent -. DtNNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS' WINTER ARRAEGEIfIENT. IMSTIF.ARD. EASTWARD- g I WI DI I - • I V STATIONS. na V. .M.l 1.02.1 P. 11.1 5.02,1 . I a.. m.l ? ALI 7.14 13 112 16 114. Hamilton, 5 01 20 ' 112'28 • 31t. Union,— 10'01 455 ...... 30 ..... 12 40 Mapleton, . 445 40 ...... 12 50 Mill Cr00k,... e 054 438 ' • 65 7Ob 103 335 Huntingdon, 9, 421,4 23 /0 45 14 ..... . 1 30 'Petersburg,— 9 271 4 04 21 I 1 401 (Banco, IFS 201 3 55 • ' 28 150 ISpruceereek, 0 131 348 ~ 41 ' 205 • ' Birmingham, - ,335 -, ...... , 48 752 2 15 4 21 Tyrono, ' -9 53 3 28 10.0 C 01 227 Tipton, ' e 8 45 3 17 ......, 87 2'30 Fostoria, ' • ' 312 '' •'• 7 12 2 42 BelPe Mills,.. 3 35 3 08 7308 25 3 051 447 Altoona,. 820250 9 35 The FAST ',Eas, A: ~ 21., and a ' Hpu 29 Tho CINCI PREB.I 31 . LINE Erin arr res at llm IsVATI Expaz and nr ives at LINE Vile rind arrives a. 1867. I tward leaffes Altoona at 12 16 intlogilon at 129 A.M. „ ,• , E 9 Eastward leaves Altoona at t Huntingdon at 640 P 01. - cstwaid, leaves Huntingdon at it Altoonit at 9 00 P. M. A. M. Th 4 25 Th 7 46 HUNTINGDON BROAD TOO, 1111 RAILROAD. Oa and after lIONDAY,. OCT. 16ra,• 1867,;ramenger., Trains Will arrlre anddopart an Colima: lIP TRAINS. • polytt Tit , STATIONS AccoNV, MuL , P. DI.,"D I SIDINGS La 4 401 LE ,7 10 1 Huntingdon, ' Alt 950 AR 4 li 5 021 • 810 IcConnelletown,...., •9 Oa 357 5 141 822 Pleasant Grove, . 85S•- 3 49 531 83 8 31 arkleeburs ... ; ...... , - 838 '3 30 650 .8 53 Coffee Run,' ''' ' 8 . 23 ' 3 lla 600 ' 901 Rough Ready, 18 13 3OS ' 7 66 2 51 G 201 9 16 Fid,er'a Summit 7 53 2 50 6 10 9 12 9 3 Cove, . ' •an 7 55 a LS 2 35 an 0 Its 3sl.lrt 9 4 3 01 B er t o n, ' AR 2 20 • . lO 001111ddlesbura ' • . 208 I •10 08111opetvell,„, ............, , 200 11) 24.Plper'e Dun . 1 45 10 51Tatesailln, 50 55 Bloody nun, 1 07 All 17 05 Moont Dalton, ' . 119 I ILE 1 00 SHOUIPS RUN BRAN() LE 6 "ILE 9 50 1 . axon t • 1 f 6 551 10 05 Coalmont - l• 7 00 1 10 10 Crawford, , 40 7 15i40 10 20 Dudley, • i , I ' 'Mood Top'City,.....l Huntingdon Oct. 23, 1867. JOIIN ALEXANDRIA BREWERY., THOMAS N. COLDER. " 'The undersigned haring now entered into the ly: 3 Alexandria preps the public are in(ormer( )17r— that ho will be red at, all times to fill . orders on the shortest notice. • -2 ~.:. , PROS. N. COLDER. , 41oXandrin, 0ct.23.1806,tf. 11%,,81ank Books for the desk and pocket,, for sale zat Lowis' Book. Stm, r 33 ig I 5 1 g I FP*l ACCOliff. Mary, A. af. En =EI 131E1 7 72 2 1q . 7 10 1 2 10 7 00 Li 2 05 ECM MIME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers