Ely 61.uht. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Feb, 26,1868, LOCAL Sz PERSONAL .Subscribers to The Globe' will remember that they can discontinue their subscriptions at any. time, and the amount paid on the same (after deducting for the time the paper may have been sent) will be refunded. To Our Friends. We propose to make considerable improvement in the appearance of the 13ronE" early in the spring, if our friends will do their part by giving us the necessary encouragement. All ar rearages can be paid up—and every good subscriber and friend can procure for the GLOBE an additional advance paying subscriber, which would give us support sufficient to enable us to give our patrons a much better paper than we can afford_to give now. All our patrons world be gainers by mere• ly using their influence to secure for us the necessary additional help. We cannot complain of the support wo now receive from a generous public, but if it WaS'llllol'o.lo3eral we could give abet ter paper for the same money each subscriber now pays: - Will our friends and patrons go to work immediately, thatewe s may be _able tosinake arrange ments for the improvementat an early day.: •-••- - —44arrisbOrg upwards of one thotikihdOdd Pundit's. —We understand- that the Mount Union , Ti77l - 6' is-torbe revived. e Junes pH Court have been-Arawn .14-1 tbn Jury. Cothinissjon crs assisted. by Judge Taylor. Creani, Oysters, &c., at the Good 'Templars' Festival on Friday evening nekt: :Don't Tail to go, • — ; -,Tbii - stearn tanne'rY amt other pro perty-at' Mclroytowii,-was destroyed by fire olr Stiturdity, morning last. C:, long & Co., propose to pub lish a paper at Bloody -Run, Bedford county—the first number to bejssued on the 4th of March. —Mr. John 'II, 110 - rbert, of Coal mont, tblif - tfountychaTlbaded the Man sion "House; tit the Summit, ili Ctimbria 2.2d-passecl off Serenely-in the :Ancient borough. - Washington is vo n-len-there(' in the hearts of his coun trymen. —An election was held in the new city of Altoona on Wednesday last for a Mayor. Gen." Potts, Democrat, was elected by 225 majority. the murderer of Parker, conductor of the Johnstown Accommo dation train, was found guilty of mut.: derin the second degree. —We were not aware last week that the Chairman of the County Com mittee has notified each member of the Committee of the meeting by cir cular. - —Special attention of Ladies is invi. led to Wm. T. Hopkin's three grades of Hoop Skirts—the "Keystone Skirt," -"Union Skirt," and "Champion Skirt." Read adv. fu this issue. • —On Monday morning of last week Mr. Conrad Weimer, while working in the Thompsontown (Juniata county) Iron-Ore Mines, had his leg broken in two places by a_stone rolling against it. -L-Patriek Duggan, who was so seri ously injured and his wife killed by the recent accident on the Pennsylva nia railroad at Mill Creek, died on Wednesday night from his injuries. —The Charnbersburg Repository re -cords- the death of Mr. Jacob Immol, .of Greenvillago, who attained the age .of a 2, years. Ho was a subscriber of that paper for 65 years. —The members of the colored church of this place intend holding an exhibi tioh this Tuesday evening. Those who go may expect a rich programme and a good entertainment. —Capt. J. Addison Moore, formerly of this county, has 'been appointed Principal of the White Hall Soldiers' Orphans' School in Cumberland coun ty. This is an excellent appointment. —A household word. The best, the only reliable, the cheapest. Try it. Mrs. S. A. Allen's improved (new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bot tle.) Every Druggest sells it. Price clue Dollar. lm. —Governor Geary has signed the bill repealing the charter of the Gettys burg Asylum Association, and confis cating its property—the latter penalty a mere form, as no property will be found. fellow up Stone Creek informs ,us that he intends to apply for the ben efits of the bankrupt act, and intends to pay his arrearages for subscription to the Globe in that way. Small pota toes._ =-11.1r. M. 13. Jolly, of Tyrone, had his house entered by a thief on Mon day night of last week, who stole a $25 :watch lying on tho table in his room. e says the robber must have used bltlef•Oform: r I`i:ibe•iB of the I. 0. of R. M., bad a supper-at Mr. Letterman's hotel on ThitrodaY evening last. The Hunting don Silver Hand was also on hand.— The supper was tip-top, and all the ev idence a man could ask to satisfy him that. "mine host" Letterman knows how to keep al]otol. —We are glad to hear that the pee: pie up Stone Creek are determined to have a railroad frOiu this place to Mc- Alavy's Fort. Mr. Kidde'r", a gentle man of ability and energy, has taken hold of the project in earnest and we hope he will have the satisfaction of 'soon seeing•the road under contract. —The Hollidaysburg Register says: "There is an establishment located in Altoona, where the practice of coun ;terfeiting is carried on to an extent scarcely- equalled, and certainly not surpassed, anywhere else in this sec tion of 'country. The issues of the Coneern bear such striking resemblance to the articles counterfeited, that the proprietors are gaining it wide-spread reputation as practitioners is Ads line of business," Republican County Committee. The Republican County Committee mot, pursuant to previous announce ment, in the Court House on Friday last, for the purpose of selecting a del egate to the coming District Confer ence to choose delegates from the Con gressional District to the National Convention, at Chicago, on the 20th of May next. The following members of the Com mittee wore in attendance : Alexandria—T.ll, Walker, D. S. Henderson, Barrce—Lt. A. W. Kenyon. Brady—D. M. Painter, Jacob Musser. Cterbon—S. B. Donaldson, Henry Cook. thee—John it. Gosuell, Benjamin Fink. Cossvi/le—M. W. Heaton. Clay-IYrn . J. Gammon. • Dublin—Wm. A. Hudson. Franklin—Dr. J. A. Decor, D. L. Wray. Huntingdon, E W—K. M. King, J. It. Carmen, Huntingdon, IK—W. F. Cuniugham. Juniata—Samna' A. Stool, Henry A. Mark. Morris—James Piper. Mapteton—A. 11. Bauman, Allison Meter."' Orbisoniu—Robert Gehrett,Thomaa E. Orblson. Oneida—Jacob Miller, Robert 'McDivitt. Penn—George Garner, Philip Garner. Petersburg—George W. Johnston. Dr: ter—Robert Speer. Mirky—Smoot it. Douglas, John X. Lutz. Shirleysburg—Cleorgo Bosvinsoz, M. S. 'Harrison. Sprint2fitid—MorrisCutshall. Dal—Jonathan Evans. Union—Samuel P. Smith. West L:—M. Neff, S. S. Miller. lrat U-11. Davis. The following persons presented ere= dentials from members of the commit tee and were admitted as substitutes. Liman—Harris Richardson. Pot nburg—Major William Moore. Tell—William E. Wilson, Esq. /luntingdon, A. Willoughby. West U—Henry Lightner. Mg. Union District—lsaac Snbope. Cotaniont—Levi Eanus. On motion, whore a district is repre sented by only ono delegate, he be en titled to two votes. Alter some remarks by the Chair man, stating the object of the meeting to be for the purpose of deciding, first whether the committee would take ac tion in regard to the election of a dele gate, or call a County Convention for that purpose, it was, On motion, agreed that the commit tee.select the . delegate, and that the person selected bo permitted to choose his own conferees. Jolio Scott and W. H. Woods,Esqrs., wore then placed in nomination, and a vote taken with the following result : For John Scott 27, Wm. H. Woods 33. On motion of G. W. Johnston, Esq., the delegate bo instructed to use all fair and honorable means for the nom ination of Gon. U. S. Grant for Presi dent, and Andrew G. Curtin for Vico President. Agreed to unanimously. On motion, the proceedings of the meeting be published in the papers of the County favorable to the election of Grant and Curtin. After the transaction of some other business belonging to the committee, and'providing for another meeting on Tuesday of the first week of the com ing April Court, at 2 o'clock, P. M., the committee adjourned. Railroad Mooting There was a largo and attentive au dience assembled at the Forge School House last night to hear the remarks of Mr. C. - Kidder on the projected rail road from B.untin,gdon to MeAlavy's Fort, when J. W. Brooks was appoint ed to the chair, and John Horning, jr., Secretary. Mr. Kidder stated the ob ject of the meeting in a few very able remarks, when the chair appointed C. Kidder, G. Horning and J. C. Miller a committee on resolutions, when the fol lowing were adopted : _ Resolved, That we have a Railroad from Huntingdon to MeAlavy's Fort. Resolved, That wo give the right of way up Stone Creek on reasonable terms. Resolved, That wo give water right free of charge. Resolved, That wo furnish ties for said road at 40 cents a piece. Resolved, That we make the shares in said road ten dollars each and each of us take two shares. The resolutions wore read and unan imously adopted, when Mr. Kidder made a lengthy speech which was well received. Mr. Kidder is one of the best hands that could take hold of such an enterprise. G. Horning and S. C. Mil ler made a few remarks, and the meet• lug adjourned to meet at MeAlavy's Fort on Friday next, when Mr. Kidder will address the mooting., BARRED;, Feb. 18, 1868 Death of Dr. H. IC. Noll. This eminent physician and true gentleman died at his residence in this place on Friday morning last, and his remains were followed to the Cemete ry on Sunday afternoon, by a large concourse of friends and citizens. .Dr. Neff was ono of our most skillful sur geons and physicians, and his loss will bo deeply felt by the community. He was employed as a surgeon in the ar my, and many instances of hie skill are recorded, in which he alleviated the sufferings and perhaps saved the lives of his fellow-patriots by his time ly attendance. Since his return home helms been in ill health, that fatal dis ease consumption having made hi,m a prey to its ravages, but he never lost an opportunity to relieve his patients when called upon.. Dr. Neff possessed many social and manly qualities that endeared him to his associates, and the poor found in him a friend in deed. Thus our town and vicinity has lost the services of four eminent physicians within as ma ny years—,Doctors Dorsey, Tiuden, Snare and Neff. Dr. Neff was 44 years of .q.ge. Who litho Lszlesi Dian In 'Town` We are pleased to see that the Good Templars of this place, intend giving an opportunity to our citizens to vote on this , question, at their Festival - on Friday evening next. Wo predict it will call forth a lively interest, "just for the fun of the thing," and we pre sume the "goak" will be completed if some active Good Templar receives the distinguishing honor. We understand there are many eager candidates for the prize, and no doubt there will be as much electioneering as if somebody was going to ho U. S. Senator; so no body need be afraid of giving offence by voting for the candidates. A. splen did Block and Gavel will he voted to the Society or Order in town receiving the highest number of votes. The Band will be present, and play their Best airs. .A.dmr4iOn 15 cents. Bead' advertisement. ' Our friend Sarni. A. Steel will offer at public sale on Friday, the 28th of February, and of the most valuable farms in the State, situate a few miles from ,tijuntiugdon. .'Klapre are a great number' of apple trees planted thereon, capable of bearing 2000buebols yearly; also a 1 . .rg0 number of pear, plum and quince trees. See hand-bills. 2t DlioNLtou of Onsavllle InutitutO. The teachers of Cass,Union.Clay and Carbon townships, metritCassville Sem. inary, on the 7th and Bth of February, 1868, for the purpose of holding an In stitute. On motion of D. F. Tussoy, Prof. A. L. Guss, was elected Chairman, and Jesse D, Bucher, Secretary. D. F. - Tussey, J. M. Wilson and S, Smith, wore appointed to act as Executive Committee. While the Committee was arranging the programme for the In stitute, the children of the Orphan School sang several appropriate pieces. Tho subject for discussion—•'The best method for teaching Orthography,"— was discussed by Messrs. Weidman, Norris, Wilson, Tussoy, Brode and Miss Phillips. Miss Phillips also con ducted an exercise in Orthographyl she was followed by D. F. Tussey, who gave different methods for spelling and dictation exercises. Institute adjourned. Evening Session. The exercises were opened by sing ing, reading: of scripture, and prayer by Prot. Gass. Subject, "Why should we educate, and how can we make our Common Schools more efficient," was discussed by Messrs. Tussoy, Norris, White, Lytle, Weidman, Guss and Cresswell. On motion of J. AL Wilson, an inter change of questions was agreed upon. Quito a number were collected by the Secretary, and distributed by the Chair man among the Teachers present. Ad 'ourned. Mr. James Norris, introduced the subject of Elocution and Heading.' He read several pieces, ono entitled, "The Driver," and another,-".A:Scene from Pickwick." Mr. White next gave his method of conducting a class. He was followed by J. W. Lytle, who also gave a specimen of reading. The following questions were then answered : "Do the meridians cross the equator at right angles ?" "At what age should a child be taught to write ?" "How shall we develop the physical powers of our pupils ?" How can we remunerate our Teachers • better ?" and "Should whispering be allowed in school ?" A great deal of interest was manifested by all present, in rogard to the ques tions answered—especially the last question which was discussed by quite a number of teachers. Afternoon Session. The subject of Arithmetic was intro duced by Mr. John Mierly, who en tertained the audience most agreeably and profitably. He denounced the practice of having scholars commit rules and notes as a practice that was liable to confuse young pupils, and said, that it was only necessary to have them study the rules so as to be able to' understand and apply them. Mr. White followed explaining the rules of Arithmetic, and his method of in struction as applied to young pupils. Grammar was introduced by Mr. White, who explained his mode of teaching the parts of speech. Mr. Weidman il lustrated Analysis, and showed its im portance. J. K Glasgow next gave his method of teaching the parts of speech. D. P. 'i'ussey, A. L. Guss, and S. L. Glasgow, spoke of the irn. portanco of teaching grammar at all times to childi'en. Several questions were called for and answered, after which Institute adjourned. Institute opened by singing, reading scriptures, and prayer by S. W. Heat on. Prof. A. L. Guss, requested the teachers and friends of the Institute to address the children of- the Orphan School. D. F. Tussey, S. L. Glasgow and S. W. Lytle, ably responded to the call. They spoke of the nobleness of purpose which prompted the fathers of . the children to samdfice their lives for the country they loved, urged the chil dren tooboy their teachers in all things, and pointed them to the fields of use fulness they will be required to fill. The discussion of theprevious even ing was continued by Messrs Tussoy, S. E. Glasgow, Brodo, B. F. Glasgow, S. L. - Glasgow, Cresswoll, Guss, Lytle and Mierly. The following resolution by J. E. Glasgow, was'adopted : Resolved, , "That • the teachers and friends of this Institute,nelt our - present State,-_Legierature to _pass an act to grant iti Sufficient appropriation to keep our Common echoOls oren six months in the year." On motion of J. W. Lytle a vote of thanks'was tendered to Prof. Guss, for the ,kind and hospitable manner in which he entertained the teachers and friends of the Institute. A vote of thanks was also tendered to D. F. Twiny, for his services. The children 'of the Orphan Sc,hool entertained the audience by singii3g sev eral excellent pieces, and performing , dialogues and comic speeches. On account of the inclement weather, and the Institute being postponed ono week later than first announced, the attendance of teachers was not so large 'as was expected. But there was a sufficient number present to make the Institute interesting and profitable. REPORTER Communion Wine. We have been shown specimens of sacramental or pure juice wine, pre pared•by Mr. Alfred Speer of Passaic), Now Jersey, out of the Port Grape, which he cultivates in this country.— In taste it assimilates to port,.witbout its heating qualities, being Absolutely free &pq► spirits further than its own fermentation affords. Preference is given to it over all other wines in New York and other hospitals as a tonic, gentle stimulailt„ diuretic and sudo rific. my. Speer has been nine years experimenting in the production of this wino, and the newest wine ho sells is four years old;of which our drug gists have got in a supply. FIRE.-Mr. Edward . Zuerner's house, with its contents, it:Analog some meat and all .the wearing apparel of the family, was destroyed by fire about 6 o'clock on the 14th. The house was situated in the upper end of Black Log Valley, about a mile from the J'unita county line.' The fire originated: from a candle in the 'cellar setting firo to some tow, the thaws spreading so rap idly that nothing could be saved. • Mr Zuerner is a hard wdrking farmer and has a large family. had no insur ance on the proporty, and is therefore left dependent on the neighbore —.4llft, Union Ifercgd. ' • lr is said that adding to coal oil one fourth its weight of common • salt ih the kerosono lamp makes the light much more. brilliant and keeps the wick' clean, 'wig prevents smok ing. -• • Saturday Morning Evening Not Our Vault. We are very often asked why wo did not publish this or that marriage, and the answer invariably is that we did not know anything about it. It is the officiating minister's duty to hand it. in. The parties married expect him to do so, and it is a groat accommoda tion to the printers. Some . of our min isters; we are glad to say, 'are very prompt, but others very negligent. The best way, ' perhaps, would be to patronize those only who are -willing thps to oblige the happy couple and the cnuch•abnsed editor, and let the rest . p ‘ arvo awhile. We aro sometimes questioned simi larly in regard to deaths; and thei Same remarks may apply to them. We aro ready to publish death notices, bdt the public should not suppose that wo know all who die, nor their names or ages. ter-We Call attention of our readers to the advertisement in another column of the "Improved Star Shuttle Sewing Machine." This machine is sold at about one-half the price of other first class machines. It has a beautiful, noiseless movement and does to per fection ail kinds of plain and fine sewing. The sales aro rapid and there is an increasing demand for the machines wherever they aro introduced. Agents will find in the sale of this machine, an opportunity rarely offer ed to make money. -, THE new Minnesota State Normal School, to be erected at Winona during the coming year, is to he an elegant structure, ono hundred and sixty feot in length and ninety-four deep, 'built on an entirely now and highly orna mental plan. ' It will cost $200,000. Speer IVlnes Are the pure juice of the grape, and are unexcelled by any native vintage. They con tain valuable medicinal• properties, and ate of intrinsic worth to the invalid and the con valescent, strengthening the weak, and restor ing the system to tone and vigor. Sickly per sons and females should try them. MARRIED, August 7th 1802, by Rev. J. Guyer, of Lewistown, Pa., E. W. MILLER, of Ohio, to -Miss ELL A. E. FLENNER, of Huntingdon Pa. On the 18th inst., by Rev. J. W. Love, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. LTOIIN H. REED, of Shaver's Crook, to Miss LizzrE J. ALLEN, of the vicinity of Alexandria, this County. DIED, In this borough, on the oth inst , Mrs. ELIZABETH BRADSON, aged 20 years. [Lancasterpapors ploaso copy.] In Henderson twp., on the 20th in stant, Mrs. MARY WARFEL, aged years. The debeased was a worthy member of the Baptist- Chureh, and died in the hope of a I.)!esed iminortality• -- IN MEMORIAM At a meeting of the physicians of Hunting don, held February 24, KW, the following resolutions were adopted : Illucan.m, In the dispensation of His Pro vidence it has pleased Almighty God to re move from our midst Dr. llE.Nrur K. Nero-, therefore, Resolved, That in the death of -Dr. Henry K. Neff, our profession sustains an irrepara ble loss, society a distinguished member, and those associated with him a valued friend. Resolved, That wo tender to the family of the deceased our warmest sympathies for the bereavement they have suffered, and assure them that we sincerely mourn with them in their great affliction. Resolved, That as a testimonial of our re gard and respect for the deceased we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Rego/veil, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to the family of the deceased and that they be pOlished in the county.pa . pers. . . A. B. Brctrun.tuctr, Socretary SPECIAL NOTICES. CHILLS AND IJWER, Dysnushk, LIVER COMPLAINT, AND - KIDNEY DISEASES CURED. /lISIILEIt'S 11E1213 BITTERS Has cured more diseases where it has been used, than all other Iledicincs combined. It is the only remedy that really purifies the blood, and hes never felled to cu ring Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, and Diereses of the • s. Liver. Sold by all Droggibts and Dealers. DR. S. B. HARTMAN & CO., Proprietors, LANCASTBII, Pa., :Intl einem, ILLixois PoAAEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARRH treated with the utmost succour, by J. CS, M. D., Oculist and Midst, (formerly of Loyd., Holland,) N... 805 ARM so out, l'hilsdelphin. Tentintoni ale from tho most relmble sources in Ibo city and c. un ary can be seen at hie ollico. Tim medical faculty ars In vited to accompany their patients, as ho has no secrete in his p notice. Artificial Eyes inert tee without pain.— No charge for examination. no 6-13 bm ______,......._ VULLAIVAY'S ALLE lIALING arid STRENGTHENING SALVE. . FULLAWAY will introduce, at his own expenso, his All-healing and Stroi3gthening Salvo, a sovereign remedy for lams back, local rheumatism, pain In tho sibs and breast, fresh wounds, bruises, spramn, weakness in tho joints, crick in the bock, old sores, Crostini fret, swellings, rac.zoi. Jam., munbuess, ague in the face and breast, e I II , biles, corns on the feet, and occasional el go, of most kinds to which tho human family is subjact. 133,V0r solo nt ',awls' Family Grocery. MARKETS, PpITABELPIIIA, Fcb. 22, 1807. Stinerfiqo Flour at ‘1,2405,25 aitia at $5459,25 fancy extra family slootl, 'and Pennsylvania family $10,500 12,25, and fancy brands $12,75014,00 according to quality. Rye flour $8,75. Prime Wheat is bearce hare. Choke red at $2,5002,57 white $3,0003,20. ltyo at $1,7001,72. Core 1,18 to 1,20 Oats at 76c. Barley malt at $2,00. Cloverseed $8.50(09,75 acconling to quality; Timothy at $.2,75@3,00; Flaxseed $2.90@3,00 per bushel, Paiannan, Feb. 22 —Flour.-116pro le a ;local demand We quote s.dos of spring cheat Fffur at t10,75@11,25, winter Ftour nt $11,50@12,50 fancy at I 4Ct16,00. Wheat, winter,52,64(0)2,55 and Not sin leg $1,110,02,00 Corn front first hands nt $l,OO. Itye, $1,37 per bushel. Oats 65@6Ce; Buaey 1.8CE.41,53. Shoulders lle; aides 13e; bouts 17c, Laid 13%e. Cuto.too Fib. 22.—Flout dull spring extra $9,25e,9,50. Cludtai $1.0,t 0g10.25. Spring What is at $2,00g2,01. Coin tie. Oats, 57t.ts. MUM! NEAI Tone, Feb. 22.—G01d closed at $1,43%. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORBECTIO IVIIBKLY ..I§Y•IIBNitr .t 00. WHOLESALE PRICES. Supetll salmi r, $9,30, Kggs Extra Flour, old. 10,1,4 Feathers •§1 lb Faintly Flour 11,50 Flaxseed lied ........... ,2,20 Hops 1.1 lb White .......2,`0 gam, spoked Apple gutter "f gallon-3,25 guyll 000 Balk per cord 900, Lard Barley I,oo' [Argo Onions? but.. Butter ...................39 to 40. Alixed ..... Buckwheat I,ooloats Buck, heat Meal IA cwt.. 4,00 Potatoes bus 20 to 1,00 Bran , §1 cwt 1 0 3 Plaster per ton . 10,00 Bioonis 11 dot 3,00@4,00. , t1 lb Beeswax /-1 lb 30, 1 11,A Beans bus ^ 751R§0 Chop cwt..... Chickens 25.11y0 Strait , §1 bundle. Sliorts'lt 'dhonlitor ..... . ~ . .... , Ulm , " Timothy Torirbyn Wool c 1 ft Pork 11 th Hard Coal 31 ton $7,00 Pig !fetal ton $35 ia.so Lumber $llOOO ft....512g:10 Shnigles, Umr,st do slo@l3 •••• Joint, t• 6 1 ,4@3 15,73) . 2.0 rte. Country Soap 10. Corn 41,00 Corn Meal t) .. .... . 2,20 Dried Apples tabu ....... —2,00 Dried Chet. ime <Nat Dried Beechen ' 15 Dried Beef ' r "0 Beef gllb 0 Btoad Top Coal V. ton .42,50 Green Apples, q? bus $1,50 Cloverseed •-•04 . 1be.50 to 7,00 SliellbsrlaWft bus • $2,00 Minn in , t 11.1119 . 50 Stock .Lati cte. 212111 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CAUTION.—Notiee is hereby given /that ANNA D. STEEL, my wife, ball left my bed and board, without any just cause, and I hereby caution all persons not to credit her on my account, as I will not pay any debts contracted by her. Brody tp., Feb. 260 el AU T i 0 N.—Whereas - my wift3 htiving left my bed and heard without any just canto, I thorotbra caution all persons against barboting her as I am detormitted to pay 110 debts of her contracting. Conlmout, February 19th,1868-St, $ AGENTS WANTED. $25 We want first•class Agents to introduce inn. MPROVIII) STAR SHUTTLE•SEWINC MACHINE. The cheapen and best Machine in the v.liele country. Extracrdinary inducements to good, active salesmen, Particulars and wimple work furnished on application. A. J. DUMONT, Agent, fcb26.3nt C3O Arch atreet,Philadelphia. XTOTICE.--The undersigned offers for Ili sale the stock, good will and fixtures of a first-class WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY HOUSE. Terms cash. Possession given April Ist, 1868. The House will command a retail trade of $30.000 per annum. Apply to WAI. B. GOTT, leb2G-6.tt. Altoona, r.. FARM FOR SALE. A valuable farm, situate about three miles from this borough, and easy of access lita good road, to offered at'privoto solo, from now till tlielitst of April heat, cogttifulag about, - •. • • • 1.75 ..A.CML3EI6I, about half of which is cleared, end in good state of cultf ration, and the remainder is well timbered and vi More& The buildings consist of ono TWO STORY DWELLING HOUSE, ontirely new. A NEW FRAME BARN, Carriago Douse, and other opt buildings ; slap, A WI TENANT 1100 SE and STABLE. There is an apple orchard of good bearing fruit, and also over n hundred young add thrifty trees of various kinds. The upland is of a good grain producing quality, and there aro some 60 acres of the tin• est kind of meadow bottom. For the purpose of_ stocl; raising this property affords facilities rarely eurpansedi . ' For further particulars inquire of, or address the under signed, nt the office of the JOlPlita & American. Feb. 19, '65 —2l. It. 61cDIVITT. GOOD . TEMPLARS': FESTIVAL THE members of the Lodge of Good Tenn]lora atlas:osec will hold n FESTIVAL, in their Ilolh ou FRIDAY EVENING NEXT, FEIVY. 28th ICE CREAM, OYSTERS, CAKES and CONFECTIOVE• RIES, of the bast quality, will be nerved in the finest style. Amongst the many novel thee or tho occasion will ho the opportunity to vote for "The Laziest Man in all the Town," to whom a imitable present will be given. A splendid Block and Bevel will be given to the Order or Society in town receiving the highest nusibor of seta,. The PosbOffieent the Fakirs' will be ripen throughout the evening, and those having any missives - to send, can do so free of charge. Letters may be called for at any time. The services of rho lIUNTINGDON SILVER CORNET BAND have been engaged for the erasing, and is "rich, rare Mid racy" treat of Music may be anticipated. The proceeds are to be applied to removing the dote and procuring suitable Furniture for the Lodge-room. Admis•don, 15 cis; Children, 10 eta. [Feb:id-It 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. WM. T. 110PKIN , S "OWN MAKE" OF "KEYSTONE SKIRTS." are tho best and Clint'. Si Low PRICED Troop Skirts In the mat ket. Trail Skirts, 25 springs, $1.00; 30 springs, $1.20; and 40 springs, $1.45. Plain Skirts, 6 tapes, 20 springs. 80 Cents; 25 springs, 95 Cents; 30 springs, $1.15 ; and 35 springs, $1.25. Waive/tea/ in cvery respect. '•Our OWN .Make•' of "UNION SKIRTS," eleven Tape Ti ails. front 20 to 50 springs, $1.20 to $2.50. Plain. Six Tapes, 20 to 56 springs, ft om 05 Cents to $2.00. Them Skirts are bolter than those soul by other establishments as Mot cl.ms goods and at much loner prices. "Use OWN Make" of ' , CHAMPION SKIRTS" are in every way superior to all other• Hoop Skirts berme the public, and only have to be examined or worn to con vince every one of the fart. Manuractuted of the best linen-an Engll.lt Steel Sp, loge, very supel for tapes, and the f,tyle of the inetalle festenings and manner of securing them surpass tor durability and excellence any other skirt in this country, and are lighter, more elastic, w 11l wear longer, give more satisfaction, and aro really cheaper than all ethots. Every lady should try them They are being sold extensively by merchants through. out this and the adjoining Stoles at very Model ato prices If you want the best, ask for "Ilopkin's Champion Skirt." I t )un do not find them, get the merchant with whom you deal to order• them for you, or coma or send direct to us, 51eirltatt ts trill find our different trades of .Skirts exactly what they need, and we especially invite them to call tool examine our extensive .assortmont, or 'send for Wholesale Price List. To be had at Retail et Manulltetory, and of the Retail Trade generally, and at 'Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should bo addreanad. M kiCUPAOTORY AND SALESROOM 626 ARCH STREET, Between 6th and ith Ste, Philadelphia. WAL T. HOPKINS Eb26-10m NOTICES IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District Court of the United Slates, for the 1 Western District of Pennsylvania. . _ IN BANKRUPTCY.—In the matter of ROBERT F. BA SIXTY, Bankrupt: 'This This is to give notice, that on tho 2lst day of February MOO, a Warrant of Bankruptcy was Issued out of the Dis trict Court of the United States fur the Western District of Penn:4)llllMß, against the estate of noutacr F. HAD. LETT, of Sprites Creek; in the county of Huntingdon ' in said District, who Inca been odjudgod a Bankrupt, pnbis MTh petition: That tho paymenrbf any debts and the livery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for hie use, and the tratmfar of any property by hint, are fetbiddeu by law; ittel that a meeting of the cre ditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose ono or more Assignees of his estate will be held at a Court of lihnltruptcy, to ho holden aethe Court House in Huntingdon,. before JOIIN BROTHERLINII, Esq., Reg ister for said District, on tint 27th , lay of March, A. D. 18GS, at 10 o'clock, a. m. THOS. A. ItOWLEY, H. B. Marshal, fcb2C-It By S. Tun ELDER, Deputy Marshal. DlSralcr COERT or rue UNITED STATES, ron TUgl WESTLEX DISTRICT OT PEN,N'A. f TN THE MATTER of SIMON COHN, Bankrupt, Western District of Pennsylvania, as: •TILIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: That on tho 4th day of February, 1800, a Warrant of Bankruptcy was issued out of the' Di4trict Court of the United Plates for the Western Diitrict of Prenmylvanin, against the estate of SIMON COHN, of COFFEE RUN, In the county of Huntingdon, in said District, who has been ad. judged A Bankrupt en his own petition: That the pays mont of any debts rind the delivery of any property be- longing to said Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by hint, are forbidden by law; and that n meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt. to prose their debts, and to choose one or mote Assignees of his blitsito, will be hold at a' Court of Itqukroptcy, to be holden hi ilte Court House in Huntingdon before JOHN BROTIIEhLINE, BROTILERLINE, Esq., Register for said district, on the Om DAT of MARCH, A. D. HO, at 10 o'clock, a. M: THOS. A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, feb.l2 By S. THOS. ELDER, Deputy Marshal. LORAN ACADEMY ! . A HMI SCHOOL NOR BOYS. . - At Bells on the Penna.. litlitroad. TEXT TERM BEGINS APRIL 20111,180. Send tor a Cireulai. ithlross B. 11, FII110:, , T, Ecßl9-21n* Antirtown, Blair ca., Pa. POSTER'S MENTAL BITTERS These valuable : Bitters are composed of the eistaittal prelim ties of Roots—the medicinal virtues of which have bean carefully extracted. As a BLOOD PURIFIER and Loran Toxic they have no equal. They are excellent For Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Weak ness, General Debility, Pain in the Stomach, Cramp, DiarrlieS., &o. They are of great salon to Travelele olio r , r , emoted by ehattge of diet. 10 fact they o M 1010 3 ,03 the stomach of lenity thew dere to which it is subject. V. • Price, Otto Dollar pee bottle. 1 •se. -• PUCIIANAN &S3IITII, .. _ llf u fad urn's, . felis liuutlugtion, Penn'. 727 RICKEY, SHARP a co., D 0 IMPORTERS, /ORDERS AND RETAILERS OP .1 00 • ts ,75 DRY GOODS, POPULAR PRICES, ..... •.. 1,30 3 50 ..i0 Have the most elegant and diversified stock in this market, at thb very low pikes incident to the great shrinking of init.'s. Their stock is composed wholly of now and desirable fabrics, in . „ . .15 10 ® I'l ...... 2.00 35 FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, to ,shich aro daily added tl,o cboapest and choicest offer lugs of this and other markets.' r, CQ., 727 Chestnut street, IMO FARM FOR SALE, m T E enle, ti b i e l ln d e e a r pt i fi n of e t d lio o n fr oe e l r i s ercs a idp F s ou r r in n i n b n r lingdon County. about onu mile west of the town of Or bison!. situated en the Augliwick Creek, containing about .125 acres; about 70 acres cleared and In a good state of cultivat ion, with a g ood two story log Imusa, and ths masonry work of a lank barn. Also a 3000 g applo orchard (130 tree.) of sole .1 varieties, with a good site for grapo culturo. The cleared laud to good amble bottom land of an eastern slope. TERMS-000 thousand dollars on'confirmation of male, tho balance in two equal annual payments with interest secured by bond and mortgage. A good talc will be giv en and possession oil tho first day of April next. 4111-fior further par ticularqapply to the anbicriber on the premises. JOLIN It , 5111:N1:FELT. Oct. 9, 1867. I=l JOHN W. ABBOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY. THE undersigned have, established au Agency in the Borough of HUNTINGDON, PA., . For the purchase and tale of all kinds of - 12, - .A.1.., -- .J52'..A21 1 .M, And will give prompt attont ion to tho sale and letting of Mouses, Farms, Building Lots, and all other Real Estate business entrusted to their care. A convenient and well finished DWELLING In West Huntingdon; pleasantly situated; a well of good water on the premises ; n covered pump, and other convenien. ces. A handsome RESIDENCE in tho Borough of Hunting. don, conveniently located in a central• portion of the town. A very desirable, Let in West Wuntingdon; cheap for cash. }lvo other Lots fitvorably located; some of nblch uro feuded. Payments to suit pmehasers. Persons debiting to purchase, sell, or rent, will address qr apply in parson, to ApIITALGE, _ Office opposite the Court House, deg 3 Huntingdon, Pa. joiNsToN gtwArsol: TAKE pleasure in anneuneing to the citizen. of Huntingdon county and vicinity that they linvo Jut returned from the Ent with a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they have just opened out at their now etore, ONE DOOR EAST OF THE WASIIPKITOZi lIOTEh DRY GOODS, ' NOTIONS, HATS AND 'CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN, FISH, SALT, CIIEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, - &c. &c They hare a largo stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting of SILKS, MOIIAIRS, ALPACAS, POPLIN'S, Lusrims ' OINOIIA3IS,EIt/NOS, PLAIDS,, DL LAMES, Sc., &c., Also, a large assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDE RY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &c. A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS Wo will sell vug . L . Fsll4: ai i IIt:TAIL All goods doliverod to residoncos in town and dopots, freceof cluago. Alva no a trial Ware purchaning elsowitero. Huntingdon. April 8; 1867 GLAZIER & BRO., DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Iritis, .NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES. GROCERIES, QUEENSIVARE, drc., &c. Washington street, near the Jail.. Waring purchased our . Winter Oats since the lato heavy decline, IN o can afford to oiler superior inducements to buyers. Moulins and prints, from S cts up, liCtiy.filnbleschod ,911estings, yard wide, 15 cy, Heavy yard wills licking's, SO cur, Bast Winter Delalnes, 22,and 25 eta, All Wool Dolaines, 45 to 65 eta, t Doubt,' width Wool Plaids, 50 cts, Heavy ['told PoplinsisLlo,' • Wool Flannels, 29 to 50 eta a yard, Wool Blankets, 8100 to $lO.OO a pair, Wool Shawls Val to $lO.OO Balmoral Skirts, $t.25 M 0.80 Other floods in proportion. • - Huntingdon, Nov. 6,1607. HEAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. P. P CWIN INFQBMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT • - - CAN'T BE BEAT • O.I.ItIApNE4S AND qp.4.TA.Ty. COME AND SEE. - D. P. ckwm, Ilunqugdon, (club, 9, '61% PllC' i (t44A . L?glE' Railroad Strect, Huntingdon, Pa., Would respectfully invite the attention of the citizens of Ilunting,dou and vicinity told& Gallery on Railroad street, oppo‘ite the;:juninta House, where ho is prepared to take all the LATEST STYLES OE PIO URE§, at tho following plicas : -• • • ' • Including an 8010 oral Gilt Fraino, $1,50. Visiting Card Photographs, full else, 4 for $l,OO, Ambrotypes, for 24 cents, and upwards, His long excellence In the business onaliles him to take pictures in curly style of the art, nt greatly reduced pri ces. Ile keeps aim aye on hand a lasso assortment of ' PLAIN AND FANCY FRAIICS .AND c4qEs. Pictaiivs inserted in Lockets', Breastpins ginger Ringa Ac., in n newt and durable manner. Oil Paintings, Daguerreotypes, &e., copied at a reasona ble price. Pram., taken equally well in clear or cloudy weather. I cordially Invite ouwand all to call acd examine epee imene, whether they vs ant.pictures or not. Carrie quick ly; as I shalt remain but a Mina time in the bluntness. Tho 'above dalhiry la either roe rent, or for" sad, "with good security. • Apply to A. HANIGAR, Photograpn Gallery, Rail road atteet, IluntingHbn,.A. ' :jadlA3ut Ppilac!olph,q.r. SALES., FOR SALE. Their stock consists of GROCERIES, - FLOUR AND FEED; TOBACCO, SEGARS, " CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, CEDAR -WARE, QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS, &a, DRUGS, JOHNSTON &MATTSON DEALERS IN 4 , 4 , - READ OUlt. (31,44tEn & BRO J.. 4. HANAGAIi, IfEDICAL IF,GTRICITA • - - 'PA. WILLIAM. BREWSTER, M'CON PA EL Tier beneflCof thOsepropOslng to undertake Eleetrickl treitmat fur; diseases we give In the following list n foy of the more prominent an - ,1 inoatetalimoti complaints met with'in oneprae.. tier; in all of which We are most suressful. IN NEIREY ALL CASES of Chaos& thek.ten,'ELECTRICI TO IS A suns ILEUM!: ANDOO ALL , C4ED IF PRoPEPLY APPLIED. Those, therefore, alllictedi with complaints not Tiefe'linimerated, need have no hesitation in applying,en4whepter only REIM, or a SEll.tikitErir ante cm* tid effected,theY vffil rewire replies accordingly, An imenimple ti ti em , free. "1 *Ropey, Chorea, Bt. 'Vitus' Dance, ParafYidi, ,Neuraigin, Hysteria, Nervolisneati,...P.44. tion of tho Iloart,Lock-Jaw, elf. 2 Sore Throat, Dyspepsia.Diarrlicea, DySeitlety, Obstinate Constipation, Hemorrhotita; 'or Piles, Bilious, Flatulent, and Painter's Colic, and all affections of the Liver and Spleen. 3 Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, (where not 4 baused by organic disease of the heart,) Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Itheomatfera of the Chest, Consumption in the early stages. , 4 (travel, Diabetic, and Kipney Complaints. 2 Rheumatism, Omit, Lumbago. Stiff Neck, Spinal Diseases, Hip Dizeaeas. Weevil, To' more ;(tites° last named always cured with out pain, or cutting, or plasters in nuy 'form), In word, are propose to curo all curable die.' eases. Wo Imo no connection whatever with any , lothealectrical taco in this or any other county. All fetters address to w, m, BREWSTER, M. D., rilcConnelisfown, Pa. EOM J. C. !LPt!Ft,', 3BOOKSM±,±O33IZI And Wholestdo slid Retain:le:der In STATIONERY AND WALL PAPIA4 Huntingdon Circulating Library: • TERMS Annual bnbseriptione, $5.00; Milt yearly, S3.OQ quarterly, SLSO. This subscription entitles one meow to one now anti one old book Mu time. • - • . Wieldy Subseribent—For loon of Booke per week, 10 cents per volume. - Weekly rascribers will' be required in all cases to leave a deposit equal in value to the Book. • "; 3 . 1 m new Books will not ho allowed to any eubscrlber for a longer period than four day.; or if detained beyond that time, an afklitional chabgo of 3 cents per day; -other books coven days, or if dotained beyond that time 3 Cent/- per day. Books not returned in two weeks to be charged.. All Books aro considered old that have been in the LI. hoary six months. • Books &lunged seriously will bo charged. All payable in advance. • ' Special terms and arrangements with persone hlring out of town. All now and desirable books on Land as soon as /mod A. complete aura tmout of picturos for, DECALCOMANIA, C3= ART OF INSTANTLY: TRANSFERRING PICTURES To China, Masa, Tin and Wooden ware, Leather and Pa- per Macho goods, in short, to all article& or every.. de hcalptiott. . Tim full :o wing ser:es of Booko bo found constantly on hand: , • • SPELLE ris AND, READERS. Parker si Watson's McGinley's, Town's,. • Ssinices, Sargent's, WO rade eq, Sander's Union, Oogoud•s, Bank's, ARITHMETICAL Greenleare, Davio's, Robirnsocs, Ray'o, Brooke', Sto.hlard'o, GEOGRAPHICAL. leolion S 4 Fitch's; I Gliyot's, - I 314mtuith'e t teump's, GRAMMARS. .• :,;lt , rl r i: . ll': : Green's, 13ullien's, !Clark's, 'Formalities, Brown's, Parkur's:' 11 . 4111 1 1 %e e c , ' if o sing a, Goodrich's, 111 DICTIOTARIES Cobb's, Auklu'a, Reca'i, , ralketoi, Webster's, Robbin's 6 Worcester's, . 'Speakers, Dialogue, Classical, Botan ical, _Chemistry, and Ariseellaneoutl: School Books. BLAND .1E3001.5 From the small paper cover Pam to the full bound Rua en Corner Ledger- „ ' d splendid assortment of . TIOLIIJA - YAND TOY BOORS; of English and 4erican mounfacture.• &tabors, Bottom Flour Barka, at Jobbing rato4--at from $27.50 to $65 per thouannde Pointed with any natal, desired,'" • , = • Also, Confoctionery and Bogor Dago, DAILY, WEEKLY AND.SI6NTLILY"PAiERS'AND MAGAZINES OH ALL KINDS Choice 'Havana and Yara SEGARS, Solace. Century, Sunnystilo,and otlm brands.of fine cut CUEWINO BACCO. Oronoco, Navy, Spun, O banal tut stock of Octagon and F.quaro Cornered Rue tic Walnut and Gilt PICTURE FRAMES. All lands Of Frames an band and -nadde Sa orifor... Imi tation Rosewood, and Chit Itnitotion. Walnut. and Uq6 fiennino Walnut and Pinin'andhPartcyllilt Frame!' edp• plied on short folios. " . ' hi , CARDS OF ALL KINDS. Music and Periodicals bound In.every otyle at cheap rotes. French And eelnlnen Pam stamped any lotter or letters, plain or In colors.'- Photographs, Albums, Engravings, Artist's Materials, such as Monoctromato ilodrds, Tube Paints, Crayons, Sc. Moo, Agent for the Singer Family and Manufacturing SEWING MACIIINES—in Machine that will Item, Cord, Tuck, Quilt and Bind: Please call and •xomltle.—'. A full assortment of the different sty/Pe 9yon• hand. All•ordors agi Inquiries by mall will recelvo proMpt atteption. •.. . J. C. BLAIR, HUNTINGDON, h., - Next to Broad Top Ticket Mee. DeclS,lB674f. THE PLACE TO BUT NEW AND CHEAP GOODS FOR FA:It • . • W.MARCII Resuctfully • inform the public generally that they havo just received a large and splendid stock of goods at their stciotiditualing.lon, consisting In part of • 1 "' SILKS, - DRY GOODS, DRESS - GOODS, BOOTS & SHOE S A ; • • ' HATS, CAPS, TINWARE, `- LADIES' FANCY HOOP SKIRTS,BciNwErs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW 1V A R QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, '5 • PROVISIONS, GROCERIES,' - CRACKERS, NOTIONS;' TOBACCO, SEGARS, GI:ASS, NAILS, .• - FISH' SALT, 4V,e &ttk 4180, CARPETS anal OIL-OLOTH, Arid to fact everything that is tt;ttelly kept in te ilreeekuttl More, all which were bought low for cash anti will • eold ,gpriespondingly low prices for cash, or country produde. and request the public to gird de a hull before purehasing.olecwhero, feebrig satisfied we con offer supo‘., Hoe indticementi t0 . C.11 bllYete). respeCtfully.solicitothe,patronage of all, and the public era cot dially invited to extunino,cur.godde. ' • - • Ever) thing taken in excluinge•for 'geode °emit promi• \see. Huntingdon, cc. 9,1861 SPECIAL NOTICE, Pro TliE you really • inte9ll Iqcease wearisrg not se preyalen4 of dress Imo •sU•guatly,' became the robot Jolt. Davis, seas captured ii • Fiishiontible Fen:lola attire} Oh& momma's calm rdleetiPn will surely servo to change your rash resolve. Vhis angels had too much good saved to lay aside their.Dnee chaste robes of white, bootless they had fur telhhe ezevcil to hide the deformities of thaf Prince of Rebels, he Devil. Con you err In fellowtoglhe example of Aiig9laf Theo lio;, , ins mode up minds that you will cdutinueio dregs lasteliallj regardless Of rebelacte, diFifer,illivet to Wait al eV, Zir-eqj the subscris hers, who will be happy al all 'limes to furnish pots With* such articles of dress as you May desire.. Urge' ieu'r fatb; ere, busb.ande, brother's; neighbors 'Mid children 'to visit the sable store, They can hero be Milted in good infield, of Boott, Sluice, Clothing Material, Rate, Cape, QueensP ware addle generill assortment of Groceries, on ea yeas eoinahlOtel•me as at anylioutfdin'tosi;n. ttbre thsZoilllb 'eaheCorn'e'r of theßlisislond:llunlinidon, Pa. • • may 31, 1865. FRANCIS It. WALLACH - Colbures, - Loomio, ac., &c, Marti aidale'ti,, Worceitoes. = - WM. MARCH S DRO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers