FOR - TEIB - GREATEIST - VARDITY - ' ilandsoilie. and. Useful Articles, Vali at LESYIB' . ilook Store. •", 1 001CIr. , IGTOLASS'ES.- • .. ' ::.•: .: IhkO 4 for ialo at ibe wetre'otoro of et, 0, Or - - - - ' : „JAMES A. BROWN ... rs ; 44 , ~1 1151, 1 ! , 41,4 1 4 Fourth & ArahSts, -R.IIIILADEILPUIA. ARE OPINING FOR. SPICING, 1 . 864, .300 We. 50.icelt poi. Good Black Silks. Goo pcs. Oniced . Plato Silks. 4.41,Y0N8 Black Slikmesorivr. Brown" Silky .46,'6, 4, 8,..F.,1Rer yard..., Black. ens, ga,s, :4 6 2. 1 Ver , Moire ..tiltlqueq, all colors., ig cent Grenadine& —lll4ita2cent Ortrendle4. Richert OHINIT.,ES' and Pzacawt. • SPRING. SHAWLS. Kelr.,Hotteeliold. STAP.LE GOODS. Gelierakiesorttherit or Men's Wear.. Mirth IrlEB4:3ei . . . - • . W. Cayponter, Ileum & Co's WHOLESALE DIX& AND areEMICA'li BrAl? BHO II SE, Pie.-7.7 tit 7• Market at., Philadelphia. -• • The snbacler keestantly:on hand a of DRUGS; MEDICIN ps ES, con CIIEMICALS, PllAßHlarge stook AQZIJ, TICAI., PREPARATIONS, and every other article which appertains to the humblest embraoing the moetextenelve variety; also, PAINTS; OIL and.iILASS, armory &weir.- tion... All articles purchased from'ns can be teliadUri a; being of the moat Superior quality and at as low prices' as they can he bad. We can offer such inducements' as will make it the interests of purchasers to lay in their supplies form us, and give no their future .patronage, and invite aliwbevisitthe city, to call at our establishment% All orders addressed to us by mail. or otherwise will , meet with prompt attention. .% - . OEO. W. CARPENTER & CO., 787 Market Street, Philecht. csrm 21 ' PAP .ER HANGINGSPHILADELPHIA' = 1864. 1864 . . •• ,--ROWELL & BOURKE; ua:Nurecruna ;or , • . P R S, WINDOW CURTAIN P4PNRs, Corner 4th and Market Eitraetd, • N. a. 'I flan ete.ic or LINEN aJL DES cOngtaa° ytl a Leod - . . ro 1 e.l4,lB*Zat • S• REVENUE STAMPS F CoVVXI:I AT LEIVIK BOOK STORE. 4VN:iligcnNiv PEIgNA. _ P . ... tTBLIC , NOTICE. - , -':- ." ,Au. persona Interested edit please take notice, that e underidgned deputy Collector of. H. 8. Internal Rare; BDe for Huntingdon county, wilt attend,imttle lid and 84 Tuesday' of sub month, at the'daokson Hotel, ,In the baronet of Huntingdon, - to receive taxes, Lc., toiniaena lug no- the Ytlt dulj. autilth,lBbp. • • :, - •• - : • • • - . • . -, . , . . _ . . . . ITOUSEKSgittB ATTENTION! You all want& OLLYIIIES WRlttilEtt;lo 'eider to get through your washing earlier, spire your , strength sad at theaaina time SIM anon& to the weir of:clothes by *sing a Wringer, to pay lir it in six thootba, at„ the present price of potion. Wringers ,that bava - taken the Pazatux 019131 Au, OTELIiEI 14 the market, for eels at' th e . Itarderare Stem of geg,ltaitt -JAN.IS9 A.: DROWN. „ QELLING.OFF FOB, CASHA having a large stock of Ilardiffire on hande, bought at old ptieesil am dally selling goods lower than they isn'be bought Its Philadelphia. fell aeon. • Ilea ••• • -JAMS A:IIROWN • JOSEPH ABTA • „!• 11145rpzftaf ot 1i&TE18-.kSLEIGI!BASC ETEi .• • Mai Euritingdon,.•Penna. , •,: tp.9rdititued tnitbo - sitoi-teet notice,: doh o at LeWie Hoak 'Store will melte ittl.mition. nutiogdr;Jetn. 27, Iseskus. • Pist ols, nil g , T ackle, 'FINE au; Ttirry, - A 11140414 Apparetna generally. Rode IleSle, flashate, Ilies, Hooke, Nets, Foils, (Heves; Maas, Bil- • lies, Corkeotairii, trn., ConetantliOri hand, and for wale, =Wboleeale and retail at JOHN KHMERS, %%U Sportamea's - • 11c14,10 if ctorf 2cl & p rhiladq: Pt SERTED. 'FROM TREF:II,IS. A. corporal vicuilVv: tbuClUzittr. Co. llt 11.41. emus. Vol. Cavalry, aged 2l7ears t 4 feet„B inches 1414 blue eyelOdayryt belmby boanatiolialtattf4tittaxt. , .:taid Dowgberty ;vas enlisted iri Huntingdon, Pa., Angela 29, 1090, Was mustered Into lb& selvtatt la plAladolphia, to . . ... . . . *erre three years. Also—Private yrAs. noucE, Co. MOM P. V. Cavalry, aged 20 8 feet. 51 idebei high, blue eyes,. dark flair; fair complexion, and by occupation &blacksmith. Said Houck was colleted at Unntlngdon,.Pa... to serve for three.ycy+. 1 A redratd Of s3ols offered for tbe arrest and delivery of ea-b or either 0f...4e abcv..tartzt 4. 4,40 .1 11 er5t tt. ' t - . '. ( V . Y.:" ~, , ~.....A .A.1.,a, , 4,...,1 . ..a . „ n wog. co. a, 18Lb Reg, Pa.,Cay._, D 018., 1863. INSURE YOT.g,' PROIERTY:IY, . . Fire • 1' • ^, .1" atiiiiiViiiatslPllk RISKS ONLY TAKEN. kl 4 caPds aribtid brick &tut bide bnidlitice. iced o ?Glinted granted ;Insane or Aug buildings, merchandise end furniture. - ot il ett iC ri_ A 77r "2''i 2_ . 41 . 1 147 1 4 a ratiftb a r; BoplAtetaa •,,,Agutotuohnnabnitsounnaillgras';' , , - I§ArAo'Ic:STAU?FER er. rrwrcB:ithikso:4akiii 11FANtriAcru6se,ofr 1 IniNER trAttS.a ; d ;own ot_WATME, Ifo.l4BNoitliffeociridai!, , ru,zlLDEtra% j. - Ile his conitintly hentein astartnien ' t of Gold and • . Bilver_patentloyers,lepihsaud Pirdn'tVatebs*, rad Pine am mono, &eh and KO's, Ilreast Pins lt) Ear Rings, Plntor Bracalets. Miniature' - Cues, Mid kets(Pincil if, 'Thimbles, BPettA4ol4 Rita,. Table, Ttesert„Taa, Belt NO Mustard IPmnst-gitgab:Stmotse, MIA , Napkin Ain" Pratt and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Penn, ofeeSielt setE bersttakle fer.Ctuar) i" TOBIAra CO'S bea gamins' fall jewelled ratent lab? IlDreMentetOtlikalltly on hand; also other Makers N ' . .40 sla!er,bdiVheibit Cdth.! ' ••• Sept. 9, 186:1--Iy. - ••:> . _ SATafF4L% xi -49RT•11.0NNAEV • • ' - 4ACHtt:41063113 RORRFOLIOS • "•• "•, ' alit/ " J c OB I s; SEGA_It CA644-k-43r i , Acio A liandsai s m - ogeovrart, tustyl 0,111 Ai; iit'rnfrOok,iiiiior-i3. ALBUM, S'::ALBUIIS... A bearitifal assortment oi!PHOTO OR.APB. ALBUMS just recoiied and for age .4•l•lo3:Wurrziopz-miort. 0/7g-P . :1:- . 1 - ,09.P.Ptg:t 1. TIM IMIVERSAL,LY D Ent other favorite brands at fresh 'grouird 00rfp, tam '2!,4.12Mi3 Br.p4ln 131 2 16% .4NI , - - 13, gal, 244, .244 & ;41a brtp....rrorkt ; • . Cotner Of New St, Philadelphis.:' " Da23--60.1. ; 1101 . VARD :WORRELL. ATOUlVill'fititi this Laged and . Best eisixtiiikii4ll WM' Aron Roods at ' YTff AiUS_MAN~rn.L aLOAI 1 I 7 !. 1 ! .4 1 i .. 'll L 7• FiTi Fi 'l -. ?::: '- Eitli 4 .1041VMO •fr:ClrsOL g. - , ,v,i..41? .i.s , v,. ,- 1. ,-, 1 .N c i. 920 • setz.rwr ree , (fo mer ylio. - 408; J. W. rnocron & co. Invite the attention of their friends to their large and superb /week of FINE CLOAKS AN:D unparalleleiS a any former season— The Increased accommodation afforded In our, new loot. tier, ertablei.opto devote the fullest attention to the ^ • 417 EL DEPARTMENT, . 4 which will a found well furnished with every description of Prim CLASS PUBS, which will be guaranteed as repro rented, or the Money pald will be refunded. • .1!! •` ORDERS per Mail will be carefully attended to, and de- Meted. Ezpresa charges psfd, an distance Inside of 100 miles. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., Sep 0 11,0 0 4 r, k No. g 2 O tfiniett&t; Piths r Tuts WAY t 'IRIS - WAY! A briar ARRIVAL OF 800T8 1 46 SHOL I S;ItAT,'efo. JOIIN 11, WESTBROOR informs the public that he him Just resolved a newatock of BOOTS and - SHOES of all id. 169 and kinds to tuft everybody. - • Also. fiats, !lottery, Shoe nodings t Morocco and Lin 9Fyrhieji,Fill. he ?old, at,tholortest,cash prtees:?i , ?. •.Doeit;forgei the oldstand hi thec cdste . Mem and the public generally are invitcxlro Muntingdoo, Oct. 7; 1• 864 CLOTHING. 1864. ROIVIAN'"" . . W CLOTHING . • FALL AND WINTER, ' • JUST RECEIVED 11. ROMAN'S • CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentleman's Clothing of the beat material, and made the beat workmanlike manner, call at. IL-ROMAIVS, opposite the 'Franklin lioese in Market Spare, hunting. don, Pa. r -Uaotiogdon, Sept. 23,1883. • AGENCY, FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAiteiß;':±itodii , ticifiioxt . Ahr AND PENSIONS. ALL who may have any claims a gainst the Government for Bounty, Bads Pity end one, can have their claims promptly collected by ap• plying titter to perst,, or by letter to v WOODS, i,-t t - Attorney at Law ) • Huntingdon, August 12, 1863. ';HARDW - ARE CUTLERY ! AN • IMMENSE . ~STOCK AND ENDLESS VARIETY OS lIARNTARg t : CiaLEitY; NOW OPEN _I! 0/Z SALE B Y JAS. A. BROWN I.IUNTIIiGDON,TENNA. ()ALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Sep 30,1863 EW STOCK OF GOODS. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON HILL STREW . ; RONTINGDOIf, PERNA. • ' +;• 'TILE BEST f L suaan and morasas, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE, FLOUR, FIN!, SALT and VINFAAR, CONFEOTIONERIES, - CIGAREI and TOBACCO, SPICES OP THE BEST, AND ALL KINDS, iiid•eaery other article many Nand In a Grocery store, • ALSO-. /..brage;CiretniCalk - DreStuffs„‘:.•. • Paints, Vernishes, 011 e and Spts. Turpentine, Inuld,Alcohol,•Ohom and Putty; • ••,..•-• • BEST WINE and BRANDY for medical mirposos. , • ALL TUB BEEVI`ATENT BOOTS AND SHOES, and a large number of articles too numerous to mention, The public generally will plate call and examine for then:mires and learn my prk.4e. S. S. 83.1;1TH. Ifuntingdon, Sept.SChISISS. - “ , - MEW CLOTHING ;11 AT LOW P.R.ICES. M. GUTMAN HAS JUST OPENEJII:,O,iI3 ' /3 Hitlf pzEr , 1 7 ;F i lLL 4ND IPINTER CLOTHING, Which he offers • to -- all who - want to be CLOTgED, „ , : r AT PRICES THE' TIMES. Him Stock conniett of Reads.made Clothing for MEN AND IIOYS " 41.50, 1300T3 AND 5401E5, BAR'S AND CAPS, ASC,, AC. Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cot of olotbing rot forma in the Mock on hand, by haling their Measure they can be accommodated at short notice. Call at the east corner of the Diamond, over Long's Grocers. -lITANUAL GUTMAN. Huntingdon, Sept 30,1563. HEAD QUARTERS YOSt • E.Wdijo D *' D. P. C.Wild INFORMS THE PUBLIC JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS W14 . 4'; CAN'T BE 'BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. 4tryclltcr. New Furniture Establisbinent, id'anufaatures and Dealer'. in Furniture, Rey:lethally invites _the attention of , the robile to his stand on - Hill"dt.,"ltantingdon; between Cunningham's Store and Dean's National noose, where be manuraetunic &tailbone all binds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per- SOUS wishing to parchluati; dweielVtay give him'e. esti: Reptiringof ail kinds attended to promptlyend,eherges Apr Alao, lindertaicini carried on, and Commutate:le to any style desired, at abort notice. .4grlrcutersla attended at any place in town or noun. Rept.Stellatii3tt COUNTRY , - DEALERS , can boy CLOTBII7O from nab Huntingdoxet. gi1941211P , WI OLISBALE as cheap as they can : to the titles, *a; base a wholesale store In - • Huntingdon, April 14,108. a %MAW, D. P. GWIMP. PIIILADELPRIA WISE, WAR' FOR-TEE ;Icw ... TIIE awiny olt 7 sApp,sfoi tnoiioi4 : • •• tut ono•,vot pifoice at;.tho (loaves of roue gallatit troope,-add tbe it of the: speedy dotvoiall oP•the , Reb el Mini/ 4 0 , 13 0 forget to call at the 'tote of WALLACE before purchaelog eixeirhen , e, and ,see enr net, steel il needs countering of' ry Geode, - ' Groceries, Boots and Bbode, ." ' , Quernisare, . nouldere, • Salt and a general azoortlnent o( - wfitele axe of fer'2. on reasonable torme,for nest. or pfoduco " • Einntingdon, Julyl 1803.. .~.- „ B.T.RNBAIIM'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY ON BILL sTitmET, A few doors west of .Lewis' Book Store ' RUNTINODON: PA. ;.Photographs andVAmbrotypes Taken in the Best Style, ta—CALL AND EXAMINE . SPECIMENS 11ABBLE . YARD. . The undersigned L.T .wouldree t ioetfully nail tifo'nitention of nod - Mena of untingdon and tbo adjoining counties to tit° Mock of beautiful marble /tow on band. : . lie le prepared tolitrafth at the shortest pogo, Monumental Marble, Tomb,. Tablas and dtonee of erory &aired elan and , form of Italian'-or Eeatern . Diacbin, btghly flnietted,!and- carted with appro. prlata dorlcee, or plain, as may auk'. t . . Stabling. Marble, Door: and Window Sfilei de., will la furnished to order. . •, : W. W, pledges himself to furnish material and work manship Meal to any to the country,' at 0, fair prise: , Call and see, before you purebese elsewhere., , amp on Will tract, Uuntlngdon, . • ' • • ' WM. WILLIAMS. 'retain gdon , 105. 18 , 64. 'THE 1864. LARGEST AND VEST STOCK :OP WALL PAPER Ever Brought to.Rwitingdon, Is now ready for inspection and,sale, KG LEWIS' Book, StatiOnery and Tdusio Store. NEW AND . ELEGANT STYLES EBI LOWER PRICES Than the MUG article can be bought inThiladelphia or Pit6borg. OUR STOCK Coisists of upvards'of One Hinidred. Differezit Styles Wall & Ceiling 'ape'.dz Bordering! FOR The Parlor, -Sitting itoom,-DMing - Room, Bed Room, Hall," Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop,. &c., Call at the "Globe" Building and examine our stock and Pricer:`; ZC I r ; tr. ct WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS A LA - Ii . G.'STOCK SpLENDIEO X.SOR TALE N T Window Curtain Papers, = JUST REcEnTEp • ' LEWIS' BOOK STORE. ir'—' , 4 ;74 ~%.. . 4 e..., G. — i• %Il k .-- - . 1 ..811, 0. 4 ..e.1' . .. , L. '01, 3 4!.‘,.„':,-; . :1 0 !,,':'?-4_;' , ..- ..... -'- 16Y:BLANKS' LANXS 11 8LA.1.1- - -.. -.. .. . . LiBtABLE'S SALES, -- ' ATTAUIIt ISTIBOUTIONSi" ATTACUMENTRI'" , ', '. BXEOUTIONS, -- SUMMONS.- • .'' ."' '' ' DEEDS, '','' '. • -- 81113PCIINAS,'' ' ' , - ' I VfIOOL ORDERS ,' • - '- '` JUDOMSNT NOTES.' A.EABES FOR 1101JSRS, . NATURALIZATION B'ICS, it'OMAION voNpq,:- : . - JUBOSIENT'BONDS,*- '—. WARRANTS, '- • • ' - '':. FEEI3ILLF'.. NOTES,' with a weiror of tho $3OO Lew: • JUDOMPNT NOTES:with a waiver of the, $3OO La w . , AP.TIOLPAI OF AORIINMENT, with Teachers-, ~.., , dIARRIARN CERTIpIcATEd, for Onsticos of the Peike and Ministors of -the Gospel.. , .. - COMPLAINTOFARIANT, and OIAIJTAIIIi , , in .. case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. • . ECTERE PACIAR, to reoover amount of .ludgsnent. .. COLLISCIPORS! nEoEirrs, for State,,o9l.taty, P.ohool, Boroughend Township Taxes. Printed on superior. paper; and;for sale 'at . the Office of. the utuvurippori. ozontut, --. , . . - . .- ~ IILANRB, - of every description, printed to order, neatly, at short ; nonce, end Ou good ra P"' ''''''' ' ' .. ' l . - '''' 50;000. -•-• -•• • • BEST QUALITY WHITE, Burk, . .• ORANGE • • YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVEL9PES, Just raceived Al.! kki. sale at LEWIS' STORE. THE BEST • STOCK , OF FINE ISTAVONERYS LADIES AIID . GENTLEMEH,, Jizczzyzp IN CAN .NOSY ; BI ~1 AT LEWIS' 80011; F.TAT/ONERY AINDAIUAIC SIOREI 4iU/ - 1.1" . . . eT D - CAMPBELL - -,• • iA 14Frk =LAW -• • • :111111TINgDON, PA. triCk item, unsrls opposiio the Court ..1 1006 - • • ; [April 16, 1503.- IQo ALLISON. - - -lA , • • • _ - flatiron:Loved to tholßritkjtoit oppootto the Court "tootle. AP 4 _ l l, 13 , 1869 . • _ W ILLIAM AFRICA itiA3 — AcAirt colarzfrcED:iiig "• sltokitrAnNo, , f O NE/. ) 9P4*AP9P cwrnma 4044 . - .m.vid'ciddtheri and the.publfdqvtierany, still' give km a am. • • • ~ f ginutiagdoni.Oct. 20; . . E. ( . 31-11,E : ENE, ' • %.,.--... E• .• • DENTIST. ..ifilele. Office removed to opposite the - Exchange '. • •c' , Ilotol, ou Railro a d street, Huntingdon, Pa. HE JACKSON HOTEL, MINTNGDON, PA. S. MORRISON, Proprietor wpr. LEWIS, .V V Thole! in Baako, Stationery laud s.luolcal menus Huntingdon AT GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready ,LYJL'a Made Clothing; Huntingdon, Pa. . JOHN McCULLOCIL. pfTqa professional services to the citizons of Iluntingiion an icinity. Mice On 11111 street, one door east of 'WOO . _ , • S SMITH' Dealer in Drugs; Medi • mum Perfumery, Ilyo }Res, 01le, &t. Aleo--,Oio svtice, Confoctionorio, &0., Huntingdon, Pa. ' T Dr. CUNNING-HAM Fouuder, . . TAMES A. IitOWN, • ty Dealer in hardware, Cutlery, Pallets, Olio, die., Mit,' ingdon, Ps. - Dealer In Romig Hada Clothing, Dias :and Cafe ohs and rilloas, 40. I)P. GWIN,, . Dealer In Dry Goods, Groceries, Ifardware; (Donne ware, Irate and Caps; Boots and Shone, &c. • • •-!. yooi.. . ooKs ~. A.141) STATIONERY.4:','::., • 'A good assortnient of' miscellaneous and School • ks , —Foolscop, Letter, Commercial and Note PApor- Hain end Fancy Envelopes—lied, Blue and Bleck Inks Blankßooks or numerous skein—Pons, Pencils, Pocket and Desk.llskitands, and , every otbor article usuallY round in a Book and Stationery Store, can be bad at fair pricekel' -.. ' L - EWIS BOOR; STATIONERY & MUSIC STOIllt '. , . POCKET TESTAMENTS, A _LARGE S7 r OCK ON RAND AT poutiTOOK BINDING. Old Books, Magazines, or publications of tidy kto d to order, If toilet LEWIS' BOOS e STANOIVERYSTORe . - 11QIJSINESS DIEN, TAKE NOTICE!' mil 100 wait ydni card Deafly printed upon eavid• 411 at r. '..idorrs , BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. T 4 (9lt THE LADIES. , superior articlo of Note Paper and 'Eiiielopee, su4able for confidential correspondenco, for Role at -. - - - LEWIS' BOOK STATIONERY S7:OR.E.. • M. WILLIAM.S, V; ',Vain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer. ENVELOES— , n oy.kae oca, pa ck; or 10611 quantity, for sale ;t - LEWIS' BOOK AND STAT IONER 77 STORE. 'll/11.A1'P.ING PAYEIti A good article for sale at • ' LEWIS' COWL FrOIIF TF 'inn want Oarpets and Oil OlOtha, call ht D. .wheweyou will find tha larviist soriminfin town • • . Q0k1001; BOOKS, aanorally in use in the Schools of the County, not on bend, ii II be furninhod to order, en application et • LEWIS. BOOK, AND STATIONERY STORE. , p o imn-VMD , ' THE CYTTIARAThe Presbyter inn Psehrtodist.:—The • Sharrn—The.ruhilestiuntrit'S and Bartlett enlarged arid Improved instructors—Weiland's Emend Improreallferhodder the 0 ultar—Lelend's Arno (loin, 'Violin and Flute Instructors—Winner's and nowe's Violin , Instructors—Bellak's Dlelodeon Instructor—Bur rower,' Piano-Forte . Primer—do. Thorough-Dace Primer— lltnro'rThawing Roan' Dancos—The Chorus Glee Rook— Tara's Rupp for sale oh • LEWIS' DOOR, STATIONERY h MUSIC STORE. \\4) QTEINE-WARE .at S. S. Smith's aro: cdry, 20 per vent. - cheaper than any other plae . e in town. T lft-best Tobacco in towa,"at • D. P.OWIN'S QLD BRASS AND COPPER . t4iceri in txtbemgt, Slot goadstlm Ihmdificto atom t; . 3, 1862. JAB. A..urtowN - . lIIMCKONER. .. ..• .. t, ~. A complete Pocket Ready. Reckoner,' In dollars an 'cents, to which ma added forum of Notes, Rills, Re tollits, Petitions, &r., together with 1 , , set or •us e ful tablee, containing rate of Interest from one dollar to twelve thous and, by the single day, with a table of wages, and hoard 'by the. eek, pubtisbed in 1859. For sale at ~ ,-- ,LEIVIS' BOOK STORE; . .. . .. - • IaINVELOPES; wholesale and.•retiil, 1j for 0910 LEWIS' BOOK STORE:. .' you want bandanna Goods,' good Goi4s, ow* boottz; and all 1{14.1 of goods, Kota • , D. P. 4 VIDOR. .11111100 TS & SIVAS Hats & Caps, file Inigeit ma'am:lint:and choopest to he found Of • D. P. GWIN'S . 1 - IUN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-LA LA largo asaurtment tit • BROWN'S fIARDWARE STORE.' el:0111 - SEEOES," . cheapet at P. P. GWill'S _. tberican be bed fn town. Cell and eeo them. ' IDAPER I TAPER!! _L. Note, Post, COMMerCial, Fooletap and Flatta—a' good oesortment for sale by the ream, ball ream, guiro,,er sheet, at ' NEW 'cowl & sTATICRani §.24.zyflz,-, , c N T DEED PAPER-.=j ruled, for rale at • , : LEWIS' BOOK STORE. MONTIILY, TIME BOOKS, For Pa le at. • : ZEll7.B' BOOK - ..AND STATIONERY STORE. - OOP SKIRTS with from 41.:tO: 30: tuMpn, at priced from 25 cte. to $2,00 at the cheap a taro of , - D. P.OIVIN. Irl GlVlN:'.keeps the largest;.best assartment and cheapest abase ,callacd examine them, . , TRACING MUSLIN, •.: ,: , ' , , DRErsniti AND TIFAITINCI PAPTII White and &oral Card Paper, ~.. 'ror atle,at . LEWIS" BOOK d: STA27O.N.F;Rr STORE: . . . .. pooTs and ;SHOES, - the largest, and altenptat assottakaat inlovra, at . CAR PET Saks and; Fanoy Basht ,i ,! B ' at IQUORS, of the best, for Modioina purposes at . 8. 8. 5511211'8, A beautiful lot of Shaker .13onnets.for 1-1_ gale cheap, ot D7r. WIN'S. TI P. GWIN'S is the place to. buy _kJ. good and chimp Carpets. ('TALL at D. P. G;WIN'S if • ypu„*ari Goon oons, • , „ . .ADIES Collars, very cheap and beau.- ALJ,tlfiil, nt D. P. OIVIN'S: • , efAIA, at D. P., G WIN'S if yea want • faablonablo Ooml. CULL at the new CLOTHING STOI at OUTMAN'&• CO.; If you want a goo , : adder Clothing. 'Store room In Loug'm new bu in' LW' ht Mond, lion tingdr SeptlB,lB37. • -LANK BOOKS, OP VARIOUS sum for Sale at': ' r LE 1175.! .800A - 440,'D ST.I TRAIVER r srqz:z. LEWIS' BOOK STORE B0:0 -Kt. MODERN COOKERY' IN ALL ITS IMANCEIES., ' .HISS ELIZA. ACTON. Carefully Revised irirr. J. S. kale. kr TELLS. %V-Stow to ehooeeng kinds- of nonte,'PohltiY; andliame, , ,elth all the var:oue, end' 'nioet, • approved. modes -or. lizesaing- end 'cookitit, • • —Peet nod Pork ;-also.the:best and' 'shuffled' way of molting; Tiekting , - ned miring , the . . ~44 k2.']!(.7 ^ . 4 . 1 T !L. . Is Tema You Alt the irttrioUs and inoati;OPioTo - cl Diodes ' dreeet g cooking,' e . nd 1,1q144g Mutton, Loin, VOL YOultry,;orid ; game of' all kind": the' difforent' Dreeslogs, ar:avi ;';, - 4 ) Stufflugripproprlafif to e'ach. '' "" 'OO . - . • • It ta4.11 ..Tog How tothoose, clean; and preierva..Floh or '"Etti %dude', awl havilri tici6aten it when taint, , "i .- - ad:etre all 010 . CAtiollii iCiad - 111163Citi)proved . ..• , • • — modes Of cooking; with' the different Droste : ': • • - tags, Sauces, and PiatoSittigs appropriate, to each. IT 71149 7017 All the variant and most approved nieWeet, .... • preparing over 110 Aludr of Afent;Fish,Notl: ... • Game, and-Negetable Soup.; ittothc an tind*Beinfenisigd ,approptilitop,eacb.. . E , •• - r .11 TSO... ton AU the various and. Want apyroved,modes of, • :Vegetables of, every..ddeoriptieti,. ;also boit,to .prepare Vektesi.'Catelapt and. .• , ,Currhis. of,. all kindl,,,etted - Maitta, •1118 b, Atualtroonup • :.: Ix Tst . ts'Ygn AI Thevarious and most apprOved mode. ot. • ••.,1 preparing and cooking nil kFral. of Plain. .. : . ,• and **lcy Amity, Podding., -Omelette., 3:111F itters CRAB. Confectionary Preserves, ; . Ind Sweet Dishes of, eiery '• • Alen: - • • : - • . it Tulle ,YOU All the vario . ne and most approved modei . - • • of making Bread, ttnake, kleAtie, an/P.1355. . cult; and she -boat: method of 'prepaiing . i.Coffoe, Chneolater,,and To and- hoWlto . make Syrups, als,and-Whim-ofra ,:riouerious kinds. s s s L s . TT Tema You How to set out and ornament arable, how Carve all liltifle - Orliati,lllsh or Fowl, and to short, how to so simplify tho whulo Art • Aof Cooking as to bring the uholefstloroll4 -.of, the, tilde iittidn the , eiaryb6d.ra iandt.• For Salo at LONvia' Book_Store. , ',..12011121;h.11 =C ROURRER. - AQUAntift , V ., • , '.4IT • '.PRACTICAL CALCULATOR PRACTIOA - L , CAI J OITIATOILI , : PRACTICAL ALCULATOR. . : • tPRACTICAI. CALCULATOR..''t PRACTICAL CALCULATOR.: . 7D, 011itEA'S - 1 3 11AQTICAL , CATIOU-. /Joik of 41afre Rules and Caleidationkfur Busing Ope: ''-rations; Ly Narlin Rohrer,' Practical Surveyor and tbnre,vancar. Nino Zditioa, published -Ay d',..:E.,,Ltjraia-. ?Cott ( facfr4thidf/P4 2 0 v :2 t;:, . Thle work contains 204 pages, and upnapqs of 000 Itnlea pind Etabipteetinekirefi, anti atm - Mighty - Practical luell'alt 'arise every day in the seramon pursuits.of BUSiiios!, It had already passed through a- hiNber oreditions in rapid - succession, and in pronounced by all classes of business noon to be the handiest hook -- of relinauco, pertaining to "calculations, that 68a over:been:published/ 1 _,' ever'y dtiample in'tho book is *inked out'in ia .stated to a plialn.nanpur, sp_that who** parallel casoartr ass, thole..referring tc4beavork AvilPfind ne , difilenitrin" solving It; in a ,tvord, the .g.nend arrange - Meld 01 tilt. CALCULATOR Is elnipiti; that nay one tviutkrions add, subtract, multiply and, drvida,.cannasily solve any or dinary examplw that - arises td-'l3tistnest, or "arrive at ti e true result of any estimate required. - The chief eitii otrbenuther'lnii been to esebou theory and philosophy in figures, aiming only at recta and plmphr city, believing - that business 'men Care little , about 'spen ding time in .discussing ; the philosophy of rules,.o the 'science of . figirreir; - deeming, it eutlictent for. their purpose lobo able at a moment; by reference; to arrive at. the true ;result: ~.likkbOhlAllilikloll, differs In thia respect froutall other Arithnietics,of..thedaynnd: kludred.srotkev.,-11 le s key in pine:Will busipeas to, in the hands' of the bnehrese nsgh, wind the key to mathematical' works -in the hands bf the teacher in „ room—it radii -tales time and Ineureo correctness. VIE WORK TREATS OF • . • . Mensilreirlint of Land, .Of umber, of Brickand. Brick- Work; of 'Stone and Stonsivork,. of ,gVain and grain bins. of coalrifid coal bins; of wood, of solids, of. liquids, clr , color, square or ,Irrogular vessels,' of cieterns and xats; roofing; of, plasterer's, pninter'erglezier's, patois% plumb' or's, paper hanger's and , upbolsterera% work,. Lt 'treats of currenor:eint OS fiwrtgguand, , : of .Ihe decimal systinn;ofreduction and its, extended application td business, of simple and compound. interpst,,and Their entire application to business tranarictionli. * Mth;thri'lautr . ,and usages governing trio seine, togethe krt i:nifumcroun counnorcial forms—of legal louder, of partftWpayminrob :notes, of Wolfing roof bouhdircount, of equation of pap anent nod of partitenihip accounts; of assessment of = taxes,. 'or 'eights and measures, of square dud:cubic ineaeuro; of the square root and its application to business of surfaces, of excavation and of roans' ...other,importunt,practical: niatters not within rite scope of lan ralverthleicent to men.' IT 18 JIIBD 1100K.VOlt TUE . Farmer, the merchant, the mechanic, the artlian, or the Professional Man. It Lae peeve. a valuable ntraillary to the lawyer, the justice of the peace the conveyancer, and real estate brolier,V6 the netm eor, the. hanker, the clerk; to the civil. engineer -and the - surveyor, 'to the carpenter and bricklayer, to the etonemasou and the. plastererAt , - the paper hanger end :upholsterer, to the parce ;aid the tiler, dim, to.; each mid all will atidit ridepteel to' their 'wi llow, wants better than any book priblidied. , - 1 105 - Price, 60 cente.-'ltor saki at Lorlie • ..tinntingdon, Dec. 20,1880....- laitEAT W.941,4,0N ,T.IfE HORSE; 'VI. ,':: i:i:V-1 - ;!'..'.... - : 'V THE HORSE& HIS EHSEASES BY ROBERT JENNINGS, 9.5., • .Propnikrqf;..7)(l.7l,72o,9yanii Olortglive3cirgery,itvh , e ; , ~ r derinco, s :Coiligde Philadelphia' d"e "' WILL TELL YOU Of the Origin; Ifisiory and , distinctly.) trait ot tho ekTi . ouitbreeds Europoan, Anfatic, A frleain and American Horses, with ,the Physlq4 forn)4tlon - and pe, cilliaritlko of the animal, and how to ascOrtido ago 'by,ntantAcr and ' 'condition df tds Illiistrated ••annitraita alsplantstory engrOyings.' „ . • •xns iran9m4rfp-tas . w.tra:TELL YOU of breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Facil. ing, ; Grooming, Shoeing, and the genet '' : • • 'Ed Management of. the. horSe, with - tha • :•. beat modes of administering medicine, ,also, Imer to trout .1311.1ng,, Kicking, „ - .ltttar . ing, Sjkilug, 4tunthllug,' Sag, Itcattcsancas, and other 'vices to which he ks subject; with numerous us- ABASH AND WS DlSEetiiS . . WILL 'nu, you Of the chueekeyttiptontoilind TreatmOitt' of Strangles, Soro. Throat, Distemper, Catarrh"lngnems,l3ronclelthr,rrnaUl nionlo,Tteunisy, - 11roliOn Wihd, Chkon qo to Otalglwitoarlag thid • ' '• Pah, Sora , Mouth on'tt nod' DO. Ottridtroeth,tuith other tlts'easei of the' Mouth and 'Respiratory THE ilonsn firs-DISEA7ES .. , . . _ ~ , WILL TET.I., lOU Ortho causes, symptems,and Troutman .f , ..• ' • . of . Worms,• . B eta, Cholla, Strangulation .. . ' Stony' Concretions, ,ItuptuiSS, Palsy,' Diarrbea;Jatindice,llspatirdnui,lllGody • Urine,' Stonat In the Rldneye and Bind. . . .'• der,'lnflumation and other: diseases of • '' ,' ' the Stordncli; Ilthvels, 4ver and Uri , nary: Organ', .. , :.;:: • TDB nonsg AND lIIS' . DISEASES T WILL TELL YOU Otke.causes,.eyniPlorns, and Treat. neenl of DOl/0, Blood and .Bog, Sparta,' Mug Eane, Sweat,le; Strains,: Broken • — Knees; Wind Dalls,...Fonnder,:Cracked moots, Sole Bruise and Drawl, Conker . . Scratches, Thrash, ann-Curns', 'Also; a - Ategrints,..Vertlge, Epilepsy, Staggers and oiller!diseaane of Loot ) Logo • and Dead. TIIH uonaz AND 1118 IMEAS.ES WILL T.CLLICU.Of.the causes, symptoms, -- and Treat . meat of Fistula, . Poll -Evil; Glanders, '• . • Farey, Scarlet Fever, -Mingo ? ' Surfeit: . • .Locited Jaw,rihomnatienf.Cramp,Galls; ' . • -, Diseases of the Eye and Heart, Do , De.; • " • • • and how to manage CastratiOni - Diced• • .-. - Trephining, "-Roweling: Ilernia,-Amputation,Tapping, and oth: er eurgical operations, ' • TUE 110/tSI3 AND AIIS DIENASEIiI WILL TELL Y . OU' or Barey'd Method or taining Horace • - how Co Approa'cii;"lialrer, or Stable a Colt; hOw to accustom • a horse to etrougo eounds• • afid and how to ' • ' •• -• Bit, Saddle, tilde, and 'Sreek Lim to' • • • Itartiesst• 'also' the . tote& and lari of Wattneerr. , ,Tlio•whole.belnif - the - atilt of -15 yearn* •elfroful study of tho .••• ' habits;pebuliufities,'ivants ,slut.week. • • •• - • lacuna of this nOhle Add useful For tale at Lewis' BoOk - Btofe. ' THE HORSE ANDJUS- DISEASES, ,THE HORSE AND-HISI DISEASES, ,THE HORSE AND-HIS : DISEASES, • - A VALUABLE BOOK, FOriald I.,EIVitS' Book Stofe. EVERYBODY'S ; LAWYER, . . EVERYBODY:Se LAWYER, 9_ EVERYBODr.,,,,LAWTER, • `VAI;II.A . B LE `BOOK, For:sala at LEVOSc Book Store, . , TIIE EA.3IILY .1)0CTOR, .THE - VAILELIT . THE Fit'SfiLYThtt'TOß,.• • • A VAI.JUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIC3',Xook Store. toNOSTRETH , ON THE HONEY BEE, lONGSTBETH ,ON THE. MONEY .BEE, LONGSTRETII ON TTIE HONEY 'BE YALUAILE . Boca j For sale at LEI%qS! liook Store DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUITT-IfEES, DOWNING-on 'FR U PT-and FRUIT TREES, DOWNING on•FRUIT'htid'FRUIT TREES, ' ": • ; ::;'d'VALUAIIDE'BOOR', aale at LEWIS'Book Storo,l'.. PENS, ,1 YFINS I , ,i)f.GETI , 4HE' ,, IBEV.P . II:.' l'-'):"1 T 13EST S THE 0 EAREs dt - 0. BARNARD'S ---- :,._:..: Celebrated ARE S` FOR f BALE , AT LEWIS 'ROOK STORE - Agent for tlie — epirpts.j - 4 , - , - a , PRICES- 1 -'25 eta. par dozen 'Or $2 prr groah. • • .• • IT CO.R4VGAT@D PEtA;maile by 0. BARNARD, ad f the beet Com mercial and School ,Penta.4 withoat ellebtleto They are used by nil the principal. Ban Ira and Government, Departments, Publio antl 4P/iVaio • &Boole; i also, hyali t e most inonif neat Commercial Lleupea. throughout the Uni ted tab. and Canada. But a short time has elapsed since C.IDARNARD'S PENS s' have beeuiutroduceit into,the vatted Statbs, still, a mark ed pfeierencd Nihau theta over all'others for the follow toff T;he'fiCaaugateff 51 6 04";PErliatintot req.; they alll-not splatter or cut through the thlunest paper e -limy have sui. easy glidilig motion,: ii;ceristrfif eneau3 diffusing the ink, softness of point, and great du a, 4+ nc•• 4 . 4 - - 0, • -0 ;The following testimonials, selected tram numerous othors;are respectfully'suiplitaff l'fa a I have used the Metallic Pew of /Jr.°. Barnard gild highly approitebf 4' , BARSTOW' President of St. Nicholas ‘. Bank, New York. We have used the Peas, of lidr.,Barnard, and,flpd them, to he as he'reprettelits, miff take pleasure in recommead leg them to the public. WELL, BANCO & CO.i A. MULLIGAN, Cashier. C. lfarnard's Pens have bAsi hied; ap proved in, this erne , • EL 0 9 0 EN, ' a • Audit& C. N. Custom','l%.o York. il l'• •'by • '' Having tried tho corrugated made Ur. Barna 7 rd, I can ''' 9 ?F' m PT4 °” I ''C' 6 ,rxe•AbLnYi r ADDEL L. BERES E, • Conirnalletant iyapy rata, m•oeups.tni we me ouret,e,ebeye,reeemmeedatierte;:•, I 31 n• D. CltO lgvl L i ,fl.°7 Now` ark I iitive no'h4ltatiOn in' ea.) tng Barnard's :Pens are de- . the beat Diem ever uee,,L t t 1.0. Agent Crated Slates 4x pre ss co, Acu Pork y - • t tts We can ffenfidontly recommend Sir, C. Barnard 's Ault Corrosive Pens As the best ever brolight rimier our notice u Mout exception. I 1 , a - WILKINSON, TETO I & CO.; ' f - Baco, Vela York. T. 11. 1110111 , 1, Cashier. • ;We havi been tistiliole Poitis of Mr. C. Iltirndre ndir take great pleasure, in recorninvadjug them ta the, public, as they are an excellent article:end retneeento thorn to ho. A. J. CLINTON, Secretary Eagle insurance fb, New York. Upon trial we have founditir. Barnard'e Dom tube ox, cellent. pnEB, piton xew • '" ' • I would recommend' Mr. Dainaiire Pons as a superior, articlutu any I have used. r •,•,,•,4 • ill 1 - GOUTR:I ESfßLE,lfewYork. $ IVO add mire to the aboye recomuiendstions, usozßaux,,it<tvlLArto & co., Now York. • Of all Pens I bait'Barp,anrs .43Y00,',11- ma mom satiefaction, flint rciin'irninkiunefid'them'tcrt be public es !ming (intim)) , r ; r.. YOOEIi, Min York. , • ; • •, After e x months' constant nets or C. Corrosifii .Peti, 'wet can confidently receiniontid InitisAtio best - Metallic pan um have mer used, finding from, pie above experience Mat - it does not actually insol6.' , .' faclataiir. CO., flew . ?Cork. ki‘ . - . _, C. BAR . NMI P_,;.' , t,"• -, 'llanuflinlilier lif "Canigailed . Meta Pen; . „. 7obn treet v lClerkensali, I;pnann., ,!. Jun6'lB,lB6l •• " ' -"" - 89IPODTd1 3 1? 0 -1P," C AT LEWIS' LOOK, sTAyammv.,R.4ls grp4y.. . , OSiIIOOD'S Speller. Ist, 2d. 3d, •ttil Enid Atifiliadere. - 55 5 ATO3UFFBrd Speller and Readers. . , BABDEIt'S - dn .- "' do" . 'Toverds, , iPolle2.llTtdpetlifer;.(old andasaw . and Broyrn'e Graipmars. 7 Fitolekrityisical 53cograpby. t t . ; t Warren'ss Physical Geography.. . . • , Monteith and 31eNallytifiengraplilial Camp's Geography, vvith Roy. lo,..3lltoliell's Outline 3faps. Webstoes and Worcestor's'Dictionerius. , Quackenbos''Firit , .Quaekenbo's Composition' atidlili•oterta. 5 5 ", • d "Graenleaf'o, Stoddard's ancl,l3rordilk:.ArttlitlietiCs._ Peterson's Familiar Scioneo. - • , - pioonleit's Intl Stoddiiid's Rdye filiAnthrnetfilu - • 7. - ='-- ,GreeuleviCa and tlavies':Alge ß ras. „ - ‘Greenletifle-Key 7 '••• Parker's Juvenile 19ailoseP153 , . ParkOrls'lOrst Ledsoul th Naturil Plillosindly.• • Parker's . • I -Willard's History of the Hutted Stoics. - ' Cloodrields 55. „ .if • n ••• - 2 Plid•sori - , 7- Duldan 7 and ScillitiOr'sl Fru oaliatipi in cloven .nninbers.. s _ • ~ •. - 'Patter Penal' ansidn ' in tvvolve•nomhers. .),academical, COll trOner4! nild 'Other:o9oj' Davies' Momentary Getinetry and Trigonometry. Bayles' Legendre's Georrietry. • Greenteaf l e Geometry. , Fulton A Eastmrin's Boyik-keeping, _ ' Book KsOpingliylSlnglOdintryilsylitlinaforfl Tqpierli , Book Keepliie biSin'gidlmdllonblolintricty IfouatirdA Other liookS ivill • fwaddecl'and farnleifeil to I:lfder. • • A full stoelcof Salmi] Stationery•alstajs on handl' ' •-. • VEST BOOKS I••:•••f. . • • • . •FOlt SALE AT LENVIS11001( STORE TAB MUSE: A NEW POCKET STANUAL or Rural 'Arehitec tote; or, Teteoe, ptoblete, .0;o1. Out D‘tellingii of all Icf lora. With e Chapter du chu n rppn enFgcbool.lietitiest 50 eehti. • • TEE GAEDENVA Pecan. DldNYitia or Phictie;difor= tioulturer ar,•How to Cul tivateNegetables, Fruits, and Flowers. With, 'A, Chapter on OrnarnentAt,..Tmeeood Price, 50 - co Ate. TttE FARM: A NEW POCICET . NA,NUAL Of PrecticALAgri - Minute; or, Bow to CultivAto allure Field °An't Sfttli ArEssay" on Farm- Mannotneut; dente: DOMESTIC ANIMALS!' A Vow Poctcse•Meerune or Chittle, Lion% ontlSheep 111111PaudrY; or,r-LEcAT to, prectl And Vatilttts Tenants or the :Bo9slari,l, .etc„ etc LIOIV Td ^ rALlVi A NEW feezi - ilLtifine boin.eieitlOA andeehate, with Pirdetittilti foriAcquir . lng'n GrattituttiL. cal Style, and more thott -Hiro.llnerhed,Conamon taltei Corrected. Price, fAeerite., ~• -now ,To,nyarAvE: A.NiTt Pocus. 31.ixAm. of .Republl. can Etiquette; and ,Guble to Cerrect Personal - Habits; .-. with lintei' for' Debating' SoCietfee and DellberatiTe. As. • pamblles, etc. Prtce, 10 c'ents.'‘ , ' -'. "•,..• - ' -110 w TO , Tif , r i,,,n------ , lOW TO 'BUSINESS : A NEW .Pooste Minuet of I '"-Practical Affairs and Gale, to !success fo..l.fffe;. With - Collection of Business Fornis,anila Dictionary-of Corn. mdrcial7erins, etc. price, k4oentni -rf.3 • • • `MILITARY BOPICS'. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OF THE WATt DXPAnTmEN T. The books Awnetiwo of 560 pages; to elegnntly 'whited on Etna paper, trtttl, new bold typo, and hol an. admirable exitaitstist for=isliteliiWerp-otaiw; be.k%tetut, th 6 trtoment. btu ego rests, upon ft, os no former edition line ever Intit attliidet, and Ms went onif 111# l*iltipg felt l n,She~Awy . .-- • . • . Th,e Appendis-otriloces, gm. A#lelqa ot-War, contain log many 4)li/octant catTectiona; also, selections icord the 3iiit4iry Acts of ' Congreas, including theca 'paised nt the bat ecagion. -. ~/• ; ; ; : :-. . , r... .. ~. FMCS $2, - 00. FOR S ALE AT LEWIS'. nOOK STORE 0 , .&y.,4 , ..4.pr1'T_A.:,q7:1.0 . :,5: EAuxffoßizED ED-triqx) y Major William ffilham, U, S Ai Just Pul , .l4hett awl fqrsalo LEIVIS"BOOK•firQRE:-, o,trioqte,lu one mehune- Prig° $ l,OO . •'' ~• . • IrTNITED STATES INFANTRY k) ..., :..:.i., .- : , zioncs. , ' ,'- , ' .'' •-• ' •vor.tho Instruction, exdrciso, and manoeuvres i : • _J.: ~ of the United States Jufentry, including In- . ~, fantiy a the'Llne, Light Infimtry, and Rifle ,- mop; prepared.under the directromotthe War 6 • - Deportment, and authorized; and Adopted by -11 ~ the Secretary of War', May 15f,1261, contain. > 7 log the eSliborer the soldier i th e ecbool of the ' .J , company; instruction for eltirmlehere s and the-, , general calla; the calls Or skiflmisherkend the, ' ached of the hatialion ;"Incliidlug the alleles - of war coda dictionary of military:Waite. : i . i: - 0 i, z ! Cuinplete in elm volume. , . Brice $1.25. key, ,_ ... t,._.,ri sale at Linia' Bonk Store.. - ALSO t,.. _,...._ THE HANOtriIOOK ; • , • • UNITED STATEW 4.30Z.D1ER On coming.into servitor containing k complete system o instruction in tbo SchOol of tbo Soldier, with a prelimina ry explanation of tho formation of a Battalion on Parade; the Position ofAht.ntileora,,tro,r&e.-,..being - a-first - bookor introauction to - authorizOd U.Sdn.fauiry Tactics, just Doti fished. Price 25 cents. For solo x 23 LEWIS' BOOR STORE. ~,,.: ., ; , j ,, ,. ..i iia . ..itii.,lll.!4iiit,-ti . gliCilit.. 4.iifrii • TACTICS, Complete - in 2 rola. Price $1.50. For sale at , :f:t LT IS' BOOK STOAP. "Kir Thd• Boolcs sent by naailloi•froyiAdrai•'oktl:d-reJ den °Ube ;•• • IlentlogdOn 1)14 S 2; 1561 . • _ •••• • `6l: l , lo..L;;; - ; .• • TO IEAND lATRI:501 YOOII - oVilititlENl " CAL AT• LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STOREL Til iVETHAT,EtEDY I I3 B 9DY AN T 6 yy , 11 ) \AIt• EVERYB . OIIY' LA1971:11, tr - L 11qt S . ) );tli 4,P_S 0, , - __ BY -ono-01LOSIM---=:---", , - 1: : 3 Si' I,l;vaiiiii) t . 1:42,, , 52nDi5 . w A rats Yon`-Row - .16 f.l 97,1)P-4 ei AG iazartal all iI . 4fres.getumids9 0 s _ d raurtatia. '' - 'kinds, Buts of sax, Lusa an y. now tirdffritt"tiPtiltat afintintmoaara, A .zz Tat You ,x,,,,,,. aftarrmortMn2Katf :, t , r , , • 1 ,.. 4.7%*,,,„,,,5im, *11 . enilkie , 1z dtai .--- r - ou ''' 'ite lazr . lg .410 0 t eala w.... s7 y oz;f y.t roserra , Ao w uc l yi th t ' • ;s ,- .,' , i , 1111:1 kind 'of faatiiiaxaVAlrb . Bri_ fr: rs.. 'a - , - suctsl3MATl„iii,..444.ll- c. 4lii, , ' _ 7 , Ativou Inooota mana . ,l 0 le, clamton's, $ 1 ,1411 -- forga , 4=rll - 5,,,,, st. t o : , ~,, 11(.4 LI ‘-f ' th aqfq6dt 10tt,:T11,,4A5,f4,' talt,a,,flsan It 7t14-r rOVi l'l rt l YWAiii), 11,tam. and'AVBENTICa .40.;''''',',. ,- - mi --k a A ,LorDlg ti 114, linda,P4MlT.,e,o/Z.R."--if“,-,1 .2 1:a` r°9ll:ll. 7 ll. Ri l e ga d t- ti la'e w. : ii i 4 4. . l l'n i' m r ° 4 . Esi. ' : L 631 67 : t i n vLr W"l o;::: "D t , d ,, th e d r c Tnf u 4W i Co7tr 4 ::i cn l .:. :: , 4 ' " "a - - t";4nd I) bfr t°: ° l4fc ' s wto ob. i It ''''', LI"-:411 tiul l'a d fidNATIMIKIZ r. , ,dl4o l.. ;f o,ol l,: sth, ll: ntif ilf dlid thig: . ll . l! .; , ,_...; , It r e i t 'l'ita law conc:rning ,_ yli , I_, -i .r.:.: , ;;_i IgthkoPe :IA OW Wm - , 7 •1 1121 l i, loooll , :,,, 0.,_ i, yltr,fp7Zirdthysath. Midi of Prout, 1 11 7414 t I. : Q. '' - th D iral v o ' dbt'ainlng one, with,LIP37.,TTb f.' ''' , . ,-:, ( , omiiturmereand,suns il)cla - :It r0;.r0 . 0 now to ni m ak , ;y E o v ur AT W E, ru., ,,it !i n a n ort u he li re/ 0 1 11• 0 : wt tlb te t . D d 3fi at Ni 41 , 8 1 i I :.1! Terls . T0 , i ...2 ,T11;0.1:36.1 ue 9:1111::t uDit t o. "1,. A l 7 r oi r A " .p ....„ *.eon i u n ,Li g o g fr n i ;; E ___u tt s: ;,,,,,,t , ,,,, I and Btatolgovairnizaid , . . 1... ~ t : .4..,at.ittlgatl!a, b . f j t Vt l , f t , 11+,viriiiii,;-:',r-, '''.(4•744. . ,77 .. °14-`- . l'-: : cit . ,9da , l i n' t :ra'q Z KlEP Tiii th t i l 4 ., G r P ,p l). ro tAe p la' ar ib t co ' k 3"3";l 7l:it i r rl m ,ln t ti .l4 e . i l u c i tro 4 :l , : :' ': : : : . ; :.j' ,. • ow. El2a6tiaa t t's,r*dar k?or, MBE --~ ~ >t ~! J• ; I r EMI ME EU 6 6Citadie alaiS• •r. ' 1 4 . ''• OA ~- 0 ,..:(2‘, 1 11ii. A r t j r4 i ol 4 ;3“ - , Q.l=' - ' l. l . 44' t.,: ,:i . ' rl = 4 t ,ff " , "StkA Pr' ri t 9OTAY,?f± A.Slybody irkisailt of 4,11 ~, y ,_,.;r•l::P. ::. .1 E: , .. , FAMILY AND .ra6trezrtiipaaaa . . .iii.• ..,,,i,../.‘ :,.:::.:,,z . ~1 ~,..;.”-.7 1 , ,•:,: i t, trp•gf AZYPSirt , igTI" .1100/C81 , •-_1 , -i ,i,hi 7 1 ... ALl3ll',ll TQ yTgli i.X.FIJALS;T.,,,i,„,-ii ~1 Ant . - .' i .',,t ti • =8 . - ,TT Ayr °THEP. VALUABLE . 4.4CDINTEGESTIKU BUOIL, •-- ' r • Pino:rmitl t • I -4. MUSICAL INSTItVSIDNNS, ' ' Eft. cannon MU S IC AND . /11TRUCTAVID00103, tru il; if , M4E6. 3.11p/afor,the PianplquiaT, 4c„.&p, . , T. .9'11:.(7? -, 11;5 .11! ce, - ,t1.,11 , . ' PooIET.OOOeS, Par-Lsicitia-and Getzttenteni— , gpt) PEN§AD I , egats, • ~ r ) pf• AWARD AND 'I3ODKS; •Ti; • friPl , l For Sunday find Comraon r ;fl - f 1 7 '''V X P A '( S 9.YOP 4 I( IO 9 // i C iT A/ 4141 X P5 , 7 AI R I I 4 : I3 74 4I !JR C A S 'e 0, 1 t :T.. ALL KINDS ,017:-.:BOOKS..,i:1, • -,, Prbper1:0034 . 5 tin.) ()kW , ' oXSEES Fur ro: r " i Wkinn&Q 11Notorr.s . , - AND dAltljk . • takuitiar, exitinacta ES; ,•' • " vr.sparzq,_ -,!, cummfa topps, rpmiNoEs, • sozza • ndoK.V - F i comiP t io • HEW • • L' , i'iL/44WK;;)30Q1C;9, , ,71 Xelizertz'ziihitri Pakk'bf;Traf-ioill - Sizes, • - • .40E0 biTiObith"oli it ti iiiiag, l ..f• ! DIARIES FM 1803 (fn ' 'Drawing and Drafting .Paper, Arestal and aiPettßoardic. - VOiiiiii t 'BOAß.D," • ' l' '". aim • irWpfhiffodgeon a and: Ilarriqori's 'WRITING _FLVID, f, o , , 7FrprP!ag'. Pn l gr 9kPlirPre444lcei n91.31 , 1=0i9. 7 4; , Ac.- '1 44, BUOULD L V 7 iT4 :LIMY TlClCMPS'exhololtr AMOSinuri &iodic J f.;7•1 Iu the " Glo INltiilakB(ixia!roi! !•. went, to )). ; • SAYE wp,to .milick their puralfases:). ) e.:1) . " PILOTOOOSEVALifv,mb. . , . 10 , f: . :4MALki . ,I-RO.RTRAtIrS-.., , ,.: . ,, , :. ~,,i i ,,! : ... 4i i. j :4i,..tk0.,),,,,1 f ,i i ,:,..ii,--tfrf, `; • ,r;1. "`,l Tat , DISTINGtI3IItD' •• 0171=13 Aft , C/V/LIAR,' SALE : • . ?;, L.'l , lir; AT LIIIIIB , IIQOK - AND SyAT/Qctat.7,s TORN. , • OIL! CLOW WINDOW' ,G 0111) MUSLIN SNADESia':,7'.4 BAILEY'S FIXTURES, • f,O 1 .- 't A 117 LL49,90,1M1RM •--• I • . 7 ATI; LEWIS',I3OOIt ;STORE.; IDAPE;111 'PARgR i f PAPER !! . Tiraccug • :It t•t:i t , .. • : • Irninfsqoi 1 . 47 ' • Draiyin - gfPirafil ;=' • DendtPaitoe, j t 4 , -11' -11,', • TispeTapy, . 6 4 siltfo;re'a l42.-: ' -:4 -4 =rOtrdr,o_Sla ga.P•ri •. • Flat C.P.raPerif k= •=t t'sl&= l . Foolieap papeq Lotter Parer, Commercial Note Paper • • • Ladtertlltt - Edg,ea:retfir' - anol ;iota Plnln and Fancy Notp,PaPert . • • ) White Strid Catoted"o4lllTort.r, balt",iritntfattd.vdttEntt,':"". POI. dale at LEWIa J,ook Stationery and Musi c Store., ), art • PIINIOGRAPIE " = _ ' lll A FINE ASSORDIB.NT FOR - S*Dff : :LElVlS:clsocik Ii,:"NIiiSATIOZORY:RTIIIi E. •;'1; 1 : , t/ tlxTefa ref; 4"- • • ' GLTITAItS AttEr SYSfP/lUNLANS, ACCORDEON AND ra , rs Tor sale c t. Patui.a leap at il?ox,'Arivrxmodtteoltislo,sToßg • CIOA4 'BlVl.CP3B`lai4•ll"'Slicivels;"'' `-' "'" 1J for sale by JANE ZS La f .• - -.1- EEO . A f ,TT f ~ 1,, ' ,t:. 7 '•.-T:..:f2 Ell IBM ME =I '~t ;~rt~i &D , ~: r - ' r.. .>..T 3sat~:~:. r::z' MI MI OZE =IR = =ME
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