t uslobe. HUN - fANGbON;PA. Wednesday, 616 !? 4 1 • 101 8, 1864. LOCAL & PERgONAL. than Comity Committee Meeting. The 'Union County Delegate Con vention, held in Huntingdon, August 11th, 1863, ordered that the Union County Committee appointed by said Convention, meet at the call of the Chairman and appoint a Delegate to the next 'Union State Convention.= The members of the Committee are, therefore, requested to meet in Hunt ingdon on the 2d Tuesday of April, at 2 o'clock, P M, and elect a State Dele- CO=rlM=E, Alszandria—Janob Balker. Ilanne—Joseph Illbbony. Brady—Ed. Greene, duo. N. Btouebraker. Blrmlughaen—Jainea Clark. Carboa--Banry Cook. Clay—K. L. Graeae. Cromwell,4lllllam Btarper. Carr—Jacob Starer. Cans!lle—a. W. EMS* Dublin—Wm. Cly mans. - Franklin—J. H. Stottehra ker. Henderson—Oeorea Kamer. Hopewell—Adam Yonne. ihantlngdon—J. W. Idattern 0. W. Johnston, Sam I. T. Brown, Max. Port. ITackieroinel Steffey.. , Jnolata—Uenry Mark. Morris—Perry Moore. Oneida--Jacob Miller. Orblsonta—Dr. G. James. Peon—John Gardner, Jr. Porter—Col. J. Mayen. Petersburg—A. Benner. Shirley—G. G. Tate. Shirleysburg-3. M. Clark. Spriogfleld—D. S. Baker. Tell.—Henry Sharer. Tcd—lsaao Taylor. Votar—Simeon Wright. Walker—Lir. Robb. Warrioremark—sA. Mutat SOIL - West Ilis't..—W. McClure. .MOCltE,Cheirman. March 28,1664. on Triumph ! A Grand Un "Uncle George"got the Collo "Dad" Lewissnajofity 12 over the Snaix and Hatf: Breeds ! &nu. Lose IN TWO :WEEKS, 28 KILLED AND 70 WOUNDED the borough election took place yes terday, and the following is the result t trttion:. raiiattdighantites. Burgett& _ saw. T. Brown, 1451 John Simpson, 69 Jas. Saxton, 142 Elias Banal, 69 E. C. 'Summers, Independent, 8 Town Council. . i Abner Lamp, • 145 Samuel Henry; 70 Wm. I. Steel, 145 henry Liester, 78 Jams Port, . 145 henry Lower, • 70 Wm. Levrier, 142 David Long, ' 70 high Onnstable. Wm. IL King, 155 I John Westbrook, 61 Auditor's. - Win. P. Orbison, 153; Eenj. Jacobs, 145; Henry McMonigal, 153-..N0 opposition. An Apprentice Wanted. .. . . , An active young man of good mor als, will be taken as an apprentice to the printing business at this office. Ap ply immediately. • - - Changed Owner. The propertY of IL C. Magill below . town, was purchased by Geo, Sellers on the Ist inst. The property lately occupied by Dr. Griffith, Was purchased by our young friend Jas. L. Glazier.' • • The old corner property near the Pennsylvania Depot has been purcha sed from Dr. R. A. Miller by the -Rail. road company. rt, is the intention of the company to take the house down and put in a siding. Remegested. The public schools of this borough were again opened on Monday for the ensuing term, and the pupils are un der the control of the lately appointed teachers. We trust all the _scholars will be greatly benefitte,d by the in struction the competent- practical tea chers will impart. Morb E ROW. During the greater part of last week wo had most disagreeable weatker. In the forepart we had another deep fall of snow—"about a feet." In the lat ter part of the' same'we had snow and rain together. The results - though disagreeable were, however beneficial to the rising crops. Vnseatipd Lends. We this week present to .our read ers in the advertising , columns a list of the tracts of unseated lands in the different townships, together with the several sums, which are 'the arreara ges of taxes. The sale of the tracts, according to notice, will.commence on Monday, the I.Bth day ofjuhe next. Local Brevities. Scarce—batter. river ; al an—the price of printing paper; pugi liatie--sorne of the b'hoys; having a "gay and high" time—the returned re enlisted veterans; receiving their death warrant —musk-rats 1 preparing, to leave for the city- oar• - merchants, for goOds; numerous-parties; a good sermon—by Rein Job Price, - on last Sunday evenipg. Court. Next week commences the April session of Court, which will continue for two weeks. Several interesting and important trials will be under con sideration. Those of our friends in the country who shall attend, will find it to their interest to call at our store, supply themselves with articles in our line of business that they 'need,—pay up or renew their subscription to the Globe, and those that have moved in form us where we shall hereafter -di rect their paper. BENIOVIII Geo. Shaeffer has removed his Boot and Shoe Store to a room opposite Brown's Hardware Store, where he will be pleased to have his old custom ers call. Mr. S.. is now in the city purchasing anew stock.. ' New Stock of Ilaidwaro. Jas. A. Brown has just opened a large stock of now goods in his line. Call and examine his stock. Removed up Town. Dr. J. E. Greene has removed to the square, in the.roorns lately mutt; ,pied by Mrs. Hanigar, whore persona who desire to bare. their teeth atten ded to will please call, Boats' arid Fatima: Our neighbor Westbrook has just re ceived a splsndid,noW- Stbeli uf-Boots and Shoes a n d is ready . to Accornmo- Accommo date btisibinbis. For ROnt. The rooms on Railroad street oppo: site the Exchange Hotel, lately occu pied by Dr. Green. Inquire on the premises... tf, Own and'aet•.,lti. Robt. King has just opened out a new stock of Goods ; of- ail •kinds for gentlemen's - wear, which he will bo pleased to make up to order. Give him a call and see his Goods. UM A large stable attached to Rockhill F'nrnace, with a portion of its contents was bur p ed to ashes on Friday morn ing, the Asth . ult. Some five or six tons and some horse gears were burned, ind four cow's, the property of Lewia sand Samuel D. Evans, Per ished in the flames. Two teams of mules, three horses, and considerable of the harness,' were with much diffi culty rescued from burning; the hor ses were slightly scorched before re- nova. The loss to Messrs. Lawrence &Leamer is estimated at twelve hula dred dollars; and to the Messrs. Evans in cattle, hay, &c., preximating one hundred and fifty 'dollars. The fire originated'through the carelessness of teamsters, in the stable with lighted canilles, setting fire to the hay.—ahir leysburh Herald. Spectacles. • = • A fine stock of Spectacles just re ceived and for sale at Lewis' Book Store, . Malt county Medical Society. • The Blair county medical society will meot in Huntingdon, the • 12th of April at 10 o'clock, A. M. -J. A. LANDIS, SO°3r. New Myhre Jose Ite7cired. A heavy stock.of Wall Paper, now styles, has just been received at Low is' Book• Store. The paper having been bought from the manufacturer before'the rise in price, customers can be accommodated `with the latest styles cheaper than they can be bought in the city. Also, a large stock of gilt, plain and figured oil cloth, linen and paper window shades. Flower •ad Gorden Seeds. A fresh supply received and for stile at Lewis' Book Store. rig. The Parlor Matches, superior to any other kind in the market, for sale at.Lowis' Book Store: ItgLYine Cigars and Tol.)aceo for sale at Lewis' Book Store • Greenbacks;—The best place to get a pocket book or wallet, ie at Lewis' book store., A. largo stock of latest styles has just boon receivod. Pnoroonarn Acnture--new and ilm proved styles—just received; and for sale at Latvia' Book-Store- TO TIIE Physicians of Huntingdon County. 0[11111.1117X:—The Blair County. Medical society hate resolved to hold their next meeting in the borough of Iftnitingden on the first Tuesday of the-April Court, (April 12th) at 10 A; M., and requested mo "to Invite the members of the profession of this County, who would ho • likely to take an Interest in its transactions to attend • their meeting." • The objector our brethren of Blair in holding that:. meeting In this • plata Is, to be instrumental in,effecting the organisation •of a Medical Society in Ilantingdon county ; or, In case of &SUM, to induce 'the physicians of this county to unite with the Blair County Society. In consideration of the above (would herewith cordial ly invite all the regularmembersof the profession of this county to attend that meeting, slid, with A view of form• ing a medical society in tale county AT ottcr,friendly so licit them to bring their diplomas along, as according to the Constitution of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, under whom authority the county society would be formed, "none am be admided as a member, un less he is a graduate of sonic respectable medical school, reoyntred by the State Society, err hat been' a practitioner for al least fifteen years, and who, moreover, is !is' good moral and profasienal stundiag its the place .tchere he re 7 aides, and is a regular practitioner: . , • Reepectfully, &a, Ittmtingdort, March 29,1864-2 t. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR ! ! For the Sanitary Commission, to lit held in Philczdelphia, in, the first week of June neat: " NULAIMISHIA. Mirth, 12th,1664 Itestaurant Department. The co-operation of benevolent and patriotic citizens of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, and elsewhere, is invited, in our efforts to make this more remunerative than any Fair that helpreceded it. These Fairs are re. sorted to u practical means offered to every ono to take part inn great and humane work. Let no one, therefore, allow this opportunity to pass, of contributing something for the benefit of the National Soldier lu the field !ind though the gift may seem small when alone, It:soon be comes efficient when combined w ith 'numbers. We ask for donations of any and every article, the produce of the Farm, Lake, River, and Ocean, and of foreign hitpOrtatiotr, of • Fruits, fresh, 'dried, and preserved; of Vegetables,. Chickens, Butter, Eggs, Beef, fresh and smoked, Tongues, llems and Pork, Lobsters, Crabs, Oyster; Clams, Flab, fresh and iait. , In' truth, there binothing which. mei contribute to the welt being et our app!tites, which may • cot be entrusted to our care. - Notice will be given by, circulars and tbe nowspapsys, with full directions for forwarding and depositing dona tions. _ GEORGE T. LEWIB, Cludrman, Itestattrsot Department Please direct all douations thus: ~ Fur GEORGE T, LEWIS, Restaurant Department. Caro of A. R. McIIRNRY, 'Let:optima Committee of the Great Central Fair. . putt, &DELPHI/4 PA. 3kh 20,1161. MARRIED, On the 2d inst. by Rev. S. H. Reid, Lieut. L. R BRAIIM, 184 Regt., P. V. to Miss NAIIIIIE J. NEELY, of Shade Gap. DIED, In this borough on, Wednesday mor ning the 30th March ult., after a brief illness, Mrs. SUSAN grirr, daughter of the late John Miller, Esq., and widow of Mr. Robert Stitt, dec'd, aged 64 yrs. and 4 months. In Walker township, on. Fr l day evening last, the 26th ult., KATE Sw am, infant child of Thomas - S. and Sarah L. M'Cahan, aged six months. Your babe, your lovely babe - was - given To cheer your pensive breast, Your babo is gone, and gone to beaten Eternally to reit, - ' . . PHiLADJELPErIA • DtA.I6.IIE.E'VE.' April 6. . Fancy and Extra Family Flom .. $7,00®7,60 Common and ExpertMe . , .... ........1.`.... .... ...$6.7600,25 Itye Flour ' ' . .46.00 Corn Meal ,.. ',pr bI $5,60 Extra WbltoWheal. ,' ' I " 11.7550.2,29 Fair and Prime Red ~ ,..$1,W@1,&5 Corn, prime Yellow 41,21 Earley - be $1,65 Olciveneed, ............ ........... Timothy 82;15WICA Plaseeed,. 6 4 3 . 1 6 Wool ' • - ..... 11140a.fr .211714TISTOD011 MARKETS. Ryer* Family Flour 81 bbl $0,60@7,25 Extra do ' 3 75 White" Wheat , • 150 Red Wheat • ' 740 Rye.:.... Corn Oats Cloverseed..... Flaxseed Dried Spitied Butter.. ~ . ..... EgP Lard Dam.... Shoulder Sides Tallow A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE._ [Estate of Daniel Weight, deol.] -A alters of Administration upon the eatato of Daniel Weight, late of Wartiorsmark tp., deed.;havlag been gran ted to the undereigned; all persons having deltas against the estate are requested to present them to the under signed, and all pensone Indebted will make immediate payment. ' ABRAHAM WRIGHT,' JOHN H. WEIGHT, Administrators. April 6 1861-41t.* WANTED.—A good farm .hand; to whom liberal wages will be paid. . • ALSO—FOR RENT.—A good house and tot in the village of Elhetrerevllle, April 4,18111-2 t ' Inquire of DM. DROWN. ISAAC HOUGH & CO., 9-ENERA.T. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR TUE BALE OF Hoops, Shooks, goading, - Steven, Quer• • Citron & Tanners' Berk, Treenails, &o. No. 416 South Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA ISAAC HOUGHL • April 0. IBC4-3m From $lOO to $l5O Clear per Aere I ! 1864. COOK'S 1864. SUGAR EVAPORATOR. HOST RAPID EVAPORATOR IN . THE WORLD. CLARK SORG-0 MACHINE CO'S C) . 1%1" : 31311 MIGILA 1.1 1..1'. Catalogues and Book on. Cane Culture nisi, A. P. BRUT4BAUGEC, damns creak, Pa., Excluelve Agent for Dhar and ilturitingdon counties, SOT Persons getting nsechinery will be supplied with . Cane seed for eale or distribution, AT roar. Also,,Agent for Grover's & Baker's ColcbratalSEWlNG 11.1AOHIN$S, acknowledged snperlor to all others; and Prince ter,o's.lmnroired World.renown ed MELODEON& [April 6 , 1861, NOTICE.-- Notice Is hereby given that the following named persona have tiled their petitions with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, praying the said Court to grant them license to keep inns or taunts in their respective boroughs, townships and villages In the county 'of Hon. tingdon, and that said petitions wilt be preeented to the said Court on Wednesday, the 20th day of April next for consideration, tc., when and whore all persons Inter. ested'can attend if they think proper, .vis • ' Ryan, Dudley. . Jaime Dung, Barnet. George B. Kelly, Coelmont. • W. C. WAGONER, Clerk. Clerk's °Moe, .1 Huntingdon, April 0,11164. f • - THIST - WAY ! -THIS WAY A NEW ARRIVAL OF • BOOrd 8/10 . 0S, HATS,. eta. Joint H. WEBTIiTtOOX Whittle the public that he tine jest received a new stock of BOOTS end SHOES stall el. tee andkinds to snit everybody. • ' Also, Hate, Hosiery, Moo Findings, Morocco and Lin log Skins, all of which will be sold at the lowest, au& prices. • Don't forget the old stand In the Diamond. Old mu to. mere and the public generally are Invited to call. Hunttuipion, Apr 1113,1864. MILN WOOD ACADEMY. A SCHOOL-FOR YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Shade Gap, Huntingdon county, Pa. TERMS. Board, Tuition, and' Furnished Room, per seesion of flan months :65 00 . . - Boys are prepared for college, baldness or teaching. Special attention le paid to Book Peeping—Single and Double Entry. Girl. are taught vocal and instrumental Masie on the 'Plano and Guitar, Drawing, Painting, and Ornamented Needle Work, at the moat rates. . . Students are received at any time, and charged only from the time of entrance until the clove of asselon. - Ths location is healthy--linlidings large.-Mail daily,— Students board in the family of the Principal. The Principal Is assisted by compotent and experienced teachers - Payments, quarterly in edvatice; " Next 11111151011 opens Wednesday, May 4th, Bled. For particulars, addreee Bay. 0. VAN ARTSDALEN, Shade Gap, Huntingdon county, I% QUARTERLY REPORT of the First National Bank of Huntingdon, county of Hunting don, and State of Pennsylvania, showing Its condition on the morning of the first day of April, 1806, before dm transaction of any business on that. day. . . RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 4 90,613 77 Due tram Banks and Bankers - 7,956 66 Due from Bank/ and Bankers in'good credit . In . the cities of New - fork and Philadelphia, and' eobject to to drawn at sight In lawful money of the United States • 122,611 10 Specie and other lawful money of the 11. 8 40,775 03 Bills of Solvent Banks 10,875 00 11. S. Bonds, deposited with Treasurer U. 8. to secure circulation 100,000 00 17. S. Bonds, soren.thirty notes and certificates of indebtedness on hand ' 83,100 00 Real Estate • 1,100 00 Furniture and Fixtures 472 25 Expense Account .. 676 63 J. B. LUDEN Total Rosanna $465,069 54 • LIABILITIES. Capital $lOO,OOO 00 Ctroul'g notes reed. from Comptler.soo,ooo 00 Less elreulating notes ott hand 6,880 00 Notes outstanding • .... 13,620 00 Profit and Loss 4.701 18 Due to Banks and Bankers 2,391 na Due to individuals and corporations other than ' Banks 8 . 84717 17 Due Depositors on demand 229,882 42 Amount due not included under either of the above beside- 810 78 Total liabilities. $158,069 64 State of Pennsylvania, CotintY of Huntingdon, 3.4. On this 11r86 day of April, 1804, pereopally Dame before 'the undersigned Notary Public (gata county, Jones 1.1. Bell, President, and Coo. W. Oarrettson, Cashier, of the /fret National .Bank of lluntingdon who being duly sworn, upon their oaths say, that the foregoing lea true and ac Claret* statement of the affairs and condition of ,aid Bank on the morning of the let day of Aprll, 1861. - JAMES M. BELL, President. OW. W. OACKETTSON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to the day and year above writ ten. William Boasts, Notary Public • 86 4 - r r • SPR'NG AND SUMMER • FASHIONS 1..: ROBT. KINO, • MERCHANT TAILOR, • Hilt St., one door west of Etnier'.4 Store, MAO A IMP ABBORTIMMT OP GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS.' llie assorttriciit consist, of CLOTHB, CASSIMEHES, and PLAIN AND FANCY VESTINGS, - the neatest and beet that could be found In the City, all of o w p hl t e o h o hlwi n ll i t t ar i r co leir t u n r o o n iT ng ethibit t in a La e n x d a making hie goods. Call moon. Huntingdon, Atoll Photograph Albums and Cards. A new stock just received at Lewis' Book Store, 'S. E. S rfIREAEREE'S BALE OF UNSEA, ji_ up LANDS IN 11UNTAIGDONCOONTY, .i 1 Wmomus, by an act of the General Assembly of the . Commonwealth' of Pentaylvatila. entitled 9.,41 i • ,iset Jo mend an act directing the mode of selling unseated /ands for tares and other purpose,'". passed • 19th March, 18 , and the other acts upon the subject, the Treasureraot t several counties within thfe.Coromooweldtli aid diraet to commence an the 2d Monday In Juno, in the year 181 s• and avtlie expiration of every two years thereafter, aid adjourn from day to day, , If it bee necessary bide to, and make public, sale of die whole or any - part of garb tract of unseated land, eittimto In the proper county, as wilt pay ;the arrearages ori,thiliaiii which shall have then remained due or unpaid for the space of one year before, together ; ith all costa< necessarily accirtlinit by reason of inch delinquency, Ac. Therefore, I, D. - 13LACINsTritasus rer of the county of Huntingdon, do.. hereby givenotke that upon the following tracts of nuenthwlialtd, altuato. as hereinafter described, the several-.sums tested are the anwanges of taxes, respectively, due and unpaid for one year, and that in pursuance of thedirection of the for a re. said Act of Anombly, 2 shalt, on MONDAY, THE •r DAY OF JUNENEXT,' 'at' tbe‘ Court • Ureitse;' , lti the.r ough of Huntingdon, commence the Publlc Bale.of the whole or any part of such tracts of unseated land ' , Awn - which all' or any part of the taxes herein s— , petellest *ball then be due; and continue such male by adjournment ot. tit all the tracts upon which the taxes shall remain dim and unpaid, shall be sold. - • - • • _,- ' ' D. BLACK, ~a • . . • ,'. Treasurer'. Ottice, - April a. 1884. ~ • I - . - - • ' Amount of nay: dna and unpaid on the folioloi4Tooat of _Unseated Land:, up to and including the year 1862: Warrantors or Owners.:• : Acreat..PetchearTaaT• Menem Fattest, ' _431, . 37 fig James Aeh and Win. Maim:lop 865 ,l 34 61 Brady township. . James Drake,, John Smiles'e estate, John Wiley, Robert Austin, Lewis. Igo, Joseph Webb Audrew Nei Robert Watson, William Wation, Christian Kauffman, ; Carbon township.' - John Stow:ant • " • •. 1 74 John Howard. 4 lobs in New Grenada. 1 42 Henryßhodes, Cook and Elderr • • - ' '133 , • 2.94 William Spring, • 400 10 60 . John Murphy, 400 .6 60 William Ilion, • • 400 10 60 John Mon, ' Benjamin Price, • 200 • 630 Alexander Henry, , • 400 10 60. William Mowan, 418 • 11 08 Henry Miller, 12 2.10 Jonathan Pew, (or Pugh.) . • 100 • •'3 40 David Gapeleyi • sag ; 2 63 Speer and Dougherty, 430 '• .11 62 Thomas I:fiche:lor, 106 23 64 Henry Roberts, 7 6 • . 19 21 • Spoor and Dougherty, (part) 498 40 '3 87 John P. Baker, . , ; 130 • 2313 J. 8. Stewart, Joseph W. Spangler, 100 630 Casa township. Robert Miller,. William 81111 or, Neal Clark, • Clay township. Abraham Green, • . leeac Green, John Green, Joshua Cole, ' ; George Grum, • Thomas Green, , Cromwell townahip. Alexander 11cRuhan, Charles Bare', John Smith, G. Stevenson, John Janda u. Samuel Galbraith,' ' Jueph Galbraith, John Galbraith. Jame, giclinltin, Dublin township. . James Old, • Franklin townehip. heti and Keller, John Palmer, . James McClellan, David Caldwell, Jamas 'Logan, ' Henderson township, A. I'. Knepp, John Graffito, James Port, Hopewell township. Peter Herring, Conrad Herring, - David Shaffer, Sarah I,arl, Margaret Levi, • Adam" Levi, Abraham Levi, Hannah Herring, Frederick Herring, Juniata township. Samuel Caldwell, William Barrack, John 3. Isett, Daniel Africa, • . Jackson township. Thomas Penner, George Stever, Jacob .1111talthor, Ephraim Joffe:, John Mown. -William Johnston, Robert Johannes, - Charlea Caldwell, Juana Dean, (part) John Bunsen, James West, Samuel Cannon, Samuel Steel, George Wice, Dorian:ly'. heirs, - Oneida townehip Z Brandon, E.Evatitt, D. Stevens, John Light, James Whitehead, William B. Zeigler, Porter township. William Smith, . 140 • , • 33 20 William Smith, , 100 . 21-24 Samna% Fisher, • 76 .107 - 601 John Spencer, 296 10 21 Beni. K. Neff, 100 • • 660 William Smith, 402 28 95 John N. Swoop° .I.oo.(Shoebberger) 276 18 16 Johd N. Swoop° Co. " 105 .• lb 21 John N. Swoofie & Co. " 224 . 11 69 John N. Swoops A C 0.." 188 9 30 John N. Setups& Co. " . . • 228 ' • • 1476 - -Shirley township. Dimes McMullin, James CaldwelL William Weaver, Daniel Shindel, William and John Patterson, Springfield toirtialdp. Samuel Caldwell's hake, Taal township. Simon Patter, • John Preee, • Main Claw, George Turman, . John Caldwell, , • W. Andaman, • Tod township. Taylor's hike, Samuel Cornelius, ' Spur and Martin, • EMU Smith, Francis Mowan, James Witer, • . Nancy Davie, Isaac Huston, Johanna Ileuiton, Resin Davis, : Ames Clark, John Chambers. - Buckley and Edwards, Buckley and Edwards, Wm. E. MeMartrie, Mary Fried, . Union township. Arthur Pea, .• John Bell, • Robert Bolt, Sarah 'Elliott, • John Sell, . • Benjamin Ell iot, John Covenhaven, John Brewater, Samuel Caldwell, Samuel Caldwell, ' • Walker township. John Hoe's estate, Richard Smith, Charles Smith, John Ker, John Patton,. George thitwalt, Jacob Myers, John Patton. Samuel Findley, Hugh Tourieh, , Rudolph Tourieh, Warrioremark township. J. Matthews, A.Otto, J. Armitage. 200 West township. • William Draken, . .249 18 27 William Reed, • 12 .114 .00 Philip Sickle, 436 • •26 84 Cadwalader Evans; 433 05 . 63 George Bingham,, 493 40 44; , , ALSO—The full Owing real estate upon which personal _property aannet be found sufficient to :pay the Mau re. turned by the airreral collectors le charged with the taxes thereon ennead for the yeara.lB6l. and 1862 and will be sold as urinated lands in pursuance of the Mreations of the forty-Brat section of the act of ueembly entitled "an act to reduce the State debt and to Incorpotate the Panne. sylvanfa Canal and Railroad Company" appeased the 20th of April, 1841: • • " Brady townsltip. Jillllo6 Rose' estate, • Case township. Thomas T. Mania Franklin township. John W. Maltern, • llopeiVell township. G. Sliaget Slicientlergee, H. Shaffer, or Herring or Metz, or Elder, or Shirley township: James Tentpleted, • James afeElheny, /mow Megaton, John Shaver, Tell towfisblp. David Wilson, . William Water., John Goshorn; David Thompson, David Blair, • Robert Patterson, Patterson's belie, Patterson add Vandyke, Tod township: John R. Flanagan, J. R. Flanagan, West township: James Miller, EblbfOß 11.*JANNEY 0 02, • ,2 03' TO , .20 20 pa 4 • •• a 73 '64. 260 3 2 , '.lo`St ..;;II 400 : 4 20 400 4.20 127 7 38 203 102 /3. - 413 233 731 6 76 . 5 60 209 204* 1 40 556' 263 35: 406 393 .103, 3 87 • - 402 .: ' 6 ;31 .. POO 31, - 3'22' 397 17 •'3 24 403 43 33 418 • 23 ; 46 393 41 • •'; 3 24 400 10 3 30 408 77 234 150 „ •2 39 11 ;" X 56 39. .;•.• 646 40 • .4 90 5 • 61 171 190 11 79 2 45 21 ~ a6l 200 8 4S II SO 205 :t" 342 206 I 97 37 - - 62 100 3 ei 200 6.00 3,100 t. 83 MS 'SO 38 600 • 630 .400. 1 30 134 • 400 70 47 5 go - '460 4- ' ', " A • 4 .423 : 53 • 400 - ' • : 4 . 40 • . 4006.90 . • 332 ' ' 4'16 f 4 7 14. 204 24 49 14 401 *156 3 .35 3 town tote Ip 511.ffltitou) * 77 375 54 175 C. 1 35 MU=M 414 : 1 : 10 '342 • 431' ao 7.3 ff. 386..1113 • 28 1144 31 1.22 100 . 349 49 -' 111 . 441 396 5 0 83 - 96 2 01 1(2 - 183 '448 ; 27 400 22 61 409. , - . 338 400 4 80 110.-- 1 81 '4BO , 480 2670 400 " 17 60 ROO • 16 400 . 6 10 224 • •.,269 26 , 67 400 • 25 40 417 - 1272 331 866 90 148 _ 437 21 10 100 17 66 200 14 36 99. 3 47 110: 12 39 422.. 7 3,49 412' ' '3.41 11131 90 , 1620 t 20 15 55a 105 208 1 85 805 1 85 1 tionso 'nod 1 60' 1 lot tu Mt. Uniod, 11: 9 • 1 28 / in Mt. trtiidti) YS 800 id . 1 . 1 1 3: ' 160 3 d l9O ino . 90 900 4 21 229 7 19 375 5-41 80 1 BO 100' • 1 BO Peterebuig; Pa ViTAABEEOUSE ' PATCkS:- 1 If yoq went to buy goods at starehettst,psicsa go I 4 .WFD,& 4PN4I:I'S Warehouse jq•tECEITINIGI-DAILTL=-, Dry Goods, Oroxerlos„Bbotr, * Shoes- 'llanDkali; earveme,raid Fish of all !abode, • lichso—aw at", GEOCERMS.I: raaftly dit;6"itgiacid Provlalcins of all roc sale at , LLOYDA • %H. tr A.. The Ifuntimelon comity. Agilculturel Society will meet, mamma to Nip:liniment, in. the Court limn., on Monelay. men:1111c(1ItH) of the lbeciieek of the coming 'Aptil Coon. BY order If tho Society. - h1ch,50,1854, • . - It. BIeDrVITT, See. RROCLet --- AMATION.,,WHEREAS, by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the Of Januory, , 4. D. 1061, under the hands„ and seals of . thn non. George Taylor, President of the Court: of Conamdfd Pieter, Oyer and Terminer; and generajnil deliv. ery of Vie 211th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, comp°. pad of Huntingdon, Blairand Cambria counties; and the Zone. Benjamin F. Patton And Milliard II: Leas his assort ales, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, jestjcokaa.. eignedi appointed to hest; try slid difterrahre - dll andeveri indictment* made or taken for: or concerniaall ethics, which by the larva of the State are made cap! or felon ies of death, and other °Tuners, crimes and detheanora, ,which have been or shell hereafter be committed - or Om. tutted, fur crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to Mike i public proclamation thropghout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and 'Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court lions in the borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (end 17th day) of April next, and those who will , prosecute the said prisoners, be. then and there to prosocutnthem as it shill be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within said county, he then and there in their rrooper persons, at Id.o!chwit, s. ne of said dim with their recordsOnenisitlons, examinations rind remembran. pea, to do those things which to their ytilees . respectively appertain. Dated at Huntingdon, the 'lsth of March, in the year of --our. Lord one thousand eight hundred and sltty-four, and the £lBth'year of American Independence. CIEO. W: JOHNSTON '4etlif . , . 101ROGLAMATION.*WHERE AS, by, a frrecept to 0111 directed by the an of the Com: moo Neu of the count, of Huntingdon, bearing telt the 16th day of January, 1884, am commatood to• inkke . 'matte Proclamation throughent my whole banhvlck,that a Court of COmmon Mesa' will be held at the Court Home In the borough of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Monday (and 18th day) of April; A: D.,18134, for the trial ,of all inn in card Court which remain undetcrillitied before the said Judges, when and "where all Jurors, witneetem,and suitors, in thu trials of all Issue* arc required.' Dated at Huntingdon, the' 15th of March, in the year of „our Lord one thousand eight hundred and slaty-IoOr. and the 88th year or itinerican Independence. - OEO. W. JOHNSTON, Mir(9: I.IERIP.F'S SALES.-13y virtnecof . . sundry write of Vend. Exp. k Le. Pa. tome dlrectedit w I expose to onbile sale or outcry, at theCouit House, In the borough of llnntlegdon, on Monday, the 11th day ; of April, A, D 1863; at two.o'phrelf P. M., the ropifing de . scribed property to wit: • - - - • - ' • ` 150 acres of land in . Clay township, with a leg .house, about $0 aCteseleav;ipiJoining 'lands of E phraftst Yingling on the notth, RaysjlM 9113 the West, Ale- Vitt, on the east. . Also; ono other . tract cbntahilog 40 aerie'', alth a house Alid MIMI!, Stable about ao clepted, odiolning lands of- John Bathe on the eouth,Atentty on tho oait, Rayabill on the west: . ' ' Soften, - taken in execution, and to be sold as h e ;epoc ty of Stewart Gallagher. • • ' Also--All the right, title, and interest of 8. Harrison, one of the defeadante, of, in end toe cer tain lot of ground situate In ths,borougb. of Huntingdon, baring thereon orected'alntroe stable andderelling house and steam grist mill, known as the Nevado etoam , containing-7000 square feet. . Also, cue lot of ground situate In the said borough ' fronting 50 feet at right angles on Moore street, and run ning beck 200 feet at right angles from the said Bloom stroet, having thereon erected e double home, one story and a half high, end other outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution, and to be sold as the proper• ty of A. B. Harrison; and Alexander Patti adminietrater of Catherine blaubsugh, deceamed.. • Also, All the following tract of land, situ ate In Tod township, in the county of Huntingdon, enb joining lands of Lewis Corbin on - the coat, Deteey Ohara hers on thesouth,,Polly Chambers on the west, and Hugh Morrison on the north, containing one hundred and acres, more or lore. taken to oaccatlrni, 'and to be Sold 'is . Ore prep, erty of Dr. Robert -Saud. t Notice to Purchasers.—Didders at Sherlfresafte will take notice that immediately upon the property being knocked down, fifty per cent. of all bide under $llOO, and twenty. five per cent. of-all bide -cover that am, mart- be paid to the Sheriff, or the property win beset up again and iota to other biddert who will comply with the above terms. Shedd's Salmi-will hereafter be made on Elonday,,nt the first, week" of Court; and the Deeds acknowledged on the following Saturday. • • - r ; GEO. W. JOHNSTON, Sheriff; • , srraTuyea omar., ,1 , Huntingdon; Alch. 23.;'11844 • , = . NI)TICE * is hereby given to all persona Interested that the followlng , Inventoriea Of. the g and.ohattols 'Bet to widows; under-the : provlllons dt the Aet'of 'Attie( April, A. If'1801; hive been tiled in the °Mee of the Clerk of the . Orphans' Court of Ifuntingdon county and will be presented for"approval by ebb Court" on Wedneaday, the 13th of April, A.-11.1861. • .. . . il . . .. .. "lel. 'Phi'intent:ly ltd'iiprfaisSftiSitt of the goods and chattels set apatt to Mary A. liveketist, %idoW of George W. Wagoner, late of Dub in toirmihiti, dadaist:4. 2. Tho lunatory and apyfaloaroent of She goods , and 'avairetssferassen rosne-sthfoir - orittfrani Italitem late of Springfield townellip,fdeceased, ' f - . - • 8. The goats and:obattele sot apart to Elisabeth Caro. them widow of Jonathan Carothers, Isla of Shirley town ship, deceased. . • - • • 4. 'The inventori , and aPprideeinent 'of the goods and chattels sot apart to the widow of .T . o . b . ri Fleming, tete of . publintowiteldp, e. c, •• •• ' f : . • EL Tiniileods la WWI were of Wm. Cole. burn, late of Fran - intrintyp, dressed / taboo by: Ills r widow., Elizabettf burfejs '- '•, IL The goods ' chattels which were of :Chas. Orden, late of Oneida to . yrnship,' deceased, taken by Ida wldosl Catharine Greetl. - ' • • -• ' 7. The goods and chattells of Charles J: Snyder, late elf Juniata township, darts:AK taken by, his widow, Add Snyder. : - . 8. The goods - aratchstrels,whicb wore of John`,J. Decker, late of Oneida toWaehip, demised, taken by his widow, Christiana Decker. 9. The goods and :chattels which were of John Spitzer, late of Dublin, township; deceased, taken by bie widow, Susan Spitzer. - - ; 10.. The goods and chattels which were of George Speer, late of 31oent Union, dereased,-taken by his wid ow, Jana A. Speer. f „ DANIEL W. WONEELEDORE, 1, 1 1 3 6 , Otelk , . 13 EGISTER'S NOTICE,,,. .... _....e, Nalce is hereby emu, to all persona intoreatedi that the: following named persons have !Settled their so. counts to the Register's Ogioe, at Iluntlogdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for. etmlirmatkin and allowance, at an Orphan ' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the cone . of Ibiditinitdon,vitMonday the 11th day.of April next, 1164.) to wit t -.... -Lt. Account of Jatheir 4..Corbin4itardisti of l'Aid.in Thompson McDonald, tio* deemed, mitior' child of Rs chef McDonald,llecessed. f . 2d.' Partial accent of Eaml. M. Cox and Daniel Deck, - Estonian of John Deck, late of Warrlorsmark township, • , . Bd. Account of David Snare, guardian Of WY :Lang; minor child of *trick Lang; bine of Walker roniielthy Huntingdon =ay, deceased,eald minor being now in hi. majority. 4th. Administration account of John Con, one of the executors of Edward Cox, late,of Berme township, Hunt ingdon county, deceased. Administration- account of Abraham and' Lewis. .Carothers, executors of Samuel Carothers, late of thabOr ough of Shirleyeburg. 6th. Administration account of Robed Johnson, admin istrator de bonis non with the will annexed of yfut. flays, 'deemed: •. T. General guardienebip amnia of John Huey, guar 'diem of Ann W. Fleming„ William M. Fleming, - Elizabeth M. Fleming, Robert M. Fleming, Margaret J. Fleming, Milton F. - Fleming. minor children of Martin Fleming. late or Brady township, Iltuttiogdpn, county, deceased, with p. separate account of each ward attached td ttie same. 8. The guardianship amount/I ofJames Gain, guardiad of Nonni* A. Owl° and Alexander D.,Gwin, minor Chil ,dren of Alexander Orrin, late of the borough of Hunting don, deceased, filed by David P. Guts, administrator of said James Gain, now done - med. - • . 9. The guardlarithip accounts of Ames Gap, guardian of Currants Bvitiatin end Sarah Swoope, niftier children of Caleb Swoops , Lte of the township of , Union, deceased, tiled by David P. °win,. adminletrator of the said Jades • 10. The general, end atm thietitiritie.griardlanthip ac• counts of lion. Janine Grin, audio of Ellen P. Dorsey and Mary H. Dorsey, minorchildren of Greenberry Dor soy, late of the borough of lifuntiogdou, deceased, as wed by David P. Gain, adeololattator of the said James Gain, deatiMed. . . , 11. Final account of Hoses Robison, sunrivln&locator of John Watt, late of West hem:ta% n • • • • 12. Administration coconut Of David Black and RIM. Black, executors of George W. Black, late of the borough of Huntingdon, demised, with 111astribution account-to be presented for confirmation with the same. 13. The guardianship account of James Stewart end Sainuel Mitchell, testamentary guardians of the minor children of Win. D. Black, deceased, as Mod by the admin. btratore of the sold Janes Stewart, .together With the said Samuel Mitchell. - • .11. Administration account of William Reed, Eeq.; sole executor of David (tarnish, late of Morris tottnaddp, deed. Account of David Snare, trustee , sjiPetated te the real estate of Sophia' Hoffman,' late 'or Die borough of (tuntingdonidecemred. 10. Account Of John S. Stryker, administrator of Peter Stryker, late of Porter. torruship, Huntingdon county,: deceased. . 47. Account of David Snare,. rag., Trustee of the Nast.. of Gezio Refried, late of th roughbog Of ' , Huntingdon; IS..Administration account of George Lang, Surviving adinloistridor of Patrick Lang, late of Walker township, deceased.- 19. , Guardianship account of Samuel Rorer, gnardlan 'of Jelin S. Bowman, a minor eon of George Bowman, late of Shirley tom•aship, deceased. . . • 2). The account of James Crce and David Web, exec utorsOfJonathan Cree, late of Dublin township, deceased. 21. The supplemental and partial account of George W. Owens administrator of Thomas M. Owens, late of the borouill of Birmingham, deceased.• ' 22. Ito account of .7. Shawn Africa, adininistrator of the estate of ftebobari Campbell, late of Walker township, 23. The account of Barr Brinobaugh, 'meshing admin istrator of Bhirrldyers, lite of the township of Hopewell, In the county of Huntingdon, deceased. 24. 'Administration account of John P. Watson and frid H. Campbell . , administrators of Samuel Watson, late of Walker towilship, deceased. ' • 25. The administration account of James Her, adminis trator with the will annexed of Mary Ker, late of Brady township, deceased, 26. :Adnitriletration account of Hon. Juana Gwin, who Was the Executor of ttio Ida will and teetriment ,of JOU , Armitage, late of the borough of litibtlogdoni tlecetued;; Filed by David P. Grail, Admintstrittor' of edia James fiwid, deceased. 27. Pinta account of Gee. C. linehei acting Executor pf Conrad Dueller, late of the borough of Alexandria, deed. ! . DANIEL. {V, WOMBLSIA)SF,, RegistePs Office, 1 Ileb. JO, 1804. nOrge 131114 : Printed on' short notice' at Le*is Jobe Printing. Office; FINFIS'iCOI4IIIII 81111 - • - `))) 1!191i13112,_::: F18461,t,. FISHER & SUNS .g0.,N.%.-.*4:..4i . ,.:;', 2 ,, A ,.. STAPLE FANCY DRY;GOODS ETC., ETC. ' = ~, -;-0.. .. • ' ~, -: .W.'';,1:.!.•.) • A HANDSOM.t.SI I OO : I{. - of GOODS, WWI kinds, is now opoo Ai Qatari of iho pablict, and we cordially invite all ode Clistainere end e publie generally, locall andbe ' sonelrieel that ire are uneqnal jell In the quality, taste, style, tn 4 prices oronr Goode. • Wo roquest the, publip .!co, bearin. nlind Utak Ito inn , ' atm principally from lire; hands , In Noe York, pay Casa for all vie buy, and Cannot be rirelle,l In our faclll tlesthr 'poising for public nee, a: 'stock of General Mer chandise. _ ? ,44+ WM HIUNT - iNG - DO - 14 , .i'd . iiiii,,.:!.) ~0~ . GRAIN, - FLOUR, AND FEED.' ' . • ittiiiiitErt TO kUlt• ttitet, alt "lands ,if diIIN, for which are will pai . tFie higheaCcaih prices, and will 4re• fbr sole at 411 times, FLOUR, _PEED, at,, PLATER g PIASTER =p-- .WE HAVE an IMMENSE BTOCK ,of PLASTER .en ,tniPlaikuppLi fcethlsal4 nalglibot r ug counties! >Jallag o Mtn eipreally for grinding it; s 4 can produce Suer and more desliiible"at#*aik'iii UM- =M7MINZNE:!I SALT.! SALT ---o-,- r E GIVER 606 BBLS: of SPLEN dr4 oNoNomea sAvr hneodalled ld. sllt,dtia*'rice: Q;1, Salt in sacks is sled kept elmisatidij vu !lad::: . -- 5 ,5 450/#45. 55 51~ ,5 .5. 5 MIII ~,,,,,i ..,.--.:,.„7"-' ; ', : ;.:7 ---v-i:!-, ; !'.7p• , ?t , : g F151L'TF1511::,..,..,:,,, , . 20, Drs. Ns ktACFSIOI,P4, , Na 2 Na a .s 15 Half Bbl. No.-1 20 o ii N o . 2o • ' 10 " " No. 3 Quirter Hurrahs turd An!, a ill !IRV/Orli Are elea cored. • =2l SUMAC.. , SUMACiII WE ARE AT ALL TiMES I%E ttdred to buy EMMA*, wUt pay cab, or trade . , aa &Anal = FLAX: tiAk. THE • FITGLI tIIIGEg RULING cotton . 0 9e0 1,11 1alrecte4 o . lkehleunKar Ftix;' cen l ;i l x l [4 o by some attention, one or the most vi4tudliir7dlicts farmer can produce; en acre roidy'pi.kucitig 60 td CO Dollars .ifortl; or Oboe and 13e;a: ,.. dro'nf ^ Cain abouldle taken by growers to hate their Flu .0944a.a 4114 when tolling; when watered auttle!rintly on one alrhi p l ! ' about] ith turned; t!nasubJeOt to eiithetire until. all -1110 •ittelke zet'd tray baler; tied the 'lint rowitti froth 1116140 d bra width, reb: • : :'„!. • - It ehould cin &Veil dry day be_ tied in hundles and ie ihen ready for the mIII.. dAI ietn;ral thing' tic: need In ennp on Ofkilci;e:, Strtnevi AkiOltruf ii finritat' one Bushel par -acre ig afectent -If the 6314 ' qtrong one one toittth biehel Ii Dee ' _ EXECUTORS' NOTICE.-- itel 4444o:4,t_atall ; . i p ie reff i Er n , 4 ,lc:dl . , lei. It-Soil:lover, lete*Tgarroe wnebip, Tie ee ntingdog 'Convey, deetiousg,.hiter,heen granted to . She atibessibers: MI Portend' Indebted ere requested to "make hriniediarsi paymentotad those having claims Will preiengtheisilirSF -- arly enthentleeted to the Undersigned. :•,/ • vi Ott •• - "i.; ~.614DM.17r.Cg011749.Y.E1t„: i.e p tip` WILL/01CW •, , •-• ' bathe • • ' . =II . . . . . 4 DNfINISTRATONS NOTICE. latiteothtelinda el,ark;aee'd.],q, • • - • ot adailtditrailim having been' graritedrall oadereignoth on she manta of Melinda Clark, late or Ted :townehipq„. deeemed. Ali persons knowing themseEVM •:16,• ,tndebt•to geld estahrar, xemt e ated.to wary , payment, and those havingaWmak.tozOte4ant them prop crly authenticated, for settlement. • Cmaville Mot co Itch 2341. Admlolstator. AAIiMINISTRATOR'S-NOVOP.. t.- - :s ev .. !-J , ... , r ,u p„,,,w. -. 4 fsitidoisritipjawil t dgb a .er9. i —4— - ia,p , •Lottere Of rp.iffilfifitritlin hog !4,,14: 0, R_ • 03,Jimbell, lat:el'of Tell i villa ifuutfilgdockco pet,,g~, ~ Laving iwnt ociima to tlictn,d'aera,lgnqd,'sql!poppmp4L..... debted !pitill eThititl7ili infik9.l4riattt,Ail . apto i r,:illllytt j; t dolma 'Will Prem4;t!rtigerigivtlliti... 7: ...: ' :)icii 16, 1861-Ott '" - ' - ' ' - 'IV: brat°T,-,: =IEEE 463 "IYMINISTRATQR'S NOTICE:-: • , i t qgtato ot•Jobn tint I tetok•denlir • •- • • ' ts of mlnlatritlini, de lion's' nba;t_ tiethe 4to ! . Ann ;A 'Doling been grantqd to the anderstiguedoot tbos unite organ Armitage; deceased, all frontons indentedt d the.= stre requfited tornabe nltintents Onktbosedusis •-, slog° s will preeeite•thentAo the undersigned forest,-,- a •tleMent."Tliqso boldim,„permspent IntiesVnennt strth s, fundiorandstAtti ere rwl t ieetwttnirreltiiitnintsibinn."''' ',dent dell 4qereat,rmr, gmead snotdd on theft:A.7n, olillmiltOns.• '• .. •*- • •5441tit'.T,•BRONMat d*TV?-itttt',., wahasusvose;l-, ~ , • • t ,• • .ilontingdeut,s - at L" . . .. . - . .., E.y-AT I'AIV . - di, ,rhos' - Trepau , Cart Konee----14 stairs 174.6 40 3. .." 1 : 1 ,& 1:8134-, JT#T.O figrelittipiea by,diosittgothi.,i..Q. , 6o4, to on ot: about the ant'ouoetVW liestrir iMMI • • rad MIS With a Ithita4Pot, op.top of the ebony. Vr V • deo, a a plecanorthe, right . ; oar:, Abont,tor. ..` • yearn old. The owner is rep:mated toopontforyr prom , property, pay charges, cod take blur away, , otherwlse li will be disposed Or ISCrartilati to - law. AL " 1.1.- Eleb3o,l3Bl*; I'VOUND:Cmi.BZEtty. TitAtAtEiFtit.; - ;;;- • 403 littim6rifiie in [Wawa Ctune to the prom o e township, about the lira thiieriteptenebei het, -• • . a Heiler, about three your. old, with 1484.1114e5, neck snailbsid; black " andwliith aprecklee, back rand belly 'white. - The owner le tequeeW to COMB Wire, prove property, - pay thanes, andlake her away, otnerwiee the will bo dlePoosi , Lot according to /SW • „ HUFF. 1V1,.gA1414!11 Aittp; 04 bon,4epii v v -41 ihetiard6"i'tc4s' cFr J45..-A-q3°*;14%'.1 -.lluntli v rion; Welti,fit - . MIMI 4 LL persons indebted to the firm of , A. B, Mit(INC/11411 k ,e,O O will ,please aNII al* set e their secotuda), 344 m i oummma jukt MiAtingdon, Mch.16,188 1 41. 26T4mtuSil. r • THE subscribers hereby 'give - noticetoi 1:11 th e public, that they .purchased, at Constable's sale; edneedaY, the Idth.,daY of Merck A..3).-1864, all ore. the Panama. PruPettl,javanch VlPere , tif Shbilurntigh of' Alexandria, in the , cohhtY of,,lfuntiogdon,. consisting .of his household *was, ilfrniMmy fooachnuksee,lblacks, , - smith tool', o,n upon file safd premised r : that,. the same have bservaefelnis possession, subject W our. rights, as die wild Purchuers thereofand all peniona.erw, , , , hereby forewarned agelnOt lute= with the same _ nuur. ;), 99 Alex/tilde, PffiLlP jt. R E Ear . : 1 - PLANT:TREESIL."' Wean: Taylor & Cromer Loran oatiliustie seaort mane of WO iindihrlity - VROIT VMS, ac thetNnrserVivr r , • ries at Huntingdon; which they wilt ;sell at their, old pihre : 141 cat: $12.6 VC . per hundred; similar trim ummr 4; :R ai " CO . OI;IMSIY.:Par - Ftnidrad /- •v -catand Oho o'soo 75 mute osch'; „sr cot at 40 rgi pinta 'son -i.NbOtektine 25 ctNeach 4,o.6rinU each. ; .Alea - ,Grapi Blackbenyi-Baapberry and Strawberry Planta of • the cholowit!. varlotisa !at the _ c Pgl a Wl'Alaai shade and Ornamental tress; inn% WI - Saver pie,. Ash, Larch, Norway Spruce,. Arbor Vi huv &c. Soul in your Onto's'. .I.slohl6.ltirr • Collection of:Soldiers- Clainch, , -1 Yl3oitted Ththidetplittli haNag enperior kreltrOor eetten et Bounties, Pensions, eint Bieek-Per forßoltilessi t 4 their relations, or OBIBBINGIN .• Blelde,lB6‘ ' ' 8pxgP).1.414-"f4 It/[ IchIPERY STIRAY. 9 0,0 - 13 . 1 4.EW :,.';„AicIaUA)VnkT4BII74 td&irfin AgrOm onV l5, ' comp r riga to be found In that 11 P 0 ; 'of /ha /f4!",11.i14,*ir most alitdoted phvotund utylet: • o 6411014 414 e 413 1 141, I foßnltt"., • , ` - `": 14 7.0711, reirfarigor, Ist w - tr • ' ox.iga; N 05.14105 & N0ri&23r001.0136,76.111.'' Minh 16,150iNt .? A ' ' 2 MET NEW.WifOLEaILE.STOREi - • Gooc•S - §oLrs' i•: At Philadelphia kNiicdOtitetrfi9inti ! smisonnzus - , HAVE <B`EA 33 7A~ 'tot pigui-of bating* Oittiji tyfs f i4 . TO TRUER =VP 3317/IaDiNG chi winnoeu tint*ar, neer the. ackeon_Meues,- 49tel'e they tit enat do t~i~ "BtIBIA'SS. . IkEiteli44,,ANDt9T4P B l .51i Who buy i4icia by th # ,, A icl q t !elt i OV l l, 4 ' • WILL FIND IT to tidy TO GIVE 17+§ .A GALL r _ • • wzmpi ME General lesoriment'.of ,GOODS 8.0 tart:iikcipp,Ciffaix*Big BOOTS , SHOES, - ,44TS PAtS.;:x 1.• _ TOBACCO, - BEGARS•r- V1E4 11 4.) ./10AirAksyll &C M. trE , warn SELL 09R8r: •'1 z ---- - - . A B. OtriiATAGTWvr r llnstibsdooz hl4ii'4B*. 1'; , i , - VALUABLE' mrub - PRoPERTr -3. .' - FARM OF' 200 . • AT ZilitiVATlO 1 Thipboctibieora• at - Initatei 000111041*.T.iiiia 12)211= 2 1Veord , i=.' 84-B e‘“-k , The igsparn, will be old o ao gralttogithir: . The propay ) , can to NM brylottnon the sabaprihm and terms .thade asap L - - • Dem 23,1863.._ I#iop, frii*Atf. NEW. GOODS 4„ Ra t I .• W° a 20 PEA CENT. TO:1 r TEM' CECEIAPIIST-1- 1 ' - ' ~2 ; AT coFikinurfstkricsit Would reepeedfally Sat_ the -attehtletlg s ?lo Ittli i specially,. aad the public tu. generalcip & I es ' T.,'1l , AW..k of well Selected tunteGOods, Just tee id front- 4- • Eastein cities, consisting, impart, of . - . ' - , ~, •,.. !...-,01ethipg.....-Wetd47T,LT I. fill_ . , .. en Wire, Redoes,r Nita attd Celtia. Boo* an 4 • C.: 141 . 7 • Shtiii," - ItaileK r tihte4ll;-Ciiiii; S'j l - late, tlardvntrer•fittetnerwThrrtarV— cnti es, Wocd'ihed-Willott-wate;Tabltact) r\ Segare; Igeilii, - G laid, Pioiisitaisr Oil, Fish, Balt, TintantnrCop'; . 11 1 r " - -.3.VPf.e.;. Tinge. sand ';',: 7 , 7 -i r ...:,' Medicines, ;.: . Cloaks/ .„ .. , ' , 1• . K Watches,- &c:, ._, . . •,,i,a. ja i oth gogogge s kept - Inc Best chum sentitry,titoria... l lliritelectoW With' the greatest ears and, whlch were pur r , .ctoomi for oath obly, and atfords - Lim tit 'soli theta at a iery ioa,figum. „Tkprele,ic VII find 4 to:theitailla l C. info to t Al l -and imamMo oar uripprmisiiiM omolc..botore! PArChA4l 4 g 4 / 4444 haratc'NoPAIliaWill , e0iia , eld ..h I n 'lag' our Goode. Ladles are, specialty.. hotted. hi e e. scar taiga goat octrehiceahhAraa-wata ',o m it , k5,.4-1 i i , geigte i Furs, and a gmt r ygejeopf Woplotlg*t • tt, o 1 ...., . .., ~ _ ..,...„.. • . All kinds atilielliwitaketkiii: ' bliedge at • the Militia-E. ~ tetaitat priesa l ,Cash.not,, :-By-strkt attention to - etlettar4enektotqpre,we hope tor eedv,e a continuance - ) - otthe li caned/age with whloh,we ban, peen hoop. pole-tete ; ono one - and all; and en.' , . 4 .. ges4Ne* CI Dodd resettled dolly. [ • Te 10.1803 . . . _AA= cox* =I ' or cam INE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers