1t ' bC I HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Feb. 10, 1864, W. Lewis, Editor and Proprietor Our Flag Forever. "/ know of no mode in which a loyal citi-. seri may so well demonstrate his devotion to his country as by sustaining the Flag the Constitution and the Union, under all circum stances, and UNDER. EVERY ADMINISTRATION REGARDLESS OF PARTY . POLITICO, AGAINST ALL SASAILANTS, AT ROME Ail) ADROAD. " -STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. • • The Decay of the Rebellion. It is a fact beyond cavil, that the rebellion is fast waning, and it is be liefed that in another twelve-month not an armed rebel will be found in the United States. Every day we see evidences of a speedy end to this hor- . rible strife. The rebel journals admi their .deplorable condition. Starva tion stares them iu the face,—indeed already is it gnawing at ' the very vi -tals of the so•called Confederacy. l'heir last levies are in the field, and :all' that remains for our army to do; ie to destroy the: rebels now in arms, and- the war will come speedily to a close. Thousands have deserted . their 'cause, cone : into our lines and taken advantage of the . President's Amnesty ..Proelamation, and -thousands more only wait a' favorable opportunity to dome and do likewise. Open mutiny ' is the order of the day. The masses Of the South are just beginning to have their eyes open to the designs of their leaders whom they have blindly followed. They repudiate them and deCinre their intention of coming back to the old Union and renew their obli gations to the old flag, whose ample folds ever protected them fr,pm a for eign foe or an internal enemy. The soldiers denounce their leaders as worse'than tyrants and boldly assert that they wish to make slaves of them all. Weask every reader of the Globe to read the address of the Alabama soldiers inviting revolt. It is a sea thing.piece of composition, and does justice to thoSe whOm they are pleas ed to call "usurping profligates." They were led into this thing blindly, and they are determined to submit to it no loner. What then will become o . orb ern trai or iv.o is equa y .despised by the loyal North and the rebel South. Poor creatures, they will be forced to'crowd into some ob scure hole, where they will not be seen or heard tell of, for fear of having their nasty snakeshiii's ugly brains dashed 'out. Although matters have taken a de -oided change, we should not be over ..sanguine. The rebels will make a last grand effort in the Spring, and lie should be abundantly preparedto meet With them it is life or death. If they lose the first battle at thEt . oPening of the campaign, all is If they are victorious for a time it will give - them new courage, now energy, and brighter hopes, and may prolong the war to an indefinite peri od. All is despondency with them now, and - one disastrous defeat will late their army, and they *ill never "fie able to raiseanother. ARKA.Nsas is to come into the Uni on.pnce moro, not, however, that "U -nion as it was," or her "Constitution as it is;" but as a free State with a free : Constitution. If Arkansas can he __(and there is no reason why she should not) again made a party to the great national compact of the, Union, as a free State, it, will be the signal for the return of every revolted State on the same basis. In this manner the great problem of treason, as it was presen ted by the.slave-holding traitors, will be solved. Every State that revolted ...for the purpose of increasing and strengthening slavery, will be revolu , tionizedire-organized and returned to the Union as a free commonwealth. - And for these_ results the friends and the. enemies of the Union, will have the slave holders' rebellion to thank. To the effort to perpetuate slavery is alone duo the great fact that slavery cannot exist in the, American Union, after the expiration of the present een- m,..11r0 had the pleasure of a call on Monday last from Capt. J A. Liv ingston and Lt. Miller of Co. U. 55th Regt, P. V. .These patriotic young men are from this county, but in com pany with Lt. A Portor also from _this county, raised their company in Bedford county, for three years, and re-enlisted for ; the war. C. H. has boon in South Carolina ' during the greater part of tho time it has boon in service. The oflicors and company are enjoying good health. New and interesting Books.—" Gene ral Butler in Nati Orleans"--"Tbe Ca ' bin Boy"—"The Farmer Boy"—aud "The Bobbin Boy." For sale at Lew - is' Book Storm ge r Valuable Real 413tato for sale— See adverlisemuts. The Rebel Amp Mutiny of Alabama Soldiers.--Ain Ad dress Inciting Aevat. —flitter Denun ciation. of Me' Pebellion. EDS. Cok;- - .-The following address was procured by me from some rebel soldiote in Calhoun county Alabama a few days past. I was on secret ser vice for the Government, and was therefor in disguise, and the rebels gave me the address, supposing me to be a rebel soldier. There is no -mis take as to its genuineness; and 1 know that it was circulated to a_ considera ble extent among the dis Satisfied rebel soldiers. The following is the ad dresS : "FELLOW SOLDIERS OE VIE ARMY OF Tit4ESSEE! Three kears'ago we were called upon to volunteer in the Con federate army for a term of three years ;and we all nobly responded to the•call, with the express understand ing that we were to bo discharged as soon as our term of service expired.— Indeed, We. were faithfully assured by all of our officers that sues a course would; be. pursued. The Secretary of War proclaimed that those who volun teered for 'three years or .during the war,' would live to be discharged from the army at the end . of three years. But, to our utter surprise, we are now told that we must be conscrip- ted and forced to enter the army for another term of three years 1 Our feel ings are not to be consulted—we must be conscripted! "Was such a thing ever heard of be fore Do the annals of war furnish a single instance of volunteer soldiers being forced to continue in the ser vice after the expiration of their term of service ? Surely not ! If we search the history of the world, from the days of Adam down to the present, we will find that; in every instance, a volunteer soldier was discharged as soon as his term of service expired, unless he, of his own accord, re-enlisted as a volun teer; and are we; Americans , once the boast AO pride of. the worldz—aan WE to be treated worse: than the heathen of the dark ages.olthe world treated their soldiers ? Are we to be made the worst slaves ever known to the 'world ? And are we to becbme the laughing-stock of the world ? "FELLow SOLDIERS Is it not clear in every rational mind that. our pom pous and merciless rulers - are daily stealing away oar rights and liberties, and reducing ns to the most abjectsla very ever known to the world ? And shall we cowardly submit to this palpa ble infringement upon our most sacred rights? We were told that we must come out to fight for our rights; yet our inhuman leaders are gradually rob bing us of every right inherited by na ture or transmitted to us by our predeces sors!l. The Federals did 'not hesitate to discharge all their nine-months troops whose teritrof service expired last summer; they were promptly dis charged, and their places filled up with new levies'; and shall we suffer our selves to be treated worse • than our enemies are treated No, brave com rades, let's assert our-rights, and un flinchingly maintain them)! Let's show our beastly rulers that they can . - not thus enslaVe us because we are private soldiers! They have already cunningly led us to the very threShold y laa,c , a—praoticia4 ono deception after another upon us; they haVe told us lies—horrible lies—to induce us to become their abject slaves. • - tk-J-41k4a "Among the innumerable lies pro. mulgated by these unmitigated scamps we call your attention to the follow ing: They told us that the war would not last three months; that foreign nations would recognize us as an inde pendent ,negple and help us fight ; that the Yankees could not fight; that one of us could whip • ten Yankees; that Vicksburg could never be taken ; that the Peace party of the North would force Lincoln to make, peace with the South; that we soldiers should be discharged as soon as our term expired, and that. we would not be heavily taxed. These are but a few of the many hypocritical lies pro claimed by those conspirators who have precipitated us into irretrievable revolution. Shall we submit to be be guiled by these unpardonable usurpers, and permit our families to starve to death through want of our labor at home? "Are we not aware that if our all Bence from our families be protracted another term of three years, many of them will suffer wretehealy for the necessaries of life, if they do not starve entirely to death 7 And aro wo not bound by the most sacred laws known to man to provide for' our families?— And should we permit a set of usur ping profligates to prevent us from complying with this diVine law? By the late laws of Congress, our families are to be taxed to an almost, unlimited extent; and if we submit to become conscripts, the last ray of hope will have to be expelled from our. hearts, for wb can then hope for nothing but an untimely State of abject slavery, not only of ourselves, but also of our families! "Now is the time to assort .our rights, for if we wait longer our doom will be forever sealed!: We Who write this :address are determined to demand our rights, and, if necessary; wo will demand them at the point of the bay onet ! We are not, enemies to the South, but we:are lovers of our rights, liberties, and families; and if wo must lose all our sacred rights, and permit oarfainilieii to starve, in order to sus tain our wicked leaders in their de ceptive course ' we prefer to return to our allegiance to the old GOvernnient, accept of Lincoln's pardon, and let the leaders and their Confederacy go to hell together? This may be hard lan guage for men who have fought in Many a hard battle to use, but silent endurance ceases to be a virtue, and confident are we-that the Government of the United States can treat us no worse than we aro being .treated by our heartless offiCials, in the field as well as at Riohmorid. • "But we are told that if we will let the authorities Conscript • us the war will soon close, favorable 'to • our side I Can any rational man credit such a perfidious lie? Does not this con. scripting business plainly say to the world that we are' fast playing out? that our weakness is rapidly manifes ting itself even to our own deluded minds ? Fellow 'soldiers, we have been-too often deceived by these wily liars to place the slightest confidence in any thing they tell us They are but invented lies to enable them to tie the cord of despotism tighter around our wrists ! Every intelligent soldier among us knows that we aro already whipped; and why not acknowledge it at once? Why not show our lead ers that we know we are whipped as well as they do ? President Davis virtually acknowledges thhi fact; so do the Secretary of. War and the Sec ' rotary of the Treasuiy ! What use is there for us to contend against a dead currency and an empty commissary in the face of the best army ever mar shalled for combat ? Think of these things, fellow soldiers, and decide what shall bo your course. We have made up our minds to, go hoMe as soon as our time is out! MANY SOLDIERS." The italics and capitals are the au thor's; the punctuation is mine. I have the original copy in my possession. U. S. SCOUT. Dog Meat for Union Prisoners. The Richmond ExaMiner of the 28th ultimo Contains the following: "Warning to Dogs.—According . to the statement of 'A Citizen,' who writes us on the subject. Belle Isle, the depot of the Yankee prisoners in Richmond, is unhealthy for dogs,,es pecially well-conditioned dogs. "The Yankees oat them," and this our cor n spondent knows froth facts that have come within his knowledge. Sev eral gentlemen on that 'lone barren isle' have lost, recently, their favorite heel companions, and our correspon dent affirms that it is well known to the guard that the Yankees caught, fricasseed and eat them l And that, moreover, the Yankees haVe begged some citizens to let them have their dogs to eat. Horrible! We are ad vised, if We , doubt the statement of our correspondent, to visit the island and take, a dog along,. and we will come away alone and convinced. All we have to append to this dog story is, that we never did admire Yankee taste in anything; but if they prefer a steak of canine, meat to the rations of beef, bread, potatoes and soup furnished them from the Com missary Department by the prison officials, it is to their liking, not ours. Some animals of a carnivorous nature rather like the flesh of another ani mal of a like nature,. In the above case it is "dog eat dog," :perhaps." Despite the brutal buffoonery of the writer of this characteristic article, one thing is very clearly proved by it, to wit : that the stories of the semi starvation of the Union prisoners at Richmond are true. Wo know some thing of "Yankee tastes," and we know that Yankees will not eat dogs if they can procure sufficient beef, bread, potatoes : and soup to support life. The rebel editor has let out more than ho designed letting out in his ar ticle, and ho has also proved that men cruel enough to starve prisoners of war can also be mean enough to scoff and mock at the sufferings of their victims. Changes Wrought by the War, In "Cudjo's Cave," a war novel by J. T. Trowbridge, well known as . a contributor to the Atlantic Monthly, we fled the foltowillg -berm tiful - part - graph: • "How many a beloved 'good-for- . nothing' has gone from our streets and firesides, to reappear far off in a vision of glory! The school-fellows know not their comrade'; the mother knoWs not her own son. The stripling, whose outgoing and inooming were . so fami liar te us—iinpulsire, fun lovinff, a lit tle vain, a little selfish, apt to Co cross when the supper was not ready, apt to come late and make.you cross when the supper was ready tind waiting— who ever guessed what nobleness was in bins I His country called, - and ho rose' up a patriot. The fatigue of marches, the hardships of camp and bivouac, the hard , faxe, the injustice that must be submitted to, all the ter rible trials of the body's strength and the soul'i, patient endurance—these he bore with the superb buoyancy of spirit which - denotes the hero. Who was it that caught up the colors, and rushed for Ward with them into the thick of the battle, after the fifth Mau who attempted it had been shot down ? Not the village loafer, who used to go about the streets dressed so shabbily ? Yes, the same. He fell, covered with woundsi and glory. The rusty and seemingly useless instrument we saw hang se long idle on the walls of soci ety, none dreamed to be a trumpet of sonorous note until the soul eame and blew a blast. And what has become of that white-gloved, perfumed, hand some cousin of yours, devoted_to his pleasures, weary. even of those—to whomwhom life, with all its lhxuries,, had become a bore ? He full in the trench es at Wagner. Ito had distinguished hiniself by his daring, his liardi 7 hood, his fiery love of liberty— When the nation's alarm beat, his manhood stood erect; he shook himself; all hiS past frivolities were no more than dust to the name of this young lion. The war has proved useful if only in this, that it has developed the latent heroism in our young men, and taught us what is in humanity, in our 'fellows, in our selves. Because it has called into ac tion all this gerseroaity and courage, if for no other cause, lot us forgive its cruelty, though te chair of the belov ed one bo vacant, the bed hnslept in, and the hand cold that penned the letters in that sacred drawer, which cannot even now be opened without grief." - "TILE OLD FLAG."-A letter from Chattanooga, after speaking of the erection of a lofty flag-staff on the peak of Lookout Mountain, from which now floats the Old Flag, says: I must toll you an affecting little scene that I witnessed when we first crossed Lookout about the Gth of Sep temher. We were marching along at "route step" with our colors furled and in their black cases, when we porceiv ed 'about a dozen of the fair sex in one of those everlasting southern porticos, watching us as we passed. We had got nearly by, when 000 of the young, ladies stopped out to the front, and said, "Boys, we want to see the' old flag." Oh ! such a shoat as went up; banners soon - unfurled, music struck up,•the mon took stop, hats without number went into the air, and the hurrah lasted for a good hour, and the women all cried. WAR FOR THE UNION. NORTH CAROLINA. Fortress Monroe, Feb. 2.-The stea 7 mer S. 11; Spaulding, Captain Howes, arrived to-day With , tvienty-one rebel pi•isoners;from Newhall': They - were recently captured in Notify Carolina by the 9th Vermont reglme - nt. Major General Butler has just reed. the official report from the following expedition sent out in this department: On the 26th ult. General Palmer sent an expedition to capture a force of re bel cavalry in Jones and Onslow coun ties, North Carolina. They .succeeded in routing the enemy, and captured twenty-three mon, with their horses and equipments. They also destroyed from one hundred and fifty thousand to two hundred thousand pounds of pork, seventy bushels of salt, ton thou sand potinds of tobacco,- thirty-t*o barrels of beef, and captured .a large number of mules and horses. On the 27th ult. Captain Cady of the Twenty-fourth New York Batte ry, proceeded with his command to Tyrol! county, N. C., Where they cap tured five men there employed in a series of robberie. They also took two rebel officers and one' thousand sheep. There is a large rebel force at Kinston, probably' anticipating an . at tack. Rebel Attack at Bachelor's Creek. Fortress Monroe, Fab. 3, 8 P M.— The following despatch has been reed: Newborn, N. C., Feb. 1, 8 P 111.—To Major General 'Butler . :—Early this morning our outposts at. Bachelor's Creek were attacked by the' enemy represented to be 15,000 strong, con sisting of Hoke's Brigade and Picket's entire division. It being impossible to make an adequate defence, our force fell back in good order, destroying the camps, abandoning but few stores, with the loss of fifty to one hundred men and one section of light artillery. Our forces are now so arranged that we aro confident of a successful resis tance. Almost simultaneously with this at tack the enemy advanced on the south side of the Trent, with what force it is difficult to estimate, and were hand somely repulsed. Our communications continue with Morehead city, but the enmity are near. the railroad with the evident in tention of cutting it. The Comman der at Beaufort, is aware of the situa tion, and will use every effort to pre vent the interruption of the road. (Signed) J. W. PALMER, Brig. Gen LATER.-The section of artillery supposed to be captured, is at Buck Creek, and may be preserved. The Raid on the. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Wheeling, Va., Feb. 3.—General Kelley telegraphs this afternoon to Governor Boreman that the rebels have been driven back from the line of the railroad at all points, and are now in full retreat, vigorously pursu ed by: our troops. • The damage to the North Branch and Patterson - Creek bridges is ' but trifling, and the Baltimore •and Ohio in working' ordor in two days. • Governor Boreman has also receiv ed a despatch from Gallipolis, stating that the steamer Levi, which left that place for Charleston, West Virginia: last night ; was = captured and burned at Bed House; on the Kitnawha.River. Brigadier General Scammon and ono of his staff were taken prisoners. The rest of the pa stingers and the crow were released: • . The rebels also burned the telegraph office at Red House. • The telegraph is now working over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Briltimore, Feb. B.—The most relia ble-advices aro now that General Kel ley has driven the rebels entirelyfrom all parts of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Our cavalry whipped them where they came in conflict, killed and wounded many and took quite a number. of prisoners. The damage done to the bridge at Patterson's Creek waa trifling, and will be repair ed soon. The telegraph again works to Cum berland, and the trains will run regu larly through to-morrow or next day. There has been no crossing of rebels into Eastern Maryland. It is believed the raids on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad were to cover other rebel movements and forplunder: - Headquarters Western Virginia, Feb. 3.After we drove the enemy : from the bridges, yoSterday, the rebels com menced a rapid retreat, our cavalry closely following them up, and skir mishing ensuing. Last night a portion of Gen. Sulli van's forces, in attempting to cut the enemy off, encountered a large force of rebels in Mechanicsburg Gap, near Romney; and in the neighborhood of this gap a fight took place.. We e ventually sleceeded in compelling the enemy to take another road to the right, and they skedaddled with con siderable precipitancy: In: this engagement we took a num ber of prisbners. :In retreating the enemy hastened to make a junction with the main rebel forces near Moore field. It is believed that Gen. Sullivan's and Col. Mulligan's columns have for- Med a junction, and are now pursuing the rebels vigorously: If the enemy escapes our forces he certainly will not bo able to take any large portion of plunder. The Position of Affairs at Knoxville Washington, Feb. 6.---Private infor mation direct from. Chattanooga, is to the effect that sevoral days ago, tho' thoro was a force at Dalton, the main body of the rebel army was tit Rome, , under Johnston. • • .The latter fact is accounted for . on the ground either - that the. enemY were forced to go to Rome for conve nience to their supplies, or to prevent desertions—bel.weeu 8,000 and 9,000 men having come into our: lines since the battle at Missionary .Ridge. There is no such : alarm Chattan ooga;about the safety of our troops in the neighborhood of Knoxville., as seems to. prevail elsewhere, and many of the published accounts to that off ect are characterized as exaggeration. The courier line between Chattan ooga and Knoxville was uninterrup ted. FROM WESTERN VIRGINIA. A Battle Fought at Moorfield—Defeat of General Early—Large Losses of the Enemy. Tiflieeling, Tra. ' Feb. sth.—Governot Rottman received the following des patch from Gen. Kelley, this morning: "I have just received a dispatch from Colonel Mulligan, statir, that, after six hours' hard fighting, he has driven the rebels, under Early, from Moor field; and his cavalry was pursuing, and was sharply :engaged with Genf: Rosser, on the South Fork at the date of the dispatch." New York; feb. 5.--We have recd. the folloWing special dispatches thin . . [evening: In the Field, Feb. 5, 6 P M.—After six hours' hard fighting, Col Mulligan drove General Early from Moorfield, and then sharply engaged Gen Rosser on the South Fork. We have Met with signal and brilliant success. Headquarters in the Field, West Virginia, Feb. s—General Early has been compelled to retreat up the south fork of the• South branch, towards the Shenandoah Volley, in consequence of the vigorous manner in which he has been attacked and pursued by General Kelley's forces. Our combinations have proved suc cessful in defeating the enemy's de signs. We have taken a number of prisoners, and have recaptured many of-those taken from us. Our forces drove the enemy out of Petersburg. The enemy have lost a large num ' ber of men by desertion, and deserters continue to come in. The oceupatio of the wires with military business precludes the possibility of sending a longer dispatch at this time. Patterson's Creek, Va., Feb 4, P M. Messrs Editors Baltimore American:— As there are various reports afloat in regard to the surprise and capture of a company of the 54th Pennsylvania infantry, stationed at this place, I have concluded to drop you a line and give you a brief account of the affair. At half-past eleven o'clock, A M., of the 2d, ninety rebels, commanded by the notorious guerilla, Major Gillmore, came to our -pickets who -were sta tioned about thrde hundred yards from the platform. As the rebels were dressed in our uniform, they captured the pickets without the firing of a gun and from thence they came to the camp, where they killed two of our men, wounding f.mr, and captured all the rest save ten, who made their es cape to Cumberlapd, Maryland. At twelve o'clock the rebels proceeded to the North Branch bridge, which they injured considerably. The rebels were about three hundred and eighty in number, commanded by Gent Rosser. FROM CHARLESTON. ]Correspondence of the t. Y, Herold.] Hilton Head, S. C., Jan. 31.—The situation has not materially changed since my last communication. The enemy remain quiescent, so far as of fensive operations are concerned.— They have fired very fbw shots within the past two or three weeks, although we have_ steadily maintained a fire on the *city. Even when our shells are thrown into Beauregard, Moultrie, Simpkirs, or any of their batteries, they_do not deign to notice our move monts but preserve a silence that su , - gests new plans. They have- for the most part been exceedingly lavish in their expenditure of ammunition, but with meagre results. On Thursday last, however, there was .a change in the program - tie. At daylight our lookout' at Cummings' Point'obServed the rebels on the southwest angle of Fort Sumter busily at work, piling up the debris on the shattered parapet, in the form . of a, battery, _Cur gnus were immediately' opened uptni them, and Fort Sumter again: bombarded. The rebels for some tune continued to labor, in spite of bursting shells.— But finally several shells. having ex• ploded in rapid succession in that part of the fort, knocking doWn the debris they had piled up, they disappeared, and relinquished . their design. Our guns contiued to fire at intervals dur ing the day and following night, and leveled off the.new parapet even with the crest of the debris: Our fire doubtless occasioned seine casualties, as the following day two or three corpses floated ashore at Battery Gregg, probably from Fort Sumter. From information derived from a variety of sources we learn that our fire upon Charleston is doing conside rable damage both to. persons and buildings. Shells drop in and explode at intervals of five minutes, day and night, in that :portion of the city to which the. residents about the Battery removed when we first opened on the town. -The . plado of reftue hes ceased to be regarded as perfectly, safe. Peo ple who moved their worldly effects froth down town to the upper wards, and fondly imagined that theylWere Secure froth all visitations froth Yan kee shells, have long since had that illusion rudely dispelled. House in a certain area are terribly shattered and perforated by our shells and rendered untenable. So another hegira.•Oecur red, and people .now live in tents„Slab shanties, barns, stables, cotton houses, clear in the outskirts of' the city, and are by no means as - comfortable as they could desire. Within the past •ten days a large number of deserters and refugees have entered our line's from Georgia and Florida. One boatload of soldiers from the Savannah Grays, came in three or four dayS ago.. They were eight in number, and very comfortably clothed. Their story differs in no particular from that told us by every one who has comeWithiii Our lines du ring tho past six months.. Colt's Pistol Factory Burned. BARTFOItp; Fob. 5.--The o riginal building of Colt's pistol factory was destroyed by fire. this thorning, with all the machinery and other pro, perty. The building was five hundred feet long and sixty feet wide, with a wing 100 by 60 feet; and an office building three stories in height. The new,building, in which Minh) rifles are made, was saved. Seven Wen hundred workmen are employed in- the works;-about 900 of Wilma will' be theown out-of employ ment. The loss will reach at least $500,0001 indeed, the machinery alone NYite Valued' at that Sem. Thera 'is' an insurance of $750,000` in Neil , York and Now England offices. [For the Globe.] Indianola, Texas, Jane 19 f 1881. EDITOR GLOBE:—Once reti dent of your.county;•-which I claim as my plriee of birth, and in my boyhood days a readerofymir'paper, I thought that some of; my schoolday friends wOuld•now be glad to hear, through your eolitinns; from one that has long been a Stranger tothem and the home of his childhood, but has always thro' the fourteen years of absence in the. west,. looked back to scenes that Were and aro yet dear to him, trying .to re cill the_tooksof each happy .faen that sported with me on the sehoolbouse green, or met and ,enjoyed Aursolves in the Sabbath-sehool or singir.g-room. But why shou)d "I•think .t4t. these boys and girls are still Om some. sometimes 'think ' tbat they ,are,: yet young, as I left them, bUt when I-view my own adventurous life and see the changes fourteen short years haVe made in• me, then' comes the convic tion that the children of those days are now either in their graves, or like myself, battling with the realities of life in the full strength of matihooci.— What shAll I say for the good old'fa thers and mothers 'that used to greet •us so kindly 'Alas l•I fear thatrina ny of them are in their graves. The young mon probably, like myself;are in the army of the Union, fighting to sustain the flag our fathers gave us.— But I am digressing.-- I said that my life had been an ad venturous onp, fully half of those four teen years having been spent on the frontiers of the west; and often in the camps of the different tribeS of savages that yet fill the plains - lathe base of the Rocky Mountains. 3is , first expe rience of war was in the Kansas trou bles, being-a resident of that Territory in the days of Brown, Montgomery, Lane and Stringfellow; and to-day a soldier in the DepartMent of the Gulf,' having been one for thirty-three mos., and expect to remain one till peace shall be once more declared in this once happy , country. . As there are no Pennsylvania troops here, I will try to give you the condi tion ofthings. Our division comprises, all the troops, with the exception of detachments of. the lath . and 15th Maine regiments, and a few regiments of the Corps D'Afrique, which are do ing garrison ditty at Fort Esperenza, - a fort captured by.9ar ,forces at the first landing on Mattagorda Island, Pass Cavallo. The rest of us are here expecting to.move forward daily, as we have orders to that effect for seve ral days. The first move will be made on .the town of LaVaeo, on Lavaco Bay, about fifteen miles from hero, where it is said that a pretty strong garrison of the enemy is stationed, and the rumor is believed, for, only a week ago, the enemys cavalry made a dash on this place, but they did not like the reception we gave ;them and re. tired at Texan pony speed, but they still hover round. We can see them at almost any time moving about on the prairie in our front, like so many spirits of darkness, but they take good care not to come within reach of our guns. We are going to them, arid when we meet than it will be for vie-• tory, for, let me tell you, that the men. that compose this army have been tried and never yet shown their backs to the foe. They are men from all the western States who have been immured to hardships from infancy, and with their corps have participated in eigh 7 teen battlea under brave Genl..Grant, from the taking of Fort Henry to the. capture of Vicksburg, and never were defeated. • This State, as far as I have seen, is •fit for nothing, but grazing. On one side there is not, as•farAS the eye pan sea, Over a level Conntry, a single tree, shrub, or bash with the exception of a few miserable . imitations of: cedar, which stand in the yards of the citi zens ; and on • the other, nothing but the, water Of tavaci:i Bay. The plain is covered with long horned cattle that Texas is fameus for raising, and sore eyed sheep that don't ovou entice ti• soldier's appetite. This town is a very pretty place, ! about two thousand five hundred in habitants, who all ran off on . oar ap proach; with the exception of forty families that profess to be Union. The buildings are not' large, principally built in the cottage•style. The streets are, wide and clean, many.of which are paved with shells collectedifrom the Gulf •of Mexico. Wo are about one hundred and fifty miles south-west of. Galveston and .about ono hundred miles east of Rio Grande river the dividing line between -Mexico and the. United States. Mr Editor, not write any more at present, for fear this may not be favorably received. If you think it univortby your columns; or. if the writings of a true Union -man. do not suit your paper; please hand it to the editor of the other paper, if there is any, and if nono, - throw it (leder your table and if yolt insert it in your columns, send me a copy; and if you desire,'l shall, PS well as my poor abil ity will allow, give you scenes and in cidents as they happen in this army. I will close by signing myself your humble servant, - - ALEX. RA:NL§EY, Color Sere,. Co. A 114th Regt. Ohio Vol:lnfy, Department of the Gulf The Rebel Conduct of the War in • Future. The time has , passed , for offensive Military oporntions on the, part of Southern armies, Beyond recovering lost portions of territory, the true pol icy now is to risk nothing. At first, before Maryland, KentuekTand Mis- , souri were lost, we might have gain ed much by taking Washington and penetrating to the centre of the ene my's power. But Ni7o' the') threw our selves On the defensive, all Owed our soil to be invaded, consented that our own supplies Should sulisist the troops 01 both belligerents, and' suffered 'the extensive belt between the two hos, tile nations, which, was desolated .by the contending forces ; to be taken from our own territory. Our means of subsistence have now' - been . ttiefar exhausted to admit any other 'than do fensivo tactics. We must stand be- . hind the wide belt of land' Which, War has devastated, and put oar -enemy to_ the liazard and th(!c cost, of crossing that-wilderness ;of destitutior.. We may recover TefiriCssee and Arkansas . we may carry our lines to the bank - s "Of the Potomac, We may pre:vent 'the navigation of the Mississippi by the constant presence, at certain points, of movable batteries .of : artillery; but in these, and in 'all-Our military enter prises and operations, we ,niust ob serve the wary 'ttiefidg of Fabius, and win the battle- by,risking nothing., Hereafter our strength• will Consist in oar very povecty. Our ;Country is too sparsely inhabited, too' treareely supplied with food and forage;'lcr successfully invaded fortm - „indefinite period.: The war will last as .long as the North Call. nciaintain muster-roll strengthof threoleuirters ofr.4 milliow and support an areny of fear , . hundred thopsand men at a distariceoCeeveral hundred miles from its . basltv of :sub sistence. It has become With us-now a simple question of endurance. We can husband our resources; ,we - can maintain our tirade's' et_ a standard of strength apportioned to the 'produc tive capacities of the' country; 4 when outnumbered, we can weary the "ene my and waste his ritrength.•hy 7 artful manoeuvres, attackinginni •• in., detail and destroying him by piece•tneats; but if wo undertake More, we risk all. . Our territory isStill; of vast diMen sions, and presents noWhere any large accumulations "of supplies. the compact States of Europe, - where ery foot of the soil is brought into requisition, where agriculture is at the maxiamin, where-overy -acre -groans with redundant 'ercipS, invasion by large •arinies is comparatively not on ly practiCable, butprofitabie arid- self sustaining. . There, armies move over great dietances without the appendage of leagues of wagon 'trains, drawing their food along for hundreds of miles behind .thern:' ease-- is very differenton this contlienK:A :stri king exemplification of-thefatitiewit nessedlii the.ease Of EaSt"Tennessee, where the Federal ' armies: arC '"now compelled to retreat froin sheer- want of supplies. Yet that country ;is em phatically the granary of- the South. The traveler on' the roadside, from-Bristol to Ohattanooga, -in. the month of June, more. wheat, - -! than if he continues his journey onto Ticks liurg, then travels by the Southern route back alf.theway RiChn4nd, then up the 'famed James river valley, and through Southwest Virginia to 136 MA-twain. 1 .1. 1 4 e. enemy have oc cupied east, Tennessee, only four - or five months: -They entered _in 'Au gust; just after an unusually abundant harvest of all crops' had been' secured, rendered greater'by the extraerdina rk exertions of • the inhabitants, - put forth under the invitation of Mr. •Pa vis's corn planting proclamation,. of last spring. Just after the heaviest crop ever raised in that productive grain country.had matured, our forces were..called out of it by Bragg,' :and the enemy invited to enter and enjoy. Yet they are now forced to evacuate a large portion of the most, productive meat and corn country in- the Confed eracy, from sheer want of supplies.' The fact proves that no portion of our territory will long support 'the presence of an army. - It proves that, in order to our subjugation; the' North must transport several hundred -thou sand troops over distances of hundreds of miles, and support them at those long'distances—with 'supplies brought from home. With the South, the du ration of the war is simply a question of a continued supply of food for peo ple and . army. With the .North duration is, a question of - enlistment and finance—a question of recruiting a muster-roll strength of at least three quarters of a.million'of men for their armies, and ofmaintaining a system of finance taxed With..the cost of trans porting four or fivelaindred thoirsand troops and their subsistence, over dis tances of many. hundreds'rtf The South can-hold out indefinitely, even after all thisweetri'and extrava gance, if only at the eleventh hour, she dims not go mad. The Richmond Congress can bringher to subjugation in six--months by conscripting her 'present , 'prMiliCing- .clnsses and thrusting thern!inte . en unclad'and un fed sillily. great want is more food and clothing''-ti; Want which .can- Inot be supplied by:multiplying Months 'backs'and feet, at the. expense-..of.the producers of provisions amid 'covelp g . The first duty of Government to provide these supplieo; - atid:: if they cannot be provided except, by: weak ening the arthy,''the'alternative i must be adopted- of 'resisting. With smaller armies, using.the tactics of-Fabius and the strategy of, defeaceictimend Examiner. , . • • AnKA.NsAs.---Fort• Smith, Feb. 3. Tho Union •• Convention, at Little Rock ' has nominated' Judge:.lsaac Murphy for . Provisional:Governer, and have organized a Provisional State Government. Its proceeding's are to be submitted to a vote of the people in May next • County officers will ho elected in Many parts of the State in March. . • T_TORSES WANTED. - Bixty head or poling sound Rorsen mares wanted on.und after January 12th, up - to February 12th.: Peed prices will be paid. Huntingdon, Jan 6, 1606. , JACOII riEttakii. G. W. Caippnter, Ilenszey & Co's WHOLESALE > DRUG AND C CA L iVA.B EH 0 U SE, No. 737 Market Bt., .I"Mladelphia . . . „ . The subscriber keeps conntantiy:on.hand a large stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CIIIMIGALS, , PIIAIMACEI.L TICAL PREPARATIONS, and every other article which .appertaios to the business, eintnacing the most ext..nsive variety ; ulso,i PAINTS, OIL end GLASS, of every &scrip- Gon. . . ' . - • All articles purchased from us can be relied on as being of the most superior quality and at as low prices as they can be had. We can offer such lutincementsas will make it ,the interests of purchasers to lay kr their supplies from us; and; give us their future patronage, and invite all who visit the city, to sail at onrastablishinemt. Alt orders addressed to us by mall or otherwthemill meet with prompt attention, , W. CARPFiNTER.kai 737 Placket Stree,s.lnalldda. IMEM For the Fruit, Flower and Kitchpn dAfrien. 1861 . TECO , GARDENERS' MONTHLY, o. P. PRENCKLOE,,Perit;terielt; 'Office: NO. 23 North Sixth St; Philada. TERMS 131.50 A YNAR. EDITED . 131' 2710.1.1:95. M4ELIAN. . • • THE MONTELY CONTENTS ARE: Iltwrs—Flower Garden on Victim(' *Ground ; Fruit Carden; 'Vegetable (larder; ilVlidlow , (laid. log. COMSIVNICATIONEI—EmIFacIng 'the views of the beet wrhors oµ llarticulturo, arboricultura,..t Muni. Affairs. I arrontat—tliviug the editor's' views on the Itoporteut llortomitural improvement. "CRAPS. AND QUE6I6B—NBW F1111171—:4 PNTS—DO iirsqo AND ZOREION INTEImu aps—INALKITi LA , .NCE-11011.TICULT411.AL NOTIQM. With each Department handsomely These general features will be retained, and the• pub -Ilsbor pledge% Mantel( that no labor or- expanse shall be 'Spared to reader tho Succeeding issues.7of the Magazine every way. worthy of the favor:with" which hhi previous eliarp; have ;Amu amply raNyarded. • ;•. SEND NOWA. SPEOLMEN:' • .Jan. 27, /,881-3.t. LOOKING- GLASSESi= • Bur eale nt tho hardware etnro of • • 4. 3, 1884 • JAM A. BROW
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