6'rEER.- .. the premises of the sub . en llotrem ell township, the lat. cr part of October, a red steer with a . 55 - , notch cut out coder the left , posed to be a year old last spring. The owner is requested to coma lbrvtard, prove property, pay ebargee and take hiss oily, ittltarWilta he will be disposed et according to law. Dec.ls, 1862, I'LADIES ! ATTENTION !! - hALMOTtALS, a handsome lot just SecelTod direct Rem Neer York, by if AS.O 3 . FRUIT TRIMS, SMALL FRUITS, GUARS VINES, &C., &C. AT TITS FARMERS' NURSERIES, BEAR HUNTINGDON, PA We Invite farmers and all *he may be II weal of Santa and PrAms to coalmine our Stock of THRIFTY WELL GROWN TREES, At greatly rednoed prices to suit the times, consisting of APPLES—A fine stock of tho most approved varieties for general cultivation—good sire and thrifty growth Price 10 cts. each. it PEARS—Choice kind', Standard 50 eta., Dwarf 30 eta. each. CHERRIES—A fine assortment, 40 eta. each. PEACHES—Our stock of peaches is fine, comprising a eollection of choice varieties of superior excellence, fern , fishing a succeesion of ripe fruit from the let of August to the lot of October. Price ten ots. each; $4 per 100 PLUMS—A list of the most desirable and popniar kinds. Price, grafted on plum stocks, 60 Sts.; on peach stocks, 20 eta. each. APRICOTS-50 ass. each; NECTARINES-20 Cents each. I= GRAPE TINES of the best varieties, sold et the very lowest rates, varying in price from 15 vents to $I each. Any of the new and rare quince, native or foreign, if not on hand, will be entered and tarnished at the Very low est rates. CURRANTE, 0005L5CHRIES, STRAWBERRIES, AC. 'Early orders are earnestly solicited. Packages of trees will he dells ered in Huntingdon free Of expense to the purchaser, and-duly forwarded by the railroad to any place he may designate. Any inquiries by letter respecting stoek, prices, ke. will receive prompt attention. The nurseries are located 5 miter N. E. from Hunting don, on the road leading from Huntingdon to Crownover Mill, and one mile Z. E. from the Warm Springs. JESSE GOICSUCH, Box 1, Huntingdon, ra Address Sept 17-7 m NEW CLOTHING . AT LOW PRICES. • -M. OUTMAN .AS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK OF NEW PALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Which ho offers to all who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT TUE TIMES. His Stock consists of Deady-made Clothing for • MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AC., Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or Out of clothing not found in the stock ou hand, by leaving their Measure they can be accommodated at shot t notice. Call at the east corner of the Diamond, over Long'a Grocery. MANUAL GUTMAN. • Huntingdon, Oct. V,1562. T O ARMS I RUSH TO TILE STORE OF SIMON COHN, AT COFFEE RUN STATION, and see the now end elegant aesortment of Goods he has lout received, consisting in part of Dry Gooch, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware - Clothing, Banned, Shawls. Hale, Claps, Boots, Shaer, and all other articles kept In country stores. which he Is effering at his Mammoth Stores. at Coffee Run Station, at unusually low prices. The public are invited to call and examine hie Goods. . Moving arrangements with largo firms in Philadelphia and other eastern cities. ho is able to boy his goods cheap er than other country merchant., and can consequently, undersell them( Its escltenge for goods, he takes all kinds of country produce at the highest mall prices. By strict attention to the Manta of customers, he hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage with M Lich ho has been heretofore favored. Mr. Cohn is Agent of the Broad Top R. R. Co., at Coffee Run Station, and is prepared to ship all kinds of Grain to the Eastern markets. liming a large Ware litmm, far mers can store with him until ready to ship. Every con venience will be afforded them. Sept. 10, 1162-tf FANCY FURS, FANCY FURS 718 ARCH Street low Eighth, south aide, this Fall and Winter. . . . My Furs were purchased in Europe, prerious to the rho in Sterling Exchange, and the New Duty imposed on all Furs, Imported *ince the first of August. I would also state, that as long as my stock hugs, I will offer it at prices proportionate to what the goods cost me; but, it will be Impaesible for me to Import and Manufac ture any more Furs, and sell them at the same prices, owing to the unsettled state of the affairs of the Country. glif - Remember the name, number and street: John Tareira, (New Fur Store, 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 15,1862.-6 m. _HEAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS LUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN. so. 1815?.. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY 1 IMMENSE STOLE MI ENDLESS VARIETY HARDWARE, CUTLERY, he. NOW OPEN AND OR OR SALE B Y JAS. A. BROWN, HUNTINGDON, PENNA CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Out. 21,16.02 CALL at D. P. Q WIN'S if you. want faahlonable Ow& COAL BUCKETS and Shovels, Oar nte by .101118 A. BROW). 1862. THE 1862. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OP A BOTtell RUSSELL WALL PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale, Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia, or Pittsburg: OUR STOCK One Hundred Different Styles Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Rawl . ), Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c., &o. Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. PLANKS! BLANKS ! BLANKS! STABLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBNENAS. MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION IVES, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, a ith Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARR ANT. and COMMITMENT, In case of Assault end Battery, and Atfiny. ECIERE FACIAS, to Iwo, er amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper. and for solo at the Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of ermy description, tainted to order, neatly, at short notice, and on good taper. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS OY LEA 11611 DISTIKOMMIED oTTICENS AH INVITZA:IB, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONLIIT STOBB. PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LAMB AND SMALL, A FINE ASSORTMENT, • FOE SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONBRY STORK. JOIIN FAREIRA, PHILWELPIIIA /Importer& Manufacture •ofand Dealerin all kind. ' FANCY FURS for La cs' and Children's wear. TRACING MUSLIN, DuArma AND DILWXYO PA?IE White and Colored. Card Paper, . desire to say to my lends eflluntingdon and to surrounding Counties tat I have now ill :tore, In of the largest and sot beautiful atsatbnent ' all kinds and qualities :FANCY FUNS, for La in? and Children's wear, mt Will be worn during =9 B LANK BOOKS, op VARIOUS sizes, for Pala nt, LEWIS' BOOK AIVD STATIONERY STO r PIsToLs ! PISTOLS !! -. Clt's, Sharps', Smith .t Wesson's, and all improved patterns of Revolvers, Pistols, Cartridges, Bowie Knives, Se. Sc., for sale at the Hardware Store of JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Pa. Nay 21,1661 ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail. 50.000 9 BEST QUALITY WHITE, BUFF, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND FANCY ENVELOPES, Fast reieired and for onlo at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. WINDOW SHADES, Min, TASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, hAndsome assortment just received and for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONBRYSt MUSIC STOIIn YOU will find the Largest al Beat assortment of Ladles' Dress Goods at CALL at the new CLOTHING STORE I,_/ of GUTMAN & CO., if you want a good article cd Clothing. Store room in Long'e new building, in the Dia mond, liuntingdm Sept. 9,1857 New Farnitnre Establishment, J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, between Cunningham's Store and Dean's National House, where ho manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. .Q Also, Undertaking carried on, and Collins m ado In any style desired, at short notice. Funerals attended at any place In town or coun try, by J. N. WISE. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1862-tf. MD 30XIII, TOVITAIND, W/1911331G DIMS, AID lIM, AT LEWIS' BOOK /ND STATIONEJIT EMI. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.- [Estate of Mary Myers, deed.] here of administration upon the estate of Mary My are, Into of Hopewell township, Huntingdon county, deed having been granted to the undersigned, all persons hay ing claims against the estate are requested to pro sen them to the undersigned, and all persons indebted nil make immediate payment. DANIEL P. BRUMBAUGH, E. P. BRUMBAUGH, Dec, 23,1862-6 t.• Administrators. THE largest stock of De Laines in town by FISHER & SON. CARPET Sacks and Fancy Baskets at NUBIAS & OPERA CAPS, 3d arri Tal of the season, Juit openlog by Ne.. 11,1802. FIBITHIt & EON. EH LEWIS' GE LOWER PRICES consists of upwards of TOR 4~F ~.M_ `_~~ - ,01; 1 t ..,/. r ..,sOV, ice" ~ ~~- LEWIS' BOOK if STATIONERY STORE. D. P. ONT/NEV BIRD CAGES, FOR SALE WAR FOR THE UNION NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, ME MPHIS 4 NORFOLE, TAKEN.—ASIIBY SLAIN, AND THE BACK BONE OF " SECESII" BROKEN Bnt while you rejoice at the eucceee of our gallant troop., and the prospect of the speedy downfall of tho Rebel Army, do not forget to call at the store of WALLACE & CLEMENT, halm purchasing elsewhere, and *ea our new stook • good., eoneisting at Dry Goode, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Queeneo•are, Ctockery ware, Tobacco, Segers, Hamm, Shotitre, ilonr, Salt, and a general assortment of notions, all of which are of far?, on reasonable terms for cash or produce. Ituntingdon, Ju1y1,1862. J. 11. 0. CORBIN , ATTORNEY AT LAW, . HUNTINGDON, PA. Office on Hill Street, Huntingdon, Jan. 14, 1862-tr. p ALLISON MILLER, DE ?V TIST, "-affilf Ilas removed to the Drick now opposite the Cons t House April 13, 1859. I - E. GREENE, DENTIST. t 1 • Office on Railroad street, opposite tho Jack son Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa. Much 2u , 1562. ll - T. WHITE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA Jan. 2, 1561.-t I'. COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! James A. brown sells tile genuine "PORTLAND KERO SENE," on COAL OIL, clear as tuner. This is the-only kind of oil that gives entire taff.traclio, as an agent fur BMA air of counterfeits and colored carbon ells. They emit no °Rennie° smell and smolto. A largo variety also of COAL OIL LAMPS Chliancws, Globes, 'Wicks. Dm nerd, Shades. &c., &e„ 5014 at Um very tiniest prices..it the Ilatdivare :torn, don, Pa. KOLLOCK'S DANDELION COF- Tins preparation, made front the best Java Coffee iv recommended by physicians Its a millet for NUTRITIOUS BEYERAGE for Genmal Debility, Dyspepsia. and all bilious Olson dere. Thousand, ulm hove been compelled to abandon the tree of coffee rill tree this em ithollt tnjwinns effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coilee. nice '23 cents. KOLLOCK'S LE VAIN; The purest and hest BAKING POll - Dlllt known. for making light, sweet and inittitlons Meal and cakes. Price 15 cents. I , I+NUFACTURED DT N. IL KOLLOCK, CnrAttsr, Cotter of Broad and Chestnut &redo, And sold by all Druggists and Grocers Feb. 21, 18112.—1 y. pllE ST. LOUIS, CHESTNUT Stt set. between Third and Fourth, Philadelphia. The undersigned, having leased, for a ti 101 of years, thin popular house, have the pleasure of announcing to their blends and the Handing . ..immunity, that it is now open for the ieception of guests. The (tonne since the first of 3latch last, has been entirely renovated and refit ted in a superior manner; the apartment!, are large, \sell ventilated and furnished in modern soy le. It is centrally located, convenient to nil the depot and steamboat Inn ings, and in the immediate vicinity of the Custom House, Pont Office and the Corn Exchange. Connected mitt' the Bond 6 it Restaurant for the ac commodation of those preferting the European plan.— et ices of Rooms flout Tinos to SON en Dollars per neck, according to location. board $1 hfl per slay. Table d'Hote for merchants and business men Rom 1 to 3 P. 31. April 8, 1882-ly ..-, - Nti 1,1 =1 x l''' - rl r 4 .- i SONGS AND BALLADS, &0., The Dime Melodist, The Dime Song Book, No. 1, The Dime Union So»g Book, The Dime Military Song Book, The _American Dime Song Boob, Yankee Doodle Songster, Songs for the Union, The Stars and Stripes Songster, Dixey's Essence of Durnt Cork Non Mer, Gus Shaw's Comic Songs, Berry's Comic Songs, Thd Shilling Song Book Lover's kish Songs, Dime Book of Fun, Dime Book of Etiqueiie, Kew Dime American Jokor, The Dime and other Novels, The Dune Letter Wi•iier, The _Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogue:, Nos. 1 di 2, The Dime Speaker, Kos.l (I , 2 The Dime Coole Boole, The Dime Recipe Book For sale at Luria' Boon, STATIONERY An Mama liteatz ENVELOPES 'AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. WILLIAM AFRICA lIAS AGAIN COMMENCED TITS BOOT AND SHOE-MAKINQ, ONE DOOR EAST OF H. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. his old customers and tho public generally, 101. give him a call. [lluutingdou, Oct. 20,1858.] ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.- NEW FIRM 1 The undureigned respectfully inform the public hat they have purchased the ALEXANDRIA BREWERY and wilt continuo the business, and endeavor to give general satisfaction. All orders will be promptly attended to. WM. ROTHROCK, WM. N. KIRBY. Alexandria, Feb. 22, 1860. THE lIUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN (LAST AGAIN I—The subscribers take this method 01 informing their friend. and the public generally, that r i ier, • they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Foun• •.. ••• dry, and are now In successful operation. '"'" and are prepared to furnish Castings of .. „. „ every description of best qualit and . workmanship, on e short notice, and on reasonable Icons. Farmers are invited to call and exam. Me our Plough.. Wo are manufacturing the Hunter Plough. This plough took the first premium at the Hun tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, .Lich can't ho beat—together with the Keystone, Hillside and Dar-shear ploughs. We have on hand and are manufacturing Stoves--such as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal, Hollow ware consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, ite„ all of which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coml. try produce. Old metal taken for castings. Dy a strict attention to business, and n desire to please, via Lope to re- calve a liberal share of public patronage. J. 11. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. llnntingdola, 41411 30, /130. ARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens oi untingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of Nl E beautiful nimble now on baud. Ito in prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired SiZO and from of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with app! cv prints devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &e., will be I'm nisised to order. . W. W. pledges himself to furnish nuttet ial and nork. manship equal to any in the countiy, at a fair ptiee. Call and see, before. you 'onetime elsewhere. Shop on Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa. Huntingdon, May 16, 1855 MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS BY AUTHORITY OF TILT WAR ToLI'AIITIS EN T, - The book is an octavo of 560 payee, is elegantly printed en tine papeK with new bold type, and has an admirable exhaustive index, for which every officer will he grateful, the moment his eye rests upon it, as no former edition has over bad an Index, and the u tof ono has been long felt in the Army. The Appendix embraces the Articles of War. contain ing many important corrections; also, selections front the Military Acts of Congress, including those passed at the lest session. PRICE $2, 00. FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE CAVALRY TACTICS, (AMIN:MED EDITION.] By Major William Gilliam, 11. S. A, Just published nud for solo nt LEWIS' BOW{ STORE.- Complete in ono volume. Prier. $l.OO. UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS. • For the in9truction, exercise,and immoeuvres of the United Slates Infantry, including In fantry of the Line. Light ,Inintatry, and Mile men, prepat ed under the direction of the War Depot intent, and nuthm !zed and adopted by the Secretary of War, May Ist. Mil, centaio ing the sellout of the soldier; the school of the Jr company; hist I tteth 111 for chi 1101-1101,t. and OM general calls; the calls for shit znisheis, and the e school of the battalion; including the articles of sine end it dictionary of militmy terms, Complete in ono tolmne. nitu For talc at Louis' Stets. ALSO, THE HANDY BOOK U 37 TED /3 7141 ' _ES SOLDIER, On coming into service: containing a complete system of inbtrurtion In the reboot of the Sohn,. eith a plelhaina ry explanation of the formation of a Battalion on Patafle, the Positfon of the office.. Se., Sc.. being it first hook or introduction to authorized U.S. 'lnfantry Tactics, jir,t pub lished. Prfce 5 cents. For note at Haden's Mile and Light Infantry Complete in 2 vols. Price 0.30. For sale at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. trir The Books sent by snail to tiny addle,' on tho to Eqpt of tho tit leo. Huntingdon May 25, 1831. SCHOOL BOOKS, FOR SIRE AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONZAT & AICSIC STOitE, OSGOOD'S Spoller.lst. Si., 3d, 4th and Sth Render.. 3111UFFEI'S Speller and hunters. SANDELL'S do do do Town's Spoiler anti Definer, (old and new editions.) Smith's. Bullion's and Bt en n's Giammars. Fitch's Physical Geogiaphy. Wllll4ll'B Pli3 she! Geography. Mitchell's, Monteith and McNally's Geographic+ A Atlases Camp's Geography, n ith Rey to 3litchell's Outline Maps. WeWer's and Woicester's Dictionaties. Quaeltenhos` Fast Lessons in Culmination. Quathetibu's Columbian') and Rhetoric. Oreenleat 's. Stoddard*s and Brooks' Arithmetic,. Peterson's Familiar Science. Gleenleal's and Stoddard's I{oy+ to Arithmetic.. Or evolearb and Davies' Algebras. Gicenleat's Key to Algebra. Parket'. Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's I rut Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Pal Philosophy. Ilistoly of the United States. Child's " Goodileh's s Pa) sun, Dunton and Scribner's Penmanship, in eleven umbels. Potter & Hammond's Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academical, Conti oIIN s' and other Copy Books. Basics' Elementary Geometry nod Tiigonometry. Davies' Legendie's Germ - may. Gueolvan , geonintry. Fulton A Eaqinan's Bookkeeping. Bonk Keeping by Single Entry; by Hari/Vont A Payson Donk Keeping by dingle and Double Entry, by Ilannford Payson. Other hooks will be added and furnished to older. A full stock of School Stationery always on hand. Huntingdon, to. HENRY NETT.. ISAAC L. DEVOH3 Fr' (4) WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, SPLENDID ASSORnIF,NT Window Curtain Papers, FOR RVIIRTBODY PENS! PENS!! THE - BEST IS -THE CHEAPEST ! C• BAItNAItD'S Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Pens Pnicis-25 cts. per dozen or $2 per gross. THE " CORRUGATED METAL" PENS, made by C. BARNARD, rue the best Com mmcial and School Pens, nithout exception to any.— They are used by all the principal Bunko and Government Departments, Public and Private School': also, by the most prominent Commercial !louses throughout the Uni ted States and Canada. Rut a short time has clap , ed since have been introdtracd Into the United States, still n n ark• ed preference is given them over all Whet s for the failure• ing reasons: The "Corrugated Metal " PENS du not cor rode; they will nut splatter or cut through the thinnest paper; they have an easy gliding motion, a certainty of ennall3 diflaiing the ink, witness of point, and gt eat du rability. Tho tolluu log testi:ll,4llos, selected (tom numerous othm s, are respectfully submitted: I have rued the Metallic Pens of Mr. C. Barnard and highly approve of then, • C. BARSTOW, nskb of St. Mar 6tas Bank, _You York. We hero used the Pens of Mr. Barnard, and Bud them to be as ho represents, and take pleasure in recommend ing them to the public. WELLS, FARGO & A. MULLIGAN, Cluhien C. Barnard'. Pens hays been tried, and are highly ap proved in this dike. d. 0. 00 It FA, - Auditor U. S. Custont .71ouse, A - eta Fork. Macias tried tho corrugated Pens made by Mr. Baruard, I can recommend them as excellent. SAMUEL 1.. BREESE', annmandant Nava Yard, &co laytt. We add ours to above recommendations. IL B. CROMWELL & CO., Now Yotk I have no hesitation in saying Darntud's Pens are de eldedly the best have ever used. S. C. Illy, Agent United Stales Express Co., Kew nil, We can confidently recommend Mr. C. Ilarnerd's An ti- Corrosive Pens as the best ever brought under our notice, o ithout exception. WILKINSON, STETSOiI & Park Place, New ihrb. T. • It. HUGHES, Calder. We have been using the Cone of Mr. C. Barnard. and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public, on they are au excellent article, and •ill he rem °smite them to be. A. J. CLINTON, Secretary Eagle Insurance (h., .Ac,o Ibrk. Upon trial wo hays found Ur Barnard's Pons to be cx cellent. PILED, PROBST t CO., New Yolk. I would recommend Mr. llarnard's Pena as n superior article to any I Mae used. GOUVR. ICEMBLE, New York. We add ours to the above recommendations. UNDERHILL, HAYMAN!) tti: CO., New York Of all Pena I have ever used, Mr. Datunrd's yip given me more satisfaction, and f can tecommend Oren[ to the public as being entirely anti-corrosive. E. POIREIt, Now York. After six month?' pne,tqut use of C. Rarnard's Anti. Corrosive Pen, u o can confidently recommend it es the' best metallic pen NVO have, ever used, finding from the cilloye expel loupe t h at it does not actually Col rode. S. McLEAN & CO., New York. C. BAIINARD, Manufacturer of Corrugated Metal Pea, John EgtreoL ClerkenwelL London. Juno 18, 1802. I=E! MEM LEWIS' BOCK STORI AL Ot TACTICS, uuxTINGDox, r. A LARGE STOCK AND JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE GET THE BEST! =I AT LEIVIB BOOK STORE, Agent for the county. C. BARNARD'S PENS PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS CULL at D. P. GR'IN'S if you want I k _/ GOOD GOODS. ASplendid variety of Carpets, only cts. per yard. FISHER & SON. T ADIES Collars, very cheap and beau nrci, at D. P. GIWIN'S. TIQUORS, of the best, for Meilicina 4 purposes at S. S. 3311TWS. >;... , Eizu COUNTRY DEALERS can pi buy CLOTHING from mo in Huntingdon at IVIIOLESALE nu cheap ns they mu in thu cities, as I have tt wholesale scorn in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, A 151114, ItlB. H. ROMAN. A beautiful- lot of Shaker Bonnets for bal o cheap, at D. P. WIN'S. THE best display and largest variety of an kinds of Goods, can always be found nt the cheat. stole of FISHER & SON. VIOLINS, GUITARS, EnIIIIO.NIAN9, ACCONDEONS AND FIFES, • For sal, cheap at LEWIS' BUCK STATIONMY & MUSIC STORE. WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Donk% Stationery and Musical Instru masts, Huntingdon, Pa. 31GUTMAN & CO., Dealers in Ready 'mu& Cl.llling, Pn. LADIES'. FURS, a splendid variety Clienp by FISHER b. SON. ENVELOPES- By (10 box. park. or levw quantity, for solo at LEWIS' 1100 K AND ,ST,I TIONED W ILVVPING g .P., d ‘TER !A nrtick for . 00 .t 6675' 13001 i now? IF you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call of U. P A WIN'S %leic yon will find tho largect on sui fluent in town. .Q.CHOOT, BOOKS, Centrally in nee in the Schools of the County, not on hand, will he Ns ni.had to order. on application at LEIVIS' 11001, AND STA TIONER ASTOR E. ,f u s TIIE 011.'HAltA—The ir P r yter I a n Paul ino diet —The _ '''' • .t.thau it—TheJithilee—linnterfa inol Delßuie enlat god and impi oved Helot s—Weiland's New and 'annoyed Mothi).l ror the Cui tar—Leland's Accor deon, Violin and Flute Inqrtictora—Mlitner's and Ma ifs Violin litstractois—llellak's Melodeon lash netor—lliir oa Piano.Foi to Punter—do. Thorough-IW. PI inter— Um, Dran log Boum Dame ;—The Chorus Glee look— Tai a's thin p. for onto at LEWIS' 11001{, STATION liltY S MUSIC STORE c:ITONE-WARE at S. S. Smith's Oro cery, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place in town. THE best Tobacco in town, at L. P.OWIN'S. OLD BRASS AND COPPER taken in exclianga for goods at the Hardware !torn Sept. :1,184;2. JAS. A. 'BROWN V') EADY RECKONER. t, A complete Foehet Ready Iteel;onor, In dollars and cents. to o lib It are added fin ms of Notes, Bilk, lie ital.+, to., tagetlaT will, a set of useful tables containing rate ot interest 11010 one dollar to t svel o thol— and, by the singla day, Nu ith a table of ones, and board by Elio oeelt and day, published In Mi). For sale ut LEWIS' BOOK STORE. Fic",,EopEsv, wholesale and retail, .4 Corti oat LEWIS' BOOK MEE. pOOKS AND STATIONERY.- ) A good a , ortment of ntheutlaneoas and School tooks—Foolbeap, Letter, Cora:metal and Nate Paper— Plain and Fancy Enveloped-11M, thug and Black Inks— Blank Bonk, of n tunei oils vice i—Pen., Penedo. Pocket and Deck Inketandii, and every flillol at tide tumidly found in a Book and Stationery Rim o. can be had at fair prices at LEWIS' LOON, STATIONERY it .IUSIC STORE. JOIN 31cCULLOCII, offers his professional service 4 to the cifigene of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office an Hill etteet, one door cast of Reed Doug :item Aug. 2S, S. Dealer in Drugs, Medi- KJ. vines, Porfunnay, D)c Stuffs, Oils. dc. Also—Oru wi in, liuntinplon. Pa. T M. CUNNING HAM & BRO. Founders, Huntingdon, Pa TAMES A. BROWN, tp Dealer in hardware, Cutlery, ['Mute, Oils, be, Hunt ingilun, IT ROMAN, • Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, Hata and Cope, Coots and :Luce, TA P. GWIN, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, ilarderato, Queens Marc, lints and Caps, Boots and Shoes, VISHER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, _L' Grain, Lc., Huntingdon, Pa. INTM. WILLIAMS, v Plain and thuaniental Marble Manufacturer. POCKET TESTAMENTS; A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE BOOK BINDING. • Old nooks. Magazines, or pnblidations of any kind, bound to order. if tort at LEWIS' 1300 K it. STATIONERY STORE. BUSINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! It you want your card neatly printed upole envel opes, call nt LEWIS' ROOK A NATATIONER Y STORE. TIOIt THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Itnrelopes, suitable for confidential correspondence. for sale at LEWIS' BOOK LE STATIONERY STORE. nAPER ! PAPER ! ! Note, root, Commercial, Fookeim nod Elatcop—s good assot (molt for sale by the ream, half ream, quire or sheet, at LEwmganv BOON & STATIONER V STORE. 17) A RC II MENT DEED PAPER-- j_ rultd, (or solo nt LEM'S' BOOK STORE. ATONTIILY TIME BOOKS, Far gale at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. TTOOP SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 ji_j_ hoops, at prim from 23 cts. to $2,00 at the cheap stun, of D. P. (LOIN. ARRISBURG STONE-WARE.!!! Crocks, Jogs, Preserre Jnrs kc., fec., of superior ty. Sold only by JAMES A. BROWN. PP. GWIN keeps the largest, best ki ss a•sortnient and cheapest shoes Is loan. Call and examine them.: IJOOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will be sold for 23 at the cheap store of FISHER k SON. TFyou want hands= e Goods, good Clouds, cheap Good., and all kin I orClaals,Koto BOOTS & SITUES, Hats & Caps, the largest assortment and cheapest to be found at D. D. (MIN'S UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A ‘_,A large astorfment at. DROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. UM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. Gwin's than can bo had In Loan. Coil and aeo them ' DARK Colored Palm Hoods, best qual ity, only LO cts. each. FISHER & SON. MICA LA.111 ) CIIDINEYS-7 Just received nt the hrtrdm quo atom of JAS. A. BROWN GIVIN'S is the place to buy • gnat and cheap Carpets. F RANKL, T 4 N 11UNTIAGPON, P 4 VALENTINE CRpIISE, Proprietor The citizens of the comity, wild strangers and travelers generally, will rind coinfill table accommodations at this house. Give us a trial. [April 4, Mel JACKSON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA anprytts MILL➢A Propriikr. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS BY rnANE. CROSBY, OW THE PHILADELPHIA DAR. '' It Ts/ Is You How to drain Ilp PARTNERSHIP PAPERS and .gives general forms for AGREEMENTS of all Muds, GILLS of SALE, LEASE-nand PETITIONS. Tells YOU Ilow to draw up Ilexes and MORTGAGES, AP FIDAIITS, Pon Elle Of ATToRNEY NOTES 1111 d BILLS of EXCHANGE. RECEIETS andi RELEASES. II Tells You Thu loon for the COLLECTION of DEBTS, with the STATUTES of LIMITATION, and amount anti kind of pnoporty EXEMPT from EXECU TION to every State. It Tells You flow to mins an ASSIGNMENT properly, With forms fdr COmPOSITIoN with CREDITORS, nod tie INsoLVENT LAWS of every Stole. It Tells You Tine legal relations existing beta con GUAR DIAN and WARD, MASTER and Ann:incr., and LANDLoRD and TENANT. It Tells You What constitutes Liner, and SLANDER, and the Law as to IVIATIRI AGE DOWER, the WIFE' 8 RIGHT IN PROPERTY, DIVORCE and ALIMONY. It Tells You The Law for MECHANICS' LIENS to every State, and the NATURALIZATION Lasts or this coun try, and how to Comply nail the same. /t Tells You The law concernimr, PENSIONS and low to ob tain one, and the Paz-Emmen LAWS to PUBLIC LANDS. II Tells You Tlio Law for PATENTS, with mode of proce dure in obtaining one, whin INTERTERENEL.9, ASSIGNMENTS and TABLE OF FEES. II Tells You How to make ytolr WILL, mid how to ADMIN. ISTFR ON AN ESTATE, With the laso acid the requirements thereof in every State. It Tells You The meaning of lAw 'Anus in genend use, and explains to yen the LE(IIBLATIVF., EXE CUTIVE and JUDICIAL Powers of both the General end State GOVIRNMENTS. It Yell YOU Rolf TO KEEP OUT OP LAIR by showing how to do your business legally, thnns• saving a cast amount of property, and rexntions litigation, by its timely consultation. .& - a" EI erybody'. Low yen Is for sale at Lewis' Book Store - : , :ii l ---"=—.... ---....- ' ... 40.,t! I '''''..;.4 '‘ 4 9 ... I, , :r•ii l ! Z-- ., '' ''-, ;Yi-.11`0:', i. .... .i,. ... t :. ,v5,r, , ,,.:. . ",:,:,..,11,11.151. i1.:4! 1 , 3 1,3rt-': • ..';giris, -4i; 1, t41.:141;0' & getii3. AV f, -. '11k:0;46,, ~...,.';,-.., ,1.,.,.,t,c,11..:1 ', eit'44 . q.l,!,'.l,wVykr:i '4'4i tri..,-.2;,...,. -,: ~7, -VNA t,,5... y 1rv.14. ... c... f,41,1,..1,...i.. ~, , 01 ' ,B i> , .'' 1' '''.. v" 0 :/- i'.',;:, 1'; •:!! - 'e') c- '-rht....i7 t V,...fl I.' !11":ikr ..:If " ,.. t'', ::; ~..?....:?171'. ‘l,ll-5 ;::rrsl ' , .•Yrrieitz. '.e, til •P •;. Y ) , 4 101,1 1 , , yel l• l' '..::...'1',1.11t -P-, ° o •i! , jl .t ji;,, i') o', i,:r A'' . .. r.'" '4"' ".I'l "QUICK SALES AND Anybody in want of FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, BYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS, ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, ANT MEI TALU/ULE AND INTERMIX° ICON, MUSTCA L INSTRUMIINTS, CHURCH MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS, Sltta•]T MUSIC for the Piano, Guitar, he., AIL, POCKLI BOORS, Par.T3IOXYAIEB AND roames, For Ladion and Gentlemen, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, For Sunday and Common-Schools, SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOKS OS ALL KINDS TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, AC., ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Proper for 13op AM] Girls. AMUSING GAMES WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, CIII:CICEIT BOARDS., LOMINOES, BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum Books of Various Sizes, SCHOOL HOOKS OF ALL KINDS, Drawing and Blotting roper, Brutal and Card Boards WHITS! TIONNFIT BOARD, INDELIBLE, CARMINE, RED, DLDE AND BLACK INKS, Arnold's Hodgson's and Harrison's Wrappinrrapor of Different Sizes and Q‘tlitfer, to. Lc &e. &e. as. &s. As ellElP Boor, STATIONERY‘/ND MOSIC STORE, In the "Globe" building, 3lflrket Square, where all who wriut to go to make their purchases NEW BOOKS! FOR SALE AT LEWIS' ROOK STORF THE HOUSE: A New Pot KET MANUAL of Rural A rchitoc. tote; or. How to Build Dwellings, 11111,1% Stables, and On t Dnclltnw of nil hinds. With n Chapter on Churches and School-Ito:lses. Price, 50 cents. THE GARDEN: A NEW Pocarr MA:suir, of Practical Hor ticulture; or. How to COG, ate Vegetables, Fruits. and Flowers. With a Chapter on Ormintontal Trees and Shrubs. Price, 50 cents. THE FARM: A NEW Pocßem Msnum. of Practical Agt (- culture; or, Ifou to Cultilote all his Field Crops. With an ENsity on Faun Management, otc. Price, 50 cents. DOM Ent C ANI3IA LS: A New POCKET MANUAL of Cattle, and Sheep II asbandry ; or, How to Breed and Rear the Various Tenants of the Darn-yard, etc., ate Price, 50 cents. 110 W TO TALK: A Now POCKET 5lV(0‘11, of Convnrantion and Debate, with Ditettions for Acquiring a Orantmati cat Style, and mow than Fire Hundred Common 1111 s. takes Cori ectcd. Price, 50 cents. 110 W TO BEHA VI:: A NOW . POCKET MAXECIL of Republi can Etiquette, and Guido to enured Personal Habits; milli Rules for Debating Societies and Dclibet Mire As mlOlllO4 etc. Pt ice, 50 Lents. 110 W TO DO RUSIXESS: A New POCKET MANUAL of Practical Affnhs anti Guido to success in Life; with a Collection of Ilusinuss Forms. anti a Dictionary of Corn metelal Terms, etc. Puce, 50 cents. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT' GOLD SIIADM MUSLIN SHADES, M=! BAILEY'S _PLYTURES, TAPE, CU ,9, AND TASSALS, A FULL ASSORTMENT THE BEST STOCK( OF FINE STATIONERY, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, EyER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON, CAN NOW BE HAD AT LEWIS' DOOR, STATIOLIERT ANp 4iiislo STORE. BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortmont in town, nt D. P. ODIN'S. QALT ! Q4LT !! SALT!!! k . ) Just received from the Onondago Salt Company, Syracuse, N. Y., to be sold ou commission, either whrle. fiator Mad, 200 BARRELS and 100triSACKS of SALT. et:3l, 1560. t dlSll Eli k SON. SMALL PROFITS I" Fancy and !!ehool STATIONERY, For Thong Folk. VISITING CARDS, CONVERSATION CARDS, SONO BOOKS, From 0 to 75 cents DIAMES FOP. 1863 WRITING rUJID SHOULD CALL AT LEWIS' SAYE MONEY, AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE ROHRER'S ROILItER'S - ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHR ER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL. CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL. CALCULATOR. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. RR/xylem, CALCULATOR ROILRER'S PRACTICAL, CALCU LATOR, st Book of Plain Rides and Calcalationsjiir Rueineu pp.• rations, by Math, B. Rohrer, Practical blirveyor and aniveyancer. Nem I:ilition,publistied by J. B. Lippin cott 2• Co., Philadelphia. This work contains 201 pages, and upnards of 500 Rules and Examples, entirely mud thoroughly practical •'ch se arise stymy day In the COIIIIIIOII pursuits of Business. It Inns already passed through II number of editions In mphd succession, and is 'menet - 141ml by nll classes of business men to he rho handlest hook of reference, pertaining to calculations, that has ever been published. Es cry example In the hook is worked out in full and stated in a plain limper, so that n hen n parallel case uri sea, those refusing In the work will find no difficulty fa solving it; in no word. the genernl arrangement 01 the CALCULATOR is simple, that any ono u Ito knows how to add, subtract multiply nod divide, can easily salvo any or dinary example that arises in business, or arrive at It true result ofany estimate required. Tito thief aim of the author has been to escheu theory and philosophy in figures, aiming only at facts aud•ehnplo- city, belies ing that business men core little Ri/011t spen ding time in discussing the philosophy of rules, of /NI science of figures, deeming it sufficient for theft purpose to be nblo at is foment. by reference. to arrive at the true ;unit. The CA LCULA.TOR differs ill this respect fronishili other Arithnictics of the day and kindred worits—lt Uro key to practical business calculations—it is, in Ott hands of the business man, ultra the key to mathematical work► in the hands of the teacher in the school room—it Mein tales time and insures correctness. THE WORK TREATS OF THE Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Bask Work. cf Stone and Stone work, of grain mid grain bins of coal and coal Lints, of wood, of solids, df llynide t,f eir culnr, square or irregular vessels, of cisterns and vats, of roofing, of plasterer's, painter's, glazier's, paver's, plumb er's, paper hanger's and upholsterers' work. ft treats of currently 1111.1 of foreign and domestic exchange, of it,, decimal system, of reduction arid its extended application to business, of simple and compound interest, and theft/ entire application to business transactions, with the laws and usages governing tiro same, together with trimarans comma clot furors—of legal tender, of partial payment on notes, of banking and bank discount, of equation of pay ment and of partnership UCCoIIIIO, of meessment of taxes, of weights and measures, or simian) and cubic measure, at the square rout and its application to business of era:arcs, of excavation, and of many other Important practical matters nut within the scope of au advertisement _to men. Hon. IT IS JUST TILE BOOK FOR TILE Farmer the merchant, tiro mechanic, the artizan, or the proressfonal than. It has proven a valuable auxiliary to the lawyer, the Justice of the peace, the conveyancer, and real estate Molter, to the assessor, the banker, the clerk, to the civil engineer aud the snrve3or, to the carpenter and hrickiayer,to the stonemason and the plasterer, to the paper hanger mat upholsterer. to tiro paver and the tiler, Be., Le.; each nail all will tint It adapted to thek rious mant4 holt...than any book published. Ars- 60 celitt. For solo ut Lewis' Book Store. Huntingdon, Dec. 20, 1860. GREAT WORK ON TIIE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES BY HOBERT JENNINGS, Y. S., Propssor of Pathology owl Operatire Surgery in Ms riterinurg Cultrue j i l / 4 tholdphice, de., e(c. WILL TELL YOU Of the (high), history and distil:man, traitd of the various breeds of European, Asiatic, African and American lions., with the physical formation and pa coliant;es of the and how to ascertain hie age by the number and condttion of his teeth; ilhodrated with WllllOlOllB explanatory TILE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of llieediug, Breaking, Stabling, Yes& log, Omitting, choeing, and the gener al management or thu horse, with th• best modes or administering medicine, also, how to trent Biting, Ricking, Reuling, Shying, Stumbling, Crib-Bits lug. Restlessness, and other vices to which Ito is miltject; nith numerous ex platinum TUE yORSE AND HIS DISEASES STILL TELL YOU 111 theonune , oksinplotrotauld Trentmenl or ..,traugles, t•ore Tit loaf, Pintotuper t Catnii It, Intim:mot, Ittoodtitle, Yuen. monia, Nom osy. Broke,, 111 W, Ch run , IC Cough, Homing and Whlstling.Lam paa, Solo Jimalt nod Ulcers, and Do. rayed Tooth, o ilk other disonee4 of the Mouth nod Ileviratuty urntte. HORSE AND MS DISEASES WILL TLIA. YOU 01 dto causes, symptome,aild Treatment or Wol tah, Rots, hone. traugulation, Stony Lionerition", Rupture', relay, DIM I Ilea, Jae adite,llepaiirt ben,ffleuey Li iuc , Num s in the kidneys and Mad d., Intlaut,.tiun and ether diseases of thu iituntaelt, Barrels, Liver and Uri nal) Ut gaits. THE 110ItSli AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Om causer), ttynintotne, awl Trail . went of Bony, Mo.! and Bog, Sparta, Eiut; lion,, Sxcanfo, Strain,, Broken Kneed, 11nttl Cully. Fontatur, Cracked Hoont. Soto Brake and Blare!, Canker Ect.ttelles t ght Wilt and Corns; also, • • 3legi anti, Vet tigo, Ettilettny, Slogger• and other discalud ui the Foot, leg• tuna Head. VIE Ilbl:SE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL 'DILL YUU Of the CM:WY, hymploms. and Treat ment of i'lttallt, Pail hell, Utnntlers, R.tuY, fie•trlot Ft:ter, 31ange, Sot Lockett Jan , it ill,11111:16SIII.C.111pAilllit, Didensee of the 1•:)u and Heart, Lc , /to./ and hen to manage Custrtttlom Blued lug. ..Trephiniog, Ittmeling. Firing, net Ma. Amputation, Tapplng, and - oth. et stitirdeal (011.11110113. TIIF: lions': AND HIS DISIIASES WILL TGI.I. YOU Of Iture3's Method of honing Horses; hoe to Appromili, Mutter, or Statile a Colt; Imtr to Ilt • CtlitUill • Lot SO In eta tinge siiiiiads and sights, and how to Bit, noddle, Side. and Iltesk hint to Hess; nisi., the loin' and in If of 11.1:ANI•r. The .13010 being the re sult ul IS years' careful study of the habits, pi maim Hips. wants soul weak nesses of this noble nod useful animal. For sale at Lewis' Book Store. TUE PEOHJE'S 000 K BOOK MODERN COOKERY . IN ALL 17S THIANCIIIIS MISS Ethil ACTON. Carefully Revised by Mr... S. Yale IT Titus You How to choose atl kinds of Meats, reality, and Gant°, with all the various and moat approved modes or dressing and cooking Iceland pork; also tin bust and simplest nay of salting, pickling laud curing Ike 80010. lz Titit. You All the various and inostapprocad modes et diming, cooking, and boning Mutt.lll, Lamb. Veal, Poultry, and gain° anti kind. mith the MINI ant Drea.ings, arwrios, and Stuffings approptiate to each. IT TELLS To How to choose. clean, and preserve Fish of all k i n ds, end how to sweeten it when taint ed; also all the various and moat approyad modes of cooking, with the different Dress ings, &MC., and Flavoring, appropriate to each. IT Tame You All tho various and most approved mode. of in casting os er 50 kinds of Mont, rish,Fovri, Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths, and Slows, m ith the Relishes and Seasoning. nPlnoln late to each. IT Taws You All tho various and most opyroved m0d...? cooking Vegetables of es cry description, also Iwo• to prepare Pickles, Cutsups and entries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Nish, Game, Mushrooms, Sc. IT Tuts You All tho VallOMI and most PPM :Wad Modell et preparing and cooking nil kinds of Plaits and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confectionary, PreserTes. Jellies, and Sweet Dirties of every deserip, lion. • Ii Tsuo You All the various and most npprored model of making Dread, Ruske, Mullins, and Itta• cult, rod tho best method of preparini Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, sad how Y. niche Syrups, Cordials, and Wino.' of 'VW) rious kinds. , '4l IT LULU You How to set out and ornautentaTable,how Carle all kinds of Mehl Flaelildi'Vowt; tu short. how to so simplify tho whole At of Conking as to bring the choicest luxuri of the table within the everybody's resch. 4 • Fur Sale at Lewis' Book Store. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, THE HORSE AND Ills DISEASES, THE HORSE AND lIIS DISEASES, A VALUABLE BOOK For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, EVERYBODY'S lAWYEII: A VALIJABLEBQQW, For solo at LEWIS' Book Store, THE FAMILY DOCTOR, MHE FAMILY DOCTOR, TILE FAMILY DOCTOR; A VALUABLE BOOK . , For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. . LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH ON THE HONEY BEE, LONGSTRETH TIIE HONEY BEE, A VALUABLE BOOK, For sale at LEWIS' Book Store. DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES DOWNING on FRUIT and FRUIT TREES: DOWNING oh FRUIT and FRUIT TREES A VALUABLE BOOK, For Aale at 141VIS' Book Store.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers