Our Army Correspondence. Proni the 125th Regt,, P. V. STAFFORD COURT HOUSE, VA., January 25, 1863. - Friend Lewis:—ln my last I gave a glowing description of our cozy quar ters at Fairfax Station, Va. But good things must have an end. On Satur day 17th, we had orders to have three days cooked rations in haversack and be ready to march on the morning, but about 12 o'clock the' order was countermanded and the march post poned till S o'clock on Monday morn ing, the 10th, at which time we took up line of march, the weather dry and cool, and the roads in good order.— Nothing of importance transpired, and the evening of the 20th we reached Dumfries Landing, at which place we halted for the night; hero it clouded up and, early in the evening it com menced raining, and kept up all night hard and steady, and the wind blowing a regular hurricane which capsized nearly all the shelters the boys had put up,-ours among the rest. On the morning of the 21st the corps moved at daylight, mud knee-deep.— But here came the tug of war, getting the trains along, which was almost an impossibility. Your humble writer was with the latter, having charge of the supplies of the 125th. Such get ting along I never witnessed. We worked all day and halted after - dark, making about three miles. We were then about one and a half miles in the rear of the regiment, and the boys out of rations. We pulled out by daylight and reached the regiment about 12 o'clock, M, and issued one day's rations, being all we had. We all then started and camped within 5 miles of Stafford Court House, at 4 o'clock. We were routed out and started four teams back to meet corps supply train. We had gone about four -miles when we were ordered back, as the Brigade had moved on to Stafford Court House, at which place we would get supplies.— We turned and reached the regiment about sundown. We then drew ra tions of hard tack, coffee, sugar, and mess pork, which was issued by 12 o'clock, that night, and I tell you, the boys were all ready for their hard tack. We are now camped in quarters that Gen. Sigel's army had just completed, and we are now comfortably fixed, without a great deal of labor. From the appearance of Itheinish wine bot tles, the Lager Beer Corps must have had a jolly old time, as that is the only relic they left behind. We are now within S miles of Fred ericksburg. To-morrow the 124th P. V. gets paid off, and the 125th takes their place and goes out on picket.— It takes a whole regiment to do•picket duty here. We have to watt-on our' supplies from Brook's Station, a dis tance of 4 miles, on the, worst road, I think, ever was 'got up. How long we will stay here is Un certain, but one thing is certain, we can't go much further till the roads get better. It took us •five days to reach here from Fairfitx Station, a dis tance of twenty-seven miles, so your readers can judge what it is to move an army in the winter; still the cry is with our paper soldiers, Why don't they put things through—What's the use of going into winter quarters—Let us end the war. Let some of them come down here and try it once, and they will find out how it goes. It is easy laying at home and reading army news, but not so easy on the march or in camp, where we are exposed to all sorts of weather. I must close, but if anything worthy of note transpires, you shall soon hear again from ' LOYAL. From Company I, 49th Regiment. WASHINGTON, FINLAY HOSPITAL, I January 29, 1863. MR. EDITOR :—When I last wrote to you, which was in November, I was a patient in the hospital. I lay there a month, and was then transfer red to Baltimore, and was in a hospi tal there until the sth of January, when I returned to the company, and found most of them, like myself, in good health. We are still guarding Finlay Hospital, and have a squad at Eckington. Since we Jell Camp Cur tin, our company has been more than :decimated. One has died, two have :deserted, and ten have been honora bly discharged. A number are now unfit for duty, We were paid a week ago up to the last of October, and promised the balance due us in a short ;time. A goodly number of funny things occur in a place like this, some of which the correspondent prudently leaves out of sight, lest he should in cur censure by "telling tales out of school." If, however, the faculty of speech should ever be conferred on the guard-house, it " could a tale un fold " which would provoke many a grin, and ought to produce many a blush. Being away from home, some of the boys get out of spirits, and sometimes try to supply the vacancy by a draft on the Washington lager shops. The effects of the spirits thus obtained are not always the most grat ifying, but their use has led to an im portant discovery. Our public men hereabouts have long been afflicted with a peculiar malady, which mani fests itself in an eccentric disposition to put their hands into the wrong pocket, to the great detriment of Un plc Sam's interests, Thi3 singular :if- fection, if we ma trust the experi ments of some whVoccasionally make them, has at length been traced to its mysterious cause. It seems to be a property of Washington whiskey to obliterate the moral distinction he. tween " mine and thine," and it is now positively asserted thatthe Whis key aforesaid w ill make a man steal.— If I may be permitted to make a sug gestion to our voters at' home, I pro pose that hereafter an additional pledge be required from all candidates for Congress. to the effect that they will carefully avoid all connection with Washington whiskey. Our company is almost constantly kept in expectation of being sent to the field by the rumors that aro flying. One week, we write home that we are going to North Carolina, and the next week write that we are to be immedi ately- mounted and sent to llosecrans to chase guerillas. Before the ink has dried, we conclude that we are to re main where we are., Ono sentiment is almost universal, " Send us any where rather than to the Army of the Potomac." The almost uniform dis aster attending that army has destroy ed its prestige, and the suspicion of misconduct in those that govern it has grown to the certainty of a fact ascertained. We go to Congress sometimes and refine our notions ofetiquette by hear ing the " assembled wisdom of the na tion" blackguard each other. Both the friends and the enemies of the Ad ministration are becoming fully in ear nest and speaking out plainly. It is an omen of good. If the desperate en ergy of the rebels can be inoculated upon our own leaders, we shall soon, as Napoleon at Waterloo, and Christ on the Cross, say, " It is finished." Yours, MARRIED, On Dec. 3, 1862, by Joseph John ston, Esq., DAVID LIGHTNER and Miss ANNIE SHERMAN, both of Monroe Fur nace, Huntingdon county. On Jan, 29, 1863, by the same, Mr. JOHN KEESY to MPS. LAVINA WELCH, of Barree Forge, Huntingdon county, Pa. On the same day, by the same, Mr. HENRY,PoRY, of Petersburg, to Miss MARY C. YouNo, of Mount Union, Huntingdon county, Pa. On lice. 27th, by the Rev. 'S. IL Reid, M. JOHN 31. STROUP to Miss LIZZIE DEARMONT, both of this place. On the 29th ult., by the same, Mr. ADAM ROLAND to Miss Enon.t. A. mat, both of Trough Creek- Valley. DIED, In Altoona, on the 17th of January-, 1563, of Consumption, after an illness of eighteen month, Mrs. .ANA \TEACH, wift7 of Mr. G. D. Vouch, and daughter of John and .Anna _Mary Isenberg. The deceased was born O. 28, 1829, and at the time of her death was 33 years, 2 months and 20 days old. She leaves a husband, an aged fath er, a sister and two brothers, besides numerous friends and relatives to mourn her untimely death. Mrs. Vouch was a consistent and devoted 'member of the German - Reformed Church, and hailed with joy the prospect of the es tablishment of the - church of her fathers at Altoona, although she felt that she herself would never be able to attend and take part in its public services and worship. She seemed anxious to depart and be with Christ, which is far better, and assured her sorrowing friends that she was perfectly at peace, and willing to leave the sorrows and troubles of earth, for the better land be,yond.the tomb. Shortly before her departure, she took 'her husband's band and said " Farewell dear husband, I must leave you but hope to meet you in a better land." May this dying hope be real ized and May her piouswalk and God ly conversation be imitated by all her sorrowing friends, so that in the con summation of all things, they may meet her where death and parting never mars the blessedness of the saints in light. “Thou art gone t, the grave but we will not deplore thee Since God woo thy ran•our, thy guardian and guide ; lie gate thee and took thee, and soon mill regale thee Where death has no sting, since the Saviour died.” In Huntingdon,' on. the 27th Janu ary, 1863, Mrs. ANNA HOFF:VAIN, qliet of the late Dr. Jacob Hoffman, in the 66th year of her age. PHILADELPHIA iItAIiKETS• Jan. 31, 1163 Fano , and rxtra Family Flour.. 23@1.50 Common and :iupernue $6,0001 6.60 Bye Flour $175 Corn Meal . $4.00 MEM= Fair nod Prima Red 133 e Corn, prime Yellow.. Oats . Cloretsced, te6l Its Timothy Wool HIINTLNGDON MARKETS CORRECTED WEEKLY h a Family Flour 1-ILLI Extia do?cat White Wheat.. Bed Wheat 11)e Coru Oat , ' Cleverbeed ' , homed Dried Apples... Bolter Eggs Lord Ilani. Shoulder Sides TAllow i A i. D3IINISTRA.TOIt'S NOTICE. Letters of administration de bonus wmt cam testa nn•tt to annexe on the estste of Jame+ }Braila n, deceased. IVO Ing heel, grAtlttid to tllO undesAgnell. all por3otis (11- .10310 d to the canoe 1,13 Inent HMI tLo,o tinting claims It ill precept (twin for euttlement. SAMUEL T. DROWN, rob. 4,1562-6 t. Administrator. WANTIM ! LOCUST I LOCUST: I LOCUST! ! LOCUST PINS horn 14 inches to 34 Ira Les long, and Locusr T 131111311. all dimensions, ndl bo bought or ro• ceiNed on conitnimsion. If format de d promptly and largely, pk.rmanent arrange ment! for continued snpplics n be mall, Address, W. A. LEyEurxo, VAllon hill Sheet Wharf, Feb. 4, 185:1-.11.. Pbllok4Tibla. ECEIPTS and expenditures of Hun g%) nugdcin county from the 7th day of January, 1962, to the 6th day of J111111a1y,1863, Including both :toys: RECEIPTS. IS3I. Charks Green, IVest. 1850. Solomon Hamer. Jackson, 1837. William Johns, Cromnell. 1638. Joseph Cornell., CI 0nt,,11, " Samna! Stein), .Jackson, Thom:. Ilysk ill, IVarrionitual 5, 1630. Joi n t Rolluock. Hopewell, A. P. Harrison, Huntingdon, • Parry slnore, Mon is, John Householder, Penn, 15130. S. W. Myton. Bat tee, " Jesso Cook, C,,, bon, !Imo . Lei.. .Jackson, • John P. Sloe tort, Oneida, • It. A. Lai, i, POI ter. " John S,lv, thorn, Tell. Jonas Duels n oltei , Walker, " !lent y sell', il,•nt, 1061. Job, " John Logan, hole,', • Jacob !tinily, '• John It. C.ll 1,,y, Cal bon, Lane Ashton. Vas. tile, " 1/.1,1 Heck. Clay, Jainc 13.11au, C1.'11,1,211, " Win, Cly mans • Dublin, " John Q. Adorns. Ft • Hein yO. yl filer , Ilendenson, David Dunn, II unthig.lon, " SUIO on Lynn. Hopewell, .101 in Oaks, Jael.son, 11 White, Juniata, • Abtalnini Haruish, Mutris, Daniel h.) per, Oneida, " William Dean, Penn, David F. 'fitAsey. Porter, • Mo, Is Cutbliall.. Springfield, " John :shaver, Shirley. (leo, gelk.l9, SIIII ley.bllrg, Mathias Slump, T, 11, • Abraham klias, Tod, • Ilt njainin Heffner, Walker, David Lindsey, Wcet, A. Ilutch6on, Wat riot smark, Daniel AV. Fink, Union, 1002. Alexander Stitt, Alexandria, John Logan, Inure°, fin Jesse Younin. Grady, " Chriallan Miller, Cass, " Isaac Ashton, C 11.0•1110, Samuel Brooks, Cat bon, David Stevens, Clay, " Samuel Cromwell, William 013 111/111P, Dublin, Hugh Seeds, Franklin. W. IL Flenner, Henderson, Geo] ge W. bliontz, Hopei, ell, " Janice Port, Huntingdon, Jackson Harman, Jackson, • Rudolph Brew:1111111. Jun BenjfiTnin F. Brown, Morris, John C. Davis, Oneida, • William L. States, Venn, • Benj. Neff, Dot ter, Thomas Ashton, Springfield, D. S. Unibanour. Shirley, " George to.le. Shirleyhburg, : '1 hornas Vann, Tell, Abraham Elias, Tod, Daniel W. Fink. Union, I,lllltllla YOCUM, Walker, • John Copley, ll'nu fol smut ly John Randal son, West, Received on unseated hood., School tax on " Road tax 14 alT(ls on estra3 si—W. B. My ton, S. Rolston. Adana W.it ful, Fines colleet.al by D. Smile, Redemption money received Amount burrowed by comity From Bell, Garret ism] d Cu, .1. G Miles, Eng., " Dr. B. E. Mc3lurtrie, 11. T. White, Eim., Win. 11. Lens, Esq., Enoch Dean, llt idget McCann, " Ellen C.,, rug ni, It 81.111.11111, Amount of NMI' in fines teed by Treas . For rents of Coin t house . J. S. B • EX PENDIT U It ES. Attorney Gomel, Prothonotary, Shot ifT and %llnesses lees on Counoo% ea! In Prosecutions, Couslnlaes for making returns and elee- lion fors, Itispectors, Clerks of Elections, Groud and Traverse Jurors, Coustriblia, Court Ci ler and Tipst.dr, Inquisitions or, deati Assrsuns orslot.A. Will Cdt and Fox Scull's, Road mid In Lige.% tea s, ‘• Damage,,—Jas.llonaldsou, „ 11 20 3,11101, Lee, 107 79 Cool Sa anek4on, 45 49 31. Wakefield; 10410 27 70 W. IL :.:1111111, 07 00 Josiah Crinningimm, 75 00 Nathaniel Wu titan, 176 04 730 CO Blank Look's & stationer 3 fur public oilleeh, 127 7 0 Br ;Jge at Mrll elm 0, 1310 42 Fuel for Court Hume turd Jail, part for last year, 271 63 Repair s for ~trite, 30 91 tra. at Court Hun 0. 301 ' 1 Mel ell an.l I , e for Jail and Court House, 70 31 I'o,l age, 33 37 Clemung Court llorp.e. 25 110 Wmili. for Pr is,nterg in Jail, 23 CO 402 19 SOtis it Wftriklll for boar ding pr isomer,, 221'15 i It intim; for county—Na,h & Whittaker 1:1 23 .1 Lutz, 22 30 ~.IVirt. Lent,, 99 00 221 75 State Lunatic. Ilospital—%aney Long, 287 :13 4) ius Honer, 20003 D. 13; otherlino, 206 94 602 33 I W. C. Wagoner. fort as Pruthouotar 2, Cloth 01 5e.,01,.+,,;c , 114 71 Commi.,,roners p.3—.1. Horner. PI 00 M F. Calm:hell, 101 00 .1. Cummins, 67 23 .1. s. butt, 01 CO 435 LI Cier k of Comini , ,lom to, 373 60 I Albano) for Comnit”ionet a: J. Ite4ll, E•q., In full, 22 30 A. W. 111. ro.dra, 15 00 37 zo County Auditors ' 13 05 J. S. Stem alt, audit tug areonntB of Pro. thoooral:.. t egi..tel and Itecol del, 500 4800 Expero.es it COIIIIII . I- in 110ItitlIg appettli, 40 20 Ronal pawl ulf—s. Brook-. 144 23 J. It. riusnoll, 200 00 3.14 25 Interest ou bonds—lirs 31. P. Read, 30.00 It. MeMm We, 6805 It 111. Steuart, 1560 M. YOCIlltl 42 00 Tlionn,, Fidler. CO 00 1 Vin. P.Ol llimml, 180 00 I) Caldwell. 20 43 410 35 School tax paid . unseated Lards: 1t..11y ton, Jackson township, 12 30 W. Madden. springfield `• fi ad John Luse, Batten 16 75 11. S. leenbeig. Jardata .‘ 17 80 Sol 141 m, llopewell 4 . 3438 J. A. Campbell, 'Study " 7 30 10. F. Tussey. Porter 4 . . 34 85 129 27 Road tax paid till unseated hinds: la, I Ridenour, Junrata tun rpillip, 15 80 John .Apgar. Union 4l 00 Ibtill. lliumbaugh, Hopeuell '• 27 00 Peter t,rai.ter, War riursmar It •t . 972 96 52 Refunding .riots paid 31 43 It. T. %%bite, E'q., amount duo him at - A lid itor'B Settlement, January 1803, 197 d 27 H.T. White. Esq., runuunt 01 Commission rut Pluto 'fax Ibr 1001, 235 65 Paid for the relief of families dependant on vulnutems in the net Vie° of tho United States, 6543 50 Bounty paid to Volunteers h . 12583 25 Redemption money paid out 26 57 Trea , m el . of Huntingdon County Poor I louse, 4745 25 Treasurers Commissions on $59411 29 at 1% per Cent., 801 16 Balance doe thu county by the Treasurer, 3225 00 We, the t ndertogned Auditors of Huntingdon county, , elected and sn mn twee:ding to law, t sport that et 0 met, dud nudit, settle and adjust, according to law, the ac counts of John A. S(1911, Esq., Treasurer of the euuutY, and the orders of the Cletrimi,ionero nod,soceiotn for the same for and doting the past year and balance re maining In the hands of 3. A. Nash, Tteasui or, of tine° thousaisil two hundred and tuenty-the dollars. tilt en tattler our hands at the Commissioners' Mee In the borough of Huntingdon the sth Janualy, 1663. . HORATIO 13. FISHER, MILTON 11. SANUREII„ , - Auditors. H. L. McCARTUY, ) February 4, 1563. CiUI'STANDING BALANCES due kjat the settlement of Jaunary,lB63. Our the year 1563. !COILS. 700 P. COUNTI. ST UT. 311L1' 1852. John Coulter, IVallter, $ $52 50 1833. Joshua Greenland, Cass, 6 50 • Luke Vuothees,llenderson 10 74 77 08 75 05 1851, Wm. B. Shaw, Put tot, - 10 00 1055, John Smith, Bat ree. 128 69 6 n 1056. Solomon flamer, Jatksou, 59 56 130 52 33 75 •• B. F. Wallace, Morris, 23 28 " Mat. Cot Inn. Castile, 700 " 11. Oumi, r, ICnit kit flunk, 107 22 1857. Wm. Johns, CI otnuell, 17 62 1853. Sand. Stetrey, Jackson, 106 40 141 11 " Danl. Runde, Porter, 11 81 1859. A S Hari 'sou. Huntingdon 891 94 734 10 Parid Parsons, Tell, 3 00 " I=anc Curtman.Totl. 1 01 1860. Isaac 1 rule. ton, Brady, 281 56 221 06 • 11 j,,S, Cook, Carbon, 327 25 150 99 • John 11. Weal cr. Hopewell 525 41 208 01 " IV. K. Rabin, Huntingdon 741 65 331 Cl 1861. John Bisbin..klexattdria, 21 69 12 33 890 •• Jacob Nlnsitr, Brady, 135 70 09 17 650 tf Chriitiatt Miller, Case, 610 • 1/ Cal berry, Outwit, 63 14. 11 07 30 60 " David !leek, Clay, 43 47 25 26 20 00 •• ,hums Baker, C, ontwell, 209 62 79 04 450 " Wm. Clo mans, llnbhu, 463 035 " 11. S. Miller, Henderson, 2026_J2 23 00 00 John Oaks, Jackson, 50 73 73 56 46 00 " Wm. B. White, Juniata, 68 RI 31 15 11 00 '• Aln. Hai MO, Monk, 410 Benj. Bettina. Walker, 33 28 30 02 26 00 • naval knots}, West, 954 63 491 04 4650 " A. Hutclason, Wart iorm'k, 171 SI 60 72 15 85 • .1662. EPECIAL. Aloe. Stilt, Alexandt la, 12 00 260 53 05 00 14 50 John Logan. Bm ore, C 8 65 951 11 359 87 42 50 Jt sst. Yuen nt, roads, 14 72 32092 71 20 23 00 C 1,11,11111 Miller, Ca,s, 845 177 69 29 43 550 1u me Ashton. Cnswtlo, 09 61 79 23 54 4 810 Samuel nooks. Cat bon, 02 69 1381 52 370 53 227 00 D,,ud SteNens, Clay, 35 12 511 59 '206 72 41 00 Sand. Booller, Ct on., ell, 04 60 946 27 348 31 47 50 Wm. Clyntan, Dubin], 44 41 601 03 229 61 31 50 thigh Seeds, Ft:tat:lm, 624 880117 191 30 21 50 11 II Oh, niter, Head, t son 10 78 16325 31 44 11 00 O. W. Sliont4, llot cell, 20 37 217 02 42 12 30 00 Jot l'ot t. 11 untlngdon, 202') 167.19 03 70 36 37 J. it,,. mon, Jackson, 40 11 775 49 221 08 3300 It, Illeuent fly Jutnata, 745 133 10 37 26 12 00 11. E. 111 an n, Mol t s., 38 63 133 36 201 43 78 5 0 C /8 • /11, , da, 362 31 .10 24 31 7 CIO Wm. L,St des, P.m, 2 2277 3,321 1/ 31 1750 Benj. Nell,Pol ter, 26 03 212 12 1 10 41 25 50 Thos. A shtott.spt ing,ileld 22 10 222 21 50 37 27 50 DS Illobenotit, Slotles, 83 20 123114 43130 64 00 orge Le tie) abuzz i2' 163 61 51 93 11 34 Thomas Vann. Tell, 509 192 36 33 56 28 00 Abram t'.lms, Toil, 12 91 190 81 426 15 08 D. IV. Fink, Union, 11 26 236 31 40 83 21 00 Ed. Yocum, Walker, 03 80 457 811 172 80 700 Jim Copley, Wart loim'k 7 114 853 89 321 37 36 60 Juo. Ilentletsau, Rest, 135 13 1590 09 548 09 57 09 C1,85(i , i2,00 .31 72 . ..qsc $7 00@.7 ss $ .25@'.75 $6.'5a7.35 14ECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Of the Iltmting , lon Courtly Alms House, from Dec. 3ot, to December 2, 16132, Inclutive. DR. To 41.111011111 dura II nu (burly Ti isuurv, 5,187 02 U. O. Into. Steward, to: L. 1.1,11 IV., lu 11/1i eXCiII4IIO of older., :.XI , II.sIUTI.IIIB.S : ity Ull 113 Elpenditures fur Provi.lunr. P. -ens for 7.900 lbs pork - , No. 1 to 19, 43026 0,50,) " beef, 14 to 20 703 41 11 3,515 lb trek 2.562 lb boot; 31 to 20, 20100 " " , 777 bus. corn, 27 to 31, 81 0U " as bee. potatoes, 32 to 34, 21 95 " Sundaes, 23 to 37, 33 33 Ey sundry expenditures fur use of Sal 111. rile F. By sundry persons Ille mithing, No.l to 4, f 3 90 rails and fencing, sto B,' 21 23 " " labor on farm, oto 11, 274 70 " `• sundil. 9, 12 to 17, 48 01 Faldlo,Eber/y 2. Co., 1 horse rah; 18, 29 00 By expenditures for Merchandise. rile M. Dy Shuruway, Hurt & Co., fur an order, is ad. to be lust. No. 1, 46 GO D. S. Janney & Co., gi Decries,2 80 25 T. 11. Itotteu, tobacco, ' 2 , 80 38 Boller &Di 0.. boots And shore, 4S. 5, 42 50 Wm. A traitor, sundry merchandise, 6& 7, 10 70 Loos & Dryor, 8& 0, 07 18 Ail ely and Elliott, do 10 to 13 76 02 J. N. S“ opt., do 14 & 15, 26 01 Wm. H. Brewster, do 16 & 17, 05 39 Geo. Sipes, E.,q., do 18, 23 46 David Etnier. do 10, 13 00 Sundry Versous, do 20 to 23, 27 33 By relief afforded in 11 ['me& continuous and per manent throughout the year, Ito 11, OS 12 Relief anorded in 11 carer, •Ilne Ins than a year; averaging 24 mocks to each rose, 13 to 23, 210 78 Relief Antonio] in sundry eases, immediate, with. on t regal dto tittle, 24 to 41 Inclusive, 102 50 Sundry persona for comas and funeralexpap ea, 4.S to SS, 45 50 Suna.yhysiclads for services fur out door . pore, 59 to 70, 171 CO Directors for sundry out door sort Ices, 71 to It, 71 34 J. Morrison, for 62 to 6.3, ft/ 35 Also for bri nging in pasta.: sand. furuisited, Remo al nod De'lieu. Filo It, By sundry constables and othors, for bringing psoprne to Wove, Ito 9, 33 00 Sundry Justices of the Pence, for writing orders, 10 to 13, 17 05 V 7 85 Mizcellancous and Incidental. Fib I. Ily good. pertons, for shoemaking, No. Ito 0, 30 79 " stone Cool, 56% tong, 9tol ', 115 39 31. S. Hart igun, tin-n ate, Ac., 13 & 04, 3507 11. T. 15 In te, commissions, 15, 87 11 I, A. Myers, bal. on contract, &c, 16 A 17, 53 59 Eldon. Doyle. coffins, (balance) 18, 40 72 Sundt y p 1 .80113, for !somas tottor, 10 & 20, 73 09 a instil ones fees, 21 & 22, 40 00 Not,h and Whitt:ll,er, pub. annual op., Lc., 21, 37 00 Wm. Len is, 2 1, 36 00 " n John lattz, 23, 30 00 G. G, Tote, fob compensal ion to 311.1. Tote, as mot tun s Sundry Persons, for solidi ten, sOOO 00 1000 00 1000 00 000 00 000 00 ar/ 00 "5'2 /6 2. 2 'lO Dy 11 - 01. Moore, La Ids son %Ices as director, 323 00 0,001. reightal, 1:14 40 " di Jae Ilendetson., 100 29 ,r S. Hacked°, la, .. IS 00 Dr. 11001. Hai td. fur his Aar, inns as attend. Dl* 1.. chin, (inelnding hoar 1) 131 03 11. Brewster. fo: his sorrier. as clerk, 50 00 A. W. Brundict, ~ conumel, 20 00 1000 00 7030 52 r. IPA 71 000 MEM ell 43 By 0. U. Tato . , Crs 4.0004 , 4,dd:11W in Jill acct. , C,S7 71 ESE CII 42 83 00 112 bu.ltels a hest ; 120 bushels oats : 1,000 linshele corn (in e. 11.); bushels potatoes; 6 bushels cloverseed ; 25 bushels unions; 4 bushels soup beaus; 19 tons hay; 10 loads corn fodder; 4.000 heads cabbage, (suit of which pt pmt was made 1 ton esl/111...t); 10 bIISILON turnips; 10 bushels beets; 15 !indicts parsnips; 1,400 lbs pork; coo lbs bet; bison; Loin stillidNit to mate. 15 1 ) 1.1, )1113; 2,0 chickens, 9.."2, 7J 100:,3 670 G 24 9) 20 04 4 shit ts, 51, cFmv.c, Ul dreses, 58 pairs p 20 piths dump's, 51 pairs sort, or stockings, 24 lest,, 0 bud lips, i bolster flips, 5-1 apripis, S towelS, SS slo,ls, l i coinforts.lso (vollolliiiiindssoil sir en), 72 Corn broinor, 50 ale 0,001,1, 200 picir hatrlics f o r use of the coal rrgiun. riliOleCi 7 ouldt row, 23 t: task hog, 1 hreraiug • , w, 873 busheht %theta, 000 bushels co: n, 270 bushels potatoes, 0 bushels clot erred, 13 bu-hels outoum, 1 bush• beano, 10 hushrts turnips, 10 bushels beets, 13 bushels paisnip., 11 tort hay, 10 loads coin toddot. about. 7,300 heels edhbar. 1 ton about 3,000 Ib4 I„.d. ;,,yA Ib, put I:, rot 0 bt oomi. 130 lu,holo, 30 Site 110111 i s. 709 pick Laudlrs , 2 lititittatiell uogmt3, 1111..3. I apt in; Wage!, aud harness, 3 plott•s, 2 doubts shame) i toes, 1 elnglu shovel plots:. 1 hay tube, 1 thaw horse eul Utah:l . , t cant, / lond eq. t, 1)0 did:hens, 1 fal lacy, top d. •mli not of tip 6 me, and if th; Ltrztl, nn 1e v lototr.. d or t00te1m.3.11,, Ic. for trve el “hloortl, o. loltov, 110: butte, 07.7*:,; ; can. ; sl.2i, Mot) urn tthk.l to P. 11,111 to (fm nl-r) ~it of the home to muount of $50,41. Statement or °trout A out of the Ima,h to sundry out loot pauper=, oc.n..ionally. nml ehidL dory net eth Itit app...n In this repent. vt : To the Wintt,ll funny, We. the undersigned, Auditors of the cormty of Hunt himloll, do hereby eel lily that we have examined the or ders, Sonde, 0, tteentlitts,.t.c., of the Directors of the Poor of said county, and find the vamp to he corn net es Whore stated : And we do further find, tint. on examining the Tr ensurerer account, ire hag pad on Poor House or ders since last statement the runt of 51715,25, of which taunt., the stun or $211,24 woe expended on sc.:Mints of the year 1861, making total expenditures of 1802 (so far ns paid) Silnottlit to tire sum of 4130-1,01. Leaving intlance out standing for year 1862, taint.. $683.01 . HORATIO 0. FISHED, Auditors. MILTON 11. SANGIik:I3, Huntingdon, Feb. 4, ISO 3. EISEN kTEWARD'S STATEMENT G. G. TATE. Stoward, in coconut mint Huntingdon County Alms House, Dom Dcc. 1, 1)61, to Dec. 2,1552, inclusive • DR. To trance in his hands at I.ut set Bement, Amt. than n from tieas'y at various times, Call received tram 'rations sources, vtti From Win. Moore, in the Walls Case, Pedlar, fur tin keg stfist chickens, P.lluricet, for 2 pigs sold to him, Mit ton, for his bill, • Redford Co., a house, J. Henderson, Esq., Judge Patton, to Humbargor case, Mifflin County Alnts 110113 V, fur Roping And Camp. bell, 6 90 Samuel Peiglital, Esq., 61 Dinh County Alms llonso, 9 GO D. Dergstresser, far bllfEllo titles, 5 57 Tal lulls maces, 0 19 1578 18 10080 18 7721 40 1987 77 MEM Out Door Expenses. Filo 0. D EMS! l'roJ [lc ta uf the Facet I= IIM!181MIO MOM= =I mble fionol, extra : :, ,, 1.54; ';;.;,; to tho family, fatittlx, 2, G 3: Alan,x% as to the Rani. latollz., .2,00; to 6.k010,1 ivott 11%.1) , doting titc t~ ~ i )=SMI I:=IIM 7R »__ _E • 1 3 , ....' U4-I~>4k u: J 7.; ± 'l.:t 218 =2 ';', Li BLi Li I? t?, ti• '.4'd ':';';'!RL .s .;,';-'.;-=. - i - , , ,:J.V.rz '»c:ocmo~ ~~H~~~. CR. BY SUNDRY EXPENDITURES FOR USE OF MUSD AS PIM moyrniN STAIII)IDNTS, Numbered 1 to 12: • Monthly Statement No. 1. December. ' lly cri.du paid removing pauper', traveling expel.. es, de., $ 927 Coll paid fur relief :mildly wayfaring purrs, 2 53 du Huldry Mllll:—lnitarring, Sc., . 512 do Freight 'II I'. 11. hoed, 1 57 do , ptedage, 111 du miscellaneous,- 2 75 Monthly StAtemen t \0. 2. 3anual y. By cash paid removiug pauper., tr.o cling expatis ..s, Cash paid tolinf6lll4l. liayfaring Wm. l Plum, for m al,Mg broom., do Peter Myra, for po.ltago stamp% &c., do nth nth lei, 31onthly Statement No. 3. nbrnnry, By cash paid tlaveling l expellees, unloving pan pers Ily cal paid relief Imud. wayfaring paupers, do It might on P. It. Rood, • do Peter Myers for postage atangil, do niisculfincou 522 69 Monthly Statemont So. 4. March. By cash paid B. S. Jenny, Jr., for Order . Book, do midi y persons for rislieg, do expenses going after the Quarry family, do do to Huntingdon for p topers, do do going to :dam county, do titivating expenses, removing pan pees, 80., 4 65 Cad, paid relief to wayfaring paupers. 2 83 do miicullaneous expenses, 8 61 $33 67 'Monthly stateumt Igo. 5. April Ily cash paid G. Forteine, of Pittsbyrg, 83 25 do John Swan for potatoes, 12 02 do 5.5 p,,,,,c5 Ong to Carbon and ,TA toenships, 3 80 Cash fur expenses going to MeConnelstown, 3 55 do to ()ratline Stiller at sand. times, 2 50 do traveling expenses, i emo‘ing paupers, dc., 205 do relief to wayfaring paupers, 2 50 do • fur postage stamps, 157 do f,r fionitlit on P. it. Road, 3 50 - do miscellaneous, 4 42 Monthly Statement No. G. May. By cash paid expenses going to retersburg and elseu here, S 00 Cash paid removing pauperq, traveling expenses C C.:, Cash paid relief to 1,1.3 faring pauper*, do - freight on P. li. Road, 1 56 do postage stamps, 1 23 do miscellaneous, 175 FED t", ~Sll 11 Monthly etnternent No. 7. June lly cash paid expenscs bringing M. Campbell from WarriOrSDlfilk, 710 Cash, going to Huntingdon and tickets for pan • $977 61 pees; 3 25 Cash expenses seeing after the Gray's family, 2 25 do) emoving paupers, traveling expenses, .le., 285 Cash expenses I'. Ayers for postage stamps, 1 20 du miscellaneous, 200 $lB 05 Monthly Statement No.B. July. By caAl paid P.R. Road freight on coal. Lc., 12 57 do 'Win. Nickels for keeping Eqtep family, 400 do locuovlng paupers, tramaliug expeus e,, Sc, 7 :15 Cash NIA for posing° stamps, 1 05 do • miscalluueous, IC2 $436 64 $2O 69 Monthly Statement No. 9. August. By cash paid expenses going after Ter. Mul ry, 2 60 do unloving paupers, traveling imports. c., de, 4 05 Cash paid for postage, 1 36 do miscellaneous, 3 00 Monthly Statement No. 10. September. By coati paid r0i1.% jag paupers, traveling oxpeua es. 47 Cacti paid fo , relief wayfaring paupers, 215 do P. Suers for postage, 1 04 do mi.cellaneons, 75 EINCEI Monthly Statement No. 11. October. 13y cash paid for boots and shoes for paupers, do expenses going to Bedford, do Granius Miller at sand. times, do isa, cling expenses, removing paupers $2l 07 )luntlkl3 Statement Nu. 12. November. / $1,1.G b 5 By oasis paid expenmes to Waterstreet idler pauper, 355 do I', It, hood Co. freight on coal, 000 do tiareltug expenses, remoing pau per., &0., II 33 Cash paid selloff(' wayfaring pauper, GO sahlr) as Eteu :lid or thu house, It, tchliznony of the correctness of tho nbovu account and stilt emit, uo do Itureuuto bet our-bands this second day of December, A. D. 1862. pISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. 20, 23 00 27 to 45, 153 48 Notice is hereby given that the firm of Shively & Elli ott haq been dissoh ed,by mutual consent, nod the books of quid Jinn ore In the hoods of W. F. Wilson for settle ment, in the 110 W store of s.lllvely & Bruner. All persons !clam trig theluialrea indebted will please colt and settle thvir to:county =I AI anted by tile in*, firm, 10,000 bushels c bent, for %%bidh the hig,lnlt pi ice will be paid; also, apples and all hind of produce taken in mcliange by . . Poter.btirg, 3ati, 27, ISr,3 p F EAL ESTATE all SALE. I, The sulPictiber, tottee appointed by the Orphans' Collit of Ilnuttugdon county to sell the unaccepted por tion of the teal estate of Thenms Lloyd, Into of the toun hhip of Walker, di:Cal., will offer for sale on the promises. On Thursday, the 19th of February, 1863, EEO All O.nt eel hit, poi lion (being poi port A on marked on too inquibitiOn) of lho real estato of the sold Thomas Lloyd, &teased. situate in Om too 'whip of Walker, ad' Joining lands or John McColnueo intro. John Ber's heirs , OrliNon's heirs, 'Bunco If. Lloyd, Benjamin (Bof fins, and Boy other purport (hying poi pan B) of thu real estate of the ;not &Ceased. now owned by nenry Lloyd Cont.dtdol, One Ilundied and thin ty•too Acres nod FM Po cite,. TEIDIS OF 5.U.1:.—0ne-thisd of the ptuchn4o money to be paid upon the. POllll Imation of the bale, and tire tees ,tan Lt tot, pay tuentli with h tevest, to be Pe enroll by OW 11101tgagoorpnlenlent of the purch,mer. .7.lcCoonoll4tom n, LIVISChTON 11011/1, Jalam y 21, 11GJ. Tr eaten 1)U13 1;110 SAL The enb•miber will rail at.PUBLIC SALE at Ilia roe Jualata to‘‘ltlip, Ituutin,g‘ton county, On Tuesday, 10th February, 1863, lLc follott ing Pelsonal VI °peak, to or it• nxe head al horsoi, one fresh cow. rifle good large breed ing cot, uric Racket, ow Boggy and hArlie,s for either double or sitsjd. 1 fortr.l,m, wagon, 1 too-horse wagon, I gled, l largo capper kettle, I lion kettle, 1 set Black smith tools. 1 gri nd -stone, I paw-mill saw, I fonr foot torr ent LAW, I t ille gun.] gold notch, 1 thirothlng machine. mired fodder catier,l o trimming noll,l tolling screen, topple mill, 1 side saddle, plows, hoo.epoir x lt ry by the ton, coot fodder 1. the. 1,,1. and a groat unity other at 01.44 too 11111111,0 U to mention. No t.. cmnoo•n.a.Lt 9 o'dook, A. SI. A re,Souabk cludil pill b, gi‘,o. Jon:, MFG 4313, A netiont,r. Juniata ton n'hip, Jan. 13, 15634 pUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. .o:Aracocm...tmominff="ved.] 1u pawn°ce of all order of the Orlilt me' 0011 t of Ft on tinglon connty,ltttll offer at public sale on the promises On Friday, the 20th of February, next, all that certain fat ra and tract of land, late the estate of Mat tin Litallusolccetufed, situated in Ilendereou tin 110141. al:011t lii ee milts east of the borough of Huntingdon and 5n I thin, one mile of tho Penna. Railroad and Canal. boun ded on the north by I tad of D tvid Rupert, on the ea.d by land of John (fralitt. , , on the south-coot by land of Adam linnet t. junior, and the heirs of l'redern h Feltnei dar, deed.. and on the math-Herat by land of ,aid School der's heirs, containing about 210 Aerec, more or lean. of Lich about %acres are cleared :Intl under fence, and rho renittue hell timbered, having [hereon two log dwolling Iton,ci. a log fdable, a veil 'of good cater, an ern hard of onng Hirt, ing apple trees and °Hog' hula orements, TEII.3IS OF SAl.E.—One.third of the pmchaso money to lie pant on the coon muntont or the sale ; one-third to one 3an out the ronmming one-third in 'no yenta there alter with inlet eat, to be secured by thin judgment bonds of the pnrChaier. moomenCe at 10 o'clock, P. V., on quid day. =I pdBittlio,T(l •sltx moduli MEM 1233 =I Jan.'27,15G3.-tr, NOTICE. Perbno9 holding my Cheeks aro requested to pro ;7,,t them Immetthttely as I ant prepared to redeem Shunt in any 111110110 i. S. COJIN, Coffee Bun. gem „, „,„ uo.tpuo :;" QTR 1Y SHE EP.- Caute to the premises of the undemigned in Clay tea [AIM, 5 stray a bite about 3 mouths ago.— The [Jame is requested to come forward, plOiro property, pay chat yes and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to lay:. JOHN ANTIIOSY HOFFMAN. Jan. 01, Iscz.4 =M MEE A DAIINISTRNTRIX NOTICE.- [Eqtate of George Householder, deed.] Letter, of administration Irving Levu grouted to the unders,gnea. on the estate of Oeorge Householder, Into of Tod townilllp. deed. All persons knowing themselves itttlebt.l to .aid eitato ore remte•dea to make immediate payment. and those having chums, to present them prop erly authenticated, for settlement. lIOUSEHOLMR, Condo html!,, Huntingdon County, January 21, ISOI-61. Penna. RIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a it of Vend. Exp. to too dirtied, I pill expos° to public sale, on the premises iu Tod township, Huntingdon county, ¢ 75 00 43 62 On Tuesday, the 24th February next, nt 2 o'clock, P. M., the lotion ing real estate, to All the defendant's light, title and interest In nod to one lot of ground situato in Tod too nship, Huntingdon county, Tenon, adjoining land of John NV. Scott and Jos. NVilson, having the' eon elected ono two story frarno hawse, painted ss into, ono fount stable nod other out building, Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as tho property of A. J. Dunlap. tIEO. NV. JOHNSTON, Sheriff. Siirniree OFFICE, 1 . Huntingdon, Jan. 21, 1863. J . 26 0 4 75 250 0 ;35 31 53 4 00 9 50 SALE.—By virtue of a )3 writ of Icy Flteiln to me directed, lit 111 expose to pub. tic aolo dr outcry, at the Court Howse, in the borough of Huntingdon, ME On Thursday, the 26th February next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following property,' to wit: All that certain inessuago or tract of land situate In Crass touroldp. Huntingdon county and Stale of Pennsyl vania, containing ono hundred and twenty acres and al lowance of six per cent. for roads, Sic., adjoining lands formerly of Robert Speer, deed, and others (tieing the same tract of land which by deed dated 15th Dec. 1855, was sold and CIMINO) ed by David Clarkson,trustee,to mal,o sale 01 the real estate of the said Robert Speer, deed., to the said Jacob Cie...ell and iterate L. Scowls.) Together ith all and singular, the bnildings, Implovements, {I sods, ways, waters, water courses, ka. Seized, taken In execution, and to IA soul as the property of Jacob Cress. la ell and lloraro L. Brown. GEORGE W. JOHNSTON, Sheriff. ESE 0 35 331 5 00 1 86 1 00 RECRUITS.WANTED LIZII 49TH REGIMENT, P.T. 3 75 1 25 14 10 3 00 The undersigned, in ngeordance with General Orders, Ileitilvarters of the Army, and under tho direction of Capt. wm. B. Lane, General Superintendent of Reunit ing Sea vice far the State of Pennsylvania, hits opened a Recruiting Office in thu brick building opposite tho Rs change Hotel on Raihorul Sheet, in the borough of Hun tingdon, ts hum o lie will enlist men for'tlio 49tlt Regiment, P. V., nose in the field. 4Z , 525 haunt-, and $.l premium, to addition to all oth er bounties offered by the Government. For further Info motion, call at the Recruiting Office. J. BLANCH. MILES, Nljor and Recruiting Officer, OM Regt., f. V. Huntingdon, Jan. 21, 1863. 7 75 3 85 5 50 3 42 2.5 CALL at D. P. C WIN'S if -you Nvan,t rathloccnblo Good" tsioAL BUCKETS and Shovels, 1„.) tor sale by 3 . 4.0,s A. DROWN, MD =I ME Ma EEI $1270 400 00 MEM SAMUEL PEW WEAL, .1 AAI ES MEN DERSO:I- Directoi a, S. J. MACKEDORN, =BB= I= DANIEL AFRICA, Executor TO FILL UP TILE HOOPS! HOOPS ! ! Good 12 and 14 Net !loops wanted, fur which the hilliest pelt° alll boyald. Gael) on delivery. P. McLlelf N k CO., Ne. 119 Wainut Street, Philadelphia. Dec. 31, 1302.-1 m FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS ! 110E3T. KING,' MERCHANT TAILOR, Hill St , one door west of Carman's Store, =EI GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. Ills assortment G 0.111119 of c4onfs, PLAIN AND BANcT VESTINGS, the neatest and best that could be found In the city, ell of %Illicit ho alit take pleasure in exhibiting, and making up to order. It still cost nothing to call end examine his goods. Call 800 n. Iluutingdon, Oct. 7.-3 m, FALL AND WINTER ARRIVAL ! Win. MARCH & BROTHER, HARKLESBURG, PA., ILtro Just opened a large, now, and unsurpassed stock of Foreign and Domestic Drploodq, of all kinds and quali ties. embracing overytbing in that lino. Also, a consplote assortment of 0 ROCERIES, rentorhobly cheap, with good weight and fair monsure, together with QUEENSWARE, STON'EWATtE, HARDWARE, ROOTS & SHOES, &C., &C., &C., and all the various other matters usually kept In a Coun try store, so that the inquiry is not " What has March ds Brother got," but " What base they not I" Doing satisfied that their large and complete stock of the above named goods cannot be excelled in quality, quantity or cheapness in this section of country, We re specttully ask a trial, feeling satisfied that a liberal pa tronage us ill be extended towards us, by all nho are In need of good at tides at low pi ices. Our motto is '•quick sales and small profits." We repertfully request the patronage of all, and es pecially our 'hough Creek Valley filends. FA or) thing taken in exchange for goods except promi. tip - Cash paid for all kinds of grain, for which the hight,t market prices will be given. WILLIAM MARCH & BRO. Markloshurg. N0v.19, 1.962. Only ;1,25 a Year in Clubs of Four.S2 ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE FOR 1863. VOLS. XXI and XXII. EDITED DV T. S. ARTHUR and VIRGINIA F. TOW SEND. ——..o— Contains Novelots. Stories, Poetry, Fashions, Steel and Wood Engra‘ Ind, Needlework Patterns In great variety, a Mother s' Department, Children's Department, House keepers' and Health Departments, with literary reviews, and till the accessories of n lirst.class Magazine. Tiro Lady's Book bears thin flattering testimony to the Char actor of ARTHUR'S 11031 E 3IAGAZINE: -As we have often before said, it la without contro versy, the best .c 2 lilngazine published in tho country; and this is the strongly outspoken testimony everywhere given by the press. We know of no petiotlicat that so well deserved the prat.° bestowed. The editors never fire in their altos to to give, each month, a rich and.varied lit. any repast to their senders. Their work is kept fully up to the intendant of their promise, Is never dull, yet always full of Instruction. e have often said, and re. peat it again, that it should make a part of the reading of every household. We know of no better educator of the ;ample, 3 ming and old, Of the editors we need not sped:; their names end household words all over the country. its thew hands no piniedical can fail to reacts the highest imlnt of excellence." A now zonal. by 'l', 8. ARMOR, will be commenced in the Janiriry manlier, ['ltal.] -inn IN TUE WOULD." Ears and Elegant Premiums Air ant to all alto make op Clobv :-1, A largo Photo. graphic copy of that splendid engras log. "SIIAKSP.C.II I E. AND LISS CoTOIPOR11,11 , 8." A large Photographic copy, .Itorn an englaning at liuntington's c:lebrated Picture. “31cacr'a Pm:Am." 3. A cupy of Iletting's ~C ICISIPsE OF AN ENGLISH Tk.fltllS —s2 n} ear. in wham,. rid one 'muffin. , plale. Tuu copka, $3. Thu ye flat $4. hour for $3. Eight, and one to getter-up of club. $lO. One of the pentium plates sent to every getter-up of a club, small or huge. 'lire, red stamps must ho sent to pay tlf, po-klage on each pre mium. Athll est, T. S. ARTHUR. .1 323 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEMEMC , P u 9 Vii N E Cei R. A. O. KERR, ALTOO\TA, PA., AG ENT 0 L 7 FOR BLAIR AND lIENTINGDON COUNTIES. s,Kosquk. garrialla • THESE MACHINES ARE ADMIT- A_ tea to be this best ever offered to the public, and thew. supellordy tv satisrdeterily established by the fact that in the loot eight years, OVER 1,400 MORE, of these machines have been sold than of any other man• ufartat cd, and more medals have been awarded the pro pt tetors by different Faits nod In.titn les than to any oth ers. TllO Milelllllo3 are %,arrantcol to do all that Is claimed for them. They ere now in 1100 In sevpral families In Al toona, end in el cry case they giro snare satisfaction. The Agent titers those desiring information as to the impel lorlty of tho Machines, to A. W. Benedict, Joseph Watson, IL li. Tot ner and B. B. Beitlentan. The Machines can be seen and examined at the atoro of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine. silver plated, glass foot and nett• slylo Hemmer—s 66. No. 2, ornantentel bronze. glass foot and new aty lo Hemmer—VS. No. 3, plain, with old style Ileinmer—sl:. (Oct. '21,1862-Iy. 1863. 1863. H. ROMAN. N El 9 CLOTHING FOIL PALL AND WINTER, JUST RECEIVED • AT lI.'ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. Far Gentleman's Clothing al ilia best material, and made In the best wellananlike manner, call at H. ROMAN'S, opposite the Franklin House lu Market Square, Hunting. den, Pa. Huntingdon, Oct. 28, 1862. GOODS REDUCED TO OLD PRICES! FISHER & SO Have just Opened and offer to the Public, SPLENDID• STOCK WELL SELECTED NEW GOODS, REDUCED PRICES TIM PUBLIC Will please call and examine our Goods FISHER & SON Oct. 21, 1562 NEW STOCK. OF GOODS, EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO CALL AT S. S. SMITH'S STORE, ON lIILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PENNA TILE nEsr SUOA'P and MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA and CHOCOLATE. FLOUR, FISII, SALT and VingAte, CONFECTIONERIES. CIO ARS nail TOBACCO. SPICES OF THE BEST, AND AhL RINDS. and every other article µwittily fuund toe Grocery Store ALSO— Drum Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Turnialme. Oils end Sots. Tarpon;lnv, Alcohni. Glass end Putty, DST WINE and BRANDY for medical purpoeee. ALL Tlll vEsT PATENT 31EDICINES, BOCITS AND DIIONS, and a large number of articles too ritunerons'to mention The public generally Neill please call and examine I'm themselves and learn my prime. IL B. EISSITIL. Ifuntlnirden, Oct. 29, 1I 2. }TOWARD ASSOCIATION, pinT,ADELpuTA: A Benevolent institution established by epeciat Budotomnej for the Relief of the .ywk and Distressed, ejUeLed wad Virulent and Eiidemic,Diseasu, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of, Ver Sexual Organ:. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Vale Lie Reports on Spermatorrimea.and other Inseam* of the Svxnal Ormolu, and ou the new Remedies employed in the Dispensary, vont to the afflicted In sealed' letter en. velopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for poster will he acceptable. Address, Mt. J. SULLEN 1101101ITOIsi, Adtleg Stir. goon, lionnrd Astciation. No. 2 South Ninth Btroet,„fflttls odeiphia, Pa. By' order of the Directors. EZRA D. HARTWELL, Pr Wink OEO. Seurelary. Dec. 31, 1562.—1 y. 11- 130:NIINISTRATOR E 'S NOTICE, [Estate of John Montgomery, deed.] Letters of Mini'nlBoo6oll upon the estate of Sohn, Montgomery Intent Union township, Huntingdon county. deed. baying been granted to the inuiersigned, all persons having claims against the estate are requested to present them to the undersigned. and all persons indebted AM make immediate pity ment. SAMUEL 3111,GER, 31apleton, Dec. 23, 1n62-6L• Adminletrator, CASSIJIERES, and FOR PRESENTS: TO PLEASE AND INSTRUCT YOUR CHILDREN, CALL AT LEWIS' B•)OK AND STATIONERY STORM- FALL GOODS, JUST OPENED AT 'A. B. CUNNINGHADV.S. A LARGE STOCK AND FULL ASSORTMENT, AT PRICES TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. CALL AND EXABIINE FOR YounsßLY2l SILVER AND GOLD, AND ALL PAPER ON GOOD BANKS & INDIVLDUALS4 Taken at Par in Exchange for Goode The highest prices pelt' hi clew!' . for all kinds a COUNTRY PRODUCE. A. B. CUNNINGHAM'S- STORE.. Ituutiugdon, Oct. 28, 1862, SUBSCRI PTION AGENT. At JAY COOKE & Co., Bankers, 114 South,Third Street, PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1, 1862 The undersigned haying been appointed B1111SC1tIP• TION AGENT by the Secretary of tho Treasury, is now prepared to furnish, at once, the New Twenty Year 6 per et. Bonds, of the United States, designated as ' "FivesTiC'entlea,. re• deniable at the pleasure of the Goverment, after five years, and authorised by Act of engross, approved Yekv rnary 25th, 1662. The COUPON BONDS aro llama In sums of $5O, SIOQ. $5OO, ond $lOOO. The REGISTER BONDS In Sums of $5O, $lOO, $604, $lOOO, and $5OOO. Interest at Six por cent= per Ullllllll WIH cOIIIWINaIIti. from date of pureliaso and Is PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi-Annually, Which is equal at the present premium an Gold, to about MOUT PEE CENT. PER ANNUM. Eat mere, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitallsts, and nil who have soy money to invest. should know and remember that theso Bonds are, in effect, a ri RST MORTGABE up on all Railroads. Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities, and the immenso pioductu of all the Manufactm es. he., Sc.. in the country and that the full and ample, provision malt fir the payment of the interest and liquidation of princi pal, 53 Customs Dka, Excise Stamps and Internal ltuv 511110, Si IWs tO rilnk in ll BUIPIS the Best, Most Available, and Most Popular Investment in the Market Snlnerlptions received et PAR In Legal Tender Note', or notes and checko of banks at l'ar in Philadelphia :nbscitbers by wail will receive pi ompt attention, and every facility and explanation will be afferdeLlon %Vie 4 tion et this office A. toll supply of floods still be kept on bond for Wm► diate deltvery JAY COMP,' Dee. '2, 11,62-31 u , READING RAIL ROAD, WINTER ARRANGEMENT REAT TRUNK LINE FROM THU North nod North-Wegt for rint.ADripmA, Nzw• Tons. WEADINO, POTTEVILLE LEDEON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON. Lc.. &e. Trains leave 11Aantsaurta tilt PnIIADELPHIt. NmYomt, Itrodia. PorTSVILLn, mot all Into - an:4lMo SlatWm, at 8 A. M.; and 200 P. M. NEn-Yung 1.:41,mq; team lIARRISOMICI at 3.16 A. 11., am riving at New-YORK nt 60,60 the same morning. Pared from 115nnisnunci; To Nov-Your, $515; to Puma ATALPIItn, 53 35 and 54 80. Ilagg3o, chocked through. Retaining. leave Ara-Yong at 0 A, 31 , 12 Noon, and 7 P. 31., (Prrisaunan EXPI{E39.) Learn I'UILADI.LPIIIA 41 16 A. M., and 3.10 P. 31. Sleeping cart, in the Nelvlions. Eames TRAINS, through to and from PITTSIIURGII Passengers by the CATA.LBSi hail Road leave Poatt CLINTON at 5.15 A. 51., for PIIIIADELPIIIA and ail Interme diate Stations; nod at 3.251'. 31., (or PIIILARELPIIIA, New- YORK. and nil Way Points. Trains leave POTTSFILLEa 9.15 A. M., and 2.30 P. IL, for Puicsunessra and Now-Yotut; and at 5.141 P. 117, rof Anomie and Pone CLINTON only. connecting for Pime Cauca and with the CATtIVISSA Hall Hood; and returning (cone BEADING at 5.15 A. 51.. for Porno-axe. An Accommodation Paegenger Train leaves - 11m1no al 8.30 A. A. and returns from PnILADELPIIIA a 4.30 P. M. .0r- All the above trait. run daily, euttdays excepted. A Sunday train km , . PoTTSTILLE nt 7.3 U A. M., au 2111LADELPIIIA at 3.15 P. M. COMMUTATION, MILEA , M, SEASON, and EXCUILTION at reclined rates to and from all points. G. A. NICOLL% General Superintendent. Nor. 25, 1802 _ _BEM PENNSYLVANIA RAILi ROAR, TIME OF LEAVING OF TIIAINS WESTWARD. EASTWARD i.; f N ,S. r ' 3 , v r '''' 1 STATIONS, , 0 r r. ''''' " ... ,• malt 4 L.,. 01 . z z tg ,>. ?,i ' il n • r: zo P. M.l P. M. A. 31 A. N. I P. rd.l I. M. A. 1.16, 6 17 N. Hamilton,.. .„ 1 Mk 525 531 Mt. Union,... 11 . 31 . 137 535 ' Mapleton, 1. 2* 6 43 Mill Creek,... 1 14 5 59 7 14 050 602 Huntingdon, 11 07 5 21 107 Pelersbnrg,... 10 53 17 47 0 23..,... Boma ~ ... ..... 12 39 6 31 0 31 SmucaCce.d., lo 40 ... 12 33 6 49 tlirmingiugn, 12 18 6 58 0 55 Tyrone, 10 18 12 17 7 08 Tipton, 12 07 7 14 F05t0ria....,.. 11 55 7 19 1 7 15 Bell's Mis,- 10 00 11 51 7 40 8 30 8 201 7 35 A1t00na,....... 9,44 49515 36 P. 31.1 P. 6. e. 31.1 4.N. P. 3e. .t. W. P. XI; -:0:- - N DON & BROAD TOD 1,17 rCIIANOII OF SCHEDULE. - lay, November 19th, 1802 ; ru.sea md depart as follows: II U It , Ou and ac ger. rains N UP TRAIL STATIONS A. E P. M. ven'tt Morn'g Mora'g It veal AD M. P.M. P.M. 1 IDINGS. Le 340 Ls 7 20111untlogdon, lAn 12 801 As 14 4 00 7 40 llleConnellstown 12 10 411, 4 08 7 48 Pleasant Grave, 12 02 44 4 24 8 04 Marklusbarg, 11 46 25 4 40 8 20 Col Tee Run, 11 30 13 4 481 8 2611longh & Ready, 11 22 OG 6 03 8 40 Cove, 11 10 7, 60 6 01 8 44.11'hher's Summit, 11 06 7 45 5 99 1 09 9 99qaxton ~. „, LE 7 80 5301 X 9 10 I ` 1 —''AR 7 20 6 451 ' 9 351 I 11iddlesburg,.„ ...... ... 10 251 650 AP, 5 561 AR 9 45111opeaell , LE 10 15 1" 6 45 --- to 9 1019axton ...... ...... ...... An.lo 60 0 32 , C6aIntont. 110 30 0 401C1 a‘‘ ford, 10 26 ......lAn.lO 00 Dudley, to 10 16 1 I • !Bread 'fop City, I • pAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER V! Tracing Paper, Impreaalon Paper, Drawing Paper, Ducal Papfr, Time Pam, Ellk Paper for Flowers, Sertarotea Paper, Brintot d0,r44 Flat Cop Peper, Foolscap Poper, Letter Paper. Commercial Note Paper, Ladles' (lilt Edged Lefler and Nei. parka, ' 'Ladles' Plain and Fancy Not• Paper, White, apd Colored Cord Popper, in Pocks and Sheath. For sale at LEWIS' BOolt. Stationery and Iloilo Rom. ADIES ! ATTENTION!!' 13ALM ORALS, a handsome 1 I knell heaved Wm, lees 2 "irfeTk> b yMOP Ai OM: TRE FIRST .FOR BARGAINS, CALL AT Office of JAY COOKE, Subbc t iptiun Ascot. TING tILEOAD.—( ter Wedneial will arrive ar NS. i DOWN. TRAINS
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