HEAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GININ. Oct. '2l, 1562. LANKS ! BLANKS ! BLANKS ! MSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACII'T EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, I EXECUTIONS, SU3IMONS, DEEDS, SUBIRENAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR ROUSES, NATURALIZATION WKS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, v,ith a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, pith Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, for Justices of the Peace Dud Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. SCIERE F ICIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for Stale, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. Printed an superior paper. and for Belo at tho Office of tho HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, yoiuted to order, neatly, at abort notice, and on good Paper. SONGS AND BALLADS, &C., The Dime Melodist, The Dime Song Book, No. 1, The Dime Uition Song Book, The Dime Military Song Book, The Anzerican Dime Song Book, Yankee Doodle Songster, Songs for the Union, The Stars and MN:pc.? Songster, Dizey's Essence of Burnt Cork Songster, Gus Sham's Comic Songs, Berry's Comic Songs, The Shilling Song Book, .Corer's Irish Songs, Dime Book of Fun, Dime Book of Etiquette, IcCW Di2llC _American Joker, The Dime and other Novels, The Dime Letter Miler, The Dime Dream Book, The Dime Dialogues, Kos. 1 d• 2, The Dime Speaker, Kos. 1 & 2 The Dime Cook Book, The Dime Recipe Book For sale at LEWIS' 1.1001:, Sr&TIONERV AND Music SlonE pAPER PAPER !! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Pape!, Tissue Paper, • Silk Paper for Flowers, Perforoted Papm•, ]tttstol Board, Flat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, Letter Paper, Commercial Nolo Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies Plain and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, i u Packti and Sheets, For tale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. ENVELOPES Wholesale and Retail 50.000, BEST QUALITY WIIITE, BUFF, ORANGE, AND FANCY Just maim] and for Bala at LEWIS' BOOK STORE PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND SMALL PORTRAITS An sus DISTINGUISHED 'OFFICERS AND CIVILIAN!, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' mooK AND STATIONERY STORE PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, LARGE AND SMALL, A FINE ASSORTMENT, FOR SALE AY LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, &C., and BAILEY'S FIXTURES, A hdadmome assortment just received and for solo at LEWIS' 8008, STATIONERY& MUSIC STORE TRACING MUSLIN, DRAFTING AND DRAWING PAM White and Colored Card Paper, For sale at LEWIS' BOOS & STATIONERY STORE. BIRD CAGES, FEED DOSES, FOCNTAINS, \TAMING DISIIEB, AND BRED, FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE CoPISTOLS ! PISTOLS I! lt's, Sharpe', Smith & Wesson's, and all improved patterns of Revolvers, Pistols, Cartridges, porde Knives, Ac. Ac., for sale at the hardware Store of JAMES A. 11120117 N. Huntingdon, N D y 21,15e1 YOU will find the .Largest and Bes assortment of Ladies' Dross Goods at D. P. =INS'. ciALL at the new CLOTHING STORE j of OUTMAN & CO., if you want a good article o' Clothing. Store room in Long 's now building, in the Dia mond, Huntingdon Sept. 9. 1851 A nALL at D. P. ,G WIN'S if you want ,cloody fIOAL BUCKETS snd Shovels, J fe enh Ity JAMES A. BROWN PATRIOTS TO THE RESCUE!! Men Wanted to fill up one of the best Regiments In the Field. rriliE undersigned, in accordance _ff suth Oeneral Older.. Head quart, vs of the Army. and under tho dircrtum of Capt. It. I..noth,rr. General t!uperin tontlent of Root Snore fin Cho ;it tte of PennßNlra nia, has opened a tire aitmg Othco of ATAKIII,EnURG, Huntingdon county, Pa. I am anthot ;red to men for any rerillSlvania Regiment now in the field that iv not ahead). full. bubvietenco and pay to commence flout Site of enlist ment. Sergt. JOHN McLAUGHLIN, 53d Regiment, P. V. Oct '20,1662. On Recruiting Stu rice. FRUIT TREES, SMALL FRUITS, GRAPE VINES, &C., &C. FARMERS' NURSERIES, invito farmers and all mho may be in want of TIILLS and ri.sars to examine onr stoili of THRIFTY WELL GROWN TREES, At greatly reduced pi ices to suit the consisting of APPLES—A. fine stock of the nest approvod at . tie for genPral cultivation—good size and thrifty gron th Pt lce 10 cts. each. .61.9—Clto!ce hind; Strttulard .50 Cf 3., Dp - rtrf 4O cts CIIERTISES—A fine asom tmeut, 40 cis. each. PEACIELS—Our Yttlek of 110adlei is floc , failliai.ing a Mahal of choice varieties of superior excellenve. fuzeelling n succession oft Joe fruit fi oin tho lot of August the lot of October. Pike tour eta. each $0 p er 100 PLII3IS—A hit of the me,t desirable and populm kinds, nice, gi aftca on plum stocks, 50 cts ; on peach stocks, 20 cts. each. APRICOTS-50 cts. each; NECTARINES—'2O cents GRAPE 'VINES of 111, box/ sal a Gm . _ lowest rates, varying in price flout 15 cents to $t each. Any of the new and rare paws, native or foreign, if not on hand, will ho ordered and tutaished at the very hon est rates. CURRANTS, GOOSEBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, &C. Early onion are earnestly solicited. rackages of trees will be delis ered in Huntingdon lies of expense to tbo purchaser. and duly forwarded by the railroad to anyplace lie may designate. Any inquiries by letter respecting stock, prices, de. will reeds c prompt attention. The nurseries rue located 5 miles N. E. flout Hunting don, on the road leading front Huntingdon to Crownoltr Mill, rind ono mile 5. E. from the Wilt in Siaing9. Address Septl7 in NEW CLOTHING AT LOW PRICES. M. OUTMAN HAS JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK' OF NEW FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Which he offers to all who want to be CLOTHED, AT PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES. His Stock consists of Beady-ma Clothing for MEN AND BOYS, ALSO, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AC., SC. Should gentlotnen desire any porticiller bind or cut of clothing not found in the stock ou hand, by leaving their measure they can bo accontinotiateil at shot notice. Call at the cast corner of the Diamond, over Long's Grocery. MANUAL GUTMAN. Huntingdon, Oct. 23, 1512. FOR EVERYBODY. 1862. THE 1862. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF All PAPER Ever Brought to Huntingdon, Is now ready for inspection and sale Book, Stationery and Music Store. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES Than the same article can be bought in Philadelphia or Pittsburg. OUR STOOK . Consists of upwards of Ono Hundred Different Styles YELLOW, ENVELOPES Wall & Ceiling Paper & Bordering, The Parlor, Sitting Room, Dining Room, Bed Room, Hall, Kitchen, Office, Store, Shop, &c., Call at the "Globe" Building, and examine our stock and prices. TO ARMS ! RUH TO TOE STORE OF SIMON COHN, and ACO this new and elegant assortment or Goods he has Just received, consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Qucensware, Hardware, (foliting, Bonnets, Shamir, Hats, Caps, Boots, Mots, and all other articles kept in country stores. which he is offering at his Mammoth Stores. at Coffee Itun Stitt ion. at unusually low In ices. The public arc Invited to call and examine his Goods. Having arrangements with large firms in Philadelphia and other eastern cities, ho is able to buy his goods cheap er than other country merchants, and can consequently. undersell them 1 In exchange for goods, lee fakes alt kinds of country produce at the highest cash prices. Ily strict attention to the NI nuts of customers, lee hopes to receive a continuation of the liberal patronage wills a Islets he has been heretofore favored. Mr. Cohn is Agent of the Broad Top R. R. Co., at ColTeo Run Station, and is prepares! to ship all kind, of 0 t ain to the Er.stern,maikets. liming a large Ware Room, fa, mers can store milli him until ,early to ship. Every con venience Aral ho afforded them. Sept. 10. 1102-If F ANCY FURS, FANCY FURS = illy Furs were purchased in Europe, preview, to the rise in Malmo' Exchange. rind the Now Duty imposed on all Furs, imported fince the first of August. I u cold also state. that as long ns my stock lasts. I in In otter it at prices proportionate to m hat the goods cost rile; but, It will be impossible for mo to Import and Manufac ture tiny more Fats, and soli them at tiro same pikes, oWiuV, tots ) unsettled state of the etTalra of the Count] y. la" item , mber the name, number and street John Parolee, (New l'arStltr, 715 Ai eh Stiect, Philadelphia. gept. 15, 1.8611,-:, riNIIPET Sackn and Fancy 13aslcets a ) rtirlN s. - IMOD NPAR HUNTINGDON, PA I=2 'JESSE (101t6ITC11. Box 1, lltintingdon, tta 1511 LE OS' LOWER PRICES WM AT COFFEE RUN STATION, 301rx FAREIRA, 'lB ARCS Street, .low Eighth, notnli side, Picthrl.Plllo - ,C:Monufaettns 'of and Drain, in all kind. f FANCY FURS, for 1.a.. les' and Children's aeon. I deriro to ray to lay Mends EF Huntingdon awl 10 SllllMlllclilig COlll - 11 - 103 lot I hate now 111 stag an of the letrae 4 l not most brartkrut user; lineal f 01l kinds:lnd oinalitiov 'FANCY FURS.forJ., ort!1 elifithvn's that Dill Lo ticatttlutint:t BANK NOTICE IN pursuance of the 25th Section, First Article of the omelet, d Cowititation of thu State of Pens.) Iva Oa, aria the Filet Section of the Act of the Gen eral A.•eethty tric.,eil the iy of Julie, 10'.10, the ate chinittned cttv,•ur of the ConunouurAlth of Peons IN mita heirby give 11011,, that th , 5 intend to ;nuke application to the Lrgi.latio r of Slate, at It, next ta,•1011, com menting the lit To' ti 1,13 01 if mum y, for the chnt t•n of A Ralik. to be lorateit to tile bocuugh of Datatingthia, in the comity of llautina.ton, mei State aheoaid, to be tatted the " lOW 1D TOD BANK the capital t,tock thei c lif to lu• our Ifaiehril Thou.. not DollatA, and the spec the uluort for aMelt the Puyunul Cl/11101:111011 t3luhe ChM tel.' 14 to tialln.la the 11,111.1 unit Irgituage baqinets of a Boni: uf Dsue, ditii.ount, di po.iit and eNcliange. DAVID BLAIR, I J. GEORGE MII,I 1 0 , JOHN .1. L tWIZENCIT. WILLIAM LEWIS. R It. Wit:TON, ALEXANDER PONT, ROUT. II 11;1: I'ONV ELL, JAMES )1.16 'ARE, DAVID DI,NN, I= June 3, IS6=-Gm BANK NOTICE NTOTICE is hereby given that the un donig...l citizens and 1.04,1114 of Penn.) Iranin 1 1 , 11 e .....ociatol themselves together in pal tnerslttp, and prepared n Cet I dleate tot the Inn inoo of e,tablislntlg Bank of di-etrtittt, depo-It 11.11 , t1. 1 Or I',llC, 1111tIrr Mid in pill 211:11100 oP the in 01 14i,,113 01 al. Aet or the Ghat at.l A.., 11.101 y of the Cominonuealth of Penn%) 1 l aria, pp: 0.011 the 18.1 lily of Mar. A. D. IOGt, 011 I 11411 a -Sothislonnont loan A.llO eeitabliAl a 33010 m of Fire Bank ing. in Penolos Irants. and to 0001110 the 1411/11/0 ,011/11121 1,1,4 hell 111b0i, 111 Banks, applo.ed 3101,11 31 , ,t, 11118." and /lily other lair or blue of ~lid Common.. rahb alpliesble to and be.n log on the ....td. r t, o .l'ne 0,111 1,11) sell 11,01(11 to bo 0:1111.1 e'l HE HUNTINGDON COUNIY BANIf..” to be lorateil 00 the Down:4lo of linnlingdoll, in the Count:. of Huntingdon. :Ind 1,1.110 of 1e1111 , 3 1 1•111101, 01 181 It 011111111 of one bundled and 01010 thet.and dollars. bliares. of 1083 11,,1611 tach, with the light and 1.1 11 11000 of inctesong the sane• to any amount not exceothug three 11181011 ed thousand dollars. 'WILLIAM P. Olißlir'ON, JAMS M. BELL, .sotiN NUOTT,\1 DORRIS. Jrt., ' THOMAS G W. umucEmos July 22, 1562-02. WAR FOR THE UNION NEW ORLEANS, Sr. LOUIS, M EMFII TS, NORFOLK, Ac, TAKEN.—ASHBY SLAIN, AND TILE BACK BONE OF " SECESII " BROKEN But mhile you l ejoice at the btleCC.9 of our gallant hoops, and the prospect of the speedy iION, nllll of the Itebel Atioy, do not forget to call at Mu slot 0 of IVALLACE & CLEMENT, before pot chasing elsewheie, and Poe our IIOW stock goods, consisting of Lt y floods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, RI 1., Crtlele,•l3 TOIL:000, Segars, Haut, bhoulders, Fish, Flour, Salt, and a general nose, tinent of notions, all of stitch aro of ferT, on reasonable lei Ins for cash or produce. Huntingdon, July 1, 1862. J. 11. 0. CORBIN', - ATTORNEY AT LAW, IJUNTINOPON, PA. Office on Hill Stpct Jan.l4, 1862-tr. 11 . ALLISON MILLER, DE TIS T, Ilse removed to the Brick Row opposite tile Coot t House Apt 11 13, 1859. y ® ' E. GREENE, te ~ el • DENTIST. (ti:rfrrfi) Nice on Ihtilroad sheet, 01)1,0911c the Jack eon lintel. Ithoting.l., March 25, 111(2. ITT. WHITE, A TTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, =3 COAL OIL!! COAL OIL!!! 111184 A. llrown Rc.i(fi [ile genuine "PORTLAND RI:RD SIINE.” on COAL OIL, clear ax water. This is the only lmul of oil that gives cntirs salicfaction as MI agent fat light. l3vut;lo of count. Mk and minted cotton our ema an offelrive smell and smol.o. A toga satiety also of COIL OIL LAMPS, Chimney e , Mara, But near, Shrter. &t... sutra at the eery tort est Juices, at the : tele,ll“..ting dun, Va. TrOLLOCK'S DANDELION COP vtlll. This ptepmation. maile from the beq .Tact J.ll.‘ , ivian, uv n h‘q.ci ha. NUTI:11210LIS ItEl'EltAllE for tivnel DLlAlity. Dy10.1, , 1, and 1111 bilious ilkor.h.l s, 1 1 1 011,11111 i W ino bate 10,11 COOlllOlllOl to 111,1101011 tine nice of colico will Into tints N 1 111001 t, titian join, One can coutaini the sticugth of tine pounds of mama* . cotton'. P11001:5 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEYAIN, The purest and 11AI( LXG POWDER known. col in: hinq light, esu•nt and notations liic.id and ealtea Pike 15 celik. N tNt FkelThED fly M. U. Cluon,r, Corner of MOLIII and Cloblid Pln 01,1- lAIII 0, And sold lay all Ihuggista and Giocus 21, ISo2-Iy. rI I IIE ST. LOUIS, CITESTNuT 3 Sheet, between Till.' and Foul th, Philadelphia. The utelet3ie.ned, 1,33 iog lea-id, for a term of )1013, tlik popular lion-c, bare the plea3ttre of .l1111"1111C1 lig In their It tend, and the liar cling community, (lint it is lioW open fur the tereption or gue3t3. I'he hon., since the 111,1 of Match lint, has been entucic tenor attal nod nclit ted inn supetior manner: the anal tniant, ore huge, o ell r 1,11111:thalami turni 3lied Itt mod, nt sty le. It I, centi ally located. r our cadent to all the depot and ...Randal:rt land. fing, mud w the of the Custom House, Po-t (Alice and the COlll EAC , I,Mge. COllll, tea IN jib the Rotel to a Restaurant for the ac contmod awn of those morel ing the Ilutopean Prices of ltoonn, from 'Dace to Seven Dollat, per w eek ; according. to location. Board 51 10 per day. Table (Nieto tut merchants and hittine , s men trout 1 to 3 I', 31, MU= rn CI O ta F-1 cn 0;t. m r-4 rri• pp , to, (5 C) .. ,W Igi UNION ENVELOPES AND PAPER FOR SALE AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. AXTILLIAR AFRICA BOOT AND ONE DOOR EAST OF IL Ills all caltunne,9 and lam n call. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY.- NEW FIRM ! The tuld,,,ivoca tho public tot they lime pm chm•el ilia A IiEXANDItIA lila :VV'P.Il and will continue the llldlllCA4, and endear or to give genci al katiqfliction. All mileis a ill ho promptly attend.) to. IV3I. 'WM. N. KIRBY. Alexandria, Feb. 22, 1560 rIII.E 11UNT1NG DON FOUNDRY 1N BLAST .AGAIN!—The subset ibers take the/ method 01 informing their ft fends and the public generally, that p . they lime rebuilt the Huntingdon Vontn „A ...i f - .., ',,,: . tins, and ate ROW ill successful open allot, ... , ,, t, , , 2 : . and are prepared to furnish Castings of .., ,o, ~,, „ el ery des, iption of lie,t tptality and 1. '7„._ ixt uorkmanship, on shots notice, and on 1 exhunittl3lo set ins. Parmets me muted (0 C 311111 1 ,1 OXIIII, into our Ploughs. Ire ate ntrintifntut in the Mutter Plough. Tins plough took the Inst. in valiant at the Hun tingdon ceunty A gricult at al Fair last fall. Also, Ilutitet's celebt aced Cutter Nom:lts, all leis can't be beat—together with the liopdonst, 11111stde and Bar-shear ploughs. We hate en hand and me mantilactming Stoves—suds as Cook, Patlor, anti (Mice stoves for woltd or coot. 110110 u ante, conststlng of Kettles, Boilers. Sktllsts, &c., all of ts !deb ne 11 111 sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coon. sty 'amino:. Old metal Unbent for ca.dlngs. By II el let ill t entloll to business, and a de-he to phase, inn inept to to atilt, a liberal shale of pultli , patronage. J. 7xl. CU:NM:x;(IIIAM & IMO. illtutinzthqi Apt 11 'O. P r V.. riffile TvrARBLE YARD. The undersigned I ',mad respectfully call the attention of the citizen of Buono gdon and the adjoining counties to the stock oh brantllnl mat bin now on hand. Ile is pupated to flu nioh at the thottest notice, ttlonomental Mold, Tooth, Told, and ',tones of every desitcd cite and hunt of Italian 01 Lo tel it nob', Ligldy hoodosl. and trued with appto i Al° , 1.11 C,. 01 0.011. a, 111.11 61111. Marble, 1)00i .11111 II /11110 W Slilip S.C., Xllll Lr fm unhl ft t.r. \V• 1tin0. , .11 to ft al,ll Inatoi tal and equAl to ill the cotttaq at a Lot it ire. Call uel hte, Lef,tc 3ou pat cla,a chathue. atop an 11111 at I cot Ilmilingdoti, Pa, I Imitittgluu, May 16,1855 MILITARY BOOKS. REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS ,101 IN HUNTER, GLURtII; FRY, aMMI 7110 book is an octavo of ;',60 1..1,:04, I..gantly pt int...l nil hnn paper. m ill. new bold h p.. and Is, an ././0./...././0 ham. I/re index, tut' xhirh e 3 ety I,lllool' wlll be gtato.ful, the 1110111 NA hi. r tech own it. at no torn/. r I,lltion ha , . Dior had On index, and the want of one has been lung lilt in the At 013.. TL•o Appc o,llx. embraces Ito Articlol of IV.tr. contain- $2, 00. I'M SALE. AT LLIVI: - .." IM01: STOIII. [At moRizED EDinox.l By "Major William Gilham, U. S. A, .hit publi , Lcd nod for Fnlr nt 8008 STOllll— ill 0110 Puce ;100. UNITED STATES INFANT Y TACTICS. I'm the instinction, extoriseonil 111:1110P111.11, of the United Slate, Ittlanti). nickeling Ito g 'ant', of the Line. light ltilanti) . , awl, Ville men. prepat nil under thetliteet ton of the War Di pLrintetil, :tail null,. mti,l and trilopteil Ity the ,Sectetaty of \Vat, lion Ist, USIA. contain big the school of the Foltliet ; the school of the company; inittittetton for slat inishers, oil the gellel.ti CAIN; tho calls for skirniisheLsonil the school of the bath:lion : Including the in titles at Mar nod a thetionaty at millions tering, Complete in one saillnie. Price $1.23. For . 1 , tale at Len's ' Book Slot o. , gdt iiii On COIIIIng into set lice: containing a complete 030 1 eat of inch notion in the Foliool of the Soldier. At ith a plehonna ry explanation of the rutin:llion of n Battalion on Parade, the Ptmtleti of the onleem. Ace hying a flint hook or introduction to wallowed TJ.S.lnfantty Tactics, just puh ti•ked. Price 23 cents. Sot bale at Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry Complete in 2 r oll. Price Sill. For sal° nt KO- The Books sent -by mail to any add) can on the le aipt of the Anion. Huntingdon 3loy 29, 1501. SCHOOL BOOKS, AT UM& 33001 C, STATIONERY S MUSIC STORE, OSGOOD'S St:llAr. lit, thl, ad, 4th and but Itsadot s. :srGUFFI:I'S Spatter and Iteadets. S do du its Town's Spoiler and Definer, (old and 11131 V editions.) Sillith'S.Bllllloll . S and thou WA Ul.llllllllllB. Pitch's bleat lleogLipliy. Win I clis 1.113 'lest (leap (why. Mitchell's, 30.nteith and MeNall3*K Geograplin, Ii Atlases Camp's (leogiapliv, tt ith Key to 31itchelEs Outline 3lapl. Weli,ter's and Wot center's Dictionaries. Q11.1“:11b11S ' I.irat Lc,sous in Compolitiutt. Colllpool t 1011 MO itiletol to, (111 . 0111Caf At ithmetics. Pao Non's Vaindmi Stiettcn. ()iconic:Ws and Studdai it's Keys to At illimeties. Gt cenle ti n stud Das ic,' A'leln as. ieenlears Key to Algebra. NI Let 'a Juvenile Philosophy. Paiket's 1.,4.0n.s in Natural lather's 11 tEs 01 Ow United Slates. .• G anal ich's " rot roe. Ditaton and Set I Inter's Dentin/wilily, in cloven munlici s. Pot tot Hammond's Penmanship in to else numbers. Ar.i.lemical, Coat/01/.ls' awl other (20p3 Doak, that tea' Elementary Gcontetr3 and T I gonoincti y. Pat ICS' Cr Teen Nan , Geomet Fulton X; Eiwdinan's.llunh.heening. Dank Ke, ping Ent, y, Inc llntmfind d Keeping and Double liiuty,ll 3 llanakatt Otlit e honks still be oiled and fin nnhod to 61 dor. A full stork of School Stativnei.s ;Qs On hand. limit higdon, IVINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, PENS ! PENS ! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! C• BARNARD'S Celebrated "Corrugated Metal" Peus HENRY NEIL ISAAC L. DEVOII, ~~~ ~~ PRICES-25 cts. per'dozen or $2 per gross. T"E" CORRUGATED METAL" PENS, made by C, BARNARD, are the best Cent -1,11,1 riot and School bens, %about exception to any. They m e n.ed by MI the in ineipal Rani:, and tioret n meat Dopartinents, Public and BLit Ate ,`iotiools; at-a, by the most ptomiuent Catninetrial Rouses throughout the Cot gtated and Caioid,t. But it shot t time has , :lapled 111.00 /E) (.2b) Lace been intt educed into the United States, still n mark ed pteietence is goon them over nil ethers for the tug rea.ons : The g• Cott ugated Metal" PENS do not cor rode; •they NMI not splatter or cat tin ongh the thinnest pepet ; they have an easy gliding 'motion, a certainty of equall;t diffusing the hde, softness of point, and peat du- Tile follow ing tegthnoulalg, ',elected horn nurnerou, othet g, me respectfully submitted: . . I hale used lhe Nletalhe Pens of Mr. C. Barn," d end highly approxo of them. C. BARSTOW, esub nt 111 St. Nicholas Bank, New York. We have used the Peas of Mr. Barnard, and find them to be as ho represent.., and tAlce plemmle in recommend ing them to the public. WELLS, FAIIGO & Cl)., A. MULLIGAN, Cashier. C. Airmail's Pens halo been tried, and are 1110,13 ap prated in tht3 office. S. G. OGDEN, Auditor U. S. Clatom Hence, ieee roil,. Hering tiled the em regaled Pens mado by Mr. llarnal I cnu I eXCenimit. sAmunr. L. Mt BESB, Cionnzandant _Vary lie d, Bmnlay”. AGAIN CQM3IENCED TIIE SHOE-MAKING, I hate no lo.itatien in saying liarnaid's rell9 are to Weill.) the best t t to et er meth S. C. 11.U', tizttcd .Slates Erin as Co., -Me 'l.*. HOMAN'S CLOTIIINO STORE. tho public generally, Hill glee [Huntingdon, Oct. 2,0, 155,.] Ire can confidently recommend 31,. C. Rumatd's Anti- Cott nitro Pens as the best es cc brought mulct out indtce, tt shout eseeption. _•• Ice hove beet, ming the Pens of Mr. C. Buono', and fake plaint ille,nute in lecononololing then, to the public, Ile they 1110 nu excollent etude, and sll he repte,ents them to be. A. J. CLINTON, ,Scco dory hourance C'o, Xoto York. I would lenunructut Mr. Bat tz..l'd PCII6 80 II 61111Clior al tido to any 1 lance used. I= I= CAVALRY TACTICS, IRE THE HANDY BOOK FOR Till Ull IT ED ;STATES SOLDIER, LEWIS' BOOK STOAT AL` 0, TACTICS, = FOR SALE liUNTINGDON, PA A LARGE STOCK CM BPI, EN DID ASSO . DT ID.NT Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED LEWIS' BOOK STORE GET THE BEST! REEMIEI AT LEWIS BOOK STORE, Agent for the county. C. BARNARD'S PENS We add ours to nbove trcontrneudatious. /I. 13. DM/WELL R CO., Sun Yolk WILKINSON, STETSON k CO., /Ink l'itee, IV.) T. E. III:811ES, Ctuhirr. Upon Dial we Intl e found Mr Barnard's Pens to 1, ex repent. FRED, PROUST S.. New York. REMBLE, Nett Yotic We arid note to tie• oboNe I ecoininondationg. UNDLIIIIII,I, lIAVILANI) CO., Nero Yolk Of all Pens i has e ever n•tsl, Mr. Parnar.Pl have gIN 011 100 111010 11,11/SfaClloll, :11111 I C/111 t econtinend them to the public as being inanely antpeorrosis... POIRER, .Next Yolk, After sly months' co/Aglaia ma of C. Darnarirs Anti °Hee Pen, 11 0 .71 couthiently recommend it as the best metallic pen me hale ever nAcAI. Coding f, Ain th e above ethos knee that it doe, not actually col to/le. EMM=EM C. BATINAIin, Manufitcluk of (7ot I luzakul Metal Putt, aolut Cli•tkruttell, 1,11.1u0. Juno 11, ISal PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS ALL at 1). P. GA'IN'S if - you - smut GOOD GOODS. ~tSplendid variety of Carpets, only eta. per )14141. FISHER 4. SON. T AMES Collars, -very cheap and beau tifal, at D. P. CI WIN'S. TIQUORS, of the best, for Medieina 4 pui po,es at B. S. SMITH'S, COUNTItY DEALEItS can luty CLOTIIING rmn me in IGm tingl nt 111101.1:SA 1.11 as cheap tH they caul itt the cities, as I tut% c a m 13010,110 qOlO 111 l'lnlathiphia Iltintutgatot, Allot 1 1.15517. 11. ROMAN. Auitiful lot of Shaker Bonnets for sale cheap, za D. P. ()WIN'S. pIIE best display and largest variety of 1 . all Izintl, of Goods, can alwapi bo ionall at the chrar blow ofllElt (f_': ' - '1 ', ''' VIOLINS, "-- -, 4. ..' p ; -.' q:;:" A r - :‘, , • :_ ri, 4 GUITARS, f,Y3IIIIONINNS, ACCOILDEONS A.ND FIATtk, For .ale clio.tp at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. mp. Stationery and Musical m,t.. Iluatopgdon, Pa. xi GUTMAN c CO., Dealers in Ready .mmo Clothing, Ilanlingdon, Pa. LADIES' PERS, a splendid. variety Cheap by FISHER S; SON. 112NVELOPES--- the hoc, pack. or le,q quantity, for gale at . LEIPIS" BOOK A ND STATIDA Till" STOPS W - RA PRING PAPER ! A good at Veto for sale nt LEWIS' BOOK t-TOll.l, T.F you want Carpets and Oil Cloths, call at D. (MIN'S Mina:3 Oil nill find tin I.lrgiFt ns vorhuent in town. 1.Q..C11001, BOOKS, Generally in One m 111 e FeiloolB Of the County, not 011 hand, W ill ho furnished to 011Ior. on application at LEIt7S' BOOK, AND STATIONERY STORE. wvt s ,„ TILE Or TlIA.7lA—The .v _ -t,. I resbyt cr inn Psalmodist—The Shawn—The.lubilee—lbantan's and Bet tint's enlarged and imp.) cd twit:tit:tot a—Wetland's New 11111111111 , 1oved :Method fin Om oitar—Leland's decor- Iron, N habit null Flute lush actors—Win net 's and Ilowe's Violin InAtructolo—Bellales 'Melodeon lust t hives' Nino-Forte inter—do, Thoroutzl3-Bare Primer— o's Hain ing 11. mm Dances—The Choi us Gloo Book— Tilla . B Harp, for sale nt LEWIS' BOON, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE QITONE-WARE at S. S. Sinith' Gro k 3 eel y, 20 per cent. cheaper than any other place ii town. T HE best Tobacco in town, at D. P.GIVIN'S GILD BRASS AND COPPER taken in exchange for goods at the Hardware Stein Sept. 3, 1862. JAS. A. BROWN LADY lIECKONEII. A complete rocket Ready Reckoner, in flollnr and cents, to mm Itch mo lidded forms of Notes, Bills, tie ceipts, Petitions, de., together N%itli n sot of useful table.; containing rate of inlet est front one dollar to twelve thanF nnd, by the single day, with a table of manger, and boot, by the neck and day, ptiblishea 111 /839. For stile at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. 1 -I NVELOPES, wholesale and retail 1 fon s Ile at LEWIS' IIOOK T) /7". OOKS AND STATIONERY.— A good assortment of miseollaneons nod Schen !I o! Cotter, Crannies eta' mei Note Papm Plain and Fancy P.m elopes—Rol. Bine awl Black Inks Blank Books of ;In mermes SI/e4—Pen 9. Penclls. Pocket am Deck 7111.61•11als, and moby other article ncoally !hand ii rl Book and Stationery Stole. can be hml at fair prices a LEWIS' BOON, STATIONERY & MUSIC STONE. JOIIN MeCULLOCII, offers his In•ofeesiou.d net ucec to the citizenv of Huntingdon .01C1 uctuity. 011 ice on 1011 street, rile door i•iiht of lievil's Drug tine. Aug. '25, 'LP. ( 4. . 2 .± S. 8311TII, Dealer in Drugs, Medi ,a,e4. Pet (Lintel y, Die Stun, Oils, Lc. t iftillt111;411011, T M. CUNNING 11,01 1311.0. 11 -- ,k)lEs A. I.3ItOIVN, in 11:flan:at., Cutlet 3, L'ainta, Oils. `e., hunt indon, Pa. T 110. MAN, Doaler in Itendy Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, hoot , and :Aloes, n P. GAVIN, Dealtirin Thy Hood. Gmeeties. Hardware, (lticens. a al c, Hots and Capi, Boots and Shots, &e. IIER & SON, Dealers in Dry Goods, do., Ilunting.lon, Pa. WILLIAMS, Plain and Or uamental Mantle Manufacturer. POCKET TESTAMENTS, A LARGE STOCK o.ll' II.•111'D AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE TDOOK BINDING. _al) Ohl Books. Magazines, or publicatinns of soy bound to ordrr. if lett at LEWIS' BOOK B ET.I TIONERI-STORE. T)USINESS MEN, TAKE NOTICE! it you NV nut your card lipatly iniutcd upon and open, till nt LEWIS' HOOKA XIISTATIONERY STORE. FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelopes, boilable for corVidential correspondence, for sale at LEiYIS' DOUR tf , STATIONERY STORE PAPER! PAPER!! Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap mid Flntenp—n good /1.1i(1111,11,11t for &Ito by the ream, half ream, quiro or sheet, at LEWIS' NEW POOR ,S; STATIONERY STORE. DARC II MENT DEED PAPER-- ruled, for rate at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. ATONTHLY TIME BOOKS, al For sale nt LEWIS' BOOK AND STA77ONI.I:I" Jjoop SKIRTS with from 4 to 30 hoops at prices from 25 cts. to $2,00 at the cheap eitoty or D. t.O WIN. H ARRISBURG STONE-WARE!!! Jugs_, Preserve Jars &0., Sc.,f superior quality. Sold only by JAMES A. DROWN. DP. WIN 'keeps the largest, best assol tment and cheapest shoes In town. Call and eXiIIIIIIIC them.: 1 -I OOPED SKIRTS worth 2 50 will be a old for $1 25 at trio cheap store of FlsllElt k SON. I F you want handsou e Goods, good Gouds, cheap Goode, and all kir. 1 of Goods. goto 1). I'. (.1W1.!. 'S. 1300 T S k SHOES, Hats & Caps, the largest assortment and cheapest to bo found at D. P. UWIN'S ( - i_UN BARRELS AND LOCKS.-A huge , own Ducat at BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. kUM SHOES, cheaper at D. P. G t }mu can be had in toen n. Call and seo them. DARK Colored Palm Hoods, best qual m ity, only 50 Cl,. end]. FISIIEI: & SON. I C j JAS. A. DROWN. In P. GWEN'S is the place to buy Ef. good .41 cheap Cot pets. IYKLIN HOUSE, F - LY TILE DIAMOND, VALENTINE CROUSE, Proprietor Tho citizen; of the county. and stranger; and traveleva gonerapy, Cull 11114 COllllOl table nvconnundationq at thitt hon.°. Uis. ;I% att iai. [Apt il 4, 1 SGOi JACKSON _HOTEL) VNTINGDON, PA 411.1rFUS ! , 111.1,E1t ,Pro:,ridor WIIAT EVERYBODY WANTS lIVERYBO . DY'S LAITTER AND COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS Il 2;//s You llou to it all np P PAPT.Os tend gi ;I.+ general ho ion ho eIt.RELMENT3 of all kinik, Dude; of S tt.r, I.utsris and PLTiTIONS. it Salt 11,1 How Ito thaw lip Rouen nod Motao so t .o, AF EII/As !Ts. Poe LIN of ATTonN /X, Notes and BILLS of Seca 0000, ltrerners and Reda...ES. It Tells not The taus for the. Lou., criox of Mors, stilt the Sr Iv:WS of Idurrtrtog. and amount and kind of in ;gait 1) .I.XLSITT flout B.N.LCU stoN in woo y State. It Tells You 'flow to nothe uu A,SIONSILAT properly, St ith lot ins for PUMPut.IIIOO a ith CELDIToItS, and the IN,oLef AT bails of veto.) Stole. It Tells You The legal relations exrding hot ween GrAr, nr 10 and Wino, 31 iY rt a and Arehr.Yrier, and I. SA ermito al.] TENANT. It Tells You What constitutes Lint 1. nod Sirius - Inm and the Lao its to 31Mild tnr, 110101,, the Inn:, is PIo,CLIITT, Ills otteE and ALISIONY. It Tells Rot The Law for 311 en %mei,' !AIM in es eta Stile, and ll,v NATL.'S/. truly LtO o,if !Atli Co:lu lu, and how to comply at Mt the cattle. It Tells Tiot The lam cone, tin; Pt ',ION, and how to ob. laht one, and the Pne-Ilurrtox I,,iss to Pence I, ',NM. It ills Thu TllO l.aw lOr PATENTS, as jilt leech, of proce diue ill obtaining one, it ith INTLEFEELNeLS, Assn:NMI:NTS and SOLE Or FLEY. It Tells no Iles to matte yolll' Will- and how to ADMIX- IbriP. ON AN EOr ATE, as ith the boo cud The acquit ements thereof in every State. It Tells You Tito meaning of I, la - Ti ANS itt general use, and explains to you the LLGIcIATIVIS, EXE CUTIVE and JUDICI IL I',tsvetS Of both the Genet al Anil Stllto (10TM:A MEATS. It Tells .1 - 01, I low TO KELP OUT or LANS', by shoe tog hoe to do your linlineis legally, tints .bioing a saßt amount of Novelly, and TestatiOllS htigation, by its tilted) consul latiolt• lls 513 body's Lau l or is for sale at Lett is' Boo:: Store 6a QUICK SALES Anybody in want of ANY MIER VILIJADLE AND INTERESTING 00050 CHURCH MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS, MEET MUSIC for the Piano, Cuit.v , &c., COLD PENS AND PENCILS, AWARD CARDS AND BOOKS, SUNDAY SCHOOL MOUS OF ALL KINDS, TOY BOOKS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, .te., BLANK BOOKS, Memorandum Books of rarious Sizes, SMOOT. BOOKS Or ALL KniDS, Drawing and Blotting roper, Brutal and Cod Boras, INDELIELE, CAItItINE. EIT, CLUE AND BLACE. IXED, Arnold'a Ilodgson's and Harrison's Wrapping Paper of Different Sizes and Qualities, EM==E CHEAP BOON, STITIONCRT AND MUSIC STORE, In the "Globe" building, Market Square, NEW BOOKS yoR. SALE I Al' 'LEWIS' BOOK STORE TILE H 0051:: A Stw POCGET MANCIAL or lima! Architec ture; oi, How to Build IN ellings, Barn% Stables. and Out 1),elho0.rol all Mulls. With a Chapter on 12Inticlics and School-llot.cs. Frier, SO cents. VIE GARDEN: A NEW Poem's 31Avrti, or Practical hor ticulture; or, llow to Cultivate \ogotobleo, FruitH, nod nOW(10. Wail It f'11,10,1 on ti:„Amojtal Tres awl Sltlubs. SO cents. TILE FARM: A Now POCKLT llkNuAt. of Practical A gri col I nre; or, How to Cultivate ail the Pieta Crop,. 3l ith no Essay on Fluun slnnagoinent, etc. Price, 60 cents. DOMESTIC ANIMALS: A New POCKET MUillu. of Cattle, those, and Sheep Husbandry; or, how to Breed and hear the Various Teuantb or the Dan-}aid, etc., etc Prier, 50 centi, MOW TO TALK: A Nt.ir POCKET MANIViI of Conversation and Debate, stilt Directions for Acquit in , a Oranmmti• col Style, and more than Vivo hundred Common Mis takes Corrected. Pt ice, 50 cents. 1108 - TO BEHAVE: A NEB" POCKET MA,AVL of Republi can Etiquette, and (Ankh, to Correct Peinonal Habits; ill Rides for Whaling Societies and Deliberative As semblies, etc. Pi ice, 50 cents. 1101 W TO DO BUSINESS: A New Pocoer 'Mugu u. of Practical Affairs and Guido to success in L efv.; mink a Collection of Business Forms, and a Dictionary of Com mercial Tel nit, etc. Price, 50 cents, OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES, GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADES, BAIL E S FLIrTURES, TAPE, CORD 4ND TASSALS, A PULL ASEOMMENT THE BEST STOCK OF FINE STATIONERY, LADIES AIVD GELVTLE3IEII, EVER RECEIVED IN HUNTINGDON, 1111:TINGDON, PA AT LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY AND lIEFSIC STORI -ROOTS and SHOES, the largest and cheapest assortment in to, a, at QALT ! SA LT !! SALT!.'! Just received front tho Onondagu Salt Cowpony, arose, N. V., to be i.e,bl " rtle or retail, 200 BARI:ELS and 1000 SACKS of SALT. Ont. 11, 10 0. FISHER 1, SUN. BY FRANK, CROSIIt, I= RE SMALL PROFITS!" FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, HYMN AND DRAYER DOOM% ALBUMS AND ANNUALS, Fay.y and School STATIONERY, 3IIISICAL INSTRUMENTS, POLTI:T 1300E5, TOLTNIONNUES AND PURSES, For Lac Get anti Gentlemen, For Sunday and Common Se boolq, ALL KINDS OF BOOKS Prop, for lioyv n o 1 Cid, AMUSING GAMES Rot Yc,ung Polka WEDDINCI 1:NY1:1-011:S AND CAICHS, 1A111:11C;I: CERTIFIC.VITS, TIEITING CARDS, CBECKER BOARDS, DOMINOF.S, CON V2:lt3A TION CA NDS, SONO BOOKS, From 6 to 15 cents DIARIES FOR 1563 INUITS , . BONNET 110:.11D, WRITING FLUID 1!IIMEM21:1 I=l LEVTIS' where all who want to SAVE MONEY, go to make their purchases AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE CAN NOW BE' HAD I= ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S ROHRER'S PRACTICAL CALCULATOR. ritACTICA L CA LCUL tTOn. PRACTICAL CA LCULATOR. AC•TICAL CALCULATO R. PRACTICAL CALCULATOR OELRER'S I'RACTICA.L CALCU LATOR, Bobk of Plain Rules and Calculotionsfor Basinect Opa rations, by ..11art in if. Rob; er, uctecal .surlicyor and Contryt.mter. Nero Edition,2mhlidtcd by J. B. Lippin cott 4C (b., This work contains 204 pages and upwards Of 500 Bolos and I.xamplcv, entirely and thoroughly practical ...eh as art-e every day in the common pursuitv of linsines, it Las uh catty passpvl throngli n pininber of editions in rapid sucee....mm, and iv pronounced by all classes of latnlllevs trio to be the handiest book of efej once, pertaining tu g calculation,. that has ever been published. er3 example in the book iv worked out in full and stand in a plain mariner. so I hat w 6.11 parallel corn uri soy, those ref. tiny to the toth a iii find no difficulty in solving it; inn snord. the gerre.l, atrangement of rho C LCUI, MICH is simple, that any Ono who knows how to add, bilhilaet lallitiply and divide, can easily noire any or , dimity example that at lees in Inbiness, or antic at tk true result of any evtirriate repriced. The chief aim of the author has been to eschew theory and ph iip2mplpy in figures. aiming only at facts and siniph, city, flint business Inoti f.lle haas alma spen ding time iu dieewoong the philosophy of rules, of thin science of figni es, deeming it sufficient for their purrom to be able nit a moment. by reference, torn rice at the trir.• emit. The CA I.CULATOIt Plifiei in this respect from ail other Arillimetics of the day and kindled It 01 key to mactiml Fusions, calculation s —it is, in th< hand.. of the Ini.inees man, w hat the key to mathematical no. t.s in the handler the ter.elper In the school room—it faciii Wks tune and insures C01...Ctn., TIM WORK TREATS OF THE Measurement of Land, of Lumber, of Brick and Brick k. of Stone and Stone work, of grain nod grain hill.; of coal and coal bins, of wood, of solids. of liquids if cir colm•, sqoa re or in egidar vessels, of cisterns and vita, of rosining, of plasterer's, pain tor's, glazier's, paver's, plumb er's. piper hanger's mid IlpholSteleL4' work. ft beats of tom ency and of fm sign and domestic exchange, of the demi.% .-}stem, of reduction and its extended appltcation, to busbies,. of simple and compound tote, est, and their online Implication to business hansactious, with filo laws and usages got caning the same, together with numerous contain, end terms—of Ingot tender, of partial payment on notes, of banking and bank discount, of equation of pay ment and of pnrl•ierelip accounts, of aSies,llloilf of taxes, of en eights and measures, of squaro and cubic measure, of the villain root and its implication to business of surfaces, of excavation, and of many other hopot tont practical matters nut within the scope of an advertisonnut to men tion. IT IS JUST THE BOOK FOE TUE Farmer, tire merchant, the mechanic, the ni tizan, Or tiro lirofessrunal man. It has proven a minable auxiliary to the lam yer, tire Justice of tire peace, the conveyancer, en d . real estate :broker, to the aviresor, tho banker, the elork, to the civil engineer and the surveyor. to the carpenter and br ichioyer, to the stonemason and the plasterer, to the paper hdriger and upholsterer, to tiro paver and tha titer, dc., Ire.; each and nil m ill find it adapted to the:r ye-. rim,, wants better than any book published. 40- Prtee, 50 cents. For solo at Lewis' Book Store. Hun tingdon, Dec. 26,1060. GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE THE HORSE & HIS DISEASES DY IWItERT JENNINGS, V. S., ofetsar of Pathology and Operalir e Surgery in ths Viltrottery angler - If Phdadelphia, etc, etc. NILE TELL YOU Of the Origin, Eistory and distinctive traits of thimariutis bt cede of Eurupeen, Asiatic, Altman and American 'torsos, pith the physical lei !nation and pe cull:wit:el of the attlinnl, 1111 d how to ascot tubs his age by the October and condition of his teeth; illustrated with unmet ens explanatory eagtarings, 17111: IIOIISE AND lIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of _Bleeding, Breaking. Stabling, 'Pesci, Mg, (booming, Shoeing, and the gener a/ management of tire hal so, mith the best modes of aulminiam In t ; medicine, aloe, how to neat Biting, Kicking, Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib.ltit. tog. Itet tic...nese, and other vices i 9 whreh 110 is bubject; with umuoious ex planatory engiavings. TILE DORSE AND HIS DISDASES WILL TILL YOU Of thocatmes,s3mpt.ns,aud Treatmout of Strangles, bole 'Throat, Mstempor, Cann h, talents, flea n,3 , Molten Wind, Citron . in Cough, Itaniug 1014 WhiqiilloA.o - Soto Nlnutlt and Oleos, nud De cayed 'real!, a, lilt other dideuses of tho .3.luoth and Peva atory Organs. Hoi:sr; AND lIIS DISEASIIS WILL TELL YOU Of the cause.l,,,yotptonti.and Treatment of of ms, Lola, ebolte;Sttangolation„ ,totty Cottemt tons, Ittmtutos, Palm!, Mat t Ited,Jats ntlice,llepatirt lum,Bleedy th nit., ',tones in the Kidney x and Mad den, lof houatteit tool other doomses or the Itonmch, Bowels, Loon mud Uri nary thgatni. THE TIORSE AND MS DISEASES WILL 'BELL roil Of the onus., symntono, and Treat. wont of Bone, Mood and Bog, Spnrin, Butg Bono, Sae.non, Stmiti, Broken lilnve4.lllsol Onlle , kornolor. Crattke t j itentl I iutt t. I, Canker 1,4 .4tchoi, 11,12 and Cot tol; oho, o tn4o, Staggora moot other ,hnt.t,ta of the loot, Loge mitt 111.,e1. THE 1101:S.D AND 1110,DISEAStS aTIA,Li Of the cam,, symptoms, and Trent: uu•nt ot 1.1,1 Oa, I'oll EN 11, Cilandels, _Kau, Seat let tot er, Mitou,u, fiutfuit, • Ludo,' Jatt,Eltettoutt6m.liininpli.tll3, .Ih,e.ttes of the L3O tlllll llrart , de , dc,, and how to manage Cwstratiou, Blood mug, Ttoplitnitt,, ItowAing. Firing, 11.'11.1, „Imputation, 'l'..itioug, nod oft,. Cl not j,tcat ovulations. Trn•; II01:$11 AND UIS DISEASES Y(11: Of ltoley'o Method of lathing llot sot; Loo to .111151 oat In, ur IStablo n Colt; how to rt.:tram. a 'Kase to at tango ,ontadi and sights, and lion to Saddle, Ride, and :Peak him to 'hatless: also the limo and law of 11Arat1YrY. The %bolo being the IL , SOIL of 15 year s ' emend study of do habits, In colon al., Nr.otta and of this noble and useful For sale at Lea Is' Book Stole. T PEO HAI, 6 COOK BOOK. MODERN COOKERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES AMISS ELIZA ACTON. Carefully Revised by Mr. J. S. Hale Trad.s You Row to choose an kinds of Moots, Poultry, and Giulio, with all tho various and most appirivoil modes or dressing and cooking beoronii Pork; also tho best and simplest stay of balling, pickling and curing the same. IT 1 . 111.3 YOU Ail tho Till lOUS and most approved modes of di es , +ing, cooliing, and boning Milton, 1,.,mb, Veal, Poultry, and gamo of all Mods with the dill . ..slit Dressings. Gravies, and Stallings lapin opriato to each. IT Tttts You How to choose. clean, and preserve Fish of all kinds, and how to sweeten it when taint ed; also all dm serious and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dress ings, Sauces, nod Flavorings appropriate to each. I r Tens You All the va roue and most approred modes of ',regal tog ON, 50 kinds of Meat,Fish,Fowl, thane, and Vegetable Soaps, Broths, and Stews, with tho Itoltahes nod Seasonings appropi late to each. ft TELLS You All the various and most Apyroved modes of cooking Vegmeblehl of nviory degerlptlem also how to pmpare Pickles, Cat9llllB end Conies of all kind, Potted Meats, blab, Orono, Mushroomt, Ac. IT TELLS you All the various and moat apprnyo modes Di preparing and cooking nil kinds of Plain and Fancy Panty, Puddings, On - Watley; illus. Cakes, Confectionary, Preserrev: .lell . iea, and _swot Dishes of ovary ticierip:. IT Tk.u.s You All the various end most approved motion, of making Bread, Ruske, Mullins, end Biel• colt, nod the heat method of preparing,. Coffee, Chocolate, and Ten, nud how ts, make Symms, Cordials, and Winos of Hoes kinds. 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