TERMS OF THE GLOBE Per annum in advance Six months MIME= A failure to notify a ih,ontinuance at the expiation of tho tet a subscribed for will be considoied a flea engage ineut. "„x, TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. 64,1 lines or less j 25.........$ 3715 . , .: ft) „fat square, (12 Imes,) 50 73 1 00 nvOquaires, 1 00 ..... .... 1 00 2 00 rhilinare ,, 130 2 23... ..... 300 (Ye reo neck null less than tlitLe months, 53 cents ler rni re for each it.. iron. 3 months 6 months. 12 months. iir. lines or less, 61 50. 03 00 •,."., 00 inn square 3 00 5 00 7 00 fwe squares 5 00 4 00 10 00 Mee suii.ti es 7 00 10 00.... ..... 13 00 Four squares, 5 00 13 00 ''o 00 Half a column, 12 00 16 00 ..... —.21 00 One column, "0 00. 30 00-- ..... .r.t) 00 Professional and Ilusine,s CAI& note seceding 6.iit lines. ono year, 03 00 Adini 0 istratui I,' nod Executors' Notices $1 75 Ad,ertisements not mm hell nith the number of iii.er lions desired, trill he continued t7ll forbid and charged ac cording to those beans. . Ely ()lobe. HUNTINGDON, PA Friday, January 2, 1863, 00000 0 0 0 0 NOTICE. We have not the time nor the incli pation, to dun personally, a large num ber of persons who have unsettled ac counts upon our books of several years standing. We shall, therefore, from clay to day, without respect to persons, place into the hands of a Justice for collection, all accounts of over two years standing. All those who wish to save expense, will do well to give us_ a call. •-• CARRIER'S ADDRESS TO THE PATRONS OF THE "HUNTINGDON GLOBE." I=l January Ist, 1833 Anothea year has sped :may, :nice last I sang my Ness Yeal . en lay; A year of blood, a 3 eau of p tin ; I never is iSh its lake again; A 3 ear, that boasts the solthei'm deeds, Whose chaplets ale the st adtm's need?, Comnanaglasl as ills the gm lanai's gal), The Uartiot 5110 V in glot. The woild's a tliedit e, ai ill pit, Parquet to and galled lee, ti Late bit tructittots, heating meiy hue, I rum white to black, knout to Lew The gi cutout di tutu. an;rstagu Has user chow it in. au} age. Ulm i-tage is large4o °even, Live Its dill - co:zit dtwc, m ilk aiigty tense; It., menu Min, gland ins ade the ; ]to lotel) 6uoLcspe, plea, the c u re; I itch I het, Rout Ito moult tat. 1111 tig, To umtliet 0CC.1i1,1,1114 11.11.1 ,ill 6 And tuv,:as mad n101111(3111, lidab and A e. cello for Cl Cl y ,11,1111 l Whet.: away thou,tull pl.t3 cr. act Their pill to it It b 1 a rimio and tact ou eN CI 3 Jul tom of the attige, A 0.11.1 tNuttawat -0,.111 to rage. When fir et the cut tain ro•e, the' %food Cri,t ilittltitulles j iu gill Alta .t.• , :t and load. and pailor. With to,ct 1.0,11 to vitly high, That moo) 11110 tnllccd in roues , that rout (al f 0 ,4 F:oinetitnes inthlige. ere dealing Mon The comp. u •r, that filled •ln• b 1,11.•, \Vele Anglo.:txon , . fat at 4 1 And click and hagg.nil—fhir and brmrn— As Lulls had •110,eitAl down Their tau-31.11.13h Droll flit Lug•: Or shads houetc had wort (lICA collie were dte.,,,1 ill I.ln vie flno And j.•utle,l hum tlo!coii.i . :, Allll trot a autholitaLve 11111211, As ocr nod o'er th paced the ccene, hulks hanging - en tlnn Ailayecl to villa and lug charm , Unbolted to the ttogic tole, Uhat untied the fountains. of the soul ; A huger number scouted to be Attired to btufil• of loss degree Of pride or taste—;or r. hat you plea. To name all ehon rig sin as the-a; i Mot many thousat.th of the Olt cog, S Ju rags and squalor hole along A mealy hre, that ...nee mould pay Its pas,age to eternity. Atoll these motley nooses, wire found your million negroes, moving tumid, With hat in haul ai undo to in, :wt Lai ing for the dire :Amin, That tilled the heal is ut men oho own, hodi mints of gold to cool amid bone Theft pearly teeth and wool) hair And coal.pit faces—all wets. there— Awl uith that evulanting That lights the face Rent brow to chin. Upon the stage this ob. race Woo largely in a special place And beeined to be, in ever ) may, Engrossing subjvet of the play. Upon thenir Atch-nugels trod And thitind spoke the solos of God, Denouncing t)I ants, oho slwuld plan Imatquii2 of the rights ufnnw ; Mule fiends, that rushed ttlk hots I and bail:, Iron, de( p peiddloliz dungeon, dm IV, le tlu , ie a Ith which told, bat et htll uele ~llcmolled, I= 4,0,4 v ui 11 and iilru 13 aught 1 . 110, the COll,,Atlllll 11. e -Lae-pcnattar .1 . 1.1.1, ,hut, rhe 1111.41 . 1 (115 Alll, new,1.54.5. n ge.s I an el to 05.3 . '155 000 that 5, e,13 sl tie lie claim., Is re -tines, enter in Ili, Lhains. Tile of Wm awl unnghkt too, Of dad: and leonn. and 35 5 11 en :sew gnaw!. in .5 trued, As Wad: on tlin..toning tbuinlen cloud; 11 into nouns] thEnn Luca cling I tee. Pater race ti g h ten Cling, Deter mined the) r‘hall not c.dray In freedorte., vle, polluted ma), When scourge and marl tele con hold Inannortal souls, in Malt:l'3's fold. Auditor a voice m °dainty to all Who till the stage, both meat and small• Por these deal ol.jects of our eau', Ton caunon's rot. dhtut be the air; hot right to them to their toil, We'll (11.01 in blood ours irgiu ; Ming on u Carr!hal of hate; Ten thousand homes maim desolate; With glut-41y death, stall: hand to hand, And muse with ear, a peaceful land. To arms—ye men mho live upon The blood and sweat of Altican ; Destroy the eat uctut a pats hut, bull; ; And paint the so orditom point to hilt, With ctimson Item t h e lido of lite, Its blade nil elicit iu the sulfa Allotbet part of thin gloat ctago bat pastaug notice tottA engage: For 111.1) miriou people Itrma Astonished at the bold command; Who scarce can dank that cannons tear A summons makes at ttecdouib door. Visa a taper white ns .51101 e, That nit:l a in beauty to and flu Amongst atttudant one, as fine, Yet tinted with the golden chine, That 'mining lends the fleecy cloud, That spreads through air so light and pi wol, When on the mountains ,iiny Fide its wandering shadue.s tduml3, glide; There stands a form of giant height, Whose outlines shadou to the .fight At if thf**r gale to the eta BEI t ,‘. :), , :.-',;::..: 1 . e. le, .5.,• ~.., it i 2 t 1 WILLIAM LEWIS, Editor and Proprietor VOL XVIII, dent out the azure of the sky. his robe is n Is lc, as vapory arch, That beats him on L 6 tiampless match ; The carmine tinge upon hi cheek ()tastes the hue the maiden Seel. 1110111 ;II ollilni her throws The fiesliness of not of al glows. Ilentrolence. in en cry draw, 15 messaged front Ink 'Liming face— Mit not iniminglel a ith the shade Ti.at nateliftil care upon it made— While fit mucs,. hintinefo, seem to shed A blended radiance 10111111 lik bead. The ciltee ti unmet to his lip, its mitts, e'en hill and alley skip, To ,iminon to Ilk pn eEscnce. The fth•tal., of ti nth, w in° hear the call. B 3 tells, by handled, thou-anti., strong, The pat, 1.4 s came, with shout and song; And n,k, when in this angel's ten '• What n nit thou hare this an my do ?" The figure blending 41 Pin the skies And radiant It ith hope, replies: youi tumor, mind 3 our steel, Defend onr nation's common weal I 'T, not alone dist iiption's end These t ebtl plop: nations lend: The pupa., is to battle back Enlightening progtl ss ill tine tt .101 C, That science, litenat me and at! Have opened ill the homan heal t. Your guoet ninent, the Inglie4 %%ninth Of 11111 , tints, Illnnntl UK , rm tln; And ill it is tine eliatin contained, lie which the woad shall lie teg,ained To lone, to hbrt ty and In 11th; To glom 1.1 in i minion tail youth." The tragedy at once 11,11111e3 PI tpertiotet grand. with 3,, ing plumes— And clattering .4,1 and honcnten g ty— And the—t..l in ears at ray— And Equathons at bottling into line— Whet t. death and glory Inlet init. But 1 ml,l ceatat In) Inunble cong a And ttait tot tame to 11111th along Het grand Anent,. tie I cm lay The we tt coneltt,on in your may. Kind pa la 0n ,, , did 3 on ever know. Huee linht. in all her youthful glow, ri.l found the an, in ; her MCC began; lletraer her steps. as on ohs van, To spread her heav,. Mph e o'er The peopled eat 111. hem chore to chore? Then coinage take. and hold, as one, The, guts I,t p.opie 'math the ; Thought death Mall` ; anal it ehould That chains shall hie& and slurs be free. SOUTHERN NEWS, By the President of the Confederate States PROCLA MATION WitEarAs, A communication was ad dressed on the Eri \Ali day of .fnly last, 1862, by General Robert E. Lee, acting under the instruction of the Secretary of War of the Confederate States of America, to General H. W. Halleck, Connnander-in-Chief of the United Stitesarmy, informing the latter that it report had readied this Government that Wm. B. Muinford, a citizen or the Confederate States, had been executed by the United States authorities at New Orleans for having palled down the United States flag in that city be fore its occupation by the United States forces, and calling for a statement of the facts, with a view of retaliation. if such an outrage had been committed under the tianction of the authorities of the United States. And. Ivhereas, (No answer having been received to said letter,) another was, on the 2d of August last, (1892,) addressed by General Lee, under my I instructions, to General Hailed:, re- newing the inquiries in relation to the'execution of the said :Slumlord, with , the information that in the event of ' not receiving a reply within fifteen days, it would be assumed that the fact was true, and sanctioned by the Gov- ' eminent of-the United States; And whereas, An answer dated on the 7th of August last, (18620 was ad dressed to General Lee by General 11. W. Halleek, the said General-in-Chief of the armies of the United States, al- I leging sufficient cause for failure to make early reply to said letter of the 9th July, asserting that " No authentic, information had been received in re lation to the execution of Mumford, but measures will be immedilttely taken to ascertain the facts of the al leged execution," and promising that General Lee should be duly informed thereof; And whereas, On the 28th of Novem her last, (1862) another letter was ad dressed, under my instructions, by Hobert Child, Confederate agent for the I exchange of prisoners, under the cartel between the two Governments, to Lt. Col. W.. 11. Ludlow, agent of the Uni ted States under said cartel, informing him that the explanation promised in the said letter of Gen. Ilalleck, of 7th of August last, had not lot been re ceived, and that if' no answer was sent to the government within fifteen days ' from the delivery of this last commit pie:Rion, it would be considered that I an answer is declined; ' And whereas, a letter dated on the 3cl day of the present month of De cember, the said Lieut. Col. Ludlow apprized the said Robert Ould that the above recited communication of the 19th of November had been received and forwarded to the Secretary of War of the United States, and whereas this last delay of fifteen days allowed for answer has elapsed and no answer has been received; And whereas, in addition to the tacit admission resulting from the above refusal to answer, I have received evidence foll - establishing the truth of the fact that the said William B. Murnford, a citizen of' the Confederacy, was actually and publicly executed in cold blood by hanging, after thexiccu pation of the City of New Orleans by the forces under General Benjamin P. Butler, when said Mumford was an unresisting and non-combatant captive, and for no offence even alleged to have I been committed by him subsequent to the date of the capture of the said city; And whereas. The silence of the GOV eminent of the United States, and its maintait,inz, of said Butler in high of fice under its authority for many months after his commission of an act that can be viewed in no other light than as a deliberate murder, as Well as of numerous other outrages and a trocities hereafter to be mentioned. afford evidence too conclusive that the said government sanctions the conduct of the said Butler, and is determined that he shall remain unpunished Jim these crimes. Now, therefore. I, Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America, and in their name, do de nounce and declare the said :Benjamin F. Butler to be a felon, deserving of capital punibliment. Ido order that he shall no longer be considered or treated simply as a public enemy of the Confederate States of America, but an outlaw and common enemy of man kind, and that, in the event of his cap ture, the officer in command of the capturing three do cause him to be im mediately executed by hanging. And I do further order that no com missioned officer of the United Staie , :, taken captive, Thal( be released on pa role, before exchange, until the said Butler shall have met with inc punish ment for his crimes. And whereas, The hf,..,4 - wag „.„l against this Confederacy by the forces of the United State -1, under the com mand of said Benjamin F. Butler, have borne no resemblance to such warlhre as is alone permissible by the rule of international law, or the usage of civ ilization, but have, been characterized by repeated atrocities and outrages. among the large number of which the follovtling may be cited as exatnple:; Peaceful and aged citizens, n nrc,h, Ong captives and non-combatant., have been confined at hard labor, with hard chains attached to their limbs, and arc still so hold in dungeons and fortresses. Others have been submitted to a like degrading punishment for selling med icines to the sick soldiers of the Con federacy: The soldiers of the United States have been invited and encouraged in general orders to insult and outrage the wives, the motheis and the sisters or our citizens. Ihelpless women have been torn from their homes, and sah jected to solitary confinement, some in fortresses and prisons, and done especi ally on an island of barren sand under a tropical 'sun ; have been fed with loathsome ration; that had Leen con demned as unfit fir soldiars, and have been exposed to the vilest insults: Prisoners of war, who sumonlored to the naval forces of the LTnited States ou agreement that they should be released on parole, have been seiz.ed and kept in close confinement: Repeated pretexts have been so.n4.t or invented for plundering the inhabi tants of the captured city, by tine; le vied and collected under flirt:at.; of im prisoning recusants at hard labor with ball and chain. The entire population of New Orleans have been forced to elect between starvation by the confis cation of all their property, and taking au oath against conscience to bear al legiance to the invader of their coan 'try : Egress from the oily- has been re fused to those whose finditude with stood the test, and even to lone. and aged woolen, and to helpless ehibtren ; and after being ejected from their homes, and rubbed of their property, they have been left, to starve in the streets or subsist on charity: I= The slaves have been driven from the plantations in the neighborhood of New Orleans until their owners would consent to share their crops with the Commanding General, his brother, Andrew J. Butler, and other officers, and when such consent had been extorted, the slaves lad been re stored to the plantations, and there compelled to work under the bayon ets of the guards of United States sol diers. Where that partnen,hip \vas refused, armed expeditions have been sent to the plantations to volt them of everything that Was smeeptihie of re moval. And even slaves, too aged or infirm for work, have, in. spite of their en treaties, been forced front the homes provided by their owners, and driven to wander helpless on the highway. By a recent general order, No. 91. the %entire property in that part of Louisiana west, of the Nississippi riv er, has been sequestrated for conff-ea tion, and officers have been assigned to duly with orders to gather up and collect the personal properly, and turn over to the proper officers, upon their receipts. such of said property as may be required for the use of the United States army ; to collect togeth er all the oilier per , onal property :Ind bring the same to New Orleans, and cause it to be sold at puhlie auction to the highest bidders—an -order, which, if executed. condemns to punishment by starvation, at least a quarter of a million of human beings, of all ages, sexes and conditions, and of which the execution. although forbidden to mili tary officers by the orders of President Lincoln, is in accordance with the confiscated law of our enemies, which he has elrected to be enforced through the agency of civil officials. ON TILE LIBLIZATION Or sravEs And, finally, the African hI eves have not only been incited- to insur rection by every license and encour agement, but numbers of them have actually been armed for a servile war —a war in its nature far exceeding the horrors and most merciless atroci ties of savages. And whereas, Thp officers under command of the said Butler have been, in many instances, active and zealous agents in the commission of these crimes, and no instance is known of the refusal of any one of them to participate in the outrages above nar rated. And whereas, The President of the United States has, by public and Mil-, cial declarations, signified not only his approval of the effort to excite servile war within the Confederacy, but his intention to give aid and encour agement thereto, if these independent , ~.. S 7 . .„....,,, -1*,..„.,,..„.:..,._ „...,, N . • •"., 7,,,,,,,„ 7,1, , -z , ",.• ~,..,...........,,,..,. -. 7' 2 ‘‘ - ` -i ' 'q. - - '''*••-%;1-1-:•-',..,..s.Z,r,---.3.1. ' -ilftt:•A ' * - 40 , ',",..V:; ,: ' , 34g 1-Z 'W'r e A r:'o: 7"?"§g.itaFA4'•ls7:ZYA.,,,,. ',04''Fi,...n•',,i:%4 Ois7''teJ 0 4 ' - '44t,?tteitx, HUNTINGDON, PA,, WEDNESDAY„TANUARY I, 1863, -PERSEVERE.- Slates shall continue to refuse submis sion to a foreign power after the first day of January next, and has thus made known that all appeal to the law of nations, the dictates of reason, and the instincts of humanity would be ad dressed in vain to our enemies, and that they ran be deterred from the commission of these crimes only by the terrors of just re:ribation. Now, therefore, I , Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America. and acting by their authori ty-, appealing to the Divine Judge in at test:ttion that their conduct is not guided by the passion of revenge, but that they reluctantly yield to the sol emn duty of redressing, by necessary , severity, crimes of which their citizens are the victims, do l=aic this my proc lamation, and virtue of iny authority, as Cmmnander-in-Chief of the armies of the Confederate St ate,, do order : • Fii.t That all commissioned offi— cers in the commallfl of the: czaid Ben jamin 1 0 . Butler b declared nut enti tled to be cohsbleyetlt3,oldiers engag ed in honordblo warffire, but as rob bers and criminals dc:-erving death; and that they, and each of them, be, xvhenever captured, reserved for exe cution. S-efm(l. That the private soldiers and non-conuni, , ;ionQl ollieer6 in the army of said Butler ha considered as only the ilutrument,n;ed for the eom mi,;ion of crimes parpetrated by his order.-, and not, a; free age it,; that they. thereliwe, he treated, when cap tured, as prisoner; of war, with kind ness and humanity. and be sent home on the usual parole, that they will in no manner aid or serve the United States in any capacity. during the con tinuance of this war, unless duly ex changed. Tbir,l. That all negro slaves captor cd in arms heal once delivered over to the executive aut hori ties of the respec tive States to which they belong, to be dealt A\ ith according to the laws of said State , . Verrth. That the like order , ; hi) ex ecuted in all eases with respect to all C01111111, , i1011, d officer; or the United States when found serving in compa ny with !..aid slaves in insurrection again,t tho authot.ilie.; of the dirl'erent Slate, of this fn to:gini9ny wher, , of L iiav igned pr,2 , 0:1k and crce l the seal of Ow lc ate SL.dos Ame::f , a to th(2roto, t 11.3 city of Rich mond, An DenomLler, in thy' y e ,lr ow," thousand ei . .,;ht, hundred. 014•1 .iic By 114 e Pre-I lent J. P. Pn-.ljimin. Scot} - . of State MEE DAVIS M3=l On this iiroylamation the Eft:limo:id Di-patch I I th rollowink; editorial MEMO Tice pro: hunation 13a ler and Itio Lusociatos comes up to the full measure of public cxpvetation. The deliberation with which the conclusions or the Executive have been arrived at ;ivies additional sr,l‘minity and dignity to his purpose. The bruto and his minions will di'-eover that it does not follow because sentence against an evil work is not execut.id speedily that it is forgotten or forgivtn. Thu to of our own people, too, who have been disposed to complain of the Pre , ,ident's alleged indifference to the fate or :2...family:it will see that they have done him great injustice, and that he has remembered it long:or, than some of his censors. In this, as in other ca ses, it would he as well for those of us who inhabit the vales of private life, and whose qualitications for conducting the government of the country Intro never yet been dkcoveretl by our fel low-citizens, to be modest and charita ble in our strictures upon the course of those whom we have placed in power, and who from their official and intel lectual elevation are probably able to acquire a Wider sweep Of the horiz.on than those of us Who dwell upon the plains. We trust that the proclama tion ag.tinst ilittler and his officers, should - they fall into our hands, may be carried out to the very letter. The black flag is the only answer to the unheard - of criintn of these enemies to the human race. Hoar au Irish Patriot. " Lr t the politicians who here b 'en tlo iny 113 Ion!" enough, utny nt 1101:10 r . " they will. but lit (10 go lcn 1 fight the battles of Mc nation, and when we come home, a grate/'al nation will cytold to ttg sufficient to moot our wants. 1 hare always been a Democrat. I was !,foilHt to say that I am still ; . but I will not «11ow any politics to interfere with the discharge of my du ty. the KNOW _NOTHING B THE ILIND AS A BROTHER if he carries the mos Act or sword along sole of m(? in - this contest. Ido not eare wheld i-nn 0010(8 trout, or what ma y w be his shade of polities, hether he is a REP UR I (''.l X, an A B °LIT_ lON IST, or something else—it is a perfect matter (If ind(yereme to me. I only want to say that I know no man but as he discharges his duty to that ; and ; its 1 said in Baltimore, Men were 1101 Cr COlllOl 11110 n in Ml6' World f 0 pct/'Olll. 80 &I , ;101 a duty as yoa arc, m y countrymen, not only for your own sake, but for the whole country with its coming genera tions of men."—[Speech of Gon oral Coreoran,at Philada. Paoromtrit Amiums—nctv and im proved styles—just received and for sale at _limy's' Book Storo 11 ,- % Now IS TICE TIME TO inn - Lloyd's now Map of the State of Virginia.— Only 2.5 cents. For sale at W. Lewis' Book Store. Itt - ,. - Fino Cigars and Tobacco for sale at Lewis' Book Store. -,' -.1 1 1 •• 1 . :: :/r• .-5, , ;.;:y I . ~,."; -- - 1 . [L: i ir i , . . 1 ,.. ~...-r!„ ~ it: . z i ,'..: ® A ;:: 157-.4 -1-1.'1.c ':-.."'IN \'- !)--' I . :,a 1; ;',l IF 1-1 1 ! ...f. ); . i ~ , ~. 1 1 1 1 9 1 ~., 1 :........ ,/ .).;:.,,, , ,:, ` I~& : i• I,T, - ".- '''. : 7 i ':::''.. ~ i ' V ''. / / ':`, f. 4 MO FRAUDS ON THE GOVERNMENT. Upwards of 6700,000 Swind/cd Out of Government in "Veto York City—How Regiments were raised and subsisted— Operations of Contract Brokers—False Affidavits awl Forgeries without 37-um ber—Great Swindling in the Payment of Bounty to Soldiers. Commissioners, appointed by the General Government, have been at work for several weeks past, in New York city and elsewhere, investigating alleged frauds upon the Government in connection with the raising and sub sisting of volunteers, organizing of re giments, and other operations, from the commencement of the rebellion to the present-time. Oleott, the commissioner, ap pointed for New York city, entered upon his investigations on the first of November last, and has already dis covered frauds to the extent of $700,- 000 perpetrated in that city, and the pr , ,spect is that they will reach double that amount before the investigation is flnbilled. In order to give a clear idea of the mode, or rather the various modes, in which the Government has been swindled, it is necessary to go hack to the beginning of the war.— When the rebellion broke out, Congress was not in se , ,sion, and there was no appropriation by the General Govern ment to defray the expenses of recruit ing regiments of volunteers; conse quently, the expense connected with raising regimentsl)‘ad to be paid either by the colonel and regimental officers, by subscriptions or private individuals, or by donations from the Union De fence Committee. In the lbllowing August, however, during the extra session of Congress, 520,000,060 were appropriated to recruit and - organize volunteers. and the Adjutant General of the United States Army was made the custodian of the fund. Mustering officers Were established in the differ ent cities, and at each office an army officer was appointed to disburse the moneys that were drawn from the gen eral fund. The dkbarsing officer ap pointed foe New York city wns Col. Sackett, of the regular army. The first sum received from the Adjutant General was e 50,000, which was all disbarsol in three or foot days. The second draft was fur l",! , 100,000, which was soon disbursed, and was the laSt received until the following November, when another instalment of about, the same amount Was sent on fri»n Washington. ThildisLursements made at this time were principally for the subsistence and lodging of recruits after their enlistment, and pending the time of their going into camp; and it mey lk staled hei.e that the regula tions of the United Stales army had always been that hills for subsistence and lodging should be certified to by the recruiting officer, signed by the eontroctor, and endorsed us npproved by the colonel commanding the regi ment. The contractors were of two kinds: first, general contractors, who took bids for the subsistence and lodging of recruits, and who gave sureties; mid, second, special contractors, who were generally keepers of lager beer saloons and cheap boardino , hotnes, and who boarded and lodged recruits to the number of half a dozen, more or less, previous to their going into camp.— These small contractors were anxious for the payment of' their bills, and, be ing' unable to get the money from the Government, they were driven into the hands of brokers to get them dis counted. This class of men—whom we may call army brokers, and who figure more extensively than any oth er class as swindlers of the Govern ment—commenced business in that city in December, 1861. They first did a legitimate business, but they soon found a way of increasing the size of their bills by alto' ations in the figures, and Ibilowed up this fraud by making fictitious bills which were vouched for by downright forgery. On the tith of December, 1861, Col. Sackett vacated his post as disbursing officer for that city, and was succeeded by Lieut. C'ol. Nichols, also of the reg ular army. Before Col. Sackett left he was in the habit of requiring affi davits from the special contractors of the correctness of their bills, and also employed as an additional guard a gainst fraud, detective to tocertain whether the affidavits were true. Lt. Col.-Nichols held the post of disbur sing officer until June, 1862, when he was relieved by Captain Lamed, who in turn gave way on the 26th of Au gust last to Lieut. Col. _deed, who now holds the position. During the latter part of Col. Nichols' term, and all through the term of Capt. Darned, the bi okers were in full blast, and conduc ted their business with a recklessness of villainy that is perfectly astounding. They employed runners to visit lager beck. :shops and boarding-houses, and ' any and every place where it could be ascertained that a recruit had ever eaten a meal or slept over night, and induced the keepers of these places, under various arts and pretences, (of ten by actual bribery,) to certify and swear to bills against the Government. Not satisfied with this, they employed clerks to manufacture bills on t, of whole cloth, and forgo signatures to them.— Mr. Olcott has in his possession over fbrty forged signatures to bills which have been verified as forgeries by the colonels and contractors whose names were used. Instances have been dis covered where brokers have purchased claims of poor Germans for *25 and on the followin ,, clay have called at his place aild got him to sign what pur ported to be a receipt, but which was in reality a fictitious bill for 82,000.- 1 Their frauds have been perpetrated mainly through the agency of igno- TERMS, $1,50 a year in advance rant German people, who could not read our language, and who were made to swear to a bill of a thousand dollars when they supposed it was only $2O, or to certify to the correctness of a large claim when they supposed they were signing a receipt for a small one. Some of this class of people, however, who had no claim against the Govern ment, large or small, have been in duced to certify and swear to bills through the agency of a bribe. Recruiting officers arc also discover ed to have played the same game.— Instances have come to light where re cruiting officers have induced lager beer men to sign a bill for $1,500 where the claim was only $25, and the bills have been sworn to before a no tary, who, either through negligence, or because he was privy to the fraud, asked no questions, and in some cases, did not even administer the oath.— Cases have also turned up where the Union Defence Committee had paid the regular 40 cents per. ration for re cruits, and the eon tractor has been compelled to pay five cents for each ration to the colonel of the regiment, and 10 per cent. of his gross receipts to the quartermaster. Mr. Olcott commenced his labors by investigating the frauds of the army brokers, and after disposing of these, he was presented by the Secretary of War with a bill which had been paid at Washington, and had been sworn by a Colonel of a New York regiment. The bill was accompanied by the names of a large number of sub-vouch ers for the different items, all of which, except two, the Commissioner has dis covered to be forgeries. A further in vestigation has brought to light the fact that this same Colonel has swin dled the Union Defence Committee, swindled private citizens, swindled the General Government, and swind led every one of his subordinate offi cers and privates, and that the sum total of his swindling cannot fall short of MO,OOO. The wholesale frauds developed in this case have induced the Government to direct Mr. Olcott to investigate the transactions ofeach and every regiment raised in New York, where the circumstances con nected with its organization are open to suspi6ion. It is thought that nearly a thousand persons will be shown to htive been implicated, directly or indirectly, in the frauds. Many of the men who have been trumpeted as martyrs to the system of "illegal and arbitrary arrests" are met who were sent to Ft. Lafityette for these very frauds; and when their names come to be known, they will doubtless turn out to have been the most noisy &flutters of the Government, and the swiftest to ac cuse everybody but themselves of rob bing the public treasury. There is another feature to the gen eral system of swindling to which, it is said, the State and country have been subjected almost ever since the offer of bounties for the enlistment of pri vate soldiers was made. At first, that i for a very few weeks—there was at least a show of honesty in drawing the exceeding liberal bounties offered to non to enlist; and, at that time, when a man enlisted he was taken to the quarters of the company or regi ment into which ho had enlisted, and there kept. That course, however, was not long generally pursued. • The men, when enlisted and having receiv ed their bounties, would ask for a pass" for a few days, to regulate their family affairs and to spend the bounty money for what themselves or their families needed. This seemed proper enough at the time, but expe rience proved that many of the men thus let go did not return, and were, in consequence, marked as deserters. The system was then commenced by many officers of retaining a large por tion of the bounty money, on granting a pass. in order to insure the return of the enlisted man. Those who bad en listed with the intention of going to the war. returned, of course, and claimed the remainder of their bounty money. But there were many who did not; and it is at least remarkable that of those who did not return very few have been arrested.' Of the (about\ six thousand men who receiv ed thtbountres in the city of Brook ly.n, and the immensely larger number who received the bounties in New York, it is not believed that much more than one-half are now connected with the army by reason of their first enlistment. It is also stated that there are men now in New York, in citizen's clothes, who have been enlisted from two to six times, under the several bounty acts, under different names, and who have never been arrested. A TREATISE ON 1313K-KEEPINO, embracing an ana lytical comparb.ou beta eel, the Single and Double Entry Systems tug as tea in they agreo and a herein they differ, and wherein the latter in superior to the teenier, by a plain, praotacal elucidation of both systems; to a luelt is added a variety of bib.inegs calculations of Interest, Discount, Equations, Average of Accounts, Se, business Ruins of On dors, Drafts, Notes, Bills of Exchange, 1.. c. By P. 11. POLLOCK, Principal of tine •' Lancaster Mercantile College." This book will not , bo out of place in the hands of any man. It has just been given to the public by our friend Mr. Pollock, who is well known to the citizens of this county. The book is for sale at Lewis' Book Store. VARIETY E ELOPES.—CoIem an & Co's Union Variety Packages aro for sale at Lewis' Ilgolc Store. They make a very handsome present for all ages. The jewelry is of a bettor qual ity than can be secured in any other package or in any other way for the same money. The buyer of an envel ope can get any article of jewelry he or she may select from specimens. Call and see for yourself. Price 50 cts. Itc - 1,. English and German Almanacs for 1863, are for snip at Lewis' Book Clore JOB PRINTING OFFICE. T""GLOBE JOB. cIFFICE" is the mot complete of any in the country, and Ns sasses the most ample facilities fur promptly executing In the best style, every variety of Job Yrintiug, such mi • . 4 HAND DILLS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, POSTERS, . . • CARDS, CIRCULARS, BALL TICKETS, BILL HEADS, LABELS, &,(1, NO. 80. CALL AND EXAMINE SPECIMENS OP won; AT LEWIS' BOON, STATIONERY 44 MUSIC STOMA PROCILAMATION.--WHEREAS, by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 3th of November, A. D. 1862, under the hands atitrsedig of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court or Cunt:non Picas, 0) er and Tel miner, and general jail &HY , cry of the 24th Judicial Disti ict of Pminsyls aisle,' compd. sed of Huntingdon, Itlair and Cambria counties; and the Hons. Benjamin S. Patton and William It. Leas his associ ates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, Justices as signed, appointed to hear, try and determine all and every indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State are made capital, or felon ies of death, and other offences. crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpe trated, for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make public proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that u Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Ceminon Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court Holies in the borough of Huntingdon, on the second Holiday (and 12th day) of January next, and those who will mosecuto the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as ft than be Just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within said count), be then and there In their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. tn. of said day, w Ith their lecoids, inquisitions, examinations and remembran ces, to do those things e Mel, to their ofikes respectitipl? appertain. Dated tit lEuutingdon, the 13th December. in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and slaty-two, and the Stith year or American Independence. GEO. W. JOtINSTO.) . , Sheriff. pito CLAMAT IC/N.—WHERE A S, by a precept to me directed by the Judges of the Com. loon Pleas of the count!. of Huntingdon, bearing test the 15th day of November, 1102, I am commanded to make Public Proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick than ti Court of Common Picas Mitt be held at the Court lionse in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Monday (and 1311, day) of January, A. 1), 1103, for the trial of all Is sues in said Court Mitch remain annletermined boron) the said Judges, us hen and a boreal! piton?, %%Humes, and andel+, in the trials of nll issues are tcyaircd. Dated at Ituntingdon the 1311, of December, in the year of onr Lout 000 thee.and eight hundred and sixty-two, nod the St:th yet, of American Independence. OEO. W. JOHNSTON, Sheriff: COURT.AFFAIRS. TRIAL LIST JANUARY TERM, 1863 WELK. Sarah L Keeue SC. vs Philip We,arLr. J. 0111 am %sae fur usu vs IVllhans ltuthrools. Gout go Flora vi Janikun. ltou4u, of al Jucub Cautalau vs flulsolt F. Iloslutt. W. W. and D. E. Entrekin vs Michael Stone. Snmo ,vs Same Eiill4 Simpson and C. vs R. F. Ulmlet. 31e3lurtoo for Linn vs A. Russell of al. Jam!. Flondug's udm'r. vs Adam Sooner. S. N. and 11. Swoop° es Joseph 3leDsy. W3I. C. WAGONER, PAW?' Ifuntingdou, Nov. 23, 1802. Samuel Bolinger, farmer, Cromwell. Washington Buchanan, Huntingdon. Daniel Baird, farmer, Carbon. Emanuel Bare, laborer. Dublin. Moses Burge, farmer, Tell. Joseph Cadman, farmer, Cass. John C Davis, farmer, Oneida. Mordecai Duff, farmer, Jackson. Samuel Bum, farmer, Springfield. Joseph Dim - 445, firmer, Carbon. B L Everhart, teacher, Porter. Thomas Fagan, plasterer, Carbon. Joshua Gorsuch, farmer, Henderson. William Hamer, laborer, Porter. Samuel Henderson, farmer, Franklin George M. King, laborer, Shirley. James Lee, farmer, Penn. Samuel Marks, carpenter, Franklin. Enos McMullen, farmer, Cromwell. George Crum, jr:, farinef,' Barreo. Henry Peightal, farmer, Walker. Jesse Snare, mason, Penn. Miller Wallace, carpenter, Brady. Lazarus Wheeling, farmer, Franklin. s'n.-tvt.nsE JURORS-FIRST WEEK. James Allen, farmer, Porter. Samuel Beaver, farmer, Penn. Joshua Booker, farmer, Cromwell. James Black, farmer, Porter. David Buck, farmer, Warriorsmark. Alexander Bens, farmer, Tell. Able Corbin, farmer, Henderson. M F Campbell, farmer, Union. Joseph Douglas, merchant, Walker. James Dickey, farmer, Barre°. Samuel Evans, farmer, Cromwell. John Ebbeeman, farmer, West, John Figart, farmer, Hopewell. Andrew Fink, farmer, Union. James Goodman, farmer, Henderson. J W Galbraith, farmer, Shirley. Joshua Greenland, gentleman, Cassville. Benjamin Gibboney, manufacturer, Jackson Thomas Graflies, merchant, Morris. It D heck, farmer, Cromwell. N G Horton, farmer, Tod. M S Harrison, tinner, Shirleyshurg. John IV Hector, farmer, Springfield. Michael Isenberg, farmer, Morris. Daniel Hyper, farmer, Oneida. John Laport, fernier, Franklin. Benjamin F Myers. farmer, Springfield. Andrew Martin, wagon-maker, West, William Moore, farmer, West. Michael Myers, farmer, Cromwell. James Moore, farmer, Walker. Matthew McCall, farmer, Penn. Samuel McAlevy, farmer. Jackson. II L McCarthy, farmer, Brady. Samuel McClain, farmer, Cass. George W. Price, farmer, Cromwell. George Robison, farmer, Springfield. George Rudy, laborer, Jackson. henry Shultz, farmer, Hopewell. Peter Shaver, jr., clerk, Shirley. Elisha Shoemaker, farmer, Oneida. William Travis, farmer, Franklin. William Weaver, farmer, Hopewell. Samuel Work, farmer, Porter. A B Westbrook, inn-keeper, Huntingdon ; II S Wharton, agent, Huntingdon. James White, J. P., Carbon. Julie Vandevender, J. P., Walker. TRIVERSE JURORS-SECOND WEEK. Robert Barr, farmer, Jackson. Owen Boat, coach-maker, Iluutingdon. Charles Boyles, gentleman, Morris. Andrew Beers, miller, Franklin. William Crotsloy, cooper, Cass. Henry Crane, shoemaker, Franklin. Robert Cunningham, merchant, Huntingdon David Douglass, farmer, Shirley. William Enyert, farmer, Hopewell. John Eyer, jr., farmer, Warriorsmark. Michael Fleslier, farmer, Jackson. Stemirt Gainer, farmer, Carbon. Thomas Gleason, contractor, Carbon. Henry Glazier, gentleman, Huntingdon. William Harman, fence•maker, Porter. Henry Holtzapple, miller, West. John Hall, clerk, Porter. William B. Johnston, farmer; Franklin. Aaron Kelley, farmer, Henderson. George Leas, clerk, Shirleysburg. Deekers_Lock, merchant, Springfield. James Moore, farmer, Oneida. Edward J Neff, farmer, Warriorsmark. Christian Peightal, farmer, Barree. Wm. M Philips, tanner, Alexandria. Samuel Peightal, farmer, Henderson. Samuel II Pheasant, farmer, Union. John Porter, farmer, Henderson. Philip Pheasant, farmer, Cdss. George Price, farmer, Clay. William Rex, clerk, Union. James Terry, carpenter, Huntingdon. David S Umbenour, teacher, Shirley. Andrew Wise, farmer, Union. James Watson, farmer, Walker. Henry Wilson, J. P., Oneida. 4EZP. The National Tax-Law em bodying the organic sections; the gem era' and specific provisions; provisions for die appointment a,id governance of collectors, assessors and their assis tants; alphabetical schedule-list of ar ticles tared, with rates, etc., etc. For sale nt Lewis' Book Store SECOND WEEK cn.AND JURORS ~1
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