LOTE OF THE HEROIC SORT. rrliv Jofinlr HnidioU nnd llcr KmUn I.lt* men ni i. Tlie San Francisco f\t#f tells the fol lowing love store : Standing r w back of the engine house at Hunter's dock ia a pretty little two-story cottage, in which Jesse A. Burdick, engineer and foreman of the dock, resided with his wife and beautiful daughter Jennie. "Seventeen rwe buds nil in a row number her summers, and she is an only daughter. From n quiet Michigan home the family came here in Novem ber last, and altera little while, lauug skilled in his business, the father ob taincd a position, and hojxsl le enjoy under his rustic roof tree in California as happy ;i laune as he had left. With the lieguniitig of the year came the Russian ship-of-war Yasdtiiek, and with it eaiue as lieutenant and pavmaster (teorges de Kalauds. a tine la.ik.ing young man, with plenty of money, a tongue made to W.H> women, and a euro less abandon. Thh ship wanted re pairs, and into Hunter's dock she went. It was not long before the gallant In i tenant procured an introduction to Mr. Burdick, and through him to lus w ife and daughter. The opportunity lie im- proved. Time and again tod he \isit the cottage, and into the ears of the daughter did ho pour tales of daring and wild romance. When the father's su picums were excite*!, he found opjvvii tioti where formerly he had found obe dience. Thinkiug that no g>od could coruo of a marriage IwHween his v laughter aud the Russian officer, he torlaulc the latter tlic house, about a mouth ago, and honed that all might yet be well ; but neither himself nor his wife droannsi of the extent to which the affair had gone. Miss Jennie Rurdick sulked and IKMited, and Lieut, de Kalauds paced the Vaadniok's deck, which by this time had gone up to Mar*' Island, For a little time there was no cswnmunirwtiou between the lovers. However, on a re cent Thursday. a ball, given by the officer* of the* Vasdnick, hi which Mr. Rnrkickand family i-s invited, bivuvght the lovers once nsre together It was evident to Mr. Rurdick from what he saw at the party on the \ al --niek that there was more between 1. cut. de Kalauds and his young daughter t in he had dreamed of. On Friday morn ing he took the girl to tier mot tier and suddeulv accused her of regantuig the Young Russian with t*x favorable rviw. Instead of denying the soft impeach ment, the girl Lddlv declared her in tention to marry vie kalauds at the very first opportunity, ami added that they nudentoud each'other thoroughly. Rur dick parr and m<n were of o ucsv very much astonished. They told tlic giri that she hail the alternative of giv ing up her lover or undergoing a tigur ous couftnement. She accepted the lat ter without hesitation, saying that at the first opportunity she would escape and fly to her lover. Miss Jennie was escorted to her room wd looked in, anvl all her clothing carefully packed away in her mother's trunk, with the exception of calico dress and a shawl. Deeming their daughter thus secure, Mr. and Mrs. Burdick calmly awaited tlie time when the Russian fleet would sail away and carry off the object of her affections. Rut the lovers, debamsl from luminal intercourse, found means to communicate with each other through a male friend. It was no secret to this voung man tliat tl.e girl was locked up In her room. It is supposed that de Kalnnds lilerally bribed him to eairrv notes to the young ladv. and that through liim the elopement was planned. The house of the Ihmlieks stands back a aliort distance from the road leading into the Potreru. The room occupied by Mis.- Jennie is about twelve feet from the ground, and the presumption is that the go-between, after nightfall, took the notes from de Kalauil*. who is aupjnised to have been in the vicinity, and attach ing a small stone to them, threw them into the open window to the girl. This is the only way in which any communi cation could take place between them, for the girl liad becu locked in her room since Fridav. Nothing occurred to ilisturb the se renity of tlie family until last evening about seven o'clock, when Mr. Burdick hearvl an unusual noise in Miss Jennie's room. He was sitting in the dining room, w-hioh is immediately under the girl's apartment. Tlie thought struck him that perhaps she was attempting to escape. He went out on the front steps, and was astonished to see his daughter fleeing dowu the rood, hatless and shawl less. A glance told the story. Her win dow was open, anil standing in the road was a top buggy and horse. He dashed into the house for his revolver, and reached the rood in time to see his daughter seized by the strong arms ■ .' the young lientenant and lifted into tlie buggy. The indignant father followeil the fugitives, discharging his revolver as he went, but in a short time the buggy vanished in the gathering gloom, and Mr. Burdick gave up the chat*- and re turned sadly to his home. The girl had jumped out of the window, nnder which her lover hail been evidently waiting for her in true knightly fashion, and in her hurry had dropiied her shawl The outraged father called at the po lice station and related the cin-umstane -s, desiring tlie assistance of the |*>liee to recover his erring daughter. He hail not the faintest idea as to where the eloping couple bad gone. A Blighted Life. A few mornings since a Philadelphia matron called to see her young married daughter, who resides on North Eleventh street, and found her weeping bitterly. "Oh, mother, take me home. My heart is broke," sobbed the daughter, throwing herself into her mother's arms. After her tears had somewhat subsided the mother said : " Hardly a year married, and here I find you in tears. What does this mean ? Has Henry been unkind to you ?" "No," sobbed the daughter, "but he doesn't love me any longer, and my heart is breaking." " CAme, odme, child, cheer up. Tell me why you think him untrue to you. Does he show it ?" " Fes," was the heart broken reply. " Ob, the Hooundrel! Oh, tlie vipvr !" gasped the mother. "My poor, dear child," she fairly sobbed, " your mother won't desert you. She'll bring that vil lain to his knees. What insult has he offered you, my child ? Bpeak, tell me the worst." "Oh, mother, I can't." " You must, my child. Tell me, though the heavens fall, what outrage has he committed ?" "He swore last night when I put my cold feet to his back," soblied tlie daugh ter. "Is that all," gas]ied the mother. "Yes, but he never did BO ltefore. All last winter he never said a word when I put my cold feet to his lmek, and now I know he doesn't love me;" and then the poor girl's tears broke out afresh. Before the mother left she managed to convince her daughter that all the world was hollow, and that the hollow of a man's back was not the place for his wife's cold feet.— Philade/jt/iut Kfin. Short Suits. Some of the leaders of fashion here, says J/arprrx' Jiazeir, areagain rebelling against long skirts for walking suits, und have already adopted neat aud pretty suits of habit cloth or of water-proof, made with a single skirt short enough to escape the ground, and a tasteful Breton jacket simply trimmed with one wide row of galloon, or else many rows of braid. These ladies do not claim to be dress reformers; on the contrary,they are gay young women of fashion, rnauy ot whom have enjoyed in Paris the short skirts that Parisienues have never a ban doned; but they protest against the dis comfort of long and clumsy skirts for walking suits. Now that crinoline is abolished, this abridged skirt will bo graceful as well as convenient; it is now worn for morning walks in tiic city, and many are being made for the country, for the seaside, mountains and oouclungs, etc. Albatrosß cloth is a new smooth-faced fabric similar to mohair, which is said to be made from the down of the albatross. It is also known as drap de Virgiuie. It comes in solid colors,in small pin-checks, and in narrow stripes of blue, brown or black with white. The plain, striped, and checked cloths are all ured in a single costume. The t liiuiipioii Rat Killer. A tall man. with a nose like a mufliu, went into a Main street boarding house one day last week, and asked for a dinner. " Owing to tlie gen end depression of business, and iviisoquont seaivit v f the rluiivi," said the proprietor, I.Miking the tall man over, " a dinner will cost yon tliirtv live cents, in advu '• i have nothing with me but neliook on a R< don Nuik," observed the tall man. " Cheeks on R<wtvii banks ain't worth e eop|ier." remarked tin- landlord ; " 1 guess you'll have to dine more siunptn iiualy elsewhere," " Can't I th> something for my din ner?" askvsl tin* tall man, as a hungry pang griped him. "You can |iay," said the proprietor, impressively. "You give mo my diuner," said the tall man; " I'll agree to elenu your house of everv rat in it. I have per formed the (eat tu many hotels through, out the conutrj, wit It numl satisfactory results." The proprietor accepted the bargain as a most advantageous one to himself, ami the tall man scaled himself at Ra table, when* he did fearful execution among the victual a He flmslievl his viinuer in half au hour, picked his t-oih with a fork, called for a cigar, uiul pro ceeded t.> enjoy it. M JfOW, then." Mil the proprietor, when the tall Ulan hud finished his smoke, "let's get to business, tio for the rats." " Vh, ves," returned the tall man ; "with pleasure. Prist ire me u light iron lar, alxiut four feet tu length, and 1 will proceed t> business.'' The iron l*ar was pnwlnoed, and the loafers gathered around to witness the interesting proceeding-. "Now begin," said the proprietor. " Wlierv will You commence first "Right liere," replied the tall man, as lu> carefully rolled Ivaek his cuffs, spit on his hands, ami grasped the iron bur firmly, while the proprietor st*ad by with great anxiety depicted uu lus coun taumWi " Now ," saivl the tall man, impressive ly, as lie slow .v elevated the Imr, " ore yon idl ready ?" " All ready," returned the proprietor, exeitrelly. "Then," said the tall man, " bring on your rats." For the space of five minutes tliA e\- eitement of an entire 1 "residential ehv tiim fillevl the room. \Ylen it aubsidr-d the tall man waa nowhere to is* s*-eu. ami the proprietor was staiivbug lief ore a glass t v lug an oyster over his left eye. The rats still re, el in their native free dom. — l! is kland ( 'on t it r. lYrey Rjsshe •shrlley l'inehliark. Aivonling to a New Orleans eorrc .qs-iuli-i.t •>: Ute N*-w York /im- : mother of Mr. lhiiehoock, the mulatto claimant for a seat in the United States Senate, was a lwautiful rh>r\l girl, said to have Kvu more Indian than negro. His father was a Major Holmes, well known in Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana us an extensive planter, deep druiker and good liver. Having a pas sion for jKwtry, and l**ing deep in his etijvs, he n.tmd tl-.e Isjv b irn to the slave girl I'ervy Byashe Shelley Pinch btu*k—Percy Bvsshe Shelley out of re l>eet to his favorite author, and I'meh liaek iKvause, us he said himself, the child was not gold, not is*pp*r, u-*t white, not bhvk, not Imbaii—in sh.rt, ueither one thing u-*r the other, but a little of all. What kind of a hie " little Pinch " levl under tlie i-are of his fat In r ami owner may be gatliensl from the fol lowing incident: Oue day he won with Major Holmes on a Mississippi steam boat; the sun was hot, and in the shmle of an awning the planter with his friends played jniker for high stakes, and to quiet his nerves J rank deep draughts of iced whisky punch. The slave boy sat in the corner watching tho game, ami waiting for any orders which might lie given by the players. While he was occupied in this way the captain stum bled across lam, and, w-ith a curse, de manded: " Whose nigger are you?" " Well, Massa C'ap'in, 1 don't 'zrwtly know," was Pinch's reply. "I war Maj. Holmes boy, but he vlone Ist me on two litle pair and lost. I'sc got to sre the game through 'fore I e-.ui answer your question." The boy had told the exact troth. His unnatural father hav ing no oilier stake, bet liim against SI,OOO. and lost. In addition to Being the liest colored politician the South has ever productxl, Piuehl)a* k is alsr> the ls***t shot and the coolest and bravest colored fighter in Louisiana. The following story will show how collootrsi he is in a moment of longer: In lfifili. m tlieatreeta of N< w Orhvuis, he was attacked by a man with whom lie had some personal difficulty. Pistols were drawn, and his assailant. Wing quick on the trigger, as the say ing goe> lure, put two bullets into Pinchbuck's body before he conhl wink. As he fired he retreated. " Tlie man w hose father liet him on a little pair," never moved, but quickly attempting to oock his pistol, uu old fashioned Colt, found that a cap lunl fallen into the chamber, and that the cylinder would not revolve. Coolly he drew his jmrkct knife, and, while he was still L*ing made a target of, picked out the cap. Then he cocked the weapon and taking aini shot at and drove his assailant from the ground. Widows who Burned. Jung Hahadoor, the prime miniater of Xepaul, went to bathe at Kagonuttee; he entered the river l>efure sunrise for that purpose in the highest spirits, ami after performing his ablution* he eat on the bank to say Ida prayers. Soon after he -was noticed to lie motionless. (>u his followers approaching him they fotiml that life was extinct. An express was sent to the capital, and orders arrived to postpone the funeral rit-s to the first of March. The three princi|d ranees (widows), his brother ami mm arrived, and the ranees expressed their desire to Bitcrifioe themselves. The brother tried to dissuade thein, but he failed, and the funeral pyre was prepared with nandnl wood, resin and a large quantity of ghee. When tin- nrrmigemi uta had lam made the ladies bathed, jierfomied poojaii (an East India sacml rite), and made pres ents to the Brahmins. The next step was they took measures for the govern ment of the country ami to maintain peace; then general directions were given to the brother-in-law. Their last act was to release some prisoners. They then entered the funeral pvre quite un concernedly, muttering, prayers. The corpse was then laid on its back, and the eldest ranee t<sk its ln-ad in her lap and the two others t<s>k the feet. They were then surrounded by is lorn as combusti bles, and tiie ranees gazed U|KHI the fea tures of their husband as if forgetful of every other consideration. The fire was then applied by his son, and all was over in a few minutes. Rescued frain I hath at Sea. The commander of her majesty's troop ship Simoom, which touched at Ht„ Vin ••flit, Caj*- de Verds, says 11 London paper, reports that about sixty miles to the southwest of Sierra Leone lie picked up a small whale boat, ami tooktwo men out of it, who were in a fearful state of exhaustion from hanger, thirst and ex posure. The men, who were unable to stand on their feet, were carefully nursed, and as soon as they were suffl eiantlv recovered they said that they were Samuel Wright, of Manelieater, anil Willirm Woffie, of Fulton, New York, and were part of the crew of the whaling bark Ellen Hodman, of Fairhaven. They deserted their vessel on the night of Feb. 15, off IJrnve island, Cape de Verds, taking the whale boat in which they were picked up with them, intend ing to go to the island of Fogo, Cape de Verds. During the night it blew so strongly that they were driven away from the land out to sea, and they sight ed no vessel until they were fallen in with by the Simoom. When they de serted from the Ellen Hodman tliey had only four pounds of biscuit aud four gal lons of water, aud when picked np they had lxeu ten days without anything to eat or drink. Woffle was taken care of by the United States consul at Sierra Leone. Mils. MMI ('I.EM'S HIMOltl Mr % rlnlloua Minßtt Out tillrr I our Trlol*. To ( tint Irtloitm, it ml Tftn Muttilia ol n I lit- tor Ml met* In oit litilluitu IVttlt -it lUn. The tlohl Spring tragedy, or the t'leiu murder, was pei petrak vl near liidiuuapo lis v ighl veals ago. The vleatli of .lueob Young niiil his wife, shot down side by Side lit :| lonely S|Hl| oil thelmilk of White liver, the mi est H>HIU afterward of Mrs. Nancy I'lem for the murder, with two male mvompliecs olio of tlieui her brother, Silas limtiuaii; the long series ef hard fought trials that followed, end nig live years later m the release of the woman after four trials tor murder, two Convictions, ami tw> nty months of a life sentence spent in the penitentiary; the strange but incomplete revelations of mysterious fitimft-iul transactions on a targe scale which came out tu these trials; mid the constantly heightening thrill of strange horror and mysterious interest that first convulsed the imme diate ueighhorhiHkt, and later spread in continually wuleuiug envies ovei the whole country, as tin-singular ri velationa went oil all tin se are still tiki recent to have Is <-i forgotten. Now the mystery is coming to light in several civil suits, in which Mis, t'lem w ill tiguie v m lously as w ituess and party. In one of these suits, to which she is not a party, the court two or three weeks Muoe ordered the taking of her dejHwl- Uou. This was done privately and at great length, ton. lien Harrison, of the counsel tu the suit, conducting it. For a whole week this extraordinary woman, who was m ver on the witness stand in the whole course of the judicial proomsl mgs against her, was subjected to a close i-xaiuiuatn -, ty a skilled lawyer, slid it has I eii made clear that Mrs. t'lem, \ iiti", the nun i red in ui, A brains, au aoisuiiplieo ui the murder, mid others whose ts'iimvtiou with these was more or h ss obsiure, Wi-re cugaged ui a strange courss- of dealing in money, which j u-sl them tu relations of confidence ami of large crevlit, without visible foundation, with some of the strongest banks and most conservative buaitie.sa men in the city . Mrs. t'lem, or more frequently the others, who acted as her agents and go betweetis, were able to procure sums ranging up to SIO,UX.) from such bunks as Harrison's and Fletcher s, umi from such private parties as H. Wright, then and now a prominent business man; 11. S, lh>r*cy, umi others. bin -e hoils were without visible stvurily, and ap parently made bv the lenders without knowledge of tlie business m which tliev Were ti> la* tliHvl. It invmivl to Ik* <*UOllgii for tln-m that for a time tlie hauls were promptly paid with gratifying usury. This did not last, however. When the denouement eame it brought with tt not only murder, but lauikruptey and roblwrv. The luUncti were all on the wrong side. W'b u Young was kille*! he owed the b.urks and otliers over Jflti.- Ikirt, and lus naseta wen* not Also, i*n his jKTson the day of the murder disappeared from the IHHIV. rhe thH>ry of tin* pros<vnti"ii was that himself .md wifi* were killed to sliut their mouths am! cover ut> the spiriting away of this and other large sums by Mrs. Clem. It also ap|>eani that Mrs. C.-m us. 1 tlie money and erdit of men aud women whose confidence alie was able to gam by s 'tue mysterious |H>wr jwrsoual magnetism, JK rhaps to furnish a gong of gamblers w .th means to carry on their bttsiness, while shesharisl in their gains. She w is, she says, in intimate relation with the gamblers' bnsim—s. At times she e s'keil meals tor them. At other am* . she st-Hsl guard while the plav was progressing. She was paid for all these serv ii*e. Oil one critical isvasi* ni reeeivevl fL'aX) for watching at the door. ltli.it a Hearty ippctitc Did. Not so very l- iig ago there arrivasl at S-ui Antonio, Tex., u geutlemau frotn a large town on tire railroad between then* and tiolvinU'ii. lie put tip at one of the hotels, and displayed a tremendous appetite. At the end of the wa-ck he ex jKs-ttsi to l>e presented with lus bill, but no bill was pre-euksl, although he hud no luggage at all. Time went on itrnl still no bill. The landlord troukd huu with loftly courtesy, as did the waiters. One night, however, he did not return to the hotel, and next morning the landlord hired a detective, who hunted and fount! him. The stranger thought the land lord was going k> have him put in jail for swindling, or something els.*, and lie l'elt very much alarmed nl>out it. Rut no. The landlord was as pleasant as ever. He asked the stronger what he hail done that he should desert lus hotel tiiat way, ill puri-d whether tin* waiters lnul offended him, and finally lugged him to return to his hotel once more, prom-sing t> furnish him with oysters or anything else he might wish. Tlie stronger was astounded. He told the landlord that he Couldn't pay his l>oar>L The landlord replied he did not want any board, ami finally extorted frotn the stranger the promise to return to the hotel. Aft- r a few iluvs, tin- stronger t<s>k the landlord aside, thanked him with tars in his eyes, ami asked him why lie was so anxious for him to eat at that hotel free of charge. " I'll tell you," was the replv ; " I d* n't care a CUM for yon JHTSONALLR, but since you have IHVU eating here i have had forty more gnea's t*> dinner tliau I ever had before. They come lien* for no other ptin*me than to lisik at yon cat —von eat so hearty. Rut the trouble is, f had $2,000 l>et you wotthl choke to death nt the dinner table within a speci fied time. To day is the last dnv, and I have lost, (.it!" And he kieited him nineteen fer*t ten inches into the stris-t. An In fortunate Speculator. John F. Tracy was one of the railroad pioneers of the West, The B *-k Island road was constructed under his SllJMT vision, and lie hns la-en the chief man ager of its interests up to the failure of his health. His large wealth was mainly acquired, however, in stock speculations, and he was known throughout the coun try as one of the boldest, shrewdest and most successful operators, ranking with Vnnderbilt. Drew and Gould in the mag nificence of his financial schemes. He has in his time run many a Hiiceessful corner in atockH and hits niereilesalv "squeezed" those who were opposed to him. If the failure of his last |HS>I had occurred while he was in full jMiasfsaioD of his health ami faculties, lie would have been entitled to no particular sympathy, for lie would only have been beaten at his own game, played by him for years desperately ami without scruple. Hut, in view of the fact-that In- went into this operation with impaired faculties, and eluding the vigilance of his friends, it is only pro|M-r to regard his misfortune with the same pity that one b-els in contem plating a disaster that overtakes a luna tie who eseiqiee from an asylum. It is intimated that Tracy's large fortune, es timated as high uss3,ooo,oooand S4,(NKt,- tfMl. has been entirely swept away. This may be exaggerated, but in any case a large part of it has disappeared. It is not likely that lie w ill live long to regret his losses, an I we believe that he lias uo immediate fitniK- to suffer from them. l7i Irftf/tt 7'riltunf. Our Ocean Turning Trade. The rapid growth of the merchant shipping of the leading maritime jxiwers of the world, particularly in the line of iron steamships, rnd the contracted con dition of the exchange of products be tween nations, lias caused a depression in the ocean carrying trade, probably never before known during the present generation of business men. The only hope, therefore, of any decided change for the better in tbe present unfortunate condition of the shipping interest will be in the revival of industry, and conse quently the opening of commerce, and a temporary suspension in ship-building. And even thou, it Americans hope to compete with Europeans, it will be ab solutely necessary for our countrymen to manage their vessels as cheaply as their foreign rivals who traverse the great highway of the world's oceans and seas for the supremacy of the carrying trade in all countries. Vessel property was never cheaper than it is at the present time, bnt nevertheless there is stiil a wide margin for economy in its nwuiiure. ment—•Jfottvn Unilp Advrfigrr, SI'MM \ltV OK M:S. It. MI. of Inirrr.i Iruut llimir ninl ll'iuml. V I II! lia ]>*. iil I lie \i York Si nati | i - lit, i'ar of tin,.in IMOIIHI n m iiiniufi IN, Hint hlntv (iiiitm-linkufT Im. f. niii ilx atmutilii'i t| tliatUii.ini. ntiiniwilli I'lilki i. Siniiti.ii llioii.aiul ItiiMiinii In,, i ■ IIUM villi i■,l Hun Iliiuitn Tin, t'liilml Matin iini,|*. l N, n I>l li-nti. -linv i' lift tin Slat,' hitllmi ain I 11 111 ■. I t,I linn liatim k. .In, SimlTuril, alh lun i-iai, wan I'livlint In tin l iulnl rilnti . Ki unti In nu nliiin.t mini,un,,ll. vol\ Ilin lU'imliliinii. in,l a I'niHiiJnl, , v lml, fnrly Cul ImiK an. >ft Snil(liniii|,|n||, I I I'of 1 1 v.mim mini.ti l. , H from tin l f'limvtiill 1 Siiiilnnii in n i h il, tuiliiai i iMiniontiitii, m li\v- tin. i,i ili i, >1 Oh- oottt*,titration of Iniin for-, of I S|li a |i.m|,a mi llto M, kh an (loiitn i. nlil. lii. limkul n,mil n. n tnaiia-1 a. nnmt Um Mi llmll niitlioiitn., ninl likrli to load ( varlotu nnti ■ •It, atiini. \ntixil, l I.ov, n llm'kiiliiUi of l'linklyii, N 1, .1 In. ifi icnililv. ninl .lull oltttn r. alllu|it<<l lo mn.t I,mi In, .1 l olio of Un til ami w m tinll (nUlly Motiinti,l. Ml*. Smnli I>!., itlio'ly, wtiolin. nliai.on limnt. Willi i<>ri y I'l, >i,|i*lll fi' in \N n.li lliKloU ilon ll, I'alliil nil I'l. nl.li til linn, nl tin lull Hon., >l, I , m lakriiliy Un |*.>,tlt' of linkotn towanl lli*kiii|t Hint 1 ornt, 11 a Male V motion fat rtll£ lll.li linlui ruli' a. ilifi nl.il ill Un IhlllUi (iollM of ,'oui tiiiilia l.t a toll of 417 to ( . t hi* is.ll.,ii ojwratli. n on .fiikf nt tin Wainnutla uiilin. N, it IU .If -nl. a.- , Imt i tv.lll;;,. I*oi *at 11., nltl |*tiv \ hrmt on U.r i* nl of II tn* Ililtli'Uil i*nii.iiti r.tMi- on Itiuh! ttif. ami *lU|>|illi|t In llalvtwliui . A | nilt of I'taim Jt:i |n r* in Un'l'l. k llill. *i-n nilmknl, nuil i 'tn' mail ttn. i, ifc' il ami liiriH' tto ill ninl lh Slaikwwalliar, who .Ui.l Un* Mni.,i firj ii',.Hil 1 i iilml, l ♦ 1",IK*0 *, ma. awatilnl tl l.t tin- Jury. 'The I'arkaiil potrrnutnit tt iHi lrow fmin tin la'Uiatana Stall kwiia ami Un Nl lioll. Ie,;:-U tine t,mk |*..>n *ion. Mr. I'a. kanl lantinl all ailJri".. to (tir I, l-lioaa. of tin -tali', iwtlll M-tliig ant,mi..ton Huiuiiali tro,,|>. liati i'i0.t.,,1 Um fiiuitni of A., tn- 'Turkey, ainl akiruMahiug laiwerii tin xiuiu a tin m haa euittmeiH*e<l. I tilt tintUMonl llu.ntau ml illri. hat i' riiti-mt Uoimiaiua, ami an, tin til ha. lain ll I'lluV lwtlti. il Un* I'mk. ami m wltk'lt Un l.ilter al* ii |.,rtnl llrft nil .1 iiilt Noll M-'llki a aja I ,lt in the teruiau l'ailiaint'lit, nhl.h t*rmtnl a >ii rat .1 1. alt I 101 lui 1 uruia . la not r .'al.lut a* hoatlli' to I'iaoOf |.y thr Fri'U. ll |>a|r. A man naiitrvt M.ntklefc, on trial ft , . iu|.in ii* in a uiurili r. *aa tak* n out > f jail ht a tnoh at lhitrr. lVuti., ami Tltu itiniuitaaiou ai.j.iliitiil to elaiUUu into llie allatia t*f tin \i it k"I k ru.lolu 1. Uta ha* 1* rli >• Ul) u<l 1 ami will II* work ht titnilUlUj h ailing niln-tnl* .lu the Si York 11,-tluiwi t itiui'h r tfili ineiit aaa rrmlnl \o' ine Euro, mail wnl Ur*>, ami |.rioea tow. It 1* |<rt>t*n*xl to reutoye the i utile I.*l yof Klotih luuiaii. to a rewrtaUou lu *■ mthi a*tern I'ak. In . ..him A. i'l; Uf 1 ii|vart| tin S|iuiah i ilo in t'UUIg la.lu a arriti-al tu ( i iriiiliatl from In illanaooha, ami r*k>(ittnl ala ! ,1.1 a. Satah ami hla Mavtltll. M lieu i tlhal in tl., uioftU'i, If tta* fiUiltil that iaifh Iteil oiHn! ilfi-al aim nh . The i-aUiitiiif-ioii nil til* aa-tlli tin-nt of the ll*liitii; rlmui* will oryiariir. tu llaitfat f. uu lltttc ui Jul* . . Thr ha* a) | ,■ Ilu l i lata, ami mailt ilrath. ax tir ilatly Two out of aix tuuglar* who aitri;i| led to < tif< r a et.'ie in Ikthlrhrm, I'a.. iir hi t by m. ortWxt \ lr„h,. 1U t'oIUMX-tli-Ut oil Un hi r f tlie Si w liati u taih *U, wa* harm-1. 1 .ittaiil Mrlterwou, • lalnk it th 11, i-. f IT [item ut.xliti a, ha* bti-u *1'!" - hti chi< f of Uu< hurt an of rtigraxiiqc h.til (irliiUiig of th. Tuitaxl Stall a Tlraatlrt i|i'|U4(llii llt Tin o|iuiu, of lh w.j hetweeu Ruaia ami "Turkat wa* fought in V iatir lurk. i. tin* Turk* a*** rt that tl , t nail ri- ulw l thr rtn m* with a ha* of -*i lieu. The aullan limtlilMxl. IU rax- of tirral, to Join tin ami). A hoot XI, oa, U; an ti a | ia. ui i. liati • U'ltxi Itoumaiua Till 1.-, ilia lx r lalatun ha* atljourutxl in* in. All th. orttix-r* rhx*t.al oil tin Nl 'h •I- *krt al, Ui ; - lof 111- I ofin'ea ami lh. rerx iil* At a trax )>fi.,ii triiilrrtxl to W iltiaiii M. K.t art* in Ai'xiiy. S i.. a iiutula-r of Item a-ratir ofhi tx fttaeal to at teinl ... Tlie craw of tin- .-hamiur lew:. S. l*atia am toil tu No, 1 rk on 11. Iark i" J MrtTriiuaii. The* hail 1• it r i.iwlle.l to atmmlou Ihi tr Vr*ael in a <'ollax-tor Arthur n* thr !iit ). r>- i a xaiiu: • I ht Ilia* com mi Moii amaintol i.* h*-k into th> affair* of the \< ar Y i"k rtlat m h A all la'ftatl .1 f lh> I -11 -r I* : fil l Ir 1 Slate*, c* of t.iiilvtii whila ami thirft-iitr i- loii'l tuell, iwl 1 'i tin IV* . ihuit at tin- Whila 11 'U*e an t J. lltara-J an *<i ilrxxa*. reafUa-atimf till' lVr.nlellt to , llllaali . hi. lo i'otigrt"** a r. >,IUIIM • lat. .. f r the *}'['!: nation of till.iia * fir Uita-ftiaJ lUI tirotetuentA ui xJat ta> K-**' ni T •' idle UU r IhruiMthaHit the axuuitry ...It i* •x --laax-tawl thai the frtmx* a.td Tnma-a* ~f \\ie wi I viol tin *t iittaxl Stale* in tin winter t I ha* Viecti gotng on near Itatotnn. with uufavorahle rrwull* h the ItUawtaii*. a* t* I'ltllllwl hv Un- llirka. '1 ha Ku*oaii traa J * have taken ,ifea.:->!i tf tiiurga vo. ■ i th- I'aniil—. It 1* aaiil that lu atria !a* ea. • '■ i KnglaiiT f., uj4 id lh. triat* of Tart-. M ,ti tauogllu litej* have evitervwl Altwula, Mtv Cheyvtana luuian* hata *urT" .1. nxl, ami I i ary llonwt la . ijwx'taxi at i'.rxl i ml aga m-y with a large tnunl It" ha* U* JIVKW that llrigliatit \outig * Wifi. Ann 1 lira, t* tn-l en tiUetl to a Jit ■ .n-e Tin !. jo-t Jraler* of V W York fa el Jaj-rea-arl ha th. nth -1 , ami the temi— i am-e un-ti an it r. , umlaut A man in New York walt/ej for tltr raiiiweutill hour* without ato|>puiß lw.. man. a woman ami a boy were arreMcxl for the nmraler of an ag.xl fxni) i, near itrangrl :;tg. N. 1., tin >• ar* ago Tin ditn.'t att- irnet a of Wtxtrru ,-lln * have been luatru- hlto } ra the w)u*k-< ring mut* with ".it ih la; An ■ Inn rtauutiata u of tha ba*ly of a ehiiJ in ilam*biirg, I*a., retawtl.ai tin fa<"t that J rath wa* tfauaaxl by Marvati'.'.i A man wteiity (wo year* of age wa* charged with abandon ment tn a N. Yolk jolfcx ix.urt 1* hi-if. aged fifty-four h riot hroke out tn tjnel* ami a mot. of S.fn*' |er~ tux k. m the w ii >w a of the rttjr hall fcii'l Ute rxx* rdi r' ix, uL Tlie c- roiier * Jury m the itta|Ur*t on the lawlia-* of the ti Him* I f the St. l.otli* fire, have rlowxl Iha tr laln-r* Thi v rx-uimrcd tin lx>- ].riet, r of lh. S 'tttlaerii 11 ti l. ami n.ada • . njfge*ttin looking t>- the a tdamx . f ntmilar caTaiuitie* tn the future. Tlie lat. *t ui regard to th- *a*r between line da and Turk. > i a di-jiah-h fr in hi*, hell. ff. which nava '-An the ltu*eiau army adtamwa. jnwlamati- n will 1* i*ned boU> to the 'hrt tiaii ami Muauluiau pojiulationa ,f Turkey, ord' ring tin tn to remain jni ! and attemj t m lhing agninat each oth. r. a* all who remain iiniet m their homea will mil l-e mole-lrxl. Nothing Will b lak.n without | *yiinnt. 8w n,ade*U'.t wiali the t hri*ti*n ].|.u!ati t n*e, a. Un* would only roult in dt, rd* r aud tIM-leaa hl.mJdn d hut t'hriatian* wh. > w i*ii to take jxrt in the war can com* to Un- ]lna*ian UM*. where they will be given arran and uni f.rnin. and I- L<. ulnilv hnM M a Sfclhl dlvmion. commanded hy lln-.an oihcere. iui.h r Ui*- atneteat diwcii'lim N.' macular band* of guerilla* will In allowrd. mqutliee will I* mah rx ajweting the atr ill- . f la*t rear. .\- cwpt ill mil h cam * a* Sh> fket l'acha and othi r*. mentioued in Un- r.] rt of Mr luring atnl Mr. Schuyler. If the** are caught they will !• trod and nnmmartl* j'ttßidud. If more mo nacre* ,ax'ur. tntninhment Will 1* *wift an-1 r tain. Oeit. Tchentayeff aJTiverl her* oii lhnr— da*. He will receive aotne c,,inttian<L" liu**ta and Franc have warned lh- khedn. - f 1 K*t*t againat ftirmnhing aid to Turkey. The lurk* were agatu vtctoriou* in an . ngagi in* ut at Itn toiim, A-ia Nlinor. England i |*n | for war by nrgani/ing an artnv , -r,,-. Hie I'.uro |iean ,*>wer* have deeliin .1 Turlo y demand for mediation At St. AUautn. \ l .the Jury in Un trial of Tklward I tni brought in a verdict of guiltv of the murder ,f M: Mice M. Ilullcr. ..Aft' r ntbr.e dv* trial *iv out of tin -*-ven ■urn who tarrrxl and fcnHsT. 1 \|r*, Sli. j heril, in N<'banie inoiitttain, ls*t January, r. n.d wntouo * van tug from • ivl.t. •li I" tliri-e mouth* A BPioklyii .N.V. t druggi*t named Watt* commitUxd ainci'l* hy takuig * diss- of |-ru**ic acid. i'au*o. intern)* raiic ...Twenty thouaand of the inhabitant* of ltu*#in have I* - come lioiiielc** by Hie overflowing of the I>ni< - i* r river.... Mr*. I 'nrrcy lior*e hip|ied .1 Im lb imett in a crowded *trw ttu N' -i \ork. Slu claim's] b- hod *lander-.l Iter... .The charge for fourUi-clas* fr. iglit matter from Chicago on Eaateru railroad* ba* adiaie-ad Ave cent*. Mai A in . "f lbixton. a Urg> metal and hard ware holt*", have failed. Lialn itiea. *fioo.(Nl Tie- Ni w <rl-au* collector*hi|> ha* I*. u given t" John K. King.. .The locomotive eiigi ncersof the Heading railroad litivp |ircUelli giieu U)i their *trike. At a tin in Montreal ten j* rnnna wiv. burned to death mikl a numl-ei ->f firemen an.l nthcr wen- liadly injured by falling wall-. '1 be fire originated'in a building on St. t'rbam afreet, and -pvcral tin men wlio • re rai-uig n ladder wi ii auililenlv enveloped l-> the ltatne and were found at the foot of the ladder terribly burned. S k.ii after the wall of a burning build ing fell in, btirving nil win were within n .b. . Mi r. WUliani fl. Ilrownlow, In tter known a-Tni-on Urownlow, died in Knoavill. . Teiin.. aged neveiitv-two yearn, lb' had Inn n noted a* preacher, governor, editor and m-nator. I'll- Itun mil- have ooeupied tialat/ and liftila, both en the Tamil-. Itoiiinania ba- enterml into a Convention with Ku—ia .. It in prob able that a neutrality proclamation in regard to the war Ik twe, n ltu—ia ami Turkey will 1— made hv the United Stat Half of the biininenn |irt of Cnnajolinrie, N. V . wan de ntroved by fire, involving a lonn of #!KH(,i)nO. . A clergyman- wife tied from b-r bom- at Englewood, N. J., and committed nuieide while deranged A reception win given in New- York to a t'binene political exile, who n hv tnring on tie religion and politic* of bin coun try ...Mrs. Mart Placet he •, a widow, aged aixtv-eiglit, Coinmitteil ntlicide ill Hrooklyli, N. Y., while laboring under n fit of mental ab. -r --ration. A battle In twi-en the Itun-iann and Turku oc curred la-fore Knrn, in Ania Minor. (Iriat Itritaiu ianued a proclamation ,f neutrality. The Kunninli e/ar telegraphed to the I'riuco of It mniania : "lam • rmlv-renolved thin lime to realize the aaered mi—ion of ltu—ia and my preileecnnor. God will aid tin." \ further di-charge of 200 clerkn from Hie bureau of engraving and |irinlitig of the Trcannrv depart ment at Washington ban In en made A chamla-rmaid in New York drank from a bottle containing prunaic aeid, which wan given her by a fellow nervant, who mipi-i-eil it wan wine. The girl went into convnlMonn and died At Karmingtou, Conn., Charle* Cook wan nrr. Med and confeeeed to having murdered Ml— Ilannen two vearn ap > He -aid lie bad been hired by ■lowph Hnz/.ell to commit the act. receiving therefor t2OO. Bttzzell was tried for the mur der and acquitted Commander J. I). Mar vin. of the United State- navy, committed -uicide by shooting hiiuaelf in Japan 1 Mr. A, M. Clapp, the public printer at Wa-b ingtoii, ha* tendered In* lenlguatloii, ami Ui.- iMailtiill linn Iwetl gin II In J. 1> I. ft. .■ lie v. Hector Itlowimtoll. ol.te-al Methodut clergy mail in s. \.II. Hint.', in Uu- m'tlio .lulu aof the muttalt i, .ti, ,1 nl liluiu In* 1., ng.nl eight* an \l U.r 111. lu Montreal nine |*eroua it. le killed i.1t.1 ten wouu.hxl, th. latent r, |MI t * any .It I* *nht Hint Auierleati in i in i in mi received a death ides by ibe *nU- ,f the Shuughnt wteai i u.xiignllou ..nil | am to the I'llllli-ai At Uelvnlh, Ml*., nu .1.1 ,HiUttcal f, ud termiuati.l tu the killing of n|i m. li . I'll. *t I Molgnll A Aletida, di i giHwle ami .'at}•< t ,1, del -of llitfTahi, N. 1,, linn failed, with halillttne niuoiiiitiiig to K.'f>n,- ono A refer., of th. Ameil.-nli Topulnl life liimunii.'. txuii|>niii, of N. w k -ik, ha* be-ei, n|.|Mlllted. Att Artiat'e Hremii ItenlUcd. V.'itHT cnll.'.i on Miieeoii, tin- urliat, one iluv ult.uU four oVliu'k, uu.l foUlnl hint in tlie etii.iio I may eleniiiug Inn I**.ln. •• You ui*- going out thin en u lllg V" lu* lug ilt. " Ye*," K'|illix| Mite noli, " . iili 11, r id Mine I lulligtiei lot n. " "ti...*l tillde, elllUlulllg WOltliUl, |d.'itnnut eoinpniii " " 1 Imvo a grout luirnl not to go, I I<it.l u 1... 1 tlri.iin hud night, httriu Hill 11. full lite if 1 go out tonight. I ilmttut (hut I nun nt work, when I hi-nl.l three .h'xtiuet klioekn ut tlie il.n.r, I lin.t hardly nm.t * eoine tu whi-u tt tall lu.lv, hor fnt*e Volltsl, wa* nrntt-.l in thin urtu I'linir. *lnit to M, Mu.xn.ui,' ahe nui.l, • that I have the Intu*-r of njwtitkittg ?' 'To liiitixelf, 11111.111111.' ' Will >ou iliuw ut) got it nit v *lam at your or.lern, UiJi.Ltiii.' ' Itut 1 tuilnt hai., it ut oitet*.' 1 WUJI iiutiutiettl to nee her foec, till.l aii.l 'We Will Ix-giii nt oinw.' l'ite lltlkliowu Oil." niu.lw u 111 ,I* -tttelil a* if net tlnig herself int.• it ja-ture. • Miulmu,' I ml,led, ' I um t trouble you to lift your vail,' Jslit- tilt I an, I gave a neretttu. I -uu it ilentli'a heii.l lieftirt* llie. ' 1 lit huas In u goo.l tint'. In it not ?' nai.i u hixxing voiet* which eat nt* from the wmjity uloutli. • In r i,,0 , M. Muxxoti Su.-h wtw Mtin- ui'* tlream. Vernier I nidi* htm nhnke oil nttelt tlioitghtn, uu.l W lilt g*nn| tint lire. I JwrMntcliec .'ll.led hy i.it vitihng. Mitxxui ngtt n t'*i'k ii|> the idarkuig hruxli .ui.l (vuiipleieil ht* toilet. At elt'i. n o'eloek tl.e NMSS Uihl Ver nier, returning home, found hiutnelf in front of the hot. ! Hittnguerlof, in the Hue Mont Hl,oie. A i-itrrntge wan junt tlien leaving the court) iml of the houne. .Suddenly ll lolld cry wan heard; ner- Mtiita runlnsl forward with lantern*; it until hud fallen th-W it lit tin' tiarioit elt traue*'. \ ernt. r rev. gut/.. ,I the unfortu nate Milxx-in, utino-t run through l*y the j*>h* of tin- e.trnage uti.l ktlhxl on the l K 'h The Art of I'le*ing. The art of tuakitig U juuty gii off *tte eex- fulli I - hv no uit-nn* un eiot) tttxs'tn jilim inent. Some have t .e hetppv knuek of netting their gin t* at ett*e at out*, and lilitkllig them Jtleanetl 1-itlt with theutnelve* mid < .u'li other ; *hilt again mm:! weli meaning and • vtr u*ly km.l heart.xl *, ~jile h.ive it hahit of putting on mi overntraiuutg rximjuuiy miuiner, lit, wit unfortunate tit 11- t fT<et oil tlione whom tin i are onsiottx to J>l .**•• tiiie.xtn .re itlwuvn tttrttli tnxxl h) their lh<wlcs ; uti.l tf *he i* Hot at Iter ca*e, they eatiuot he X • ell! < r Utll* , lIX l* x metlllic* tht* eOee, tltete hlt]'|v!i* to he lUI irrej.rexnlhle nptrit amotig-rt them who .lure* to lw t eiahle itn.l tt.. rry, and make* othei> tort, ttt hptle of txuiipaii) manner* and uimaturtti re*tnunt. To lw twrfeetly i Aural i* t • lw w. 11 bntxi; and, tx.ntra diettiri a* it may xt-t :u, I tjttife Iwlteve that a natural manner nitty lw eulUuittxl ju-t to. w.-II it* i-n ftrt ticud one. Affix'- tati. ' i and *elf-tX'U*etotl*lie** uje aiwa)'* dmplteteiug, aud, unfortuiiateiv, they •fl. lt pre!, it !. o'. i Mtinillho' p. rwou* Iwiug upprte-iattxl mt from their many ;- -I iputiltl. ' tl .i deserve to he. If we l -'k ntxlttud u*. uti.l note wh" ore the newt jH-puhtr of our ae.iumuUaes'it, wre *'uaU find that tt t* rarely the l..ui.l*otuewt, the elev etx-xt, or tiiofcl Oee..Utpllxhexl, hut tltvitritthh thoxe who have tilt* happy talent of Wing ahle to forget themaelve*. IdieMe might lw endowed with fairy wiiinif,**) manifold ur< their j*.wer* of rhoritiittg. Tl ey make the ulent talk, the grave merry, ami tlto*e weighed down with .orrow put away tlu'ir gnef. Stteh are ever welcome, for hy their r.a.lv ttvmpa'h) th.-y can a*iaj-t th. ni -.li, ■ t. rat.i - -M"t \ . uti.i in I:.* art • f en l rt.uiiiug <>th#r* the) are niutply jwrf.x-- tton, for tin ) make their frien.U feel that they haver, all) eoiue ..ut to ittjoy them aelve*, lllil Hot tin rely f..r the Make of fulfilling ti irksome *.*-tal duty. kix-ittg the Khwir at Her Keet. Shtllttti rvitile. a aatlor front the H't* *iiut war v. -.1 Svrtlana, wtu% tiiiixl five lollura in h X< York p h . court for tlruuki-nnew*. Ih-f-re lie hnil Ireett taken to tlie city ptiaou to *jtend five day* itt lien of paying the fine. haud*ontely iln MXI woman eut<"txxl the ixutrt and Iwt-otlglit the Ju-tt<s* t i remit tli" fine. She - |*ik. KngiiMh with a lln—i >u ue eeitt. Tin" jil*tl -aid with a Millie tliat there w a* im um- trying to ri**ut a wiotntui who appeared !•> he ple > ling for a fellow oiuntryman from < ntirely di*iuter—t.al Hiotiien, and, 1U cxU*i.ler*tKm of the fact flint the pri*oiier wa* n ooilor in a *trange e. imtry. he would remit the fine ami allow hun t<> go free. ihe wotiint wa* given t!e <h*eharge pup r, and ahe went joyfully to the d*>r of the prix.ti ajmrtiiK iit. !",• the prtMncr, n inniilv looking tnr in full RUMMIIU nni form, ahe eiplttined w hat she had done, and imnte.ludely 1 rati a vigorott* lec ture in Hm--ian on hi- evil conduct. He naked wh< ahe wne, mil ahe replied: •• The widow of a ltuh-inu general." He expre*-xi aatouihhment, and ahe piinbxl to a *ilver Maltrwv ejtw.*, the center of which hnd l>eeti wrought into n ahiehl, , nil" -- I with the Huwunn eagle, and crowwxl with two awrorda. It wa* worn n* it Im - eh. f ttt x.'eitig thi* evidence of her rank, the bailor iiroatrnted hitnaelf liefore her, and ki**e.l the fi,>r nt her feet. She hnatilv raih.'.l him up and nc cotnjmnKxl hint out of court. I,i cpie tions it* to who *hc wan, nhe polih ly re plied that ahe wi * the prisoner'* friend. "I'he onlv knowh ~ge cxmcenting In r was ohtninol from her converhatiou with the prisoner, which wrt* only partly under xt.K*l hv the court interpreter. A ('ttriott* Fl*li* A vorv ennott* ti*h was token hy some fishermen in liotig Island sound. In general appearance it reaemhlea a sinnll Hen s.-rp. lit. It lias A long, graceful, slender l**ly, cmnpressi ,1 and scale less. The head iia* a savage hull dog front. 11l color it is a reddish brown, with still darker reddish Matches forming two longitudinal series on the sides. I iie dorsal fin extends the entire length of the body, and nt intervals is marked with fiery red spots, which when the er.-ature moves it* fin assume bright colors. The mouth opens obliquely, and even the vomer and palatines are coveml with sharp teeth. The New York aqos riunt hie- sei'tire.l this monstrosity, and it disports itself itt n tank m that institu tion. The New t ork t arniml unit the tirunit I'enlrnl llntrl. The I .Mb of May will I. mdabb- for the flrM celebration of the grand . Urns car nival m N< w York city, for which great prepa ration.* are Ik nig made, 'i'le-u-and- of vtnib rn will Ik in atteudauci. ami to th*m at take plea-tire m recoiium -tiding tie firaud Central Hotel, tie- larget and I—M lirnt-clann hotel in New York -ity. and which will m-ei nil lie elate vinitorn for from oie- to two d-dinr-. h-an jn-r day lliaii it- rlvaln. We are naUaltcdthat Hat- h'a I'liivi rnal Cough Svrup in one of tie- inont valuable cough moo dier that we m 11. If any one in iw-eil of nuch a remmiy will call 011 nn, we will refer them to thn-e who have lined ami will fully corrolnirate all we can nay nl-out it. We have nobl it nohic four yearn, and it lin lieconie tie- leading iinnli eine of itn kind. .1. T. A H. F. Wmm, Heiter. Jeff. Co., N. Y. Arrr.lt nil ivpeliim-e of over tweiity llve vearn, many lending phyaiciaim acknowl edge that the U rarfrntsTij Marshall's Uterine (VifAo/ieon in tin only known certain remedy for dineane* to which women are -object. The 'irnr/iiihrj l'llh, the mont i—pulm remedy of tin dav for hiliounnena, lietidaelie. liver eoinplaint and dmeanen of digcMioii. Sold hv all druggiatn. Send for almanaen. tirafen l-rg Co., New York. Decidedly the U-nt remedy that linn ever been diacovered for rlieumaUntn, rwollen or Miff joints, ih-nh wound-, npraiun tiruinen, cutn and boron, i Johnson's Amslyin l.initnrnl. We uno it, and alwava recommend it to our friend.-. Are A'ou Cwnlivef If mi, !h- careful of dinoane. Avoid it bv taking tjnirk'- Irinli Tea. Trice 25 contn. Vegetable Pulmonary Hal nam, tin- great New England cure for eoitghn. eoldn anil connum)!- tion. Culler Itro- .v Cn.'n. Itontou. only genuine. buraiig'n ltlieuuialie Remedy never failn to i onre rliamnaUaui. Sold by nil druggi-i*. 1% M% lrilr Im t**rr. I lit* \a n uR(lull of frtwwwi. 1 tlm alt it In tlii? ctiriH r *UMI) iutt| f• tti<lnli of our 11 ii it Tli Hl**' frw to Oitiik mnl ltd foi ti*p, kiml tl.nt tlov Km> ut'l wU'!y i( i* iiwiMwury Hint lluv li will !ti(ellntnl. Kvt ry Individual pill lin*r #w int >li it hi I put t)f IMMUIII ft I lt? |lO'|>l> i IMV .XI (lit |!<•j . rily of a UAllutl, bt If >tv xttliti 1 tUi IKMH|, rVcl) jtiy i iilntlHH-tl. Iloaitit is h iitiftl to (ht> of twty |uir|M*w wbiU* Bli>ua thwart* lb® l**t Ht?i tloitn ami lofU<*t aiiua. L'uto tm an> oniuiuitted liu|Miitmit hc ttlll titmts, %iliii It wi li>iltl not no i it ill OUI own lx half hut for tht- la ntiflt of >ths*. Inoithr that wt may lit* al>h to du rtiaiye tht ol liKati -n of our ti u*t<* < and thus |ftne wortliy of ottr itouttruua ot>iuititiioii it la iitH>aar) that wt- study thti ait of praaft itiji ht-alth and |>ro)t>ut{UiK lift-. It la of |*aa mount iiti|' Mrtaiwt! to tu ry itt-iooii aU tu)y U* undri*land flic luraita foi tin |*fo itatioii of lo alth, hut alao to know what r-iucdi<? should t-iujdot. d ft if th< ailatiaUou of tio ounmon aJlutt'uU tf iift\ Not that ww would advlao i t. iy man unthr all t'ln uiuitiUwvi to ftllouj! to 1m hia tiwu jditcx tan. hut wr tuiUroal him h a |Ui|t< um it Jit Lit> w!• of hl atsU'iu and tht laws that ffo%m it. that ht may lw |'r |*arn<l lt take far* of hiiinw If |'iojMily, and Uitwrhy tut tent aitikneaaand prolong life. In no t it IjtMik w ill tht J**|'lt (Ud the suljt* La of Jihyai oiogy and or tin- a-iviior u( lift- and tht- ait of pitvef UUft ht ailli, molt a. u nlill rally ilts uoiM .I ttr more plainly taught than ill " Iht I'cMipiti a < <>lulli"ii SrUst- Moll' al Ad tlx; hv U V l'it i Ml* of liuflal.i, N. V. It Is a tulltmt of tter nint hunlttxl iUtlsllat. d ht iitt i two bundled and t Ijjlity-twti t ugtat tup# and mlurcsl plates, is U'tind in t loth ami aud is m ut, |s*t paid, to ant address ht tin author at the low pri of one dollar am) fifty rent* a copy. Nearly one bundled thousand |4ra ha • already letii •old, and present edition, which i tetiard and enlarged and tin*. a|*eiailt adap'.ed to tht smn ..f tin family, i selling tert laj . llv. It tfi t of all the omniums diwimn and tlit if it int d nr weil a of anatomy, pht atd >*.•> , h Iji." of Kfeat iut n 4 to all |*eopl< , and U truly what It* author *!>le* it, " Medicine aiitiphfied. Tmh Irft-ruNt llulilr < t.mill lusts. I*t hill!t and health Ji- im ■— otl . < • ndi !. - Wtai lt j • tliat t- sat j :.t who lack tin t ilailt t |tH|Uilt< for a tigur* ua dIM iiU|< of i idi and all of the h*h)> func tion-, to in%ariat<!> afflicted with MIU, though it in th a trifhu#, dinwder of th< ayaUrn. Al ;t, ola want "f iejt. Us antl l iUs- tdat and hanite- A te-rtaiii way to oufreiuti it and pit ti nt tht malati > t wiuth it must ultiiitat* lv It ad, la to lls llnntctt* r s ht'iniu'h lilt tern, which pruned* digeetioii and assuniiafii i. of tht ft*d, aid thua arc the rneana of furnishing lh* lody with a aii|ply of tltd of a (|~ sxt iJial to it (ifoptr nodi ishiiu nt. Insigoratii>n li.t -ugu the instruuit i tahty < f the matchl* - t u |fx>U*li tht fr* hlo frotn ale t f Inalily ill* wLit li lurk in and-nsh ft tht d< UlitaU tl. Ihe lull* ra are an tu in lc which It la most di sir a hie to keep i uatruitl) on hantt. HfivlJcu DWMUTT, laiiguur, la*s:tude ami tliat lttw aiate f tin > stettt |*eculiar to the spring time of the year, ai inn..diat Iy riie%ed hy the l't bt ilaN hUI t, which suppiiew the hhenl with It* \ital jwuiclpal >f lift rlctneut iron infusing sir* ngth, vg*r and new life into all of the ay*tin Iking fre frx.nj alcolsol, its iinrgiring tests art :id followed hy cm a|sndUtg rea> lali. tut are Im i tiial*rfit Sthl hy all diuggi-lv l'ani]*hht* ifcr. M rit \V h> u: .V Stt.aa, proprtrlara, iVetutL \\ i should not hernial' te rrentiittit nd t< any friend tif . iu> /Nr^ri.inr /V * ; they aii iw .entificrsily prt partd, and air adapted to all tlie pnipx - -fa gcwal pmrgatiii rjrdWia A {ttsutive cm t for rheumAtiatu hunut'i llheutuatic lit . iy. K* nd for nreular to lit lj - heuatim A lleUlit y, WasLlugtoli, li. C. Prtniatiin 1 - of the hair, which la ao cutn m i nowadays, may Is entirely jfi vt nted hy iiit un uf lit Kitni OmunxK. Pact* for ll who ha%e lfs duftrd. di uggi i ai4i! ijuac* d *v If'help fr w< at ami TII-FTUU# UTR. Nr* IT.FANIIAIIUU OIRTL* THOUSAND* ! > tl.*sr ut t le alth The tew Ht alUi Jour nal that (Virlit all. Milt floe. AJJn Kieo trie Quarterly, t'umnati. O. It la said hy tb<*e who kn<*w. that A Hi. tJU Ji. th< IlianufartiUiera of the j 1-tly cele brated and well known Wast Powder which lewis their name inn tin largest and tu d c'tuple t- estahhdtfUe at f the kind lu the w• i.d. 11m ■ *}•* ity i f tht ir luajninotii fachwy 1* simply tuarvwlottw, reaclung the tmu IMSC c|Uarstity f Use millions of (*ouitde annually. Hh iimatiaru cured at • uicr by 1 hiring a Hlo UJ- ;t4 li* liitdy. Send for circular to lld phtneUm A Ik-utley. Wadiiiigtou, I). C. The Market*. wtw loam. MCktUi KaUee 1\ <4 10\ Ttiw and Cfawota'... lu c# 1 % Miieh Cow #6SOu Uugs hvr Oi A Misrj *4 (4 W a lauit* .... ...... ill "* 1! Cotton- M.adiitm HS4 n*k Hoar—Wislen. -isoJ u- Chokw., %all tto Cii afS a aII tY"beat Ml ri I•• i 4 I's No. Mtlwatthev IUS >4 Hy* .Stst*-............ ... .. IV 1 1 * \ a ■ ' 1 v 4 I Ita.dry Mi t 1 It# v* 1 Hats Mao! VVnlrrn.,,,., *t w 41 C-itu Ma<-1 M'wUri *S %4 " S tlay. I**? ew-t v 4 70 sirt" pM ■ I Ho;* TCs lu 4i: TPs Ui .4 10 |*oil-M'w If kJ v 416 fti' U IS* rvat Mackrrrl, N .I, raw.. I*oo AW W No. 3. ' 4HO Hry tV -A, I*7 t. cv A S l> llirtii tf, a*W, pr 14 4 17 IVtrole-cm —tYuil'' l*9%4VClf|| Kcfiued. IS . ■ f r ia I > ■ ■ < a r. Tesaa 71 * M A -truiAo •* sa A 41 guitar vak 3" >4 II rtsiUrt)- i*b -e )C a !• Mfsleri)—4(Kx<ttO Pfitue . . Hi# 16 Mm gtrtEMM ... Ml a 11 Cbraaa >ta( K%ctry... 11 a IS Cg A 07 We*'*rb. 13 4 lH r fc *a —Mat* aud Ivonay?r*ti!a HHd II mvrwkiA. ikM N i M IwwnkM 17.* 4l 91 cVtro-Mia*d. fk# ITkf Osts 1U A g' Hrr M $ Mm IS # O HsrlryM.t 100 A 1 10 rmi iiunrm. lisrf CuJf - Kstra (*#* 06*4 Wieep <4 4 07 k llnga Prm—it wii ITotir—l'ennsjrleama Estra . 7 S<i a 7 61N WMal M Vwu*n 3i • A iis Hyc . . 116 A1 15 I * fl 4 73 Milwd 71 A 71 >*!• V i. * 4 |virol-Min—('rode. .. 13 R*-lUi*l, IS M<wl-o"Krwk' *4 24 T- ia IS *4 'AS Oahfargfti v 4 is IM nrrow. Href (Tattle 06\4 02% H 06 <4 09 I u.i main at A Mloneaota.. IW i* 900 l'*! x|............. ...... 7ri ( 76 , s t* • 6S A Woiil Otto ami ivnnwyiratiia XX. 42 A 4"! California Pali IS A %"H rutiuirox, mam. IWf Cattle | 06%<4 g.H M A N7 hand* 07 < OH Mop 07h<* 07% wr iTIRTOWX, WAS*. IWW Cattle— Poor to Choice B M A *BO Mm s"S 4 6'6 lainha 376 4 f7l The Gwmbrook I Pilow City Kurseriee' floral Calendar. Journal, and 3 Sa plr Plaota. eta. IMUfY+O J.GBEIYKft.mw . l*c s:rr. Vaterwoa.lTT Maizo Flour Tollot Soap ! -- Maizo Flour Toilet Soap ! -- Maizo Flour Toilot Soap! A jrrt**J dwonrrrr ' s now ssp oenpounfl' ll *.x4!*. fh.flon*. sn.l svlnlons ih*> *hin, !*• w-ndorful hoaime and u{M*n<<r waahm* fwnjwrtle. and i* oejwaJljf ■ill frthr !>alh. nuiiorf ami *• noeal ll • dHichllall) fmii'v! nd Wfdd overj wlor *i * iwdemte price l*rwd tn Pst**nl (Htks "t t> ib" maznifartniwes. M k I ONI V\N HA M.KN .1 rn |hila*lo!|bia SI.OO SI.OO Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The choieeat honarholrt ornatnettla. Prfce One Hollar rath. Send for catalogue. JAMES It OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS. . SI.OO SI.OO KANs FARMS AND y FREE HOMES. Kan— diplay ot product* at t'eiitctmial tir pav-< t all otbel Stated li .A NN Alt I* At lilt K.AA. '<. ofl- r- larger! tnnty ot goal lamb In li AAMAA at low—-' j-ii-.k and t >-1 b rtn- I'lclttv -li Itov I lamln I Mi l: for Home-Un In. For i upv of "HAMAA I'ACirit HOW*. IWTI..A t," nil. lre—. IMHII Commistiun-r, h. I", ffir,, Saliwi, gaanM, Foot-Power Scroll Saws Centennial S MEDAL AWAItIIKD TROT Wilmlnsion* Manufuct nrera Dexter Saw Price, gfl.OO DEXTER Emery Grinder and Polisher, $0 Thfttp line In it * a a nrrntii'l ft i rvcr% rmprrr* Srnri for t ircular Attd Uiutrat*fl lat of L)r*nc# . f K racket#, KmnHw, ad Kniicjr Artirivt Church's Musical s2ovisitor. I trrjf It A a ,'|| Slid Mu*'Cl ru.Hins, ait <4* W. Kdtl.-It.la, l<Mlora. lAWMhtiS. 4< , M*f i 'ki#nf K"ur t'raatisNi \ ufumaa #-.• u> r) •ut**cflb*f al ai.M) . V*i M4 WlH|> f ' fmltpmi lii'diats. <4 |<> MMI| |..f • tuple, wtlii t*M tmg uf P |* Hil** A.ldrws , J. I 111 Iff II A <ll., tiprlMMWlh O. /UTH THOM/VJ |\ [ CLOCKS ] I RUN WELL / \ WEAR WELL / \ / t7 y> rr* urAnrrn rm rrs ui aktfks. MASON a. HAMLI|| CABINET ORGANS. R HiuUtvr * wanna at WORLDS EXPOSITIONS Paris, TTicnna, Santiago, I aor | * 1074, Mr 18791 PHILADELPHIA, 1876. "■♦w ' a, x f • m** t sa/< M fc.ua it '• fm J #. * swfluw >o*. *4 at*y**lW/<*. tf —/ - AMdMtLMM ft St t ( MMH tit It MM ■ Fl ov,a>* Uuulil. r.o oi.jn, 6 1 Art with Irani jl„nl, O 1 UU Ft. Oct... oiiitn, nine atop*, i 1 1 A .llh Ail celule, ipll't . ~' > rt Hl> * imy-t. ■ -• a- , • N r*' ,li< •*# rm MASON a HAMLIN ORCAN CO. IHlmnlk ul,.v, INfcM-o* >ukl cturauu. Burnett's Extracts I ur cuklli| puil^jae*. Burnettis Extracts * I s*Li* IlitMr, iL.fcVam Burnett's Extracts LEMON. VANILLA, HOLE, ALMOND, NEC T AfttNf. CtllßV, O HANOI, PEACH, NUTMEG. CINNAMON. CLOVEi. OINOCH. Burnett's Extracts *I k* Urn • <As a iJ ** - rifSk A* lUMi. S. Y. Burnett's Extracts *tw whsti rfm '** ***** * C <rtiLt.rt.U4 ll4wa, Phil*. Burnett's Extracts TAr tf iktu / rtrot-U ctmrttU te ,W )+t/erl If uJ ft mt umflk. Tlx J ara .i,an(<-i lr fi >m UM poteuoooa oua .utl .cija i< b uw r int. th. coapoatUcxi ut mix; cf Ota UctiLiou. frill, flavor* now in tic iitarkai. Thry re not oisljr tiua hi Uwlr name, hut arv !vp.rtl from fruit, of Ui* teat qualtij, anil .r. an highly ccmcwulrateii (hat c-ODipara. lively atnali i t u.uUly only uwil ha uaail. JMOH BWWCTT I CO.. BOOTH PROPftICTORk. Don't Start t NTtl. VOU MAVK I'KOOt'RKU A Policy of Insurance AuAimnr ACCIDENTS: A to%n sul ALWAta crry A Yearly General Accident Policy W TBI TRAVELERS Life and Accident Insurance COM 37AISTY. Of HARTFORD. CONN., ffleller TRAVELING or NOT. TliK TKA\ FI.KKs !.• iMiid. ft IVAI*. or I Km! an* l;ur> It} Aoodral. S2, 600,0001 Rifbi uf the v-riua* of th* ASHTABULA DISASTER harrif tn thrlr i'mttllirm by Insuring in THE TRAVELERS. \.i:\ rte i;\ i:u\ un r.iu:. VEGETIBE Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the Whole System. ITS MEDICAL PROPERTIES ARE Alterative. Tonic. Sol vent and Diuretic. Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Reliable Evidence. Mil II R ST*v*w* > /•. Str I will m**t rheerfolly Mid njr iMUmon; tflthpi>! rnt*!rr jrou haw alrwMU in fa* • f rmr cmat and food nwdit'in* \ Kt.KTIKIL i for Ido u l think MN'iiich can !< aaid in f* for I ** tn*nllr.| nwr thirty fMW with that dw.idfitl diaraw. OaUriii. and had ataeh bad eouchinc •t*otta that i wmld aeetti a* though! | ih-W (wni Id I'PNiUir an) tnora. and YH.FTINK ha. cured r- and Ido ♦eel t thank td all the lime tb*r* a ao #'<h! a mmlinn a* \I < • I'TI NK. and I alao think it one • f Ih# 'f mrairinM fr c • ifha and waak. -inking feehnara at the *4-mfh. avid ad * lee to tak the VKtiKTINK. for I can aa aura them It ta one of tha lw*t raedi l cinoa that r* r wa Mttft I. (JdRK. Oor Ma*ar ne and Walnut Slreeta, t amhrtdc. Man GIVES Health, Strength and Appetite. i My dawahtor haa received areat bono f YKt.KTINI Hm declining iHvilth hm i amn-a of great aniiot* t ali hot friend* A law tvottlea si KTIWI • land i r k—Hit, i atrrngth and wl <e N II TiI.IUCN. Insurance and Real Katafe A rent. ,N • 4'J Scars* llutldina ll stoa. Maaa Cannot Be Excelled. I i *H*iit.raTon N", March IS, l*ll H K Sri M i* /#ryf Sf Tin. i fi rettify that I hair omhl your " llkod Preparation " I in m MM) for ."loral je.vra. and ' Hunk that, for Scrofula or t'ankorotia Hnnera r Rheumatic afloctiona. it cannot If excelled. and aa a blood p tin tier or spring medicine. it a tba I lie.t Hun* I haw I'KT used. and I ham ' uaed altiio*t everything I can cheer fiflfljr recommend it to any one in need of auch a medicine Youra fe peotiuHy. i Mkh A \ IMNSMORK. No 19 Ruaeell Street. Vegctine Vegctinc Vegetine Vegetine Recommend It Heartily. HORTH BO*TON. Kb. 7. Mu STEVKKK: It, tr Sir I h*rt* taken nrwal Mtlft of your VfMJKTIXK, nn-1 MncooTitiotd it i* a r nimble rMMktj for Kidney Complaint an ! general debility of tin* ipt *n I can heartily recommend it to all mitfonnic from theabnrr complain'*. Your* re*|eet folly, 9 MHH. Ml'NKOk I'tKKKK. SNI A them* Street. PRKPARKD BY H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine ia Sold bv All Druggict* 38FK1?IC. ... A BOOK for the MILLION. ¥FOICAL ADVICE Ortw*#, f'etarrli, Knbtur*. Opt urn ll#J>it. . It Rift rRKK tt rM •<!•! of *Uint> Addtwe l>r HulU' Dt>t * mn. H" 11 KaKk Nili mrwtd. hi Ism*. M-> SOLID STEEL HARROW TEfeTH Nirm#ili 1 1 iMt*kiirl *lib l.lffhtnrM. Vpmm fr< i|H ff * P--I **• ordar, •• will daft*** U tl.* * ♦> V IlK'll ><|.iar —-tt<. |f #< tia# f'* f <U A, Ural. trail.. H'S U> k>a. In* Sl.ftA 111 II I IMllfe.ll •wricr-h Mm to. **■<•••. s v GAS-LIGHT FOR EVERYBODY! SI For 1000 Foot! Olmwimw tun (IMJ <IH hafar Uui K'<<> A Ittur* Mllheiil ItaM (haii rttiiaf. ImiiMMil |i* U.*lx> liujram# r<mi|>aM - An AuLmiftlii Mactitno iiandlwl Adavtad la* |>Wellin#ffi. lail-'ftM. Oliurrbaa. K H IRewA*. awl IHmm I mil: a r-.og'.r Hurttmi N|Ard> Vthtwg Ilk* l In Ui ('"Mnir( HNI| f.r ltlui<m*4 t eUtiiM Til It Ml A I KM MAfttlfAl Tl'lil*'} Ml. f* Hoi :t7!<#, N* I Murrajr fM Haw Y aril Mattresses and Beddlßg TOH HotoU, Institutions and the Trado. Eralbrr*. llnir, Mm. ( Ilmk, Ki i-l.lor I ■ lurirr., Ulaaki-t*, lied l-lferu, I wl*. Kir. *w n J in. I'im MM. II H. X. 11H.I. *■ HOX. 111 A If* I balbaotHirrrl. M H IOUH. KIKP'H nlllllT® mlf •• qualify The lUm I'aLrttl Parti; ikwl Uwi Mwrta aa. tea ftm*/,*: at ***> at 1 r uri. * llltxifcor chief Thm Nk Iran*! . *•* .(•. k|n t u4 *O. hurt* iHtdr U maijera. Mi* HK) ?wtl, oie !•*# ftl.fNl. All aidant m 4 •! ** rutin* t<4d |*lata I *4W a*d HWao h<ttwia fhtii aitA *** fa ball 4 Mwfi'i Willi* kcrt I- a Ml it. .# d It ar*d F KPP sm f |*m la n) (tart .! lit. ('aw* ** > lor|M la* pf 1 hMiii'.tt wtifa full d.-'wlnmt Urn Mrlf Bi—tulaaaol lUit frw to *A; a<ldn<M H" iA*mp rw|ttli4 iWki dirrwtj; itt lit. M.ti^tart atw *fad #* hv kwj MtKjfai lunitf G* , IM4 kww H.M V Iff AtJKNT* \\A\TPI> FUM THK WORK DAYS OF GOD! ■■"Hjfh.i If I Hh KT * MUKKI* A. M.D.D. Tin l.i.iul lf,.,*> l!,* u .rill krl.rr Adnra. Il* lUlrtrat uriflti lkr)ttlß| tl4 HiitirlVxit rb*tl#M Ml UatilNlin * til aiaaW tof WLI Tm UwKMa. w<Wa *a*d *4 I'IMM *• J* *• W Hrlrtarr. ti" td*J. t ikMM and 4MUul> t'.tJt *!; rMhd M aTitil kUt*#rM 4* Kr tkd t*M * tlt ukf. TtVWI *m<l k*at*ii lilu.tiiU. A<3lraa*. J. I . If■< I HIM A. I 11., 'tsll4*i| kIM WISSAND LOWEST PRICES. See* f*r r*mfU+ .f ta* lrinM. Btr.t glee Braf Addrrra, Ltat CcUtsirJ, | IL 1.1. |kl te. 1014 —ft* IN THE UNITED STATE b 100.000 Facts for the People!! Kim fell. KfenttM. 111. Mmkut. lb. Hmrau. Ik. ifemfe ibmm Hi. I' . illl) kwfeM, til. Km fen.pi. Ito Jmliofw Mbfe Krna nl.i.'k. Init—i*, Ik.lkirtn LI,. llMl>fe.li Ik. HnfewkuU a. .vrT) Mml) >ki> HMte 1. nnwiiri Tkr Hsak H Ik* lOtk I riltr). KMTk KOII MIKATit MfeW .lid Imb.l. Ajc.nl. cumin, m, MI an Nmd t. m .1 . t. .cm im rMI.HkVi KMITH t HJ.il k. 1:11 > Wi. .1 Mmt, Ki. i-W.MIJ. I*. lA|'-' ■lt rap.) .. i mil * m*. *1 Uw Eld.*).. Hlmd.r ...i t rtnari Or I |knl. Il.nl'. Kr.rd) If"',' .i.u ■ |r|*"d C|.r**lt) f * in* chin liMM II kul rwiril UMwanixi. Lie Km. feiimMrd. knd i. M ■ IL Oifeife*. rnndni.. ft I *•■> iilwnMmkM I U ynm mfl.toi n.w n. In wultmam m h. ywc. I ■■■■ ■ tXm Tl* Tnp Knrl ** I* On ■ ■ nrn.ilMii-.i. aCACitANO ■ partEC. )MHnlT r I ■ ■ n I tmi fwcnlci: KCdii Hn, ■i wHi I. ,* PcaM unl loin tun KBm Wdkm Mm.. h* in Cii .4, Ami! th a*. K.ri f ' - A J .in! fc c W fcunln l Kir Ormn. UAnlVnmA fend aL.m A I* re l.iln licij Am rm fen. Ilrnp.. IM',4 {,i!nA C Ick, Onllllrl' 1 JH.CJ .:rl ( n* ,14 Klufl' twlind cwm ►•,.. m n.. mn~IM ml /w fin n-u llltln AAil IllltajllAllKHß IWE rp.Mtint ■■ i J. BKILE 4 00, 111 |* GUataa Fkta Iv Tak. ■ W ■ "The Beet Polish in the World." FIFTY-TWO or THK MOST KROMISKKT STATESMEN ef the COUNTRY WILL WRITE FOR THK Toledo Blade Irarta, Hhcrmai. Km, Sfbttri. HUim. FoMw, and <4t)Mo/nquai n<4# oontni wtr aa art cle dirtttg Uw Tl* Niiak* l/Tlrra ai irttfai eictoaiwt; lr tin HI. A inc. Thf H*t *nd fUamtivaßl Ptrr in tb Wirl4 •fcjaertwac n ! ■ aril Krtr la an) addraaa Sk|jiJ I*>Lnl Addr*^*. •* BI.IDR.** ToUAw. Oliiw. Lirrw ittttuhj mitcnitl hnrc t l/r/if* toft* ffyf frr. AM TO!* a wihwrthw to au? It nai, ibru dlff)|np that DtTTY ROW bj aaUrnbiof l*> that f(aid ti'tl raliabW Faint) J^urnai. THE PRESBYTERIAN Pt'KUHHKO WKKKLY Prlrr. *i.tW M Year, IVta C r twrwAeA. ROT* - In rtnbanf Fiw *r rn r whacrfhari, UH prtc* l fiT.IA • Year eaeh It* <a*t f' ff H-.tndaf-a>t " !fr*a of ''hwrrhar." i*4 Ihr "Work of our Oiarrk." at Ham* *mS Air k*d ltd* (Vm|r<ivlrnoa (ww all fart* of tk# n rld J t* at! : ct4iiritut Mm !r>>oi rni ni iw-n. and tta rl tdirtala, mat* it owe of tiwfiMaj'Mt and Rot Yala atitr y atmiy R*rifajer .nt tir * \unt rj It vtl! ortitaiti i< 'n-.aan! utfarrtU 1 Sma.nn lf Re* IV Wadaaa-oftf. and ntaar rlnqiatu dis iae*. anr <* of which a; 11 am id) jwa) l.*r the mWriHrai. Send the ami)Bl ll* IWdAc* m -IM-J -rdrr, check, or refftatfered letter to THK I'M F>H \ TKK I %N. It if Chrdßvl Street. Phtte W**H!Nutov t'r*T!AMAj R Mi>dAl. tiO i'U add • temal |ta n >* R | .(M tf coK*a Stwac n.r- (VntiM .f Tke l*iraklrHaa a-wt free N*T* Far k 4 ..XI i* di ftt TRI I'l imntuaap *me )-*>. and <w .f? Lha HIKX.K D!TKXARY ta'und in tUJi.iHrt lu {•.-#**. • inch k|..Vl. Pleasant as Wine! Harmless as Water! VAN BUSKIRK'S TONIC INVIGORANT! Maor pfWOll bavr ol<talii<*l the health of fbeir lira bt the tiw of U.. cirrP.cot and tojmhr fPtotdf. Ktarljr enrt fprm cf debilit\ and dtaraac ha# ltren rtirrd bj It, atvd aithonl |Q) of the nnal adn>rtlaluff tt baa tx*c mn #0 .tnoirti that It t# laitiff M*'l for from a!{ partaof thr conntry, and tbafartlihca for m*k>o| it hare to tw lu cre* a- .1 t the ;t: of btmdrHl of ihouaanda boll lea to meet r • oofttBl jr incrcaatnj: den and. The amveaw of tbl remedy haa no paraJM. and wherever Inovti It haa ac-titrc ! a repntatlou never equaled ti> my other hhh i*4oe. It# w<nJrfnJ mik'if'l.t- cf!vt mrprlMi ail, it doea rvtry ot© good, and Ittaurt* CLHHI health and ■trrnfrth to all wb<> take It. II ta a certain care omttlpattoa, M!ut*a. headache, nenndgta. and all affrrtkiH th atomacb, liter. ># and arrvoita a^tem, "and for crrry f>rm of debility it ta without doubt th* c'lffle*!, |4ra*4n!ot tiid Uat nndblk# ID the world. Price #nh Ml centa fur Half |aat tattle*. TAR ftr**Kl It K A < 0., Pr*iHrtrtr a* | s \ Ntrrrii New \ erk. Burnett's Cocoaine rrpvonu the llfelr from Falling. Burnett's Cocoaine rrpm,<te lu HanlUiy Growth. Burnett's Cocoaine li not Gr**f nor Stick;. Burnett's Cocoaine Lmare* no IHstgreeaMa Odor. Burnett's Cocoaine fulxlue* Bcfmciorj- Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine BOUUM the Irriuted Scnip-Sktn. Burnett's Cocoaine Aflbnla tho liichcat Luatro. Burnett's Cocoaine 1* not an Alcoholic Waal.. Burnett's Cocoaine Kill* Dandruff. Burnett's Cocoaine Giro* New l.ifo to the Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Remain* l.ange*t in Effect. POND'S EXTRACT CATARRH. I'oud'fe Exlraci i nearly a Sjw rlllr for tin*.Uaeaae. tl can liar.lll' lie . ci'ilc,l, even In old and otwlinate ck*''*. The relief 1* * > I romj t that no one who haa ever tried It will lie without it CHAPPKII IIAMI- AMI FAJB. Poad'a Extruel ah' illil 1> lneieri I*iml) thla roinrh wrath.lt rrinovea the aoreneaa and rougtaue*!., and eolteua and hen la the ati'ii promptly. Kll Kt>l AT IS *l. Dnrn *.<vere and rhamreabla weather, no ou auhi.vt to Hhenmatie Pain* *hoald be one day without I'ond'* Extract, w-hli-h niwnv. relieve.. SOKE 1,1 MiSniwrni'TlllN, fin tills, .((II.IIS. This eold w<at!er trie* the l,tttitfn aorely. lluve I'oud'M Extract on hand alw,lt reoeve* the iall and enrea tae do, a*c. ('III I.H I. VIVS will be promptly relieve.l and ultimately cured bvbat him.- the afflicted part, with I'on.r. Exirnet. FROSTI.H liIMIIS. -Houd-feExirnellnvaria bly relieve* lrn- I'uuand fluauy ( urea. SOKE Til It OAT. qriNSV. I N FLAM Ell TONSII.S ANII AIR PASSAGES are promptly cured by the ue of l*uud'* .. . n,..V ,lr# l't. " er "tl|p. IIISCOKt nnd I p, c.l PomF* Extract. In . l-ami'Met f,,rm. "cut free on a:>ji!icatlon to ro ! D * R?w 4 uT r;i>v^ L -" Medial Anna Free! tr&x.&Tmts* $55 3 $77 u~tirfY?v. WLZ-u.K $5 4o S2O rz see ,^7o H-IO 01.1 l H..*nT loafed Morrn.l wh pAoyiM4h, OtlJtofefe afVi .WMIiIWV." !' 1 wiwrj&tztfxmttf&rtiy? \i# llMd tftukfea. hi Make Mimmt (load Afeeel. waMod- M'rn. a* Ofew | Ht-feM Mr-. •> . ftuftaio. K V yl.la dfet .1 h-wo. AmaU ..nl.l and TKt'K I < tl . A. iSo. Main. REVOLVERIU".?"." S2o .effjarg rtlß. ANDINTKA Off, Mh'-|>aiatw*M .!*.-V,wk. [tulrrf cirnhnSn H. rUilll.lt. L'all To*, u 4 I.ENTs U ANTEO n. ™.U*| own u> J\ nop. and M11..|, Mww* 111 * I t oarto aia" „t<i>~. r r I.MMJCI# ft 00. owwifini A•• jjYE - v: r'X'irrss W I oft fftT4VCW*C (SJW*• IK * R S£5 fir. Mllaa Ia H VARH, U3* Unwdw^H—V-* $2500 it Ak p*M Mai. hy 17 AM* la Jan 7T with . Zlfe l|M<|f ■VUMWirtl.il> h.n,pic.free. VOVUI Addrr.a' *■ *l% M ATt 111-W A '.real XrnumUm. Saw el. #3 .Ti&iaMKS AAHA t Mfefetb. A#sil. *ll t-ot wlltfe \ 4K|I .rt.Lutlfewld Oa. feMMp.*-J fwJU Addtwfe JA > ItllONsON, IWmt, MM*. Sm Dial# Kfkkrr Tw. kus * tibhn* Oafeda. ItJfM roft (ATAUMdI, m Ml your Kmucnnr. Haa IL A la-.anno t ZO.' li'w.r, MY jftl 4^bUtJBJPrE U/AMfEO SsffJrtgKUKnS ff r\ 1$ and all Uavnitn* JM l-d Alien ..an Mac. r . St lea, Me £57 80' " *Vj.VU[-tH"O fell AOw W II I aii'Mtra, ft I N Katun ftL. !• T. OMH OH ihlim GH RVKKVHooy /N The HI MT AC HE Fowrlat f 1 Ufeii <4 nut -irefelan Inn aa C R likK)*. WiU fe.nu IX Amd >O4 U ear Ofel. •eld to Rriakwln Ihu*O.WO* IRpafeUife Iraa. JJt tlCt-a 4 00. H IW> ill*—. Rn Tl*. HIT* IIOI4NK. KITt HOMMt. He.. - m—ad— - Aak r—t I—f ha lnr. /^* nq, 414 GgjUtft WRH nTKKrTfcwr(>KK In It. ..n i.Jll ilt-'er. Ml h* eTHIMI Co South! L'^irTH IwH 1 cbMM lk4 IptU |< .SoH4*rn M+imU. Add*# <.A!RKKS YlEf.Utf* R W A#*"<r Ht-a N#tTdi Moneyless TA i irsp sFi-'f. ro., fißcifefefeii, o. £% SSTTSES VW J fed. tfee ft. kfel* ■ ffwm U. k .fed lull * tk. nudlt* fwinn* t—lll * J MKxm l.yt ■■ ran; •■*. m fen) ehrart... ji* few fatftbgg z vim EyLt2*Fyss "K , k& AS ' n Pictorial BIBLES miLxa.#s*c rav ii id - TV. r—oan m im wK-life(imi Wr.UA. (ft Vara, •* ftaa Vat K O Ha* IftAT. The Big Mom Cold Region. "WU.ISH— real. I• a/ lima A - have. Kfefe-fekfeWiaa.—Trar.t tf.lnna tb t iMb mih. ftilh da* * Mar i.-r Baw-oa. a<n lb. I'm n HflfclW road. Ml fella trata i . R, M m M.a*ua. good roada. pl.ifelJ oT Oral aad Watar, J evra* lae .!:<> In* . uteil.n, Hfedwml tailwaj Inn bract irlurtfekl-un • iraoatnd ... apniacatnra I. (it. rttT, AVIWUITTM. Kaalra*.t—iraOa-. WW—>—ra|dy. :i NEW H()()KS : * tl T lU-KAHfeM 1*71.1 I. " Dlanura M I'rallrt, S* fc>ri Ikra." ft. '•nerrrt.lfe K.wi Brrrt**. w fera Bft. 3. *• The Game r'wwl -tmltm IV, arUalfe.. * f With .Waal feP pace San.)... . la ratara. > in k.iraied Crarala** i* tha loAr. aad a t my rhoacfe liratkraaa aad t arhtaa tfeafeul.T feJfedMßV I-owl. in tb. world taaiifed fur ft unt .Lamp Kftku Bunk aM, Jraat (Mud lor Ml • cJ 1, hlTf. it * If Ml tH. Hrlrrar, - Ifeua. HOWARD IRON WORKS, M( FKAIAI. M. Wra Maaulkdarwi U Hud aad Puow* PAPER CUTTERS -*.n> - BOOKBINDERS MACHINERY, Of the MuM Improved ftttfefek Partra. LI—HIT In pure haa. mil da wall te iddrra. kk febuca. . GKO R RARKORJC. <4 Hra-feauk* *u* Haw Traft. i Fruit and Jelly Press! On.third am dm bf tb. .Id peuia in A hfeiraahul il aaara.lt J. *r> lun If Will bwy taa (Jwrt .fed *Ji<wi MM Uarti OiaonaM In tb. lr-t P.* RRalu and tana, addraaa. attb AmencM Fruit Had )Uv Trtm Cmpanj, Ciaoaß*a. (Rio. Amrmlm H anted la ctrr? T*wa mmm Cmmmt t. M#>kbATflir t®. ri#L Jl'f-H"'"' rH! THIS MIW J *r ; B7?r!WvELASTIC TRUSS rto wPk yf kf dlfi, Vkl M 44.ur| M *m# r 14# **• m# boll W ■ UNStmlu. •# bock tM t a \3/ s^Ss-l-iirTS au-M. aa* .lata aad. i Wnlaurawte W M. h'.kMAak ara. t. naU rtcraaralraa KOOkftftTOM TMtIHH CO., fta—ul. ■IH. Every Year You Lose M.-ma tbaa rara raw Oar. aHraya rraht Mo pat till tawind aad ant ted Ma nak wa aa fratftbt He rowt own Ajraut ud Kara t—rawniMfe- Yunr Tno Hay Seal en, —,anae btdlet' #4O, dMtied Sesid la* free Price 1— all ma* Haala. aad —a* for rotwrail JONES OF BINGHAMTON, KIMHI tMTON, N. V. COLLINS k CO'S ( i T V A Co. r-aJ ata WATCH ST HfM-YORK CATV ] LAOifs A / \ PTO CENT: NET 1 a I TEA ■ ■ annually Br>! t*ar in adeane. be ■ entity 4 to IO tinua lb. loan in 8 land ilene. aselaaira of lb. btttld. ■ M ■ inc.. i Prarant caah vnla. by .worn ■ mm aptirairan ) No inraetmaat aafer. \ / hi. injnkrie. mora po.mptly nrat. —^— V—/ Hoot of roferworea aiymn Send "tamp ha particular* 11. S. R. Jtlll \ *TO>, Sec.n.at.w .d Mortraae levaa. St Part. Mivvrfe'T. AA t mil Af.itvrs WAXTKH JkyiSl If 1 on onr Grand Cambiaattaa -K V V Praapcelaak r*pmentin 150 DISTINCT BOOKS wattledeeerywbera The blaarel Ihlna evrr irlrtl. .Sale, made from tha whwi all amalajEmhaJfV, Aaenta wante.l > out .11 tIIMIII hNT K A Mil. V HIHI.Ks. Snperaw to all .Mhera With InralnabUlllne Irftlwi Aid# and Snp*rf Bmdjnff. Tkf#r B# the >* arid, rnll Pmtmnlara frae Addnma . j!N ■ IHtTTKR A CO.. Pwbhahra. I tUI.AIthLI'HIA. P—-— BILLIARD TABLES. r JAB.IS I • >" I'" "**• , ' loll i ,; ~- [ ,1.- #} - ai..t ..raylhlaa aapenaimn. to ~lFj Bilhaid*. at la>wet Pru-ma. Ha ,r uft .r,K tb. laryeat .tuck and Rnaat 1 IY IM tacthuca 1,-r mtmifactuhn*. Q-g** (M*iM dffe or.l.ra can he pnuiplly Bllel Vv O-t ■ 1 l h1 e,.nd-li."J TkLira cheep. \?wraA* l k* f Tar. ttii.i iAi.-P Crt, an ilia*. ■A ! I 4Rt_ u-ated newairaper Mint free on H. W. COLLENDER, Mothers Who Have Daughters That. Have Weak Lungs, Should arrrat tb. diae-vra when it i. in the incipient •Ultra 11 i* indicated by a backinc eeuh. pain. In lh chrat, difficulty of hraathin*. or opprtmalun of tb. lunm. If Un be permitted to run on, tubercle* will form, and (Vmsumati .n w : ll Infhe reeult A mrat valuable rnme djwdl inV.ni.. in AI.I.KN'M 1.1 NG BAIeSAAI to cure and check t.H oiveeee in .ta flrrt *tas. For rale by *ll Medicine Pealnra. 4 h aam • I Are made in all *ty Ira and of evert IT 6 . draerlnllnn, from the UaHlCfel, Harnl, and tnonl clrgnnl In use to the hrnvirat and etronaent required for any kind of work; are C_ __ J ; nnrqaaled in ntyle, On C O lOiwarkmanahip, ntrrnalh and dnrablllty. They received the hlxh. rat written award at the Centennial Ripoaitkm. Harness." ISTrr.T.m with our nnair and Trade Mark. A liberal era rael '"" n '" r information KG W UIU that will cißTict any one who nrlln hnrnran ne Ihr Cttnrord llnraeaa I but are not made by u. P-Itra inducement* offered. Send for circular* acd price hta Addrnu J. R. HILL & CO., Concord, N. 11. ' W. Y. N. 11. Ne. IM. \XTIIBN WRITING TO AUVKKTIMERH, IV pie *e ear Ika* ftw*amwtbe a(*.niem • .r . :- vblt •••er.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers