THE CENTRE REPORTER. THURSDAY MAY K,_lS7?. TKRM*.—S2JER YE<U\ TRAEW paid IN nilmnf ; $2.50 wAeti n<d (wtul in adtanrr, .T-IN RLU"""''* /TURGOR RTTW II --rrrtioH, '•'/ '<•' ntsyr tins tar errrv SEEWENF *er/on. Adrerfiamenfi *Y '*<" * vrr ' Hbrral discount. iiKTllo% CK*rn lfvvi tavivw. No. m>.l \, nf o u r .| •v*n mmMmmntai in !h Otltl! liall J M >WEL, M V >**•*. * • ,V, Yv*T t."T,, N., .VV, y K M . m-U n Mint*? pvfniuf. <>n ot *(kr *o)i full mnu in "" Otll M u CKHniA ID M. S*ct. .1 A1 I FNiW. v , „ . ~. .. MaalKvw. N.t. <* !*•> 11. •• •< £" ILATL O ILER 11.11 .*!• S.T„RW, "I <" WORN ,.!!■ m r r, w H',A, si;r Uhnwc Mtrr t j? _ LOCAL ITEMS. trnxxiciw ios HKNT.-T>.- undersigned offer* the More-room, known Horlacher* old stand, at Centre Hall, lor rent- The stand ii A desirable one in nil respects Possession C*n he had nv lime aflar April Ist. by tpplying W • • 11KNKV KiIUR at Centre lull. . JNRH.W VOHSXIK. From 10 to lo ton* fir*t-< las* Timothy hy fox l nets sl2 per ton. lU t M "V .un Mav Linden 11*11. J Fox SAI.K AT HAL* P*lC*-A, (FOOD new platform Spring Wagon, for 1 or 2 horse*. A Rood sound mars, f. years old. Also * Rood single harness. Will sell *ll together or separate. WILL tell *t half price. LTHU. 4T 1 le***nt trap. 1 * Fo* SAI.R— * new Golden Tongue Organ, warranted. Will be told very low INQUIRE at this office. if. ant ;ni—*t thu office. h*f i<" *> hay on subscri.'dion. j Organ grinder* are about-sure sign of spring. plasterers are now vwttmg ..rst eo*t on the Lulh. church, at Hebersburg. Rev. Lilly, farmerly of Bellefor.te, ar.d who left that ple* 1 Abilene, Kans sas, has received a eali froul the K(. Luth. charge at Newton. lowa, aad ha* accept ed. \Ve think we are sate in sayiug that there is not a drunkard in Centre Ha., or its surrounding*. j-5 per pair. That'* a hogish price. J. 0. Deininger hat just received a new stock of hardware, anything that builder*, mechanics, or housekeepers may need, net excepting nice baby carriages, picture frame*, mottoes, Ac., ail cheap, which is Yony's styU. AYe wiah to remind y*wng meo {bat the *tay law doc-s not allew iheut to t*k , longer stay with their sweethearts Satur-j day nights. Mr. Camp, furnitura man of this place, ha* one of the finest hearses in the county. Xo handsomer or cheaper couches. monuments, or headstones are turnished than can be had at lleuiers Bel.etonte Marble Work*. r>ee him by all mean* before ordering elsewhere. Take a shot-gun. put in a charge of powder with or without a wad. hold with in 10 or 15 inches of a caterpillars' nest, pull trigger, and you'll storm their castie most effectually. and it is besides an amus ing warfare though death to the pil lars. All the reliable standard medicine. In the world, patent or not patented, al ways to be had at Frank Green s old es tablished drug store, ia tbe Bush house block, Also all needed fancy and toilet articles, and fishing tackle. The fires in Pennsylvania Furnace, Huntingdon county, were put out last week. We understand that it will remain idle during most of tho summer, at least, and all other work about the premises such as chopping wood, coaling, etc., has been suspended indefinitely. The Seiinsgrove Times aptly re marks.- One fact is self-evident: That agricultural implement-, iike sewing ma chines, are too cosliy to the farmer, and instead of being money-saving imple ments as well as labor-saving implements they cost se much as to eat up nearly ail his profits. Sporttnua's headquarters for the best fishing tackle—rod#, reels, line#, j hook#, fiie#, bugs for trout, suckers, cat- ] £>h. eels or chubs, to be had at all price#, all sizes and makes at Deschter's gur.-hop Bellefonte, and cheap. H.s stock is full ; and complete. Lycoming has a Unityville within its borders. If the name is characteristic of the place, then Unityville is odd from the the balance of the county, which al ways bears a good crop ot local factions ar.d wrangling#, and we suppose the "▼file" aforesaid must be made up cf re tired wranglers and factionisls, who agree to agree. Now is the time to save money in buying your Furniture, Chairs Ac at J C. Brachbills jr. Bishop St Bellafonte. The Commissioners appointed to di vide Potter township into two election precinct* will discharge their duty on Fri day ofthis week. Heifer A Klfbe keep the largest stock of goods in the county and have the largest store. They keep any thing in the line of dry-goods, Jitr-lions, groceries, ready-made clothing, bats, caps, boots and shoes that may be needed by men, women and children. They are in con stant receipt of new goods, and give cus tomers the best of bargains—in fact it is headquarters for farmers and others. An lowa paper tells of a smart wife who be! ped her husband to raise seventy a-ros of wheat. The way she helped him was to stand in the door and shake a broom at hiin when he sat down te rest. Farm House Burnt.—About mid night last Friday night the dwelling of Mr. Jonathan Greek, in Lamar twp , near Bicker's mill on the road leading to Sugar Valley, caught fire from a defective flue and was burned to the ground, together with most of the furniture. The loss is es timated at about sl,tXK>, no insurance. We understand that Mr. Greek will at once rebuild. We bear many expressions of ad miration of the fine tpecituen of workman ship turned out at Heisler's Bellefonte Marble Works. His monuments and tombstones surpass any thing in this sec tion of the state. Mr. Keisler is a skilled Philadelphia workman. At Win. WofPs are tor sale Knapp'e patent curtain fixtures, advertised in an other column of the Reporter. They aie the most convenient out. tf- Many of the Piahos and Organs now manufactured will contrast well with some watches we have examined, having a massive, highly embelisbed case, and when you ask them what time it is, tber don't know, something is the matter with the movement. Such is not however the case with the Beatty instruments, manu factured at|Washington, N. J., the move ment, durability and tone, is the first con sideration, and then the case constructed according to price. lm ——Groceries down to cash prices at SechleEs, where they keep the best. By using the V arnitb Gloss Polish, you can instantly make any article of furniture look new and fresh, it is easily applied and dries immediately—have found this upon trying it, and recommend the article. Mr. J. F. Muffin is cow in the county selling this useful article. 3t. Dont throw your money away by buying cheap factory cane A wood seat chairs, when you can get good home made work for the same money, at J, C. Brachbill jr's. P- S.—All work guaranteed. The Presbyterian Presbytery in session at Trenton, N. J., is hearing charges of heresy against Rev. John Miller, the lead ing preacher of the Presbyterian Church; in that he has published a book denying the Trinity and the immortality of the soul. A number of eminent divines are present, and the trial excites a good deal of interest. Mr. Miller made a speech dev fending Lis book. At a meeting of thosoldier* anil cit* ixens of Centre llnll, relative to decor*' ting the soldiers' grave, in Centre 11*11, it was decided that *ll citiacn-, Sunday school* and soldier* of Centre Hall and v cinity lie cordially invited to participate in the excrei-es ofthe day. Also, that all citi/on- be request d o Contribute flower* for the occasion and lake iheiu to the re-id. nee of Mr, Der-t u 0 during the dav, (May tti, where they ivil be di.|>nfted ftf as dire, ted by the count it* tee Tilt mini*ter of Cantt* Hall have contented to he present and lend their n-- Mutance. ' The procession will be formed at W • tner'tGrove, at 4 p m. All person* a:e tlieref. ro invited at d evpeeio.l to lit at the grove l>v four o'clock, sharp A*• n s all have assembled the flow or. u ill be dis tributed, and the procession, under the centre! of Chief Marshal, 11 11- Smith, will march to the graveyard, where the soldier*' grave* will he decorated, alter which addresses will he made by euiinct t speaker* engaged for tho oooa-cn. Mu sic will be furnished by the band *n.l Glee club. We tincerely hope U farmer* and others will put aside their work and assist in making the occasion Wednesday, \l*y at a ueeo* and pay a tribute of rc*pect to the memory , f those who gave their lives for our e vuntry. \\ V. \ Jl..i*s, M I>KI.-il>C tsec'y. Chairman. Of all the necessary thii <- the pure and fre*h groceries cf S.cbler A Co , tao the lead in this county. Housekeepers hav* experienced that by purchasing at that establishing t they get an iirticlc til Is Use and the fttll worth of their money and often more than at any other [dace. Sechler A C v -tartcd out with the deter mination to reuder *atisfaetion to custo tucrs, and they have succeeded. Coffee, sugar, teas, syrup*, cured meats, spice*, queens ware, tobacco*, *oap, dried and canned truit.s, seed*, cunt. ct.., ui;J many other article* needed in the house hold, are kept—every variety of every thing fit for use, that belongs to the groce ry line, and r.o damaged, *poill or adul terated goods. They deal fairly and honaatly with you, and -ell low. —— Anything in the '.ice of drugs and medicines pure ai.d fresh, *1 1 P. Green m the Bush house block, .eg ofthe largos drug establishment* outside of PbiiaJel-j phi*. j Boyer, at Aaronsburg. has just re ceived a tremendous stock of mw goods and everybody i- astouished at bis very 'low prices. You will 2nd it oi.e ef the best places in the valley to see the styles ! ac 4 buy cheap. . RKBKRSBURG A VICIMVY The cherry troes are in full bloom. The corn is about all planted. The east end of our town is dry as usual, Thgy are about to put iron pipes down tu the extent of a hundred rods. By the way, both of our school sphere in our hamlet are its a flourishing cor.di dion. The one lakes the lead of the other in iu students swinging on Pa's gate alter dusk. On the 12th af this month a f oi race took place from Rockville to our "ourg, a distance of one ruile. The contestants were Wm. Smull and Mr. Sw-ootu. The or.s who won was to receive 25 cents. At, first eJmull was ahead but Swcom at )at got the better when Smull fell into a fence corner totally played out. At first ho was supposed dead, but at la.-t he was restored to conciousness and he new declares that he will never run ugain for money or no money. dometimp ago Mr. D. Sholl g >t his hand bruised while working en the foundat. >n of the Reform ad church. Work is brisk in thi- village just now. J. R. Brunigard .* having a arge stable put j up—work going on at present. H Brum gard is going to put up his brick dwelling in course of a few weeks. Ab. Miller means to repair her house. Marshall Hall in tends to build soon. The Reformed church goes up before harvest In fact, there is work for all who want it, and are not too cboicey. llsw MOK. A carriage containing five persons was struck by a railroad train near Pompton, New Jersey, Wednesday ei-ectng. Simon Dcmorest, Miss Taylor of Patercn, and a young mar. were killed, and tbe other two fatally injured. It seems that a clue is had to the perpe trator of the murder at Elm station. TO OUB LADY HEADERS. Let us tell you what reached our desk last week. A magazine which supplies in- ] formation on every article a lady or child can wish to wear, from the sole of her feet to the top of her head. Each article is richly illustrated ; underneath -land the , description, with the number of yards it takes to make it; and then comet the j price at which you can purchase it. All classes are provided for- The aoalthic-l: and least wealthy—all can find qualities suited to their means. Interleaved be tween the Fashion descriptions we find page after page of original reading-mat ter ; not such as over load so many putli- 1 cations, hut bright, suggestive, instruct- j ive contributions by our best lady writers, on subjects ia which every sensible o man takes pleasure and interest. "The 1 Kitchen." "The homo." "The Cultivation 1 of Beauty," "Education of Children," 1 "The Art of Dre#s-msking." etc , etc.— I all are standard articles on standard sub ject#. Now, when we say, further, that thi-l magazine, a monster volume of 11C pages, is only the ".Spring," numbei of a publica tion which cots but 60 lent# for a whole year's subscription, our readers wiil un derstand why we consider it somowrhat re markable. It is published hy Khrich A Co., Nos. t2>7 and 'Jb Eighth Avenue, New Y'ork City, the enterprising mr chants, who thus meets great demand of ladies who live away from the great me tropolis, and yet are eager to learn of the vagarie-of Fashion and of the price i">r which these vagaries can be purchased The accompanying directions, according to whiet goods should be ordered, are so clear arid simple that a child could thus order iu wardrobe. Vou will not regret subscribing to "Ehrichs' Fashion Uuar lerly." Why are a whale and a pond lily alike?— They both coine to the eur | face to biow. Why is O the beat letter in ihc ni phabet ?—lt i oftene-t engaged in doing good. Which ig the oddest fellow, the one who asks a question, or the one who answers ? —The one who asks, because he is the querist. Why is a hen supposed to be im mortal ?—Because her sun (son; never sets. , Why are chickens supposed to have no future state I —Because they have their necks twirl'd (next world; in this. If all the women went to China, where would Jail the men go? —To Pekin. MARKETS. .NEW YORK New York, May 14. White Western. $2 28(0,2 30; No 1 while Michigan, $2 30 bid; No. 2 Chicago ►print, $1 '.>o bid, No 2 Milwaukee, $1 t's bid. Rye nominal; Western 97098 c, Corn; 71c; steamer mix ed, 71 (a,72c, Western mixed 72Jc Oats heavy; Western mixed and State, 42005 c; white Western 60009 c. Coffee quiet but firm; Rio cargo eg 17021 c, in gold; job bine at 17022 c, in gold. Sugar strong; fair to good retlning, li)i01OJc; (>rime. 10ic. ANNUAL MEETING OF POTTER SCHOOL HOARD. The Board of School Directors of Potter School District will meet ui ' Old Fert, on Monday, June 4th, at 'J o'clock, a. m to examine the Treasurer's account, and attend to such {other business as may come before them, All persons interested are requested to attend, The directors elect will meet at 1 o'clock, p. ni., to organize a new Board, 1 a'so the township Auditors and Clerk to : examine the School Treasurer's account. By order of the Board, I W. A. KERR, 17may3t. Secretary. THK DIC I'ION All \ A ■ \ N I N si R rerun. W* notice n ii tb-r w inciti. ■ ing, that at the recent gtc-vt imhlishor'a trade sale ill Nw Veil., the hock that weio inn'', in demand ami 1 ghl i l-> -t prices were \\ eht i - Diet • r <ti< ■ frnn Slue falllOU- Quaiio to the ll* it atul p.vck Oil II 1011. 1 I 1:1. II" 'I go. i ! Itca j noli of the a most univi i*nl populatilv of i these book-. and ofthe grow HI public de j mand tor ihatu. Ii Indbat* - m !>; >r I • ! greater no |i. rt ao . ■ ai .1 lbnt u l ho mi<i . -t j Hie people aiel.vk t g in the study >■! th. r .>Wi. I tl.guago t ins is • li> uiiiging, - H ere is no brain n o| . .iu.-,>uoii that j now atul ll >s In in so in Ii noglvcti d ; tli ■ ' • 1 " ! Hum. It i* o"\i vtotis. Ilig all Ig> n Olsto MU i.'il gro V . alt I.I" I S .iro . and y . r. aul * veil < .n. i-n.l >- v me| log a v, pi. nunc a! n and moaning ol ordn iv word* aid phrase* It. cy .mnol e\pre the.r thought* for tl c want of woi.l', ~.,1 . ft oh l! , v e v pi.'-- lb. . r i, i .It', r. hi !; ,>m what thev into !. oecaus •r 1 • o '. m derstand tho WOi iU ih. v etup ev Vll 1 v. i v fro |iien: v, I• tn tie > vi.ic • ivu- < t V ako no uiea. or w ■ g 1.1. ,Ir, ■ v. b. t li.ev read or h. ar. d'tie remedy tvir the evil* i* the i r. p. i traiiurg in the study of vvhi.!■-, l v the u of tho liu tot ary, and ihisirainii g should t*"gin a- - 'oil ' - .d v .'. o s.l.'guis one word and mother, atul > tiuuo in definitely. Tne apparati.- for t' should, of c. ur-. . bo the in -t eomptcl and ihorviiigli to I e had, an.l i>i abund antly (Upplir.l lit Wvbati-1 lhcliottal •-, w htcli are ju-t. v to. ogi.i. Ed, vv horev or ■.. language i- -poketi, a- tho standard a . Iho.-iJy "i lli.qlish. Parents ami teachvr can in t.e alhor vov rifea-tuallv or ■ etieap'y t ouiote the tfvlu, ati> n*' intot<-t.s o: them chi .lioii, ox suiiuoio ug>- a- tv putt ng in their Lai. I- any one m WabsUr'aSchMl Iheti" . a, w fiaiN U'-UColi: r 'tlos with th" -l ■ 1> >'! their les-v-iis, and tn' placing eu tho futni y > .i.- trp table, or tf-e teacher'* J -*• l! 'e uu thor.ttve g ude and -tandald, u .- ; y the Unabridged. The unabnd. -d c "it iins iUu-tra tions, over lH.WA'words in its vocahu. .- r.o*. and lO.t**' words and meanings n.-l !i any other Diet vry the abrni- .d , oil pri-os "The Primary. which has tin !arg.t He, ail ivv !v !a, vol IO .vt ita ruler for ; tu*. 1 .l.g !1 , I 'am School Is Similar but large,, villi table, d ,yno ■ynaa, Ac. "The Uigh School, ' iltll ful ler, with many UseftjT tablvs ; "The Aca detuic and c'o..ut.. k u. ou for adv < J schools and for g,.. .at Lome :... . hn-i ness uso. The latter i.u* vonio spdcialiy valuable coinmercia! and financial I*l ... The l;tt!s "Pocket coition, with Ks bright guilt edges and morocco bindii.g, is tru.y an invaluable pocket companion. It contain* utore than IS.IkM wrvl. rul- - fur *pllig n , tnaiiy abr. v lulions, vv rds and phrases, f reverb.-, etc , oi.i arilv met with in the Greek, Lat.ti and Modern lan guage; Wlu thcr it is c. uvenlant .rn. t to have copies- > any . f the oilier L. -k ! the tcritvs, we weikat y r. mu-.—.-I ti-ut all *h. ul.l psriu a c i'.v >j th-' Picke!, which, when not otherw ,e oblainab ■ may he had by- mall. b > in, losing; > the publishers. -Me#*r*. lvm> ii,,Uliiketaan I ray lot A Is and 1-JO (Ira J street, 1 |Tv evv *vrk. I7 " - tt a l)n March 2>. by Kev Hindis, Mr h. J Swmui r 01 Mi lhein , t.> M - Jctim# M. Fhuilj Brush \ a oy. On Mi-oh Ji at tee Ref -rvcd P*r-i :•• age Ht Rcbt rt>mg, by '.\iiii 1 , 1■ r. I' J HiHibiib of Relcr.burg toil Emilia K. Hillibi-h ofFroolurg. IIICI). tin March t?.'. Hob! oca Friu -r f Mad l-oliburg. *„"ed si /cart. Ou Arri! 11. i!r (' Hainan ."-cgar Valley, aged -, .\ear-, I mo:;th nnd I day. On 1- April. .I>hn P . -. of Wm and Cho-: r M yi r. : Br -h \a. ey, a.o i 1 year, '• months, at .1 '">d*y. t)n My 6. Calbftiiie E Miller, of near Ucber.burr, i~ed \ cur-, b month-. J day ()n 12. in Por.n twp, of wl --oping >. :gh John Wo-'. V. -or. i! J-.u ib L> -:!vr, sgoti 1 year and '■ ]u--n'.h. On 2? of Apri . in P ::er twp. Mr- Catharine Peters, aged about '•) years. On 12, ir. Gregg. twp, Mr-, lie. imtc, wifa of John F. lieckman, aged On '■ at Matt -oi.burg, iniaßt fttoo W A \ : 11 On 9, at Kobersbutg. Amelia, wife of John t\ Stnull, aged 19 years, 5 tn nth?, and is days B!e-edjare the dead who die in the 1. :>!. BSUIOMC XasK KTS. May 17 bv Sbortlidge A C>. Flour pt-r barrel, wh -lesule. $lO 50. retail. JUta) White wheat, 2 (at. Hod " 200 Bye, 70. ("rn, shelled, SIV Corn, e--b, !•">. v)at, 35. Barley, rju weight, 6s. Clover-ecd '<) pounds. Potatoes retail. 1 00 N iva Scotia p'a-it r, gr und. 10 >'. Cayuga " 50. Anthracite coal: Chestnut per ton a', yard, r > ou. Choice Farm FOR BALF.! The undersigned ode. in* toll v. iag ch <lee homestead, r.'vir Linden iiu.l, at pri sto i'o. Consisting f 1: ACRES OFjLANI), under fences and in * high ta:e of cuitiva tion. Tl.creon arc erected a 2-STO K Y BRICK HOUSE, R.nh Barn, all nec< - a ry outbuilding*. with choice fruit on the premise*, a i:-icrn and a never-failing stream of running wat-. This property i desirably local 1 i mile (rem L. C. A S. C. Kit., and elTer? i a fine opportunity for any one wishing to retire upon a small farm. For further particulars apply to 1 ( GINGEKDK. ANNA GINGKKK K. ! 17may3tn. Linden Hall, I'u THXECUTOK S NOTICE - Letters testamentary on the ette of Catharine Peter widow, l ite >fi'otter,de ceased. having tie. ri granted to tin* under signed. all persons indebted to -aid estate *re required l" make immediate payment, and tin .- havir g claims against the same tn present them, duly authenticated h\ law for settieiiu .1. SAM L I'.OYKR, mnv 17 Lxecift'ir I N THE M ATT Ell ol the estate of C.i _| BKCSWTTU dee'd. Exceptions to the ai count uf A It. Barlow. Executor. The Auditor appointed by the Orphans' j Court of Centre county, to hear at d p upoti the exi eptioi ■ to the account ol \. li Barlow, executor of C B< ok with.! dee'd, w ill altet.d I. the duties of In ap -1 ointment at hi- oth>in Brllefonte on] Friday, theS'h day ol dune, IbTT. at ten: o'clock, a. 11.. when and *lu'i all part;- 1 interested can attend t thr\ "<■ proper. DAVID ¥ FOI'.TNKY. 17in St. Auditor. IN THE ORPHANB' OOOKT of Centre county In the matter of the e.xcep j tiona to the account ot (In 1 K It K. d niinutrator of James It. Honk' The Auditor appointed by the Orphan- Court to hear and puss upon the exceptions filed to the said account, will attend to the duties of his appointment at hi- otliee, in Bellcfonte. 011 \Vedne<lay. tl e f'.th day at June, 1877, at ten o'clock a 111 , of said day, when and where nil parties interested can attend if they see proper. DAVID F. FOKTN KY. 17mayftt Auditor. D. F. LUSE, PAINTER, Ilai""A.. offers his services to the citizens ol Centre county in lionae, Sign and Oruaui<*iilal I'aliitiiiK, Striping, ornamenting and gilding, Graining DAK, WALNUT, CHESTNUT, Etc. Plain and Fancy Paper hanging. Orders respectfully solicited. Terms .reasonable. 20 apr tf. _________ O I'M No OPENING OF BONNETS, TBI M MINGS, MILLIN- Kit Y, At .Miss LUCY DKININGKR'S, in Centre Hail, who bus just returned from Philadelphia, with the LATEST FASHIONS, and u complete .locli of new Bonnets, new Hats, elegant Trimmings, Ate., which will hi ' sold or tnadu up, at reasonable prices. Alscs, old ladies Dress Caps, f The new styles arc very p-etty. Ludiei 1 call and see them early. First como, flrsi ) served. lOinayli I PATE N fi J Tee Reduced ! Entire |J< at 855 I Patent Office Fee $36 in advance, kalunci , s'2o within 0 months after patent } allowed. Advice and ex amination freo. Patents sold. J. VANCE LEWIS & CO., 17tnay3m Washington, D. C • GO TO f NEWMAN'S EAGLE ( NOTHING HALL, MOV MAN'S EAGLE CLOTHING HALL, NEWMAN'S EAGLE CLOTHING IIALL, ' |jjw FOR IT IS THE I'LACE FOR and better far lers woney than anywhere (due in Central Pennsylvania* < Olfflt 'J. NEWMAN, JR., Proprietor. \ >VI P Allegheny Street. Sands' Building* BELLEEONTE. PA. N W v 10 ftpSn Notll I OK \ PPI V! N, ti. Ik l,i ro . . i lu i i,t wiiu, > ..| I'rtntru ciniiitv u , !, m I . , .1- frunt Mvi."[i,ri,tv tvl Ir.. I. ih. <titt<vr*nt t..,vn>l,ip and borouyht in .t cuuntv.uu (h ftillowiiig day*, at tl | i, • fur hu'd ingidwiiiiiu in tuwnsh'p, hi.,l b.'rougb, to wit: Putt., ll. M I'li .iu V 1 .'! VI .V Half M.'.ui Tu< -.1:, v v t'orgui f,. W. •! v llnrris, 'I hut v . i. i Ki, i.,y l'.'U.'r, > .lurJny . t i:. v' <, VI "11' i> Pen it, Tuetlv 11 ,i in I'd \V, hi.< ;.v Mile- ri.urs,.:iy I VV uliver. 1*: .isv I, uf .1 Marion, Saturday -■ Liberty, Tus-Jav 6. llowur.l ti>, a', lb \\ . ini'i.tay t"'. t urtin, t luii iny 7 M ffg' 1 - Kriday S. M .b..r,- Sat inlay ,< t niun, Vl.miuv 11. iliivtun, Tu<" Ivv Ift \\ i . W 1,. 1 Taylor, Ttiur day lint 11. u,' >t John Copetihuv i-r. K'.ish, FriJu.. !.*>, l'hilipibu j;, r UurJ&v It.. llurn.ilr, M- uJ*. C. F anw Shi *', i'ui aU Ay L. Bonner, \\ oJ', _ S)iri t(, Tli.;: -uu\ 1 Friday x . , From 9 o clock a nr., t> I o'eloek p. m„ uat'h iluv i.. a..r.-. . - l!,i . - * Ut!t arc re.piir. J I ] it ; i '.a*c :hiir B--c--ion:i there. ANIi (JltF-GO. 1 II Hki'k 1! \ MINtiI.E, Clerk. .1 N. HALL. 7t Ci iar' i "A'i mm s N.ti'ci TTt'tli rs of aitniiaatraU \ .. ti.e t :at< •t S.rah tiramly, !■: . 1' ..: t\ p.. ; 1 having le". n prattle ito t ui ... .-i<t eii .>ll lur.oUj 1... ,aii<h ihcii > ,\et I." : . jn ihl#d lO *ttld dm e dt'i.l Jl.'O it., .•!(,! to make miO"*iialo p*\aunt. aiui p.-r*t>: > i.aviac clainic R|>aiii;i iiui iv-iulo %>ill i r*- •eiii them nutbenii. 1 ''••!■ • r-.t THt'S iiuckmkn. JtL'UKKT >\IITJI. I may 10 6t A IKGA JU N uTICK • v j tfini an appin at.o; .. t t H>- Fx. ency, J >hn F liar . at;:: U><v<trnor > porallou of the "I'iis vC >1 ,lr >l. C ui panv,' :n ar (> riia.'!'< v. A•- sotnbly in met nrn • I pro'- i !. A LKXAN DKK i 6o Hl U. <> may At. Ml.. ; r. nr. FOBTXIY, lu o a law BeiL font*. Pa. OflL-s oxer Hct- Btldi i.*i. i> 1.. . 11 n® Chrapost o'" All" Largest o All ! KKST or ALL !!! MAGNI FU'KN 1 - I'ot K tH" spring anJ> >i imkr goods. Wolf's Old Stand. AT ;Vf Dii-lYili BALL, OVKt:.y> YAKI">>K CALICO, WHICH \S 11 1. Hh >"!.!> t'HKAt'Ki; tlt A* KV- Kit BKt <UK I N Till - MIC TION We 1--.. i •-he CL ' I'r.i 1 •> ' Sc hi Uuu I n.urp:. .. i And wo i . .■'.• • . i. ■> ! our friends, patrons, s i the pub g'-n*, ermlly. t\)iue : <• v. 12 - wy.,j C o REST SELEt 1 EL) STUCK. Atr irires iowi rThnn'uu*t. A full lino of Orv- Goods. Cl. thing, II l.r (ju< • :.-war. .(i - -war.- \V ! ami Wil iow Wurv. IT.:- h!..1 (•. ! ;.. 'i■ :•• v - crythmg and lOftblog embraced . . Ikt abuvo lirus. A LAKIIK ST KOF READY - MADE CLOTHING constantly on baud. Cutmnera will fin 1 tli -to k com plete, and a call i all that i- re quired to assure you that tliii i- the be=t place in tho valley to buy v< :.r goods. Wit. Wni.l, IEVOL V T 1 O N The great revolution io tlie |iru r* of Ik<okc anil Stationary till ' cntinuis to ii|ireail and ha* no* hi en extenderl to nearly every arti' le in -ur line High |,rire* havi cen*ed to reijt . a- witl){" the inllo* ng. eL eletl a- example* 5N h'te PaeforatSa Bristol Board w nor thi t. Mo'.t .V eai h, or t' for . N-U. Paper. 5, 7 ai i! 'jr [" r nuifi K: vel-.j • 4 sand , • r pat •• ; M- uo Pranr*. with g.aM, 80, 83, I' 1 and ITe • fockM books, every -• . and ijijal y. 12< ami w • r*. -te.- r ... .•. A j"' idn 1 wiinut S e-o --scoi">, with ot, di*. viiw-, a. I or $ 1. 2f,. T >y of any dee riplion at net, Fanny box 1 tper. of 2 tint*, 24 herlsot tiaprr am! 21 ■ nv a. I t'-r |5 - :i. It K V O L U T 1 <) N ! WALL ]'A I'l U .1 prices greatly : i. The k i> very >u|i• ■ ■ nt.d • -:>r • at 7. '.i. 11 UJ and 11 ' '.?• ' 1 r >Oll v\' - the ' assortment it CON FK( THN I:HV. I A tin. as oilmen I<d the lii • !, C >u > fectionpry, fr--h lr >tn ' I* l> jutt received at W.'h- CHINA \V A lil'. AT Co- l\ A splendid tot of French China ware, willi g.d>l bund It p. -. price reduced j trom tu $'J4 A - I Kng ish China, M piece*, price n L.. • i iron; ill! to se. •Call ana Me thorn at Welch's. J AM MS WELCH. - Letter* of admin Lira; ion on the estate fM ii liik ! Ld.glc, late • lin itu twp , dee'd, having been granted to the under |-igne.l, all person- km win * tlu-rntelvc* to he intlehted to -aiil ii--. ■ lent, ure r. piest |ed to nuke iir.t;t< i!i:ite payment, and pot* son* having claim- ap-un •:m- i ■•.ate a i.i present th0 111, ttllllieiitit-it ed, for n'ltlu nient. HENRI Li NtiLK, Adni'r. np2o flt Spring Mill*. A DM I N ISTM A. Tu l' S N'OTTCE.— Letters of Hilmiiii-lrittloii onlhoustulo . i John IJnney, late of Gregg twp, dee d, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to bo on debted to said decedent are iciuostcd to make iiiunediato payment, and persons having claims against the e.tnle are r>'- ijiiesii Ito bring forward their claim du ly Authenticated by law for settlement. AN NIK M HANKY. Mndisonhurg, J. 11. UKII'SN'VI'MK, Miliheim, ; l'Japdt Administrator*. HIBSMANS" HOTEL, MILKOY, l'A. The best table and bar, and ejjeollont stabling for horaes. Also n Une rosort for summer boarders. Buss to depot, and. (daily stages to Centre county. Charge, reasonable. Ml lit'AN fILK Ari'UAISKMKNT. II 1' of V KMUII'.s OK MKK j .I, it i .• , tlu .•!! <• w ithihllii ..I.' y • (' Ur\ l'ir ill" \ • u IS, K\i , i ir. in lii'eitM' Ia pasn I April llih, 1"">1' Pamphlet law- | t|{> W Any f* riim s,, a-i .- ilI n> .1 hi,,l a,*, vm-i) who t!,a'l :i! U< attend ueli appeal, or t,- ippeil from the iliH'lto ii of in# apprai-.'r : t. > proper, our'. . eornni :i ph ar ■ . of the amount o( the lu,ne which ho 11- iir,.! to pnv villi'. ?..,l -.all b t M 10 ii tint ileah r in or 1.1 iler or brew, r I t,' ,! b. the duty . v< ry l',tv a I ' ■ ! ul! fioviii' duly relui.u 1 to him by I •• Mereaiitiia Appraiser it nt paid on or t-tr* vr ill.. lii-l d.Y of July, "ii < i.'h alid vi ry will Hi tell vhi> i a lie! that date, ; I r...d 'fti'u-ui > r shall i. t be li-i harg. i r in a v >udt license until ho brings suit v or the itniu w it!, in .-aid ditto. Clue Vi. vaud. i W li MiHhiim 1 • $10,7.'.! \:ip rt 11 Uurg II 7,7/'; 'A ~ r • I) vu:. W r .1 K.VC i' P . 1 < ■ Veil lif iiiliiards 1 40.761 •tr,., J,t.,.i J C l i 7.7.'. lU.'.ry liu'n. otaburg i-> 10,76; i Bailey Wl' Alt I lt l .-rl. irg 1 10," • .. v 111 A irg 12 1.1 25 Itu. r r Uelloonte 0 lift.7*• 11 .ny, r Thuntal Mo * ri,g H 77.' M"as' A T Miter burg 14 7.7 ft Bayard vv \V it... I iata . i 7,1# lira, kbilt John " If 7.7 ft. : It. vi S A .V Son " 12 1 liauiu A "11 7.7 ■ l.lair K T " 11 ".7.'.: li i pt< 11 K Midheiuj 11 7,7 j,J v it, m 7.7"' i „ u,.i rt Uuviatd n , I' ... ill. -v. r John Olivia J 20.7'- t'i..|,.r Mr. S Philip, burg li 7.76 i ai hr. ,ft ('; hi:. I : lo 7 ■ C .malt M.i- Sallie " 11 7.7". nd ■ Masgie " 11 7.76 Cr.'.i-e A J Belli tonte 11 77 • i x AII -j fVder JoMph " H 7.76 ' I' iu. gi tJ if t ■ ntn iii 11 .. ■ ■*, l>uti:*p J. .V- Co p. li'.ve S lu.7' Iniiz. J.N li . hur 11 7,T0 7 * : Dai „K A Piiilip.hurg 11 7.76 ! . Mr- N K 11. ♦futile li 77 .ft Kennedy I. ,Nt 11 7.7 ft f. hull, J M.l.he.m H 7.7 ft I , til llr • Mil. vbm-g li r.To , h . >au,u> 1 K.ter hurg 1 1 b>,76 . K.vute Job:. P Uilltioii., 11 7.7 ft: Fft.trr.llt per.r UU 12 13.'<6 p. - ->t JTi Co Tvroa. Po II 7.76 Klegai ti S •• 11 7.76 I. A li".U :.te li 7.7" I ■ lira h I J :-i.r K - M U ! 1 10,7 i.rav \\ II . : Mn ' I.- e.t AJft T K 1 .enung il !,W (i-v. 1 V Port Mat lo 1< 7 . • t rv, i P Beliefoat, 16 10.76 I. t: IVV Lemont 11 7.76 G .kiJeul.i itner. 1 Brili t uile 10 15t I.rahaui E.V .Soil. ** 11 7.76 iliikg Gottlieb Pl.a.ant Gap '£• 7 • II 1. H lie! "... '• 267& II". 1> Linden llall 15 1076 : llibl.-r John Milwburs H 7.76 1 II .v.r 1. M lie i.. rviila ii 7,7 H rJ I Julian l urna,. II 7.76 it- ... rft R m M P< rt Mali da I l" 7 llirlii . < G Philip-t irg 1.. H',76 " II 7.76 11. ,er llarr *Jk vo " lo *20,76 11 ,t nD.wid Mi .sbnrjr 11 "7- Mars ■ I ! . 1 l>. il< t< :.te 10 -jr.. j Hoi. r A Kline " 11 15,75 llufl.T 1! O billiard* " 4>>.7.. 11..1S rlt O U>l :unitt " 14 7.76 Hicki N- A A tiro •' . V 1 II irr:* J:,. A i . " 1! 15.75 It.. 11 At'i Julian Karoavo li 7.75 j*ck *; >n H . ,rg li 7,75 Jbi" .v IV. : r State Col", ge 1 > 10. i ...It, 1' T1 Matilda 14 7. *•' J. ' n Mot Phihj •■ITH II 7.7.'' Ja. - n\S . i I'ucriits 1 10. iU .! .. hh- . A!-• io; . 11 15/ Km r. I 11 ward 11 7.7.7 K.: ■• .1 I liar.. >ard 1. 1".7" K:. .J. C Mi!o*turg 11 7.72 K ..t burg 11 7.73 K !cr A Hufhinger " 10 UU..-I K.;t . A Belief t- 14 7.7 j Haunt I*ar " 14 7.7>i L. t.I. hn I) " 13 I"."3 I. v,. JA Son L veville 13 10.72 Luca* A Ilr, Howard 11 7.7-7 ■ ' ! .It Mt I'd! i II 7.7* Lncusja. J 31.:. !>..•* It 7.72 Layman John " 11 7.72 Leather* A Buck Fleming 1 10.77 Lit -• nfall hA li Phiiii -t org II 7.7* I.v :■A CO 11 .. : 1>• 1V.77 L '.O. 3 A A I. . 1. • i" 30 7 MW ! HI f 11A CO K Spring I '. 1",7 Mo rM M Aaron-! rg 1 : l".7l Mill r Bros Millhi-iin 14 7.7-' MILr J K A Son Cmtro Hall 11 7. .*.] Mmry Mi hato liutfulo Run II 7... Matlern Ilr ,* " 14 7.77 Miller Wll Walker 11 7.7-" '•! -ell \ 11 >v, .i r.l II 7.7" McHafly James II 7 7-' M. C .i.ii A Cook .Mil* .burg 11 7.7] M> < '"j A Linn " 1 . 10 7' M.-Kn ■ % it I) Phi) i burg II 77 M tin sou A jorj " ii 1* i' M.V..-TJ • 14 7.7.' Mu'.-mt Robert " It 7.7" Miller W It Si A Ridge 1 i 10.7-I Mi,- n J Karron Belief,ntc M 10.7.' MUler Ore* M n 7,71 Montgomery Jc co " 11 7,7 >l< • a'. Win Belle!, rite It 7.7 M Bride 1. V • n I.H M.Kiiti-e 1. 11 Fillmore 11 7.7 I May A Lob Snoarahoe II 1&.7 I Xutt. 1 John Philipsburg 12 M - , NaugleDA " II 7.71 N't .. mail Jjr ILllefonte 1" 10.71 11 t BtOerick Mt4itaaktir| i > 10,7' I'ri. iJ J ILiil-Lurg 14 7-7. Peter* Alt M He*burg II 7.71 i Power- .lolm Hrllotonlo II 7.7' |(>oigi> -I V H' 'n I mil 1' 10..' Ito hard F C IS. 1■ t ■ II 7.7- It -man .1 A Centre llali II 7.7• • Bmuhnrger G\\ IMnmre It 7.7' U .!>l, Win ll..ward 11 7.75. Roman li A PhLip.-burg 14 Itnii Uiii Lit 1. ill.{title il i.7v Uiiiikle M " II 7.7.; Slrou-c A Lehman Philip-burg 1 I 10.7"' Strou-e A Lehrnnn " 15 10.7 "• S.d: Ilavi.l 11 7.75] Hnook JWA CO Wolfe'* Store 11 7,T Mover A • 14 7,76 S|.'irelni\■ rt. H A !>r i \\"<lu .ril 111 10,7" 1 S". v • i 1 i \y Mill!. ...I 25,7 o -1, .1 \s Ano alilihi iin 15 10.7 '' Knok Smith Act " 111 10.75 shook A hro Fermer*' Mill* Li 10.75 >tri !im M Ci ntr. Mill I I 7,75 Su nj'le IC A C Pi:.,- Grove : I 7,75 Smith .I I! -r " ',4 7.75 StoverS II BoaUl. irg II 7,75 Strohm A Swarta C ntr< 11.11 II 7,75 Spigelmyer .1, rome " || 7.75 Slurijow'iit Lil Julian Fi.r'co II 7.<5 8 wit* rl' 11 Philipuburg II 7,75 Swit/.et Fll " li 7.7-5 Smith Pelcr " 11 7,76 Shortlidge ACo Belief .lilo Li 10,7-5 Scehler A e.o " 12 13,25 Suf-niHii A Lram " 14 7.75 Strieklaml •' II 7.7-5 Stitzer II V •• | | 7,75 sliugerl STA co " II 7.75 --tuart .1 V\ State Collego 14 7,75 Stuart J1- I' lloal-huri' II 7.7*5 I hoiupwoii Ca c o LemonL I ti la, J > ,Taylor D P lenient 1] 7.7'. Thomson Jno I Martha 14 7.7 . i'Twittnire W S Bellci'mitc 14 7,7">j Thotni -on \\ .1 I\>tt. r- Mills M l(i,7'> Troxui A Swcyer Howard II 7,7-">i ITlriek Geo Miliheim 14 7.7.7J \ dj Co Itelle' .ntO ti oU,7i Wolf Will Centre Hall I'd 13.7 d W elier II ACo II >ward id 10,7 > NYilliuiut Jot F .Martha 14 T,7: \\ oil I'oit.-r A Co Know Shoo It) 'JU,7">' \\ ill am* Herbert Sn.iwshoo 14 7,"A W'oll WS A Son ilellelonle 14 7.7u, W agn..r I) M u. laou 11 10 'Jo 7 > W elsli James llellefonto II 7.7"■ W -on A McTarlane " 10 :;<i,7"i Young Oeil W Lvard 13 10.75 j A eari.-k T . .IUUS Anrvnsburg 14 7,7->' Yeiirick II A Son Walker r > 10,7a .' pier <i H i'hilipsburg 11 15,75' Ze'lar J Sen llellefonto 13 10,75, i Notice i- hereby riven that an appeal! 'will be t.e I ~i tho Tr ..ih-t's olß.e, on Monduy, the ttlst day of May, A. D-, 'U 7. I between the hours of u o'clock, tp m., anil 4 o'clock, p. to., where all persons inter ested can have a hearing 11. f II \ UN EH, April 20. Mercantile Appraiser. THUS. A. HICKS. . IL K. HICKS, HARDWAKE! HARDWARE!! To I lit" I'ulilic : \\ eI, 'liev" th ro ir f;oing to lie u general revival ofbtieineM of all kiniL, and o*pecially in our line, for Hardware wa> nerer lower than at the pi vent nun-. It It an bee ti "ii n gradual decline for yearn, and in certainly tit the bottom now. \\ have! , tight A LARGE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF<iOol>N at tbeac low figorea, aud *e iutend to sell at lower prices than Hardware was 11 ever wil be, i iLr. Jin Belli fonte. 1 Lia ie the time to buy, for you can positively get bargain* from ua. We defy oompetition, either in prices or • ui goods. VV i intend Hint no one dial! undersell u.-t. \\ e ltave been barely keeiiing up the variety for some time back in order to take advantage i-if the low figures at the right time. * ~ 1 „ U > U *X e °? I V? X 100I 00 ° f NA, LS, over 100 Doz. DOOR LOCKS AND LATCHES, and GLASS, SHOVELS, HOES, t Olv K s, and all hinds ~f leading gooifo in prupi.rtion, which we propose to sell at the lowent CASH prices vc.iti il i ;'L'w'' , ,;;i\Vv I J ,,^ C '! )A i. II , MAKKK w i(,<)l * ; ' all fciD,U of >V,K, ° WOKK,aM PATENT and PLAIN WHEELS, CIRCLES, Nil At h 1.1.S Dhl I.LI N(. Ll< ~ for Media nto, and Carpenters, at lowest prices. All kinds of Mechanics' Toels at bottom figure*. I<'K i'EAt K>M I 11IK—- Ha have a Norway Rod that we warrant and sell ou trial. Vices aud Del lows, and best Charcoal IrjU ; also Common Iron that is usually sold ut very low price-. FOR PA 1 NTERS—We offer rpecial inducements iu Pure Lead Oila, 11 rusher Etc \\„ have the sole ttgv ucy for the celebrated Imperial Cast Steel Ohio Plows, formerly add by Rurnside dr Thomas. They are warranted to irive atiMActioii. \\ e Wiiio ket a full line of repaita for tlitus. b We have a very full line of t(M )K STOVES and give a written guarantee with each oue, if wanted. Will cheerfully give any one our lowest hi ices who wants t Lent through the mail. ' 6 1 THOMAS A. MCKS A BRO, Allegheny St., opposite Loeb's Store. SPHLYG, 1877. WE AUK NOW PREPARED. FOR THE SPRING TRADE. WE IIAVE THE GOODS I P It ICES LOW ! Selection Unsurpassed! Stock Large, Ah] tiuw we extend a cordial invitation to ou; friend., patrons and.the public generally. We will say Ibis, Come! if we do not .bow you THE REST SELECTED STOCK AT PRICES LOWER THAN USUAL, uud if we cannot prove thai it L to your interest la (unionise u, then' don't buv ; but come and satisfy vonr?elf We 1 ave opened n full line of n u v g oo ns Clothing, Carpets, Hoots & Shoes, Groceries, QUEEN SWA UK, GLASSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, IIATS AND CAPS, and in lact everything anything embraced in the above line. We will Wat everything iu prices and as*. rttnent, and our past, wc trust, will he a Mllic'ctit guarantee to our patrons of fair and honest treatment.) Wehavi c-ü land a ill muiulaiu our reputation. The iarge trade we .! i enable* us to gt fresh goods daily, which is a great advantage to our pa-j tr. us in all lines, and more especially in Gr.verb s. Call, and it will prove! to TOUI interest. VALENTINES & CO. 11. HERMAN,Manager. 5 im:ii ct. discount for cash! Wi: HAVE, AT PRESENT, ON OUR COUNTERS, A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS. WHICH WE ARE OFFERING VERY LOW TO CASH IJUYLK& OUR LINE OF.MOURNTNGCAL ICOES IS COMPLETE. Heiignl Plaids, l'2lc j>er yd. Star Mills, 15c " Alpacas, 7"), M, 4">, 'J'ie " Clark - O. N. T. Thread,7sc per dot.' Men's Shirting. I*2;, 15,20 c jer yd. ltbachcil Muslin, sto ltc Unbleached, 5 to 10c "* Sugar, 10,11, 12c per lb.! Rest White, 121 c Mackerel, Lake Herring and white CASH, or Country Produce. W. 11. CAMP'S CKXTItE HALL Furniture Rooms! 1 Mould respectfully inform the citizen* ■ f Centre . ounty that I have opened 1 urnitur. f. >011:- n th iilt. Hall, and have ..n . aiut a laige stock of Furniture nnd: Chair*. con*ituiß in part of CHAMBER Sl'l IS, EXTENSION TABLES, BREAKFAST TABLES. BUREAUS. WASH STANDS. BEDSTEADS SINKS, CHAIRS, di-C. Which will he soid at the lowest cash price- ; come and examine my slock of Furniture before buting elsewhere UNDERTAKING a-pevHilly. COFFiNf* and CA>KKT. V alwav-nn hand. Funeral* attended mitlij . K'I.EOANT NEW UKAKtsK at imy'i distant e. Payments ea.*\ 'I Mar. Mil." \\ 11 CAMP I i. nUt'HS! DRUGS!! DRUGS Ml S I'. Shugert. having purchased the l*: ig store on Alleghen> street, Belle ..!••. iii v' d • -r tiv'thrt hardwar. Store • t 11; .V L- .I, ■(■:■■ k. •: .1 1 P !• out ' lib kll t'pc Uio*l popular | DRUGS A MEDICINES, j ? 'CIIKMICAUS, PERFUMERY '"f \ SOAPS, COMBS AND BRUSHES. : ! TKI RS, BRACKS; ;.. FANCY AND TOU.KT | | ARTICLES, Ac,, etc.. Ac. j • i i Patent Medicine*, Alcohol, pure Wines and Liipior* lor medical purptes only | Physician's pro*criptlon; *a.-c|\,ily com-1 pound.-ti and order* answered with care and ibpntch. Farmers and Physician* from Iho country will tind our stock of M<dicint - complete, warranted genuine and of the beat quality. Thin Store will remain under the direc tum of the accomplished druggist and pharmacist heretofore connected with it, Mr li. M Herringlon, and wo respectful ly solicit the custom of our friends and the old patrons of the store. P.'aptr S. T. SHUGERT. DR. BANNING IS permanent!y located at the ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Pittsburgh. Pa Disease- and Deformities pf the Spine, i Ulleriuo Displacements, Dyspepsia Her nia and Piles successfully treated by tho BANNING SYSTEM of Mechinleal Supports Call or send for descriptive pamphlet, "Tho House \o[\ Live in.' Mailed free. ilaplm FVFRY Knlriipr who was wounded t,tni ouiuier or contracU , d goim , permanent disease in service, can get a pension by writing to John kirkpanrmk, Cambridge, Ohio, ilCaplm ;Cotton Lop, 15, 22 anJ 28c " Calicoes, 6, 7, 8 aod 9c t Lancaster Gingbama, 10c " Host Cotton Carpet Cbain2sc " Bed Ticking, 11, 20, 25, 38c per yd. Split and double Zephyr Black and White, 18c per or. All other colors, 20c " Gcrtnantotvu Wool, 12Jc *' A larje stock of Linseed Oil, While Lad, , Putty, etc, uu baud. Sold by special contract. Fish very low. TERMS positively Respectively, ISAAC D. BUYER, Asr ■ urg * rdß*. u nod <suaily MtrndHl in thw thn Dul L / , /it ciiO l# mtAf la tbiw mm thi anj lit wi. In aay prt of tL* f ' f § 9 mmtr* wboto willing L' anrfc >Um^i U|B( Uir eniduyoabl (tut fura r tab t**r wnrk In >*>ur own town Yoo smmS nwt t U id Imd hn *ii nUttit Yow ran flw yu at } rnhttlo iitnr to the Wwrh, or only jxhm uUnml* i ! r-*!a n to try hoinM. TVrtna and ft y GUH fr* • tuuira ni noef H. 11*1 let I 4 On. n lairUiAd Portland, Main* _ 21 fh y Manhood: How Lost. How: Restored ! Ju*t pulUkhrd. • ur rdlltan of lh- C-nßnrwrH'*n i>!rtiatrl Fmi; . *:t?..ut rnr-dl ; cit e fS; eriu!urth*ifc '.r WknrM lnr.l ntrf ft*intii*l L *#•••. MrnlnJ anl lno-*|*cttJ . Imisodtmrnfa t. rtr • aiat* i tnautui'tion. KpUflpiV an-! Kit*. Indurva ti| *olf : ti44iLgwnrw or •itravtftnrr. A<- IVkf. In a KoaJwl Mivrh-pr. onlv U rvot*. Thi* author, in this admirahl# l aaay. rliwrli denioaitntM fmn a thirty joam* nrcrwfoi practice, that thr Unulns oouassjwarw* uf awif al t;ar may be- radically ctiroa wltoont lh* liitrmil modictnr or tl. a; iU*aiMti Of lh knlfr; pilntlnf u, k 1,. k J rtifc *; tinea aimpU. ewrtalu. t lud t-ffwt tual hf man* of whtch a*cry *uffarar. no nailer w hat i.u tiobdHluti utki t-a. may *urv h tmaolf, uhaai'lr. prlratoly aud radtgally Tbli 1 ncUrr ahoutd br In tha handa of wrary youth and orary mart In he land. fUnt undar aaal. In a plain wnrrlnp#. any addram ' (Hart natd. <>o m flpt of alx cwuta or Xmo poat *tarn;>a Adtlraa* tha Tin; ( risVKKWKMs MEDICAU CO . wl 41 Aao st, Xa York. Poat Ofßca Ro|,4.W| FJEhTt!Je PICKETS!! O '--LARGE REDUCTION IN PRICK.—j] ~ i j We furnish P'ckut*, made Iromi-inch round iron, lik design shown in cut, at 25 CENTS PKll LINEAL FtK)T They mnko a liandromur, more durable, anil choaper Fenco than the wooden pickets. I Send for circular to LEWIS, OLIVER 4 PHILLIPS, Manufacturers of MERCHANT BAR IRON GATE aud LARN ItOOR HIN ItiEß, IklLTti, NCTS, WASHERS, and . thoir new liuo of patented Wagon Hard ware, J -Jl A '.'2 Water *t., and 114 A 116 First nv., Pittsburg, Pa. sale by all the leading Jmu and , Hardware McrchutiL. feutar 4ui A I>M INISTKATOK'B NOTICE.— Letters of adminiitrulicn on the e.ute of Sam" 1 Krise, Java uf Centre Hall, doe'd, hating been granted to tho undersigned, lull person* knowing themselves to bo in* bebtod to said decedent are reuueited to make inimediato payment, and person* IliMTinfr claim* against the estate will pre -1 -unt them authenticated for settlement. WM. A. lv KISE, TdapOt Admin. Cum Tcslumento Annfvft. BBICK FUH SALS. First clus brick will by kept ou baud for sale by J. O. Doiuinger at Eerbe'a Centre Hall brick yards. Those brick are otiered so low that it will pay persons at a distance to come here for them. Intending to continue in the mnnuiac turo of brick they will bo kept constantly on hand, and fair inducements offered to purchasers. 17 aug tf. 11. E. ZEKBE CENTKE HALL DRUG STORE. MILLER A SON. I (Successor to J. K. Miller A Son.) Deaierin Pure Drugs and Medicines, Dye stuff*, and Druggist's sundries. PVRE WINE AND LJQUOR.S For medicinal purposes. The best brands of CIGARS AND TOBACCO always in stock. Prescriptions carefully Compounded. l MILLER A SON J (is. Harris *y Co. NO. 5, BNOCKERHOFF ROW. IRONTNAILS, P A 1 N T S, OILVETC., o J AS. iIAKRIh A CO. Bellefeuta. A RAKECiIANCK For a Sewing Machine. j You can have your choice of the follow iiuß first class sewing machine* : New American, ST John Domestic, Dauice, Singer, Remington, Howe, and Weed. ' At the Sewing Machine store of Bunnell A Aiken. Eaf Market street, Lewistown. Alto part*, attachments and needle* for all machine*. Great inducement* for cash. Don't fail to tee the St John, something cntirclv I new. Old Machine* taken in part foment for new one*. Send SOct* to the above party und you will Ret by return mail, 1 dot as sorted needle* for any machine. 30novly OF A THOUSAND, ilMvinK diirufeied, in a manner almost providential, a positive cu.-e for Consump tion and all Lunß Complaint*, I fuel it my duty to make known in a practical manner bv furnishing a sample boUie, free of i harge. to all sufferers, my only hope of remuneration being that the medicine will perform all 1 claim for iL Tbe ingredi ent* are of the choicest herbal products and perfectly safe ; will be rent free to all. Address t nee. Dr. O. Phelps Brown, 21 Grand Street Jersey City, N. J.. or may be had of ,1 K. Miller & Son, Druggists Centre Gall. Pa. jan j ]y. 0. T. Alix Attpgß. C..51. BowICR A LEXANDER dc BOWER, AT i-f A t.irnawa-at !,aw. HalWoet*. Special aMar.tlna f,"*l *° ' .nd i irphaaa' Ckiart prune* Mar (>• noaaullwd la i.rns,a and KatUab nificw m I.armaaa balldlaa. mj V| U Excelsior Cement* •ff.■■wraliind nxm Mbb!trun i'mi Wat IJWf"' • -cxwrta>r At bu kilns. Mr Plo# | M *.*. itj Hwinc-e trp TkH corneal has Already Iby ay ta Un waim— mpmm u* L c. 18. t MK . sad bu tweo found blhhr wAlmUctoo poa ail ' • eberrlt hx* tseeu t&sed. sod as eausl U> u aea mualftdlfrvd for u* tn CtfrM. |im. or w i.xti vcr j-ur.a*# s f vad qoalttf of u dwir ThM ' emaal haa afrwadr Wa Inud far and aide, and rendered the miauat aatU'a. Urn Perinea, iherefnre cHßrtrontaa < e-teres. lajtn* Water llpea. dr .will find H 1c their a 1 ran lam te bear Una la nilrd aud alao thai be warrant* Ifie article aa renre tern.. Henry Reinhart. WOODWARD, UNDERTAKER. Coffins of all styles made on shortest no tice. Undertaking stnctly attended to Charges rwwonabia 17 auc v. iNervous Debility, V Vital WMkix-MAr IVpmaslo* a ml rshsastv# •mltaa. -tiers, or courses! UM> result of Mratal :iitcr-il. IstliK-Mlas IS stew,, or soma drata ; u l- It" srstani It slu*,.. urJ by Humphrey's Homeopathic Specific No. 28. I ■'* *> lP <f lo.laoralo. ths system. dispel. the I jSio. V. "I- liurarta Strooalh sod anarar n . drsln ai d rviussuatr* Ui sr.tiro maa. EE TtfVfi r— •'* MM so.raml i Ih. u. ™oi , rtc * : C •!"' slaaia T|al orM.dPparpsrkaca of fit, rials sad ... T |a) of i l *" "-"IP< "I Ptloo- Address BEATTfSSv lor Organs. Factory^Established in;ißs6. From the Press. From O D. White, Editor llackelU itown. N. J. Herald. "The organ has a rich, deep and oul- Uiirring tone •could not stay in the house without L. It helps wonderfully to drive away the thoughts of hard times." lh_o Lebanon Pa. Daily News, says : "We are in receipt of one-of those tve ?? U £ e „ P * rlor Organs, manufactured by L>. I'. ileatty, W ashingtan, N.J. This organ is a fine, solid black walnut cato, and in tuue it cannot be eurpasioJ by any liuslrumcnt ol its kind." From iho Lowoll Neb. Register | "Wu received this week, Jirect'froin the manufacturer, D, F. Realty. Wash ington, N. J., his justly celebrated organ, elegant in uppcoranco, and handsomely furnishc J unexcelled iu richness and now- Wof tone. We are more tban pleased witu it, and heartily recommend it to any ouo contemplating of purchasing an or gun." i Best offer given. Money refunded upon koturn of otgan and freight charges paid by ine(o. !'■ tteatty) both ways if unsat isfactory, after a test trial of five days Organ war sun tod for six years. ; Agents wanted every where, rnalo or fe in&le, to canvass for this superior instru* ment. Address D. F. BKATTY, Washington, New Jersey WM.P. M'MAN US, Attorney at-law reiieionte, Fa. Office With Ja* aic-m nui, esq. 2Sjultf JL. SPATfGLEB, Attornry-al-Ldw Beileioate, Pa. Oif in the Courthouse. Consultation in English mi German. Collectionspromptly attend to. fublUtf GRAHAM & SON Have tbe exclusive aa)e in Rellefonle Edwin C. Hurts' CELEBRATED FINE SHOES, 8 WIDTHS, tbe Btrl ©tain theVferli, WHOLKSALX & RETAIL EX AX IBS JJt Calf Skins, SOLE LEATHER. 8 SHOE FINDING# ; All Kindx ofCuxlom Work Made To Order. Bishap Street, BELLEFONTE, Pa. bEATTV fAtrer Grand, Square and Upright From Geo. K. Letcher, firm of Wm. H Letter A Bro Banker*. Fayette, Ohio. " e received tbe piano and think it a very fine-toned one out here. Waited a short time to Rive it a Rood test If you wish a word in favor of it we will cheer* fully Rtve it" R. Brown, Esq., Edwardsvi'le 111 *r y* : "Tl < Beatty Piano received Rive entir salt*lr. ion." Agent* wanted. Send to Addreaa D F. BEATTY, Washington. New Jsnsv Un v * will start you in a business U yo v c*n make fSO a week with MONEY OU V*PJ UL ;.*** " d ren-cu ble for either sex. M. A. Young, 261 Bowery, N. Y. JSfeb oa BEATTY S PARLOR Elegant style#, with valuable improves merits. New and Beautiful Solo Stops. Over one thousand Organists and Musi cians indorse theseorgar# and recommend them as strictly first class in Tone, Me chanism and durability. Warranted for six years. Meet Elegant and Latest Improved Have been awarded the Highest Premi ums in com|<tition with others for simplic ity. Durability, Promptae**, and Piano like action. Pure. wcct, and evenly balanced tone, orchestral effects, and instantaneous ac cess which may be bad to the reeds. Send for Price List. Addraas, DANIEL V BEAUTY, Washington, New Jersey, Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. original color, tciik the does freshness of youth. Thin liair is thickened, faliing hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can re store the hair where the follicles arc destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But Buch as remain can bo sajed for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious sub stances which make some prepara tions dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit, but not harm it, If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing cTso can be found so desir able. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil -white cam bric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it n rith glossy lustre ami a grateftil perAune. rHE PA BED BY Dr. J. C. AYER it CO., Loweii, Mais., Practical and Analt/tleal Chemist*. tout MX oauuouTS EVKWTWUXKK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers