. a-: a :i* caI.SK FRIDAY, NOV to , IKI. LOCAL ITEMS. >3AL KKWJ Our friend will oblige a. ev -ottdiugfn anvltem# of local inter , including death*, marriage*. Ac., a# ; are eagarly rea 1 by your friend-in th vest, many of whom got h<* Importer, \\ would onto • o It) favor i. •< Kind pa i iii# would occasionally ma.la c'p.v->)( the Reporter to ralative an I uoquaintan who formerly livr l in Centre county j i removed t<< other which would ;.<e many to become subscriber#. , • TRTANT TO lis StNKSS MEN. — circulation of lite RKPORTKR, on • . kh of the count v. is now sjmiter t i t that of any two pa >• rs in the t ity, heuco bu.-inc-s men wl i wish t • 1 the Pcnn-vwllcv (ratio, will p ; - > their own Interests, by advell t in the RKPORTKR. Our Mibacrir- list is open to tho inspection of ft)/ with to advertise. • \ Fot VTAIX I'ks • Something , and novel. lit -are and re-sol the ad v men*, in one paper, headed "Great e . iv.-atiiin of the \g< We belie# c t tiohieti Fountain I '■n i unsurpassed. A i pea is a necessity to very man. i'i a:< child. Agents, here is ai e >t make <■.,-> iw troducing a] ,-t 1 saleable article. jan ST y. • FUH'RS KKDI'CKD. t vi.rt.u's ,V $.) t's Caning." Maitu I . , Milroy. Pa- may A fun ; r*" Nt>TICK.- In ao, .>rd#n e with j ; of A.-asamblv, notice i- hereby i . t < t m citi.eiis ofr.'Uer, from * hem j i, , r svhod purp*cs f>~ the present 1 ,•<> iltir, th o -it all uch taxes ; P ■<. ;e unvlersign.d Treasurer, #1 his nee en or before 19lh t Novembar I th will be a deduction of tixe per -u. ti.t alt taxes pst.i wt'.hiti one | i after said date r.o deduction u ill be i t. , and that up >*t all schisd taxes re- j i- U---aid after December l"lb next) < w t'sl be an addition of ttve jer cen t Jt v order of the Board. Fit K!. Kl UTX, a •>m Treasurer. I _ j tve you ever tiled N vTt lU> ; 1 r. lit-ror.ATtVK? You will be j ,? litcd with it. t'iosn, safe, ami r/K-1 c . It is driving nil the poisonous 1 t ttadsout ®f th market. It is r r crv>:al. S.v utlvcrtiseinent. I : the licjHjrtcr. '.>!CATlON.— l)ivino Providence i i -'.l'■■■* the newly erected church I'v. Afsstx-iation atCurtius Iron i Bald Engl* Valley, will bel tl ..ud to the services of the Triune t u Saturday morning at 10 o'J c Nov. 12lh. The public are in v Ito attend. lisv.S. LB BkNXINi:TON. - —■ * * 1 G. Rider, of Gateahurg, Ventre t tv, we.it to Philadelphia the other j > < get nn ocvuiist to retiibvc u dis- j \ eve. Howes chloroformed and 1' t ! v eve cut by mistake, and thus 1 : s.tted to hie home in midnight! j jj siid sorrow. ; above item r fffii in an ex- j c . it is prcttr s verc for Ixider, i "arm of Peter Durst, dee'd, 260 ' . at Enrisytowu, was knocked off i ■; Tl.ursdnv, 2nd in-'., at public Daniel Durst.at $lO6 j#eracre. 1). M. Ilenr y, of Potter# Mills, 1 I 'Ol ushcls of potatoes from 1 1 ;/.-f seed. This is a big yield, for ' a in, raid we can not account for , ..•if than Iwcause Mr. Henny is ; ar subscriber ta th Hejmrter. j more democratic c< ra was ; t< the RejK.rtcr . tSce. Mr.! M'Vormick, frert! below this j j { , brought us a number of fine j e .-pccimens ot hiscia the lnrg-1' . which measures la - inches, i ,tp .. an ither car we can count J j nits?. Mr. M O nil k also has , l : ,r that has the extraordinary M j : lot'O grains uj n it M' it 1; i ahead thus far. j • . ■ t'M'AY Ptuoot* IxtliltTt. by j : na tit of the CYiit'y Sunday l A-sociation, w.ii be beitl at i , gj rings, c ir.meiuitig with i ; r . !.<i pr. ruise meeting on fhurs ' . :• • n, Novemb r 16th. ! i. ligation from Rellefonte j .a red to attend. Other jiart- 1 of j' t anty will be reprtscntetk The ' In v we'cotne extctul d by our .: i ;• a: i'n® Spring- most ensure a v meeting l r all. £sy onlcr ol th President. < R. CRITTEN J>KX, Secretary. | - •♦ * i , ..AS. (JEO. P. KXV EL'. & Co.. the rated and populr Nov. York Adver t' "•? Agency, onpngcto dverti s in grti# i detail for large customers in a better : cheaper mode than the* can d<> it t -i-!ves. Tbis wo sincerely believe they i do, because it 1$ their sole btisine*#— rptria'i ty; because they get space at wholesale rat'--, and because of theft I ate and confidential relation# with li-'tcr-. if we wish to *pcn-l ten thou- - I dollar# in general advertising over •. uatry, notwithstanding our own ex ietic.- iind knowledge of advertising < and rates, we would employ them r certain directions. We would cave •v. trouble, worry, and tho bu#ine . j be done at least as well, it not better. . we could do it ..urn-lv* *. —American :<:.ufaciurer' Review anl PitUburgb Price Current. ("..j t. Geo. M. Kepler ha*our thanks i r:i lot of choice gra|? vines. George ! :;!v.nvs been u prince, ami al kni ws how to remember a dent ;utic editor. Any <f our reader iiiog choice grape viuca, suited to • tr climate, rbotild seitd their order? ; > the captain, ho has the best vines. ♦ ♦ ♦ ft'KSipe.—Col. Josiah Ntff, ofCeu t Hi!!, sent two turnips to the Repor lfice last week, of a mammoth size the larger one weighing 5 pound# 1 7.. and the smaller one a trifle less v are flue fellows, and hard to !< .t, and show what the Colonel knows ai lit fanning,—and we'll bet Horace < .'lcy can't beat it. vs OWL. —Mr. John Hinebach, of < twp., sent an owl to our office week, which he caught in a trap. 1 which is considerable of a bird, as ensues -1 feet and three inche m lip to tip AH the chickens in ti c country can now tejoice that one hi:■ kidtiappor is gone. RAILROAD MATTEHS.- As we .i t! week before last, the extension ; ctinnection of the Milroy railroad v. h the road now building through ; < i.i'sviillcv, ia being earnestly agita t The road front Milroy via Heb . t- valley would reach a connection with c ur "road, at a distance of about \'l miles, in the ncigborhood of the i: mis of Poe cieek. Parties in >lif fii-; c < untv have snapped out the coun ;. . aforesaid,and proceeded to lay the no before the l'enss si li. R. Co. The Snow shoo Company have re cived ordess to proceed with the gra of the Bellefonte brnnch, accord ing°to contract, and we expect to see t! A work going ahead now. . lands arc at work *ll along the line ! Iwcen Beaver datu, and Linden ill: about one miie of Mr. Suit's con et, a'short distance west of Ccntie ] ..ill. is graded ; the road cast o! us, is graded to ne/r Old Fort, cn Van D".c-3 division. 1 i following ifihe tinse f-r the arrival j iI departure oflnsins ot Mifliinburg: 1 Passenger traits leave Lewisburg for, MilUinburg at 7>TO a. ni. and 5.20 p. m Iteturning, live Miltiinbrugattt.4s a. in and 0.10 p. in. Now lor It | Kh'rUon The advice- w. !avo„r t he op tion hold in nr 1 <trk, ...i m r u , nro that the t*te ha# gone radical U v n deoi-lv., major ity, with both of the* lotfUUtur* radical. \\ in. II I w<e Tanim-m v Dent., I* elected in tho -cnate. A woman nan < d M MulUr. pre sented herself at the ) olttt K Booth in Gwnwhich-trwi to-day fhe In-pector took her vote tihe went on her way re juicing amid the cheer# of the rMttd lux lauiT Mim uk Grant has Uaued lamniitin, annonncittg It) the people of the I nited State,., that lie made a mix ta ke in proclaiming martial law and itis petidiug thc habeas corpus i n Marion coun ty, ."-out It ( orolina and admit# in hi* proc lamation that there are no Ku Klux tnerv \\ ohardly know wl it t,> thin . ot this im beei'e Ihe blunder is a great one, and a disgrace to the executive. Death ot Auditor li< tu ral Elect Stun Kt w Brighton. Pa . November 5 00l- Oliel l>avid Mailt n auditor general elect. di"d at one o'clock thi- morning. Hi# de *ea>, W vry.ipela-, which attacked the brain. Deutls of General Wellington 11. Eut. j Hlo-'tiistiurg. Pa . Ko\ , mt>or A- lien, r al Wellington 11 Knt <lkd,thi# morning. Rttssiii | luiportunt Military Drdei'—The Whole Male Populatiu:) Called luto the j Field. | St. *her "JT, \ general j orxter of the War tttUc- direct- the eutire | reorg nkali.'it of the Imperial army, and j e.x'.l* into arm- the whole adult male |>opu | lation of the country. I'h • rder creates the numerical *ir<*i gth of the field and I laud a ehr r<rc.. .<; the Knipire to the tot 1 of one million one hundred thou-and when rvxjuiixsl for war |i;iri<>r- The sixty -ix regiment- of v' --ac-- ate n <t tucluded. The otxler cfeat--- aU.) further the uiilttary force ot" the re-erye t be employed in the , event ot nn inva-: n. The order" U iHjuiv alcnt to the itsobUii. ttion of the population ■>f the entire nati- . and make# every man 1 in the country, capable of t earing arm#, a soldier on the peace footing ; lYttli u ioualy Axricalttiral Fair. /Yew;t ton Lis!. (Concluded.' ! (.'!*>.- 13.—Matiufaclurvxl Aitides. i Ja<. Schoield,'silver mounted harness $1,1X1; Jas. Sch. fi. i t. 1 pair coach nridlea sl,U>. Ja-. Sclioteld, 2 collar# Diploma; | Jonathan Kramer, 2 sett# horae thee# Di ploma; J. Mile# Green. 5 setts thimble I skein# Diploma; J. Milw Green, 1 sett eastings for same, Diploma; J Miles Green, S travish plate-, Diploma; J. Miles Green, I rubber irons oih U. I'nderwood, t bunch shingles tverv fine; Diploma; Joseph Ba ker, t cucumber wood puuip for well or cistern $3,0i1; Joseph Baker, 1 heximer .ix tined hiK", Diploma. Class l i —Carriages. S. A. M'tjustkni, best two horse carriage $o.0t); Rynder A Lucas, be-t wogan SU,UO LI. Luca#, best #. d \ rk of wagon, Di ploma. Class 15. — Leather, Stoves Jfec. lsnac llaupt, W-st c.-<<k stive $1,00; Isa ac llaupt, bet di-play $1,00; I-aac llaupt, i lct tin ware ; Irwin & Wilson, bi'St, parlor stove sl.W.r, Irnin ,V Wilson, best gns store $1,00; J.:- L. Sommcrville, best sole leather Class 16. —Paintings!, Protographa Ac. No Competition. t Class 17.—Jewelry, Silver, Ac, Ladies Catholic Association, t act silver ware SJ.CO. Class 18.—Sctt ii o Machines, Ac The Singer Sewing Machine, exhibited by Zimmrucrman Br®*#., was awarded | the f.r-t premium . the GroverA Buk- 1 er, exhibited by F. I*. Green, and the A. A. Howe Sewing Ma liitms exhibited by -Vl - r Dillon A McKinney, were each recommended Dipl -m •. by th" Commit tee. Clas 19. —Diary, lloncv and llama Miss lt.icba) Szruble. b -t r<d! butter S-'l.t*.*; Mi-- Harriet J. Gray, 2d be-t roll! butter; Jame- Zimmerman, W.-t hams j (O; J. 11. Barnhart, best h -ney $2.00; I Mi— S. S. Joiii-. J . i < hc.-sv $-1,00; Mr# Jacob Fi-hburn, In-', home made sua]) 1 $2,(0. Claaa 20 —Bread atnl Cake. Mi— Mnggie 1h i. i-, b -t loaf brtad s.t.l<*; Mi-- KitiiG Ja< •!■#, best loaf brown bread s2,*o; Mi-- i' ly i>. ) ling, best rusk $".00; Mi-- Mart (". Kckerd, best biscuit $2,00; Mi-- Kltnint Humes, b-<t sponge cake $2,00; Mi-- \. Me(.sill, best pound case s2ot>; Mi-- .1 uiiit Kelly, best moun tain cake* $2,(0. ('in-# 21. —Prcnrrc#, .'it kit-#, Ac. Mrs. M. K. Thompson, beat canned quince# $2,00; Mrs. M. K. Thompson, best preserved pear- SI.OO, Mrs. 11. N McAllis ter, test preserved pe.ches $2,00; Mrs. 11. N. McAllister, bc.-t canned peaches $1,00; Mrs. James A. Bearer ot-l cannttl pi-ars S2OO Mrs. Maggi" Alcxandtr, bet spiced peaches SI,OO, "-arnli Sweitxer, best cucum ber picklc-s SI.OO Sarah Sweitxer, best lo matti cat-up SI,OO EmLy Jacob-, be-t green tomato sauce s!,(*'•; Emily Jacobs, best jH-pper sauce $1,00; Mrs. John Musser, best quince pre-erves .sl,o(> Mrs. John Muaser, 2d best tomato butter §I,OO, Mr# Horkheinier, be-t tomato butter sl.ol>, Mr- John H. Morri.-on, crab SI.OO Mis; E. J. Osmer, be-t water melon jain sl.6i>, Mrs. J. 11. Rankin, be-t light crab jelly SI,OO Miss Jane Harris, best cider Vinegar, sl,W>, Mr# Eliza he th Martin, best red grape wine $1,00; Mrs. Mary Ila-son *2d best quince jelly sl,o'' ilr.. Mary Has- Km, best blackberry jelly Jl-.f; Mrs. M A. Sourbeck. be-t light grape jcily SI,OO Mrs. 11. I>. Yegcr, be-t apple jelly sl,o*l Mr-. 11. D. Yegur, best peach jelly $1,00; Mm. Mary Graham, best currant wine SI,GO, Mi- Mary Smith, best peach jam $1,00; Mrs. Harriet A. -I Gray, 2d best to mato butter 50 cents. Class 22. —Domestic Manufactures. Mrs Sourbeck. be>t quilt $3,00; Miss Mary Moore, 2d best quilt $2.00; Miss Kate Hart-wick, best silk spread $2,00; Mrs. Ilezekinb Hoy, best pair woolen blankets $2.00, Maggie Alexander, best white bad spread $2,00: Mi-s H. S. Jone*, beat woolen stair carpet $2,00; Mr*, .10-iah Struble, be-t rug carjiet $3,00; Hannah Chamber*, be-t shirt $1,00; Miss Moilie Mitchell, be-t woolen liose $2,00; Lizzie Harris, best cot ton hose $2,00; Rose .Shocmak'-r, beat hand knit gloves $2.00; Mr-. Keys, be-t cradle spread $2,00. Clues 23. —Oniameiilnl Work. • Adelu ti. Spnnglr r, variety ofOrnuriientnl articles $2,00; Mi## tiarab Furiey best oni broiden i night dre#s s2,***; Miss tiarali Jane Swann, 1 egg tree $1,00; Mi-s Jennie Morrison, 2d bc-t worated work $2,00; Mi-* Emily T. Robison, best Tatted color $2,00; Miss Julia L. Hale, be-t Rose tatting $2,00; Mis* Lhu-b C*. Hale, 2d best rose tatting SI.OO, Miss Rose Shoemaker, best tatted insertion $2,00; Miss Emily T. Robison, 2d best tatted insertion $1.00; Miss Maggie Lytic, best tatted edging $2,00; Mrs. Acys, bust sofa cushion $2,00; Mrs. K. Thompson 2d best sofa cushion $1 00, Bridget Cooney be#t pin cushion $'2,00; Miss Nora Thomp son, 2d bc.-t pin cushion $1,00; Miss Mary Moore, be-t chair tidy $2,10; Mto Alice Alexander, 2*l best chair tidy $1,00; Miss Rose Shoemaker, best lamp mat $2,00; Miss Lizzie E. Morrison, 2d best lump mat SI,OO Miss Mary McLanuhan, best ehilds knit shirt $2,00. Class 2-5. —Unenuiuei'ttted Articles. H. L. Harvey, patent gate, diploma; F. GGreen, perfumery and pharmaceutical preparations, diploma; J. 11. Alexander, chicken coop, diploma; John I. ltankin. book*, inkstands, &c., diploma; A Da tliurst, Bustle Furniture $2,00; James Crouch, national washing machine, diplo ma: Miss Lizzie. Murtir, specimen Lycom ing county marble $1,00; 11. Levy, knitting machine $1,00; Irwin & Wilson, case of fine cutlery, diploma. CU ■ -<Y—Contributor# liv Ti*wn*hipi t> Number of ImliviJiiil) of too Tom ushijt. M had Grove, of Bennerlowtuhlp, best pair draft horse* $10,00; lUrri* townships, !' t variety tifpotnttxwin half bushel s2.<o; llnr - township, best and largest variety of Vegetable# SJ,i'iiV, Honnor township, best in t .! >vor od (11. Benner t<>\ vU.p, host pock of timothy seed (Jon oph Trcasler) $2,20. Class 27.—Trial# of Spaed. \\ m It. S.ivago, be-t trailing to harness $lO ■ Ante. Mullen, 2d best trotting to burn. $<),00; L>.ir Loup, bct trotting tin. d< iddY $10,00; l>r. Rlb Tipple, 2d bl undt - . Idle SA,OO Ti ib<>\-lit .imply viMiUui. she arti cle- '.o \x hi-1> premlutn# wvrr awarded. Th v ore a great matsy article. u vxht ti.-n which dotorve much ertHllt. i premiums will be |>aid at any lime b the fir-t day December next, byj. D. She Tre.i.urer, at the Centre County Be". Premium, not called tor previous to I it date will be considered donated to the Society. I) IGISTKRS NDTICKS—The follow k " ; accounts have been examined ami ed by me and remain tiled •! re v <r 1 in thi- ,ii!loe for the iiispecii>nofheirs 1.e., ;,-• Creditor, and all other# in any a_) .:ilerO>U-d, and will be presented to t! 'r, liati. Court of Centre eouttly to be h el :.t Hclleiotite for allowance and con ttrm itiott on Wednesday, the 20th day of N i tibcr A l> tSTI. 1. Hie account of William U. Meitgle, a<t strater of all anil singular the good# ad stiles right* and credits which were v. J n Frank, late of the township of 11 . in the county of Centre dee'd. ; account of Jamee W. Sankeyone o: : . scut r-of the last will and tusla in John Sankcy late of Centre coun tx ■ ; ■ State of Fennsylvauia. dee'd. l' acc >unt of George Jack Kxeeu.or t ! .u 1 ol Widiaiu Wagner late of liarri# lowi ship dee d. i. Th -account of Henry Zeigler Uoar ilia • It. Emma Hoy, tnow intermarried wii ; J. E. Titibin. I Minor child of George 11. y, i:;eo! Marion township dee'd. Guardianship account of Jacob O. W.d'vcr Guardian of Con#tans. Samuel M o ! and Santh Jane Minor children of Job--. Walker late of Hogg# township deed. ii. i'io Guardianship account of William l'< man tiuardian of George W. Gar br . and Klixaboth A. Gar brick Minor chi ren of Henry Garbrick late of the tow -hip of Bonner dee'd. 7. Tho account of John C. Ziuimeriuan Guardian of Nancy Kllen Segner and Kr.t • Laura Segner Minor children of Sun i Segner late of Centre county dee'd. - Die administration account ol Henry kc. r ami Robert Uohaen administrator# ot a lof James T Johnston lata of Harris town hip dee'd. 'J The account of John P. Harris Kxecu tor i*. the last will and Testament of Klixa bctl: Carey lata of tho Bon>ugh of Belle font. dsfe'd. 11*. 'I he account of James 11. Linn and Wui I*. Wilson acting and surviving Ex- vst r. of the last will and Testament oftl Rev. Jaute# Linn DD late of the B -reach of Bellcfonte dsc,d. It the account of William It. llay# ad mi: tra tor of and of Caiharen Uoman late of U one# township dee d. J. 11. MOKKISON, Register. List of Jurors. la#' • rnJ Jarxjfi drawn for Kvebf Tort* of IvL- A 11 l1*l.v-UUIMNIxtit| llh Moo li >1 Not Hftuw ~* (*a t/uick. X Hovr r* sioo A K a. it), Ju Koo, JIM lUrtu. A kilWv, N litoßr, W K <trw lobdHl;. A IWclttol, J BtUUfMltßir. liusb A: li Kktuiftl IVi i ka#l isrvtf. H Crowfafgd. D L kotr k|*i Jao Vt*u. N Hcli Mil#* Jbu H.sffs-r KPo sk. WvlMf, H btm Fvr*, r MM Mek Mr* t JM Thottiiwa. Jog Altera W\ av AtliUl GrRML Alt. S M Urtca. I ♦/ H1 Jaiupi drawn for XotataUr Tfw of l\ut A I KI, coatM&ctttf 4IH Mundg) >o* lUii ChA* H'mtcnuga. H A Mlawlo I t .1 l t.ardoor. t Iftollwr. l> tttionr I II I. Mjtrroy. M Mwm. J J WUltema *sik r v ' t.rarjr, W Kddj r.t. au Hlaek. HOWo. J k I'lgßlwr, J F lIdQIrtMBMT l art ,1 lim-kiy. l> IWctuS.#! 6". v A"ra W ravr, M. Krutnrtnr Hart • caac \% itarr, H IsUitUtiJ F - n V Hfc kft.i; Maltwrr |W r saif. d HunAW. .S Bock. W P Uwwcaa. D lvhui- IN-*. '1 MiUor. Wm Boal. J C Boa). Jaa> Fuocoxaa, l.> K >*-Lirf. V Slitiha. U KJUiugramiih. i C Kailw Van II Y*rtck. Jnc Hoy, jr., J V Jxm(#n. U H tioy Vnh i'> Vb H -SmiOi. Ker#( I* lanch. lino Mnaonr. H KUonbrrffwr lMux - A A Criwflua. l .M i -irrj.J I)**#. MTrttlL M.. g t\l lirana. not ialn Mi. - Joat>N Hinrijr. I . -• lv.it Jurxwa drawn fur Novaalor Torm of C"a**4f • mrtKlaj Moeadaj Hm lib of Dw A. D I*7l. Be* *nt*t J V TIKMRM, W HaibraiUi, K (irwta, I AJ TXI* IVti u H KfptlrtUr. Wa A Inlander Taj*J i ,*jviifugf F* fk •* A I-ampir*. Saoto llarpmtnr U t i 31 Isun*. || IK*,?. It iMIUtor. Hall iwn T Rtwp !'• f - \l> Kiahei, iu SwrHwowl I'ht. • ;r< A Moiilgwpgn. l> L Way hit . \ SHUf*. W TThoaioiß . ! Ammgrww. WII KrrfsgL W-T .J U ROM, Hart * ; Ja Dims. Mia F Waotrwr lit- i. iH TH*ntpgsw. II W Hull Walk r , Jt ItHg&A Idle r l> I grionlgf. M nth Wramtr. 8 K Foait S ' . : % MFLLLFJO MILIAR SI; t* . I* Furajr. I h -s i; F Ilaaluß Sl*r X ; S II -f l WAR! WAR! Oh Prices. GREAT EXCITEMENT. 11. K. NttlTll, of Potters Mills. N E W U O OI)S ! Wc would most respectfully ifrom hi# .- iiier#, and the public geuer alT that he has taken possession of Th iiu.-on'* old quarters, which have been remodeled und improved, and is now pre parcd to acconiinodatc all who may favor nitu by calling. NEW GOODS! lie has just received one of the largest ks of all kinds of Merchandise ever brought to Centre county, which he intend to -ii at scuh figure# as will make it an ob ject t<r ail persons to purchase. Families laying in winter supplies of Groceries, Dr uoods, Ac., sh.iuiu not fail to give hit i a call, :o- ho feels confident his prtce a.id -uperior quality of goods will amply -nt fy all. Hia stock of G Ii O C E 11 I E S c - -i-U of Coffee# of the be#t quality, Tea, Mu ir# of all kinds, Mlns#os,. Fish, Salt, (Th ese, Dried Fruit, Spice#, Provision-, Flour and Feed, &c., Jce. Our stock of DRYGOODB is Ttrge und varied, and we will just #ay can supply any article in that line, with on. enumerating. UEA I) V M ADKCLOTHING a 1 , £.) stock of ready-made Clothing fr M :i and Boys' wear, which we will dispo-e .a a very small advance on cost. I! and Shoe#, Hal- and Cat*#, Hard ware. Oucenswnre, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpel*, Oil (!■ is. Wall Papers, Window Shades, Ac., "TGKNTS WXN' I ED FOR A Book That Will Sell! SlF'Krtmw. ItY Til K RKSOWNKH NKLNOK BLITZ. Tliis is an original, interesting, and In ti uctive work, full of rare fun ami humor Icing nil account of tlid AUTHOR'S PRO FESSIONAL LIFE, his wonderful tricks a: 1 feat#, with laughable incidents and ad ventures as a Magician, Necromancer, a I Ventriloquist. Illustrat-d with 1G Full l'ago Engravings, b ides thfl Author's Potnilt on steol, hih! numerous small CMU. fhe volume is free from any objectiona ble matter, being high-toned and moral in iu character, ana will be read with inter est, both by old and young. It gives the *> t graphic and thrilling accounts of the efforts of his wonderful feat* and magical trick", causing the most uncontrollable merriment and laughter. Circulars, Terms, Ssc., with full Informa tion. sent free on application to 1)U F FIE LI) ASH Si E AD, Publisher. 711 Sansoin Street, Philadelphia. 0ct27.6m. Kitnipp Paris, Noveinl r I The ytcin o| gpli tury iiti*titut , which now prevails in the French army, i shortly to no suppressed hy statute. The llmiupurto*. The cabinet have under consideration a proportion to pa a in<-uuro interdiciing the return af any tueinhcr of tin- Ibuiapnr ti*t falll Iv to r'rahce, except by *pecl*l authorixaiioii granted l>> ill. goveiunieiit 111* understood that the proposed Inter dict meat* with the approval 01 the major ity of the mem lint >. 1 the cahinct Ruasia Enter* lite Auatm-t icrtuitn Al liaiitc, llerlui, Novomlu f Official informs tion tatr, that Ho recent interview be tween Print v It. oat * and (Joruchkoff, in iti in city, resulted . 1 Km ..a becoming a parly to the tout al unicr,lallduig arrived at be! wecu Go 11 ,n. and Austria, during the recent cunt. . u.-c ui Saluburg. Ai the Interview t en the Russian ami German preini. 1 urndc. i of cordial re*' latlon* between the two nation* wcrocx cha igcd A TRI t; BILL. "Brick Pvitncroy any* it rev; Hire* tuoto pluck for u young until lo * dulilisii 11 printiug ofHcu in u country town, wlu-ro lie is coinjielleil to bo editor, citiivnsMtig agent, type act tcr, prool rcailcr, pr.wsumn, mailing { clerk, wood ami itcuuxer, everything in fuel, in unlit that hie paper mat live, than ur piiicl in any other business lie must work haul aDO live poor. Hu'iucosmoii tail ami leav* hiui to whistle for motley which h* cannot wdl <io without. Subscriber* al) about kitu, whoprofos* to be good take (us pajH-r, then die, remove to u distant town, or away without paying their debt*, lie 1* expected to work for any tnau of iti* party who tuay Come up for oliico ; to print hmidbills to advertise notice* and furnish elec tion ticket'-, oftentimes for nothing lie must bo first and foremost to en courage every enterprise of the place and the last 111111 to 00 onul for work done, labor performed, or inllueue* given. MARRIAGES. •Sept. oth, 1811, ni BllfuaU), by J. I*. Gephart, K>.j,, Mr. John U Lemon to Mi Ann* L. (i inner, I th of Kurciuon lowu* thib, I'M At BoaLburg. ,u jhe 3Mult., bv Kv. J. T. William., ttby, J. Keller Miller, ol OMnHtll, t> Hit Elian IIIHIW|II. ofMoUtll llld. J" lidi IR'O. DEATHS. At hi. residence ni Mtloburg Iron Work", in l)w, I'wn.hij), thib county, on the 3rd mat., Mr Jautet K Balhur.t, in the 6hl year of hi age. Mll.HoY MAKKKTS CorreeloU by John M Dowell. While wheal I,+ ' Bid wheal 1,-W llyt 70. Corn 7U ...Oat- tU ... Barley 61 Clove rseed 5,50 .....Tiuiothyreed, 350 Salt 2 50 jer sack,., Bacon Ilk ...ilnut Id . ...Butter If*.. 30 Plaster 'J o<> BKLLKFOSTEM VIIKKTS. Corrected by Keller* Mutter. rt'hlle tV'• ea: J1 111. Bed Ito live 70 Corn 0i1.... ttai. -K) Barley 61 70 Clover?" ej ■*' I'tatoe* 34, Lard per pound H ...Pork per pound UV Butter 30. Keg >35. ... Pla*ter par ion I sls Tallotv 10 Bactiti 10 Unit, A'. 1 I" AST NOTICE I— Notii la harahj .A given to all nollaetora of county and Slate laxe. in Centre e. .nty, wh>>hn.c not K illed up their tinj 1.. ali > for the year* prt - THMM to lStl. to •• e ill an.l Mettle .aid i duplicate* an t m '*e pay uieut of balance due. On or befor tw, !> ventli day ' of November lu \t. • r .aid baIIACH will bel placed in the hit'el" of an attorney*. witel I till ruction* t-'C lcct the -Mine without dhj lay a* no longs r .'id .: .. can be given ;j nor, alter that d i e. II any percentage* > or exoneration* be !IKI1. By ttrder of; Conuno- in • WM. yUBKT. f Urk FOR SALE. The under.igr.' d ha* n tract >f timber land, heated !.-'.• it the Bru-h and. Thick Mountain- n.-arlv due south of Re b*-rburg. c <nta • 171 acres. which he offer* for ale. It >• well timWrvil, and cav of accent fr on Bru-h Vallay. For all desired information call on the under- Ignetl. C 11. REITER. Uwttf Aaron.burg, I'a Good News for the Laoies. FALL Oi'liMM. OF liouiiH*, Trim in HUT* Millinery. ut MRS. MARY E. SHOOPE S In Centre 11 a 1.. Mr*. M K SiiiK>|o', ba* ju*l returned! from Philadelphia, with the LATKSI FASHIONS, and a complete stock of New BOUIR*U, Nc.v Ilitu, Elegant Trimming*. Ac., which will he .-id or made up, n ttkital nt reasonable price*. Aim, old ladle. Ore.. CM jo. The new *ty ie-are \cry pretty. Ladie. call and set- them early. Fir.i come, ir*t served. ItovS 1L Farmers Head! Kuwp'a New Wagon, with a rjdendid assortment of good* will, >on apjtear It Your lloora, loaded with a great variety of Good*, such a* Plain nlitl Fancy Cans! mere* of the la test Fall and Winter Styles, Beaver Cloth. Tricot, Doeakiti. Satinet*. Tweed*. Jean*, watt rjirnof Plaids, arid an alwot endless vari ety of Flannels. Fine, Medium ami Course. Stocking! Ynm* nf nil kinds, Blanket.*, whiti I gray, nnd horse Blankets. Striped Carriage Blankets. ], The most beautiful -triped carriage blan- ' kets, muile in the tit *-t superior order, and for sale ut a reasonable figure. CAR PKTs. heavy Daninsk, Flowered, Ingrain andh Striped, Parlor mid Stair Carpet*, all u- h perior. bright f*t colors. WOOL, LARD, and SO.V I*taken in ex-L change lor Goods. (!IMK1, of every ARfie-j. ty, always on hand at his-r.-ideiiee. John ('. Kemp, t Centre Hill, I'M. J iiovfi.lt. Agent for Halfpenny's t I ? U 'A n J Y U r A £ J AT REDUCED PRICES! A LL KIN I)S0F FU RN ITU BE AT TH K "MAMMOTH" Furniture Store! THOMAS LINN, On Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, I'enn a. I' ADOPT this method of informing my friend* that I have purchased the entire interest of Henry P. Harris in the above named establishuieiit. Mr, Harris having retired from the firm, Will Continue tho Business of Manufacturing all kind* of Furuituri at hi* old stand on Howard St. He also makes a specialty of In all its branches. The best of Coffin*, M Good Her<: ut all time* on band. Every funeral will be attended to by liiin in per son. His many year* of experience will recommend liiin as one of the OL D EST AN D B EST I' ND E KTA K K P.S in the State. All order* PROMPTLY FILLED. Order* for Coffyis can be left at my store all Allegheny Street, THOMAS LINN, Bellefoute Pa. 0ct27.1y. TIIK dratdally n< :<tp In Virginia WM printed iii 17*1. mill the üb-criptum prim *> su<i |*r mint.in Another 1a nac lv llie I'. H. K. it i rrportml to day tloit the Peniisvlva nin liailrono Company lis- completed the preliminary arnugwmeiits ( " r leasing lb# Pliiladephia, V\ ashiilgt'"! nl'd Baltimore Railroad. Omaha luolal miuli'i indulge ill two dollar*' xvurth of carriage ri leaa wedding I our, ami are happy. The ttt-Hthor thi- k wn> cold and ! blustery, Te Artvoi ll-*rs All person* alio oOU template making < >ntracis with newspa- 1 per* for the i'l -rti ni .\<lveiiiauiueuU Humid Ild to Geo.P.RowoilACo.: lor a Circular, or iu• K• -- -.lltils for iheir ! Una Hundred Pago Pain, lot conlnittf LIU of .i tmi Now.pap. i. ami • >liioale*, ( ■how 111 if tho cost of tl\ ortlij, also many Useful hint* to advertisers, tilid *OlllO ac* count of the expvrietie. ■ "f men who arv known as Successful Advertiser*. This tirin are proprietor* of the American New •pa per Advert iking Agency, 41 Park Rov.. N.Y.. and are possessed ol unc quelled fadlilies ' for > ecu ring the insertion II all Newapapcr* and Pi . lical* ut low si rate*. liHov.lt GREAT FLOOD! Tun* of Dry liuml-, hiroeerit**, No lion*, llndicate, it >a<lv-:uiuie Clothing. an.l thou-uitf* of other articles CARRIED OFF AND LANDED AT VU-the Cheap Store lit '> \ Herlacher & Cronmilier. CENTRE HALL, PA tuJ now offered at price* lower thai) the lowest. Dry Good* Notion* tir..cer.c. Hard ware, Queeiitu arc, Wood nod willow war* Iron, Salt, Fill, and 111 fa t n magnificent assortment of every thing GOODS VERY NKAK AT THE OLD PRICES. Dress Goods A uiost beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelties of the *eu- .n, white good*, embroideries, hoop >kiru, BALMORAL SIC IK IS, All we ask that vou will CA LI. AND EX AMt N K t)I It STOCK ALL KIND> ol 11A UN ESS, silvdr plated and Yanki Harness doubt, and single, bridles and I liter*. Apr 1 Proajwcts of HIGH PRICES FOR GRAIN. The undersigned hai Aen jn*esion of the Warehouse at the Mill, m Milroy, I formerly occupied l.v Be.d A i'hotnson.) and are now pre|Mre<J buy all kinds ol tirain and S-eil.. si :ii inghe.t market price*, for CAStt. t'.ui,. Pt.A*Tta and MI I, tlimillllj on ImMI i-r -ale, as Sow |a the h.we.l Farmer* of Celitr - e . *v reJect fullv invited to give u* a call We guarantee to a,-la tion in nil ! rases. MCMAN HiAL A liltOWN* J AND AT PRIVATE > VLI A lot of land. King in tirwggtownship, i.-n the bank* of Pctin cell. IH'IWOCII Penn llall and Spring Mill., i offered at I>i vale sale. It adjoin ' *ud of (tea. . tuehanau and L. B M 1 '.ire, containing 24 AGUES to.ire or leu. About - s - • oi .t of rtr-t cls-s white pine timber, the balance 1* ared and under cullivat n—s acres are meadow. For further |>articular apply to CII UESMCK, | ISocLtf Grrgg twp. HOl SK AND L*T Firlt SALE. The undersigned offer* Ml private, mle his house and lot, .'Hi.te an Church ; •tnct. Centre Hall. Th< house is a new!) two |..ry frame buihlitig, one of the finest j ( in the neigbltorhitod. and m one of the. be*t locations in the town. There is a new •table upon the lot. F-'r father particu lars apply to ALEX Ml AN SON. •eJ.Cfilf. j, i a i h a ! a The First 11 and the ltest!< The Largest & CHEAPEST stock of FALL GOODS! JUST UN BACKING at K ELL Eli & MUSSEK, In L- wii >.r .M I. Bishop Street, when? ! huve jut DpTix'd tlio chwijK'al lnra(a?* a* well nt th bt*t tt'Ddrtctl lofk uHitnula itt Uettofonle. HERE LADIES, Is the place to buy y onr Silk*, Mohair- Motambi'jue*, Keii*. Alpaca*, Delain*. Lam, Brilliant*. Mu!in*. Calicoos, Tick ing*, Flnnols, Opera Flanels, Ladies Coal ing, (lent. Cloths, Ladies Sacjues, Whitt Pekay, Linen Table Cloth*, Counterpanes Crib Counterpane . White nit I Colurec Tarlton, Napkin*, In ertlng* nndKdgings White Lace Curlin*. Zejdiyr A Zephyr Pat tern*. Tidy Cotton, Slmwl . Workla*ket ' HOOP SKI UTS, Thread Hosiery, Fan*. Bead*, Sewing LADIES AND MISSES SHOEs' FANCY GOODS OB NOTION LINK FOR GENTLEMEN, Rncdymude Clothing <f Kvery l)i* scription, fr Men nnd Boy*. Their stock of tjUKENS W ARK & OROj CKUIKS cannot bo excelled in quality or price. ...... . Call in nt the Phllad.-ljhiaMrc and eon-; vltice yourselves that KELLER A MUS SEU liave any thing you want, and do bu siness on the "principle of'HJuirk Sale* ami Small Profit*." apfififiO OEAIN AND PRODUCE ARE TAKEN Th e P I a c e TO BUY CHEAP SCHOOL 800 AS. .18 AT LIVINGSTONS WIIOLKSA LE BOOK STORE. nug'JA.Bm Bellefonte, Pa. : Sloven! Fire.'Stov'n! At Andy Reesman's, t Vntru Hull, are latent and bc*t *tovc* out, bo has Just ratal ved w largo lot of Omk Htovca, the Pioneer (look, the Eclipse Cuok, the Reliance Cook. FA It Id I HS The llndiaiil Light, self faa dur, 110 lturncr, National Egg, Jewell, Ac. la.Hn sells *tuvc u* LOW u* anywhere M Mi til in or Centre co. ml TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE The undorwigitcd hereby inform* the citiaeu* of Fen 11* valley that ha ha* pur chased the Tiiuhop heretofore carried on by the 0, II Mfg Co,, wild wilt continue (he ••me, *1 |h old stand, in ail It* branch es, in the manufacture ivf NTOVt: FIFE A HFIHTIXG. AH kind* of repairing done. lie baa alway* on hand Fruit Can*, of all Bitea, BUCKKTB. CUPB, DIPPKBH, DISH KB, AO. All work warranted and charges reaton ablo. A *liare of tnc public patronage o lidled. AND KKKSIIAN, •i*cp7oy Centra Hall Y iv Olßce of the LewUbuig, Centre and Spruce Creek II K. Co. Philadelphia June 13th, '7l. Notice i* hereby given that the flr*l in -talment of tlx e dollar* per share, to the apiial *t..ek .f the Lewuburg, Centre and Spruce Creek Kali Koad 0" . subscribed 11 the township* of Harris, Fuller, tiregg Penn and llaine*. Centre county, will Ur payable on the dr*t day of July ltT7l, and tubse|urnt intalmenU of Ave dollarwtMir -hare, will lo* due aud pax able on the lr*t lay ul each sueceeding month until the whole i* paid. Payment* of the above ia .laliiieut* are hcr< f>y required to be made lotbe treasurer of the Company, at the if&co of the Centre County Banking Com pany Bellefonto Fa. JOSEPH LESLEY, Treasurer. N B. Any person x'esiringcan pay the whole off at once. If payment* are not punctually made the law allow* one per cent pet month t > b charged in addition Attention Farmers of CENTRE COUNTY YOHN M DO WELL fl having leased the Ware house ofCupUa A St run k in Milroy, is now I prepared to pay the highest cash price* for *ll kinds Grain Coal, Plaster and Salt, constantly on hand. tnayS&.Cm I'KXTRK HALL Coach Manufactory. Levi Murray, , I *t hi* establishment at Centre Hall, Pa.. 1 keeps on hand, and for sale, at the most rem. "table rates, a ' s'gp stock af Carriages. Buggies, &. Spring Wagons, PLAIT and FAXCT, and vehicse* of every description mad. to order, and Warranted, to be made of the best n-asoned material, and by the most •kilted and competent workmen. Persons wanting anything in hi* line are requested :o call and examine hi* work, they will find jit not to be excelled for durability and < wear. yKw I.AHDWAKKsTouki J. A J. HARRIS. SO. 5. BROCK KRtIGFF ROW A new aud complete Hardware Store ha> been opened bv the undersigned in Brock •rh ilTs new building—where they are pre pared to sell all kind* of Building and Ilous, Furnishing Hardware. Iron. Steel, Nail*. Buggy wheels in sett*. Champion Clothes j Wringer. Mill Saws. Circular and Hans Saws. Tennon Saw s, Webb Saws, Ice Crean Free Kara, Bath Tub-. Clothe* Hacks, a ful, assortment of Gla and Mirror Plate of all •ixs-s. Picture Frames, Wheelbarrow* Lamps. Coal OH Is*nips. Belting. Spoke* Felloe*, and Hubs. l>b>w •. Cultivator*. Corr Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Hoard* 1 and Cultivator Teeth. Table Cutlery. Shov els. Spades and Forks. Looks, Hiages, S-r-w •. Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes. Nail*, Norway Rod* Oil* Lard, Lubricating. Coal. Linseed, Tanners. Anvils. \'lcs*. Bel lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tool*. Factors* Bells. Doase Bells. Dinner Hell*. Gong Bell*. Tea Bells.Grindstone*. Carpea tor T<">ls. Kmit Jar* and Can*. Paints, Oil*, V*rnishe* received and for sale at jtintxYOUy. I J- HARRIS. yKLLER AJAItRKTT dealer* in l ORUCB. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS i also all the STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES A very large a*- , sortmeut of TOI LET ARTICLE*, FAKCT OOTID* Soap*. Ac., &e., The finest qual ity of RAZOR -STEEL. POCKET K N i v K*. Sciaaoma and RAZOR*. WALL PAPER IX GRE AT VARIETT. PRESCRIPTIONS, compounded by com potent druggists at allhours, day or night. Night customer* pu 1 night bell. ZKLLKRAJARRKTT, Bishop St., Bellefonte Pa. I iunlS 1 CENTRE HALL Tail lard. The undersigned would respectfully In form the citizens of Centre county, that the above Tan Yard wjll again be put in fall operation. In all iU branches, by tbem. HIDES AND HARK WANTED. The highest market price will be paid i far Hide* of all kind*. The highest mar ket price will also he paid for Tanner 1 * llsrk. The public patronage i* solicited , Satisfaction g mi rant cod. dofiUtf MILLER Jt BADGER. CHEAP MUS C. St'MCMHU to PKTKKV MfSICAL i MONVHLY get all the latest and best Music at one and two cent* a piece. Ereiy num ber contains from $t to $5 worth of new Music ; and it can bohad for 30 cent*. The July and Aueut number* contain Thirty Pieces of Muic. (72 Pes, sheet-music size.) and will be mailed for6ocents. Ad dress J. L. PETERS, Broadway, New York. 'JjaugSm. HOUSE, Allegnenev Street, Reiiefonto, I'*. I). JOHNSUN efe SONS, Proprietor*. A riHMTCLAHa IIOTZI., COM PORT A HI.K ROOMS PROMPT AITENDANCE. ALL THE MODERN CONVENIEN CES—AN I) REASONABLE Charge*. The proprietor* offer to the traveling public, and to their country fiiends, first class accommodations and careful atten tion to the want* of guest* at all times, at fair rates. Careful hostlers and good stable ling for horses. An excellent table well served. A Bar supplied with fine liquor*. Servant* well trained and everything rn quikito iti a first class Hotel. Our location i* in the businet* part of thu town, near the Post Office, the Court House, the -Chur ches, the Batik*, and the p incipal places of business, render* it the most eligible place far those who visit Bellefoete on busi er pleasure. All Omnibus will carry passengers and baggage to and from all trains free of charge. Young and Devling, CITY STOWS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tho largest aud beat u -oitm-iil of Dry Good*. Clothing, ! Groceries, Roots. & Shoes. Notions &c. !l in the county, give us a trial and ave from 15 lo 20 jur cent, on your pur chaae*. , iuly2s. 1 (irahani Son. Boot <kShoe Makers Next door to\Vaguuer <& Son's Store liellefoute. We manufacture to order. Our work i* neat and durable. Our price* are very moderate. We warrant to give satisfaction. We have the LARGEST and URBT •took of Ladie't and Children'* shoes in town. We are receiving good* every week. We wish en examination of our good*. The Fennsvalley trade is especially in vited to call and see our loch, we think we Can please all who call a* to lyte*, quality, and price*. We study to render satisfaction, and although we hare had an extended trade for year*, we have never given a customer cause to complain. sept J 5 If. AS* IAIIM, linoili l HEW MAIIU • paoxr, HISHOP ei., Bellcfonte. WIN K S AN D 1- 1 L' U ILs The subscriber tespoctfully calls the at tention ofthe public lo his c.tabluhm nt, where ho Is nrvpated to furnish all kindsol Foreign and Domestic Lieuor*' wholesale at the lowest cash prices, winch arc w arrau :d to be the best qua'itins according to their respective t rice*. Hi* i-t-.Kik consists Monongahcla, Irish and other W liikiftf, !1 kisttis of ilrinJiciL iiolitfld Gin. Fort, Maderia, Cherry, iliackburry and Other Wines—the host articles—-at as reasonable rate* as can be had in the city Champagne, Cherry, Black lorry. Ginger and Carraway Brandie., Fur<> Jamaica and New England Hum, Cordial of all kinds He would particularly invit- Farmers. Ho tel keepers and other* to call and examine hi* large supply, to Ju.lge for themselves and be certain of procuring what they buy. which can seldom be done when purchas ng in the city. pier Pbysioansare respectfully requested 1* give hi* liquor* a trial. apIO Wall Paper, cheap fro ui 12 t„ 20 cent* per b 1 ta I!erla< Irr* BI'FFALO BCA LKS, of the be*t make from 4 lb* upt> ItS'.OOPi b*. aplo'6B. lawtx'.V WILMAK. DltY SO A EDS. Plank for sale by lawtx a Wtuwx. apIUGK. CKT>SS-CUT AND MILL SAWS, be makeat D.xx IN a WIUMXE. apKTW PI.M PS! Wooden Pumps, AND PIPING. TUe undersigned would respectfully call the attention oflhccitiaen* oft entrecounty, and Fennsvalley in particular, to the fact that he is manufacturing '!•£ 353-f PUiIP, made at home or elsewhere. He use* none but the In *t material, IIKXX xunxxr* rata to give natisfaction, a* being the most last ing and durable, sorgatoß TO THE OLD wotxdeiipump, being arrangwi to let the water off and prevent Ireexing in winter. Pine, poplar or cucumber pump* always on hamf. Hi* matirial for pump* is all tawed from large timber, and are thu* Sccu red ag i nat Check ing or Crack i ng. All orders hr mail promptly filled. PIPING, made of the best material, ol ' flee inch scantling, joined together w.lh 1 coupling block*, thoroughly banded, and [ wai ranted to stand any pressure required " for ordinary u*e. Price* of pitiug range ' from 12 to 18 cent* per foot, Jsend order* to 1 rept.3o.ly J TELLER, ' .Milerburg, Pa J i Burial Cases AND GASKETS. A IK-TIGHT AS l> IN D EST KUCTIBLE run Protecting and Preserving the Dead. The undersigned take* pleasure in an nouncing that lie ha* secured the sole agen cy in thl* county for M E TA L LIC AND OLA SS Iturial ('Kaon nntl CaakflN, which are so widely known as toyeauire no *t>ecialcommendation. The METALLIC ISCHIAL CASK, with it* present im proved style and finish, its entire harmony with the feeling* of the bereaved, its per fected adjustments and appointment* in whatever relate* to the preservation and protection of the body after death, confirm it* utility nnd entire adaptors* to the pur pose* for which it i* designed. COFFINS of all description* ftirnUhed at the shortest notice; and all order* filled promptly night or day. The Dead laid out with care, and funerals anil escort* super intended in person. 11ENHY 11 ARRIS novtt Itollefontc, Pa. ILLKR'S HOTkXr Woodward, Pa. Stage* arrive and depart daily. Thl* favorite hotel i* now in every respect one of the most pleasant country hotel* in central Pennsylvania. The traveling com munity will always find the best accommo dation. DroTer* can at ail time* be accom modated with stable* and pasture lor any number of cattle or horses. julyfi'titkf GEO. MILLER. SPINDLE SKEINS for wagon*, all *i *e*, at the sign of the Anvil. aplO'oß. IRWIN a WILSON. T AMPSOF EVERY VARIETY and nplO .Gs"' Ut IRWIN & 'WILSON'S. CLOTHlNG—Overcoat*. Pant*. Vo*U, and I)re* Coat*, cheap, at Wolf*. OCKKT CUTLERY -all makes f urce.at IRWIN A WILBO* LOOKING-GLASS PLATES ofaiui* for sale by IKWIN a WILSON. *2 10,08 JAPANNED TOILET SETTS, AND other Japanned ware, at the Anvil Store. apl(M. . IRWIN * WiLao*. CtOFFIN TRIMMINGS, a large a.sort- J went at IKWIN * WILSONS A CARD.—W* have removed oppmltti! to lh< Bush Home mid ar selling out our stuck left from the Br* at bargain*. W*| j aw settling up our book* and account* and wit! b much obliged to on* and alt to call un.l settle thir account*. W* would My to our numerous (Hand* and customer*, to fir*** accept our sines re thank* for tbr i K*'ii*rou patronage they bars always be lowed on us, BUKNHIDK ATHOMAR. <iOOb NEWS FOR f HIFKOI'LE. Great AUr -ition and Groat Bargain*! f | I HK undersigned, dten*iirid to maet lb* JL popular doiuahd for Lower Prior*. re |. ctfull.v call* tbr uttontion of tba publb to hi* itock of SADDLERY, now offered at tbr old stand. Designed *- pm ialt t for the poopla and tbr tine*, tbr tar get and most varied and complete nort mant of ( Saddle*, Harutwr, Collara, Bridles, of ovary description and quality; Whip*, and tn fart everything complete to a Int el a** establishment, be now offer* at prim which will suit the time*, t |A better variety, a better quality or f aer style of Saddlery ha* nevar before beea nf- , sored to tbe public. Call and examine oar tcck and be **tioed before purchasing* 1 *1 few here. Determined to pleas* my patron* and thankfu; for the liberal *haro of patronage heretofore enjoyed. I respectfully solicit e continuance of the same. JACOB DINGEff. Centre Hall. YEW PIKM, NEW GOODS AND Panic Priocs. FOSTER DEVLIKO A WILSON. 1 Having pun hr ted the extensive .tore ot i IfowelT, Oillilan 1 * Co.. and addedtotbem i It panic prices* large arrottment of • NEW GOODS, | j i'hey are enabled to sell at OLD FASHIONED PRICES! . A large variety of ! Ladies' Dreaa Giaaii ' Great Bargain* in I Mualina and Calicoc*. K.-adv Made Clothing Warranted to Snit , Our Cloth* and Caasimora, Cant be excelled, i THEIR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. ; Astonishes every on* la aaaortment and low , price*. dvi up Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Caaaod trutta, ■ Jel lie*, Domestic and Foreign Fruits, Chcee and pastries of aul kind*, and every other article be longing to the Grocery Department. Thtj i tkotemla at PkUadeJpAia Rait*. ; Jtdr Farmers, Mechanic* and Laborer* look to your interest. On# dollar MVad t* a dollar la pockal Then call and Is* at what astonishingly low price# FOILS TEE DKVLIKG A WILSON, | Arc selling their Dry Cood* and Groceries. tr No trouble to show Goods,-MM If they are not a* represented, wa will pay you for your iroubl*. Don i forgattha place. JtaKTURNKK BUILDINOINR Up29tf Allegheny St., Bellefonta Fa. J IWlf A WILSON ar* constantly re reiving new good* In thoir lino HARDWARE ■ deverydoscriptionatredu.ee price* no* [being opened every day spHPh WJ. B. KTTKLK'S | UOLKSALR WINK A LIQUOR STOKE Bishop street, Bell-fan te, in the Stone buil ding iormerly occupied by the Key stone Bakery Take* pleasure in informing the public that lie keep* constantly on band a supply *, choice Foreign and Domestic Liquor*. All Harre/a, Ktgt *i ad Cauda xerraelarf 1 tn contain tM* quantify represents^. The attention of practicing physicians is •silled to hi* stock of PURE LIQUOER, ; -uitabln for medical purport. Bottles, iug*. and demijohns constant! v on bud. lie ha# the ONLY PURE NECTAR | WHISKY in town. AEI liquors are warranted togi**tati*- faction. Liquors will be sold by the qnart, barrel, or tierce. He ha* a large let ei BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grade* on hand. Confident that be can please customers he rospectftilly solicit* a share of public pa." COACH MANUFACTORY. HARDMAN PHILLIPS, AT HIS manufacturing establishment at j Yeagertuwn, on the Lewistowt •nt Bellafonte Turnpike, ha* now on kmc , ■ inc thick of Ctrrit|M, Buggies, Sulkies and Soring Wagons, which ha now offer? for tale m superior in quality *nd stylo* u nnv manufactured in the country. They •re made of the eery bcttMuoaditack hy first class practical workmen, and finished in a style that challenges comparison with any work out of or tn the Hasten cities and ran be sold at lower prices than than* manufactured in large towns and cities, amidst high rents and ruinous prices ef liv ing. Being mastor of his own situation, anxious to excel in his a Mistical profession and free from any annoyances in his busi ness, he has tima and ability to deroto bis entire attention to bis profession and his customers, rendering satisfaction alike tr all patrons, operations, his country, nn himself. Call and examine his stack and learn his prices, and you cannot fail to he satisfied. REPAIRING of all kinds dona neatly, promptly, taw reasonably. Yeagertown, June 12.1968 ly. D| OI'BLK AND SINGLE BARREL fowling piecee at spiffoß IRWIN A WILSON, Cm ENTRE HALL HOTEL. JORK SrtKOLti, Proprietor. Stages arrive and depart daily, for all points, north, south, east and west. This favorite Hotel has been refitted and furnished by its new proprietor, and la now in every respect one of the most pleasant country Hotels in central Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovars will always find the best accommodations. Per sons from the city wishing to spend a few weeks during the summer in the country, witl find Centre Hall one of the most beau tifu> locations and the Centre Hall Hotel all they csuld desire for comfort and con venience. aplo'6B,tf. | NATURE'S Hair Restorative ! 1 Conlains no LAC SULPHUR-—No SUGAR OF LEAD—No LITH ARGE —No NITRATE OF BlLr VER, and it entirely free from the Poisonous and Ileal thdee troy ing t Drug* used in other Hair Preparn ' lions. Transparent and clear a* crystal, it will not mM the finest perfectly SAFE CLEAN and EFFlClENT,—desidera tum* LGNG FOUGHT F'OR AND FOUND AT LAST I It restores and prevents the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy ap pearance. removes Dandruff, is refreahing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, eruptions, und unnatural heat. AS A DREf&ING FOB THE HAIR IT IS THE BEST AR TICLE IN THE MARKET. DR. G. SMITH, Prepaied only by PROCTER BROTH KKS, Gloucester, Mass. The genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it. with the name of the aiticle blown in the glass. Ask your Druggist fee Na- TUH'e Uaik Kestoiaiivi, and take no other. _ par-Send two three cent stamps to Proc ter Brothers for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information it contains is worth $500,00 to any person. I*BU For sale at Centre Hall by Wn, n oif and Herlacher A Cron miliar. Important Notice. To thr Public—Tbr Wilton New Un der feed Kb utile Sewing Machine Bear in mind this fact, that the WUnon sowing machine company are die pioneer in introducing a firat-claaa Hhutile sawing machine at a reasonabL and low price This machine combine* ail the elagaiwwt, simplicity, durability and strength potslbif far any sewing machine to attain, and then ar* the lr*l and only first-class low-pri< td. machine* put la the market. Machines without aover SAL It is alao adapted to ev ery variety of family aewing and light mat utactu ring. It embrace* all of the nn portaat and m*ential elements embodied h eiacbiae* patented within the past twan v year*. A ttaehmante for doing all kind* * t work ar* mad* for tba machine. The Public have believed for a long tin • that a good reliable sowing machine could be manufactured and sold at a reasonable arte*, which, wo bare found tba Wilson Now Uader-feod sowing machine to be. All we o*k u convince the moot skcot: M! that we have the beet sewing machine, is a critical examination of the new Wilaot fader-feed machine. Machine, will be delivered anywhere 111 MtMin or Centra counties All machln warranted for ive year*. Eut'u* P Kaiat AGxo A. Lawns*, ng% fan. Agents, Milfojr. Pa On Xftniage. laaaya for Tesnf Kan. am OXSAY BOCIAi IRU and AIMS* whtek laterfar* with Manrtaga, and ruin the bnppine** of th- u> sad*.—with sura as*** of relfof-for the Erring and Unfortunate, dieoaacd and de bilitated Sent in crnlea letter envelop. - fraaat char**. Addrom. HOWARD ARriOCl ATIOJ, Ma Stfaatb Ninth Bt., Philadelphia, Pa Mlihr. T" b Wl N luttAw* KotTcirrcr A ter* of adwinssteation to the estate of Michael Wielaal, lata of Karri* twp. Contra couaty. dee' A, having beea graoi. ! in the undersigned, an parson* indebted t ► lAiil SNI rugwirtiri to ntk# WSDISL# xwtiwiiwiiff Ml. ss4i tho+r hi? if) s claiai* u> presett them duly authentknti 3 for payment (>. T. WiSLanti D. Hiaa. . afaep.lt Admlniattnb.i trtxicutoes fi taaaeaiary to tba estate of Daniri Kerr, lata of Potter township, Contra new n ty, dee d , having beea granted to the un dersigned. all psftnae indebted to the aaid estate are reqttastad te moke tmmodiet setlleietavat, and the** having claim* t< present them duly suthenucaled for pay mant. Jacwa BrauuLtx •apAH Aw. Executor TjOALTd tor Buggies and Cnrriagber Os.tea in UM; Fit* Bob*, ditto, at plffM lawix n Wu#* THEONLY KKOUS Monthly Gift XntarprtM 'M 150,000 Cnefa and Valuable Prix- . DoeomWr IS, Wl Capital prixe . . fff.ooo Gold. TWkats ft—ai* for fk (tend for circular*. A. B W. TA Yl/)R A CO., T. O. box ISM, Cla'ti, O. 17oet.lm. CENTRAL BORL Csmu of Tbiid and Cbrsttiut Street, Mifliaburg, Pa. John Shower*. Proprietor, lu Central Location makes it Mrtienlarly j desirable to pcraon* visiting Tears on business or pleasure. H. A. Taylor'* Livery AtXa&rd i lun2S.ly Dr. Crook's WIKE OF T.UI I* • lis p,r S— ha* Ws* lt>*al <• ' TkrMt tad e*o* •# • u s at rss.a <-on* aM Osaai ■.. I Tfcns* **. Dr. Crook's WDTE OF TAF. Is Ms- ■ SUSIII, a. sw tat Clifaass OH**., <sai luii> Mftttu—l n vrTS ir*si (8 T** H* p—sn*s*jf csmn is— - h—-suae*si'i *• Dr. Crook's WISe'oFTa: Ms- —iau earn - a* talus, see low ■ U-. -tan M h— - r Atttnfo SnßAftfth ' •- *-SL*'U foai- < I > JSr- SOUS* >• : Wist. at.J *- • Dr. Crook's WIKE OF TAF IW a-sSOS SW l~ set d- no -> mmiTT. not sapen. C-S --* —.ss. taan* I nmo'- s-nrosa •• i—• ♦> and 4-wa*-, Dr. Crook's WIS* OF TA r* ta* rm# (thM A* 1 • • rti ttilso Ho wo* Avwtlta. Hißiitnl st ohm m. UMS, sel r*<t these M • ws the ate* w<l<-' aw. pars la Dr. Crook's WIKE OF TA *a li- .-Ssms. at. h-t*r - "t<a> mm hwk i - ssta ii nhs*. on • DIwIZTXC. H r.<Aote* rts try niinas aloe 35K • p wsrfal 41 s r r 11 r < Dr. Crook's WnfifoF TAF,! It is* ta to an-: Irtkae i*wi Z <ss4wMh VSM-uiui |lg nadou I CoartltatimL ohwhamksis .SJIU.SVWSJ. —as* tar Ih- p. m. -a.ia.rsi.,l Dr. Crook's WISE OF TAEI ♦•■• sat *a*a la Siv*f STC7CTBA. " i 4 *' sisrwsia. u.awai sgkaUv* Beg - In. <* (he Itasr Dr. Crooks WINE OF TAE! H. -*■** many e-r > * -tr-ng sa I hullh* a > 5.4 taea aaahieis. ■ .-.-.-.j-i ai lus-x. r-'JAXCT., , •••—, as* Is* fifs-.: t-' X i-nar iwapactlaalnsd i*y *lt ' ~~ " ~ * TO. ssSsve Mis--' I HU.I t.ss if P.*. it JB • m ahss I asM ,yju s.t TIMS-- e—t - at Iran Ik ggt DK. CL4RK-- JB&G& OoMPutl • S"ST . XT 3 POKEEOOT - best Aieretiv- • Tttie haeaafar ScnsfaSx, Isiufw'- SHtBaMRm Turam, lerciuli. Dlmmm *f th Ey. jfrnSWdiF All taffariat : o#as r Wfßiri , A r *m*4jr to firify a JtodSrJMESCc, \Sf ®^ Tit Qnek * Day\au. < CA X VANS KHs WA XTK • For "Our town Flrealdi " An I list-train! Paper. p '*- !>' Itahesl Waalhly. nb-cr.pl ; ss p * gI.AU. Every WnhaerHscr rec Ive- ■< I nahle l-fcrasnn, A revs IS Pleee * SSta a usasa.;,* 1; ■ample nod Pmalan Usl. Ast'tr W. E. dump, PttWlHher, Dtytot,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers